#this was an ancient draft on my main but I’d like to post on here from now on
bitchhiker · 2 months
actually how do you all interpret tcm Grandpa...because I am positive the intent of the 1st movie was that he was just a normal slaughterhouse worker and the unspoken humor/horror in his grand kids feeding him human blood to keep him alive and making him bash people with hammers while describing him as the best killer (of “beeves,” plural form of beef) there ever was, all without his lucid knowledge, is the unseen fall from grace—that without him they can no longer meaningfully differentiate between human and not, their treasured anecdote of Grandpa at his slaughterhouse job equivalent with their abduction and murder of an innocent girl, a logic developed in increasing isolation that the cook expects Sally to accept.
The old ways, Grandpa as their figurehead, are obsolete, no longer apply to THEM, but they emulate memories of Normalcy (often distant) the best they can. The way he is now he can't tell them they're wrong.
This passage from Chainsaw Confidential about Drayton—
On the one hand he’s getting off on it, and then he becomes ashamed of himself, and he looks back to old Grandpa, and he gets afraid of his own thoughts, and he gets afraid of what old Grandpa is going to think of him; and Grandpa doesn’t have enough sense to, he doesn’t even know he’s there anyway.
—could be interpreted in a couple of ways, but juxtaposed with his shame of "getting off" on it, maybe there's a fear that Grandpa would think he's a bad person? Not for NOT killing her, but the opposite...
Nothing directly contradicts the idea that Grandpa is a killer (of humans, too), but if their serial murdering and cannibalism had only started since they lost their jobs due to the “airgun,” it would be not too long ago if Hitchhiker is about 25, long after Grandpa stopped working if he is in his 100s. I know most of the sequels have their own take on the Sawyers being a serial killing clan with Grandpa as the serial killing patriarch, and the game is 100% that way, but I never got the impression from the 1st movie that there ever was a "family business" before Drayton.
Grandpa being an authoritarian and abusive figure who taught the boys everything they know (and is thus responsible) was never suggested by the first (and 2nd?) movie—all we know is that they love and care for him—but it is accepted by fandom/the video game as an explanation for their current state, since by design we know absolutely nothing about these people and where they came from, and that makes the most sense. This I mostly agree with, imagining the Sawyers as having a history of domestic violence, inwardly directed violence, just not. a long history of murdering randoms, given how bad they are at it.
idk I like the dramatic irony in Grandpa, who I doubt the younger Sawyers ever got to know, being forced into crimes he's not aware of, especially if it was all inspired by his previous, Normalized cruelty (the Normal Socially Acceptable kind of abuse it takes to maintain a nuclear family). Still in the end it’s about imitating the violence they know and directing it on a more…plentiful resource.
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niseamstories · 3 years
10 Lessons on Realistic Worldbuilding and Mapmaking I Learned Working With a Professional Cartographer and Geodesist
Hi, fellow writers and worldbuilders,
It’s been over a year since my post on realistic swordfighting, and I figured it’s time for another one. I’m guessing the topic is a little less “sexy”, but I’d find this useful as a writer, so here goes: 10 things I learned about realistic worldbuilding and mapmaking while writing my novel.
I’ve always been a sucker for pretty maps, so when I started on my novel, I hired an artist quite early to create a map for me. It was beautiful, but a few things always bothered me, even though I couldn’t put a finger on it. A year later, I met an old friend of mine, who currently does his Ph.D. in cartography and geodesy, the science of measuring the earth. When the conversation shifted to the novel, I showed him the map and asked for his opinion, and he (respectfully) pointed out that it has an awful lot of issues from a realism perspective.
First off, I’m aware that fiction is fiction, and it’s not always about realism; there are plenty of beautiful maps out there (and my old one was one of them) that are a bit fantastical and unrealistic, and that’s all right. Still, considering the lengths I went to ensure realism for other aspects of my worldbuilding, it felt weird to me to simply ignore these discrepancies. With a heavy heart, I scrapped the old map and started over, this time working in tandem with a professional artist, my cartographer friend, and a linguist. Six months later, I’m not only very happy with the new map, but I also learned a lot of things about geography and coherent worldbuilding, which made my universe a lot more realistic.
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1)  Realism Has an Effect: While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with creating an unrealistic world, realism does affect the plausibility of a world. Even if the vast majority of us probably know little about geography, our brains subconsciously notice discrepancies; we simply get this sense that something isn’t quite right, even if we don’t notice or can’t put our finger on it. In other words, if, for some miraculous reason, an evergreen forest borders on a desert in your novel, it will probably help immersion if you at least explain why this is, no matter how simple.
2)  Climate Zones: According to my friend, a cardinal sin in fantasy maps are nonsensical climate zones. A single continent contains hot deserts, forests, and glaciers, and you can get through it all in a single day. This is particularly noticeable in video games, where this is often done to offer visual variety (Enderal, the game I wrote, is very guilty of this). If you aim for realism, run your worldbuilding by someone with a basic grasp of geography and geology, or at least try to match it to real-life examples.
3)  Avoid Island Continent Worlds: Another issue that is quite common in fictional worlds is what I would call the “island continents”: a world that is made up of island-like continents surrounded by vast bodies of water. As lovely and romantic as the idea of those distant and secluded worlds may be, it’s deeply unrealistic. Unless your world was shaped by geological forces that differ substantially from Earth’s, it was probably at one point a single landmass that split up into fragmented landmasses separated by waters. Take a look at a proper map of our world: the vast majority of continents could theoretically be reached by foot and relatively manageable sea passages. If it weren’t so, countries such as Australia could have never been colonized – you can’t cross an entire ocean on a raft.
4)  Logical City Placement: My novel is set in a Polynesian-inspired tropical archipelago; in the early drafts of the book and on my first map, Uunili, the nation’s capital, stretched along the entire western coast of the main island. This is absurd. Not only because this city would have been laughably big, but also because building a settlement along an unprotected coastline is the dumbest thing you could do considering it directly exposes it to storms, floods, and, in my case, monsoons. Unless there’s a logical reason to do otherwise, always place your coastal settlements in bays or fjords.
 Naturally, this extends to city placement in general. If you want realism and coherence, don’t place a city in the middle of a godforsaken wasteland or a swamp just because it’s cool. There needs to be a reason. For example, the wasteland city could have started out as a mining town around a vast mineral deposit, and the swamp town might have a trading post along a vital trade route connecting two nations.
 5)  Realistic Settlement Sizes: As I’ve mentioned before, my capital Uunili originally extended across the entire western coast. Considering Uunili is roughly two thirds the size of Hawaii  the old visuals would have made it twice the size of Mexico City. An easy way to avoid this is to draw the map using a scale and stick to it religiously. For my map, we decided to represent cities and townships with symbols alone.
 6)  Realistic Megacities: Uunili has a population of about 450,000 people. For a city in a Middle Ages-inspired era, this is humongous. While this isn’t an issue, per se (at its height, ancient Alexandria had a population of about 300,000), a city of that size creates its own set of challenges: you’ll need a complex sewage system (to minimize disease spreading like wildfire) and strong agriculture in the surrounding areas to keep the population fed. Also, only a small part of such a megacity would be enclosed within fantasy’s ever-so-present colossal city walls; the majority of citizens would probably concentrate in an enormous urban sprawl in the surrounding areas. To give you a pointer, with a population of about 50,000, Cologne was Germany’s biggest metropolis for most of the Middle Ages. I’ll say it again: it’s fine to disregard realism for coolness in this case, but at least taking these things into consideration will not only give your world more texture but might even provide you with some interesting plot points.
 7)  World Origin: This point can be summed up in a single question: why is your world the way it is? If your novel is set in an archipelago like mine is, are the islands of volcanic origin? Did they use to be a single landmass that got flooded with the years? Do the inhabitants of your country know about this? Were there any natural disasters to speak of? Yes, not all of this may be relevant to the story, and the story should take priority over lore, but just like with my previous point, it will make your world more immersive.
 8)  Maps: Think Purpose! Every map in history had a purpose. Before you start on your map, think about what yours might have been. Was it a map people actually used for navigation? If so, clarity should be paramount. This means little to no distracting ornamentation, a legible font, and a strict focus on relevant information. For example, a map used chiefly for military purposes would naturally highlight different information than a trade map. For my novel, we ultimately decided on a “show-off map” drawn for the Blue Island Coalition, a powerful political entity in the archipelago (depending on your world’s technology level, maps were actually scarce and valuable). Also, think about which technique your in-universe cartographer used to draw your in-universe map. Has copperplate engraving already been invented in your fictional universe? If not, your map shouldn’t use that aesthetic.
9)  Maps: Less Is More. If a spot or an area on a map contains no relevant information, it can (and should) stay blank so that the reader’s attention naturally shifts to the critical information. Think of it this way: if your nav system tells you to follow a highway for 500 miles, that’s the information you’ll get, and not “in 100 meters, you’ll drive past a little petrol station on the left, and, oh, did I tell you about that accident that took place here ten years ago?” Traditional maps follow the same principle: if there’s a road leading a two day’s march through a desolate desert, a black line over a blank white ground is entirely sufficient to convey that information.
10) Settlement and Landmark Names: This point will be a bit of a tangent, but it’s still relevant. I worked with a linguist to create a fully functional language for my novel, and one of the things he criticized about my early drafts were the names of my cities. It’s embarrassing when I think about it now, but I really didn’t pay that much attention to how I named my cities; I wanted it to sound good, and that was it. Again: if realism is your goal, that’s a big mistake. Like Point 5, we went back to the drawing board and dove into the archipelago’s history and established naming conventions. In my novel, for example, the islands were inhabited by indigenes called the Makehu before the colonization four hundred years before the events of the story; as it’s usually the case, all settlements and islands had purely descriptive names back then. For example, the main island was called Uni e Li, which translates as “Mighty Hill,” a reference to the vast mountain ranges in the south and north; townships followed the same example (e.g., Tamakaha meaning “Coarse Sands”). When the colonizers arrived, they adopted the Makehu names and adapted them into their own language, changing the accented, long vowels to double vowels: Uni e Li became “Uunili,” Lehō e Āhe became “Lehowai.” Makehu townships kept their names; colonial cities got “English” monikers named after their geographical location, economic significance, or some other original story. Examples of this are Southport, a—you guessed it—port on the southernmost tip of Uunili, or Cale’s Hope, a settlement named after a businessman’s mining venture. It’s all details, and chances are that most readers won’t even pay attention, but I personally found that this added a lot of plausibility and immersion.
I could cover a lot more, but this post is already way too long, so I’ll leave it at that—if there’s enough interest, I’d be happy to make a part two. If not, well, maybe at least a couple of you got something useful out of this. If you’re looking for inspiration/references to show to your illustrator/cartographer, the David Rumsey archive is a treasure trove. Finally, for anyone who doesn’t know and might be interested, my novel is called Dreams of the Dying, and is a blends fantasy, mystery, and psychological horror set in the universe of Enderal, an indie RPG for which I wrote the story. It’s set in a Polynesian-inspired medieval world and has been described as Inception in a fantasy setting by reviewers.
Credit for the map belongs to Dominik Derow, who did the ornamentation, and my friend Fabian Müller, who created the map in QGIS and answered all my questions with divine patience. The linguist’s name is David Müller (no, they’re not related, and, yes, we Germans all have the same last names.)
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melianthemon · 2 years
✨💐Diana May’s Writeblr Intro🍇🍯
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About Me
Hello! I’m Diana (she/her). This is my first writeblr and I’d really like to meet other folks interested in writing, so interact with this if you want me to check out your blog. Reblogs are appreciated!
As for other things about me: I love houseplants and have a spiderplant named Gerard Way. I love history and art. I’m pretty good at art myself when it comes to slow-paced, realistic traditional works. I run when the weather’s nice enough and I vegetate when it’s not. I really look up to Dolly Parton and may gush about her awesomeness on occasion :)
My main blog is @khloros and I follow from @eccentrichouseplant <3
About My Blog
The url of this blog is an amalgamation of Ancient Greek (which I’m pretty sure I put in the wrong grammatical order) but it’s supposed to say “honey-flower”. I’ve tried to learn Ancient Greek a few times, but it’s a slow process :’)
I tend to organize a lot so if you ever want to find a post of mine, it’ll be tagged well. If you can’t find it you can totally send me an ask! I love talking with people and am always willing to help out.
As I mentioned before, I’m new to writeblr, so I’m not entirely sure what to post. So far I’ve been thinking about sharing a few snippets, posting some information on my WIPs and characters, and rambling occasionally about my writerly woes. I reblog a lot of writing advice as well as some inspiration and things that fit my WIPs’ themes.
This is a writeblr and it shall be about writing! That being said, I’m happy to be derailed if you want to talk with me ^_^
What I Write
Most of the things I write are slightly off-beat. I enjoy taking common tropes and twisting them just a bit. Genres vary widely, ranging from historical romance to sci-fi family-bonding.
My writings usually reflect whatever I’m interested in at the time. I love to research and will weasel in little facts I discover here and there!
I also rarely write without humor. I don’t do slapstick, but I do do (hehe, doo-doo) little quips and ridiculous situations. I enjoy the balance between drama and humor and like to challenge myself to keep it realistic.
Along with that, I love happy endings and happy feelings. That doesn’t mean I avoid conflict, it just means that all ends well no matter what. I’m a stubborn optimist, what can I say?
What I Read
I read a lot of informational books, some of my favorites being The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, and Bees and Their Keepers by Lotte Möller. As you can see, nature is something I’m very interested in!
I also read a ton of poetry! Ocean Vuong is one of my favorites. I actually have this little notebook filled with poems I like, all written in glitter pen.
As for fiction, the genres I usually go for are romance and historical, though rarely historical romance for some reason. I’m currently reading Spin by Peter Zheutlin but haven’t been able to get through much of it due to busyness.
How to Interact
If you only post adult content, don’t reblog from me.
TERFs/SWERFs and acephobes are not welcome here.
I’m happy to be tagged in anything, be it for a game or just to get my attention. There’s no rules regarding my asks, either, so feel free to send in anything. Messages are open as well! I take my time to respond but will not ignore anybody.
Current WIPs
Spades is my first WIP. It’s a western lesbian romance set in the late 1800s.
Two elderly women find themselves facing financial difficulties after losing the support of their families. In an attempt to earn enough money to live a few more years semi-comfortably, they decide to forge wills of John Does for inheritance. They travel the Wild West, committing these crimes, but things escalate quickly.
Spades is currently an unfinished first draft.
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Red Rover, Red Rover is a heartwarming sci-fi featuring a childlike rover, a confused alien, and nosy scientists.
A rover sent from Earth winds up in an alien’s garden. This alien is reclusive and awkward, having isolated himself from the rest of the town to focus on his small farm. Upon discovering the rover, he isn’t sure what to do. The strange, beeping creature resembles a child of his species enough for him to consider it to be a lost child. As he bonds with the rover, he becomes torn between attempting to reunite the child with its parents or adopting it himself.
This story was originally posted on AO3 with just one chapter, but I’ve been considering scrapping and rewriting it for NaNoWriMo 2022.
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Waxwinged is a WIP I didn’t mean to start but don’t regret that I did. I’ve been very happy with it so far! It’s a historical novel set in 1943 Illinois, with adventure and romance influences.
Most of us are familiar with the story of Icarus. But what if that story was brought closer to the present?
Nikolas is a young carpenter building a prison. He’s mostly content with his life—working with his father, knowing how to do his job well, talking with a pretty girl who hangs around the jobsite every so often. All of this is thrown out the window, however, when he and his father are framed (or not so framed) for assisting in the escape of a prisoner and are sent to prison themselves. They now must escape—but how?
Waxwinged is currently an unfinished first draft.
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The Knight’s Apiary (And Other Tales) is my newest WIP. It’s a fantasy novel made up of several stories, all of which gradually become connected.
