#tlh gossip
all-the-tyler-talk · 1 year
She used to have a roommate, but apparently not anymore. Maybe because she doesn't need it now that she has a rich bf.// obviously i don’t know him but tyler doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would pay for his girlfriend’s rent. he probably pays for dinners, traveling, etc. but i think if RM became too financially dependent on him, he would dumb her.
Yeah, I don't think he would pay her rent, he'd be more likely to have her move in with him. But if he's paying for other things, then that would leave her with more money to use on her rent so she wouldn't need so much of her own money.
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hanelizabeth · 2 months
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cordelia must admit, anna always throws the best afternoon tea - it’s always full of delicious chocolate cake, earl grey and of course lots of gossip ☕️
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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Omg j saw a spoiler of who does in ChoT
Thanks again tumblr for not hiding the clearly stated filtered tag
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
If the TLH Squad Had Social Media, Part II
Because everyone seemed to like Part I so much!
Lucie and Cordelia will occasionally host dramatic readings of The Beautiful Cordelia (and The Wicked Queen Cordelia) together. They take reader input for plotlines and Lucie will slap them together.
Matthew has an entire Instagram page devoted to Oscar photos. It has millions of followers. He's Big Mad that Oscar has more followers than he does on main.
James and Matthew stream video games sometimes. James takes it very seriously and tries to be good at it. Matthew does not take it seriously and is balls-to-the-walls insane. Matthew's method is very well received. James is envious and Does Not Understand that this is what the internet's for.
And now my Matthew and Thomastair biases are about to come out again btw I am SO sorry
Matthew's Sponsorship Gifts
Matthew has an extremely popular travel vlog and people LOVE him. He has a really charming and witty personality that just amasses an enormous fan base. He probably has the most fans of everyone in the cast, neck-in-neck with Alastair who is widely beloved for his dry wit and commentary.
In any case, people begin trying to send Matthew fan gifts. He doesn't have a permanent address, so he announces that they should send EVERYTHING to 102 Cornwall Gardens. He then begins accepting sponsorship gifts, but he only takes the most outrageous and useless ones to prank Alastair and have them sent to his house.
Thomas and Alastair end up with a life-size Tardis phone booth. They end up with fake-marble and bronze statues of the greats (that Thomas constantly compares in his head to Alastair's physique and finds lacking). They end up with a broken but big grandfather clock and an enormous chair shaped like a hamburger. This is inconvenient because Thomas has to haul them into the house (though Alastair doesn't mind watching).
Just when the two of them have fucking had enough, Matthew sends them one final sponsorship gift: a Grotrian grand piano. He's apparently saved up a ton of sponsorship money to surprise them. Alastair has admired them forever and he is so touched he almost cries.
The prank sponsorship gifts stop after that.
Thomas and Duolingo
Thomas Lightwood would fuckin love Duolingo. It's got languages. It's got an owl. He thinks it's the best thing ever invented. He was born to do Duolingo.
He and Alastair sign up for different languages together and will try to outpace each other. This competition helps them both learn. When guests (see: the rest of the TLH cast) some over, they'll gossip about them in their target languages in front of them. Matthew suspects something's up.
Offhandedly, Alastair mentions that he Does Not Like Duo. He feels threatened by the app notifications telling him he'll show up at his house if he forgets to practice his Turkish. He specifically cites his 'beady little eyes.'
Matthew uses his terrible artistic skills to paint a VERY CURSED image of Duo. With HUGE eyes. And he hangs it on the wall outside Alastair's bedroom while he's shut inside it.
The screams can be heard all across London.
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
random thought that popped up while I was mindlessly transcribing data for work: Tsc characters in each series and who is most likely to do a podcast.
TID: Gabriel and Gideon. For sure. It's just gonna be about Charlotte and how cool she is. One of them (Gabriel) actually refers to them as Mom.
TLH: The Merry Thieves. It's just chaos. No one knows what the podcast is actually about.
TMI: Jace and Simon. They just dish and gossip the whole time. Also randomly break into songs. Jace sometimes gets emo and trauma dumps in the middle of the podcast.
TDA: Emma and Cristina. They just play silly games like 'Kiss Marry Kill - Head of the Institutes Edition'
LBAF: Lexi and Gigi. I don't know what it's about. But I know they have a podcast. Maybe they do live reactions to things. That'd be hilarious.
Next gen: Joan and Arjun. Idk how or why. But this duo is going places. They'll probably just prank-call people for shits and giggles.
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takaraphoenix · 7 months
In TOA, Riordan wrote that the entire camp was trying to find a mate for Reyna and that everyone but Jason knew about her conversation with Venus, making her the target of gossip, pity, and unwanted recommendations. He then had her join the hunters of Artemis and later declared on twitter that he wrote her as an asexual character.
