#this will update pretty quickly i read fanfic too much-
hisbreathcatches · 2 years
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byler fanfic recs !
favorite of all time !
force of gravity - oceanfruit
literally the best fic i’ve ever read tbh. it’s got slow burn, angst, fluff, all the good stuff you know? idek how to describe the emotions i felt while reading this but it was an amazing experience. definitely my #1 byler fic recommendation 🫶
one shots !
i’d love to see me from your point of view - unidentifiedblackthorn
Mike and Will get high on Jonathan’s weed and Mike has an amazing idea.
you know me better than i do - unidentifiedblackthorn
Will can't avoid Mike forever, and they talk about what happened the day they got high together.
the right idea - candlelitheart
the basis for this fic is loosely inspired by the scene where jonathan and nancy get together in season two because i think it's one of the cutest scenes ever.
kiss it better - beansie
Mike and Will, through the years and in between the lines of friendship and something more.
magnetic pull - pressedviolets
Mike gets drunk at a party and kisses a boy. Will catches them together and is understandably confused.
sweeter than candy - smpshift
where Mike realizes he's head over heels for Will at 3 AM and mindlessly rides his bike across Hawkins just to tell him.
garden song - bafflingyew
Will is rooted to the ground, heart pounding. He wants this. He wants this so bad, but he needs to know that Mike is sure. He needs to know that he’s serious. He needs to know.
home is where the heart is - snoosnoom (moonsooms)
Living in a shared apartment with Will is all Mike could ask for, except for the part where he keeps thinking about kissing Will in the middle of their kitchen.
what do you do now, will the wise? - rainbownixie
The party is playing D&D together and Mike, as the dungeon master, won’t stop trying to make the Paladin and the Cleric flirt. He’s basically making moves on Will through the game. Will is caught off guard by this, and doesn’t know how to respond to the following question:
What do you do now, Will the Wise?
Everything comes down to a simple roll of dice.
the wooing of will byers (and other mishaps) - softzombieboy
With El still in confinement and Dustin increasingly preoccupied the remaining four members group together. Lucas and Max are inescapably a couple now, which makes it a little awkward for Mike and Will as they are unintentionally tagging along on dates. It is especially uncomfortable because Mike keeps insisting that he and Will do the same romantic things as their friends.
a little of that human touch - poetic patron
Will wakes up from a nightmare and Mike helps in the best way he knows how: Cuddles. Which would be fine, except for the fact he's been trying to hide his feelings for his best friend since the moment he touched down in California.
are you happy? - twistedrocketpower
Hopper doesn't care that Will is gay. He doesn't care that Will is in a relationship with a boy. He only cares that the boy is Mike Wheeler, the bane of his existence. He wants to make sure Will knows what he's doing, so he has a little chat with his stepson.
a three step plan to make will byers fall in love - romeowrites
The party concocts a three-step plan to get Will Byers to fall in love assuming, of course, that he hasn’t already.
busy tone - spaceeggscreams
Mike calls Will after a bad day, hoping to get through to his best friend after he's moved away. Instead, he's confronted with a busy tone. He talks anyway.
defensive positions - on_the_rook_cliff
Will and Mike end up cornered and Will becomes protective while Mike becomes flustered.
yes this is a byler fic but i wrote it at 5am and couldn’t think of a title - lillajoba
Just two bros being totally platonic in a motel room.
dance where the rain won’t hurt us - venusperia
mike wheeler doesn't love art — he just loves will byers.
four lessons about you - lia (liastories)
A collection of four times where Mike discovered new methods to make Will feel safe in his company, including how his ‘Will voice’ was born.
are you still mine? - shoto_scribbles
How music brings Mike and Will closer than any trauma could.
more than anyone else - idkilike5sos
An imagining of what would've happened if Will had been at home when Mike and Lucas went to apologise after the fight in season 3.
i want to dance with somebody (somebody who loves me) - beanwithaq
It's the S2 snowball but everyone is actually gay. Including the girl who Will is dancing with and Jennifer Hayes. Who really wanted to dance with that girl
birds of a feather flock together - bundibird
"You know," Robin tells Mike, her voice low and calm and soothing. "You can like both girls and boys."
Steve jerks in his seat like someone slapped him.
"What!?" he splutters, and it comes out as something halfway between a yelp and a squawk.
I Never Find Out 'Til I'm Head Over Heels - orphan_account
Wherein Mike believes he’s being obvious, Will doesn’t know what he believes, and the pair of them could use a lesson or two in effective communication. Somehow all of this has both nothing and everything to do with five years' worth of school dances.
eyecatcher - smoosnoom (moonsooms)
While volunteering at the Hawkins' help center, it seems like every girl around has a newfound interest in Will Byers, and Mike doesn't know why he feels the way he does.
you had me for a minute there - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
senior year in hawkins
sealed with a kiss - astrobi
Listen. No one should ever let Mike make decisions right after he wakes up from a nap, okay? Especially not decisions where Will is concerned. This is so not his fault.
Follow Your Heart 'Til it Bleeds - teej_318
Will and Richie spend the summer bonding over their feelings for their friends Mike and Eddie. Robin gives them some much-needed advice when they hang out at Scoops Ahoy.
you got a fast car - castlebyer
it's spring of 1989, will and mike are young and in love. loosely based on how the song fast car by tracy chapman makes me feel minus the sad ending bc who wants that ?
Down to the Heart - disaster_energy
Mike doesn’t actually think Jonathan’s doing it on purpose, but he's starting to have his doubts.
Or, 5 times Jonathan shatters the moment and one time he doesn't.
dance with me (I think I really like you) - borealisaurora
Mike feels sad after coming back to his dorm from a party, and he reveals to his roommate Will that he’s never danced with anyone before. Will decides to change that :)
(College AU set in the 80s!)
Sober Thoughts - idk_ilike5sos
After an awkward game of spin the bottle at a party, Will takes Mike back to his place and receives a drunken confession about the game.
Walk of Shame - idk_ilike5sos
Mike wakes up in Will's bed, hungover after attending a party the night before. It's normal. Everything's fine... then he remembers.
make me your future history - andiwriteordie
A story of Will and Mike’s past, present, and plans for the future, told in seven parts.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - BoNUKA5
It's the end of 1988, and Mike is determined to confess his feelings to his best friend, Will. He hatches a plan to confess on New Year's Eve, because what is more romantic than kissing on New Year's Eve?
that funny feeling - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
"So you- you haven't, like. Kissed anyone, then?" Mike asks, fully aware that he should probably just quit while he's ahead but needing to know, suddenly, if Will has any sort of romantic entanglements that he's neglected to tell Mike about. He's not sure why, but there's something in his gut that demands to know, has some sort of sudden need to know if Will has kissed anyone that's not him.
If Will has kissed anyone that's not-
Wait, what?
or: Mike is jealous of himself.
you in my heart - soukeye
It was sundown. Mike finally had the courage to look at Will straight in the face, witnessing up close the rosy blush on his cheeks and his long eyelashes. Mike Wheeler is so lucky to have a best friend like Will Byers. So lucky it made his heart hurt. Is this normal? Is this what close friendship is like? Because never did he feel so much with Lucas and Dustin, his heart practically palpitating with the only thoughts clouding his mind being the boy staring at him so affectionately.
undertow - beansie
Will has never had his first kiss. Mike is happy to lend a hand.
in progress !
why would you ever kiss me? - aghostlybreath
When Eleven saves Will from Vecna she gets more than she bargained for when they wake up in the wrong bodies. Now to prevent Vecna from infiltrating the mind of his most perfect host the two of them must pretend to be the other.
i think we have a lot in common - teddythebear
Eddie Munson Adopts Will Byers because Gay Found Family is my favorite trope!
god, just kiss already! - californiasummer
5 times the Party watched Mike and Will uselessly pine after another + 1 time they did something about it.
as the world ends, i'll find my home in you - romeowrites
The end of the world was almost peaceful. And then the screaming started. 
My version of Stranger Things 5.
a loserparty groupchat <;3 - heydorothea18
Mike refuses to tell Richie anything about his friends. Naturally, this is an issue because Richie feels the need to make his cousin's life torture. After a thorough Instagram stalking (with Bev's help), a group chat is created.
When It's Over - ikrannn
Mike Wheeler disappeared from his family's household in Minnesota due to a wolf attack two years ago. One year ago, he came back to them in Hawkins Indiana, where he met his Party and the Losers Club. Now, he hopes that he can survive the turmoils of high school and balance being inhuman on top of that.
OR, haha werewolf fic go BRRR
The Search is Over - ur_ur_ur_mom
Mike moves to Hawkins from Chicago and completely changes Will Byers life.
i'll be your quiet afternoon crush - heydorothea18
Mike hadn't planned on getting arrested on his last day of summer vacation, but at least the chief of police had a cute son.
In Max's mind, getting arrested wasn't that huge of a deal. Getting arrested alongside Mike Wheeler, however, was. And El- the chief of police's daughter- was the biggest deal of all.
Rock 'n' Roll - bylerisc4non
One fateful October night in 1995, Will Byers is dragged by his step-sister, Jane, and her best friend to a rock concert. That was just the beginning…
Or, it's the 90s, Will's in college, Mike's in a band, and there's some...tension.
