#this is self infulgent
busdriver-55 · 2 years
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Queer head-canon
Making this list was/is a very self indulgent activity for me. I came out fairly recently and this us kinda my fun passion project atm as far as rec lists go. I wanted to put together a list of all the queer reylo fics I've read (am reading atm) - I know there's the "Queerly Beloved Reylo" collection on Ao3, which has WAY MORE fics on there, but like I said I'm basically making this list for myself first and I'm gonna be updating it as often as possible. I really don't care if no one likes this list since it's something I'm making for myself. Buuut hopefully people can get some great fics off here!! 😌💖🏳️‍🌈
If you lead me from the shore by @howls-immobile-bungalow: The seas run rampant with pirates. Islanders live in fear of the sight of the Jolly Roger. To escape an arranged marriage, Rebecca Palpatine, also known as ‘Rey’, disguises as a man and enlists on a ship, which leads to being under command of the dreaded and fearsome pirate, Captain Kylo Ren. Through living under disguise, and getting dangerously close to the Captain, Rey will explore and discover his identity as a trans man, and his understanding of his place in the world will change forever.
How to Be a Heartbreaker by @littlestarlost: Rey is a black widow. Ben is her new husband. Things aren't quite going to plan.
Thanks for the feedback by antlersantlers: Name? Age? Is this the first time you fucked Ben? Did you cum? Would you fuck Ben again? Are you a… top / switch / bottom? What is your gender identity? What is your sexual orientation? Please rate your overall satisfaction 1-10. Please write any additional feedback on the opposite side.
Hold Me Up (In The Palm Of Your Hand) by violethoure666 -> @multishiptrashh: Rey is sent to live with her aunt and uncle at eleven after the unexpected death of her father Luke. Thank god for her cousin Ben. A slow burn, no age gap, coming of age story following Ben and Rey from eleven to nineteen.
You're Not Alone by @howls-immobile-bungalow: Not your everyday College/Coffee Shop AU. Ben Solo is a creative writing major (stage name Kylo Ren), has a rock band called the Knights of Ren, and he's a trans guy out and proud since childhood. Rey Jakku is a mechanical engineering major and a trans girl still in the closet. But that's about to change for her when she meets a hot barista attending the same school as her.
The Villain I Appear to Be by Leo_Rosa: When the young idealist Sociology major Rey Johnson and the jaded and cynical Political Sciences postdoctoral fellow Ben Solo met, it was hate at first sight. But grief and desire connect them in a twisted, powerful, and secret bond, showing them just how much two lonely souls have in common, in spite of all differences that divide them. When Professor Snoke, Ben's mentor, decides to ruin Rey's life and her career, their relationship is tested – as well as their beliefs.
meet me in the aftergloom by @diesirate: Weddings are supposed to be beginnings. But not to Rey. They're endings. This one is, anyway. Or, one winter night that changes Rey Niima's life. And Ben Solo's too.
To Love Shadows and Marvels by midwinterspring: A modern startup AU with Lovecraftian elements.
Lots More by MissCoppelia: Rey and Ben are ready for another year of sexy fun at their famous annual Purim party. This year they've been planning for an orgy, which Ben is looking forward to, but does Rey feel the same?
The Dinner Party by DarkKnightDarkSide: It's Rey's 30th birthday, and her husband Ben wants to give her the most unforgettable evening. All she wants, though, is a low key night in with some good friends. Some very good friends.
the eye has to travel by @secretreylotrash: Kylo Ren is the head of the Costume Department for the Star Alliance Opera. Rey is his beleaguered assistant. It’s hell. She’s slowly crumbling under endless hours of work and impossible standards. Being a broke post-grad, their most recent argument is fought over the condition of Rey’s personal wardrobe and her inability to find anything appropriate for the Opening Night Gala this season. Kylo insists he’s handled the problem by making her dress himself, but has he? It just seems like he's making Rey stay late after work out of spite, for hours of fittings, alone with him.
Checklists and Promises by @crossingwinter: Rey's new to being a Domme, and when she comes across Kylo's sub profile, she worries she doesn't have enough experience for him. Kylo has ten years of experience subbing, after all. Soon enough, though, it's clear that even if she's something Kylo wants, she might also be someone that he needs.
(this will definitely be updated so stay tuned)
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
happy bday @milflewis i fucking adore you youre literally my favourite. i couldnt sleep bcs this story kinda gripped me by the throat and you were complaining the other day, so i hope you enjoy <3 this is pure indulgence :)
"Are you ready, petit?" Charles asks. He is glowing in his dark red clothes and his golden mask, and he isn't even trying to conceal who he is for the masquerade. Arthur knows all eyes will be on Charles anyways, as they always are. Charled shines so bright, it gives both Arthur and Lorenzo more than enough shade to hide themselves if they wish to do so. Lolo usually does, and he will keep hiding for as long as he can, protecting them from the shadows. Arthur... is not sure he wishes to hide for much longer. "We are late already, and we should make an entrance. You know the Court loves a spectacle, and we should make sure their eyes are on us. We need their favour, still. At least for a while more."
