#twilight fan theory
reclusivebookslug · 9 months
Bella Swan is Autistic: An Analysis
(Disclaimers: I enjoy Twilight in spite of its problematic elements, not because of them or in ignorance of them. There are as many different ways to be autistic as there are autistic people. Many allistic people will relate on some level to some aspects of the autistic experience; this does not make them autistic. This is all just my opinion, based on my experience as a late-diagnosed, low-support-needs autistic woman. I am aware this is not a brand-new original idea.)
I reread Twilight (I think for the first time since getting diagnosed 4 years ago) and I found a bunch of things I relate to Bella about. Below the cut is a list of some of her autism-related character traits with quotes for textual evidence. The links lead to articles explaining how these traits relate to autism. The list is ordered chronologically based on page number of the accompanied quotes. Page numbers are based on the paperback edition with ISBN-13: 9780316015844. A backslash in a quote signifies a paragraph break. I’ll update if I read any of the other books or rewatch the movies and anything new comes up.
Bella has trouble regulating her emotional expressions: she has to put conscious effort into how she presents herself
"I'd always been a bad liar" (p. 4). "For some reason, my temper was hardwired to my tear ducts. I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency" (p. 25). "I had never been enormously tactful" (p. 31). "'My face is so easy to read -- my mother always calls me her open book'" (p. 50).
Bella is shy and a bit socially awkward: she avoids attention for fear of embarrassment
"Charlie wasn't comfortable with expressing his emotions out loud. I inherited that from him" (p. 7). "Mr. Varner... was the only one who made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I stammered, blushed, and tripped over my own boots on the way to my seat" (p. 17). "To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of the week" (pp. 68-69).
Bella feels different from other people: she doesn’t know how to connect with others and feels pressure to fit in
"I didn't relate well to people my age. Maybe the truth was that I didn't relate well to people, period. Even my mother, who I was closer to than anyone else on the planet, was never in harmony with me, never on exactly the same page. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain" (pp. 10-11). "I answered honestly, instead of pretending to be normal like everyone else" (p. 47). “'My mind doesn't work right? I'm a freak?' The words bothered me more than they should -- probably because his speculation hit home. I'd always suspected as much, and it embarrassed me to have it confirmed" (p. 181).
Bella has a unique sense of humor: other people don’t get her jokes and she doesn’t get other peoples’ jokes
"'You don't look very tan.' / 'My mother is part albino.' / He studied my face apprehensively, and I sighed. It looked like clouds and a sense of humor didn't mix. A few months of this and I'd forget how to use sarcasm" (p. 16). “Bella was being unintentionally funny” (p. 367).
Bella finds comfort in routine: the change in routine from moving was difficult for her, and she felt better once the new routine became familiar
"I fell into the pattern of the familiar task gladly" (p. 33).
Bella is academically gifted: she finds assignments easier than her peers do, she has already read the books assigned in her English course
"'Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?' / 'Yes'" (p. 47).
Bella enjoys being alone: she is introverted and enjoys solitary activities
"In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was like having my own place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely" (p. 54). "I've never minded being alone" (p. 241).
Bella has motor difficulties: she is clumsy, uncoordinated, accident-prone, and bad at sports
"Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress" (p. 55). "My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings" (p. 136).
Bella has special interests: Edward and books
"... no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was. No one else watched him the way I did" (p. 69). "I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me" (p. 135)? "... they didn't know how preoccupied I could get when surrounded by books; it was something that I preferred to do alone" (p. 156).
Bella is perceived as different by others: a history of social exclusion is hinted at, Edward’s mind-reading doesn’t work on her
"'It's better if we're not friends,' he explained. 'Trust me.' / My eyes narrowed. I'd heard that before” (pp. 74-75). "He enunciated every syllable, as if he were talking to someone mentally handicapped" (p. 83). "'My mom always says I was born thirty-five years old and that I get more middle-aged every year'" (p. 106). ".'.. maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM'” (p. 181). "'You're not like anyone I've ever known. ... / ... 'I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. But you ... you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise'" (p. 245).
Bella has sensory differences: she notices and is bothered by things others don’t and aren’t, she engages in sensory-seeking and sensory-avoiding behavior when stressed
"'People can't smell blood,' he contradicted. / 'Well, I can -- that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust ... and salt" (p. 100). "I put in my headphones, hit Play, and turned up the volume until it hurt my ears. I closed my eyes, but the light still intruded, so I added a pillow over the top of my face" (pp. 129-130). "'You're always crabbier when your eyes are black ... I expect it then' ... 'I have a theory about that'" (p. 171). “For three and a half hours I stared at the wall, curled in a ball, rocking” (p. 425).
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queenofglassbeliever · 8 months
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Was she really even human? She looked human. She felt soft as a human. She smelled human- well, better actually. She acted human. . . sort of. But she didn't think like a human, or respond like one.
The theory that Bella is descended from vampires and hybrids lives in my mind rent free.
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loosescrewslefty · 5 months
A small thing that's been bothering me a lot lately is the Spy x Family fandom assuming that Anya's an escaped test subject of Project Apple. It's true that the Scientists that experimented on Bond are the same ones that ran the lab Anya stayed in before meeting Twilight, but we were told that Project Apple was shut down shortly after the War ended, and one of the more recent chapters even says that some of the Scientists who worked on Project Apple together went off to conduct separate research after that Project ended.
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I genuinely don't think that the Experiment Anya's powers came from is Project Apple itself, but rather it's likely the result of a spin-off project. After all, Anya is SUPER paranoid about anyone learning about her powers:
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But has no reaction to Twilight and Handler discussing and thinking about Project Apple literally right in front of her.
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I don't believe for a second that Anya can understand the concept of the Lunar Cycle and remembers the specific name that the scientists use to refer to its affect on her powers, but somehow doesn't know the name of the experiment she is a test subject of, or that she wouldn’t have a VERY visible reaction to those close to her becoming aware of that Experiment even on a surface level, whether or not they realize yet that she is the product of that Experiment.
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(WILD that this girl can't read a damn analog clock, but knows that there are two weeks between a full moon and a new moon...)