The Webbing of my Heart - kindoffruityig
Will Byers was a normal 16-year-old living in New York. That was until he got bit by a radioactive spider which changed the trajectory of his mundane life. As Will experiments with his new powers, he finds that he can help people, and save them from the everyday crimes that happen around the city of New York. Juggling his superhero life and his normal life is no easy job so Will has to put his all into it. Through his adventures of being a superhero, he pushes away those that were once the closest to him and has to deal with the responsibility of keeping a whole city safe and also keeping up with his ever-growing pile of schoolwork. Will he be able to keep his identity secret? Can he fight off the dangers that are headed for New York City? The only way to find out is to read, so enjoy!
completed !
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) - blackdeathmamba
five times Mike kissed Will, and one time Will kissed back.
A Box of Unsent Letters Under My Bed, All Addressed To You - adhd_bisexual_nonbeany
Mike Wheeler doesn't understand why he can't just put a stamp on the envelope and place the letters in the mailbox
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ill add more as i read more ! if your fanfic is in here and you want it removed, just comment/dm me. :)
also keep in mind that if you reblog this, any updates i add after that won’t show up on your reblog. if you want to see if i added more fics just go to the original post !
last updated 12/30
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castielslostwings · 2 years
Please help me tell people about my book!
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Hi! I'm publishing a book! It's HERE, just in time for Christmas!! It's GAY!! It's romantic!!! It's HOT! It has firefighters and background sapphic romance, and is exciting AF!!!
I'm very excited, too!
Both U.S. domestic and international friends can order shipped Paperbacks from me directly via my Ko-Fi shop (retailers take less of a cut): https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings/shop Or you can order on amazon directly, this is the only way to get the KINDLE ebook option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945687126
Standard EPUB format is available to download directly from me for $1 cheaper than Amazon: https://ko-fi.com/s/2a82c64d56
And WILL be available at other retailers soon!
Here's the thing: I had a pretty solid platform on Twitter, but since Elon took over, a lot of my followers left, the algorithm crashed, and the whole thing might go under. I don't have the same reach on other platforms, so I need some help! Please share this post if you like GAY SHIT and BOOKS and helping indie content creators be successful!!! Please follow me or check out my ko-fi for updates! Thanks!!! Here's my pitch, hope you like it:
"Fire & Ice": The flaming hot queer romance novel where a foray into BDSM helps two best friends find themselves, each other, and what it really means to burn. Summary: "Firefighter Tripp Truett has somehow tumbled into a whole new kind of relationship with his quirky paramedic best friend, Lee, but mutual relief from their high-stress jobs quickly develops into something more. With all the missed signals and crossed wires, can these two ever figure out that they're so much closer to being on the same page than they think?"
**************************************** About the author (info dump ahoy!!!!) :
I'm Robin, sometimes known as Wings! I'm a 36-year-old, queer, autistic, disabled mom of 2 humans and 5 senior rescue dogs, former R.N. & paramedic. I'm a hardcore fangirl and a proud fanfic writer (and reader), and while I know some people will judge me for that, I am not ashamed! I started writing as a hobby after becoming physically disabled and unable to work as an RN. Fanfic gave me an audience and an outlet, gifted me purpose and hope again. Transformative fiction is FUN! It fosters creativity and passion, heals wounds, and makes people happy. If someone wants to discredit me for that, then perhaps they aren't the audience I'm seeking.
Ultimately, I know I'm taking a risk, but since people seem to enjoy my fics, this book is my attempt to try and make ends meet through original fiction! I know some people WILL discredit me. But I'm always about being myself and speaking on what I feel matters: Fanfic should be legitimized as a creative medium. I assure you, friends—the thousands of hours I've spent on my fanworks are as REAL as it gets. The intersection of disparaging fanfic + sexism/misogyny can't be overstated—women (esp queer women)'s unpaid work is often treated as a "hobby," not worthy of uplifting. I'm here to uplift! The risk is worth it—I would have nothing without fanfic & I'm proud. Younger creators shouldn't feel shame about writing/reading fanfic. We should ALL approach it as a legitimate medium. In fact, MOST new media these days is transformative "fanwork" of SOME kind, whether it's inspired by, based on, or outright rebooting existing worlds.
Plus, we queer folk simply deserve to see our stories in the mainstream media and to see the characters we fall in love, identify with, and root for to get their happily ever afters.
TL;DR: I'm keeping my name and history. Hopefully, I'll be successful in original fiction, but if not, I'll still be a fangirl. Please consider supporting me + other creators attempting to dip into original works. Follow or subscribe to my ko-fi for previews, updates, access to my discord community where I share exclusive content, and more: https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings FIRE & ICE IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! Ko-Fi subscribers will have the option to buy signed copies & merch bundles! The link to purchase will also be posted there first.
A MAJOR thank you to my friends, editors, and to everyone who in my server for supporting and encouraging me to put myself out there and try something new. Love you guys so much. <3 Thank you to @chaoticdean for the beautiful cover. Many more thank yous to come. P.S. If you are reading this and know anyone with a platform who might be interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for promo (only if they enjoy, ofc), please holler at me, I can use all the help I can get!
<3 Wings
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fanficsforfun · 2 years
Smut = 🔥, Fluff = 💕, Angst = 🖤
Characters I write about can be found here
New fics will be published about once a month
NOTE! I do not take requests
Feel free to comment on my fics though, feedback would be nice
Last updated on 15/5/2024
Good girl with naughty thoughts - Severus Snape x female reader: you fantasize about Snape in his lesson and get caught. Snape commands you to get in his office after class to give you a punishment that matches your offense: your fantasy in real life 🔥
Be careful what you wish for - Thorin Oakenshield x female reader: you fantasize about Thorin while touching yourself. He finds you doing it and decides to give you what you want 🔥
Shadow - Geralt of Rivia x female reader: you’ve been wanting Geralt for a long time but have always been too shy to approach him. One day you and him end up in the same bathroom and it turns out that he’s good at reading people as well as doing some other things 🔥
My little boy - Kili x female human reader: you have a naughty fantasy about Kili, who also happens to want you. He decides to come visit you and when it’s just you and him there, you can't keep your hands off him. The young dwarf is that much smaller than you that he cannot easily resist you (as if he’d even want to), so you have free hands to do whatever you want to him 🔥
I’m not gonna hurt you - Adam Ruzek x female reader: you unwittingly find yourself in the middle of a gang arrest. You run away, but one of the policemen follows you, mistaking you for one of the gang members. He quickly realizes that you are not a member of the gang and wants to ask you a couple of questions as an eyewitness. However, you are afraid of the police and he has to calm you down before you dare to speak 💕
A bad day - Alvin Olinsky x gender neutral reader: you have a bad day but thankfully Olinsky’s there to make you feel better 🖤,💕
Stone-cold killer - Alvin Olinsky x female reader: you end up in the middle of a gang shooting but somehow don’t get shot. One of the gangsters takes you hostage in order to escape. Things escalates and he threatens to kill you but Olinsky saves you before anything really bad happens to you. Afterwards he goes great lengths to take care of you 🖤,💕
Close to you - Yondu Udonta x female reader: you like Yondu and come up with a genius plan to make sure you get his attention 💕
Your wish is my command - Yondu Udonta x female reader: you have a crush on Yondu but it takes some time before things get heated and by that you’re pretty desperate for it 🔥
When fantasy becomes reality - Michael Rooker x female reader: you have had a crush on Rooker for some time and when you see him in public you just can’t stop staring. He notices it and, to your surprise, gives you a long hug 💕
Throw Grenade! - Simon “Ghost” Riley x gender neutral reader: you want to learn to throw hand grenades and to your surprise, Ghost is happy to teach you 💕
Safe haven - Daryl Dixon x gender neutral reader: after a close call with a walker you’re scared and seek safety from Daryl who, to your surprise, is willing to offer it 🖤,💕
Southern love - Merle Dixon x shy female reader: Merle was with the other men on a supply run, but the trip got extended and you got worried. He gets back safe and sound but realizes the concern he has caused you and wants to make it up to you 🖤,💕,🔥
Touch me - Yondu Udonta x female reader: you have a thing for Yondu and he knows it, deciding to let you have what you want 🔥
Merle - Michael Rooker x female reader: Rooker’s role-playing as Merle to comfort you after you were feeling bad for a fanfic you read about Merle 🖤,💕
Magic - Severus Snape x female reader: you fantasize about Snape during his potions class and as a punishment, he casts a spell on you that makes the rest of the lesson a torturous and humiliating, yet pleasurable experience 🔥
Pretty as a peach - Merle Dixon x female reader: you have had a problem with your looks for a long time, but then you meet Merle who, as surprising it is, makes you feel better about yourself 💕
Hungry for touch - Merle Dixon x female reader: you're in need, so to speak, until you come up with a good idea to seduce Merle to meet those needs of yours 🔥
Not all the Ravagers are the same - Yondu Udonta x female reader: some idiot forcefully touches you in a bar, but Yondu happens to notice the situation and intervenes (🖤),💕
Guts (re-writed) - Merle Dixon x female reader: TWD s1e2 re-writed so that Merle doesn't get left behind 🖤,💕,🔥
You don’t wanna get a death threat form a redneck - Merle Dixon x female reader: Merle can’t tolerate anyone else but him touching you  (🖤),💕
Seventh heaven - Merle Dixon x female reader:  Merle has a bad day and you decide to cheer him up (🖤),🔥
The archaeology professor - Indiana Jones x gender neutral reader: despite several decades of age difference, you find Indy attractive, and he doesn't mind your interest 🔥
Hard work -  Indiana Jones x gender neutral reader: you’re working as a research assistant and the job got you exhausted, but luckily Indy knows how to help 💕
Not alone -  Indiana Jones x gender neutral reader: you’re feeling lonely and decide to see if Indy would want to talk with you 💕
Out in the woods - Merle Dixon x female reader: you follow Merle out on a supply run, wishing to be alone with him. That wish gets fulfilled as well as you naughty daydream of him 🔥
Sleepover in the apocalypse - Merle Dixon x female reader: nights are the hardest times in the world after the outbreak… that is until Merle asks you to come over for the night! 💕
Insecurities (drabble) - Merle Dixon x female reader: you've had a problem with your small breasts for a long time but Merle's touch makes you feel better 💕,🔥
Cuddles - Merle Dixon x gender neutral reader: you feel bad and seek comfort from Merle 💕
Home run - Merle Dixon x female reader: part 2 for Sleepover in the apocalypse, this time things just go further 🔥
Nothing crazy -  Merle Dixon x female reader: you’re feeling a bit down and Merle decides to cheer you up  🔥
Short imagines, etc.
