#transmasc lesbian rep
youngtambling · 11 months
i literally only made this for myself and one friend but it's pride so. copia circa 1990 with tboy swag
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argentum-in-aqua · 2 days
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Silver in the Ashes (Argentum in Aqua #2): Chapter 60
Quiet words
In which Viola takes an excuse for a walk, Sabbat struggles to make himself understood, and Mortimer runs into an unexpected visitor
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(No idea what this is, but interested/intrigued? Go here)
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fresaconcremas · 4 months
That moment making Samarina content so often made me realize that I'm a lesbian
I mean thanks funger for the gender and the girlkisser title wtf /j /lh
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balteus · 1 year
thinking about it, it makes me kinda depressed that most of lgbt representation in media solely depends on what cishet men can jack off to :/
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volfoss · 2 years
Like stop!! hibari-kun! Isn't perfect trans rep by any means BUT for how old it is it genuinely is so good. Hibari isn't written w stereotypes, she's super cute and friendly but also like. Her and her boyfriend r LITERALLY the he asked for no pickles meme do u understand. She's like genuinely accepted at school and people like her and yeah the um family situation does suck (girl who LOVES to read trans stuff and like see how bad it aged) but genuinely it feels rly like???? Real IG. Ummm check out one of my fave blogs (link to the blogspot) reviewing it here or smth bc it goes into more depth than I do
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nqbus · 10 months
there are many times that i wish we could simply stop talking about transmasc people without having to bring up their relationship to womanhood and being a girl to defend our entire existences. like yes there was a time in my life where i was a girl now stop trying to base my entire identity around it.
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sharkboywrites · 2 months
It would be great if we, collectively as a community, stopped throwing other lgbt people under the bus to talk about our own issues. It’s really not that necessary.
Like to would be great if we talked about transfem problems without randomly throwing in “yeah because transmascs have it so easy!”
It would be great if we could talk about the issues that come with being a certain sexuality without complaining about lesbians, or bisexuals, or gay men, or polyamorous people and how we think everything is about them (newsflash: its not and they have their own issues because being any type of queer is hard)
It would be great if we could let other lgbt people have representation and be happy for them, instead of turning it into complaining about how others don’t have as much representation. You know you can talk about wlw shows getting cancelled without making mlms feel bad for getting another season of heartstopper right? It’s not their fault and it’s good that they’re getting rep.
We can talk about our issues without making other queer people out to be our enemy, because they’re not
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How about some positivity to combat all the bullshit stuff happening in my (and probably everyone else’s) life right now?
(Also I don’t really know how to make this all aesthetic and stuff but I think it does not matter bc I don’t wanna detract from my point anyways!!)
- selfshippers of color (ESPECIALLY black selfshippers, you shouldn’t have to put up with all the bullshit you have to deal with in the selfship community and other fandom spaces and your f/os would NOT stand for it, they would absolutely call anyone out on their racism)!!!
- mixed selfshippers of color as well (your f/os would love learning about all aspects of your heritage)!!
- transmasc selfshippers!!
- transfem selfshippers !!! (You gals also deal with so much bullshit and I want so much better for you and so do your f/os, they will ALWAYS hype you up for being the beautiful woman you are!)
- gay selfshippers!!!
- lesbian selfshippers !!
- bisexual, pansexual and other m-spec selfshipper s!!
- asexual, aromantic and aroace spectrum selfshippers !!!
- intersex selfshippers !!! (I see so little rep for you guys, I hope we can change that!! Your f/os would never ask you invasive questions without your consent and they would always support you against anyone who was weird to you about being intersex!)
- selfshippers whose f/os ‘don’t match’ their real life orientation (your real life identity is NOT invalidated by your attraction to fictional characters)!!
- queer selfshippers who don’t feel like typical and conventional labels fit for them!!
- physically disabled selfshippers!!!
- neurodivergent selfshippers (especially cluster B folks, the hatred I see directed at you is just awful and I desperately want people to stop acting like your flavor of neurodivergence has any effect on your morality. Your f/os wants to learn as much as your willing to share about your neurodivergent self and how to better accommodate you) !!
