#this round was so funny dude LIKE CAN WE GET IT TOGETHER PEOPLE!!!
glittergoats · 2 months
The AB Room
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gayelderstourney · 10 months
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Irving Bailiff/Burt Goodman:
they are TRAPPED in capitalist dystopian hell and yet gay love persists. literally they are fighting for their got damn lives to be gay. they've been subjected to evil fucked up brain surgery to make them forget who they are outside of the workplace and yet. AND YET. they fall in love INSIDE the workplace and gain the desire to fight their oppressors so they can do old man yaoi activities. i forgot to take my adderall today sorry im not forming coherent thoughts but they made christopher walken yaoi real
They have only ever experienced being at work and are desperately trying to find meaning with no memory of the outside world. Fraternization is against the rules as well. The yearning is so much.
they are 2 sad old men who are in forbidden love. they bond over a mutal love of corporate art & company tote bags. their love inspired Irving to rebel against his employers for the first time ever. Burt is even Christopher Walken.
They’re so quietly sweet and heart-wrenching… fell in love on the ‘inside’ (they both work a job that ‘severs’ their work memories from their out-of-work memories; inside the job, they have no idea who they are on the outside or what the world is like, but they found each other and found a little bit of love and meaning and happiness inside the nightmare corporate world that is their job)
canonically in love with each other! in the show people sever their consciousness so they aren't aware when they're working. this creates a separate person that only exists while they're at the office, who doesn't share any memories with the person they are on the outside. these two old men bond and find comfort in each other despite the dystopian hell situation they're in
Old men having a forbidden romance while stuck in a hellish workplace dystopia
These two old men know nothing outside of their company propaganda, which says romance is forbidden, and they still choose each other. They bond over paintings, discuss company policy in each other's arms like they're debating scripture on whether their love is allowed. They're sooo gay and it's so sweet to see true, canonical old man yaoi
Weird old man office romance except they only exist inside the bounds of the world’s worst office building and they go on a little date to a room full of plastic plants
kitties who were outcast from previous groups they were a part of and find and live with each other. they are canonical mates even though theyre both dudes. they grow old together, but ravenpaw gets cancer and dies before barley (he lives to be considered old in warrior cats years). however ravenpaw wanted to be in the same kitty afterlife that barley will go to, so they can be together in kitty afterlife. barley is still alive though as far as we know and might be the oldest living cat in the series now. also i just think its funny to call little kitty cats "old man yaoi"
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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if is it ok to request, what if April brought her best friend down to meet the bayverse turtles? But her bestie is goth/punk with piercings and tattoos? looks a little intimidating but an abseloute sweetheart?<3
love this idea, thank you for your patience as it's taken me so long to get to this x
Also this is 100% like my best friend, they're super goth and tatted up to the 9's but they're also a massive sweetheart
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"hey, I have someone I want you to meet" April calls from the doorway to the lair
Leo knows who she wants him to meet, she's been going on and on about how this friend is finally in town and she would love to hang out, all of you guys together
he puts on all his charm
"And who is this lovely-"
then he sees her
lips, eyebrows and nose pierced, hair dyed in an acid green/black split dye, dark and black ripped up clothes, tattoos covering every inch of visible skin
"-wow" is all he can make out
she's the complete opposite of April looks wise
"No, keep going. You were about to tell me how lovely I look" she jokes. "Hey, I may not be barbie girl pretty but I bet 'ya anything I can kick your ass at call of duty!"
that softens the mood and makes everyone a little more relaxed
and she was totally right, Leo was fighting for his life playing that game with her
when it's finally time for them to leave she calls back "And if you think my hair is cool, just wait til you see what I can do with a paint brush, that shell of your's is going to put the Sistine Chapel to shame when I'm done with it!"
Leo just laughs, thinks she's a great girl
"Never judge a book by its cover" he mouths to April as she walks out the door
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He knows April is there, he can hear her joking with Mikey but he can hear another woman's voice
he walks in to say hi and stops dead in his tracks when he sees who she's with
"Raph, it's rude to stare" April scolds
"It's ok" he friend reassures "I just have a natural allure that's irresistible to men and turtles alike, it would seem"
that makes him chuckle, she's funny, he's glad she's funny
"The, erm, the..." He keeps touching his nose, clearly indicating towards her septum piercing "... like a bull" is all he manages
"Well, I am a taurus" she quips back
he laughs again
tensions settle after that and he gets on with her like a house on fire
he asks her later what he first impression of him was, since it was clear he was taken aback by her appearance
"My first thought was whether or not you'd fit through the door frame, holy shit dude you're built like a truck!"
the rest of the evening is spent with a lot of joking and laughing, April's friend can give as good as she gets and Raph likes that
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He's so excited to meet April's friend
so much so, he's prancing round the place trying to get everything ready
when April walks through the door with her, he his jaw drops
"Devil lady!" he says in a tone which indicates he clearly thought that was a compliment
"Masked turtle man!" she replies with the exact same enthusiasm
the two of them bond over how cool she is and how cool Mikey is
comparing stories and boasting, all in good fun, until they both get a bit carried away
April has to put her foot down when her friend tries to give him a stick 'n poke tattoo on the kitchen floor
"It's not sanitary! Put the ball point pen away! He's gonna get sepsis!!!"
eventually they all retire to the sofa and play guitar hero, which April's friend does not do too well at
"I thought all you punk chicks knew how to play guitar" he says
"Nope, we just date guys who do" she laughs
After they leave Mikey is begging April to bring her round again
he still wants that tattoo
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He's not the best at meeting new people
but, he actually feels more comfortable when he see's April's friend is alternative looking
he loves a good social outcast because he is one
they bond over talking about the history of subcultures and the ecological impacts of fast fashion and why you should DIY all your clothes or thrift them
April is ind of just sitting there like "what have I done? Putting two nerds in the same room..."
When the subject of tattoos gets brought up she mentions a couple she regrets
cue Donnie and his inventions
"I have a laser remover!"
"No" April pipes up
"It's totally safe, it's just-"
"N-O! No!" she reiterates
her friend mouths "When she's gone" and winks at him
the two of them are fast friends
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Loser Round 4: Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Jason Todd (DC)
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A rematch? It's so funny how the bracket turned out this way.
Propaganda under the cut.
Damian Wayne (9-14):
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
Jason Todd (~12):
Most of the Tumblr fandom likes this guy but if you step outside this website then wham so many people say he got what he deserved as a kid and Batman can't be cool if he's a dad so it's important for Batman to trash-talk his dead child constantly so we can all agree what a bad idea it was. Also wanna highlight that a lot of the records we have from fans at the time were clear they disliked Robin for BEING a child. Like a lot of the little dude characters in this tournament are treated too harshly for making an ugly choice and the fans aren't being understanding or sympathetic that the choice is made by a child character who is immature and not developed and strong enough to make a good choice and stuff. But THIS little dude was specifically hated FOR being a child. People wanted tough loner guy Batman not Batdad and his little buddy. The first Robin would drive back from college and guest star sometimes and be advertised as the Teen Wonder and people were like yeah okay but then Batman actually starts being a single parent for a child with needs and people were like UGH not the BOY Wonder. Today pretty much everywhere you see Batman fans saying Batman is better solo, no kid, it's not realistic to have a kid, a kid shouldn't be in the movies blah. Even if the comics they always find a way to send away the new kid so that Batman never has to parent. So all the Robins are being excluded from the narrative but I think this one is THE symbol of Batman fans hating a child character just for being a child.
Robin, Jason Todd, THE hated child character. In the 1980s, Batman comics had become increasingly dark and gritty. According to editor O'Neil himself, the courted audience wasn't kids but 19-40 year old men with disposable income. Batman's child sidekick, Robin, was offensively campy and childish. Fans called him wimpy, annoying, dumb, bratty, etc. Also people complained that Batman acting like an affectionate dad was unmanly and gay. Robin acts violent and emotional and people are like "ew he's so childish and emotional"—and then Batman literally acts just as murderously and emotionally within literally the same exact story and people are like "wow he's so dark and tortured". So in 1988 (after brutalizing Batgirl to get rid of her for being too bright and nice and kid-friendly), DC held a paid poll for fans to vote for Robin to live or die. O'Neil claims he heard a fan (a grown man with a dayjob as a lawyer) programmed a phone to spam kill votes. One fanguy claimed that he sold his Mercedes to buy kill votes (probably an exaggeration but still). By less than 1% margin, the vote decided to kill Robin in a spectacularly violent way. Anyway the 1989 Batman movie brought in a huge wave of new child comicbook fans who liked the new Robin (a very cool teenage high school Robin with a driver's license and a girlfriend), and DC started a separate Robin-less Batman series called Legends of the Dark Knight to make the anti-Robin writers and fans happy. But to this day, many fans agree it was a good idea to kill off the other Robin so that his foolish death reminds other characters to never be childish and stupid again. Bonus: the current Robin (usually a traumatized 10-year-old) has also been facing some pretty loud hatred for over 15 years.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I'm In Control Part 22 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I based readers dress off of this picture here.
Enjoy the feeeeeeeels *evil laughs*
Warnings: Daddy Steve/Sir Eddie and all that that implies ( I regret nothing!), another run in with Cassie, smut, fluff, and angst.
Word Count: 5306
TJ skids into your office excitedly, a huge grin plastered on his face. 
“Dude, it’s totally ok to just walk into my office.”
Your boss playfully scowls at you before pointing at Eddie. “You, angel, have been spending too much time around him. Did you just call me dude?”
“I’m sorry, sir. How can I help you today?”
“Gross. Don’t call me that either.”
“What do you want, TJ?”, you laugh. 
“Have you guys heard?” He sighs when everyone shakes their head. “You two have been nominated for an AVN award.”
“And that means…” Your boss glares at Steve as you smile at them. 
“How have you two never heard of the Adult Video News awards? It’s like the Oscars of this industry.”
Their eyes shift to you as nod, affirming. 
“Oh, cool.” 
TJ growls as he turns towards you. “Please, after you take them to get fitted for suits, can you do something to make them more excited?”
“We have suits.”, Steve chuckles. 
“Yes, but I can’t trust you two to actually wear them so I thought maybe if I bought you both one you will feel obligated to look nice for me. Obviously, there will be a lot of important people there. Don’t shame me.”
“Are you not coming?”, you ask.
“Nope. Luke is hosting the after party so I’m helping him out there. You, young lady, will be going but I beg you…” Your boss comes around to your side of the desk and gets down on his knees. “Please, don’t give Trisha Jameson any attitude.”
“I can’t promise you that.”
“Don’t worry, TJ. We’ll keep her in line.”, Eddie winks at you. 
“And you two, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you leaving a shoot last week. We need to talk about that. Cassie Leigh’s agent was extremely upset.” You glanced at them as your boss leaned against your desk with his back to you. “What happened?”
“We, um, have a history with her. Not exactly a professional one.” You watched Steve as he shifted in his seat. You three knew he may ask questions and they both insisted on taking all the blame if it came up. At the time, they weren’t sure what they would even say so you were surprised when he answered honestly. 
“Oh…Oh. Um, I mean… I make jokes about you guys being in a relationship with the same person but I didn’t realize…I mean, no judgements, of course! Did you know about this?” You quietly shake your head when he turns to you. “Now you know what I’m going to say. It’s not uncommon for exes to still do the job… unless there’s a reason.”
“Besides the fact that she’s a bitch?”
TJ rolls his eyes, chuckling as he rises and heads for the door. “I swear. You guys spend why too much time together.”
“He said it was like the Oscars, not the actual Oscars. Why do we have to dress this nice?”
“Eddie, calm down. It’s a three-piece suit, not a tux for prom.”, you giggle.
“I didn’t even wear a tux to prom!”
“I did. That thing was a pain the ass to get off.”
“For you to get off, Steve? Or the date you brought?”
“Ah ha ha, little one. You’re so funny.” He smiles as he steps out of the changing room, giving you a 180. “What do you think?”
What did you think? Jesus, you didn’t have enough breath left in your lungs to answer him. Steve looked so handsome.
“Uh oh. Eds, tread carefully. We may be bordering the line here.”
“Huh? What line?” Eddie steps out of the opposite changing room, adjusting his cuffs. When his eyes met your glassy ones, he nodded in understanding. “Okay, come back, sweetheart because I need you to tell me if I did this right.”
Tossing your phone on the chair behind you, you go to him and run your hands down his chest as you smile. 