Untitled - Severus Snape x gender neutral reader: Snape pinning you against a wall 🔥
Untitled 2 - Derek Hale x female reader: Derek catching  you sneaking around his house 🔥
Untitled 3 - Simon “Ghost” Riley x gender neutral reader: collection of imagines of various things, including him cleaning his gun and you sitting in his lap 🔥,💕
First time with Ghost - Simon “Ghost” Riley x female reader: imagine of how it would be like to lose your virginity to Ghost 🔥
Untitled 4 - Simon “Ghost” Riley x gender neutral reader: random headcanons about Ghost
Untitled 5 -  Simon “Ghost” Riley x gender neutral reader: Ghost interrogates you as an enemy but soon realizes that’s not what you are 💕 (+ implied 🔥)
Size/strength kink headcanons with Ghost - Simon “Ghost” Riley x female reader 💕,🔥
Untitled 6 - Merle Dixon x female reader: reader gets saved by Merle  🖤,💕 (+ implied 🔥)
Untitled 7 - Indiana Jones x female reader: shy uni student!reader wanting Indy’s attention 💕
Untitled 8 - Merle Dixon x female reader: Merle flirting with an inexperienced reader 🔥
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campbyler · 8 months
chapter six review:
i’m going insane. I’m Going Insane. I. Am going insane. I’m GOING INSANE!!!
the amount of brainrot that this fic has given me is so fucking ridiculous. you all are legends. this is history being made right now and i’m so glad i get to engage with it.
that being said: fuck you for making me scream and giggle and chuck my phone across the room multiple times while reading this chapter. fuck you for writing mike’s feelings for will into his internal monologue so intensely that i wanted to cry. fuck you for sending me into the goddamn stratosphere every time these two had a quiet, genuine moment where they weren’t just making out.
AND ESPECIALLY: fuck you for the “I know you.”
I know you? I know you? I KNOW YOU??!?!!!! WHAT THE FUCK????!??!!???!!!!!!??!!!
anyway, thank you so much for another wonderful chapter. i hope you get some rest in between uploads and don’t stress too much about crunching anything in, because i’m pretty sure most of us following this fic would wait decades for the next chapter with no judgement or complaint. (i would, anyway. i know how difficult it is to write shit quickly and especially long, intense, carefully crafted shit like this. as i said: legends.)
stop this was so kind 😭😭😭 tysm!!!
ok i hope your phone is okay and i'm sorry (i'm not) for making you scream and giggle so much while reading it. they're just a couple silly guys!!!!!
also thank you so much!!! life is Like That sometimes, so i know we all appreciate the patience when updates get delayed :) (we're just silly girls trying to survive the horrors and write fanfic in our limited free time!!!)
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
Writing/Art Update 2.27.2024
I met all three of my goals for last week, which is good, I guess. Number one was to stop being manic about my stupid fanfic, which I did, but I half-regret, because maybe I would be done by now, if I had just shot the anxiety curl, but that's neither here nor there, I suppose. I did finish Chapter 9a, and sent Chapters 7 and 8 to the beta, which were the other things I said I wanted to do. I, in fact, managed to make a dent in Chapter 9c, as well (Chapter 9b is like a little interlude thing, which may or may not get subsumed into Chapter 9c, depending on how long it comes out)
I am so close to being done, and I feel like it ought to be easy to push it over the finish line, but it hasn't. I've been feeling pretty down on it for the last few days. I'm not super-happy with the way the last few chapters have been turning out, but on the other hand, I'm not sure I have any way to make them better. I think a lot of it may just be that I have been working on this fanfic for so long that I'm kinda sick of it. :\
I took a little bit of a break today--I finished a book I was reading, and I made sort of a rough draft version of a banner, mostly because I'm still trying to nail down the title from a couple of different variations, and I was hoping that seeing it visually would be helpful. Based on that, the current frontrunner is Damage History (the other two options are Past Damage and Prior Damage, please feel free to tell me if you have any opinions).
I just did the math and apparently I crossed the six figure mark this week: the thing currently stands at 100,731 words (+7,004 for last week...really? How did I manage that???) I have two and a half scenes left to go, one of which is supposed to be short and one of which is the epilogue. There's also at least one scene that I'll probably try to rewrite a bit, I dunno. I guess the goal for next week is to finish the thing??? All of this feels extremely unreal.
Anyway, you've all been incredibly patient with me, so here's another preview. This is from one of the flashbacks in Chapter 2, and if it seems vaguely familiar, it's because it's one of the parts that got spun out of the old Renji-breaks-an-arm story.
Much like Kitajima himself, the shop had looked a lot better the last time Renji had seen it. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere. Most of the shelves were half-empty. 
"Take off your shirt," Kitajima instructed, dragging out a stool for Renji to sit on. 
"All the damage is below the elbow," Renji said quietly.
"Oh, look who's a medic now," the old man burbled.
Renji took off his shirt.
Kitajima pressed one of his clammy hands in the space between Renji's shoulder blades. A cold, nasty feeling bled down Renji's arm. He wanted to vomit. After a few moments, Kitajima felt his way down Renji's arm, squeezing at his flesh and shooting painful little sparks into his nerves. When the old rat snake got past the elbow, his fingers pressed against the end of the broken bone and Renji nearly passed out. 
"Hey! You're hurting him!" Rukia barked, bracing her entire weight against Renji's shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright.
Kitajima ignored her.
It wasn't pain, not exactly. Well. It was painful, but it was more like Renji's body was burning through all of his energy as quickly as possible. It felt like dying.
Kitajima finished his palpitations, then fetched something from one of his dusty jars. "Eat this," he said, pressing it into Renji's hand.
Renji remembered these things all too well. He'd eaten a lot of them during the period when he was working for Kitajima. It was a pill made up of mashed rice and various dried roots and seeds. They weren't the tastiest thing in the world, but they packed a lot of energy and they lasted forever. He bit into it gingerly.
“As I told you the last time you were here,” the old man growled, “you have the demon magic in you. The shinigami use it to cast spells, but also to push their bodies past what is normally possible. Like a fool, you have done this without proper training. You have broken and healed yourself simultaneously, but with no skill, and you have made a hash of it.”
“I wasn’t trying,” Renji excused. 
“Can you repair it?” Rukia pressed.
“I can rebreak it,” Kitajima replied.
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sotwk · 5 months
I’m a bit late to the party, but thank you SO much for answering me super fast! I so appreciate your ultra-in-depth response about Mirion and Arvellas’s fates. Although I still weep on weekends, it’s helped me so much with my own story! And all the supplemental headcanon info on Mirkwood as a society has been invaluable to me as well! (Also thank you so much for your update on my Lindir fic! Please don’t worry about the length of time! When I submitted the request I shot for maybe having it as a Christmas present or New Year’s treat! But any time I receive it l’ll savor it all the same!)
I wanted to ask though, are there any writing exercises or prompts that you do to train your writing muscles? I find that I have a tougher time placing dialogue intentionally where it needs to be, and I struggle with showing, not telling. I plan my stories and chapters, which helps me a TON, but I still have issues. I’m coming back to writing after abandoning it in about 2018 because of uni and life. But now I wanna come back, which is why I’m writing my story, but I feel so rusty. Any tips/suggestions on how/what to write to improve on these skills?
Thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciate you. Your account’s richer than the mines of Moria for great writing content!
- Mithril
Hello Mirthril my friend!
Boy, am I glad I was able to answer your Ask quickly last time, because this one is laaaaate. I hope you'll forgive me that, but I have been pondering over your question since I received it.
My impostor syndrome tends to rear its ugly head whenever someone asks me for writing advice. I am against false modesty and all for giving oneself due credit, so I will say that I am a pretty damn good writer. (And I certainly hope so; I suck at math and most left-brain skills, so this is all I've got, haha!) However, I wouldn't call myself top-tier in the fanfic writer's world. Even though I have been doing this for many years, I still struggle with any aspects of my writing--in the same ways you described!
But you asked so kindly and I want to be able to offer you something, so here are the few tips I could think of that personally work for me, in addressing the challenges you described:
SotWK's Writing Strategies and Tips
Writing exercises or prompts
I actually suffer from having too many ideas, so I don't seek or invite new prompts often. I lean on the endless stream of wackadoo ideas in my brain, or the lovely suggestions and requests that come into my (always open) Ask Box.