- selfshippers with intellectual disabilities !!
- selfshippers who don’t feel included in American and Eurocentric imagines, be they about physical features, seasons or cultural aspects!!!
- selfshippers who are ‘older’ (you are NEVER too old to selfship, it makes me so happy to see selfshippers past their 30s bc it reassures me that could be me!) !!
- selfshippers with fem f/os (so few imagines centered around fem f/os.. we need to change that)!!!
- fat selfshippers!!
- selfshippers with not ‘conventionally attractive’ features like acne, moles, stretch marks, self harm scars, etc (these are NOT ugly features but even if they were, you are still a person deserving of respect and kindness)!!!
- tall selfshippers who don’t feel included in most self insert imagines where the f/o is taller than the reader insert!!
- PLEASE PLEASE ADD MORE IN THE REBLOGS!!! If I forgot and didn’t include you or someone you care about, please reblog with that addition!! I want to see ALL of the amazing people the selfship community is comprised of!!!
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WIBTA if I headcanoned a WLW/popularly HCed transfem character as transmasc?
I know this isn’t super serious but TBH I worry about this more than I should, so I figured I’d get input. I (19FtM) like HCing characters I like as transmasc, and I’m trying to do it more with canonically female aligned characters. There’s one character that I really resonate with (is a “weirdgirl” interested in old video game creepypasta, issues standing up for herself, etc), and I like the idea of them being transmasc, partially because I enjoy projecting/designing alternate versions of said characters and partially because they remind me of the trend of transmasc people being that brand of weirdgirl in school.
However, here’s the issue- this character is canonically a lesbian (or at least some form of WLW, she’s never shown interest in a male though so people tend to say she’s a lesbian), and on top of that, 99% of the community HC her as transfem. It’s not canon explicitly, but she is a character who falls into the trap of “cartoon animal is implied to be trans based on having gendered features” (i.e. when a male cow is drawn with udders or a flashy peacock is female). This is a pretty popular HC and I know at least two people who really resonate with it, and I feel like I’d be taking away lesbian rep or hurting them personally if I was public about these thoughts.
What are these acronyms?
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argentum-in-aqua · 1 month
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Silver in the Ashes (Argentum in Aqua #2): Chapter 57
A candle flame bright enough to swallow the world
In which Mortimer’s suspicions are confirmed, and Fest comes to a realisation all too late
(New to the story? Start here)
(No idea what this is, but interested/intrigued? Go here)
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gayhenrycreel · 5 months
#ftm is a fetish tag
disclaimer, i am a trans man
#ftm is a fetish tag. i dont know if its always been like this but it is a problem.
i can hardly find any transmascs in that tag.
there are cis women misgendering trans men as a kink, and talking about our bodies like sex dolls everywhere in that tag. its mostly cishet women using OUR tag to objectify our bodies because they are too afraid to consider that they might not be straight. it is at least half detransition kink. im very uncomfortable with cis people doing this, but if they want to i wont stop them.
but this is in OUR TAG. this is horrible. they write disgusting smut about women who are short twinks with soft tits and dripping cunts and no dysphoria at all.
they just call them trans men.
ive seen other transmascs complain about this too.
these fics are written by and for cis women. they are chasers. the way they talk about our bodies is revolting. they know nothing about trans men at all.
i know that not all trans men feel dysphoric about their bodies, but these women are still treating us like a fetish that only occurs in fiction, rather than people who have emotions and often want to have a flat chest and/or a penis.
in particular they fetishize gay trans men. all these fics are about femboys who are horrified by the concept of transitioning getting fucked by bears. the people writing this view transitioning as mutilation. its very obvious.
ive noticed that this occasionally extends to fetishizing cis men with gynecomastia. its clear they want to fuck women but think lesbians are disgusting, so they call the women in their fics men, but misgender them throughout the text.
i hardly see any representation for trans men who even want to transition. newsflash: a lot of us do want to transition. many of us have already had surgery.