And there is also the Test Subject numbering to consider as well. Bond was Subject 008, and Anya was Subject 007. Bond was described as being a bit older for a dog (he was described as being 'long in the tooth' at his introduction, implying that he is a senior dog. Likely around 7 or 8 for a dog his size) and Anya is younger than she claims to be (4 or 5) so it doesn't make sense to think that they are test subjects for the same experiment and Bond is the subject that directly followed Anya. Perhaps the scientists reset the numbering when they moved from animal test subjects to humans, but if the animal test subjects showed no real signs of a reaction to the experiment, that jump seems unlikely and would probably be viewed as a waste of time, money, and resources, which was the entire reason the plug got pulled on Project Apple in the first place.
It's likely some of the things learned during Project Apple were refined and applied to the Experiment that gave Anya her powers, but looking at the facts I really don’t think it's still referred to as Project Apple by the time Anya gained her abilities.
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phantasmeels · 4 months
Another Zelda Theory: The Seven Sages in the Era of Myth
Save for the numerical discrepancy (the seventh sage shown in-painting was likely the Zelda of that era, as she is most often the Seventh Sage/Maiden in the other games), the Seven Sages spoken of in the backstory of A Link Between Worlds and the six Sages seen in Twilight Princess might be the same group.
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The ALBW paintings and backstory also seem to explain how the Triforce location changed from where they were seen at the end of Skyward Sword, from the Hylia statue to within the Temple of Light in the Golden Land/Sacred Realm.
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Now, this is pretty damn early in the timeline, so it's likely that the six sages seen in Twilight Princess + the Zelda of their original era are the very first of their profession in Hyrule, the original sages gathered specifically to seal away the Triforce when it was clearly too dangerous for it to remain out in the open, given the bloody conflicts that were sparked in pursuit of it. They would also be the constructors of the Temple of Light which would hold the Triforce. The original Rauru would have been one of these first sages, and they would much later construct the Temple of Time on the remains of the Sealed Temple of Skyward Sword as an additional measure after the events of the Interloper War spoken of in Twilight Princess.
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Additionally, I hypothesize that items like the Moon Pearl and Magic Mirror found in A Link to the Past are the creations of the original Sages, tools which they developed in their research about interacting with the Sacred Realm in order to successfully seal away the Triforce there. These tools allowed them to enter, safely traverse, and exit other dimensions/realms, as well as seal up entrances to those other dimensions/realms if they needed to. This is further supported by the existence of the Mirror of Twilight, which the Sages clearly know how to operate and likely created it in the first place.
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This all leads me to next ask, then, 'why do five new sages have to be awakened in Ocarina of Time?' My answer to that is that when Ganondorf got his hands on the Triforce of Power in that game, his minions entered the five temples of the game and, quite simply, destroyed them upon invading said temples. He did so to the two sages of the Master Sword in The Wind Waker, who also happened to need awakened replacements to restore the Master Sword, so I wouldn't put it past him. Not to mention what he did to one Sage during his botched execution in Twilight Princess. (Damn, the sages have it really rough in this series.) Thus Link needed to awaken the next generation of sages throughout Ocarina of Time.
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Also, it's worth observing that the role of sage doesn't necessarily always have to do with managing the Sacred Realm. There's the case of the sages being the shrine maidens watching over the seal of the Four Sword on Vaati in Four Swords Adventures akin to the same role of the Maidens in A Link to the Past. This shows that there are varied and flexible uses of the sage profession depending on the situation. It seemingly always comes down to petitioning the divines, preparing for the future, empowering and preserving sacred swords, sealing away evil that can't be destroyed, and maintaining safe boundaries between realms/dimensions.
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Oh, and apparently the old men who give you swords in the original Legend of Zelda, and the one who guards the Triforce of Courage in the final dungeon of The Adventure of Link count as sages too, according to Hyrule Encylopedia. I don't regard those books as strictly canon, but I can easily see this being the case. This means we can add the keeping of sacred objects and important weapons, as well as testing a next incarnation of the Hero, to the potential duties belonging to the sages of this era.
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One other thing to add, I find it interesting how A Link Between Worlds adds to the sage system in the lore, showing that the seventh Sage/Sage of Time doesn't necessarily HAVE to be Zelda, just that typically Zelda is the best fit for it. Also, it looks like the Chamber of Sages in the Temple of Light is capable of just...rebuilding and re-arranging itself as needed. I guess being a more metaphysical kind of structure enables easy alterations.
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Image Credit: All but one are from Nintendo's official artworks and in-game screenshots. The black and white Interloper illustration is from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess manga adaptation by Akira Himekawa, which by the way is excellent and you absolutely should read it.
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pastelmermaidgirl · 3 months
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Does thou like our smile Twilight Sparkle?
My own little theory Twilight would never ever igmit it but she too found Luna a tiny bit spooky when she showed up at Nightmare night. She’d secretly read some horror stories about the princess of the night
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httplovecraft1890 · 2 years
Violence as a Theme in Spy x Family
There was a great post in the Spy x Family tags that said that their personal conspiracy theory was that Tatsuya Endo used the rom-com premise of the series as a Trojan horse and that he really wanted to write a story about the horrors of war. I think it's difficult to ascertain if the series will change dramatically over time (I don't think it really has to, as I'll explain below), but it's impossible not to notice that this is at least in some way true since it illustrates one of the story's core themes: violence is one of the worst things people can do to one another.
