#tweets are described in image description
vaspider · 2 years
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wellfine · 2 years
Check for Alt Text!
While I'm glad there's a growing awareness for alt text/image descriptions on this site, please check - before you tag something as "undescribed" or add an image description in the caption - that there isn't actually alt text embedded in the image itself.
Tumblr's beta post editor now allows us to add a very generous 4k characters of alt text to images. This allows for more fluidly integrated image descriptions than putting a description in the caption, because they'll be read along with the rest of the post instead of summarised at the end. Also, people cannot delete alt text in a reblog the way they can delete reblogged captions.
I don't know how it goes for every browser, and I'm sure on mobile it's useless, but on Firefox, you can tell which images on Tumblr are using alt text from the little "ALT" infographic which appears in the bottom left corner of each described image. If you hover over this it will light up, and if you click on it, it will display the alt text in plain text. Twitter has also utilised a similar system which does work on mobile, but unfortunately Twitter only allows for 1000 characters of alt text per image, so on that front, Tumblr is much better - if you use it.
Here's a screencap of what the "ALT" infographic looks like on Tumblr, with the left being hovered over by my cursor. In fact since this image itself is also captioned with alt text you should be able to see if it's working on your browser in real time.
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Anyway - again, glad we're all more aware of image descriptions now, but if you're tagging things as "undescribed" etc. in case anyone following you with a screen reader would like to filter out those posts, they may potentially be missing accessible posts if you're not checking for alt text. Likewise, if you write a whole new image description in the caption of a post that's already using alt text, a person with a screen reader has to sit through the same/similar descriptions twice.
Also, start using the alt text feature of the beta post editor lmao. As far as social media accessibility tools go this one is pretty good.
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cormancatacombs · 2 years
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[Image ID: A tweet from user KennethNopeland @KNopeland. It reads, “Nathan Fielder will reveal that S1 was a rehearsal for S2 this whole time.” End of description. ]
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eusuntgratie · 2 years
seven sentence sunday 9/25/2022
tagged by @onward--upward <3
‘Nolan Patrick and Travis Konecny Read Thirst Tweets’ appears in orange font on a black screen. There is a Philadelphia Flyers logo in the bottom right of the screen. 
Nolan and Travis are seated in directors chairs right next to each other in front of a plain set. They’re wearing matching Flyers gear, black hoodies with their hockey numbers and orange shorts with a little Flyers logo. Travis has an orange Flyers hat with a black bill turned around backwards and Nolan is wearing an orange Flyers toque. 
Nolan is looking down at the ground. Travis talks to him [inaudible] while music plays over the video. 
Offscreen: Nolan, you said you wouldn’t do this, what changed your mind?
Travis starts laughing so hard he rocks forward in his chair, almost tipping it over. He elbows Nolan, who glares at him.
tagging @lostcol @jbarneswilson & anybody else who has words to share <3
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iamthedancing · 2 years
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[Image description: a thread of tweets by user Mx. Charis Hill, who has an active wheelchair symbol, a trans flag, and they/them pronouns in their username.
The tweets say:
You might think, "It's fine for me to go to this non-essential event with a bunch of people because I'll be safe & I'm comfortable with the risk." Here's why that's the wrong approach:
1. COVID will be at the event with you. Period.
Vaccinations & masks & rapid tests can help, but they don't guarantee full immunity.
Rapid tests are also not as sensitive as PCRs.
2. It's not just about you
You may be personally willing to risk an infection & LongCOVID & the loss in financial stability that will cause.
But what if you get COVID, give it to your spouse/child/parent/sibling, & they become permanently disabled? Because of you?
3. It's still a pandemic
This event may be the only thing you've attended for 2.5 years & you feel you've deserved it.