I exercise things that I'm weakest at, and right now that's my speed and focus. I currently write at an abysmal 6-7 wpm (about 200 words every 30 minutes). Embarrassingly slow! I very recently discovered sprinting on Discord servers, and so far it's been effective in training me to focus on just getting words down as quickly as I can. I highly recommend it! I think with time it will gradually bump up my wpm.
If you really would like prompts to get you going, there are plenty of prompt games floating around the Tolkien fandom. You can also source them from writing groups, such as @fellowshipofthefics, the one I currently belong to. Their January Trope Roulette, for example, is so much fun! Amazing support group for Tolkien writers, and more importantly--very chill, no pressure.
This is tricky for everyone, and definitely exposes a writer's style and ability to speak in the voice of different characters (I think that's why writers stress about it). You gotta do it with accuracy and range, so it IS a challenge!
If you want to get as close to the characters' voices as Tolkien wrote them, then the obvious strategy seems to be to immerse yourself in the source material. Read the books. Watch the movies (which are pretty faithful, tone/dialogue wise).
When writing Tolkien fanfic, I am constantly browsing through my books (having ebook copies helps), playing the trilogies in the background, or listening to the audiobooks (I have the Andy Serkis versions). It's a little bit like method acting. If you drown yourself in the character's voices enough, you'll actually start talking like them in your head. You'll pick up on the language, the word choices, the pace of the dialogue within the story.
This is the reason I personally don't hop around fandoms (Tolkien only), and I stay away from modern AUs or crack fics. I prefer to preserve that Middle-earth tone and voice and keep it consistent in my writings.
You can also draw inspiration from other period/medieval/fantasy works! My frequent go-to's are ASOIAF/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, Pride and Prejudice, and even Downtown Abbey works!
This last one might be extra weird, but I am a writer who leans heavily on fancasts/actors for inspiration. I like seeing a clear face and hearing a distinct voice for the character I am writing. It truly helps me write dialogue. For this reason, I fancast every major character that appears in my fics, and I usually pick big-name actors. Why? Because they have more movies/tv shows I can watch and listen to!
Fun fact: While writing my Éomer fic (which was VERY dialogue heavy), I listened to the first 7 minutes of Dredd SO MANY TIMES over and over just to imbibe Karl Urban's voice--I'm surprised the Netflix app didn't crash.
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Showing, not telling
Here's one thing to try: Use "said" or "said + adverb" more often than you think you should, instead of trying to force a substitute. Or don't use a speech verb at all. This will force you to get a bit more descriptive about the characters' specific condition or actions. (Example from my fic: “Anywhere. Far enough to take you away from all this--” Éomer swung out his free arm in a gesture as wild as the fervor in his eyes. “Away from everything that is confusing you.”)
Visualizing a clear picture in my head helps me with the showing, and writing descriptions. Besides daydreaming and staring off into space, watch cinematic masterpieces, and train yourself to use words to describe what you are seeing.
But personally, I think purple prose and lack of brevity is the bigger issue in many fanfics (including my own). We need to remember there's nothing wrong with being straightforward in our storytelling and descriptions, because it speeds up the story pace or at least gives it more variety.
Shaking off Rust
Nothing else to do but just do it, my friend! :)
Whenever I feel rusty or blah about my current projects, I just shuffle over to a different WIP, or if it's really bad--start a new one!
As long as you're getting words down and you're happy and satisfied, you're doing it right.
Lean on writing friends for help and inspiration. We are a community here, regardless of the whisperings that "fandom is dying". It will stay alive and thriving if we keep it so!
Anyway, that's my non-professional, semi-bogus advice regarding things that work for me! Hopefully you can find something in there that works for you too.
Thank you as always for your kind words, and I wish you the best of luck--and LOTS OF FUN--in your writing!
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
I read your “Lady Danbury” fanfic (which I loved) so I figured that means you’ve watched Bridgerton, so I’ve got to ask what are your opinions on Edwina?
Glad you like it(I'm going to try updating soon). Yes, I've watched Bridgerton and despite how much I talk about HOTD, it's my absolute favorite show on air right now 😊
As far as Edwina Sharma goes, bless her. I know she gets hate from a lot of the fandom(which I try to stay away from because I don’t need to be in two crazy fandoms 🤣 ) including from some Kate stans because of how she “acted” upon finding out Anthony and Kate had feelings for each other, but I genuinely don’t understand why.
Edwina reacts how any sane person would react and it’s not like she doesn’t forgive Kate, but that’s her sister (and Kate’s the older sister who speaking as an older sister 🫠). To have your sister fall in love with your fiancé/the man who is courting you is a truly mortifying experience.
Now I’m not going to blame Kate too much because again they are sisters, Kate isn’t a bad sister, and as much as I love Anthony Bridgerton he’s the one that puts them in an awkward situation.
Kate never really egged him on in that way, but as embarrassing as it would be, she should’ve told Edwina what was going on. Even if Edwina chose not to believe her at least she warned her about the situation 🤷🏽‍♀️
Of course, you have people who say that Edwina herself should’ve known what was happening, but she’s only 18, and who in their right mind is going to guess that their sister and their fiancé have feelings for each other 🤷🏽‍♀️
Before I go ranting on endlessly, season 2 was very messy. They did spend too much time dragging out the Edwina doesn't know drama, which is resolved pretty quickly in the book from what I've heard.
I can kinda understand why Kathony fans would be upset with everything being dragged out since it seemingly limited the spicy time(which is another reason why Queen Charlotte was so spicy), but Edwina herself is a sweet character who deserves nothing but the best.
If she popped up married to the prince or if they ever had Bridgerton The Movie and gave her a little romance arc, that would be perfect👍🏽
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
A Few Choice Words.
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player: Rúben Dias words: 536 warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk, light throat grabbing, hint of spanking, mentions of sucking dick and deep throat. request: Or a quickie during an event or party. I'm sure you'll have an even better idea, you never miss with your works. Mirrors with Mason is maybe my fav tumblr smut ever, it's truly a masterpiece (I'm ashamed how many times I've read it).
This was for a blurb idea, but I'm not against writing something longer about this in the future.
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Some say that sex is better when you’re in an established relationship and you know one another’s body like you know your own. Others say sex is better in the beginning when you’re still learning what one another likes and the thrill of it all is overpowering and all consuming. But you say it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship with him, as long as it’s Rúben that’s fucking you.
He could turn you on with a glance or with a single spoken sentence. You came from his fingers, his mouth and with him inside of you as your clit was stimulated. Nothing was too much and your pleasure was everything to Rúben.
All that it had taken from you tonight was a tiny comment about how much you couldn’t wait for the two of you to go home so you could choke on his cock. Another comment came quickly about the way you couldn’t stop thinking about leaving pretty cum tracks over his skin as you ride his thigh and how you wanted nothing more than to be filled up by him.
Surrounded by friends, teammates, Manchester City staff and the venue employees, Rúben had struggled to hold it together as your tongue had peeked out as your lips had wrapped around the straw. You’d felt the graze of his hand against your knee minutes later and the way his fingers had crept upwards as you leaned in, lips at his ear as you said, “I need you to fuck me until I don’t have a single thought left in my head.” Seconds later, you’d heard a whisper of his own in your ear telling you to get up and leave the room with him.
Rúben’s right hand grips you by the jaw as his left holds you in place by your hip. The sound of your bodies coming together, your wetness and your moans fill the room and had any thought managed to stay in your mind long enough before his cock made you forget it again, you might have considered feeling bad for whoever may be able to hear outside of these four walls.
The hand around your throat, angling your face perfectly by the jaw, ensures that you’re in the right position to watch yourself in the mirror as he takes you. You can still feel beneath his hand the way that his cock had felt as it filled your mouth and edged further. There’s a lingering burning sensation there from the way he’d parted the muscles within your throat, stretching them out in ways he hadn’t for a while - but you’d take him back there in an instant, licking away your juices from his dick like the good girlfriend you are.
When you close your eyes to lose yourself in the way he pounds into you, you feel the hot sting left behind by his hand across your ass cheek. The sharpness of it makes your eyes open and meet his via the reflection in the mirror. “You wanna beg to have my dick? Then watch yourself take it.”
Rúben treats you like a queen but when prompted, he’ll fuck you like he pays you by the hour.
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allylikethecat · 4 months
ally!!! congrats on finishing the january prompts !!! i have enjoyed them so much & am very happy to have 31 prompts to look back on when i’m need of some fictional!george and matty
also!!! as the self-proclaimed #1 fan of YKWTCI I was very excited for this update and it did not disappoint (tuesdays have quickly become my most anticipated day of the week thanks to u and ur fics)).
Poor fictional!taylor and fictional!matty are clearly going through it & you portray their struggles so well. I am especially loving how you portray fictional!matty & his struggles with his new found fame as taylor’s boyfriend ((also the fact that the money from fictional!taylors drawer went ‘missing???’… hmmm wonder who took that - such a good detail!!!)
also fictional!george makes an appearance?????!!! YAY. I love me some fictional!george and cannot wait for a fictional!tay & george interaction — i feel that the angst & jealousy may just be unmatched.
last thing and i’ll shut up!! — the equestrian fic??!!!? do i know anything about horses?? no. do i know that i am absolutely going to devour this fic? yes. the enemies to lovers vibes are so strong and this version of fictional!matty seems so soft & i am in love with him already. i am VERY excited to see where this goes!!
