sw5w · 7 months
Woe Granee Champion...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:55:40
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astrajinn · 10 months
Dolorous Design
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The next morning, they had something to eat before leaving and all departed together to the area where they were finishing preparing the ships. Astra was on her speeder, while Shmi and Kitster were on an Eopie, and Anakin was on another one with Padme. They were about to get off when Watto approached and told Anakin to make Qui-Gon stop betting, or he would end up owning him. This angered Astra so much that the boy had to hold her back.
"Jee oto killkoosoo/I want to kill him," she complained.
"How do you speak that language?" Padme asked.
"I speak many languages, and Huttese isn't that difficult to learn," she quipped.
"What did she say?" Ani asked Qui-Gon as he passed by him.
"I'll tell you later," he responded, helping Shmi to get off.
"This is amazing, Ani. I know you'll make it this time," Kitster encouraged.
"Make what?" Padme asked.
"Finish the race, of course," his friend revealed.
"Haven't you won a race?" she asked worriedly.
"I wouldn't put it that way."
"Not even finished," she scolded.
"He already said it, I'll do it this time."
"Of course you will," the older boy encouraged him, and just as he was about to speak, the girl gave him a deadly look to make him be quiet.
"Not only will you finish, Ani, you will win."
The children gave the ship its final adjustments, and before eventually positioning it, Astra took Anakin's hand to talk to him.
She hugged him tightly to be able to whisper, "I can't accompany you in the race, but I'll help you win."
"How will you do that?" he asked in the same way.
"I'll be your eyes around the track when you look at it, and I'll be your eyes on the track if you need to fix something."
"We'll make it."
"Take care of yourself, Ani. I don't want anything to happen to you," at this point, she spoke again through their connection, as she always did, unconsciously.
With your help, I know nothing will happen to me, Astra.
Kids, we have to go now! Shmi called them, pulling them out of their bubble.
Once on the track, a Troig was in charge of introducing the racers of the race and the "eminent figures" of the Outer Rim. Nothing more than common criminals taking advantage of the lack of authority and governance. Jar Jar and Astra finished adjusting the propulsion parts, and Anakin checked the controls.
This is done, he turned a wrench quickly in his hand, placed it on his tool belt, and stepped back.
The racers started their engines, and the rest of their technical team stayed in a separate area. Astra ran towards where the racer's family was, as she would serve another purpose.
"You Jedi are reckless, the Queen isn't."
He interrupted her "The Queen trusts my judgment, young lady. Why don't you?"
She muttered under her breath "He assumes too much."
He retorted "And you lie too much."
She argued "You don't realize what's at stake; if he loses this race "
He interrupted her "No, you don't worry about things beyond your control, and that leads nowhere. You've been complaining since we arrived. If our methods bother you so much, suggest your own instead of criticizing even how we breathe."
While everyone adjusted their datapads to watch the race, she sat in the typical meditation position and used her Force ability to see what was happening around Anakin, isolating herself from whatever the others were saying. She also connected her eyes and senses with the boy's.
The first lap went smoothly until he passed through a cave and one of the racers collided with a stalactite, causing an explosion. After shots were fired by the Tusken Raiders, she didn't hesitate to help avoid all the shots, but one hit him.
During the second lap, one of the racers stopped for repairs, and their engines ended up damaged. She focused on helping to avoid collisions with other racers as much as she could. However, moving at high speeds like this was sometimes making it hard for her to concentrate fully. Then, due to an error, she managed to see clearly.
"Anakin, Anakin!" she called desperately, "Sebulba is cheating, he's throwing parts at the engines. Don't get behind him."
Anakin responded to her call, trying to spot her amidst the chaos around him.
"Astra," he called out upon hearing her, trying to look around.
"I'm at the finish line. Be careful!" she shouted when one of the engines disconnected, "I'll guide the path, you reconnect it."
Astra kept her focus on the path ahead while Ani worked to reconnect the engine, bringing their sight back to normal just in time to dodge all the shots.
At the beginning of the third lap, Ani stayed close to Sebulba. However, with each passing moment, it became harder for Astra to see. Her pained groan caught Qui-Gon's attention, and he touched her shoulder, trying to calm her. As they were about to reach the chasm, Sebulba pushed Ani into a series of lanterns that led to a ramp.
"I can see, but you were in charge of driving!" she scolded him, wishing she could give him a slap.
"It's not as easy as you think!" he snapped as he ascended the ramp.
"Use the momentum and overtake him, just don't... Don't crash this time," she pleaded wearily.
"Astra, Astra, what's wrong with you?"
"I'll be fine, accelerate as much as you can."
"You're too weak; I'll finish the race," he determined.
"No, Ani, I'll help you."
"You already did it, the rest is up to me."
With this sentence, he unconsciously severed the connection abruptly, causing her to stumble. Qui-Gon picked her up and continued watching the race.
"Is she okay?" Padme asked with concern.
"She's just tired; the sun doesn't agree with her."
"Blame it on the sun," she mumbled, snuggling into his neck.
Less than two minutes later, the crowd erupted in cheers. Anakin had won. They descended from the platform and rushed towards the Pod. Astra shifted, allowing herself to get down, and she tried to run to hug Anakin.
"You won, Ani, you won."
"No, Astra, we both won."
Qui-Gon lifted them both onto his shoulder and leapt in celebration. Then he gently set Anakin back on the ground and cradled his daughter in his arms.
"Using our abilities excessively like that is irresponsible," he whispered to her.
"I won't do it again, I swear," she exclaimed uneasily.
"Let's head to the hangar," Anakin called.
"I need to go talk to Watto. Astra, can you walk?" Qui-Gon began to sway her to wake her up.
"Give her to me, I'll take care of her," Shmi requested, taking Astra, "The sun is not good for you," she assured, covering Astra's head and walking towards the Eopie.
"If you carry Astra, someone else will have to walk," Padme indicated as she climbed onto hers.
"I'll use her speeder," Anakin yelled, grabbing it from Jar Jar.
By the time they reached the hangar, Astra felt much better, and she didn't need to be carried all the time anymore. Padme thanked Anakin, as she owed him everything at that moment. For the first time since Astra had known her, she felt that Padme was sincere and not so unfriendly.
Padme, Jar Jar, and R2 went with Qui-Gon to help load the parts, while Anakin went to Watto's shop, and Astra stayed with Shmi in the house, helping with chores during the short time they would be together.
"It's clear your father loves you."
"I wish he were my father, but he loves me with all his heart, and I love him," she commented, levitating a glass to the shelf.
"As a Jedi, you must have seen as many worlds as my son dreams of."
"I'm not a Jedi; I'm a Youngling."
