#trans masc fiction
pg13judaskiss · 4 months
I don't care if we never fuck again. I just want to watch her ascent and disintegration, because anything burning that bright one day must consume itself and float away, an ash, and no one has the power to stop it. It's flirting with disaster to love someone that much, someone who's always on the brink of going away. I know she doesn't need saving, but I dream of saving her, of rolling a rock up the mountain and being flattened by it as it rolls back over me all the way to the bottom again. And then I push it right back to the top, because if it takes this much sweat it must be worth it.
Obsessed with angels, she's divinely twisted. She builds neon-winged sculptures, and in black ink she scratches out demonic, sunken-eyed, jowly, pear-shaped angels that she thinks look like her, with bat-wing claws. She doesn't see what we see when she looks at herself.
godspeed, by lynn breedlove (2002)
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420faggyactivities69 · 2 months
You were a young, good looking girl. Or so you were told. Your long blonde hair fell gracefully on your bony bony shoulders. Your defined cheekbones gave you a sharp look. Your skinny waist made you quite the catch in the eyes of people around you.
But you weren't happy, were you? The long hair didn't feel right. Neither did the feminine face or the skimpy outfits you wore to show off your tiny body.
So you choose to pursue happiness instead and admitted to yourself that you're not the girl you're pretending to be. You chopped off the hair into a messy mohawk and dyed it bright colors, got piercings and tattoos, traded your tiny dresses and heels for oversized leather jackets, rough jeans and combat boots. It took years but you eventually even got on testosterone. The changes made you ecstatic. You gained muscle mass, your body hair grew and got darker, your voice deepened....
And you became hungry. All the years of denying yourself the pleasure of food in order to fit into a box caught up to you and for the first time you ate freely. After all, you were basically going through a second puberty and that's just how teenage boys get, right?
They chug bear, tear into a steak, devour plates after plates of chicken wings, fries, pizzas, whatever they can get their hand on. You were no different. You ate everything in sight and soon it started catching up to you.
Your small waist blended into your wide hips, giving you a more boxy, manly appearance. Your thickening thighs tore through your old feminine skinny jeans and became the perfect resting place for your softened belly. Your arms got huge and mixed with the muscle mass you still got they gave you almost bear like appearance. You could easily go out without binding because your tits now just looked like moobs.
Nowadays, you as much as catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and can't help but get horny. The body you worked so hard on makes you wet just thinking about it. You made it yourself out of flesh that was unfit for you and you did it one shot and one stuffing at a time.
Tell me boy, doesn't it feel nice? To finally become one of the big men you always admired? Doesn't the low vibrator of your voice in your throat make you excited? Don't you want to get that tummy to jiggle even more?
I know you want this.
So eat up
You were never meant to be a small girl anyway
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
Yes, you!
Do YOU like the idea of a gay polyamorous romance taking place in a fantastical medieval setting?
then you might like my upcoming original written series, Royal Courting!
Featuring the following cast of characters:
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Lucian Hensley
A fair skinned, pudgy baker standing at about 5’4 with hazel-green eyes and a thatch of dirty blond hair that falls in thick curls around his freckled face. He’s usually wearing his beloved handmade crocheted sweater, the same color as his eyes, despite the wear and tear it’s received over the years. Nothing he wears is particularly fancy, but it’s all very well loved and cared for.
Though he’s not ashamed of the weight he’s gained from the years of sampling his own baked goods, he’s easily flustered by any sort of comments on his physical appearance, regardless of how mild, possibly related to his gender identity as a transgender man. He’s humble and incredibly kind, sometimes to a fault. 
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King Ambrose Verlice of Divestia
A dark skinned, slim man standing at about 5’7 with sharp brown eyes and a slightly effeminate nature about him. His dark hair is done together in thick locs so impossibly long they nearly brush the floor, decorated with gold cuffs and never less than perfectly maintained. He’s always wrapped in white and gold with jewelry to match. Any one of his outfits is worth more than every house Lucian has ever lived in combined.
He commands respect from all who lay eyes upon him, but knows how to use a gentle hand. It’s easy to get caught up in his flowery language, but beneath the purple prose and irresistible urge to flirt is a genuine heart of gold. 
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Tobias Silva
A toned man of Colombian descent with tan skin standing at about 5’9, with brown eyes and curly brown hair that’s cut short and shaved underneath, but left longer on top, still allowing a few curly strands to fall over his face. He’s got a foxy way about him and always has a smug, closed-lipped grin on his face that makes his eyes crinkle at the corners and dimples form in his warm cheeks.