The thing is, your attendance says to everyone else that it's fine to do these activities. Your attendance permits others to gather. This prolongs the pandemic
4. You'll contribute to vaccine- & treatment-evasive variants
The more groups gather & the more COVID spreads, the more the virus evolves & the harder it become to prevent/treat it with streamlined vaccines recipes & treatments, & the less we know about the virus
5. Your actions cause ripple effects
You may be just 1 person, but you're impacting folks' health who didn't choose to attend:
- the communities you're traveling through
- folks hired to dump porta potties, be security, set up/break down
- healthcare workers & full hospitals...
6. It's selfish & ableist
Your decision to attend (the ripple effects of which prolong the pandemic) makes it unsafe for disabled (high risk) people to do basic things like access medical care & buy groceries.
Your attendance prolongs our isolation & exclusion from society.
To reiterate:
Think about more than just yourself.
Think of your loved ones.
Think all the folks (including many who are high risk) hired to manage the event & its ramifications. Bus drivers, cleanup crews, gas stations, car rentals, airport staff, vendors, porta potty folks, the people in the communities you pass through.
Think of the medical care provided by exhausted healthcare providers post-event from those who got COVID or injured. Think of the people who will be impacted who didn't attend, like the communities that event attendees will return to & spread COVID, & the implications of that.
If you are considering attending large or huge events, from conferences to music festivals to busy beaches to Burning Man & more, remember this:
Anyone who attends these events condones the impact of & continuation of other events. Regardless of your personal safety protocol.
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nudityandnerdery · 11 months
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[Image Description: A series of sixteen tweets by John Rogers @jonrog1 that say:
1) A moment at the Teamsters/UPS rally this morning clarified our current struggle with the studio CEO's (among other bosses). Teamsters got a lot of wins, but one of the main sticking points is the pay for the 65% of local UPS workers who are part-time …
2) If you read the SAG-AFTRA demands, a truly STUNNING amount of their points involve protecting background actors, and trying to improve conditions for the 87% of their union who makes less than $26,000 a year.
3) As WGA members know, this is not a strike for the showrunners. We're trying to fix the fact the the current younger generation of writers can't even afford housing and their pathway to advancement has been cut off.
4) Like … folks, I'm fine. There are maybe two proposals in there that affect me. I'm walking in 90% weather and losing over 50% of my income for the year because I want the younger writers to get what I got at this stage of their careers.
5) Our unions and the CEO's and various negotiators have a fundamental cognitive disconnect. Because CEO's types only succeed by FUCKING THEIR PEERS.
6) Zaslav, Iger , those types of execs, etc have never gone without so a fellow exec or a junior exec could thrive. A fellow exec failing is the moment to use your own leverage to advance past them, if not destroy them.
7) Part of it is the money but part of this, I think, is a genuine inability to grasp even the concepts of any labor action. Because it is always other-directed.
8) So many people treat capitalism as part of nature red in tooth and claw, but it's not. It's a human construct. There are different rules you can play by -- but not if you want to win.
9) The greatest gift capitalism ever granted was the ability to validate selfish behavior as a virtue because that's "just what's necessary, I don't make the rules!" (Look ma, it's reification!)
10) This is where I usually point out that Adam Smith wrote that you have to overpay workers to keep your labor force up, and you need to take into account the psychic damage of capitalism to the workers, and that admiring the rich is the greatest source of moral corruption …
11) But I'll stave off that diversion to just land with … this is a discontinuity of attitudes which I think was once breached by the fact that management USED to come from people who loved building their company or their trade, even if they eventually did management shit.
12) Now, even that thin thread of SYMPATHY (Adam Smith joke, get it? People?) is gone. The CEO's are working off a different scorecard, practically and morally. We're not just playing by wildly divergent rules, our lives and careers are DEFINED by those wildly divergent rules.
13) To them, we are IN FACT being "unreasonable", as our behavior does not make sense in their moral framework. They don't think they're being evil, they think they're playing by the actual rules, and we're nuts.
14) There's not great conclusion to this, other than to note that the bit about making writers homeless was described as "cruel but necessary" because they genuinely don't understand the meaning of cruel, because they are always on the other side of the power dynamic.