The repetition of this is endless. The Westalis-Ostania war serves as the entire basis for why WISE is wanting to infiltrate their neighbor in the first place, violating international borders and the sovereignty of another nation to do what they believe is best. The fighting irrevocably changed Yor's, Yuri's, Franky's, and Loid's lives forever. The experiments Anya and Bond went through are probably the result of Ostania's military wanting to find new, exciting ways to visit further horrors on their neighbor by getting a leg up on them (MKULTRA-type shit). The far right, embodied in the National Unity Party and seen more recently in the student group wanting to commit terrorism, seethe with resentment and want revenge for whatever perceived humiliation they're suffering from. It's even perverted the thinking of our protagonists; as much as we might laugh at Loid over-analyzing his clear feelings for his 'fake' family as simply part of his mission or Yor casually wanting to murder people who're inconvenient, it isn't condemning them for it. They're byproducts of a system that's fundamentally broken and has tossed them aside. Nearly every character is a perpetrator but they're also a victim. Even the code name for the whole thing driving the plot, Operation Strix, is named for a Roman mythological figure who quite literally fed on corpses and blood (after turning into an owl, which is what strix means in ancient Greek). More to the point, I think it is rather obvious that Loid's dream of living in a world where children don't cry is impossible, as is Yor's increasing desire to become a real wife and mother to the Forgers, if they don't walk away from the paths they're on. They cannot beat the world into submission to impose peace on it and, even if they could, it'd fundamentally be a false one. Both of them, along with their adopted daughter, absolutely crave positive human connection. War and subterfuge can't give them this; such things beget themselves and will only lead to further cycles of suffering. Ultimately, I think it will be a story of knowing when to change course, not to abandon one's principles, but to find new ways of achieving your goals. The fact that Endo has managed to wrap this all up in a spy story with weird as hell plot beats, memorable art, and wonderful characters is a testament to his humanist work thus far.
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twilit-zonaite · 4 months
The History of the Zonai [MasterPost]
A hypothetical history of the zonai as interpreted by me with the goal of creating a comprehensive narrative. Although my interpretation is based on canon events, locations and other information provided in-game as well as evidence and ideas brought forward by other fan theorists, it remains purely theoretical and borders on the realm of heavy speculation and even fiction. I do not claim anything said in this series as factual!
Regardless, I hope you enjoy my deep-dive into the zonai lore and feel free to interact, share and discuss as much as you want. I decided to put this out here for a reason after all!
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Chapter 1: Creation of the Land and Sky
This chapter hypothesizes on the early zonai civilization, it's societal structure and their first settlements.
Chapter 2: Era of the Goddess Hylia
This chapter speculates on the origins of the sheikah and their connections to the zonai, as well as the original purpose of Thyphlo Ruins and hypothesize as to why it's in its current location.
Chapter 3: Era of the Sky
This chapter speculates about the whereabouts of the zonai during this era, their expansion into the sky and the depths, and the evolution of their architectural style.
Chapter 4: Era of Chaos
This chapter is an interpretation of the events of the Interloper War and speculations regarding the extinction of the zonai, as well as the advent of the modern sheikah and the twili.
Chapter 5: Era of Prosperity
This final chapter hypothesizes about the founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule, the ancient hero and the lasting influences of the zonai, notably on the wind tribe and the oocca.
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MLP-G4/G5 & EQG Theory: Midnight Sparkle Was Foreshadowing The Unity Crystals...Part 1
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
I would of wrote this theory some hours ago, but I was too busy playing Mass Effect 3 on the Mass Effect Legendary, and I got to say that I’m happy with the progress I made, and I was able to do some of the DLC missions, like helping Aria for one, and right now I think I’m close to the whole meeting the Shepard Clone thing, right now Shepard, Liara, Wrex and Brooks are all in that Apartment, which is the first time for me to get a Apartment from Anderson in that game, and well, I’m glad I could finally get through some parts in Mass Effect 3, even if it was in the Legendary version....
anyway that aside, I know some might not like G5 and there are still some fans that do like G5 as well as still like G4...
but I have reasons to believe that Sci-Twi’s Midnight Sparkle form, was foreshadowing what Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to do in the future...
and that is making the unity crystals, which would force ponies to get along, even in the smallest of disagreement...
and if time does pass differently in the human world where Sunset is, and she is probably in college now, when time passed a lot faster in Equestria...
then when she meets up with Sunny and her friends, and if they ever go back time....maybe in Sunset’s super tough way, she should go trotting right up to Princess Twilight, just as she is about to make the Unity Crystals...
and hoof her right in the muzzle....even if that might seem, a bit much and cold.
but if you think about it, it is technically her fault.
instead of solving things the right way, she ends up taking a short cut with magic, by making something that drains the natural magic from Equestria.
I love G4, G5 and even EQG, but it isn’t okay for Princess Twilight to do such a thing, thinking it can “fix” how some ponies act to each other.
and yeah Opaline did play a role in the mess, but it didn’t mean Princess Twilight had to cross that line, because by trapping Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorn Magic inside those Crystals, and who knows what other creatures magic, she only played a part in having Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorns separate, it wouldn’t just be Opaline’s fault.
and if Discord did think magic was to blame, then he needs to see the bigger picture as well, that magic is just being another scapegoat for those who ended up misusing it, and making it force ponies to get along or else “no magic for you.” which isn’t fair or treating anypony or any-creature or anyone in any equal form what so ever...
in fact, by trying to force ponies for generations to get along, or they can’t use magic, it only makes problems worse.
you can’t force that kind of thinking or friendship on anyone, no matter if they are a pony or another creature or a human or other...
that isn’t right, and if what I had watched that talked about bringing back G4 wasn’t some prank, cause I’m not sure if it is true, so I wont get my hopes up...
but if it were true, then maybe if it is true that it will be at a point before Twilight became a Alicorn, then maybe she can see what her much older future self has done in her time ruling Equestria and what she caused for the future generations, but then again, it could be possible that Sunny and her friends, might be living in the same era as Twilight and her friends....
you know, that mirror pool that makes copies, I think that every pony save for maybe a few, are clones....this would include the Mane Six.
and that broken snow place, that has that Castle that use to belong to the Storm King’s before...?
well let’s say the first episodes we saw where it has Nightmare Moon return and to the point she became Luna again, as well as the point of the first movie of Equestria Girls to the second where the Dazzlings show up, that was part of the Original World, but when we get to the new Equestria Girls Movie, where Sunset’s yellow in her hair is much lighter, this could be seen as a new timeline that is still the same as the old, but still slightly different...
and that one Time Twirler might of belong to the Original Twilight Sparkle, who made it so she could relive her adventures, as well as her friendships and even the moment she became a Princess....this Twilight, could of been from the Original Timeline that Sunset came from, when her mane and hair had a different shade of yellow in it, before becoming much lighter later on.
but at some point someone got wise to what that Twilight Sparkle was doing, and she had went to the human world, where she had reformed Sunset and made friends with the human version of her friends, and hid it somewhere no one else would ever find it...
 plus how do we know that that memory stone that erased a ponies memories didn’t play a part by being used by someone who was trusted, until they broke that trust....       
and the pony that Clover The Clever had got rid of in the human world, by just burying it....keeping it from a pony, who could of turned out to be Opaline.
or the Original Princess Twilight Sparkle, who had not only used a Time Twirler to go through a time loop that only she would remember, but also to erase the memories of those who might remember or become immune to the time loop like Sunset was when she went through it in the human world, when that time twirler ended up there.
the Twilight Sparkle that just started becoming ruler of Equestria, might not be the same as the one that Luster Dawn speaks to in that episode that shows what happen in Twilight’s past, which would be the same even for a temporal copy of herself or mirror copy....
