#this got SO LONG but it's because i LOVE SCRIBES
thegnomelord · 5 months
this isn’t a request but you’re the only writer i know who writes the monster!au so
dragon!reader and dragon!price are haunting my thoughts. dragons usually have to hold themselves back when sparring because they’re so much stronger than other monsters but with price & reader they don’t need to, to the point where the other members of the 141 are kinda wondering if they need to intervene.
what they do or don’t know is this is you and price courting, testing each other’s strength to assess whether you’re suitable mates. once you have decided you’re suitable it continues in the bedroom, fighting for dominance and testing each other’s stamina as price rides you or you pin price down and see if he can take all the strength behind your thrusts.
OH god I LOVE the way you think! I know @rodolfoparras also did a dragon price some time ago but I'm happy to let my monsterfucker out lol :D I'll consider this a spitball thingy but GOD DAMN did my hyperfixation hyperfixate on this :Ddd kinda rushed at the end but it's 3AM :/
What about if dragons measure not just raw strength, but all other aspects as well? They're prideful by nature and with so little of them remaining no self-respecting dragon will settle for a witless brute or a powerless scribe.
Price had lost hope in finding a mate centuries ago because he's even pickier than most of his kin; in his view, a proper one needs to be strong enough to completely pin him down, needs to be smart enough to see the insults in his honeyed words and give back as good as he does, needs to be clever enough to lead men as good as he does.
A proper mate needs to keep up with him on all levels.
And for a dragon of his age, that's an unachievable set of criteria. Oh sure, many of the dragons he's met over the years have tried to match him, but all fell short, leaving him lonely and unsatisfied.
Then he met you, a fellow Captain, a fellow dragon. Though only a few centuries younger than him, you're a wyrmling in his eyes, your scales like shining metal compared to his muddled gemstones. An arrogant wyrmling if the way you peacock for him the first time you enter the training room has anything to say about it— your wings spreading out and muscles rippling, back straightening out to make you taller, scales glinting in the artificial light; little details that anyone else can brush off as a simple stretch but to a dragon it screams of your interest in him.
His slitted eyes roam across your body, both equal parts disdain and curiosity. "Got somethin' ta say there boy?" His words are rough like sandpaper.
"No, no." You hum as you get into the ring, every little movement purposely done to showcase your hard earned musculature. "Just that you should skip out on this fight. Wouldn't want you to throw your back out old man."
"Old man huh?" His eyes blaze with the same fire at the end of his cigar, your words igniting something in his chest that had long been extinguished. "I'll show you old."
And suddenly he's in the ring, both of you trading blow for blow with the same savagery your progenitors had frightened mankind with for millennia, your claws leaving deep grooves in the concrete when you miss his side, his tail smashing a portion of the ground into dust when you avoid it, the ground between you cracking when you try to push the other away, loose scales and dust and debris littering the ground as you and Price wrestle on the ground.
Both of your teams watch from the sidelines, your team calming the other members of TF141 that this is just how dragons are, pointedly ignoring your victorious snarl when you pin Price down to the ground, your clawed hand harshly pushing his face into the concrete to the point you might break his nose as you bite the back of his neck, forcing him to submit. "I win,"
"Not fer long." He snarls back just as deep, feeling alive for the first time in who knows how long. "Best two out of three." And with that he jerks, remaining wing slamming into your side and knocking you off balance long enough for him to fling you into the wall opposite of him.
You don't know how many rounds you go before you're forced to stop by a very pissed off Laswell, who also pointedly ignores the obvious bulges in what remains of both of your pants, giving both of you a stern talking to about wrecking the damn training room.
You're ready to leave after being chastised like a child but Price is quicker, passing you with a "Good fight back there." rumbling in his throat, the soft scales of his wing brushing along your jaw. Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you meet his gaze, and Price has a good poker face but the smoldering look in his eyes and the low grumble in his chest makes it's obvious you've peaked his curiosity.
But that's just the start, the hard part is keeping it. While regular dragons may spend time with a potential mate conversing on scholarly subjects or having philosophical debates, you and him have a more practical way of assessing the other's intellect — Battle plans.
To your teams it sounds like a harsh argument, ideas thrown around and sharp insults tacked on top, their heads ping ponging between you and Price as you look over maps, trying to one up the other. Eventually your teammates leave you to settle this on your own.
"And I'm telling you, old man," You growl, both of you so close there's barely any space between you as you point at the map. "We can push a smaller team through the forest while we lead the frontal assault, our wip's not going to have anywhere to go then." You huff, holding your head up high to make it obvious you're proud of your idea.
Price gives you the stink eye, before he scans the map again, humming to himself. After a few seconds he lets out a scoff. "We don't have enough men for that." He says, but the sharp edge in his tone is dulled. "But—" His tail moves to brush against your own, your rough scales brushing against his smoother ones. "—It has some merit."
Price doesn't draw attention to the way your tails intertwine, wrapping together like two snakes, and neither do you. But the short purr that bubbles out of your chest says everything he needs to know, growing louder when he answers with his own, your shoulders brushing together. "Aight, back to work." He cuts your purrs short, but you can't hide the pleased look on your face as your tails remain coiled together.
Then comes the actual courting dance.
One late evening spent looking over documents in the privacy of his office, your tails once again coiled beneath the desk after successfully having proved your wit to him again, absentmindedly telling embarrassing stories of your respective teams. . . Price has a revelation. You might be it. "Hey lad."
You look up, your full attention on him. "Yeah?"
With a mumbled grunt too quiet for you to hear Price slides a hand beneath his shirt and pulls a large green scale from the meat of his shoulder blade, the wound healing before it can even bleed.
Instinctively you know what this means, for knowing how a prospective mate treats an extension of you will show how they'll treat you. But you still speak up, needing proof for your own mind that you're not insane and haven't been burning the wrong tree. "What?"
Price glares at you, "Don't play dumb," He says as he slides the large scale across the table to you. "It doesn't suit you." There's an underlayer of heat in his words, blue slitted eyes looking you over in a much more appreciative light.
You can't control the big grin that spreads across your face, "Oh, then what does suit me?" You ask as you follow his lead, yanking out one of your larger scales from your own back and sliding it to him. It makes the difference between you two obvious, his green scale muddled with age compared to your shiny one.
"Arrogant muppet." The gentle way he picks up your scale clashes with his harsh words, cradling it in his hand like it'll crack at the slightest of touches, his face reflected in the surface.
You grin, "Just confident." You feel his sharp eyes judge every minute twitch of your fingers as you pick up his scale. Price's poker face hides the way his heart melts at the loving way you brush a thumb across the surface, how it throbs when you don't immediately attempt to make it shine like some whelps once did, accepting him for how he is by putting it in your breast pocket.
God, he doesn't even know how much he'd fantasized about something like this when he was still young, vestiges of a purr escaping his throat at the tender way you treat his scale. "Right." He shakes his head and places your scale in his own breast pocket, handing you another stack of papers. "Get back to work."
You grin and do as he says, wings twitching as a sign of joy, your tail squeezing down on his and receiving a squeeze in kind.
Price feels like a horny teen when he lays awake in bed late at night with your scale held between his claws. He feels stupid for feeling so giddy at the thought of having a mate, a proper mate, yet his body thinks differently. Just holding it in his hand is enough to make him grow hot, your scent still clings to the scale and Price finds himself holding it close to his nose to familiarize himself with it and Hell his body loves it, cocks growing hard in record time and his thighs wet with slick. The poor thing doesn't even know what to relieve first, his free hand constantly going between stroking his cocks and fingering himself, mind craving the heat of another dragon that he'd been deprived of.
What Price doesn't know is that you're in the same boat, biting your arm to silence yourself as you imagine it's Price you're breeding instead of a pillow, splintering the headboard from how hard you're gripping it in an attempt to not damage the scale.
Then shit hits the fan when during a routine mission you two are ambushed, and while two dragons are no easy prey for mankind, humans have long since gone from using rocks and sticks. You catch sight of a sniper's scope glint seconds before the bullet targets Price, and in only a few seconds to think you throw yourself in the way, Price's scale in your breast pocket puts enough resistance to make you survive the bullet, but you feel it crack, and that. . . that sets you off.
Price doesn't even have the time to lift his gun before you're tearing through the battlefield like a man possessed, anger burning like a volcano in your chest for trying to hurt him, elemental breath and draconic strength unleashed to it's fullest potential.
And Price? Price watches the show with that same heat burning in his belly, forced to bite his lip to silence the pleased purrs as he rubs his thighs together while you tear flesh from bone, mate flashing in his mind. Look how he protects you His mind purrs, Good mate. Perfect mate.
"I'm sorry." You whimper when you've finally calmed down, the battlefield nothing but a ruined crater and the shards of his scale held tenderly in your cupped hands. "I failed, I-"
"Come here." Price cuts you off quickly and pulls you down into a harsh and desperate kiss, all teeth and tongue and need. He parts just a fraction of an inch, "You passed." He growls and only then do you notice the sharp arousal in his scent, your animalistic hindbrain jumping for joy as you kiss back because holy shit he considers you worthy.
And now that he's found his mate? You best believe his body is going to make up for all the centuries he'd spent alone.
It doesn't even take a week for him to enter heat, waking in a daze with his twin cocks hard and his thighs glistening with slick, your scent lingering in the sheets and your side of the bed still warm. The walls almost shake from how deeply he growls when he registers that you're not next to him, just enough sense in his head to throw on a towel around his waist before angerly stomping through the halls to find you, sniffing you out like a bloodhoud.