Omitting the fact that no one at Camp Jupiter mentioned Reyna's love life in HOO and that that seems more like a indirect criticism to fans, does any of the character's conclusion make sense?
I mean, there was talk of Reyna's love life in HoO, specifically from Reyna herself who expressed interest in Percy, and before that from Jason about them perhaps being involved in TLH (before, ya know, Riordan retconned that there was never-ever-ever anything between them because Riordan has this warped perception that any other attractions invalidate the current one, so to booster Jason and Piper, Jason could not possibly have an ex-girlfriend).
It was part of what made Reyna so incredibly interesting in HoO, because she had unfulfilled romantic plotlines whereas Riordan tends to herd characters off like that ship was named Arc II and not Argo II.
That being said, I think that the conclusion both makes total sense as well as not making sense at all, so let me elaborate.
Firstly, the not making sense part. Her being asexual reads very much like an allo doing the most surface level reading up on aspec identities.
Because what he wrote for her very much reads more as an aroace identity than an allo ace identity, and thus reads like an allo author who doesn't know how to separate sexual attraction from romantic attraction and just conflates them.
If she were actually asexual, there is no... no reason to join the Riordan-version of a cloister (I have many negative thoughts on his interpretation of the hunt) and avoid all advances, there is no reason to hide away from romantic advances and avoid them all at all cost?
She'd still experience romantic attraction as an asexual person, so why shouldn't she go on dates, meet people, get into a relationship?
It would actually have been a great way to have her come out as asexual to her partner and explain that while she does feel romantic attraction, she may not be interested in sex (and I am saying "may" because many asexual people are interested in sex, despite not feeling sexual attraction).
All of that, coupled with the twitter outing, makes it not really feel... fulfilling. It makes it feel half-assed through and through, both in the research on this identity department, as well as the coming out. Because there is nothing more frustrating than when writers prove to be too incompetent to put their story on actual paper and instead of giving a character a fulfilling arc and a real, canonical coming out, they just post some random tweet like that's worth shit.
Sure, hearing the author confirm a queer identity even in a non-canonical setting can be rewarding in that it recognizes a queer identity, but... it's not representation, it's a cop-out. Representation happens in the canon medium at hand.
Now, if he actually pulls through with this and has Reyna come out in one of the approximately 125 coming PJOverse books that he's going to write? Because it is worth noting that we're not talking about a closed story here and that his tweet could just be a "hey, guys, it's a slow build up and the coming out is gonna happen later but I want to clarify that yes, this is canon". That's the good faith argument here.
And on that note, I want to say why it is a satisfying conclusion, particularly for me as an asexual lesbian.
One of my favorite characters of all time is ace? Holy shit, that's a massive win! A leading character in one of the biggest YA series of all time is canonically ace? Hades yes, that is amazing and could do so much for visibility and also for helping younger aces figure themselves out earlier (provided, of course, that he actually puts the conclusion in a book).
I'm an even bigger fan of late coming out stories. Stories of queer people who pretended to be like everyone else around them to fit in and may have even lied to themselves.
Because there's a modern trend of gold-star-ism. As in, these queers came out of the womb queer, they have always known they were x identity!! Now, those very much exist, but the amount of this kind of representation in media very much warps the perception. Because not everybody always knew and many queer people struggle for varying amounts of time with finding their identity.
It's never 'too late' to confirm a character as any queer label, because real actual queer people may go through allo/CIS/het pretenses before coming out and if you take a character you previously portrayed in such a way and give them a journey into realizing they may be any share of queer, that is still a valid portrayal of real experiences and, even if on a meta-level it may be a "retcon" in that the author may not have always considered this character queer, it still very much checks out in-universe as a realistic journey.
Lastly, I want to get into the part about indirect criticism of fans. The way you put that, I'm not a hundred percent sure what you mean, but I'm assuming you're referring to the many fans who headcanon Reyna, or go a step farther and think she should be canonically a lesbian. I do remember backlash from that side of the fandom in regards to this.
But... again, as an asexual lesbian, I don't entirely see a problem there unless you do not actually know what asexuality means. Because she could very well still be a lesbian. You could still headcanon her as a lesbian. So, this isn't exactly something Riordan did that spites and destroys that headcanon, and the uproar about it was equally... pointless? The only way this could have been an indirect criticism toward fans would have been if he indeed just conflated aro and ace, and if the fans who took offense, also conflate aro and ace.
So, that's my answer to your question. It is most definitely not a perfect way of handling this and I hope he does something more with this in future books that truly puts this identity into a canonical framework, I hope he differentiates aromantic and asexual identities here more clearly, but I'm glad for any representation to come out of even clumsy writing.
