#totally ok to reblog btw!!
I am not joking I am not exaggerating the thirst on this fucking website for cis dudes w a lil extra fat on their chests... And the insistence on referring to those as titties and boobs and big naturals. Has made me (trans man) feel significantly better about my boobs! Everyone here sees a dude with big ol bazoonkas and goes fucking apeshit. Hell yeah. Men's tits. I got those too! Maybe they're also hot on me! Holy shit! Men's tits!
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man I really would love to see an (explicitly) religious companion on Doctor Who. esp one who's written in such a way as makes their faith relevant to the storylines and challenges and tests it but ultimately remains respectful and keeps the theme of it relevant within the specific science fiction setting that Doctor Who occupies. I personally just think that would be great.
#:) can't wait to see what kind of reaction this one provokes :)#also btw I know that Yaz is Muslim. I was actually kind of excited when the show officially confirmed that bc I was hoping it would#dig into themes of faith surrounding her and how she as a person of faith is dealing with her experiences in the TARDIS#learning all this new knowledge that's supposedly outside the realm of her worldview and having to figure out how to incorporate#these new perspectives into her relationship with her faith#would've been absolutely thrilled to see that happen at all in literally any capacity. and then it absolutely completely Did Not.#her faith was mentioned like... what. once??? in a passing reference about racism/Islamophobia#which of course are relevant themes of course! but they were brought up exactly once. and then permanently left there.#and yes I do have to say that Thirteen's era actually revolved quite heavily around themes of faith and religion. and it treated religion#in general much better than any previous era of Who really has!! I'm appreciative for that.#but I would really enjoy not having to dig so much. I'd love to see the explorations of faith be as tied into a character as#the explorations of identity were tied to Bill's sexuality and the Master/Missy's gender change and moral crisis were in s10#anyway! :) have fun with this one. I will delete it if people start being weird and dumb in the notes.#gurt says stuff#doctor who#religon#faith#storytelling#science-fiction#(totally ok to reblog and add comments on btw. 'being weird and dumb' does not mean interacting with this in a genuinely#conversational and good-faith sort of way at all)
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Weird question, but.
What pronouns do y’all use for me? 👀
I’ve said I’m cool with any so I’m mostly curious what vibes I give off.
Especially with my character in the dress XD
But I’ve also said I would die of laughter of someone used wiz/whir on me, because it makes me all sjhvjshvjsgv and happy noises XD btw you don’t have to it is a joke I made for myself.
But as someone who is stuck as she/her irl, im always surprised on discord when a couple chats use he/him a touch more to begin with. So I thought I’d ask.
What pronoun vibes do I give off?👀
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niallschesthair · 2 years
no offence, besties, but you all look kinda stupid with that whole "can someone download carolina and put it on google drive so we can listen without supporting it uwu" thing.
either completely disavow the song and it's association with the movie or get out of your moral high horse and just listen to it on spotify or apple music like everyone else.
you love calling taylor a hypocrite and not give her a chance to make mistakes and learn from them but you're the ones neither sticking to your morals and supposed moral superiority nor accepting no one is perfect and supporting something/someone flawed doesn't make you morally corrupt.
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[It is done]
[mod note: this is temporarily replacing the link to magma (the art drawing thing we have so we can draw together!) as pinned post so heres the link: https://magma.com/d/zzg8vd99i2]
[the reason gangle isnt included is because she went to go get snacks totally not because i forgot to draw her. nope]
[credits to shard anon, @theoneandonlysun, and the mod of zooble's blog for majority help! @eeboshmeebo also contributed to the art!!][if you helped with the art and you wanna be credited, message me please, because i might've missed you? a lot of people swung by i just wanna make sure i credit them all]
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[TA DAH!!! below the read more thing is the list of people featured + pings (sorry yall, i just wanna make sure you see art,,)]
[btw, bonus: @easton-likes-sandwiches my bad i couldn't include you (since easton is kinda. not in digital land.) but here ya go, a bonus!]
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1: @rook-specter [i hope i drew you correctly, i couldn't really find a sona to use]
2: @the-moth-from-elsewhere [btw i know you wanted to add details but imo i think it looks fine like this,,thanks for some of the help and support, though!!]
3: pickle anon [unsure if they have a blog, so i can't @]
4: shard anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog, but they helped alot!! ty ty]
5: @unfunnyaceartist [OK i know you only appeared for a bit but you agreed to move night.,,and your sona looks cool..so..obilgatory appearance in the art!]
6: @sugarcane-soup [I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO COLOR YOUR SONA,,i hope i did well]
7: @zooooble [zoob...]
8 and 9: [@askobjects firey and leafy look so goofy in this image,, i hope you like them]
10: @sign-anon [in the middle of drawing this i did NOT know sign anon died..whoops?]
11: @boldtextanon [bold text anon is fine guys. Hes fine. i swear]
12: @yougotjinx3d [mage anon and vamp anon were drawn by sun if i remember correctly, so erm..ya!! they're silly people]
13: @bloodforvampanon [me when i GET YOU. but fr. silly guy]
14: crownon! [unsure if they have a blog, but erm..crow]
15: eepy anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog..they literally look so silly its crazy]
16: rat [you know who you are /silly]
17: @gummy-axolotl [I HOPE I GOT THE COLORS RIGHT,,HERE YOU GO!!!]
18: @liloblogs [im gonna be fr we got this close to confusing lilo with juko,,,im not very great at oc lore. but lilo is so silly]
19: panic anon! [i think they're also the same blog as lilo? unsure. but yea!! they are goofy and silly and probably terrified of the horror movies]
20: @justadustymoth [MOTh. moth,,,,, moths are so silly. like. fr..]
21: bow anon! [idk if you have a blog but i hope you like the design!!!!]
23: @eeboshmeebo [there was barely any room so i could only include a mask,,but i hope thats okay!! also ty for help on the mask]
25: FISH. ANON.. [you got included last minute HGKDHJSHJSHS but . fish]
26: @lightthepathwithalantern [i hope i drew lantern anon okay,,,they're so cool looking,,,]
28: @ru-bwee [thank you for. the plush images. I will use them to mark important events /silly]
29: @bob-the-cemetery-ghost [Oh no,,,also i hope you dont mind being a bit in the background i didnt know how else to include youuu]
[literal walls of text,,hope yall dont mind all the @]
[erm,,if yall don't mind,,i hate asking but reblogs please ? i wanna see the art around !!!!]
