#ty so much for this🥲❤
pompompurin1028 · 2 years
Hi Kat, I hope you're doing well! This is my response to the reblog of telling the writer what you love about their writing :)
Something that I adore about your writing is that you really search for the character's depth, especially Dazai. One of my favorite fics you've written is the beautiful one. "What would you think of him for taking such a harmless compliment as an offense?" My mouth dropped when you wrote that because it felt very canon-dazai. One of the things I find beautiful about fanfiction is that it allows the fans to explore the characters and the world-building and I feel like you do that so well with Dazai. If anything, reading your Dazai fics and analyses helps me create a better understanding of him.
What I also love is the thought you put into your fics. I once asked you questions about Beneath a Sunshower & Curiosity Killed the Cat fics and I was amazed by the thought you put into them. I think it really showed your interest in analyzing and understanding characters. One of my favorite lines you must have written is: "To know something new means killing your old unknown self, there will be no going back to the person whom you once were."
The last thing I'll talk lmao is about the headcanons game! One of my asks was how Dazai would view their significant other and you answered that Dazai's s/o would be his inspiration to live. "To be someone's reason to live means to depend on someone else for your own happiness. But to become his inspiration to live means, for him, the will to live even in struggle, to encourage him to look at life in the way he denied for so long, that perhaps people can be kind and living can be beautiful, even for a little bit." That felt so true to his character and it was actually a nice life lesson as well :)
Ask Game: Something you like about my Writing/ feedback?
Michelle, thank you for the detailed response omg🥲🥲🥲
Firstly, about that one thought from Beautiful, I'm so glad it felt like him to you! This actually reminds me of this quote from NLH "The one thing I must avoid is becoming offensive in their eyes: I shall be nothing, the wind, the sky." (This doesn't quite have to do with the thought process, I was just reminded of it. Since I feel like Yozo and Dazai's thought processes are a bit different, but it feels like something Dazai would feel bad about with someone he loves). And yes I love that about fanfic too🥰 exploring the characters and how they might act hehe. And I'm glad you feel that it helps you understand him better🤧
And thank you, that makes me really happy to hear ahsjsk. Honestly sometimes it's hard to convey a character in a way that you know they are, you can express their traits in an analytical way, but writing it and conveying it... _(:3」∠ )_ that's a whole other territory.
And I'm glad you like that headcanon🥰 I feel like I've had that for a while, that that is how Dazai views his s/o? Personally, in my humble opinion, I don't quite like the portrayal of Dazai finding a reason to live in another person, even his s/o. I always prefer potraying instead, through his s/o's kindness or things that they show him, he finds something beautiful or at least endearing about life instead (maybe it's cheesy but yeah). I personally also feel that it fits his character, I feel like Dazai is a lot about a conflicting affection towards people and life, and it is a question that perhaps even Dazai himself doesn't understand.
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byghostface · 6 months
Hello there!
I saw your flamian/Daminika art in pinterest and boi am I happy to see more when I found your account! (you draw them really cute)
I love how you color and your rendering males your art seem so soft ❤
Question, is damian your favorite batfam member? If so, why?
Ty!!! For liking my art and finding my account for more!!!! It’s so nice to know people that care enough to track back to my page/social.😊💝💝
I personally like soft and romantic stuff a lot so it effects how I draw characters too I think.💗
Question, is damian your favorite batfam member? If so, why?
Yes he is! My first impression of Damian is the official and fan art of him and Goliath, plus the many arts of him surrounded by his pets. So I have taken interest in reading his comics because he is a massive animal lover. A no.1 trait that I always love when a character within.
But back then(7-8 years ago) I still relied on translated pirate sources, so I couldn't read much about him sadly, and at that time I’m still fixation on teen titans 2003 cartoons and teen titans related characters (still having hard times reading comic and the full capital letters then). And on top of that I didn’t like how Talia is portrayed as bad mom in most of it, so I lost interest later (now I know is bc racist writing).
