#tripod. typo
kubfoo · 1 year
20/4 is 5. but 15/3 is also 5.
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junnieverse · 10 months
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➙ synopsis: you and soobin had been best friends for as long as you could remember and during the course of your friendship you developed a crush on him. Could confessing be the right way to go?
pairing: choi soobin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers au
word count: 1.3k
warnings: not proofread so there may be a few typos I didn't notice.
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Not failing to recognise the voice, your door was busted open as Soobin excitedly ran into your room and leaped on top of you disrupting your once peaceful relaxation in bed.
"Geez Soob, you're so heavy dude." you groan in pain feeling his weight on you as he laughed.
Choi Soobin had been your best friend for the past eight years and over the time you managed to developed a small, tiny, itsy bitsy HUMONGOUS crush on him.
I mean who could possibly blame you, Soobin was adorable, funny, had the cutest chubby cheeks, pretty eyes, tall, handsome and had such a caring heart.
Just perfect.
"I just missed my best friend." he said giving you a tight hug not moving in the slightest no matter how much you tried pushing him off of you.
"Okay, now get off before I tickle you." you tell him still attempting to use all your strength to get him to let go.
"Say it back now or I'm not moving," he interjected as he lifts his head sticking his tongue out at you teasingly.
Feeling your cheeks heaten up at the close proximity you were both in, you mentally debate whether or not to say it back but decide to rather stay quiet having secretly enjoyed this affectionate side of his.
"So we're just gonna stay and cuddle like this?" you ask shyly as he nods with his head laid between the crook of your neck.
"Not unless you say it back, unless you didn't miss me," he tells you.
"Well ofcourse I missed you... now get off," you admit to which Soobin chuckles holding onto you even closer.
"No I'm good, it's more comfortable this way," he teases you as you only sigh in response.
It was the things like this Soobin did that made your heart want to beat right out of your chest.
He wasn't even actively flirting with you and yet he had you wrapped right around his finger.
You then slowly reached out your one hand to gently massage his head since you knew how much he enjoyed those and you both stayed laying in bed that way enjoying the comfortable silence.
Using your other free hand to busy yourself on social media, you soon found yourself scrolling through Tiktok and came across one challenge in particular which caught your attention.
'Kiss your best friend challenge'
You had seen a few people doing this challenge all over your feed, some being successful whilst others... weren't.
What was crazy was the fact that you were actually considering trying this with Soobin.
I mean there's absolutely no possible way he would even kiss back, all you were to Soobin was his best friend of many years and despite being happy with that title, you knew you wanted more out of it too.
Seemingly lost in thought, you're brought back to reality feeling Soobin poke your cheek.
"You okay? You zoned out for a good minute there," he asks poking your cheek again playfully as he showed his infamous dimpled smile.
"Huh? Oh uh, yeah, I'm okay Binnie. Just thinking." you tell him smiling softly to not worry him.
Could you ever really confess to him?
This challenge could either make or break your relationship with Soobin and you weren't sure you were ready to take that grand leap of faith that could change everything between you both.
Be it for the good or bad.
Honestly the logical side of you was saying no but your heart and intuition was saying you had to take the risk to see results.
And that's what you were going to do.
"Hey Soobin?" you called out to him as he hummed in response.
"Could I try this Tiktok with you?"
"What's the challenge?" he asks curiously sitting up as you did the same.
Setting up your ring light to use as a tripod, you then set the phone in front of where he was seated.
"Don't worry. You just need to sit next to me and look pretty like always."
You proceeded to set the timer and countdown and waited for the music.
Making your way back to him, you sit down next to Soobin and he awkwardly smiled looking at you signalling to ask what is going on.
The music started playing and you held Soobin's hands placing them around your waist as he looked at you completely confused.
"Here we go," you mumbled under your breath.
When the timing was right, you gently placed your hands on his face and leaned in to kiss him.
Just as you were prepared to pull away and deal with the rejection you were left baffled when he kissed back!
Smiling into the kiss, you felt his grip tighten around your waist as he laid you down on the bed hovering over you to deepen the kiss.
You then realise what just happened and pull away and jolt up from your position in the bed as your eyes widen in pure shock.
"W-what in the world just happened..." you mumbled to yourself as your fingers gently touched your lips.
Looking over at Soobin who was turning as red as a tomato, you excitedly hug him as he hugged you back.
Pulling away, you let out a deep breath before confessing, "I like you Soobin... a lot."
"I like you too (Y/n)... a lot." he tells you shyly as you both laugh at the turn of events.
Maybe making the Tiktok wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"How about I take you out on a real first date soon? But before that, I have a suprise for you in the kitchen." He says sheepishly smiling as he looks down.
How can someone this big be so adorable, he's such a baby.
"Well what are we waiting for then, let's go."
He then crouched in front of you and usually someone would be suprised at this but Soobin sometimes enjoyed carrying you on his back.
You then hopped on his back holding on tightly and went on your way to the kitchen.
Soobin then sat you down on the counter as he proceeded to then open the oven and showed you the tray of bread rolls.
"You made those?" you ask as the whiff of the freshly made bread hit your nose
"Yep, and obviously it wouldn't be fun to eat them alone so I thought we could enjoy them together." he says looking proud of how his baked goods turned out.
He looked through one of the cabinets searching for plates and he got two out so you could both evenly share the rolls.
You both casually conversed enjoying the bread Soobin had made and before you knew it, your plate had been cleared.
In all fairness Soobin did an amazing job, it all tasted amazing.
Although it did seem like Soobin had one left...
Slowly maneuvering your hand onto the plate whilst he wasnt paying any attention, you stole his bread roll and ran into your bedroom as he chased closely behind you managing to catch up.
"Yah! I know you stole my last bread roll!" he yelled as he tackled you trying to tickle you in an effort to get his bread.
Finally giving in, you gave Soobin his bread as you laid in bed trying to calm yourself down from all the intense laughing.
He broke the bread in half giving you a piece and he playfully rolled his eyes as you thanked him.
Placing a quick kiss to his cheek you watched him redden in suprise and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"I'm glad you did that Tiktok challenge." he says pulling you closer.
"Because now I can actually kiss you whenever I want."
Nodding in agreement you finally closed the gap between each other feeling his soft lips on yours once again.
This was a feeling you would definitely never get used to.
And it was all thanks to a Tiktok challenge.
All you had to do was kiss and tell
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giggle-bee · 8 months
Technical Difficulties
Day 11: Squeal, Ler!Asmo, Lee!Simeon (please do not ship them)
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(Photogenic sweets, banners by @/momsagainstinternetuse-archive)
Summary: Simeon is trying to set up his Devilgram account, enlisting Asmodeus for help. It seems to be more than a simple fix however, but Asmo is more than happy to give it a makeover!
Warnings: none, just fluffy tickles!
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“Oh dear. This won’t do at all,” Asmo muttered, legs crossed and brows furrowed as he scrolled through the sparse contents of Simeon’s Devilgram page. After a lot of pushing and meddling from Solomon and Luke, the angel had enlisted his help in the world of social media, wanting to make a good impression on the Devildom during his time stationed there. But, the numerous typos, blurred pictures, and a profile picture of his eye were not helping.
“How did you manage to mark yourself as a business? I thought you didn’t know how to work the settings!” Asmo pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated and confused.
“Don’t ask me! Maybe Luke messed with it? I mean… it isn’t that bad, is it?”
Asmo turned to him, Simeon’s puppy dog eyes on full display. He sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, comforting, but Simeon knew he meant business. “It’s not the worst I’ve seen. You just need a little refresh! A little… shaping! To the salon!” Simeon was quickly tugged up the stairs and into Asmo’s room, disappearing behind an ornate pink door.
Asmo flicked on a string of fairy lights and dimmed the overhead ones, clearing his desk.
“We’re having an intervention! Via photoshoot! I’m going to rework your page and make you the most savvy angel in the Devildom!” He exclaimed with stars in his eyes, pulling out a box of shawls and a feather boa from his closet.
“I… well- I appreciate the sentiment, but isn’t this too much?” Simeon muttered, a bit scattered by Asmo’s burst of energy. Asmo grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the vanity, shoving a big fluffy brush in his face and patting his face with loose powder. In a matter of minutes, Simeon’s natural features were enhanced by the light touch of highlighter and the shiny gloss Asmo had applied to his lips.
The demon stepped back, admiring his work, snapping his fingers. “Alright! Phase two!” Asmo set his phone up on a small tripod, a ring light shining in Simeon’s eyes. How much effort was this going to take?
He stood there awkwardly, arms rigid at his sides, smiling brightly at the camera. Asmo frowned, “Simi, you gotta be more fluid! Act like an actual living angel! Not a statue!”
