#toxic fandom community’s
blueboobutterfly · 2 years
(Edit:I wanted to add that many social media sites and applications also feed into the toxicity, since many don’t censor or punish people for their behavior)
Okay look.
I love Star Wars, it’s diverse and has so much interesting lore & ideas! But gods above do I hate the fans. Don’t get me wrong! There’s many fans who aren’t pieces of literal trash; and are actually polite, nice and decent human beings. But there’s so many awful toxic fans who tend to speak the loudest and cause the most controversy in the Star Wars fandom. They do and say so many toxic things it’s hard to keep track of it all, and they can always find something to be angry at. Whether it’s stuff from the actual series or other fans doing their own thing, they will find a way. Biggest thing is not letting people enjoy shit. Like so what if people like the sequels, or don’t like them? As long as they aren’t being problematic or hurting anyone (physically/emotionally), who care what they like and don’t like!? People have many different views and many different likes and dislikes, not everyone is gonna like the same stuff. And it’s okay! To not like a character or story line is okay, and as long as you are respectful and civil with others, most are open to discussing their differing opinions. But toxic fans can’t let people have that, they gotta fight and scream their better or this is better. Not to mention the harassment and threats they throw at people on a regular basis because someone doesn’t agree. Or how they talk down to some other fans as well because their opinion isn’t the same.(Once again I must reiterate, being a bigot is not a valid reason/opinion to dislike someone, something or a performance.)
Not even getting into the large history of gross bigotry you see in the fandom as well like; racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. It can be like a fucking cesspool of awful shit. And under that’s there’s a whole lot of other underlying issues too that stem from fans and even creators. From the Ahsoka Tano outfit controversy to the recent Reave issue, that shouldn’t have ever happened and the fact that fans were being so disgusting is horrific, and at the end of the day they reflect the Star Wars community regardless of what people say. They make it into articles, headlines, top rated videos and tweets; everything! And honestly, it’s become embarrassing at times to admit you are apart of the Star Wars community when shit like this is what people hear about it.
Theres still a lot of controversy over many design and story choices over the years, some more problematic than others, but none more than the shipping community. It’s like a dropping out a bucket of chum in the ocean— you just mention shipping and you’re bound to get some toxic fan waiting to tear your ass apart and explain why you’re wrong and their ship is superior, etc. Is there issues in shipping? Yes! And we can talk about that without people literally coming out the wood work to send death threats because someone ships Quinlan with Ventress, or Obi-Wan with Cody. Or anything mostly. Like two consenting adults having a relationship isn’t that big of an issue outright. But that’s all I’m gonna say about shipping here, since it’s a very complicated topic.
Last thing is the need to argue or prove a point. Wether it be about a character, a design choice, or something with the plot — someone’s gotta fight with another person. Proving that their chosen character is superior or how the other persons critiques on said character are invalid because “this is what I think so you are wrong”. And I’ve said before in another post, no one likes to agree to disagree, they gotta prove a point or make the person feel like shit for liking/disliking something just cause.
Tbh people on the internet have gotten way too entitled to come into peoples safe spaces, pages, accounts, sites, etc and just act out. They can’t be polite or nice or civil if they want to talk about a differing opinion, they gotta invade peoples spaces and disrespect them and their opinions/ideas. People are way to entitled to speak, but don’t care about how they do it or who they talk to. Sometimes it’s an adult, sometimes it’s a minor that they shit on, but a lot of people don’t care as long as they get to open their mouth and spew their bull crap. And people often will have rules or tell others they don’t want this type of confrontational stuff in their space, but 85% to 90% don’t care. And obviously the Star Wars fandom isn’t the only one that suffers with this problem, a lot of fandoms do. From Marvel and DC — to animes like DBZ and Fairy Tail. A lot of fandoms have this issues where people don’t respect peoples boundaries, aren’t civil/nice person when talking to others, argue with anyone and everything, and harass/threaten people who disagree or criticize them. It’s an Fucking issue that plaques so many places in so so many fandoms.
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I'm gonna be this person for a minute because the things I read sometimes are just... not that. Some of you really need to talk to elder millenials instead of profiling Tommy based on your very young life experience. Please. The generation gap really shows and you misinterpret everything about him because his behavior of a late 30s/early 40s man doesn't match your less than 25 years old life. And I get it, you do with what you know, it's perfectly normal, but don't project yourself in a story where characters will invevitably be very different from you. Learn to know them instead. And even if you're jealous of Tommy (because I know how it works, you don't fool me), it's not a reason to paint a portrait of him that is nowhere near his canon self and what we see on screen. We're not dramatic teens anymore at this age and details are a lot less important when they're not about really meaningful things, as is life-scale things.
