#this is specially about tim and jason
i could write whole essays about all the batfam members and their relationship with each other but im too lazy so it will stay in my head forever
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ghost-bxrd · 27 days
Instead of coming back as a crime lord, Jason pretends to be a vengeful revenant, haunting Gotham criminals and the batfamily.
This has… consequences.
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thwackk · 11 months
For some reason, there’s nothing on earth more infuriating than mischaracterization of your favorite robin
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mysterycitrus · 2 months
i think isolating the bats from their teams and external support systems is like….. functionally bad. like wdym red hood is on dicks speeddial but his actual soulmate donna troy isn’t. why is everyone in gotham. why do these people have no friends
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collapsingneutron · 13 days
AU where Dick Grayson has lead a normal civilian life ever since Bruce adopted him, going to college and part-timing as a gymnast instructor for kids, while everyone else is still a vigilante and/or crime-boss.
This means he's the older brother of: Jason, walking-destruction; Tim, cold-blooded genius; Damian, child of demons.
Bruce, his caped-crusader dad, calls him, while he's hanging in his dorm to tell him, "Jason has started killing again. Also, he brought shrimp casseroles to dinner, I believe to spite Tim." Dick sighs, and tells him he'll check up on him.
Dick sits with Jason in his military-reinforced safehouse and they watch trash-TV and complain about Bruce's micromanaging. Jason makes no promises, but he'll only shoot knee caps next time.
Dick talks with Tim about his relationship troubles with Steph, his girlfriend-that-died-but-not-really, over dinner that Dick made with a microwave. He reminds him to take his antibiotics, and brings him coffee when he's pulling an all-nighter solving a case about a nursery rhyme or something with owls (he thinks it's a court case?).
He takes Damian shopping and buys him a handheld game console that Damian tucks under his pillow beside his League dagger. He carries him on his shoulders when no one is watching, and holds his hands that have scars from assassin-training as a toddler.
His family is two-fifth guns, three-fifths cloaks, and one flying uncle. Oh, also a pet bat-dragon. And a cow. This would be weird and overwhelming, if he wasn't raised in a circus. He has taken all his brothers train surfing 'cause some things never change.
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lesgrenade · 15 days
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ive been awake since yesterday and also i can kick 11 yo mes ass (its been a couple years) is there an emoji with eyebags
theres not ☕✨
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Hello. I love Conner Kent and have compiled pretty much every time Conner and Tim have had any kind of intimacy since he was brought back to canon.
Let’s go in order!
Young Justice 2019 (not to be confused with the OG)
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For the record, this is pre-bisexual-realization Tim. tbh I’ve been thinking about just how bitter Tim sounds here despite still being oblivious to how freaking gay he is. Like, seriously “Whatever dumb thing or person makes him happy makes me happy.” Like, why they gotta be dumb, Timbo? While not anywhere near as weird, it also feels very strong for Tim to say with his whole-ass chest “he’s my best friend and I love him” solely given how recently he recovered those memories.  But if they had resolidified into him by that point, it’s not too strange. Stronger things have been said about them and by them.
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Conner goes right for Tim. (In fairness, Cassie’s already got him and Bart isn’t in the room yet, but still)
(Also please join me in desperately trying to ignore the Drake outfit for the next few images because Yikes)
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Conner was being such a Mom to Bart before this that this just reminds me of when they started Young Justice and he made a comment about how Bart would be a handful for other heroes or parents and Tim just gave him a Look and he was like “Oh, no! I am NOT the mom!” Sure, Jan.
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More cute Bart, but it’s just...the thought. Bart knew Tim would want to see pics of Kon punching Luthor in the face and I love that for them.
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I couldn’t not include the subsequent hug. THEY’RE SO FRICKIN CUTE.
That’s about it for Young Justice (and thankfully Drake). Next is the Tim Drake Pride Special, most of which is also in Batman: Urban Legends. Though Conner is only in Urban Legends for this one hot sec.
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Kon doesn’t end up helping with Bernard because Tim is a stubborn dumbass with a habit for self-sabotage. But he saves the day and gets the boy anyway.