He fussed around Simeon, putting arms into place, adjusting his posture, before hurrying back over to the camera. It reminded the angel of a movie director, making sure everything was as it should be. But it seemed that Asmo’s corrections weren’t sticking.
“Natural! Try not to be so stiff! Here-”
Asmo sauntered up behind him, humming and grabbing Simeon’s exposed hips. “Now, turn this way, and- oh? What was that?”
A very girlish squeak reverberated through Asmo’s room, the high ceilings making it bounce around like bells. Did.. did that sound come from him?
Asmo experimentally shifted his fingers to the inside of Simeon’s hip dips, making the angel squirm out of his grasp with a yelp. Oh no.
Now, Simeon had known Asmo for a long time. He knew this look. The playful eyes under his long lashes, the innocent smile on his pink lips, and his twitching hands hanging daintily by his sides. This, was no longer Asmodeus. The ruthless tickle monster that teased, cooed, and fawned over its victims had fallen to the Devildom as well.
“Are you still ticklish after all these years, Simeon?” Asmo questioned, slowly walking towards him. He was practically beaming, his nails glinting in the light. His long, very tickly looking nails.
“Ah, Asmodeus, I- ahahaha! Wahahait!”
Those nails were now skittering around Simeon’s hips, making the Angel squirm and jolt away from Asmo. “Awh! This still gets you, doesn’t it? I remember your hips being bad, doesn’t make sense why you keep them on display all the time, hm?”
Simeon was trying his best to avoid the delicate camera setup, but failed, falling to the ground beside it. “Asmo! There’s no need to do something this childish! We’re civil, mature, angels and demons are we not?” His flushed cheeks were not helping the situation.
“Oh? But I remember differently, dear~ I remember you loooved to tickle me and my brothers in the Celestial Realm! You were always too strong for me to properly get you back, but now…” Asmo smirked, placing his nails on Simeon’s sides. “Now, I have the upper hand!”
Simeon was thrown into laughter again when he started raking up and down his ribs and sides, kneading into his hips for good measure. “Ahahahasmohohoho! I’m sohohohoreehehee!” He was squirming back and forth, trying to escape tickles on both sides, but Asmodeus saw a golden opportunity.
“Gotcha~” he purred as he pinned Simeon on his stomach. “You really do love exposing your worst spots don’t you? I remember you used to go wild when Lucifer got you here,” he reminisced as he traced under Simeon’s shoulder blades.
“WAihAIhit nOhoHO-” Simeon let out a surprisingly angelic screech and tried to bat at the demon’s hands, but no luck. “Your wings… they should be abouuuut…” Asmo mumbled to himself while Simeon squealed and kicked his legs.
“There we go! I found them! And what have I told you about calling me Asmo~?” He kneaded gently at the two ribs under Simeon’s shoulderblades, close to his spine, where his wings would be if they were in the Celestial Realm. His wings had always been a death spot, one he was glad still brought out the brightest cackles from the angel.
Simeon had gone boneless, completely lost in laughter. It was something he missed, honestly. Camaraderie with his brothers had always been something he valued, and since coming to the Devildom, he had made it a mission to gain it back. This was not the most conventional way of doing it, sure, but Asmo was obviously having lots of fun. And maybe Simeon was too.
The demon giggled along with the angel, slowing down his tickles. Letting Simeon get up, he gave one last scribble to his neck, making him scrunch cutely.
“Dahahawwww! Look at you! That’s what I wanted to see! You’re practically glowing!” Asmo grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of the giggly angel.
Simeon caught his breath and blinked, leaning over the phone. “How did it turn out?”
“Soooooooooo cute!” Asmo squealed, hugging him tight. “We need to make this your profile picture! Oh! And we can go get dessert to celebrate my success! Simeon and Asmo-chan lunch date, I’ll get so many followers!”
Suddenly, Simeon was being whisked away again, but he didn’t mind. His online presence didn’t matter to him, what mattered was spending time with his once-brother, even if it did mean future tickle attacks.
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note: this is a reupload due to an error in the posting, oops
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ghostoftheyear · 11 months
I just read a comment on a post that made me very concerned, so I wanted to put out a PSA.
Someone was panicking during the recent AO3 outage, where the DDoS was trying very hard to put the site under for good, because they didn't have any way to recover their fics. Which is terrifying, sure... if all you ever do is write directly into the draft page on AO3.
But. Why would you do that?
Like. OK. I know I'm old, and I'm also privileged to have a desktop PC that I use for the majority of everything online. I understand this is not as common a circumstance as it used to be. But if you're using a laptop or PC, you should REALLY be writing somewhere else first. Even if it's just the native notepad program. Anything that allows you to save the file. You don't need something expensive like Scrivener. I personally use a text-based program called NoteTab, which is inexpensive, reliable, and has lots of nice little extras. Of course there's Word and OpenLibre and things like that. Even Google Docs if you're in a pinch (though I can't recommend it given that they're now starting their own AI-theft program).
I'm not as well versed in apps for phones and tablets. But even so, I beg you to find something to write on that isn't directly into AO3. The notes program? Email yourself? A physical notebook?
And there is a reason for this. Purely aside from the fact that the draft will only save your text for 30 days -- and was NEVER meant to be used as a word processor to begin with! -- you should always have a backup of your work somewhere, in the exact case of circumstances like this.
Many moons ago, I used a free site called Crosswinds to host my website. (There were a lot of these, like geocities, tripod, & so on.) One day, there was a server glitch and lots of my files were wiped from creation. I didn't keep copies of them anywhere else, and so they were just gone. I was able to recover some of it, but most of it was just. Gone. Forever.
These days, I edit my stuff on my PC first, and then upload it. I should also probably have another backup of some kind, because I have had catastrophic hard drive failures and lost everything. You think it won't happen to you. Then it does, and your stuff that you've labored on is just gone.
Plus, it's just good to be able to have the text in a location where you can easily read and edit; on top of that, you know that trick of putting it in another font so you can catch mistakes? That is exactly what happens when I get the fic into the preview page on AO3 and I'm able to see all those goddamn typos and missed italics tags and so on.
For the love of whatever you love, friends, you must keep your own backups. You will lose your data at some point. It's going to happen. Or a site will go down. Or something crashes. And it'll all be gone. You really can make sure that doesn't happen, and it'll take less time than you think.
But I will be over here begging on my arthritic, ruined knees for the rest of time: NEVER WRITE DIRECTLY INTO THE AO3 PAGE. EVER. DON'T FUCKIN DO IT.
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turnstileequipmen · 2 years
turnstile equipment
The identical principle applies when utilizing turnstiles with entry management such as key fobs or Bluetooth credentials. The MT turnstile is often utilized in a retailer front entry design layout. Commonly installed at the facet of pedestrian gates and modular posts and railings, the turnstile equipment controls the circulate of patrons. High Quality Custom Size Automatic Turnstile Swing Barrier Gate Wholesale -Zento India Case 24 Sets Automatic Supermarket Pedestrian Swing Barrier Gate24 units swing gates for Indian prospects have been shipped right now. After steady communication with foreign trade enterprise, we finally negotiated the contract for twenty-four aets swing turnstille gates. After bending, polishing and different processes, all the products had been accomplished.
And then, the reader sends indicators to the Access Controller to request permission to pass via the passage. The Access Controller will ship the signal to the master control panel. With the continuous enhancement of the event and plenty of market applications, the staff has progressively constructed an identification authentication ecosystem and sensible safety ecosystem, which are primarily based on biometric verification strategies. This guide and the information contained therein could embody technical, different in ac curacies or typo graphical errors.
Security doors are so dependable that companies sometimes use them without any sort of safety supervision. In truth, this type of security portal is commonly utilized in new and advanced workplace buildings that depend on employee keycard credentials, or escorted guest entrances. Businesses that use security doorways typically find that they help improve regulatory compliance while reducing danger. Read our full review of Kisi or our evaluation of Isonas to search out out more about companies that provide turnstile solutions.
Second, the internal construction of the turnstile mechanism, that's, the key expertise that dominates the standard of the entire security turnstile gate. There are many sorts of structure, the commonest is belt drive and equipment drive. Belt transmission, as the name implies, is realized by belt transmission. When the belt pressure is tight, the slip coefficient is small, the transmission effectivity is high, and the velocity of opening and shutting the door might be very slow. The drop arm optical turnstile is a combination of the safety of a tripod or barrier turnstile and a completely optical turnstile.