“You put it on correctly, Mr. Munson. God, you both look amazing.”
“Wow, look at these two strapping gentlemen.” You pull yourself away as one of the workers rounds the corner and takes Steve’s hand to guide him on to the platform in front of a mirror. 
“What did you wear to prom? I picture like something big and poofy.”, he laughs.
“Oh, I didn’t go to prom.” He looked at you through the mirror as Eddie came to sit beside you. “Again, not that shocking. I mean, you guys have seen Carrie, right?”
“I see. So you were afraid to go because you would kill everyone with your psychic powers?” You laughed at the metalhead as you hit his arm. 
“No! The low-cut dresses, the music, the dancing…all of that was a no go. I mean I’m not sad about it or anything. From what I hear from other people, I didn’t miss much.”
They glance at each other before switching places and Steve sits beside you to take your hand. “You still should have gotten to experience that for yourself.”
“Fuck me…”, Eddie exhaled as you opened the door to their knock. 
“Wow. Honey…you look…” You blushed as Steve struggled to find the right words. 
“Do you guys like it?”, you ask as you gesture at your dress. TJ gave you his card insisting you buy something stunning as well. After seeing how delicious they had looked in their suits, you wanted to make sure you found something equally as delectable. 
It was an elegant, strapless dress but still showed off your body in all the right places, cutting off a little above the knee. The black color accentuated your hips and the matching shoes gave you an air of confidence that had the boys swooning. 
“We love it.”, Eddie grins as he leans down to kiss your cheek. “I love this necklace to by the way. I don’t think I’ve seen you wear it.”
“Very good, Mr. Munson. I haven’t because I just bought it.” You beam up at them with a giddy grin. “These different colors here spell out something in morse code. Can you read it?”
When they shake their heads, you chuckle and hand them separate velvet boxes. Wide smiles stretch across their face as they pull out the leather-bound bracelets with “Daddy” and “Sir” engraved on the inside of the silver clasp. 
“It says ‘Theirs’.” You watch with excitement as they immediately put the jewelry on their wrists. “I saw it online when I was researching something and I thought I just had to get it.”
“This is perfect. Thank you, baby.” Steve pulls you into his arms before Eddie does the same. 
“We need to get a move on or we’re going to be late.”
Taking both their elbows, they guide you towards the awaiting limo. 
“Wow, there is an actual red carpet.”, Eddie muses as he looks out the window. 
“They may separate us at some point but we are sitting together.”
“Um…is there a way that could not happen.” You glance at Steve who you notice seems more nervous than usual. 
“Hey. Don’t forget. They are all here because of you. You both are amazing at what you do. Just be yourselves.” He leans forward giving you a quick peck on the lips and you turn your head to give Eddie one as well. “You’re going to be fine.”
The limo door abruptly opens as the three of you are practically pulled out into the chaos. A coordinator from the show guides you towards designated areas, giving you the play by play of the evening. She yanks you to the side and pushes the boys forward into flashing camera lenses as she continues to speak. Your eyes remain on them, barely listening to a word she says. 
Reporters for websites split them apart to ask them questions and you see them stiffen at the action. If you can’t be next to them, at least they have each other but the further they move them the more you see the worry cloud over their confidence. 
“How much longer do they have to do this?”
“Um, probably another five minutes and then we can go inside. If you want to wait in there, I can—”
“No, It’s ok. I can wait here.”
After what feels like hours, the three of you are finally able to go inside the venue with all the other guests. 
“Jesus Christ. Ever wonder what it’s like to walk into a room full of people you’ve slept with?”, Eddie chuckles under his breath.
“You okay?”, you whisper.
“Yeah, just…this is weird.”
“Shit. Heads up, Munson. It’s about to get weirder.”, Steve growls.
“Hey boys.”, Cassie Leigh grins as she saunters towards your group. “And…Y/N, right?”
You nod as you politely smile in her direction. “I heard you two were nominated tonight. That’s amazing. My, uh, date over there is nominated for something as well.”
Your body visible cringes as you shudder. “Is this hell? Am I in hell right now?”
Trisha Jameson comes up to you, bending down to give you a big, obnoxious hug. “Wow, you three look fantastic! Congratulations, boys. It seems someone is looking out for you!”
“Yeah, um, Y/N is great at what she does.” Eddie compliments you and you can’t help but blush. 
“You bet she is. Well, little one, I will see you in there! Good luck.”, she sings as she wraps her arm around her date and heads into the auditorium.
You start to angrily follow after her but Steve grins, grabbing your arm, and pulling you back. “I hate when she calls me that.”
The three of you notice Cassie is still standing there watching you with amusement. 
“Is there something else we can do for you, Cassandra?”
Light shines through her eyes as she tilts her head. “Oh, I get it. This is the girl. The one you guys said you were in love with.”
Your eyes shift between them, watching them both shift from nervous to protective in the blink of an eye.
“No, I mean it makes sense. She’s beautiful, powerful, and from the one interaction we had can definitely handle herself. I imagine she’s fun to take apart. Right, Sir? Eddie always had a thing for brats. Daddy liked them to a point. I mean—”
“Cassie, I don’t care. I know what you’re doing and I promise you it won’t work. They aren’t the same men you left behind without so much as a fucking goodbye.”
“Oh? And what makes you think you know anything about what happened? You think men like them change?”, she scoffs. 
“Then why are you here? Just go about your life and leave them be. You did it once you can do it again. Whether you like it or not they are mine. Now, my understanding is they both asked you nicely to stay away from them. I’m a little different but allow me to be as clear as I can. If I ever see your face again or they tell me that you tried popping up on another set or some bullshit like that… I will make it so you never get another acting job in this town again. Do you understand me?”
Her heels clicked against the tile as she brought her face to yours. “Are you threatening me?”
You matched her, taking one step forward. “Yes, I am.”
The boy’s shoulders connected as they stepped between you two, bumping Cassie backwards. 
“If you hit her or cause a scene, Cassandra, I will help her follow through with that promise.” Steve glared down at her. 
Her cheeks puffed out as she turned around and marched towards her date like a little girl being told to go to her room. 
“Again, gentlemen. Just a charmer that one.” They both separated as Eddie reached out to push some hair behind your ear. “Was she about to hit me?”
“Uh huh. We saw that look many times.”
“Eddie… I don’t like that.” You reached forward, placing your palm his cheek. 
“It wasn’t a big deal—”
“Steve don’t say that. She shouldn’t be putting her hands on you guys like that.”
“We’ve smacked each other.”, he chuckles as he places a comforting kiss on your forehead. 
“Yeah, when we play. You would never really hurt me like that. Even after everything we’ve been through, I’ve never been afraid of you two physically and I hope you know I would never—”
“Honestly, I don’t think you’ve ever hurt us. Physically or emotionally.” Eddie sighs as you watch his brain through his eyes wonder through every tough experience they’ve put you through. “Jesus, you really are an angel.”
The three of you giggled hysterically as you climbed back into the awaiting limo a few hours later, them clinging to their newly won awards. They completely froze when their names were called and adorably stumbled up to the stage to accept their prize. 
“Wow. Um, I don’t even know what to say… we genuinely didn’t think we’d even win. Um, thank you for the honor and giving us a chance to work with you. To our agent, Y/N, and TJ, our lives completely changed when we signed with you guys. Thank you for everything.”, Steve smiled as he stepped back and Eddie quickly cut in. 
“And to our girlfriend, thank you for being patient with us and just being you. We wouldn’t be here without you, sweetheart. Love you so much!”
“You know this means you’re going to be getting a lot more high-profile jobs now.”, you grin at them as they continue to stare at the words on the trophy. 
“Wayne is going to trip when I send this to him.” Eddie laughs when he glances at you. “Baby, we don’t need two of the same statues in one house. They have both our names on it. We can keep Steve’s. Plus, my uncle will think it’s cool.”
“I’m so proud of both of you. Are you ready to go to the after party?”
“Actually, honey, TJ said we didn’t have to go. I mean, he heavily implied he would like us to go but he said it was our choice. That being said…” 
 Your startled when you feel the velvet blindfold being placed over your eyes. “Hey! What’s going on?”
“We have a surprise for you. We’re on the way so for the time being just sit back and relax.” Steve’s soft tone filled your ears and you did as he suggested, leaning into one of their chests as you sighed. “Why are you smiling like that, pretty girl?”
“Because even with a blindfold, it doesn’t take me long to figure out who’s near me. No matter how much cologne he puts on, I can still smell the cigarettes.”, you giggle as you keen into Eddie’s neck and kiss his skin.
“Look, I do what I can but I’ve been smoking for years!”
“No… I wasn’t saying it like it’s a bad thing!” Your hand blindly reaches up to find his hair, running your fingers through it. “It’s a part of you. I love the way you smell.”
“Munson…no!” Steve laughs as you smile, feeling a calloused palm trail along you knee. “It’s not fair. You can’t wind her up yet! We still have a whole thing planned.”
“Oh, come on! Like you never felt up your date in the back of a limo.”, the metalhead countered as he whines. “Stevie…she looks so gooooood. Plus, I’ve been turned on since she put Cassie in her place.”
“Patience is a virtue, Mr. Munson.”
“Yeah, Mr. Munson.”, Steve teases. 
“Is this a Daddy and Sir venture?”
“No, princess. This is something you should have had a long time ago.” Eddie tenderly kisses your temple as you lean closer to him. Fingers mingle with your own and your head tilts slightly as a thought crosses your mind.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?”
“How did it feel? Hearing Cassie refer to you both with your titles…” They both exhale heavily making you laugh. “That bad, huh?”
“It feels like… a violation. Remember when we started this and told you it was personal for us? She gave up the right to call us that a long time ago. The fact that she thinks she can just show up and fucking refer to us that way—”
Your hands search for Steve’s face when you hear the agitation in his voice. 
“How did it make you feel?”, Eddie asked behind you. 
“Angry…protective…a little bit possessive.” They chuckle at your answer. “Of them…not you two. I’m not worried about her seducing you away from me or anything but… they’re mine. You’re MY Daddy.” Your fingers gently caress Steve before reaching to touch Eddie. “You’re MY Master.”
“God damn, Harrington. You can’t tell me you don’t want to fuck her now.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want to but we can’t. Not yet but I promise you one thing, little miss. When we get back home you definitely deserve a reward.
“Alright, honey. Just a little further.”
When the limo finally stopped at its destination, they kept you blind while guiding you through a building. At least you assumed it was a building with the way your heels sounded against the floor. Wherever they had taken you it was dark as any lighting within the mask was now shaded over. 
You felt them place you somewhere as one of them steps away from you. Eddie did a count down, removing the blindfold after one. 
“Oh, wow.” 
They had brought you to a ballroom that was decorated from head to toe with silver streamers and a disco ball hanging in the middle of an open dance floor. Along the wall behind a DJ booth was a banner that read “High School Prom”.
“Yeah, it helps the aesthetic when the nearby school just had their prom here. That being said, why a disco ball?”, Eddie laughs.
“Guys…” Your hand flew to your chest as you tried not cry. “Why…you…I don’t know what to say.”
Steve smiled as he reached for your wrist, sliding a pink corsage around it before bowing down to kiss the back of your hand. Eddie did the same, placing a black corsage around you as his hand caressed your skin. 
“You deserve to have this experience. It’s one thing if you didn’t want to go. It’s another when they didn’t allow it. Now, we don’t have a photographer so everyone smile.” Steve held up his phone, taking a picture as you three struck a pose. 
“Ok, should we do cheesy typical prom songs or? I guess we kind of have to depending on what’s up here.” Eddie browsed through the collection as he spoke. You wrapped your arms around his waist, grinning as you point to album. 
“Really? Fiiiiine. I guess it would count has both cheesy and different. It’s your dance, princess.” He kisses your forehead before pulling out the record and climbing on the makeshift stage to get everything connected. 
You saunter towards Steve reaching your arms out to him so you can tug him to the middle of the dance floor. Taylor Swift’s “Lover” begins to play through the speakers and you grin as he places one of his hands on your lower back while holding your other in the air as you both begin to sway. 
“You know, if you had told me the cocky men I met in my office those many months ago would be the loves of my life I never would have believed you.”
“Hm. Now who’s being cliché?”
You giggle as he dips you in his arms before twirling you towards Eddie who places both his palms on your waist while you hold his shoulders. 
“Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever) You're my, my, my, my Lover”
“Seriously though, I remember Steve was wearing his ‘I’m a dad on a Saturday’ look—”
“What does that even mean?”, the boy laughs. 
“She’s talking about your shorts with the socks and douchebag flipflops.”
Your smile grows as you lean your forehead against his. “You were wearing all black in this California heat.”
“Forever my style, babe.” Eddie kisses your lips before spinning you back to Steve. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you.”
“You guys were so intimidating at first and that wasn’t just because you were my first clients ever. I was trying so hard to keep everything professional but looking back on it now…I knew. I knew I was yours the moment you sat across from my desk.”
Steve made a little huh sound as he leaned down to kiss your lips. “Ew. What was that?”, you giggled. 
“I just think it’s cute.”
“What? That I liked you immediately?”
“That it took you that long.”, Eddie smiles. “We were into you from the moment you stepped into the lobby.”
Blushing, you hugged yourself tighter to Steve, pressing your face into his chest. 
“Uh oh, Ed. We’re breaking her.”
“You’re too sweet to me.” After releasing him from your grip, you beam at them both. “So, what else does one do on prom night?”
The entire ride back home was a blur of kisses and desperate touches. Eddie carries you in his arms through their front door as you leave heated kisses along his neck. 
“Ok…ok…time out.”, he pants as he places you on your feet. “Jesus, I’m gonna cum before we even start.” 
“Um, Ed. I love you and all but you forgot something.”
The metalhead looks around realizing you hadn’t followed him to the bedroom. They poked their head out to find you staring into the room that had once been occupied. You slowly step in and take in your surroundings. Against the wall was a desk like the one you had in your office with a comfy looking desk chair and a couch against the adjacent wall. Eddie’s band posters were still on the wall, knowing you enjoyed them as well and his guitar was still in the corner.
“I thought maybe I could keep you company in here while you worked; practice playing and things like that.”
They had been leaning in the doorway, watching you carefully as they tried to get a read on what you were feeling. 
Upon closer inspection of your desk, you noticed there were two framed pictures. One was of you and Matthew making a goofy face on his motorcycle. The other was the one Steve had taken at the restaurant of you three when you surprised Eddie with his special day. 
“We flipped a coin to see whose room we would keep. Mine would have been easier since it’s actually fucking clean.”, Steve chuckles as Eddie rolls his eyes. “But… do you like it? Of course, you can add anything you want. We just thought—”
You jumped into his arms cutting him off with your lips. “I love it. Thank you. Thank you both.”
The man carried you back to their bedroom, falling with you onto the mattress. They carefully undress you, knowing your dress was most likely expensive before gradually removing their own pricey garments. As Steve’s lips suck on your neck, Eddie’s fingers reach to graze your necklace. 
“I really like this. It looks beautiful on you. To be fair, you look gorgeous in everything but…” He grins down at you as you blush. “We’ll have to find one of these for your bad days that say ‘brat’ on it.”
You playfully gasp at his remark. “Sir, I am always a good girl!”
Steve’s cheek brushed yours, his head falling beside you as he laughed. Eddie lightly gripped your jaw, holding you still as he kissed your lips. 
“You’re something alright. Hey, Daddy.” The metalhead shook his friend’s shoulder. “Didn’t you say something about giving little miss here a reward?”
“Yes, Sir, I did.”
“Oh, guys. No. You’ve done a lot for me already tonight.”
They smile as their lips tandemly trail down your body. 
“Ooo, Daddy. I don’t know about you but that sounds like talking back to me. Definitely brat behavior.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet.”
“Not for long, honey.”, Steve chuckles as he situates himself between your legs. Eddie hovers by your waist just above him, opening your pussy lips with his fingers.
“Fuck, princess. So wet already.” You moan as he slowly rubs circles into your clit while Steve’s tongue inserts itself into your needy entrance. “Now, baby, you don’t have to ask to cum. Our mouths are going to be a bit preoccupied.” He winks at you and before you can respond his mouth envelopes your nub causing you to cry out in pleasure. 
You had never felt anything like this in your life. Having both their tongues between your legs was pure ecstasy and you couldn’t get enough.
“Oh my god. That feels so fucking good.” Reaching down, you run your fingers through Eddie’s mess of hair, your hips grinding against them. 
Steve groaned as you pussy fluttered around him, pushing his face further into your sex. You leaned up on your elbows to watch them, whimpering at the sight, not just because of what they were doing but because they were yours. These two handsome, sexy, sweet, funny, dorks were yours.
You threw your head back, moaning and begging as you came. Eddie chuckled when he felt you lightly pulling at him, smiling up at you as his mouth trailed feathery light kisses up your stomach to your neck.
“I want you, baby. Please. I need to feel you.”
His lips quickly peck yours before flipping on to his back and pulling you on top of him. You both groan as you guide his cock into you, grinding your hips against his. Eddie’s rough hands snake around the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his, hips jutting up to meet yours as you push yourself up and meet his beautiful brown eyes. 
“Mine.”, you whisper.
“Fuck. Yeah, pretty girl. Yours.”
He breathily laughs as his palms run along your sides. “Always, princess.”
“Show me, Sir. Please.”
Eddie’s arm wraps around your lower back, flipping you around and lifting your leg over his shoulder as he starts thrusting into you. His fingers dig into your thighs as his cock pushes deeper into you making you mewl at the feeling. You were so transfixed on him and the gleams of sweat shimmering of his gorgeous, tattooed chest, you hadn’t even heard Steve panting beside you as he stroked himself at the sounds you were making.
You reach out for him and his lips descended on yours for a moment before drifting down your body, stopping near your waist. Eddie opened your legs wider giving the other boy more access to you as mouth wrapped around your clit. 
“Fuck me! Oh my god.”
“Jesus Christ…”, the metalhead grunts as your pussy clings to him like a vice. “Cum, baby, please. I…I’m not going to last much longer here if you… fucking keep gripping me like that.”
Steve flicks his tongue faster against your nub helping you get there as you cum hard. Eddie soon follows, lifting your hips as he fills you up.
He pulls out, collapsing beside you as Steve takes his place between your legs with his body flat against your own. 
“You ok, little miss? Do you think you can handle me to?”, he whispers as his lips gently kiss your neck toward your ear. “It’s ok if you can’t, honey. Be honest.”
Your hands circle around to his shoulders as your legs capture his waist. “Please, Daddy. Show me like he did.” Steve lifts his head, hovering his mouth over yours. “Show me I’m yours.”
His lips part, eyes squeezing shut as he easily slides into you and bottoms out almost instantly. He moves at a steady pace, trying not to overwhelm you or himself. 
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so… Jesus…”
“Tell me, Daddy.”
Eddie’s fingers grabbed your cheeks as he turned you to passionately kiss your lips. As his tongue mingled with your own, your whimpered as your cunt gripped Steve, dragging along his cock. 
“God damn it.” His head fell beside yours as you continued to kiss the metalhead. “I’m…I’m not going to last long—mmm—either. Fuck, this IS my prom night.” He smiled when he felt you softly giggle. “You’re so tight. You—mmm—you have no idea how fucking…amazing you feel. Shit…Ed, help me. I don’t think…”
Eddie’s forehead remains pressed to yours as you watch him lick the pads of his fingers before bringing them to your swollen bundle of nerves. You turn to face Steve, your eyes locking on his as cum. His own roll back as he falls against you, grinding his hips roughly into yours until he sputters and you feel him release inside of you. 
As he gradually pulls out of you, you hiss at the feeling. 
“What’s wrong, honey? Are you ok?”
Eddie chuckles beside you as you both turn to look at him. “No, sorry. I’m not laughing at her pain. Just the fact that she’s still not using full sentences.”
“It’s not my fault you both take my breath away.”
“Well, that was fucking cute.” Steve grins as he kisses your forehead.
“Hey TJ. Oooo, are you alright? You look upset.” 
Your boss called you into his office that following Monday morning and you assumed it was about them winning their award but something about his face made you realize whatever was going on it was serious.
“Yeah, angel, I am a little bit. I, um, I was going through the photos they took at the AVN ceremony. I thought maybe I could put a few on our website, you know.” 
TJ turns his computer screen to show you some images causing your stomach to drop. You felt him watch your face as he scrolled through pictures of you caressing Eddie’s face and Steve kissing your forehead.
“Now, I know you and I know you can be a bit touchy feely but… Y/N, it would explain some things.” He sighs as your eyes meet his. “Ok…”
“I’m not going to lie, I expected TJ to like tackle us when we came in.”, Eddie grinned as they both entered your office.
“For real. Is he upset we didn’t go to the—” Steve paused when he noticed you weren’t at your desk like you normally were but on the couch further away with your face in your palms. “Honey?”
When you placed your hands in your lap and they saw your tear-streaked face, they immediately dropped into that protective mode. 
“Y/N, what happened?”, Eddie asked as he kneeled in front of you while Steve took the spot beside you, his fingers pulling your hair out of your face. 
“Um… so a photographer at the event the other night took some photos and, uh, TJ saw them. Photos of the three of us…after the thing with Cassie…”
“Technically, I’m not fired. I’m, uh, suspended until TJ figures out what he wants to do… so someone else in the company will look after you and Avery…” You broke then, no longer able to keep it together as you cried. 
Eddie laid his head on your lap, hugging his arms around your legs as Steve wrapped his around your shoulders bringing your head to his chest.
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @whoringtonmunswhore
@big-ope-vibes @eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719
@hugdealer @h3llo-k1tt @mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch
@miarosso @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @emmalee-01 @justsheerfilth1
@wroteclassicaly @micheledawn1975 @erinsingalong
@playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn @cinnamapup
@bimbobaggins69 @justmeandmymeanderingthoughts
@skyesthebomb @sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi
@atomiclilac @anaibis @notasimp4joey @chelebelletx
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magnuscomedybracket · 6 months
Round 3 Match 1
087 Uncanny Valley vs. 021 Freefall
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Propaganda under the cut!
087 Uncanny Valley
Guy cleans out flesh from a drain without a blink and nikola has to invite him back again with Jude because he wasn’t scared enough the first time because of obliviousness
Besides the obvious bit of Guy who Doesn’t Realize He’s In A Horror Story, imagine this from Nikolas perspective. Like “oh shit lol this guys name is “skinner” I’m gonna mess with him for shits and giggles… Ok he didn’t notice any of my spooky bullshit, wild! I threatened to butcher him and he was Not Paying Attention! Jude! Hey! Come check out this idiot man!”. Also implication that Jude and nikola hang out being shitty together. I support women’s wrongs.
"Megan" tries to expose this guy to The Horrors and he's so focused on his job that he just doesn't notice. She's so shocked by this that she calls him back and still has to literally force him to notice
The world's most oblivious plumber somehow doesn't notice all the creepy stuff going on and just does his job like normal. It only gets funnier when you consider it from the Stranger avatar's point of view.
Nikola Orsinov trying so hard to scare the least observant man you've ever seen. Whispering in his ear about flencing while he hums noncommittally and pulls a wad of meat from the drain of her spooky factory in the middle of fuck-all nowhere and then he just gives her the invoice and walks out??? Like it's a normal job? And when she calls him to come back the next day she has to dress up in a clown costume to get his attention and grab his head to make him look at The Atrocities that he just entirely missed the day before. I love Sebastian Skinner so much and I wish only the best for him
#I really just want to point out that they're trying to scare a plumber. #A plumber!! #do you think this is the first time this man has had to clean skin and hair out of a drain? #do you think he's never seen blood before? #like yeah it's objectively funny from the Horror's point of views but for him? It's a tuesday #Like that isn't even the weirdest thing he's seen that week #'oh they threatened to butcher him' yeah? what makes them special? #this guy probably deals with 20 different avatars a week by necessity #no amount of 'his name is skinner let's fuck with him' is going to be worse than service work in people's homes (via @/childoferebus)
#the only reason we know what's happening for half the episode is taht we know this is an horror story #and how things usually go. #dude spends half the episode going 'just a normal job. #house in the middle of nwohere. weird smells and textures #*shrugs* just anotehr day on the job* (via @/monstersqueen)
021 Freefall
I feel a little mean for finding this statement funny but… Simon really said, ‘enjoy sky blue’ than had this man falling for ages. “Before I address the central point of this statement, namely the question of… whether the sky can eat people” fantastic line. Also the indignant way he responds to Martin coming in with the Goddamn worms-
The Looney Tunes ass mental image of a lone parachute falling from the sky into a field.