"Bloody muppet." Price growls as he yanks you by the horns back to his room, the scent of his arousal so potent you're struck dumb, letting yourself be pushed down. Price's claws slice through your clothes, his hole so slick and eager for you he doesn't even need to stretch, just jumps onto your lap and in one fluid motion takes one of your cocks to the root. "Fuckin' finally." Price hisses, instantly setting a harsh pace of bouncing on your cock that would have had a lesser race end up with a crushed pelvis.
You grip his hips for dear life, surging up to mark his neck and shoulders with bites as he does the same, his ass clapping against your thighs. "Mate." Price moans, hole clenching around you, his cocks leaking against your stomach. "My mate." He grips your hair and pulls you into a bruising kiss, "Going to last long for me yeah?" He asks, a bit of mockery on his flushed face as he feels you cum inside him, riding you through your orgasm as the sudden onslaught of sensations frazzles the intelligent parts of your brain. "Not going to disappoint me now are you?"
Good thing dragons have really short refractory periods.
"Not a chance." You snarl and flip him over suddenly, rumbling purrs escaping your chest from the surprised sound he makes. You attempt to pin him down and he squirms out of your hold, another bout of wrestling breaking out between you that has you two tumbling off the bed and onto the ground.
"That so whelp?" Price breathes out when you manage to pin him down, your strong hand keeping his face flush with the floor. "Do you really think you can keep up?" A pleased thrill runs down his spine from the sensation of your weight bearing down on him, his knees automatically locking up to hike his ass up, tail flipping up to display his slick hole for you.
"Do you?" You counter, one hand on his head, the other pressing both of your dicks together, your two tips pressing against his ass. "You're so wet and desperate, should have just pinned you down the moment I saw you instead of courting you." With one sharp thrust you push in, a pained and elated moan tearing out of his throat at the sensation of your twin cocks spreading him wider than any toy ever could, scratching that itch he'd had for who knows how long.
The stretch and burn and pleasure muddles his mind, reduces him to low animalistic snarls and growls as he does his best to push his hips into yours. "Hurry the fuck up." Price orders, whole body shaking from the way you set a harsh pace, bashing on his prostate, your balls slapping against his own, each hard thrust pushing and pulling his face across the floor. "I'll- fuck- fall asleep."
"You sure about that?" You push your weight further on him, forcing his wing to spread out, your own partially wrapping around him, "Seems to me like-" A bit of elemental breath leaves your throat when one particularly strong thrust has his hole clamping down on you, his back arching to push his hips as close to yours as one of his cocks spews cum on the floor, "-like you're not in a place to order me around."
"You- ah-fuck-ah- wanker." His insult would be a lot more hurtful if he didn't whine like a bitch in heat, both of you devolving into primitive snarls and growls with the only thought on both of your minds being the need to fill Price with as much of your cum as you physically can.
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saetoru · 1 year
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alhaitham is a smart man—he likes to think it’s one of his best strengths. in fact, he likes to take pride in his capacity to come up with a quick solution to most of the things life throws at him…except maybe this.
you’re mad—livid, actually—and for the first time in what feels like his entire life, his brain fails him on how to fix the issue at hand. perhaps that’s largely because he doesn’t quite know why you’re mad (you insist he should know), but there’s also the fact that you refuse to be rational and discuss the problem, and that’s not his fault.
but expressing as much lands him on the couch for the night, and now not only are you even more upset with him, but his back hurts too. it’s only added insult to injury that kaveh finds this ordeal thoroughly amusing, and alhaitham thinks it’s times like these that throwing out the leech of his roommate is his best option—the guest room could be his right now if not for a certain irritating blonde, and the bed would be much better for his back too.
“still getting the silent treatment, i see,” kaveh grins, a little too enthused for alhaitham’s liking at his predicament. he glowers, taking a sip of his much too bitter coffee—usually you make it for him, but between the sharp look you send him when he approaches and your insistence to avoid him, he safely assumes coffee is out of the question to ask of you for now.
and because he doesn’t need kaveh to have more leverage to laugh at him, he forces himself not to make a face as he swallows the bitter drink in his mug.
“and i don’t see how it’s any of your business,” alhaitham grumbles, watching as kaveh rummages through his fridge with his food in his home.
“it’s not,” kaveh hums, pulling out ingredients that he most certainly has not paid for with his own wallet, “but it’s undoubtedly entertaining to witness. if i were you, i’d have definitely figured out why i’m on the couch by now.”
“you have to actually date someone before you can be sent to the couch,” alhaitham raises a brow, feeling the slightest bit of satisfaction as he watches kaveh’s features twist into anger, “but seeing as you have no love life—”
“well, i know why you’re on the couch,” kaveh interrupts, crossing his arms as he glares down the scribe.
now that—that catches alhaitham’s attention. why does kaveh know why you’re mad at him? why have you told kaveh and not him? and why hasn’t kaveh told him by now? how dare kaveh eat his food and sleep on the bed that could be his right now and keep this information from him?
“you do?” he blinks, staring at the blonde in bewilderment before scowling, “so then tell me, why have i been sent—”
“that’s for you to figure out, and him to keep to himself,” you interrupt, making both heads turn to you as you enter the kitchen.
and truthfully, as pathetic as it might be, alhaitham is slightly relieved you’ve spoken to him after days for the first time—even if it’s not exactly the words he hopes to hear. he eyes you as you walk into the kitchen, watches as you pull out two mugs and walk to the coffee machine. and then he pauses—why do you need two mugs?
“kaveh,” you say a little too sweetly, “would you like a cup of coffee?”
almost like he knows—and alhaitham is sure he does because of the amused glance he spares—kaveh nods with an appreciative smile.
“i would love one,” kaveh grins, and alhaitham glares daggers at his roommate, tightening his grip on his own coffee mug.
“okay,” alhaitham sets down his drink, staring intensely at the back of your head as you pretend not to hear him, “what’s got you mad? it’s been days, and it’s very counterproductive to avoid the—”
“you’ll have to figure that one out on your own,” you say coldly, “you should know what you’ve done wrong. i’m not spelling it out for you.”
“you should be quite a spelling expert with how long you keep that nose buried in books,” kaveh adds, and there’s enough mirth lacing his tone that it takes alhaitham everything from splashing his (awful) coffee at his roommate’s face.
“perhaps you’ll find value in reading some romantic novels here and there,” alhaitham shoots back, “since that’s your only experience with romance anyway.”
“maybe you can take your own advice,” you huff, “you need some romance pointers yourself.”
at that, kaveh snickers and alhaitham turns to look at you with slight betrayal in his features, watching as you slide what he’s sure is a delicious and not bitter mug of freshly brewed coffee to the blonde. you’re not supposed to side with kaveh—and you’re certainly not supposed to make kaveh coffee in the mornings, yet here you are, doing everything in your power to remind alhaitham that you’re still angry. it’s been days, and he’s is still as clueless today as he was the first day, still just as confused with what it is exactly he’s done to upset you this thoroughly.
and then, like the gods have blessed him through a certain big mouth, he hears kaveh’s loud voice, “you could certainly take a few notes how not to forget about dates—”
oh. right. he was supposed to take you for a date—the first date since he’s become acting grand sage, the first date since his schedule’s effectively become a lot less flexible and a lot more difficult to squeeze in a moment with you outside of collapsing in bed beside you after a long day. alhaitham watches as you shoot a sharp look at kaveh, shutting him up with just one look as he rubs the back of his neck.
“kaveh,” you hiss, cutting him off and glaring at him as he shoots you an apologetic look once he realizes he’s accidentally spoken too much. but it’s too late—alhaitham seems to blink in realization, slowly rising to walk over to you across the kitchen.
“so that’s why you’re mad,” he mumbles, “i didn’t mean to forget our date. i’ll take you on one tonight,” he says, making you raise a brow unimpressed.
“and?” you press, making alhaitham’s brows furrow.
“and…i won’t forget again,” he nods slowly, as if sure of himself and his ability to finally fix the situation.
you, however, only scoff, rolling your eyes before shoving past him, making him blink in surprise as you hiss, “you can stay on the couch in that case.”
“you’re supposed to say i’m sorry, genius,” kaveh calls from the side, and only because alhaitham doesn’t want to sleep on the couch anymore (and definitely not because he realizes kaveh is right), he grabs your wrist and pulls you against his chest.
“i’m sorry,” he says—and it’s awkward, it’s a little stiff and almost sounds forced, but it’s gentle all the same and sincere as he presses a kiss against your forehead. and much to your dismay, you can’t stay mad no matter how hard you try—because it’s alhaitham, and he’s difficult and in a world of his own, but he’s your alhaitham, somehow lovable under all that irritating know-it-all attitude of his. “i won’t forget again. i guess being acting grand sage takes its toll even on me.”
“you better not,” you grumble, letting him wrap his arms around your waist, reluctantly letting yours snake around his neck. “it won’t be the couch next time if you do—i’ll make you sleep outside.”
“honestly, it’s what he deserves for taking my keys—” and after days of tolerating kaveh’s amusement at his expense, alhaitham thinks it’s sufficiently satisfying watching his roommate go silent after the harsh look you send him over your shoulder, quickly leaving the kitchen with an excuse to finish work mumbled under his breath.
“can’t we send him outside instead?” alhaitham mumbles, burying his face into your neck.
you only hum, threading your fingers through his hair and pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head, “if anything, i should send both of you.”
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thank you miss bub my luv for reading over this and helping me figure out this mediocre idea of mine jfjdfs
© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik
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strwbrythoughts · 4 months
no stopping a man in love | alhaitham
In which the traveler and Paimon catches Alhaitham indulging in something unexpected.