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
"Send me a character" Matthew and Alastair.
favorite thing about them
Matthew is genuinely hilarious. Very fruity. Would leave my drink with him at a bar. He’s a very genuine person, and his banter with just about everyone is one of the most entertaining parts of TLH. 
least favorite thing about them
Mmm, I don't know? I really like him in the book, however I’m not sure how I’d get along with him in real life. He’s very… loud. 
Naturally, James.
Idk, Matthew x Therapy? Matthew x Relaxing?
Probably Matthew x Alastair. For one thing, Thomastair is forever and ever, for another I just don't like it. 
random headcanon
Matthew was one of those kids who just really wanted to be held. Or, rather he just wants to be a part of whats going on. Frankly, that worked out pretty well for him, as he could usually just sit with his father, or cling to an aunt or uncle. Spent half the time he was supposed to be in bed as a little kid trying to get into his parents room, because how is anyone supposed to sleep in a room all alone??? What if he missed something fun and important in the morning??? If hes a whole ten feet away, then who knows what adventures he might miss out on in the thirty seconds it takes him to cross the hallway? Travesty! 
 Yeah, he usually ended up back in his own room. 
unpopular opinion
I really don't want Cassie to put him in a relationship. I would much prefer if he had his healing without getting into a romantic situation. Personally, I like to believe he was the token single family member for several decades, then met a guy once he was like, 40, then went and lived on a beach somewhere. Living his best life. 
song i associate with them
I've actually got a playlist on him ___ . But Icarus by Bastille, and Shampain by Marina and the Diamonds leap to mind. 
favorite picture of them
Could not for the LIFE OF ME find the source, but I’m pretty sure this is by Cassandra Jean. If anyones got the source please, let me know. 
 I know this is James and Matthew arguing, but the lighting? The color? The expressions? Love it. 
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favorite thing about them
He's just so pleasantly cynical. He definitely feels like someone you might meet IRL. His sibling role mixing with the “stand in father figure” is very interesting, and its very apparent throughout the books how much he genuinely, dearly, loves his family. His almost deadpan demeanor is straight up hilarious, and the thinly veiled romantic interest in Thomas, that very quickly turns into “lets have sex in this carriage” is a highlight of TLH.
least favorite thing about them
Uh, I don't know, he's a pretty solid character. Not much I don't like about him. 
He and Cordelia are sibling super besties. She'd die for him, he'd die for her. Broskis. Besties. Love each other. Sibling goals. 
Thomastair, naturally. 
Well, anyone who isn't Thomas. 
random headcanon
He cant cook for shit. He tried once, and did something simple successfully, which lulled him into a false sense of security. Thomas took him to a suite in London for a sort of honeymoon and Alastair tried to live out his aesthetic dreams by cooking. Pan is on fire. Apartment is on fire. Apartment building is on fire. The poor mundane police who can't really tell what's going on, but something feels super weird? On fire. Thomas decides he will do any future cooking. 
unpopular opinion
Alastair was in the wrong in Nothing But Shadows, and Matthew wasn't in the wrong for not wanting to like him. I see a lot of people on tumblr talk about how it's ridiculous that Matthew is mad at Alastair years later, because it's like “being mad at someone for a jab in highschool”. But the thing is it really isn't. This was Edwardian england. Theres few things more offensive than directly insulting your close family. On top of that, the shadhowhunter gossip chain (which, at that moment, involved Alastair.) was spitting directly on everything both Henry and Charlotte had ever done, and boy all boy did they do a lot. I genuinely have trouble thinking of anything Alastair could say that is worse than this.
 Obviously,  I love Alastair as much as everyone else. His behavior during his time at the shadowhunter academy is nothing more than a traumatized adolescent trying to make sense of the world. 
However, that doesn't mean he wasn't super out of line. Personally if I was Matthew, Alastair would have to grovel for my forgiveness, and even then I wouldn't be interested in forging a very close relationship.
song i associate with them
Actually got a playlist almost done for him, but “Gossip” by manskin nails his cynical, early tlh vibe and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls is a Thomastair song from Alastairs POV fr. 
favorite picture of them
(Closest to original post I can find, the blog that first posted this doesnt seem to exist anymore https://theredcarstairs.tumblr.com/post/612828735833505792/tea-time .) Technically this is both Alastair and Cordelia, but nonetheless, its one of my favs. This or that one where Thomas and Alastair are staring at each other with nothing short of adoration. 