if you genuinely do want to write smut with GOOD portrayal of trans men, heres some tips on what we want in our representation:
trans men who dont want to transition deserve rep too, but many of us are entirely uncomfortable with our bodies. very few of us want any attention given to the parts we are born with. a lot of pre op trans men wear a binder during sex. we're not all bottoms, and some of us wear strap ons.
when we're on testosterone, it causes vaginal atrophy, similar to menopause. it gets very dry down there and easily irritated. this means that vaginal sex can be very painful and could even damage tissues. even without T, vaginal penetration is usually no where near as fun as it is for cis women. anything being in there is awful and sometimes painful.
anal sex is a thing. its not gross. its perfectly normal. it just requires some lubricant, and for a trans man, is a lot more comfortable than vaginal sex.
shockingly, most of us do not want to be called girls.
dont misgender a trans person in a sex scene. at all. some of us like to be called good boys during sex. stop calling us girls.
some of us have had surgery. it is NOT mutilation. it is life saving. top surgery is one that we get most frequently. the results do look just like a cis mans chest. there are long thin scars under the pecs, but these fade after a few years. they may not even be visible. bottom surgery exists too.
metoidioplasty creates a micropenis out of the clitoris. it does look real. it looks like a regular micropenis. it has full sensation.
phalloplasty uses a flap of skin, usually from the forearm, and turns it into a penis. this surgery is more complex and is done in multiple stages. after it is complete, it looks like a circumcised penis. its size is dependent on the flap of skin used to make it, so it can actually be larger than average. (on r/phallo someone even got a reduction surgery because his dick was 7 inches long). the area the skin flap was taken from has pretty big scarring. it looks like the result of a severe burn. it is sometimes covered by a tatoo. there is a lot of misinformation about phalloplasty. it is a big surgery, but it is no where near as dangerous as the internet would have you believe. after it has fully healed it does look real, and a genital nerve is usually hooked up to the penis. it can take a while to heal (years), but after a few months sensation begins to return as the nerves heal. the clitoris is often buried in the base of the penis, and if a genital nerve hook up is done the penis can have full sensation, including the tip. not everyone gets full sensation, and it can take years for sensation to fully return, but 93% of men who get phalloplasty are satisfied with the results. that is a lot. it is quite rare that sensation is fully lost, so yes, you can orgasm after phalloplasty. one thing to note is that a phalloplasty penis cant get hard on its own. there are two types of implant for erections. one is a rod inside the penis, which can last over 20 years before needing a replacement. the rod is flexible, so can be positioned as an erection. the other implant is a internal pump that is more complicated than the rod, and needs to be replaced roughly every 15 years. it is filled with water and sits inside the penis. to get an erection, you squeeze one of the testicles, which is a pump implant, pushing the water into the penis, causing an erection.
most importantly, we are men. we can be feminine. we can be masculine. we can look exactly like cis men. dont forget that we are people, we are real. we are not some sex fantasy.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Shen Qingqiu is so the most gay character ever but not because he's particularly good at being gay even just because somehow literally everyone can headcanon anything onto him and it'll work. He's transmasc he's transfem he's gender fluid he's nonbinary he's cis he's ace he's gay he's bi he's pan he's a lesbian he's aro he's straight . He is the LGBT rep of the people
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punkeropercyjackson · 15 days