A/N: I might as well make this whole blog dedicated to Alhaitham because man's got my heart in a chokehold :(
Divider by @/osqrie
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The House of Daena was filled with the sounds of pages turned over and the quick footsteps of the students flitting from one bookcase to another. Furrowed eyebrows and downturned lips decorated each of their faces. The librarian seemed stressed out to navigate the flurry of students and assist them in finding books. Even a stranger could tell the obvious; examination season was right around the corner.
Alhaitham, the ex-Acting Grand Sage and current Scribe of the Akademiya, had his eyes glued onto his surroundings. Though his expression remained neutral, he couldn't deny the feeling of annoyance building up inside him. The library was way too noisy to be called one. It was a good thing that he was enjoying his read so far. Though, the choice of reading fiction was something that not a lot of people would expect from him.
Yes, he had a book titled "The Genius Falls in Love!" nestled in his hands.
He didn't really catch the eye of anyone. After all, it wasn't weird that the Scribe would spend his day in the library instead of his office. His work hours were long but he never really complied to them. That was something that the students were mighty jealous of. What they didn't know, however, was that his work was always submitted on time with the highest quality. A trait that most of them could only hope to achieve.
Alhaitham put on his noise-cancelling earphones. His eyes relaxed slightly as he could focus better on the book in his hand. He was already on chapter 22. An impressive amount of reading, given that he only received the book that morning.
His body rested fully onto the chair he sat on. He closed his eyes, remembering the sweet smile his wife gave him as she handed him the book.
'Here, honey!' she exclaimed, shoving a book into his hands. 'If you miss me at work, read this book I wrote! And tell me how it went, yeah?'
From the moment he stepped out of their shared house, he flipped the book open. 'Ridiculous,' he thought to himself. 'I always miss you when you're not by my side.'
And so off he went. He finished all the work he deemed urgent enough on that day, before immediately going back to reading. It was quite the comical sight, really. The stoic genius reading a fictional book? A romance, at that? Impossible. Utterly ridiculous.
And yet, here he was.
The work day passed by so quickly when he spent it reading. Before he knew it, the librarian came over to his spot and told him that the library was closing. Alhaitham immediately got up and left to go home.
The walk back was quiet and peaceful enough. The mere sight of his wife's face as she greeted him at the door was enough to make a smile appear on his face, no matter how slight.
"Honey! How was work today? What did you eat during lunch? Did you have time to read my book?" It was expected that his wife would bombard him with questions the moment he came home. However, she was special in every way. For instance, he would always answer each question she had calmly, no matter how frequent or stupid they may be.
"I'm back. Work was completed like usual today. I ate the lunch you prepared for me, and I'm halfway through your book, my dear."
His wife giggled at the thought of her husband taking some time out of his busy day to read her work. What she didn't know was that his day was scheduled around her, and never around anything else.
Until the traveler and Paimon had some interesting news to bring to her.
"Traveler, look! Is Alhaitham reading...a romance?"
Paimon's voice bounced off the walls of the House of Daena. She had successfully captured the eyes of many students, causing the traveler to put their hand over their head. Perhaps to block a headache induced by her lack of realisation that they were in the library.
Paimon's hands flew over her mouth right after the words were uttered. Her eyes seemed apologetic enough, darting over to the traveler as a silent apology. The traveler merely shot her an awkward smile.
It was a good thing that Alhaitham himself did not pay them any mind. The way his ears perked up slightly showed that he indeed heard Paimon, but perhaps chose to ignore them. However, the eyes glued to his person was quite bothersome, even for someone as stoic as him.
He shut the book in his hands quite loudly, hinting his irritation at Paimon. She only gulped and shot a panicked expression at the traveler, who deadpanned at her. The both of them stood still as they heard Alhaitham's footsteps approach them. He was getting closer and closer with each thud of his footsteps.
"I would appreciate if you did not point out whatever business unrelated to you." His voice was calm, just like his expression. His eyes told a different story all together. The traveler's flying companion could only apologise repeatedly, while the traveler shot him an apologetic smile.
After a few seconds of awkward silence between the trio, the Scribe walked away from the both of them. His right hand carried the romance book he was reading quite delicately, as if it was his most precious treasure. And it truly was.
Anything related to his wife was a treasure to him, and he would never forgive himself if he failed to appreciate even the simplest things about her.
"...and that was it! He seemed really annoyed that the Akademiya students were looking at him curiously." Paimon ended her story to Alhaitham's wife. She merely chuckled at the tale.
"Of course he was. He dislikes people getting into his business after all."
"Are you sure he isn't acting like that because he's embarrassed about getting caught reading something so...unexpected, of him?" The traveler furrowed their eyebrows as their companion asked such question with no hesitation. She really needed to learn to read the room sometimes.
Before she could answer, Alhaitham embraced his wife from behind. His eyes were calm, as if having his wife in his arms was all it took to make him feel tranquil.
"Do you really think I'd be reading such book in public if I were to be 'embarrassed' about it? Moreover, how could my lovely wife ever make me feel embarrassed?"
That was more than enough of an answer for the traveler and Paimon. They smiled sweetly at the response. The smiles were short lived, however, as Alhaitham sent them both out of his house, wanting to be alone with his wife.
Ah, well. There's no stopping a man in love, is there?
Thank you for reading! <3
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lazywriters-blog · 4 months
Summary: Alhaitham used to be your mentor, and after leaving him behind and pursuing another career, he finds a way to bind you to him. [This was sitting in my drafts for so long that I decided to just publish it so if it's bad, my bad lol.]
Warning: This may contain triggering content, read at your discretion. Implied rape, forced pregnancy, and manipulation. Alhaitham is a piece of shit in this-
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You had a dream that didn't feel like one.
Your mind is clear and you remember something was amiss the night you fell asleep, so you are certain whatever glimpse you recall was truthful. You could never imagine yourself having a wet dream about someone you disapproved of.
Despite the man's appearance attracting you to him, there's just something about him you don't like. Perhaps sitting here and watching him read his book made you a crazed fangirl, but you were a decent human being with decent expectations.
And alhaitham was one exception you'd avoid till the end, even with the tolerance level you had, he went past above and beyond that.
Seeing him so far away from you felt odd, having a realistic dream was different but feeling it and knowing you felt it was different! You couldn't make up such fantasies even if you wanted to. You did not invite him into your dreamland and never would, he's the type of man with stoic feelings and selfishness with good reasons for it.
You also had a hate-love relationship with the scribe, he's an asshole who nagged you to do everything perfectly when you were in front of him and made you feel unqualified. You'd admit you weren't good, but the humiliation was taking it a bit too far when he'd speak loud and clear for everyone to hear and think about it.
You aren't a failed test subject to show.
Nonetheless, you had forgotten about it and moved on to a better place in life, so his abrupt existence was cutting it too close.
But, trying to talk to him just seemed wrong. Comforting him seemed childish, and unnecessary when you could live on with the fact you had a wet dream about him, but past that, he's close to an enemy to you.
He closed his book and settled it on the table, folding his arms and glancing straight toward you, so he knew you were here. Copying his position you glared, feeling something nasty within you grow and you had no shame in expressing that to the man.
Grinning wide, you tilted your head and quietly mouthed 'Fuck you.' briefly pulling up your hand and pointing a middle finger, throwing him one last look you got up and walked away.
If that incident earned you a bad reputation, you knew exactly who was behind it.
The next sign you discovered that your dream wasn't as fake as you made it out to be, was when you woke up nauseous and threw up, you figured it was a mash of bad food combination that made you queasy.
And denial was hard, how were you going to explain it even if it was true? 'I think it has something to do with the wet dream I had with my enemy and I think I'm pregnant?' just thinking about it you feel delusional you couldn't fathom how crazy you would sound to the others, you weren't lost in the head.
You had your toes on solid ground and weren't making stuff up on thin air, nor because you were living alone and thinking having a new member would cure it.
You'd never be that desperate.
"You are showing clear symptoms of pregnancy." He's saying it and you don't like the tone of his voice, he's saying it to get revenge for your past interaction, you are sure.
"Your skin is glowing, and the bump you are trying to hide isn't doing much," he added, like salt to a wound. You forced a smile, thinking to yourself that staying indoors today would have been so much better than facing him in all his selfish glory.
"And would you happen to know who did it?" You sniped back, "How do you even know that I've gotten fat unless you've been watching me, pervert, learn to lower your eyes."
"It shouldn't take a genius to know that a woman is carrying a child. It's a blessing you're hiding."
"You're saying it as if it's your child." she would know after years of suffering under him, that he would make her the fool and him the trustworthy one, and she didn't want to give him a chance. So if he wants to play dumb, she'll cut him open.
He chuckled, a rare gesture from him she saw only once, "Should we have a paternity test?" why did he sound so smug and certain?
"Is this your indirect way of saying that I'm crazy? That you impregnated me?" he stayed quiet and satisfied, all the trouble he was causing her and the damage it would bring to her reputation was unnerving, he was doing it on purpose. She was sure!!
"You are a monster." She could strangle him right now if they weren't in public.
He smiled, not breaking eye contact and continuing to maintain it. "Who would believe you?"