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drewtanakagf · 1 year
Can we talk for a second about how Piper isn't good Aphrodite kid rep? I don't wanna sound like a hater! But even though the children of Aphrodite are often treated like a joke (*smacks Riordan with my makeup bag*), they actually do have their own canonical powers related to love, attraction, and beauty. But Piper doesn't demonstrate any of them (except for her "kaleidoscope eyes" since Aphrodite kids can canonically change their hair and eye colors if they want), only Charmspeak. But while Charmspeak is a rare power for an Aphrodite kid to have, it's not unique to them. Anyone who learns magic can Charmspeak like Circe and Medea. When describing her past to Annabeth, she thought Piper could be an Hermes kid because she said she could be persuasive which Hermes and his kids could be (implication that Hermes kids could Charmspeak?), not to mention Piper would steal things to get her dad's attention. If it wasn't clear that her godly parent was female, then Piper would make more sense as an Hermes kid. Given that the series treats girly-girls/any girl who has a personality that's not "aloof, rough, and tsundere with a soft side" really poorly (and not even the tomboyish female leads are treated that well), it shouldn't be a surprise that Piper doesn't use any power specifically tied to her mother's domain of love. This just makes Piper come off as an Aphrodite kid in name only. - 💄 anon
I feel like everytime you step up to bat (the gossip column) you just pull that baseball bat back and hit a homer. your batting average is insane.
baseball metaphor aside, I do think that piper's uniqueness is obv integral to her character but also just lowk a result of Rick writing himself into a hole. Because he characterized aphrodite kids as "aloof rough etc" like you said and when it came to creating a new character that was a child of Aphrodite he needed to subvert that to appeal to the "girl power" that Piper ended up embodying (the success of that is a different conversation). Just thinking about it, I think that in the time that TLH came out making Piper into a the quintessential aphrodite kid would have flopped so bad bc the badass teen heroine trope was on the rise. And compare that to Annabeth? Like Piper would have been hated so much more.
At the same time though, I'd argue that the subverison of the aphrodite kid stereotype has more weight on the story. Because Piper doesn't rly belong and tbh none of the lost trio do (i mean, they stay in chb for maybe just over a year combined? And then they all just kinda disperse across the country. Or die in jasons case lol) and the lack of an obvious commonality as an anchor just drives home the fact that Piper is "other". Which works so well bc she doesn't rly have that sense of loyalty to CHB esp in TLH (she sticks to what she knows). I just don't see HOO hitting the same if piper didn't carry the ruggedness she has.
But to the point of charmspeak, yeah, if you learn the magic you can do it but I think her use of charmspeak as a testament to her character is more important than just having it, as illustrated by Drew v Piper in TLH.
Additionally I think she certainly shares traits w the rest of the cabin like her stubbornness and her affinity (almost need tbh) for romance.
As an aside, that's kinda why I have a love hate relationship w the contrast between Drew and Piper. Because I like that both sides apparent, but I would like to see the middle ground of being an aphrodite kid, like w Lacy or Mitchell.
Overall though, it is rly curious that Piper's powers hve nothing to do w love/appearance.... esp considering jiper was huge to the plot of tlh and hoo AND that her appearance is commented on often ("You're a knockout")
tl;dr: rick dropped the ball as we know, but it does add dimension to piper's character.
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a-tale-of-legends · 11 months
Keep forgetting to mention this but I think the way Sterling joined TLH wasn't bc Serenity came to him like she did with Kenji. But rather maybe was already part of the International Police? And he was stationed to be part of TLH with his mentor Lupe ( Lupe is another one I have to think about btw).
Sterlings already existing backstory is that he comes from a rich, but very neglectful family. He always got what he wanted when asked, but never got the love and affection he craved for. So he grew up, became a successful idol and absolutely adored the love that his fans would give him. But it was never enough. Originally, this was when Sterling meets Serenity and after getting the motherly love he craved, joins TLH. And then he meets Kenji. And. You know.
But now it's different. How exactly he joins the International Police I'm still working on, but I imagine it's sometime after Anabel joins, if not later. I can see the two having a one sided rivalry of sorts: Sterling is a very jealous man, so seeing Anabel having a loving support system, a parental figure in Looker and being best friends with Lisia drove him mad. He was very passive aggressive with her, and Anabel knew this ...so he didn't give Sterling the time of day lol. Which again, just made Sterling more upset. Anabel climbing the ranks of I.P also did not help, with Sterling kinda being stuck at his lower tier placement. At some point, however, Lupe joins I.P( again, I feel like Lupe would have already been involved with I.P, since the group needed some way to actually join the organization) and Sterling is assigned under them. Either that or Lupe has been in I.P for a while but it's only recently that Sterling was assigned to them. Lupe is the first time Sterling has ever gotten any sort of parental affection. Good parental affection. Ever since,Sterling has been following Lupe around like a lost puppy. Sterling is still an idol- that's like his day job, I suppose. But it's also used as a coverup to his I.P work of gathering information( apparently being an idol means you get some ✨ resources✨......and lots of gossip).
When Sterling meets Serenity, and white frankly the rest of the founders of TLH, the love he craves just increased. But again, it was never enough. To him anyway. And then Kenji came along and we all know how that turned out.