— 💌💌💌
Hello My Dear 💌 Anon! I hope you are well!
Thank you so much for following along on the January OTP Prompt Journey! It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but I had a lot of fun with it, and am super proud that I was actually able to finish them all! (And also so grateful for everyone that read them- thank you so much for being so wonderful and encouraging!) If you're looking for all of the January OTP Prompts one place, or any of my other prompt fills, they can all be found HERE.
I'm smiling so hard at the idea that Tuesdays are becoming a favorite day because of the updates! Thank you so much for following along and the continued support of this fanfic endeavor! I am *also* a huge YKWTCI fan, and am so happy that people are still willing to give it a chance after all of the May drama with these two IRL. I was really excited about this update and am so happy it didn't disappoint!
Oh my gosh thank you so much 🥺 Fictional!Taylor and Fictional!Matty are both very sad and fucked up in their own ways in this fic, (I've been calling them my fictional bisexual disaster duo lol) and I have really enjoyed writing them and developing their characters and motivations. Getting to explore Fictional!Matty's relationship with his essentially "over night" fame in this fic is also a lot of fun- I can't imagine a universe where the character I've created with all of his issues would handle it well, and that it wouldn't have an impact on his self worth only being "desired" because of who his parents, and then later his "girlfriend" are. I was also way too excited about the missing money bit 😂 and was so very much hoping that someone would comment on it so a HUGE thank you for that😂 (this is like when I was very eagerly waiting for someone to comment on Fictional!Matty doing coke in Fictional!Taylor's bathroom and her totally missing it- and then being SO EXCITED when someone commented about it, I'm like yes, excellent, my hints are obvious enough lol)
We still have another chapter before Fictional!Taylor and Fictional!George meet (the meeting will be going down in lucky Chapter 13!) but I am SO EXCITED about their pissing match as they essentially both try and mark Fictional!Matty as theirs meanwhile Fictional!Matty has no idea what's going on and is just trying to make it through the day 😬 I was really excited about this chapter though and getting a little introduction to Fictional!George since he hadn't physically appeared yet.
AHHH Thank you for checking out the Equestrian AU as well! As very much a horse girl, that fic is so much fun for me to write and I am very much my own target audience (then again, I am pretty much always my own niche target audience lol) If I ever am just... assuming that people know too many things about horses let me know and i can try and clarify more. Horse things are just such a part of my day to day life (and the day to day life of the people I am surrounded by) that I sometimes forget that not everyone like, knows what a martingale is. One sided enemies to lovers is one of my FAVORITE things and I am having SO MUCH FUN writing it! Fictional!George hates poor Fictional!Matty so much and Fictional!Matty just wants them to be friends 🥺 I can't wait to get into this version of Fictional!Matty's past- if you think he's soft now just WAIT you are going to want to give him the biggest hug (I know I do!) I also really enjoy writing bitchy Fictional!George and it's been a lot of fun to explore a different dynamic with him!
Anyway, I apologize that I have written you the longest response ever. I was just VERY excited to see your ask! I thought of you when I posted the YKWTCI chapter and am so happy that you liked it! Thank you so much again for always being so lovely and supportive! I hope you have the best rest of your week!
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vesperewrites · 8 months
"but I can't see any difference in quality" anon..Please be honest with yourself. Either you don't read much or I think you may be pretty deeply in denial. Just purely going off the fact that the lucemond ao3 feed is currently filled with twitter fics, google translated fics (and that's not an insult, the A/N will say, 'I put this through google translate') and people's first attempts at fanfic is a pretty clear indication that the objective quality has dropped. You are still allowed to enjoy these things and support these authors, but it's very much not the same as it was in the NOV-FEB period where we had very seasoned authors (if you don't like the term popular - fine. But these authors were much more experienced in world building, prose, character building etc) writing more than one shots for lucemond.
And like, I'm sad about it too? I want the fandom to prosper and to have fic variety and long, complicated fics but it's also normal for those kind of authors to move on because they are used to a certain level of engagement from their readers that Lucemond cannot provide at the moment. Because Lucemond and HOTD fandom is in a lull. Which again, totally expected and normal.
What i don't understand, is the point of this fandom's head-in-the-sand approach to nearly everything. Not just this, but when we talk about certain tropes, or character popularity or toxic comment culture - so many people think the best thing to do is pretend nothing is wrong or it doesn't exist. As though that'll make it go away somehow.
Hi anon, can you pick an emoji so I can differentiate between you and the other anons?
Special thanks to @jojodacrow for helping me word this succinctly and for letting me use your words to explain some stuff.
To start: There's so many talented arts, cool twt threads, and fics being made/updated. If it's not your cuppa, then I don't know what else I can say that I have not already said in previous asks.
I disagree that the "objective quality" dropped considering the bevy of talented folks here. If you're referring to the people that left, along with their fics (the quantity and quality of it), then yeah, shame. There's nothing we can do about it, and it's not my kink to beg.
There seems to be plenty of amazing writers (new and old) still here since the beginning, and I'm having a good time.
As far as the other "quality has been good" anon goes: it's not fair to say that they're in deep denial when that is their own fandom experience and opinion. Just like you're entitled to yours.
Anon, I feel like you are conflating two separate things here.
Every fandom has its peak, a time where everyday is just shiny and new--everyone is creating content, meta, art, inside jokes are created. The fandom feels the most alive for that extended period of time and everyday brings something exciting.
But that time never lasts.
Fandoms go through lulls, they ebb and flow like you have said. Some fandoms fizzle out very quickly. I think, that as a writer, I can imagine that there's disappointment with fic engagement going down. Most of my friends (DNF fandom) are writing for the love and enjoyment of writing, and not for the engagement they get. That's not to say that it's not okay to wish to have good feedback, kudos, or a nice comment. As humans, we naturally seek some validation. But there are authors who are only seeking those engagement numbers and interactions like a drug. There's nothing wrong with jumping to different fandoms/writing for new ships just to get that high again.
However, it's not an obligation for the reader to comment/interact every single time. Just like how we are not obligated to write/draw/create for this fandom.
Side note: That being said, it doesn't give a good excuse to harass authors or give entitled comments. :/ I'll reblog a post from a friend that nails this extremely well when it comes to comment culture and etiquette (thanks @jojodacrow!)
Like yeah, NOV-FEB seemed to have been poppin', cool, yeah. But uh, there's nothing we can do about it. We might see a resurgence for S2, but probably never to the levels we saw again. That is something you are going to have to accept. Even when the new season starts... it's not going to be like it was where we see those crazy amounts of fics again.
It's not that I don't like the term "popular"; that was only mentioned because you brought it up in another ask. But as I've said before: popular ≠ good. There is a certain level of experience that comes with someone's work being good, yeah. Again, I can't covet what I've never known to have lost. Whoever left, I don't think I got a chance to read, but I'm currently drowning in damn good recs.
I have no clue why they left the fandom. And unless you're friends with them, I don't know you are fixated on it. I'm getting the sense that you harbor a lot of resentment or frustration over this.
You say that you want the fandom to prosper, but I personally think it's been nice and peaceful on my end. I came when everything was on fire as I was updating SDP. There was drama everywhere and there is valid criticisms about commenting stuff.
But right now? As a a person here for less than six months? I'm good with what we have so far! Re: last asks and the linked authors.
So we can complain about it, we can move on to other fandoms, or we can find ways to enjoy what we have. There are lots of ways to do that. The fans that are still here can find ways to encourage activity. There's a fandom event going on!! We can comment on the stories we do like to encourage those authors. We can create fan events. We can foster writing/art challenges that center on the kinds of tropes we do love. If you think some of the younger/newer writers need help, then offer to beta read to help them improve.
At the end of the day this fandom is only as good as the work the fans put into it and complaining on tumblr isn't going to accomplish anything for this fandom if you aren't willing to do something to change it. But you said you were a writer? Then, it sounds like you're already doing your best, providing for the fandom.
As for your last paragraph, I think the commenting culture is well known by this point (I was so confused when I first joined the fandom too), luckily the comments on my fic have been lovely, so thank you readers 🥺❤️ I don't know anything about the tropes thing or character popularity thing, I'll admit. Is this regarding specifically the lu_cem*nd fandom? I have no clue what you mean about head-in-the-sand approach.
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addledmongoose · 5 months
Fanfic Friday recommendations
OK, since someone said they'd enjoy seeing my weekly recs, here's this week's list.
Everything I post is either complete or very nearly so. And if it's close to the end, I make sure they show recent updates, so I have a fair degree of confidence they'll complete the story.
There's no real order to my list, in general. Short stories are intermingled with full-length pieces. Human AU gets mentioned right next to canon stories.
Got a decent sized list this week. I'm going to start with the one I'm actually currently reading (10 chapters left) and hope it doesn't go to hell in the end (though as amazing as it's been, I don't see that happening).
Waking Up Slow (88K; Rated E)
Human AU. Set during the height of the pandemic. Aziraphale's boss (Gabriel) exposes him to covid, so Aziraphale decides to isolate at a cottage he owns. While there, he accidentally exposes a tall, lanky rockclimber to the virus and insists he isolate at his cottage with him. And in a twist that no fanfiction reader would ever expect, there's only one bed. <gasp>
These two are SO thirsty for each other from the get-go that I've had a constant smile on my face. The story is just genuinely fun to read. Honestly, if this one holds up to the very end, it'll probably go on my 2024 year-end list; I'm enjoying it that much.
