#top & bottom bunk? nah they sleep together
xivdl · 2 years
bunk mate
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whumphoarder · 4 years
Who Needs Disney When You Have Russell Crowe?
Summary: When Peter’s ear infection gets a little out of hand, Tony and Morgan have slightly different ideas of how to help.
Word count: 1,874
Genre: Sickfic, domestic fluff, Whump Lite™
A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx for beta-reading and ideas <3
Link to read on Ao3
Peter wakes to the sound of quiet whimpering.
It takes a few seconds for his groggy brain to register where he is, but the warm glow of the bunny-shaped night light on the opposite wall illuminating the Arendelle toy castle and the pile of stuffed animals on the floor gives it away. He’s in Morgan’s room. Morgan, who insisted on getting a bunk bed for her sixth birthday so that she and Peter could have sleepovers whenever he came to visit.
Morgan, who is clearly in the midst of a nightmare.
“Mo...” Peter whispers hoarsely. There are a few more quiet, pained whimpers. “Mo,” he tries again, louder. His left ear is throbbing and it’s ridiculously stuffy in this room—he’s actually sweating. Kicking the tangled bed covers off of himself, he lifts a hand to tap the wooden bed frame over his head. She stirs. “Morgan, wake u-up.” His voice cracks on the last word.
Morgan sits up in her bunk. “Yeah?” she asks drowsily. She leans over the edge of bed to look at him, strands of her long hair falling in her face. “What is it?”
She doesn’t seem particularly upset, which Peter finds strange. “Did… did you have a b-bad dream?” he asks.
In the dim light of the room, he can just make out her curious expression. “I don’t think so.” She swings her legs over the side of the bed and shimmies backwards down the ladder. “Did you?”
“Wh-What?” His ear is ringing, the pain feeling almost bone-deep. There’s another whimper, barely audible.
“You’re crying,” she says simply, perching herself on the edge of his bed. Her brow knits together. “Are you sad?”
Peter wipes the back of his hand roughly across his face and finds it’s wet with tears. It takes a second for his addled brain to realize that she’s right, and then an instant wave of self-consciousness washes over him as he looks into the eyes of the frowning six-year-old. “No, sorry, ‘m fine.” He pushes himself up on his elbows, hurriedly brushing the tears away.
Morgan’s eyes go wide. “You’re bleeding!” she gasps.
“Huh?” Peter follows her horrified gaze down to the pillow he’s been using. It’s covered in something dark and sticky. Alarmed, he lifts a shaky hand to his throbbing ear and feels more liquid trickling down. “Oh – um – wow, uh...”
“I’m getting Daddy!” Morgan declares, jumping up from the mattress and spinning on her heel. “Hang on!”
“Wait, no, don’t freak him—”
But she’s already out of the room.
“...out.” With a small groan, Peter carefully sits the rest of the way up and flips the lamp on. The pastel lilac pillowcase is stained with a mixture of blood and yellowish fluid. Grimacing, he grabs some tissues from the box on Morgan’s dresser and dabs them carefully at his dripping ear, hissing sharply at the stabbing pain it causes.
Within a minute, Morgan is back, dragging the hand of a disheveled but surprisingly alert-looking Tony in after her. “See? He’s crying and bleeding out of his ears!” she blurts.
“Just one ear,” Peter corrects, lowering the tissue down to look at the fresh blood and pus on it. “Gross...”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Oh, well in that case I’ll just go back to bed—you’re perfectly fine.” He moves over to the bed, Morgan following close behind. “Anything you wanna share with the class? You take any good hits to the noggin’ recently? Blow something up?”
Peter shakes his head as much as he dares, which only increases the ringing sensation. “No, nothing like that,” he mutters. He wishes this was something cool and Spider-Man related, but he’s pretty sure it’s just his patented Parker Luck™. “Ear started hurting a couple days ago,” he admits. “Thought it would go away.”
Tony pulls out his phone and flips on the flashlight. “Can I see it?”
“Yeah,” Peter says, wincing. He bites his lower lip and does his best to keep as still as possible as Tony peers into his ear with the light.
“What does it look like?” Morgan asks curiously.
“Ugly as hell...” Tony mutters. He flicks the light off and turns to Peter. “Pretty sure you ruptured your eardrum, kiddo.”
“Ah.” The pain seems to ramp up with the confirmation. That checks out. Certainly feels like someone just bored a hole through his ear. He can feel the fluid dripping out down his cheek.
Tony must notice it too because he grimaces and pulls a couple more tissues out of the box to hand him. “You know, if you weren’t feeling well, you could have told us that when you got here,” he points out. “Instead of waiting until”—he glances at his lock screen—“3:37 in the morning.”
Peter manages a small smirk. “Gotta keep you on your toes. You know, now that you’re retired and all...”
Looking very unamused, Tony extends a hand and helps pull Peter up to standing. The movement only increases the throbbing in his ear and Peter squeezes his eyes shut tightly against a wave of dizziness.
“Alright?” Tony checks, still gripping his arm tightly.
“Yeah,” Peter breathes, the ringing growing louder. “Sorry. Just... really hurts.”
“He can have some of my medicine,” Morgan offers in a slightly hushed voice. “The one Mommy gives me when my ears hurt.”
Tony lets out a short laugh. “That’s nice of you, sweetie, but I don’t think grape-flavored Children’s Motrin is gonna cut it here.” He gestures up to the top bunk. “Why don’t you hop back up there and try to sleep some more while I go get Peter fixed up?”
Morgan sticks her lip out in a pout. “But I’m not tired now.”
Instant guilt comes over Peter at having woken her up, but Tony doesn’t miss a beat.
“Nope, you are, you just forgot,” he says knowingly. He lets go of Peter’s arm for a second to scoop the now quietly giggling six-year-old up and deposit her on the top bunk. “Count some sheep, kid,” he advises, flipping off the lamp and snagging Peter’s ruined pillow to toss in the laundry.
With Morgan situated, Tony guides Peter out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He leaves Peter to clean up in the bathroom before heading to the kitchen in search of some kind of painkiller that might work on an enhanced metabolism.
Eventually, Tony returns with a bottle of Tylenol-Codeine, a glass of water, and an apologetic look. “It’s the strongest stuff we’ve got here. Might take the edge off at least.”
Peter murmurs his thanks and takes the pills, mostly to humor him. They both know it’s a lost cause. He can burn through a dose of morphine in less than ten minutes; there’s no way over-the-counter meds are going to do anything.
“First thing in the morning, I’ll take you to see Bruce,” Tony promises. “We’ll get you on some antibiotics and something better for the pain.”
Peter just hums in response.
Tony sighs. “We can try a heating pad,” he suggests. “That helps Morgan sometimes.”
“Sure.” Peter shrugs, listless. He’ll do anything at this point to make his ear stop aching.
Tony locates the heating pad and gets Peter set up on the chaise section of the couch under a blanket with the heating pad resting on the pillow under his ear. It helps marginally, which is slightly more than Peter can say for the pills.
“Sorry, kiddo. If only you’d known me in the nineties,” Tony says with a sad chuckle. “Could’ve tried all kinds of stuff on you.”
Peter lets out a short, empty laugh. “Yeah, too bad. Sure May would’ve loved that…”
Tony settles down onto the other end of the couch and flips on the TV for distraction. After a bit of channel flipping, he picks a period war drama about a badass sea captain fighting during the Napoleonic Wars, starring Russell Crowe.
(It was that or “My Strange Addiction” on TLC, and neither of them felt like watching a woman eat a couch).
Peter doesn’t exactly sleep, but he closes his eyes and drifts in and out while the movie plays low in the background. He’s kind of queasy—probably a combination of the otherwise useless drugs and the low grade fever he’s pretty sure he’s got going—but it’s nothing too awful. At least the sounds of cannons firing and battles being waged on screen drown out the incessant ringing in his head.
He isn’t sure how much time passes before a new voice joins the mix in a stage-whisper:
“Are they gonna cut his arm off?”
Peter’s eyes snap open. He sees Tony dozing on the other end of the sofa, so he sits up a little straighter and turns around to look at the staircase behind him. Sure enough, Morgan is sitting on the fourth step from the bottom, just high enough to see over the couch to the TV.
“I thought you went back to bed,” Peter whispers.
Morgan shrugs. “Counting sheep is boring.” She stands up and tiptoes down the rest of the stairs and into the living room. “Are they gonna cut his arm off?” she repeats.
Peter looks back at the movie. The ship’s doctor is in the midst of a rather intense amputation scene on a young boy’s infected arm. “Yeah, looks like it,” he says through a wince. He should probably change the channel to something more child-friendly, but Tony’s got the remote balanced on his knee and he’s all the way on the other end of the sofa. Oh well.
Morgan nods at the screen, looking impressed. Then she looks back to Peter. “Does your ear still hurt a lot?”
“Nah, it’s not so bad,” Peter lies. “No need to cut it off or anything.” He scoots over on the cushion a bit. “You wanna sit here with me?”
“Yeah.” She nods and hops up onto the couch beside him, snuggling against his right side. “Did Daddy give you medicine?” she inquires.
“Yeah, he did,” Peter assures.
She nods approvingly. “And did he give you the heater thingy?”
Peter lifts the heating pad up slightly for her to see. “Yep.”
“Good.” She nods again. “And cuddles?”
“Eh…” His gaze drifting to his quietly snoring mentor, Peter smirks a bit. “I think I’m getting too old for those.”
“Everybody needs cuddles,” she says knowingly. Scooting a little closer to him, she wraps her arms around his waist. “See?”
A small smile creeps across Peter’s lips. “Yeah, I see.”
They sit there for a moment, Peter doing his best to focus on the steady pressure of the six-year-old’s gentle squeeze rather than the thumping in his head. It’s almost peaceful.
“Either that, or you need a stick,” Morgan pipes up, breaking the spell.
Peter’s brow furrows. “A stick?”
“To bite down on,” she explains, pointing at the TV. “Like the boy in the movie.”
Peter blinks, then shifts his gaze sideways to the little girl watching nineteenth-century field surgery technique with genuine interest.
“It’s so he doesn’t scream,” she informs.
Peter holds out his hand. “Just give me the remote, Mo.”
Link to all my fics
If you enjoyed this story, you might also like: Adventures at the Stark Lake House
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zacc-attacc · 4 years
Nature: A Javid Oneshot
A/N: My first ever oneshot on this website! I hope y’all enjoy!
Word Count- 1.2k
Jack loved the open sky. He loved the stars, the sounds of nature, and everything in between. But, more than anything, it calmed him, something that not many things were able to do. As a kid, he had always dreamed of falling asleep under the stars every single night. And when he was bounced around in foster care, the night sky had been the one common variable. Always there, like a blanket. Luckily for Jack, Some of the Newsies had put together a camping trip in the woods near campus. They had tents (from the Dollar Tree, probably), a bunch of marshmallows, some hotdogs, and a whole lot of energy. And Jack? Jack an invite and a limited will to live. At least Davey would be there, which, to be honest, had its ups and downs.
Ups, because Davey was single-handedly the sweetest human alive and a fun dude to hang out with. And downs, because Davey was Mom Friend Supreme™ and also had an annoying tendency to make Jack’s normally stoic heart do a tap dance in his chest. Which really was inconvenient because Jack’s last relationship had ended only four weeks ago. It wasn’t a nasty breakup, he and Katherine were actually still friends, but the boys still expected him to be depressed about it. But Jack didn’t like to linger. He was upset for a few days, but now he was over it. Katherine obviously was as well, since she was seen going on a few coffee dates with some girl. 
But tonight, none of that mattered. Tonight, he could be whoever he wanted to be because that’s just how it was with the Newsies.
Tonight, he could eat bargain hot dogs and s’ mores, and avoid the fact that he was hopelessly in love with the only man he couldn’t have; because god forbid David Jacobs dated a mess like him. 
Jack knew exactly where he lay in David’s mind. He was a close friend, maybe a sort of Uncle to his future children with his perfect little life with his husband in the suburbs. David liked him well enough, but he would likely never love him. And Jack had tried to accept that, even though, thus far, it had only made it much worse.
“Ay! Jack! You packed?” Crutchie yelled from his lower bunk. Jack was stretched out on the top bunk, staring at a half-finished political cartoon for his class. 
“Yeah… What time’d the guys say to be there?” Jack sat up, hitting his head on the low ceiling. He wasn’t even that tall and it managed to injure him on a daily basis. 
“...In five minutes.”
“Shit-” Jack muttered, scrambling to jump down the bunk, only succeeding in hitting his head yet again on the ceiling. After hitting the floor in the heap, all Jack could hear was Crutchie’s cackles. 
“Just kidding, It’s actually in 20- I just wanted to see your reaction,” Crutchie wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Yeah, real funny, Crutch,” Jack mumbled, rolling his eyes and smiling. As much as he loved his little brother, he, unfortunately, knew exactly how to get Jack riled up quite easily, which normally ended in Jack running into a wall or stabbing himself in the arm with a pen in a panic.
“S’funny to me,” Crutchie choked out, still laughing. Jack pushed himself to his feet, brushing off the assorted chip crumbs that had migrated from the shitty shag carpeting of his dorm onto his shirt.
“I know, I know,” Jack muttered, grabbing Crutchie’s crutch from the wall and handing them to him. Looking at his laughing face, Jack couldn’t help but crack a smile. 
“Alright, let’s get a move on… You ready?” Jack shook his head while still grinning, snatching his duffle bag and Crutchie’s backpack from beside the door. 
“Ay! I can carry that!" Crutchie protested, making a grab at the bag. 
“Wow, brother dearest, won’t even let me carry a bag,” Jack joked, sticking out his tongue and popping into a dead sprint down the hallway. 
“NOW THAT’S JUST UNCALLED FOR!” Crutchie yelled from the hallway. 
“LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU, STUPID HEAD!” Jack shouted back, slamming open the door for the stairs and sliding onto the railings down the flights. Once he reached the bottom, he pulled out his phone.
“Text RaceyBoi.” 
“What would you like to say?” that stupid automated voice asked back, not fully human or robotic. 
“‘Can you go walk Crutchie to the campsite? Left him for CPS reasons.’” CPS was not, in fact, Child Protective Services, but instead Crutchie Protection Squad.
Smiling to himself, Jack started walking towards the woods on the outskirts of campus. He thought he saw Kid Blink and Spot at one point, Heely-ing towards the woods. He couldn’t help but wonder how the wheels would hold up amongst all the vegetation, and quietly hoped he wouldn’t have to call an ambulance tonight. 
“Hey, Jack!” came a familiar voice from behind him. His heart automatically deciding to kick into overdrive, Jack turned around to see none other than David Jacobs, grinning and clutching a duffle bag. 
“Whaddup, Dave,” Jack grinned back, clapping the taller boy on the shoulder. Seriously, who gave him the right to be this tall? He was like a noodle with a head and arms. 
“You heading down to the campsite?” Davey asked, falling into step with Jack. 
“That’s the plan. Race is taking Crutchie so that idiot won’t try to carry his backpack again.” 
“...You realize he can carry it perfectly fine, right?” Davey said, looking slightly confused.
“Yeah, but I just feel like doin’ something nice for him, y’ know?” 
“You may be stupid at times, but you are a good brother, Jack Kelly,” Davey chuckled, taking off his hat and flipping it backward. 
“Ey, now don’t get to tellin’ the boys that, I have a reputation as a jerk to keep,” Jack couldn’t stop smiling. Why couldn’t he stop smiling? He felt like someone had turned him into the fucking sun from the Teletubbies. 
“I don’t think you could pass as a jerk if you tried,” Davey shrugged, looking into Jack’s eyes so he could get the point across. God, his eyes were brown. Beautiful, chocolatey, perfect brown. 
“You would be surprised,” Jack said, tearing his eyes away. 
Don’t let yourself get attached, dammit. 
“Hey,” Davey stopped. Jack stopped too, staring at him. He put his hand on Jack’s shoulder. 
“Don’t… Don’t talk like that. I know you, Jackie. Okay? And you aren’t an asshole.” 
“Jeez, David, only a few minutes into the trip and you’re already on the late-night talks-” Jack turned away, hoping Davey couldn’t see that he was blushing. 
“I need to hear you say it, okay?” He turned Jack around, forcing him yet again to look into his eyes. 
“Fine. I… I ain’t an asshole. Ya happy?” Jack bit his tongue forcefully. That almost physically pained him to say. 
“Yeah. I… I’m sorry Jack,” Davey said. Jack still wasn’t looking at him. 
“Don’t apologize for caring, Davey.” 
It was late. The shitty fire that had taken them almost a full hour to make was burning low, and Jack had to keep prodding it with a random stick to keep it lit. Most of the boys had already retired to their tents and sleeping bags, and Davey was fast asleep on his chair. Race was the only one still out. 
“Do you think we should wake him up?” Race said, tossing the remains of his s’more into the fire. 
“What? Oh, nah, I’ll wake him up when I head in. Poor kid, being a pre-med student probably never sleeps,” Jack pointed out. 
“How long do you think you’ll be staying out?” Race asked, standing up and stretching. 
“‘Till I get tired,” Jack prodded the fire again, before throwing in another stick. 
“Then he’ll be out here all night,” Race joked, cracking a smile.
“I’ll wake him up before then. Wouldn’t want him to get hypothermia or some shit.” 
“It’s the middle of April, I highly doubt he’ll get hypothermia, Jack.” 
“...Did Racetrack Higgins seriously just say an educated statement?”
“Goodnight-” Race turned away suddenly, seeming intent on changing the subject. 
“YOU CAN’T CHANGE IT NOW, WE KNOW YOU’RE SMART,” Jack whisper-shouted, not wanting to wake any of the boys up (especially not Davey). 
Race replied with his silence. 
Sighing, Jack sat back in his chair. Not having any will to sleep, and nothing more to do, he grabbed out his sketchbook. Nature was always good for inspiration. 
Well, it could’ve been nature, or it could’ve been Davey. Because, without even realizing it, Jack had started to sketch the sleeping boy’s figure. His right fist was supporting his cheek, his hat was half-tipped onto his face, shading it slightly. His legs were crossed, and his left arm was set on top of them. 
Behind him was a backdrop of pine trees, and, even though that wasn’t the actual view, a full moon, and stars. So many stars. All spelling out little words of love in Spanish, Jack’s first language. 
Precioso. Bonita. Perfecto. 
His hair was mostly tucked under his cap. His eyes were softer when he slept. A ghost of a smile played at his lips. 
Just as Jack was signing his name and dating the piece, Davey began to stir. 
Quickly shutting the book, Jack simply stared up at the stars he could see despite the light pollution and thick trees. 
“Hey, Jack, saw you drawing there,” Davey said, quietly. 
“Oh- uh- yeah, just… lookin’ through some old pieces,” Jack stammered. 
“Can I see?” 
“Uh- no, this isn’t my graded stuff, it’s all just sketches-“
“Y’know, for an art student, you really don’t like showing your art.” 
“Uh- Fine.” Jack gave up and strode across the fire to hand him the book. It was mostly drawings of the boys, maybe he wouldn’t look that far. 
...Spoiler alert, he looked that far. 
“...Is this me? Right back then, when I was sleeping?” 
“You really made me look better than I’ve ever seen myself.” 
“Well, that’s how I see you,” Jack said before he could think about his words. Y’know, like a normal person who is trying to hide a massive crush that could end one of his best friendships. 
“Th-that’s… how you see me?” Davey was blushing now. Blushing. Not disgusted. 
“Uh… yeah. Y’see here, th-the moon behind ya, the way it… it focuses on you.” Jack said, kneeling by his chair and pointing to it. 
You are digging your own grave, Jack Kelly. 
“Jack, I… that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Davey was still blushing. He turned his face to Jack’s. He was so close… 
“Well… I draw what I think, Dave, ‘cause words… they ain’t my strong suit,” Jack chuckled, pulling back. But Davey leaned forward. 
“Your drawings don’t need words, Jack. But the artist of them… That is a man that deserves millions of words said about him.” 
“D-Davey… Don’t. Please, don’t do this,” Jack shook his head, standing back up. 
“Did I make you uncomfortable? I- I’m sorry, I thought that we-“ 
“No, David. You didn’t. That’s the exact issue! D-d’ya really think I want to end up breaking your heart? We… We can’t do this, ‘cause it’ll end with me hurting you just like I have a million people! And you don’t deserve that fate! You’re too good for me, David,” Jack might’ve been crying. He wasn’t sure. But he sure as hell was ranting. 