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zoyalannister · 1 year
yeah like for me they had potential for a NA
which aspects would you have liked to be explored in that context?
You just opned a Pandora jar, dear anon AHAH
I think that TLH would have worked better as a NA, aging up all the characters by 4 or 5 years, rather than a YA because it would have given more more space to explore adult themes, and I will list the 3 I would have liked to see.
1. Matt's alcoholism
Self explainatory. I can't take seriously Matt most of the time because he's 17, while I could believe what I read if he was 21 or 22. His alcoholism is written in a superficial way while it would have required much more focus and introspection, like a POV of Matt having a crisis or a scene him feeling powerless because he's too drunk to fight and help his friends against demons. A YA is not the place for such themes because they can't be written with thr complexity they deserve and TLH is the literal proof of this.
2. Ari and Anna’s relationship
The literally only good thing of ChoT is that their situation is finally solved, they understand that they love each other, communicate and become an official couple, but in the first two books their relationship is toxic in some points and I would have liked to see more of that. I would have liked to see more of Ari understanding that her relationship with Anna isn’t healthy, but sleeping with her anyway, or Anna having sex with her out of spite. Also in the NA there could have been more sex scenes amd more exciplit, and they could have been the proper place to explore Ari and/or Anna’s feelings, for example Ari thinking that finally Anna came around and understood that she loves her but at the end of the act Anna basically kicks her out of her apartment. The way all this is treated in a YA comes off as superficial in my opinion.
3. Grace’s backstory
TW: mentioned/implied SA
TLF exist because my friend and I were reading ChoI back in the day, and after Grace’s flashbacks we told each other "my god, this is prostititution" and I think that a NA could have gone in that direction, maybe not as graphic and crude as TLF is. But in a NA there could have been for example a scene of Grace telling Christopher that when she was in Paris men touched her or something because she thinks it's normal, and finding out it's not normal when Christopher makes a horrified face. I think that this is the most depowered storyline from the target, NA would have given much more space to explore Grace’s trauma and to go down the "squallid" road. Maybe also to talk properly about thr fact that apparently there are adult Shadowhunters who buy children, since it was just mentioned and treated like gossip ignoring all the implications.
Sorry for the long rant, I just think that TLH had much potential that went to waste and one of the reasons for me it's the target.
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all-the-tyler-talk · 1 year
I didn’t used to really believe the comments that RM was a shallow gold digger with literally no ambition except sleeping with older men and using their money bc I felt that was uncharitable to her. But, the longer she sticks around, it actually does seem like that is exactly what she is. Just trading sex for older men to give her things and take her places. She clearly craves the attention and praise of older men and the fact that she doesn’t hang with any men her own age speaks really poorly of her. The men are creeps but she’s either extremely stupid or just doesn’t care that it’s creepy bc she has no self respect and neither option paints a flattering picture about the kind of woman she is.
Yup. That is exactly who she seems to be. She could be genuinely in love with him, but as you said she only appears to hang around older rich men, which shows a pattern/preference. A lot of women like her do it, there's apps and websites for s*gar b*bbies for them to do it as a way of making a living, quick money without working.
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figurelifeflirt · 1 year
My Birthday!!!
Today is the greatest day. It's my BIRTHDAY! I am 29 today. Originally I had planed a season review on my birthday but as I am nowhere close, here's some important characters that I love.
Strong female characters: Violet Baudelaire, Catherine Willows(CSI), Calleigh Duquesne(CSI Miami), Aelin Galathynius(TOG), Lysandra(TOG), Emory Scott(Devil's Night), Bryce Quinlan(Crescent City), Aphrodite Lafont(House Of Night), Mary Dinunzio(Lisa Scottoline) Marimar(Orquidea), Faith Mitchell(Will Trent), Helene(Ember Quartet), Emma Carstairs(TDA), Drusilla Blackthorn(TDA), Maddie Kendall(911), Sharon Leone(Fire Country), Buffy Summers(BTVS), Dawn Summers(BVTS), Cordelia Chase(Angel), Winifred Burkle(Angel), Faith Lehane(BTVS), Willow Rosenberg(BTVS), Audrey Hope(Gossip Girl Reboot, HBO), Mulan, Althea Shen(Kung Fu), Maggie Vera(Charmed, CW Reboot), Cordelia Goode(AHS), Toph(ATLA), Polly Marks(Claws), Maize(Lucifer)