Robin 2021 is the reason I get back into his character. I first saw that one of Damian and Nika on the roof top art by Gleb on Twitter(X), and look up for more info about the comics. And I have been drawn by the art style and the coloring and the excitement of tournaments plot ever since then.
Damian's grow and the parallels in the Robin 2021 is amazing to read. He started off as a lone teen taking all the blame onto himself (like his father), asking for his mother's support but after Talia nudged him, he still managed to find his own direction by investigates the tournament.
To me, he feels more ground and attentive to the people that around him at the time, also reconnected and more understanding to his Al ghul side of the family. And every importantly, he learns to accept that is okay to call for helping hands much like how his father call for help with Alfred when needed.
It’s refreshing to see Damian actually grow like a fourteen year old instead of how often some writers like to limit him at the surface level portray of a rude kid.
Anyway, I love Robin 2021 so much☹️🥲♥️ excellent plot and pace and character interactions, and it gives me my most favorite character ever: Nika Flatline DC Comics.
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urstruly-ghst · 2 years
Hi hi~ I hope you are well! May I request a little something? 👀
How would the octavinelle boys + malleus + leona react to their first time hearing their s/o sing? She kinda keeps it a secret that she loves to sing (as she's more of the shy and quiet type) but the boys don't know about this passion until they end up overhearing her?
I would also like to mention that I love how you voice the characters, they always sound so elegant while staying true to their character, gahh (right now, I'm fangirling over how you write malleus, the way you write him makes me feel so giddy 😫💘) The work and effort you put into your writing is VERY apparent in the amount of detail that you include, thank you so much for taking the time to write!! You are amazing, oh my gosh ❤
If you're overloaded with requests, feel free to ignore this one! I don't want to overwhelm you with another one :> But if you do decide to take the request, thank you so much in advance!! Do take as much time as you need, no pressure! Take care of yourself, lovely!!🙏💕
I also see that you're planning on opening comms soon? Can't wait!!🤩 I'd absolutely LOVE to commission you!!
note : i will be honest, i lost some motivation, but this message makes me smile. and the reblogs too!!! y'all are amazing, each word give me some motivation, ty again! i hope this would make due, since its more on reactions than headcanons 🥲
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leona kingscholar
How well can one know their partners? Leona can't precisely pinpoint the start or end of it. All the signs are blurry as the arrows point into a pool of uncertainty; there is no knowledge if you'll drown or find that it is a puddle.
For Leona, he learned that each day with someone you love could lead to new heights. One could be him finally getting up from his bed for a bit of activity for his shy girlfriend. And the other is hearing the melodious singing that drowned his senses with an overwhelming sense of adoration.
"What is this? Singing? From you, herbivore? My~ I could've never known. Hiding such an addicting melody from poor me..."
"Leona!! You're... you're here! Ah-- it's nothing, nothing at all!"
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"Oho... Is little herbivore still shy with me? You were a shy little thing like a deer in the wild. But I thought we established something, no? Haa.. your singing is great. Do it for me more often, hmm?"
azul ashengrotto
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Surrounded by music, Azul was hyper-aware of the sounds around him. He was starting from the lounge's smooth accompaniment tracks to the melodies that the ocean's creatures bring. However, he never expected to hear such musical tunes from your voice. You hid this treasure for too long.
Admittedly, he knew the feeling of shyness. The urge to coil into a haven while the comfort of the soft breathing you hear would bring you back to earth.
"Oh. Oh, my Beryl! How could you not let me hear this? Your voice is such a gem, like you, no? It's… so mystical. I am positive I have heard that tune from the ocean's depths; how can you know such sounds?"
"Azul--! Azul... Uhm.. it's... How m-much did you h-hear?!"
"Nothing but trivial matters. We need to talk more about this, beryl. You know I love your voice. It soothes me. Almost as if... you're a siren. My, you truly enchant me~."
jade leech
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For Jade, he knows his ears never deceived him. It's up to him whether to decide if it is for the best or the worst. However, in this scenario, his ears picked up the sweetest sound for the betterment of everyone.