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suguru-getos · 6 months
Genshin Impact characters and how they comfort you (F!Reader):
A/N: It's been a while lovelies :P since yours truly touched Genshin Impact. In all honesty, the game remains to be my comfort game & the characters give me so much joy. Here's me, word-vomiting about them blorbos. ;)
Characters included: Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Ayato
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The only reason he hasn't cried (yet) is because he is thinking hard on what to do when you're blue. Would probably suggest that you and him go together for a walk! Hey! Don't judge him - a walk fixes everything. Besides, someone who hasn't had a romantic interest in centuries really needs to learn a thing or two. He doesn't mind writing an official application about his absence and walking along the streets of Fontaine with you. He knows the Melusine village brings you a lot of comfort so it's also his go-to place whenever he's feeling down. He tried making you taste different kinds of waters - yep, didn't end well for the Hydro Dragon Sovereign. However, lessons are to be learnt and he learnt them well! Now, he has realized that mostly, your sadness can be satiated with something delectable to soothe your tongue. He started with soup, well? Naturally.. though that didn't end well either. He now has realized what he might like, you might/might not. So, he takes the more aware turn & takes you to places you like, or sometimes doesn't do anything. Happily wraps his arms around you, kisses your forehead and doesn't say anything. Silence and hugs? Best! He's noticed you like that far better.
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The Yashiro Commissioner is a cocky fellow, and sometimes a tad too overconfident. He thinks he knows you inside out; that's not something he refers from you though. He thinks it's because no one can ever love you more than Kamisato Ayato. (He is kinda right? Though what's worse is he is mostly correct about the things that you need.) Like - he knows when that period begins, and when the mood swings absolutely obliterate you; he knows some Fontainian chocolate, or Mousse will come to the rescue. Some dangos might also help. The Kamisato Estate staff is trained to not fall pale to your needs. You & him both know that with all the travel opportunities you accompany Ayato in, you do have taste-buds which would be bored with Inazuman food alone. Whenever there is something bothering you personally, Ayato would ask you to vent it out. He firmly believes in annoying you with persistent cooing and crooning of, "Hey Princess, what's got that pretty face so long?" / "Oh come now, don't tell me you would hide things from your husband? I feel judged already. Do I not deserve to know?" You do end up telling him everything - and while Ayato is surprisingly good at giving advices… you always like how he asks first, if you want him to listen, or give his opinions.
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The Scribe of Sumeru's Akademiya who is also your boyfriend - usually takes the overly analytical route, rationalizing everything. So you often don't tell him about the things that bother you. Since he is so observant and keen however, you can never really slide something that's got you down under the rug either. "You are behaving differently." Alhaitham commented, "Usually when you come home, from outside… you freshen up." He comments at the lack thereof, watching you squirm under his gaze. Of course, whenever you feel down your mind and body send you in a slump. "Oh- yeah, I'll get to that." You quickly comment, though you're cut off by his tender hold on your wrist. "Course you can, something wrong?" Now he knows the 'Female Anatomy', as he likes to call it. Often going out of his way to explain your hormonal cycle, what you should do when you are in your leutal, menstrual, ovulation phases etc. You don't have to say much in certain times as such. Though he acts like nothing's the matter when you do vent about let's say - something at work/Akademiya; there have been instances where he would pay personal visits to some people for pissing his girl off. Duality? Yep.
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'His' Grace; is extremely kind to everyone, and fair. You being his significant other, get your own perks from time to time. For example: He is always available for tea for his little one. He is always available to listen to you whenever. He considers it fortunate enough that you are willing to live in the Fortress of Meropide with him - he knows it's the harshest decision especially from someone who hasn't done any crime whatsoever. There are days when even someone like Wriothesley (who seldom goes out) makes sure that he visits the world up above with you. Might take you to the Opera, might take you to those fabulous boutiques, anything and everything fashion the second he notices your eyes glim. Nope, none of that is tolerated here. The prisoners have started calling you 'Her Grace'; while you do not prefer it, Wriothesley does not mind, he is fine with you being treated like someone treasured. That would ensure that people around you would tend to you also, when you're down. Damn does this man love body massages, giving them to you and watching your shoulders slump. He needs to be so careful with you though. Can’t be too rough else his little baby would break… <3
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yaesnovels · 1 year
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synopsis: after being married for quite some time, you and alhaitham decide to expand your family and try for a baby – unfortunately, things don’t work out as you imagine for a bit. after a short chat with kaveh, alhaitham decides to try switching up things a little and try the kaveh way while trying to get you pregnant – letting loose completely and making you feel absolutely loved and cherished. 
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cw: fem!reader, she/her pronouns used but only in the beginning; mentions of pregnancy, trying for a baby, breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampies, overstimulation, oral (fem receiving), pet names (god there’s so many; baby, babe, sweetheart, good girl, my queen, honey, princess), slight degradation (he calls you his pretty slut once or twice lol), aftercare
minors, please do not interact. i‘m okay with likes because i don‘t go through those but do not interact with my blog via reblogs or comments.
wc; 2.6k
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alhaitham was rolling his eyes when he heard kaveh’s laugh, the blond architect acting to be wiping tears off his cheeks. “so, you’re actually telling me that you were completely relying on logic with this whole thing?” 
“yeah, so? what’s so wrong about it?”, alhaitham argued back, it simply just made so much more sense for him to get real with facts and logic about your mutual decision to try for a baby, after being married for quite some time and being absolutely ready and sure about it. “it doesn’t really make sense to try when she isn’t even able to get pregnant, so what’s the problem here?”
“alhaitham, you’re such an idiot, oh god”, kaveh laughed. “so, you guys have only been having regular fucks whenever she was ovulating and didn’t even pay attention on how you were feeling at all? of course things wouldn’t work out like that!”
that made the scribe think – no, neither of you had really considered that your emotions and the intimacy throughout the process of trying. the more kaveh spoke on what to pay attention to, alhaitham was absolutely sure on what to do – well, luckily, you were ovulating anyway. he couldn’t totally let go of relying on logic with this.
he might as well make things up to you for not paying attention to you as much as he should have as your husband. and he might as well try the kaveh way of things to get your mutual dream come true. 
the moment you were back home, alhaitham pulled you inside the house, close to himself and lifting up your chin as he kissed you. he kissed you, oh, so softly, he hadn’t been this gentle with you in such a long time. 
you knew that he had been absolutely busy with the akademiya falling apart so he was insanely stressed out with the sudden workload. so, the whole baby making thing you were both excited about had been a complete disappointment so far – he probably didn’t even realize how much the stress affected his mood and you didn’t really want to talk to him about it either. 
he was going to realize it sooner or later and it appeared that just now, he did realize it. “i’m so sorry for neglecting you recently”, he mumbled, burying his face against your neck. “i’ve been a terrible husband, haven’t i?”
“well, i wouldn’t say terrible because either way, i love you, but yeah, the last couple of weeks were somewhat lonely for me”, you replied, voice soft as you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying your best not to sound too sad about the whole situation. 
“i love you”, alhaitham said, planting yet another kiss on your lips before he pulled you inside to the kitchen where you were met with an already prepared, candlelit dinner that had you look at him with so much love in your eyes. 
“this all looks so great, thank you, my love”, you smiled, sitting down, as you immediately dived in, groaning at how good it all tasted. “this is amazing.” 
“of course, love. you deserve all the best.”
after dinner, he pulled out some wine as he put on some of the sensual music he got from kaveh (which he only accepted reluctantly, after deciding it was time to pamper you since he didn’t get to do that for so long now). 
“going all out tonight, aren’t you?”, you teased, “well, it wouldn’t be fair if i were to let you do everything right?” 
you finally returned from the bedroom you had buried yourself in after dinner, wearing one of the sets of dark red lingerie your friends had jokingly gifted you for your wedding. alhaitham gulped at the sight, you were looking so gorgeous in that soft silk, it was so hard for him not to pull you on his lap and rip that fabric off. 
you grabbed the glass of wine alhaitham had already poured as you sat on the couch next to him, drinking a sip to calm your nerves – it had been so long since alhaitham truly paid attention to you, which you didn’t blame him for. it just simply affected how easily shy you got around him; something you had gotten over with after a while of being with him. 
“you’re so beautiful, baby”, he mumbled, “i missed you so much the last couple of weeks. everything was just so stressful, i’m sorry for not paying attention to you more.” 
“it’s alright”, you replied, placing the glass on the table, pulling him on top of you, giggling as you noticed how taken aback he was about that. you had your legs wrapped around his hips, laying down on the couch before you kissed him. you only realized in that moment how much you had missed your gentle and doting husband. 
though, the only thing you did not realize was that this piece of lingerie that didn’t really cover anything of your skin and beautiful body was letting out the pussydrunk beast he tried so hard to push away from coming out. 
he deepened the kiss, one hand softly lingering over your legs, as the other one was pulling down the fabric to reveal your nipples which he just started to play around with, pinching, sucking, biting on them, having you writhe around. the more he went down on you, he noticed the beautiful scent coming from your body, he assumed a perfume that had an undertone of some sort of aphrodisiac because it made him go so feral out of nowhere, pulling off the panties covered by the short dress. 
“you’re so gorgeous, baby”, he mumbled against your thighs, and leaving a soft kiss on your clit. “i can’t wait to pamper you like you deserve, my queen.” 
alhaitham didn’t care how messy he was when he was fucking you with his tongue, thumb circling your clit and he was holding your thighs apart with his tight grip, already so pussydrunk with your taste and he was unsure if he would be able to stop. 
“feels good, honey? i can tell by your cute noises, baby, oh you sound so good. it’s been so long since i last got to taste you, hasn’t it? i missed the way you taste and the way you pull my hair when you get so needy, baby”, he talked you through your first orgasm of the night, you were shaking and your eyes had gotten all teary. 
“alhaitham”, you whimpered out his name, body relaxing as you calmed down. “please.”
“please, what, lovely?”, he questioned, teasing you with a soft giggle. “just kidding, honey. let’s move to our bedroom, shall we?”  
he had you thrown over his shoulder, having you laugh as he tickled you and then put you down on the bed, before he laid down on top of you, caressing your cheek. “i keep on repeating this but archons, i’m so in love with you, baby”, he whispered, “i can’t imagine spending my life without you anymore.” 