“Don’t Jack me, don’t try to act like it could be any different. We know exactly how this is going to end, and I- I can’t stand losing you, Dave.” 
There was a moment of silence. It was obvious Davey was picking his next words carefully. 
“You won’t.” 
“How could you possibly know that?” 
“You won’t because I won’t let it, Jack Kelly. I won’t let you lose me as a friend, ever. You’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.” 
In two strides, Davey crossed the circle of chairs and shut Jack up with a kiss, half-crushing him with how tightly he was holding him. 
He did this… this thing that made it obvious this wasn’t his first kiss. The way he moved his head up and down just a little bit. The way he seemed all in but ready to pull away if they needed to at any second. 
But more than anything, there was a definitive Davey-ness to him that made it all perfect. 
So Jack had found one more reason to like nature. It was where he shared his first-ever kiss with his boyfriend, David Jacobs.
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Precious Friend
The beds were platforms attached to the walls that lifted up to an opening aptly called a coffin rack that served as under-bed storage. There were four beds in a room. Besides the coffin rack storage, there was one locker per occupant. That was all.
Aaron tried and failed to fit all his gear into a locker before giving it up and tossing it on top of his bed next to where his foot would be. “People live here for months? Jesus…” He muttered.
Brian held out his hands, “I have space in my locker, give it here.” 
“Careful, my guns are in there.” Despite his words, he tossed his bag to him and hopped up to pull himself onto the top bunk.
“I know. That’s why I don’t want it getting tossed about if we hit rough seas.” He tucked the bag into the locker and shut it securely.
“I hope none of you get seasick. Masato peered down from his top bunk where he was surfing on his phone.
Rodney meanwhile stood in the doorway looking in despair and wondering if he was even short enough to fit into the flimsy blankets. This was a common issue. At six feet and four inches, he was too tall for a lot of things. He caught Masato’s smirk and inwardly grumbled that, for once, someone who could fit into a locker like him had the upper hand.
Masato turned back to his phone. “I’ve been doing some research into what the Lieutenant told us. Norma doesn’t really contradict anything that she said. She’s just… less conclusive about the actual existence of the dragons they spoke of. The lack of written record is a problem, but the rainbow serpent’s connection to alchemy is pretty solid.” He turned his phone to them. “The appearance of a serpent looped in a circle is common in Egyptian depictions of an afterlife, but it doesn’t have much context. Still, European alchemists adapted this symbol into their own writing.”
“So it had to mean something…” Aaron whispered, opening his phone as well.
“I’m going to bed.” Brian ducked into the small gap between the top and bottom beds and disappeared.
Aaron let out an awed sigh. “Wow… their definition of Speech Spirits is Voodoo… I wonder… I wonder if we’ll get to see something like that. Sounds spooky.”
He dipped his head down to peer at Brian. “You’re sure you’re okay with your lady out by herself with a bunch of a voodoo?”
Brian gave him an annoyed glare. “By their definition aren’t we also practicing voodoo when we use our soul skills?”
“Oh that’s true.”
Brian rolled over to face the wall.
“But you didn’t deny she’s your lady.”
“Shut up.”
Mr. Baldwin didn’t go with the rest of the students to the residential deck. He instead followed Dofi, the youngest of the quadruplets towards the Officer’s area on the ship. Dofi kept up the act, nodding dutifully at the sailors who had no idea he was masquerading as his brother.
“How long are you going to keep up this act?” He mumbled quietly.
“As long as I can!” Dofi flashed his brilliant teeth and chuckled. “After all, it’s not often I get to be captain.”
Mr. Baldwin raised his eyebrows. “Really? Somehow I doubt that. Switching identities would be an easy way to keep sailors on their toes at all times. I envy your ability to be in multiple places at once… so to speak.”
They came to an elevator. Dofi, scanned his ID and it opened and they stepped inside. Mr. Baldwin stifled a yawn. “Will you be joining us for our discussion?”
“Nah…” Dofi waved his hand. “Foli wanted to speak with you privately. And I have an assignment that just came up. We can have fun later!” He gave him a hard slap on the shoulder that nearly took his breath away.
The doors opened and there was Foli, grinning, bearing the Cassell College world tree logo on his chest. The two men both embraced each other rocking back and forth. 
“It’s been too long. Too long, brother!” Foli growled happily. “Come in and sit down! We need to catch up!”
Foli ushered him into the room. It was centered by a large wood table and decorated with maps, globes, and had a view of the vast ocean. There was no wine or cigar, but a box of fine chocolate on the table.
Mr. Baldwin took a seat at the table and Foli joined him. “Wow, are these chocolates made by hand?”
“Of course, I’ve been saving them for this occasion.”
Together they reached in. The chocolate was velvet smooth, full of butter and had just the right bitterness, fruitiness and sweetness. Mr. Baldwin closed his eyes. “It’s just like what you brought with you to Cassell…”
He looked at him. “How’s your father?”
Foli sighed. “Still unwell, we’re expecting his passing soon.”
Mr. Baldwin’s eyes filled with regret. “I’m sorry. I’ve dragged you away.”
Foli patted his hand to reassure him. “Our ancestors are never truly gone. His mind is resting in his body, waiting to be set free from its confines. He would never forgive me for missing out on this opportunity. You met with him before… yes? I was always curious. How did that go?”
“He didn’t tell you? Basically, he just wanted to congratulate me and give me some encouragement. Losing Professor Schneider was very difficult. Not just his death but the pressure of the expectations.” Unable to resist, Mr. Baldwin accepted another chocolate from the box.
“In the end, his choice was the correct one.” Foli spoke reassuringly to him. “Not only your training and education, but the power of your Soul Skill is undeniable.”
Mr. Baldwin grimaced. “I can barely control it. I’m no Anjou.”
“Such humility… it’s born of wisdom. It will keep you safe.”
“Keep me safe?” Mr. Baldwin chuckled with surprise. “I don’t recall safety being mentioned in this job description. But you do have a point… Time Zero, when it comes to applications on the battlefield…” He ducked his head and huffed. “It’s a bit unfair!”
“Just a bit!” Foli leaned against the table with one arm. “You’re not tired?”
“I am. But I can’t sleep.” He turned his eyes to the window. “The moon’s too bright tonight. And it’s nice to come here and chat.”
“How like you.” Foli said, delighted. “Then you’re fine with chatting with me?”
Mr. Baldwin gave him a small smile. “It would be an honor to chat with such a precious friend as you. The only thing lacking is some champagne.”
“I hope you don’t mind some tea instead? There’s a kettle.” Foli stood up and moved to a cabinet. Mr. Baldwin watched as he poured the tea and brought it back over to the table.
“What are we drinking tonight?”
“Just regular black.”
Mr. Baldwin began to chuckle.
“What’s so funny?”
He took a deep breath of the tea wafting into his nose and sat back in his chair. “When I visited the Italian branch to meet with Commissioner Gattuso they served me some tea called “Imperial Red” from China. It’s supposedly over a million dollars a pound.”
“Oh really?” Foli blew over his cup.
Mr. Baldwin gave him a fond smile. “I’ve gotta say. I like regular black better.”
Foli raised it in a small toast. “Only the best.”
They touched their cups together. Mr. Baldwin allowed himself to relax, letting the steam warm his face. “I don’t have many people in this business who understand me as much as you do. I miss the days in the dorm where we used to stay up and talk all night.”
“Yes… so do I. It’s been too long since we’ve had tea together.” Foli’s eyes fell to his cup. “But… you would do most of the talking!”
“I had a lot to say! Especially right before our graduation, remember? I had to go away to run the Executive Branch, and you were chosen by the elders to lead as well.”
“Is that the last time? I can’t quite remember.” Foli scratched his head.
“You wouldn’t. We drank a lot more than tea.” Mr. Baldwin lowered his voice. “You got piss drunk. No wonder you don’t remember.”
“Oh…” Foli looked bashful. “Well, you understand… alcohol has never passed my lips since.”
“It’s a cruel tradition. You can’t even spike a little brandy to help you relax without losing your job?”
“It’s just the way it is, my friend.”
Mr. Baldwin started to laugh again. “I was frantic trying to dry you out before you had to report to your family.”
Foli looked mournful. “You did?”
“Seems like you don’t remember that either.”
“Well your memory has always been better than mine!” Foli replied. “Always has been. After all, you didn’t even confuse me with my brother! To be frank… it was a relief that you still remember.”
Mr. Baldwin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold medallion. It was carved with a skull ringed by twining vines. “Which reminds me, I think this belongs to you.”
Foli gasped, inhaling the tea he had just sipped. He covered his mouth, choking. “Where did you get that?” He asked around the coughs.
“You don’t remember but you left it in my room all those years ago. I couldn’t give it back to you without revealing to your family that you got drunk. So I took the opportunity to return it today.”
Foli reverentially took the medallion, speechless. “These relics are priceless. I assumed it was stolen from me.” He muttered quietly. His heart slammed in his chest as he tilted the heavy metal in his hand, watching the light shimmer across it.
“No one’s seen it but you and I.” Mr. Baldwin watched his friend’s reaction feeling deeply satisfied. “I’m the head of the Executive Branch. You will soon be one of the spearheads of the West Africa Branch. With Anjou, the relationship was wary. I hope to change that. Starting tonight.”
Foli opened his mouth to speak, eyes still glued to the medallion. But no words came out. He finally looked up at him. “Were it just up to me, I would absolutely accept full cooperation with Cassell. But these heavy matters? They’re left up to the Elder Council. That said, I will strongly convey your trustworthiness.”
He placed the medallion in his pocket. “Grant. People said that you changed after you were appointed, but you’re still the same person.”
“I changed only on the outside. I had to. Or else the Executive Branch might have fractured.”
Foli nodded. “I remember when we first met. I was full of many different worries.  I was… not prepared to make friends, but to maintain our secrets to maintain our superiority over the European Hybrids. At least, what I perceived to be superiority.”
Grant poured himself another cup. “I remember too. You were determined to show us up. Not that I blame you. The rest of our classmates wanted to teach you rather than the other way around.”
“I was shocked when all you asked were questions.”
Grant sipped. “That you didn’t want to answer.’
“And I asked, ‘why do you want to know?’ What did you say to me back then?”
“Isn’t that why you’re here? To teach us?” Grant replied.
“Yes that’s it. Your memory never fails!” He laughed. “Both Cassell and the West Africans have viewed each other with suspicion. Even now… it’s a bad habit.” Foli drummed his fingers on the table.
“One can’t be too careful.” Grant shrugged. “Trust is earned gradually.”
His expression turned grim. “You’re too kind. I just hope that trust gets its chance to grow and is not choked out by stubbornness and pride.”
Grant glanced at him. “Is there something wrong?”
Foli smiled again. “Ah… I believe it’s late. The moon is making me sentimental! But a cloud just covered it and broke the spell. We should get our rest.”
Together, they stood up. “Thanks for chatting with me. I hope we get this opportunity again… sooner this time.”
Together they walked out of the main meeting room, when they walked, it was hand in hand, leaving the cups steaming on the table.
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Track to the Future
Pairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle) Rating: E (explicit sexual content) Word count: 7675 @spideychelleweek​
Spideychelle Week Day 6: Only One Bed
Summary: Peter and MJ board the train to the academic decathlon tournament in New Orleans as friends, but after the booking company messes up Mr. Harrington's sleeping car room assignments and they're forced to share a compartment for the night, Peter hopes there's a chance they'll be more than friends by the time they have to, ahem, get off.
“…and if anyone needs anything at all during the night,” Mr. Harrington said, finally wrapping up his thorough Spending the Night on a Train Protocol, “Mr. Dell and I have compartments at either end of the car you’ll be sleeping in while your co-captains’ shared compartment is the first in the next car. Sometimes it’s easier to reach out to a peer if you’re experiencing any feelings of homesickness or stress ahead of tomorrow’s tournament. But remember, Mr. Dell and I are here to support you.”
“Nah, don’t knock on my door,” Mr. Dell said with a quick negative slice of his hand. “I’m taking a sleeping pill, you know the drill. I’ll also be putting my headphones on and turning the volume way up to sleep in a cocoon of music. I’m trying to spend as much of this trip as possible listening to jazz. By the time we roll into New Orleans, I’ll be fully immersed in the atmosphere.”
Peter’s eyes darted between the team’s chaperones as their group of ten sat crowded into adjacent booths in the dining car. The one person he was careful not to linger on was MJ. Things had been normal between them since boarding that afternoon―meaning they’d gotten in lots of quality moments of smiling at each other and looking swiftly away―until Mr. Harrington sprung on them the fact that they’d be sharing a sleeping cabin. Apparently, the train had double-booked a room, leaving the Midtown Academic Decathlon contingent one short. Their teachers (mostly one of them, after Mr. Dell begged not to be dragged into ‘this snafu’) had decided the best course of action was to pair up the captains. Surely, these were their two most responsible individuals. That’s what Peter assumed Mr. Harrington had been thinking. That and he probably hadn’t noticed the way Peter and MJ had been dancing around each other the past few months; as long as students were present, still breathing, and had all their limbs attached, he seemed satisfied. But Peter knew that he and MJ were going to have to be the real adults here and eventually confront the fact that they’d be spending the night on top of each other. Because bunk beds.
“Yeah, come find me or Peter if you need us,” MJ chimed in. Though her expression told Peter she was reluctant, the same instinct for leadership that made her a good captain was forcing her to speak up now. “Or text or something. I’ll keep my phone on.”
“Did you pack a phone charger?” Flash asked.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Can I use it?”
“I’m offering you emotional support, not access to my belongings. Some things are sacred.”
“Pfft,” Flash scoffed. “You just don’t want me showing up to ask for it. Scared I’ll interrupt something while you and Penis are shacked up together?”
Ned laughed loudly.
“MJ and Peter?” he asked doubtfully. “Are you kidding? Those two aren’t into each other at all.”
Peter appreciated that his best friend was trying to cover for him (he’d kept Ned abreast of his crush on MJ as it developed), but this was verging on overcompensation and it’d only make Flash more suspicious. Subtly, Peter shook his head to tell Ned to cut it out and his friend fell silent.
“Please, everyone, just go to your rooms,” Mr. Harrington implored. “I’ll be around to check on each of you over the next twelve to fifteen minutes. Don’t switch rooms, don’t get up unless you’re using the bathroom or asking for help, and please, please do not fall off the train.”
“How do you think they’re going to manage that?” Mr. Dell wondered.
“Things happen, Julius. Be thankful you haven’t seen what I have.”
“I was there for that Mysterio nonsense in Europe, remember? I’ve seen plenty.”
“But not everything…” Mr. Harrington trailed off hauntingly. Peter and Ned exchanged a look that said, is this guy ok?
On that note, everyone trooped to the sleeping car with their bags and said goodnight to each other. By the end of the car, there were just Peter’s footsteps ahead and MJ’s behind. He touched the door to open it and the two of them stepped into the vestibule between cars. There was a loud rattle of the train in motion, not muffled like it was in the cars, and it suddenly felt as though they were very much separated from everyone else. Now would probably be a good time to break the ice over them sharing a room. When Peter turned around, MJ was right there, waiting for him to press the other door and let them into their car. His mouth opened, but he froze. Giving him a look like he was being a weirdo, she reached around him and opened the door herself. Peter laughed awkwardly and proceeded.
“So, this one, I guess,” he said as they came to the door of the first room. “Should we…” He glanced at the floor, then quickly up into his co-captain’s difficult-to-read face. “MJ, should we talk about how strange this is? Us sharing this tiny room?”
She nodded slowly, giving him a tight smile.
“I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” Peter continued.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” MJ promised quickly.
“You’re not?”
“Oh, ok. Great.”
They were still looking at each other, still standing in the corridor instead of either one of them moving to open their door.
“It’s relaxing,” MJ offered after a few seconds of silence.
Peter perked up a little, pushing his shoulders back.
“Sharing a room with me?”
“Being on a train. Quiet, you know? Hey, you ever read Murder on the Orient Express?”
“No, but I’m guessing somebody gets murdered?” Peter ventured.
“That’s the gist of it,” she agreed.
Was she afraid that was going to happen to them? Had she only taken the step of reaching out to their teammates because she was the one who was scared?
“Nothing’s going to happen,” he assured her.
MJ sighed.
“You’re probably right. We’re not that lucky.”
Peter was still puzzling over that comment―was MJ saying it’d be unlucky for all of them to reach Louisiana alive?―as she let them into their room. He looked around her to take it in. There really wasn’t much of it to take in. She’d said she wasn’t uncomfortable, but he was sure his instinct to lighten the mood wasn’t misplaced. Should he joke about the small space being cozy? No, that sounded like he was trying to imply something romantic. Talk about the tournament tomorrow and completely ignore their forced intimacy? No, he was too tired to keep that up for long, especially if she offered to run through practice questions with him. Maybe rock-paper-scissors to choose bunks? Yeah, that was an immediate and practical problem that needed to be solved.
He was looking around for an out of the way spot to shove his bag as he asked, “You want top or bottom?”
“Uhhhh,” MJ replied.
“You can think about it while I go brush my teeth,” Peter offered, finding a spot for his bag, then reaching in for his pajamas and toiletry kit.
“Oh, that’s not indecision you hear in my voice. Look.”
He straightened up at her instruction. She was pointing at the wall, where what he’d taken at a glance to be the second bed, ready to fold down, was placed. He looked closer. Oh shit. It wasn’t a bed. Or, it didn’t exactly look like one. Peter would’ve investigated further, but MJ was already kicking her shoes off and climbing up to stand on the bottom (only?) bunk for a closer inspection. She flipped what was supposed to be the top bunk down and it came with a clatter and a cascade of straps.
“It’s for luggage,” she informed him.
Oh, he heard her, but he still heard himself ask, “What?”
“Like a thing you put your bag on and, I don’t know, strap it down so it doesn’t land on your head while you’re sleeping.”
“So, it’s not a bed.”
MJ clipped the not-a-bed into place, dropped back to the floor, and rolled her eyes at him. Yeah, that had sounded pretty stupid, but the comment hadn’t really been for her; it was more Peter’s way of verbally processing their current circumstances. Those being: two co-captains and one bed that looked proportionate to the room. But the room was tiny, which meant the bed was narrow as hell and probably not intended for two people, even when those two people planned to share it, because physical contact was no big deal for them, because their relationship was at that stage, because they didn’t have to look away from each other whenever they started to hold the stare just a little too long. Fuck, Peter was freaking out.
“Um,” he told MJ, flailing his pajamas and toiletries around, “why don’t you… and I’ll…” Peter jerked his thumb towards the door and, nodding like there’d been some kind of agreement made, exited their room while his co-captain gave him an odd look.
In the corridor, he almost screamed.
“You guys are first up on my bedtime check-ins list!” Mr. Harrington announced, looking up from a clipboard.
“Oh,” Peter replied.
“Yep, no pressure, but I came to you and MJ first because I’m counting on you to put me at ease. Please don’t tell me there’s anything wrong with your room,” he added, voice turning desperate.
“What room? Oh, our room? The room MJ and I are sharing? Well, it…” He swallowed. “It’s great. Small, you know, but, um, definitely has two beds.”
“Do you want me to take a quick peek inside?” his teacher offered. “I’ve led dozens of student trips and I’ve gotten pretty darn good at spotting damaged amenities, traces of bedbugs… Not that I could really do anything for you at this point. The room’s already booked and there isn’t another one the two of you could switch to. I suppose you could take my room while I slept in a seat on one of the cars, but of course, mine only has the one bed.”
“That’s ok. Everything’s good. Nothing’s broken or bedbuggy.”
Mr. Harrington was still looking at Peter like he was waiting for him to stop putting on a brave face and let the adult do a quick sweep. He should probably let him. MJ had put the luggage rack back the way they’d found it and they could pretend they hadn’t discovered it wasn’t a second bed yet. That would be the honest thing to do, and very possibly the thing MJ would want him to do. It was just that instinct was telling Peter to protect this secret opportunity. This very innocent chance for them to… bond and stuff. He wasn’t really sure, he didn’t have a plan, but all of his plans that involved MJ involved figuring out how to get closer to her, not how to run away. Figuring out how to share a single bed in a cramped room with an entire night ahead of them was basically the Chance for Closeness jackpot. If she disagreed, she could easily storm out and go to Mr. Harrington. Or slap Peter right across his opportunistic face. Or pretend to be cool with it, wait ‘til he fell asleep, and get her revenge by squeezing his entire tube of toothpaste into one of his shoes, or cutting holes in all his boxers. (He was ready to swear that one wasn’t sexual; he’d just had some very specific nightmares when their entire acquaintance was about him being wildly intimidated by her, before they became friends and he evolved to being only moderately intimidated.)
