#two heavens
adhamhocaoimh · 1 year
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Of late, I have been spending time working at my home. Or, more accurately, the rudimentary recording studio/office space I am trying to turn it into.
I have acquired some... crude paraphernalia to allow me to develop this humble abode into a de facto, barebones production hub. After the expropriation of some very, very expensive, very, very rare equipment, I arrived at a decision that could only be resolved in two ways.
I could spend time uselessly lamenting my missing pieces, lambasting those responsible, and laying waste to myself.
Alternatively, I could interpret it as a fresh start. A clean slate. A sort of conscription to that new, minimalist lifestyle trend that's no longer new, nor particularly trendy.
So I am piecing together what I can from what I have left, and building anew.
I have taken the opportunity to obligate better, learned men than myself on the most effective routes forward.
I have always left the nitty gritty and minutiae to more capable hands, concerning myself with more primitive means of expression,
Acquainting myself with a new Digital Audio Workstation, some new hardware, and an unfamiliar instrument (I am finding brave new ways to put some spook on things) has been a challenge, but I will endeavour to document it on this platform, so that I might refer to it when I predictably forget everything I've learned the moment I lay my head down to sleep.
Things like Reaper, Ableton Live, and even the most simple of synths, or even the use of a basic rhythm machine have forever seemed beyond these clumsy, primal paws. My 7ARDOOM brethren, Kathal Larkin, has been guiding me through the finer points of all of this terrifying, unfamiliar technology I find myself festooned with.
When it comes to the physical side of engineering, and indeed, even information as simple as exactly what bits and pieces I might need to make even basic demonstrations, I too am stumbling blindly in the dark. My long-suffering brother in Gloom, Fionntán Mac Cába, has been lending me his technical knowhow, as well as half of my current guitar effects collection.
I am devastatingly close to realizing a live/recording synthesizer setup, something I've been toying with the idea of for just shy of a year at the time of writing.
Having admired groups like No Spill Blood, Neurosis and Battles, as well as composers like Jon Hopkins, Nils Frahm and Yosi Horikawa, the possibilities of seeing how I can make strange, sad sounds with almost infinite textural complexity is giddying. It might not exactly be a Moog One, but it will be more than enough to serve the work I have been doing for Two Heavens.
Progress, however incremental, is yet progress.
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seagreenlaurin · 2 months
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barawrah · 2 months
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hamable · 2 months
Mr. And Mrs. Gukgak
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cosmosnout · 1 month
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”And the second you see her, you're gonna feel like yourself again.”
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renidyy · 10 months
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The one who forgives finally asks for forgiveness, himself.
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scripted-downfall · 3 months
I love how having only Xie Lian's perspective on TGCF does absolutely nothing to hinder the audience's understanding of what's going through Hua Cheng's head. My guy is not subtle At All about what's going through his head; Xie Lian is just such an unreliable narrator that it doesn't change anything about the story.
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eileenwdj · 1 year
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四大害 | Four Great Calamities
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armageddidnt · 10 months
Good Omens dropping hints that Crowley has apparently Forgotten at least some of his former high-and-mighty angelic status in heaven.
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kittykatthetacodemon · 10 months
I too want to be so gay and in love that my relationship is part of an “institutional problem” and the actual Metatron, Voice of God, has to come down from heaven on high to stealth break us up because the miracles we do together are too strong. Power couple
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magicpotatothoughts · 2 months
TGCF reread new finds #1
Xie Lian actively and consciously knows that he is attracted to HC the MOMENT THEY MEET in the Ox Cart. Like it’s not just blank gay panic, he knows.
His beauty was deadly like a sword, sharp and mesmerising. Xie Lian only met his eyes for a moment, then lowered his eyes in defeat.
MATE, normally wouldn’t you continue to be mesmerised and can’t peel your eyes away? That is, UNLESS YOURE WHIPPED. XL knows that SL's looks affect him to this degree. Defeat is the key word here.
The distance between them had closed too fast. he suddenly didn't know what to do[...]Xie Lian blanked on the spot. He watched as the tall and slender youth walked away with his giant bag of junk as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do, and it made him mutter inwardly, Forgive my sins.
Making a rich young lad carry your things? Making him sleep in your crappy temple? That doesn't warrant the weighty thought? FORGIVE WHAT SINS Xie Lian??!!!
Many village girls saw (HC) and blushed [...] Xie Lian didn't know what they were going to ask, but felt instinctively that it must be stopped at once, and cried, "No!"
Jealous jealous boi! XL WAS POSSESSIVE after ONE night spent together at Puqi Shrine. Didn’t XL just say to SL that he will have no problem in the love department because girls will throw themselves at him? Yo, why are you cock-blocking? Everyone says HC is insane, no XL is equally insane for the other!
Also, when HC revealed that it's his real skin after the Banyue arc, XL instinctively poked him. Then
He looked at his own finger then hid it away, betraying nothing of his thoughts.
What thoughts XL ?!! Explain yourself right now!
Jumping back to OX CART scene, Xie Lian's character development was foreshadowed when they were talking about the gifting of ghost ashes.