The Original Twilight, could of aged everypony into babies, and place them into cryogenic magic sleep, until it was time for them to be “born”...
meaning she would use a spell to make mares believe they were going to have a foal, but really, it was a spell to trick them, until the months were up, and she would place a copy of their foal into their care, which the parents would also be copies as well...
it could turn out that only a few ponies are born from copies, while others are originals that weren’t originally copied...
this might be a weird theory, and it’s okay that not everyone takes it seriously.
but it might be possible that the Taller and much older Twilight Sparkle, is the one that gets it wrong, and the still younger and still small Twilight Sparkle, might get it right and be the version of herself that would never make another Unity Crystal, even if the current one is broken into pieces and freeing everyone and the magic to be used the right way.
so way, like I was trying to point out, I believe that broken snow that The Storm King’s Old Castle was a bit close to....
was the Original Equestria, and while it seems like it is all covered in snow, but in theory it could have the Equestria that the G5 Ponies live in...
meaning that Sunny, Hitch,  Zipp, Pipp and Izzy have no clue that there is clone of ponies that had lived in Ancient times, living in another land that they are also calling “Equestria” but really it would be Equestria II, which would prove my other theory that the Equestria that Twilight and her friends live in, isn’t the original Equestria, and it is Equestria II...
I will talk more about this theory maybe later or tomorrow....which is why this will be part 1, and the next one will be part 2...
need to get back to playing Mass Effect 3, but once I finish, I will go back to checking out some stuff on here, or maybe I will take a break from it once I finish up some parts in it, I still left Shepard, Wrex, Brooks and Liara at that Apartment, and I still need to have Shepard reply in that part in the game...
so anyway it’s okay that not everyone agrees about the weird and crazy theories I mentioned in this....but it doesn’t mean I agree with Princess Twilight Sparkle misusing magic and making the Unity Crystals to try to force ponies to get along......I can still like Twilight, but if she crosses a line like that, then she is just misusing magic like how Star Butterfly scapegoat the magic, instead of sticking to blaming her Mom and her side of the Butterfly Family for the misuse of the magic, I can still like Star and the SVTFOE show, but I will not agree with her or Princess Twilight’s actions of misusing the magic or using it as a scapegoat...
so yeah, I believe that Midnight Sparkle was foreshadowing the Unity Crystals, and what Princess Twilight Sparkle was going to do with them...                                                                                     
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arkon-z · 1 year
Twilight Princess food for fanfic thought/a plot bunny:
Sure, Zant wanted to rule the Twilight Realm, but why did he need Midna to rule with him? Why did he try to kill her if he needed her so badly? Why didn't he do anything in the second half of the game to halt their progress, like perhaps re-establish the Twilight Curtain in Hyrule?
I don't know and it's too late to remember or look it up, so I"m calling it a plothole. There may be a canon explanation, but I came here with an idea that puts a spin on canon, which we all love:
What if Zant loved Midna?
What if that's why he wanted to take over as king, so she'd respect him? What if that's why he conquered Hyrule, to show her his power? What if that's why he insisted 'I need you' at Lanayru Spring?
That puts a really interesting spin the plot. Because it reframes his inaction in the second half of the game as sulking, and turns his tantrum near the end into an incel meltdown. It also removes the twist of 'he's actually a selfish little manchild with a dangerous toy', but it really does add a neat dimension to the whole thing.
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miamignonette · 11 months
one very strange take from recent internet history is “people only hates twilight because teen girls liked it!!” i mean sure there are definitely people who ridicule everything teenage girls enjoy and we should talk about that but twilight in particular was being criticized for its portrayal of native americans and making young impressionable people idolize abusive relationships
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eggable · 12 days
Renesmee isn't Edward's kid
I don't actually read or watch any Twilight things so this might be 100% nonsensical, but Imma say it anyway. So the werewolves bond with someone, meaning they're meant to be with and love that person, and Jacob thought he was in love with Bella but it was revealed the person he was bonded to was Bella's daughter, Renesmee (who has a stupid name as you can see), and he only liked Bella because of the Renesmee egg in her ovary. But if he loved Bella because he would bond with her egg, why did he hate Edward? Renesmee is as much part of Bella as she is part of Edward. Since sperm dies and is remade, one could argue that the Renesmee sperm wasn't produced yet, but Jacob still hated Edward in the timeframe of that sperm's existence. It also doesn't make much sense for Edward to be able to have a kid since he's an undead being. Also apparently female vampires can't have kids because it would mean their body would have to change, but a boner is a bodily change too. So I believe Renesmee isn't Edward's kid. Bella got pregnant around the same time she did it with Edward but from someone or something that wasn't him and Jacob didn't love Edward because his jizz had nothing to do with Renesmee. Thank you for reading this theory and please tell me if it makes any sense in the Twilight lore.
And are you eggable?
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have-kake · 3 months
It's strange being in a fandom so long that you see things that used to be common knowledge get lost to the sands of time.
Like Twilight Princess has started experiencing the Zelda Cycle in reverse which rip, so there's been a lot of 'in defense of Twilight Princess' videos on YT recently. And something I'm seeing most of them say is "yeah it would've been better if they orchestrated the music, and they should have."
Which is absolutely baffling to me. That was one of the big things about Twilight Princess when it came out. They tried to have the soundtrack orchestrated. They wanted it orchestrated but they were told no. That's why Skyward Sword was such a big deal! Skyward Sword did get the orchestra. They said they finally achieved the dream they've had since TP by having the soundtrack orchestrated.
It's so wild to see that knowledge forgotten.