(For the record, I am endgame TimKon 100%, but Tim and Bernard are also very cute together and I’m so excited to see more of them! Honestly, read the new Tim Drake: Robin comics they are so flippin cute and we get to see Bernard being a ridiculous conspiracy theorist like he was on New Earth and it’s actually pretty funny and so cute UGH)
Then this is I think exclusive to the Pride Special, and we are post Bisexual Awakening.
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So many people loved this page. Including me. But this part of the special was more about getting Tim to talk to Stephanie again. Because he’s an awkward loser who is trying to find himself and will occasionally just distance himself from people to do so. Despite generally being self aware and knowing better.
Anywho, the following is from Dark Crisis: Young Justice. Which isn’t too bad, but sometimes feels a bit wonky, especially with the girls. But it’s not totally out of character, especially given the Fresh Trauma, and it gets in the boys’ heads. And there’s...A Lot.
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This is...well, these are Cassie’s thoughts. The plot hole made here, “Conner never find[ing] out” which shouldn’t be true because both Cassie AND Tim told him about this, is hand waved later because the whole thing with Rebirth is everyone’s memories are Fucked. I mean, Kon and Bart should have not been included in that because they were “off-world” when the N52 reboot happened which is the explanation for the 90s/2000s versions to come back basically as they had been, but y’know. Comics.
But anyway, this is bringing up, in case you live under a rock and were unaware, the time when Kon died and Cassie and Tim started dating for a hot second almost entirely because of their shared grief over Kon. Cassie had literally been in a Superboy cult and Tim was in the desperate process of trying to clone him.
You know. Fun times.
Dark Crisis actually has a lot of Kon@Tim stuff. I mean, plenty of the mutual affection still, but Kon is very focused on Tim, whereas Tim is trying to be more logical and, funny enough, listening to Bart.
Everyone forgets Bart is Super Smart, in part because he’s actually naturally clever but has a goober personality, but also because part of his trauma response to getting his kneecap blow off and having to have surgery done with little to no anesthetic because his metabolism burned that shit right out, he literally consumed an entire library. Like, read every single book there at super speed. Boy Knows Things. Plus he’s experienced to much more trauma since then, he’s become a quick thinker (pun always intended).
But you’re not here for my Bartholomew Is Great lecture, you’re here for TimKon!
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Coffee Boy Confirmed
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Oh, Tim...
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All three of them go flying out of a car and Kon grabs Tim, but fuck Bart I guess? Bart brings this up later but it’s still frustrating. Sure, Tim and Kon are besties, but they love Bart. He’s not a third wheel in their friendship. He’s part of it. Just...sigh.
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I love “You know I can run, right?” This is just a little glimpse into while Kon’s brain seems almost exclusively reserved for self pity and Tim, and Tim is still very much more focused on Conner, Tim is still paying attention to Bart (even if he doesn’t feel like it). Tim didn’t need to grab Bart at all, but why not?
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Again, Kon brushing Bart off entirely, and Tim acknowledging Bart’s point but still showing preference to Kon.
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Tim is So Done with these two and it’s so funny.
Also want to note, “process this with Babs later”. Is Babs acting as his therapist? I think she has the training, or at least a degree in psychology? That would actually be kinda sweet.
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This seems so much more “ow my heart” out of context...the context is, Kon is being a dick to Bart. Tim ultimately disagrees with Conner, but not enough for Bart to not storm off, as seen below.
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For the record, that’s not Cassie. Which is pretty obvious from the jump. But even here...yikes.
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This stunned look (which is oddly glassy-eyed and unnerving tbh...) is in direct contrast to his calm understanding when Cassie actually told him, and then when Tim tried to talk to him about it. He was initially like “that’s kinda fucked up, but I get it and I forgive you”. Which...honestly sounds super big and sweet, but he also had pretty much the same reaction to “I was in a Superboy revival cult” and “I tried to clone you 90+ times and considered tossing you in a Lazarus Pit” so...
What I’m saying is Kon, in true Kent fashion, is a himbo.