Arthur also knows Charles cares only for one pair of eyes and one person's favour, and there is no guarantee Captain Vettel will even be there, with the Navy's assignments to the M-- Sea. He observes Charles' nervous movements, his hands flying to fix a stray lock of hair, and he can't help but feel pity for his brother. Charles loves so fully and so freely that his heartbreak is imminent. Arthur admires him for it, but he also wishes Charles followed his head more than his heart sometimes. He won't say anything; there is no sense to it. Charles will not listen.
"I will not be joining your dramatic entrance, Charles." Arthur forces himself to laugh carelessly, when his whole body feels like it is on fire. "The point of the masquerade is to conceal our identities, and that will be impossible if I were to walk in with you, Il Predestinato."
Charles blushes, and Arthur's laugh turns genuine. "Alright," Charles concedes, his eyes staring straight into Arthur's and seeing more than Arthur is comfortable with. "I know you have something planned, petit, and I know you will not tell me what. Just, be careful? Please? I worry for you."
Arthur swallows heavily. People like to underestimate Charles and his intelligence, but Arthur should know better. Charles taught him everything he knew after all.
"You need not worry, brother," he says softly. "Nothing important is on the line if my plan fails."
Charles does not really look like he believes him, bit he lets it go nonetheless. Arthur fixes his smile just like he fixes his mask, and does not pray for success. He will either make it himself, or he will not have it at all.
The masquerade ball is a raging success. Arthur basically sneaks in through the servants' entrance, determined to protect his anonymity. He watches Charles for a while, smiles at the way people fawn over him and the way Charles graces them all with his attention. Arthur could never do it; it is too grating, too exhausting, to be so adored. Merely observing his brother tires him out. He knows Charles is filling the empty space in his heart with these meaningless interactions, and if Arthur believed in gods, he would ask them only for the happiness for his brother. He does not, though, so he asks the universe for Charles' love not to be in vain. Charles needs support in a way that Arthur doesn't, because Arthur and Charles will always go for what they want even if it's doomed for failure, but the difference is that Arthur knows when to let go of a doomed quest. Charles does not.
It is past midnight and everyone's inhibitions are effectively gone. Arthur has danced with ladies and gentlemen both, and laughed at their inquiries about his identity. He even approached Charles and asked his brother for a dance, and Charles' eyes sparkled in mirth as he let Arthur lead him through the steps and he laughed freely as Arthur commented on the appearances and the gossip he's heard as he made his way through the people gathered for the festivities. When Charles faltered in his steps, about to ask a question, Arthur had only shook his head. I have not seen him, he tried to convey, and Charles gave him a sad smile of understanding before pulling Arthur in for another dance, against all decorum. Arthur let him lead, and they both delighted in the scandalous gasps they elicited.
Now, Arthur stands leaning against a column, unwilling to admit defeat. He will find who he is looking for tonight. He looks over the crowd as he sips his drink, and it is by divine grace or perhapd by magic that he hears the familiar laughter he had been searching for the whole night. He turns towards the sound and drinks the rest of his wine, leaving the glass on a table he passes.
The man who is laughing with two ladies wears a stylised fox mask, and Arthur cannot contain his amusement. He approaches the little group just as a server passes by him, and he vows to make it up to the poor man as he moves so that he can trip him. The man goes down in a heap, and both ladies yelp. The man's eyes narrow, but Arthur acts quickly. He grabs the man's hand and pulls, ducking behind a column and into a passageway he has discovered some time ago. The man puts up little resistance, and the commotion from behind them fades out somewhat.
The moment they are out of sight, Arthur finds himself pressed against the wall.
"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" Pierre Gasly asks, and Arthur would recognize that Rouen lilt even half-deaf. Just like he would recognize the blue of Pierre's eyes, their unnaturally bright colour emphasised by the dark-red edges of the fox mask he wears. "Answer me," Pierre commands, and Arthur thinks of how he would be glad to do whatever Pierre wanted him to. He knows he cannot say this, and he knows Pierre does not recognize him. The realisation both thrills and dejects him somewhat, for is he not more memorable? Should Pierre not know him, when they have spent almost as much time together as Pierre and Charles did in their youth and when it has not been less than two years since Pierre left on his assignment to the Navy?
Pierre is staring at him, his arm across Arthur's chest strong and unmoving. Arthur raises his hands and puts them on Pierre's forearm. His heart beats wildly in his throat when he says "A kiss."
Pierre blinks, twice. His eyes fall down to Arthur's lips, the only part of his face not covered by his own mask, and Arthur supresses a shiver when Pierre's eyes turn dark.