"Youngling?" she asked, not understanding.
"Yes, a Youngling. Younglings are the children of the order, too young to go on missions. We're apprentices to Padawans. Padawans are Jedi apprentices like Obi-Wan. Younglings that have grown up have to learn, and for that, they're assigned a master to teach them. Then there are the Knights and Jedi Ladies, Padawans who completed their training and can start doing missions alone or with another Knight. And the highest rank, I think, is the Masters.
"The Masters?"
"Yes, Qui-Gon is a Master. He trains Obi-Wan, and once he becomes a Jedi, he'll train me. Masters are very important because there are no bad students, only bad Masters. They make sure we learn to listen to the Force and follow its will."
"Does the Force have will?"
"Yes, like this. That we met Ani and you is not a coincidence. The Force willed it so. If they had found him as a baby, I'm sure he would be even better than me," he affirmed, passing her a jug.
"Do you really care for my son, don't you?" she asked, going to a desk and sitting her on her lap.
"Mmh, I like being with him. Qui-Gon will try to free him, and if he can't, I promise I'll come back and free both of you. So he can see the Galaxy as he dreams, and you won't have to be far from your son."
"If they manage to free him. Will you promise to take care of him?"
"Of course, he's my first friend. I'll be a Jedi, and I'll protect him from everything, except Rathars. If he encounters one, I'll use it as bait and run away."
"I trust they won't encounter Rathars. You'll be very beautiful when you grow up. If I had a daughter, I wish she'd be like you."
"If I had a mom, I know she'd be like you," she murmured with a smile upon hearing the door open.
"Mom, we sold the Pod. Look how much money they gave us."
"That's wonderful, congratulations."
And Anakin is free now.
"What?" he questioned, surprised, as Shmi put Astra down on the floor.
"You're no longer a slave.
"You're free, Anakin," her friend pointed out as she passed by him and stood with her father.
"Did you hear that?" he said, astonished.
—"Now you can reach your dreams, Anakin. You're free. Will they take him with you? Will he become a Jedi?
—Yes, our meeting wasn't a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident," he explained in the same way as the girl.
—It means I'll travel with Astra and with you on your ship.
—Anakin, training to become a Jedi isn't easy, and even if you succeed, it's a tough life.
—But I want to do it. I've always dreamed of this. Say that I can go.
—Life put you on this path, and the decision is yours," the woman pointed out, remembering what the girl had said.
—I want to go with them.
—Then pack up, there isn't much time," she encouraged him with a smile.
—Yippee!" he exclaimed happily and took Astra's arm to lead her with him, stopping when he realized something. "What about Mom? You freed her too, right?
—I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto didn't agree.
—You'll come with us, Mom," he approached her.
—Ani, my place is here. My future is here," she took his hands and looked into his eyes. "It's time for you to leave.
—Everything will change, and I don't want it to.
—You can't prevent it from happening, just like you can't prevent the suns from setting," she calmly stated. "I love you. Now run."
—I'll protect him, I give you my word. Will he be alright?
The children managed to gather their things in the room and activated a C-3PO.
—Hello, Master Anakin, Miss Astra.
—Well, 3PO, now I'm free, and I'm going to travel on a starship.
—Master, you are my creator, and I wish you all the best, and of course to Miss Astra. But I must admit, I'd like to be a bit more complete.
—I'm sorry I couldn't finish you, 3PO. I didn't leave you covered and all that. You've been a great friend. I'll ask Mom not to sell you.
—Sell me?" he panicked.
—Don't worry, I'm just joking. If we ever come back, we'll finish covering you," he assured, smiling.
While Anakin finished collecting some things, Astra went to Shmi, who worriedly matched her height and asked.
—Astra, you don't lie to me. You helped Anakin in the race. Will I see my son again?
The girl took her hands and, closing her eyes, tried to distantly see the future, but it was very uncertain. She only sensed pain and strangeness. As she felt a tear run down her cheek, she said.
—The future isn't written, and it can always change. I don't know how many times, but you will undoubtedly see him before you die," she assured with a pained look.
—Once is enough for me.
The three walked out of the house, and Shmi stayed outside, watching them leave. Qui-Gon was in the lead, holding Astra's hand, and Anakin was one step behind. Suddenly, he stopped, and the elder noticed him hesitate before he ran to his mother and hugged her.
—I won't do it, Mom. I don't want to.
—Oh, Ani.
—Will I see you again someday?
—What does your heart tell you?" she asked with a smile.
—I hope so... Yes... Maybe.
—We'll see each other someday," she promised.
—I'll come to free you, Mom. I promise.
—Now be brave and don't look back. Don't regret," she pleaded and gently pushed him towards the two who were waiting for him, watching him march towards an unknown destiny.
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Chut Chut Pateesa, I hope you're doing well.
And as promised, here's Chapter 4 of this beautiful story. I wanted to publish earlier, but one of the padawans was celebrating their 17th lifecycle day, and some of their friends asked for our help in organizing a surprise.
Speaking of Ani, between Padme and me, we almost broke a plant pot trying to hang the banners on the roof. (We were forbidden to use the Force to lift things after I dropped it on Master Windu at the age of 13.) Did you know that clones are incredibly good at doing the Macarena? We found that out today.
Anyway, as always, give it a like, comment, and follow me to know when I publish.
See you soon, sleep well. Guard yourselves from the Sith, my young padawans. Remember that "Liberty can die with the thunderous applause," and may the Force be with you.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Troig
Pollillus was a Core Worlds planet and the homeworld of Trogi.
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Troigs were thought to be unique in the galaxy for having separate personalities that shared the same body. Still, the degree of the heads' individuality was a matter of debate in medical and philosophical circles. On the one hand, the heads acted together to create a single sense of identity for a single Troig. A Troig's heads had a symbiotic relationship of mutual interdependence; they looked out for one another such that it was extremely difficult to surprise a Troig. Indeed, certain personality traits were common among Troig heads, such as outgoing conviviality and curiosity. On the other hand, the heads exhibited personalities that were unique from one another, and each thought independently to the point that a Troig might even have an argument with itself. The complexities of their multiple heads and personae gave problems to grammarians as well, since discussing Troigs brought up issues of whether to refer to a single entity with multiple personalities with singular or plural pronouns, and whether to refer to the entity as one Troig or as multiple Troigs. In general, however, common Basic practice was to count as one entity and use singular forms of words for the complete biological entity rather than the individual heads or personalities.
For a two-headed Troig, the left head was referred to as Saprah. The head was considered to be the source of "blood humors" that regulated powerful emotions such as anger, love, and passion. The right head, meanwhile, was called Saprin. It was thought to be the source of "breath humors," which controlled the Troig's senses of cunning, faith, and loyalty. The rare Troigs born with more than two heads were highly revered in their society to the point of becoming celebrities.