Chalybion is a knight and a traveler who never stays in one place for very long. He hides himself behind his armor whenever possible because when it is removed he appears invisible to himself yet to others, he appears as someone they once knew but are no longer in contact with. One day, however, the tables turn when he meets someone he recognizes.
He must cope with the realization that there may be more to his past than he initially thought while still maintaining his duty as a knight. The novel follows him through his adventures in slaying various beasts, as well as taking care of an apiary in his free time.
The Knight’s Apiary is in it’s plotting stages as of now.
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With That Being Said…
Interacting with this post will help me discover the rest of the writeblr community, as tumblr’s search system isn’t exactly the best. Reblogs will share this with other people and I really appreciate them! No pressure to do so, of course, and likes are totally loved just as much. Thanks!! Hugs and kissies <3
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fantastic-wiles · 2 years
Unfinished Batfam-centric fanfic I'm never going to post on AO3 w/ Dick Grayson as the main POV (part 6)
(original draft for part 2 of 'fics I gave up on writing' series)
There are no rules.
Dick didn’t have wings, but he could fly.
He leaps from rock to rock, avoiding the bubbling stream, laughing lightly as he hops. He can see the rainbow-colored fishes wagging their tails down the water, releasing bubbles from thin gills, but Dick knew better than to bother them. Nothing in the place he lived in was as it seemed, and Dick would not lose a hand because of childish curiosity. He was seventeen, now.
Had been for forty years.
“I’ve warned you about crossing the stream,” Dick’s companion calls from land. Dick glances behind him to see a stoic-looking black cat. The cat had no expression on his face, but Dick could hear the disapproval in his voice. Dick hadn’t known the black cat for very long. They’d become acquaintances over the past three weeks, and the cat might not say it aloud, but Dick figures the cat was as lost as he was. The cat seemed to know everything there was to know, but at the same time he knew nothing at all. He spoke in cryptic ways that didn’t make sense, even for their strange land, but there was a hint of ancient wisdom hiding behind those emerald eyes.
“Is it true,” Dick asks, hopping onto another stone, “that if you jump across this stream five times… it opens up into another world?”
The cat swishes its tail. “It is true,” it confirms. “Otherwise, I would not have warned you, and I would not be stuck here.”
“This is a poor place to be stuck,” Dick says. “How come you can’t just jump over the stream again?”
The cat licks its paw, and then rubs it over his head. It flattens its ear in an attempt to groom itself.
“I’ve done it too many times. I have been imprisoned here by forces beyond my understanding.”
“Does that mean you’ve been to different worlds?”
“Many,” the cat confirms.
“What are they like?” Dick questions as he lands on the other side of the stream. “Do they have rainbow colored fish?”
The cat licks its chops. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen the rainbow-body of a fish elsewhere. Regardless, each world is much different than the other, though I must admit this is by far the strangest.”
“You think this land is strange?” Dick laughs, feeling young, and alive.
“I couldn’t speak in the other worlds,” the cat hums thoughtfully, “but here I speak freely as if I am capable of it.”
“Does that mean if I were to jump into another world that I wouldn’t be able to speak?” Dick questions. He starts hopping on the rocks again, balancing perfectly, as he makes his way back to the strange cat.
“Hm. I do not think so, no,” the cat pauses. Then, it picks up, “Do you, perhaps, wish to visit the other worlds I’ve spoken of? That would be quite concerning if you did. You might just get trapped.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad,” Dick says, “I’d much rather trade this world for another any day. I'm tired of this place. This world is filled with empty riddles. What’s the point of guessing for answers when none exist?”
“You would risk everything you’ve ever known to sate your boredom?” The cat asks.
Dick thinks about it as he hops. “Well, yeah, is that wrong?”
“Don’t you have people you love here?”
Dick pauses. He tilts his head. “What is love?”
The cat stares at him curiously.
“Love is forgiveness. It is selfless.”
“That doesn’t make much sense.”
“Perhaps to you, no, but when did anything in this world make sense?”
“It’s always made sense to me,” Dick says as he lands next to the cat.
“Here is a question for you,” the cat starts, turning to watch the bubbling water, “what would you do should you end up in another world?”
“I like that question,” Dick says. “I think that I would look for others like me. People who don’t belong.”
The cat hums thoughtfully. “Is that true?”
“Then I have a request. Since it is clear to me that, no matter what I say, you will not listen… I would ask for a favor.”
“What is it?”
Dick hops onto a rock.
“I have a boy. Would you find him for me?”
“I’m good at finding things,” Dick claims. He skips to the next rock. “What does he look like?”
The cat hesitates. “I’m not sure. I’ve forgotten. All I know is that he loved me, and that he is sure to miss me. He is someone who doesn’t belong.”
“Huh,” Dick says as he reaches the end of the stream. He pauses on the last rock, turns to glance over his shoulder, and continues, “I think I can do that. I think I can find your boy for you.”
“Will you tell him that I love him?”
“I can.”
“Thank you.”
Dick stretches out a leg to reach the other side of the stream.
“You’re welcome.”
Dick collides with the ground.
Dick pulls himself off of sinking sand. He spits out a mouthful of dirt, hating the taste, but not minding the crunch too much.
Dick hears water. He looks up to see not a bubbling stream, but an endless expanse of ocean. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There was only the unforgiving sun, the passing of swooping seagulls, and a salty wind. Dick had never seen such a thing, not in his entire life, and so he stared out into the water. The exotic scenery filled him with an endless amount of fascination.
He tries to pull himself to his feet to make his way to the water. He is surprised at how heavy his limbs are. He pulls them upward like weights, flexing fingers with some resistance, and then drags his feet through repelling sand. Dick furrows his brows in concentration. He tries to make his way back to the water, feeling that maybe it would be easier if he was in the water instead of the sand, but that is not the case. When he steps into the water - it rushes over his feet with just as much resistance.
Dick’s feet sink faster in the water. He stands still long enough to watch his soles disappear into soggy sand.
He was thoroughly puzzled as he pulled his feet out of the sinking puddles of water. His feet left holes behind. It was strange. Dick never had a problem with sand before. Water had never been so salty either. He can feel the difference against his skin.
Dick takes a few steps to the side. He’d intended to start walking along the shore to figure out what he was supposed to do but-
Dick withdraws his stinging foot from the water.
It was bleeding.
It was bleeding.
Dick knew it was blood. He’d never seen blood before but-
“My life. It is leaking from me,” Dick gasps as he tries to balance on one foot. Balancing had been so easy in his world, but for some reason, he seemed to be struggling to do it in this one.
Dick glances around the surrounding area. He didn’t know what to do about the blood, or the cut on his foot. He needed to find someone. He needed help.
He glances over his shoulder. There was a wall of trees. A long, long, wall of trees. They did not look as lively, as colorful, as the trees Dick knew. They were sad. Sullen.
Dick does not feel happy when he looks at them.
“Hello?” Dick calls out. “Can you help me?”
The trees do not respond. Dick finds himself limping for them. He deserts the water, hisses when his foot shoots pain up his leg, and falters momentarily. He’d never felt something like… like what was happening to his foot.
It’s strange. Very, very strange.
Dick pushes himself forward.
He’s not sure about his decision when the ground changes from sand to dirt. The sand wasn’t great considering the fact that it was coating Dick’s wound with hundreds of grains, but the dirt didn’t look all that comfortable either. There were twigs. Rocks. Things that Dick needed to avoid. For some reason - despite having no experience with this sort of thing - he had the knowledge that he needed to avoid these things. He knew what he had to do in order to keep his pain at a minimal level.
Dick takes a tentative step on the dirt. It is not as heavy as the sand. It does not make him drag his feet.
Dick enters the forest. His eyes search his new surroundings. The air felt full around him, heavy with water, and Dick’s lungs were not appreciative. It felt like he was breathing in moisture. It was thick. Choking, almost. Regardless, aside from his struggle with basic breathing, the forest was rather dull in appearance. There were no colorful singing teacup flowers, bouncing pads, dangerously friendly creatures, or upside down fruit. There was only eerie silence.
Dick’s eyes continue to search his surroundings. He halts when he spots a hunched black figure.
The figure is completely encased in shadow. Dick could see hints of fur spiking out of its back. The creature is large. Much larger than Dick. It walks on two bipedal legs, with arms that weigh down to the ground, and sharp claws that drag through the grains. Dick watches its back retreat into the brush.
One heavy, thudding, step at a time.
Dick reaches out a hand. He opens his mouth to call for the creature, but he does not get the opportunity. He is tugged backwards into the brush behind him.
The thunk he makes, falling flat on his butt, catches the creature’s attention. It turns sharply on its large feet, searching the surrounding area with beaming red eyes, whilst it flexes its claws. Its mouth rolls wide open. Gross beads of saliva drip off of it. Like a hungry predator searching for his meal.
Dick’s eyes search for the person who’d grabbed him. Next to him he sees a boy with a finger held up to his lips. Dick takes stock of his appearance.
His attacker had pitch black hair. It was sticking out everywhere, like he had not combed it in a long time, or that he had fallen asleep on the ground without letting his hair dry. His eyes were a stunning blue, and the clothes he wore were rather poor. He had brown rags for a shirt, pants that had been repaired in too many places with mismatching threads, and a brown leather messenger bag. It was slunk around his shoulder.
Dick’s apparel was very different from the boy sitting next to him. He was wearing a bright blue button-up shirt, collared at the neck, with tacky pink stripes stretched across the thin fabric. His pants were the same color, striped the same way, except the zipper was in the back instead of the front. He liked to wear his pants backwards. Sometimes he wore his button-up shirt backwards, too, but he didn’t like the look too much.
Dick’s eyes flitter to the creature as it sniffs the air. He opens his mouth to say something again but the boy smacks a hand over his lips.
Dick watches the creature trudge through brush. The hand does not leave his mouth until it disappears.
“You could have died,” the stranger says
Die? Dick thinks. He’d never heard of such a word.
“I just wanted to ask him a question,” Dick says. “I don’t know why you covered my mouth. It was rather rude.”
The boy furrows his brows. “Are you stupid? That wasn’t a person. It was a werewolf. It would have slaughtered you.”
“Werewolf?” Dick repeats.
The boy nods. “Yeah. I couldn’t believe it the first time I saw it, but werewolves are one-hundred percent real.”
“I believe it,” Dick says.
"Really?” the boy replies. He tilts his head curiously. “What are you even doing out here anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in the village.”
Dick stares at him. “I’m not from a village. I’m from the stream.”
The boy blinks. “Stream? There are no streams around here. Are you trying to be funny?”
Dick blinks back. “No? It’s true. Sometimes the truth can be funny, though, so I can see why you might think that.”
The boy raises an eye skeptically. “Did you hit your head or something?”
Dick pauses to consider the question.
“No. But I hurt my foot.”
He bends down to show it off. He raises his foot to show the stranger the bottom of it.
The boy grimaces. “Were you at the beach? Don’t you know you aren’t supposed to go there?”
“I didn’t know,” Dick says.
“How could you not know?”
“I don’t know.”
The boy rubs his forehead. Dick watches him do it curiously, and feels something small surface in his heart. Now that he was actually having a conversation with the boy who’d stuck him in the brush - he couldn’t help but feel that there was something familiar about him - and it wasn’t the kind of ‘familiar’ in his world. It was… it was…
“Have I met you before?” The boy blurts out seemingly just as entranced as Dick. “I would remember, I would think, but there’s just… I don’t know. I feel like I’ve met you before”
“I would remember your face if we met,” Dick says, “but I also feel like I know you.”
The boy’s face twists in deep confusion. He makes a move to stand up, brushing the dirt off of his worn pants, and then wipes the sweat off his brow.
“We should get your foot treated.”
“I would like that very much,” Dick confesses. “What’s your name?”
The boy helps him get up.
“Tim,” Dick repeats. “I like that name.”
“I like it, too,” Tim says. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Dick.”
“Dick?” Tim stares at Dick with wide eyes. “You can’t go by that name.”
“Why not?”
“Your name. It has four letters in it.”
“What’s wrong with having a name with four letters in it? I’ve met people who have had longer names,” Dick claims. “I have met people who have names that are over ten letters long.”
Tim furrows his brows. “That’s impossible. There shouldn’t be any people with ten letter names left. I don’t know how you were able to survive this long. It’s a good thing I found you. You need to change your name now, or else something bad will happen to you.”
“You’re saying that having a four letter name means something bad will happen to me?”
“That’s right,” Tim says. He gestures for Dick to follow him. Together, they navigate through the brush, except Dick is very careful with how he uses his foot. “They’ve been sacrificing the four letter people to the ocean. You’ll be safer if you have a three letter name, or even better, a one letter name.”
“Sacrifice?” Dick questions with a head tilt. “What’s that?”
Tim gives him an odd glance over his shoulder.
“You look two times older than me, and you don’t even know what sacrifice means?”
“Where I come from, we don’t use the word sacrifice,” Dick says.
“Where do you come from?”
“I came from the stream,” Dick supplies. “One moment, I was hopping on river stones, and then I landed on the sand.”
“I think maybe you just really hurt your head or something,” Tim guesses. “You’re probably disorientated because you somehow survived being sacrificed to the ocean.”
Dick steps over a twig. He watches the ground closely as he follows at Tim’s heels. He didn’t know where he was going, but he didn’t see any problem with following this boy.
“Well, since you’re alive, I guess it’s a good sign. We should give you a different name. We can call you Dee instsead.”
“That’s not my name though.”
“It is if you want to live. We don’t have a Dee in the village yet, so they’ll probably welcome you with open arms.”
AN: This was a multi-chapter fic I was planning where I was hopping on the 'rewritten fairy tales' scene.
Dick Grayson was supposed to represent Alice in Wonderland.
Tim was Little Red Riding Hood.
Jason, Snow White.
Damian, The Little Mermaid.
Cass, Twelve Dancing Princesses.
Stephanie, Goldilocks.
Bruce, Beauty and The Beast.
My ultimate goal was to have Dick hop between worlds, gathering up his family, with the werewolf being a constant in all worlds. Well, turns out, the werewolf is a constant only because he's traveling worlds, too. He's looking for his children. He's Bruce.
The cat was Alfred, as in Damian's cat.
Plot twist at the end: They were all dead, amnesiac, and living out confusing realities. They finally reuinte because of Dick, wandering spirits once again gathered, blessed to live all of eternity together.
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tlbodine · 3 years
Reverse-Outlining Revision Method with Plottr
So in my editing guide, I give a step-by-step method for structural editing that I find really useful, and I wanted to do a visual follow-up to kind of show what that process looks like. I’m using Plottr for this, because I was gifted a copy of the software in exchange for them using my horror-writing beat-sheet as one of the templates, but you could just as easily do this with Scrivener, scrap paper, or any other organizational system you like. 
Whether you’re a fellow pantser who struggles with story structure (hi!) or you’re an outliner who needs to make sure your draft matches up to your vision (or the second draft has a good structure), this will work for you! 
Step One: Write a one-sentence log-line of the story + jot down the major themes 
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There’s space for this in Plottr. I’m doing Neverest.
Premise: A woman’s search for her missing husband’s body on Mount Everest sends her into the grip of ancient forces that don’t want her to leave. 
Themes: Putting your name on something doesn't make it yours; colonialism and the urge to conquer and codify; relationships as a form of control and change vs understanding
You’ll also want to write a one-page overview summary of the story, similar to what you’d put in a query letter. Here’s mine: 
One year ago, Sean Miller -- journalist and mountain climbing enthusiast -- reached the summit of Mt. Everest, and was never seen again. Unable to move on without knowing the truth of what happened, his wife Carrie flies to Nepal to meet with Sean’s best friend and former climbing partner, Tom. They assemble a small crew and begin an expedition up the peak in search of Sean’s body and a better understanding of what might have happened in his final days.