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mooncheese3 · 1 year
yueliujiu anon here saying if ur too shy to answer my last ask -- it's ok! but also, if you have any more yueliujiu thoughts pls feel free to dump!! id love to hear them 🥺🥺🥺
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ANYWHO HDNFN yeaa :DDD u are the anon in mermaid qijiu reblog :DDDD genuinely cant stop thinking about them now also im totally gonna join yqy weekend now that i have been made awareRAWGRH SPREADING THE YLJ AGENDA
thoughts on how lqg is so used to having a big family and how hes never worried about losing their support vs qijiu whose longest familial bond has only ever been each other and how they always worry about losing that so they try their damnest to tie themselves together (and this doesnt always translate well)
idk what theyll do about that i just know that hurts and it hurts good
but also small-town!sv au wherein yqy is the mayor, lqg is a newly transferred cop, and sqq is the local librarian & part-time language tutor (also a retired criminal investigator)
basically 'beyond evil' vibes where lqg is investigating a case gone cold, aka the qiu massacre thing. SO LIKE. hes following a lead everyone else deemed outlandish, but the thing is his instincts have never failed him before, and those instincts are telling him hes on the right path
it just so happens that path leads right to a little town up in the mountains, whose mayor is a charismatic man named yqy. yqy is kind, thoughtful, and just. he smooths problems out quickly and can manage many things at once. right beside yqy is sqq, the only flaw lqg can find in yqy
sqq is an acidic man. the mayors wrapped around the guy's finger and the mayor himself doesnt care; he knows too much, is what lqg thinks. lqg notices sqq's aversion to fire, notices how his stare lingers on flames that burn too close. he notices how sqq easily lockpicks the libarary's door when the rust in the lock finally overpowers the key, how sqq seems to be hated by all yet is frequently hired by the parents who gossip about him. lmy tells him over the phone that if sqq really were the suspect, hed have been around 16 when the qiu massacre happened—isnt that too much?
despite agreeing with his sister, he cant shake the feeling that a teenage sqq would be capable of it
additionally to sqq he feels that qht deserves to at least find peace in finally "figuring out" why her family died in such a horrible way and getting justice. she was innocent after all. so if that means he needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life he'll let lqg do his job and finally close the qiu case
yqy is less than pleased btw. he tries to take suspicions off of sqq but it just makes it worse)
idk how the plot goes i just need some enemies/you-can-tell-theres-tension-between-them-but-they-never-argue to lovers action
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bittersweetcanary · 7 months
Summoner who experiences Chronic Fatigue & Chronic Pain 
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How the Artw cast reacts to a Summoner with Chronic Fatigue & Chronic Pain. The gender of the Summoner is not mentioned, this can be read as enby, man, woman, trans, etc. :D
Special thanks to Cora ( @adcmans ) for helping me come up with ideas!!
BTW IF you want to add anything please do in the comments, I'd love to hear your ideas!! Or reblog!! :D
[Disability Rep | Pronouns of Summoner not mentioned | Gender of Summoner not mentioned | Some Suggestive Text | Tooth Rotting Sweet at times ]
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Spica’s part has some stuff about the MC/Summoner to explain the context a bit.
You explained your condition to him first, less due to trust and more due to wanting to get accommodated for your disability ASAP, and not being totally sure how to go about that. He seems the most reasonable and accountable of the bunch.
At first, he didn’t quite understand but it certainly didn’t take long with your explanation of your condition. Spica helped you through the process of getting medication through the school due to your… Finances being… Low… (*cough* broke, poor, you have nothing now that you fell through a damn rift- *cough*) Luckily the school easily covered it, taking some of the weight of your anxiety off your shoulders. Wow, their Medicare system is nice. Unlike some places.
Since, to your surprise, Spica checked in on you frequently when you dozed off during meetings or when your pace would slow, asking if you were tired if something hurt, or if you needed to rest.
Spica went with you to pick up some school supplies from one of the village shops, mostly just plenty of pencils with big pencil grips which made it easier to hold. The number of times you’ve lost a pencil simply because it rolled off your desk is… To put it simply, a lot. And a backpack to carry your school stuff in as just holding it wouldn’t quite work for you.
You were quite anxious to start using a mobility aid because then you’d have to explain to everyone why… But Spica made sure to explain to the rest of the Guide Committee just why you were using forearm crutches so they wouldn’t bombard you with questions, after asking if that’d be alright of course.
Upon occasion when you were being stubborn, wanting to keep up with the others, Spica would pull you to the side (-if he had to he would grab your arm just above your elbow and sit you down on the nearest couch beside himself-) and would begin to lecture you- reminding you that it is ok to take breaks & rest. Followed by your comment about his sleep schedule had him stuttering for a moment before coming up with a “good reason” as to why that was totally reasonable. Your expression showed your opinion on that.
It’s safe to say you MADE Spica sleep more hours at night when you could, sometimes he’d be too stubborn. One time he was snappy about it, telling you off harshly though he did apologize later it still stung.
Spica immediately offered to help you ready yourself for the day if you ever felt too tired to do so alone, and you took him up on that offer sometimes, if he could spare some time away from his paperwork.
Spica was the first to offer to take you out for breakfast whenever he could, Arcturus sometimes joined the two of you if they happened to both be free though Spica preferred it to just be the two of you.
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Before finding out
In class when the Summoner would doze off he’d huff, and puff, but never wake them. Once they woke (or he woke them up after class) he’d chew them out over sleeping through class. Sometimes classes. Threatening to leave them asleep in the classroom next time. (which he never does, it doesn’t take you long to catch on)
You have caught him staring more than once, though you play it off as if you totally didn’t notice him with his head down beside you blatantly gazing at you with big stary eyes.
Sometimes when you’d be writing down your notes your hand would twitch and you’d drop your pencil, having pushed yourself too far. Pollux didn’t notice at first but when you’d take breaks from writing he’d ask why and you’d shrug off his question, picking up the pencil and beginning to work again.
And lunch… Pollux couldn’t quite understand why you’d sleep through lunch of all things, the food was always great. Especially the chocolates he usually kept to himself, that he’d brought as his dessert, he’d sometimes share with you and Arcturus.
Pollux never quite got how you couldn’t keep up with him when he’d run ahead, often telling you to exercise more. It felt insensitive, causing you to show him a bit of a cold shoulder afterward though you knew he just didn’t know about your disability.
Sometimes when you were quite tired and just so happened to be sitting beside Pollux you’d unconsciously doze off while leaning against his shoulder. Pollux would stare at you for a few moments after you leaned against him, then look away and cover his face with his hand, but remain still and quiet so as to not wake you. He would stay there till you woke.
Polly would make rude comments about your disgruntled unkept appearance on bad days, pushing stray hairs into place. Huffed and puffed when he tried fixing up your hair, he got better at that over time. It’s become a sort of daily routine for him to play with your hair during class, sometimes you’d play with his too, he loved it when you did and you could tell by how he squeezed his eyes shut and blushed.