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Rarely, one head could develop mental illness and become detrimental to the organism as a whole. For that reason, Troig society recognized the necessity to medically separate heads in such circumstances. Nevertheless, well into the period of the Galactic Empire, galactic-standard surgical techniques were not advanced enough to allow for separation without killing one of the heads.
On their homeworld, Pollillus, Troigs held standard occupations, such as that of a diplomat. They had access only to relatively primitive technology. Nevertheless, their natural ability to multitask supported thriving crafts industries on Pollillus. Some Troigs eschewed most clothing and went about nude. Others wore clothing, such as trousers and vests, albeit vests tailored to their four-armed physique. Hairstyles were equally varied, with some Troigs wearing their locks in topknots and growing out mustaches and beards with beads strung over them. Troigs lived together in population centers; one such was Twin Cities. Those Troigs who emigrated from Pollillus were able to adapt to galactic-standard technology.
Troigs were talented linguists. If one head learned a language, all heads could instinctively understand what the partner said. Among the languages that some Troigs mastered were Basic and Huttese. The species' own tongue was known as Troig. Indigenous names for Troigs followed a pattern whereby each head had its own name, which were joined together with the infix sin. For example, a Troig with heads named Fode and Beed was known by the combined name FodesinBeed. The system emphasized both the separateness of the personalities of a Troig's heads and the indivisibility of the full Troig. In some transliterations, the sin was capitalized. Similarly, the name that came later was only sometimes capitalized. Among speakers of other languages, the two parts of the Troig name were often split so that the individual was known as, for example, Fode and Beed. Some Troigs took a surname; one example was Annodue.
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Although the specific pressures that led to the development of a multi-headed species on the planet remained a mystery to the galaxy as a whole, Pollillus served as the site of Troig evolution. Theories as to how their unique physiology might have arisen included the excellent defensive capabilities inherent in being able to look in more than one direction at once, although the lack of serious predators on Pollilus cast some doubts on the full explanatory power of the theory.
By 32 BBY, the Troigs had developed relatively simple technologies. Not long before the Invasion of Naboo that year by forces of the Trade Federation, visitors from the outside galaxy visited the world for the first time; these offworlders were ambassadors from the Galactic Republic. Intrigued by the prospect of a galaxy beyond their home star system, Troigs began to leave the world.
Pollilus eventually became integrated into the wider galaxy. It became part of the Core Worlds, although its location just beyond the Koornacht Cluster placed it within the more recently discovered systems known as the Negs. The world was incorporated as part of the Vannell sector. As the planet became more integrated with the galaxy, more Troigs emigrated to find their fortunes abroad.
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In 22 BBY, a Troig named Dwuirsintabb on Pollillus made a public plea to be allowed to have his heads, Dwuir and Tabb, separated; Dwuir claimed that Tabb was "mentally disturbed and suicidal." A poll conducted by HoloNet News, a galactic media outlet, found that sixty-one percent of respondents supported Dwuir's wish to undergo head-separation surgery. The matter remained unresolved after the Galactic Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. By this point, the Troig government asked for outside help, as Troig technology remained incapable of providing a safe separation. No record of the outcome of Dwuirsintabb's saga survived, and his name fell out of galactic records by the time of the retirement of Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole in the days of the New Republic.
The Troig homeworld remained neutral during the Clone Wars (21–19 BBY), as it lay beyond the spheres of influence of both the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. By 137 ABY, the planet fell within territory claimed by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt as part of his Galactic Empire.
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After the species made first contact with representatives of the Galactic Republic, many Troigs became enthralled by the prospect of visiting the stars and therefore left their planet. The species' inherent extroversion made them natural entertainers and event hosts. For example, the most famous Troig for many years was Fodesinbeed Annodue, one of the earliest members of his species to depart Pollillus. More popularly known as Fode and Beed, the Troig found employment as an announcer for the fast-paced sport of Podracing. Within a year of his world's discovery by outsiders, Fode and Beed had become the most famous sportscaster in the Outer Rim Territoriess and the most famous Troig in the galaxy. Annodue followed the Galactic Podracing Circuit throughout the Outer Rim and became the voices of the sport for most enthusiasts. His ubiquity at the races placed him in the commentators' box during the Boonta Eve Classic on the planet Tatooine in 32 BBY, the year that the Human child Anakin Skywalker won the event. Afterward, the Troig had to evade an angry mob who accused him of rigging the race. Despite the incident, Annodue appealed to a wide audience with Fode and Beed's bilingual commentating: Fode spoke Basic during races, while Beed spoke Huttese—although Beed was able to speak Basic as well when circumstances required it. The Troig hosted a Podracing program called the Fode and Beed Show and an event at the Poodoo Lounge in Tatooine's city of Mos Espa on at least one occasion and remained an active announcer for at least the next decade.
Another Troig who found a place in the entertainment industry was AndroosinLiann, who worked as the host of Essence, a talk show broadcast from the planet Eriadu. In 22 BBY, AndroosinLiann interviewed the Human Republic soldier Laslo Dorits, who accused the Human Senator Padmé Amidala of warmongering. Another Troig entertainer worked as a fire-eater in a circus that visited the planet Coruscant at some point during the regime of the New Republic.
Not all offworld Troigs worked in the entertainment industry, though; for instance, one member of the species served as a pilot-for-hire. The species also dispatched diplomats; one such Troig owned the G2 repair droid called G2-9T but sold it to the Star Tours travel agency at a bargain rate at some point after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. By the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Troigs had become well enough known on Coruscant that the Besalisk restauranteur Dexter Jettster warned in the menu of his diner that he charged a fifteen percent gratuity to any party of more than three and a half Troigs.
During the regime of the Galactic Empire, the Troig Pillaat and Nerro held a longstanding position as a bartender at the Spyder casino on the planet Coruscant. He was skilled at using all four arms to serve customers and at keeping his patrons company. The Troig was quick to talk about clandestine activities in Imperial Center, especially after a bribe. For example, he gave a group of patrons information on the Nikto bounty hunter Kaa'to Leeachos on one occasion.