“It’s no trouble,” Mr. Harrington promised.
“MJ’s changing in there right now,” Peter blurted. It was the perfect excuse and came to him on the spot. “You could come back after you check the other rooms, but we’ll probably be fine. Anyway, MJ and I are both, um, mature enough to ask for help if we need it. No need to worry about us.”
He gave his teacher a tense, closed-lipped smile. Mr. Harrington seemed relieved.
“See you both in the morning then.”
“Yep, no problem!”
The second their chaperone was gone back into the other car, Peter opened the door and saw a flash of MJ’s stomach.
“What are you doing?” she yelped.
“What are you doing?” he shot back, hastily turning away and shutting the door of their little compartment.
“Putting my pajamas on! You just told Harrington I was in here changing!”
“Yeah, well, if you heard that then you know I told him a lot of things I didn’t think were true!”
“The presence of more than one bed may be a blatant lie, but didn’t you consider that I might actually be changing? I’m done, by the way,” she concluded in a less indignant tone.
Peter turned back around. Before he could stop himself, his gaze zoomed down her body. Her oversized t-shirt read ‘MICHELLE OBAMA’S ARMS BRAIN’ and her loose turquoise shorts just about disappeared under its hem. With wide eyes, he forced his gaze back to MJ’s face.
“Put yours on,” she suggested, eyes flicking to his and away.
Ok, this was it. This wasn’t the way he’d expected it to go. He’d though there’d be some kind of conversation first, or at least an acknowledgement of their feelings. Carpe diem, Peter guessed. He took a deep breath―probably the deepest he’d ever taken when he wasn’t dressed as Spider-Man and attempting to lift something heavy―and peeled his t-shirt off.
“Oh my god, nerd, in the bathroom, not here! Don’t make me regret staying quietly in this room while you lied to our teacher’s face.”
Flustered, Peter threw on the shirt he’d brought to sleep in and left the room without picking the other one up from the floor. In the bathroom at the far end of the car, he brushed his teeth, then stared at his face in the mirror for a minute, pausing for comprehension that didn’t come. What was happening? What had happened in that room? What would happen when he went back? It would probably have been helpful to talk this through with Ned, but MJ was waiting for him to let her know the bathroom was free. She was also most likely waiting for him to explain what the fuck his thought process had been in assuring Mr. Harrington that there were two beds, since she obviously had not been expecting Peter to start taking his clothes off in front of her. Though she’d definitely looked when he had. He’d noticed that.
This time, he knocked before entering.
“You’re done with the bathroom?” MJ checked, folding her toothbrush and toothpaste into a facecloth.
“Brushed my teeth and everything. You wanna taste the mint? Smell,” Peter corrected, blushing ferociously. “Smell the mint. Never mind. You don’t wanna do that.” He started to raise his hands apologetically as she slipped past him to open the door. “Forget I―”
He shut up instantly when his rising hand brushed her breast through her t-shirt. Shit. His eyes locked on hers as his lips parted to apologize, but MJ fisted the front of his shirt and tugged him into a quick, firm kiss. She broke it and released him.
“Probably a good idea if we talk about this when I get back,” she muttered and fled.
Alone in their room, Peter would’ve done a backflip if he’d had the space. Option B was repacking his bag and mentally cataloguing the potential lab injuries listed on his Chemistry class WHMIS test as a method of subduing the erection that had started to perk up when MJ grabbed his shirt like that. So maybe her reaction to him undressing had been more shock than anger or violation. She’d certainly repaid him for that; Peter was still a little stunned and his lips tingled like he’d been punched in the mouth. Punched very softly. By the mouth of the girl he had a huge crush on. He ran a finger across his lips as he zipped his bag back up. Then, there was nothing to do but… stand? Lean against the wall? Was sitting totally out of the question, since the one logical spot he could sit was on the bed they had yet to fully address? What the hell―he gave it a try. Immediately, his bare foot was jumping against the floor. Crap, should he have left his socks on? Was the floor of a train compartment as ready to give him nefarious foot diseases as the college residence showers May had already started warning him about, almost an entire year early? He wedged his bare feet back into his sneakers and stood with his arms anxiously crossed. MJ didn’t take long.
“Counter proposal,” she suggested as she stepped into their room and set her things on a teeny ledge that Peter didn’t know the purpose of.
He would’ve asked what was being countered, but MJ had him pushed against the wall in a second, her mouth planted back on his. Now they both tasted like mint. She was seriously not helping with his efforts to not have a boner right now. The fact that he was utterly amateur in the issue of how to hold a girl in a passionate embrace, and the evidence that she didn’t have any more experience kissing than he did (she kept catching his lip with her teeth and he wasn’t sure either of them knew whether it was intentional), didn’t actually seem to matter that much. His hands ended up on her hips, which wanted to tilt naturally towards his, and the fervour of her kisses calmed to something more enjoyable and bite-free when she appeared to overcome the way she’d surprised herself by kissing him in the first place.
“No,” she said, breathless as she drew back―his mouth might’ve chased puppyishly after hers for a second. “No, we should probably talk. I was right the first time. Counter proposal withdrawn.”
“Uh, withdrawal accepted,” Peter replied. He was dazed, his heart was kicking against his ribs, and if MJ looked down, she would see that part of him was still in favour of proceeding in a way that didn’t involve speech.
She huffed out a breath, fluffed a hand exasperatedly through her hair, and started packing away her bathroom paraphernalia. Meanwhile, he stood against the wall with a hard-on and watched her carefully seal her wet facecloth into a Ziploc bag. His brain was horniness and confusion. Finally, crouched on the floor by her luggage, MJ twisted to look up at him.
“I let you tell Mr. Harrington that there were two beds in this room,” she recapped. It wasn’t quite a question, but Peter nodded just in case she wanted the confirmation.
“You can go tell him something different.”
“Nah, I don’t really want to.”
“I could leave and you could keep this room, or maybe you could share with Betty, or―”
“I said I don’t want to,” MJ repeated. She moved to sit on the bed.
“So… what do we do?”
Peter was very curious about what her solution might be, mostly because he wasn’t 100% clear on what the problem was. If neither of them was bothered by the absence of a second bed and both of them had avidly participated in that tragically curtailed make-out session… well. He felt there were certain courses of action that would seem reasonable. But he didn’t trust himself to have a solid grip of what was going on, not when he remained semi-hard in his pajama bottoms and stared at MJ’s mouth as frequently as into her eyes.
“We… would have to share?” This time it was definitely a question and Peter nodded more slowly to acknowledge that question, rather than to agree with it outright.
“If you want both of us to stay, then, yeah. I don’t really want to sleep on the floor and I can’t stay awake all night with the tournament tomorrow.”
“And how would you feel about sharing?” MJ’s eyes darted to his face and down to her lap where she pulled her t-shirt down her thighs. It looked like she was doing it more for something to do than out of any inclination towards modesty. Also, the eye-contact avoidance said she was a little insecure about what his answer might be.
“I would feel, I would feel really good about it,” Peter stuttered out. She met his eyes.
“I like you,” MJ blurted.
“Me too. You.”
He smiled and she patted the bed at her side with an awkward, sarcastic expression. He took her invitation and stepped forward with a lurch to sit next to her. His gaze trailed down her arm to witness her gripping the edge of the bed with both hands. Her shoulders hunched, then shrugged back down.
“We’d be in pretty deep shit with a lot of people if anyone knew this was happening right now,” she speculated.
Peter laughed.
“Definitely.” He cleared his throat. “And, uh, what exactly is happening?”
MJ looked at him. Slowly, she reached for his face, turned and angled it to her liking, then gradually leaned in and, very softly, kissed him for the third time.
“Oh, ok,” he said as she drew back. “So the talking didn’t mean the kissing wasn’t going to continue.”
“I was trying to be responsible first.”
“Right. Co-captains.”
“There are expectations for our conscientiousness. And I will drop you like a hot potato if you threaten anyone’s belief in my conscientiousness.”
“You will?”
MJ smiled in a familiar way.
“You’re messing with me,” Peter realized, also smiling and rocking back slightly to scan the ceiling.
“About everything but the hot part.”
He straightened up immediately, completely focused on her.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. That’s really going to be a problem,” she said thoughtfully. Peter frowned. “For when we lie down on this thing―” MJ swatted the bed. “―and see what happens if we keep kissing.”
“I’m sorry my attractiveness is such a drawback for you,” he joked.
“I’d be better at resisting temptation if temptation didn’t have ridiculously chiseled abs.”
He puffed out a laugh and presented her with a lopsided smile, struggling between feeling embarrassed and really fucking thankful that he appealed to her in such a shallow way. For self-congratulation, he gave himself two whole seconds of side-eyeing the peaks of her boobs through her t-shirt.
“Actually, I’m not that clueless about what would happen,” she confessed. “I think it’d be pretty impossible for me to lie beside you and be chill about it.”
“That’s fine with me,” Peter promised eagerly, “but we don’t have to lie down right away.”
He reached over and let his hand hover above her knee until MJ grasped it and brought it down to rest on her cool skin. It took the shortest glance to make him lean into her space and kiss… her cheek, chickening out a little after all the talk about the obvious proceedings from the second they were horizontal together. Peter wanted that―he definitely wanted that―but he also really liked sitting in this moment with her, knowing that she wanted that too. And that she would be alright with him kissing her, if that was another thing he wanted. He did. The hand he didn’t have on her knee lightly cupped her face as Peter skimmed his lips down to her mouth. There, that was better, he thought, as MJ sighed against his lips.
Slipping his hand from her cheek around to the back of her head, he secured his fingers in her hair and pulled her mouth harder to his. She made a small sound that seemed to plunge straight down his throat and echo around in his stomach. Then, it plummeted even farther, stirring his groin. His hand tightened on her knee. Less tentatively than he would’ve expected (or had expected, in his fantasies of what kissing her would be like), MJ snuck her tongue into his mouth. At the feeling of their tongues gliding past and around each other, she became the one grabbing for him, hand low on the back of his neck. When she mirrored him by gripping his knee, Peter jumped, then smoothed his hand up her thigh as she twisted into him.
They were at an impasse for a second, or at least he was, fighting the urge to ease MJ onto her back and cover her body with his. No lying down; not yet. There was so much tension in their postures as they leaned into each other, gripping legs and necks and barely breaking the kiss long enough for a deeper inhalation. Even to Peter, it felt abrupt when he swung his legs up onto the bed. Though he had to swing them away from her, MJ understood―just like he’d expected―and climbed over to sit astride his thighs―just like he’d hoped. He was breathing stupidly hard as her eyes locked on his and she shuffled forward. His hands seized her hips, then her ass, and then he closed his eyes as they rolled back in his head because she was pressed right up against him and his fingers couldn’t trace the lines of any underwear through her cotton shorts. Something primal surged up from deep inside him and he narrowly managed to not start grinding into her.
“However this goes,” Peter panted, opening his eyes, “swear you’re not gonna murder me on this train. Or open our door to a murderer while I’m sleeping.”
“I swear. Strangely, this is better.” She smiled.
He didn’t know what was so strange about preferring feeling each other up over solving/committing a homicide. Then again, they did both kinda have a thing for violent crime.
“That’s reassuring,” he told her, hands hot on her butt. She shifted against him and he grunted.
“Sorry,” MJ said immediately. Peter choked out a laugh.
“That wasn’t a noise of pain.”
Her smile returned―broader, slyer. She folded her arms around his shoulders and rocked her hips against his. When he gasped, MJ looked the most delighted he’d ever seen her. She kissed him and rolled her hips again, but this time, his hands on her ass kept her in place and he rolled his hips back, groaning as his erection rubbed against her through their pajamas. Somehow, she wriggled even closer, thighs clamped on either side of him and seemed to consciously and minutely reposition her hips. The next time they ground against each other, she went, “Unnh!” and he understood. His whole body flushed with heat.
Hastily, they started trying to take each other’s shirts off at the same time. MJ already had both hands up under the fabric and pressed to his chest by the time Peter had gotten a single hand past the drapey folds of her oversized choice. They were stuck again, neither able to proceed with the other’s hands on them.
“You want me to go first?” Peter asked.
“Better do mine first,” she said. “You’re going to have a tough time prying me away once your shirt’s off.”
He blushed at how matter-of-factly she’d said that.
“I have no idea why you think I’m going to do any better.”
“So I shouldn’t take mine off?” she checked.
“Definitely take it off.”
“You’re such a moron.”
“Mhmm,” he agreed absently, lifting the hem of MJ’s shirt as she wriggled her arms out of the sleeves. Once her hands were tucked away inside the big t-shirt, Peter tugged the whole thing straight off.
“Now you,” she said quickly, grabbing his shoulders so he couldn’t immediately tip forward and begin kissing all over her chest.
She couldn’t prevent him from staring though. He did that until MJ jerked the neck of his shirt up over his eyes and he was forced to help her divest him of it or else be blinded to anything that might follow. And he definitely wanted his sight, wanted his eyes wide open.
In the end, she didn’t let him stare that long; she got this overwhelmed look in her eyes and hugged herself to him, their chests flush. Peter imagined a kind of surface-level vibration, like what was holding them together was static cling and with every little brush, they were recharged. What to do with all that waiting energy? He put his hands back on her ass―roaming more now, curving to shape her hips and her backside―and guided her purposely against him. MJ’s thighs tensed around him as she took control of the movement until Peter was grasping without pushing or pulling. As her eyelids drifted down, he exhaled and listened to the wispy sounds of her moan-toned breaths and the clatter of the train around them, always in southward motion down the track. It was dark outside and the light in their sleeping compartment was low without an assist from the sun. Probably because, in a room this small with mysterious ledges and misleading luggage racks, they’d had a hard time figuring out where to put a lamp or a pot light that emitted a decent wattage. Whatever. This railroad mood lighting wasn’t the worst.
MJ’s fingers skated along his jaw for almost a full minute (any longer and he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from twitching away out of ticklishness) before they stilled with his face in her hands and she kissed him. Their mouths bumped and slipped, hungry and gentle. There was a note of distraction, Peter thought, thanks to their minds skipping ahead to the next part, making the kiss the bridge rather than the destination. Pressing his lips to hers was no longer the ultimate joy he could hope for. Suddenly, there could be more.
Her hands caressed down his neck, a slight quaver in her fingers, and dragged through his collarbones like she was scooping them out. She could’ve been. She could’ve run a finger along the length and blown after it, sending up blustery sawdust. Peter was no longer 100% certain that he’d had a clavicle before MJ had touched him. Moving his hands up to her waist because it felt like a more respectful place to let them rest on her and because bare skin beneath his fingertips, he kept up his end of their abstracted kissing as she explored across to his shoulders. His cock throbbed against her, impatient with her leisurely hands and lazy hips, only shallowly swaying now. When she broke the kiss with a hot pant against his lips, it was to look in his eyes while she discovered his chest, then pressed against it. He laid back like she wanted. His hands sailed down her thighs and squeezed right above her knees. Bizarrely, that was the action that woke him up to what was happening. There was no way to look up at MJ―mostly naked, straddling his lap, doing her best to keep her hair out of her face as she looked straight back down at him―except with more than a little bit of awe. He swallowed thickly.
She rocked a few times without breaking their stare, then said, “Should we get under the sheet?”
It was less fumbling than it could have been, mostly because they moved so quickly. Peter was practically shaking with adrenaline after forcing himself to be still as MJ mapped him with her hands. Suddenly separate and next to one another, suddenly between two sheets like the flap of an envelope was about to be licked and sealed down over them. Send us anywhere, Peter thought. The room looked bigger like this, lying on his side with his back to the wall, but he only glanced. MJ swept across the bed like a shooting star in the sky for a kiss and they rapidly shed their bottoms. Her toes touched his, right after they’d gotten fully nude, and his abdomen clenched up, ready to support a thrust or to defend him from whatever was making him flinch like that. Well, screw that.
They kept kissing, making contact only up to their ankles, until Peter laid a cautious hand on her stomach.
“You want to keep going, right?” MJ asked, pulling back for a second. She’d tucked her arm beneath his neck and was systematically scratching her nails across every bit of his scalp, which was both comforting and erotic.
“For sure, yes, if you still do,” he babbled. He could feel her pulse hopping under his hand. He wanted to follow it down so bad.
“Alright then,” she said with a brisk nod, and grabbed his wrist to make his fingers stumble south.
Peter’s mouth fell open and part of him wanted to snatch his hand back because her expression was petrified. But then, it might’ve been that way because she was worried that he didn’t want to touch her like this, in which case removing his hand would make her feel way, way worse. It would’ve been good for him to ask for verbal confirmation here, but the part of his brain that put words together and held their hands until they’d successfully departed his mouth was broken right now. Because MJ had put his hand between the warmth of her thighs, allowing his fingers to graze and his palm to cover the intimate texture of hair. He could feel the questioning look on his face and, apparently in response to it, she piloted his hand a little lower, into the realm of the arousal she must’ve worked up grinding against him. His other hand clenched into a fist as his drive to be inside her swelled like his restless erection.
It was nerve-wracking, so much pressure not to touch her too lightly or too rough―and besides that, to make it somehow feel good for her. That he wanted very badly. Peter was out of his depth. That was when, as usual, MJ swooped in to lend him a literal hand without fuss. Her thighs parted further for him and, with her fingers directing his, he felt the soft creases and curves start to make sense. Gradually, he moved faster, dipped deeper, and nearly shouted victoriously when he accidentally flicked something that, by MJ’s sharp breath and the buck of her hips, was her clit. He ran his fingers across her entrance to wet them and flicked again, slowing to a tap, then a knead when she responded well (death grip on his wrist). Working up the nerve to probe his middle finger gently inside her came with a wealth of rewards: hitched breathing, her hand sliding precariously far down his abs, and a tight heat that his dick was longing for with more urgency than ever now that he knew precisely what it felt like.
Lying so that both his hands were down where he needed them to be wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but the way MJ gasped and then quietly moaned his name when he had the dexterity of extra fingers to offer her made it worthwhile. He could now continue fingering her from the inside while also pressing fingertips to her clit. Rewetting them after every few swipes made her gasp and writhe against his hands all over again. When she abruptly said, “Faster,” the finger inside her froze and he worked her clit double then triple time as she folded into him, forehead on his chest, and unceremoniously grasped his dick.
“You can’t do that right now,” he laughed, lightheaded. MJ’s fingers, fully around his erect penis. Avengers fucking assemble because this was not a drill.
At his plea, her hand darted to his hip instead, gripping even more firmly as, incredibly, Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man on a Train, aka Friendly Neighbourhood Third Baseman) brought her to orgasm. Her hips jerked and she made muffled hiccupping noises from where he couldn’t see her face and he thought to introduce a second finger to give her something to, holy shit, ride? He guessed? This was insane. Had the feeling of freedom from a school trip made this happen? Did people just get extra horny on trains? He was so glad the train company had fucked up Mr. Harrington’s ticket reservation to stick Peter and MJ in a single room for a night.
“We should,” she began, lifting her head with a blush of warmth and maybe self-consciousness after she’d sagged into herself and he’d removed his hands uncertainly, “discuss logistics.”
“Oh,” Peter said, surprised. “Oh, I guess, yeah. Logistics. Right.”
“What I mean is―”
He cut MJ off with a short kiss of determined pressure. Going straight into talking about logistics actually didn’t feel right, not when he’d just had her in his hands like that. This shouldn’t feel like business; it was affection. He really cared about her. Seeing and feeling and hearing what Peter had just seen, felt, and heard was monumental. Would she be his girlfriend after this? Should he ask her right now?
“Go ahead,” he urged with a smile, foregoing mention of the other stuff for the moment. It wasn’t business. They didn’t require a pause to agree on the parameters.
Plus, MJ was flustered now, which was amazing and adorable.
“I…” She trailed off when he found her hand under the sheet and held it. With a resolute tilt of her head, she took another run at her sentence, “I did not happen to pack condoms. Did you? Also, I’m not on birth control. I didn’t really know this was, um, going to happen.”
Peter kissed her again, for longer, at the vulnerable expression on her face.