After Spica’s explanation at the meeting
Pollux, much like the others, wondered why you weren’t there till Spica began the Guide Committee meeting. It’s safe to say a lot he was confused about was answered by Spica’s explanation. Why you doze off so much, and why your pencils all have those large grips… And the times you’d just dropped something… He brought up as much during the meeting as he found it concerning that you hadn’t told him, him!.. First... Spica was the most reasonable, he supposed, but you two were close!... Right? He’d work with you on assignments all the time! And share notes… And hangout! (totally didn’t say he wasn’t looking to make friends on day 1)
Pollux is a lil jelly that you didn’t tell him first- he pouts about it.
He was a little pouty around you after that but stopped trying to push you to keep up, or chewing you out over dozing off… Pollux slowed down to your pace whenever he realized he’d been walking at too quick a pace for you. He would constantly glance over his shoulder to make sure you were still there.
He MiGhT try to loop his arm around yours, or just blush a little thinking about it. Maybe if you offered up the idea first he’d go for it.
Alpheratz & Sirius missed the meeting… But Vega didn’t?! Maybe it’s that pathfinding magic, maybe it brought him there? Pollux eyed him up and down, sus. 
Will chew anyone out if they harass or bother you at any point about your disability, yap yap BITE!!
The whole hair play routine you two had started kept up, though he’d offer to help you in the morning if that’s okay, totally understandable if you didn’t want someone in your dorm, but it's him so… It’d be ok, right? Just don’t let anyone else in, they might be bad people.
When he and Arcturus showed up at your dorm, they’d be surprised but they are both besties so they help you out together and sometimes you all go out to breakfast at a cafe as a group <3 Sometimes Vega, Alpheratz, Spica, or Sirius might join if they happen to stop by around the same time, or one of them may try to drag you off for themself…
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Before finding out
Alpheratz thought it was a bit weird that you napped nearly as much as him… More than himself sometimes but never questioned it. It was nice having a nap buddy, someone who didn’t nag him for sleeping so often.
After a while he began to expect you to show up at specific nap locations, he’d bring a spare neck pillow just in case you needed one. And a spare blanket.
Sometimes he’d catch you rubbing at your knees or ankles as if they hurt but when he’d as if something happened you’d say you were just a little tired.
When you would yawn constantly throughout the day despite having napped alongside him he suspected something may be wrong, occasionally checking your health with his magic but not totally understanding what he saw. Alpheratz began to look into possibilities while you napped in the library with him.
He never really kept his appearance up so when you looked messy it didn’t really phase him, though he’d ask teasingly if your messy hair was some sort of new trend.
Finding out
Slept through the meeting assuming it’d be something unimportant- immediately regretted it after Pollux filled him in after he asked you about your mobility aid while the three of you were out at a sweets shop. Alpheratz had been downright staring at your forearm crutches the entire way there, with a very concerned expression.
Pollux scolds Alpheratz- they bicker a little. It’s cute. Then Alpheratz shoves some gummy worms into Pollux’s mouth to shut him up. Pollux stares Alpheratz down, crossing his arms, frowning, and furrowing his brow as he slowly chews the gummy worms.
After finding out
Now he knows what’s wrong and has a better grasp of just what his magic was showing him when he checked up on you.
From then on when you’d nap together Alpheratz made it a habit to check your physical health status using his magic, just to make sure you were ok. Sometimes he would check in to make sure you took your medication, knowing how forgetful you can be.
When he could, Alpheratz would join you, Arcturus, and Pollux for lunch, to spend time with you and make sure you took your meds.
Sometimes, if you seemed more tired than usual or if he saw you over-exerting yourself he’d just pick you up and take you to a comfy spot to nap. After the first few times, you weren’t so surprised. But the first time… You nearly kicked him between the legs and punched his face- in your defense, you didn’t know it was him, AND like wtf- you both laughed it off.
Both of you worked together to make a little “club room” in the back of the library, you both deemed it the Nap Club Tent. It was a sizeable tent- (you guess the only reason the school allowed you to get away with this was because Alpheratz’s grandfather wanted Alpheratz to warm up to him) inside the tent were plenty of blankets, pillows, and a well-padded floor. Some plushies too, those were purely your touch at first, then Alpheratz added some that he thought you’d like.
Sometimes Alpheratz would offer to help you get ready for the day, a slight blush on his cheeks, then he would quickly offer to hire someone else to help care for you if you wanted. 
When you’d go out as a group with Arcturus and Pollux for breakfast he would sometimes join, offering to pay for you and the others though sometimes he’d get up extra early just to take you out by himself.
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Before finding out
Arcky found it odd that you would yawn so often, and how you seemed to occasionally limp, but if he pointed it out you’d brush it off and adjust your posture and how you walked. He’d frown, he wasn't sure what was going on but how you acted gave him a bad feeling.
Sometimes when you looked incredibly drowsy while standing he would ask if you needed to sit down with furrowed brows, just what weren’t you telling him? 
When he would ask if something was wrong you’d change the topic with ease, Arcturus couldn’t remember what he’d asked after talking about some other random thing.
He had asked Spica if he noticed it as well… Which led Spica to ask you which kicked off the conversation.
Began occasionally stopping by your dorm in the mornings if he was free after seeing how messy and tired you looked most days, offering to help you prepare for the day. He helped when he could though he would often ask you why you looked so tired.
Finding out
Spica explains the situation to him first, being the only other Fili Pferer & Spica’s most trusted confidant. Arcturus was a little worried and sad that you hadn’t told him personally but understood it was probably difficult to talk about. Still pouted a little. But only a little!
After finding out
He helped to explain your disability to Vega and Pollux with Spica.
Later he ran into Sirius… After being chased by that big black dog!! Scary!! He updated Sirius on the recent meeting, assuming he’d just been too busy with missions to show up! Why else would his friend miss the meeting, he must’ve had a good reason! Though Arcky didn’t push Sirius to tell him why he’d missed the meeting.
Arcturus would constantly check up on you whenever he could. (when random Fili Pfere sorcerers weren’t dragging him around) Sometimes he’d go overboard and continue to ask you what he could do to help till you told him you were alright, only then would he stop and sigh in relief. 
He likes to offer to make food for you, get you a drink, or sometimes he will just leave a snack with a cute little note wishing you well if he finds you napping. (with a little smiley face)
Will also cover you with a blanket and place a pillow beneath your head VERY CAREFULLY if you don’t already have a blanket and/or pillow.
Might gaze at you for a while if you doze off while hanging out with him before sputtering if you ask him why he was staring.
Began to make it a point to stop by your dorm in the morning to help you prepare for the day whenever he was free, knowing that sometimes just keeping up with your hair and skin care was difficult. Then he would walk with you to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Loves having breakfast with you and Pollux, he wishes the others would join you all more often!! Super excited and happy when everyone or almost everyone shows up!!