Tommy not wearing perfectly in-theme clothes at the party is nothing. It's a shame, sure, but does it spoil the fun (they end up not having)? Absolutely not. And remember: they just met. It's not like they've known each other for months or years and have high expectations because they have a history together. What is important here? That he showed up or that he wears the right outfit? He showed up while being on call. This is big. Details are details. It's like saying a 6 course meal was horrible because they didn't have the dessert you wanted and had to choose something else. No, the dinner was delicious, shame they didn't have the dessert but it's nothing. You still enjoyed the damn food served.
Creating posts about how Tommy doesn't care about Buck because of this kind of details, and using your personality as a reference to profile Tommy?? This is not how things work. It's not because you can't relate that it's wrong. It's not because it doesn't fit your fic ideas that it's not valid. It's not because it's different that it's not right. You can just say you don't like him for who he is, it's fine! No one is forced to like him. But don't twist the character's personality to fit your narrative. This is not how things work.
And please talk to people. Just, you know, sharing basic life things, in a safe space. It's possible and it's great, for everyone involved.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
Accusing people, some of whom incidentally are likely LGBT themselves, of not viewing wol///fstar as canon because they "can't read queer-coding" is the cope of the century and borders on delusional. it's also condescending and disrespectful- why is your personal analysis of a work of fiction more valid than anyone else's, particularly when that analysis is almost certainly driven by confirmation bias? Have you asked yourself whether the "signs" you think you're reading in the text are actually there or whether you just want them to be? It's fine to want them to be and to add two and two and get six, personally I've done that with many works of fiction and I will continue to do so, but objectively there's no evidence that holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny that jkr actually intended Sirius and Remus to secretly be in love.
Leaving aside the fact for now that this is JKR we're talking about and all that entails, it honestly verges on conspiracy-brained at times. Besides that, using homophobic stereotypes as "evidence" is, to put it plainly, shit. Some of these stereotypes might seem fairly innocuous yet still manage to be offensive (e.g. "tonks is queer-coded because she has short hair/is cool/has this personality trait or physical characteristic) but others honestly cross a line. Think for a moment about the logical leap you're making when you claim that werewolves being an allegory for stigmatised illnesses like AIDS is proof that R is gay. What equivalence is being drawn here? worth thinking about
I just want to say this is a work of children's literature and we're all free to interpret whatever we want and make up whatever silly things that we want with it. But you're not smarter or more special than anyone else because you think there's a gay way to look or speak or act, or for seriously believing that JKR created some kind of mad convoluted mental backflip conspiracy to specifically fuck with what was at the time a fringe element of online fandom that she likely wasn't even aware of. Apply Occam's razor here and go with the simplest explanation, which is that JKR, a heterosexual woman, wrote a children's book in the 90s with a majority heterosexual pairings and one token gay character. From there, do whatever you want. The end
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greensupremetangerine · 10 months
PSA that harassing, bullying, and kicking a person out of a fandom is toxic behavior. A difference in opinions does not warrant anonymous hate, and claiming it wasnt that bad and there's no proof because they didn't post the hate doesn't retract the fact that something happened to make them deactivate their account.
Fandoms are supposed to be places of community, enjoyment, and celebration of a mutually liked piece of media. There isn't room for hate, because the concept of a fandom does not naturally account for it.
If someone says something you dont like, it does not give you the right or responsibility to "put them in their place" or "teach them what's right" or whatever. A person is allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions. You can retort, discuss, disagree, hell you can even block them, but for the love of god don't single them out and make them a villain. It doesn't automatically make you the right side if they stop talking.
Also, the anonymous button isn't for keeping the blame off yourself. It's not for sending a dozen death threats while still looking pretty and proper on your blog. The person recieving anons has no way to disengage from the conversation. They cannot block, the best they can do is disable anons and stop the kind, shy people from asking silly questions or hope you give up and stop. The last resort is completely deleting your account, and again, its not a sign of your victory, it's a sign of the fandom' loss, and it is a sign that you are the vicious aggressor.