"A kiss?" he asks, and Arthur has always found Pierre's smirk stupidly attractive. "Only that?"
"Yes," Arthur replies, willing his voice not to shake. "Merely a kiss."
Pierre does not look away from Arthur's eyes, searching for something in them. "A kiss," he says contemplatively. He licks his lips. "I can do that."
Before Arthur can say anything, Pierre removes his arm from Arthur's chest and leans in. Arthur does not get a chance to react, for Pierre's lips are on his and oh - oh.
He raises his arms again and throws them over Pierre's shoulders, holds on as Pierre presses him into the wall even further. His body presses against Arthur's everywhere and his lips are wonderfully soft as they move against Arthur's. Arthur has his hands in Pierre's hair, and Pierre's hands press into the dips of Arthur's hips. They burn even through all the clothes, and Arthur lets himself enjoy the way Pierre feels. He is a good kisser, must have had a lot of practice which does not surprise Arthur in the least. He's wanted to kiss Pierre Gasly since he realised he wanted to kiss people in general, and he cannot begrudge anyone else who wished to do so, too. He isn't sure he will get another chance, though, so he vows to make the most of this kiss.
Pierre is the one who breaks off the kiss first. He groans and leans his forehead against Arthur's, his hands still pressing into Arthur's hips, his breathing ragged. Arthur's isn't much better, and he grasps at Pierre's shoulders and holds on, keeping his eyes closed, unwilling to speak and interrupt this moment.
"Merde," Pierre breathes against his lips. "I did not know - I could not have imagined - petit," Pierre says, and Arthur's eyes fly open in shock, because -
"Did you really think I would not know you?" Pierre asks, and Arthur cannot speak. "Did you think I would have forgotten you?"
Arthur looks into Pierre's eyes instead of focusing on his self-satisfied smile, and there is kindness in them, and desire which Arthur is sure is mirrored in his own face, or whatever is visible of it.
"I do not know what I thought," he whispers, "except that I wanted a kiss."
"And now that you've got it, what shall we do?" Pierre asks, and Arthur cannot help but roll his eyes.
"You are quite insufferable," he says without any malice. "Do you know that?"
"Oh, I know." Pierre smirks. "And you like it." Arthur hums noncommitaly, and Pierre chuckles. "And what if I wanted another kiss, Arthur?" He rubs the edge of his mask against Arthur's. "What then, petit?"
Arthur smiles despite himself, because dawn may bring whatever she wants, but this night belongs to Arthur and his victory.
"I think," he says very slowly, "that I would be amenable."
This time, Arthur is the one who reaches for Pierre first, and their kiss is even better this time because Arthur is quite certain it will not be the last one.
"And where is my brother?" Charles asks as he is following Sebastian outside for a respite. Sebastian, who had observed the way Arthur moved towards where Lieutenant Gasly was, only smiles.
"I saw him step away with a friend," he says, and Charles nods. "I believe he is in good hands, Charles. Do not fret."
Charles laughs, then shakes his head. "I do not believe I will ever cease to worry about my brother," he says, "but I also trust your word, Captain." He smiles, and Sebastian cannot berate himself for attending the masquerade when faced with that smile. "Do not let me down."
Sebastian bites back the words he wants to say, promises he wants to make and is not sure he would be able to keep, not with the kind of life he leads, and offers his hand to Charles.
"I will do my best," he says seriously.
"That is all I ever wanted from you," Charles replies, and puts his hand into Sebastian's.
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brella-boi · 6 months
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May I present you with a buff angel dragon?
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bluemadnessstuff · 2 days
Miguel fic idea ( crack and Fluff):
Miguel, who is bad at flirting, and a completely oblivious reader who just can't understand. ( bonus for neurodivergent reader). After a few weeks of him constantly trying to flirt with them, he decides to ask miles and Gwen for help. But reader was right next to them and heard everything about his plan. By the time he tries again, they already know But let him try :)
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steven9rant · 1 year
what could’ve been — joel miller x reader
summary: in jackson, you and joel talk about how things might’ve been, had you met outside of all the mess
warnings: its just fluff. its straight fluffy drabble.
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After a day that wasn't particularly long at all, that hadn't left you tired or sad, that resembled something regular—as close to it as you could come in a post-apocalyptic world, anyway—nothing mattered because, still, all that you had wanted was Joel. You wanted him next to you, filling the air with his musk of wood and leather. You wanted his hand to hold and his lips to kiss. That was all.
Hence the instant relief when you heard the creak of your front door after a quick jangle of his spare key, and the immediate apologies that he cast down the hallway, explaining that Tommy had needed a hand with cleaning up some mess at the bar.
You were glad to see him when you did, having rushed out immediately from the lounge and finding him with one boot in his palm and the other still on his foot.
At just the sight of him you were grinning like a kid with ice cream.