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Before finding out
Vega arrived at the meeting right on time to Spica, Pollux, and Arcturus’s surprise. He felt that he should be there, for this particular meeting.
It was plain to see that you weren’t getting enough sleep, the bags under your eyes were telling and the yawning at 9 a.m.! Your symptoms stressed Vega out quite a bit to the point he would constantly be on you about getting plenty of sleep. 
Might force you to go back to bed if you doze off during breakfast.
After Spica’s explanation at the meeting
Vega is incredibly worried about you. However, the way he shows this feels more like a nagging older sibling. Sometimes he would give you harsh lectures when you push yourself a little too far.
One time he offered to carry you when you felt too tired to walk, your knees hurting, but when he tried- he apologized so many times after you both fell. His cheeks were utterly red when he looked up at you, atop him, before you got up. From then on, when he was with you he made sure no one blocked your path. 
If you ever decided to bring up that one time he tried to carry you he’d just DIE.
Constantly offers to carry anything he can for you just to take some of the weight off your shoulders. He will do whatever he can to help.
Grumpy if he can’t have breakfast with you by himself. Might try to drag you away, if only he could. Will not respond to anyone unless the topic is you. Or if he is talking to you.
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Before finding out
Sirius didn’t say much, other than teasing you over just what could be keeping you up to make you that tired. “Were you thinking of me last night Summoner~? I’m so flattered~”
Sometimes he would drag you about with him on a random mission or just more fun which hurt your joints a LOT, when you would tell him you needed to slow down and rest he would tell you to keep pushing forward if you ever want to build your endurance. Not giving what you said or your actions a second thought as he brushed you off.
It certainly stung each time he’d brush you off so you began to give him the cold shoulder if he tried to drag you along one of his schemes.
After Arcturus’s explanation
Spica didn’t specify what the meeting was about beforehand so he just skipped it. Or maybe he would’ve anyway? He’s busy, but with what? O-o sus.
When Arcturus showed up, with the black dog playfully giving chase, he was told what the meeting was about. Though he brushed Arcturus off at first. But when Arcturus mentioned that it was about you, Sirius listened.
How’d he not notice sooner? When thinking back, it seemed quite obvious…
Your pained expression to the sheer amount of times you dozed off… You even told him you needed a break so many times and he just brushed you off… He swore at himself for not thinking more about your health. Adding to the list of things he loathes about himself.
After finding out
Sirius was noticeably more careful around you, not yanking you about or pushing you to keep up with him. Instead, he would pull you into little hidden nooks to hide or teleport away with you in his arms, to hide from the other Sorcerers when he blew something up again.
Slowly you warmed up to him after he began to actually listen to you, but you were always at least a little wary of his intent.
To make up for his carelessness he spoiled you as much as you would let him for a good month, he swore to get you anything if you’d forgive him but you just wanted him to understand and that he did. And still got you things he knew you liked.
If you felt too tired to apply makeup(if you wear that), nail polish, clean your face, and or fix your hair in the morning he’d be there to help, offering to do so when you looked worse for wear and insisting that you call him whenever if you need help getting ready for the day ahead at any time! He would be there, anything for his Summoner.
Sirius also just loved to get to do your hair and nails, and help you choose out a cute outfit for the day! Totally didn’t attempt to peek at you changing like a perv. Denies it after he was caught. Doesn’t try again, but teases you, asking if you’d give him a show.
Beats Alpheratz at getting up early just to take you out to breakfast first, will tease him about it if Alpheratz asks where you’ve been.
Sirius ends up taking you to breakfast quite often when he isn’t out on a mission, sitting beside you with his hand on yours.
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hdra77 · 4 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
!! DISCLAIMER !! Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!) Youtube - HINDRANCE77 Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes #into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags: #Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs #ocs
-- still WIP --
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tonberry-yoda · 11 months
Since it’s my birthday is it possible for u to do Sanji birthday hc?
It’s ok if not:)))))
Sanji on your bday
notes - HECK YEAH YOU CAN! I am up way too early rn because there was some spooky ahh thunder that woke me up, so when I saw this, i was like heck yesss <3
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he would literally spoil you to death
the day before your bday, he is just planning and scheming all while you're just chillin lol
he would get everyone in on it (even Zoro and the two of them try not to argue) and make it a big party for you
bro would wake you up with lots of kisses and cuddles and just be pampering you in bed
and then make it even better when he whips out the breakfast in bed
which is the best thing you've ever had btw
he reminds you how much he loves you and then finally when you two leave your bed, the whole crew is waiting for you with presents and big smiles
you would be totally flustered and sanji tells you that he knows it's hard to be away from home and gives you an amazing birthday even if it's on a boat
you tell him that he and the strawhats are your home and that you're very thankful for your surprise <3
just know that sanji will never leave your side on this special day and you deserve every ounce of that love he is willing to give <3
I seriously hope you have an amazing birthday @sleepyhead0720 and stay super super hydrated! <33
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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for-a-longlongtime · 9 months
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Wow. Y'all. I truly never expected so many awesome responses on the post I wrote last night about Dieter, Goya and Pedro on Talk Art. It is the first 'fun' thing I've written in so many years - after having felt blocked/paralyzed re: creative pursuits since 2020 (shit happened) -, without stressing about how I wrote it, and it means the world to me that so many people liked it and shared it.
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I don't want to clutter up all the feeds by individually sharing and responding to the reblogs etc, so I'm throwing it together in one post here - because I want y'all to know I appreciate it so much. And it honestly made me even more excited that some of my favorite PP fic authors did so, because I've been enjoying YOUR work so much!
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@chaoticgeminate Sending those hugs right back, and your fic was absolutely not a silly little piece! I truly love(d) it, and I'm glad it sent me down this little rabbithole. And yes, while writing that piece I also became more convinced that Pedro himself was a really big part in shaping Dieter and his background story. It's so damn intelligent and very much his style.
One thing I didn't mention yesterday (and I'm sure this is something a lot of people already spotted since the first day that the movie was online) is that I also came to realize how much Pedro has based Dieter's outfits and some mannerisms on Jeff Bridges' character The Dude from 'The Big Lebowski'. Never really saw that movie but I put it on today for a bit, and it was striking -- I'd even dare to say that the "'Bola, hold my hair!" moment on the toilet is a nod to how The Dude (who has longer hair) gets his face shoved into a toilet. Also, at one point when Bridges' character is addressed with "Mr Lebowski", he dismisses that and tells the guy to call him Dude, or even 'Duder' which, yeah, that's just a small step from 'Dieter Bravo'.