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The Troigs were a species of sentient bipeds characterized by their multiple heads. Each Troig had at least two heads, although very rare specimens were born with three or more. Despite the fact that each of the heads was for all practical purposes a unique individual with his or her own personality, memories, will, and skills, the species' nervous system connected the heads together and gave them a limited telepathic connection to one another. The nervous system thus allowed each head to send instantaneous warnings to the organism as a whole and help it avoid hazards, for instance. The connection between Troig heads was so strong that if only one head learned a language, another head that shared the same body could understand the first head when he or she spoke the foreign tongue. Unconsciousness in one head did not necessitate a similar condition in the whole entity, although one effective technique for anyone in combat with a two-headed Troig was to bang the heads together to lead to dual loss of consciousness. The death of one head inevitably led to the demise of the entire specimen unless advanced medical technology was available. With medical intervention, a bicephalous Troig's heads could theoretically be separated from one another, although only one head could survive such an operation.
The typical Troig cranium was roughly conical. The skull sloped backward from the brow before rounding off to a dome; it then tapered to a point at the top of the head. The cranium dropped down in the back, bulged out at the back of the head, and then sloped down toward the neck. Some Troig heads had short horns. Not all Troigs had hair, but it grew on some Troig faces and atop some Troig heads. The color varied from brown to green or pink. The hair's consistency and thickness varied such that some Troigs had hair long enough to pull back into a topknot, while others left it as short bristles.
Although each of a Troig's heads could exhibit radically different features, their faces were generally narrow with a roughly humanoid structure of two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The eyes were wide-set and featured slit pupils. The sclera could be either yellow or white, while the iris came in shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, and green. Having multiple sets of eyes gave Troigs excellent peripheral vision and allowed them to monitor more than one object simultaneously. Heavy brows protected their visual organs, and fleshy growths sometimes grew from below the eyes and projected toward the sides of the head. Each of a Troig's mouths was framed in a pair of mutable lips and housed a set of white teeth and a dark-pink tongue. Some heads also featured a pair of thick growths along the bottoms of the cheeks that flanked the mouth. Troig noses showed great variation; some were short and flat, others tall and narrow. Two small tentacles grew from each side of each head. Troigs also had ears with which to hear.
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The necks that supported each head were long and agile and split from a common source at the top of the torso. There they met a sunken chest that supported the four shoulders, each attached to an arm. The two pairs of arms were situated one before the other such that the Troig had a frontmost and rearmost set, the forward pair situated slightly closer to the ground than the back pair. The arms were attached to three- or four-fingered hands with gray claws. For two-headed Troigs, each head controlled one set of arms. Still, the Troig had only one hand capable of the same level of dexterity as a right- or left-handed being's preferred hand, so that the other three hands were less adept. For instance, a Troig might wield four weapons simultaneously, but only one hand could do so with full agility. The synchronization of their hands was not developed enough in most cases to afford them extra climbing or grappling ability. Nevertheless, Troigs learned to use their two heads in tandem to allow them to manipulate objects with multiple hands simultaneously, and some were truly multi-dexterous.
The chest met a plump abdomen whose flesh came to a protruding crest at the median that extended from the sternum and down to the groin. A wide posterior and hips led to two relatively short, thickset, digitigrade lower limbs with knobby ankles at their midpoints and conical, three-toed hooves at their extremities. A long, whiplike tail with a spiked, knobby bulge at its end grew from the posterior. The average member of the species stood between 1.96 and 2.00 meters tall or 6.4 and 6.6 feet.
Examples of Names: AndroosinLiann, Dwuirsintabb, Fode and Beed, Pillaat and Nerro.
Languages: Troig, the native language of the Troig species. Because each Troig had at least two heads, the language used the infix sin to separate the two elements of a Troig's personal name. For instance, in the Troig tongue, the name of the Podrace commentator more widely known as Fode and Beed was Fodesinbeed.
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omg-spy · 2 years
guys look
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 3 years
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Troig were a multilimbed and multiheaded species from Pollillus, in the Core. Each of their heads possessed an individual personality, and controlled one dominant hand. According to tradition, the Saprin head, on the right, was the source of loyalty and cunning, whereas the Saprah was the source of passion and love.
Source: The Art of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Art: Terryl Whitlatch; 1999)
First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novel (1999)
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soclonely · 2 years
Star wars show about two girlfriends who travel the galaxy together, one bring a junker who scraps for their livelihood while supporting her gf who is a space medical student who is currently doing distant learning and may or may not be having a mental breakdown as she tries to figure out which side of a Troig has the common cold.
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musette-thornsong · 4 years
Star Wars: Ain’t I Good To You
We take you to the desert planet of Tattooine, where the days are hot and scorching while the nights are blistering and brutal. No signs of vegetational beauty whatsoever until that one day when it was blessed by one very special and exotic flower, Asari Rana Nightsinger. She had remained in obscurity for 12 years of her life (the last 3 on Tattooine) ever since her home planet Nozamir was taken over by the Takarouans (branch species of dragon-men) led by their leader General Kuathan. She had come to love her adopted life with the Skywalker family. But the night of her 17th birthday, Asari may encounter with a familiar face from her past that will change her life forever.
One-shot romantic comedy
Warning: Sensual comedy to be expected
Words: 1340
Asari, Calocir, Takarouans, Kuathan, & Planet Nozamir belongs to me
It was nighttime on the planet of Tattoine and everyone were sound asleep. The rest of the alien life on the planet were gathered at the new open-night club just a little way from the Skywalker residence. A Takarouan bounty hunter known as Lt. Calocir had been deployed by Takaroauan Gen. Kuathan to search the galaxy for the last surviving member of Nozamiran royal bloodline. His search had finally led to this planet at the night club and stopped to have a drink or two. He removed his helmet and sat a table near the stage not far from where the Dud, Sebulba, was sitting. The band announced the start of their next number with a new singer on the stage. Calocir looked up as the lights dimmed and the mysterious singer facing backward suddenly appeared on the rise-up of the stage.
Joh Yowza: Good evening, one and all. For our next number, we have a new face with us tonight. This is her first performance and she’s feeling a little nervous, so let’s show her some love. And now we present to you the most beautiful flower of the Max Rebo band, Miss Asari Nightsinger.
Sebulba: (whistled in anticipation)
Calocir: (squinted slightly in curiosity using his enhanced vision)
The band had begun a rather jazzy number recommended to them. Once the singer had turn around the moment the spotlight shined on her, Calocir was met with not just vision of human beauty but a familiar face from his past. The instant he saw a generic birthmark on her chest, he realized that Asari Nightsinger was actually the lost Nozamiran heir, Asari Rana. Never had he imagined that his target, the innocent child he knew growing up, would bloom into something so beautiful let alone fall right into his lap on a random planet.