ETA: It held up. It's going on my year-end list. A little bit of angst, but it doesn't last long before we get our happy ending.
Joint Honours (43K; Rated E)
By the always-talented @feraltuxedo. Human AU. Aziraphale is a PhD student who gets roped into teaching. Crowley is an older undergrad who moves into the flat across the hall. There's no real age gap (Crowley is 3 years older) or power imbalance in this one. There's a bit of academic intrigue going on as a side plot, and I like the use of Anathema, Newt, and Beelzebub. (FeralTuxedo is one of my few user subscriptions on Ao3; they have a lot of fantastic human AU stories).
Principia Obscura (5K; Rated T)
This is an outsider POV set at a country estate sometime in the, I guess, 19th century? Maybe 18th. A poet who joined a country estate party sees two rather unusual gentlemen that attract his attention and begins to stalk them, overhearing their frankly unusual conversations about "miracles" and "powers" and noticing the way the two look at each other. He sets about to play a bit of a cupid role. Cute, quick read.
Time Flies (When You're Having Fun) (24K; Rated E)
Found another time loop story! This is set in Versailles in 1769. Aziraphale (presenting as Mademoiselle Fell) has a blessing to do at a masquerade ball and can't leave until he gets it right. Crowley shows up, distracting him from his task.
Getting a Wiggle On (7K; Rated G)
Crowley leaves Aziraphale with a clutch of snake eggs he claims are his as a prank. It doesn't go quite according to plan.
Rituals & Reckonings (50K; Rated M)
Mind the tags on this one. The M rating is deserved. Crowley gets bound to a summoning circle, and Aziraphale must work to track him down before it's too late.
This is a pretty dark story, but Aziraphale is a total BAMF, and it really shows the depths of their love for each other.
Style and Substance (89K; Rated E)
Human AU. The two are rival chefs working across the street from each other. They quickly become friends and then more. This felt rather realistic, in that the two aren't rich; work hard; and have some pretty normal problems for the most part.
The Diary (23K; Rated T)
Human AU. Crowley finds a diary on the tube. Seeing no harm in reading it, he does, only to find himself drawn in by the author. There's angst, but there is a happy ending.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
(Hideko anon) No worries! Take all the time you need, and whenever you’re ready, I’d love to hear more about your OC!
thank you anon i swear you don’t know how much i love you <333
anon... anon i love you for this ask <33 i am kissing you on the cheek thank you!! thank you so much for asking this!! you’ve enabled my infodump button be prepared putting the stuff under the cut bc uh. i started rambling it’s quite long :'3
oookay first of all, she’s inspired by the hideko in the diary of a boy who will never be missed, a fic on ao3 that hasn’t been updated in months (i think it’s been over a year now?). it’s a fic in which hanma gets to have all of kisaki’s diaries after his death and reads through them. so he also writes about his mother (hideko) sometimes. yep the name is from there too but the author said they don’t mind using it even when i p much directly took it from their fic. wanted to mention that bc said fic is a big part of why my hideko even exists lol
the other big inspo was another fic on ao3 called mourning sickness, an absolute banger piece about baji’s mother trying to cope with the loss of her child. also wanted to mention that because reading that secured my want to actually write about kisaki’s mother and thus essentially made me create hideko
soo okay i took so long answering this that the fic abt her actually is out now help. in case you didn’t see it yet, it’s of loving men and /loving/ men and if you prefer to read on ao3 there’s also a link to that :3
anyways since you asked abt her i might as well talk hideko lore. especially bc the fanfic is kinda crypic-ish and the narrative is non-linear. so. on the 15th of november, 1970 she is born in japan. her parrnts are both fully japanese, and she grows up as an only child. her parents, especially her mother, are quite neglectful because they are both busy with their work. though they are rich and buy her whatever she wants. not that that makes it any better- when she’s ten years old, her mother gets a job offer somewhere in europe, and immediately leaves her family for the job without even thinking about it. hideko hasn’t heard from her ever since. from then on, her father makes efforts to get closer to his daughter, and to spend more time together, though hideko is as emotionally absent as her parents are at this point so while they eventually manage to build a healthy relationship, they aren’t really all that close, and hideko still holds personal grudges against her father’s neglect in her earlier childhood. still, even now she supposes that her teen years were some of the best.
the next big chapter in her life starts when she’s 16 and meets her future husband for the first time. he’s half american half japanese, and he’d just moved to japan with his parents after growing up in america, ending up in the same class as hideko, so school is how they meet. he’s a very sweet guy, and hideko falls in love with him pretty quickly. they happily start dating on the 2nd of july in 1987.
the next turning point of hideko’s life is november 15, 1987—her 17th birthday. she celebrates it all by herself because her father is at work, her boyfriend is ‘visiting his grieving mother who’d just lost her husband’ (she doubts that that’s true. she never actually finds out if it was a lie or not), and all of her (fake) friends make up excuses as to why they can’t celebrate with her. it’s an utterly sad day, and it’s when she starts realising that maybe, none of the people who claim to love her actually do.
her boyfriend proposes to her during the summer in which they’re both 19 (1990), and she says yes. even though she’s noticed that he’s not as sweet and kind as he pretends to be, but rather physically & emotionally abusive, plus neglecting to some extent. but she loves him too much.
they get married on the 2nd of july in 1991, when she’s 20. they move into a big two-story house together, even if she’s alone most of the time because her husband works overseas and thus is away most of the time. she’s actually already pregnant with kisaki tetta at this point, who then is born on january 20, 1992, with both his parents being 21.
nothing really major happens until ten years later. during those years, tetta grows up with his father physically abusing his mother and neglecting both of them, as well as his mother neglecting him, too. hideko tries to show her son that she loves him, but she ultimately fails. tetta still has a relatively decent life apart from that, he always has more than enough money, has good food, and has a big room all to himself. hideko makes sure that he’s okay, they just don’t ever really bond. it’s a kind of similar relationship to the one she had with her father. anyways, after those ten years, hideko is finally sick of her husband’s bullshit and abuse, and she pushes him down the stairs. it’s more an accident than anything else, but he dies because of the impact, and she can’t help but feel glad about it, in a way. tetta is the only other person to ever know that she killed him (although it wasn’t truly her intent, she feels some kind of satisfaction) because she tells everyone that he tripped and fell down all by himself, but tetta saw.
her life continues similarily, they’re still rich, and she still has difficulties bonding with tetta. however, she actually truly tries now. she realises he’s all she has left with her mother gone, her father and husband dead, and no other family members that she knows. tetta doesn’t want to be close to her, though, so she’s mostly just miserable.
her life greatly changes on the 22nd of february 2007, when her son gets hit by a truck and dies. she grieves a lot more for him than her husband, and while his death actually relieves her to some extent (which she feels incredibly guilty about), she’s even worse for quite a bit of time before she manages to start healing. she meets hanma at tetta’s grave sometime after he gets buried, and they sometimes accidentally meet there after that, too. in my ‘canon lore’ that’s everything about them, but i like to headcanon that they actually start meeting up on purpose n kinda become found family? idk
that’s really all the lore there is to her lol but uh. she’s about as tall as 2006 tetta, has long, dark brown hair that she usually keeps in a braid, eyes in the exact same shade as tetta, and moles all over her body, the most prominent one right beside the left corner of her mouth! she eventually cuts her her hair to shoulder length and bleaches the underside of it a few months after tetta’s death
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azurelyy · 2 years
hello!! i hope you are doing well!! i read youre a narusaku fan AND i know youre a fantastic writer!! im enjoying your fanfic on ao3 very much :D
if you feel like it, could you share some headcanons of them being married in canon verse? how would they behave, how would they balance work since they both have important jobs, about their escapades to see each other 👀 or whatever comes up to your mind?
thank you!!!
Hello, my dear! Thank you so much for coming over here and requesting this - I always appreciate hearing about Blossoming Hurricane. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Ahhh, these are really cute ideas so I am going to focus on a domestic headcanon and then a spicy headcanon. NSFW warning beneath the cut!
Domestic Headcanon
Sakura and Naruto both work long, hard hours. Their jobs are an integral part of the machine, both of them playing important roles to the wellbeing of the village. It makes it difficult to spend quality time together, often barely missing each other in the mornings or in the evenings.
Naruto, surprisingly, is the one to leave first and come home last. When time allows, he will leave out a pot filled with water and an oatmeal packet placed into a bowl for Sakura to stumble out to.
She appreciates the thoughtfulness behind the gesture, saving her a few precious seconds of digging through the cupboards and the pantry so she can make a quick call to her staff for an update before she heads to work.
Sometimes, Naruto comes home to find Sakura fast asleep on the couch, the remote in her slender hand the only evidence of her internal struggle at trying to stay awake for him.
His heart skips a beat as he slowly cradles her in his arms bridal style and carries her to the bedroom, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead as her spring green eyes flutter open and her pupils dilate when they connect to his.
Her pretty mouth parts gently, but Naruto captures it with his own before she can speak.
"Shh," he whispers, laying her onto the bed gently. "I know. I'm sorry, too."
However, there are rare instances when their paths do cross in a culmination of good timing and hard work.