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adorejungkook · 1 year
Baby Got Back!!
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Synopsis; Jeon Jungkook has the fattest fucking crush on you meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung don’t find you too hard to look at either. Now Jungkook has to find a way to confess his feelings, maybe even show you,  before the other two find their ways into your pants during your “staycation”. 
Warnings; profanity? mentions of sex
chapter. 1 , 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6
“Hey, are y’all hungry? Jimin’s ordering takeout,”
Taehyung, fucking Taehyung of all people is talking through the door as Jungkook looks around the room helplessly, two seconds away from crying at his predicament.
“Okay, j- just wait, don’t come in,” Jungkook huffs as he frantically wipes his chest with your pretty panties. He stuffs them into his suitcase and buries them under his clothes, sighing at how he’d have to wash everything now. Quickly buttoning his jeans, he slips through the door to talk to his older friend.
“Holy shit, dude!” Taehyung exclaimed, looking the sweaty boy in front of him over with wide eyes, “You guys just fucked?!” 
“Shut upppp,” Jungkook groaned, rolling his head back as he shoved Taehyung into the living room where Jimin was scrolling through their food options on his phone on the couch. He really had a taste for something spicy.
“Bro, Jungkook just railed ___” Tae giggled, plopping down beside the blue-haired boy. 
“They had sex?” Jimin looked up with a grimace at his friend’s vulgarity. 
“Bruh, have some respect. Jungkook’s packin’, he can’t simply have sex. The man does the dirty, he performs coitus, he fornicates-”
“The fuck is wrong with you, shut up!” Jungkook hisses, glancing back at the hallway that leads to your room. He prayed that you were still soaking in the tub, quickly pulling his mind away from that visual knowing what happened the last time he thought about it. 
“We didn’t… make love…”
“Make love,” Jimin snorts, looking at the youngest boy with pity, “He’s seriously whipped,” 
Taehyung’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at the floor, seemingly searching the carpet for an answer Jungkook wasn’t willing to tell him.
“If you didn’t slut her out, then why do you look like you did? If you didn’t, then can I?”
“Yeah, ditto on that,”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched and his eyes closed. He understood that you weren’t his yet, but the way that his friends didn’t shy away from professing their attraction, and in such an outward manner in front of him was hard to deal with sometimes. His attraction to you was way past physical, though he doubted they’d take him seriously after what he was about to profess.
“I didn’t do anything with her, I just jacked off…” He mumbled with a frown, cupping his hand over the back of his neck. 
Jimin’s mouth fell agape. Was he seriously more shocked by this than by Taehyung’s outburst?
Tae still didn’t seem to get it, rubbing his chin in thought. Jungkook’s embarrassment was slowly blossoming into annoyance. He knew it was his fault this conversation was happening in the first place, but he didn’t think the dramatics were necessary.
“You’re pretty innocent, Kook. Mutual masturbation is a little too Mormon for me but that’s cute for you two…”
Yeah, Jungkook was done with this. He’d rather just come out with it completely than let Tae say anything else. He could tell that he was two seconds away from telling them about his recurrent sexy-nun dream. 
“I jacked off by myself. Alone, with my own hand, okay? I just thought about her, you know? Couldn't help it…” 
He felt awful, having said it all out loud. You made him act like a little boy and you weren’t doing a single thing. He had to get his act together before you found out how much of a mess he was.
Your door has opened and Jungkook freezes as he listens to the pitter-patter of your feet as you shuffle down the hall.   
God, they’re still laughing.
“What’s so funny,” You ask with a smile as you round the corner. Jungkook notes the shirt you’re wearing. It’s the one he won for you at a carnival about a year ago, he could still make out the little stain on your collar from the root beer float you shared. You had insisted on just sharing the one, talking about how expensive the food was there. It was little moments like that that made him jump around you, too close to his heart for him to handle.
“When are they ever funny?” he responds, returning your smile shyly. He can’t help but take a few steps back as you come further into the room. Whether it was because of the sweet memory from some time ago, or his less-than-sweet fantasies from about twenty minutes earlier, he didn’t know.
“Listen,” Jimin wheezed, hands holding his stomach, probably aching from the “Humiliate jungkook!”-fest he just had, “ Let’s just go out, yeah? Pick up something real quick, everyone’s starving,”
You shrugged, grabbing the jacket draped over the sofas and slipping into it. Jungkook noted, with much displeasure, that it was Jimin’s. You’d look cuter in Jungkook’s, but that was a thought he kept to himself. “I’ll go pick something up, I’m good at finding local spots,”
“ Oh, I’ll come with you!” Jungkook squeaked, already hurrying towards the door to open it for you, “ I’ll  pay too,”
He didn’t want to pay, but who ever wanted to pay? Anything to spend a little time with you, right?
 You waited until you were both situated in the car, you in the passenger seat with Jungkook having insisted on driving, to respond to him.
”You know I’m not letting you pay, right?” You asked, looking over at the boy whose eyes jumped from you to the road every half a second.
You were so stubborn, it was almost shocking. The only person in the world who would turn down free food, he admired you for your selflessness but come on, let him be gentlemanly!  After the stunt he pulled in your shared room today, be paying for your next five meals….and probably buying you some more underwear?
 He couldn’t figure out how he was going to explain that kind of gift, yet. 
“I promise that this will be the only time I’m not gonna listen to you,” He said strongly, flashing you an apologetic smile before looking up at the GPS. You had apparently picked some soul food spot, which Jungkook was happy about. When’s the last time he’s had some cornbread?
 When they arrive about 15 minutes later, Jungkook’s eyes light up at the scene. When you said local, you meant local. It was a small building that stood alone on its corner, with a couple of tables outside that were mostly occupied. Most importantly, he could smell it from inside the car. Oh, Jungkook was ready to feast. 
This was a cute spot, he was excited to be here with you. Something like this doesn’t happen often, being left alone with you. He didn’t want it to end so soon.
“Hey, uhm,” Jungkook paused, looking out the window as he gathered his thought, “You know, this place is kinda far from our place…the food will get cold,”
“Yeah,” You sighed, slumping into your seat, “We don’t even have a microwave in there, we’ll have to heat it on the stove. I’m starting to think that guy…Jin, right? Yeah, I think he got half those pictures off of Pinterest or something,”
“Right, so…maybe we should eat here?” Jungkook offered a little quieter than before. It’s his way of asking you on a date, even though it’d be unofficial. He's not ballsy enough for that, though he’s planning on it.
 It’s a 278 plan and right now he’s on step 12. 
“Oh, like a date?” You asked nonchalantly, already taking your seatbelt off. 
Was that a serious question? 
The answer was yes, but he could already feel the denial rolling off his tongue. How did you know?! 
“That sounds cool, The guys are gonna be pissed we’re bringing them back cold food,” You giggled before stepping out of your side and closing it.
Jungkook laughs to himself. 
After the shit Tae and Jimin put him through earlier, you were the only reason they weren’t having McDonald's. 
@yourbobaeyestell @coralmusicblaze @koikooky @jjkrinvgs @distinguisheddestiny @theladyblue @yopjm @jungkooksseuphoria @hollowtree10 @livorna @slutforwwh @hopewxride @namjoonimtheman2 @kooscameras @treethatswithpetra @canarystwin @idkreallys-blog @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jalexd @emeraldjade23 @jaehyunsbreadbasket @thatfatbussy01 @bigbootyjoonie @jiimtaee @boys0verflowers @kooklovesu @petalsofink @tornparts @telepathytae @jkjeon9709 @uarmyhopelover @multilingual-kpop @swga-recs @straybangtan @taeisbae13 @such-a-wh0re @m00li55a @foulempathpsychicherring @tearyjjeon @www-interludeshadow-com @Sugaluvmyg
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ineffabildaddy · 5 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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zeephyre · 1 year
Spoilers Below, duh.
All in all this episode was really fun. I really enjoy episodes that include a journey towards a destination and I love when each player has to roll for an outcome.
I liked the quiet moments between all of the characters as we're getting further into our time together and are becoming somewhat friends.
prism I think is the most likely to stay with the group (if that will ever even work out, like marisha said idk how they're gonna pull that off but i really hope we get a huge ass table full of players). bor'dor, who i am still incredibly suspicious of, seems genuinely distressed by his brother not being there and i think they brushed off the possibility that he got yeeted too quickly because it's honestly more than likely that it did happen. or he doesn't exist and bor'dor is a dog (I don't even like that theory it's just funny). denise seems like she just wants to find dariax, kick his ass and then get married and run off where ludinus can't touch them. i don't think she thinks that's possible but i really don't want her near the fray. dariax and the crown keepers seem like they're in the shit though.
orym didn't react to ashton bringing up the ashari (and i don't know if taliesin meant to say hishari but whatever) and (idk if i just forgot) but im pretty sure they still haven't talked about that since laudna encouraged ashton to speak with orym about it. i kinda remember orym not knowing about it but i could be misremembering though. either way, i think this particular episode ashton is... really desperate to figure themself out.
between asking orym to help him meditate on rocks (which was a really cute scene) to his interest in the skeleton embedded in the stone (plus the cool new shiny ring they got out of it) and the crystals at that creepy ass cavern -- i really hope he gets some answers soon. i have a feeling this might be the place to get it though, idk.
bor'dor seems to have the impression that the hellians think they're strong enough to stop the god eater but they don't even think they're strong enough to stop ludinus. they couldn't even beat otohan thull. they're not fighting because they think they can win, they're fighting because not fighting is no longer an option. there's nothing to do BUT fight. they know too much, and they have too much at stake to leave the battle.
imogen and orym especially. and there's no way in hell any of the bells hells will try to pretend to be okay with anything ludinus has done or will do. they know what he and his cult are capable of. I'm glad they got to express a bit of that though.
laudna called Imogen her sister but i lived through a time where dean winchester called the angel who is in love with him his brother so i didn't even flinch.
ashton got a massage from orym. it was appropriately sweet and hilarious. i think... orym might be one of the only people who consistently has touched ashton. i can't remember anyone asking explicit permission to touch him. i am so jazzed that they ENCOURAGED orym to touch them.
i think ashton has some of the best moments in their ability to create moments where between PCs where rp is at its finest. we haven't gotten another round of "what the fuck is up with that?" yet but that pipe was inspired. i love the little moments between him and prism. whenever ashton does something incredibly thoughtful they act like it's uncommon or a fluke and it's such bullshit cause he's SO consistent with his empathy. he's not a fucking public speaker by any means, but he has an energy around him that is unironically great to be around.
on a lighter note, my favourite moment (aside from the ashrym massage) from this episode is either orym praying to the wild mother or orym fucking hang gliding a eagle sized raven down a ravene. he's such a cutie.
i can't wait for the next episode. team issylra seems to think abadina betrayed them but i think the dude they're supposed to meet has been murked by whatever is in entombed. maybe it was set free by the same sort of dispelling magic shit that hit uthodurn and unpetrified the bull. if that's the case, hopefully this ends with the power of friendship prevailing as well.
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itstorimf · 1 year
risky, risky, risky - professor!dad!chan x female reader
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chapter two: "HAHA! Pay up bitch!
word count: 2.1K
warnings: mentions of death (not any main characters, just in general) language, consumption or alcohol, not quite smut but definitely suggestive
series masterlist
*written in Chris's pov*
     "Thank you again," I smiled as the babysitter I hired shut the door. It wasn't everyday that I had a night to myself, and honestly I felt a little guilty about leaving Leo with her. Leo and I were inseparable. Ever since his mother passed away, I had a hard time leaving him. However, tonight, my two best friends invited me for a night out. Jisung and Changbin were waiting for me outside of my apartment complex eager to begin our evening out. They both attended the same college and I was just lucky enough to have met them when I first moved into their town. Jisung and Changbin also happened to be friends with the owners of the club that we were going to. Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix alongside my two friends were all in the same fraternity together. They invited us out to check out their club, and honestly, who were we to decline a free night of drinks? 
     Changbin sat in the driver's seat and would glance my way every so often. He could obviously tell that I felt uncomfortable I had left my son for the evening.
     "Dude. I promise Leo is going to be just fine," Changbin sighed as he made eye contact with me from the rearview mirror. 
     "I know, but what if the babysitter can't get him to fall asleep, or she doesn't close the baby gate and he falls down the stairs, or worse! What if he-?" I was cut off by Jisung in the passenger seat. 