If youre struggling to stop doing these things, by no means am I a saint or a therapist, but removing yourself from the situation and letting yourself breathe, even for a moment, will probably help a lot with your relationships and mental health. I'm a believer that people can change and it is in human nature to do so, even if it's hard. It's a conscious decision to be a good person (I'm not calling you evil) and being a kind person is fulfilling in amazing ways.
tl;dr don't harass people :( it doesn't give you the high ground and it makes the fandom a worse place.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 month
to your point about f1 fandom not being that annoying, you’re so right. i’ve been in a variety of fandoms, some (*cough* voltron *cough*) where people literally tried to severely injure other people over ship discourse. nothing in f1 can top that, at least as far as i’ve seen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YES THIS LIKE....idk the vitriol that does go around in f1 fandom AT LEAST IN MY OPINION is pretty comparable to what happens in other niches of sports fans, just in a different way. like the way the harassment and hatred does proliferate imo, reminds me very much of how like...... non-online cis het men also bully and hate on each other about sports teams and players. not to say it doesnt get intense and deranged, just that its VERY DIFFERENT and dare i say? more socially acceptable- if not acceptable than Understood- than it is to do similar things over something like anime characters or a video game.
I mean the very nature of sports is creating in-groups and out-groups........we're expected to have a level of animosity towards each other, and i think theres a lot more of a level of understanding when fellow sport fans dont like you because of who you support, vs in traditional fandom there is not always that built in understanding of like "oh people who like x will not like you if you like y" and theres i guess a lot less established rules/norms around who is in what group/what's acceptable in that group/etc etc etc..
I think at the end of the day- wether we are talking rpf or not- the annoyingness of sports fandoms is a very different beast, as it is very much based in a media that is completely BUILT on fighting each other, being us vs them, so the people within that fandom have some sort of understanding of the beef that they may perpetrate or receive.........and it is all based off of REAL THINGS happening before our REAL EYES, and i think there is some understanding in that about how real people get things wrong or tell lies to cheat or whatever, because teams are made of real people and people are fallible and biased, the teams themselves are just as human and ever changing as the fandom is...
vs traditional fandom media was not made to be in-fought over, it is purely individuals perceiving the exact same fictional text through different lenses and deciding who is consuming that text right or wrong. I think the drama largely comes from there not being enough compelling conflict within the text, or not being able to deal with intense conflicts within the text, and just like. spewing all that all over the internet. Like we're having moral debates over the actions of villains from a childrens cartoon some days. Be serious.
At the end of the day i think people yearn to be a part of the in group, and fandoms a lot of the time, are kind of just sports for nerds, and i say that as a nerd. But because traditional fandom is not like sports, and they dont get real fights to be invested in every week, they have to just start fights with each other because their show doesnt have any new episodes or the sequel movie didnt get cleared.
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q-morning-crew · 5 months
Tubbo and bad are such a fascinating pairing because their first big meaningful interaction was VERY hostile and immediately marked them as enemies, or at the very least opposing forces
And then purgatory happened. And look at them now
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nyxofdemons · 3 months
“one day im going to have to make like a three hour long video essay that's just called In Defense of Helluva Boss” Please do. I see more anti videos than I do with defense ones. Like the ones that say season 2 is terrible even though it’s barely completed and the ones that say Stolitz is a bad despite them barely having a relationship.
no literally i am sick of seeing more anti content than actual appreciation videos but the anti talking point i see most that drives me up the fucking walls is that it's "bAd RePrEsEnTaTiOn," as if that is all that queer people are allowed to have; just the vague nebulous concept of "Rep(TM)." the fact that if a straight character is a bad person then it's just that This Character is a bad person, but if a queer character is a bad person then This Is Bad Representation Of The Community And Is Homophobic. can we not just HAVE characters?? vehicles to tell a story??? tools to craft a compelling narrative??? this is part of why Helluva/Hazbin being adult shows is such a THING because i see this get shut down a lot under the guise of "uhh well just because it's an adult show doesn't mean that it can handle whatever topic it wants however it wants" and like. yeah buddy! that's true! and that's not what this is fucking about!! when people say "it's an adult show" what they mean is that it's made to be engaged with under the assumption that you would know better than to take information to shape your worldview and perception of other real life people from a fucking cartoon! the show doesn't NEED to tell you that Um Hey Guys Just So You Know This Isn't Actually Meant To Reflect How All Real Life Gay Relationships Are because you are an adult who should already be able to discern this.