“i love you, too”, you replied, kissing him so passionately when you were turning you both around, sitting down on your husband’s lap as you pulled the silk over your body, all naked on top of him and you couldn’t help the heat rushing up your cheeks as you realized that alhaitham was still in his clothes. 
“not fair”, you mumbled, unbuttoning his dress shirt, before he sat up to pull the fabric off his body. you leaned down to press soft kisses over his skin, down to his abs, still so mesmerized by how toned his body was despite being a researcher and mostly sitting in his office doing paperwork. 
“you know what’s not fair, love? the fact that you try to pamper me when tonight was supposed to be all about you. and since i know you love me being rough”, he interrupted himself as he pushed you back down on the bed, keeping your wrists pinned against the soft mattress, “i will just use you until i fuck a baby into you.” 
you rolled your eyes back as he spoke, the thought of you finally getting pregnant after trying for so long had you whine in need; you just wanted him to fill you up over and over until you couldn’t take anything anymore. 
alhaitham pulled his pants down and threw them off the bed, grabbing your hips to lift you up and thrust deep inside of you, having you cry out as you pulled him closer to you. “please, fuck me”, you whimpered, the needy gaze you had in your eyes were simply making him go feral on you, rough and hard thrusts, the sound of skin slapping against skin had you so weak in the knees. 
“archons, you feel so good around me, honey”, he groaned, keeping up his relentless pace as you buried your nails into his back. “go on, babe, leave your marks on my back. go crazy, i don’t mind. i love the sweet pain you make me feel. beg for me to make you come and cream on my cock. beg for me to come deep inside you, to get you pregnant with my baby. you want that so bad don’t you, baby? you want me to fill you up, don’t you?” 
“please, i need it so bad. wanna make you- make you a daddy”, you babbled, your brain no longer properly functioning as the attention he gave you and your pleasure was making you feel dizzy, tears rolling down your eyes. 
“oh, honey, you will. don’t worry, you definitely will. even if it doesn’t work out this time, i promise you, i won’t give it a break until we make our dream come true”, he calmed you down, slowing down with his thrusts to give you his full attention again. “shh, baby, don’t cry, love.” his voice was so soft and he stopped his movements for a moment, pulling out as he realized you were actually crying and those weren’t tears coming solely from pleasure. 
“need me to stop?”, he asked then, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. you shook your head no. “shh, what happened, love?”
“the thought… of not being able to get pregnant and giving you what you want”, you mumbled, “you wouldn’t leave me if i weren’t able to get–”
“hey, hey, no. stop right there, love. there is nothing in this world that could make me love you less, especially just because this didn’t work out. i would never leave you for something as simple as this. i love you too much to do something like that. i’d rather get old with you alone instead of leaving you because i couldn’t get you pregnant.”
he left soft kisses on your face, making you giggle while your sobs stopped and you calmed down again. “archons, that must’ve ruined the mood now”, you mumbled. 
“what are you talking about, babe?”, he smirked, leaning down to kiss you on your lips. “i recall promising you to pamper you like you deserve, didn’t i? and believe me, i intend to keep that promise.” 
he was manhandling you like it was no struggle for him at all – lifting your legs to get you into a mating press, your hips up as you were laying on you stomach as he fucked you from behind. alhaitham was not hesitant to let you know who‘s in control in this situation, having you at his complete mercy as he made you gush around him over and over again. 
“oh, you feel so good, princess. take it like the good girl you are, sweetheart”, he moaned, “mhm, good job, honey. you‘re doing so amazing for me, taking your husband‘s cock like the good and pretty little slut you are. you’re my good little slut, aren‘t you, baby?” he chuckled as you nodded in agreement, brain totally empty from all sort of thoughts. 
“good girl”, he groaned, intertwining your hands as he leaned down to kiss you on your soft, yet somewhat swollen lips from all the kissing sessions you had in your breaks. “oh, archons, i’m so obsessed with kissing you, honey.” 
you were pretty much unable to reply at this point – brain totally clouded from how good and exhausted you were feeling. 
“look at how much you’re coming for me, honey. look how much of a mess we made here”, he mumbled against your neck, watching how his cum leak out your cunt, before he scooped up some of it with his fingers and pushed them inside of you. you had lost all track of time and you were sure it had been a couple of hours since he had started ravaging you.
“sensitive”, you whimpered out, brain unable to process anything else. it had been a bit since all power had left your body and you were just laying there, taking it like his good girl he loved to praise you as. 
“oh, love, did you think i was done? that’s cute”, alhaitham giggled before he thrusted his cock back inside, “i’m not going to stop.”
your eyes widened, the overstimulation had you look at him somewhat in fear of what to expect. you couldn’t remember the last time he had made you shake so intensely, make you come over and over until you were nothing but his good girl, his good little slut, clenching around him so tightly as he had you at his mercy. 
“what is it, sweetheart? am i scaring you, baby? good. you’re all mine. you deserve such a good fuck for being such a good girl for me, lovely.” he let our a groan as he - once again - buried his cock deep inside of you, painting your walls white. “come for me, baby, just take it all and come for me.” 
the moment you gushed around his cock, crying out his name and sobbing in pleasure, he just watched you unfold, losing all control of yourself as you submitted to the way he made you feel so good. 
“you took my cock so good, honey. i’m so proud of you”, he mumbled, pulling out. “and if you this time did not work out, we‘ll try again. it‘s alright, sweetheart. it will happen eventually.”
he placed a hand on your tummy, thumb softly caressing the naked skin. “one day it will work out.”
“relax, sweetheart. i know this was a lot to take in, i don‘t really know what came over me tonight”, alhaitham calmed you down as he hugged you tight from behind as you both sank into the bath. “feel good honey?”
you nodded, closing your eyes as you relaxed against him, your tense muscles turning into mush as he simply made you feel so giggly and happy. “i have a good feeling about tonight, y‘know? i feel like this time it will have worked out”, you said. 
“we‘ll see, honey. and even if not, it‘s perfectly fine”, he whispered, making you shiver at how deep his voice was. it was a reminder of all the promises he made; how they were always kept and came true eventually. and you knew that this one, no matter how long it’ll take, wouldn’t be broken either. 
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a/n: inspired by jake and amy from b99 trying to get pregnant. i have no idea what came over me with this one. it just happened.
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cocksucker6000 · 1 year
hi! can i rq the bjs w/ the boys sumeru edition ? :)
bjs with the boys ☆ ! sumeru edition
giving head both ways, ft. genshin men mond edition, liyue edition, inazuma edition
switch m reader + tighnari, cyno, wanderer, alhaitham (separate)
a/n ;; ITS HERE U GUYS…..its here………sorry if ppl are ooc. i was going to release this a lot earlier, around 3.1, but i thought i would hold off until more guys were released and i warmed up to them a bit. thanks anon for reminding me! no kaveh because i don’t like him sorry 🥲
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tighnari ;; giving
he’s a little bit hesitant at first when giving you head…if he’s needy enough (and you’re to his hygienic standards) there’s no guarantee that you can pry him off of you. especially in his heats, all he wants is for you to fuck his mouth. and if you softly scratch his ears, he’ll melt—pulling is off limits, though. i also wouldn’t count on him to swallow. but, he wouldn’t mind your cum dripping down his cheeks…
tighnari ;; receiving
he’s still a little nervous, but much to his dismay, by gods is he sensitive. he loves it when you lube up a finger and prod at his hole in the meantime, holding a firm grip on his thigh. he certainly isn’t hard to get in your mouth, either—he’ll cover his mouth with his ears pressed flat against his forehead as he cums down your throat, just aching to be filled by you at this point.
cyno ;; giving
you really want him to do this? well, he supposes he could. his reluctant speech is definitely a shocker when he still holds such a strong grip on your thighs even after having orgasmed twice already. you aren’t sure how his jaw doesn’t hurt already, but your dick sure does and your head is fuzzy. oh! you got a little overstimulated? sorry, he just got a little distracted. absolutely not his intention at all.
cyno ;; receiving
that vice he had on your thighs earlier just translates to him gripping your hair like his life depends on it. he’d get so disheveled under the feeling of your warm mouth, he can’t help but cum so early and wrap his trembling legs around your head.
wanderer ;; giving
as long as it means he can be close to you, he’ll do it—but his grumpy attitude doesn’t last long when he’s whimpering around your cock and palming himself through his shorts. he can’t help it, just the thought of you drives him crazy. he needs your cum down his throat so bad, the poor thing tries his very best to make you feel good.
wanderer ;; receiving
again, it doesn’t last long to completely break him—and it’s even more fun this way. he bucks into your mouth and whines, biting down so hard on his lower lip that it might bleed. he paws at your hair, running his fingers through it when he cums, chanting your name like you were the god before him.
al haitham ;; giving
the head isn’t…great at first. mostly because he doesn’t want to hurt you, and let’s be honest, he’s a little bit inexperienced. but the scribe eventually opens up once you tell him it’s okay to be a little sloppy and rough, and safe to say he learns to really love it. sometimes he’ll even wake you up with your dick in his mouth, just because he’s bored and wanted to see you all hot and bothered in the morning.
al haitham ;; receiving
he’s hardly sure what to do at first. your mouth is so warm and wet, he can’t help but groan a little. and while he may be quiet, the way he twitches in your cheeks lets you know how good he feels. this is better than any time he’d fucked feverishly into his own fist, and he wasn’t even sure it could feel this good until now. he’s lucky you came along.
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Table for Two [Alhaitham x reader]
Summary: Alhaitham receives a love letter from you, and after reading your words he tries to find you, except you seem a little shy to come face to face with him...