He was tackled into a hug before he could even return the gesture with one of his more tame smiles.
Through a light chuckle, he said, “I missed you too.”
Head sunken into the crook of his neck, you mumbled some weak response, breathing him in. He did the same, his lips pressed against the top of your skull as he could finally do more than just imagine the scent of your strawberry shampoo.
It wasn't after long that the two of you were tangled up on the couch, just talking, when a thought crossed your mind.
“Do you think we would've had a chance, were it not for all of... this?”
“If I'd known you then... I would never have let you go.” You smiled again up at him. Joel did the same, briefly pressing a kiss to your cheek before holding your face in his palms. “Just like now.”
Through your nose, you exhaled slowly, contently.
“I wish it didn't have to be like this,” you uttered, “I wish I could take you places.”
He tilted his head. “Yeah?”
“Mm-hmm. I would've been the first person to get you outta Texas; would've been momentous,” you giggled lightly.
“Oh really?” he leaned back slightly. “Well, you'd have had to abduct me.”
You shrugged, “Maybe. But you'd like it, that place we'd go. Sicily—my mom's family had a lemon orchard there. Of course, I'd abduct Sarah, too,”
“Of course.”
“Yeah. We'd head down there in the fall, when they start to ripen, and would look out at the sea and fall asleep in the fields, looking at the stars. It's so beautiful there.”
As you spoke, you watched as his eyes closed slowly and he pictured it, breaths slow and heart rate steady.
“You'd meet my family and they'd get you drunk to show they loved you. We would do anything we wanted. And when we got back we'd already be planning the next visit—my parents usually go around Christmas. We'd think about bringing Tommy along, too. Back in our lives, we'd fill the time with trips to the museum for Sarah, and card games that I'd win, and she'd meet a quirky girl at school with a weird sense of humour—shitty puns and sarcastic comments. And I'd kiss you every night before we fell asleep and then every morning before breakfast.”
When he opened his dark brown eyes yet again and found you smiling he couldn't help from doing the same. “Sounds perfect.”
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
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The mystery kids *cries*
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
A Difficult Question
Characters - Klein (OC), Lucifer, Lucius (OC kid), Satan, other brothers
Pairing - LuciKlein (Klein is poly so other pairings may be implied or mentioned)
Warning - None
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Klein was lying on the sofa, listening to the beautiful piano melody played by Lucifer when their ten-year-old son entered the music room.
“Dad, Papa, I have a question.” Lucius said as he ran to the sofa, where Klein was lying, still carrying the school bag with him. It seemed he was in a hurry to find the answer to his question.
“Sure.” Klein said.
Lucius hesitated a little bit before asking.
“Is Uncle Satan…my big brother?”
Klein immediately jolted and sat up from his sofa, Lucifer also stopped playing his piano the moment he heard the question.
“Who said that?”
All three persons turned to the door, where the fourth-born was standing, he had just entered the music room when he heard the question. Next to him was Asmo, who was covering his mouth in shock.
“Well, it was some of my schoolmates. This afternoon, I found three of them looking at me and whispering to each other. I thought they were talking bad about me so I confronted them. And they said Uncle Satan was my big brother and that he was born of my Dad.” Lucius tried to keep calm as he recounted the whole story. “I wanted to know the truth so the moment I came back from school, I rushed to find my dads.”
“Lucius, Uncle Satan isn’t mad at you.” Klein placed his hand on the boy’s back, reassuring him. “It was brave of you to tell us the whole story.”
Then Klein looked at both Lucifer and Satan, silently asking their permissions to answer Lucius’s question. And their answers were yes.
“Well, you see,” Klein began, “it’s true that Uncle Satan was born from your Dad, but he shouldn’t be considered your big brother. Here’s why. First, the difference of your births, while you were born from the union between me and your Dad, Uncle Satan was born from your Dad’s emotion alone.”
“If I may add,” everyone turned to Asmo, with Lucifer and Satan nodding, agreeing for him to help Klein.
“Another thing that makes your birth so different from Satan’s is that you were born a baby, while your uncle here was already a full grown adult.”
Klein looked at Lucius’s face to ascertain that the boy was keeping up with their explanations. And the Overlord was glad to see that Lucius was beginning to see the differences between his own birth and his uncle’s.
“Another thing is that how I and your other uncles see Uncle Satan.” Lucifer sat down on the sofa beside Lucius, who had sat down beside Klein. “From the moment of his birth, I, Uncle Mammon, and your other uncles have seen Uncle Satan as one of our own, one of our brothers.”
“So you see,” Klein continued, “even though Uncle Satan came to be your Dad’s brother in a different way, he’s your uncle just like Uncle Mammon or Uncle Asmo.”
“I think I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me.” Lucius said before turning to Lucifer. “I’m sorry, Dad, for making it difficult for you to answer my question.”