The MT is a four-arm turnstile that provides entry entry and pedestrian directional control in public areas. The one course rotation design supplies an deterrent to pedestrians attempting to duck underneath the turnstile arms. The product successfully applies to the federal government, airport customs, office constructing, bank, subway, dock, community, and so forth. Our packing system can be related to the system of buying malls, communities or workplace buildings. There are various types of Turnstile barrier gates, which are handy for disabled folks to use wheelchairs and customers who carry strollers, which greatly improves the company image and person experience. Turnstile barrier gate is a high-tech, multi-functional management administration system, which mixes 5 modules of entry control, attendance, visitors, ticketing, and monitoring with 10 benefits.
With full peak fashions, a turnstile is taken into account proper handed if the arms rotate counterclockwise and you enter the cage on the right upon coming into a facility from the surface. Optical beams are infrared electronic beams utilized in optical turnstiles. These beams detect whether an object has passed through a turnstile’s lane.
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nieuwe-secession · 5 years
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The Tripods
-a sketch for a fan project-
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lilydalexf · 3 years
1/3: Hi! Serious question. FOR REAL, how in the world did you all survive waiting for Prufrock's Love to post chapter by chapter of these amazing AU epics back in the day? I have access to the full collection and I'm still BARELY surviving. And they are like, a bajillion chapters each. How are you alive? I've never been more grateful to NOT have watched the show during its original run. Hoo boy. WHICH brings me to my 2nd question, which might sound arrogant but it is 100% genuine curiosity.
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LOL, I don't know how people survived waiting for chapters of new Prufrock's Love fics when they were originally posted. I've never read WIPs until they're completed, so it was always very easy for me!
X-Files fics used to be posted in text (.txt) files because that was the format any browser could handle. Later on toward the end of the show's original run some people posted their stories in html format since by then browsers were better and authors often had their own website where they could post html files. No social media accounts, just individual web pages people made, usually at a free site like geocities, tripod, or angelfire. But to circulate your stories anywhere, they needed to be a text file.
All that is to say: text files made finding and fixing errors harder. Once you posted something as a text file, that is how it was. You couldn't click an edit button. If the story was posted to a personal website the entire file could be replaced easily enough (if the typos were known to the author, which probably wasn't always the case). If the story went to Ephemeral, Gossamer, atxc, or an email mailing list, and nearly all XF stories went to at least one of those places, it was a text file with no way to correct errors. So the errors would be there forever.
Beta readers seem to have been a much bigger thing back in the day of the X-Files airing on TV, in part because the text file thing made fixing any errors after posting pretty much impossible. I don't know anybody who wrote their fics as text files, though. Maybe Prufrock's Love or some authors did, but going through the process of converting word processor documents to text files was a big thing (like, there were fan-made instruction guides on how to do it so all the line breaks and special characters would be right). So why are there typos when even word processors back in the day had spell check? My view is that errors happen, especially in longer stories and ones without betaing, and the text file conversion process did nobody any favors. And it's fic, which is a free, fun hobby without pro editing.
TL,DR: I avoided WIP angst by not reading fics in progress, fics being posted as text files was annoying on many levels, and although word processing programs in the olden days had spell check mistakes happen.
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rosy-cheekx · 3 years
also for the kisses writing prompts, 2 of 2: i'm thinking #17 :)
Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
(um this was a drabble bc I was having a lot of trouble existing today so please be kind ab it. This is totally unedited besides typos)
Martin hated the cold. It had been a long time since the Lonely, and most of that experience had been processed through therapy and quite a few broken plates. And he was fine, really he was, but the cold still sometimes caught him, chilled him deeper than any 0-degree day should. 
Today was not one of those days, thankfully. Martin was warm, bundled up in a thick coat, scarf, and hat, gloved hand enfolding Jon’s between them. The snow was falling thick and slow, and as it landed on Jon’s dark curls and stuck to his eyelashes, Martin’s heart only grew warmer. 
The afternoon had called to them, begged them to experience its natural beauty, and who were they to refuse? The park was a field of white, unmarred by footprints or the greyish sludge that comes with city winter. Martin’s camera, looped around his neck, beckoned him and he pointed with the hand that held Jon’s, drawing the other man’s arm up with his. 
“The tree?” he asked, “Just where those branches jut out? I think it’ll be a great shot.” 
Jon nodded, carefully stomping around the tree as to not disrupt the snow for the photo. Martin had practically begged him to be a subject for his photography class, only agreeing due to a lot of needling and more than a few bribes. Martin owed Jon quite a few cats one day. 
Martin almost forgot what he was supposed to be doing, tripod held limply in his grasp. Jon was a vision in red, stark against the white and brown of the tree. The dress he wore was elegant and form-fitting, flowing out the back. He reminded Martin of a cardinal, a vision in winter. Even though Jon seemed uncomfortable on his face, his body was the picture of elegance, lines sharp and corners soft as he tried to settle the long skirt around his snowboots, effectively hiding them.
“Martin?” Jon called, cheeks flushed from the cold and embarrassment of being so seen. “We ready?” 
Martin fumbled his way through an affirmation as he began to focus on his camera, lining up shots and calling for Jon to turn certain ways, angle his arms, not out, Jon, up, like you're floating!, and affirmed his every movement, trying to emphasize just how gorgeous Jon looked like this. 
Halfway through Jon’s face had gone from pink to red and his teeth were chattering so loudly that they cut through the city-quiet. “Alright, Jon, you're doing great, love. Let’s take a break.” He brought Jon’s coat to him and pulled it around his shoulders, pulling him in for a gentle kiss, careful not to muss Jon’s hair. Jon’s arms wound around Martin’s shoulders awkwardly at first while Martin’s cupped his waist, dipping his delicate bird with the care and tender firmness he deserved. 
When Martin felt cold and wet dripping down the back of his neck, assaulting his senses, he screeched, almost dropping Jon and compensated by gripping him tighter. “Jonathan fucking Sims!” He cursed his partner, swiping underneath his scarf with a free hand, trying uselessly to fling the already-melted snow out from his back. Jon was laughing outlandishly, eyes squeezed shut and struggling to breathe. “You prick!” Martin’s grip on Jon’s waist was firm and solid, and he trusted his strength, even as he dipped Jon lower until he was close to the ground, his curls brushing the snow beneath them. 
Jon squirmed, objecting between chuckles rippling out from him. “I-I, I couldn't resist,” he provided uselessly, as Martin scooped up a handful of snow. “You were being so fucking cute and annoying at the same time!” He shrieked as MArtin sprinkled the snow on his face, the look of malicious joy on his face unforgettable, on Jon only saw when Martin was feeling truly unstoppable.
“You’re useless,” Martin mused, voice full of love as he pressed the last bit of snow to Jon’s forehead and then kissed him, the cold and warmth passing between them so quickly he worried Jon may shatter like glass. He kissed away every last place he had sprinkled snow, warning away the frigid cold and lonely for as long as he could.
Martin hoped at least a few of the pictures were good. 
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Top Anon
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Pogue Parry x Reader
Word Count: 2,288
Summary: You have a loyal follower who comments on every post under your food blog. Just who is your favorite follower and why is the new grocery boy kinda cute too?
It was a new year and the start of a new you. Well, that is, a you who was trying new things.
In the past, you always made resolutions, but that spirit ran out before the month of January was even done. But after the particularly rough time of the past year, you swore that this time would be different, that you would make a serious effort to do something new.
It was that determination that led your current situation—your kitchen countertops were covered with ingredients and cooking utensils, your cell phone resting on a near by tripod for filming purposes.
The goal for this year was to try running a blog, and since you were a bit of a foodie, it made a lot of sense to center the blog around cooking and food. The idea came to you quickly; the hard part was deciding on a name, which took a while.
Eventually, you settled on The Foodiest. Naming was not one of your strong suits, but it was enough to get the point clearly across to potential viewers.
Choosing the layout design was on the same level of easy as deciding and didn’t take more than a day or two to implement on your site. Thank goodness for the existence of pre-made layout templates that saved you the effort of having to code everything yourself.  
With of the work on that end finished, the day had finally come for you to actually cook something to post about. Seeing as how January was a cold, winter month, you chose to make mashed sweet potatoes. Not only was it one of your favorite winter side dishes, it wasn’t hard to make either, giving you the confidence that even if your writing was lackluster, at least the food would look good.
Most of the blogs you were familiar with used a combination of text and photos for readers to follow along with, but you were going to try video in place of images. You sometimes struggled to copy based on what was shown in the photo, especially when you first started cooking, so you hoped video would make it easier on budding chefs who came across your content.
Luckily, the video would be sped up and lapsed for the final post to spare people from having to watch the monotonous parts in full length.
Hands on your hips, you surveyed everything one last time to make sure it was all ready. With a satisfied nod you reached forward to tap the large, red record button on the phone.  