Warnings, A/N: reader is gn and portrayed as shy/anxious, this was written on a whim because I literally had a dream about this... ANYWAY-
"Hi, um- excuse me... Alhaitham?"
You have just entered the cafe where he would be relaxing while drinking his coffee. Alhaitham feels a light tap on his shoulder, and he looks up from his book. He sees you; a familiar Akademiya student by your attire, and nervous from the way you're avoiding eye contact (but still trying to maintain it) and the slight quiver of your lips.
Oh how you wish you could just disintegrate right here and now. You've been harboring a bit of a crush on the Scribe, or Acting Grand Sage now. It's a bit silly when you think of it, though... because you most definitely are catching feelings over miniscule things that Alhaitham probably doesn't bat an eye to.
The word "crush - romantically " doesn't exactly exist in an Akademiya student's vocabulary. If anything, that word would be used to describe what they wish a giant boulder would do to them before an exam.
You were working with other Ksharewar students on a project, when the renowned architect Kaveh came by to give suggestions. A while later, Alhaitham came by and it didn't take long for them to start bickering. Nonetheless, you and the other students continued to work on your parts. It wasn't until a shadow was looming over you, and by the shape of the cape you started sweating, already knowing who it was.
"Did you make this?" Alhaitham says while crouching down to your level to meet your gaze. Your eyes widened, being so close to the Scribe (who not to mention, is quite good looking as well).
"Yes... right now we're testing different methods of insulation since the location in Sumeru is closer to Fontaine, so the air is more moist..." You try to give a confident answer, while Alhaitham has a thinking face.
"Hmm, I'll admit this is impressive." The Scribe says quietly. Your heart fluttered at the compliment, even if it was directed to the whole group, but it made you glad that Alhaitham is not as stoic as he is said to be. It wasn't long until a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"What was that Alhaitham? Speak up I couldn't hear you." Kaveh says with his arms crossed. It seems he secretly heard the comment Alhaitham said and wanted him to admit this project he was leading was good. Alhaitham stands up and leaves to bicker with Kaveh some more.
"The only reason you can't hear me is because of all that hammering you do every night."
"Why- you!"
And a few days after that, you leave the Akademiya to go to the nearest river to dunk one of your industrial projects to cool it down. Suddenly you take notice of a figure sitting nearby, which turns out to be Alhaitham when you give him a second glance. To your surprise, he looks up from his book and gives you a small wave. The Scribe? Waving? At you? Clearly Teyvat is an upside-down world. You ended up awkardly waving back, then realizing how embarrassing it was wearing all your safety gear from before and being covered in dirt.
He looks at you and points at his forehead. Forehead? What? You look at him confusedly until he beckons you to come over and you do. He stands up, leaving his book opened on the ground. Then he reaches his hand towards your forehead and brushes some scraps that have been dusted onto your hair.
“You’ve got wood dust on your hair. You must have been working hard.” he says casually. You are taken aback again as he says something you never thought he would, and you manage to utter out an “I guess so” and “thank you” before he has a small conversation with you, then both of you going back to what you were doing.
Point is, there have been interactions with him like these in the past few weeks have been making you all lovey dovey. You’re hoping that Alhaitham will at least be willing to go somewhere with you even if he doesn’t return your feelings.
"Thank you, I'll... take a look at it." Alhaitham says with a slight suspicion in his voice. You nod and quickly run to exit the cafe. Oh god oh god oh god… you may just have to pay a visit to the statue of the seven to pray to Lesser Lord Kusanali to summon something to eat you alive. Oh but as if that would help you. Even in the afterlife it would come haunting. What were you thinking?
“Wait.” Alhaitham calls out and you stop in your tracks and look back. “You’re (y/n), right?” You nod slowly, then he nods signalling he’s got your confirmation and you scurry out the cafe and quickly to your next class.
To be honest, Alhaitham was confused when he saw you approach him and give him a letter, sealed and signed and everything… a bit fancy for an essay isn’t it? He finishes his coffee quickly, pays his bill and goes on a walk around Sumeru to read it.
Dear Alhaitham…? Soon enough, he realizes it’s not an essay you wanted him to review. He reads through your words and can sense how you were probably nervous to write your feelings out.
Suddenly he sees Kaveh approaching him who has an insult ready to hurl at him. After reading the letter, he makes a note to quickly find you to respond. But first, he had to get away from his roommate.
More than half the day has gone by and you’ve been on edge the whole time. You were shuffling so fast between classes, it probably looked idiotic from other people’s point of view.
“Hey are you okay?” Your friend whispers who is sitting beside you. You clear your throat before answering.
“Yeah… why?”
“You seem tense… but I think I know why.” Oh no, has your friend found out about your love letter to Alhaitham?! “It’s because the Scribe has been looking for you.” What?
“The- looking for me?” You say in shock.
“Yeah, I’ve seen him going around and asking students if they’ve seen you.” This sends you into a panic as it gets you thinking about the possibilities. He is probably going to reject you right? And with his piercing glare and cold tone. The thought of this makes you zoom out of your last class once it was dismissed, knowing the Scribe was looking for you.
“(Y/n).” You stop like a deer in headlights, and see Alhaitham standing outside near the one of the Akademiya walls, with your letter opened in hand.
“Al-Alhaitham!” You blurted out.
“I read your letter.” He says flatly, and it sucks because you wish you could tell how he’s feeling by his tone. “And I'm flattered. I appreciate your courage for telling me this. If I’m being honest, I enjoy your company as well. You are one of the few people who is able to talk to me normally.”
What does this mean? Is he friend-zoning you? Did he not understand your message?
“If you’re free now, we can go to Puspa Cafe, my treat.” At first your mouth falls at an O-shape, shocked that he's inviting you for a meal. (You wrote the letter expecting good things, smart one!) His offer still makes you unsure whether he meant this as a platonic thing, but nonetheless you smile and nod your head eagerly. Your assignments and projects can wait.
“Hold on…” Alhaitham says before you both set off to eat together. He bends down to your height and his right hand brushes the side of your face- a familiar feeling like that one time. But it’s different this time, because he leans closer and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. You blush and he pulls away a little, enough for him to get a full glimpse of your face and look in your eyes. You don't think friends do this.
“I understand I’m still a little intimidating to you, so that’ll have to do for now.” He says quietly. With the warmth, still in your skin, you nod shyly and Alhaitham gives what you think is the slightest smile, pats your cheek and pulls away completely. He offers his hand out, and you put your hand in his. Then he closes it, his large hand engulfing yours, and leads you to Puspa Cafe.
“Ah Acting Grand Sage, come for your usual coffee?” The manager of the cafe calls out to him as you both enter.
“Thank you, but not this time.” There’s a pause, in which he takes to look at you while he says this. “Table for two please.”
And oh, how that makes your heart flutter even if it was a small thing. You could only wonder what would happen after the “for now” Alhaitham said.
“Well how was it, did you give them that winning smile I told you to give?” Kaveh asks while lounging on one of the seats as his roommate comes through the door, letter still in hand.
“…you- do you even like this person?! This student has either got to be the most boring or the most charitable and tolerant to like you.” Kaveh is having a crisis over Alhaitham’s lack of romantic behaviour, especially now when it’s necessary.
When the architect ran into the Scribe earlier today, he got excited and thought he’d be nice and help him respond to this admirer. However to Alhaitham, Kaveh’s instructions probably sounded more like blabber, because he couldn’t bother to listen to him.
"Did you at least say something romantic? Oh- Archons, Alhaitham. You really know how to woo someone don't you?" Kaveh says sarcastically to express his disappointment. “Can you at least tell me their name? Or what they look like? Because I want to find them and tell them how stupid you looked pacing around the Akademiya today asking students if they’ve seen them.” Kaveh snickers to himself.
"Even if you did approach them, I doubt they'd respond to a weirdo like you. They're too smart for that."
"You're one to talk!"
However, Kaveh stops shooting the many quips he has prepared for Alhaitham being dense once he catches the slight pink dusting his roommate’s cheeks before entering his study. He'll most likely find out himself sooner or later.
Plus, he can’t deny he loves a good romance, even if one of the characters is his hopeless, stubborn, and aloof roommate.
Part 2??? Update: Part 2 here!!!
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crystallinestars · 10 months
Jealousy Headcanons Part 1
These headcanons got too long so I split them into two parts. Part 2 is here.
General headcanons on how the Genshin men react to seeing you being flirted with by a male acquaintance (Kaveh's a little different).
Content warnings: Kaveh's and Haitham's parts contain some mild nsfw, but nothing explicit.
🍷 Kaveh gets jealous easily. When he sees your acquaintance flirt with you, Kaveh will walk over to you and hold your hand or wrap an arm around your waist to show the other man that you’re taken. It will be very obvious that he’s jealous because Kaveh will subtly try to extract you from whatever conversation you’re having, and will pout and nag if you don’t leave. He’s not proud of his behavior, but he can’t help but want your attention on himself instead.
🍷 His jealousy can be triggered the most easily if you act too friendly with Alhaitham. There’s a fear in Kaveh’s heart that you’ll leave him for Alhaitham because the Scribe has everything that Kaveh doesn’t. Alhaitham has a house, stable income, is confident in his abilities, and overall is a nice man with an extraordinary intelligence. Meanwhile Kaveh is homeless, struggles to find work that he likes, is riddled with guilt and insecurities that he doesn’t want you to know about so as to not burden you or make himself look worse in your eyes. When he sees you getting closer with Alhaitham, he can’t help feeling awful at being jealous of his friend, but he can’t stop himself from still coming over and starting an argument with Alhaitham as a way of venting his emotions.