He tends to keep his armor rather minimal to maximize his speed, but he’s got daggers hidden just about everywhere one can hide daggers on their person. If he’s being quiet, he’s probably busy scheming with his colleague and friendly rival, Rex. 
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Rex Theroux 
Rex is a tall, pale, transgender man standing at about 6’1 with downturned blue eyes and shoulder length, golden-blond hair that curls a bit at the ends and is usually drawn into a loose, low ponytail that often leaves strands hanging around the sides of his head. Contrary to Tobias, he keeps his muscular form clad in armor at all times.
He’s the stoic tank of the duo, and proud of it. He’s completely mute and has never spoken a word to Tobias nor his king, but communicates with both Divestian sign language and his own unique methods. The only time anyone even sees his mouth is when he eats, as it’s usually covered with a neck gaiter. The scars that litter his limbs and body show his impossible resilience, but no one has ever heard the stories behind them.
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When Tobias and Rex stop in at Lucian’s humble bakery, they’re completely amazed both by what they taste, and the man they see behind the counter. When a batch of these baked goods reaches king Ambrose, he demands to see the wonderful artisan who created them, and Lucian’s simple life is thrown into a whirlwind when he receives an official summon from his majesty himself.
Are you interested? Stick around! Chapter one of Royal Courting: Summoned By The King is in progress now! You can find the Royal Courting masterlist (among others) in my pinned post!
If you like this idea, please reblog! It’s free, takes two seconds, and helps spread my ideas to more people!
You can find me on AO3 as Sister_Lucifer; everything here is cross posted there!
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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verberation · 2 years
The world needs more wounded butch knights, grimly shouldering duty, wandering from lonely town to lonely town in the name of a saint no-one remembers, drinking in the darkest corners of a tavern, fighting with a shield in one hand and wielding a broken sword they cannot bear to replace in the other. The world has broken them upon it but still they keep going, accompanied only by their nameless horse, their impossible burden, the memory of the soft touch of the queen they love in a way that no knight should feel for their liege.
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cemeteryry · 1 year
Hi thank you for answering! So I wanted to request smut for Miguel with Trans masc reader who is on T, after taking the shot they are specially horny and get caught touching themselves by Miguel. If you feel uncomfy with anything, feel free to just drop it. Thank you very much 💚
i love this idea so much, i hope you enjoy!!
note: i hope everything is okay in here! i haven't written for a trans masc reader yet (even though I'm trans masc myself ...), so this was a first. please feel free to leave any suggestions, I'm open to any constructive criticism :)
caught in the act [miguel o'hara x male reader] (nsfw)
cw/includes: mention of getting a shot, getting caught masturbating, biting, slow turned rough sex, use of baby boy, pretty boy, etc., unprotected sex, afab terms
you had just taken your testosterone shot.
feeling good about yourself, you lay back on your bed. you stared at the ceiling and your mind began to wander from being proud of yourself for how far you've come to.. other things.
you couldn't help but think of miguel. everything about him was so attractive, from his build to the way he smiled (when he wasn't being a grump). but, what you probably found most attractive about him was his fangs. you so badly wanted him to dig his sharp canines into your neck.
the thought of all this was too much, you could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter the longer you fantasized about him. you closed your eyes and slid your hand under your boxers. you began circling a finger on your clit before dipping that finger inside of yourself. you were so wet just from the thought of him, you needed him, needed him inside you.
you stuck a second finger inside and slammed into yourself, aching for him to be the one to slam into you. moans growing louder, you began whimpering his name, "miguel.. please, i need you.."
you were so caught up in your activities you didn't even hear your bedroom door open. it wasn't until you heard a familiar voice that you finally opened your eyes.
"well.. isn't this a sight?" he purred, "you sounded so pretty, i just had to come to see for myself what was going on."
"fuck, i'm sorry, i didn't mean for you to see this, i had no idea that you'd be here, god this is so embarrassing i-"
he cut you off by nearly pouncing on you, now above you. "do you have any idea.. how good you sounded? how good you look?" he whispered into your ear. he spread your legs and rested in between them as he kissed your neck, resulting in a whimper from you. he took this as a sign of encouragement and began teasing the sensitive skin with his fangs. teasing your neck turned into him biting it, drawing blood, which led to you moaning his name out loud.
