#this will probably be trash but
martinsorbit · 26 days
Finders Keepers warm up sketches b4 I start designing some character stuff
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I missed themm
The DCAs arms/hands keep breaking because of how much they move and do silly acrobatics, pairing that with some leftover water+fire damage, it is one of the things that Y/N has to repair often;
New compatible parts are hard to find + expensive (considering how old the DCAs model is), so Y/N normally has to go to old faztech electronic trash dumps to find something that might work, which is usually pieces of other similar-looking Attendants from some old FAZCO animatronic line. You really hope sun and moon don't know about this, or else things will get awkward
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mistgardens · 1 year
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riense · 1 year
I am a simple woman, and all I want is the resurrection of Albert Wesker. That means I could enjoy his reunion with post-RE8 Chris. I spent ridiculous amount of time thinking about this.
and even did the sketch of such heartwarming scene
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of course then my hand slipped and I turned it into a meme
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(and you can not prove that I planned this meme from the start ☺️☺️☺️)
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coockie8 · 5 months
I'm sorry but saying "don't write dark or taboo fiction or at least keep it private because it might trigger someone or someone might get off to it." is exactly like saying "don't talk about the abuse you suffered because it might trigger someone or someone might get off to it."
It is the exact same thing. Telling someone they aren't allowed to talk about their own lived experience because some random stranger might be triggered, made uncomfortable, or even aroused by it is unbelievably fucking disgusting.
Whether someone is writing dark/taboo fiction to cope or not is 100% irrelevant because someone else's trauma is not your business, and you can't know.
You shouldn't tell a victim to never talk about their trauma, so you shouldn't tell people what they can and cannot write about, because at the end of the day, you don't know and it's not your business. Block and mute things/people you don't want to see, and move the fuck on with your life.
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marching-weirdo · 2 months
"zukos character arc is best-
"no aangs flirting skills are-"
"You forgot sokkas hair-"
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she also showed a lot of people, like me, that mental health recovery isn't linear. like, girl, that show has problems BUT DAMN IT IF IT ISNT BETTER THAN MoST THINGS YOU SEE
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pictureday2005 · 1 year
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zarla-s · 10 months
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olimar and louie's relationship is so funny to me
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maxcuntstappen · 19 days
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F1 via The Interwebs™️ (x) (trash animal edition)
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redbean-nom · 11 days
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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yuzuuu4 · 1 year
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what being separated for the first half of the second main quest does to a guy
[2-3] [4-6]
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grelleswife · 20 days
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“You can’t defeat your undead twin on an empty stomach, young master.”
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codenamesazanka · 1 month
you know that post that's like "dads will casually drop the most horrifying lore of their lives suddenly in the middle of a conversation and never bring it up again"? That should be AFO.
*random mundane conversation about animals*
AFO: ...Ah, raccoons. I've always found them awful tasting. Of course, that was probably because my younger brother and I were eating the roadkilled ones that were left in the sun for hours. Rotted meat has the worst texture.
Ujiko, Tomura, Kurogiri:
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basuralindo · 27 days
Hey I'm dropping a crepe recipe because there's still people around who think they're hard to make and I'm sick of french food being romanticized to the point of inaccessibility.
I call this a 3-2-1 method to make it easy to remember; 3 eggs, 2 cups water/fluid of choice, 1 cup flour.
I'm sparing you the obligatory backstory on my path to cooking extremely flat pancakes because we both know that neither of us care. If you want to hear me overshare check my blog between 1-4am pacific time.
•Anyway, start with three eggs and beat with a fork until they're all one color (you can use a whisk or an egg beater but I hate the extra steps. Fork it):
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•Add 1 cup flour:
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•Add whatever dry flavoring you want (I usually go with cinnamon and cardamom, today we're doing matcha cause that happens to be what I'm cooking. Some mornings caffeine is meant to be eaten):
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•Add sugar to taste if desired. It's not necessary for the recipe, and if you've managed to add enough to throw off the consistency you've got other shit to worry about, so follow your heart. I usually use like two tablespoons or so (I prefer brown, but white tastes better with matcha):
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•Decide on your fluid of choice. Water and/or milk is the usual, but you can do literally whatever you want; hot cocoa, coffee, tea, soda -whatever you want them to taste like. Go nuts with it. Use soup if you want idgaf it's between you and your chosen god at this point. I recommend starting with 2 cups for simplicity, but you can add more if needed for the right consistency. At this point I just eyeball it tbh.