If Zutara is a feminist ship then it's absolute bottom of the barrel feminism SORRY like it's so downlow💀Katara's a fem girl with parentification trauma and open softness and Zuko's a masc dude who turned into a Team Dad to heal his inner child and break the cycle of abuse and high up walls so they're already a cisheteronormative ship based off that alone but there's also how while Zuko made up for what how he hurt Katara,his attacks and insults to her were racially motivated and that adds a thick layer of racialized misogyny AND directly goes against Katara's wishes to force Zuko onto her because she fought for a loooong time to break the mold of womanhood should only exist in 'what girls are SUPPOSED to be like' and frankly the emphasis on supposed 'realism' when it comes to girls and Zutara said by the shippers so often has transmisogyny underlaying it,if not then at least bioessentialism,with how cis and exclusive of unconventional girlhood it is and it dosen't help their case that they often feminize Toph when she gets older when in CANON she stayed gnc and ruthlessly talk badly of Aang because he's a boy who's feminine and gets hurt when bullied for it in-universe and he has a fucking right to even if he's cis!!!!They're making fun of him for being himself!'Fragile masculinity' my ass,if you saw a stud or a non-fully transitioned transfem you'd hurl and he thinks Katara's punk girl slay is the hottest shit ever and showed hints of crushing on Toph's butch ass too
But back on topic,this is why i can't stand Zutara man,there's nothing for me to relate to!I'm a punk femme woc like Katara and i headcanon her as trans,bi and autistic like me because i relate to her in some very important ways(though i hc her as transfem while i'm transmasc bigender)and this is also a big part of the appeal of Kataang for me because i'm the girl who had a crush on Aang instead of Zuko Zutara shippers always told you don't exist and i loved Taang because i was rowdy tomboy like Toph but i never had a beef with Kataang,i didn't see anything wrong with it!!!I minded my own damn bussiness and let Katara just vibe instead of making her some evil bitch!And while i'm in love with Zuko now thanks to the comics going into the Gaang's adult years,my canon self-insert ship with him is him and Ty Lee because i'm a super bubbly and optimistic pastel girl who's interests are considered 'stupid/silly/lame' by society and is high maintenance but nice to everybody instead of demanding and it turns out that me as a kid and me now are those ways due to autism and transgenderism!!!!
Zutara does nothing for the woc in me because Katara dosen't look like me since i'm black,i love her and Zuko as bickering found siblings,i have older sister/maternal feelings towards Aang like Zuko does older brother/fatherly ones,i see Mai as a comphet (trans) lesbian but love Maiko because she's weirdgirl rep and Zuko's in love with her and there's also black etchnic subgroups in each nation confirmed in Turf Wars so i don't got anything stopping me from making an Atlasona instead of ruining characters and dynamics!!!!!Zutara is such a less than nothing ship if you're 'not a normal girl' and the fandom's make it beyond crystal clear how they feel about us so that's why i hate it so much in addition to what ass is is!The only thing Z/k's were 'robbed' of is the ability to get a grip,a boyfriend,friends who think they're goddesses platonically like mine do to me and me them and media literacy seeing as Atla's title refers to Aang being the sole survivor of a genocide based off an irl one but they will do everything and anything to remove that out of the context in analysing him and the franchise as a whole
And not to diverge topics again but this is why i'm okay with shaming and mocking Zutara re Natla(and no i don't mean harrasing,i mean og posting)by me and anybody else,they deadass SHOWED PART OF THE AIR NOMAD GENOCIDE and ALSO ADDED 'TOKEN GOOD' FIRE NATION SOLDIERS and it's so beyond fucking racist and disturbing that they're trying to do any gotcha or praise of it involving their military war ship.You's grown and Zuko loves Aang the most anyway,you normie losers
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life-of-an-asexual · 2 years
ace and aro books
went on a deep dive to find some aspec rep for myself and this is some of what i came up with. not official recommendations since i haven't read most of them, but they exist and i've put several of them on my own TBR list. these are all books i haven't seen on other rec lists, and i've done my best to confirm that the rep is aspec
if any of y'all have read these, feel free to share your thoughts or correct me if i've gotten something wrong
(organized alphabetically by title and separated by age demographic; mixed genres; subject to being updated)
(ftr just because an author is not specified to be ace or aro does not necessarily mean they are allo; i include that info if i happen to come across it, but i am not going out of my way to track down the identities of every single author)