Guided by a travel journal left behind from her husband's expedition, Carrie ventures into the frozen, open-air graveyard of the world's tallest peak. But as Sean’s diary and Carrie’s experiences reveal, climbing the mountain is more than a test of endurance; it’s a battle of wills with an ancient and hostile force protecting the mountain — and the dead do not rest easy at the summit.
Doing this helps you to identify the core elements of your story -- the characters, the conflict, and the stakes. You should be able to answer the questions: who is the main character, what do they want, what’s stopping them, what happens if they succeed/fail. 
In this case: 
The main character is Carrie, the wife of a journalist who disappeared while summiting Mt. Everest (character) 
She wants to find his body and get closure about his death/understand how and why he died (what does she want)
But there are supernatural forces at work that led to his death and now have the same in store for her (conflict/stakes) 
Step Two: List out every scene in the book 
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Plottr is an outlining software, so it makes this step really easy (and conveniently color-codes things for me at the same time!). There are multiple views this can take, but this one screenshots well so I used this one for the example. 
Basically what you want to do is write down everything that happens, scene by scene. You can color-code them however you want -- in my case, I have three narrative threads, so I made a timeline for each one. Then I just mapped out all the scenes -- across 24 chapters, each dot is a scene, and you can see that some chapters have multiple scenes and also that the primary and secondary plot alternate chapters. 
When you look at it this way, you can tell really clearly that the tertiary plot needs some work -- it’s only there for four scenes in the first third of the story. I either need to cut it completely and incorporate any essential information into the other plots, or I need to expand it. 
In this particular case, I decided to expand because 1.) my word count is low, and I’d like to fill in more story and 2.) a big theme I want to explore in the story is what it’s like to love someone who’s deeply passionate about something you don’t understand -- so this tertiary plot is a great place to explore that and fill in more characterization that should add some depth to the primary and secondary stories. 
I can also see at a glance that I have a variable number of scenes in each chapter. Sometimes that makes sense (the green ones are diary entries, so it’s logical that one chapter = one entry) but sometimes it hints that those chapters could be a little thin and need more content. If I’m looking to add additional conflict, I should do it in those blue chapters that only have one dot as opposed to the ones with multiple dots! 
Step Three: Look at the overall shape and adjust for pacing and genre
Plottr has a bunch of templates pre-loaded into it that make this easy, but you can also just google various different story structures and beat sheets such as Save the Cat or the 3 Act Structure etc. But just look at the overall map of story beats and see how they line up with the outline you’ve made: 
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This is just a small snapshot view, but you get the idea -- when you look at the scenes side-by-side with the beat sheet, you can see some things. For example, it sure would make more sense if the flashback scene where Carrie decides to embark on this journey got its own chapter and lined up better with the “putting the players in action” plot point rather than being smooshed into the first chapter with the introduction to the world! The fact that I’ve got it smashed into that first chapter is probably a sign that my opening scenes/chapter itself is a bit thin and needs to be fleshed out a little more. 
Step Four: Figure out what you need to adjust and make the changes accordingly 
So after looking at everything mapped out this way, I’ve got a little list of things I need to do: 
Come up with more scenes for that red plotline
Rearrange some things a little bit to better fit the structure I want
Figure out some more blue scenes to fill in the gaps caused by rearranging things and smooth over the pacing/amp up the conflict/alleviate some areas where critique partners hae expressed confusion
I also moved around the categories in Plottr (you can drag-and-drop storylines and chapters) to make it a bit easier to see everything all at once. Basically you can edit the story’s outline first, to save you the confusion of manually moving around whole paragraphs/chapters in your actual story document. 
Now, I haven’t finished that step yet for this particular project (there’s a lot of brainstorming to do re: filling in those gaps!) BUT I did want to skip ahead to show you the next step (let’s pretend this is a TV cooking show where the finished pie is pulled right out of the oven). 
Step Five: Re-Type everything based on your new scene list
This is a really neat thing about Plottr. If you swap from the “Timeline” view to the “Outline” view, you get these editable text windows where you can type whatever you want, and it’ll keep it organized into chapters and scenes. 
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So, just pull up your original in one window, and the Plottr screen (or other outlining/drafting device) in another. Dual monitors are great for this but we make due. Now, retype the original document into the new document, making changes as you go to fit the new outline and also cleaning up language and so forth as you go. For example, this time around I’ll be changing Carrie’s blue timeline scenes to present-tense instead of past, so I’ll rewrite them in present tense in the new window. 
Once all that is said and done, in Plottr you can export the file directly into Scrivener or Word. (If you’re not using Plottr, you’ll have to figure out for your own self how to transfer the final product into a final document -- I trust you can sort through that). From there you’ve got a fresh clean copy of a second draft all ready to go for the final copy-edit/proofread/polish/formatting and then you’re off to the races! 
I hope this was helpful for you! I talk more about editing in my Gumroad guide here: https://tlbodine.gumroad.com/l/jkLpr
If you’d like to receive all of my existing + future guides and support me in making more content like this, consider subscribing to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tlbodine
And you can pick up a copy of Plottr here: https://plottr.com/
This post isn’t sponsored or anything, but I did get a free copy of the software from the developer and I think it’s pretty neat. It’s still in beta so new features keep getting added, and the team that makes it are very nice and responsive to feedback. 
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soulst1c3 · 2 years
**Note: We’ll continue filling this out throughout the next few days! Wanted to get this info out here sooner rather than later, though. Thanks for your patience!
Mun Name: Del Age: 21+ Contact: Discord (preferred), DMs
BOLD what fully applies. Italicize if somewhat interested. Strikethrough if not interested. Unaltered text means I just haven’t thought about it very much, and don’t have strong feelings in any direction.
Character(s) I RP: Ukitake Jūshirō
Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?: N/A
Current Fandom(s): Bleach
Fandom(s) you have an AU for: N/A; if you’d like to do crossovers, let’s chat about that specifically.
My language(s): English, and reasonable French tbh
Themes I’m interested in for RP: Fantasy / Science Fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc.
Themes/Genres you have an AU for: I’ve thought through a few ways in which a post-TYBW JuuLives!AU can reasonably come to fruition. Beyond that, AUs that Juu and I have written in the past have usually come from one-on-one convos with other muns. If we find something we’re both excited about, or if we discover that we have other fandoms in common, then we’ll often try out an AU to see whether it’s a good time.
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella.
Asks can be sent by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals* / Personals* / Anons* *for headcanon asks only
Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO Only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO
Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck
Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?  YES / NO
Are you atm open for new plots? YES / NO / DEPENDS
Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT (School schedule means activity varies; feel free to nudge me if I’ve let something sit for too long!)
How long do you usually take to reply?  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years.
I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates (haven’t tried, no opinion yet) / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / AU-versions (as main or only verse)
Do you post more IC or OOC? IC / OOC
Are you selective with following others?  YES / NO / DEPENDS N/A, given the group requirements. Also, this is a side blog, which means I follow from my main anyway.
Best ways to approach you for RP/plotting: Slide into my DMs! Or, shoot me an ask! I’m notoriously awful at messaging folks first. My midwestern upbringing coupled with my irl anxiety mean that I have that whole “I don’t want to bother people” thing rattling around. Juu is far more confident than I am, and he’s a social boy. He almost always wants to spend time with folks, even if I, his mun, am not always totally sure how to facilitate that.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner: Have opinions about what you and/or your muse want to explore! If I only wanted to explore this fandom in an insular way, I’d just write more fic; I enjoy RP because it’s collaborative. Feel free to surprise us, or to suggest ideas that seem a little out of left field. In other words, don’t worry about getting something “wrong” as we’re plotting together.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner? Depends. If it’s a concept or a verse that Juu and I have strong feelings about, we’ll say so, and we’ll probably put a lot of work in by default. If it’s a concept or a verse that the other mun/muse has strong feelings about, then we’re glad to let our partners do more of that work. Regardless, both Juu and I like to do our due diligence when plotting, whether that’s researching a period of history for an AU, revisiting canon content for a canon-compliant verse, diving deeply into another fandom for an AU/crossover moment, etc.
Mostly, plotting arises organically through DMs with other muns. We both discover that we’re excited about something, and then… suddenly, we’ve got the foundations of a thread! In the past, when threads or concepts have come about this way, we’ve often built out the world and the context softly as we write. That’s fine by me, also – Juu and I are very, very content to make discoveries along the way.
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?  YES / NO / DEPENDS
And why?
First, it helps me keep things organized. I don’t to spend time and energy keeping track of a thread that’s been dropped.
Second, if a mun/muse has lost interest in a thread or a concept/vibe, I want to know that. It’ll help us write together more successfully in the future. It means that we can chat and plot new threads that we’re both excited about, and that’s much more compelling to me, because I’d like for both of us to be excited about what we’re writing.
Will you tell your partner?   YES / NO / DEPENDS
If I don’t tell my partner, then always it’s by accident. I track my threads using a thread tracking tool, and straight-up, if I forget to enter a thread in the thread tracker, it’ll be lost to the ages lol.
If I’ve let a thread sit for several weeks, please nudge me! I try to be timely and consistent and reply in roughly chronological order, but sometimes, threads slip through the cracks.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?  YES / NO
And why?
I tend to be more comfortable diving deep into Real Shit with my muses if I feel comfortable with the muns, too. And! It’s a collaborative, community activity, so I want to get to know y’all!
Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?
Yes, as long as there’s a reason. If you’re saying something unkind just for the sake of being unkind, then I’m not interested. If, by contrast, you’re drawing a boundary or asking for something you need or pointing out something from canon that I’ve overlooked (etc.; that’s not an exhaustive list of possibilities), then go for it.
Do you think you can handle such a situation in a mature way?  YES / NO
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?
Character exploration, primarily. I love my muses dearly, and I want to get to know them better.
Also, when my muses experience deep feelings, it’s tremendously satisfying to me. In many ways, I RP because it just feels nice, and because, through them, it allows me to experience feelings that I otherwise might not get to. 
Also also, love me some collaborative storytelling!! It’s just! Fun!!
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:
Some specific characters I really want to develop relationships with include:
...quite literally any canon character tbh. Juu is outgoing and social by nature, and his capacity for care is almost endless. He wants to get to know everyone - even characters he doesn’t have notable canon relationships with.
What Type of Starters do you prefer?
I prefer specific starters to vague starters, if you’re dropping starters from memes. 
I’m a big fan of starters that we develop together through plotting convos, too.
What Type of Starters do dislike, can’t work with?
We can work with just about anything. Starters that leave things too open-ended are less fun for us (e.g., “Why are you here?” or “I’m sorry” or something), but they’re not a bad place to start if we haven’t worked together much.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?
What type of characters catch your interest the least?
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO / UNKNOWN.
Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS
Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO
When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?
Both! It’s enjoyable for me as the writer, because it makes me feel good physically/emotionally, but Juu and I will never write smut unless Juu thinks it makes sense. Juu is incredibly, incredibly demisexual, and even if I think it’d be beautiful and/or fun to RP smut for the aesthetic, for the vibes, for a casual good time, etc., it’s just not something we’re often inclined to do. The part where we work toward and approach the smut is the character development part, usually, but Juu has surprised me before. Sometimes he’ll have a really important emotional breakthrough during an NSFW scene; it’s happened before.
…it’s probably worth noting, though, that once Juu has entered into a relationship with someone, we’ll RP casual smut whenever. He loves his partners deeply, and wants to make them feel good and nice as often as he possibly can. It’s one of his very favorite things.
Anything you would not want to rp there?
Nothing with minors. On that note, please never try to sexualize Sogyo no Kotowari either.
Are ships important to you?  YES / NO
Would you say your blog is ship-focused?  YES / NO
Do you use read-mores?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES.
Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship
What do you love to explore the most in your ships? 
What is your smut tag?
TBD; we don’t have any smut on dash yet.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships? YES / NO.
And what kind of ones?
What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:
With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:
With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:
What interests your Muse(s) in general:
What do they desire, is their goal?:
What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:
What do they value in a person?:  
What themes do they like talking about?:
Which themes bore them?:
Did they ever go through something traumatic?:  
What could possibly trigger them?:
What could set them off, enrage them?:
Is there someone /-thing they hate?:
Is there someone /-thing they love?:
Is your Muse easy to approach? YES / NO
Best ways to approach them?
Where are they usually to be found?
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?
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celestialmark · 4 years
Lacuna - Prologue
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- Characters: Johnny Suh x reader, members of nct - Category: single parent au, fluff, angst - Word count: 2.1k - Warnings: none - Navigation: prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue - Author’s notes: I am so excited to share what’s been sitting in my drafts since last year sksksjdjjd I hope you enjoy this <3  - Special thanks to: @/chicagoletters for the insurmountable love and support. this one’s for you. ily. 
Doyoung is three metres away but you faintly hear his statement the moment you reveal yourself through your front door. He dresses up well, a dark navy tux that hugs his body perfectly, complimenting his long lean figure, shiny black shoes, with his hair styled back, his forehead coming to full view. Doyoung has always been dashing, the main reason why all the girls around him literally fawn with even just a glance towards their direction. But tonight, Doyoung looked exceptional, his already good looks accentuated under the lights of your lamp posts that line your driveway.
Suddenly you’re cowering under his gaze, tugging at the red satin dress that reaches the ground, a dangerous slit stretching up your right thigh, and thin shoulder straps that’s barely enough to hold the dress onto your body. You felt unsure of the dress at first, but now you feel worse when Doyoung doesn’t speak. You pick at your curled locks swept to one side, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other, unsure whether to speak first.
Doyoung clears his throat before he’s jogging up the few stairs that lead to your front door. “Y/n, good evening,” he breathes when he reaches the last step. He smiles and gazes at you from head to toe again, “You look amazing.”
You know Doyoung meant it because Doyoung never lies and the gummy smile that comes after makes his statement all the more valid. “Thanks, you look dashing yourself,” you gesture at him with your hands and he unconsciously looks down at himself, pretending to dust away at his shoulder.
Doyoung shrugs, his smile never leaving his lips, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “Well, I had to look good. I knew you would, so I needed to try and match up.”
You roll your eyes but chuckle anyway just as he extends a hand to you, “Shall we?” You smile and take his hand and it’s not long before he’s leading you down the stairs and opening the car door for you, his black car just as shiny as his shoes.
It’s comfortable in the car with Doyoung. You converse about a lot of different things as he keeps his eyes not the road, mostly about work and mostly about the gala that’s happening tonight. He sounds excited while your anxiety soars. You’re not exactly the type to be involved in such elegant gatherings, never mind the socialising part and the more Doyoung talks about what would be happening tonight, the more nervous you get. But you try to console yourself with the reassurance that at least, Doyoung would be there, there’d be at least one person you would know in the middle of a crowd full of strangers all dolled up and flashing how expensive their lives are worth.
You’re so caught up in your nerves and thoughts that you don't realise Doyoung pulling the breaks in front of a bright entrance of a prestigious hotel. You look out the window, and sure enough, people dressed in various luxurious dresses and tuxedos are coming from different directions and entering the venue. When you take a closer look, you see security scattered here and there, all dressed up also and that’s when you think that this place and these people were definitely no joke.
You flinch in your seat when Doyoung comes into view and you quickly look to your side to see that the driver’s seat is already empty. He opens the door for you and leans inside to unbuckle your seatbelt as you watch him silently, the pounding of your heart caused by your nerves too loud in your ears. Doyoung offers you his hand for a second time and he reassures you with a smile and a nod of his head.
“I’m not going anywhere I promise. You have me the whole night,” he murmurs gently, knowing all too well how hesitant you were in coming in the first place.
You blow air out of your cheeks, your nerves ceasing a little as you take his hand and exit his car. You watch when he hands his keys to someone who comes up to him shortly and it doesn’t take long before his car is driven off somewhere to be parked. Doyoung straightens himself, tugging at his clothes as a last minute check. He turns to you, “How do I look?”
You don’t hesitate to reach out for his bowtie, pulling at it gently so that it held itself straight. “Better.”