🍷 If his jealousy is particularly deeply rooted in his heart, it will take a lot for Kaveh to calm down. You will need to take him somewhere private and reassure him that you love only him with some affectionate words and gentle physical affection. A few kisses, gentle hugs, and sweet words do wonders for his aching heart, and he’ll hug you close, relieved and needy for your love. With time, he’ll grow to genuinely believe you won’t abandon him, but until then you’ll need to be patient and reassure him repeatedly that he's the only man you love. Kaveh loves you with his whole heart but he sometimes has trouble believing he’s truly lovable, so your patience and reassurance will prove vital to helping heal his deep-rooted insecurities.
🍷 If you don’t comfort him, then Kaveh might resort to sex to help him feel better. He’ll be more clingy and rougher than usual. While sex with him is usually very loving and gentle, when he’s jealous he can’t help but vent his emotions through a rougher lovemaking session, though he’ll still try his best to not hurt you or cause you discomfort. Jealous sex is also one of the few times he’ll want to take you from behind, with his chest pressed against your back while he wraps his arms around your waist, nipping at your shoulder and whispering that you’re his. Kaveh can also be a little meaner when he’s jealous, teasing you but not giving you release unless you beg for it.
🎧 Doesn’t get jealous easily. He’s very secure in your relationship and doesn’t mind you hanging out with other people in your spare time since he trusts you. However, if while in a relationship you try to get him jealous on purpose, he won’t take kindly to such antics. Alhaitham will punish you for your behavior, either via a humbling lecture criticizing your actions, or a prolonged session of edging and marking of your skin during sex. Neither case will be particularly pleasant for you, trust me.
🎧 The highest likelihood of him feeling jealous is during the pining phase before you two become a couple. Unbeknownst to him, Alhaitham developed feelings for you, and it puzzled him when he felt a burning resentment in his chest whenever he saw you chatting so care-freely with your flirtatious acquaintance. Something about the way you smiled at the other man made him wish you smiled like that at him instead. Alhaitham wanted your attention, but he didn’t understand why. The feeling of jealousy is a foreign one to him, and it takes him a while to figure out his emotions.
🎧 If your acquaintance says something too flirtatious or ignorant, Alhaitham will butt into the conversation and make the other party look like a fool. He’ll call out their inappropriate behaviour or correct their points, essentially putting the man on the spot and humiliating him. Alhaitham hates acting petty by trying to bring others down to make himself look better in your eyes. As a result, he will try to avoid you at first so his irrational emotions don’t get the better of him.
🎧 However, despite not interacting with you, the irritation in him doesn’t subside. If anything, it grows stronger the more he sees your acquaintance make moves on you. Alhaitham doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, but he does know that he wants your attention to be on him rather than your acquaintance. His bout of jealousy will help him figure out his romantic feelings for you, and prompt him to finally make a move to try and court you in his own Alhaitham way.  
☂️ When not in a relationship, Scaramouche would seethe when he sees your acquaintance flirting with you and stealing your attention. He won’t interfere because he doesn’t want to make a scene, but expect him to act like a brat the next time you hang out with him. He’ll talk bad about the other person, mentioning how mediocre and incompetent they are. He won’t admit he’s jealous, even to himself, but it doesn’t take much to figure out that he is.
☂️ He hates acting like a petulant child, but his jealousy brings out the worst in him. Scaramouche lost a lot of people close to him in the past, has been abandoned by his own mother, and the thought of you leaving him too scares him. It terrifies him so much that he’ll try to distance himself from you so as to not get hurt, but he wouldn’t be able to be apart from you for long. You’re too dear to him to cut you out of his life so easily.
☂️ Whether intentionally or not, if you continue to make him jealous then Scaramouche will reach a breaking point. He’ll stay by your side to keep an eye on the other person to make sure they’re not acting out of line. Any attempts to flirt with you will be intercepted by him, and he’ll quickly put the other person in their place with a few scathing remarks.
☂️ If the two of you are in a relationship, then Scaramouche won’t leave your side from the very beginning. A narrowing of his eyes and his arm around you are enough to get your acquaintance to back off. He’ll feel more confident in staking his claim on you than when you’re not in a relationship, and he’ll make use of his status as your boyfriend to scare other suitors away. He hates feeling jealous because the fear of losing you is front and center in his mind, and he’ll try to be a bit sweeter to you in the aftermath to hopefully convince you that he’s the only one you need.
👹 Jealousy is a foreign emotion to him. The first time he sees you being flirted with by another man, Xiao feels a fierce possessiveness fill him. He wants the other man to go away, but he’ll feel guilty about interrupting your conversation, so he makes himself scarce instead. Xiao tries to busy himself with killing demons to focus on something other than the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, but the memory of you smiling happily at someone else resurfaces in his mind, and a feeling of unease eats away at him.
👹 He won’t be able to stay away for long, and teleports back to find you to check if you’re still with the other person or not. Xiao remains hidden, watching your interaction with your acquaintance from afar, and feels conflicted. He can’t explain why it worries him so much to see you be so happy with someone else. He wants you to lead the life that makes you happiest, so his selfish desire to stay by your side makes him feel guilty. He feels like he’s undeserving of your kindness because he wants your attention on himself.
👹 Regardless of whether you’re in a relationship with him or not, Xiao’s guilt will push him away from you while his jealousy brings him right back. The tug of war in his heart will exhaust him until he finally confides in you. He explains what he’s feeling the best way he can, hoping you might have a solution. Xiao feels ashamed when you explain he’s jealous. He purses his lips and turns to face away from you, unable to look you in the eye. It will take a lot of work to let him know it’s normal to feel that way, and to reassure him that he has no reason to be jealous because you aren’t interested in your acquaintance.
👹 With careful coaxing and gentle reassurance, you’ll be able to make Xiao feel better about his guilt and jealousy. If anything, this instance will help the two of you grow closer and strengthen your relationship because it takes a lot of trust for Xiao to open up to you about his feelings and let you into his heart. If you let him, then after that moment, Xiao will stay by your side whenever anyone flirts with you, just to send the message that your heart is already taken.
🧋 Ayato’s jealousy is ugly, which is why he expertly masks it behind an amicable smile. Though his smile is bright, the feelings in his heart are dark. The sight of you smiling and chatting to your male acquaintance ignite a sick feeling in his stomach, and Ayato quickly intervenes. He inserts himself into your conversation, remaining polite and courteous as is expected of the head of the Kamisato clan, but your acquaintance can’t help but feel like something is off with Ayato. The Yashiro Commissioner’s smile is friendly but there’s also something unnerving about it.
🧋 Ayato won’t make any direct threats towards your acquaintance or let it show that he’s jealous. Instead, he’ll employ more covert tactics in crushing his opposition. While he’s chatting you and your acquaintance up, Ayato subtly places a hand around your waist or on your shoulder, tucks away a stray strand of your hair, and says something with a double entendre directed at you to fluster you. They’re little things that paint a picture of the two of you being close without Ayato having to say anything out loud. The message is clear—you’re Ayato’s. Even if you’re not in a relationship at the time, Ayato will still try to intimidate his competition and get them to give up on you because he doesn’t want t risk having you snatched away from him before he even had the chance to confess his feelings to you.
🧋 If the two of you are in a relationship, then Ayato will make his jealousy known. Once you two have a private moment, Ayato will tease you by lightly poking fun at you. It seems like lighthearted banter at first, but Ayato will have trouble stopping once he starts, unintentionally taking out his pain on you. He’s hurt and he can’t help but hurt you in return with his increasingly meaner teases. When you retaliate by calling him out on his behaviour, the Yashiro Commissioner won’t have any choice except to face his ugly jealousy and come clean to you. It won’t make up for his poor treatment of you, but he gives a genuine apology and expresses his sincere regret in hurting you, hoping you will forgive him for his mistakes.
🧋 Ayato will try his best to make it up to you and takes responsibility for his actions. He caresses your face gently in his hands, pressing his forehead to yours and apologizing for hurting you. Honestly, you’ve never seen the mischievous and cunning man look so guilty and remorseful before, but it’s just further proof of how much he regrets his childish antics. For as mature as he presents himself in front of the public of Inazuma and his retainers, Ayato is still a boy that had to grow up too fast. He sometimes can’t help but let down his perfect Kamisato Clan leader role and act like the boyish young man he is, but he knows when he’s gone overboard. He kisses your face, lips, and hands, a somber expression on his face that only melts away when you forgive him. Ayato hugs you tight, relieved that he hasn’t lost you. He promises to never let his jealousy get the better of him again since it nearly cost him the love of his life.
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skubean · 1 year
Headcanons for Aihaitham, Vox, Luca, and Rei with shy gn s/o?
hi, anon, i did get your request, and thank you !! hope you like this <3
Vox, Luca, Alhaitham & Rei with a Shy! GN Lover
characters: vox akuma & luca kaneshiro from luxiem, alhaitham from genshin impact and suwa rei from buddy daddies
notes: gender neutral reader, slightly ooc, uses of petnames such as love and darling, just fluff, nothing else enjoy!! (haven't proofread yet, so lmk of any errors!)
[ vox akuma ]
you've known vox to be someone who isn't shy with affection nor words, so he definitely likes bringing out a reaction out of you knowing that you're shy.
pda is his thing, and the first time he held you and you got so red, the image of that is basically permanently planted in his head.
vox is very reliable, so i assume that he would be the type that will do stuff for you if you can't. for example, he'll initiate most of the affection and will always be sure that you're comfortable.
he would ask for permission before touching you, so that you don't get surprised when he suddenly snakes an arm around your waist while your doing some chores.
he definitely notices your efforts in being the first to approach him, but he'll never push you to do it. so imagine how proud he was when you were the first to ask for a kiss after you both started dating.