“Me neither,” he promised. “Definitely a surprise.”
“So, you are equally ill-equipped?”
Instantly, he frowned.
“Technically, but it’s so harsh to say it like that! I’m not sure you would’ve been super thrilled if I had had condoms.”
“I would’ve been suspicious,” MJ confirmed, looking suspicious of him even as she spoke the words.
“That’s what I thought.”
“Do you think they sell them on the train?” Apparently, they were switching gears.
“I don’t know. Do you really want to be wandering around trying to buy condoms and have Mr. Harrington catch you though?”
“Hmm. Good point. So, what are our options?”
He was cooling down after the frenzy of getting her off and reflexively shifted towards her. The move made them both instinctually awkward, unsure where to touch and hyper-aware that their faces had never been this close before tonight. They were just existing with their faces close now, like this was their normal. Peter kept tight hold of her hand and basically willed himself to wade forward into talking this out.
“We could just not do anything else,” he suggested first, internally pleading with her not to go that route.
“Obviously, we can stop if you want to, but I’m kind of dying to see what you look like when you, you know.”
Peter was speechless for a moment.
“Uh, well, I mean…” He scratched the back of his head. “I could pull out?”
“And just… on the sheet?” She asked, avoiding his eyes (he assumed―he was kinda avoiding hers too).
“Yeah, then I’ll take it off and rinse it in the bathroom, we sleep on the top sheet and get that blanket―” He pointed to where one was tucked against the wall, ready for use. “―to put over us.”
MJ snorted a laugh.
“What is it?” he asked uneasily.
“I totally forgot we’re actually going to sleep together after this. You’re not missing the joke. That shouldn’t be funny, it just is for some reason.”
He grinned.
“Yeah, it kind of is.”
“You really bold-faced lied to Mr. Harrington, huh? The team should admire you. What a rebel leader you are. Don’t―” she added, raising a finger to his lips as he started to reply. “―say anything about Star Wars. I will definitely never have sex with you on a train again if you do.”
Peter shook his head.
“I’m not risking that.”
For a quiet minute, they adjusted their bodies to bring them even closer. He liked her eyelashes and how her mouth sloped naturally down at the corners; she seemed to be tracing the path of freckles across his cheek and over his nose.
“Do any of the people in that murder book have sex on the train?”
“Who cares?” MJ said. “They’re not real. We are.”
Their fingers slipped, only loosely entwined now, as their concentration returned to yielding kisses, lips moulding effortlessly together. Peter’s free hand stole up the back of her neck and when he shifted his weight subtly into hers, not even completely aware that he was asking, she answered, tipping onto her back.
“I’ll pull out,” he reaffirmed as her thighs were parting for his hips and he was positioning himself at her entrance by hand.
“I trust you, Peter,” she said in a nonchalant tone.
“I trust you.”
“It’s not a competition,” MJ complained and he let her have the last word because she’d probably said it out of the same nerves he was feeling as he eased the head of his dick inside her.
They both shifted slightly and settled. She laughed when he swore out of sheer bliss, pitching forward a little and drawing back, then he laughed at the sound of her laughing. Somehow, in all that, he ended up completely inside her and she pressed her hands to his back like maybe she really needed him and didn’t want him to go anywhere, even after the sex and the happenstance of a shared room. That would be really, really great.
The sex wasn’t perfect: for all MJ’s evident enjoyment, Peter didn’t have the inherent, untested talent or beginner’s luck to see her climax again and, of the two times she tried to kiss him while he was thrusting, she bonked their heads together on the first and brutally clicked their teeth on the second. They laughed some more. They were a mess. They were, possibly, each other’s.
He finished on the sheet like he’d promised and it felt wrong and gross enough that he’d be buying condoms before they did this again, but it also felt sort of hot the way MJ watched him pump doggedly through the circle of his own fingers until he groaned her name. The follow-up logistics were another mixed bag of sexy and unsexy. Peter threw his pajamas back on, bundled the sheet to his chest with the wet part deep in the center, and bolted to the bathroom to give it a hasty dip in the sink. But he returned to the sight of MJ remaking their bed in her PJs, complete with her sleepy smile. He figured out the light switch and crawled in beside her. Something unexpectedly tender in his chest squeezed when he learned that this tall, coolly critical girl took obvious comfort in being the little spoon. Her body went soft with his arm around her; he fell asleep with his nose and mouth resting against the back of her neck.
The alarm MJ had set on her phone got them up half an hour before they had to meet their team and teachers the next morning. First, Peter let his arm go slack so she could roll over to face him without leaving his embrace.
“Hey,” she said with her eyes barely open.
“Will you be my girlfriend now?”
He could only guess that she’d have given him a look that more clearly called him an idiot if they hadn’t just woken up.
“Yeah, ok.” was the response MJ went with instead.
Peter shook his head with bleary exasperation at how lukewarm her words were, but then she snuck her hand into his pajama pants and really damn quickly worked out how to give him a handjob. Long story short, they desecrated another sheet and were still on time for breakfast (only because they ran).
After everyone had finished eating and Mr. Harrington had delivered a heartfelt-yet-underwhelming pep talk for the day, they were sent back to their rooms to pack up their stuff. They’d be arriving in New Orleans within the hour.
“Are you disappointed there weren’t any crimes last night?” Peter asked with a smile as they repacked their luggage side by side.
“Well, I could say I stole your virginity,” she pointed out, nearly making him catch his hand in the zipper as he closed his bag. MJ gave him a sly sideways glance. “But virginity is a construct. And you were more than willing to give it up.”
She mercifully interrupted his ensuing stuttering with a kiss that he hoped would become a habit. (The kissing, not the stuttering.) His head was hazy with the idea as he jerked the clasp of their door and slid it open for the last time. To find Flash standing in the hall.
“’Sup, Penis, or should I call you ‘Big Easy’ after you two were somehow allowed to share a room?”
Peter stiffened, but he was hellbent on not giving anything away. He rolled his eyes and assumed MJ did the same as they pushed past Flash with their bags and opened the door to the vestibule. He sincerely, stupidly believed that dickhead was following them and that they were in the clear. But as he went to close the door behind them, he noticed Flash hadn’t followed. At Peter’s alarm, MJ joined him in glancing back into the car they’d just left. Flash had his hands braced on the doorframe of their compartment, leaning into the room.
“Wait a second! That other thing’s not a bed!”
The door closed. They stared at each other.
“Oh man, Flash is gonna tease the crap out of us. Do we run?” he asked.
“That’s a dumb plan.” She paused. “And I don’t have another one.”
Their oblivious classmates were emerging from their rooms and Peter and MJ jostled them thoroughly as they booked it down the corridor towards the front of the train.
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5ivebyfive · 4 years
pride month challenge - day thirteen - first kiss trimberly - roommate problems
Kimberly Hart was on a mission. Kimberly Hart was never one to be deterred from something that she wanted. Kimberly Hart wanted Trini Gomez to smile at her again.
Kim and the other Rangers had a week before their Angel Grove Community College courses began, and they had been living in their new (old) rented house for two weeks. They were still settling in and unpacking. Well, Kim was anyway. The others had been unpacking since day one. Kim was more...living out of her boxes and digging things out as she needed them. She was spending half her week at training and the other half at the beach, and that didn’t leave a lot of time for serious unpacking. She didn’t mind, but she knew Trini was getting irritated. Their house had three bedrooms. Trini and Kim shared the master bedroom with a private bathroom, Jason and Zack shared another bedroom, and Billy had his own room. They all knew he needed his space and they didn’t mind it. So it was Trini’s and Kim’s shared room that was a mess of Kim’s things while Trini’s side looked neat and orderly. Kim tried to keep her half of the room neat, really she did, but she was easily distracted by life and the excitement of living on her own for the first time. 
However, the night before Trini had finally gone off. She yelled about how Kim needed to be responsible for the fact that they shared a living space and respectful of the space and of Trini. Kim took it as a personal attack that she didn’t respect Trini herself and she yelled back. Each word shared not only pissed her off, but sent a fire off in Kim that reminded her how much she liked Trini and how attracted to the smaller girl she was. She had been since they became Rangers and it had only gotten worse. Trini chose to spend the previous night on the couch to get distance from Kim, and it made Kim sad. It had only been two weeks, but she was used to the comfort of having Trini in the room every night. Kim barely slept all night. She tried, but she felt guilty for her part in the fight. It felt weird sleeping without Trini beneath her. In shopping for a smaller bed that would fit their shared room, Kim had talked Trini into getting bunk beds so that they’d have more space in the bedroom. And because she wanted the top bed. She had been sleeping so well knowing that Trini was in the bed below hers every night, but that night...not so much. 
Sometime before dawn broke she got out of bed and put on her earbuds with music blaring and opened a box. Slowly and painstakingly, she emptied the box and moved on to another. She put everything away in its place neatly and began stacking empty boxes by the door. She had some things that had to remain in boxes until she had a better place to put them, and those things she left in a neat stack of boxes next to the bathroom. She got lost in her work and was surprised when she tossed the last box aside. She looked around the room. It looked better, but not perfect. She went around the room and picked up anything out of place and found a place for it. Then it finally looked good.
Kim crept out of the bedroom to get a knife and break down the empty boxes and she piled them by the back door for recycling. She found an empty closet in the back of the house and put her unpacked boxes in it. She went into the kitchen and took down the fancy coffee her parents had given her that she hadn’t let the others use, and she brewed a pot of it. When it was ready she poured a cup, black, and carried it out into the living room. Trini was asleep on the couch with her face free of it’s usual scowl lines. She looked beautiful. Kim just watched her for a while. She had been trying for some time to find a way to ask Trini out. She wasn’t positive Trini felt the same way, but she was sure she felt something between them at times. She would doubt herself and tell herself she was seeing what she wanted to see, but there were just times that it couldn’t be denied. It felt like they were both waiting for something, and Kim wasn’t sure what that was. For herself, probably to avoid heartache. It wasn’t just a crush for her anymore. She had real feelings for Trini. She watched Trini’s nose wrinkle and she smiled at how cute it was. She moved over and sat on the edge of the couch by Trini’s waist. She brushed the bedhead back behind Trini’s ear.
“Hey you,” she murmured. Trini mumbled incoherently and tried to burrow under her blanket. “Nuh uh,” Kim said, tugging it down. “I have something for you.”
“Slept like shit,” Trini grumbled. “This couch sucks.”
“Well, it is second hand,” Kim commented. “And you have a perfectly comfortable bed in our room.”
“You mean when I can find my bed?”
“You know that coffee my parents buy that you love so much?” Kim asked. She waved it under Trini’s nose. “They got some for us.” 
Trini inhaled and started to sit up. “That’s good coffee.”
“The sooner you start drinking it the more you get to have before the guys wake up,” Kim suggested. Trini took the mug with narrowed eyes and sipped at it. Kim chuckled and watched Trini sigh with content. “I’m sorry about last night. I’m sorry for what I said.”
“So you don’t think I’m an uptight clean freak?”
“No,” Kim shook her head. “I think you’re neat and organized, and I respect it. I was just mad. You know I can be...irrational,” she rolled her eyes at the word, ”when I’m mad.” Trini continued to drink her coffee quietly so Kim decided to go on. “I’m sorry I let my stuff get so bad, but that’s not how it’s going to be.” She considered her own words and shrugged. “Not all the time.” She watched Trini glance up to meet her eyes and they stared at each other for a long time. Something that had been happening a lot recently. The eye contact Kim shared with Trini was unlike anything else. It was thick and nearly suffocating, but in a good way. 
“We gotta set some ground rules,” Trini said finally. “Otherwise we’re gonna fight all the time, and I don’t wanna fight with you.”
“I don’t want to fight with you either,” Kim said. She pulled the blanket down further to take Trini’s hand. “Come with me.”
“Just...trust me?” Kim asked, batting her large brown eyes.
“Of course, Princess,” Trini replied, getting up. The nickname sent a fluttering through Kim like it always did. She loved it. It made her feel special in a way she never had before. She got up and led Trini back to their bedroom, the only one on the ground floor, and she pulled Trini inside. She watched Trini take in the clean, unpacked room slowly. Trini’s eyes eventually landed on Kim. “You...did all of this already?”
“I need my best friend in our room at night,” Kim shrugged.
“Scared of the shadows?” Trini teased.
“No. Scared of not having you near me,” Kim said softly.
“I didn’t think Kimberly Hart was scared of anything,” Trini said. Kim stared down at Trini who was standing kind of close to her and gazing up at her, and some kind of strength came over her.
“She’s scared of a couple things,” Kim said softly.
“Do I need to hold your hand?” Trini teased, taking Kim’s hand.
“That helps.” The moment had gotten so much thicker and intense, and Kim had a feeling that Trini felt it, too.
“What else are you scared of?” Trini asked softly.
“You,” Kim murmured.
“Me? Why me?”
Kim tried to think of the right words to explain what she meant, but nothing seemed right. Nothing that didn’t sound cliche. In that moment she knew she had two choices. She could make a joke and shrug it off or she could throw it all on the line. She always had been one to be reckless, though. She circled an arm around Trini’s waist, dipped down, and kissed her. There was a moment where she thought she had made a colossal mistake, but then Trini started to kiss her back. Kim understood finally what it meant to feel her toes curl. She broke the kiss, the smile on her lips too big to hold back, and she looked at Trini.
“That,” Kim whispered. “That was terrifying.”
“Felt kinda good to me.”
“Felt really good,” Kim clarified.
“Yeah...it did.” Trini’s gaze fell down to her coffee cup. “Why now?”
“I don’t know,” Kim said honestly. “Last night was the biggest fight we’ve ever had and we’ve only been living together for two weeks. I don’t want it to be...an indication of how living together is going to be.”
“It was one fight,” Trini said. 
“I don’t like fighting with you,” Kim replied. “I don’t like when you’re mad at me. It’s probably my least favorite thing in the world.”
“Mine, too. But...why now?” Trini gazed up at Kim and trailed a finger along the collar of her tee shirt.
“I guess...because I need you to know how sorry I am and how much I care about you.”
“So you kissed me…”
“Well, I’ve been wanting to since I first chased you up a cliff,” Kim said with a smirk.
“I see.”
“Was it a bad idea?”
“Nah, you shoulda done it a long time ago,” Trini said. She took Kim’s hand and tugged her towards the bottom bunk where the both sat back. “You should make it up to me now. With more.”
Kim took Trini’s coffee cup and put it on the bedside table before leaning back into her. “I can do that.” And she got lost in the soft smile Trini gave her for a while, but finally closed the distance and kissed her again. 
Mission accomplished.
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spookyold-saintjm · 5 years
I [Don’t] Wanna Be Free - Part 2
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AHWM Yancy x female reader
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Warnings: Swearing, violence, mentions of death, and shit that just doesn’t make sense sometimes because that’s how the AHWM world operates. ~just some angsty fluff~
Summary: You left Yancy behind and it’s tearing you apart. Yancy might consider life outside the bars, only for you. And Mark doesn’t know you have the box. You’re going to make some stupid decisions.
A/N: So I didn’t think people would actually even SEE this but wtf thank you. I tagged anyone who commented or asked to be tagged but if you want to be added to the tag list when I update next let me know I guess?? I can do another part if youse guys want. Thanks friends.
A few weeks later, you were back at base, sitting around a table with a group consisting of yourself, Mark, and a few others from your team. You sat with your feet propped up on the table, arms crossed casually, and answered questions and put in ideas when necessary. But only when necessary.
Because they were still searching for the box. The whole point of getting this group together to begin with. You still had it. And only you knew about it. Well, you, and Yancy.
You couldn’t put your finger on why you couldn’t bring yourself to tell Mark. The two of you had been a team, building your wealth and power in the underground slowly but surely over a few years now. But something just wouldn’t allow you to trust him, or anyone he associated himself with. Not for a second. 
Especially not now that you knew what the box contained. And you had the creeping suspicion there was more to it than the key.
You glanced up from the notes you’d been pretending to take to eye the others you and Mark had temporarily hired for the job. The blue-haired boy you sat across from, who only went by Eth, had been repeatedly sticking a knife in and out of the wooden table you were all seated around for almost the entire discussion. He was young, sure, but had been quickly hardened by getting into the work at such an early stage in his life. The two of you didn’t exactly get along.
He met your eyes as Mark continued to talk, a devilish grin creeping up from the corner of his mouth. You let your face fall flat in response. Try me, little boy.
“y/l/n's being a little quiet over there,” he announced when Mark had paused to pull up a map on his computer. “Something you’re not telling us?”
You glared back at him, prepared to snap back at him, but Mark jumped in for you. “If y/n wants to talk, kiddo, she’ll talk. Right, y/n?”
Just to spite the boy, you only nodded and flashed your teeth back at him. He let out a low growl, and twisted his knife deeper into the table. “I don’t like this bitch, man. I don’t care who’s in charge, she’s up to—”
No one could stop the crash that ensued when you lunged across the table, kicking the knife away and grabbing the boy by the throat before he had the chance to move. You forced his face up to meet yours as you stared down at him from your kneeled position on the table. You dared him to call you a bitch again, to question you again, and squeezed a few seconds at near full strength before releasing him.
Eth sputtered and coughed in a struggle to restore his breathing as you slid your feet to the floor in a cat-like motion and made your way around the table to drop back into your seat. The other hired hands stared back at you wide-eyed, but Mark, not quite as stunned, simply watched you and waited until you turned back to face him as if nothing had happened.
Mark cleared his throat to regain the attention in the room as the boy turned his head and spat onto the floor, now somewhat recovered.
“Alright. Well. Okay. So, as I was saying, we can—”
* * * * * * * * * *
Later that night you stormed into your apartment, only just coming down from the fuming anger that had carried you through the rest of the meeting. You walked through your bedroom and into the connecting bathroom to wash your face with some cold water and rid yourself of the grimy feeling of being back at base for another day.
So what, maybe you were a little more on edge than usual. Maybe because of what day it was. A day you’d tried not to think about, yet spent your nights dwelling on more than you’d ever care to admit.
It was the third Sunday of the month.
Visitation at Happy Trails had come and gone. You knew, because you’d look up the hours. You watched the time pass on your watch through the day, feeling a sense of dread leading up to the time you knew the doors to the prison would close for the night. You knew it was silly for dwelling on it. How were you going to show your face, the face of an escaped convict, at the very prison you’d escaped from only a short while before? Sure, Yancy had offered it in his parting words to you, but he had no concept of the outside world and its consequences. You knew that. And still yet…
Shit. Shit. You were really going to do it.
You threw on a black sweater with a heavy hood to cover your head and part of your face. Black gloves, boots, and pants with utility pockets for any tools or weapons you might need in the chance disaster could strike.
Finally, you reached into the triple-locked drawer in your closet, pulling out the long rectangular box that had started all this new madness. Regardless of being unquestionably alone, you felt the need to be as quiet as possible as you turned the lid every so slightly, and lifting it from its place once you heard the gentle click from inside the box. You tipped it over just enough to drop the single item inside into your open hand.
A key with the ability to unlock any door.
  You grasped the heavy, iron object, wrapping your gloved fingers around it and taking a moment to revel in the power you could feel buzzing inside. No, you would tell Mark about this. You couldn’t.
And now you were going to put it to use.
She wasn’t coming.
He’d been sitting on a bench in the hallway, watching the clock from the moment visitation hours began. Not on purpose, of course, he was just bored. Bored. And hoping, that just maybe…
No. Of course she wouldn’t. Why would she come? She hadn’t wanted to be there, period. He’d helped her get out, and that was that. She had no more use for him.
The final few minutes ticked by, and and Yancy watched through the window into the visitation room as parents, siblings, spouses, children, and whoever else had shown said their goodbyes to those of his fellow inmates who were fortunate enough to have visitors.
All this time, and he’d never set foot in that room. Not once.
He tapped a foot lightly, quickly, to the beat of a song he’d been working on. Anything to distract his mind. The last few weeks had both given and stripped him of inspiration at jagged intervals. 
He flinched when the guards opened up the heavy iron doors leading into the hallway, and straightened himself so that he was lounging idly on the bench when his friends emerged.
A few gave him cheerful greetings as they passed by, high on the feeling of seeing their loved ones one more time. Others were silent and solemn, already missing whoever had been forced to leave them behind yet again.
“Heyy, Yancy!” A man with curly hair and glasses came bounding by and gave him a friendly clap to his shoulder. “We’re gonna go watch that new show Tiny was talking about, wanna join us? We’re making popcorn!” 