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starryhyuck · 1 year
twilight. (m)
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pairing: vampire!jaehyun + afab!reader
words: 3.3k+
summary: you’re 100% sure your boyfriend is a werewolf. surprise kicks in when you discover he’s a different kind of monster.
genre: smut
warnings: dubcon, squirting, choking, anal, reader gets thrown around like a ragdoll, crying, public sex, blood drinking, creampies
You’re a passionate fan of the Twilight series. Most of your friends know this, so your declaration that your new boyfriend is a werewolf comes at no surprise.
“Is it just because Jaehyun has a six pack?” Seulgi muses, chewing at the end of her fork thoughtfully.
You roll your eyes. “No. Although, that is a nice bonus.”
Johnny sighs at the other end of the table. “Is this just like last year? You know, when Taeyong dressed as Edward Cullen for Halloween and you were convinced he was hiding in plain sight?”
Your gaze drifts to the boy mentioned as he sits across the local diner, where most of your university frequents. Taeyong is laughing at something Jaehyun said, and guessing by the blooming red of Doyoung’s ears, you assume they’re teasing him again.
“No! Listen, my Taeyong theory was very good even though none of you entertained it, but this is different. Trust me, I know Jaehyun is a werewolf. I sleep right next to him,” you try to say convincingly.
Your friends offer you dead gazes. They’ve heard it all before from you, and were thoroughly pleased at how dumb you looked when you shoved Taeyong in the sun to prove diamonds would glitter off his skin. It merely resulted in your bashful apology to Taeyong, who was more than happy to laugh and forgive you.
“Maybe we shouldn’t try to mess this relationship up when it’s just started,” Minjeong says carefully, eyeing your reaction.
It’s true — you had only started dating Jaehyun two weeks ago after months of senseless flirting. Johnny was about to lock the both of you in a room just to get you to realize how much you like each other, but luckily you confessed before it got that far.
A pair of arms encircle your waist, and a kiss is pressed to the shell of your ear. “What are you scaring them with today?” A throaty chuckle sends shivers down your spine.
“Someone has another supernatural theory,” Seulgi responds to Jaehyun’s question, one eyebrow raised. You glare at her and give her a warning look not to spill your suspicion.
“Oh really?” You can hear the smile in Jaehyun’s voice. He knows all about your Taeyong debacle from last year. “Who are we targeting this time?”
“No one!” You quickly respond, spinning in his hold and plastering a smile on your face. You kiss his cheek and grab his hand, tugging him away from the table and out the diner. “They’re just being silly. Why don’t we go back to your place?”
Jaehyun laughs, lips ghosting the back of your neck.
“Yeah? Baby wants to go back to my place?”
You whimper at the tone of his voice, knowing exactly what he plans to do to you.
“Yes, please, daddy.”
It feels like you’re on Cloud 9. Jaehyun’s hand is tangled in the back of your hair, your face is shoved in one of his comfiest pillows, and his cock is brutally fucking your pussy. Before Jaehyun, no other guy really knew how to ruin you like this. Jaehyun was the first one who turned you into a dumb, drooling, cockwhore mess.
“Pillow princess,” he sinisterly laughs above you, watching your mouth fall open in ecstasy. “Never wants to do any work. Always wants daddy to take care of her.”
You feel his fingers brush the strands of hair away from your face, and his mouth grazes your cheek. His balls slap against your clit lewdly, his bedroom filled with the sounds of your squelching pussy.
“Now, tell me about this supernatural theory you have, baby.”
“Ungh,” you cry, barely able to remember your own name. You can feel every ridge and vein of his cock hug your walls, preventing you from thinking about anything else.
“Is it about Doyoung?” He murmurs in your ear, ignoring your cries when he picks up his pace. You know for a fact that you’ll be sore tomorrow.
“How about Mark?”
You swear you feel him in the back of your throat.
He applies pressure to your clit, rolling the nub between his thumb and forefinger. You see stars.
The pressure is building, building, building, and-
“Is it about me?”
You hopelessly crash, crying loudly as you reach your orgasm. Your nails dig into Jaehyun’s arm, holding him close while he helps you ride your high.
You’re offered no time to recover, Jaehyun manhandling you onto your side while he presses up behind you. His fingers grip your thigh roughly, hoisting it in the air and allowing him to slide back in your dripping cunt.
“S-Sensitive, daddy-“
“I don’t give a fuck,” he growls, hips snapping into yours. It almost sounds like he’s mad at you. “Tell me about the theory you have on me.”
You feel wetness falling down your cheeks and faintly register that you started crying. You’re a blubbering mess, begging for Jaehyun to slow down.
“What do you think I am, hm? Gonna shove me in the sun like you did with Taeyong?”
All you can manage is a string of moans, your second orgasm approaching quickly. “M-More, daddy,” you beg, desperately looking back to try and get him to kiss you.
“You’ll get more when you answer my question, baby,” he hisses, prodding his fingers against your lips. You take the hint, opening your mouth wide and allowing him to slide his fingers in. You suck at his digits lewdly, trying your best to please him.
He groans at the sight of you. “Fucking hell. So what is it, baby? Wizard? Elf? Bigfoot?”
“W-Werewolf,” you choke against him, finally admitting it. You grow warm and prepare yourself for the upcoming embarrassment.
There’s a pause in Jaehyun’s thrusts before you hear him laughing maniacally. His fingers leave your mouth in favor of digging into your hips, finding leverage so he can pound into you harder.
“Werewolf? Seriously, baby? You’re dumber than I thought.”
You struggle to defend yourself when your climax suddenly hits you, your cunt squirting all over Jaehyun’s sheets. You think you’re screaming, trying desperately to push him away as he shows no mercy on you. You nearly topple over when he harshly grabs your hair, pushing you forward until half of your body is dangling off the side of the bed.
Jaehyun slides in even deeper than before, if it was humanly possible. “Listen to how wet you get for me,” he hums, enjoying the loud squelch of your wetness. “Remember when I first fucked you? Could barely take an inch before you were begging to stop.”
You remember it very clearly. You and Jaehyun hadn’t made anything official at the time, yet you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. He had taken you in the back of the university library, your fingers holding onto the bookcases for dear life while he tried his best to fit his cock into your tiny pussy.