Naruto will summon a shadow clone, quickly sputtering out a lame excuse to it as he is halfway out the door, slamming it shut before the clone can protest.
He runs to Ichiraku's with fire in his lungs as he places two orders of pork ramen. If he times this correctly, Sakura will be getting home just as he does, allowing them just enough time to eat and mess around before they simultaneously collapse from exhaustion.
Little does he know that his wife is two steps ahead of him.
He comes home, Ichiraku in hand, to find Sakura setting the table with the exact same order.
His face brightens into a wide grin as his magnifying laughter bounces around the kitchen.
"That cunning old man! Couldn't even tell the Hokage his wife already got him something?"
Sakura smiles at him gently, standing on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck with a sigh.
"I've missed you so much, Naruto."
He places the bag down on the table as his strong arms wrap around her middle and he cradles her to him, resting his chin on top of her pink hair.
Her cherry shampoo sinks him further into the ground as he roots himself around her, tightening his grip as heat rushes to his cheeks.
"I missed you too, Sakura."
NSFW Headcanon/Their Escapades
"I'll be visiting the hospital today." Naruto's voice has that gravelly husk in it that makes Sakura's heart skip a beat as she glances over at him.
His eyes are darker than the ocean at midnight, storming over her body yearningly. She feels waves of pleasure rush between her legs as she responds, "Is that so? When should we be expecting you?"
"11:30... Same spot?"
“Daddy! Mommy works at the hospital!” Their son coos while Sakura continues to try and spoon feed him peaches. She smiles and brushes a bit of blonde hair from his face away with her pinky as her cheeks flush.
It always felt so childish, these little games. Naruto hinting at the promiscuous deeds they would perform in the Nursing Closet as though they hadn't been faithfully tied to each other for six years now - nine if you counted the time before they were married.
Later, Sakura just barely finished the surgery in time, her hands shaking beneath the seething water as Ino kept yammering on about her dinner date with Sai she had planned for that night.
"Yeah, that's great. I've gotta take care of something really quick, can you finish up for me? Thanks a lot!"
Sakura bolted down the hallway, rushing past people while lying about how they're blocking the aisle, and blood would be on their hands if she missed this appointment.
She yanked the Nurses Closet door open with a hammering heart, her breathing wild and unyielding.
Naruto’s chuckle reverberated off the walls of the tiny room before his hands grabbed for her waist to pull her to him, demanding and hungry.
Her scrubs and panties were pulled down in an instant as Naruto pinned her against the wall, his mouth already firm onto hers as his nimble tongue swirled between her parted lips.
Sakura’s head was spinning as she hooked her legs around her husband and he used his free hand to run his thick tip across the length of her cunt, already sticky and slick with arousal.
His citrus shampoo completely unwound her anxiety, instantly bringing her a sense of familiarity and comfort as she nibbled his lower lip, gently tugging it forward, watching him with sparkling eyes.
“Already wet for the Hokage, eh? Just needed my cock that bad?”
“Y-Yes, Sir,” Sakura cooed, gripping his golden hair into her fingers. “Been so horny all day thinking about you. Was gonna-” she gasped when Naruto shoved himself through her wet walls, stretching her out. 
She shut her eyes tightly from the stinging pain before it turned to complete ecstasy within her as he pushed himself in further, letting out a content sigh.
Naruto moaned into her mouth aggressively, his rhythmic pumps creating beautiful gushing sounds as he railed his cock fully into her, angling her so that he rubbed against her clit with his large shaft.
“Fuck, Naruto,” Sakura cried out, clawing into his muscular shoulders as she clenched her pussy around him. “I-I’m gonna-”
“That’s right,” Naruto growled, sinking his sharp teeth into the flesh of her neck. “Come on, baby.”
As his thrusts turned sloppy and sporadic, Sakura tried her best to cling to the edge of the cliffside. She wanted them to fall together. 
She whispered his name as her forehead fell forward to rest in the crook of his neck and they both spiraled together, hot liquids mixing deep within her stomach as he drained his full balls inside her pussy, painting it white.
Naruto kept her pinned there as their heartbeats continued racing, kissing her passionately while whispering declarations of love between each breath. 
A loud knock and Ino’s voice nearly toppled them both to the cool tile floor. “Sakura? Why is this locked?”
“H-Hold on!” Sakura’s voice was hoarse and shaky as she climbed down from Naruto’s grasp and pulled her pants up, pushing him back to hide behind a rack of medications.
“S-Sorry, I don’t know what happened. Must have been on autolock.” Sakura said as she opened the door.
Ino stood with her arms crossed, her sky-blue eyes narrowed just slightly. “Whatever, weirdo. You’re needed in Room B3.”
“R-Right...” Sakura glanced over her shoulder before she sauntered off.
“You can come out now, Naruto,” Ino stated as she searched through a cabinet. “I could hear you guys halfway down the hall. You’re lucky that not many people come up here.”
“What?” Naruto emerged, his usually messy hair somehow even messier. “I-I’m sorry, Ino. That was totally unprofessional, and-”
“Ugh, just be quiet. Your secret is safe with me, alright?”
Naruto grumbled a thank you before he swiftly excused himself, walking back to the Hokage Tower with his head hung low in embarrassment. 
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chososheart · 2 years
hiii guys. i just wanted to explain for a little why I've been gone and what I plan to do with this blog and my fics.
early this year my main reason for not writing was mainly schoolwork. i love and adore writing but unfortunately, I have an obligation that requires a LOT of time. I'm pretty sure the last work I've updated has been trainwreck, which I did over spring break when I didn't have to worry about school anymore. then May came around and things got hectic. that's when I didn't even have time to think about outlines, future wips, etc. june came and passed by in a flash, and though I had nothing else to do, I still couldn't find it in me to continue my work.
if i'm being honest, i started this blog and writing in general in late august of last year because of the mental state I was in. I'm a person who picks up and drops hobbies too quickly for comfort and I'm afraid that if I push myself too much, writing will eventually become one of the hobbies I leave behind. which frightens me because I love it very much.
Last year i was lonely, living in a new country, I didn't know anybody and hadn't started uni yet. i had lots of free time and above that, I had time to process and work through my feelings of longing for friends, and past lovers I left behind due to moving.
today, im not that person. i have changed in incredible ways and have found the joy in life I was looking for. eventually, my days of spending hours behind a screen became days where I worked on the friendships I had gained, and recently, my days have been consumed with me caring for and looking after my new favorite person.
i wouldn't say i have outgrown writing, but I have lost slight interest in reading fanfics, aot, and my stories in general. I'm not sure when I'll upload again, but I'm not discontinuing any of my works. ever. the plotlines I have prepared for them, in my opinion, are too good to go to waste. so if you're worried about never hearing from me again, don't. i might take months to upload, and it might not be the story you specifically want, but ill do it. i won't leave. I'm never leaving.
i think that's it for now. i'll see you guys eventually :))
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yoonieper · 1 year
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I posted 55 times in 2022
39 posts created (71%)
16 posts reblogged (29%)
I tagged 46 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#yoonieper updates - 19 posts
#bts - 14 posts
#bts smut - 13 posts
#bts fluff - 13 posts
#bts scenarios - 13 posts
#bts imagines - 13 posts
#bts fanfic - 13 posts
#bts angst - 10 posts
#bangtan sonyeondan - 9 posts
#bts fan fiction - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#please ignore everything you see
My Top Posts in 2022:
Daydream | KNJ
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One man’s daydreaming is another man’s day.
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✿ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
✿ Genre: smut, angst, a tiny bit of fluff, pretty much pwp 
✿ Rated: M for More 
✿ Warnings: A little spice over the phone, handjob, oral (f. receiving), little bit of spanking, this is a tad bit emotional
✿ Word Count: 5.6k 
✿ Summary: It’s late and he has work to do, but for some reason he can only think about you. He misses you so much and after so long, maybe it’s time to pay you a visit?
✿ Author’s Note: Fun fact, this is based off a dream I had a while ago. The part that mattered only lasted for like a second and the rest of the dream was nonsense but ayy I got a fic out of it~ This was supposed to be posted a year ago, I’m so behind omg 🤡… In reconciliation, I will let y’all know that there mayyyy be a part 2, but not in the way you expect so keep an eye out :3
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281 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
His Majesty | KNJ
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Come and serve your King.
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・❥・ Pairing: King!Namjoon x Maid!Reader
・❥・ Genre: smut, angst, a tiny bit of fluff
・❥・ Rated: B for Bow 
・❥・ Warnings: cheating, oral (m+f receiving), clothes are ripped, bondage, spanking, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (this the past, but not you <3), joon’s a little too hot in this one, get your fans ready
・❥・ Word Count: 9.6k
・❥・ Summary: His majesty was always fond of you. Little glances here, longing touches there, it was obvious something was going on. When the Queen left the kingdom for a little while, it was finally time. He could finally have you the way he wanted. 
・❥・ Collab: This is part of @erotikkook Kingdom collab! My first collab piece, yay! Thank you so much Levi for finally giving me a reason to write this lol! Please check out the other stories as well! 