     "Chris. I highly doubt that Lia would let any of that happen! Try to chill out. We're going out for fuck's sake! Drinks are free. Lix is dj-ing. Let yourself enjoy at least tonight," Jisung was right. After the year I had had with losing my wife and moving to a new city, I owed it to myself to live again. If not for myself, then for my son. Even though he was only two, I hated that Leo had to watch me go through the grief I did. If I could find it in myself to have fun again, maybe raising a child alone wouldn't be too hard.
     When we arrived at the boys' bar, the place was packed. Filled with people dancing and downing drinks. As weird as it sounds, it honestly felt kinda inviting. The atmosphere was freeing and exhilarating all at the same time. 
     "Gentlemen!" I heard a voice behind me say. It was Minho, one of the club owners. Hyunjin followed shortly behind him. "Let me show you to your table." Minho led us up a few steps to a table that was just slighted elevated from the dance floor. You could see what was going on in every corner of the club. "Drinks are on us, so get as crazy as you fuckin' want 'kay?" Hyunjin continued. We all laughed and decided to order a round of beers to start. After achieving the drinks, Changbin walkover to the DJ booth that Felix was setting up at. He had always had an interest in music production, so he would probably stay there for the rest of the night. The silence at our table was broken by Jisung.
     "Alright dude. We seriously gotta get you laid!" Jisung shouted. My head turned faster than my brain could comprehend what he had said and I shot him a look. I chuckled and shook my head in disapproval. "What?" he said in shock, "Dude! You're like a major dilf. Dilfs are all the rage these days!"
     "Right and how would I explain that to her? 'Oh sorry let me just move my son into the living room. Don't worry! Get comfortable, but if he wakes up I have to bring him back in here!' You're funny", I respond.
     "How about this? You meet a girl. It goes well. Say the word and you can go back to mine and Changbin's place! We'll take care of Leo while you-"
     "I got the point!" and honestly. It wasn't too bad of an idea. Ji and Changin took care of my son over night once while I was away for a conference and they did just fine. Maybe, just maybe, I would take them up on that offer. It was the idea of talking to a girl again that made me nervous. Changbin eventually joined us again at the table and we ordered a bottle of Hennessy for the three of us to share. My eyes scanned through the dance floor and they landed on woman dancing with a friend. She clearly had been drinking by the way she was dancing, but sober enough to look after her friend. Every so often her attention would go back to the intoxicated girl next to her, checking to make sure she was okay. Before I could realize that I had been staring, she looked up at me. A quick glance, before she averted her eyes to the ground. A little while later, a larger group of people joined them on the dance floor, and she broke away to sit by herself at a table in the corner. There was something about the way she held herself. An obvious wallflower, but judging by the way she danced, around just the right people, she was able to let herself go. I needed to know more about her. I downed what was the rest of my glass and stood up. "Alright gentlemen! Wish me luck..." I announced to them. 
     "No fucking way! Mr. Christoper Bang? You're gonna go talk to a girl?" Changbin asked.
     "Hey you guys were the ones that said I had to loosen up a bit. Here I go!" and with that I started walking in her direction. When I got to her table, she also stood, though she wasn't looking where she was going. She stumbled into my arms and held my arms out to catch her. Clearly embarrassed she looked up at me with blushed cheeks. 
     "I am so sorry!" this mystery girl said, quick to apologize for landing on me. "These shoes are death traps I swear." I chuckled. Do I flirt with her? It had been so long since I had even attempted to flirt. The alcohol was kicking in and I thought to myself, 'eh... fuck it! What do you have to lose?'
     "That's alright, but I'll only forgive you if you tell me your name," I said with a smirk.
     "HA! Smooth. I'm Y/N. I haven't seen you around here before uh..." she trailed off.
     "Chris." I responded. "Yeah. I'm pretty new to the area," small talk. I was never very good at small talk, but then she smiled at me. God. Her smile was infectious. 
     "Well Chris. What brings you to Venom?" Y/N asked. So she was as equally curious about me as I was about her. Good.
     "A couple of friends know the owners, so they dragged me out tonight. Technically, Hyunjin did say that drinks were on them, so can I get you a drink?" I asked. A cliché move, but in movies, they always seemed to work. 
     "Well before I stumbled onto you, I was supposed to be leaving..." she trailed off again. I expected her to say no, but instead she continued with, "but hey! If it's free then one more wouldn't hurt!" I guided her to the bar and learned that her drink of choice was vodka tonic. One drink turned into three and suddenly we were on the dance floor. The music had changed as the night progressed and the dancing turned into full on grinding. I looked over at Felix who was smiling at me. He gave me thumbs up and continued on playing the music. Her body was on mine. The mixture of the heavy bass and the alcohol made the situation all the more intoxicating. My hand snaked around her waist and she turned around to face me, her arms wrapping behind my neck. Do people kiss on the dance floor? Do people kiss a person the JUST MET on the dance floor? Before I could find out the answer, Y/N's friend pulled her attention away from me. "I will be right back!" she shouted over the music. 
     I looked over at Ji and Changbin sitting at the table. Minho had eventually joined them. They were all smiling at me. It then clicked that all of my friends, Felix, Minho, and Hyunjin included, all had the same intentions of getting me laid tonight. Jisung and Changbin allowing me to use their space should things go well. Minho giving us a table above everything, allowing us to people watch. Hyunjin giving us access to free drinks to fuel the rest of the evening. Felix purposefully changing the vibe from uptempo club music to filthy grinding music. I was almost certain that this was Jisung's doing, but honestly, I couldn't be too upset. They obviously found the situation comical considering my distain for wanting to come out tonight in the first place.  
     "So my friend called an Uber back to our apartment. I guess that means I have to go," Y/N said when she returned disappointedly. This was it. I had to make a choice between letting this bombshell of a person go and being a little bitch, or sucking it up and being bold for once. Before I had the opportunity to exercise my options, I was speaking faster than my brain could comprehend.
     "Or you could come back to mine?" BOLD CHRISTOPHER! BOLD. She smirked back at me and bit her lip. She said nothing else. Just nodded. I grabbed her hand and led her off of the dance floor. I got to the table and shot Changbin and Jisung a look. 
     "Mr. Bang? To what do we owe the pleasure?" Changbin asked with a smile on his face. He obviously knew what I was asking for seeing as he fished his hand in his pocket ready to give me the keys to his apartment. I looked at him and winked. Changbin took his car key off of its key ring and threw the remaining set of keys my way.
     "HAHA! Pay up bitch!" I heard Jisung yell, holding his hand out to collect the bet they had placed. Both Y/N and I chuckled. Hand in hand, we walked outside of the club and anxiously waited for a taxi.
     "I'm sorry. I don't think I heard this correctly," she said breaking the silence. "Is your last name really Bang? Like your name is Chris Bang?" she laughed. The tension in the air subsided and I winked at her.
     "Technically in Korea you'd call me Bang Chris. Well, my Korean name is Chan so you'd actually call me Bang Chan. Don't worry I've already heard all of the jokes you can make. My mates back in Australia were ruthless," I rambled on. We were finally able to hail a taxi and Y/N got in first. I gave the driver the boys' address and we were on our way.
     The tension in the taxi could be cut with a knife. My hand rested on her thigh and her's rested in the back of my neck, playing and tugging at my hair. I drew little circles on her thighs and watched as her eyes closed. The more I teased, the tighter her grip got on my hair. Y/N was clearly enjoying this. We arrived at the apartment and I practically threw the money at the taxi driver, way too eager to get inside. Inside of the apartment, I shut the door and pushed Y/N against it. Our lips connected and our hands explored each other's bodies. Not disconnecting from the kiss. I unbuttoned the rest of my buttons and she pulled the shirt off of me. I pulled the tight black dress she was wearing off of her body. One by one, articles of clothing went flying as we made our way to the room. 
     Did I feel guilty fucking in one of my best mate's room? Maybe a little, but all I wanted to was make Y/N feel good. I barely thought about it. 
     "Well Mr. Bang. I think I need to find out for myself if you name precedes you," she muttered with pure lust as I kissed down her neck. It was both the nerdiest and sexiest thing I had ever heard. 
     "Well gorgeous. I guess you'll have to tell me what you think when we're done..."     
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benevolentgodloki · 8 months
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
// Hngh, I hate playing favourites BUT since I actually only write with 12 people now I'm gonna cheat and list them all. Fair warning, my neurodivergent ass is appalling at expressing love but at least you know when I say stuff I mean it. I hope people find me friendly, but I know I'm reclusive and a bit robotic, and it's really hard to break my bubble so I don't get close to more than like 3-4 people. I digress. In no strictly particular order, but a little bit with some closer peeps!
@araedi / @compassofsouls / @minimizexaggrandize Mojitooooo. My love, my male bestie. We've written perfect pairings together across fandoms since all the way back in 2005/2006 when we first started chatting. Mojito is one of the wittiest, kindest, most creative people I know and he can blow your mind with the stories you can share. One of my two fave people to hang out with online and off. He's busy af at the moment in life but he's worth the wait. I love all the muses of his that I write with, but my special faves are his Thor, his Clint, his Scott, and his Geralt. For Loki, ofc. I have faves in Jade and Nate for my pirate boy and X/Theta for my time travelling XI. Why? I'm terrible at explaining. He gets the characterisations spot on and he's willing to explore so much range with his muses.
@forevermuses Linaaaa. My love, my female bestie. You can blame her Stephen for me kicking life back into Loki's blog after I ran rampant on Jack's for a while. Lina's superb. She writes snarky, brilliant characters, delicious plots, and juicy ships. The other of my two best on and offline peeps. Now she's a multimuse I guess I have to pick favourites so it's gonna be Stephen and Peter for Loki and Norrington for Jack but extra bonus love for Sylvie and I'm excited to write more with Sherlock and Theo. Shallow reason really for why they're my favourites but Stephen and Norrington are amazing for ships and Peter is all round hilarious. She writes him with no shame.
@kissedbymischief Trish is a sweetheart with great taste in muses :U Thoroughly recommend for indulging in magical muse exploration, gratuitous abuse of Google Translate, fandom squeeing, and splurging (ahem) out some quality smut. Super friendly mun, quality content.
@stxrksarc / @mxtalwings Archer/Iron Mun does one of the best characterisations of Tony I've ever seen and I'm loving terrorising Sam as Lokitty. Archer is a wicked funny and giving dude, open to a variety of ideas and brings so much to the table; also admirably takes no shit (a semi-colon just for him <3). Epic gif content as well as dash entertainment. Hoping life gives him a break soon!
@paragonrising / @shorndivinity Smaugieeeee. Love, love Smaugie. Friendly mun who writes a badass Carol and Sif that have Loki absolutely smitten, even if he's not revealed it yet. Quality person and writer who I can chat all sorts with especially D&D and video games. If epic plots and novella posts are your bag, very much recommend! I love her for also being forgiving that my replies are usually so smol XD
@antvnger @blindbastard @brooklynbred @cordeliabarton @mischieftomake @sonofirishseas @the-mjolnir-owner
Honourable mentions to all these lovely muns who I have fewer threads with but am enjoying the stories we're telling when we get chance and love seeing them on the dash. Friendly peeps I recommend! I have a secret no. 13 mun too but I haven't started up things with them yet so keep your eyes peeled :P
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halfrican-heat · 2 years
Slow&Steady (S. Rogers)
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Summary: AU. Steve has an obsession with the hot owner of his favorite coffee shop. What does Steve have to do to get her to understand that they belong together? (Word Count: 5622)
Pairing: Black!OC x (Soft)Dark!Steve Rogers
Warnings: Cursing, Slow-ish Burn, SMUT, Degradation kink, p in v sex, oral (m receiving), Breeding kink (slight), Female Identifying Reader, Violence, Abusive Situation, Discussions of Abuse, Fighting, Near Death Experience (minor character), Stalking, D/S Elements, (very) Mild Dubious Consent, Body Image Issues
A/N: Hi. I have not posted a story in years, but I didn’t make my masterlist pretty for nothing! So here’s to my first post! Hurray!! I tried to be as detailed as possible with the warnings, so please let me know what I have missed or how I can improve those, please! Also, works part-time at a Starbucks in this universe because I said so lol. It worked well for the banter. Please be patient with me as I get acclimated to writing fandom things again :) It has been a long time. But this felt good to share. Beta’d by me, so I’m sure there may still be some errors. I’ll update those as I see them. Enjoy! -Lyv <3
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The bell chimed quietly as he entered. Steve had been coming to see her for weeks now. He was in a rush to get home after work one night but really wanted a good cup of coffee. He was tired of that bland shit his job served, so he stopped by a little hole in the wall. It looked empty save for two or three people lingering, but what caught his eye was the woman behind the counter. 