You debated whether or not to talk while filming but decided against it. You were nervous enough posting to the blog without having the added stress of talking.
Everything happened in its regular order: you started by peeling and chopping the potatoes, a basic step, but you took your time doing it, paranoid as ever that you would cut yourself with the knife. Next you boiled the bright orange chunks in a pot of water; then put them in a mixing bowl once they were cooked. And finally used an electric mixer to blend it all nice and smooth, adding in milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon.  
Swiping your pointer finger through the finished product, you hummed with delight at the delicious, sweet taste. You pulled out a presentable bowl from the cupboard and spooned some orange fluff into it for the final reveal. Reaching blindly towards the far end of the counter you grabbed a bag of pecans to top off the mashed sweet potatoes. You scrutinized it and added more pecans for good measure.
Doing something in front of a camera was very different than doing the same thing on a normal day. Tension leeched out of your shoulders and you exhaled loudly with your head leaned back. A sense of pride warmed your chest, especially as you returned your gaze to the picturesque bowl. It looked great and tasted even better.
There was a large portion of leftovers because the recipes you used were collected from family and meant to feed small armies of people. You did your best to eat what you could and made plans sharing the rest with friends and coworkers later.
A few days after you published the post, you decided to check the stats on your account dashboard to see what the public response to it was, if there was any at all. Google analytics was useful for counting the total number of views it received while the blog site itself tracked the likes and… a comment?
Initial shock gave way to a bolt of excitement that had your fingers tingling with energy. You clicked to read it, wondering what it may say. Fingers crossed it was something good, whether it came in the form of a compliment or some constructive criticism.
Anonymous: wow good job
The chair creaked as you sat back slowly. You didn’t know how to read that, there wasn’t a whole lot to go on. Wow good job, said sarcastically? Wow good job, said excitedly? It didn’t help that the commenter didn’t believe in using punctuation either. And since it was submitted anonymously, there was no easy way to track down who sent it.
But maybe you were being too paranoid about it. You decided to take it as a compliment and cracked your fingers before firing off a response.
Foodiest: Thanks anon! I had a lot of fun with this dish. Hope you tune in for the next one :)
Anonymous never followed up with that particular exchange but they commented on every post without fail for the next two months.
Anonymous: nevr had white chili before it was good
Anonymous: the stuffed pepper were good
Anonymous: good call with the shrimp
Of course, all of the messages were sent as anonymous, so there was no 100% guarantee that it was the same person, but your gut feeling told you that it was. Who else had no respect for grammar rules and religiously used ‘good’ as their only descriptor?
You grew to expect, and enjoy, the weekly comment left by anon and made sure to leave a nice response in return. It was hard not to feel a connection to someone who took the time to try your recipes and leave a nice message. If only you could figure out who it was or at least have a name for them besides anonymous.
Foodiest: I’m glad you liked the recipe! My gramma swore by mayo when making grilled cheese. Thanks for always liking my stuff, if you ever want to talk more feel free to message me!
There. Maybe that would make them feel comfortable to give you their name you thought as you powered down your laptop for the night.
You spent the next couple of days leading up to the new post planning on what recipe to cook. Yep. Definitely not hoping for more information about anon.
For this newest post you decided to make some Indian curry, one of your favorites. Even long after you finished cooking, taping, and cleaning, the potent scent of spices was still heavy in the air, like aromatic nirvana that had your mouth watering even with a full stomach.
You tried your best not to refresh the post every few minutes to see if anon commented but it was tough. It turned out that you didn’t have to wait long as they left a comment within twenty minutes.
Anonymous: havent cooked this yet but looks good. Never really had indian before so have to go buy the stufff first – po
Anon finally gave up a name! You let out a happy noise and read it again. Po… short and to the point, just like all of the previous responses had led you to think about them. There was no time to waste, you hurried to write back, initial typos all over the place as the words out-paced your fingers.
Foodiest: Hi Po! It’s nice to have a name to put with your words. I would recommend going to an Asian Market for the spices, they’re more likely to carry them. Let me know how it goes for you :)
Since that conversation, Po and you chatted frequently about the weekly recipe choice, whether or not it looked good and if Po had plans to make it themselves, which they often did. Po seemed to like all types of food; vegetarian, meats, drinks, desserts, even ethnic dishes from places as far off as Bolivia and Morocco.
And the longer you two talked, the more frequent the messaging became. Whereas in the beginning Po would only submit a compliment that you would follow up with a ‘thank you’, it had turned into lengthy back and forths that took up a majority of the comment section for each post. More followers joined as the months went by and you hoped that they weren’t intimidated by your blatant favoritism but it was just so easy to talk with Po. If you were being honest with yourself though, it wasn’t only that it was easy… you genuinely liked talking to them.
Every time you made a new post it was difficult to not refresh the page every few minutes to see if they had left a message. And when they did, it was like a shot of electricity straight into the system where your heart would jolt and your face would flood with heat. You were hesitant to say it was a crush given that you didn’t know what they actually looked like and the computer screen barrier made it so you were content to define it as friendship.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you grabbed your wallet and keys while putting on shoes so you could make a quick run to the store. You had big plans to make some buffalo chicken wings for the blog this week and you needed to stop by the store to pick up some ingredients that you didn’t have, namely Frank’s Original Red for the buffalo sauce and blue cheese for the dip. Being an adult and responsible for your own grocery shopping was a chore at times. 
Luckily, Winter had thawed out into Spring so there was no need for you to warm up or car or scrape your windows. You just hopped in and drove the four blocks it took to get to the store. The plan was to cross the stuff for the wings off of your list first and then browse around for some good snacks to tide you over for the next week or so. Things were going according to plan until you saw him.
A tall boy wearing an employee apron stood in front of the cracker section, his jaw line and soft looking long hair catching your eye. Then he reached up to the tallest shelf to restock some boxes his arms flexing slightly to show off his heavy biceps and his shirt rode up, exposing deep cut ridges in his lower abdomen. To put it simply, you were starstruck.
He finished with the boxes he had in-hand and went to grab more from the cart at his side when you noticed your blatant ogling. Rather than confront you about it he merely smiled and moved out of the way so that you could get to the brand that you wanted. Choking from embarrassment, you kept your head down and threw a box of Goldfish into your shopping cart, speeding to get out of the aisle and his presence.
The store was a small local business and you frequented enough to know most of the workers there but you didn’t recognize this one, meaning that he must be new. What a way to make a first impression on him. Clearly your constitution was no match for his rugged, good looks. Then he was polite enough not to comment on you objectifying him which somehow made you feel even worse about it.
You decided to end the shopping trip almost immediately knowing that you were too spooked to continue shopping lest you run into him again.
You rolled the shopping cart into an open check-out lane and started putting your things on the conveyor for the cashier to scan. It just so happened that you knew the cashier—she was a middle-aged lady who’d been at the store for nearly two years. “Hi, Y/N. Find everything you needed?”
“Hey, Eva. Yes, I did.” You tried to steady yourself. Eva had a notoriously sharp eye and wouldn’t hesitate to question you if you looked off.
She left you alone today, engaging in normal chit chat, until she had trouble scanning the bottle of Frank’s hot sauce. Eva frowned when it didn’t want to scan and tried again but the bottle slipped from her hands and the neck of it shattered. Eva cursed and huffed, hurrying to throw the bottle into the trash before more leaked onto the register.
“I am so sorry, hun! I’ll get you another.”
“It was an accident,” you assured. “I can get it myself—"
“Not a problem,” she assured you with a wink. She pulled a walkie from her hip and spoke into it. “Hey, bring me a bottle of Frank’s Original Red Hot Sauce. Quick.”
You barely had time to don your awkward smile as she talked about how her neighbor’s dog kept pooping in her yard when the guy from the cracker aisle walked up behind Eva and handed a bottle of hot sauce to her. She took it and patted his back to get him to move forward.
“Thanks, hun. Y/N this is the new grocery boy—”
“Pogue,” he interrupted. “My name is Pogue.”
Another fic where they know each other but don’t know that they do. This time featuring Pogue and his fandom accepted interest in food. I picture him to have bad messaging skills — his fingers struggle with those tiny phone buttons. 
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photography as a hobby sucks, nearly all of the “helpful” stuff is like “oh buy this highly expensive thing.” like i saw smth like “how to fix blur” and yeah there were some tips that are reasonable like keep your lens clean, don’t move and worst case scenario you can edit that shit, but it was all like “you NEED a special lens cleaning tissue thing! you NEED a tripod/monopod! you NEED this piece of software which costs 79$ and does only one thing!” i get it! you need a decent-ish camera to do anything, that i can agree with (my vtech kiddie camera and my old nokia phone’s camera could never make as good of a shot as my sony camera) but jesus christ.
a tripod? one that’s tall enough to work for what i do costs hundreds of PLN!! and it’s fucking HEAVY i wouldn’t be able to bring it with myself on a walk or anything.
i want to do things, not spend money on stuff for a hobby that may not interest me in a week! and i get it! there are software limitations and limitations to my body (my hands are all sorts of weird, i typo a lot and struggle with lots of hands) but i *really* wish all of the advice didn’t boil down to “buy shit”
things cost money, just- i don’t know where I’m going with this.