"bad rep" doesn't mean "characters that are nuanced, morally gray, or just bad people." "bad rep" would be if helluva boss was a show that said "the REASON these characters are in toxic relationships / are bad people is BECAUSE they are queer, or at least directly correlated to that fact." which is. you know. very fucking different than "these characters are in toxic relationships / are bad people because they 1) live in a classist society that actively encourages them to be their worst selves and 2) are extremely traumatized."
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lunar-wandering · 9 months
I genuinely think so many people have forgotten the fact of "there are no toxic fandoms, only toxic people".
When fandoms get big, of course the amount of people u want nothing to do with is also gonna get bigger.
Youre not meant to combat them. Youre not meant to talk about them and expose others to them.
Youre meant to block them at the first signs and continue to enjoy your experience interacting with other people.
Kill the weeds, don't let the seeds spread, reap your wheat and enjoy your bread.
#this post brought to you by#me yet again seeing a 'x fandom is awful and toxic'#whilst ive experienced nothing but joy + made most of my current friends through said fandom#im part of that fandom. youre part of that fandom. that fandom brought us together.#you would insult something that created something so beautiful?#just because theres some assholes ALSO in it???#i just. i cant STAND it#its such a fucking generalization#im so fucking tired of 'fandoms are bad' mentalities#yes theres some assholes. most of us dont want them here either#yes theres people being 'cringey'. leave them alone theyre just having fub#fun#fandoms are a COMMUNITY#of people brought together via a common love of one thing#we praise fanfic and fanart for being so creative#but those only truly exist because fandom does#u cant love one and then blatantly insult the other#jeez#im just. i get so depressed when i see those takes#its like. sometimes some of these takes really just give 'people cant have fun anymore'#and other times i see a 'fandom bad!!' take and im just like#u do understand fandom is a community that YOU are meant to build right?#its like how people tell people to curate their dashboard. fandom is the same#block the people u dont like. dont engage with drama. dont make callout posts.#(if u must u can PRIVATELY inform your mutuals if theres some asshole in the community)#fandom is meant to be FUN. A discussion of what people love and an exchange of arts#not continuous arguing over what hcs are correct and stuff#just. god. fandoms arent awful. thats like saying all humans are bad.#just block the assholes. let people have fun. and enjoy yourself.#those are the three rules of fandom.
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iheartseanmacguire · 19 days
was gonna caption this 'faceless rdr2 girls' but then i realised that 3/4 of them have faces and now my day is ruined. thanks for giving me a REFERENCE rockstar!!! you REALLY helped me!!!
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sike i dont have a speedpaint for this one so take a cute dog gif instead
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wesleysniperking · 2 months
It amazes me how much Zoro fans are willing to defend Zoro’s “6-month long” fight with Lucci. Whereas when it comes to Usopp’s “10 years of uselessness” they’re just quick to not consider that not much time has actually passed in the OP world. So, I guess Zoro’s given more grace since he’s the second main character of One Piece. And the “not much time has passed in the OP world” reasoning is only justifiable when it comes to him.
Got it.
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conanssummerchild · 4 months
love the trobed fandom on here bcs its just all of us being a little autistic :3
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weirdmai · 3 months
the mp100 art community (and community in general) means so much to me you have no idea
there's so many talented and nice people and i'm like @+$9!&?_!$?_?&??????? y'all are so cool i love you sm?????
like, for example, warm mp100 fanarts always makes my day, my week, my month,,, i just omg i love you all
and i love how many of us agree that mp100 is somewhat life changing or idk
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roostertuftart · 6 months
Can we stop W the “if you have a different opinion on sp you clearly haven’t watched the show” bit. it’s. Very annoying
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qtubbo · 5 months
Im so genuinely tired of the fact Bagi can directly say how Cellbit has been hurting her and others but she still wants to love him, let him into her life, and forgive him. Then cellbit fans will say oh but she’s less mad about Forever hurting kids then Cellbit killing fed workers. You know forever who is possessed, and not in control of his actions. Just admit you’re a misogynist put it in your bio next time, this is targeted if you think this is about you it probably is. Bagi has her own life outside of your specialist little guy ever, get over yourself. There is no arguing with me about this, it was a misogynistic post deleting it is the best thing you can do. I don’t want to @ you or respond directly because I don’t want you getting harassed but you need to relook at how you treat female characters.