She was breathtaking. The way her hips swayed as she walked, her smirk whenever she found something amusing. She was like a drug to him. He especially loved the way she would snort when something was extremely funny but then cover her mouth, looking around to see if anyone heard. They usually hadn’t. But Steve did. He noticed everything about her. He couldn’t get enough of her. 
Her name was Selene. She had deep brown skin that looked kissed by the sun and full lips that curved into that delicious, sexy smirk he loved to see. Her hairstyle varied. Some days it was black with full waves or reddish-brown with loose curls. Other days, her hair was in a coily updo that showcased her thick, gorgeous afro. 
A “pineapple” she called it. 
It was this hairstyle that greeted Steve as he walked in. Her coils were extra-defined, and she chose to braid her hair up into the puff Steve loved so much. She accented the look with gold beads and stray curls framing her face. 
Selene didn’t notice him at first, humming contentedly as she wiped down the counter. Her back was to him, and Steve couldn’t help but admire her full, round ass shift from side to side. She leaned over to scrub a spot across the table, giving him an even better view as she moved forward. Steve licked his lips slowly, clenching his jaw to keep from making a move on her. 
Slow and Steady. 
That’s what he told himself. So instead, he cleared his throat to catch her attention. She jumped slightly, whipping around. Her face relaxed when she saw it was him. She rolled her eyes playfully, sauntering behind the counter. 
“You know it’s near closing, Steve.”
Her voice was like music to his ears and fuel for the ever-growing bulge in his pants. He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged, giving her an easy grin. 
“No one else is here. Besides, you’ve got the best coffee around.”
She started the machine up, not bothering to ask for his order. She already knew. Her hands moved expertly as she made his drink, never once stumbling or faltering. For a moment, Steve imagined what those hands might feel like on him. 
Nails raking down his chest, pulling him closer as he buries his–
“You work at Starbucks, dude.”
Her words pulled him from his thoughts. His cheeks flushed red as he cleared his throat. 
“Like I said,” He began, walking to the counter. “You do it better.” 
In every single fucking way, he thought. 
“Ya damn right we do. I don’t mind taking money from a competitor,” She said, finishing up his drink and sliding it over with a wink. 
“There you go. Just how you like it.”
Black and sweet.
“Thanks, Sel. How much?”
“On the house. From one barista to another.”
As Steve reached for the cup their hands grazed. Selene looked up at him, her soft brown eyes swirling with something unreadable. Steve was almost certain it was desire. 
She gently bit her lip as they held eye contact, but before Steve could think of something to say she blinked and pulled away.
“Alright, now. Get out. I gotta close up. My baby and I have plans.”
Steve’s hand tightened on his coffee.
“Yeah? What are y’all doing,” He asked, his voice tight. 
“Just a lil date night. But I would like to get out on time,” She said, pulling her apron off. “So…”
Steve had to repress a groan at the sight of her body. Soft, supple curves filled out the striking red sweater dress she wore. The subtle v-neck accentuated the swell of her breasts and drew attention to her cleavage. The jiggle of her tits and ass as she jumped a little to reach the hook had Steve thankful her back was turned to him. He was hard as a fuckin’ rock at the moment. 
Even still, a rage like white-hot fire burned in his veins. Her baby she had said. Yeah, Steve knew she had a man. But he didn’t give a fuck. That son of a bitch wasn’t shit compared to him. Selene deserved better and Steve knew he could be that for her. 
He had heard the way she spoke of her baby to the other baristas when he would stop by on his lunch breaks. How he always complained about her appearance and never wanted to spend time with her. Steve was more than confident this “date night” was her idea and her baby was just an unwilling participant. But she wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore. Steve would set things straight.
He just had to get her to see that her boyfriend wasn’t good enough for her. But right now, she was clueless.
So, Steve made up his mind. He was going to make her see. 
“Steve. Earth to Steve! I have to go,” She called out, pulling him from his thoughts. “You’re holding me up.”
He blinked, taking a sip from his coffee. Selene arched an eyebrow and placed a hand on her hip, silently asking him why the fuck he hadn’t left yet. Steve just smirked and put $20 in the tip jar. Selene frowned, preparing to speak. But before she could, Steve turned and headed out the door. 
“I’ll see you around, Selene. Thanks for the coffee.”
Steve walked to his car and got in. But he didn’t pull off. Instead, he watched Selene finish closing up the cafe as he drank his coffee. She flipped the open sign to “closed” and locked the door behind her before hopping into her car. As soon as she pulled off, Steve started his car up and followed her, glancing at the time. It was 7:15. From previous conversations, Steve knew that Selene lived 15 minutes away so their date night was probably at 8:00. Thinking of the sexy red number she had on, Steve didn’t think she needed to get ready.
But he knew she would want to freshen up and change.
When she pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building, Steve intentionally drove past it before looping around and finding a spot down the road. From where he was parked, he could still see her car and had a good view of her apartment building. He watched as she got out of the car, taking another sip of his lukewarm coffee. He didn’t really like coffee once it got started to cool down. The burn of hot coffee on his tongue reminded him that he was alive. So no, Steve wasn’t a fan of cooled coffee.
 But Selene had made it, and Steve would be damned if he let a single drop go to waste. 
Once Selene was in her building, Steve got out of his car. He followed the path he watched her take, dumping his empty coffee cup on the way. Each apartment was two stories, so all he had to do was find the front door that looked like hers. And judging by the coffee-themed welcome mat in front of one of the doors, he was sure he had found it. 
Apartment D. Fitting, he thought. 
So, Steve stepped aside and found a shadowy spot between Apartment C and D. This spot kept him hidden but gave him a perfect view of parking space D– so he could see when Selene’s baby would arrive. Steve wasn’t sure what his plan would be when the guy did show up, but he decided that
he would have time to figure out the minor details while he waited. He checked his phone. 7:40. 
The fucker was due any minute. 
But as the minutes ticked by, he didn’t show. Steve leaned against the wall, checking his phone again. 8:05. By the time 8:20 rolled around, Steve had taken to scrolling through the few pictures of Selene he had on his phone. He had gotten so wrapped up admiring her that he didn’t notice the shabby-looking vehicle pull into the parking spot in front of Selene’s building. It wasn’t until he heard Selene’s voice that his head shot up. He checked the time. 
That son of a bitch was 45 minutes late to his date with Selene. Steve felt his rage returning full force, his jaw clenching. 
“Where have you been, Theo?”
Theo? What type of square ass name is that?
“Don’t worry about that. You tryna leave or not, Selena?”
Steve couldn’t see the couple, but he could imagine the way Selene was looking at him. Her brow was probably furrowed with one eyebrow arched and her hands on her hips. Her head would be tilted to the side as she kissed her teeth. He’d seen the look plenty of times when watching her deal with disrespectful (usually white) customers. He heard her scoff a little. 
“Selena? What bitch you know named Selena?”
Theo clicked his teeth. “Girl, don’t start with that shit. I ain’t mean it like that.”
Steve edged out of the shadows a little. He could see a little more clearly now. Theo’s back was to him but he wasn’t much taller than Steve. He was fair-skinned with a low-cut fade and some busted-up Jordans on his feet. He didn’t have much in the way of muscle, looking about as thin as a toothpick. 
But he could see Selene clearly, and he felt his breath falter for a  moment. She had changed out of the red sweater dress and into something more revealing. It was a black two-piece set. The top was single-shouldered and cropped, showing off Selene’s midriff while the skirt had two long slits running up the side, giving Steve an excellent view of her toned thighs. Steve licked his lips, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. 
Her makeup was darker than before, making her eyes look sexy and mysterious. Selene’s plump, full lips were painted dark crimson with a light gloss on top. Her tits were sitting perfectly in her top and from the way her nipples hardened as a slight breeze blew, she definitely wasn’t wearing a bra. Steve’s cock twitched in his pants. He adjusted himself, moving closer so he could hear better. 
“So you getting your ass in this car or no? Cause you wastin’ my time if not.”
Selene scoffed again and rolled her eyes. 
“The reservation was 45 minutes ago, so no. I’m not going nowhere with you, Theo,” Selene snapped, turning to head back into her house.
It was at that moment that Theo made his first fatal mistake. He snatched Selene by her upper arm, pulling the girl toward him forcefully. Steve restrained himself. 
Slow and steady.
“Nah, bitch. I ain’t come out here for nothing. Either we eating or we fuckin’. Your choice.”
“Let me go, Theo. I don’t owe you shit.”
Selene tried to pull away, but Theo pushed her against the brick wall of her apartment.
“You gone do what the fuck I tell you to do. You run that mouth so much, how about you show me what it do.”
Mistake two. Steve was seeing red and ready to jump from the shadows. He close his eyes to compose himself but could feel his rage steadily rising. But then he heard a groan and the sound of a fist connecting with a face. 
“Get your fucking hands off me, Theo. I ain’t nobody’s bitch.”
Steve watched as Selene’s fist connected with Theo’s face again, causing the dude to fall into his rusted jalopy. Selene turned to leave, not noticing Theo preparing to lunge at her. Steve took his chance.
He leaped forward and pulled Theo backward, snatching him up by the collar. He could smell the cheap alcohol on Theo’s breath. Steve punched him in the face for a third time, causing the drunken man to fall on his ass. Theo stumbled to his feet, attempting to tackle him, but Steve maneuvered around the staggering man and pushed him to the ground. 
“The fuck are you doing, man? Get outta here,” Steve shouted, kicking Theo in his back. 
Steve turned to Selene, immediately checking her for injuries. She stepped back, looking at him confused. 
“Steve, what the hell are you doing here? Wh–”
“Relax, relax,” He interrupted, trying to placate her. “I was leaving my cousin’s place and I heard him. I wanted to help.”
She relaxed for a moment, wrapping her arms around herself. She tucked a stray coil behind her ear.
“W-well thank you. I didn’t really need your help but I appreciate it.”
He cautiously placed his hands on Selene’s shoulders, relishing in the feeling of her silky smooth skin under his hands. 
“Selene, is he always like that?”
She shrugged. “When he drinks, yeah. But I can handle myself. Ain’t shit he gone do to me that I don’t want done.”
Pride rose in Steve’s chest. Most girls said things like that. Things that downplayed the abuse they faced, but Steve knew Selene meant it. Wasn’t shit gonna happen to his baby and definitely not while he was around. It was then that Steve knew he loved her. Fully and completely. 
She could take care of herself, yes, but she wouldn’t have to anymore. Steve loved fiercely and fully, willing to do whatever it took to protect his loved ones.  And Selene was obviously the love of his life. 
Steve started to speak, but the bastard on the ground clearly didn’t get enough of having his ass beat. 
“You need some white ass, Superman-looking nigga to save you? Bitch, I knew you wasn’t shit with yo’ fat ass.”
Theo laughed scathingly as Steve watched the look of pain flash across Selene’s face. She immediately schooled her features into an impassive mask, but Steve saw it. He saw how the words affected her. And it pissed him off. 
Strike three. 
He took a heavy breath before turning on Theo. It was as if he blacked out, his body moving before his mind could catch up. His fists moved of their own volition, slamming into Theo’s face. Theo’s hands flailed, smacking at Steve a few times but those weak slaps and scratches didn’t phase him. Steve was shouting but he had no idea what he was even saying. His rage blinded him as he put all his effort into destroying the man that hurt his girl. 
“Steve! Steve, stop! You’re gonna fucking kill him,” Selene screamed. “Please!”
“Let him die,” Steve growled in response. 
Theo was barely conscious by this point, probably near death, as Steve reared back to land one more fatal punch. Selene grabbed his arm mid-swing. 
“Steve,” She said slowly. “You gotta stop. This ain’t the hood. Someone is gonna call the fucking cops.”
Steve gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the calming effect her touch had on him. With a frustrated sigh, Steve got up. Theo’s head rolled to the side and for a chilling moment he went completely limp, but then he coughed and groaned in pain. Satisfied, he turned back to Selene with his eyes blazing. Danger radiated off him in waves.
“You better have a good fucking reason for stopping me.”
Selene swallowed slowly, gently grabbing his arm. 
“Let’s go inside. Let’s get you cleaned up before the police come.”