Yancy look up at his friend and shook his head, tossing him his casual half-smile. “Nah, thanks, Bam-Bam, youse guys go ahead. I’ll catch up another night.” He let out a yawn and stretched out his arms toward the ceiling. "I’m beat.”
His friend tilted his head slightly to the side, not expecting Yancy’s answer, but nodded before jogging to catch up with the rest of the group headed toward the entertainment room. “Whatever you say, bud,” he called back. "We’ll save a seat for you just in case!”
As soon as everyone had rounded the corner, Yancy allowed his shoulders to drop and a heavy breath to escape his chest. He glanced up at the clock one more time before he stood and turned to walk toward his cell.
His steps echoed down the now-silent hallway. “C’mon, Yancy boy,” he muttered, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. He stopped walking only to lightly kick the wall in frustration. “What was youse thinkin’ would happen?”
You were in.
The key worked as easily as you’d hoped it would, and after you’d scaled the fence with the help of some equipment you’d snatched from base, you’d come in through the back side of the prison as quiet as a mouse. For a prison full of people who’d committed some pretty nasty crimes, the place wasn’t all that well guarded. But you’d learned from your brief time on the inside that Mr. MurderSlaugher made certain that inmates had nothing to want for. 
He was, in fact, a little too good at his job. But that was a matter for another time. 
The facility was already lights-out once you’d arrived, so you pulled out your night-vision goggles to peer down the extensive hallways. A few guards here and there, but you were pretty quickly able to tack down their movements and weave around them while subtly disarming the security cameras, all the way to the cell block that had become your destination.
You stood for a moment, back pressed against the wall just around the corner from his cell, listening for any concerning sounds or disturbances. You could hear a slight shuffling, but determined it was the movement of only one body. You could only hope it was him.
You steadily let out the breath you’d been holding and glided around the corner. You tip-toed over to the cell, and, forcing yourself to push through the burning urge to turn around and run, you stepped in front of the bars.
You quickly scanned for signs of movement. You were lucky. Yancy’s cell-mate was sleeping soundly, a light snore lifting from the top bunk.
But on the bottom bunk...
You saw his silhouette pressed to the far end of his mattress, his knees pressed into his chest, his head down. It was enough to cause you to pause. Even though the two of you had developed a bond over such a short time, you still didn’t know him all that well, or what he was capable of.
But it was too late to turn back. You unzipped the secret pocket in your pants leg and pulled out the skeleton key. It was near impossible to unlock a prison cell without making some slight noise, but you’d managed to open the door just enough to slide inside before a quiet creak sounded through the cell like a bomb. 
Yancy’s head whipped up, spotting you immediately, and you froze. 
He stared at you for several breaths, then frantically rubbed his eyes. When he pulled his hands away—
“y/n?” he blinked, his voice a mumble. “y/n…is—is that you?”
You took a single step into the cell, and nodded slowly. Yancy stared back at you a moment longer, his body straight and stiff.
He practically leaped out of his bunk and was all at once in front of you. You had to tilt your head up ever so slightly to meet his eyes, and when you did the faint light from the hall revealed the glistening wet that lingered. You pointed to your own eyes with a small smile, silently questioning him.
“Me? Cryin'? Wha—nah, I'se was just…ah—“
You abruptly pressed your hand to his mouth to shut him up and peered up at his cell-mate. He hadn’t moved, but you couldn’t take any chances.
Yancy stared down at you, his eyes even wider. You shook your head, and, slowly, dropped your hand. Before you could make another move, you were constricted by a set of arms wrapped tight around you.
His embrace was tight, urgent, as if this was the first time he’d done this in a very long time. You managed to put your own arms up and around him, and gently placed your head against him. You caught the slightest tremble in his shoulders, and felt a fog forming in your own eyes when he spoke once more.
“Youse really came back.”
@rats-this-username-is-taken @dragonangel201 @just-a-werido @ultra-mysticartisanbouquet @theworsttrashofall @writer-girl99 @pupylvr4905 @fastidious-and-a-mess
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honestlyhappyharry · 4 years
Breakfast in Paradise
"Do you wanna go get the kids or should I?" Harry ask you as you put in your earring and look over to the door between your hotel room and theirs. He was standing on the other side of the room getting dressed. 
It wasn't uncommon for you and Harry to have a different room to your kids, you and Harry normally stayed in a presidential suite and the kids room was a kids suite. Your eldest Knox was nearly 17, then Audrey who was 12 and finally Lily who was just shy of 7. Knox would always get the double bed, Audrey the top bunk and Lily the bottom bunk. At the moment you were vacationing in the Hawaii, you and Harry tried to take the kids on at least 1 tropical vacation a year. Normally during winter in London, where you lived. 
Over the time you had been dating Harry you've lived in houses in LA, New York and London but you and Harry decided to raise your kids in London, to minimise the chance they would drop out of school and go into show business to early. Harry didn't always see eye to eye about what was wrong with not finishing school but you wanted your children to know the value of hard work and he agreed with that, he had to work hard to get into the music industry but now because of all the contacts he had made it would be easy for the kids to do whatever they’d like.
"I will, are they all coming to breakfast?" You ask Harry as you got up and walked over to be closer to him, his manly cologne hypnotising you. He was going out with Louis to breakfast so they could talk about some music thing.
"Not sure." He shrugged and you nod before going off to open the door. "Wait a minute." Harry said, pulling you back into his body, hugging you close to his chest. You could feel his strong arms wrapping around you, one of your favourite feelings in the world. You slowly kiss for a few seconds until you feel his hands going down to your pants.
"Nah-ah." You pull away smirking but Harry's hand just went back to your body, almost making you give in. "I have to go get the kids." You tell him but he shakes his head.
"They can wait."
"Tonight." You promise and he grins at you.
"Knew you'd give in." He winked before taking out his phone and reading some message on it. "I gotta go, tell the kids I love them." He says before placing a kiss to your lips and walking out the door. You stand there for a minute before going to the kids room.
"Good morning." You say as you walk into the surprisingly clean room. Most of the time overnight you could guarantee the kids had messed up the room.
"Mumma!" Lily screamed jumping into your arms. Her hair was messy and all over the place but she seemed to be dressed. Looking around you see Knox, dressed in a tank top and some shorts, and doing his hair but no Audrey who you assumed was in the bathroom.
"Hi, Lily. How was your sleep?" You ask and she begins telling you all about it while she runs around the room, making Knox, who was sitting on the couch, laugh.
You turn to him for a second. "Are you coming out for breakfast?" while you pull Lily's hair into a bun.
You watch as he shakes his head and pulls out his phone. "Going out with Ellie, if that's okay?" Ellie was his new Hawaiian fling, some LA girl on a girls trip with her friends that Knox decided he wanted to be with for a few weeks. Knox was much more of a lady's man than Harry ever was, all Harry wanted was a girl that got him but Knox just wanted girls around him all the time. You and Harry didn't mind it, as long as he didn't get in trouble which was harder with the whole celebrity thing or get someone pregnant. Plus girls loved his brown curls and blue eyes.
"Yup. As long as you have safe..." you block Lily ears and she looks up at you with a weird look. That was the problem with having kids with a 12 year age gap, sometimes when you were talking to Knox you needed her to not listen, "Sex." You finish, taking your hand off her ears. You knew Knox well enough to know he wasn't just going out with Ellie just to have breakfast, they spent too much time in hotel rooms alone.
His face goes red and he nod. "We have been and it's been safe." He quickly told you before putting some shoes on.
You block Lily's eyes and ears for a second. "Knox, I mean condoms not birth control." You strictly say and watch as he pulls some foil packets out of his pocket to prove it to you. 
You release your hands from Lily’s face. "Why don't I get to hear?" Lily sulked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
"Before you're 6 and Knox is 17." You say, emphasising the numbers and she pouts more. "7 years and then you can know, promise." You tap her nose.
Then, Audrey walked out of the bathroom. "Good morning, mom." she places her pjs on the bed.
"Hey, Aud. Coming out for breakfast?" 
She shakes her head. "I was going to go shopping with Aunty El and Luna but I can come to breakfast." She tells you and you nod, Luna was Eleanor and Louis' daughter and around the same age as Audrey so they got on well.
"That's fine. Have fun." You tell her and watch as she was about to leave the room. "Be safe." You chuckle thinking about how you said it before and it had a totally different meaning. "Also make sure you have something for breakfast." Was the final thing you said before she shut the door. Harry would have probably walked her to Luna's room and made sure she was alright, but you trust her enough to walk to a different part of the hotel.
After a few minutes you got Lily out the door, making sure to take a keycard as you hoped Audrey and Knox had. "Mumma, why don't I have any friends?" Lily asked and dawdled, looking at the patterns of the carpet.
"You do, baby, they just aren't in Hawaii." You tell her and she nods. "Plus your my baby, you can't leave me to go out to breakfast alone." You smile at her before leaning down to kiss her all over her face and she squirms before running off towards the elevator.
"I'm a big girl." She states as she presses the down button, after seeing her older siblings do it so many times before.
"I know." You sadly smile thinking about how in 4 years Lily would be out with friends, Audrey would hopefully not be out with boys but probably and Knox wouldn't even be at home anymore. It felt like 4 years ago Knox was born. You missed having little kids.
As you got down to the breakfast place, rated #1 in the resort, Lily takes a seat across from you and starts reading the menu. "Mumma, What is a c-re-a-pe? " She asks and you recognise her mispronunciation of crepe.
"A crepe, is like a thin pancake." You tell her and she nods. "What do you think you want to get?" You ask and watch as she tilts her head from side to side.
"Fruit salad or crepe." She tells you and you nod, Lily was always a lover of fruit but the chocolate crepe for breakfast might temp her off it.
"Can I get your orders?" A waitress says as she comes over with a notepad.
"I'd like the French toast and a coffee." You say as you handed her your menu.
"And can I please have the fruit salad?" Lily decided and you smile at how she used her manners. You had always heard youngest children were the naughtiest but Lily was never anything but polite. 
"Do you want something to drink, Lily?" You ask her and she nods.
"Almond milk please." She asks the waitress and the waitress smiles before walking off.
Ding. Your phone sounds and you pick it up to see Harry had sent you a text. From Harry : Hey baby, hope the kids are good. Tell them I love them and we should all grab lunch together. xx H. You feel yourself smiling as you read it. Lily noticed you reading something on your phone and cocked her head.
"What is it, Mumma?" She asked.
"It's daddy." You tell her and her face turns into a grin, while Audrey was always daddy's little girl Lily loved Harry so much. All of your kids adored Harry and they definitely thought he was some type of superhero. 
Pretty quickly your orders came out and Lily tired some of her fruit. "Smile and I'll send a photo to daddy." You tell her and she starts grinning.
You quickly snap a picture and send it to Harry with the message Only Lily with me :( I miss having little kids xx He immediately texts back a She's the cutest, tell her I love her. xx H
"Daddy says he loves you, Lily." She smiles wider than before and you place a kiss on her cheek.
Even though you'd always feel like you wanted more kids, everything was so perfect and the way you wanted it to be forever.
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taliahvause · 4 years
730 Days? | Self Paragraph
“How was your journey here? Did the escorting staff treat you good?” There was supposed to be some kind of empathy in the tone of the Officer, but they had been on shift since 7am and it was now almost 10pm. Vause just nodded, she understood what it was like to be tired. She felt exhausted herself. After spending hours crammed in what can only be described as a mobile metal casket travelling from Manhatten to the federal prison on the edge of the state line, all she wanted was to knock out. To forget she was even back in this shit hole. “Sign here, here, and here. Then we’ll get you in to the nurse, get you some clothes and down to the wing--” 
“She knows the drill.” Another, older Officer pitched in, making Vause look up from the paperwork. 
“How are you not retired yet, Hunt?” 
“Yoga. Keeps the mind, body, and soul young, Vause. You should give it a try.”. 
She scoffed, rolled her eyes and then scribbled her name on the last dotted line. She saw the doctor. Traded in her stuff for orange. Then glanced around the reception area, the one she won’t see again for 2 years. 24 months. 730 days... It was only 730 days. 
Honey Brown. 1h. 6 s, 2 c. 23a. The note was stuffed in her pocket from the laundry workers and Vause sat down on her bed, holding it with both hands and staring at the writing. It had been seven days, seven days of those ringing fucking alarms, of torches shining through the glass waking her up every other goddamn hour. Just one hit, just to sleep for a night properly. She looked up and across at the picture on the wall. The one of her wife and her jaw tensed as she crushed the piece of paper in her fist. Then she glanced at the calander. 723 days. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?! I’m not moving!” Vause protested, shaking her head as she backed into the corner of her cell. “You can’t move me onto B wing, that’s Brooklyn fucking territory, you KNOW what they’ll do to a Harlem girl, come on!” She yelled as the Officer’s, padded up in full riot gear spilled into her cell. “Fine!” Vause pushed her sleeves up. “You want a fucking fight, assholes? Let’s go!” She screamed, running at the shield and rolling over the top of it, kicking one guard in the face and headbutting another as she landed between all of them. Fists flew, connecting with whatever they could until there was a winding thud in her back and all the air was forced out of her lungs as she was sandwiched up against the wall by the shielded screw. 
“Take her down to the fucking block.”.
The bang of the cell door closing was the start of the silence, of a seven day stretch with nothing but a metal bed frame, a shitty pillow and these four walls. 699 days.
The segregation was tough, but it was over and it did its job. She didn’t get moved to B, instead she went to F wing with the rest of the Harlem lot. She’d made a few connections, a few... Friends... Though, she didn’t trust anyone. She knew from past experience that this place was a dog eat dog world. Everyone was out for themselves. The moment you get in someone’s way, or you become a burden to them you become nothing. “Eh, Vause, you’re on the visitation list you know,” one of those tender connections strolled into her cell. 
“What? No I’m not, it’s too far out for my wife to come. Don’t fuck with me man, I’ll roll your head off,” she threatened loosely with a suck of her lips and a shake of her head. 
“Nah, nah, man, you on there, go check it-- thousand sticks, V.” That was a bit of saying around the wind. Thousand sticks, meaning an a thousand cigarette bet. Vause’s eyebrow raised and, with a heavy sigh, she rolled off the top bunk, throwing the rubber band ball back up onto it and walked out the cell to the notice board. 
“Well shit...” For the first time in fifty three days, Vause smiled. This created quite the rally of cheers from her ‘friends’, who jokingly pushed her around a little in front of the board. “Fuck off everyone,” she groaned though the little smile on her face made it hard to take it seriously. 
Later that day, walking through those doors and seeing her wife’s face for the first time in months, despite it being through bulletproof glass, her heart skipped a beat. Then it sunk, though she hid that part because this was hard enough already. But, 677 days seemed like a lifetime. 
Her head hung over the letter. She noticed the little things in it that weren’t words. The way some of the letters were uncharacteristically slanted. The few red droplets at the bottom of the letter. It was the first of two birthday letters she was going to recieve in these cold four walls, and she could tell Riley had been drinking when she wrote it. Vause gasped for a breath of air when she realized she hadn’t taken one in a while as a few of her tears joined those small red marks at the bottom of the page. “I’m sorry...” She whispers as her knees come up into her chest and she hugs the letter into her chest, falling back against the wall. 623 days...
“What do you mean ‘what is this’?! I ain’t ever seen that shit in my life!” Vause argued, hands in the air as the searching Officers stood before her asking where she had got the mobile phone from that they had just found in her pillow. “Unlock it, I won’t know any of the contacts in there. It’s not mine.” She wasn’t even lying, but of course they didn’t believe that. 
“What so someone just put a mobile phone into your pillow?” 
“There’s weirder fucking shit happening in this shithole!” Vause snapped back as she felt her breathing get heavier and heavier with anger as she thought about who the fuck had set her up. Was it the women that had tried to bring her into the drug ring that she turned down? Was it one of the women who wanted her to be their prison wife that she’d told to go fuck a cactus? Was it a fucking Officer? 
“You know phone finds mean two weeks in the block, Vause.” 
“IT’S NOT MINE! I CAN’T GO TO THE FUCKING BLOCK. C’MON, DANIELS, YOU KNOW I ADMIT TO SHIT WHEN I GET CAUGHT-- THIS AIN’T MINE! I HAVE A VISIT ON FRIDAY, IT’S MY ANNIVERSARY, I’M NOT MISSING IT!” She punched the wall, and instantly regretted doing that as she felt her knuckles crack. “FUCK!” One of the Officers grabbed onto her arm and she instantly tensed up and pushed him away from her. “FUCK. OFF. Don’t fucking grab me! I’ll fucking walk!” She spat, looking between them both before kicking the chair across the room causing it to smash and break against the far wall before storming out of the cell. Anything that wasn’t bolted to the ground on route from her cell to the segregation block was kicked or thrown in rage. “WHOEVER SET ME UP, I’M HAVING YOUR FUCKING HEADS!” She yelled out as she was escorted off the wing and down the stairs.
Once again, the heavy cell door slammed shut and once again she was left with nothing but the knowledge that there was only 441 days left... Only.
She had fallen onto her knees in front of the steel door, hands balled into fists pressing against the cold metal. Her cheeks were lined with streams of tears, head hanging as she thought about Riley sat in the visitation booth waiting for her. She had been screaming for them to let her out, to let her go, that she’d do anything, for the past four hours. The visit session would have been well over by now. It was their anniversary, the first one they’d not seen each other one and she felt like someone was ripping her heart out. Her body violently shook as she thought about who the fuck planted that phone, her nails digging into her palms and drawing blood. She couldn’t even write to Riley to tell her not to come. She couldn’t even warn her... What if it was an asshole Officer up there? What did they tell her?
I’m sorry... I’m sorry... 
437 days.
Vause was still shaking as she stood in the shower and watched the water mix with the blood that washed off from her knuckles. She focused on controlling her breathing, her teeth gritted together as she scrubbed the marks and evidence off her body. It had taken her no more than three days out of confinement to figure out who had planted the phone in her cell, and under the cover of most of the wing being out on the yard, she had paid them a visit and left them in a ball on their cells floor with a bloody face and a few cracked ribs. If it wasn’t for the one person she actually trusted being on lookout and seeing her start to loose control, and so intervening and pulling her away, she probably would have killed her. She made her miss her anniversary. She was lucky to still be alive. Vause stepped out of the shower, dried off, and pulled her clothes back on before wrapping her knuckles in toilet paper and then putting gloves on. Luckily, the prison was fucking freezing and it was the middle of October. It wasn’t exactly suspect to be walking around in a coat and gloves; in fact it was more suspect to not be. She wondered whether the guards knew anyway, whether they supported what she did, because she was never so much as questioned about what happened to that woman... Perhaps her luck was turning. It was about time. 415 days...
“Congrats, Vause. You’re going up a level, pack your stuff, you’re shipping out to inner state,” the Officer switched her light on and Vause initally groaned before registering what he had said, bolting up on the bed. 
“Wait-- I’m going back to the city?” 
“Yep. Good behaviour lessened your security level, you get to move on and we get a bigger asshole in to take your spot. They don’t know how easy they got it in state,” he rolled his eyes as he threw a few bags onto her bed. “C’mon, transport goes in an hour... Unless you’d stay, of course.”
“Yeah, fuck that,” Vause scoffed, throwing the covers back and jumping straight up onto her feet. “I’ll be ready in ten-- wait, my wife is--”
“Already told you’ve moved. Ten it is. Better get packing.”. 
She was going back to the city. Closer to her wife. Less restrictions. No glass between them at visits... Vause smiled. 330 days wasn’t sounding so bad... And they weren’t, until...
Leaving surgery behind... Switching to therapy... Moving away from the city. Vause’s head was spinning as she paced around her cell, going over everything they had spoken about in the visit. It was something that they had joked about before; running away from NYC the moment she was released, going and hiding away from the world and becoming one with nature. But, when Riley said she had given up her position at the hosptial... When she said she was going to switch to therapy. It just didn’t seem like Vause was in on the full story. She could tell Riley was drinking more than just a nightcap these days, but she didn’t exactly have a leg to stand on in speaking out against it. She was in fucking prison... Everything just seemed so-- out of control. Everything felt like-- she was in the eye of a hurricane. Then a note slid underneath her door. Cocoa puff bowl. 20stick. 2-12. Her breath caught in the back of her throat. That would make her stop pacing. Stop overthinking this. She was almost out, anyway, right? She was almost done. There was only... 120 days.