He smiles gratefully and faces forward, offering his arm to you. “You look the best out of everyone here tonight. So don’t be too nervous okay? If anything, they should be the ones nervous of you.”
You smile to yourself, mentally thanking Doyoung for going to such lengths just to calm you down, even if he had to come up with a lie. Nonetheless you loop your arm in his and you follow him as he leads you both inside.  
As expected Doyoung is swarmed by a lot of people on arrival. Many of them, shaking his hand and complimenting him not only of his looks but of what he’s accomplished in life. After all, this was Kim Doyoung you were talking about, the man of the night, CEO and founder of the Kim interiors, a now multi million company well recognised in the country. But even as a crowd gathers around him, even as a crazy amount of people come to have even a two second conversation with him, he never forgets you, always taking care to introduce you to all that he meets, introducing you as his date. And Doyoung handles the situation very well because he’s quick to cut conversations short just before questions arise about what's up with you two.
Doyoung leads you to the main hall where there’s tables clad in white sheets, arrangements of flowers filling up the centres, huge chandeliers hanging on the ceiling illuminating the whole room in a dim manner and a raised platform to one side with a podium on the corner. The hall is decorated well, the minimalistic interiors screaming elegance and eons of preparation. And as the venue continues to get filled with guests, people begin to take their seat, Doyoung pulling you to the table that’s right in front of the stage. Your eyes widen because this was probably the table where the most important people of the night stood, Doyoung being one of them, you... maybe not so much.
You’re surprised to see your name by your seat, the card with your name labelled on it a testament of your wanted presence. You glance to your left, where Doyoung sat and he nods at you again, one of his many ways to reassure you silently. “I hope you’re having fun.”
You lean towards him. “And what if I'm not?” you whisper amusingly, leaning back in your seat.
It’s Doyoung’s turn to lean inwards, “Then I’ll do better at entertaining you.”
The evening begins like that and you find yourself having fun but mostly because Doyoung is there with you, cracking jokes and talking about all sorts of things over dinner. Two hours in the evening, you’ve finished your second glass of wine. As you look around, you notice all the guests talking amongst themselves, jazz music playing in the background by a live band situated in the far corner of the hall. And you realise there isn’t much to be nervous about. So you loosen up with the realisation or maybe because of the aftereffects of the wine.
Your eyes fall onto the empty seat opposite you in the round table. Surely no one would have wanted to miss this night, especially if invitations were exclusively sent by Doyoung himself. All the other tables were filled too. You raise a brow but then shrug to yourself when you come to a conclusion that it isn’t any of your business to be nosy. Doyoung is talking to someone beside him when you excuse yourself briefly to the bathroom to freshen up.
You take a good look at your reflection in the mirror, touching up where needs be and tugging at your hair slightly to put in back in place. You exit the bathroom, leaving the corridor to find yourself back in the lobby with an impressive fountain in the middle, a statue of what appears to be a figure from the ancient Greek times, holding up a vase that’s spewing water. Your heart almost drops when you see someone walk past hurriedly on the other side of the fountain, the splashes of water obscuring your vision slightly,  someone awfully familiar you shiver where you stand. You blink hard and let your eyes follow the man’s figure walking away until he disappears into the hall.
It probably isn’t. It can’t be. It’s probably the wine.
When you return to the hall, you stop just by the entrance when you see Doyoung up on the podium, already in the middle of speaking to his guests, the spotlight now directed to him. He’s in the middle of his speech when he raises the wine glass that’s in his hand.
“It is with great pleasure to be announcing to everyone here tonight the exclusive partnership between Kim Interiors and Suh Industries,” Doyoung finishes off with a wide grin on his face. “I would like to make a toast to a successful partnership in the future.”
And as soon as the toast is made, the hall erupts in applause.
“I’d like to invite the very man, who made this possible, up on the stage please,” Doyoung continues when the claps die down momentarily.
“Mr. Johnny Suh, come and join me.”
You flinch for the second time at the mention of the name and your eyes widen when the said man joins Doyoung onstage. The hairs on your skin stand immediately, chills spreading throughout your whole body at the sight of the man who’s now smiling and waving at the audience, shutters of cameras lightening up the entire stage. Chest feeling tight and knees growing weak at the absurdity of it all, you exit the hall, your heels suddenly making walking very painful.
So it really was him.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been spacing out nor how long you’ve been sitting by the fountain but when you reach into your clutch, you find six missed calls from Doyoung and your dazed self on the screen of your phone when you lock it. You exhale a heavy sigh, wanting nothing more but to go home at this stage.
You see Doyoung jogging up to you and as soon as he reaches you, he crouches down, putting his palms on his knees, searching your face, “Are you okay? Where did you go?” He’s genuinely concerned and it must be because of how stunned you look.
“Oh, I went to bathroom for a sec,” you reply mindlessly.
Doyoung contemplates but nods after and doesn’t press on the matter further. “Let’s go back in? They’ve cleared the hall to make space for people to dance.” He offers you his hand for the third time and you take it again. No matter how much you wanted to go home, you weren’t going to ruin this night for Doyoung.
When you re-enter, sure enough, the middle of the room was cleared for the dance floor. There’s slow music playing in the background and from the corner of your eye, there's already couples swaying to it, the lights dimmed even more to suit the atmosphere. Doyoung is about to offer you to dance with him when someone calls him in the distance before he could even grab the chance.
“Save me a dance?” Doyoung mumbles in your ear. You nod with a smile before he disappears.
So you stand there for the meantime, watching the dance floor fill up with more couples, temporarily distracted from your distraught earlier. You busy yourself by swaying your body lightly to the rhythm of the violin playing, your eyes now trained on the floor. You’re already thinking of what needed to be done in the coming week, of work, of all the errands you had to run and you huff to yourself when the list in your head becomes endless. You begin to wonder how longer it’d take Doyoung before he’d be back to you and you contemplate leaving your spot to grab another glass of wine.
When you finally decide on it, you don’t quite get to act on it.
“May I please have the pleasure of sharing a dance with you?”
And when you turn around after much contemplation, he’s there. You’re sure the question is directed at you because he has his eyes set on you, a small smile grazing his all too familiar face. Black tuxedo tailored to his proportions to match his black hair that’s styled back, highlighting his facial features well. He looked the exact same to when you remember him last, yet different at the same time.
But nonetheless you’re sure it’s the same person.
Johnny Suh.
Your first love.
The first man to ever break your heart.
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chuchiotaku · 4 years
There and Back Again
(Or why I started this Tumblr)
Harry Potter was released when I was in middle school, so yes, I did grow up reading the novels.  I didn’t consider myself a die-hard Potterhead but I did enjoy reading them, and I remember eagerly awaiting for the next installment all the way to the seventh book (by then, I was already in Uni).  
And while I liked the main trio well enough, Ron Weasley had always been my special favorite.  
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Before you go thinking that the reason for it is because I see myself in him (like some wise ass reviewer assumed), let me say right now that Ron and I are in many ways different: he’s from a family of nine with six siblings, I’m an only child from a middle income family.  He’s in his own way charismatic and funny, I’m an introvert who prefers my own company.  
The reason why I love Ron so much changed over time.  At first, I loved his sense of humor, and the fact that his quips and comments usually have a connection to the answer behind the mystery.  Then, as the series went on, I grew to see Ron as the underdog, who still remained consistently overshadowed within his own family and by his obviously brilliant best friends, but still fights for what he feels is right and, despite his mistakes, is always there for his loved ones.
Then came the era of the movies, and my God, Kloves, what the fuck did you do to our Ronnie?
According to a video I have watched, prior to the movies’ release, Ron was a fan favorite character. But after Kloves butchered Ron’s character to near beyond recognition—giving his best lines and character traits to Hermione—he suddenly became one of the most vilified characters in fandom, sometimes even worse so than Draco Malfoy, who was an absolute prick throughout more than half of the series, and a mumbling, indecisive coward near the end of it!  
It’s so disheartening to see many fanfics about Harry and Hermione in all the interesting tropes and cookie cutter plotlines there are like time travel, Lord/Ancient and Noble Houses, AU, and all others, but not a lot about Ron.  Yes, there are a good number of awesome Ron fanfics written by brilliant and talented Ron loving writers.  Solstice Muse is a legend as a Ron fanfic writer, as well as others like  Windschild8178,  TheTrueSpartan, Demon Eyes Laharl, random-fruitcake04, and many more.  But because of the lack of time traveling, noble house dabbling, canon lore bending Ron stories, I decided to make my own.
Thus, There and Back Again (TBA) was born!
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When I first started TBA, I just wanted to write out Ron becoming the time traveler for once, but in a way that I haven’t seen done (a lot) in fanficdom.  I also wanted to test the idea of Ron getting Lordship (something that is usually fandom Harry’s bag) and some allies and surprises along the way. But it was only after chapter 2, and when I saw the response the fanfic was getting, that I realized that I should plan this more seriously.  That more than me wanting to get in as much tropes as I could into Ron’s story, you guys deserve an actual plot, a reason you’d want to read through those tropes. So whenever I could, I’d sit down, reread the books, tailor my draft to the canon timeline then add my own spins and elements to make it a new experience for you.  
Further down the road, I’ve learned that me sprinkling my imagination and stretching the limits of canon lore is not for everybody.  And while I would love to explain myself and my narrative decisions, I don’t think many of you will appreciate having to read author’s notes to explain the nitty gritty that are longer than the story itself.  
For those of you who are interested in TBA’s lore and have a peek in my writer’s brain, a section of this Tumblr is for you.  If you have any questions or comments, if it’s anything new, I’ll still answer you by PM while simultaneously posting the answer here.  Then if anyone else has the same question, I’ll just point to them here if they really want to know the answer.  
(Because, seriously, I think I’ve explained “why I think a four rune layout to heat a small space is a basic technique” so many times already! You’re free to think what you will, of course, but it takes a lot of time to type the explanation over and over again.)
Lastly, updates. Frankly, I can’t commit to you a consistent timeline.  As much as I love TBA, it doesn’t put food on my table.  Not to mention the other fanfics I am writing on top of this.  And that new HP Ron and Regulus centric one in AO3 that I am still on the fence on whether or not I should continue.  But now that TBA has a beta (much gratitude to A.C.nelli for their time and effort!), it really helps motivate me to write more. So hopefully, it won’t take me years to add the next chapter again?  :D
Cheers! Chuchi
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sheliesshattered · 4 years
This Isn’t A Ghost Story extras for Chapter 6: The Future
Chapter 6 of This Isn’t A Ghost Story has been posted! You can find it here on Tumblr, or here on AO3. Spoiler-ish extras under the cut!
With chapter 6 under our belts, we’ve made it through the main portion of this fic! The next two chapters will wrap up a few loose ends -- and possibly create a couple more, of the open-ended variety -- and if I hadn’t gotten quite so deep into the world-building for this, I might have actually ended the story here. All the research I did for the world-building directly inspired the next two chapters, which were both written and finished before I had anything more than a basic sketch in place for chapter 6. 
Egyptology in the 1920s has clearly been a huge part of the world-building for this story from the beginning, and we get a bit more of it in chapter 6. The Doctor mentioned Howard Carter briefly in chapter 5, and here we loop back around to that and find out that Clara and the Doctor knew Carter well. I didn’t want to derail the chapter too much with talking about their friendship in any detail, but large portions of the timeline of when they were in Egypt in the 1920s was built around the historical events of the discovery and documentation of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and there are a few passing allusions to it in the journal entries in chapter 3 as well.
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Howard Carter (pictured above in 1924) and his team of excavators found the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb in November of 1922, which would have been during the phase when Clara and the Doctor are exchanging letters and falling in love. One little historical detail that I sadly couldn’t quite use was that 23 November 1922 was actually a date of minor significance in the discovery of the tomb. It was the day that Carter’s financier, Lord Carnarvon, arrived at the dig site to witness the opening of the tomb, along with his daughter Lady Evelyn Herbert, who would have been about a year and a half younger than Clara. This picture of the three of them was taken at the entrance of the tomb in late 1922, and is similar to how I imagine Clara and the Doctor’s picture with Carter would have looked:
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As the tomb was being excavated, Carter and Carnarvon assembled a team of experts to help with the huge task of cataloging, preserving, and translating all the many items found in the tomb, and though I never called it out specifically in This Isn’t A Ghost Story, I figure the Doctor was part of that team, probably specifically focused on translation work. In late February 1923, there was a short halt in the excavation that lasted a few weeks, which was what led, in our fictionalized version of events, to the Doctor briefly returning to Glasgow, and Clara’s impulsive decision to follow him there. After their wedding in May of ‘23, Clara and the Doctor went directly to Egypt, and the Doctor returned to work on Carter’s team.
Family members, tourists, and the press were all known to visit the dig site during that first year of excavation and the resulting media craze:
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Given that, and Clara and the Doctor being ‘disgustingly in love newlyweds’ it seemed reasonable that Clara would have visited the site at least a few times, and been on good terms with Howard Carter. Carter actually got his start in Egyptology when he was hired as a young man to paint reproductions of ancient temple walls and other Egyptian artifacts:
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During the excavation of Tutankhamun’s tomb, he made detailed sketches, including careful measurements, of every item removed from the tomb and where it had originally be found in the tomb. Much of what we know about King Tut’s tomb now is down to how methodical Carter was in documenting the original untouched state of the tomb, both with measurements, drawings, and photography. These are both drawings Carter did of the tomb during that period:
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Chapter 3 mentions that Clara decided to learn to draw in the summer of 1923, so I liked the little detail that it was Howard Carter, with his meticulous and beautiful art, that suggested she take up the hobby. Modern Clara also notes in passing that she drew all throughout her childhood, particularly her ghost, which all connects back to those early days of their marriage in 1923.
I’ve got more up my sleeve about the world-building elements for the next two chapters, but since chapter 6 was the last chapter I finished, long after chapters 7 and 8 were done, I thought I’d talk a bit about the writing process as well. The final scenes I wrote for the entire story were near the end of chapter 6, and despite knowing what I needed this chapter to do, what needed to be in place to set up chapters 7 and 8, chapter 6 gave me a bit of trouble along the way. 
I imagined this chapter in a lot of different ways as the story was evolving, but I always knew I wanted to emphasize the possibility of future travels for Clara and the Doctor. The theme of ‘101 Places To See’ is so strong in canon that echoing it for 1920s Clara was a big part of my world-building from the beginning, and I felt like any version of a happy ending for Clara and the Doctor had to include travel. An early draft of this chapter ended on Clara’s final line from Mummy On The Orient Express, ‘Then what are you waiting for? Let's go.’ to help emphasize that travel theme -- and because I can never resist borrowing a line from canon whenever I can find an excuse.
Another early sketch for this chapter had Clara and the Doctor venturing out for grocery shopping, with the Doctor complaining up a storm while Clara tried to carry on a conversation with him without any strangers taking note of it. Originally I had planned to include more of Clara’s work week, and had scenes roughed in where her friend and fellow teacher Amy Pond found out that Clara had gotten “engaged” over the weekend, leading Clara to have to make up something on the spot about how she’d been in a long-distance relationship that had only recently turned serious, which was why Amy had never met him. There was a whole thing about how Clara and Amy (who taught ancient world history) were co-directing Coal Hill’s production of Antony And Cleopatra, and Amy wanting to make sure that Clara wasn’t going to run off to see the world with her new fiance before the night of the play. Eventually that all got boiled down to just a single exchange between Clara and the Doctor, as I decided to keep the focus tight in on the two of them and their relationship, and not even include dialogue from any other characters.
One thing that comes up again and again in my writing projects is that when I’m imagining the plotline early in the process, it always takes up a lot more calendar days than the final product does. I imagine events taking place over the course of weeks, but then find that the emotional flow works much better condensed down to a handful of days instead. Despite my stories following that same pattern in development for more than a decade now, it somehow always seems to surprise me, lol.