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amycben on Reddit said the same thing about Bridges, and shared these Dieter pics, which definitely made it clear how our Feral Raccoon Boy's style is inspired by 'The Dude' <3 I don't care much for the Lebowski movie, but I love a good reference, especially since it's a Coen brothers movie - and we all know that Pedro now has a small role in Ethan Coen's upcoming movie 'Driveaway Dolls'. Anyway, I honestly hope that at some point Pedro will be asked about the work he did in shaping Dieter, because I'd love to hear more about this. There's no chance in hell that'll happen, because which journalist would ask him this? But I'm cool though if the universe wants to manifest one of us getting to interview him some time in the future, haha.
Anyway, again @chaoticgeminate - thank YOU really. I needed that deep dive more than I knew thanks to your writing!
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@nicolethered thank you too for being responsible for my deep dive, haha, it were your screenshots that made me recognize the other Goya paintings! <3 (and I love your gifs btw!
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings well hearing from you that you loved MY writing is just such a super awesome thing after how much I've been enjoying your Dieter story! <3 <3
@julesonrecord I'M TOTALLY IN hahaha, I saw your comment right before I went to bed last night and it made me smile so much!
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@imaswellkid I'm def not an Apatow person either, and I'll be honest - the first time I watched the Bubble I couldn't get past the first half, haha. But I later began to realize that you should indeed watch it through a critical lens and as a reflection about the craziness that was going on, rather than 'oh this is a movie about the pandemic'. The Mando bud is great btw! But even better is the Baby Yoda bud - I have no clue how growers/dispenseries (I'm in the midwest) get away with naming their product after Disney stuff, but I'm sure glad it got me to try that hahaha.
@lunapascal IKR artist Dieter is so damn underrated, and I'm so glad that at least a whole lot of fic authors are giving him more of what he deserves! OK and I totally want to write some too now, hahaha. Especially because there's a lack of Dieter x OMC/m!reader fics, which tbh needs to be fixed.
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@survivingandenduring @sp00kymulderr @thesimulationswarm @pedrit0-pascalit0 @gemmahale @sin-djarin @perotovar @ladamedusoif @gracie7209 thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly mean so much to me! @angelofsmalldeathandthecodeine WOW, that Dali piece is fuckin incredible! And @basicoccult woahhh maybe y'all did!? See now I feel like I need to inquire about whether y'all take new initiates! <3
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@chronically-ghosted God don't get me started, it's so tempting - next thing you know I'll have suckered myself into writing Dieter fic (while I'm only just getting started now on two other WIPs), haha. But yes I'm so curious about what the unspoken canon is there -- and most probably Pedro is the one with answers to that since it seems so much like he created Dee. I ended up googling some Apatow interviews this morning and saw that he set out to make the Bubble as a sort of Christopher Guest movie (the mockumentary style), and other articles said that there was a lot of improv involved - so obviously Pedro must've contributed a lot. Particularly because I've read at least interviews with four directors (Zeke who did Prospect, Craig Mazin from TLOU, I wanna say Patty Jenkins, and I'm currently blanking on the other name) who spoke about how involved Pedro was, down to specific dialogue and character's motivations etc in shaping the movie (I think Zeke said that Pedro worked with them to tone down Ezra's Shakespearian manner of speech a little, which I can totally see happening since Pedro has done/read so much Shakespeare and it's easy to picture that he wants to fine tune it so it's accessible enough for audiences). Ugh, it's probably gonna take a long while until there'll be any long form interviews with him again, and sadly interviewers are probably not gonna ask about any of this.
Re: painting or acting, yesterday I read @blueeyesatnight 's That's Not Your Name-Dieter fic (LOVED it, can def recommend it!) and one of the coolest things about Dee's character development there is that it indeed delves into 'okay how did he pick acting versus art' and more background story, plus how in the current day events of the story he is even making his own oil paint. That has become my headcanon now <3
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@tessa-quayle I'm so glad you liked my post!! I really really wish that Russell and Robert would do another episode with Pedro. I love Russell in particular (sorta followed his work since Being Human was released, which holy crap was already 15 yrs ago?), but the way they attempted to interview Pedro back then was kind of a hot mess - and I say that lovingly hahaha. They were so enthusiastic that they talked over him so/too many times, so I'd love a tad calmer conversation where P has the opportunity to go more indepth.
@tvversionperson IKR there is SO much plot and character development to be explored with Dieter in that movie, which of course it doesn't have room to delve into but shit I wish they would/could. Or at least to just hear Pedro talk about what his thoughts are on it, because you know he most definitely had Dee's entire back story fleshed out in his head when he shot this movie.
Super long post, but again, I just wanted to thank y'all for the love. This is the first time I've done anything writing wise re: the PP cinematic universe, and all your responses have been so heartwarming and really encouraged me to do more stuff in one way or another with the Pedro boys, be it rabbit hole analysis or fic.
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knizuu · 5 months
Ok ok ok, WE BACK AND CHATTIN’. TIME TO GRAB POPCORN OR WATER IDK TO ENJOY MY RANT <33 +uhh warning ig: get ready for BEEG over analyzation lol 
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Notice the color used on the arrows? Symbolizing yellow and red? If you see this conversation as a mockin’ful, you can relate the meanings. If used negatively [seems fitting for this scene], you get this: Yellow meaning cowardice, and red meaning warning. 
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Honestly, this is VERY fitting, knowing how scared Fang is in Fang’s Big Break. The amount of fear he gets in Superstars as a whole really makes you worry for him. Bean is pretty explanatory, he’s “getting tired of Fang’s antics”. Reason for Bark not having the arrow, I'm not sure, possibly because he’s not verbally arguing, or he’s not as mad as the others. Either way, I think Bark is just more caring about the situation. With this hypothetical situation, I think Fang is just scared that he’ll be alone. So he turns reactive in the face of a jerky persona. For Bean, he’s gaining more independence. I know this rant isn’t about ‘im but I really do realize how much Bean is getting as a character. He’s speaking more, asking the questions, getting sassy more on screen. 
Okay, now let’s get into connecting Fang’s Big Break with Fang the Hunter. I’m claiming that FTH is before FBB, because I’m sure that’s the motion for it. Looking at the images below, don’t they look similar? Somewhat? Now I want you to mash those frames up, with the speech including the thoughts.
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“Bean?! Bark?!” [Get your act together! You’re repeating your past mistakes! You’re better than this! You have to be!] Both are in distress, and it shows how much content is missing from the cover [saying that Fang is just what he shows to be]. And even if both situations are VERY DIFFERENT: See how that helps my case even more. In FTH, he’s with his crew and now they’re gone. Of course he’s gonna yell out for them, that’s the first instinct. This is expected, if you lost the people near you, of course you’re gonna call for ‘em. Nothing deep is seen here, but for the right image, I differ. I say it over and over again, but he really is trying to be better. The context is, he’s on a hunt and he angered a bird who now is chasing him along with crushing his cork gun. A big difference between the situations is that he STARTED alone compared to becoming alone. With no one else in his mind, he’s gonna worry for himself. But he isn’t getting mad about being alone [at least, from what’s written], he’s not yelling for help, he has only himself to talk to. And what does he notify himself? “Get your act together”. He’s trying to stop his mistakes, whatever that may be. 