But this could set off so many trains of thought here. Cassie told him it was out of grief that she did it--Tim never gets to explain his side. But what if it was a grief reaction for Tim? (It was.) Does that mean he was projecting his feelings for Conner onto Cassie? (Probably.) Tim knows he likes boys now, does that mean he liked Conner? (Likely.) Either way, what does Kon do with this?
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Okay, this isn’t TimKon, but these boys are so fucking funny. Have I mentioned that I love Tim Drake? Because I love him. (Also reminds me of the time when Bart’s head was fucked up and he thought he was Batman...look, the 90s were weird, okay?)
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They just had a fight and Tim’s first move is to stabilize and comfort Conner. Just....aaaaaaaaaaaa
And then we get to the fourth issue...which is probably my favorite because we’re finally in Conner’s head! We’ve been bopping between Bart and Tim until now (and also Cassie and Cissie elsewhere), but nearly this whole comic is Kon’s POV and it’s both hilarious and a little heartbreaking. I...I love him. He is my Favorite.
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So, they’re being attacked by a whole fake Justice League and Titans (I see Roy and Kory and Kyle and Donna and--) and Big Bad is fucking with the sound waves. Until Conner is like, “Okay, but what if we didn’t?”
He’s the one who’s been trying to convince the other two that this fake world is okay, that it’s better and they should stay, despite things being noticeably Off, and despite the distinct lack of Jon, Damian, and Wallace. (As far as I know, Bart doesn’t know Wallace too well, but Kon and Jon at least met and got on okay, and Tim and Damian are...well, they’re at a point in their relationship of begrudging respect and affectionate verbal violence rather than, y’know, actual violence). Bart wants to GTFO, and Tim was wishy-washy at first, but at this point is firmly with Bart and wants out. I mean, he started getting Bad Vibes when Fake Batman said him wanting to date Bernard over Stephanie was “just a phase”. I didn’t include that image despite loving it, but Tim’s internal thoughts are, verbatim, “@#$&#&* what?” which can, I would guess, be translated to, “Fucking what?” Tim is very curse-y in this series.
But I’m getting sidetracked. Kon wants to stay, the others want out, and Kon throws a bitch fit.
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“The man was too stunned to speak”
Poor Bart, figuratively and literally carrying this fucking team.
Here we go.
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Hey. Hey, Conner. Buddy. What the fuck does that mean, man?
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I cannot begin to tell you the number of ways this page hurts me. Just...all three of them are so fed up with everything and aaaaaaaaa
And then Bart rightfully goes off.
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Like, that’s not quite true, but it sure do be feeling that way right now. And while even in this post I’ve shown just how much both of them can care and pay attention to Bart, they have always been more focused on each other. At first it was because Tim was secretive and Kon thought he had a stick up his ass meanwhile Conner was new to the world and being actively manipulated by people. And then it’s because they’re best friends. Like, heterosexual life partners levels of best friends. Platonic (or not-so-platonic) soulmates levels of best friends. They both consider Bart their best friend too, but they hold each other above pretty much everyone else. Which, after they’ve all lost some footholds in reality with their seniors missing, those small slights feel more pointed and are getting to Bart a lot more. He’s hurting and Tim’s the only one listening, but Tim is favoring Kon and it’s driving him up the wall. All that frustration and resentment come to a head. Hopefully to be resolved.
I’ve made this a Young Justice Boys post instead of just a TimKon post, but I regret nothing!
For the sake of my image limit I haven’t given everything I love about this issue, but even if you don’t read the rest (which is fair, it gives some people Bad Vibes at the start) please read this issue. Conner’s inner monologue is so stupid and so funny and I love him so much.
But anywhozits, proceeding!
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I want it noted that Bart was attacked right before this and is held on the ground but Conner immediately goes for Tim. Unbelievable.
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(I refuse to crop out Bart when he’s funny)
I’m, uh, not a fan of Superboy’s face here, but y’know, more him focused on Tim. While Bart is in a similar predicament.
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He finally mentions Bart...after he seems to have nearly been able to save himself.
(Yes, the bad guy’s name is Mickey. Yes it’s awful, but that’s the point. I think.)
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Now, here’s a big point for me, so I’m breaking down the page.
Mickey-boy conjures up images of new and revised characters (ex. Jon Kent and Harley Quinn) and Tim sees
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And the next panel?