While understanding and less of a tease due to your shyness, he can't help but tease so much when he enters your line of vision.
"Oho, so the sweet pearl of mine finally shimmers? I always knew that you had more to hide from me. Though I must say, I'm quite shocked that you hid such talent from someone who adores music."
"Jade! Hahahah! How much… h-how long w-were y-you there?!"
"Honestly, if you weren't so shy, I would make you sing for the lounge. Ah, imagine the jealous looks as they see you shine, all while knowing we belong to each other. Fufufu, an eel can dream."
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floyd leech
Like his twin, Floyd knows his ears can reach many places. Whispers from the ocean's depths to the loudest and booming music of the land. He adores each sound. He considers himself in tune with each sound.
As his shrimpy, he expects no secrets or filters from you. After all, he is very open about you. Floyd tells his secrets and honest truth with you, lovingly or jokingly. Maybe both. So, when he heard you sing, he felt a bit bummed out.
"Floyd, why are you sulking? It isn't that… y'know… A big deal or anything… it's just me… s-singing?"
"Exactly that, shrimpyyyy. You sing so cutely! Awh! I can eat you up at this moment. But… b-but.. uhu… you hid that amazing, cute, super super super!! Sweet voice, from ME! Shrimpyyy, you know I live for your voice!!"
malleus draconia
Malleus is the embodiment of enchantment for others. A powerful fae, a strong mage, a prince of a large kingdom. He is the Malleus Draconia, feared and respected by all. (Except for Leona).
However, he believes someone else is mightier than him in enchantment, from your soft lips to your warmth that is addicting to indulge in your singing. Malleus always knew, from the moment you said his name so softly and lovingly, that you could sing the bird's song.
"My Briar Rose, you never cease to amaze me. From your courageous battles of the Overblots to the courage to speak to me amidst the bright fireflies and your persistence to stay by my side. Ah, your voice truly enchants anyone who has the luxury to do so."
"M-m-malleus… Tsunotarou… ah.. that's too much! It wasn't that much of a deal… it just so happened you saw me singing… that's all.."
"I beg to differ. Dear of mine, downplaying your achievement and talent such as this pains me so. What is it that you seek? If it's approval, you undoubtedly have mine."
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strongheartneteyam · 11 months
I love your "i wet you like water, she stained you like blood" series sm bae!!
Love me some angst
TYSM, baby 🥺❤🤍 This story has a big place in my heart too! It felt so emotional and raw to write the chapters I already posted. A great writing experience for me <3 I'm having a serious case of writer's block when it comes to updating it, but I kinda already know how I want the next chapter to go. It's gonna be based on another Taylor song. This series is all based on Taylor songs, actually! Ahaha some other artists too, but mostly Tay. Anyway, I'm beyond happy that you like it so much 🥲 ty for reading it!
Wish you only the best! 💓
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the-melting-world · 2 years
just here to say that you're such a good writer 🥰 ty for existing ❤
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I’m just here in my feelings. reading this message over and over. Thank you so much, anon. I needed this 🥲🥰
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
Aoy got me feeling so many emotions all at once like 😭😍🥺💔🦋🥰🥵 ARE YOU GONNA PAY MY THERAPY BILLS??? BECAUSE😭😭😭PLEASE YOU ARE RESPONSABLE FOR THIS!! your writing is majestic, no other words needed❤ hope you have a great weekend and a happy life☺ you are such a light of joy! ilysm
oh my gosh MR CEO PARK JIMIN WILL PAY dont u worry ☺️☺️☺️☺️ he’s made my heart combust too many times as well 🥲 thank you so much for this babe, I’m smiling like an idiot 🥰🥰🥰🥰 you’re making my day 🥺❤️ ty, ily tooo 💓💘💗
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