Asari: (sensually walks down the rise-up to the microphone)
Sebulba: (lecherously) Beautiful
Calocir: (gazes up at Asari)
Asari had asked Shmi if she could check it out to celebrate her 17th birthday. Shmi granted her permission to go on the promise that she’d be safe. Once she got there, she was greeted warmly by all the alien and human species had come to know and adore her. She had been asked out of the blue by one of the band members, Joh Yowza, if she could take over for their original solo singer Sy Snootles (who come down with a rather nasty bug and a case of laryngitis). They had heard rumors of her serene voice from the times she would go the sanctioned orphanage and sing to the kids. Figuring she was helping a good cause, she agreed to assist them for their opening night. And now here she was, a rare and exotic commodity rivaled throughout the wasteland not just for her beauty and her mind but for the most angelic voice to ever grace the stage. She came to the microphone and started to sing.
Asari: (serenades) ♫ Love makes me treat you the way that I do ♫ (removes the microphone from the stand) ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to you ♫
Calocir: (feels a warm tingling in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a long time)
Asari: (walks down the stage) ♫ There’s nothing too good for a boy that’s so true ♫ (walks towards the seated crowd in a flirtatious manner) ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to yoooouu ♫ (comes first to the Troig, Fode & Beed, stroking her finger along Fode’s jawline) ♫ I bought you a Nexu for Boonta ♫ (playfully finger-taps Beed’s nose) ♫ A Corusca ring ♫
Calocir: (gulps rather intensely but subtly from feeling her overwhelming aura as she displayed such an affectionate demeanor)
Fode & Beed: (drops their heads to the table, swooning)
Asari: (slides down onto the Rodian, Greedo, leaning back against his shoulder before walking off) ♫ A Nightscreamer biiiike and everythiiiing ♫
Greedo: (gets goosebumps from feeling her smooth skin, ears wiggling excitedly)
Sebulba: (looks at her in a lecherous manner)
Calocir: (sees the look and preps his gun should the Dud try anything that compromised his mission)
Asari: ♫ Love makes me treat you the way that I do ♫ (gently swipes her hand under a Gamorrean guard’s chin)
Gamorrean Guard: (nearly stumbles out of his seat from being lost in her comet-green eyes and allured by her natural charm)
Calocir: (gets a better look at her in the spotlight and really observes her physical features)
Asari: ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to you ♫ (leans up against a column) ♫ Love makes me treat you the way that I do ♫ (slides her hand the way down her frame sexily) ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to you ♫
Sebulba: (jaw drops to the table, tongue hanging out, eyes bulge out like a crazy lovesick wolf)
Calocir: (eyes widened in amazement as his mouth hung open lost for words)
Asari: (glances and gestures at a random customer) ♫ There’s nothing too good for a man so true ♫ (shimmies slightly, pointing in their direction) ♫ Gee, honey, ain’t I good to you ♫
Sebulba: (heart pounds in and out erratically)
Calocir: (heart rate starts to pick up)
Asari: ♫ I know how to make good man happy ♫ (walks over to a pale male Twi’lek, Bib Fortuna, placing her hand on his bare lekku and shimmies a bit) ♫ I treat you right with lots of love just about every night ♫
Bib Fortuna: (bares a toothy grin)
Asari: (saunters over to a Swokes Swokes, Grognak) ♫ Love makes me treat you the way that I do ♫
Grognak: (pants like a dog)
Asari: (gives him a quick hip-show while stroking his chin, getting a little soulful) ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to you ♫
Calocir was mesmerized with how bold and daring Asari was among some the most unscrupulous characters. She was not afraid to stare untold danger in the face and seemed very confident to the untrained eye. But he knew he had to keep his composure less his mission became compromised in any way. He was about to get up until Asari came him and sat on his lap in the middle of the instrumental. He was taken aback unable to move a bead of sweat ran along his scaly brow. She ran hand along the suit-cladded muscles, making Calocir go red as his eyes widened. She proceeded to slide her hand down his torso to his hip, pulling out his gun from the holster and serenaded him personally.
Asari: (sings soulfully while running the gun along Calocir’s jawline) ♫ I served you a gun-lit dinner and breakfast in bed ♫ (places the gun back in the holster, sliding her along his thigh and smiling) ♫ Took your ship to be serviced but your engine went dead ♫ (gets up and walks around behind him, harmonizing) ♫ Love makes me treat you the way that I do ♫
Calocir: (gulps in confusion at what just transpired)
Asari: (heads back towards the stage) ♫ Geeee, baby, ain’t I good to you ♫
Sebulba & Aliens: (off their metaphorical nuts and started howling like wolves and whistling like love-crazed maniacs) AAAAA-WOOOOO!!! OHOHOOOWOO-OO-OOOOO!!!
Asari: ♫ They got me paying credits from what I gave to you ♫ (points at Sebulba, marches back to the stairs where the lights suddenly shined, silhouetting her luscious frame as she swooped her arm into a glorious pose) ♫ Gee, baby, ain’t I good to yoooooooouu ♫
Calocir had lost all sense of common knowledge. The feelings he had buried since Kuathan’s betrayal and the death of his parents long ago were suddenly re-ignited for the second time in his life. And even more so, by the same person who gave him those feelings. His mission and loyalty to the general had become more than just a ruse, but thing f the past. Calocir could deny it no longer. He had fallen in love with the long-lost princess, Asari Rana.
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sharkchunks · 6 years
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Selected Phantom Menace aliens and creatures:
Darth Maul - Dathomirian Zabrak
JarJar Binks - Gungan
Watto - Toydarian
Sebulba - Dug
Nute Gunray - Neimoidian
Gooberfish - Devron
Yarael Poof - Quermian
Fodesinbeed “Fode and Beed” Annodue - Troig
Graxol Kelvyyn - Anx
Grebleips - Asogian
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Star Wars OC Flowchart (Vol. 3): Species Resources T-Z
Key: (✪)=Canon Only; (❂)=Legends Only; (✺)=Both Canon and Legends
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(✪) Talpini (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Talz (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Tarasin (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Tarc (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Tarnab (Wookieepedia)
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(✪) Tarsunt (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Terrelian Jango Jumper (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Theelin (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Thisspiasian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Tholothian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Tof (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Togruta (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✪) Tognath (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Toydarian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Trandoshan (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Troig (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Tunroth (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Tusken Raider (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Tynnan (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Twi’lek (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Ubese (Wookieepedia) (Info Video)
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(✺) Ugnaught (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Umbaran (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video)
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(❂) Vaathkree (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Vahla (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Verpine (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Vodran (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Vorzydiak (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Voss (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Vurk (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Vultan (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Vratix (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Weequay (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Whiphid (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Wookiee (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Woostoid (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Xexto (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Yevetha (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Yoda’s Species (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video)
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(❂) Yuzzem (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Zanibar (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Zelosian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Zeltron (Wookieepedia) (Info Video)
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(✺) Zeuol (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Zexx (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Zilkin (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Zygerrian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video)
✦ Species A-C ✦ Species D-I ✦ Species J-N ✦ Species O-S ✦ Flowchart ✦
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sw5w · 7 months
And a Big Turnout Here...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace
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astrajinn · 10 months
Doloroso Designio
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A la mañana siguiente comieron algo antes de irse y partieron todos juntos al área donde terminaban de alistar las naves. Astra iba en su deslizador, mientras que Shmi y junto a Kitster iban en un Eopie y Anakin con Padme en otro. Estaban por bajarse cuando Watto se acercó y le dijo a Anakin que hiciera que Qui-Gon dejara de apostar o terminaría poseyéndolo. Cosa que enojo tanto a Astra que el niño debió agarrarla.