15) And if they're ever NOT on the top of the power dynamic, they're not suffering, they're dead. They are un-people in their own eyes.
16) These men are not irrational, but they are deranged. This isn't about money, it's about identity. And in a fight about identity … they will set billions on fire.
Because they can always get more money. But they'll never shed the stink of losing to their lessers."
end of image description]
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leather-blr · 10 months
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make him relatable facebook memes like minions pls
[Image description: 3 digital drawings of Perry the Platypus and Dr Doofenshmirtz.
The first image is a two-panel comic. Perry stands behind a laptop and looks at Doofenshmirtz as he walks into the room talking. On the top left is a tweet by @gloomFather showing what is happening in the drawing, it reads, “(Interrupting my wife's Zoom meeting) Hey babe I noticed you didn't cut my blueberries in half when u made my snack earlier? I guess you want me to choke and die?” The second panel shows the continuation of the tweet, it reads, “(Noticing myself reflected in her webcam next to her coworkers). Nightmare blunt rotation lmao.” The drawing under it shows Perry’s laptop, in a Zoom meeting with Major Monogram, Carl Karl, Admiral Wanda Acronym, and Peter the Panda. All of them look blankly at Doofenshmirtz. Perry looks at Doofenshmirtz irritated. Doofenshmirtz’s back is facing the viewer, he’s looking at the laptop screen and is slightly pointing at it.
The second Image is of Doofenshmirtz quoting a tweet. He looks annoyed and is talking, on top of him is a tweet by @largeMotorCycle, it says, “Anxiety is so fucking embarrassing.” He then waves his hands and looks top left even more annoyed, the tweet continues, “Oh noooo, what if something happens. Jesus Christ.”
The third image is of Doofenshmirtz and Perry from the OWCA Files. Doofenshmirtz is squatting and look’s over at Perry, smiling and quotes a tweet by @Ygrene, it says, “wednesday, huh? more like wedn's this day gonna be over Imao.” Perry looks at him with a serious expression. End ID]
- ID written by @/perryshmirtz-described! thanks again!
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describe-things · 4 months
Question: why are ids in alt text less accessible?
A few reasons.
#1 being that Tumblr is incredibly glitchy and unreliable, and change things all the time without telling anyone. ALT text can be randomly deleted while making a post, or might just disappear after a few reblogs. It's also usually in incredibly small text, and, up until recently, had a neon purple background with white text, which is the exact opposite of accessible.
People who don't have screenreaders can have a hard time reading it because it's so small or because of whatever colors they choose to use for it at the moment (which could change at any time without warning), and that's assuming tumblr doesn't glitch and remove it, which kept happening a lot. It seems to be working fine as of February 15 2024 (for people reading this post in the future), but as we all know, tumblr is a hellsite, and this time next year it might be an unusable mess.
Plain text on the other hand, is a lot less likely to glitch, can't easily be deleted once a post has been reblogged, and is much more accessible to everyone who needs it, including those with screenreader access and those without.
It's also unfortunately very common for the "Image descriptions" in alt text to either be completely wrong, or missing vital information.
A really blatant example off the top of my head is someone posting a cover for a Sherlock Holmes novel, with alt text available. If you don't need the ALT text or don't check, you're going to assume this post is accessible and fine to reblog...until you check the alt text and realize it's not a description of the book cover at all, it's a note about how the OP's father gave them the book for their x year birthday.
Another example is screenshots of tweets -- when you paste a link for a tweet into tumblr right now (February 2024), tumblr automatically converts it to an image and provdes automatic alt text transcribing the original tweet...
Except that alt text only transcribes the text in the tweet, it doesn't mention any images that are included, let alone describe them, and if you don't need alt text and don't check every time you reblog, you won't notice that half the information in this tweet is being outright hidden from people who can't see it.
Hope this helps explain it!
