#but the trobed fandom
conanssummerchild · 5 months
love the trobed fandom on here bcs its just all of us being a little autistic :3
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truth-is-relative · 5 months
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Troy Barnes I know what u are
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swanparties · 3 months
the fictional couple on my computer hurt me so bad i had to reconnect with nature
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eclipsepunki · 4 months
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these two…..
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lovelycloudsart · 2 years
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movie night :-)
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zyphnn · 4 months
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happy 10th birthday geothermal escapism <3
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rotting-butterscotch · 3 months
so uh i just rewatched community for the 3rd, and possibly the last, time, and I'm gonna rant about it, especially because it's being taken off Netflix this month.
Community is literally the #1 best fucking show on this planet (with Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place being a 2 and 3), and no one can tell me otherwise. The writing is so fucking beautiful (except the writing of the romantic entanglements within the group, but im sure the fandom knows that already), and can be so funny yet heartbreaking at the same time.
Let's take "Geothermal Escapism" for an example (which to point out how amazing the writing is, has never failed to make me cry at the end of it). The symbolism of the hot lava game, the fact that Troy had to play into the whole "clone" thing just for Abed to be able to cope with him leaving (which proves yet again how much Troy and Abed do for eachother, and yes that *is* one of the reasons I ship trobed, but let's not get off-track more than we already have lol), the group saying all their good-byes at the end, and the way those good-byes characterize them so perfectly, it's literally a masterpiece of an episode.
And the fact that the viewers as a whole were supposed to just forget all of that the next episode baffles me, like make up your mind Dan Harmon, are you gonna make the best show of all time or ruin it by shoving jeffannie down our throats at the last episode???? (sorry, went off track)
Anyways, back to the writing: it's beautiful, but can be so dumb at the same time. Like, another example: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television", a.k.a. the finale, which not only kind of does a call-back to s1 Jeff and Abed (Abed being ready to let go and embrace the future, and Jeff being so against it), but omggg the symbolism towards the end, where Jeff has driven Abed and Annie to the airport, and he's hugging them good-bye, and Jeff goes in for a second hug, because yet again he's afraid of change, and you can tell Abed is confused, but he goes with it anyways, because he gets it (actually I'm making this point based off of a comment under a compilation of Jeff and Abed, but whatever).
Jeff and Abed in s6 is literally Abed and Jeff in s1, and not only then, but literally everywhere in the series, you can tell how alike they are, how their traumas and troubles are so alike, yet they dealt with it differently, one with acceptance and one with denial.
And another point about how the writing can be so dumb sometimes: how can you literally point to jeffannie being an illogical and impossible ship, and literally have both members of this ship finally realize how unhealthy it in the *same* episode as is that ship's kiss scene?!?! Like, how does that make sense.
Anyways, my conclusion to this rant is: there's no conclusion lol, I just wanted to barf out all of my thoughts on this show onto here (and these aren't even all my thoughts on this show lol), as incoherent as they are. I'll miss this show so bad😭😭.
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doppel-dean-er · 10 months
unpopular opinion that might go against everything I've expressed up to this point: idk if I want Trobed to be canon in the movie.
like yeah, queer representation would be amazing, and if it ends with them in any other relationship I will sue for emotional damages, but like..... part of the fun of shipping is that it's fandom-made. I think the argument that Trobed is queerbaiting mostly gets caught up on season 4, with all the boyfriend jokes, the dick checking, etc. but we also have to acknowledge that season 4 was made by the same people who made Aliens In America, obviously that doesn't speak for the writers specifically but it does give you a significant insight into the thought process behind the increase in gay jokes.
at the same time, idk how it would handle that relationship. we've seen every explicit relationship in the show go south within ten episodes and I just idk. like, they only have to handle it for two hours at most, but there are too many variables it's so iffy and aurgh, I don't know if I trust the writers to give us this one solid.
I just don't think it's very likely to happen. but if it does, if they kiss on screen and/or explicitly state "yes, we are in a relationship, and we are in love" I will bake a cake, a whole cake, with a cup and a half extra of salt. the cake will be inedible and I will eat an entire slice on camera as proof. i'll also decorate it with an apology for being wrong, this is a dead serious promise because I know for a fact it won't be canon (like 99.7% sure).
i've been consuming so much explicitly queer media recently that I regularly just forget that Troy and Abed aren't canonically together. if push comes to shove, and they aren't canon in the movie, we can always just convince each other that it is :]
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 6 months
I'm sorry. One of the first things that Troy and Abed do once they realize they've 'switched bodies' is to check what either one is packing downstairs????? I'M SORRY?? YOU SAID YOU WERE HETEROSEXUAL???? I'M SORRY???? EXCUUUUUUSE ME????
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axle-hates-zucchini · 2 months
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Since I’ve gotten so much overwhelming support for my last community doodles post, soI decided to draw Abed for y’all! I hope you guys like it, ignore the bad hand proportions and weird hair coloring lol, thanks for everything!
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i'm starting a collection
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conanssummerchild · 4 months
ok but like what if abed was just a little more on edge around troy than the rest of the study group at first before they started becoming actually friends and troy didnt know why it was until later seasons when abed starts dropping casual hints about getting bullied in high school and getting put in lockers and stuff and troy realises abeds caution had been because troy reminded him of the people that made fun of him in high school and he was scared he would make fun of him too, what then?
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truth-is-relative · 5 months
Images of Trobed that mean everything to me/mixed with textposts
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 6 months
Dumbass Duo Showdown round 2 battle 12.
Yusuke & Kuwabara aka Kuwameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho) vs Troy & Abed (community)
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Yusuke & Kuwabara
Two delinquent punks who share one singular braincell 90% of the time.
they share the braincell
Look Abed is pretty smart but only in… specific areas. Troy is just a big dumbass all around. They’re goofy and silly and get made fun of by other characters sometimes but they’re best friends who do stupid shit together and they’re so so special
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Me, writing a fic and muttering under my breath: I will shove the unsubtle Greek myth allusions in if it is the LAST thing I do-
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amffb2012 · 6 months
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scott pilgrim x sonic and amy
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