—Jee oto killkoosoo/quiero matarlo—se quejó.
—¿Cómo hablas ese idioma?—pregunto Padme.
—Hablo muchos idiomas y el Huttes no es tan dificil de aprender—ironizo.
—¿Qué quiso decir?—Cuestiono Ani a Qui-Gon cuando paso frente a él.
—Te lo diré, luego—respondió ayudando a Shmi a bajar.
—Esto es sensacional Ani, sé que esta vez lo lograrás—alentó Kitster.
—¿Lograr qué?— pregunto Padmé.
—Acabar la carrera desde luego—lo delato su amigo.
—¿No has ganado una carrera?—pregunto preocupada.
—Yo no lo diría así.
—Ni siquiera terminado—reprocho.
—Él ya lo dijo, lo haré esta vez.
—Claro que lo harás—lo alentó el mayor y cuando estaba por hablar la niña le dio una mirada mortífera para qué se callará.
—No solo terminarás Ani, tú vas a ganar.
Los niños le dieron los últimos arreglos a la nave y antes de que eventualmente posicionarla, Astra tomo la mano de Anakin para hablar con él.
—lo abrazo con fuerza para poder susurrarle— No puedo acompañarte en la carrera, pero te ayudaré a ganar.
—¿Cómo harás eso?—pregunto del mismo modo.
—Yo seré tus ojos alrededor cuando mires la pista y los seré en la pista si debes arreglar algo.
— Lo vamos a lograr.
—Cuídate mucho Ani, no quiero que nada te pase— en ese punto volvió a hablar mediante su conexión como siempre de forma inconsciente.
—Con tu ayuda sé que nada me pasará a Astra.
—Niños ya tenemos que ir—los llamo Shmi sacándolos de su burbuja.
Una vez en la pista, un Troig era quien se encargaba de presentar a los competidores de la carrera ya las "eminencias" del circuito exterior. No más que criminales comunes que se aprovechan de la falta de autoridad y de gobierno. Jar Jar y Astra terminaron de ajustar las piezas de los propulsores y Anakin revisó los controles.
—Ya está esto—giro una llave rápidamente en su mano y la coloco en su cinturón de herramientas y se retiró.
Los corredores encendieron sus motores y los demás de su equipo técnico se quedaron en un área aparte. Mientras Astra corrió hacia donde iba la familia del competidor porque ella serviría de otra manera.
—Usted Jedi es imprudente, la reina no.
—la interrumpió—. La reina confía en mi juicio jovencita. ¿Por qué tú no?
—Asume demasiado—murmuro entre dientes.
—Y tus mientes demasiado—recrimino la niña.
—No te das cuenta de lo que está en juego; si pierde esta carrera—la interrumpió.
—No, tú no te preocupes por cosas que escapan de tu control y eso no lleva a nada. No haces más que quejarte desde que llegamos, si tanto te molestan nuestros métodos, propón uno tú en lugar de criticar hasta nuestra forma de respirar.
Mientras que todos arreglaran sus datapads para ver la carrera, ella se sentó en la típica posición de meditación y uso su habilidad en la fuerza para ver lo que sucedía alrededor de Anakin aislándose de todo lo que dijeran los demás. Además de conectar sus ojos y sentidos con los del niño.
La primera vuelta resultó bastante fácil hasta que paso por una caverna y uno de los conductores se estrelló con una de las estalactitas y ocasiono una explosión. Luego de que surgieron disparos de los Tusken, ella no reparo ayudar a evitar todos los tiros y uno le dio.  
En la segunda vuelta uno de los corredores se detuvo por reparación y sus propulsores terminaron averiados. Ella se ocupaba de ayudar a evitar los golpes de los demás corredores tanto como podía, pero moviéndose a gran velocidad como hasta ahora por momentos le costaba concentrarse lo suficiente hasta que por un error logro ver.
— Anakin, Anakin —lo llamaban desesperada—. Sebulba está haciendo trampa, arroja piezas a los propulsores, no te coloques detrás de él.
—Astra—la llamo al escucharla y trato de ver hacia los lados buscándola.
— Ani mira al frente o chocarás —le reprocho intentando ver más que antes.
—Te escucho donde estás.
— En la meta. ¡Cuidado! —chillo cuando uno de los propulsores se desconectó— Yo veré el camino, tú conéctalo.
Astra se ocupó de mirar al frente, mientras que Ani conectaba el propulsor de nuevo y volvían a ver como antes. A tiempo para esquivar en esta ocasión todos los disparos.
Al inicio de la tercera vuelta Ani quedo junto a Sebulba, pero a Astra le costaba ver a cada segundo que pasaba y su quejido de dolor llamo la atención de Qui-Gon quien toco su hombro intentando calmarla. Cuando estaban por llegar al cañón, Sebulba lo empujo contra unas farolas que conducían a una rampa.
— Yo puedo ver, pero de conducir te hacías cargo tú—lo regaño deseando darle una colleja.
—¡No es tan fácil como crees!—reprocho subiendo por la rampa.
—Usa el impulso y rebásalo solo no... No te estrelles, esta vez—suplico con cansancio.
—Astra, Astra ¿Qué te pasa?
—Estaré bien, acelera todo lo que puedas.
—Estás muy débil, yo terminare la carrera—aseguro con determinación.
—Ani no, te ayudaré.
—Ya lo hiciste, el resto me toca a mí.
Con esta frase inconscientemente rompió la conexión de golpe haciendo que ella callera y Qui-Gon la tomara en brazos para seguir viendo la carrera.
—¿Estará bien?—pregunto Padme con preocupación.
—Solo está cansada, el sol no le hace bien.
—Échale la culpa al sol—murmuro acurrucándose en su cuello.
Menos de dos minutos después, el público vitoreo de emoción. Anakin había ganado. Bajaron de la plataforma y corrieron hacia el Pod, Astra se movió y la dejó bajarse, por lo que intentó correr y abrazar a Anakin.