“I couldn’t believe how lucky I got to find an obedient whore like you. You’ll let me take you anywhere I like, won’t you, baby?” He chuckles when your only response is an outcry of his name. “Too bad you’re so nosy. Sticking your face into things that aren’t your business to begin with.”
He leans over you until your palms hit the floor. His cock pushes deeper and deeper when his teeth hovers over your neck.
“Daddy-“ you whimper, feeling restless. “I c-can’t.”
“You can and you will,” he says, and his tone indicates that there’s no room for argument. “After you tell me why you think I’m a werewolf.”
You make your best attempt at pushing forward an explanation as to why you think your boyfriend can secretly transform into a four-legged animal, but it comes out in stutters and half-sentences.
“Sick and I-I thought- you didn’t w-want to t-talk to me- just l-like Jacob did w-with Bella-“
Jaehyun, somehow, is able to piece your explanation together. “When I was sick last week and ignored you, you thought I was going through my transformation like Jacob did with Bella in Twilight?”
You nod shyly, afraid to look back and see the mocking emotion on his face. You squeak when you’re manhandled again, this time being pushed on your back and forced to look up at your boyfriend.
“You have to stop reading those silly books, baby,” he says, his voice gentle even though his hands work their way to your throat. He squeezes it and you choke. “They make you so dumb.”
“Y-You like me d-dumb, daddy,” you whisper, voice hoarse from the screaming and the weight crushing your windpipe.
“I do, baby. You know me so well,” he smiles. You’re about to smile back when you suddenly feel the tip of his cock prod against your other entrance, causing you to gasp. Jaehyun has only tried anal with you one other time, and that was after hours of preparation and lots of lube. He’s never done it dry before. “Don’t worry, baby. Just trust me.”
The pain is overwhelming and you cry, ignoring the scratch of your throat. “Daddy, it hurts!”
“It’s your punishment,” he says meanly, venom laced in his voice. You’re starting to get whiplash at how fast he changes his emotions. “For thinking I’m a fucking werewolf. How stupid are you?”
“S-Sorry! I’m sorry!” You whimper, kicking your feet to try and get away from him.
You sob louder when his cock continues to stretch you open, and you feel like you’re going to be split in half. The feeling, however, is overshadowed when you abruptly feel a pair of sharp teeth pierce the flesh of your neck. You scream, trying to make sense of what’s actually happening, but Jaehyun is fast to pin you down and ensure you can’t move.
The pain quickly shifts into pleasure, and your body is overtaken by a tingling sensation that spreads from the bottom of your toes to the edge of your fingertips.
“What-“ you mumble blearily, eyes shifting out of focus.
You find yourself struggling to stay conscious, mind blanking while you tumble into darkness.
The tall man looks behind him, trying to find the source of the voice calling his name. He squints when he sees you behind a pillar, dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses. He jogs over to you, eyeing your choice of outfit.
“Dude, what are you wearing? It’s literally a hundred degrees.”
You shush him, looking around frantically while pulling him behind a nearby building so no one can see you.
“Have you seen Jaehyun?”
Johnny scoffs. “No. Shouldn’t you know where your own boyfriend is?”
You lower your sunglasses so you can look him dead in the eye.
“Johnny, listen to me. Stay away from Jaehyun. I was wrong about him being a werewolf, okay? He’s a vampire. A fucking vampire.”
You receive four rapid blinks. “Haven’t we already gone through this before? I’ll burn your copies of Twilight, I’m dead serious.”
“Johnny!” You scold, frustrated that he isn’t taking you seriously. You quickly unzip your hoodie and show him the markings on your neck, two bright red indents that show where Jaehyun bit you.
“Woah, what the fuck? Did Jaehyun hurt you? I’ll beat his ass, just give me the go ahead.”
“No, no, he didn’t hurt me,” you insist, feeling embarrassed. “I actually kind of liked it.”
Johnny gags. “I didn’t need to know that. Look, you know I love you, but this is clearly you and Jaehyun exploring some nasty kinks that the rest of us don’t need to know about.”
“I’m being serious, Johnny! Jaehyun bit me and it was a vampire bite. He had fangs!”
“You saw his fangs?”
“Well, no. I passed out because his cock was in my ass and-“
“Fuck!” Johnny yells, fingers at his temples in an attempt to erase what you just told him. “What is wrong with you? I don’t want to know that Jaehyun’s dick was in your asshole!”
Students start to stop and stare at the sight of you and Johnny bickering, briefly catching onto the tail end of Johnny’s despair.
“Shut up!” You hiss, clapping your hand over his mouth. “I’m telling you this because it’s important! Jaehyun is a vampire and he got really pissed at me when I told him I thought he was a werewolf. When I woke up, he was gone and I haven’t seen him for days! He’s going to eat me, Johnny!”
He slaps you away and rolls his eyes. “You need to seek counseling, I’m not playing around. Just go tell your boyfriend you don’t like it when he bites you. Problem solved.”
You try to protest again but Johnny finds a way to escape from you, running until you can no longer see him on the other side of campus.
You huff, getting ready to trek back to your apartment and hide from the rest of the possible supernatural world. You freeze when you suddenly feel a presence behind you, and a hand dances around your waist.
“My pretty girl, are you telling the whole world about me?”
The voice sends chills down your spine, and Jaehyun’s lips suck at the lobe of your ear.
He shushes you, pressing you against the wall of the building and out of view from prying eyes. Your heart beats loudly in your chest, and you know that this is it. This is how you die — in the hands of your extremely hot vampire boyfriend.
“I had to spend a few days away from you,” he confesses, fingers wandering up your shirt. “Almost lost myself when I finally got a taste. Your pussy is magnificent, my love, the best pussy I’ve ever tasted in my life but your blood — mmm, it doesn’t even compare.”
“Please don’t kill me,” you beg, crying in distress.
“I would never kill you,” he says with conviction, angry that you would think such a thing. “I would never let anything harm you. You know why?”
You tremble, feeling his fingers push down the band of your sweatpants. “W-Why?”
“Because then I would never get to feel this pussy again. Feel how good she is wrapped around me. Trust me, baby, I’ve lived for a very long time and I waited just to find you.”