Honorable mentions: Stella(Winx), Maryse Lightwood(TMI), Ryan Wilder(Batwoman), Tecna(Winx), May Grant(911), Chelsea Arrington(Night Agent), Diane Faar(Night Agent), Christina Rosales(TDA), Duela Doe(Gotham Knights), Kiki Hope(Gossip Girl Reboot, HBO), Elyon(WITCH), Nancy Wheeler(Stranger Things), Violet Par(The Incredibles), Eve(Lucifer), Maureen Jonson(Rent)
Characters that give off Alpha female energy: This one, I haven't talked about. These characters aren't necessarily strong fighters. But they know how to command a room and do it stylishly. That is a skill all by itself. They are: Chanel Oberlin(Scream Queens), Madison Montgomery(AHS), Massie Block(The Clique), Clay Collins(Tryst Six), Stephanie Brown(Gotham Knights), Blair Waldorf(Gossip Girl), Nadia Morales(The Cleaning Lady), Shiv Roy(Succession) , Mimi Marquez(Rent)
Excellent male Characters: Klaus Baudelaire, Jude(The Darkest Minds), Cole Stewart,(The Darkest Minds), Musa(Ember Quartet), Matthew Fairchild(TLH), Alistair Carstairs(TLH), Julian Blackthorn(TDA), Ty Blackthorn(TDA), Spencer Reid(Criminal Minds), Deacon Kay(SWAT), Evan Buckley(911), Wesley Wyndam-Pryce(Angel), Dono(Big Sky), Tharion Ketos(Crescent City, Ithan Holstrom(Crescent City), Sylvain Gautier(FETH), Rosado(FEE), Jimmy Darling(AHS), Steve Harrington(Stranger Things), Yuri Leclerc(Fire Emblem), Zuko(ATLA), Roman Roy(Succession), Darren Cody(Animal Kingdom), Joshua Cody(Animal Kingdom)
Honorable mentions: Ben Pownall(Siren), Xander Harris(BTVS), Stone Barrington, Jesse Mcdermitt, Brandon(Winx), Walter(Big Sky), Max Wolfe(Gossip Girl Reboot, HBO), Will Grayson III(Devil's Night), Iden Kadir(Devil's Night), Aaron Hotchner(Criminal Minds), Bobby Nash(911), Mike Wheeler(Stranger Things), Lucas Sinclair(Stranger Things), Connor(Angel)
The villains need love too: Sebastian Morgenstern(TMI), The Seelie Queen(TMI and TDA), Randall(Monsters Inc.), Pollux(Crescent City), Pippa Spetsos(Crescent City), Zira(Lion King 2), Morgana(The Little Mermaid 2), Yzma(Emperor's New Groove), Conrad(Seneca Rain), Hubert Vestra(Fire Emblem), Gris(Fire Emblem), Azula(ATLA), Clancy Gray(The Darkest Minds)
Honorable mentions: Odran(Dragonheart series)
This is an ongoing list, it gets added to all the time. And I probably forgot some. But I'm 29 today, YAY
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i feel like christopher lightwood somehow know everybody's secrets but just thinks it's a way of life. like he knows full well thomas and alastair have a thing but he just does. not. care. it's perfectly normal to him and im sure he assumes that everyone else knows too.
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
About your post on how TID/TLH Tessa and modern-day Tessa are different characters. I had to come and give you my two cents, because Tessa is my girl, my favourite FMC in TSC, and I love her, and if I have the opportunity to talk about her, I do it. I hope you don't mind me rambling about my favourite FMC of all time. Tessa has a special place in my heart.
From my reading and rereading of the series, and short stories, I don’t see a lot of change in her character, and I read her character development as a natural continuation. For me 2015 Tessa is the same as 1903 Tessa, BUT with more confidence and maturity.
We start with TID Tessa. She’s 16, a baby, orphaned, and has no family except her ass of a brother/cousin/whatever Nate was. We see a girl who is a product of her time (weirded by Charlotte fighting), but also, someone ready and willing to learn more/adapt. I mean, two chapters in, and she’s ready to go on a mission with Magnus and Will. Throughout the series, we see that she is very smart and willing to help, but what differentiates her from 2010 YA FMC is that he does not reject what is traditionally seen as feminine. Tessa likes clothes and pretty dresses (that scene in CA when she doesn’t want to dirty her dress), she buys pretty hats that match her dresses, etc. She is a very curious girl, who likes to know everything, likes to gossip (her chitchats with Sophie), and likes match-making people (her trying to match Sophie with different men).
She is very courageous, but also very protective of the people she loves. We see that with Nate when he arrives at the institute, and he is giving texte books ass whole, and two thousand red flags. She does that because he is her brother and because she is a product of her time, always giving chances to men, and she'll do anything to make him safe. However, she also does it to Will, even though she does not know him well in the beginning, and he already annoyed her at least 5 times since she arrived. Ex: when they meet Gabriel for the 1st time, and he insults Jem, and Will starts fighting with him):
“ You heard me. Telling someone you wouldn’t be sorry if they died! It’s inexcusable!” She took hold of Will by the sleeve. “Come along, Will. This—this person—obviously isn’t worth wasting your time on.”