(some of these books contain themes or scenarios that may be triggering for some readers; i have only done research to ascertain the ace/aro rep; if you find certain topics upsetting to read, it is your responsibility to do the research necessary to determine if a book is appropriate for you and to proceed into a story at your own discretion)
updated 3.28.24
~Mod Q
A Milky Way Home by Hsinju Chen = adult, romance; transmasc/cis f biace4panace romance, described as low heat (author is nonbinary)
A Pale Light in the Black by K.B. Wagers = adult, science fiction; asexual MC, various other rep, coast guard in space
Alchemy by Marie S. Crosswell = adult, mystery; asexual lesbian MC, genderbent Sherlock
All the Wrong Places by Ann Gallagher = adult, romance; ace4ace m/m romance, identity discovery
An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows = adult, fantasy; allosexual aromantic MC in a poly relationship
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon = adult, science fiction; aroace side character, intersex MC, themes of oppression and racism
Blank Spaces & Finding Your Feet by Cass Lennox = adult, romance; both feature asexual MCs (second one features a trans LI)
The Bone People by Keri Hulme = adult, magical realism; aroace MC, themes of family and identity, deals with child abuse
The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia = adult, fantasy; aroace nonbinary MC, queernormative world-building
Catch Lili Too by Sophie Whittemore = adult, fantasy; asexual non-human MC, paranormal murder mystery
Chosen. Again. by J. Emery = adult, fantasy; asexual MC, saves the fantasy world as a teen then has to do it again as an adult
The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong = adult, sci fi-fantasy; asexual MC and found family dynamic
City of Strife by Claudie Arseneault = adult, fantasy; various rep including aspec (author is acearospec)
Coffee Cake by Michaela Grey = adult, romance; asexual MC, m/m relationship, mystery elements
The Crows by C.M. Rosens = adult, horror; ace (and aro?) major character, fucked up eldritch horror
Cupid Calling by Viano Oniomoh = adult, romance; demisexual biromantic MC, m/m romance, dating show setting, super fluffy
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz = adult, science fiction; sapphic ace MC with a robot LI
Devon's Island by Si Clarke = adult, science fiction; aroace POV character, queernormative worldbuilding, various other rep
Eight Kinky Nights by Xan West = adult, romance; gray-ace MC, butch4femme friends-to-lovers, various other rep
Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace = adult, science fiction; aroace MC, dystopia, focus on platonic relationships (author is aroace)
From the Dark We Came by J. Emery = adult, paranormal; demisexual MC, m/m romance, vampires
The Heartbreak Handshake by J.R. Hart = adult, romance; asexual MC with a non-binary LI, fully chaste (author is autistic, adhd, and nonbinary)
How Not to Summon Your True Love by Sasha L. Miller = adult, romance; ace MC and ace LI, paranormal elements
Learning Curves by Ceillie Simkiss = adult, romance; asexual MC in an f/f relationship
Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky = adult, romance; demisexual MC, m/m relationship, mistakenly sent love confessions
Perfect Rhythm by Jae = adult, romance; rural lesbian romance with an asexual LI
Poisoned Primrose by Dahlia Donovan = adult, mystery; asexual autistic MC, middle-aged protagonist (author is autistic)
Rising from Ash by Jax Meyer = adult, romance; asexual MC in an f/f romance
The Romantic Agenda by Claire Kann = adult, romance; asexual MC, fake-dating (author of Let's Talk About Love)
Second Chance by Chelsea M. Cameron = adult/new adult, romance; demi bi MC in an f/f relationship, exes-to-lovers
Soft on Soft by Mina Waheed = adult, romance; demisexual MC in an f/f romance, pure fluff
Squared Away by Annabeth Albert = adult, romance; gray-a/demi MC, m/m romance with child acquisition
Stake Sauce: The Secret Ingredient Is Love. No Really by RoAnna Sylver = adult, paranormal; gray-a MC, deals with trauma
That Kind of Guy by Talia Hibbert = adult, romance; demisexual MC, fake-dating, m/f age gap romance
Thaw by Elyse Springer = adult, romance; asexual MC, an opposites-attract f/f romance
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers = adult, science fiction; multiple ace characters, various other rep, space travel
The Trouble by Daria Defore = adult/new adult, romance?; gay aromantic MC, college setting