Steve allowed her to tug his arm forward, letting her guide him into the apartment. He hesitated at the threshold, looking over his shoulder at Theo. 
“Watch your fucking mouth, bitch,” He spit at the barely conscious man on the ground. 
Then, he allowed Selene to pull him into the apartment. 
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Steve sat in silence for a while as Selene moved through different rooms in her apartment. While he waited, Steve looked around.
It was almost how he had imagined. Decorated minimally but with tons of personality. The color scheme was shades of orange and yellow with white accents. The pictures on her wall were afro-centric with a few plants spread around the space. It looked so much like her. Simple but vibrant and enticing. 
The plush yellow sofa he sat on was adjacent to the door, facing a nicely sized television with a small glass coffee table between the two. Steve felt like he could make himself at home there. 
There was a kitchen area separated by a pass-through with little bar stools in front of it.
Selene rounded the corner, with a first aid kit and a bowl of water. 
She sat gingerly on the glass table in front of him, avoiding eye contact. Steve stared at her unabashedly, waiting for her to speak. She didn’t. 
Instead, she took his hands in hers and started to clean them, dipping a rag from the kit in the bowl occasionally. When she felt his hands were cleaned well enough, she put ointment on them and wrapped them in gauze. 
Then, she moved on to the scratches on his face. For the first time since they came into the apartment, she met his eyes. Steve could see the conflict in them and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her until she was breathless. 
She looked away, focusing on his wounds instead. He hissed a little as the antiseptic touched his skin and she giggled lightly. A large grin broke out on Steve’s face at the sound. 
“Something funny?”
She met his eyes again, her hand resting on his cheek. Her eyes were light for the first time since Steve arrived at her apartment. His smile softened and he rested his hand on top of hers. She swallowed thickly, biting her lip. 
“Well?” Steve whispered. 
They leaned in slowly, hesitantly. But at the last second, Selene looked away and separated herself from Steve. 
“Uh, you’ll need to put some ointment on your scratches. A-And you’ll have to take off your shirt. You can’t have all that blood on your shirt when you leave.”
“I don’t think it really matters with the comatose guy lying on the ground outside your apartment. You called the cops, right?”
Selene nodded, pacing away from him. Her hands covered her midsection as she fiddled with her fingers. 
“Yeah, the ambulance. But…this wouldn’t be the first time the cops got a call about Theo. He’s a bit of a nuisance if you couldn’t tell.”
Understatement of the fucking year.
Still, Steve pulled his shirt over his head in one swift motion. He heard her breath hitch and smirked a little.
“Yeah, well what are you gonna tell them about his…condition?” Steve asked. 
“He got into a drunken fight with another drunk who ran off when I threatened to call the cops.”
Steve nodded, considering her words. 
“Cool. Okay, then.”
Selene nodded, pursing her lips. She wrapped her arms around herself and seemed to be considering her words before she spoke again. 
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
“I got a cousin in the area, two doors down actually. I was walking to my car,” He lied easily. 
“Oh for real? He lives in 2B?”
“Yeah, something like that. He needed help with his TV.”
“Oh. Well, that’s funny ‘cause I don’t recall any men staying with Ms. Carter. She’s a widow.”
He blinked. Maybe she wasn’t as clueless as he’d thought. 
“W-well, I can explain–”
“Save it, Steve. I’m not fucking stupid. What are you doing here?”
Maybe it was the way she had spoken to him or the distrust in her eyes, but something inside of Steve cracked. Something dark and possessive, twisting and curving like black ink, coursed through his veins. It consumed him in a way that could only be satiated by devouring her entirely. 
“No, you are.”
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?”
Steve stood and crossed to her, his full height dwarfing hers as he backed her against the wall of her island counters. Both hands caged her head between him and the wall. Selene took a heavy breath, trying her best to look unbothered. 
But Steve knew he was affecting her. He could almost see the lustful spark in her eyes.
“You are fucking stupid because you wasted your time on that fucking waste of space —
He moved his mouth to her ear, his voice lowering. 
—when I have been right here.”
He pushed off the wall, putting some space between him and Selene. 
Slow and steady, he reminds himself. So, he takes a calming breath. 
“You’ve been giving yourself to a man who isn’t worth more than the dirt under your fucking boot,” Steve all but growls. “So, I got fucking tired of it.”
“That’s not your place, Steve! I’m a grown woman. I can handle myself!” Selene shouted, moving toward him.
“Does it look like I give a fuck? Cause I don’t,” He shot back, inching forward as well. “You’re mine. And it’s time you act like it.”
“Excuse me? Who the fuck are you talking to!”
Selene closed the space between them, attempting to shove him backward but he grabbed her hands the moment they touched his firm chest. 
“Stop it,” He said. “I won’t tell you again.”
That dangerous edge rolled off him again, swirling around Selene like an intoxicating scent. She took a shallow breath, finding herself lost in his intense glare. They were a soft blue that darkened as he cupped her face gently. The heat of his gaze brought out the green tone of his eyes, causing a riot to break loose inside Selene. The danger in his eyes spread through her like a thick black haze, infecting her insides and muddling her brain. Her eyes flickered down to his lips as she bit hers again.
Selene leaned in closer, “Steve…” She whispered. “I— I don’t even know you.”
Their lips were only a breath apart. “You will,” He whispered. 
Then, their lips crashed together. He dominated her easily with his mouth as her hands found his hips, stroking his v-lines and the outline of his abs. Her hands felt like heaven on his skin as he held the back of her head, deepening the kiss. 
She moaned into his mouth, fiddling with the button on his jeans. He pushed her hands away, grinning as they parted. 
“Eager? Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get what you want. But there is something I want first.”
He took her hand, leading her over to the couch. He sat, looking up at her expectantly. 
“I think you should thank me. Don’t you?” 
Selene smiled coyly, kneeling in front of him slowly. 
“Yeah..I should.”
She undid his jeans, helping him maneuver his pants and boxers down. Steve’s dick sprung free, full and erect. He released a sigh of relief that turned into a groan as she gently took him in her hands.
She could barely hide the surprise on her face as her hand could barely wrap around his cock. Steve wasn’t too long, but definitely longer than average and he was thick as hell. 
The thought of him stretching her open had Selene’s pussy clenching as a new wave of lust crashed over her. Slick, wet arousal filled her panties as she licked her lips, leaning forward to take him in her mouth. 
She started slowly, using her tongue to tease up his shaft. She then licked from the base to the tip, flattening her tongue and making sure to flick the base of his tip. She relished in the moans coming from him and took that as a cue to go further. She sucked his tip in her mouth, humming happily as he bucked his hips. 
Meanwhile, Steve was in heaven. He could barely think as she swirled around the tip, teasing it with little flicks of her tongue. With one hand resting on his thigh, she brought the other up to massage his balls as she took more of him in her mouth. 
As the sensation of her sucking him off and massaging his balls ran through him, Steve had to restrain himself from saying those three little words. Instead, he said them on repeat in his head like a mantra. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. 
Steve’s hands flew to Selene’s head, trying to be mindful of her carefully done hair. She started to move her mouth rapidly up and down his shaft, gagging as she tried to take all of him. Steve’s breath hitched as he hit the back of her throat each time she took him deeper. 
Unable to control himself, he started thrusting into her mouth. His actions drew loud whimpers and moans from her as she relaxed her jaw and allowed him to fuck her face. 
Feeling himself coming close, he pulled her off him with a satisfying pop. 
Removing his clothes all the way, he stroked himself as he watched her stand and strip out of her clothes. She hesitated at her skirt but turned her back to him, pulling it down. Steve frowned.
He would kill every son of a bitch that ever made this woman feel bad about her body. 
Selene was toned, sure, but being a thicker girl meant having more to love in certain areas. Specifically the stomach area. But Steve felt it added to her sex appeal and for her to hide was offensive to him. 
“Princess, don’t do that. Don’t hide from me. Get over here.”
Selene turned around, her arms wrapped around her midsection. She stepped over to him, her eyes downcast. Steve reached for her and positioned her over his hard cock. She shifted, desperate to sink down onto his waiting erection. But Steve held her hips firmly, waiting for her to make eye contact. 
When she did, he finally spoke.
“You don’t hide from me, you got that? You’re mine. You’re beautiful.”
Selene averted her eyes again.
“Look at me, Selene.”
Selene hesitated. She wasn’t used to taking orders, but something in her wanted to please him. It went against everything she believed in. Submitting to a white man? Hell no. But still, Selene found herself nodding slowly, meeting his eyes. 
“I hear you. Now, are you gonna fuck me or what?”
At her words, Steve grinned and bucked his hips upward. He slid his cock against her wet folds, the sound of her wetness filling the room. Her tight grip on his shoulders, the burn of her nails digging into his flesh, anchored him as his head rolled back on the couch. Feeling her wetness drove him absolutely wild but he worked hard to savor the moment– to let her feel exactly what she did to him. 
Steve wanted to take his time with her but his restraint slowly fell apart the more needy her moans grew. 
Slow and steady, slow and steady, slow and—
“Steve, please. I need it,” She whined. 
And just like that. His resolve snapped. 
“Fuck it,” Steve growled, flipping them over. 
He threw her leg over his shoulder, the other resting on the back of the couch, and finally slid home. Steve’s eyes rolled to the back of his head at how tight Selene was. 
“Fuck,” He hissed. “Fuck, you’re so perfect, baby. Made for me.”
Selene cried out at the drag of his cock as he pulled out, biting back a scream as he slammed back in. He held her leg tightly on his shoulder as he pumped in and out of her at a rapid pace, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room. Her tits bounced in tandem with his movements as he fucked her deeper. 
Passion ignited the air as Steve finally laid claim to the beautiful woman beneath him. He leaned down, pressing their lips together, swallowing her moans. She pulled him closer, her nails raking down his back. 
“You like that? You like the way I fuck you?” Steve teased, his voice breathy and deep.
“Yes, yes,” She sobbed, feeling dizzy with pleasure. Tears leaked from her eyes at the pleasurable burn Steve’s dick provided. She had never felt so full before.
“Who do you belong to, Selene? Tell me whose pussy this is.”
“Yours! I’m yours!” She screamed. “Steve, I’m so close. I feel like—“ 
A sharp cry escaped her lips as she clenched tightly around his shaft. Steve’s head fell back. 
“Fuck yes, baby. Good girl.”
He fucked her through her orgasm, feeling himself reaching his peak. Closer, closer—
Then sirens sounded outside.
Steve stilled, panting quietly. Selene’s eyes widened as she peeked over his shoulder, watching the blue lights flash. And seeing those lights sent a thrill through Steve. 
Then, he had a devious idea. 
“It’s the fucking cops,” She whispers. “Steve—“
He shushed her, pulling out. She winced at the loss but became confused as Steve pulled her from the couch and over by the door. 
He pushed her against the wall, hiking her leg up around his waist. He slid back into her, covering her mouth with his hand when she let out a loud gasp. 
Steve started to move inside her, angling himself just right so he could pull those beautiful cries from her throat. 
“You better be quiet, princess,” He taunted. “Unless you want them to hear you fucking the man who beat the shit out of your ex-boyfriend.”
Selene whined, her eyes rolling back as he hit that spot deep inside her. Her pussy clenched around him, drawing a low groan from Steve. He grinned. 
“You would love that, wouldn’t you? You would love to have them walk in and find me shooting my load into this tight cunt, wouldn’t you?”
Selene pulled him closer, feeling herself rise to a higher peak. 
“Oh my god,” She whispered, her voice tight. “Steve, I’m so close.”
She nods into his shoulder, pulling him as close as she possibly can. Steve lifts Selene up, both legs around his waist now, fucking into her harder. Selene’s head rolls back onto the wall, her face entirely blissed out.
Anchoring her between his pelvis and the wall, Steve eased a finger between the two of them and rubbed her clit in tight circles. 
“Come on,” He urged. “Do it, princess.”
Selene came with a scream, her hands tangled in Steve’s hair. Her body seized up, trapping his dick inside of her as he continued to give her slow, deep pumps. The look of pure ecstasy on her face, and the rough tug she gave his roots as he continued to fuck her, sent him reeling. He pulled out quickly, spinning her around. She braced against the wall and poked her ass out, desperate for more of him. 
Instead, Steve jerked himself off spilling his seed on her back and ass. Selene moaned at the sensation, resting her head against the wall. 