"fuck, miguel!" you yelled. it hurt but he'd lick over the recently bitten skin, attempting to soothe it somewhat.
he dipped a hand into your pants and began touching you while he nipped at your neck. he coated his fingers in your wetness before sliding three fingers inside, causing you to yelp from the large intrusion. he pulled away from your neck, looking down at you, "oh baby boy, too much for you?"
"please.. please, miguel, i need more.. i need you," you begged.
he smirked, "how could i say no to that, pretty boy?" he made quick work of pulling off his clothes and yours. before you knew it, you were fully naked before the man in front of you.
he drank in the sight of you, appreciating every feature and angle. "god.. you've got to be the most gorgeous guy out there.." he whispered.
he spread your legs open and pulled you closer to him by your thighs. he angled himself, then slid inside of you, savoring the first few moments of being inside you. he bottomed out and groaned, letting his head fall to your shoulder. "mi vida.. you feel incredible."
slowly, he began to move, taking his time. but, that didn't last long. his desperation for you got to him and he lost control. he was pounding into you relentlessly, making you cry out.
"fucking hell! i.. i can't.. it's too much, too much.." you whimpered, tears welling in your eyes.
he shushes you, "you can and you will, be a good boy for me, yeah?"
it's the use of "good boy" and you can feel your climax coming. you throw your head back and let him use your body.
his movements begin to grow sloppy and erratic. you can tell he's getting close. he looks as you, "fuck.. i'm almost there, where do you want it, mi amor?"
your eyes meet his as you bring your head back up, "in.. inside!" you could barely speak, let alone even think.
he gave a few last hard thrusts and then he was cumming inside you, leaving you full with his load. that's all it took to send you over the edge. you groaned and so did he as you two orgasmed together. he stayed there for a minute, coming down from the high.
you let out one last moan as you felt him finally pull out, along with his seed leaking out of you. miguel collapses onto the bed next to you, letting out a heavy sigh. he shifts onto his side, facing you. he smiles as he looks at you, "you have no idea how badly i needed that.. you felt heavenly, cariño," he praises.
"we need to do this more often," you say, breathless. he nods his head in agreement.
he gives you a smirk before sliding a hand in between your thighs, then inserting a finger inside you. he moves it a bit inside you, then takes it out. he brings the finger up to his mouth and sucks on it, tasting your combined fluids. feeling proud, he explains, "just had to taste us, my dear."
you look at him, mouth agape, arousal pooling in your stomach once again, "you better be ready for round two, mister."
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I feel like even in trans positive spaces trans men are seen as less authentic than trans women, because we supposedly have something to gain by transitioning or wanting to be men. (social power.) It's reflective of how we look at historical people that by today's standards we would see as trans men (Joan of Arc) or fictional characters that live as men while secretly being women. (Naoto from Persona, Sheik from Zelda.) And this is going to be an uphill battle until we get rid of gender essentialism in our spaces completely.
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Goncharov through a transmasc lens
The deep symbolism of violence as love ("If you really loved me you wouldn't have missed" and how Andrey didn't miss) is accentuated if you watch the movie and imagine Goncharov or Andrey as trans.
If you imagine Andrey as trans, it explains Katya's hatred for him as his former lover as well as her chemistry with Sofia, and adds a layer to their animosity. It also adds depth to Andrey's choices and why he falls more easily into the tropes of toxic masculinity in his attempts to prove himself as real a man as Goncharov throughout the film. He is often in the shadow of Goncharov I think it works as well with Andrey constantly comparing himself to Goncharov as the ideal of what kind of man he wants to be. He both wants to be with Goncharov, and wants to BE Goncharov. Killing him at the end of the movie is an act of consumption, consumation, and replacement.
However, if you imagine Goncharov himself as trans, then that adds a layer on to why Katya ultimately rejected him, and why he only found true companionship with Andrey; why Andrey was the only one who could ultimately fulfill "love" in the way the movie demanded. Andrey accepted Goncharov for who he was; and that obsessive love met its end as it only can in such tragedies.
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fellamarsh · 1 year
The fate of the world is at stake... but nobody is listening.
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✨Read the book readers are comparing to Priory of the Orange Tree and The Left Hand of Darkness✨
Hierarchy of the Unseen is a queer fantasy novel about a shiftless demon named Kor and a devout demon hunter named Mitzli who must team up to avert a wave of demonic violence.