Upside Down by N.R. Walker = adult, romance; ace4ace m/m romance
We Go Forward by Alison Evans = adult, contemporary; aroace MC, centralized friendship
Werecockroach by Polenth Blake = adult, science fiction; aroace MC, deals with mental disability, also there are aliens
Common Bonds = anthology, speculative fiction; stories that highlight aromanticism and focus on platonic relationships
Goddess of the Hunt by Shelby Eileen = poetry, mythology; an exploration of Artemis being aroace
Queerly Loving = anthology, various genres; asexual and aromantic rep, various other rep including trans, polyamorous, and platonic relationships
A Dark and Starless Forest by Sarah Hollowell = young adult, paranormal; various rep including ace-spec, chosen family dynamic
Aces Wild: A Heist by Amanda DeWitt = young adult, thriller/mystery; several asexual characters
Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace = young adult, science fiction; aroace MC (according to author)
The Art of Saving the World by Corrine Duyvis = young adult, science fiction; asexual MC
Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp = young adult, mystery; asexual (and aro?) MC
Belle Revolte by Linsey Millery = young adult, fantasy; biromantic ace MC in an f/f romance
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria = young adult, fantasy; major ace character, various other rep, centralized platonic relationship
Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland = young adult, fantasy; asexual MC (demi-biromantic according to author)
Clariel by Garth Nix = young adult, fantasy; asexual MC, prequel to the Old Kingdom series
Dare Mighty Things by Heather Kaczynski = young adult, science fiction; asexual (and arospec?) MC
The Facts and Legends of Callie Catwell by Sophia DeRise = young adult, fantasy; asexual MC with lesbian LI
Fire Becomes Her by Rosiee Thor = young adult, fantasy; several aspec characters
Forward March by Skye Quinlan = young adult, contemporary; asexual lesbian MC
Fourth World by Lyssa Chiavari = young adult, science fiction; demisexual MC and asexual MC (author is aroace)
From Under the Mountain by C.M. Spivey = young adult, fantasy; demisexual lesbian MC, aspec secondary characters
Good Angel by A.M. Blaushild = young adult, graphic novel; angel characters where asexual, aromantic, and agender are the assumed default but is explored with nuance
Help Wanted by J. Emery = young/new adult, fantasy; questioning aspec MC (and gender questioning)
Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie = young adult, science fiction; aroace MC, various other rep
Immoral Code by Lillian Clark = young adult, contemporary; asexual POV character, friendship dynamic with "fuck the rich" vibes
Island of Exiles by Erica Cameron = young adult, fantasy; asexual (secondary?) character, various other rep including intersex
It Sounds Like This by Anna Meriano = young adult, contemporary; asexual-questioning MC, gray-a side character, deals with a toxic friendship
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl = young adult, science fiction; aromantic MC, alien invasion apocalypse
Little Black Bird by Anna Kirchner = young adult, fantasy; questioning aspec character
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee = young adult, romance; trans male MC with asexual LI, m/m romance, fake dating
Meet You By Hachiko by Loren Greene = young adult, contemporary; aroace-spec MC, focus on friendship
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko = young adult, fantasy; asexual secondary character, centralized platonic relationship
The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath = young adult, historical; asexual MC, emphasized friendship, all main characters are also disabled
The Rhythm of My Soul by Elin Dyer = young adult, mystery; aroace MC, ballet academy setting
Running with the Pack by A.M. Burns and Caitlin Ricci = young adult, contemporary; ace LI, polyamorous romance
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand = young adult, horror; asexual POV character (all MCs are also sapphic), themes of grief, paranormal elements
Sea Foam and Silence & The Ice Princess's Fair Illusion by S.L. Dove Cooper = young adult, fairy tale; queerplatonic retellings in verse
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow = young adult, science fiction; demisexual (biromantic) MC, post-alien invasion dystopia
Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman = young adult, contemporary; asexual (and aro?) MC, deals with family death