•Add a little at a time and start mixing until it's as smooth as you can get (this is also where you'd add wet flavorings, like vanilla extract):
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•Add the rest until the batter is roughly the consistency of heavy whipping cream, or like thin tomato soup (if you actually ran with the soup joke, add a little water to thin it out). Just get it to where it's still a little viscous but will run if you pour it on the pan:
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•For best results cover and let it sit in the fridge overnight or for a few hours (it will separate a little, just mix it again). For last minute "I forgot to prep this last night but I really want crepes" results, we're putting it aside while I wash dishes and heat up the pan.
•Ladle out like ¼ cups worth onto a hot lubricated pan (butter or cooking oil, medium heat) and swirl it until it coats the bottom. Don't stress if it looks like shit the first few times, that's what practice is for, add a little more fluid if it's not spreading well:
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•cook until the top is no longer wet and edges start to lighten:
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•Flip it with either a very flat spatula or sheer hubris (spatula recommended for beginners), and cook for like 45 seconds (I have no sense of time), then slide it onto a plate:
•Top with whatever you want and try whatever folds/rolls you saw in that one show that made you think these were cool.
Go forth, have fun, eat well.
(if you want an even easier method with only mild sacrifice to quality: mix a couple eggs and some extra fluid into your leftover pancake batter and leave it in the fridge for the next morning)
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thewritingofamadwoman · 2 months
A little snippet that came to mind, since all I’ve been thinking about for the past week and a half is this menace. Should I continue? Let me know what you think x
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“Hey, there he is! Say hi to Translucent everybody!” Homelander said cheerfully, as he wrapped his arm around Translucent’s shoulders, effectively pulling him away from you. The invisible man smiled and waved out to the crowd.
“Hey Homelander,” he responded, smiling as the fans cheered and roared at seeing two of the most famous heroes of The Seven acting like the best friends they all assumed they were.
Homelander kept a smile on his face as he used his other hand to slap Translucent’s chest in what seemed to be a friendly gesture. But you knew otherwise. Homelander’s chuckle faded as leaned in.
“Hey, yeah, if I ever see you fucking look in her direction again I’ll burn a hole into your fucking skull. Indestructible skin, give me a fucking break,” Homelander’s smile widened as Translucent paled, a fake smile still plastered on his lips.
“What? Homelander I-“
“Uh-uh. Nope, you don’t get to fucking speak,” Homelander jostled the invisible man closer to him, still smiling. “This guy, huh?” He called out onto the crowd, his canines glistening as they caught the sunlight. The fans ate the interaction up, cheering louder.
“I won’t repeat myself, you fucking pervert. Look at her like that again and I’ll kill you,” he promised. With one last laugh and shake, Homelander let the invisible man go and waved out to the crowd as everyone roared even louder than before. Translucent turned back to his line of fans waiting to take a picture while Homelander made his way over to you, his smile never faltering. You were bent over, leaning down to take a picture with a little girl who showed up to the event dressed as you. Homelander smiled politely at the girls parents and “humbly” refused their praise as they thanked him for keeping the city safe.
“No, please. You guys are the real heroes. We just wear the suits.” He nodded graciously and you smirk up at him as they leave.
“For someone who just threatened to kill one of our team members, you’re awfully cheerful,” you teased. Homelander playfully rolled his eyes at you, his hands poised behind his back in his signature pose.
“That ungrateful little fuck needs to learn to keep his eyes off of things that aren’t his,” he shrugged, giving a tight smile to another on looker who called out his name and waved.
“Oh is that so? And what exactly was he looking at ‘that wasn’t his’?” You joked sincerely as you smiled out into the crowd again and they chanted your name. Homelander looked down at you again, this time his voice almost as sincere as yours.
“You,” he replied and you laughed, not catching onto his change in tone.
“And pray tell, to whom do I belong to then?” You sassed, and turned to look him in the eye ruefully. Homelander’s gaze was focused solely onto your eyes and your smile faltered slightly at his semi-serious expression.
“Me. Duh.”
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zharaely · 2 months
The one thing I always think about is the fact that White Star, that crazy bastard, had so much more than just 6 ancient powers -- but it was only revealed AFTER he was killed. And all of those went to Cale Henituse, as if it wasn't enough that the guy already had NINE!!
By the end of Part 1, he had, AT THE VERY LEAST, 7 ancient powers (not counting the Fire-Suppressing Water which was used up), 7 embraced ancient powers (because the Annual Rings of Life combined into 1, and this is not counting the White Star's other unnamed ancient powers), and 2 ancient artifacts. This also doesn't even count his 3 abilities or the divine items in his possession.
You think it's crazy for the people of that world to possess more than 1 ancient power? Well Cale Henituse is a powerhouse of more than 14 ancient powers, literal nature incarnate. God of Nature in human form. A natural multidimensional disaster.
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bearsandbeansart · 5 months
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Girl's night! RIP Chan's house
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