Let’s use that past sentence, and although it ails Hooligan fans [INCLUDING ME AHHHHHH </3], let’s imagine Bean, Bark, and Fang harshly separated. If you put that hypothetical with Fang’s thoughts, you can imagine he’s telling himself to stop being careless.+SINCE I’M STILL MAKING THIS HAPPY, THIS HYPOTHETICAL DEF HAS BEAN AND BARK COMING BACK <33
From sources, people push others away so that they won’t get hurt. Well, you could use that to correlate with Fang’s behavior. 
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This is what Sega calls him, a jerk, “our favorite jerky jerboa!”, even in Archie, “And a total jerk”. This actually lines up with pushing others away, making this term more seemingly true. Going to the main point, you can see why Fang would want to stop acting this way. It led him to be alone, without “his boys”, without the zaniness that his gang brings him. It’s not the same anymore. (this is where I insert my shipping blast btw)
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 In Superstars, this is correct! We don’t see Bean or Bark, we’re introduced to Trip [a WHOLE NEW gal], Fang is working very close to Eggman, and heck, his tech got upgraded.
*okay rando thing: In FTH, he wishes the Marvelous Queen gets the upgrades she needs to take Sonic down. In Superstars, he gets more than that, he gets his own robot ALONG with tons of upgrades for the MQ…if FTH is before Superstars, would he feel achievement? Somehow? +yknow, until it blows up [yeh, i'm not joking] 
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BACK TO LE COMIC, …oh ye I technically went over everything. Or at least, what goes into his mentality,..UHH
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Let’s look at Trip rq. Trip the Lizard gets an entire arc in Superstars! Her dynamic between her and Fang is simple, Trip tries to help or Trip tries to do what Fang says and Fang just relents and belittles her. Once Trip gets kicked by Fang, [Trip had to gull to stop Fang] she gains her heroism and sides with Sonic. Fang gets defeated by her anddddd ye that’s the last of Fang in that story. Now, I'm gonna show how sweet she was, even if Fang wouldn’t return the respect. 
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I know Sonic Channel isn’t usually taken as canon, but like SHE GIVES HERSELF THE BAD PANCAKE, LIKE AWHH<33 And she doesn’t give up when given commands, tho that can be because she’s verbally forced to. And in the left image, Fang isn’t mad or annoyed about her behavior. Obviously it’s a calm setting, +he’s getting something good. Gosh, he looks surprised, or a little concerned,  because “Why is she still being like this after the stuff I push her through?” It’s not new to him though, it’s like Bean and Bark all over again. They stick together through many things. But the more he doesn’t let others in his life, he’ll just get hurt more and more. This is where I'd say Fang should try to listen to himself, “Get your act together” “You’re better than this”, but in the sense he should open up, that he should be more emotional and let his mind speak. I think that explains why he’s unlikable to some, he’s just reacting madly with no reason. And if I were to find a reason, it’d be because he’s not getting what he deserves, a close bond. And bringing up the sad fact, if he doesn’t let himself be himself, he’s not going to get what he needs. I swear, he’s regretting his choices, but it seems like he’s gone far. Trip could’ve helped but she moved sides. In FTH, Bean and Bark are staying, and I can only hope it STAYS.THAT. WAY. Cause like, Team Hooligan has been together for SO LONG, Bean and Bark are having fun with Fang, and Fang is leveled out with Bean and Bark. 
Ngl, this is supposed to be a “This is why the way he is” more than “He’s justifiable”, but I think my rant could give new insight as to why he’s not a horrible character. Especially when there’s so many others already avoiding an unlikable Fang, Fang Gang being my prime example :] cause we love the silly jerboa! We don’t STOP loving him, and we make sure of that. <33
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
reply roundup!
I've done basically nothing but lay down and be exhausted since kirb2k over 2 months ago, but I did at least get the kirbox orders fulfilled. I have an immunology appointment in another 2 1/2 months and maybe they might do something to help me feel better. (it's a bad time. I know it seems to be most of what I talk about, but it is kind of all-consuming. even this roundup wore me out.)
also there are sometimes comments that make me smile but I don't have anything to add to them so I just read them and smile and don't put them in the roundups, but I promise I do see them all, like the many yeehaws (and yes haws and heehaws) for [cowboy kirb] <3
on [the last roundup] @hive-heart said: Hope things get better, kirby guy 💕 thanks for the reply :) also yeah! Sitting by the window during a storm is quite nice
they haven't lol, but thank you!
on [kirb2k] @ceylonsilvergirl said: HAPPY Y2K EVERYBODY!! I am joke, but it did give me serious “turn of the century’’ vibes. oof… that sentence hit me like I drank out of the wrong grail
that was intentional, that's also why we started with the macarena in the 1990s :>
on [errands] @crypptiid said: ME! MY ROLLATOR IS BLUE AND EVERUTHING @sunflowerinthemidst said: oh look it's me only my walker is hot pink 1😅😂
nice! I should really repaint mine if I'm ever feeling well enough lol
on [the last roundup] @gudetamalover said: :O!!! I’ve been noticed! My surgery went very well btw, thank you! [details removed for privacy.] I love your art so much btw, it brings me and my mom so much joy! I love this little pink dude, he’s got a permanent place in my heart ❤️ 
man that sounds rough, good thing it got ironed out quickly! and I'm glad it brings you both joy <3
on [errands] @pilcherthegreat said: oooo might add this one to my Kirby brigade tattoo 👀
oh hell yeah that sounds so cool! (for anyone else wondering, tattoos on your own body count as personal use and are totally fine by me!)
on [screaming] @persimmonlions said: i always forget how much i do not like the chaotic cacophony of a crowd until i am in a mall, like ‘oh yeah i DO get overstimulated no wonder i constantly skipped classes when i was 10’. anyway i got back home at 3 and proceeded to sleep for 6 hours
ugh omg yeah especially when you actually reblogged this 2 months ago and there were still holiday crowds and all the extra decor and stuff, the mall can be So Much.
on [macarena] @unconventionalvoidaxolotls said: holy heck, go kirby go! oh yeah this is a great first post. beautiful
ehehehe it's an honor :3
on [plushies] @the-void-is-a-disappointment said: finally getting around to reblogging this but thank you bunches for the commission!he looks so comfy and cozy i love it, he deserves this
he does! he does deserve to be so cozy and cute! (and thank you again for the support!)
on [bloodstream] @lord-chiopet said: Kirby in my blood could fix me
well he certainly wouldn't make me worse lol (fun fact: you kind of already have a bunch of kirb-likes in your blood! macrophages are a type of white blood cell that engulf and isolate or destroy foreign matter like splinters, viruses, and even tattoo ink! they're basically eating anything that tries to get into your blood that's not supposed to be there -u- )
on [fire] @jupiterlandings said: kirby I am hurrying to you with blankets and a tent and a warm meal, we may be in the wilderness kirby but we can still look at the stars even when the night is cold. and even if we can’t see them they’re still there and they’ll send the sun to look after us tomorrow. it’ll be ok kirby we’ll be ok
waah this is just such a sweet thought ;n; thank you for sharing it.
on [frown] @shapeshifterwithafez said: get well soon OP :c <3 this kirby nevertheless brings joy to my dashboard thank you!