Really early on in working on Ghost Story, I knew I wanted to keep Clara’s canonical birthdate of 23 November 1986 and build the rest of the timeline around that, and I picked out November 2014 as the time period for the main part of the story because it corresponds roughly to when the end of s8 of the show originally aired. But in a very early outline of events, Clara didn’t have the nightmare that led to her memories coming back until the night of her birthday, a full week later from what ended up happening in this final version. 
Even as recently as a few weeks ago, I was still planning on ending this chapter on her birthday, and it wasn’t until I started digging into the scene by scene and line by line breakdown of the chapter that I realized that it really wasn’t necessary. And leaving her birthday as an upcoming event folded in nicely with the ‘Future’ theme I wanted for this chapter, so again I decided to keep the focus tight on Clara and the Doctor’s relationship as they unravel the mystery and deal with the fallout of what happened in 1927.
Figuring out what I actually wanted to happen this chapter versus what could be left on the cutting-room floor, as they say, was a huge part of the final phase of writing This Isn’t A Ghost Story. Once I had cut out extraneous scenes and meandering plot tangents (and poor Amy Pond), I was left with a very specific list of scenes and conversations, and I wrote them much the same way I write everything, jumping around to a given scene as dialogue or internal monologue occurs to me. To me it always feels like putting together a large jigsaw puzzle, filling in holes and connecting up pieces as the puzzle comes together.
I find that technique works really well for me when I’m in early and mid development of a story, but once I was down to just a couple of scenes that still needed written, progress slowed way down. I got to the point where I knew the emotional content of a scene and even most of the dialogue, and needed just a little bit of stage direction to stitch the whole thing together. Those of you who have been following along with my #process thoughts posts here may remember me posting about working on that last scene just a couple of weeks ago, trying to wrestle it into shape. 
@tounknowndestinations, @praetyger, and a few others of you have asked about it, and I can now reveal that the very last bit to get written was the sequence with Clara preparing for bed and then the two of them getting into bed. I had the awkward sex conversation and the final scene the next morning already written, I just had to connect the first part of the chapter up with those last scenes. I’m happy with how it eventually came together -- and very curious to hear if any of you could pick out that that was the last bit written? -- but not having the option to work on anything else, just those specific words in that specific place, made it more of a struggle for me than writing most of the rest of Ghost Story.
My husband and beta reader Jack was more involved with the editing of this chapter than he was with any of the other chapters, and in several places helped me rewrite individual lines or conversation beats until we were both happy with how they read. @praetyger asked how I know when writing is ‘done’, and I have to admit it’s mostly a process of reading it over and over again, and then getting Jack to read it and taking his feedback seriously. I tend towards overly long run-on sentences, so if Jack gets lost while reading a sentence, that’s one he’ll call out as needing to be reworded for clarity. 
There’s one sentence in this chapter that we went back and forth over quite a lot: ‘The feeling of what might have been that seeing their wedding photo had elicited in her wasn’t some strange, misplaced jealousy, but rather the knowledge she carried deep in her soul, buried in her subconscious, that their story wasn’t over yet.’ It was originally even more wordy, and Jack would have preferred the final version be a lot more simple, but it just didn’t read right to me without ‘elicited’ so I stuck to my guns on that bit, even as I filed down some of the wordiness in other parts of the sentence.
Both for reworking a sentence and for writing big sections in the first place, my method is generally to write it and edit a little as I go, trying to get the word choice and pacing as close to what I want as I can on a first pass. Then I’ll let it sit, at the very least overnight but often for days or longer at a time, then come back and reread it when it isn’t so fresh in my mind. At that point, sometimes a phrase will jump at me as awkward or something I used just a paragraph or two earlier, so I’ll rewrite it, let it sit, come back and edit it all over again. Sometimes what seemed like plenty of room for an emotional beat when I was writing it will go by way too fast when I reread it, so I’ll add to it, give it space to breathe. Rinse and repeat.
For the record, Jack’s favorite line from this chapter is this bit of dialogue for the Doctor: ‘“Yes,” he allowed warily, clearly not sure where she was going with this.’ I imagine it’s probably for similar reasons as why he liked the ‘she didn’t add again but knew they were both thinking it’ bit from chapter 5. I try not to put my own marriage into my writing too much, but there are some experiences of being married that I think are probably pretty universal.
@ephemeralhologram asked about my writing inspiration, and for me my writing is always driven by a kernel of a what-if idea and a desire to convey a certain emotion. I almost always start out with a ‘plotbunny’ idea, some tiny thing that I daydream about and consider from multiple angles until a plot and emotional tone starts coming into focus. 
For Ghost Story, it was actually a shitpost here on Tumblr about a real estate agent having a conversation with the ghost who haunts the house they’re trying to sell, along with wanting to try telling a Twelve/Clara story in an alternate universe completely separate from the show canon, which I had never done before Ghost Story. The emotional tone started out much sillier, more in line with that Tumblr post, but as I got into the world-building and decided I wanted to have a mystery and mutual pining at the center of this story, the tone shifted quite a lot.
The other major drivers of writing inspiration for me are that I enjoy putting words together into interesting and emotionally evocative combinations, and I enjoy conveying character emotion and eliciting emotion in the reader. No matter what fandom I’m writing in, no matter how close to canon or how AU, how short or long the story is, those two things are always at the center of my writing.
I walk around the house or do chores that I don’t have to focus on too much (dishes are excellent for this) just tossing around bits of dialogue in my head until I find an emotional beat that grabs me or a bit of phrasing that I really like. I jot those down into a googledoc -- most of my DW stories start out in a doc called “Doctor Who Bits” that is in fact just fragments of multiple stories, and then eventually a story will graduate into having its own dedicated googledoc. Figuring out the plot is just as much about deciding on the emotional journey I want to take the characters and/or the readers on as it is deciding on an order of events.
Thank you to @tounknowndestinations​, @ephemeralhologram​, and @praetyger​ for the questions! I am more than happy to answer any questions about my writing process or details about this story, or anything really, so feel free to hit me up in my ask, or in the comments on this post, or in a comment over on AO3. Thank you to everyone who has followed along with this story, and for all the support and encouragement you’ve offered along the way, I couldn’t have written this story without this wonderful little corner of the Whouffaldi fandom! ❤️
Extras for Chapter 7: The Museum
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: hi, i am nyx  Age: 20 years old Writing Blog URL(s): jungcity.tumblr.com | v-asl.tumblr.com 
Nationality: filipino Languages: english, filipino Star Sign: pisces! MBTI: infp-t Favorite color: white accentuated by silver Favorite food: it’s sweet and spicy chicken garlic!! Favorite movie: hmmm, it’s prolly flipped because that movie was so cute :,)  Favorite ice cream flavor: rocky road!! Favorite animal: it’s gonna be cats!! although i love lions so much because of narnia :,( Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? coffee :,) Go-to karaoke song: i don’t sing agskh the world would end if i would 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i think it’s me writing about jaehyun??? since he’s the king of fanfiction, especially in ncity nowadays. 
What fandom(s) do you write for?  nct + wayv
When did you post your first piece? three days ago!! that would be august 4 i guess???
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i don’t really much write fluff since i don’t have any idea how to write a good fluff!! :( this has been an issue every time i write some au’s. so im always ending up writing and focusing more on angst. it’s the genre i know best. well, crack… it’s hard to make the readers laugh when you can’t even make their tooth ache from sweetness with your fluffy writings. :( smut… i don’t write smut explicitly any more. i’m more on the suggestive side rn. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc  i write OC’s especially when im writing a series!! to diversify my writing. but i usually am on the x reader side. ships? not that much. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? uhm, back in 2017, i was searching for some website where i could publish my works. ive always been a tumblr-girl since i am that wanna-be-aesthetic kinda person :D then i had found that i could write and publish on tumblr so yeah that’s pretty much why i am on this app rn
What inspires you to write?  ooh, music has been a great help for sure!! whenever i don’t feel like writing something, i always listen to music and the idea would flow like a river. classic poems helps, too. :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?  supernatural!au’s, fantasy!au, medieval!au. i feel like it’s easier to write something out of pure fantasy. i have a hard time writing modern!au’s since i lack the humor and the knowledge for modern slangs. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?  ooh, i always always always am careful with the way that i craft all my works. i try to feel what my characters feel to give them a certain validation. i put my shoes on the scenarios i have in mind even though i haven’t yet experienced everything ive written. and i do love writing strong female characters, whether it’s oc’s or female readers. that’s my main priority whenever i write. and i want them to know that girls could do just as much everything boys could. women are powerful. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?  i read a lot to get back on my foot. i also try to re-read my past works so i’d be inspired to better my writing on my current draft.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?  my favorite work is the one i’m still writing rn, which is entitled 505. it’s a hendery fic in which he is a bandit and the female reader is a sacristan. it’s my fave since i relate myself so much to the female reader. :) my most successful one is the childhood best friends!au taeyong x female reader. it’s about to reach 600+ notes i guess? and im so grateful of all the feedbacks i got from it. 
Who is your favorite person to write about?  it’s jaehyun and hendery :) 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?  character wise, perhaps. since you already have a face value in fanfiction, but in an original prose, you would have to craft everything from 0. 
What do you think makes a good story?  a good story is something that doesn’t romanticize the bad things going on in the world. a good story is something that is emphatic to the hardships of others. a good story is something that gives comfort to those who are in the dark. a good story is something that boosts the hearts of the readers and makes them feel things!! 
What is your writing process like?  first, i think of a plot! (this happens oftentimes when im washing the dishes) when i have the plot, i think of the ending. when i have the ending, it’s time for me to device a fitting title. and the plot would develop from then on. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?  i don’t think so… this is scary. since some people think of fanfics as delusional works from delusional authors. it’s kinda sad. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?  i love love love enemies-to-lovers trope!! one that i couldn’t stand and do my best to not read is probably… hmm… no, i love all tropes!! i just love e-t-l most!
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?  it means a ton. since it could really boosts me up. heavy sigh. it’s the best thing when you write something— the feedbacks. even though it’s a simple reblog with the ‘#ATKSHSKSHSKAHAKSGAHGEGSJA’ or ‘#myfave’. i would smile like an idiot whenever i read it.
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? i want to be a successful writer someday!
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? teleportation!! 
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?  ancient greek + victorian era
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?  yes!! im so hell deep in indecision right now so i want to restart to make everything right
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?  100 chicken-sized horses!!
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?  enemies-to-lovers trope agsksj LOL
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?  YES!!! perhaps they are lurking somewhere here on earth and we don’t know it yet ;)
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?  oh… i don’t really know what to write. i don’t give much attention to my personal details agsksj
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?  yes!! ugh, there’s this recent issue wherein stan twt called fanfic writers as freaks. and it broke my heart. i mean, most fanfic writers get inspirations from their idols and that shouldn’t be a bad thing. we aren’t delusionals as one might think. we are simply doing our craft. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change?  yes!! our country’s hero ‘jose rizal’ had somehow stirred the nationality of the people back in the old days because of his writings. i do believe that art changes things!! it has the ability to pierce the heart of the people.  
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?  yes. i feel this whenever im writing smut. i mean, let’s be real, your works would do better once you’ve included some steamy smut scenes in it. when i was writing my first fanfic after three years, i didn’t think that i’d ever include smut. but the fear of not getting feedbacks crept up in me, so i forced myself to write some sexy scenes. i know that’s like… weird. but i’m trying not to dwell on feedbacks any longer. and i also have decided not to write explicit smut anymore. honestly, i feel better now that i don’t force myself to do something that i think would please others rather than me.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?  uhm, as far as i can remember, nope— still hasn’t felt that way. :)
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?  yes!! my best friends irl knows about it. my sister knows. my parents are also aware of my passion in writing, and they do know that i write. but where and what, that remains obscured from them :D 
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?  that it’s okay to be vulnerable. it’s okay to make mistakes. it’s okay to fail sometimes. it’s okay to feel things. because like a good book, there is always a character development and you have the pen to write your own version of happy endings. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?  i’ve been there: the scared and conscious part. but one thing i would say is, you have to dare yourself!! you won’t know how your writing would have impacted so many lives and touch the hearts of people if you won’t grab your pen or your gadget and start your draft. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?  nope, there aren’t. the community has been lovely to me ever since i started writing. :,)
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? yes!! oh my god. i’d like to take this opportunity to thank my mutuals who’s done me nothing but kindness— @legendnct (hannah), whoo!! you know how much i love you, right? thank you for always being there to listen to me. :) @cloudysuh des, since day one you’ve supported me. i couldn’t ask for more. thank you for the never-ending praises, keyboard smashes, for the tags, and for always boosting me up. @bohoes georgie, you know i love you. since 2017 you’ve been with me— praising my works and supporting me. thank you. @cherr-e cherry!! thank you!! for teaching me how to better my writing. i hope endless happiness for u and please take care. @writermoon hello my babe!! thank you so much for reading my works with such vivid imaginations. i love you. @jaeyongf amy!! the bestest person :,) thank you for always leaving me feedbacks!! thank you for being kind to me. thank you for always supporting me. i love you guys so much and let’s be mutuals for a long time!! 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
“If the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” — Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
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yloiseconeillants · 3 years
So first and foremost, I am not an RPer, but I do have the terrible curse where I sit at my desk all day and write terrible little headcanons for my pcs and I’d like to collect them here.
There Will Be Spoilers on This Blog, but I do tag posts per expansion (though somewhat lazily for patches prior to the current ones). I also tag for sensitive content on request, so if you follow and there's something you need tagged, just shoot me a message. I'm currently tagging for character death, bugs (in general), and smoking. (Blog owner is 30+/white/bi/uses she/her pronouns)
Yloise Coneillants, Former Governess and Former Assessor, Currently a Scion of the 7th Dawn and a Warrior of Light (among many).
Scholar main but I’m also leveling Bard and Dark Knight, but I’m not certain how relevant either of those will be to the plot. Also let’s be real, Yloise is a botanist main (with a hand in carpentry and alchemy).
Posts tagged w/ Yloise here!
Tags for my alts until such time that I actually get an OC profile page together: Vallerin Coneillants, Tsimh Bajhiri, Antheus, and Erasmus Reed.
I've also sundered my blog - I have a significant amount of brainrot about the shared canon I'm building with friends that spans multiple eras of Eorzean history. Links to those blogs (and the associated tags for already posted material on this blog) follows:
Amaurot (azem tag)
The Calamity of Wind (first drafts)
The Calamity of Lightning (doomed lightning shard)
Allag (the allagan tempest)
The War of the Magi (magiposting)
Pre-Flood of Light Norvrandt (norvrandt shenanigans) - also includes Ancient Ronka (the ronkan adventure)
I will be keeping Yloise stuff on the Yloise blog, naturally, so the tags associated with her timelines are: blorboverse shenanigans for the multi-wol scenario and soap opera notes for the msq mostly-canon playthrough.
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Let’s talk about Hazbin Hotel
So, I finally sat down and watched Hazbin Hotel. I’d heard so much about it and felt the need to launch myself headfirst into having my own opinions about it instead of just listening to other people talking about it. This is gonna be a long post, so I’m gonna put it behind a neat little read more. Please note that this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys adult humour and edgy humour and themes. I’ve got no problem with something that’s all swearing and raunchy jokes. It just needs to be done right.
Point 1 - The Plot The plot is describes as the Princess of Hell trying to open a new hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they don’t get exterminated during the yearly heavenly extermination to deal with Hell’s overpopulation problems. This plot is quickly undone through a few things that anyone can notice during the first viewing. 1 - Overpopulation? WHAT population? The scenery is most often noticeably devoid of any signs of life, outside of when background characters are called for. The scene where Charlie’s doing her news presentation is the most notable example of background characters. After this scene, we see almost nobody outside of the main cast and those weird little egg things. There are a few throwaway demons but outside of that, the streets are devoid of people. There aren’t even the corpses we had just seen during that opening scene. 2 - Charlie may as well be a total nobody what with all the power being the Princess of Hell holds. Just look at how the other characters treat her. You’d think the Princess of Hell would have some kind of benefit that would sway people towards agreeing with this whole idea. Instead, she gets mocked by just about everyone for reasons I can only guess involve winning her sympathy points from the audience. 3 - At no point does she give any proof that redemption would work. She basically says, “Hey guys! I hate seeing you all die, so I have this idea that has no backing evidence, that may or may not work, to try and get you guys into Heaven! Let me sing a song about it where I insult you all!”