“No need to say sorry, Lucius. After all, you have done nothing wrong and it’s your right to know.” Lucifer embraced his child and kissed his head.
After leaving his father’s arms, Lucius came to Satan.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Satan.”
“No need to apologize, Lucius. It’s not your fault and I’m not mad at you. You’re a kid, and kids ask questions about what they see or hear, even if it’s a difficult matter. Plus, your question helps me know how to answer my own kid later when they ask me. I’m the one who should be thanking you.” Satan said, taking a look at Klein when he briefly mentioned a future child, to which Klein nodded at him and smiled.
“Really, I’m glad I could help heheh.”
The music room’s door opened once again and Mammon walked in.
“I finally found you, Lucius. You rushed in the house the moment you got off my car. You haven’t even washed up yet.”
It was Mammon’s last sentence that made Asmo looked at Lucius with fear in his eyes.
“Alright, let me go wash up.” Lucius said as he followed Uncle Mammon outside.
However, Lucius stopped after going a few steps.
“What’s the matter, Lucius?” Mammon asked.
“Let me ask my Dad something.” Lucius answered with a grin on his face.
“Dad,” Lucius turned around, “Can you let Uncle Satan take me home tomorrow? I have some friends I want Uncle Satan to meet.”
“Sure.” Lucifer nodded.
“What did I miss?” Mammon asked Asmo, to which the latter answered “Let me fill you in later.”
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“Hey, Son of Pride, did you talk with your fathers yet? I bet either you were too scared to ask or your dads dodged the question, right?” One of the demon kids said before all three laughed out loud.
Lucius just ignored them and waited for Satan to come pick him up.
And he didn’t have to wait for long, his fourth uncle arrived on a motorcycle.
“Lucius, I came to pick you up.” Satan got off the motor and walked to the kids.
“Let me introduce, this is my fourth uncle, Satan - the Avatar of Wrath.”
“Hello kids.” Satan took of his helmet and immediately turned into his demon form. “I heard you told my nephew an interesting story yesterday.” A flame-like green color burnt in Wrath’s eyes as he looked at the three mean kids.
“N-n-no, nothing, sir. We w-were j-just j-joking.” The leader of the three said, barely audible out of fear.
“Joking!? SCRAM!”
The three kids screamed as they ran back to their parents, who looked at Satan in fear and intended to leave but Wrath signaled for them to come talk to him.
“We greet Lord Satan, the Avatar of Wrath.” The kids’ parents greeted.
“Listen carefully. I know for a fact that these children couldn’t have said those words if the adult didn’t shove them into their little brains. So take this as a warning and stay far away from my nephew, you and your children. Next time, I see or hear those words again, I will unleash all my Wrath on you.”
“Y-yes.” The adults said as they all walked back to their cars, shaking.
However, before they could get in the vehicles, all three cars exploded and they were burnt with green flames.
As the parents and kids looked back at Satan, they only saw him and Lucius on the motor vrooming away. However, they all caught on something. A devilish grin on the face of the Morningstar kid.
Author’s words
Third fic to celebrate Lucius’s birthday 🥳
Since Lucius is Lucifer’s son. I know the Morningstar will have to explain the thing with Satan to his son sooner or later and I know I want to write this. I just hope that I don’t mess up with the explanation.
Tag - @sparkbeast20
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kumzorg · 27 days
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this is so sweet 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sambambucky · 7 months
Author Tag
thanks for the tag @thatmexisaurusrex !!!!!!!<33
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
126,908 (77,882 this year haha)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Avengers generally, sambucky specifically, spiritually 2012 avengers tower + my otp
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
come on guys i'm only trying to get you home tell me youre joking (i find this.. hilarious) establishing shot patterns of recognition
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do!! i feel like a ronald mcdonald krusty clown when i do it weeks or months later but i do! idkkkk why... cuz as a reader i like getting responses
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
from beginning to end the impossible weight of maybe is the angiest thing i've written
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they're all pretty happy but probably come on, guys ends with a proposal, so.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
every time i post anything i anticipate it but, thankfully not yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah i write it but i only post the lightest winks and mentions eheh
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i'm not at all creative enough for that
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but this does remind me to go delete one of those spam comments about posting fic elsewhere
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
still sambucky
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Art Thief!Bucky, PI!Sam fic. It's written. I just don't know if I'm happy with it. And do people still want to see it even??? I have no clue lol <- yes of course we do!!!!!!!! i still intend to finish all the incomplete fics i have on ao3.. but i did recently decide to stop dragging the dead corpse of this childhood best friends to celebrity lovers au onto every WIP list.. its a fun concept with a few scenes i love but it has no narrative arc and i am officially laying her to rest
16. What are your writing strengths?
i type sooo fast. uhhh dialogue/group dialogue???