Will looked hugely entertained. “So true.”
“You—you—” Gabriel, stammering slightly, looked at Tessa in an alarmed sort of way. “You haven’t the slightest idea of the things he’s done—”
“And I don’t care, either. You’re all Nephilim, aren’t you? Well, aren’t you? You’re supposed to be on the same side.” Tessa frowned at Gabriel. “I think you owe Will an apology.”
Now, she does not know Will well, yet she takes his defence because she has been living with them. He is the one who got her out of prison and saved her etc. I always thought Tessa was a good character reader, and once she gives her trust, she becomes protective of them. She is literally telling Gabriel, that Will is her people, and nobody touches her people. We see this side of her, the protective side show up throughout the series, with Will, Jem, and when Sophie starts going out with Gideon. When she tells her to be careful, because she attended the Lightwood ball, and it was a mess, and she does not want her friend to be hurt again.
Now, going on to TLH. She is still the same protective woman and becomes maternal too. Tessa likes to fight and go on missions, but I feel like she only does them when she is asked to. Contrary to the other FMC in TSC, like Isabelle, Clary and Emma who literally want to be a great warrior and become the next Jace. I feel like, Tessa does it because it’s her duty, but only when she has to.
We also discover that she likes to help run the institute with her husband, and goes on missions with him when needed, but she's definitely not the head. That is Will. We don't see her arguing or taking Clave decisions during those meetings. It's always Will. I know this is because the Clave doesn't accept her and doesn't want to give her a chance, but at the same time, I don't read her as someone who wants to do bureaucratic stuff either. On the other hand, we see her doing a lot of domestic things, like throwing balls and parties and decorating the institute. She is someone who likes to be in a cosy room, reading books, talking about them with her husband, and children, travelling, having some adventures, and gossiping with her friends. When she gives advice, it is always a wise one, but it also comes from her protective, and maternal side. Even though she matures in TLH, by becoming a mother, and taking responsibilities as an adult, she is still very sheltered. We know the Herondales keep to themselves because the Clave sucks, and have prejudices against her and her children. She is still very protected and still has her community. Nobody will do anything to her, because Charlotte, Will and all her friends will protect her, and they are enough for her. She has a husband, kids, and eventually grandkids, her friends and their children, she has a community to count on.
Now, after Will’s death, and all her friends are dying one after another, and later her children, she is confronted with what it means to be immortal, and not having her usual support and community. She goes to live with Magnus, and he introduces her to all his Downworlder friends. She becomes friend with Catarina, Malcolm and Ragnor, and start to learn how to be a warlock. And later starts befriending Raphael and so on. This era in her life, where the only person she knows from her old life is Magnus (I don’t count Zachariah, he can’t do much), is the era where she learns and discovers to be herself. She learns how to be a warlock, goes on adventures by herself, or with friends, and learns how to assert herself, but at the same time still keeps her protective/maternal side. We see that in The Last Stand of the New York Institute. Her speech to Jocelyn is very harsh, but she is still willing to help her and goes all the way to do that in secret.
However, we know that Warlocks are not really into staying together. Magnus says it himself. Warlocks can go for decades before contacting each other. And I think this is something that affects her a lot, and why she stays for a long time in the Spiral Labyrinth, and only comes back at the end of CoHF, once Jem is back. 
 In the epilogue, she is dreading Jem telling her he is going back to an institute: 
“But—after today? Where will you go? To Idris?”
He looked, for a moment, honestly bewildered—and despite how old she knew him to be, so young. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’ve never had a lifetime to plan for before.”
“Then … to another Institute?” Don’t go, Tessa wanted to say. Stay. Please.”
And she is happy when he tells her he can’t go back because he doesn’t know how to be a shadowhunter without a parabatai. And what does Tessa do, she starts living with Jem, and she goes on adventures, and missions with him (saving Kit, and helping Alec and Rafael), and eventually goes back to her ideal life. Having a house, a husband, being a mother, reading books, protecting her kids, having dinners with her friends and their kids (Well mostly Magnus and Alec), learning about her magic, and sometimes going on missions when needed.
I always read Tessa as a domestic FMC, and I love her for that. She is incredibly strong and becomes wise with time and life experiences, but at the same time, always true to herself. A woman who loves fashion, books and gossiping. And that’s why for me, her character is still the same, and very continuous. Her character development makes sense to me. She is ready to discover new horizons, but always coming back to a tranquil life.
Sorry, this is very long, but I just love her.
I don't really have anything to add to this, but this is generally 100% correct and I adore it. Tessa is one of my all-time favourite characters too, particularly TID/TLH Tessa - the only characters ever I prefer are Matthew and Alastair and maybe Thomas. Definitely my favourite girl/FMC.