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nottonyharrison · 3 years
11 and 45 and 49!!
I can't remember the last time I had so many responses to an ask meme so I'm sorry for spamming everyone but fuck it this is great 😘😘
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Oh many times! Sometimes it might be something I've said where I wasn't aware it had negative connotations, other times just typos or things that could be worded better. I'm a big fan of concrit.
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
NGL it's mostly the hope I might get feedback that people are enjoying reading my work. That and my desire to just pump out extremely niche content that I personally want to read,
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Oh hell no hahahaha. I would have been like eleven or twelve and I'm thirty-five now. I expect it was probably a Nick/Jess SVU (Sweet Valley University, not Special Victims Unit) fic posted on some long dead tripod site.
Fandom Writer Asks
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Challenges for The Cookies- Little Vlogs (Chapter Eight)
A/N: This is like, a fairly short chapter. I apologize for any typos or whatever, and the fact that I haven't updated this story in two weeks. I hope you guys like it though, it's my first time actually showing them recording a video for the channel, which is weird because Patton's channel is such a huge element/plot device in this book. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Patton acquires his boyfriend and two crushes to participate in a video challenge for his channel. Many shenanigans and cute clips ensue.
"But-...Daddy said that I'd get to do it!" Patton pouted, looking at Virgil. Patton had started this video big, and was obviously regressed before they really got into the video plan. He knew that if needed, he could be big for a whole video. But the whole point of being open as a little online was that he didn't need to do that.
"And daddy is now saying to let Vee do it," Logan decided, taking the package from Patton and giving it to Virgil. Patton was pouting over opening a box, as if it really mattered that much. Virgil tried to take it from him because he was obviously in the mindset of a toddler, and he'd get frustrated if he couldn't open it quickly.
"Yay!" Patton cheered once the box was open, and Virgil handed it back to him.
"You never told us what we are supposed to be doing for this video," Roman spoke up, leaning so that he was looking at Patton from the other side of Logan.
"You didn't!" Virgil's eyes widened, "You just turned on the camera with no explanation. What the hell did we sign up for?"he narrowed his eyes, somewhat worried that the toddler-minded boy had pulled them into something crazy.
"No cursing around the little," Logan motioned to Patton, before looking at the boy, "But yes, what are we doing?"
"We're decorating pacis again, because you guys-" Patton pointed directly into the camera with a giggle, "said dat you guys liked it last time!"
"So is that what's in the box? Some plain pacis?" Logan didn't track whatever Patton ordered for videos, so he wouldn't know for sure. He trusted Patton not to spend money on stupid things.
"yes, yes, yes!" Patton bounced a bit in place, "But dis time, we are making them however the cookies want!" Patton absolutely loved referring to his fans as 'the cookies', he thought it was cute and creative, and they seemed to like it.
Patton started explaining the rules of the challenge, "okay, here's how dis is gonna work. Three of us are given very simple requests for decorative pacifiers, all from the cookies, and then the fourth will judge them when we are done! Oh, and it's on a scale from 1 to 10, and the highest scorer wins and gets to be the judge to the next round!" Patton spoke really fast, somehow not stumbling over his words whatsoever, and continuing to speak in his cute little voice.
They split up to grab the pacifier decorating supplies, setting up what they needed on the coffee table. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high..." Patton sung softly, setting the Generation One pacifiers in a neat row across the coffee table. Logan, who stood behind the tripod, used the camera and zoomed in on Patton, who looked up.
"Hello, Daddy! And hi to all da cookies too!" he scrunched his nose,giggling a bit. He set down the pacifier in his hand before softly waving at the camera.
"You gonna finish your little song, Pat?" Virgil questioned, setting tubes of super glue on the table, next to the small organizers of plastic gems and letter beads. There were three of them, and they were divided into little squares, each square holding different colors of plastic gems, letter beads, or charms to go on the centerpieces.
"Oh! Um...up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Roman joined in and sang with him softly, Logan putting the camera on Virgil for a bit before zooming out to catch both of them.
"how I wonder what you are!"
Patton looked at the camera, thinking after a few moments. "Do nursery rhymes have copyright? I hope not..." he seemed confused, and more aware that there was a camera on him.
"I can confirm, nursery rhymes do have copyright, but most of them have passed into the public domain-" Logan started talking from behind the camera, getting interrupted by Roman, who was returning to the living room with smaller plastic gems.
"Shut up with your facts or whatever, we are gonna start the challenge!" Roman climbed onto the couch before lowering himself on the ground, between where Roman and Patton were sitting.
"Patton asked a question and I was just replying to it!" Logan defended, pointing the camera at Roman, who stuck his tongue out.
"Patton asked a question and blah blah blah. Can't you see we have a challenge that is much more important to begin?" he mocked Logan voice for a bit before quickly dividing up the smaller plastic gems between the three dividers. After a few seconds of silence, Roman looked up at the camera and laughed,
"Sorry Lo, I'm joking!" he apologized quickly, giving a soft pout as he waited for a response.
"You better be, little prince." Logan teased, Roman rolling his eyes and ignoring him.
Patton spoke up before any of them could say anything, "Okay! So the first paci request is...." he scrolled on his screen, his eyes glancing over a few words before he read them aloud, "From babykitten14 on twitter, 'how about a space theme?'"
The gears in Roman's head seemed to be turning, his eyes glancing between the different supplies in front of him quickly. "I can definitely work with a space theme." he assured, obviously excited to attempt to win this little challenge.
"Okay, let me set the timer!" Patton started tapping on his phone, Virgil's eyes widening.
"We're being timed?!" he seemed panicked, obviously thrown off.
"Yeah, I wasn't aware we had a time limit!" Roman dramatically exclaimed, both of the other boys obviously taking this more seriously now.
"Mhm! I thought that was obvious....have you never watched a youtube challenge, ever? If you don't set a time limit, the video will never end!" Patton set his phone in front of him on the table, speaking calmly as the other boys seemed a bit stressed now. It was a simple challenge, and they were probably exaggerating a bit for the camera, but they were being TIMED? This was absolutely outrageous.
...Okay, not really, but a bit shocking. "How long do we get, then?" Roman questioned, looking over at Patton. Logan stayed silent, just standing behind the camera and recording their interactions.
"Ten minutes!" Virgil and Roman's eyes widened, but before they got the chance to protest, or ask for more time, Patton started the timer and they immediately started grabbing different supplies. Throughout the video, they held four rounds of this challenge. Roman managed to win the first, with a simple dark purple pacifier with silver and white gems, the button being decorated with a black star charm. He spelled out, "Baby Star" on the handle.
Virgil ended up shyly asking if he could have the pacifier Roman made for the first round near the end of the video, and of course, Roman handed it right over. The next round had to do with a 'royal theme', and all three of the contestants made pacifiers related to princes. Roman declared Patton's baby pink pacifier, with dark red and gold gems, as the winner. On the button, was a little red crown sticker, and the handle read 'little prince'. Patton offered it to Roman, and he took it.
The third round simply was supposed to follow a "pastel theme". Patton probably would've won that one if he wasn't the judge. Logan won it though, and that pacifier went to Patton. The final round was supposed to follow a 'edgy baby' theme. As expected, Virgil won that round by a landslide.
Patton had them sit down to close out the video. "Okay, so each of us won one round. That's pretty good, I think!" Patton said, looking at Logan beside him on the couch, who nodded. "I want to clarify that all the pacifiers made today, besides the ones we claimed for ourselves, will be going to some of my agere friends, so they aren't going to waste at all!"
"Who is gonna claim the messy pacifiers that we had ten minutes to make?" Roman questioned from the other side of Patton. Virgil smacked his arm, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sure someone will," Virgil assured. "Most of them aren't that bad."
"Yeah, says the 'pince' paci." Roman rolled his eyes, teasing Virgil for his mistake earlier. Virgil somehow managed to forgot the 'r' during the Royal Pacifier round, and Roman had been teasing him endlessly about it throughout the video. Patton laughed before finally saying his outro and moving to turn off the camera.
All of the boys could genuinely say that they enjoyed filming videos for the channel, and the fans could say that they liked watching the content. It was a win-win situation, and Patton got to keep doing what  he loved with the man...
with the men he loved.