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tricksterlatte · 1 day
I've always been fascinated by fandom history, and I know I'm not the only one. It's interesting to see how fans of pop culture can create a culture of their own, and in the modern age of social media and the internet in general, that culture is as widespread as ever. Unfortunately, that also means downsides are becoming bigger as this culture becomes widespread, and it's saddening to watch, maybe even concerning.
I don't discuss these things to be preachy, especially considering how I've fallen into several of these pitfalls before, and have perpetuated some of this behavior in the past. To say otherwise would make me a hypocrite and a liar, and I firmly believe this goes for most people in any fandom. I was just thinking about this recently, and how a lot of the biggest stressors in what should be our stress relief really can be pinned mostly into a few central talking points, which I would love to discuss to know if I'm not just going crazy here
The concept of Big Name Fan has evolved into a position of authority on fandom, which does not fall to anyone regarding subjectivity. No one in a fandom is an authority except the creators themselves, who have every right to stay away from the fandoms they have birthed.
Popularity in general being conflated to intellectual authority as well, especially on websites with public stats, particularly following counts. The algorithm is no benevolent god, but people will sometimes see someone with 30k followers and think they are correct on a minor non-issue that has spiraled into discourse, especially when compared to someone with 30 followers. This also is just...a bummer when fanon evolves into perceived canon, and newcomers to the fandom can't post even innocuous meta or headcanons without it being perceived as morally/intellectually incorrect.
Monetization of fanworks, but especially zines, have led to a hypercompetitive atmosphere that only escalates the bitterness and resentment. This is not a universal problem, but many zines across all fandoms habitually accept the same artists and writers, or diminish the value of fanfic due to the limitations of physical printing. The application process has devolved into such a disheartening debacle for a majority of people I see, and the way it is often framed as "your work just wasn't good enough" when it's really about what the mods deem mass marketable will destroy just about anyone's self-esteem after repetitive rejections, and will give some frequent zine runners a false sense of final say over the community (not usually, but it can happen).
The level of distrust for anyone new attempting to start a fan project is just so depressing nowadays (and this one we sadly can blame on a few people by name, but the ones who have sent this issue spiraling still don't care and that just sucks. I feel horrible for everyone who has been tricked).
Somehow comment and anonymous asks have gone backwards from "don't feed the trolls" to "suck it up, at least you're getting comments." I have seen some of these comments people have been told to suck up. It's not okay in general. It's particularly gross when it's an anonymous hate message unrelated to the fanworks themselves, perhaps born out of resentment or bearing an ulterior motive. And some will even attack and defame character due to identity. It's not subtle. It's not okay. People should absolutely be dunked on for this, and I gotta say I'm sick of unsolicited concrit being enforced as positive either. If they didn't ask, don't give it. There's a reason a lot of fic writers some people adore suddenly go ghost, and they can't even talk about it.
Don't like, don't read has been discarded in favor of don't like, tell others don't read and also don't write. Transformative works don't have to fit into a canon or even in character mold. That's why they're transformative! It's a different type of artistic expression. If you don't like it, chances are good it simply wasn't meant for you. It's not bad. Don't shame others, god especially not for non-issues such as a t/b preference or a different gender hc, preferred haircuts, types of animal you imagine them as in another lifetime, I could list literally anything here and I bet there has been a fandom fight over it.
Exclusive yet publicly advertised community Discords that will bar you from invite if you're not one of the cool kids. I have unfortunately fallen into this trap before, and refuse to ever enable or endorse that behavior ever again. This isn't about friend groups either, it's about fandom-dedicated servers that flaunt themselves as a VIP club instead of what they are: a friend group. I also don't even know how to broach the subject of private accounts that turn into fandom tea accounts with dozens if not hundreds of followers, only for people to be angry if someone isn't exactly okay with horrific stuff being said in general, let alone about their mutuals or friends.
I know none of this will likely ever change, and tbh i'm so tired of it all, but...does anyone else know what I mean? I'm stressed out whenever I try to enjoy myself, because popularity and a strange business mindset is steadily taking over fandom spaces. I'm not saying people should stop trying to make stuff that sells, or that people universally do any of this, but fandom is evolving into a thing I'm not sure is good. idk anymore
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dia-oro · 8 months
im sorry I don’t ship it but I support you even is I don’t understand shit, ship it as hard as you can, I’m proud of you even if we don’t ship the same characters/fandoms.
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