—Ganaste Ani, ganaste.
—No Astra, ganamos los dos.
Qui-Gon los tomo en brazos y los coloco sobre su hombro saltando para festejar, luego volvió a poner al niño en el suelo y acomodo a su hija en sus brazos.
—Usar nuestras habilidades en exceso de esa forma es irresponsable—susurro solo para ella.
—No lo vuelvo a hacer, te lo juro—chillo con malestar.
—Vamos al hangar—los llamo Anakin.
—Yo debo ir a hablar con Watto. ¿Astra puedes caminar?—empezó a mecerla para que reaccionara.
—Démela, yo la cuidaré—pidió Shmi tomándola—. El sol te hace muy mal—aseguro cubriendo su cabeza y caminando hacia el Eopie.
—Si usted llevara a Astra uno tendrá que caminar—señalo Padme subiendo al suyo.
—Yo uso su deslizador—chillo Anakin quitándoselo a Jar-Jar.
Para cuando llegué al hangar Astra se sintió mucho mejor y ya no era necesario que la estuvieran cargando todo el tiempo. Padme agradeció a Anakin, puesto que le debería todo en ese momento, y por primera vez desde que Astra la conoció, sintió que la joven era sincera y no tan antipática.
Padme, Jar-Jar y R2 fueron con Qui-Gon para ayudar a cargar las piezas, mientras que Anakin fue a la tienda de Watto y Astra se quedó con Shmi en la casa para ayudar con la casa en el corto tiempo que estarían juntas.
—Se ve que tu padre te ama.
—Ojalá fuera mi padre, pero si me ama con todo su corazón y yo lo amo a él—comento levitando un vaso hasta la estantería.
—Como Jedi seguro has visto tantos mundos como mi hijo desea.
—No soy una Jedi, soy una Youngling.
—¿Youngling?—pregunto sin entender.
—Sí, una Youngling. Los Younglings somos los niños de la orden, demasiado jóvenes como para ir a misiones, somos aprendices de Padawan. Los Padawn son aprendices de Jedi como Obi-Wan. Younglings que ya crecieron; deben aprender y para eso se les designa un maestro que les enseñe. Luego están los caballeros y las damas Jedi, Padawans que completaron su entrenamiento y pueden empezar a hacer misiones solos o con otro caballero y el rango más alto creo que son los maestros.
—¿Los maestros?
—Sí, Qui-Gon es un maestro, él entrena a Obi-Wan y una vez que él sea un Jedi me entrenará a mí. Los maestros son muy importantes porque no existe un mal alumno, existen los malos maestros y ellos se encargan de que aprendamos a escuchar la fuerza, y a seguir sus designios.
—La fuerza tiene ¿Designios?
—Sí, como este. Que conociéramos a Ani y a ti no es casualidad. La fuerza así lo quiso, si lo hubieran encontrado de bebe estoy seguro de que sería incluso mejor que yo—afirmo pasándole una jarra.
—Quieres mucho a mi hijo verdad—pregunto yendo a un escritorio y sentándola en sus piernas.
—Mmh, me gusta estar con él. Qui-Gon lo intentará liberar y si él no lo logra, prometo que volveré y los libere a ambos. Así él podrá ver la Galaxia como sueña y tú no tendrás que estar lejos de tu hijo. 
—Si lograran liberarlo. ¿Prometes que lo cuidarás?
—Claro, es el primer amigo que tengo. Yo seré una jedi y lo protegeré de todo, excepto de Rathars si se encuentra con uno lo usaré de carnada y saldré corriendo.
—Confió en que no encontraran Rathars. Serás muy bella cuando crezcas, si hubiera tenido una hija. Ojalá hubiera sido como tú.
—Si hubiera tenido mamá sé que sería como tú—murmuro con una sonrisa escuchando que la puerta se abría.
—Mamá vendimos el Pod, mira cuánto dinero nos dieron.
—Que maravilla, muchas felicidades.
—Y Anakin ya es libre.
—¿Qué?—interrogo extrañado mientras Shmi ponía en el suelo a Astra.
—Ya no eres un esclavo.
—Eres libre Anakin—señalo su amiga pasando junto a él y colocándose con su padre
—¿Lo escuchaste?—dijo asombrado.
—Ahora puedes alcanzar tus sueños, Anakin, eres libre. ¿Lo llevarán con ustedes? ¿Se transformará en un Jedi?
—Sí, nuestro encuentro no fue una coincidencia. Nada pasa por accidente—explico de la misma forma que la niña.
—Quiere decir que viajaré con Astra y contigo en tu nave.
—Anakin, entrenar para ser un Jedi no es sencillo y aun si lo consigues es una vida dura.
—Pero quiero hacerlo, siempre he soñado con esto. Di que sí puedo ir.
—La vida te puso en este camino y la decisión es tuya—señalo la mujer recordando lo que le dijo la niña.
—Quiero ir con ellos.
—Entonces empaca, no hay mucho tiempo—lo alentó sonriendo.
—Juppi—chillo feliz y tomo a Astra del brazo para llevarla con él y se detuvo al darse cuenta de algo—. ¿Qué hay de mamá? La liberaste a ella también. 
—Intente liberar a tu madre Ani, pero Watto no accedió.
—Vendrás con nosotros, mamá—se acercó a ella.
—Ani, mi lugar es este. Mi futuro está aquí—tomo sus manos y lo miro a los ojos—. Es tiempo de que partas.
—Todo cambiará y no quiero.
—No puedes evitar que suceda. Como no puedes evitar que los soles se pongan—expuso con calma—. Te amo. Ahora corre.
—Lo protegeré, le doy mi palabra. ¿Estará bien?
Los niños consiguieron recoger las cosas en la habitación y encendieron un C-3PO.
—Hola amo Anakin, señorita Astra.
—Bueno 3PO ahora soy libre y voy a viajar en una nave estelar.
—Amo usted es mi creador y le deseo todo lo mejor a usted y por supuesto a la señorita, pero la verdad me gustaría estar un poco más completo.
—Lamento no haberte podido terminar 3PO, no te deje cubierto y eso. Fuiste un gran amigo. Le pediré a mamá que no te venda.
—Venderme—se asustó.
—No te preocupes solo bromea. Si algún día volvemos te terminaremos de cubrir—aseguro sonriendo.
Mientras Anakin terminaba de buscar algunas cosas, Astra fue con Shmi quien preocupada se puso a su altura y le pregunto.
—Astra tú no me mientes. Ayudaste a Anakin en la carrera ¿Volveré a ver a mi hijo?
La niña tomó sus manos y cerrando sus ojos intento distante ver un futuro, pero era muy incierto. Solo percibía dolor y extrañeza y al sentir como una lágrima corría por su mejilla dijo.