I will not but thank you! I'm glad he brings joy regardless :)
on [worm] @thecosmickitty said: Hey fam just wanna say i love your art. Thank you for sharing (:
aww thanks!
on [mcas] @untoldsoup said: Im sorry about the health issues 😞 hope you get the treatment your looking for
I appreciate it <3 it's still gonna take a while one way or the other, but hopefully eventually someone will do something.
on [float (up)] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a ufo to abduct him, then on [rainbow] they [added] an alien kirb to greet him, and on [freckles] they [added] the view out the ufo window :) this little saga was very cute and did cheer me up a bit, thank you <3
on [float (down)] @angst-and-fajitas said: Ah he's floatin away
the kirb's not made for helium balloons! (a reference to [this vine], and good news this upload is actually from the person that made it!)
on [sacrifice] @joekingv1 said: *sits next to baby and waits to see what happens*
I really wanna draw a short comic for this but it seems like I'm not gonna feel up to it anytime soon -n-
on [stars] @gidkog said: *GASP* at world’s ass…
oh no you're right :x that was not on purpose lol
on [earring] @roboticutie said: yay!!!! he's here again today :D thank you!!!
your enthusiasm is sweet! he will be here every day! :)
on [sora] @ducksandlemonsandbigoldfish said: Kiev Kernel Kirby I hate autocorrect
this made me laugh lol
on [sora] @canvascoloredin said: congratulations! I've played all the kingdom hearts games (except Melody of Memories, Sorry Kairi), and started when I was around six but haven't had the time to buy a console I can play 3 on. Have fun for me!
I haven't played melody of memories yet either, the rhythm for all the rhythm minigames was always so janky that I'm kind of worried about how it might play tbh. but I am having lots of fun, I'm sure it's enough for both of us!
on [tattoos] @theraphos said: high five kirby i just recently resolved to finally get myself a tattoo this year also
nice! I hope it goes well :)
@turpial-thoughts asked: hi
on [worry] @graycoin said: I hope the wait is worth it.
yeah me too :s (thanks. and for all your other sympathetic comments whenever I complain about it as well <3 )
on [float (side)] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what they think about when they go floating*
probably very little I imagine. even less than usual lol
on [bread] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what they got while secretly hiding some extra treats for baby, Bear and Cake*
this one is just very cute, I had to read it aloud to my partner when I saw it.
on [sea] @graycoin said: This gets across the vibe very well. I get why you'd feel that way, I think. It's understandable. I'm glad people are trying. You deserve it.
thanks. I've always had a hard time conveying like, internal stuff for some reason, so it's nice when it seems to make sense to someone else.
on [sea] @ceylonsilvergirl said: Kirbo is in the storm, tossed by the waves, threatened by lightning at any moment in the dark. not even the stars to shine through the clouds. but he’s still floating, and that has to count for something
surely it must count for something TnT <3
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voltrixz · 1 month
Fine ok I’ll go on a whole ass really long electroshocker ramble that’s really really gay
You can blame @canadian-pug-cartel
(Also this might be extremely incoherent, idk I’m just yapping at this point )
Ok I think when they first met with the first time the s6 formed, electro took a small interest to shocker. Sorta developing a small guy crush (or smt like that ) where he’s mostly in awe of shocker and kinda looks up to him, finds him cool and whatever. I guess the best way to put it is the initial guy crush or whateevr thing that deadpool had for Spider-Man when they first met (just less gayer and way smaller in scale because electro could never compete with the levels of homosexuality that Deadpool is dealing with ). But yeah that’s why I think in the sewers when shocker asks soemthing about how they;re gonna defeat spiderman, electro tries to show off his powers but like instantly fails and gets chewed out by doc (most failcringe bisexual….).
Shocker funnily enough doesn’t really think of that interaction much (at the moment he just thinks huh. Weird. And just moves on )but I think it’s funny to think that interaction haunts electro for a while… (biggest embarrassment of his life bro.)
Anywayssssssss, from that moment on the fact that like shocker and electro have similar powers and shocker can help electro train his powers more, doc ock decides to partner them up a lot. This lets the 2 to grow closer and also only furthers the supposedly straight guy crush that electro has because shocker to me would be the type to be very comfortable with physical touch/contact with people he’s close to (and besides he would have to get pretty close to train him,(I saw a post that showed this really well I’ll reblog that after this maybe ) and of course electro is freaking out because he has not felt the touch of another man in years…(and he’s very obvious about it because his sparks are going crazy) shocker however doesn’t take the hint (yet at least)
But eventually electro does get over the totally straight award guy crush and starts being pretty comfortable with shocker. Which makes him become wayyyyy more comfortable with psychical touch/contact, leading for the two to be very comfortable in each other’s space. They’re constantly leaning on each other and what not.
Also forgot to mention that throughout this whole Time shocker is slowly taking more and more interest in electro. Picking up on his body language and such (shocker rlly likes looking at electro’s sparks move and zap, hearing the buzzing and watching his eyes glow or dim) , just observing a lot (he likes observing electro a lot I think ), he finds him weird (reference to that one comic of seeing electro just chow down on a bunch of wires) but also very intriguing
Anywaysss as they get closer shocker’s interest in him grows more and he realizes that such interest is making him feel certain things (gay things. Fag.) and this is also when he puts two and two together with why electro got so nervous around him before. Course electro doesn’t get as nervous anymore but shocker does sometime catch it and he wonders if electro still does like him in that way (he still does btw it’s just veryyyy Lowkey), but yeah as they grow closer, more and more of these feelings keep bubbling up, shocker even hangs out more with the s6 and let’s them come to bar more often yadda yadda.
Oftentimes electro comes by the bar alone and shocker is always glad to see him (often refers to him as his favorite regular ) and the two hang out a lot in the bar even after closing time. They also hang out a lot of the bases’ rooftop (if it has one) and here are where things get gay unfortunately…. (Sorry I’m homophobic ), they ever so slowly try to push what they;re usually used to. They occasionally drop small flirts with each other and their usual touch is far more intimate (such as shocker placing a hand on electro;s face and even fully cupping his face at some point )(how tHE hell these 2 not figured out they’re both into each other I have no idea). And oftentimes the 2 brush it off, eiether switching between being oblivious or thinking it didn’t mean much. But their relationship is very much changing in some way. the two clearly see each other more then jsut friends (and so can the s6 at this point who are so sick of their back and forth ) and there’s a shit ton of pinning but none of them say anything or do anything to confirm that.