They stayed there in silence, cum and sweat rolling down Selene’s back. Their heavy breaths filled the space between them. Steve held himself up on the wall, on hand still gripping her waist. Selene’s legs shook from the effort it took to remain standing. With a breathless laugh, Steve started to speak but–
“Uh. The young man outside has been taken to the hospital. Would you like to make a statement?”
The voice came from the other side of the door. He sounded young, new to the job, and unsure how to proceed. 
Steve and Selene both stifled laughs as he moved away to grab his discarded shirt. He wiped down Selene’s back and she turned to him, pressing a heated kiss to his lips. Steve immediately deepened the kiss, gripping her ass as he pulled her closer.
The officer on the other side of the door cleared his throat awkwardly and spoke again—
“I’ll just leave my card.”
With that, the screen door closed and the sound of sirens pierced through the air. 
But the couple didn’t hear them, too drunk on one another to care about anything else. 
Steve was the first to pull away for a breath, grinning widely at her. 
“How about we get cleaned up, princess? I think I have some scratches on my back you should look at.”
Selene laughed, taking his hand and leading him toward the bathroom. 
Steve knew they would need to talk soon, but for now, he was content to fuck her like she deserved and worship her body. Because now that he had gotten a taste, he wasn’t going to let her go. She was his and he was going to make sure she knew that. Besides, she didn’t seem bothered by who Steve really was. 
She seemed content with the dark thing that lurked inside of him. She had seen it. Felt it move inside of her as she writhed underneath him and came with bated breath. Selene seemed comfortable with him. Perhaps it was wishful thinking but…maybe she loved him, too.
Slow and steady, He reminded himself. 
He had time to make her love him. And he would do whatever he needed to, and get rid of whoever, in order for that to happen. Though he didn’t think it would take much time at all for her to see they were meant to be. 
Because maybe there was something dark inside her, too.
Slow and Steady, He thought as he hoisted her up in the shower and slid into her with ease. 
Slow and Steady.
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Backup blog: @thegirlonhamilton
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Consent/18+ Banner by @maysdigitalarts
Title Banner by Me :)
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gonnabeapolyglot · 6 months
ONE OF THE BEST MAIN CHARACTERS IS A HALF-TLINGIT GUY WHO JUST HANGS OUT END IS FRIENDLY WITH EVERYONE AND HAS A FASCINATION WITH MOVIEMAKING AND POP CULTURE!!! AND THERES A SPIRIT CALLED ONE WHO WAITS (who i love!! hes not OooOoo! I am an all knowong appirition!!! hes just like hey man. oh times have changed alot, huh? well, Im here because I want to help you, here, lets ask the river and the wind. but im not sure well get an answer but we can try) AND HE IS TRYING TO HELP FIND THE GUYS FATHER (who abandoned him and he was found by the river) JUST THERE EVERY FEW EPISODES.
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maeleelee · 1 year
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎
Y/n just wants to get her brother out of the gang business but that's become harder than she'd like to admit. Then she over hears someone at the bar talking about a Crystal necklace that's worth millions. Now her goal can work, if she can figure out how to find the Crystal without her brother catching on. Oh, and he doesn't know she's a leader of The Fallen Angels, his "rival" gang. Hongjoong hated the gang life but he was in too deep to give it up. However, he wanted to give his partner, sister, and their best friend the world, so when he hears about this Crystal that's worth millions. He's coming up with a plan to get it. He just has two problems, The Fallen Angels and the Strays keep getting in the way. Will they come to the conclusion and just work together? Or are more people going to get in the way? ⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
warnings: Violence, blood, alcohol, someone talking about shooting something, fighting, someone gets called slut, someone get spit on, threatening death.
Everyone wanted to go celebrate San’s win but everyone knew movie nights were every Thursday. So they all went out Friday instead. They all made their way into the bar. Mingi and Hongjoong were behind the bar smiling at the group. “Finally. We’ve been worried you guys weren’t coming. Here.” Mingi smiled as he set out three shots. “San, Woo, y/n. Drink up.” The three grabbed the shots and clinked them together and threw them back. “That’s for winning.” Hongjoong laughed. 
This went on for a little bit. People asking to buy you guys drinks and congratulating San on his win. “Dude. You were awesome! You kick ass.” They pay his back and walk away. 
“Funny seeing you guys here.” They heard Venom say. She was with Nightmare and a few other guys. Two you remember from the crash and the ring last night. 
“Can I help you?” Y/n smiled at her politely. 
“Nothing from you. The one beside you can help me Anyday.” Wooyoung sat next to y/n, holding her tight like he normally does. “Still not sure why he’s with you.” Wooyoung went to say something when y/n cut in. 
“He'd rather shoot his foot than touch you. So do us a favor and leave us alone.” Wooyoung and San chuckled next to y/n. Seonghwa walked over with Kayla and smiled as he put his hand on y/n’s shoulder. 
“We’re going for a ride. We’ll be back in a little bit.” He smiled and kissed her head, Kayla doing the same to y/n’s cheek. They walked outside, to get on their bikes. 
“Means they’re going to fuck.” Y/n mumbled to the two boys. They laughed and Wooyoung pulled her close. Venom was still standing there, watching the three. “I don’t get what you see in her.” She mumbled and before anyone could say anything, Cassi had Venom bend over, face smashed against the table. 
“What was that? Did I hear right?” Cassi spat at the girl. Y/n snickered at the sight. “We can start a brawl right now if you’d like and I promise you, I will win.” Cassi told the girl, hatred lacing her tongue. 
“Babe. Let her go. No brawl. We’re supposed to be celebrating San’s win. It’s okay.” Y/n told Cassi, who hesitated to let the girl go. She finally did and the guys with her laughed. 
“We tried to warn you. Those girls are crazy about their men.” Nightmare laughed. “And their girls.” Shadow said. 
“I’m sorry about her. She has no manners. I’m Shadow but you can call me Jisung. This is Minho and that was Venom.” Jisung said, smiling at the group. 
“Her name is actually Venom? Fitting.” Y/n mumbled under her breath, making the two boys from the other gang laugh. 
“It is fitting, isn’t it?” Jisung said. Y/n just nodded and smiled as Mingi brought them another round of drinks. 
“Some dude paid for this round. Congrats to San or some shit like that.” He smiled at them. 
“Thank you Mingki.” Y/n smiled at him. He winked and walked away. 
“Sometimes I think you forget I’m right here.” Wooyoung pouted. 
“Quit your whining. I can’t forget you, even if I wanted to. You’d remind me you were there every ten minutes.” You said to him. San laughed at the comment and Wooyoung pouted more. Y/n ran her thumb over his lip and smiled when he stopped pouting. 
“Bun. Let’s go dance.” Cassi called out. Kayla and Seonghwa had made it back to the bar and Kayla smiled. “I’m joining too.” 
The three girls went and started dancing to the music, laughing with each other, and pulling dumb dance moves. Wooyoung sat at the table with San still, watching the girls closely. We then all being part of the Pirates, the girls were easy targets to piss the men off. So people would go after the girls first. He leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head, laughing at something San said. 
He watched three guys walk up to the girls. He tilted his head lightly. He couldn’t hear what they said, but by the look on the girls' faces, it wasn’t good. He blinked a few times as he saw y/n throw the first punch. “What the hell?” He jumped up and went to go to her, when Venom grabbed his arm. 
“She’s fine. Come with me.” Venom tried pulling him with her but all she got was a glare. 
Y/n was giggling around with the girls, when three guys walked up. “Hey. We saw you at the fight last night.” Y/n smiled. 
“Went to cheer on my best friend.” She said softly. 
“I’m not sure cheering on is the right word. You looked like a slut with all those guys on you.” The guy told y/n. Cassi went to say something when y/n smirked. 
“A slut? For cheering on my best friend? Damn. Wonder what you think of your mother when she cheers you on. Oh wait, she probably doesn’t and that’s why you’re calling women sluts.” Y/n told him. The look on his face was killer. 
“Don’t bring my mother into this. We just wanted to see if you’d have a chance to have our fun with you, since those two share you.” Cassi nor Kayla had time to process what was said because y/n swung. She clocked the guy in the jaw, making it make a popping noise. The other two went to swing but we’re caught off guard by a hand on their shoulder. 
“I’d think before you did that.” Yunho told them. Jongho was behind the other guy. 
“Get your friend and get out of our bar.” He told the guy. 
Y/n looked around and saw Wooyoung trying to get out of the death grip Venom had on his arm. “This bitch just won't stop.” Kayla said. Y/n walked over to the two and grabbed Venom's hair by the roots. 
“Get off of him.” Venom spit in y/n’s face and everyone froze. “Oh you fucked up.” Yunho laughed from behind y/n. Y/n released the grip on the girl and wiped the spit off her face. 
“Bun.” She heard someone say. She couldn’t really hear much from the red she was seeing. She grabbed Venom by the throat, tightly and pushed her back against the table. Venom was clawing at y/n’s hand. “Did you just spit on me?” Y/n asked the girl. She nodded, frantically trying to get y/n’s hand off her throat. 
Y/n let go of her, stepping back and took a deep breath. Her adrenaline was high from hitting the prick earlier and Venom made it worse. Y/n turned around to walk back to Wooyoung when she felt something hit her back and shattered against it. She hissed in pain and looked at the ground. The bitch just threw a beer bottle at her. Y/n looked up at Hongjoong and he nodded. 
She spun on her heels and looked at a smirking Venom. “You wanna play dangerous? Because we can play dangerous.” Y/n said, picking up the shattered glass from the floor. The bottle had cut her in her back, her shirt was torn and there was blood already falling. Venom’s smirk fell. “I don’t think you realize who’s house this is. But since I’m nice, I’m going to let you find out.” Venom hit a table as she backed up. Y/n smirked at her and tilted her head. “Oh the big bad wolf isn’t so scary anymore, is she?” 
“Dude. Call off your animal.” Venom told Wooyoung. He shook his head. 
“Nah. She looks hot right now. You’re doing great, Bunny.” Y/n felt the shivers run down her spine. Venom hit the glass out of y/n’s hand. Y/n watched the glass fall to the floor and then felt a hand go across her cheek. Y/n touched her cheek and felt something wet. Venom’s ring had cut her. Before Venom knew it, y/n had pounced. She was on top of her, punch after punch after punch. Venom was able to block a few of them when y/n grabbed her by the throat again, Venom’s nails digging into y/n’s hand, so deep blood was starting to show. 
“This is your last warning. Next time, I’ll kill you. Leave my man alone.” Y/n let go of her and stood up. 
“Get her out of my bar.” She said to Jisung. He nodded and looked at one of the other guys. He stood up and walked over to her, picking her up and walking out. 
Y/n had walked up to Wooyoung and smiled at him. She had blood on her face and all over her hands and her back. He pulled her to him and smirked. “Your man, huh?” Y/n giggled at him and pushed him off. 
“I’m going home to shower. See you guys later.” Y/n waved but didn’t get too far out the bar, before San wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Wooyoung wrapped his around her waist.
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taglist: @mxnsxngie @life-is-glorious @choisoorin @spilled-coffee-cup
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group-oc-tournament · 11 months
Round 1 - Match 10
The Surviving Six
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Consisting of Amity Fabroa, El, Misty Artineli, Leonidas XIII, Era and Lily Lykaios.
Who are they?
they're really funny and get in a lot of drama :) found family with 2 having major unresolved crushes on each other, one dude being married to someone completely outside the plot (and also an URBAN LEGEND??? WHO JUST. DOES NOT TALK ABOUT IT), one being a mad scientist, and the other two being so codependent that they probably have never fought once. literally the worst people you could choose to a) survive a massacre and b) try to rescue everyone else.
Fantasy Danganronpa Dropouts
(@kdm13, @thedreamparadox)
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[of note is that Nokoto has a smattering of green scales, Flower hides her horns in her hair and has pure white vitiligo, and Pawtree has fur all over. alas, we're limited by what we can find on picrew and the like]
Consisting of Shugana, Flower, Pawtree and Nokoto.
Who are they?
Nokoto and Shuganaga had dorms across the hall from each other and bonded hardcore during the death game. Flower is Shuganaga's dead childhood friend who literally haunts them and became visible towards the end of the game. Pawtree just tagged along in order to get away from the surviving humans (allergies) when the other nerds were trying a way out together. also Nokoto (part naga) will swallow raw eggs when lazy, Shuganaga (gnome) will eat raw potatoes like apples occasionally, and Pawtree (tabaxi) likes the occasional raw meat.
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