If you like character-driven fantasy with immersive worldbuilding, trans protagonists whose stories aren't centered around transphobia, and fresh takes on demons and vampires, then this is the book for you!
Reviewers are calling it "addictive, immersive," "fresh, and engaging," with a "richly realized, exciting world and interesting central dilemma," whose protagonists "feel distinct and real" and "make a great comedic duo."
You can pick up a copy here (to support two queer, trans authors during Pride month!) or read the full blurb and check out reviews on Goodreads or Storygraph.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 9 months
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Dio, your right hand goons are gossiping again
They also make out in the supply closet sometimes
(s/i is a guy adjacent somethin-r-nother, he/him or xe/xem pronouns please)
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melodygatesauthor · 7 months
Animalistic Behavior
Marc Spector X transmasc!Reader
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Blurb 20 for Melody's 2023 Ficversary Celebration
My transmasc!Reader is defined as: Vagina + Pseudo-penis + Chest (top surgery), He/Him pronouns
NSFW below the cut
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The other two were easy to convince into your little pet play kink, but Marc was always tougher to get through than the others. You thought for sure that after seeing the way Jake salivated every time you rang the dinner bell, or the way Steven came every time you inserted the silicone end of the tail you bought them into his tight ass. The way he whimpered as the plug bottomed out inside him almost made you lose it yourself.
Getting Marc to wear the ears and tail were, surprisingly, not the biggest challenges you faced. Marc drew the line at barking. It was something simple that the other two had managed to do perfectly, Jake with his low growl into a gruff woof, and then Steven with his little yip that inevitably led to his embarrassed giggle and flushed cheeks.
“I’m not doing it,” Marc said firmly.
“Come on, be my good boy, Marc,” you insisted, already feeling your cock aching at the mere sight of him.
Marc was on his knees in front of you, arms crossed with a furrowed brow and signature pout wearing nothing but the ears you bought them and a tail. His dick twitched a little at the words ‘good boy’, just like you knew it would. He loved this shit, but he was too stubborn to admit it, but you liked a challenge.
He rolled his eyes, “woof,” he said, deadpan and irritably.
“Come on, you can do better than that,” you urged.
His brow appeared to furrow even more, if that was even possible.
Marc let out a sharp little bark that left you chuckling while giving him a proud pat on his curly head, right between the ears. A dusty pink blush spread over his cheeks.
“Good boy, Marc.”
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Melody's 2023 Ficversary Masterlist
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cardentist · 8 months
Context: [Link 1, Link 2]
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the conversation about how we talk about marginalized men aside, this really is just inherently flawed from a conceptual level.
if you take a character that embodies traditional femininity as dictated by gender norms and you make that character a man that is, quite literally, Inherently subversive of those gender norms.
if you took cinderella and you made her a man that would Easily open up the opportunity to explore and comment on gender, gender roles, And cinderella as a character.
the framework assumes masculinity as non-subversive when the reality is that the form of masculinity that is accepted is highly specific and easy (and Necessary) to challenge.
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klingercollection · 9 months
listen. simon petrikov is already trans ok? hes a trans guy and he used his magic to chop them thangs off and hes weird and small and he is waaay off his T schedule
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lgbtplus-literature · 11 days
Hey there! This April I published a cyberpunk romance novel called Synthetic Sea featuring trans masc and non binary protagonists.
It follows a washed up PI and the cybernetic lounge singer he falls for whilst investigating a case that leads them to a dark secret ...
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slotttralist · 1 year
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suppotato123 · 3 months
I remember one time, I watched this video some conservative chud made about a human trying to explain transgender and nonbinary people to aliens, and, because it was a conservative video, the aliens were like, “aw! Basing your gender on something other than biological sex? These people must be mentally ill!” And it occurred to me recently how absolutely preposterous it is to assume that any old random aliens we come in contact with would 1.) have two biological sexes split up in exactly the same way as us with the same sort of obvious sexual dimorphism, and 2.) would have even a remotely similar concept of gender to us.
I could go on more about this later if you like, but right now I’m sleepy, and need to go to bed.
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cemeteryry · 1 year
star wars
⭑ kylo ren x male reader part 1 you’re on my mind (and in my head)
⭑ poe dameron headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x tall male reader headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x trans masc reader caught in the act
⭑ miguel o’hara x male reader don’t want you getting hurt
⭑ jealous miguel o’hara x flirty male reader headcanons
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