・❥・ Now Playing: Earned It by The Weeknd
・❥・ Beta: @xxxanimangxxx thank you so much for reading this so quickly 😭 
・❥・ Author’s Note: HA! I’m back already (hehehehe)~ This was meant to be posted for Joonie’s bday, but things happened… Anyway, fun fact, I got this idea when me and my sister were discussing frozen fanfiction, in particular a very snacky older Hans brother. I owe a lot of these ideas to my sister so shout out to her who helped me come up with this 😩✊🏽 I hope to post a less angsty Joon fic in the near future *hint hint wink wink something might be in the works* :,) Anyway enjoy this y’all ;)
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985 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Snow Blanket | MYG
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The warmest place is in your arms.
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❅ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
❅ Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, smut
❅ Rated: C for Cozy 
❅ Warnings: Yoongi is a cutie boy in luv, y/n is deep in her feels as well, very fluffy, yoongi’s a little subby, handjob, oral (m + f receiving), a little hair pulling, unprotected sex (don’t even think about it <3)  
❅ Word Count: 9.5k
❅ Prompt: “Snowed in and huddled for warmth.” 
❅ Summary: Yoongi decided to join you on your ski trip and as a snow storm starts moving in, you retreat back to your cabin, only to find out the heater’s broken. With the storm blowing over and the temperatures beginning to plummet, it only makes sense to search for warmth in every possible way. 
❅ Thank you: Thank you so much @jamaisjoons once again for the banner~
❅ Now Playing: Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex 
❅ Author’s Note: Another one that was part of an event that was meant to be posted a year ago~ Didn’t get to edit this as much as I wanted to, but please enjoy this softness, this literally melted my heart tryna write this so I hope you guys like it! I love Yoongi so much y’all don’t even understand 🥲
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991 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Chronicles of My Witchy GF | JJK
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We made our own magic.
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✵ Pairing: Jungkook x witch!Reader 
✵ Genre: fluff, smut, crack
✵ Rated: W for Which Witch?
✵ Warnings: little bit of weed smoking, lots of cheesy lines (babies in love), Jungkook accidentally eats something he shouldn’t (twice), lots of crying (in the good way), this shit gets nasty, mentions of food play, masturbation (m), dry humping, thigh fucking(?), pillow fucking, tiny bit of breed kink (it’ll make sense later lol), accidental facial, oral (m + f recieving), throat fucking, face sitting, lots of cum (a lot!), unprotected sex (be smart y’all <;3)
✵ Word Count: 31.8k (get snacks :’D)
✵ Summary: Just Jungkook and a few cute tales about his witchy girlfriend~
✵ Now Playing…: Freaky Deaky by Tyga & Doja Cat, Lay it Down by Steelix, Under the Influence by Chris Brown 
✵ Betas: Thank you so much to the amazing @jessikahathaway and @xxxanimangxxx for looking over this monster fic so quickly <;3!
✵ Author’s Note: This fic is so unserious yall, I don’t know how I ended up writing this 😭 I had plans for a Jimin fic, but I started this hoping to get it done quickly, but this turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be :’) Anyway, I thought I would experiment a little with this type of formatting for this fic~ Hope y’all enjoy, and Happy Halloween! This couple is so cute and has so much drabble potential (I got ideas~)! P.S. Made the banner myself and I’m tryna get better, hope y’all like 😅
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2,008 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Helping Hand | JJK
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Sometimes all you need is a helping hand.
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♡ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (also a teeny bit of Jimin x Reader)
♡ Genre: Roommate AU, Best Friend AU, Best Friends to lovers, Smut, Fluff, Angst???? 
♡ Rated: D for Down Bad 
♡ Warnings: Lotte concert 2019 Jungkook, PTD concert black swan Jimin (yes these are warnings), Y/N needs some dick, jk is also pretty down bad, mentions of past substance abuse, mentions of depression, mentions of character death, very brief and vague mentions of su*cidal thoughts, this fic is heavy and horny please beware, jk a lil bit of a dummy, masturbation, semi public sex(ish), grinding, car sex, cumming in pants, fingering, oral (m + f receiving), overstimulation, protected sex (follow they lead kiddies), gets cute towards the end I promise~ 
♡ Word Count: 23.4k
♡ Summary: A double blind date was your suggestion. Everything about it should make him happy, but this sinking feeling just won’t go away. All he wanted was to get it over with. 
♡ Now Playing…: X by Tinashe, Backseat by Khalid, and Good Days by Sza 
♡ Author’s Note: A story from the vault of the 2020 works I started but never published! This was meant to be posted on Valentine's Day, but life got in the way so I’m just posting it now instead of keeping it for another year. Let’s just pretend 🤡 Happy Valentine’s Day to all the couples out there, and for all my singles, we’ll get ‘em next year 😩✊🏽 Also a big thank you to @kth1 for the graphics and @jessikahathaway for reading over this for me! 
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4,324 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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recurring-polynya · 9 months
Writing/Art Update 9.12.2023
Getting this over with so I can restart my word count clock. :P
So, the damage for the week was 1243, which doesn't sound great, but hear me out: it was a thing I have been putting off forever and it was really hard.
Maybe let's back up a little. Please forgive me for actually talking about my fanfic, but this is helpful for My Process. This is really long, so I am going to throw it under a cut.
As far as the rest of the update, I drew a renruki doodle this week, which is better than drawing nothing, like I usually do.
(also, I very much did a bunch of other things this week and also spent a lot of important time Having Unnecessary Anxiety about something else. I really only had two writing days, which also contextualizes this a fair amount)
This is about Ductwork, the next part of HiaM. The thing about HiaM is that the large tentpoles of it were determined by a great deal of daydreaming I did between 2016 and 2018, and then I started writing it down in 2019. Not Broken, Just Bent was a straight brain-dump. See You on the Other Side required a little modification, but also went pretty much to plan. The problem with Between Tides is that I had never bothered to think about a bunch of the actual details of the mystery they had to solve, and it turned out to be a lot of work (or at least, I thought so at the time). It also sort of destroyed the momentum I had going of writing very quickly (or it's possible that seven months into my fanfic renaissance, it was just a natural slow down). Call Me Back was where it went off the rails. It was supposed to be short, and I was supposed to finish it in 3 mo (it took 7, which now feels incredibly fast to me), but it turned into something else entirely. I was ruined at this point. Hearts, in its original embodiment, was supposed to be, like 10k words about a stupid party, and it obviously was something else. So, anyway, here I am. The point of the next story in the series was to do the telling of the story of how Renji messed up his arm, interwoven with the story of getting it fixed. Like, 20k tops, right? (It is currently at, like 23k and much closer to the start than the end)
I think the first mistake I made was back in 2019, I actually wrote out the story of how Renji broke his arm. (Never let yourself write out of order. I still maintain moonlighting around other parts of the timeline is what is responsible for my Failure to Complete this Story in a Timely Manner). My thoughts at the time was that I would mostly be able to integrate it, as-is, into the story that I am working on now, so it was basically just working ahead.
And that's where I am now.
The thing is, the story isn't very, um, integratable. My original vision for this was that it would be in the form of a story Rukia tells to Byakuya. If you've read the story, you know that wouldn't work, even a little, because it's not written in any sort of story-telling voice. I think I was hoping I could have Rukia start talking and then ::hit sepia-toned flashback effect:: and sliiiide into flashback space. I hate that though, because then you get literally the same ambiguous stuff from canon Bleach, where I am honestly not sure what Renji said out loud to Ichigo during the Big Renruki Backstory Flashback. A very distinctive part of the Renji-breaks-an-arm story is kissing and I did not want it to be even remotely implied that Rukia told Byakuya about the kissing. The other thing is that while the proximate cause of Renruki's trauma in this story is the Arm Breaking Incident, there's a second, prior incident, which is the Boar Incident. I'm trying to figure out how to construct a story that is really about these two past incidences, but it glued together by the current narrative and it is hard as Hell, why am I doing this??? (I am doing this, because if I can pull it off, I think it will be really cool). I also keep doing the thing where I wonder if maybe I need to stop it, it's too ambitious, it's ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag, I need to focus more on a writable story. If I can carve it down small enough, maybe I can just get through it, to something I'm more excited about writing (or maybe I could try to get excited about writing this??)
Anyway, what I did last week was to rewrite the first part of Renji-Breaks-an-Arm into a flashback that slots into the first chapter between the cold open and the next scene of the fanfic. This gives me 2899 contiguous words of Chapter One. The whole time I was doing the re-write, I kept asking myself how much I should actually be rewriting. On one hand, I feel like everyone who reads my stories has read Renji-Breaks-an-Arm, and I owe you all something new. On the other hand, as I was working on it, I kept wondering if I was replacing something good with something worse. On the third hand, I've never liked the beginning of Renji-Breaks-an-Arm. Anyway, I did it. It's mostly revamped, but I did keep a few lines. Is it perfect? Probably not. Will I rewrite it later? Will I replace it with the original version? I might. It's there, though, a load-bearing flashback, and I can go forward from here (maybe! that's what I get to figure out next!)
All of this is terrible, I hate using my brain, but hopefully this is part where it starts turning into a story. I do like it when a story comes out the other side. That part is nice. It's also possible all of this will turn into a mess and a failure, and then I'll have to start over, but you know. It won't be the first time. Also, at this point, I am deeply experienced in seeing a pile of horrible garbage somehow Come Together Eventually, so I'm trying to stay optimistic here.
Word count: I am now up to three working documents!! (not linearly independent) Main doc: 20,765 Misc flashback doc: 2,633 Clean, contiguous version: 2,899
Progress towards arbitrary 20k word goal I set for myself last spring: 15,698 (4,302 to go!!)
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