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson = young adult, contemporary; asexual MC, themes of family trauma and multiracial identity
Switchback by Danika Stone = young adult, thriller; aroace MC, survivalist situations
Tarnished Are the Stars by Rosiee Thor = young adult, steampunk; aroace MC, various other rep, cat-and-mouse game
That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger = young adult, contemporary; asexual MC, deals with the aftermath of a school shooting
This Golden Flame by Emily Victoria = young adult, fantasy; aroace MC (author is aroace)
Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver = young adult, fantasy; aromantic (and ace?) MC, f/nb queerplatonic relationship
Vanilla by Billy Merrell = young adult, contemporary; asexual MC, m/m relationship, coming-of-age
What We Devour by Linsey Miller = young adult, fantasy; asexual MC (biromantic according to author)
Wren Martin Ruins It All by Amanda DeWitt = young adult, contemporary; asexual MC
A-Okay by Jarad Greene = middle grade, graphic novel; asexual MC, deals with self-discovery and body image
Come Drink With Me, Gold and Jasper, East Flows the River by Michelle Kan = all ages?; described as aromantic chinese fairy tales
The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen = all ages, fairy tale; aroace MC (author is aroace)
Hazel's Theory of Everything by Lisa Jenn Bigelow = middle grade, contemporary; questioning aroace MC, themes of self-discovery
The Faerie Godmother's Apprentice Wore Green by Nicky Kyle = all ages?, fairy tale; major aroace character, focus on friendship
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totaldrama-showdowns · 2 months
Submissions for Most Transgender that didn’t make it into the bracket!
Duncan (2)
Idfk transmasc Duncan who also happens to be misogynistic is hilarious to me and makes him such a better character
Sammy (2)
How to make poorly-developed characters infinitely more interesting: transgenders them. That is a nonbinary egg
Demi-girl. fuck it, gives her cool gender juice
Crimson (2)
transmasc crimson
She's got that transfem swag. to me
DJ (2)
nomebinary. he likes lemonade
dj is so transgender in all ways but ive recently become rather fond of transfem dj. people keep telling her to man up and she's like huh? :(
Mal (2)
agender. He's been he/it
Yeah I know I just submitted svetlana but mal is also trans...
Wayne (2)
Raj (2)
gay AND trans because i said so
Geoff (2)
He is canonically dickless. (That one moment in X-Treme Torture where they did not censor between his legs despite him lacking pants). Also he’s totally the type to display his top surgery scars proudly.
katie and sadie (2)
changing their names to be similar to eachother. its cute.
cody (2)
t4t coderra please please please
he's got toy cringe
Chase (2)
ripper do you think I'm transgender
he's rep for trans guys who are assholes!!!
Justin (2)
nobody will get it but me but trans girl justin please...
Intern Girl / That one intern that wayne helped (2)
Mike (2)
Tyler (2)
T4T LYLER SEE MY VISION..... he could go any way for me i love transmasc tylers i love transfem tylers....... i love you tyler
Jen (2)
You know Bulletproof heart... yeah Johnny/Jenny
she just gives transbian
Staci (2)
She's got that "just started transitioning" haircut
actually her great great great great great great grandparent invented gender. mhm. yah.
Junior (2)
i like to think the reason dwayne sr is all "man men manly men" is because he's trying to bond with his recently out son and supporting him in his transition. he's just being weird about it
She’s just an egg!!
Emma (2023)
Wanna know why we got another Emma after ridonculous race? It’s because TD Emma named herself after RR Emma during her transition
nonbiney swaggr
transfem ennui
Chris McLean
Trans rights, sure, but Chris supports trans wrongs
the mtf creature ever
all of them
none of these fuckers are cis
both shawn and dave together
maybe its just all the fanart but they really bring out each others transmascness
she is just so non-binary to me
Ripaxel can also be yaoi
Blaieneley (is that how u spell it??)
divorced trans swag
i can see it
Gwen's face
Gwen is trans therefore the boat "Gwen's face" is also trans. In this essay I will
he has fucking voice dysphopria
cant grow his own fucking wizard beard
stupid lesbian
he transitioned just to rival chris
i need to give him a redeeming feature
Emma tdr
transfem swag
milf and also trans. the whole package
that is just a trans woman in stem
she'z cute
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