Book 1: Xie Lian sighed. "It certainly is painful to think about, to have given everything for love and lose everything in return."
This is what Xie Lian is most afraid of! Like even thinking back to Xie Lian pushing Feng Xin away in Book 4, he definitely operated under that mindset. Love is a risk, it's something to be feared. Even now 800+ years later, he still feels that way and doesn't allow himself to get close to anyone. It just hits so much harder thinking that he operated under that for so many centuries.
Then Hua Cheng says
"What there to be afraid of? If it were me, I'd have no regrets giving away my ashes"
Which I think really changed the way that Xie Lian thought about love. Book 5 Xie Lian completely operates with Love is empowering and isn't something to be afraid of.
TGCF isn't about XL realising his feelings, literally from Book 1 it's about him wondering if it's worthwhile to act on them.
Three things, is this person worth losing cultivation over for?
He needs the reassurance that this person must reciprocate his feelings.
Then HC changed his perspective on love from FEAR -> EMPOWERMENT.
XL is soooo self-aware (unlike SQQ from SVSSS and WWX from MDZS), he's an unreliable narrator in the way that he doesn't reveal everything to the reader, especially his own feelings until he was absolutely sure that there really was both a physical and romantic attraction. I wanted to make this post to dispel the assumption for XL it was easy to forego 800+ years of cultivation. It was not? He ABSOLUTELY thought about it carefully.
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adhamhocaoimh · 5 months
(Two Heavens)
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mblue-art · 2 months
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and then we unceremoniously get shoved into a closet for 7 mins after the game (😳)
(based on this)
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bluberryfields · 9 months
This is what happens when you're raised by TV and trained in literary analysis
Beyond the crushing heartbreak of that finale, one thing in particular has stuck with me when I look at it in the context of S2 as a whole.
He lays out their relationship, "We're a team, a group. A group of the two of us. And we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't."
He then turns his head away and says, "I mean, the last few years, not really."
He pauses here, facing the interior of the bookshop. Really looks it up and down.
Turns back, "And I would like to spend" before choking on his words and looks toward the window. He can't finish saying something like "And I would like to spend eternity with you" because that's too much, too fast, for both of them.
But it's that "last few years" bit that has firmly lodged itself in my very broken brain.
According to Gaiman, it's been "a few years" since the end of Season 1. Armageddon has been averted. Heaven and Hell have reluctantly retreated. Crowley and Aziraphale have been effectively cut loose from their "sides," leaving them to form their own side.
So at the start of Season 2, we get a glimpse of the “fragile existence” they have carved out for themselves. To me, the biggest difference that we see is how they exist together in front of others. Going to the coffee shop, the pub, and the other shops along the street that Aziraphale has lived on for over 200 years. And don’t forget how they act in front of Nina, Maggie, and sweet, dim Muriel.
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At the coffee shop, Aziraphale stammers a bit when Nina asks who Crowley is, but he still seems to have affection in his voice when he says, "We go back a long time."
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Compared to Shakespearian "He's not my friend! We've never met before. We don't know each other!" panic, this is an incredible difference.
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Of course, each time, Crowley is cool and cheeky and does nothing to indicate that they aren't a pair. Though, of course, he does deny it when Nina asks about Aziraphale being his side piece. “He’s not my bit on the side! He’s far too pure of heart to be anyone’s bit on the side.” And refers to him as an “Angel [swallows]I know.”
When they go the pub, Crowley's joy at doing something together in public that they do not normally do is super cute, including his cheeky order for Aziraphale's sherry. Then, when bringing the drinks over to the socially trapped Aziraphale, he greets Mr. Brown with a truly adorable, "Hello" and a signature DT smile. Then upon hearing how “excited” Mr. Fell is to host the meeting, he looks down and says, “Oh? You astonish me.” while Aziraphale sips his sherry and squirms.
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We also watch as Crowley follows Aziraphale as he goes to each shop and talks to the owners about the meeting/secret ball. In theory, Crowley has no reason to tag along, and he certainly doesn’t help sway anyone who doesn’t want to/can’t go. He goofs around at the magic shop. He splays out on the bench, chin on hand, looking for all the world a husband waiting for his wife to pick out a dress at the department store. They are so married it’s ridiculous.
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Finally, their behavior in front of Muriel while inside their sanctuary. Crowley sits on the arm of Aziraphale’s chair, somehow looking supremely comfortable on the old-fashioned furniture. He folds up those gloriously long limbs and presses himself as close as possible.
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He smiles and plays along with Aziraphale’s coaching of Muriel in her disguise. Calls him Angel and asks to speak in private. And at the end, during the awful wait while Aziraphale talks with The Metatron, Crowley cleans up the shop and tells Muriel that he and Aziraphale will need some “us” time after all this. No beating around the bush. 
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Without oversight, they can be openly together and happy. But Heaven just can’t let that happen. 
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emberchii · 4 months
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you won't believe what i got into
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necromancer-mango · 1 month
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[Start image description: A digital drawing of Mu Qing mending Ruoye as Xie Lian watches next to him. The drawing is solidly colored a single blue over the sketch against a grey background. /end image description]
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