Your sweatpants drop down to your ankles, leaving you in nothing but one of Jaehyun’s favorite thongs. You’re far from humiliated, being caught in more compromising positions with Jaehyun before. Your only concern is the fact that you’ve learned your boyfriend is a real-life Edward Cullen, and you have entrusted him with your mortality.
“Are you going to turn me into a vampire?”
“Only if you want to,” he replies, pushing the fabric of your underwear aside and lining himself up to your entrance. “If you want to feel this good for eternity, just say the word, baby.”
You groan when he pushes into you. The stretch is almost like a welcome home. If you’re being fully honest, you wouldn’t last a day if you and Jaehyun broke up. You crave his cock almost every hour of every day, no matter how desperate that makes you sound.
“Tell me you want me, baby. Even if I’m a vampire,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, and you jolt at the thought of him biting you again.
“I want you, daddy,” you sniffle. “Please don’t leave me, daddy.”
“Would never leave you, baby.”
You hear the faint sound of skin slapping against skin, and you moan as you brush your hair back, fully exposing your neck. Jaehyun discards your hoodie to the floor and kisses you gently.
“Want to be marked again, baby?” He asks you and you nod, mewling at the thought. You feel him grin against your skin. “Taeyong thought I was an idiot, you know.”
“Hm?” You hum softly, longing to have him kiss you again.
“You were right about him from the get-go, he’s the leader of our coven in fact,” he says, balls brutally hitting your clit with every thrust. “Everyone mocked you for getting your resources from that shitty book of yours, but I was so proud of my girl. So smart even when everyone else doubts her.”
“Y-You said I was d-dumb!”
He chuckles. “I was just teasing you, baby. But you know I love you dumb. Now show that pretty neck for daddy.”
You tilt your head to give him full access, and his thumb rolls against your clit as a reward. Your eyes dart down in time to see his fangs pop out, and he licks his lips before descending on your neck. Just like last time, there’s no discomfort or pain. Your body almost sings when Jaehyun bites you, and you feel complete in an odd way.
The intimacy helps the coil inside you snap, and Jaehyun groans when he feels your pussy tighten around his cock at the strength of your orgasm.
His teeth sink deeper into your neck, eagerly chasing his own high. You don’t even care at this point if he drains you completely, only focused on his cum filling you to the brim.
“M-More, d-daddy,” you cry, hips meeting the force of his thrusts halfway. “Fill me up. Want to feel your cum spilling out of my tiny pussy.”
He retracts his fangs from your neck and you moan at the sight of your blood spilling from his lips.
“Tastes so fucking good,” he groans. “Want to fuck you forever, baby.”
The sound of footsteps approaching makes you whimper, nails digging into Jaehyun’s wrist. “Faster, daddy, hurry. Someone’s going to see.”
It only takes a few more snaps before ropes of white fill you, Jaehyun groaning loudly into the back of your neck. If you didn’t just fuck him a few days ago, you would have guessed he hadn’t cum for over a year with the amount of his seed he empties into you.
Luckily, whoever was approaching heard your sounds of pleasure and decided it was better to leave you alone. You giggle and turn your head to kiss him, and Jaehyun smiles softly.
“Missed you,” you whisper. “Why did you disappear? I thought you had plans to eat me.”
“Maybe I still do,” he teases, fingers brushing your folds as he pulls out. “I was worried about your reaction. And honestly, baby, you thought I was a werewolf. It was insulting.”
You laugh and kiss him again. “Sorry. I just didn’t want another Taeyong debacle even though now I know I was always right!”
“That you were,” he hums, helping you pull your sweatpants back on. He tucks himself back into his pants and presses a kiss to your neck, licking at his bite and cleaning you up. “I would appreciate it, however, if you didn’t go around and tell everyone.”
“I promise I won’t,” you swear, making yourself presentable. “As long as the only blood you take is mine.”
He laughs. “Someone wants to be a little blood bag, hm? Jealous of me drinking from someone else?”
You frown. “Of course I am. I thought you said my blood tastes divine?”
“It does,” he growls, still licking at remnants of your blood on his lips. “That week I told you I was sick — it was because I needed to feed. If I spent one more night with you, I would have drained you dry, I’m sure of it.”
“You can drink from me everyday, I don’t care,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck. “As long as you let me have my Bella moment in the forest.”
His grin is blinding. “Whatever my baby wants. How about we have round two in the woods as well?”
Your eyes sparkle. “Deal!”
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Twilight’s Realization on Anya’s Origin
I was always wondering about this scene. I’m curious to know what Twilight had realized or concluded about Anya upon her knowledge of a dead language and why he instantly dismissed the thought of it and the idea of digging deep about it.
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Even though we still never had the clue about what Twilight realized or speculated about Anya, we can catch a glimpse of how crucial it is for him on how he responded to the thought of it. He convinced himself to not think about it and completely ignored it and pushed it out of his mind even though it's almost a habit of his to overthink things. Why?
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As a spy, whenever there are suspicious matters, it is wise to seek the truth about it. Like what he did when he suspected Yor being connected to the secret police. When he was in doubt about Yor’s innocence, he made steps to clear his suspicions on her (even though he was reluctant to do it despite it being a part of his job as spy to begin with).
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Now, back with Anya, he surely realized something big about her. My thoughts were that he immediately dismissed it because what he realized is something that would take Anya away from him. If his suspicions were true about Anya, she needs to be taken away from him and he isn’t prepared to do that. That’s why he convinced himself that what he thought was a crazy idea, that it was impossible to happen, that it wasn’t the truth because if it was, it would be hard for him to accept.
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That is why his blind spot is always his family. SXF fans often make fun of how oblivious Twilight is about everything despite it being so obvious in front of him. Yor wasn’t basically hiding her strength and assassin skills to him. Anya and Bond do things that a normal child and dog normally wouldn’t do. Why do none of the odd things they do make him suspicious about them? Maybe because he was convincing himself that there’s nothing suspicious about them. I’m starting to think that he was actually afraid to dig deep about his family because he’s probably terrified to find out that they weren’t really normal and that would cause them to separate and he still wasn’t ready to step out in his role as Loid Forger (I don’t think he will ever be ready to do that).
But still, it was just a theory of mine that I thought as I reread the chapter and watched the anime. It was just amusing to think that a meticulous spy like Twilight would rather shut down suspicions without checking for facts just because he thought it was impossible or not important, a very sloppy thing for a spy to do.