Yeah, all three of them definitely had a special place in his heart, they all cared for him endlessly. He liked that they genuinely cared about each other, too.  And the fact that they were willing to give up time to take part in his little hobby, and that they'd do almost anything to make him happy?
He liked that even more.
A/N: aka, patton has fallen in love with an idiot prince and his emo internet best friend. anyways, the next chapter might be more agere based, continuing to follow the path of logan getting to know the others while little (ft. lots of cute fillers and logan being a good cg). then I will loop back to the romance part and maybe write in a few more dates before I make them “officially” begin dating and what not. okay i’m done spoiling the plot of future chapters, but I hope y’all liked this one! Feel free to sends asks to my inbox with reactions to this chapter and stuff, I’d appreciate it!
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
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Vlog 001
This is a rush job. I’m sorry in advance for all the typos and mistakes. I just had to do something to exorcise showering Rhett from my mind.
This was initially inspired by @galacticnocturne‘s addition to this post but as I wrote it, it kinda morphed a bit. So it’s not exactly that. 
“First of all, you’re gonna want to...”
“I can figure out how to shower!” Rhett snaps. It’s more for the entertainment value than from actual annoyance, but there is a bit of that too.
“Ok, fine! Fine,” Link says, smirking at Rhett from behind the see-through partition wall.
“I’m a man. I stay at hotels all the time,” Rhett adds before turning to inspect Link’s shower. He jiggles a knob and mutters, “That doesn’t do anything...” Suddenly, freezing cold water splashes onto his back, making him jump and yelp. He swallows down a curse and scrambles to adjust the temperature.
Link cackles, shaking the tripod he’s holding.
“Told you,” he says with a smug smile that is designed to make Rhett’s blood boil.
“Whatever,” Rhett mutters, looking at his own phone propped up on the famous shower window’s sill. “I bet he did that on purpose.”
Link laughs again, confirming Rhett’s suspicions. 
He pushes down the faint feeling of annoyance. It’s good content. The fans will love it. That was how he was cajoled into this whole charade in the first place.
I really think you should come and take a shower at my house. The fans would eat that shit right up. Those had been Link’s exact words. Rhett had barely put up a fight. Link had been talking about his shower for too long. It had been fun at first—the whole saga of he and his neighbor—but it was getting old and Rhett knew he wouldn’t let it go until Rhett came over. And if they could monetize that, all the better.
But now that he is actually standing inside Link’s shower, he isn’t so sure anymore. He feels strangely exposed—vulnerable. Nowadays, when they film there is always a flurry of people around them. Rhett has grown used to it. There is safety in numbers. Now there are just the two of them, all alone, in Link’s bathroom. It feels different, more intimate. And then there’s the fact that he is almost naked—apart from the speedos he’d worn—and Link is fully clothed.
“I think you should’ve stripped too,” Rhett says. He’s finally managed to get the water to turn nice and warm and ducks his head under the showerhead. “Just out of solidarity.”
“Yeah? And then I would’ve gone outside in my undies and walked up my neighbor’s driveway? Sure, Rhett. Sounds like a great plan,” Link says and shakes his head.
Rhett shrugs and rubs his chest theatrically while stretching his back. The water feels nice. If he closes his eyes, he can almost forget he’s being watched. A deep satisfied sigh slips from his lips.
“Good, yeah?” Link asks. His voice is lower than before, almost breathless. Curious to see where Link is going with this angle, Rhett peeks from under his lids. The partition separating them is getting misty and wet, hard to see through, but Rhett can still tell that Link’s stepped closer.
“You gotta do the thing,” Link continues.
“The thing?”
“The routine. My routine,” Link answers. He’s getting impatient. Rhett can see it in the way he’s balancing on the balls of his feet, swaying forwards and backwards.
Rhett chuckles. “What, like this?” He takes a bottle of conditioner and squirts a big dollop of it on his palm.
“Wait, that’s—!” Link tries to stop him but it’s too late. Rhett’s already rubbing it all over his hair. He’s making a show of it, closing his eyes and twirling his fingers in his curls. Since he’s already here, he might as well give the fans a show.
Fans. Mmhmm, yeah right... Keep telling yourself that.
Rhett ignores the small voice at the back of his mind. He’s good at ignoring that voice. A master at it by this point, after doing it for the past 30-ish years.
“Rhett, what the fuck? That was conditioner!” Link whines.
“Oh no, was it not yet time for the ner-ner?” Rhett asks mockingly, winking at his phone camera.
“This is not what we talked about. Do it properly!”
“Just an honest mistake. Let me wash it off,” Rhett says with a crooked smile. “I use this to wash my body, right?” he confirms just to annoy Link further and runs his palms down his chest.
“Rhett!” Link snaps. He sounds properly distressed but that only seems to spur Rhett on. His hands dip lower, traveling slowly over his stomach, rubbing the run-off of the conditioner into his skin. For a beat, he gets lost in it, lost in the warm flowing water and the feel of his palms against the slick skin. 
There’s a faint sound and Rhett peeks at Link from the corner of his eyes. Did Link just whimper? No, he must have heard wrong. The pipes must be making strange noises. Link’s eyes are wide and his hand is trembling. There is no way anything he’s filming right now will be usable.
Rhett continues down his legs, taking the time to thoroughly wash his thighs and calves before finally, bending all the way down to rub his toes. He doesn’t see from this angle but he knows Link is still watching him. He can feel it.
“Rhett, please... Just—” Link whispers as Rhett’s hands drag up his legs. Rhett feels warm all over. Must be the water. The fact that the warmth seems to be concentrated around his groin means nothing.
Rhett’s hands climb back up and as a joke, he lets his fingers graze his nipples. He shouldn’t be surprised to find them perked up and sensitive, but he is, and he can’t stop the small gasp that escapes him. He should feel ashamed, embarrassed, flustered. And he is. He surely he is. But somehow that just makes it better. Makes him keep touching himself like this.
Link’s gone quiet. All Rhett can hear is his breathing—heavy, ragged breathing. Rhett screws his eyes closed and lets his hands move down again. His belly is soft and still a bit slippery from the conditioner. He doesn’t mind the little bit of tummy he still has despite his new vigorous gym routine. It’s nice. Absentmindedly he wonders if Link thinks it’s nice too. Nevertheless, he rubs it appreciatingly in small circles that inch closer and closer to his waistline.
Rhett’s fingers slip under the waistband of his speedos.    
A loud slam startles him from his dreamlike state and his head whips towards Link. Link’s palm is pressed against the steam-covered glass. Rhett stares at the hand, feeling confused. Did he hit it? Link’s other hand is hanging limply on his side. The camera and the tripod are on the floor.
“Rhett,” Link murmurs and presses his forehead against the glass wall, as well. His voice is strained—he almost sounds like he’s in pain. His eyes flutter closed for a moment but then he opens them and licks his lips. His gaze is piercing. He’s staring at Rhett who is still standing under the streaming water, hand halfway down his pants. The blue of Link’s eyes shines through the misty glass and he speaks again. It’s so quiet, Rhett almost doesn’t hear it. But it’s there. The faintest of pleas. “Can I?”
The rush of power Rhett feels is almost overwhelming.
“Can you what?” he asks, voice low, and dips his hand further into his wet pants. Link’s gaze is trained on his crotch and the deeper Rhett goes the more Link’s mouth opens. He doesn’t say anything, he just pants into the glass, puffing warm air onto it, misting it further.
“How did it go? Your shower instruction. If it hides...?” Rhett coaxes.
“...expose it,” Link says the words as if he’s been enchanted.
“Aah, that’s right,” Rhett murmurs and yanks down his speedo. It’s been thoroughly drenched, so it’s tight and barely moves down. But the few inches he manages is enough. Rhett’s swollen cock bounces free and Link lets out a whimper. This time Rhett doesn’t suspect it’s the pipes. Link’s hand no longer hangs free, it’s pressed against the unmistakable bulge in his pants. 
Looking Link right in the eyes, Rhett yanks the speedo down his thighs and steps out of it, letting it hit the shower floor with a wet plop.
“And then? If it flops...?” Rhett asks swaying his hips just enough to make his dick bop slightly between his legs. Link swallows so hard, Rhett can almost see a cartoon-like ‘gulp’ written on the steam next to his flushed face.
“...lift it,” Link gasps.
“Like this?” Rhett confirms and grabs his cock, lifting it towards his stomach as he strokes it slowly. The groan that spills from his lips is drowned out not by the rushing water but Link’s needy growl.
“Mmh,” Rhett moans, keeping his hand moving. “I don’t think it’s clean enough yet. Any suggestions?”