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He sees Tim looking at the image of his boyfriend...and he changes his tune.
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And they they all go off on a speech that’s touching in context but incredibly cheesey out of it. Also a bit obnoxiously meta, but so is this whole storyline.
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“What are you gonna do about it, Conner Kent?” I don’t know why that gets me so much but it does.
That’s all for now. Last DCYJ comes out November 15 and I’ll probably edit this post at that point to add what’s in there but I’m impatient and made this whole thing and I need people to love and appreciate these boys.
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Jason Todd is the only Batkid Percy Jackson would ever hate not in spite of but BECAUSE of all they have in common and be instant besties with literally all the other ones and that is THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SHIT
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astralejection · 10 months
i think it's really funny that duke has zero beef with anyone in the batfam, like bro is straight chilling
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ambrosethedarling · 2 years
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Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’ Let us go and make our visit
I am Lazarus, come from the dead, Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all
Till human voices wake us, and we drown
-The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
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rotten7rat · 2 months
Please people. Hobbies, talents, interests, and traits are not not limited to one character per source. Two characters can like the same thing, can have the same skill, etc. More than two, in fact. You don't need to ignore/headcanon away details about a character just because you want another character to be special/unique.
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yellowocaballero · 10 months
I loved NewWave and it's nominated for my top reads 2023, BUT THE JASON FICLET??? I thought it was going to be a light read but it hit me full force in the face because I didn't expect to identify so much with Jason! When I read your Jason it was like I was reading myself and I want you to know that I started reading it early at night and finished it at dawn because I constantly had to stop and cry because of how much my heart resonated with his! loved it
I'm glad you identified with him! Jason is very much a character who's a little like me too. He's a born writer, and his way of using fiction to put the world in a framework that he can understand is very relatable. It leaves him a little out of touch with the reality of situations, but that's a feature and not a bug.
I can't relate as much to the racial undercurrent in the story, but I don't want to understate it. It has to suck for Jason to feel constantly compared to the blonde haired blue eyed 'perfect sidekick'. She provides something seen as valuable and ideal that Jason never could. Coming from Steph's viewpoint (and considering canon) the idea of her being unattainable perfection is deeply funny, but it's very real to Jason. Adding in Tim - who's identical to Bruce and comes from the same social strata - makes Jason feel like it's every man for himself.
That's what makes his connection with Bruce even more important, though. He's the polar opposite of Bruce in every way, but although Tim and Bruce are similar in a lot of ways, Jason and Bruce have a deep connection and understanding that Tim and Steph don't. They're both dreamers who make the world a stage, their need for justice comes from a place of great pain, and they love in quiet ways.
Jason's a special kid. Like Steph, he has so much value that he doesn't see. Unlike her, he wants more - he's hungry for it, that life with meaning and kindness. He's finally attained something good, and he's scared of losing it. He has so much to offer that he can't see, and the happiness of the story is when he's seen.
New Wave was my way of giving a character who's been routinely fucked over by canon and sidelined by fandom the spotlight. She's special and perfect and loved and recognized and important because...she's none of those things 'in real life'. I wanted to give that to her. Steph's a character I related to when I was her age, and I wanted to give that to myself too.
Jason came from a similar place. I do think canon & fanon are like...overly obsessed with him lmfao. There's a billion 'Jason joins the manor' stories and it's why I almost didn't write the story lol. But he's rarely given the chance to be a kid, one who exists in his own right - to join the Batfam out of his own choice, which is something bizarrely rare in fic. And kids like Jason are the forgotten ones, and it will always be Jason's dream to show the forgotten children that they're as much Robin as he is.