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Additional note: He even coddled Anya with her favorite meal despite not doing so well in her exams. He was affected by what he realized about her, don't you think?
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eternal-echoes · 5 months
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My fan theory is that Yor will get over her shyness in regards to romance and Loid in the future when Yor witnesses a real possibility of Loid dying. Not just someone threatening to kill his life like when Twilight disguised himself as an SSS officer, but seeing someone point a gun at him, then seeing him all bloody and in the brink of dead. Twilight will survive that of course (since shonen is always about smiles and happy ending), but after that Yor would be so clingy with him because she wants to be close to him as much as possible to make sure she doesn’t lose him so she would be profusely physically affectionate with him.
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twilit-zonaite · 4 months
History of the Zonai [Chapter 5]: Era of Prosperity
"This is a Shrine of Light. Long ago, I filled these places with light that purges evil." - Rauru, Tears of the Kingdom
This final chapter hypothesizes about the founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule, the ancient hero, the bargainer statue and the lasting influences of the zonai, notably on the wind tribe and the oocca.
Disclaimer: This series is a hypothetical history of the zonai as interpreted by me with the goal of creating a comprehensive narrative. Although my interpretation is based on canon events, locations and other information provided in-game as well as evidence and ideas brought forward by other fan theorists, it remains purely theoretical and borders on the realm of heavy speculation and even fiction. I do not claim anything said in this series as factual!
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1. The Founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule
This is the era in which one of the two last members of the zonai species, Rauru, would be the founder of the kingdom of Hyrule with a descendant of Hylia, Sonia. They would become the king and queen of this new kingdom. Unfortunately, Rauru, along with his sister Mineru and his wife Sonia, would perish in the first imprisoning war, marking the end of the zonai species as a whole.
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Rauru, first king of Hyrule - via Nintendo Life
It's possible that Rauru is the one who built the rooms attached to the forgotten temple, as he would be the only one allowed to do such an addition to the temple due to his status as king and husband of Queen Sonia, descendant of Hylia to whom the temple is dedicated to. The first room was clearly built to hold the Secret Stones.
The second room, although it is qualified as a war room due to the giant map, it might not have been built with the purpose of war against other dominions or tribes. Rather, it was likely built for battling against monsters, as Rauru and Sonia purified the land of Hyrule and built the Shrines of Light for that purpose as well. They likely built this room to pinpoint locations of monster spawns and figure out ways to purify them.
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Zonai war room attached to the Forgotten Temple - via Screen Rant
2. The Ancient Hero
The Ancient Hero was most likely of zonai descent and could be an example of zonai and hylians genetics mixing. The Ancient Hero does show zonai traits, however there are some notable traits that do not seem to be of either zonai or hylian origins; such as red hair, a tail and digitigrade feet. 
It is possible, and quite likely, that these traits were common in some zonai, as the only living samples known of are Rauru and Mineru, who were most likely from the owl tribe, it is impossible to know what the zonai of the other two tribes (dragon and boar) looked liked.
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The Ancient Hero's Aspect - via Screen Rant
This Hero most likely made his appearance in an event at the end of the Era of Prosperity and before the Force Era. The origins of those events is unknown, although they are likely related to Ganon in some capacity.
There is also the possibility of this Hero being the Hero from the events 10 000 years ago depicted in the tapestry of the first Calamity. However, the Hero shown in said tapestry appears distinctly hylian; the skin colour, the distinct nose and face structure, the flat feet, lack of tail and clothes all point to this Hero being of hylian origins. Either these are two distinct Heroes, or the Ancient Hero was depicted as being hylian despite his zonai attributes for unknown reasons. 
The answer to this question highly depends on the placement of the first Calamity in the timeline; which remains unknown for the time being.
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The Ancient Hero from 10,000 years ago - via r/Breath_of_the_Wild
3. The Bargainer Statues
Some bargainer statues may have already existed in the depths, such as the ones under the springs of courage, wisdom and power, while the rest were likely built by the boar tribe during their conquest of the depths in the Era of the Sky.
It's not impossible that the entity residing within the bargainer statues presented itself as a deity of the depth, and the boar tribe possibly started worshipping them instead of the goddess Din. They may have had an arrangement where the boar tribe would collect the souls of their fallen enemies and give them to the bargainer deity in exchange for various blessings and items that would allow them to conquer the depths.
The bargainer statue may have had a hand in teaching the zonai of the boar tribe dark magic to help in their conquest. Despite the tribe originally being very inclined towards magic, it's definitely possible that members of the dragon tribe, who were very proficient in magic, would have joined the boar tribe in the depths instead of going to the sky with the owl tribe.
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Wellspring of Power Bargainer Statue - via Zelda Wiki
4. Remaining Zonai Influences
While the zonai may have influenced the sheikah from the beginning, it is not unlikely that they would also have influence other tribes.
Notably, the wind tribe may have taken inspiration from the zonai and found a way to raise their city to the sky, creating their very own sky island. With their knowledge of magic and technology, they are also probably the creators of the City in the Sky.
The oocca were also likely created by the wind tribe to act as speaking messengers birds between them and the Royal Family of Hyrule. They are also most likely the creators of the dominion rod. However, as the wind tribe disappeared, their home, no longer having any magic supporting it, would likely fall back to the surface, leaving only the City in the Sky with the oocca, who would evolve and go on to create their own civilization removed from Hyrule.
It is possible that the wind tribe is also the result of zonai genetic mixing with hylians due to their usage of wind magic. Their red hair could be from mixing with zonai from a different tribe than the sheikah or it could be of gerudo origins.
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City in the Sky - via Zelda Universe
Chapter 4 <-
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Reminder: This narrative is purely speculative and is based on my own deductions and theories, as well as on what has already been theorized by other.
These are the sources that inspired the narrative of this chapter:
The Forgotten Temple THEN & NOW by Moxie Watts
Tears of the Kingdom's Forgotten Temple by Commonwealth Realm
Ancient Hero's Aspect by Commonwealth Realm
What are the Bargainer Statues? by NintendoBlackCrisis
Is the Bargainer Evil? by Moxie Watts
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