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ride-a-dromedary · 9 months
#also *is* it canon that he’s like 7ft at least?? bc he has to be#average elf height is 6ft I know this bc. yknow. I’ve read the elf parts of the 5e descriptions#and iirc bg3 moooooostly follows that#so everybody saying ‘oh Halsin is 6ft tall’ THATS NOT EVEN TALL FOR AN ELF THAT IS AVERAGE
@whatever-man-whatever I have been summoned!!
The short answer is no; Halsin's height has not been canonically confirmed in game as far as I'm aware (though I would be a little dodgy if it was anyway, and you'll see why in a moment, but mainly due to the fact that because Halsin is still considered a medium creature, as an elf, the game lists his weight as 75KG - look me DIRECTLY in the eye and tell me that man is 165lbs). And, as far as I am aware, there hasn't been any confirmation of his height from Larian either (though I am happy to be corrected if they have).
But you know whose height has been canonically confirmed? Astarion's. And you know that that leads to? The long answer, which is: logical approximation time with yours truly.
Larian tweeted Astarion's height as being 5'9" in 2021:
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Which is slightly contradicted by the fact that, when playing as a Gith character in the full release, you can choose the option to describe Astarion literally to him when he asks:
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Which - while understandably says 'approximately', so it is just a logical guess on Tav's part - obviously contradicts what Larian indicated previously by implying he's 5'11". Likely this was changed in the two years, or just tossed out there as a joke, or genuinely just mixed up (but I much prefer the 'gith count hair as height or are just not very good at height estimation' and @winter2468's theory that Astarion just wears lifts in his shoes).
However, what this does give us is a point of reference, with the possible height range of Astarion (and I suppose by extension the lithe elf body type in player characters) being somewhere between 5'9" and 5'11" (both a little on the taller side of the average for an Elf in 5e descriptions, but very tall for - say - 3e descriptions).
Now, this has to be taken with a grain of salt because all of the smaller male body types are the same height, so a visual doesn't necessarily say TOO much, however:
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(Note that this is the two of them standing side by side in their idle pose, which means they are balancing weight on one of their hips, cocking it to the side. Astarion's idle pose also has him lifting his chin considerably, which makes him look a little taller. These both affect the measurement slightly but bear with me. I have also made an estimation as to where Astarion's skull would actually begin in relation to the bouffant of his hair)
So what this immediately tells me is that Halsin cannot be only 6ft - he stands significantly taller than an individual who is allegedly between 5'9" and 5'11"
A few more for good measure:
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(The left bottom image is Astarion standing straighter with Halsin still bent at the knee - I have also noted that Halsin's left shoulder slopes lower than his right when standing idly)
So it's evident, by visual average, Astarion stands pretty consistently at about Halsin's shoulder. The only times they don't stand at this same relation in height difference is in character sheet screens (and level up screens by extension):
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Which is what I meant by a little dodgy in visual base, so for the sake of this we'll keep outside of menus.
The average height between the shoulder and the top of a head is approximately 1 ft (with of course variations of neck length and head size in between, but let's stick with average for ease)
THEREFORE - if it looks to be that Astarion stands pretty consistently at the height of Halsin's shoulder, give or take an inch or two, Halsin is approximately about a foot taller than he is. And if Halsin is about a foot taller than he is, and Astarion's canonical height sits somewhere in the range of 5'9" - 5'11", that leads to reason that Halsin stands at somewhere in the range of 6'9" - 6'11".
(The other source of this conclusion is that I feel it in my heart that Halsin is pushing 7ft because I reason his height would need to be significantly above average for everyone to make a comment on it)
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rjalker · 6 months
if you see a screenshot of a tweet that has ALT text, before you reblog thinking "Oh, great, it's already described!" check the ALT text.
If the tweet includes a picture, the picture is probably not included in the ALT text.
When you share a link to a tweet (as of December 7th 2023, who knows if/when Elon Musk is gonna break this feature), it automatically converts itself into a "screenshot", with ALT text automatically generated listing the poster and the text content.
