#this sounds so stupid
A very random Scene 0 theory
Okay, hear me out.
Everyone keeps saying Mabayu looks/acts like an OC, being thrown awkwardly into the main cast, and retconned into existence. I’m here to propose that that’s intentional.
Mabayu wasn’t supposed to be part of the main cast and was just “edited out”. Mabayu WISHED to be part of the main cast. She wished to be a protagonist. That’s why everything is film reels, that’s why she has scissors. She isn’t cutting scenes out, she’s PASTING HERSELF IN. She’s splicing herself into a group and a series of events that she was never supposed to be involved with. She’s an editor, not a deletion. Note, too, that her magical girl outfit is centered around the film reels. If she was just a normal magical girl thrown out, why would her magical girl outfit reflect that? Shouldn’t she have made her wish beforehand? Shouldn’t it have been based around the wish she had pre-cut? Unless, of course…the film stuff related to her wish. In the era of film, most editing amounted to literally cutting and pasting on a reel…and she has a pair of scissors. She’s the one doing the editing. She’s the one with the editing tools.
That’s why her color scheme is wrong, that’s why her outfit is different, that’s why her involvement is so freaking forced. She’s a self insert OC of HERSELF.
Anyways that’s my theory of the day have a good night y’all
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Alright I've deleted everything on this side blog so I could ask dumb questions without my friends seeing
So here's my first odd question that I can't find the answer to on Google
Why the hell do I want to be a creature
Like a non-human beast
Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a therian, I don't identify as non-human, I'm well aware that I am and that will not change
But like I wish I had ram horns, goat like ears, a long tail, and walked upright on digitigrade legs
Like a faun or a satyr but with paws instead of hooves, with sharp predatory teeth as well
And I find that when I walk on my toes and pretend I have paws, or I stretch with my arms out like an animal, or shake my head like one, I feel content
But again, I don't identify as an animal, think I am one, or anything else, I just find that when I act like this or pretend to be this one particular made up beast, it makes me happy and comfortable, but I don't understand why
I never do this in front of anyone, this is kept to myself, but I figured I'd just ask if anyone else does this
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the-homeschooled-dude · 2 months
Stupid Ezekiel headcanon(s): when Ezekiel was bitten in world tour he started making animal noises due to an infection that a rat had, it bit him on the neck and it slowly started to swell up due to it, he couldn't really breath that good so he started to wheeze a bit
The bite caused his skin to turn green due to the infection in his neck spreading around his organs, and his liver... he got liver failure lmao
When he got to boney Island radiation started to get into his lungs, (which caused him to spit acid) which gave him lung cancer kinda...idk idk, the acid also slightly made his mouth melt a bit.. not really melt but just got a lot more droopier than the normal mouth, which causes him to have trouble speaking, (I like to think the acid made his skin scaly and droopy, his mutated verson looks like a frog in my eyes)
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mysteryofthemoon · 6 days
it happens, it always does. it’s a natural part of life.
i clung too hard, and they always leave
but i never imagined you would.
You, a queen of everything, left the ones you loved.
or maybe you never did, it’s just online afterall.
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judjira · 8 months
ok hear me out now
scooby doo au
complete with homosexual tension
plus there's a dog
(sometimes, i scare myself with how amazing i am)
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futur3lov3r · 23 days
Did you read the book I recommended? Do you understand now, my Dorian?
There were so many ways you could’ve spun the end of us, and you chose to paint me as a liar? Well, I suppose I shouldn’t worry how you paint your words. You were never the artist you portrayed yourself as; too technical and logical, you never stitched your very skin to what you create like I did. You could’ve easily shown your work to anyone, without feeling like it bore your very soul. Maybe you made the right choice in separating yourself from your work, my heavy involvement, no, my obsessive entanglement with my work, has only been a deficit. I think there’s quite a bit of truth in the saying that the muse longs to be the artist, and the artist yearns to be the muse. For years I prayed to be in your spot, to exist in the world beautifully, I paint my face 100 layers thick and am considered as much as art as plain grey wallpaper, you’re considered worthy of sculptures in your honor without effort. I longed to have your ability to convince others that your whims were their very own, to have those who you simply consider amusing occasionally, writing hundreds of poems, even entire books about you. But I could never give up my devotion, even if it meant a beautiful youth like yours. I am unfortunately the most known artist to display you, I have burned my paintings and ground my sculptures to dust, now all that is left of the works of you, are my words.
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mizukiakiyama-tdi · 2 months
Since Ao3 is acting up lately(for me), would it be okay if I started doing fics on wattpad instead?
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wyrm-with-a-why · 4 months
Does anyone else get those shivers up their spine from certain pleasant noises like sometimes I listen to like these crystal harp thingies and the sound like makes me body feel better
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Funny story…
I was telling my mom about how I wrote 670k words for a single fanfiction series, which is more than a novel or two, I think. Not to speak of the reader inserts and everything else I’ve got going on.
Anyway, she then asked me if she could read it. I told her that it’s not as innocent as she thinks my writing is, and it’s dark as hell. She told me she doesn’t care, she just wants to know what I’m working on. Problem is just, she doesn’t speak English, so I’m over here translating the godforsaken first chapter into German and boy does it sound stupid. I don’t know if I can show her that without cringing.
Like, what is it with my mother tongue and having such complicated grammar that I need to sometimes change entire paragraphs to fit the actual meaning behind them. I know that’s basically how translation stories works, but with German it’s just… it’s hard, man. And I don’t know if she’s going to like it, which adds to my anxiety, so now I’m just staring at my screen and questioning my existence.
I was born here and my written German is worse than my English, and that says something.
So I made this and my friends absolutely lost it when I sent it to them:
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The “sign” on the bottom right roughly translates to “sweeping week”. We basically have to clean our apartment building (if they’re not a huge high rise or owned by people who can afford weekly cleaners or something) every week, and every week a different apartment gets the sign so they know it’s their time to clean the building. It’s not that big of a deal. I’m usually done in about thirty minutes if all goes well. It ensures things are relatively clean, so that’s good. But it’s a German thing and I thought it was fitting.
Bonus from my friend:
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
yaoi and yuri IS very funny but whenever theres a game or show or series or whatever the heck that genuinely depicts the gay experience idk it hits me sometimes
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silveryloneliness · 2 months
Something bad happened
Now I am sad
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simstoyourdismay · 4 months
okay that's it. told myself i can't post until i fix this damn desktop theme. only then can i start posting equi/cholia content and hopefully some non-oc related sims 4 content :(
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sabrebash · 6 months
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Celebrity Lookalike
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fanatsrit · 5 months
all the words im reading are slightly muffled in my head for some reason i think its because its raining
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thankstothe · 4 months
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this show rewires you fundamentally in 60 seconds and then just goes on to have more seasons. audacity
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inkskinned · 9 months
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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