Point 2 - Presentation I applaud the animators. Must’ve been hard, especially for Charlie’s overly fast song that really didn’t need to be nightcored, or literally any time Angel Dust was on-screen. Frame by frame. No rigs. All those stripes. All those colours that blend if you stare at them too hard or squint even slightly while watching. All that unnecessarily constant movement. It’s no wonder the thing took four bloody years to animate. Outside of animation, there are too many unneeded details and not enough needed details. Seriously. 1 - The turf war. We didn’t need this. We didn’t need this at all. If you take out the entire opening to it and the entire actual fight scene here, the episode still flows smoothly and we get the same amount of information and worldbuilding. In a pilot/first episode, you should only give the audience necessary details. Leave them wanting more, yes, but make sure they actually know what they’re getting into from the first episode. Make every scene count. Make it mean something. Don’t just shove every detail you can think of together and call it a day, especially if you don’t actually give the audience much information from it. 2 - Why is Hell overpopulated? Why isn’t Heaven? Why can angels go from Heaven to Hell, but demons can’t go from Hell to Heaven? Why does nobody care about being redeemed if Hell is so overpopulated that Angels annually come down and kill people because of it? Why does everyone treat the Princess of Hell like she’s worthless? Why doesn’t Angel Dust know about Alastor if they got into hell within 10 years of each other? Where is this supposed overpopulation problem? Would redemption even work in the first place? Why should I care about most of these characters (who are mostly complete jerks with no redeeming qualities other than “PROTAGONIST”, especially when two of the fan favourites repeatedly sexually assault other characters and, in one case, is both sexist and racist at one point)? Why are there turf wars? I should not be having to ask these questions. Don’t hold the audience’s hand, but don’t leave every single question you present in the show unanswered. Some of the questions presented make absolute sense to leave unanswered. Why does Alastor want to help with the hotel? Why are characters like Vaggie and Niffty, who do nothing all that bad, in Hell? These are questions that make total sense to leave unanswered for now. 3 - What crime is too terrible to be redeemed for? Charlie seems to think that literally everyone can be redeemed. That means murderers, rapists, abusers, tormentors... Certainly her song holds some kind of key to figuring it out! “Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac” Hmm... Okay... “All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants and boozers” Uh... “So, all your cartoon porn addictions, vegan rants, psychic predictions Ancient Roman crucifixions end right here All you monsters, thieves and crazies, cannibals and crying babies" Oh... Also, did she imply that mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, plant-based diets/lifestyles, rabies and enjoyment of sex were sins in that song?
Point 3 - Edgy for the sake of edgy Hazbin Hotel tries to be an adult cartoon, but comes off as something a mentally disturbed teenager wrote during their emo/scene phase. 1 - The swearing and sex jokes. Oh boy. I’ve worked with children under the age of 15 who swear and crack sex jokes better than the adults in this show. The swearing and sex jokes are the only reasons this show couldn’t be aired as a Cartoon Network show aimed at edgy teenagers. It’s so poorly done that it in and of itself takes away from the quality of the show itself. Also, we have a character who’s name is an actual sex joke itself. Vaggie, full name Vagatha - a lesbian sex worker, of course. Fun fact for those who don’t know, but all of her previous character drafts had her name as some form of joke on the word vagina. This isn’t an accident, this is blatant and intentional. Also, here’s a pro tip for you! You can make an adult-oriented show without having swearing, slurs and sex jokes taking up a solid third or more of your script. 2 - The... “Representation”. Yes, Hazbin Hotel has LGBT+ characters! Yes, it has biracial and Latina characters! Charlie is bi, Vaggie is a Latina lesbian, Angel Dust is a gay man, Alastor is ace and biracial, Husk is pan, Niffty is Japanese (YIKES). Except none of it actually matters. No, really. Vivziepop was all like, “btw you can ship w/e, idc! also, i rlly like the fanon version of human alastor (who is whiter than marshmallow fluff even though he’s supposed to be half black)! :)” and threw all that out the window because... Who knows at this point. Now, if you look at the connected series, Helluva Boss, you get Moxie and Millie - an extremely obvious and loving couple. In Hazbin Hotel, you get Charlie and Vaggie who you probably couldn’t tell were a couple without somebody telling you that in the first place, what with all the loveydovey-ness going on with them. In fact, the biggest hint we even get is literally one line. “Life ain’t a musical, hun.” But then again, I’d be more apt to believe Charlie and Vaggie are friends, or Vaggie is pining after Charlie. Also, Charlie is a really bad girlfriend! She lets Vaggie get abused by practically the entire cast without so much as a single word in her defense and ignores everything Vaggie says. It came as no surprise when I remembered hearing about how the only reason these two are a couple is because one of the people on the team thought they were during storyboarding and Vivziepop just went with it. Also, fun fact, Vaggie fits both the angry lesbian and fiery Latina stereotypes. Charlie fits the stereotype for the bisexual cheater, what with how she seems to actually like Alastor more than her own bloody girlfriend. Alastor is canonically ace because he’s too full of himself to be with anyone else. Speaking as somebody who’s ace... WHAT?! As much as I don’t like Charlastor, it’s partially more popular than Chaggie because Vivziepop actually made them act like a couple for an entire musical number. Also, he’s annoying. He not only kept telling Vaggie to smile (heck you dude), he also smacked her butt, which is a form of sexual assault, people. This was all played for laughs, along with Vaggie’s (actually very reasonable) anger. Niffty is Japanese. A yellow-skinned demon who’s boy crazy and obsessed with cleaning... Big yikes. Finally, Angel Dust. The kinky gay man porn star/drag queen/drug addict/prostitute who verbally sexually assaulted two guys. Where do I begin. When it came to this guy, Vivziepop must’ve been like, “Imma throw every stereotype for gay men on this guy and call it a character!” If you look a Helluva Boss again, you get Stolas, who verbally sexually assaults Blitzo over the phone and also cheated on his wife with him in the first place, so this isn’t a one-off. Also, he was originally AFAB, so that whole line about “Why are you all women?” is more than a little heinous and in extremely poor taste.
In conclusion, this show is terrible. Everything about it. It needs some serious reworking, because as it stands, it’s really truly not that great of a creation.
tl;dr: Needs a lot of work and “ThEy’Re In HeLl!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!11″ isn’t even remotely an excuse for the genuine problems in it. Remember, at least one actual human being on Earth, not in Hell, wrote this garbage fire. Also, the animators deserve a higher wage than whatever they’re getting to deal with these designs. I shudder just thinking about animating them, with or without a rig.
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fcarher · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: slug / ellie     Age: 19       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Yunaeisha Adynora, other demons from my lore Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Yunaeisha Current Fandom(s): None really  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Naruto, PKMN, Magi, Gangsta, OPM, MHA, Hazbin Hotel & currently working on an ATLA verse My language(s): german, polish, italian, english   Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: highschool, modern & fantasy/medieval
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting: the best way is just to straight up approach me. most often than not, just liking a post is not enough because it’s too vague ?? like if i post an idea & you like that, i’ll still be hesitant when it comes to roleplaying or approaching you because, while i appreciate such gestures, i’m just too anxious. therefore, plopping into my IMs without a properly fleshed out idea is also fine ! it, at least, gives me the hint that you’re actively seeking interaction. however, just saying “i want to roleplay & plot !” won’t cut it; at least, have something in mind, please !
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  basic ideas & pouring their heart into plotting! i don’t mind waiting, at all, so if you’re busy, don’t worry about keeping me waiting; i completely understand since i’m also often busy with work or university. but !! please don’t only come to me with the statement: “i want to plot!” it’s not gonna cut it & it’s not gonna help with a proper interaction, at all. if i approach someone, most often than not, i have SOME sort of idea in mind. but yeah, being passionate is the most important thing!
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  most often than not, the conversation will die down because i will loose motivation; i don’t like it because i’ll feel like a bother & i shouldn’t feel that way when it comes to a hobby! therefore, one-sided plotting is one of my deal breakers; i usually end the conversation & there will be little to no interaction happening. like i said; i don’t mind waiting, i just hate that feeling of coming on TOO strong when my plotting partner delivers no input. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  often than not, i start off with rather simple question like; are you interested in a certain verse ? do you already have something in mind ? if not, i will go through their about page & ask them things about their character & how that could possibly bring our characters to interact. sometimes, the about pages of a muse cannot give you every single bit of information; muses grow & change with each thread, therefore, it’s often better to just ask the people about their characters ! & from then on, it often just comes naturally. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if the thread is not THAT important or vital for our character’s relationship; i don’t mind & won’t need to know if the thread is dropped. sometimes, if it’s a heavily plotted thread & i’ve anticipated the interaction a lot; i’d appreciate a quick heads-up from my partner that they’re not feeling that certain thread any longer; i don’t mind that !! - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?: they don’t need to tell me; SOMETIMES, it’s just a nice gesture but most of the time, i don’t care, we can always start another thread !!
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  many things can lead to me dropping a thread; just losing motivation, having no muse for a certain genre or simply having the feeling that my partner is not liking it, any longer (ex. extreme lack of trying to match the reply length ). my health & my schedule can also, sadly, affect my motivation, so, more often than not, i tend to drop shorter threads & keep longer ones.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  i get anxious really fast if people stop replying for a very long time, out of the blue. it has happened to me once before with a good friend with whom i have no contact with any longer due to miscommunication & them not trying to communicate the issue with me; therefore, yes, it is very important. i wanna know if something is bothering you; i wanna know if you like something very much; i wanna know what’s up ! we’re humans & we’re adults; we can talk about this.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  yes ! as long as it is constructive criticism & not straight-up bashing my characters or lore; i’m all for it. i don’t mind hearing negative things; in fact, i appreciate the honesty & it gives me room to work on myself & my writing ! - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  building relationships that LAST & exploring my muses through & through; it is amazing how much yuna has grown through interactions with others; how different she has become from the yuna i once started out with; it’s almost been a year now & it’s just amazing. however, i’m not stopping anytime soon; THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO EXPLORE !! the ultimate goal is for me to just look at my blog & be completely proud of what i have accomplished & written; i want fleshed out relationships & threads; deep stuff !!
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  yuna talking with someone about her struggles; mentally & physically. being open about her abusive father & how it has traumatized her & painted men in the worst picture one could imagine. HOWEVER; a hard thing because i don’t want these things to be pre-est or something; i want a thread where there is struggling, screams, conflict ! it is rather hard to find someone, though, who is willing & fitting to go onto that long journey with me & yuna. also, i’d love to write about darker stuff; i love fluff, though, sometimes i sure want a bit of that, too. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  the only things i won’t rp or explore are stated in my rules; ex. pedophilia, rape & really descriptive animal abuse. killing, torture, gore as well as cheating, heartbreak or toxic relationships are okay, while i do prefer to have a deeper bond with someone while exploring the latter & be communicating the whole time; i think these are really REAL topics & that’s why i wouldn’t mind exploring them because it does happen, more than one would like them to happen. however, if i see you, the mun, glorifying or romanticizing these; just no. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i like everything with some sort of substance; i love short ones as much as long ones, nevertheless, you have to give me something to work with. yuna would ignore anyone not of any interest or value to her; therefore, if your muse just asks her random questions, the interaction will go nowhere. if you’re unsure; just ask !!
What type of characters catch your interest the most?: i love characters with uniqueness to them; it can be a certain interest, certain appearance or their species can be totally unique to them; i’ll love it ! i do have a thing for villains, though; always had, even when i was young 8^) so, dark, stubborn & “evil” characters catch my interest far more than a really nice muse who just is all smiles all day. i love a muse that can kick mine & yuna’s ass, basically. someone with strong morals or who is just really set on their beliefs can also offer conflict which i ADORE !! i need it; i live for it !!
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  really kind & unbothered muses who are self-sacrificing, perfect & loved by everyone for no reason ?? idk, i just think it’s bad writing. everyone has flaws; no one is perfect ! 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  i am a very open person who will talk with you about anything & is keen on exploring our character’s relationship at all times & through all means; i often send my rp partners prompts in form of my yuna just being her dumb-self or through memes ! i will constantly think about our characters & will try to have them interact as much as possible. i am, most of the time, very active & respond to the threads fairly quickly ! if i am totally invested; you’ll get everything you want; a moodboard, an edit, a drawing, etc. i literally pour my heart & soul into every bond my muse has; i live for them. oh !! i also love asking people question about their characters; i just love learning new things about them !! 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m very slow out of character; i don’t approach muns a lot because i’m scared to be a bother, working on it ! i often ramble a lot & my writing can become a bit convoluted & hard to understand, i apologize ! i tend to not message people on discord as often as i’d like to; mostly because i’m really socially awkward or just don’t think that what i want to show to them is THAT important. i’m not as straight-forward as i wish myself to be; however, even with all that; i still have a lot of fun & am acknowledging & actively working on my weak aspects ! 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  often, it is because i want to develop the relationship or yuna’s character; she’s a very sexual being who hardly connects to someone emotionally; therefore, writing sex & exploring the vulnerability behind it can be really beautiful ! though, fun is also involved !  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  non-consensual stuff is a no-go ! also, certain kinks that make me uncomfortable are also off the table; ex. anything involving bodily fluids other than spit. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  i love the conflicts the most; clashing ideals or just two stubborn muses arguing for the heck of it is really fun & can develop the relationship beautifully ! yuna is a person who likes someone that can be properly fought with, verbally here. but of course, i also adore the very soft moments!! i love meaningless fluff; it warms my heart.  - What is your smut tag?: SINFUL.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: nothing TOO drastic; a friendship, a rivalry is a-okay ! however, i’m very hesitant when it comes to having pre-est. romantic relationships; though, you can quickly change my mind if you pour your soul into the plotting; then i’m fine with it ! everything that needs time when writing also needs time when plotting; don’t just straight up jump into something if you’re not able to give it your all.
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  i think yuna is a person with whom it is easy to form relationships with; it takes a bit of time but due to her rather drastic ideals & opinions; anything can be founded within seconds. she doesn’t hold back when it comes to her honesty & conflicts will arise. also, for all muses with demonic or deity backgrounds; being a daughter of the literal queen of hell, though, also harboring fragments of a god’s soul makes her unique in the supernatural world which can spark interest with your character or even they can develop an ill-will towards her ? i think it’s really interesting exploring what makes one work & go on & yuna has the philosophical potential to tickle that out of your muse; she question EVERYTHING. now for certain plots; one-sided love or even friendships are always really interesting, especially when she is the one having such feelings. other than that; she has enormous & dangerous powers; so if you’re into character or world-building; can offer that as well !
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:  humans; she doesn’t approach humans who are just kind & have nothing to offer for her, the least she’d do is have sex with them or kill them to harvest their life energy. i’m sorry but she really does hate all of humanity & to change that opinion ? man, you must be the most stubborn person ever.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who are of supernatural or demonic nature; she’ll be very interested & even nosy to a point. also, very attractive characters who are not afraid to speak their mind; she’s really superficial most of the time & will flirt with anything that she deems good-looking. muses who have ideals that contrast hers or that are similar to her but also, generally, people who are open-minded. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  sex, parties, plants & flowers, astronomy, writing, demons & hell, the underground scene, killing, knives & playing the piano - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the questions that bother her the most are; why did her mother had to die ? why would nobody help her while she was being abused by her father ? why was she kept alive by her sisters ? is there love out there for someone like her ? what do these strange visions mean that occur almost every night ? she has a lot of things she wants to experience & wishes to have a normal life once she has killed her other mother, lilith, which is her ultimate goal, at the moment.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  their appearance; the scent of their blood & if it differs from humans; how they react towards her & what they do in front of her.  - What do they value in a person?:    strong opinions, loyalty, good looks, humor, strength (not limited to physical strength) - What themes do they like talking about?:  herself or the world & the state of it; she likes being philosophical with some, can often be somewhat self-centered; THOUGH; it is almost always for her to see how they would react to that. 