It does not do anything for any images in the tweet, because it's literally just copying the text.
You have to manually describe the images that were in the original tweet.
And because most people don't need image descriptions, they will just see that the image has ALT text, not check to make sure it's accurate, and reblog without realizing they're reblogging an inaccessible post.
Please check that ALT text is correct before reblogging. Even if it's not automatically generated, some people are just using it completely wrong because they don't know what it's for.
If the ALT text is incorrect, create a plain text image description, explain the problem, and ask the OP to add the full ID to the original post.
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I just started writing image descriptions and i would like to know what to do if i can't describe a character's exact pose. Are there any websites/ guides i can check? Thanks for your time!
Sorry for taking so long to answer, and thank you for starting to write descriptions!
I’m getting the vibe you’re an artist who is adding descriptions to your artwork?
If so my main pieces of advice is pretend you’re describing the art to someone else. What’s important? What do you want to draw attention to? What are you proud of? (Added bonus, these types of descriptions will also help people who can see the art appreciate it better)
My second piece of advice is ‘any honest description is better than no description’, so it’s ok if you don’t know a character’s exact position.
Right now im mostly describing tweets and other text so I don’t know all the “meta” on describing artwork, so anyone feel free to jump in with more specific advice
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accessible-art · 3 months
Hey quick question, is it okay to put emoticons or emojis in image descriptions? Like if I'm describing a tweet or something and they use one, do I put that in the description or describe it too? Hope it's okay to ask y'all this. Anon bc I'm shy.
Sorry it took a bit to get back to you! I usually put a description of the emoji instead (ex: transcribing 🌂 as [closed umbrella emoji]). Some screen readers can read emojis, but every screen reader is different. Everyone who needs a description is different too, so they may not be able to distinguish emojis from each other visually.
Basically: I advise just transcribing the emoji rather than using the emoji itself, just to be safe and to take the most accessible path.
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ohsalome · 9 months
As a Ukrainian, what do you think will happen on the territories of Eastern Ukraine that were occupied since 2014 after they are liberated? There seems a hostility between people who lived on those occupied lands and Ukrainians, how do you think this demographic problem will be solved?
Thankyou for replying in advance!
That is a very tough question and the discussions around it are intense. I will retell some of the ideas I see thrown around, but full disclosure it is something most people would struggle answering, I think. So, apologies if this will be one of those posts that are tough to read - I struggled a lot puting my thoughts into words with this. Also, I don't have faith that the solutions that are offered today would be fullfilled without any fuck-ups on the way.
Allthough it is true that the majority of the people who chose to keep living in DNR/LNR are pro-russian, there still are those who remained loyal to Ukraine and are waiting for liberation. The dichotomy between "patriotic/nationalistic spiritual West" and "russophile bydlo East" is a false one. + I expect there will be people who fled Donbas in 2014 and will want to return home after its liberation. What I'm trying to say is, there are many people we will be able to rely on with solving the question of "what to do with Donbas after the reoccupation".
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[image description: a flyer found in Donetsk in 2023 stating "Donetsk is Ukraine"]
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[image description: a tweet with the following text: "When people say «listen to Donbas», for some reason everyone perceives this as «listen to those who support russia». But what about us, people from Donetsk, Luhansk, who remained loyal to Ukraine? What about us, who fled from occupation back in 2014? Who joined the army? We also need to be heard! We can name the streets after ukrainian heroes, we can lead the region! Ironically, the ukrainians who have lead to this scenario have already fled to russia long time ago or are dead. Indeed, the nature is cleaning itself."]
2. That being said, there is still an issue of the civillian population that has been loyal to russia. Best case scenario, which will probably not come to life, we will need some kind of deideologization zone; something akin to the post-ww2 denazification in Germany. Ideally it would involve a lot of educational projects aimed at opening the people's eyes to the fact that they've been lied to for 10 years (and, realistically speaking, their entire life - the propaganda started decades before the war).