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm working on it but i have a problem with trying to rework and rework something instead of getting rid of it completely or starting over.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
my favorite version of it is when the second (or third, fourth, etc) language is in its proper characters, adds extra flavor to a dialogue exchange, aaand the jist of the exchange can be understood without translation. soo if a reader speaks said language, or they're willing to source a translation (by themselves or otherwise provided by the author) they get extra seasoning. but i think all versions are nice.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i know i was writing stuff before sambucky but thats the first thing i ever published for and i honestly cant recall the first ever
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
changes on the daily, but today i'll say come on guys
saying hi/no pressure tagging @logicheartsoul @crepuscularqueens @writerkenna
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figgy-artz · 11 months
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"Uh...Guardian my eyes are up here-"
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mamas-filly · 5 months
Chastity postmortem.
While it was really hard at first, I eventually calmed down once it started to feel "normal" making the last few days palatable.
If I were to do this again, I'd definitely go about getting a cage just to keep the temptation down, willpower was SHORT those first 5 days (as though that wasn't obvious)
Having a couple people being supportive in dms helped, and I made it the full seven without breaking!
That number may seem pretty small, but it's honestly something I feel weirdly proud of managing.
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
totally self infulgent threads i want to write for percy: 
there is only one bed & our muses have to share it situation bonus round if one party is like i will sleep on the floor & the other one is like why??? there is enough room for both of us. extra bonus if they find out percy is a cuddler this way.
actually cuddling thread overall would be good. once percy is comfy with the concept he loves to hold & to be held
someone calling him out on avoiding responsibilities towards whitestone. bonus round if they point out the weight on cassandra’s shoulders in the proccess & implore him to help her bear it. 
touch starved percy thread. i want to write him getting some physical affection & realizing just how badly he needs it. maybe he cries. maybe he rejects. it all depends on the context. 
playing with hair threads. percy is good at hair [ he had 7 siblings he probably picked the skill up somewhere along the lines ] so maybe him helping your muse style their hair. or alternatively, play with his hair. he might fall asleep. 
someone hanging out with percy while he works. being interested in what he’s making & making the effort to understand his design. listening to him ramble, excitedly, to someone he trusts. this is part of his love language. 
percy entering sensory overload & having to remove himself from a situation. maybe your muse helps him work through it & he is able to share this part of him with them. 
romance i always want to write romance 
smthn spicy perhaps? he might cry though especially if he is in love
someone touch his fucking scars or i will explode
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kii2me2ii2 · 1 year
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you ever jus creep on your bros sleeping body to hold hands with him
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Do I read it out loud, or is it fine to just read it in my head?
In your head? Why would that do anything?
Mh. Some books are more powerful than others.
I mean, I'd consider this one pretty powerful.
Fair point. Different kind of powerful, then.
Yeah. Definitely feels like a separate thing from Trevor's vampires, or your knowledgey whatever.
It is.
Ah, just give us a knock when you're done.
Of course.
[INCREDULOUS] His? Damn it, Gertrude. At least use the right pronouns for them when you inscribe their death onto a page made of their own skin in a cursed book.
"His consciousness faded in and out like the tide. He tried to refuse their drugs, though for what purpose even he could not have said. Perhaps he was simply trying to push away the smell of disinfectant and grief that rose from his hospital bed. She was there sometimes, the one he had followed around the world. There was almost sadness in her eyes. He felt himself begin to slip, the icy certainty of what was happening seeping through his flesh, and as he fell away for the final time, he felt that all-consuming fear. And his only thought was to cry out for his mother. But with the last vestige of his stubborn will, he refused. She would not claim his last moment. He was silent.
And so Gerard Keay ended.”
Evelyn? The hell?
[SOFTLY] Hi, Gerry. Been a while, huh?
[SURPRISED] Yeah. It- it has. Did you know?
About what she did to you? Of course I didn't. I would've stopped her, which is probably why she didn't tell me.
How is the old hag, anyhow?
Well, she's gotten pretty well acquainted with Terminus in the past year, I'd say.
Damn. What finally did her in?
I think... Elias?
[LAUGHS INSINCERELY] Fucking perfect. That's a satisfying conclusion if there ever was one.
A satisfying conclusion, hm?
Who's her replacement, then? Sasha?
[QUIETLY] No. It's- it's me.
I wasn't the first pick, though. Some skeptic named Jon Sims was put in before me and lasted all of seven months.
Wow. Elias really dropped the ball on that one, huh?
Who knows? Maybe it was on purpose. Elias may not be a Weaver, but he definitely has his plots.
I hated that bastard. It's not enough to be evil, he has to be a smug dickhead about it.
Careful, wouldn't want him to see you saying that.
Er- as nice as it is to catch up, I actually wanted to talk to you about something important.
Big surprise.
You worked a lot closer with Gertrude than I did, right? Is there anything you can tell me about the Unknowing that I wouldn't already know?