- Which themes bore them?:  love & drama; she does not care a lot for gossip or anything relating to it; the topic of love, no matter in which sense, is always brushed off because she just doesn’t find any appeal in it. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Being the reason her own mother committed suicide; Her father & sister abusing her all her life, spouting lies & beating her until she could stand no more while her other sisters would watch & do nothing, even though, they were supposed to support each other; laewa, one of her sisters, fancying the idea of killing yuna for the greater good; two of her best friends turning on her when they find out she’s not human & then being killed right in front of her eyes; her one & only boyfriend protecting her from a demon hunter & being killed in the process - What could possibly trigger them?:  loud sudden noises; making fun of her attachment to her late ex-boyfriend, being awfully nice to her, the sight of any dog or wolf, tender touches (esp. her back being touched), being alone with her thoughts for far too long  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  people who make fun of her & her powers; calling her a monster; not understanding her pain when she opens up; purposefully touching her back or any other scarred skin, being nosy  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  you are a demon hunter that does not show remorse when killing demons with a consciousness, trying to kill her, killing one of her comrades 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Keela Adynora, Myra Adynora (Father, Sister), the other D.O.L.s, EYES’ superiors (the organization she works for), Humans, Lilith - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Evelin Adynora (Her biological mother)
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: If you’re not quite human or are a demon, you could literally stand next to her & be silent; she’ll become curious on her own. other than that; be interesting or flirt with her; just do something that does not involve small talk; she hates that.  - Where are they usually to find?:  strip club (her workplace), bars, clubs, clearings within a forest, nice areas that are full of trees & plants; a roof-top
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Yuna is basically pandora’s box personified; she may seem nice & attractive from the outside but within her are sleeping demons that only wait to be awakened. & withal, she is still a cutie who will become your number one supporter & protector if you manage to build a proper relationship with. it’s hard to get through that shell & what awaits is NOT that pretty but with years upon years of abuse, neglect & shit being thrown her way; it’s not easy being a carefree immortal. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar , i srsly love these so much, snow !! thank you for tagging me <3 i had so much fun 8′)  Tagging:  @thevvolf ; @nezumi-vc-103221 ; @empiia ; @dvojakyvlk ; @childrenxfthemoon ; @hensetsu​​ ; @goldempire​​ ; @animatedatrophy​ ; @talonness​ ; @shikkotsunin​ ; @wcrthlessanimal​ & anyone else !! 
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deivorous · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we’ve all witnessed some plotting once which didn’t go too well, be it because of ourselves or our partner. So here, have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot, yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight?       Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat
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Mun Name: Plouton (or Plou)  Age: 21+  Contact: Discord, DMs
Character(s) I rp: Grimmjow and others! Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?: This blog is Grimmjow Only! Current Fandom(s): Bleach Fandom(s) you have an AU for: I have a lot of AUs but start with my verse page! (Includes Shinigami verses, Spirit Society, and a Human Au). I’m very open to making new verses too with another person! Off the top of my head, I’d love to make an BNHA (he’d be a vigilante bordering on villain) verse or JJK (he’s be a vengeful spirit of some description) verse! Really.... I just love creating aus so you can always slide into my DMs about it. My language(s): English Genres I’m interested in for rp: Fantasy / Science fiction / Psychological Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. 
I don’t really care about Genres, but i did flag the ones of my biggest interest (many of them feel more like settings to me lol, ill write the genres in any setting).
I’m much more interested in grappling with specific themes. Some major ones that I like to write or explore are about family, interpersonal connection, loss, recovery, trauma, rage, abuse, war, identity, religion, hunger, desire and more. I like writing about catharsis, and I enjoy exploring bad experiences, and the grit and horror of the humanity when pushed too extremes and beyond. If you’ve ever wanted to explore something problematic, I’m ya mun.
Themes/Genres you have an AU for: None specifically. Generally speaking, if you offer me a theme present in bleach, dial it up to 10 and break the nob off... I’m so on board.
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be sent by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck.
Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Yes, yes, yes, yes absolutely. This is a big thing for me. If it’s obvious that you haven’t done your research, I will try to provide help. if you don’t accept my help, or you don’t actually follow up on the research you say you’re going to do, you fall into my bad books really quick. I’m not here to write crack or to satisfy your personal power fantasies. Give me something real. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (depends on irl commitments) How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (probably not) / duplicates (only very rarely) / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts (i don’t know what the difference between this and an OC is?) / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / AU-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or ooc?: IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting: slide into my DMs!!  Or just flick me an ask to start something. If your shy/aren’t sure if I’ll go for a certain plot you’re also welcome to send me an anon ask and ill rate my interest in the plot and make some suggestions!
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner: I like to have either a specific relationship we are trying to cultivate, a specific goal we are working towards, or a vague plot outline. (I do not mind if any of this diverges once we actually start writing.) We can take some time to work this out! But please be honest with me. We’re working together towards a common goal, and if you can’t tell me what you want, I can’t help you.
Ways to tell me what you want:
“I like the relationship between *insert 2 characters*, and I think grimmjow and my muse could have somethign similar if xyz happened.”
“I want to ship. I want it to be *insert adjective here* (ex. cute/toxic/one-sided/dangerous/seductive/romantic)”
“I saw this thread you were writing *insert link*, can we do something like this too?”
“I want to write *insert genre/plotline/trope*”
“How do you think grimmjow would react to *insert event*, do you think he and my muse could form *insert relationship* out of it?”
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?: Hmmm usually I just fling a whole bunch of idea at someone till we find one we like. (I’m a bit disorganized). I want it to be a 50/50 split on ideas. Sometimes i just want to do some small ic chatter too to see how our muses interact, sometimes I find that this is the best place to start!
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: RP is a fun hobby! I don’t care if we drop a thread but I like to know so I’m not waiting around wasting time coming up with more material for you if that thread isn’t going anywhere.
If you drop threads of ours without telling me, I will block you. It’s non-negotiable. If you don’t respect me and my time enough to tell me you want to drop a thread then we won’t be getting along. It’s never a PROBLEM if my partner wants to drop, just the fact that they’re not able to communicate with me. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?  YES / NO. - And why?: I believe its THE MOST important part of RP. I want to get to know the muns behind the muse. This is a hobby and something I do in my downtime. So I want to know that my partners are having as much fun as I am. It also makes it much easier to work through any issues, as well as generate new ideas and plot and content! I feel like the better the muns get along, the easier it is to write!
Also, the more we chat and get comfortable with each other, the better the experience is. The more we can write creatively without fear of judgement and the more we can explore not just our own and each others muses.
If there’s ever a problem, let me know. I’d much rather have a chat the deal with drama and childish attempts at public humiliation. Most of the time the problem is a misunderstanding that can be realized with a talk :D!
- Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?: As long as you’re respectful and not needlessly mean you can tell me anything. Just know that depending on the criticism (ie if its about how I portray my muse) it’s ultimately up to me how or if I implement changes. I believe everyone is constantly learning, and I love to hear feed back.
- Do you think you can handle such a situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?: For me, my biggest reason for doing this is to explore my muse. I want to develop relationships, both good and bad, explore how they came to be the way they are, and see what happens when I put them in new situations.
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios: I have a post about this! (this one is dated now but I will update it at some point - 9/10/22)
Some specific characters I really want to develop relationships with include: 
Inoue Orihime
Tier Hallibel (post war)
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (post war)
Sosuke Aizen
Grimm’s fraccion
Tbh all the Espada/Arrancar ngl you can throw any of them at me
Shinigami are harder to write with ngl. I need a reason for Grimmjow to be interacting with them beyond ‘well... is he ever in the SS?’ I need motivations!
What Type of Starters do you prefer?: Either something with a good dialogue or an emotional hook. I needs something to play with that can be taken in a few directions. If I’m being railroaded I tend to get annoyed and frustrated.
If it’s just a one liner, its hard to go wrong (unless you provide me 0 context). If its a longer pre-plotted starter, you gotta give me more and actually start telling the story.
What Type of Starters do you dislike, or can’t work with?: I don’t like being railroaded (coincidentally neither do my muses) if you try to set the genre without approaching me first (particularly if its a romance or smut kinda vibe) i will almost certainly do the opposite of what you want and then neither of us will be happy. If my partner doesn’t cooperate WITH ME and it feels like every reply is a battle, then I’m not going to be happy about it.
Sometimes stuff falls flat even if there is multiple paragraphs or replies. Not anyone fault! But I try to kill it early if there’s no movement.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?: I’ll be honest with you. I’m more interested in the mun behind the muse then the muse themselves. A Great story can come from any characters, the mun and the brain behind it that breaths life and depth into their characters is more important and interesting for me. Not only do the characters need to have an interesting dynamic, we need to get along as muns too!
As for interesting characters specifically..... I like characters with depth that are driven my muns who *want* to explore that depth. Help me create moments of vulnerability! Muses who are more capable of calling my muses on their bullshit is also something I look for. Backbone! Fire! Passion! Ambition! Fear! Growth! Vulnerability! Bring it ON!
What type of characters catch your interest the least?: Romance only characters. I know shipping is fun. But if that is all your character has to offer.... I don’t really vibe with super cutsie characters in general. I try to give everyone a chance but if we have a few threads and there’s nothing new happening I get bored. If a character lacks visible depth I struggle. Make the muse your own and let me see that!
I also struggle with really asocial characters and really guarded characters (I know, this is a little hypocritical of me, but I do try to force Grimmjow into positions of vulnerability). It interacting with your muse is too much of an uphill battle, I’m out! Same with any characters who don’t grow and develop. The point is to deepen relationships, and if there’s no continuity then the plot stagnates and I don’t feel there is much more to explore.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I love angst. I love it. I also love redemption arcs and facilitating friendships and relationships. (Not necessarily romantic). I write generally pretty well and I like to think i have a lot of ideas I can shower you in!
I’m also very open and comfortable with writing more mature or darker themes. My muse is antagonistic by nature, and hollows all collectively have dealt with SOME SHIT. I’m very willing to explore that.
I like writing longer more complex threads with deep plots and emotional depth. If you want some examples, check out my grimmichi pieces on AO3 (this is a grimm and ichi thread that we edited into a fic).
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: Sometimes I forget to write starters (especially if we discuss and idea and then don’t specify who should do the starter piece). I have some weeks were i have a lot of time to rp and some where I don’t. I can get overwhelmed easily if there’s too much happening at once.
I love shipping, but I am very picky which who I ship with.
I am also not great with fighting scenes. I (like my muse) hate being the weaker character in the situation and it can really get my hackles up. I need this to be somewhat plotted in advance.
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO / UNKNOWN. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?: Usually more for character or plot development. Sometimes for fun! (Sometimes just because I want to torture/tease my muse).
- Anything you would not want to rp there?: Anything particularly taboo. I’d probs take non-con (unless it was consensual non-con) to a different platform. serious degradation or humiliation. Anything detailing specifically and intentionally unsafe sexual practices.
Are ships important to you?:  YES / NO. I don’t need to ship, but I have fun with it!
Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:  YES / NO
.Do you use read-mores?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. (i dont want to loose stuff 🥺)
Are you:  Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse (for some muses and only if all parties agree - my muse is poly so if I can have this, I like this).
- What do you love to explore the most in your ships?: I love plot lines focused on personal growth.  A ship should allow both muses to grow and develop individually and as a pair. I also love the “enemies to lovers” trope. I want to explore new depths and create vulnerability. Sometimes I like exploring really horrible unhealthy, abusive, and co-dependent relationships. Sometimes I like exploring fluff and safety and mutual love and respect! I’m a mixed bag. 
- What is your smut tag?: I don’t have one (yet) “nsfw tw” is my general tag. Sinday specific tags are: [ sinday canon verse || let me sink my teeth in ] [ sinday human verse || buy me a drink first ]
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: Acquaintances of circumstance, Rivals, Enemies, Allies, Sibling like, Fracción (for his fraccion), Parental, Ex, Abuser, Employee/Employer, Significant Other (very very tentatively and only for a few specific muses).
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:
Grimmjow is the second artificial arrancar created (meaning he has been in Las Noches throughout the entirety of Aizen building his army), involved himself in two wars, and has brushed up against quite a large number of factions - from the other Espada, to the Vizard, Humans, Shoten, and quite a few shinigami.
His angst potential is off the charts considering all his fraccion/family are dead, his boss is in prison, and he’s going to die alone and unloved in a desert with no friends, no home, and in total obscurity! For a guy who fashions himself something like a king, he has an awful lot of self esteem, and personal significance issues.
Engaging and fascinating arcs exploring Grimmjow’s non-human emotions, behaviours, and tendencies: including the conditioning of being a hollow and learning to fear and hate the titular 'good guy' shinigami because being 'cleansed' will destroy everything you are. This leading to coloured perceptions of shinigami characters and humans in general for both being lesser 'food' and having something he doesn't: a 'heart'. This can lead to wildly complex interactions and trust issues with other muses. If this is the kind of content you like, come rp with him!
If you want more fluff content, Grimmjow is actually a very cute person when you get your C4 out and blow through all of his defensive walls. Grimmjow wants to be important to other people, and once he has decided that your muse is worth the effort, he will go through great lengths to prove his worth to them. If your looking to build long lasting relationships in a variety of flavours (from familial to romantic) in which you get to slowly but surly earn the trust and loyalty of a guy who literally purrs, then you should also rp with him!
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?: Quiet types or doormats. He gets bored. He thrives off of dysfunction and chaos.
- With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?: Powerful characters. People he wants to overcome or there’s friction or conflict with. People he relates to. There’s not many, but he’s generally at a point (post canon) where he is trying to reach out and form connections with people.
- What interests your Muse(s) in general: He finds the human world fascinating. He finds power fascinating. If someone triggers any of his shriveled empathy, he’s invested automatically.
- What do they desire, what is their goal?: Grimmjow craves companionship and security and respect. Everything else is secondary. He believes he can have these things if he is powerful.
- What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?: Passion/power and confidence are both key. He is interested in people who function with purpose.
- What do they value in a person?:  Integrity. Strength. Loyalty. Compassion. Confidence.
- What themes do they like talking about?: He’s a curious guy, so he likes to learn what motivates other people. He has a lot of questions about everything. Las Noches. Tentatively, I say Aizen.
- Which themes bore them?: Hypocrisy in any form. Good and evil ethics. Talking about himself. History. Any situation where he is made to feel like an idiot.
- Did they ever go through something traumatic?:  Yes.
- What could possibly trigger them?: Oh. God. So much stuff.
- What could set them off, enrage them?: Condescending to him or perceiving oneself as superior. Hostility.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?: Yes, but they are dead.
- Is there someone /-thing they love?: No. “Hollows don’t love.”
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO? - Best ways to approach them?: Like approaching a wild animal who’ll either bite or run. It’s very easy to actually approach him, but its difficult to get anything of value out of him and he’s prone to both violence and retreating if the conversation gets too pointed or confusing for him. - Where are they usually to be found?: Stalking Las Noches, Karakura (Near both the shoten and the Kurosaki clinic), various parks with large trees that he can sit in. I do have him crop up in the SS from time to time tooo if thats the only option for interaction.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?: Grimmjow is an excellent actor. In 80% of his canon interactions with other characters, he is acting. His hot-head personality type is a direct product of this, as he is actually rather emotionally flat.  Being perceptive is key when dealing with him.