Following the Germany's example, this will involve the decisions that will definitely make some anti-ukrainian polticians decry us as nazi - like withholding the voting rights for some period of time, withholding the rights to take up administrative positions, etc. etc. And I am sorry, but this is a necessary step we need to make if we want to secure our existance as a country in the future. We still 100% be required to ensure the human dignity of every person living on the territory of Ukraine and act in accordance to the UN declarations. But sometimes we need to put the collective interest above the individual one, especially when it comes to our literal survival as a group. But even if this project will happen as I have described, which I doubt, we still need to accept that there will be people who'll remain loyal to putin to the end of their days but will want to live where they are. If we manage to build a strong government and if russia falls apart by then, then they won't cause much of a problem. Otherwise, they will be a source of danger to the existance of Ukraine as a nation, and we'll need to think about using the revocation of citizenship, which will also sound horrible to our critics, even though it has a rich legitemate precedence.
3. People who have held administrative positions or were related to any type of propagandistic activity (e.g. teaching russian version of history in schools) are, according to law, collaborators, and will need to be put to trial as such. But everybody else - say, pensioneers, shop assistants, doctors etc. - are not considered collaborators under the international laws we all agreed on, even if they had to accept russian passports (which people are often forced to in order to receive food/medical help), and therefore do not need to fear that they will be presecuted as "collaborators" by law (this part I am actually pretty confident we'll do fine, we have had very lenient track record so far).
Overall it is a very complex topic where any mistake has a high price, and we for sure will need to create trustworthy legal organs to answer the societal request for justice. I have found one article which goes into more detail, and frankly is more well-versed in this topic than I am. What are the chances that this will go smoothly without any bumps on the way? Uuuuugh
4. There also is a problem of rebuilding the region which has been ravaged by war for a decade. Even before the invasion, Donbas has been the poorest region in Ukraine. Poverty breeds crime, crime breeds corruption, and corruption is a wide open door for russian KGBists. If we want to protect ourselves from anyone using our internal issues against us in the future, we will need to tackle them at their root. In my wildest dreams, I see rebuilding Donbas with the engagement of foreign investors into the biggest Ukrainian centre of scientific development - STEM research, engeineering, space science etc. (And, of course, a huge demilitarization zone on the border with a row of automatic turrets along the wall). But I know that this dream is very unrealistic and a slow depopulation and degradation of the region, alas, is a much more realistic scenario.
5. If you mean the personal animosity between people who have been living under occupied territories vs from free Ukraine... I don't know. Since 2014, there for sure has been discrimination towards the refugees to the east, and I do not expect the situation to be much difficult now - even if we somehow manage to take russian informational intervention out of the picture. In the end, it will depend on the governmental decisions and if they manage to build a good reintegration programme, which falls down to finding the correct people to do the job. I sincerely believe that there are people like that. I do not know if they will be able to overcome the corruption on their way.
There are also ecological issues which is a whole another can of worms I will not even touch today.
I do not remember if I've recommended this movie yet, but Atlantis by Valentyn Vasyanovych tries to respond the very same question of "what to do with Donbas after reoccupation". I think it is a great movie that tackles a lot of societal fears and frustrations, and the picture it paints is much less optimistic than what I've written here. It is a bit of arthousey, but still worth the watch. Give it a change, if you have time and opportunity.
In short, I unironically believe that the hardest work for Ukraine will start after we win the war.
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
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Is it sad that I immediately thought of AL when I saw this? I don’t know if it’s the fact that the 3rd year of my husband’s passing is quickly approaching, or what, but it infuriates me how AL treats Michael.
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Hi there! Still playing catch up on Asks here, but first my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your husband. To lose someone you love dearly must be incredibly painful, and especially near to the date of their passing. I'm so sorry.
As for your question, it's both sad and not sad at all that you thought of AL, because I actually had someone send me this exact cartoon just days before I got your Ask, also in reference to her. So you are definitely not the only one who had that thought, it seems.