[SIGHS] Straight to business, huh?
I'm sorry, Gerry. You know that's just how our lives are.
You call this a life? Not only does being a part of a damn Leitner hurt like hell, I get the fucking pleasure of being a bloody monster manual for the Van Helsings out there.
Is there... is there anything I can do?
Rip me out of the book. I'll tell you what I can about the Unknowing, then when you get back to the Institute you burn my page.
[CHUCKLES] No hesitation at all, huh?
Not for a friend.
...Thank you.
Alright, so Gertrude and I did a lot of busywork trying to figure it out. She figured that since so many aspects of it were replaceable, it couldn't actually be stopped beforehand, just delayed. But once it actually started, it could be vulnerable.
Dunno. But she thought she had something that could do it.
Do you know where I could find it?
Not long before I ended up in the hospital, she told me that if something got her first, I was… There’s a storage unit on an industrial estate up near Hainault. She said she rented it under the name Jan Kelly, and hid a key for it somewhere in the Archives.
[TO HERSELF] Storage unit near Hainault. Rented to Jan Kelly. Key hidden in Archives.
And she didn't tell you what it was?
No. When I asked her, she said she’d show me when we got back to London. Mind you, she had this weird look in her eyes, like it was some kind of a joke.
Oh. That's, hm. Not very funny?
Eh, she didn't really tell jokes, so I'm not surprised it fell flat.
Heh. Is there anything else you can tell me about the Unknowing?
Don't think so. I can't even guess where or when it'll be. Gertrude only told me about the things I could help her with.
That's alright. You've done more than enough, Gerry.
Wish we'd had a chance to just, hang out at some point.
You said it yourself, it's just how our lives are.
Do you think, before I burn you, I could summon you one last time and we can do a proper catch-up? It'd be nice to talk to you without any of the usual stakes.
That sounds nice. And you promise it'll just be a chat between friends? No apocalypse talk?
Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.
Can't believe you still say that, Evelyn.
Alright, talk to you later.
Later, Gerry.
I dismiss you.
I'm done.
How'd it go?
[NOT FINE] Fine.
I'll get the book back in its box, then?
So. Did he tell you what you needed to know?
As much as they could.
So, you knew them before, huh? How tear-filled was the reunion?
Don't be a dick. We were colleagues who got along.
[TEASING] 'Got along'?
[UNAMUSED] I'm aroace.
Oh. Uh, sorry.
Want a drink to make up for it?
How'd an American get to be the Archivist of an Institute in London, anyway?
Moved from DC to London in my twenties.
Which one's better in your opinion, the US or Britain?
The flight in between.
Well, if you're heading back up there, Trevor and I won't be able to join you to help with the Unknowing.
I figured as much. You've already done plenty to help, though.
And you brought us Max Mustermann's head. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with that. Plus, if you do save the world…
No 'if'.
Really though, thank you, Julia. I've actually made some progress thanks to you and Trevor.
Well, it’s just killing monsters really, isn’t it?
You wanna find an actual pub, instead of mooching off my flask?
I don't remember having a tape recorder with me when I talked to Gerry. Are those things just following me around now?
At least they're not trying to kill me.
Recording ends.
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hqmillioncorn · 2 years
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FFxivWrite: Day eight.......Tepid
‘Lonely girls across the world let’s wake up and fight!’
ai somnium files au :v)
on the night of her parents disappearance babycorn is taken to the rising stones abis branch to see if she knows anything more. special abis agent tilika pushes everyone else out of the way to talk with her but whats she supposed to say??? 
“Soooooo?” Tilika nervously tapped her knees in a rhythm. Had she been paying attention she would have noticed she was mimicking the peppy pop song she had heard on the radio during the drive here. It was hard to not listen to it these days, it seemed to be everywhere. “Have you heard that Half to Whole song ? It’s pretty catchy isn’t it?”
“Is that truly what you’re asking her?!”
“Listen if you have a better conversation starter to have with a ten year old girl that just found out her parents have gone missing then I’d love to hear it!”  
The little girl in front of Tilika finally looked up from playing with her fingers. Tilika noticed her eyes were still puffy from crying. Honestly, if her cousin didn’t potentially have new information about a case that most likely was connected to other disappearances around the city she would have left her back at the hospital with her brother.
“Tili Tili, you’re talking to yourself again.” Tilika had been doing this since she first picked her up from her house. It was getting kinda worrying.
Tilika stood up straight in surprise. “O-Oh?! Am I? Sorry I guess I just haven’t been getting enough sleep.” That wasn’t entirely a lie. Work on what the media had dubbed the ‘missing bodies’ case had slowed down to a crawl, though not by any lack of any effort on their part.
It wasn’t their most creative name honestly.
“Say I know! Maybe if I jump out of your eye and do a little dance on the table? That’ll cheer her up! Then she’ll know about me too! It’s a win-win!”