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bazz-b · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Thomas/Tom     AGE: +25       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord
CHARACTER(S): Bazz-B, King Baraggan Louisenbairn, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ichibei Hyosube
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have an ATLA and LOK AU for Bazz-B, but no Bleach AUs for external muses
MY LANGUAGE(S): Passable Japanese, Survivable Italian, Fluent English
THEMES I’M INTERESTED IN FOR RP: FANTASY / Science fiction / Horror / WESTERN / ROMANCE / Thriller / MYSTERY / DYSTOPIA / ADVENTURE / MODERN / Erotic / Crime / MYTHOLOGY / Classic / HISTORY / RENAISSANCE / MEDIEVAL / Ancient / WAR / FAMILY / POLITICS / RELIGION / SCHOOL / ADULTHOOD / CHILDHOOD / APOCALYPTIC / GODS / Sport / MUSIC / Science / FIGHTS / ANGST / Smut / DRAMA / etc. (what Bazz-B wants is reflected in italics)
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (usually but I need to catch up at the moment)
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  You can IM me or send an ask, but the tumblr messaging systems SUCK so I encourage y’all to add me on discord and then just go ham. I’ll only turn down a plot if it’s OOC for Bazz-B, but otherwise I’ll usually try anything. If it’s not working out I’ll typically let you know, but I’m game for most things.
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  Honestly, not a lot. You can be as invested or as chaotic as works for you. You get the urge to suddenly write a specific theme? Hit me with it. The urge goes and you lose interest, that’s fine. Four weeks later and the muse hits you again LETS DO THIS.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I don’t typically struggle with this issue. If anything, I’m the lackluster end of the plotting side. I typically run things through Bazz-B as their happening, rarely looking forward. Unless there’s an overarching story we’re specifically working towards I’m pretty weak sauce. Sorry people!
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I’ll typically propose an idea and then see where our muses take us. If my partner needs a rough road map, I’m happy to negotiate what we’d each like to see happen. Generally speaking I let Bazz-B take the wheel.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: If you want to drop a thread, I’m completely fine with it. The only reason I’d want to know is so I don’t start panicking and think that I forgot to reply you your latest response to it.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  If I lose the thread, or if I think it’s reach a natural conclusion. I don’t typically abandon one in the middle on purpose.
- AND WHY?: I don’t require a constant, nor deep level of communication, but it’s important to voice concerns. People tend to internalize problems until they become these big ordeals. A friendly message every now and again can save everyone a lot of drama later.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: I BEG for negative feedback. Even if you feel like your nitpicking, it’s the number one thing I crave from writing partners. Tell me what you dislike and I can work on it.
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: To tell a story. Bazz-B is my primary muse, and his entire tale is so interesting to me. The foundations of his identity are flawed and I want to explore that as much a I can, throw him into as many situations as possible and watch him evolve.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  My left arm for an entire roster of Sternritter, of course. Bazz-B and Liltotto surviving after the war. A reality where Bazz-B finds happiness and acceptance in himself. A healthy bond with a Shinigami. 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   I’ll not write rape, it’s understandably triggering for a lot of people and writing it glorifies it, I think. Also racism in a real world setting? I’ve come to terms with it in regards to Shinigami and Arrancar, but they’re fictional groups. I wont engage with it outside of that. Finally, trans-phobia. If a guy like Bazz-B doesn’t engage with that sort of vile nonsense, none of you should either.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: Starters that provide a setting and a purpose are great. The sort of starter that turns it back at the recipient with something akin to “Why are you here” are confining. Also, if in the starter your muse is already pushing away mine.. Bazz-B might just nope outta there.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Despite my main muse being Bazz-B (or perhaps in favour of it) I typically write as old men cemented deeply in their ways. Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni, King Baraggan Louisenbairn and Ichibei Hyosube are just some examples. Bazz-B kinda fits the bill too.. I GUESS.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  Cold, distant, dispassionate sorts. I could never write as the likes of Ishida, Ulquiorra, Haschwalth, etc. They’re all very nuanced characters, they just don’t mesh well with me. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I typically respond lightning fast, my last two weeks or so a poor example of that. I’m passionate, you’ll not find another person so desperately in love with Bazz-B as this fool. I’m easy-going, you can take as long as you want and I’ll still be ready to rumble.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: Tumblr confuses the hell out of me, I don’t understand a lot of lingo and the big CARDINAL LAWS of writing. I struggle with scene transitioning and limb placement, and my tags are a mess.
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?:  What I want and what Bazz-B want are wildly different things. This man is planting a flag in the middle of bonezone whether I agree or not. I commonly write smut because it’s what Bazz-B wants, but I prefer to do it for development.
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  I am personally the most vanilla dude you’ll meet. I can google things but it might not translate very well.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO A characters growth should never be locked to a specific person, but exploring a character in isolation can only get you so far. As people, we grow from one another. Romance is a key factor in formulating a person’s ideals, but that’s no the only form of ship. The eventual friendship between Bazz-B and Liltotto and Giselle is one of the most interesting things to me. A romance surviving Silbern is incredibly powerful in my opinion. The bond of a teacher and a student. There are so many situations that force a character to change how they would typically react.
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?:  YES / NO. More and more I’ve been thinking that I’ve been writing Bazz-B in more ships, but that is not the blog’s focus. Ultimately I’m exploring the character of Bazz-B, and that just happens to be inclusive of ships. Some of my most active writing partners also happen to be muses that Bazz-B has excitedly/begrudgingly/unexpectedly fallen for.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
 - WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Individuals who challenge Bazz-B, who force him to rise above what he is, what he thinks he should be. Who tear down complacency and demand better of him in all ways. Whether overtly, intentionally, whatever! 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - If you come to me and sell me a story, I’m in. I’m easily swayed by visual art, written lyrics (my ears don’t work so good with music for some reason) and themes.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: Bazz-B is a fun guy to taunt, and to cause havoc with. But he’s more than just a hothead, you can read any one of my many rants if you wanna find out about that. With a plot to kill God spanning 1000 years, a burning fury and misguided ideals dragged through the mud of “the lesser of two evils”, he’s a real party trick.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Muses who, from the start, wish to disengage with Bazz-B. I understand it might be in character, but both Bazz-B and I are gonna struggle to engage if there’s not some allowances made.
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  His ultimate goal is the death of Yhwach. In a perfect world that would coexist with a Quincy victory over the Shinigami, vengeance for genocide. But he’ll take the former over the latter.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Style, first and foremost. If a Quincy had modified their Wandenreich uniform he’s gonna take notice and make some judgement calls. The rest comes after.
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Honesty to themselves, and a drive to survive. Not to be buried by what’s expected of them, or what they should do. Free will is one of the fundamental truths of the world.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Motorbikes, Pop-culture, Fashion, Movies, Himself.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  History, loyalty beyond all else, the importance of leadership and hierarchy, lectures of all kinds.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  His family was burned alive by the man who claimed to be their God. Entering a war on the losing side, his kind facing extinction. Hiding in the shadows, surrounded by a extremist military cult.
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  After a certain point in his life, it’s really only Hollows that should fear indiscriminate murder. Unless you threaten his fragile peace, or claim Yhwach was just.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Bazz-B hates Hollows, and any Quincy loyalists that stand by Yhwach post-Aushwalen. Anyone who saw the true colors of their progenitor and still deluded themselves into thinking him right.. it’s disgusting.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Stoke his ego and you’re usually set for a good few hours.
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: Nothing you cant already find on one of my many ramblings about that greatest Quincy that every lived, Bazzard ‘Bazz-B’ Black!
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @equipollency (I got a phantom notification so I rolled with it)
Tagging: @diepower + @zombiequincy + @verzinken + @cheonsaaui + @bleachsthetic + @senboago + any other quincy reading this
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senboago · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
Tumblr media
Mun Name: Abby / Kitty      Age: 24       Contact: pm, discord
Character(s) I rp: (canon) Candice Catnipp, Haineko, Mizuiro Kojima, Retsu Unohana, Yachiru Kusajishi; and them I have about 8 ocs. Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Elsabeth, Naomi, & Haineko. Current Fandom(s): Bleach (and one One Piece oc) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Bleach (Mizuiro’s shinigami au) My language(s): English (natively), Japanese (elementary level) Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: history, mythology
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  Pms, mostly. If you have me on discord, even better. I have both apps on my phone too, so I’m usually good about replies; granted if I’m not busy, left my phone somewhere in the house, or am asleep.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Well, I tend to be the type that actually fails at coming up with plot ideas. It’s not that I don’t think of anything, but that I’m either too shy or my brain is too exhausted of ideas. So I guess just enthusiasm works for me, since it gives all the same energy! Especially when talking about ships (including platonic and hate ships) between our muses ‘cause that usually helps lead into some potential plots, as I’ll always be up for discussing new stuff for them; like how we want to develop them, where will they go, when will they get there, etc.
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’m a bit of too quiet to say anything really, kinda like a pushover. But if I can gain the confidence, I’d prefer to ask what’s going from my partner’s end. If it turns out they’re really not interested then, and I hate to do it, we’ll just drop it. I want us both to be having fun, and if they’re not into it, then it’d be too selfish of me to try and continue it.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Again, I’m pretty terrible at it, so I’m usually a go with the flow type person. So unfortunately, that leaves most the plotting to them, unless my brain decides to wake up. But when I do have an idea and have the courage to, I’ll pitch it to them. Usually my plots end up starting out as some random headcannon between our muses and their ship, and then it falls into the fascination of ‘I wanna rp that now’, just to see it have a story.
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I get anxious easily. So whether or not I was really into it, it’s nice to know, and easier on my nerves if it was something I was really into. However, it’s not entirely and outright demand that they do all the time. - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Not required, just preferred that they just let me know.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Two things. Disinterest is one, and pretty self-explanatory. Then there’s if I just lack the energy for a certain amount of time, after several attempts to actually reply. I usually hate to drop threads. But if I feel there’s absolutely no way I’ll be able to reply, then I’ll either pm my partner directly or make out a post and tag those I’ve dropped threads with, if it’s multiple. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Even though I’m terrible of communication, I still like to hear from my partners every once and a while. It’s kinda why discord is easier to get a hold of me ‘cause, since I have two servers there I mod/admin, I usually check it and will answer there more often. - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I wanna say yes, but there’s that anxiety in me that says no. It’s a hit or miss with me. I usually try not to get defensive, and most the time won’t. It’ll just end up making become a bit more cautious, confused, or reclused, depending on what it is; and that’s all ‘cause of anxiety. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  Mostly to have fun. Also so I can explore my muses and work on my creative writing. When people like what I post too, it makes me extremely happy and excited, wanting to pour out more! So really, not much of a goal other than just share my thought process and ideas.
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  To roleplay and post more stuff for Mizuiro. And to build more relationships of all kinds for my muses, especially my ocs. I’d also like to explore darker themes for a few muses as well, though that’s a bit of a tall order... Not too people can handle or are willing to deep dive, so I’m not sure if that’ll happen really.
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  I don’t really have any hard limits. However, I usually refrain from a lot simply for the comfort of others. So I guess there’s quite a bit I won’t ever get into, though I’d like to.
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i’m usually good with just about anything. If I’m not, then I’ll inform my partner.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Better question is; what type am I not into? Though truthfully, I’m really into characters with a lot of development, an establish backstory of any kind, and just about any that can capture my heart (which isn’t hard to do btw). I’m not picky and I have very few I truly hate, except for their person rather than the character.
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Flat, one-dimensional types with very little development or their own story. I like seeing the ins and outs, the positives and negatives of a character. I want them to put me on a roller coaster of emotions, since that’s life in a nutshell. If they can’t, then I’ll lose interest quickly. Also mary sues/gary stues. Characters that just don’t make sense or follow the universe’s logic are also a major turn off.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  Oh boy... I guess my dedication and love for my muses’ ships. It’s not much, but only thing I can think of. I also try to keep an open mind, be as understanding as possible and to support my partner wherever I can.
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?:  My inability to reply to drafts that have been sitting for a couple of weeks. I want to reply, and yet, as soon as I open the draft and get to work, my brain blanks. It’s really frustrating.
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Just about whenever, as long as partner is up for it. And it’ll be for either or, depending. For certain ships, such as Kaede and Kenpachi, I feel it is part of their character and relationship development, seeing as they’ve managed to grow a deeper bond with each other through it. For other muses, such as almost anything with Amaterasu, it’s usually out of fun. - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Eh... not really, unless partner is uncomfortable with it.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The growth between them. Just literally anything between that. Watching the couple’s bond deepen, how much they learn about each other, and the trust that strengthens over time. - What is your smut tag?: nsfw mention
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?:  Just about any; romantic, sexual, platonic, hate, family, etc.
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Usually that’s up to the other’s interpretation of the character. But Kaede has some potential, developing surprising friendship despite her division’s reputation. She’s bit of an opposite from her captain and co-lieutenant, probably being the most patient and kindest of the three, as she’s the only one to pursue any friendships. I would say I’d love to find more plots in reference to her backstory, whether some random character she befriends or is enemies with finds out her birth, or she feels to rekindle a past friendship.
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   ... I dunno if I really have an answer for that. Kaede’s one of my easiest going muses, unafraid to interact with anyone. She tends to fit in just about anywhere. Though I’m sure this partly due to her being my most developed and being well established. - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Honestly, I think just about anyone, depending on the scenerio and who they are. That also determines how she approaches and interacts with them.
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  There’s a list of things. Gardening, social gatherings, her division... She’s also into new experiences, things that are foreign to the Soul Society. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She simply wants to make her mother proud, to better society if she can, and continue to aid and serve her division. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Body language. It’s a trained type of thing, trying to read them by how they hold themselves. How approachable they appear, their intent, etc. - What do they value in a person?:  Depends, as she understands everyone is different. But mostly their determination, honesty, and dedication, even if she’s not the receiver. She can still respect them for it. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Eh... Just about anything, aside from herself. Anything gardening or about flowers is where she’s the most enthusiastic. - Which themes bore them?:  Idle chitchat or small talk. She likes to carry an actual conversation. So trying to ask her about the weather, she’ll more than likely walk away.
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Sort of? There’s a couple things; the discovery of Azashiro’s imprisonment and his crimes, the sudden disappearance of Yoruichi and Kisuke, and the brief encounter with Yhwach’s clone during the war. - What could possibly trigger them?:  Both Azashiro’s imprisonment and Yoruichi and Kisuke’s exile have been resolved, so no. Though to ask her about Azashiro, she’ll be guarded and, depending on the person, defensive. The incident with Yhwach was a literal flash, leaving her physically scarred, but otherwise unfazed. - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Azashiro, yes. Depending on who the person is, obviously. Kisuke is the most notable target of this rage. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Again, Azashiro, depending on who brings it up and what’s brought up. Mostly, if it targets her mother and threatens to expose them, including her adopted father.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Yhwach and Aizen. Both have caused a degree of grief in the Soul Society, and even for those outside it. She also hates those that use their position of power for selfish reasons. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Her mother and adopted father, and the Shiba clan as a whole. Her division, and her current captain and co-lieutenant, along with her former captain and her brother Yuushirou. She also loves, though won’t admit it often enough, Askin (verse dependent). Kenpachi as well (verse dependent). Any and all her friends, including Kisuke. There’s also a huge soft spot for animals of any kind.
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  As long as you’re not a sworn enemy to her or the society, just about anyone’s good to go. Just strike up conversation, ask for a spar, to drink, etc. She isn’t one to simply ignore or dismiss anyone, so long as there isn’t any bad terms between them. - Where are they usually to find?:  In the second division offices or training grounds (sometimes in the onsen), at her home, or strolling or patrolling through the Seireitei.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Eh... nothing I can think of off the top of my head. Except that, no matter how kind a face she has, she can still be a merciless killer.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ (thanks for the tag, though not sure if I should really be thanking you ‘cause this about drained me!) Tagging:  you reading this.
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