I'm grouping your Ask along with the one from @phantomstars24 because today we got another new post from AL on Instagram that merited discussion. Probably everyone has seen it by now, but for those who haven't, the post contains a cute picture of Michael with a puppy:
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But when we look at AL's caption on the post, that is where things take somewhat of a turn:
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The caption seems to be referencing what is in the pictures she posted, but one word in particular stands out: "Trolls." In the pictures, we see deer, the girls, other family members, puppies. But if you Google pictures of "Scandinavian trolls," this is what they traditionally look like:
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So if we consider those images and then think of AL's pictures, the only thing in them that seems to fit this description is Michael, which would mean she is calling him a troll. It's actually not surprising or out of character for her, as it does fit with her long-running pattern of making snarky/mean comments about Michael's looks.
What makes this all even stranger is that Michael went on a tweeting spree on the 8th and 9th (answering a lot of GO-related questions in particular):
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And then AL posted an Insta story of him throwing an airplane with the caption of "Family holiday is going well," followed by this reply from her to a fan who shared the video on Twitter (to whom Michael had also replied during his Twitter spree):
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To recap: Michael was on a family holiday in Sweden last weekend and spent most of it scrolling on Twitter, for which AL passive-aggressively called him out (suggesting that he was happier/paying far more attention to Twitter than to her), and now she posts the pics from the trip and calls him a troll.
I mean...you can spin things a lot of ways, but this doesn't come across too well from any direction, especially given how she made sure that she looks good in the picture of her (and because I don't think there is any flattering or complimentary way to call someone a "troll," as it's meant to describe something as ugly, unattractive, etc.). However if there is some other meaning or if I'm just reading too much into this, I welcome folks to comment on here with their thoughts, because I'd love to hear other perspectives.
It's ironic, too, that she used the caption "Family holiday is going well" when so much else seems to indicate otherwise. Thinking about Michael in that puppy picture among the other pics in that post, you can see how he just doesn't quite "fit." Not just because he looks different from everyone else (recalling AL's pointed mention of "curly blondes"), but because there is a community there that he is not part of, and for someone like Michael, for whom community is such an important thing, him being a stranger among these folks makes him stand out even more, and for all the wrong reasons.
So yes, I would agree with your assertion @lepqueen of that cartoon being reminiscent of Anna, and I share your sentiment in disliking the way she treats Michael. I just keep thinking of how different the reaction would be if Michael had a history of commenting on her appearance, or if he called her a troll. The uproar would be staggering, I imagine, yet somehow no one blinks an eye when it's her doing it to him. Things that really do make you wonder...
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fiercynn · 3 months
making tweets reposted to tumblr more accessible
hey just a reminder for folks posting tweets to tumblr - it's awesome that they now automatically post with alt text, but that only works for the text of the primary tweet. so if the tweet is quoting another tweet, it won't be accessible unless you post the quoted tweet itself as its own link, or describe it yourself.
similarly, any images or videos in the tweet won't be captured by the alt text - even if those images had alt text in the original tweet! so to make it accessible you'd need to copy over the alt text from twitter and edit the image description that was automatically generated on tumblr to add it
thanks for describing if/when you can!
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So I got that xkit extension that puts the alt text below images, and while on the one hand it's great for knowing if alt text has been included with a post, it's also lead to me noticing a really big problem: incomplete IDs, especially of tweets.
More often than not, when I see a screenshot of a retweet or a tweet with a photo attached, the alt text only describes the text of the main tweet and not what it's retweeting or the picture accompanying it. And I just have to wonder, genuinely, why? This is not, in any way, by any measure, accessible. If a picture was included in a post, it needs to be described. If a tweet is a retweet or reply to something else, the original tweet needs to be described. This is not an optional part of the description process, this is the bare minimum.
Please share this around, I'm so tired of seeing half-described images floating around the place and I'm not even someone who needs image descriptions, I can't imagine how frustrated people who do need them are
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