#trad marriage
gaillardia-fields · 11 months
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homemakinghippie · 2 months
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recoveringdoll · 5 months
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Wanting a man to provide for you doesn’t mean you’re incapable. Of course you’re capable. But it’s nice to have someone help you and take of you. That doesn’t mean you can’t do those things yourself. That just means someone loves you enough to make your life that bit easier <3
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geekygirl85 · 1 month
How to be a Good Submissive Wife
1. Cook lots of healthy food for the family to help them stay big and strong.
2. Always wear pretty dresses.
3. Always wear pretty clothes and be clean, fresh and well groomed.
4. Never take birth control, children are a blessing.
5. Keep the house beautiful, clean and bright. Make it a peaceful home.
6. Help him relax after work by waiting at the door to greet him.
7. Be a good mommy to all the babies and never shout or get cross.
8. Be good, quiet, doting and adoring when in public. Let the whole world see how good a wife you are.
9. Stay fit and healthy, so you’re body is always ready to make another baby.
10. Never ever say no to him. He knows best, so you must trust his judgement and do as he says.
11. Be a good girl when out and about.
12. Be proud to be carrying his babies and don't hide the baby bump. Enjoy being pregnant by him. This is what you were born for.
13. Tell him your problems. Don’t let them make you unhappy, frowny or grumpy. He will know how to fix them.
13. Tell him every how much you love and appreciate him.
14. Love and look after his extended family, he likes knowing you respect and care for them.
15. Always kiss him goodbye, hello and thank you.
16. Sit on his lap whenever he wants you too. Be a good girl and let him enjoy his innocent submissive wife.
19. Go to bed whenever he tells you to. A good wife is well rested, strong and ready every morning to make pleasing her husband the main priority of her day, every day.
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everlastinghistory · 7 months
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“if you become a housewife they’re gonna cheat and you’re gonna get abandoned with nothing some day.”
has to be the biggest self projection ever. why do you automatically assume every relationship is going to go badly, and why do you feel the need to project your own fears onto other people who actually feel secure in their relationship/with their decision?
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moderntradwife · 11 months
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I found this template online a few months ago. It comes in handy when you don’t know where to start. So far my house is spotless and I’m not stressing out.
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bl00dyghoul2 · 1 month
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What's your dream life?
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tradmidwestman · 10 months
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tradwifetradlife · 1 year
To let your man make the decisions is to live a life without stress ❤️
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charmiixx · 1 year
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homemakinghippie · 4 months
It's so sad to me that women feel embarrassed about wanting to be homemakers/housewives. We're told we can be whatever we want, and some people claim no one is saying you can't be a housewife. But, if women feel embarrassed to want to stay home, obviously we're being taught that's not what we should want. If we feel embarrassed to be soft and embrace our femininity, obviously we're being told those are bad things to be. If you're looking for validation and someone to say it's okay-it is perfectly okay to want to stay home and take care of your home and family. You don't need to have an illness that makes working hard, you don't need to have kids, you can just want to stay home and let your partner take care of finances. You can just enjoy spending your day cooking, cleaning, and doing projects at home. It's okay. 🩷
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daytimeromantic · 7 months
we are designed by god to fulfil our purpose.
my purpose as a woman is to comfort, nurture and, create a family that is lead by jesus.
my (future) husbands purpose is to provide, lead and, show our children what a godly man looks like.
different does not mean unequal. men and women have different purposes and i want my life to reflect that. god bless you all.
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geekygirl85 · 5 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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Financial abuse can happen to any of us -getting married to men who either want us to be stay at home mom's/partner's to them and don't want us 'to work/maintain work skills/gain new skills' because they are is a huge red flag... it's sincerely such a slippery slope, and I partly blame the Trad Wives romanticizing being a SAHM/someone who stays at home to 'take care of their man,' online because your entire identity shouldn't revolve around this and being a parent is A LOT of work. And I'm not saying marriage or being a parent is bad -but getting married without a prenup and having children without having security outside of your husband's work can be dangerous and lead to abusive situations (and I mean this in no way to shame anyone who ends up in a situation like hers -but please, listen to women's stories and stories like hers before even considering marriage and having kids because there are so horrifying and heartbreaking one's out there and it's something I do believe we need to be aware of). Because it's all men until it's no men in so many instances.
The amount of unequal gendered divisions of labour going on here as well, on top of her unpaid work in the home -and in CREATING their home... I just, I hope the best for this woman and her kids and every woman like her. And sincerely, fuck heteropatriarchal norms.
The original video is about 6 minutes long, but if you have time to tune in to listen to her story, it doesn't feel long. Some of the things she mentioned that caught my attention was that her ex-husband would give her envelopes of CASH to go grocery shopping, she had no banking account, and he has since only paid alimony ONCE since their divorce, and when she did actually go to a job interview -the man LAUGHED at her not not having any 'real experience' and belittled her for being a SAHM. In the video she says she didn't how ill will towards him but how utterly humiliating to be treated like this. I hope her ex-husband befalls so much misery.
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everlastinghistory · 6 months
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I honestly feel like I was made to be a housewife.
I want to wear cute aprons and bake cookies for someone I love. I want someone to dress up and do my makeup for. I want someone I can genuinely rely on to always be there for me. I want someone I can trust who loves me and knows I love them too. I want someone I can make cute things for if I ever learn any of the skills I wanna learn. I want someone who’s always there to encourage me and keep me safe. I want someone who knows they can rely on me to make their life at least a little bit easier. I want to take care of someone I love more than life itself.
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moderntradwife · 1 year
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