I think that a lot of her traits do feel cohesive and carry on from series to series, but I think that a lot of her fire and spirit are gone in the modern content, if that makes sense. There are probably a lot of reasons for this - Will brought those things out in her and he's dead, and also just the cycles of trauma and grief that she's been through have changed her a lot.
But for me, that sarcasm and that sass and that brightly-burning essence and that love for life and rashness and impulsiveness are traits that I loved in Tessa. They're traits that made her interesting and relatable and even flawed when they went too far. And also her independence. I feel like she's lost a lot of that "she was too much herself to belong to anyone else" after, honestly, getting back together with Jem (I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep this minimal on Jessa criticism, but her relationship with Jem/the way that it's written is so tied to the Changes in Tessa I Don't Like.)
I really wish we could see the Tessa/Ragnor/Raphael gossip circle, lol. I do feel like I see a bit of the old Tessa when she's with Magnus, who as you acknowledged is the only person who knew her in her former life. We also know that she's still a funny prankster since Ragnor thought that Alec was her in disguise, which I love. The thing is, we see none of that on page. We see her essentially become a boring, muted housewife, and I think this is actually what makes her relationship with Jem and her presence in post-TLH content so hard for me to stomach.
I also read her as domestic - but only to a point. Like, yeah, she loves clothes, but she's also not afraid in TID to ruin a wedding dress in battle. She decorates the Institute in TLH and adds balconies because that's where, pardon my assumptions and my French, she and Will fuck. Shadowhunter coats of arms hang up with weaponry by bookshelves and ballrooms, and I love that for her, but where is that fire and where are those contradictions now?
I'm sorry that these ramblings are out of order, but I really think we need to see more of her between TLH and TMI in order to understand her as cohesive. Like, as you mentioned, her time in the Spiral Labyrinth - what happened there? We only saw the Spiral Labyrinth once in a story about Jem, which obviously makes so much sense because Jem's a character that belongs in the Spiral Labyrinth 🥴 I want to see Tessa there and talking to other warlocks. What was her job there? What did she do? What the hell do warlocks do there, anyway?
I think we can divide Tessa's life into 3 stages: the Will stage as a Shadowhunter, the warlock stage with her friends, and the Jem stage as a housewife. Unfortunately, we see so little of the EXTREMELY COMPELLING second stage that the latter is jarring and a little painful to watch for me.
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jesseblackthorrn · 3 years
You would think that Matthew would hate gossip/rumours as much as he hates Alastair
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
Thank you for the advice (I'm the one who asked for Kincaid snippet and told you about the exam). My parents say the same thing, but you're right, it's hard to believe right now sigh.
I love the snippet so much!! I know a lot of people react with anger to coming outs, and that's truly horrible, but to me sadness and self-loathing are the worst reactions - like you're breaking their heart by being who you are and feeling what you do. Especially when you loves them as much as Kincaid loves his mother.
These kids are reaching TLH levels of miscommunication and secret keeping. Comes with not being used to having confidants, but still. Can't wait to see it all unravel.
I'm going to punch Regine. I'm sorry for her, but she's still infuriating. Also, hilarious parenting in giving in to Joan and then revealing the hidden knife in the complacence.
As always TMI Gang steals the show. Adore them.
The discrepancy in the thoughts of the kids is really interesting. Cami is still in I can fix it with regards to the Clave, thinking about demon philosophy when things are heating up. Theia is entirely focused on Lance. Atlas wants to arm Lance too, right as the winter solstice is approaching - even if the general aim is science. Kincaid just wants to survive with his heart intact. Joan wants to help Lance and spite Kincaid. Iris wants to save the world from Lucifer. I really want to see how all these motivations come together and change in the next chapters.
Thanks for responding to my ask!!
I know it's hard to believe. But remember to keep convincing yourself. That's very important. I'm glad to hear your parents are being supportive 🧡
You are so right about the reactions to coming out. For a lot of queer people, it's not just the hate and violence that scares them from coming out, but also the possibility of losing someone's love and respect. I've done A LOT of reflection and thinking on Victoria's character since LBAF IV and her characterisation changed a lot in my mind and I'm really happy with what I ended up with. So, I'm looking forward to seeing how yall perceive her too.
Just realised everyone in the mavid family except for Max is having a 'secret' affair. LOL.
Regine needs help. I know we talk about Kincaid needing a support system, but Regine needs it badly too. At least Kincaid has a mother who is loving and present. Regine is isolated and as we know she has a habit of spying people and gossiping, so her head is FULL of a lot of conflicting and harmful information. She needs to be removed from that environment asap if you ask me. She should've gone to the Academy when Antoine asked her smh.
My favourite part of any story is when "everything comes together". But we have a long way to go before that. But I hope it will be good when we get there.
Sending love to you. Hope the exams went well :)
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