On shocker’s end he’s not even sure how to approach this, nor does he even know if he can because while tombstone and his crew are on good terms with the s6, that might not always be the case and he has to make sure whatever he has with electro doesn’t get in the way of his work. On electro;s end we know his shitty track record of relationships and how he handles them so a potiental romantic one could go up in flames, and also there’s that lingering self doubt that makes electro believe that’s there’s no way shocker likes someone like him when shocker could literally have anyone he wants (electro and his crushing self confidence sigh.)
But eventually they do get together. Sorta. (Situationship babey 🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️) and it happens impulsively I think. Some night alone at the bar and shocker reaches for electro’s face and then suddenly leans in to kiss him. Electro kisses back of course and that’s when the two finally get confirmation that yes the two very much into each other. But there’s not much said, just a silent understanding of not being completely sure of putting a romantic relationship label on what they have, but as long as they can do more of this (kissing and whatnot and just generally being more intimate with each other ) that’s all they really need. So wooo situationship, they still do a lot of things they did before (being very comfortable in each others space and leaning on each other yadd yadda ) but there’s a lot more intimacy within them (gay shit booooo boooooo I hate gay people in love boooo booo ) but yeah 👍👍👍👍
And then shit happens in the merc electro au and there’s a breakup or whatever, mega angst time babey 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️
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jupitercl0uds · 3 months
ok just in case heres alternate social medias i might turn to if banned:
TWITTER! i hate twitter i hate twitter i hate twitter i actually used to like twitter! ive had an account for over 2 years now and made it like a month before my tumblr. unforuntately im worried that if i moved permanantly, id go back to where i was on twitter, ie nintendo/shitpost twitter. i should be reblogging on all blogs btw, so yes, to the sonic blog, this means i probably wont be on sonic twitter (they scare me). i also wont post my art because i dont usually remember to use nightshade and i dont want my art to be scraped edit: nvm im on sonic twitter now (also this was posted before the tumblr ai thing)
DEVIANTART! i last posted to DA in june, but used to be a fairly frequent poster. that was only for a few months, though, hence my grand total of 45 deviations. edit: nvm i forgot its own by wix (an isreali company)
TIKTOK! i HAVE a normal tiktok that i havent touched with a 5m pole since july. im not linking it because the reason i stopped using it is because kids from school kept finding me and if i linked an account where kids from school found me, creeps could find me. the one linked is currently private and has never been used before. i do actually like tiktok, despite its flaws! and the sonic community ISNT a cesspit! in all honesty, to me, tiktok feels like high-effort tumblr, which is what it basically used to be for me before i stopped using it (and you can kinda make a 'text post' with a nice picture and some text with a song in the background anyway).
YOUTUBE (?)! i DO have a jupitercl0uds channel but i mostly use my main, bluniverse, for some reason. idk its youtube its not much of a social media anymore
DISCORD! yeah my discord is jupitercl0uds i still use dc i cant really make any comments its discord you know how it is
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meimi-haneoka · 6 months
Hiya~ Dimensional-bitch is my side blog, and I guess I cannot send mail from it!
Anyhow, I saw your reblog and wanted to send you a note personally because...damn. I get it. I've been seeing the same...stuff around. And my extraocular muscles have been getting an EXCELLENT work-out from all the eye rolling.
So many temper tantrums. Half of them whining that CLAMP worked on something other than their preferred manga for a few years, half of them mad about...whatever exacting expectation they had for Clear Card that wasn't met.
If I dare to do something other than take her to the park we went to yesterday? Instant fit! Worst Mommy EVER!
If she gets the milk she wants in a blue cup instead of pink? DAY RUINED. She can't enjoy milk again, EVER.
I am old enough now to realize that every time a CLAMP manga ends we are going to get this same round of preschooler "BUT IT ISN'T WHAT I WANTED!" foot-stomping. And it's...fine. Whatever. But even though I expect it now I am still. so. tired. And salty. I could salt the seven seas.
So THANK YOU for taking the time to look at and put together something that really gets into what Clear Card IS and DOES. (I am looking through your blog now and I am sad I didn't find it sooner - you've got lots of great stuff here! Especially about Kaito - I do NOT understand the fandom hate??? He's obviously a tortured but ultimately good soul????) There are so many good (and fun! - I've been reading this with my 8-year-old son and he is totally into the magic of it all, even if some of the symbolism flies over his head for now) things about it that get buried under the tantrums. And I am so happy to see them discussed like this!
Best wishes! <3
You know the feeling when.....you feel *seen*? You feel understood? This is what I felt when I received your ask, Dandelion! (Is it ok if I use this name?) Omg yes. a thousand times yes....you summarized pretty well what I've seen and what I think about this whole situation too. (BTW I'm a mom too and I know what you mean! 😂)
I am old enough now to realize that every time a CLAMP manga ends we are going to get this same round of preschooler "BUT IT ISN'T WHAT I WANTED!" foot-stomping.
Ever since I got on the internet, I was able only to witness the endings in "real time" of Tsubasa, Holic and Kobato, and while I don't remember much for Kobato (probably because it's so underrated and no one was reading it), I DO remember especially the uncomfortable "atmosphere" in the fandom that accompanied the last chapters of Tsubasa's serialization. I remember all the negativity, and all the exact same complaints of today with Clear Card, "it's too complex!" "this has dragged too long please END IT". It was so overwhelming that I got dragged into it too. I COMPLETELY understand what you mean. I didn't expect I'd see it again with Clear Card, but hey people can always surprise you for the worst, isn't it? So I had decided, towards the end of Clear Card, that I wouldn't let ANYONE make me go through what I went through when Tsubasa ended, and I've set limits and lines to not be crossed with everyone, even close friends. I wanted to enjoy this story in peace to be able to write about what I TRULY feel.
I am SO GLAD that you're checking the rest of my blog and that you find my posts interesting. Most of the time, especially when I talk about Kaito and Akiho in the desperate attempt to make people understand those characters a bit better, it's a bit like shouting in the wind.....but I won't stop doing it. I love those characters, and I thank CLAMP everyday for creating them, they brought so much depth and enriched CCS in a special way.
Thank you so much for this ask!! 🙏❤️
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lawtism · 5 months
btw since i've noticed this with a few mutuals/followers: it's totally ok to spam me w a bunch of notifs from you reblogging posts from my blog!!! i literally don't care. it pleases me that i share stuff that you guys also wanna share :3
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