She must have been convincing when she had spoken about Riley moving down to their new town before she was released, because the blonde eventually got on board with it. Vause had come to terms with it all over the past few months, she realised that New York was her home but now it was the place where she would end up either incarcerated for the rest of her life; or dead. They had to get away from the Apple. Clearly, they both needed a fresh start, and if Riley could get away from the city before she could? Vause knew she wasn’t happy here anymore, in New York. Of course, she wanted her to stay so she could keep getting the regular visits but it wasn’t worth it... Vause didn’t want to let go of her today, and she didn’t until the final warning from the Officers. “I love you... Stay safe for me, I’ll stay out of trouble for you, baby...” She wasn’t supposed to, but Vause kissed her wife before reluctantly letting go, hands going in the air as she looked to the Officer with a little smirk. She walked backwards out of the visit hall, eyes staying softly on her wife, taking in every last detail of her features as if it was the first time she was looking at her; or the last... Well, it was the last time for a while. Vause blew Riley a kiss with a smile before finally turning around. It was going to be okay... There was only 78 days left. 2 and a half months. It was going to be okay. 78 days.
“Release day, Vause! Up and at em!” The sudden light made her pupils dilate and the early morning hours and breeze from the door made the statement even more confusing that it already was. She wasn’t due out yet. There was still more time to go. She blinked her vision into focus and saw that it was one of the asshole Officers and she groaned, rolling her eyes and falling back onto her bed. 
“That’s not fucking funny, Georgeman,” she muttered.
“What do you mean funny? You’re getting out, here--” he threw the clipboard at her which made her groan, sigh and sit up. She was going to lose her shit with this guy one of these days. Asshole. Vause pushed on her glasses and froze for a second. He wasn’t fucking around. There was her name, her prison number, and in big red letters RELEASE. 
“Well fuck-- that-- came around quick...” Vause swallowed, playing along, just waiting for the sike to come but then he threw the bags into the room and continued down the corridor to unlock the next release. She scrambled up to her feet and stuck her head out, half expecting him again to be stood out there laughing. But, he wasn’t, he was carrying on with his job... She was-- well, fuck, she was getting out early.
61 days early. 
That was 5 days ago. 
Now she was down in Santa Ysabel, she was back with her wife. But it was strange... She still felt like she should be counting down the days. She still heard the sound of boots patrolling and torches switching on and off when she closed her eyes. She was still listening out for alarms. Everyone that passed her on the street a little too close almost got pushed back onto their ass. She had to control herself though. This wasn’t prison anymore. She was free. This was her home now... Riley was her home. It didn’t matter where they were. But, it was hard to readjust... And she couldn’t fucking sleep. Maybe she’ll sleep better in 56 days... When she was supposed to be out... Maybe she’ll stop dreaming about feds kicking down their front door and dragging her away from her wife again then... She can’t lose her again. She won’t.
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Phone Sex, Pizza And A Magical Hoodie
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Gif Credit @chriscrosscerulli
I hope you all enjoy!!
Happy Reading Dollies.
@chriscrosscerulli   @ilovetaquitosmmmm   @ryansitkowskiswifey  
"Ryan what time is it"? The light on your phone made you squint in the darkness.
"Late". You could hear the tiredness in his voice.
"What's wrong"?
"Nothing, I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you so much".
"Where are you at"? You asked turning on the light.
"In my bunk".
"No, I mean what city, state, country. What part of the world are you in"?
"Okay, you going to be there for awhile"?
"Just tell me".
"We have two days here".
"You don't have to come all this way".
"I'm not, I'm calling you a pizza in".
"At four in the morning"? You could hear him chuckle.
"There has to be a pizza place open twenty-four seven".
"Are you okay"?
"I just miss you. Feeling home sick".
"I miss you too. I'll take some time off work and come see you next weekend".
"I'd like that". You heard his voice break.
"Hey, stay strong okay. I love you".
"I love you too. I'll let you go so you can get some sleep".
"Ah no, you woke me up you know the rule you wake me up you have to entertain me. I won't be able to go back to sleep and the worst of it is, is that I can't climb on you and entertain myself".
"Are you trying to cheer me up with phone sex and a pizza"? His voice had a spark that wasn’t there before.
"Is it working"?
"Maybe, continue".
You laughed at his eagerness. Unknowing you had plans of your own for Ryan..
"Is everyone asleep"?
"I think. I'll be quiet". He teased.
"So what are you wearing"? Ryan asked settling into his bunk bed.
"I'm wearing one of your shirts with my black motionless in white bootyshorts". You rolled your eyes as you loaded up.
"What are you wearing"?
"Oh just a pair of boxers and my hoodie".
"You mean my hoodie. I have been looking for that hoodie for weeks".
"I left you one".
"Not my favorite".
"But its my favorite one too and I need it more than you".
"Okay, but once you get back I'm wearing it until next tour".
"Fine". You both laughed. The hoodie you're speaking of was the best hoodie ever. It was so cozy and it smelt of Ryan. It felt like home when you wore it.
"So what color boxers"?
"Black and red".
"Naughty boy". Ryan rolled out a laugh.
"Are you naked underneath"?
"Top yes bottom no".
"No bra. Them titties must be loving that".
"Wow Ryan. Titties? I hate that word".
"Okay. Boobies".
"Thats better".
"Phone sex is awkward, you know that right? I don't know what to say".
"You want to talk about your day instead"? You asked. He was always shy when it came to sex. You've been dating for four years and every time the topic came up he would clam up.
"Nah, there's nothing really to talk about".
"What about your day"?
"Well I spelt coffee down my shirt and had to go into work like that. I had a douche bag drool over my breast the whole time".
"I'm paying your work a visit when I get home". Ryan sternly spoke, his voice sent chills down your spine.
"It's okay".
"No it's not. You don't go to work to be sexualized you come to work earn your pay and leave".
"I know".
"So what would you do to the guy if you got the chance to meet him"? You liked protective Ryan.
"First I'd slap him across the face and tell him to never look at you again. Then I'd staple his butt cheeks together". Ryan giggled on the other end.
"You're going to touch his butt"?
"No, he's going to jump up and down on it like riding a dick".
"Sounds painful".
"It is". You heard the devil come out and you knew he did something to someone.
"What have you done"?
"What makes you think I did something"?
"I know you Ryan when you do that laugh you've done something to someone".
"I may have stapled Vinny to the wall".
"Why would you do that"?
"He dared me that I couldn't make him stick to the wall with staples. I proved him wrong and then I may have gotten to excited I started shooting staples at him".
"Is he okay"?
"Yeah he's fine. He's still picking out staples with a staple remover. We had to stop by Staples and buy one".
"That's mean, Ryan. Poor kid".
"He asked for it". Ryan chuckled. You could hear that he was coming to a happier self and there may have been a yawn in there too.
"You need some sleep. You'll have to wait on your pizza".
"I told you there isn't".
"Fine, I thought I could make you happy with a pizza. See if I try to do anything nice for you again".
"This is nice". Ryan yawned again.
"It is, so take this niceness and go to sleep before your mind overthinks things again".
"Okay, I'm going to bed. I love you and I'll see you next weekend".
"I love you too. Have sweet dreams". You kissed into the phone.
You hung up, yawning yourself you should get some sleep before you got there.
You arrived at noon, picked up somethings and went to your destination.
Knock knock...
"Can someone get that"? Chris yelled.
"Yeah". You heard Ryan's voice close to the door.
Opening up Ryan smiled widely.
"Surprise". You said holding out a pizza.
"You're crazy but I love you". Ryan brought you into a hug, hugging you tightly.
"I love you too. You look good, get enough rest"? Asking Ryan as he lot go and helped you on to the bus. You sat the pizza on the couch.
"Yeah, our conversation last night put my mind at ease and I finally went to sleep".
"That's great babe". You cupped his face and kissed him deeply.
"I can't believe you came all this way". He sat down and pulled you down on his lap. A giggle escaped your lips. "What made you do such a thing"?
"I couldn't wait for the hoodie, I need it now". You gave him a smirk.
"Oh you". Ryan wrapped his arms around your waist putting his chin on your shoulder looking into your eyes.
"I came because you needed me. I'm always going to be here. I will drop whatever I'm doing if you need me". You kissed his forehead.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me that you would do this".
"I would do anything for you, no matter what it is".
"Would you eat pizza and try phone sex again while we snuggle together in my hoodie"?
"That would be great but wouldn’t you want to just have sex"?
"I need to brush up on my skills. When I'm away we can play together".
"I'm so in love with you". You kissed his lips deeply. Ryan moaned into the kiss.
Breaking away from the kiss. "I'll get the pizza. You get drinks and napkins".
"I'll meet you there". Ryan watched you as you disappeared into the back. He was so happy and thankful you had came all this way just for him. He did need you and you were right there like you always said you would be. He couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.
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cupidoargiades · 5 years
you'll be all mine.
A/N - my first try at a yandere!au ... this may become a multi-chaptered thing if you guys like it ??? im p sure it will, but please let me know by leaving a like, comment or reblog anyway! also, pls don't hate me for doing bad, love me for trying this. i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
TW - angst, violence, yandere shit
yandere - originating from japan and the manga/anime culture, you call a person yandere when said person falls in love so deeply, they would do everything for their crush. and not in a cute way. they'd hurt others so the person's crush would only look at them, stalk their crush, etc.
from the day that he met you, he started going insane, and you were the cause of the awful disease he called love.
first year of college: a fresh but scary new start. none of your friends applied for the same school as you, so you were afraid you were going to have to share a dorm with a stranger. you weren't popular, but you weren't one of the nerds, either. you had never been great at making friends, you were always kind of that person that nobody notices in class, the kid everybody looked over.
you were the first to arrive at your dorm. it was small, but built for two people. a bunkbed, two desks and a shared closet. you started unpacking your things; clothes in the closet, school supplies on the desk, etcetera. once everything was all sorted out, you sighed and marked the bottom bunk as your territory.
you dozed off for a while, and about an hour or so later you woke up to some rumbling and stuff getting pushed around. you got up quickly, scared to death of an intruder.
"oh- sorry.. my bad, i didn't want to wake you up, so i just let you sleep" the guy said, walking to you and kneeling so you could see eachother better. he held out his hand for you to shake, but you hesitated for a while. "i'm really sorry, in hindsight i should've just woken you up" he said, in which you nodded with a scoff. "yeah.. you're my roommate..?"
he nodded and smiled, shaking his hand through the air to grab your attention, as if he was saying 'shake my hand already!'
you grabbed his hand and shook it, smiling a little as a short silence grew.
he was too busy thinking about how soft and delicate your hands were, and how good they would look when they were bound together, knuckles white and fingertips purple from a lack of blood flowing through them. thinking about how he could take pictures of your body and keep them in his wallet as a reminder that you were his muse, not just for now, but for forever.
"wonho. well- my real name's hoseok but you can call me wonho if you like" he said with a weird smile on his face. you couldn't quite point out what was so weird about it, but it just ... radiated this really weird aura.
"well, my name's y/n. nice to meet you, wonho. i- i'm hoping we won't have too much trouble ... you know, being roommates and all," you said as you got comfortable on the mattress. "what do you mean? you don't think i'm a troublemaker, do you?" he said, pouting a little as you could hear he felt bad.
"no, no.. it's not like that. it's just that my friend who entered college a year earlier than me had a nightmare roommate. i'm just hoping we can be friends!" you said, making that odd smile appear again.
"we certainly won't be eachother's nightmare, i promise" he said.
that promise was now written into his heart, and he knew damn well he was going to keep it. being your friend was already an honour, based on the way you treated him, a stranger, and the way you looked. she's a keeper, he thought.
like wonho promised, he was far from a nightmare. he was nice, respectful of your boundaries and he always notified you if he was taking friends to his dorm.
he also told you that he was going to do some decorating above his desk, and came in with a box of stuff. on the side, it said 'wall stuff'. you guessed that there were wall decorations inside that hung in his bedroom back home.
"so are you an american footballer, or just a fan?" you said, watching wonho hang up a supporter flag of the Seoul Snakes and a green, foam finger. "yup! a top Seoul Snake, actually! we're having a game tonight. care to come and support me?" he asked, turning to you as he sat down on the desk chair.
"nah, i'm pretty tired, i don't think my mind could handle sitting for that long with people yelling all around me" you chuckled, and he nodded with a genuine smile. "sure, get some rest while you can. as long as you promise me to come and watch one game, it's okay"
"promised, 'Snake'" you said, watching the genuine smile turn into another weird one when you called him a snake.
you fell asleep before the sun even started setting, and you were captured in that beautiful orangey pink glow that the sky has once the sun starts to meet the horizon. wonho walked into the dorm once more after he realized he forgot his deodorant, but stopped as his eyes fell on you and your sleeping body.
he felt the need to carress your cheek, but didn't because the risk of you waking up was lurking around the corner. instead, he listed of all the things he could do to you in his mind and grinned at the scandalous thoughts.
after a hot minute, he grabbed the can of deodorant and left the dorm again, leaving you to sleep safe and sound in the orange and pink sunlight peeping through the thin curtains.
sticky, smelly and nasty, wonho entered the dorm for the last time that day. though the room was dark, he didn't turn on the lights, as to not disturb you sleeping. he quietly put down his sportsbag and got ready for bed.
before climbing up the ladder to get in the top bunk, he lingered at the bottom to admire your moonlit face; slightly puffed cheeks, minimal pout and effortlessly beautiful skin. your hair was messy, but glistened nonetheless.
you had him wrapped around your finger, and he knew that. if only you knew what you did to him. he pledged to himself that he would never let any other man besides him touch you, as he told himself he was the one for you. before getting into bed, he prayed for one thing.
please y/n, let me love you. let me become yours, and you'll be all mine.
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aurorasmitty · 4 years
‘cause there’s a beauty in being broken, i’ve been seeing it || aurora & hook [closed] {part 2}
Aurora paced in her room, feeling an angry injustice at how her life had turned out. James was always going to be a weakness to her; he could tell her the most vile things, and then turn around and ask her to go to bed with him, and she’d do it! She had no willpower around him. It was as if he had some sort of hold on her.
When she had first joined the crew, Rory had been so happy. What she had told Sam was true; she never said no to any of the men for fear of what they might do. But at the start of it all, she stayed in Hook’s cabin. He had been charming and sweet, and offered her something that no one else had been willing to: revenge. 
The months that followed had been utter bliss. Rejuvenated by the idea that killing those that haunted her dreams and quiet moments, and melted by the captain’s sentiments and kindness to her, Rory had thought she’d found her happily ever after. 
James had bought her pretty dresses, nice perfumes, adorned her with precious jewelry. He had punched a pirate for making a crude gesture at her behind her back. Hook always made sure that she had her heart’s desires, although she never asked for much. All she had truly wanted, was to be with him. 
Three months had passed; they talked to each other about everything, and Rory had never felt so connected to someone before in her life. Sure, his blood thirst for Pan was a little odd, but after he’d explained what the demonic boy had put him through, she understood. She too, was after blood, after all. He knew more about her than anyone, and she felt so safe with him. She could not have known how three words would have changed everything. 
Fifty five years ago...
Midnight peeked through the captain’s window and blushed, before heading on her way to make her rounds over the world. Aurora stifled her moans as she let her head fall back. Hook had his hand on her waist, keeping her in place on his lap, and the sheets fell around them in a wrinkled mountain range. He was looking up at her in an intense concentration, trying to hold off until she was where she needed to be. 
After they both came crashing down together, Rory lay atop his chest, the two of them in a sweaty, heaving pile. Every time together was similar; rough and passionate, lots of yelling. She was sure the crew was tired of it, but she didn’t care, and neither did he. They wanted what they wanted, when they wanted it. 
Rory disentangled herself from his legs, and rolled to the side, resting her chin on his warm shoulder. 
“That was...” he started, wrapping an arm around her. 
“Incredible,” she finished for him with a satisfied sigh. James leaned forward and kissed her damp temple. 
They lay like that for a while, the boat tipping them forward and back in time with the gentle waves. Aurora felt a warmness wash over herself, skin tingling where his hand sat, and she closed her eyes, a smile forming on her lips. 
“I love you,” she murmured, resting her head on his arm. 
Fifty four years and 364 days ago...
“Do you like it?” James asked from the doorway of a freshly cleared out room. He had his arm around Rory’s shoulders, hugging her into his side. 
“Yeah...” she said slowly, and looked up at him. “What is it for?” She asked, confusion washing over her face. 
“For you,” he smiled down at her.
“What do I need a cabin for?” She asked, a nervous chuckle following. “I stay with you,” she explained, glancing between the two bunks, and then back up at him.
“I thought you’d like your own space! You’re right down the hall from me now,” he told her, in a far too cheerful tone.
“Well...I didn’t mind sharing with you,” she said, shrugging his arm off of her. 
“I have a lot of work to do, and you shouldn’t have to be holed up in there with me all day, sitting quietly so as not to disturb me. Now you can have your own place you can go and do whatever you like,” James explained. This wasn’t just a room to do whatever she wanted; this was literally just a room with bunks in it; it felt like she’d done something wrong and now she was going to have to go sleep in the doghouse. A sad feeling washed over her.
“James, if this is about what I said last night, it isn’t necessary. I didn’t mean anything when I said that I lov--” she started to lie, and James raised his hand. 
“No, I know. I just thought you’d like your own space.”
“I do, I just--”
“Well, it’s settled then. Your dresses are in your closet already. I’ll see you around, yeah?” He cut her off again, before kissing her sidebrain and heading down to his room. 
Fifty four years and 350 days ago...
“Yeah, no, we’re not together. Never were, Starkey. Go ahead and try your luck. Haven’t had her in my bed for two weeks,” James’ voice carried through the galley door. 
Rory stood just outside, back to the wall. She was furious. Every time she had gone to him the last two weeks, there had been some sort of excuse as to why he couldn’t see her. Now it was clear. He was finished with her; they had never said it was anything official to begin with, but still, after three months of near daily shagging exclusively, one would think that it meant something. 
Rory was about to turn and leave, even though she was starving, but then the pair spoke again, and curiosity got the better of her. 
“You won’t be pissed off with me?” Starkey asked, and Hook laughed. 
“No, mate, seriously. Look on her as the ship’s whore for all I care,” he stated callously. “She’s a good lay, too,” he added with a laugh. Aurora closed her eyes as the hollow pit in her stomach swelled with rage, and she took a deep breath. When she opened them again, the fire in her stomach sprang to her eyes, and she decided to take action. 
Rory dropped her trousers, and pulled the oversized shirt she was wearing tucked in down over her bum. She brought her belt around her waist, making a sort of shirt dress out of it. She tossed the trousers into a broom cupboard, fluffed her hair, and flounced into the galley.
Ignoring the captain and Starkey at the table, she moved to the easiest target, Cookson. He always got nervous around her, and with her new attire, his eyes struggled to look anywhere but her tanned, exposed thighs. 
“Hiya Henry,” she said in a cheerful voice, coming around to his side at the counter. “Whatcha making, handsome?” She asked, leaning back against the table, letting the hem of her shirt rise a little higher. The cook visibly blushed, and glanced at Hook for help. He must have heard James’ crude comments, and Rory wasn’t about to back down now. 
“Uh,” Hank started, eyes darting back to the potatoes he had been chopping. “Stew,” he replied, and Aurora gave him an over the top smile. 
“Ooh, very nice, I can’t wait for supper. You are the best cook on the seven seas, you are,” she smirked, running her hand along the back of his shoulders and she stood up straight, walking round the counter. “What are you boys talking about?” Rory asked, turning her attention to Hook and Starkey. She wandered over to them with a smile that didn’t let on how much she wanted to smack James. 
“Oh, just maintenance on the ship,” Starkey lied easily.
“Huh,” Aurora replied, and then leaned her hands onto the table, presenting a nice view for Cookson should he happen to look over. 
The sound of a knife dropping and him scrambling to retrieve it meant that it had had the desired effect. “So, James,” she started, turning to face him just in time to see him retreating from an arched neck to try and see her behind. “You busy tonight?” Rory asked, swaying her hips from side to side where she stood. Disappointingly, as Rory expected, James nodded. 
“Yes actually, I have some things to go over with Smee,” he said, clearing his throat. 
“Oh, what a shame,” she half pouted, and then tapped her hands on the table a few times before straightening up. “I guess a girl’s got to find her own entertainment tonight,” she murmured, strutting towards the galley door. 
