phoenix-downer · 8 months
With the Dawn
~1155 words. Tidus/Yuna. Post-FFX. Yuna POV. Grief/Mourning, Angst, Romance, Coping with Loss.
Summary: Yuna reflects on how Tidus has impacted her life. Though she misses him terribly, her memories of him give her the strength to move forward one day, one hour, one moment at a time.
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Yuna can’t go anywhere that doesn’t remind her of him. They went everywhere around Spira together. Kilika, Luca, the Mi’ihen Highroad, Djose, Moonflow, Guadosalam, the Thunder Plains, the Macalania Woods, Bevelle. The Calm Lands, Mt. Gagazet, Zanarkand, they saw it all together. Places that once brought her comfort and happy memories now reopen the wounds of grief. Not even her beloved Besaid is safe. His face and voice are everywhere and yet nowhere. He’s gone from this world, and his absence hangs over everything like a giant canopy cloaking the sun.
Fittingly for a day like today, the sky is overcast as she walks along, casting a pall on this beautiful tropical paradise like his loss casts a shadow over her life. She knew him for only a small portion of it, and yet, he had such an impact on her that his influence is undeniable. The two of them spent their short time together better than most people spend decades together. That was just how Tidus was. Always making the most of every moment. Always living life to the fullest. He showed her there was another way to live, another way to love. That if she was going to sacrifice herself, it had better be for something she believed in with all her heart. 
She can no longer believe in Yu Yevon anymore. That is perhaps Tidus’s greatest gift to her: truth and freedom from an oppressive belief system that held her and so many other people captive. Being called a heretic and an apostate is oddly freeing once you’ve found the truth. Like a badge she wears proudly because she cared enough to keep searching for answers.
If only she could search for him. But how do you search for someone who is not dead because he was never really alive? Tidus only existed because of the Dream of the Fayth. His life was never like hers. And yet he was the realest person she’s ever met.
She stares at Besaid Falls, the churning white water ever crashing against the rock. This place has been here since she first set foot on Besaid, and it’s tempting to think it always will be. And yet she knows that even this is temporary, that someday these falls will be no more. That is the only guarantee in this life, that someday everything will end. Best to appreciate the good things while they last.
She wanted to have so much more time with him. Imagine what they could’ve done with even a few more days, a few more hours, a few more minutes. But she recognizes some people are meant to be in her life for only a season. The spray from the falls mixes with the tears on her face as she thinks about what a wonderful season it was. Tidus taught her so much. And she knows he would say the same about her—that she helped him appreciate the value of love and sacrifice. Of having a purpose you believe in with all your heart. She’s glad he was able to reconcile with his father too. Sir Jecht certainly had his flaws, but he truly loved his son.
She wipes her eyes and turns away from the falls. Life is far too short and far too precious to hold grudges. It’s best spent loving the people you hold dear and letting them know how much they mean to you while you still can. Making treasured memories that will last until your own time runs out. Death always comes in the end, sometimes when you least expect it. All the Sendings she’s performed, all too often for those far too young, are proof enough of that.
Her mother, her father, and now Tidus. Her life is a series of one loss after the other. But for the sake of the people who remain, she must carry on. To honor the memory of the people she loves and has lost, she must live the rest of her life to the fullest. Must make the most of the remaining time she has and help Spira rebuild.
She walks along the well-worn path. Some moments she desperately wishes she could be reunited with her parents and Tidus again now, even if it means the end of her own life. But then she thinks about how they all want her to live. It would not honor them to end her own life prematurely, especially when her living loved ones need her. She still has work to do in this life. Then, when her time comes and she is reunited with her deceased loved ones in the Farplane at long last, she can do so with the knowledge she has made them proud and has lived her life well. She wants to leave a legacy as impactful as their legacies.
She is on the beach now where Tidus initially appeared, where he first erupted into her life and left a wave of bliss in his wake. The water laps at the hem of her dress and the wet sand rubs against her feet as the sunset streaks the sky with a symphony of colors. She is alive, and every sense celebrates this fact. Out of habit she performs his whistle, flooding the air with the familiar sound. Not so much to try to summon him as to let him know she’s thinking of him. That she remembers him. A promise that he is on her heart and mind until the day she dies.
That’s all anyone really wants, isn’t it? To be remembered even after they’re gone. For their loved ones to treasure the memories of their precious time together in their hearts. That matters far more than fame and riches. 
Yuna clasps her hands and clears her throat, then recounts one of her favorite memories of Tidus, the moment he smiled at her after their first kiss. It’s a little moment in a sea of big ones, but it means so much to her. The tears come and she doesn’t try to restrain them this time. They’re precious reminders of her love for him and soon join the swell of the ocean to carry her grief far away. She’s honest about how much she misses him and how much she wants to see him again. All the specific ways his loss is felt in her heart and her life.
Her only answer is the steady tide lapping against the shore. No one can hear her, no one visible anyway, and yet she feels calmer afterwards. At peace.
She sighs deeply. The sun has set and a cool evening breeze has picked up. The moon casts its gentle warm glow on the sea, and the stars are twinkling in the heavens above. She’s made it through another day without him. Night has come, and this too shall pass.
This will all pass in the end, and hope will come with the dawn.
A/N: FFX holds a very dear place in my heart, as it was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. I have fond memories from enjoying it with one of my closest friends, and then later sharing it with a family member. During difficult times in my life, it's been a comfort to return to, so it was very cathartic to write this story and explore Yuna's thoughts and feelings post-FFX.
Thank you for reading!
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ageofzero · 2 years
The prophecy is fulfilled, the debt is paid.
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dendrite-blues · 2 years
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