I'm glad it meant something to you ;-;. This story meant a lot to me too, which is why I can go onnnn about it lol. Thanks for reading and enjoying! <3
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krizariel · 2 years
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Winter Lord Tim my beloved…
I miss him dearly. Old art I made a while back based on @chibinightowl ’s A Night In Town
Maybe someone can hold me accountable to finish the 3rd piece sigh
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starlooove · 8 months
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This is all because someone said that tim being wealthy DOES impact his character. Like the ppl in the screenshot are defending the idea that tim should be written as middle class and even claimed that plot points about/made possible or exacerbated by his wealth have nothing to do with his characterization bc they’re plot points and not character traits. They also previously said there’s little to no mention of his wealth whilst also trying to say his wealth doesn’t matter because it’s just “new money” (which I’d argue adds a LOT of context to the drakes vs the Waynes but that’s into analysis territory and I’m not getting into with someone who said plot points don’t impact the character 💀)
Anyways the main point of the post isn’t just to clown on them I just want y’all to take that final tweet into account; “They come and take only what they want, they don’t like to delve into the great character that is Tim.” On a post saying Tim being rich doesn’t matter and has nothing to do with his character. Tim Stans I’m not saying this is all of you, but this group of y’all is sooooo. Let’s be nice and say weird. That it makes y’all look bad. When they’re saying “they pick and choose to ignore his character” in order to defend picking and choosing to ignore his character…have a group meeting or smth yall. This is crazy.
#this lowk made me appreciate tumblr tim stans#like Ik y’all wouldn’t say shit like this God Bless#dc should rewrite tim as middle class 💀#just say you have 0 understanding of why certain details were added to Tim’s character post Jason Todd#and like even if you think it has nothing to do from an in comic standpoint#are u gonna sit there and tell me his being rich doesn’t impact his writers at all? his fans at all?#the way tim has been so accepted and subsequently flanderized (not even flanderized bc some of the traits y’all boil him down to are traits#he doesn’t have) has a lot to do with him being a rich white teen#and i specify teen because the way y’all baby him has to do with his class and race#y’all make it so when you say ‘he’s socially anxious bc he was so secluded at home 🥺🥺🥺’#and tbh let’s get down to it this is another way for y’all to make him ‘special’ or more likeable without thinking about it#if you think his wealth hasn’t impacted his character why do you want him to be middle class so bad? y’all just wanna relate more#it’s like when u hc him as a poc but refuse to acknowledge that him being white may impact his character#like u don’t know shit and I don’t trust u with subjects like race or class#back to the drawing board sweetheart#im not even tagging this anti tim Drake this is just who he is lmao#anti tim Drake Twitter fans#anti Thomas and Kyle#OH and the “why Is him being rich relevant’ you don’t even know how plot points impact character you wouldn’t know#OOOH and if you mention how it might’ve impacted Bruce’s view of him they’ll call it fanon#like no thats just point A to point B#to be fair they’d prolly call Tim’s mistreatment of Steph being misogyny fanon too#craaaazy#nothing is real it all exists in a void where social issues don’t exist#Ur so so smart
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welcometogrouchland · 11 months
Thought about Damian and Dick's dynamic for too long and now I need to level a city block
#ramblings of a lunatic#yes I'm still having comics brainrot just lesser now (after 1 (one) issue of a comic I didn't like lmao)#I'm specifically thinking about. is it issue 6?? of the joshua williamson robin run with damian#and the bit where dick gives him a special escrima stick Alfred made for him with ''against the world'' carved into it#and how he purposely lets damian escape and does the whole fake ''ohh nooo he's escaping someone come help *wink* routine''#I'm gonna combust!!!!#you could fix batman comics (/j) to me by just splitting the fam up a bit#you have two batgirls and two robins rn right?#well send damian and steph to bludhaven where they can team up with dick (ala the grant morrison run but dick is still Nightwing)#and then let cass and tim be bruce's supporting cast!!! less juggling to do and allows for more in-depth exploration of specific dynamics#also solves the issue of damian complimenting dick excellently but not having the same base-level rapport with bruce#just have damian finally conclude that he doesn't want to be batman and that him as robin doesn't work when he's with bruce#something about the idea that robin takes care of batman as much batman takes care of robin and that's not really bruce and damians dynamic#and as for Steph in bludhaven- she's colleged aged now! let her go to college in bludhaven#let her have the fun balancing act adventures from her solo series and again tackle her feelings of being an outsider#(also re-establish her and damians friendship. i miss them </3)#where's jason you ask? in space
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It’s funny because Oracle is actually ready and willing to kill
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