Just as she arrived, Aurora stopped and turned around. 
“You busy tonight, Johnny?” She asked Starkey. If she wasn’t so pissed off with Hook, she’d have been amused with Starkey’s subtle glance at the captain. Hook was staring at her, jaw clenched now, before he gave Jack a minuscule nod. 
“Nah, I’m free,” the pirate replied as soon as he got the go ahead. 
Aurora put on an award winning smile, despite how much she wanted to scream. She walked out the door, hips swaying as she used to do walking down the boulevard with Devyn back home to get boys to honk their horns at them. She quickly turned around, holding onto the door frame as she leaned into it, biting down on her bottom lip gingerly.
“How about now?” She amended, raising her brows suggestively. 
Starkey slipped quickly out of the booth to follow her, and she caught the cold gaze of Hook watching her before she took Jack’s hand, and led him towards her new room. If it was a ship’s whore James was making her out to be, a ship’s whore she would be. 
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mightylauren · 5 years
Let Your Heart Hold Fast Snippet
(Since there’s no chapter this week and I really like how this little scene turned out I’m posting this bit of what will be either chapter 6 or 7. To set the scene it is Kallus’ first field mission since his escape. He’s going out with the Ghost to assist since Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper are all on Mandalore.)
        “Sabacc!” Kallus declared, triumphantly, tossing down his cards.
        Zeb stared, flabbergasted, both at the cards on the table and the loose, relaxed state of the man before him.
        “What happened to ‘I’ve hardly played this game��?” Zeb asked, tossing his losing cards down.
        “Hardly, not never,” Kallus said. “Plus, I’m very sorry to tell you that you have an easy tell to read.”
        “Do not!”
        “Maybe not everyone can read it, but I am too well acquainted with you now,” Kallus said, leaning forward and flicking one of the Lasat’s pointy ears. “Your ears. Can’t read everything from them yet, but I can decipher enough to know when you’re bluffing.”
        “Karabast…” Though, internally, the fact that Kallus was learning to read his ears was flattering. He’d worked with people for years who didn’t pay his ears any mind at all. Clearly Kallus paid very close attention, which was welcome news as Zeb definitely paid close attention to Kallus.
        “We should get some sleep.”
        Zeb wanted to stay up, continue enjoying their time together, but he knew that the human was right. They had five hours left enough for a solid block of rest and they would need it.
        Not that Kallus was waiting for input as he divested himself of his jacket and bent over to dig in his bag for something.
        If Zeb wasn’t admiring the Kallus’ backside as he did so, he definitely was once the man tugged down his trousers revealing boxer briefs beneath. It suddenly felt much warmer in the cabin as he watched Kallus slide on what seemed to be softer cloth pants for sleeping in.
        Before he got himself caught gawking, Zeb unstuck himself, turning to clean up the cards and ration trash from the table.
        “I’m assuming the top bunk is me,” Kallus said.
        Unless you want to share with me. “Yep.”
        Kallus swung up easily into the bunk, Zeb unable to keep himself from admiring the way the muscles in the human’s back flexed beneath his shirt as he did so.
        “Going to assume the pillow and blanket aren’t actually Bridger’s.”
        Zeb chuckled. “Nah, I put those there for you,” Zeb said.
        “I appreciate it.”
        “No problem.”
        As he climbed into his own bunk, he glanced up to see Kallus was lying on his back, tucking the pillow beneath his head. Zeb rolled over onto his side, facing the back wall. He wasn’t sure how quickly Kallus was capable of falling asleep so Zeb stayed quiet.
        After what felt like a long while, Kallus spoke.
        “You ever think about that first time we faced each other head on?”
        Zeb blinked, as this question certainly felt like it came out of nowhere. “Over the ion disrupters? What about it?”
        “Sometimes I look back at that moment, and ponder what might’ve happened if Bridger hadn’t been there,” Kallus said, there was a haunted quality to his words. “If I’d struck you down, I’d never have left the Empire. We’d never have ended up on that moon. I’d never have—.”
        Zeb rolled over, eyes on the bottom of the bunk above him.
        “That’s not what happened, Kal,” Zeb said in what he hoped was a reassuring voice. “What even makes you think of it?”
        There was a beat of silence. “It’s… it’s one of my recurring dreams, or should I say nightmares,” Kallus answered. “Only, Bridger is never present to save you and I —to think a split second could have changed my whole destiny.”
        “Could have, yes, but didn’t. You didn’t do it, and you’re here now. We both are because this is what was meant to be,” Zeb said. “So no, I don’t think about that fight or any of our fights before Bahryn because that guy wasn’t you.”
        “I am always relieved to hear that you no longer regard me as the agent any longer.”
        “Agent Kallus is gone. Captain Kallus is far superior in many ways,” Zeb said.
         “Thank you, Garazeb,” Kallus said, voice now sounding sleepy. “I’m so glad Bridger was there. I had no way of knowing then you were to become the most important person in my life.”
        Zeb was struck speechless by the admission. He wanted badly to see the man’s face.
        “Do you really mean that?” Zeb asked. “Because you’re very important to me too. More than you know.”
        Silence greeted him and for a second Zeb thought the human regretted having said it.
        Then Zeb heard the soft snore drifting down from above. He was equal parts disappointed and relieved. As quietly as he could, Zeb slipped from his bunk, rising up on his legs to peer at the sleeping human.
        Kallus had rolled over onto his belly, head on the pillow, golden hair fallen into his face. He was truly handsome even in sleep and Zeb vowed himself that he wouldn’t wait too much longer to tell the human just that.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? If not, why not? Yep. I have a 1 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. She takes the princess part very seriously. haha.
Who do you live with? My parents, younger brother, and the Princess herself.
Are there any family members you never get along with? It’s not that we don’t get along, but we do bicker and butt heads sometimes.
What is the saddest thing that has happened to you? What about the happiest? I’d have to say the incident that made me a paraplegic at just 7 months old would be the saddest, but I’ve had a lot of other things happen as well throughout my life with health stuff and obstacles along with that, loss of loved ones, heartbreak, etc.  As for the happiest... I have a harder time pinpointing something. I’ve had happy times, like my childhood was great despite some obstacles. I look back on my childhood very fondly. Many happy memories with family like vacations, holidays, and just times together. Getting my dogs, Brandie and Princess Leia. Graduating. Getting accepted into the college of my choice. Stuff like that is what comes to mind.
How many years has it been since you graduated high school? It’s been 10 years. D:
What was the last new drink you discovered that was delicious? Hmm. I haven’t had a new drink in a long time, so I don’t recall.
What are five things you are good at? 1. Taking surveys. 2. drinking coffee. 3. Pushing people away. 4. Putting myself down and being my own toughest critic and enemy. 5. Overthinking everything.
What are five things you are bad at? 1. Doing some things that would really be beneficial for me. 2. Being a functional adult. 3. Not pushing people away. 4. Masking my emotions. 5. Math.
Do you have a YouTube channel? Yes. I don’t upload videos, although I actually did upload a few years ago. Those videos will never see the light of day again, though. lol.
Do you have trouble letting things go? Yes.
What was the easiest subject for you in school? English.
Do you decorate for holidays? Yep. I especially love to decorate for Christmas.
Do you dress up for holidays? I used to sometimes, but nah not anymore.
Did your high school have a strict dress code? I don’t think it was different than most high school’s dress codes.
Were you happy as a teenager? I struggled with low self-esteem and depression, but not like how I do now.
What do you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? I take her to breakfast or lunch and buy her some gifts.
Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? No.
Have you killed a bug this week? No.
What was the first food you learned how to cook? Top Ramen.
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Yes, in psychology.
Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I always go with my mom.
How long is your average shower? 30-45 minutes.
What color is your soap? Like a peachy color.
What is the most awful thing about the world today? There’s a lot.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? No.
Have you ever been in court? If so, in which role? No.
Could you go a day without talking to the last person you kissed? We’ve gone like 3 years now.
Would you die for someone you love? Yes, but my favorite counter question to that, which I think says even more in my case is, “would you live for someone you love?” The way things are going right now in my life with health stuff and me not taking care of myself like I should be, plus the fact that I’ve let my health consume and take over... I’m not really living. I’m letting my life pass me by as I just waste away I feel like. My family worries a lot about me and they’re stressed out and also frustrated. They don’t want to see me this way. They of course want more for me than this.
Would you have sex with someone of the same gender as you? No.
What do you identify as? Like my name or gender? I’m a female named Stephanie.
Have you ever been addicted to something? Yes.
Have you ever gotten drunk? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever dealt with an eating disorder? I feel like I have something of an eating disorder, but I don’t know. It’s not anorexia or bulimia, but something is going on with me and food.
Have you ever stolen a street sign? No. I don’t get why people do that.
Have you ever eaten a piece (even just a small bit) of paper? No.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert to the core.
Trump or Hillary? Blah.
Have you ever stepped in something disgusting with bare feet? No, but I’ve ran over cat and dog poop on accident *BARF* SO disgusting.
Have you ever had a concussion? No.
How many dresses do you own? Like 5.
When was the last time someone scared you? Yesterday. My mom came running out of the bathroom towards me with a Scream mask on and I screamed bloody murder lol. It was too real cause the way she came rushing out was just like how it’s does it in the movie slkjskdlfjlds.
Have you ever thought someone died when they didn’t? Yes! Such a weird thing. I had a dream and I wasn’t sure if I really did dream it or if it was real, so I ended up looking this person up on Facebook. They were very much alive, thankfully. It was just random, too, because it’s not even someone I’m friends with. It was someone from elementary and high school that I haven’t seen or talked to sine then.
Can you crack anything besides your knuckles? I sometimes crack my neck by just moving my head side to side. I don’t like do the whole, grab my chin and twist my head as far as I can. That freaks me out. I also stretch out my arm sometimes if I feel like it needs it and it cracks.
Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? No.
Would you ever go bear hunting? No.
When was the last time you sang along with a song? Which one was it? It was recently, but I forget what song it was at the moment.
Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? I only color and that works for me.
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now: Hmm.
What was the last book you read? I’m reading, “The Lonely Girl” by Gracie Wilson.
Do you like raisins? Chocolate covered ones are better.
Do you have a printer? Yeah.
Did you like the movie Antz? I’ve never seen it.
Is it okay to have crushes while in a relationship with someone else? I wouldn’t be okay with that. I mean, unless it was like a celebrity crush.
What do you think of sexism and double-standards? Do you believe in double-standards or do you think we should stop doing stuff like that? (ex. women can wear skirts and pants, but guys can only wear pants or they’ll get made fun of if they wore skirts): Uh, I think that they suck.
What’s your age range when it comes to dating? I think I’d go a year younger, but I’d really prefer them to be my age or older up to like 5 years.
If you had kids, would you want them to look like you? I’m not having kids.
Were you born with hair on your head? Yeah.
Would you rather have a home birth or hospital birth? Hospital.
If you could go back to your senior prom, what would you do differently? My prom went fine.
Do you currently live in the house you grew up in? No.
Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I didn’t have one.
Who were your best friends in high school? Derek, Gabby, Gage, and Amanda.
Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? It’d have to be the bottom bunk for me.
Are you close with your cousins? I used to be with a few, but not anymore. :(
Are you close to any aunts or uncles? One of my aunts and I are pretty close.
Are you close to your grandparents? I was very close to my maternal grandparents, especially my grandmother. I have a good relationship with my paternal grandparents as well, but again especially to my Nana. It’s not the same how it was with my maternal grandma, though.
Who betrayed your trust? Meh.
Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? These 2 girls, Crystal and Starr, in preschool.
What’s the name of the gas station you last stopped at? *shrug*
Is there a topic that gets you really heated when it’s brought up? I avoid ones that would.
Do you forget to flip the page of your calendar at the start of each month? No, I’m pretty good about that.
Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone? No.
Who is your least favorite actor? I don’t know if I really have a particular least favorite.
When is the last time you had a cigarette? Never.
Was babysitting your first job? It’s been my only one, if you want to count it since I only ever babysat my younger brother and a couple of my cousins. I need get money for it sometimes, though.
Do people always say you’re too thin? Yes, I hear that a lot from family and my doctors. I’m very well aware of it.
Is there something that you could never give up? Coffee, it would seem. ha.
Do you prefer piano music or violin music? Piano.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collarbone? No. Have you ever showered with someone? No.
Are you racist to any race? No.
Have you ever intentionally hurt an animal? No.
Do you like being hot or cold better? Cold. I like cozying up under a blanket, wearing a hoodie or sweatshirt,  enjoying a nice hot beverage, and/or sitting near the fireplace. Being hot is just absolutely miserable to me and there’s nothing enjoyable about it.
What’s the best thing about school? I liked the learning part and some of the assignments/projects for the most part, but I could have done without all the stressed. I got so overwhelmed and burnt out so easily.
Do you watch independent movies? Have a favorite? Not usually.
In relationships, are you obsessive? No.
Have you ever auditioned for American Idol? Ha, no. I can’t sing at all. I mean, I can, technically, but I can’t sing well.
What’s your favorite Dr. Suess book? Hmm. Not sure I really have a particular favorite.
Do you dot your “i"s will little hearts? No.
Do you own any autographed memorabilia? No.
Have you ever dated a twin? No.
Do you own any expensive designer purses? No.
Do you look like a boring person? Probably. They’d be right to think that.
Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos.
Do you have a better body or a better face? Neither.
Is it hard for you to admit when you’re hurt? No.
Have you ever considered being a cop? Nope.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): Life is Strange. ha.
Do you like sitting in the front, back, or middle of the classroom? I had to sit in the front.
Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No.
What’s your favorite superhero movie? The Avengers films, Deadpool 1& 2, Guardians of the Galaxy volume 1 & 2.
Do you struggle with acne? Not really. I get a little now and then. I did when I was a teenager and through my early 20s, though.
Have you ever fostered an animal? No.
Do you have a back pack in a shape of an animal? Yeah, I have a giraffe backpack.
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101scenes · 7 years
Soulmate AU! Wanna One Lai Guan Lin
✽ featuring: guanlin, seonho
✽ genre: fluff, angst (verbal bullying)
✽ word count: 2490 words
✽ summary: the clock ticked as you sat alone, alienating yourself from the others. what you didn’t know was that your glowing timer was nearing its last few seconds, but there was no one in sight.
you have a pretty common way to track your soulmate
the little glowing timer on your wrist indicated the days, hours, minutes, and seconds left to finding your soulmate
compared to others, yours seemed to be longer and a bit faulty
you’ve heard stories from your friends with the same trait, as they tell you their love story and basically becoming high school sweethearts
sometimes your clock would just disappear from time to time when the timer hasn’t even reached zero yet
which made you a bit sceptical
but either way, you graduated high school without meeting your soulmate
you lowkey felt a bit left out
nah girl you were jealous af
and you entered this really prestigious college since you didn’t have to worry about relationship problems during your finals and focused on studying
none of your close friends made it into the same school as you, except seonho, who was your classmate in your graduating class
after finding out you two were going to the same school, you two became really close friends
by the time you entered college, it was an entire different experience from high school
you all had to live in your own dorms, cook your own food and do your laundry
so you only got to see your family on the weekends, and you spend majority of your time with friends
in this case seonho
seonho decided to major in art & design, while you majored in business management
you two only had math class together, which was really fun since you two sat together
but in other classes you were separated from him, so you had to socialise with others
in your business class, you were assigned to do a group project with two students
everyone began to scramble around class, looking for their own group
you looked around class, and spotted a generally quiet boy wearing a hoodie sitting at the back of class, spinning his pen on his index finger while staring outside of the window
what the, he’s so beautiful
since you were also quiet in class, you wanted to rally up all the quiet people in class so you all wouldn’t feel excluded
keeping your eyes on the boy, you stood up, dragging back your chair with a loud screech
“hey, y/n! want to join us?”
you looked in front, to see 2 girls waving their hands to you
you nodded, and began gathering your textbook and a pen
little did you know, the mysterious boy was looking at you as you smiled to the girls and walked up to them
he exhaled, and he eventually got his own group as well
when you sat down with the girls, you 3 began discussing project ideas, but somehow lead to them inviting you to a fraternity party that was held in 2 weeks time
you agreed, obviously, where else would you go to meet new people?
after that, you began hanging out with these girls and their friends, spending less and less time with seonho
your schedules didn’t really match up anyway
after joining the basketball team, he would always be practicing
one day after school, you were on the way to a small café with the group of girls when you walked past the basketball court
seonho was with his friends on the court, and they were having a break
you exclaimed seonho’s name from behind the fence
where he turned to you and smiled
you two exchanged finger guns and clicked your tongue at the same time
as you were messing with him from a distance, you noticed the same mysterious boy from your business management class standing beside him, staring at you in awe
when you bid your goodbyes and began walking away, you turned back one more time 
you saw seonho wrapping his arm around the boy’s shoulder and began cheekily teasing him, which made the boy’s face turn bright red
he also plastered this really joyful gummy smile on his face, you couldn’t help to smile
he’s so cute
you weren’t expecting a boy with such a cold exterior to be so soft!!
but either way, you decided to shake the feeling off once more
while catching up to the girls, you lifted your sleeve to look at your wrist
you haven’t even bothered to look at it for the past few weeks due to your hectic schedule
to your surprise, your timer would reach 0 in less than 2 weeks time
you assumed you would officially meet your soulmate at the fraternity party and you couldn’t stop yourself from imagining the love story scene that your high school friends always depicted
sparks would fly as your eyes made contact, the minutes would feel like hours to you, every brush of skin contact would make your heart flutter
for the rest of the weeks, you began preparing yourself for the night of your life
on the evening of the frat party, you sat on your dorm bed and fixed your bracelet on
even though you had barely any sleep the previous night, you still managed to plaster a joyful face 
it was approximately 10 minutes to the start of the party
it wouldn’t be that bad to be fashionably late now would i?
you ran over to the bathroom to check your hair once more, and you took a glance at your wrist
you took a deep breath and began fixing on your heels
however, you felt a vibration from your purse
you took it out to see a message from seonho
“y/n, do not go to the frat party. trust me.”
you stared at the phone in confusion
“what? why?”
“please, y/n just don’t go. i’m serious.”
you rolled your eyes and angrily texted him back, fingers tapping as your face boiled hot
“look seonho, tonight, i’m going to meet my soulmate. i’m not losing this chance.”
as you hit send, you shoved your phone back into your purse
you heard another vibration, but you decided to ignore it
how stupid can you be? to waste this chance? hell no.
you stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind you
once you reached the door of the fraternity house that the party was held at, you took a deep breath
blaring music could be heard from a block away, and you could see silhouettes of people dancing the night away
you could hear the endless chatter of people, and one of them inside is your soulmate
you look at your wrist once more, which was hidden behind the jewels of your bracelet
i’m not going to let seonho ruin my night. it’s just a party. he’s such a mom. 
you swung open the door, only to be greeted by a crowd of unfamiliar faces
the smell of alcohol and different scents of perfume wafted past your nostrils, which literally made you want to sneeze
you shoved your way through the crowd of drunkards and party-harders, trying desperately to find a familiar face
you decided to ask someone where your group of friends were
the stranger smiled deviously, asking to offer you a drink instead
you rejected his offer and quickly paced away upstairs
im not dealing with that shit
once you arrived upstairs, you could hear the faint murmuring from a lighted room
the door of the mysterious room was left slightly ajar
when you got closer, you could hear the group of girls that you always hung out with talking
you decided not to enter, but eavesdrop instead
“we only let her be in our group cause she scores consistent good grades in business. then all of a sudden, she just starts clinging onto us. she’s so desperate,” you heard one of the girls say
your eyes widen in shock
a faint chill ran down your spine
are they talking about.. me?