The rush of movement startles Rhett and he almost slips. His head dips under the water and for a moment, he’s blinded by the shower. When he gets his bearings, the place where Link stood is empty, except for his jacket, that lays crumpled on the floor next to the tripod.
Link’s in the shower. Rhett’s breath catches. Link’s on his knees in the shower.
“I can help,” he says staring up at Rhett. Water is bouncing off of Rhett’s body,  raining down on Link. His blue t-shirt is slowly getting drenched. Rhett reaches for Link’s face and his knees almost buckle from the way Link lifts his chin and leans into Rhett’s touch.
“Yeah? You wanna show me how it’s done?”
“Please,” Link whimpers. Rhett takes hold of his chin and pulls his mouth open. Link’s tongue slips out of his mouth and settles against his bottom lip. He looks up at Rhett, eyes fluttering. Water running down his face is making his eyelashes stick together. He looks like he stepped right out of Rhett’s favorite porn. He looks filthy. Gorgeous. Fuckable and sweet. All at the same time. 
“So, fucking sexy,” Rhett murmurs and presses his thumb on Link’s tongue. There’s a glottal throat sound that makes Rhett’s cock twitch and his legs tremble. He rubs Link’s tongue with his finger and reaches with his other hand to snatch his glasses and sets them on the window sill. He sees the phone, realizes it’s still recording but does nothing to stop it. It’s only from the chest up after all. And he definitely will want to relive what’s about to happen.
“Show me how you work that mouth, boy.”
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bumblebeereus · 4 years
“Wordless Ways to say I love you.” Series.
Word Count: 924. A/N: So…this is new for me. I’m currently writing a 50 blurb/os series based on exactly that “Wordless ways to say I love you”. I’ll try to update this hopefully a few times each month but I’m not sure if I’ll manage to do this. 
English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcomed, thanks for reading this. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Taking a picture together to print and hang later – Leon Goretzka. Move-in together has been the biggest step they made in their relationship so far, and basically, it’s the first time she’s actually living with one of her boyfriends. They’ve spent months looking for the perfect place to live and after months of research and looking places they found it. They fell in love with the apartment the moment they put a foot in the apartment, the light that peeked through the windows along with the wooden floor and the white walls made it look way bigger and it was big enough for them to use walkie-talkies to speak if they’re in the opposite side of the apartment. They picture themselves having breakfast in the open kitchen, or having dinner with their closest friends in the dining room or spending the spring nights in the terrace having a glass of wine. It was meant to be, so they decided almost right away that it was their place. After months they finally found it. The living room is packed with boxes and some pieces of furniture that they managed to set, at least to have something in their new house. Most of the furniture hasn’t arrived so all they have so far it’s the bed in the master bedroom and some shelves for the living room. No sofa, no tables, no chairs, no nothing. So far they had lunch on the wooden floor, the perks of the new life together. They’ve spent the last five hours trying to organize their apartment, they’re a total mess after dealing with the hundreds of boxes that apparently regenerate themselves because they’re not getting rid of them. “We’re done with the bathroom boxes and almost done with the bedroom ones, on to the ones of the living room.” He says throwing himself in the bed with his arms spread using the whole space of the bed. “You’re totally in the mood to keep opening them, uh?” She says leaning on the bathroom’s doorframe looking at him. “I’d rather die but we have to, don’t we? This house isn’t gomna decorate itself, apparently.” He says  as he sits up straight “And I thought that training was hard work.”
Luckily for both of them, the amount of boxes has finally reduced by half and they’re getting closer to finishing unpacking. They ordered take away because of course all the things that you’d need to have a functional kitchen weren’t ready so it was a pass on that. They ordered pizza and they’re having dinner seated on the wooden floor using one of the boxes as their table. “We should take a picture of our first night here,” Leon says drinking from the steel water bottle looking at her. “Looking like this? No way Leon. We’ve been here for ages, I need a shower and eight hours of sleep not a photo.” She groans throwing the napkin against the empty plate. “I don’t care, you look cute anyways so I firmly believe that we should take our first picture now. End of the story.” He stands up holding his phone and stack up some boxes to use them as a tripod She pouts and he ignores her marvellously, he’s a guy with a mission and he’s not planning on stopping until he gets the photo that he wants. He runs back to where he was seated seconds ago and kisses her cheek, the stack of boxes is the main background of the photo along with their half decorated living room. She tries to hold back a smile because she wasn’t in the mood but she can’t help it, he’s too cute to handle. He kisses her nose when the flash almost left both of them blind. That’s why now he’s dealing with this. It was his idea to get the photo printed so they could have it in their living room, being that photo the first one of their house. What he didn’t know, is that his girlfriend was hard to please when it comes to putting things where she wants them to be. “A little bit higher, Leon.” She says as he sighs rolling his eyes, he’s been like that for ten minutes now. “When I put it higher ten seconds ago you said it was “too high” in case you don’t remember.” Snaps looking at her and she shows him her middle finger “Rude.” “I want it higher but…a little bit to the left Leon.” Gesticulates moving her hand to the left pointing out where she wants their picture. “I’m not doing this again. I don’t care how tall I’m, I’m done with this as soon as I hang this.” She laughs blowing him a kiss that he pretends to catch “You’re lucky you’re cute otherwise I’ll be long gone.” “It’s perfect. Right there, you can hang it there.” He sighs cursing under his breath making her laugh once again “You’re the cutest and the best.” He claps admiring his work once he’s back standing on the floor and not in the ladder. He kisses her temple looking at the picture that now decorates the living room making it look more like home. “See? I was right, now we’re home.” He says cockily because he knows that even tho she was reluctant when he wanted to take a picture she loved it the moment she saw it. “We look like those couple from Instagram, the one that uses the couple goals hashtag.” “Please, don’t insult me like that, we’re way better than them. Look at us, they’re gonna wish they were us.” ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– tag list: @avsensio
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (October 10th, 2019)
There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Here are all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console.
Update: 10/10/2019 – v1.19
Now, with just a few days until Realm of Magic releases on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One we bring you this update with new features that are available to all Simmers. Configurable stairs, new clothing and build objects, as well as some spooky new additions.
What’s New?
Configurable Stairs There’s magic in the air, and the candle summoning circles you’ve been sending us via Twitter in an effort to will new types of stairs into existence has worked! Configurable stairs have been added to the game, giving you the ability to create stairs that are L-shaped, U-shaped, and more! Excited to try them out? Simply place any set of stairs down in build mode, and you’ll notice a new widget that appears… it’s a box with two arrows attached to it. Grab onto that with your cursor and drag, and suddenly your stairs will be bent 90°! Keep dragging, and the stairs will bend 180°. Once you’ve bent your stairs, you’ll see another two widgets appear. A diagonal arrow above the newly-added landing will let you adjust the height of the landing within the staircase. A curved arrow at the base of the stairs will allow you to continue to rotate the direction of the stairs beneath the landing. For times when a single landing just isn’t enough, you can keep adding additional bends to your stairs–as long as they’re tall enough to have room for another one. I think that just about covers the basics; so get in there and try it out, experiment, and create some amazing new builds!
The Sims 4 – 5th Anniversary Even though The Sims 4 has been on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for nearly 2 years, we couldn’t let you Simmers go without The Sims 4 – 5th Anniversary content that released for PC and Mac. As SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruGraham described it for the Anniversary PC and Mac release “It’s already been five years since The Sims 4 released; whew–time flies when you’re simming! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve added a set of end-of-summer content so that your Sims can join in the festivities. Invite some friends and family over, fire up the grill, and enjoy a backyard get together with this new content. (FYI – the new stilted foundation is perfect for creating a backyard deck!) You’ll even spot some patterns with nods to famous icons of The Sims…”
New Clothing
Men’s Long Blazer
Women’s Summer Party Full Body Outfit
Boy’s Polo Rugby Top
Girl’s Knee-Length Leggings
New Build Content
Fence: “Fence”
Railing: “Stair Railing”
Stair: “Stairs”
Foundation: “Stilt Foundation”
Foundation: “Canvas”
New Objects
Light: “Outdoor Ground Light”
Plant: “Plant Potted Floor”
Living Chair: “Outdoor Seat”
Lounge Chair: “Outdoor Lounger”
Dining Table: “Outdoor Table”
End Table: “Outdoor End Table”
Pedestal: “Upside Down Gnome Decor”
Muslim-Inspired Clothing and Architecture To help even more of our players express themselves and create Sims that are relevant to their everyday lives, we’ve introduced a set of Muslim-inspired clothing and architecture.