—El futuro no está escrito y siempre puede cambiar. No sé cuantas veces, pero antes de morir sin dudas lo verás—aseguro con una mirada de dolor.
—Con una sola vez me basta.
Los tres salieron de la casa y Shmi se quedó afuera de la casa viéndolos partir. Qui-Gon iba delante tomando de la mano a Astra y Anakin iba un paso más atrás. De pronto se detuvo y el mayor lo noto titubear antes de que corriera junto a su madre y la abrazara.
—No lo haré mamá, no quiero hacerlo.
—Ay Ani.
—¿Te volveré a ver algún día?
—¿Qué te dice tu corazón?—pregunto a una sonrisa.
—Eso espero... Sí... Quizás.
—Nos veremos algún día—prometió.
—Yo vendré a liberarte mamá. Lo Prometo.
—Ahora sé valiente y no mires atrás. No te arrepientas—pidió suplicante y lo empujo suavemente hacia los dos que lo esperaban, viéndolo marcharse hacia un destino desconocido. 
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Chut Chut Pateesa espero que estén muy bien.
Y como lo prometido es deuda aqui les traido el capitulo 4 de esta hermosa historia. Queria publicar mas temprano pero uno de los padawans estaba celebrando su día del ciclo de vida numero 17 y algunos de sus amigos nos pidieron ayuda para organizar una sorpreza.
Pobre de Ani, entre Padme y yo casi logramos que se rompa la maceta por estar intentando subir los banderines al techo. (se nos prohibio usar la fuerza para subir luego de que le cai encima al maestro Windu a los 13 años). ¿Sabian que los clones son increibles bailando la macarena? Nosotros lo descubrimos hoy.
En fin, como siempre denle me gusta, comenten y síganme para saber cuando publico. 
Nos vemos pronto, duerman bien. Resguardense de los Sith mis jovenes padawans, recuerden que "La libertan puede morir incluso con el estruendo de un apaluso" y que la Fuerza los acompañe.
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forcejourney · 7 years
Smarteel (Planet Guide)
Region: Wild Space System: Smarteel System Grid coordinates: U-14 Government: Criminal Cabals Major Sentient Species: Gamorrean, Geelan, Human, Mikoan, Nikto Points of Interest: Surkkot, Mujal, Vaike Primary Terrain: Deserts Primary Language(s): Galactic Basic Standard
Brunn (male) - security guard at Starry Sweep Casino
Cabrool Nuum (male) - crime boss
Chr’gg’hur’nph’kp’trln (insectoid) - mysterious resident of Smarteel
Kebert Xela (Lowen male) - trader
Liris (female) - performer at The Auroriaela and Starry Sweep Casino
Pel Afir (Twi’lek female) - hostess at Thraggor’s Drinkery
Rueb Trakken (Human male) - floor manager at Starry Sweep Casino
Thraggor (male) - owner of Thraggor’s Drinkery
Thragsingor (Troig male) - barkeeper at Thraggor’s Drinkery
Thurg Graan (male) - trader
Shen Clan Sculpture - A totem-shaped, blood wood carving of cultural significance to the Shen clan of the Blood Carver species. Stolen.
Ambassador’s - general store in Surkkot
The Auroriaela - glitzy club in Surkkot, Eastern Quadrant
Emerald Oasis Resort - exclusive hotel in Surkkot
New Nozho Mechanica - tech shop in Surkkot
The Red Room - glitzy club in Surkkot, Eastern Quadrant
Starry Sweep Casino - casino in Surkkot
The Slum - cheap tenements in Surkkot
Surkkot - the primary settlement on Smarteel.
Thraggor’s Drinkery - cantina in Surkkot
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 3 years
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Pollillus was a planet loated in the Core Worlds, home to the unique two-headed Troig species. A newer member of galactic society, Pollillus was not a technologically advanced planet, despite the Troigs’ willingness to participate in the galaxy. The planet’s animal life was of interest, as xenobiologists puzzled over the Troig’s evolution of two independent heads.
Source: The New Essential Guide to Alien Species (2006)
First Appearance: Star Wars: Power of the Jedi (2000)
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soclonely · 3 years
Me earlier this morning: Maybe I should take a break from star wars so I don't get too burnt out. Yeah, lets try it
Me 3 hours later after going by a school and seeing the crossing sign: Ok but there are schools on Coruscant and it's a bust city I wonder what their crossing guards would look like... *Proceeds to create an OC* One of them is a Troig named Bocca and Snivels who work as crossing guards for Coruscant school district. They have worked with the school for 13 years after initially retiring from the space DMV and realizing after a few months sitting around doing nothing wasn't for them. They love seeing the smiling faces of the kids coming to school every morning and love to wear funny little hats partially for silly laughs and partially to stand out so drivers can see them in the road as they block the space lanes. They have a tooka named Butters who is chonky.
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soclonely · 3 years
Care to share more of your OCs?👉 👈
Crix Vonduel is a grumpy old Rhodian that runs a small family gaming area in this district. It has the star wars equivalent of mini golf, a floating ferris wheel like structure to ride in, hover bumper cars, and an arcade. Marnie Pynrs is a 22 year old girl who works at the market place here. When she isn’t bagging your groceries she is off daydreaming in her apartment surrounded by all of her books A nasty juvenile Trandoshan with a temper, Khrott Gillu spends his afternoons hiding between buildings and harassing the passerbyers of the boardwalk. Airal Tillo(human) and her boyfriend Chalu (Mon Calamari), are street performers who came to Coruscant looking to make their big break, but it never happened. That doesn’t mean they aren’t talented! They just have enough self respect to not compromise who they are for credits and fame. You will find them most days in the park, Airal singing while Chalu plays his flutes.   Frikoo is a Wookie who cleans the boardwalk and maintains the park grounds every day. He is housemates with an Ithorian, Fleneel Atat, who runs a small library shop Jallo, a Nautolan, runs the ice cream window in the park Val and Mal(Troig) run a small community center where people can go if they need assistance. They run a special class once a month specifically for clones that teaches them basic life skills they can use outside the GAR, including but not limited to finances, etiquette throughout the galaxy, common communication methods, and other things! Belle (twilek) runs a small childcare center for both regular day care and one time drop off. She loves children and is a fun teacher to have!
I have so many more wow i am sorry lmao
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 4 years
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Fodesinbeed Annodue was a Troig who made a living as a podracing announcer and comedic personality. Possessing two heads (Fode, the red head, and Beed, the green), Fodesinbeed was adept at communicating simultaneously, with Fode speaking Basic and Beed speaking Huttese.
Source: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
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