“yah, y/n’s weird. when she wants to hang out, lets just say we’re all busy or something. shes so extra,” you heard another one say
all the girls began giggling, and you felt your heart sink 
your breathing became shallower and faster
you could feel a lump swelling in your throat
you began running to the stairs with your hand covering your mouth
i want to get out. i want to leave. 
as you reached the bottom of the stairs, you accidentally bumped into a tall burly figure
“fuck sorry.. i’m sorry..” you said with your shaky voice
you didn’t even bother looking up at him, you just ran
you sprinted out of the frat house and to the nearby deserted bus stop
you didn’t expect anyone to be there anyway, it was literally 12am at night and bus routes have ended
you wiped the dripping mascara off your face as you just sat there
you lifted your bracelet to see the timer at about to reach 0
you spun your head around
no one was around
you felt yourself drifting away and soon, your vision turned to black
whilst in your fainting spell, you managed to make out a phrase said by a presence next to you
“y/n.. i’m sorry i’m late,”
the next thing you know, you woke up to an alarm set next to you
what? i don’t have an alarm.
you shot up from what was thought to be your bed
the bed had some kind of, cologne smell on it?
you looked around in your surroundings
it looked like your dorm, but it’s not?
you looked down, only to see a pink sweater on you
i don’t have a pink sweater.. but its comfy tho
you quickly looked for your belongings, which were nicely placed on the bedside table
where am i???????
the door shot open, only to see the mysterious boy you knew from business class in an.. apron
you got shocked obviously, accidentally hitting your head on the top bunk while jumping upwards
you fell backwards onto the bed with a shout
“shit oh my god y/n are you okay??”
he quickly ran over to you and sat down next to you
you sat back up, gripping the bruise on your forehead
“y/n let me see please,”
you turned your head towards him, only to be inches away from his face as his hands softly took yours
you inched backwards in response, which kind of sent him the message
“uhh, what’s your name?”
he shot backwards and scratched the back of his neck, face turning bright pink as his pupils shifted
“shit what am i doing.. i’m so sorry. i’m lai guan lin. from your business management class,”
oh, its the beautiful guy. he’s still beautiful tho
“hello, well can you explain to me what happened? and why i am here?” you asked, rubbing your bruise which made you flinch as you attempted to soothe it
he moved backwards a bit
“well um, the frat party kind of went wrong.. and seonho sent me to get you,”
he looked away
ah, seonho. i have to thank him.
“well, thank you for helping me out last night. and, for the sweater, its comfy”
you began to play around with the sweater, not noticing he actually got really flustered about it
“h-hold on for a moment y/n,” he said as he exited the room
you lied back onto the bed, and lifted the sleeve of the sweater
the timer is at 0
i hope its not that weird guy that asked to get me a drink yesterday or some shit. or..
your eyes widen
you looked back onto the bed
you literally realised where you were
girl you’re slow
you were in
guanlin’s room???????????
just as you began freaking out again, guanlin entered back into the room with a first aid kit and a cup of coffee
“oh, please relax. i slept on the couch last night, and my dorm-mates all spent the night at the frat house, they probably won’t be home for another 3 hours”
he sat down next to you once again
“can i treat your bruise?”
you nodded in response
he began spreading ointments on your forehead and rubbing it with his thumb
you glanced upwards, only to see his sleeve sliding backwards onto his forearm, revealing a set of numbers glowing on his wrist
you started blushing
w-what if he’s..
“i’m done,” he says as he retracted from you
he stood up, carrying the first aid kit with him
“you can rest for a few more hours if you would like, unless you want to return back to your dorm. i’ll be more than happy to-”
“guanlin,” you said, standing up
fuck, i’m so short.
“y-yeah?” he said, clearly intimidated despite you being a literal head or two shorter than he is
“you’re my soulmate, right?”
your tone seemed firm, and you kept your eyes on him
he looked around the room, obviously flustered 
he twiddled his thumbs behind his back
“u-uh;; i guess..???imeanicamelaterthanthetimeri’msosorryicouldn’tcometoyousoonermaybeimnotevenyoursoulmatebutistillloveyouthoooo ahahahhaahha”
you just stared at him as he continued stammering
once he stopped he quickly headed towards the door
“welp goodbye have a nice rest y/n”
before he could reach for the doorknob, you already attacked his back with a koala hug, forcing him to piggyback you
you dug your head deeper into his warm neck, allowing you to smell his shampoo
“no, i’m not letting go. i’ve been searching for so long,”
“y/n, i won’t leave you. ever. but right now, my back needs a rest,” he laughed
you laughed in response as well, allowing him to gently let you down
once he turned to face you, he opened his arms, allowing you to fit perfectly into the gap made just for you
it was like you two were meant to be awwww
you let go a little, leaving enough space for you to look up into his loving eyes
he ran his hand through your hair, admiring every single little thing of yours
“y/n, i love you so much,”
you tiptoed and pecked his cheek, making him blush a darker shade of red
“i may have the same feelings as you,” you said as you gazed into his eyes
your relationship after that is legit goals!!
you stopped hanging out with the mean girls >:(
you would wait for him after his practices and seonho would third-wheel
you two had to take care of him like yall were babysitting
and without seonho, you two wouldn’t be the same
enjoys going to amusement parks with you, spoiling you bahaha
yall would buy couple stuff, and seonho would insist on getting it too (my god this boy)
you two still love him tho 
during business management classes, you would stick to him and ignore the girls
would buy you coffee before classes
what a great healthy rs
✽ hope you enjoyed this one as well <3
✽ requests are open!
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Snow Storm
You were heading towards Wisconsin when the Winchesters called you asking for your help with a case. You agreed willingly as you adored both, they were not like other hunters, they didn’t make fun of you for being sensitive and trusting. They had taken a liking to you after you met them while hunting same vetala and how you saved the brothers in the end despite your size and nursed them back to health rather than leaving them alone to deal with the aftermath of the injuries.
Snowstorm had hit and it hit bad, you had to make several pit stops just to safely drive and reach their cabin. Upon reaching you banged the cabin door furiously as you were trembling because of cold. Dean opened the door and hugged you tight. “Welcome to our humble abode, the Winchesters are here to serve you” he said taking your coat away and tugging you towards him.  
  “Sam made stew come get warm”. You slip off the snow boots leaving you in just your long sleeve red flannel and jeans. Your teeth were still chattering as you followed Dean into the small kitchen dining room combo. The cabin was small but it had two bedrooms. Dean had claimed the master bedroom and Sam took another bedroom and now you had to bunk with either one of the Winchester.
 “Why is it so cold in here?” You ask still had goose bumps on your arms even after your teeth stopped chattering.
 “The heater is not working.” Dean answer as you entered the kitchen where steam was rising out of a large pot with vegetables swirling around in light brown spume. Sam was wearing a dark green shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway up his arms. His long hair was on his forehead and he tried to tug them back as he stirred the stew with a concentrated look.
“Hey Sam” you hug the man from the back and then push him away from the steaming pot.
“Hmmmm smells amazing Sam!” You say and the smell alone makes your stomach growl. Both boys laughed handing you a bowl and a spoon. You sat next to the window watching the sun fade over the snow covered spruce trees. Making it look like gold hanging from the evergreen pine needles surrounding the cabin.
 “Colorado is amazing.” You sigh as the stars start to come out in shining clumps in the clear sky.
 “It is and it gets really cold at night. With the heater on the fritz, you need to wear extra layer tonight Maya.” Sam instructed sitting down in front of you with his own bowl. Dean sat to your right after getting his second bowl for the night.
 “This is really good Sammy.” Dean said before shoving in another spoon full into his mouth. A timer when off making you jump and spill some hot broth on your flannel, you gasped standing from the table quickly trying to get the hot wet cloth off your skin. Dean was next to you already with a paper towel while Sam got up to go to the oven pulling out corn bread. You just yanked the flannel from your chest leaving you in just your tank and sports bra-making more goose bumps appear all over your skin. Both of your friends seemed to tense looking at your cleavage and looking away before you noticed.
 “Why am I so freaking clumsy?” You growl at yourself leaving the kitchen to change into warm clothes. You run up the stairs to your room at the first door on the left next to Sam’s room. You had bought some sweat pants at a local store in the small-town Dean and Sam were investigating, but you had failed to get any thick long sleeve shirts. You thought for a moment thinking of what to do when you shivered again. A light bulb went off making you go into Sam’s room and find one of his sweatshirts. Sure, you could wear it as a dress, but now you were so toasty you didn’t care. When you came back down into the living room Sam and Dean were on the couch with their bowls watching a cop show. They looked at you then Sam frowned a bit.
 “Is that my shirt?” Sam asked raising an eyebrow as you passed to go get your own now cool bowl of stew left on the kitchen table. When you get back, you sat in the middle of the boys with a smile.
 “It sure was until I entered this cabin and had nothing to wear so I took what I saw and now it’s mine.” You say with a cocky grin on your face as Sam shakes his head also with a small smile.
 “You lucky you are my favourite.” Sam said back gently pumping your bowl free arm. You giggle watching the show with them for another 20 minutes before the credits started to roll on screen.
 “It feels like it’s already dropped 10 degrees in here.” Dean grumbled getting up with his empty food bowl. You follow him stopping at the thermometer and seeing it read 62 in the cabin.
 “I’m going to go get extra blankets from Baby.” Dean said grabbing his coat and a flashlight. You help Sam put away the stew and clean the dishes the warm water making your finger tingle a little. Dean came back as you both finished with two arms full of blankets. That turned out to be three massive blankets bundled together. Each of you took one of the giant covers to your rooms laying them out on the beds before going back downstairs to look at the thermometer again 58.
 “It’s going to be a cold night. Take a shower in the morning I don’t want your cold hair to get you sick Maya.” Dean said walking over to where you stood at the bottom of the stairs. Even standing on the last step Dean’s chin was still level with your eyes, so you hopped down looking up at him.
“I have some research to do, you guys go ahead and sleep, I will catch up later” Sam says with dismay.
 “Then I’m going to bed. Good night Dean” You hug him tightly enjoying the smell of his deodorant as your cheek lays against his wide chest. He returns the hug setting his chin on top of your head.
 “Good night Maya.” Dean said softly his chest rumbling with his words. You were the first to pull back Dean’s big arms hesitated before letting you go to Sam who was watching you two. You were short next to Dean, but you were tiny compared to Sam his chest above your head. You hugged him just as tight around his abdomen as he large arms also wrapped around you in a firm hug.
 “Good night Sam and finish up soon, you need to rest.” You say looking up into his face as he looked back down at you.
 “Good night Maya” Sam said tucking your hair back before letting you go. You smiled at both your friends before going up to your and Sam’s room. After making a cocoon on the bed with you in the middle you managed to fall asleep quickly even as your face started to feel cold.
 A light knock at your door woke you from your light sleep. You had been tossing and turning for what felt like hours as the tempter dropped in the house. You open your eyes to the dark as your door was opened with a small light shining on the bed.
 “Maya, are you awake?” Sam asked softly in case you were asleep still.
 “Sam? What time is it?” You ask already sitting up out of your messy cocoon looking at Sam standing in the doorway with a blanket around him.
 “It’s almost midnight. Are you warm enough?” Sam asked coming into the room his breath visible in the light.
 “I am fine, do you need some help with the research?” You ask hoping he was asking for your help with the task.
 “Nah I am beat. I have a better idea. Let's go pile up in Dean’s bed, his bed his huge enough for three of us. We can put all the blankets together and be our own heater.” Sam suggested holding out his hand to you. You took it bundling the blanket in your free arm as you both walked across the hall to Dean’s room. It was dark besides the hallway light illuminating Dean face down in the middle of his bed snoring lightly. Sam pulled you shutting off the hallway light before shutting the door loud enough to wake your older friend. Dean snorted sitting up on one of his arms turning his head to look at you and Sam.
 “What are you two doing in here?” Dean asked rolling over to right look at you in the dark.
 “We are still cold. I think we should all sleep together maybe put all the blankets together as well.” Sam said pushing you over to the side of the bed that was free lifting the blanket for you to crawl in next to Dean. Sam took your blanket spreading it over the both of you before he stripped his blanket off laying it over as well before getting in next to you. It was just light enough for you to see the boys faces, but you couldn’t see anything off the bed. You were facing Dean with your back towards Sam when you shiver a little wrapping your arms around yourself.
 “Come here don’t be shy.” Sam whispered behind you one of his large hands going to your hip as he moved forwards pressing his chest against your back. Dean also moved closer the heat was so intense you might start sweating from it all. Sam’s hand went around to hold your stomach keeping you close to his body while you start to fall asleep. Dean moved closer making you start to sweat more in Sam’s shirt making you start to wiggle a little bit in Sam’s arms.
 “Are you uncomfortable?” Sam asked his arm loosening around you.
 “I’m just too hot now after being in that cold room for so long.” You giggle feeling weird having both of them this close to you.
 “Maybe if you took my shirt off you would cool down.” Sam suggested already grabbing the bottom of the shirt. You let him pull it off you and leaving you in your tank top and sports bra again. Sam’s hand went back to your, stomach his body pushing you closer to Dean as he melded his chest against you back again.
 “Did that help?” Dean asked looking at you in the dark.
 “Yes, thank you. Now let’s try to get some sleep. We have a case to solve after all.” You laugh getting comfortable your leg naturally coming up resting on Dean’s thigh. You felt a large hand rest on your leg then Dean’s finger squeezing lightly as you feel back asleep.
   You were climbing a winding stone staircase up to a wooden door with a large metal knocking ring in the middle of it. You reach out knocking loudly making the walls and stone under your feet shake. It opened slowly as the wind sucked you into the room. The room was empty besides a single TV in the middle of it. You walked closer watching the TV turn on to a weird movie about hands. You start to feel uneasy like you were being suffocated. As more and more hands flashed on the screen your heart started to beat faster as a random man came out from behind the TV his eyes replaced with hands as he smiled at you.
 “She will like it trust me.” He said in a disembodied male voice making the room shake and the TV static for a moment. The man stood showing you his torso covered in arms and hand making you scream and turn going back to the door only to find it gone. Then you felt thousands of hands dragging you back towards the TV the male voice shaking the room with laughter as you scream hands and finger clawing and pulling at your skin.
 You jolted awake feeling two large hands still on your body. You were about to scream thinking you were still dreaming until Dean moved closer to you.
   “Hey calm down.” Dean whispered pulling your chest against his. You relaxed until you felt your nipples harden against Dean’s bare chest.
 “Why am I naked?” You asked trying to pull away only hit your bare butt on Sam’s hard penis.
 You jumped back forward into Dean’s hard shaft instead.
 “Because we love you.” Sam said getting closer his penis sitting on your lover back.
 “Why are you both naked?” You asked again unsure if you should stay still or try to get away from them. You considered what you thought was Dean’s eyes until you saw them getting closer to your face. Before you could say anything, else Dean pressed his full slightly chapped lips to yours. You froze feeling Sam’s hand cup your butt cheeks at the same time. Dean tried to deepen the kiss, but you tried to pull back from him in confusion.
 “Maya just relax. Let us take care of you.” Sam said moving his hand down to your leg pushing it around Dean’s bare hips. Dean stopped not bothering to try and force you into kissing him if you didn’t want to do that. Sam moved out of the way as Dean rolled you both over so that he was on top of you in between your legs.
 “Dean.” you whisper your hands going around your friend’s shoulders and neck. He had his one arm next to your head keeping his chest off yours while his other hand lifted your other leg around his hip. He moved his fingers around to the inside of your thigh touching your lower lips for a moment. You gasped as he parted them sinking a finger into your already wet hole.
 “Don’t scream.” Dean said before grabbing his shaft to spread you again with his cock head. You tensed from the contact not even getting a chance to say stop before he shoved himself into your walls.
 “Dean” You gasped while he pushed deeper your fingers tensing again his back as his scruffy face scrapped along your neck and cheek. A small sting of pain in your lower abdomen told your brain that he was large. Dean pushed all the way inside of you. He wasn’t hurting you too bad it was just a lot of discomfort mostly. He stayed still inside of you letting you get adjusted to his size before he started to pull out passing a point in your walls that had you moan in his ear suddenly.
 “So, warm.” Dean grunted in pulling out a third of the way to push back in slowly not wanting to fuck you senseless. He kept a slow pace making sure to keep pressure on your clit with every quick thrust. You didn’t move or protest you just laid there stiffly letting Dean start to speed up inside of you. Your fingers were locked on to Dean’s shoulders making you move with his thrusts.
 “Dean.” You gasped as the pleasure increased with his quickening hips. You couldn’t think clearly the only thing running through your mind was that you friend was inside of you and you loved it, but this was wrong, wasn’t it? Dean started going harder your legs naturally widening for him as his cock slides all the way in and out of your wet walls.
 “You feel amazing Maya.” Dean moaned into your neck his breath making you shiver again reminding you just how close he was.
 “Dean….” you whimpered the words making Dean tense on top of you, but he never stopped thrusting.
 “I’m almost done.” Dean grunted moving your legs high with his hand as he went faster. The bed started to creak under the force of Dean moving in and out of you. The pleasure and pressure from Dean was becoming too much your skin becoming clammy against his. Your legs tightened around him trying to get more of him inside of you as your mind told you again this was all wrong.
 “Dean………………………...” You whimper the intense pressure building causing your walls to clench around his shaft. He moaned in your ear pulling all the way out to pound back into you fully bottoming out with each powerful thrust.
 “Don’t fight it!” Dean grunted through his teeth trying to hold back his own release. You clung to him tighter feeling his back flex under your hands until lighting shot through you. You moaned loudly your head falling to the pillow while Dean fucked you faster his mouth going to your neck to suck and kiss your skin. Your mouth turns into an “O” when you feel his cock start to swell yours. You froze feeling Sam’s hand cup your butt cheeks at the same time. Dean tried to deepen the kiss, but you tried to pull back from him in confusion.
 “Maya just relax. Let us take care of you.” Sam said moving his hand down to your leg pushing it around Dean’s bare hips. Dean stopped not bothering to try and force you into kissing him if you didn’t want to do that. Sam moved out of the way as Dean rolled you both over so that he was on top of you in between your legs.
  “Oh, fuck Maya.” Dean grunted his forehead pressing into the middle of your chest as he jerked all his semen on to you. You laid there for a moment forgetting that Sam was even in the room until Dean moved from in between your legs and new hands dragged you into a sitting position.
 “Did you cum for my big brother?” Sam asked his lust filled voice was like a cold splash of water.
 “I just had sex with Dean.” You repeated to yourself as you laid back down this time sideways. Sam chuckled low in his chest kissing your stomach all the way up to your mouth where he left light kisses before he entered you fully hitting your cervix with a deep moan from both of you.
 “Now you’re mine.” Sam said pulling out all the way to slam back in. Your hand grabbed onto the sheet underneath you as good bumps formed from the frigid air on your skin. Dean had held you even made love to you, but Sam was in the mindset to fuck you. He stayed on his knees to get more power behind every thrust his large body over your as you clung to the bed trying to stop all the bouncing.
 “Sam I am sore.” “You won’t be able to walk after I am done with you” he says with passion and lust in his words. You whimper lightly after listening to his bold statement and his words reaching your core, your eyes closed as your sore walls take in him in. He grunted against your ear pistoning into you. Your orgasm gushed out you making it easy for him to ram into you like he had dreamed for years. Not waiting for another chance like this to have his little friend open and ready for him. The thought alone made him want to cum already, you moaned from his brutality. The sound of his skin slapping against your filled the room. Your hand went to his arms on the bed holding onto his forearms with almost numb fingers.
 “You are perfect Maya.” Sam grunted one of his hands pawing at your bouncing breast making more pressure build were your last orgasm ignited. You arched into his fingers chasing your own need as he fucked you even faster. He let your breast go leaning down just an inch above your body without touching it. His hand grabbed one of your legs bring it all the way up to rest on his shoulder. The different angle making your walls squeeze him tighter moan louder. You hand went back to the sheets clinging to them while sweat broke out on your forehead. Sam was hitting your cervix too hard and the pleasure taking you over along with the pain of his size and thickness inside you.
 “Sam……. You’re huge” You cry out in between grunt. Sam lowered his head not offering any kind word just fucking you faster. You could feel his hair on your face swaying back and forth with his motion until he looked up again pulling it away from you.
 “So, close.” He moaned pushing the leg on his shoulder down further until he couldn’t hold back any longer. His hips bucking into yours wildly chasing the release he had wanted for years. One of your hands went to the back of his head combing through the hair to pull lightly. Sam grunted loudly his hips slapping against you with his final burst as he let his seed coat your shuddering walls. You whimpered feeling him lay completely on top of you with your leg still on his shoulder. You both laid there for a few minutes letting your heart rates slow down before Sam pulled out of you and resting beside you. Dean pulled the blankets around your naked body. You were too worn out to move and your eyes drooping lulling you into sleep.  Both the boys were curled into bed on either side of you. Your butt was facing Dean to your right giving him the choice to pull you into him. Your head resting on Sam’s arm and head in his chest while you backed up into Dean’s arm cuddling in the warmth of both the Winchesters.
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