New Clothing
Belted Dress
Jacket with Long Skirt
Modest Athletic Wear / Swimsuit
Athletic Hijab
Knitted Kufi
Buttoned Shirt
Girl’s Pleated Dress
Boy’s Buttoned Shirt
New Build Content
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Angular”
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Rectangular”
Window: “Window 2 Wide Version Angular”
Door: “Door 1 Wide”
Door: “Door 2 Wide”
Arch: “Arch Door”
Arch: “Arch E”
Tile Wall Pattern: “2 Tone Wall Without Wainscoting or Trim”
Futuristic Spooky Costume It’s that time of year where we all dress up for those cobweb draped parties and too much candy. The Sims aren’t immune and have a new robot costume to greet those Trick or Treat visitors. Take me to your candy, squishy human!!!!
New Look+ In the last update we brought the new look to The Sims 4 but a couple of items still needed updating. Those are all updated now to include the updated look from start to finish.
General Issues
Mouse and Keyboard Simmers will have their last used camera preference saved so your preferred camera mode is active if you switch back and forth between control schemes. New saves will default to The Sims 4 camera mode.
Switching trait categories in CAS will no longer cause your Sim to switch outfits.
The camera won’t zoom out when placing objects high on walls and opening the color swatch.
Basements will not create irremovable flooring between levels.
Fixed an issue that caused weighting for names, clothing, facial features, and skin tones to skew heavily in specific directions if City Living or Island Living were installed.
Solved the problem where showers were playing a sound even after deleted.
Solved an issue where skin details vanish after randomizing traits, voice, or clothing.
Toddlers now learned how to drink from sippy cups again. Not sure why they were so resistant in the first place; those things are great!
Sims have regained the ability to gradually fill empty homes! If the option for it is enabled that is.
Fixed various save load issues when loading specific households.
Sims are now able to drown again if you do not have Island Living installed!
Floor trims on exterior walls will no longer be cut away when a staircase is placed adjacent to the trim on the interior side of the wall.
Fixed a couple of layering issues with tight pants and boots.
Re tuned the values for comfort, decor, fun, hygiene, comfort on several objects.
Fixed various typos.
If you want Sims to fill empty homes, go to Game Options -> Gameplay -> and check the “Fill Empty Homes” option.
City Living
Teen Sims that are Unflirty can now make out with other teens.
Cats and Dogs
When putting your cuddly friends up for adoption you will no longer be faced with inaccessible UI.
Now your pets will be able to fully complete obstacle courses with Stand Platforms.
Fixed a visual issue with foundation decorations being placed next to a pool.
Get Famous
Skills/Tasks are now displayed for every gig and audition in the career panel.
Certain auditions will stop being spammed in the gigs panel.
Teen Sims can no longer run romantic socials with celebrities.
Island Living
She sells seashells, but only if they don’t stack on top of each other. That shouldn’t occur anymore, but nature finds a way.
Fishing in Sulani now counts towards the “Fish in 3 Spots” Goal.
Players now have the ability to trigger volcanic eruptions with cheats: volcanic_eruption small and volcanic_eruption large!
Children can now drown.
Sims can now drown while riding an Aqua Zip!
Island counters have been added to your Build catalog!
Fixed an issue where Vampires were exhibiting their old weaknesses even though they were not applied.
When your subject matter asks for you to photograph their best side, they don’t usually mean straight on. Simmers that prefer the controller can now rotate around the subject matter as well as raise and lower the tripod with the left analogue stick.
Photographs that you submit for approval now get sent back to you. Why we are sending our only physical copy in this digital age is still a mystery.
Fixed some photo approval issues for the Photography Career.
We have brought over new builds from The Sims 4 Community which you’ll find in My Library. The builds span different packs and come in all sizes from the smallest of homes to the grandest of mansions.
– SimGuruLegacy
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otakween · 5 years
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Cyborg 009 (Manga) - Undersea Pyramid Arc (Part 1)
Moving onto a super long, never adapted arc. I don’t think this one has ever been translated so here I go with my sub-par Japanese comprehension skills! 
Pandora’s Pyramid
-Ooh an undersea arc, that’s new. I guess that means it’s Pyunma’s time to shine? Although he’s barely in this chapter at all
-Didn’t expect Cyborg 009 to have a beach scene. 003 and 009 looked great in their swimsuits ;D (They were both showing so much skin!) 
-The bad “journalist” guy and amnesia dude look so similar that I confused them for each other 
-This is the second chapter in a row that strongly features 006! I guess Ishinomori was just in the mood lol
-005′s abs in this chapter look like he’s Mr.Potato Head and he has a pouch for his accessories lol (I don’t know if it’s worth calling the anatomy bad tho, since everything’s so stylized). 
-The monster’s silhouette is creepy af D: he looks like a giant version of ET (who’s already creepy enough) 
-So this is one of those “Curse of the Mummy” type horror plots. I like the deep sea twist tho. It’s kind of like a combo of The Mummy and Creature from the Black Lagoon 
-Kind of an interesting bait and switch where they introduce “Syndicate M” as the bad guy and then they all get wiped out by the monster. I’m sure Syndicate M will be back but it almost would be more interesting if that was it for them. 
Sugar Pyramid
-Damn, not only is this chapter really boring exposition and recap of what we’ve already seen but it’s like a million pages long! D: whyyyyy (edit: in retrospect, it’s not that long, I’m just slow at reading Japanese lol)
-Oh snap! Tripod aliens! :-0 Well, not really but that’s what the new monsters remind me of. We’re hitting all the classic monster-types here. 
-...and of course they reference War of the Worlds two pages later lol. Can you tell I’m typing this as I read? 
-What kind of Disney World Peter Pan nonsense is this!? That airship is cool and all but it’s design really goes against the usual scifi space look of everything else. The pea pod ship felt strangely fantasy/fairytale-esque as well (on the outside at least). The imagery is all over the place in this arc! 
Bermuda Pyramid
-Did Ishinomori make up the “Bermuda Pyramid”? I’ve heard of the Bermuda Triangle but I googled “Bermuda Pyramid” and didn’t find much
-I couldn’t find a translated version of this chapter so I have some questions. Number one being, is the ship named “Stupid Ivan”?? イワンのバカ
-Finally Pyunma gets to do something in this underwater themed arc! Took long enough...
-I’m a bit lost as to who the big bad is here. Who set up all those deep sea robot critters? Where did the Tripods come from?
-Found out that this arc is 13 chapters long RIP. So far the narrative feels very “make it up as you go” to me. I’m pretty sure it ends on a cliffhanger too according to the wiki :/ 
Green Hell Pyramid
-I honestly don’t have much to say about this chapter. The title reminds me of that horrible “Green Inferno” movie. The cyborgs get attacked by pyramids. Unclear if these pyramids are being piloted, remotely controlled or if they’re just sentient pyramids lol. 
Moon Pyramid
-”Heinrich” is spelled in katakana like “hainrihi” which is either a typo or just...doesn’t make any sense. (Unless the final “i” is silent?) 
-I’ve completely lost track of where we are but I’m guessing South America? The jungle art is really detailed and a nice change of pace
-I’ve learned all of my French pronunciations from anime lol. I love how Francoise sounds phoneticized (”Fu-ran-su-wa-zu”) 
-The little exchange where 009 asks Francoise if she’s alright and then she says “What are you saying? I’m 003!” and then he smiles at her was really cute. More moments like that please! (Way better than hundreds of “Joe, I’m scared.” moments) 
-I feel like bad guys keep showing up in this arc only to be killed by other bad guys. It’s kind of refreshing that it’s not your generic good vs. evil scenario like most modern shounen would go for. (Then again, I guess MHA has the League of Villains vs. Shie Hassaikai) 
-I’m not sure how so many plants grew on their airship in so little time. It makes it seem like they were there for months!
-I know he’s supposed to be stoic but 005 hasn’t said anything for a reeeeally long time. I miss him :’( 
Black Pyramid
-So this chapter begins with reflections on the mysteries of the moon. While I appreciate The level of depth and research Ishinomori’s bringing to the table. I only understood like 10% of it so :) -shrug- 
-Mermaid girl! I didn’t see that coming. I wonder if this will be another Heinrich love story since he’s the one who found her...
-Heinrich mentions an alien species called “garura” which I read as “Galra” lol. Sudden Voltron crossover!?
-There’s a split screen reaction at one point and everyone looks really intense and serious except for 008 and 006 who just look extremely bored lol. 
-I didn’t know I need to see 004 get all blushy and flustered about holding a girl’s hand until this chapter :3 <3 
-So first we get an exposition dump about the moon followed by mermaid girl’s exposition dump. I think that’s why this arc feels kind of clunky, there’s way too much that needs setting up.
-Mermaid girl can just magically walk somehow? Is it like Mermaid Melody logic where she transforms in water? 
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