“I’m pretty sure that would make her cry even more.”
Teteo pouted. Not physically of course, given she was eyeball shaped at the moment.
“Whaaaat? No way. What could be funnier than watching an advanced AI bust a move?”
“Literally anything else! We don’t want to scare her anymore than she already is!” Tilika frowned, she knew Teteo was just trying to help in her own way but she preferred if the help wasn’t in the form of probably scaring her already scared cousin half to death. “I wish I knew how to help her…” Sure gathering information was important but Tilika’s first priority was making sure Babycorn was okay, then everything else would probably follow smoothly.
“Hey! :( I want to help Babycorn as much as you do! Maybe if we can get her stable enough to tell us what happened then we can use her testimony to find where her parents could have been taken!”
“What have I told you about listening to my private thoughts?” Tilika just knew that had Babycorn not been in the room with them Teteo would have projected a custom hologram of one of her unofficial LEYLINE stickers of her winking and going tee-hee.
“I’m sorry! I’m worried too! Babycorn and Yuri are my family as much as they are yours! Even if neither don’t know I exist! :0”
“There must be something we can do then…”
“Maybe…? Tilika do you think G’raha has clocked out yet?”
Tilika and Teteo were in agreement.
From Babycorn’s point of view she and her older cousin had been sitting in a quiet interrogation room for the past few minutes now. Not that she really noticed. Thoughts of what she saw last night we’re still plaguing her, even now she was having trouble putting everything together.
The only thing she was sure of was that she wanted to be with Yuri right now.
“Are you two sure about this?” G’raha was about halfway in finishing the processes for getting the Psync machine ready.
Tilika didn’t have an answer ready for that sort of question. In all honesty, psyncing into Babycorn’s dreams was a sudden last minute idea. She turned to look out the large window that separated them from the Psync machine. Babycorn was already fast asleep on the left of the machine, that’s where the person being Psyncing into was placed.
“I’ve never been too good at cheering people up with words. Not really.” Tilika placed her hand on the glass of the window, sighing. “I’m going in and I’m going to help Babycorn process what she saw that night and that’s final.” Even if it was after work hours and all three of them would probably get a stern talking to from Tataru after this.
“Not only that-! But we’re going to find her parents as well!” Teteo added.
G’raha sighed, “Well, I suppose I can’t really stop you then. If I didn’t help you I’m sure you would get Teteo to operate the Psync machine in my absence anyway.”
“Aww! G’raha you know me so well!” Tilika grinned.
G’raha stepped back and let the Psync machine finish setting itself up. “By the by, you said that you weren’t good at cheering people up but did you try having Teteo do a little dance for her? That always cheered me up!”
“See? See? I told you!”
So that was where Teteo had gotten the idea from. “You and Babycorn are not the same.” Maybe had circumstances been different Babycorn would have gotten a kick out of watching Teteo breakdance but Tilika suspected that right now it would only make her burst into tears again. Much like she had earlier when Tilika pretended to get her hand stuck in the vending machine at the hospital, that joke always made Babycorn laugh when she was younger.
“There’s something more to this isn’t there?” Teteo asked, “You told me not to peek into your private thoughts but I can tell there’s something going on without looking.”
“Can’t hide anything from you, can I?”
“I’d be really surprised if you could! And impressed!”
“Do you remember last week when we visited Aleria and Lalatov? They seemed really worried about something… And even Babycorn was acting strange…” It felt like there was something weighing down almost everyone in the house, like there was something hanging around them that they couldn’t talk about.
“Babycorn didn’t even want to color with you…” Teteo had to remotely drive the whole way back home because Tilika spent the entire trip sobbing in the backseat about Babycorn not liking her anymore.
“There’s something more to this I just know it” And for Babycorn and Yuri’s sake she was going to get to the bottom of it.
Tilika laid back on the Psync machine chair. This was always the worst part, the chairs were so uncomfortable. With all the money they got from various organizations that Tataru mingled with at least one of them had to give enough to afford comfier chairs.
G’raha turned on the intercom from the room above, “Since Krile isn’t here I’ll be handling everything from here and she would have some very choice words for me if I didn’t remind you that you can only spend six minutes in a Psync.” Thankfully among the other special agents Tilika was known to be the most patient in listening to the rules before a Psync.
Thancred and Y'shtola were usually tied for first and Urianger was a cool second.
“Got it G’raha! Thanks for this by the way. I know you probably weren’t planning to stay here overnight…”
“Oh please, don’t mention it. I will do anything to finally put this nightmare of a case to an end.”
There was also the fact that in the short time he had known Babycorn he’d gotten a little attached to her. If there was a way to pay Babycorn back for giving him half of her muffin that she got from the vending machine on one of his most stressful days then by god he would.
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yumeyumeappleo · 20 days
i freaking love bungo stray dogs guys
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