"my, isn't this something, darling?", still manages to tease you before he gently leans into your lips, slightly feeling you tremble before holding you tight to reassure you.
he would tease you sometimes, but doesn't do it often because he doesn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. so, he'll only usually do it if he notices that you're being playful.
the type to definitely sneak kisses when he thinks your asleep because he just finds you adorable!
overall, isn't really a problem to him knowing that his loveable significant other is shy around him, in fact, he likes it!
[ luca kaneshiro ]
luca's very social! so it was a surprise to him at first when he found out that you were actually shy.
hesitant to tease you, but does it anyway lmao
he thought you didn't like him, that's why you were so quiet (you were actually so into him, you just didn't know what to do)
once you both progressed into the relationship, luca would be the type that would play small pranks on you to see your reaction (mostly because he wants to see you smile)
isn't pushy with pda, but you can never resist his puppy eyes. he doesn't even know it's his charm, it just works!
pda in public happens occasionally, mostly because it's you who initiate it. otherwise, luca wouldn't want to push it (not that he doesn't like it, he's also kinda flushdge)
luca's a man of many words, so he's definitely one to tell you plenty of stories while you listen attentively.
talks a lot, listens kinda trope
after a while, luca's become a natural around you. he knows you best when others don't! so, people sometimes say that he's a pro when it comes to you.
"ofc i'm an expert! i'm the best bf ever", makes you laugh when he says that in a silly voice.
long story short, luca's the type of so who tries his best to make you feel comfortable, so he's definitely the #1 material man.
(more utc!)
[ alhaitham ]
ah, yes. the scribe. the acting grand sage. the man who ppl assume has no care for others and is extremely ignorant.
lies. lies everywhere.
alhaitham is the type to act really cold or carefree in front of others, but in front of you? baby.
it's probably your shy nature that makes him so comfortable. (prefers you over anything, so >>>>)
comes home and would drape himself all over you, while you get all flustered and red. this man will just laugh and pecks your cheek.
hes cheeky like that, i just know it.
very protective. literal definition of protective.
saw kaveh try to talk to you one time while he wasn't home and mans ran just to push kaveh away from you.
people know that you're both together because alhaitham makes it a habit to flaunt his locket of you every chance he has.
"acting grand sage, regarding this matter-" "it's 5. work is done. now, if you'll excuse me, i have someone waiting for me at home", literally leaves the office in the middle of a meeting bcs he will never come home late.
"love, im home" "uh, haitham, your co-worker called-" "pay them no mind, love. they're idiots", gets all handsy with you.
alhaitham doesn't really care that you're shy, he actually likes when you act all natural and blush around him only.
anyways, you're his beloved that he cares more than anything else. lowkey a simp. (i love goofy alhaitham sm im sorry)
[ suwa rei ]
rei is not a man of many words, we know that. so he doesn't really mind your preserved nature. in fact, it's like you both connect telepathically.
you were the first to ask him out (much to your own surprise), and rei thought you were really cool.
i feel like rei is also protective but he hides it a lot. the type who would sort of stalk you just to make sure your safe.
he may not talk much, but he does it for you. he knows what it feels like not being able to speak, so he doesn't push it onto you.
you and kazuki are probably besties, because kazuki bribes you with information abt rei you've never heard of before, and rei is always trying to separate you both.
he actually likes seeing you all sparkly and excited.
the both of you were pretty awkward early on in the relationship since talking wasn't really a thing.
but after a while, rei got used to the idea of having you around that he doesn't act all lazy anymore (kazuki thanks the lord for you).
if you also play games, expect a lot of late night dates where you both play games and hang out.
rei trusts you with his life, and is probably most comfortable with you. so, he isn't shy to prove that he loves you.
confesses out of the blue so often just to make sure you still love him.
"y/n." "yea, rei?" "i love you", sees your cheeks redden and smirks in satisfaction. (hes a fucking tease, i just know so)
overall, rei is the best if you're an introvert or prefer quiet dates. idk i just feel like rei doesn't mind you being shy because he himself has no care for anything skskksk (in a good way ofc).
a/n: okay, i just wrote what came into mind, so im sorry if this is a little scuffed! since valentine is tomorrow, feel free to request for valentine-themed hcs or imagines -> here!
happy early valentine's everyone <3 i'm spending it alone sadge T.T but i'll probably write some fics tmrw! see you - eden
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sunlightmurdock · 9 months
The Odyssey | 0.6 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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In Verona, you’re an outcast. Bradley’s determined to make up for the day before.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance, professor / student relationship, age gap ( 22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, infidelity, them actually getting along for once?, kissing, bradley has a corruption kink and doesn’t know it. wc: 7.35k
“I don’t know why you’re bringing this up now.” His voice grew agitated on the other end of the line. Understandably, he expected a delightful update on your sunny summer in Italy and was blindsided by you bringing up a fight from last year. “It’s been months. We’ve moved on.”
The phone pinned between your cheek and your shoulder, you fidgetted nervously with the band around your finger, inspecting the expensive diamond that sits on top of it. Hearing the annoyance in his voice, you should have stopped there, and told him that it didn’t matter. You hadn’t.
“I know, I know we have,” Your voice trembled. Your fiancé sighed hard on the other end of the line. “But the last thing I remember is being at that party with you. If I hurt you, Malcolm—“
“I asked you to marry me.” He blurted out, abrupt and biting. There was no point lying to you. There never had been, you would never let something like this go. He was upset. You could tell. You had continued anyway.
Your brows knitted together. “No… you proposed to me at my parents’ house. O-On Christmas Eve.”
“I did,” Malcolm breathed out through gritted teeth. Thinking of how you had humiliated him that night isn’t a fond memory. “But I asked you to marry me that night, at that party, without a ring. I told you that you’re the love of my life and I asked you to spend the rest of your life with me.”
You had closed your eyes, trying to force yourself to think. You still don’t know how anyone is supposed to reply to that.
“And you cried your eyes out, then left me standing there like an idiot.”
This morning, you’re sitting silently in a library with a notebook in front of you, trying to fathom how you could have done that to him. You wonder if he told anyone but you about that. You had spoken with your mother about marriage not long before he had proposed on Christmas Eve — you had agreed to marry him enthusiastically that day.
How is it that less than a month before, he could have asked you the same question, and your instinct was to run? — Not only to run, but to kiss another man. To spite Malcolm maybe. To act out. Whatever it was, you can’t pretend that it isn’t a relief to know that Bradley wasn’t the reason.
You hadn’t kissed him because he mattered, just because you were drunk and scared.
He’s standing at the end of the table now. Is long and wooden, not dissimilar to the one in the university library. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt and faded blue jeans, speaking confidently in Italian to the restoration technician that you’re here to work with today.
This is one of the first pieces of actual research that the students have been allowed to engage in so far on this trip. You’re not thrilled about it. Trying to piece together some old man’s memoirs so that Bradley can write about it.
Bradley’s in a world of his own anyway, deep in conversation about what’s in front of him. Since he got here this morning, all that he has done in terms of being a teacher was to list eight roles and tell you to decide amongst each other who would be doing what.
Deemed the least intelligent by all of your peers simultaneously, you’re just the scribe. Taking notes on observations that they have, that Bradley could one day use when he writes about this. It’s bullshit, and it doesn’t seem fair, but you won’t argue with them on it. They already dislike you enough.
And you’re still reeling from last night. No wonder Malcolm wouldn’t speak to you for three days. No wonder he hadn’t followed you out into the snow. You’d just broken his heart.
The day of no work passes by exceptionally slowly. Your only reprieve is Pasquale, telling you stories about his mother’s farm. It’s not something that you would care much about if you were back home, but here, it’ll do.
“So, what do you think of Verona?” Pasquale asks as he flicks through an anthology. His role is more important than yours and he isn’t even here for a grade.
You shoot a look towards the end of the table and watch Bradley pull a loose pair of glasses from his pocket, setting them on the bridge of his nose and leaning closer to examine a text. He doesn’t even have a case for his glasses.
“I, uh — haven’t seen too much of it yet. I stayed in last night, and I’ve been here all day today.” You explain to him, tapping the end of your pen absently against the page.
Bradley takes the page carefully from the technician and frowns as he brings it closer to his face. When he’s serious, faint creases appear between his brows, his lips point down. His eyes narrow slightly.
“You really should. It’s the city of love, you know. You could find your husband a souvenir, maybe. When we have time off tomorrow.” Pasquale tells you with a big grin. You offer him a weak grin in return. You’re lucky to even have someone that wants to be your husband after what you did. Either way, Pasquale seems to like you.
He’s about the only person here that does.
That’s only confirmed later when Bradley steps out of the bathroom in a towel and finds Luke buttoning a salmon coloured Ralph Lauren button up.
“Going out?” Bradley questions, walking over to the desk for his cigarettes before he thinks about his clothes.
“Uh-huh. We’re all going for dinner in the city.” Luke confirms as Bradley scrunches his nose at the obnoxious cologne smell coming from that side of the room.
“All of you?” Bradley checks as he puts the cigarette between his lips and lights it. Luke scoffs, angling himself towards the awkwardly short mirror on their vanity. He rolls one sleeve up to his elbow and squints.
“I’m not inviting her. They’ll kill me.” He shakes his head, glancing over at Bradley and trying to remember how Bradley wears his button ups. Sleeves rolled, definitely.
“She wouldn’t be as bad if she had friends to keep her occupied.” Bradley notes, stepping into a pair of blue boxers and draping the damp towel over his shoulder, exhaling through the corner of his mouth.
“And I wish her the best of luck in finding some. It’s not gonna be me. Anyway, I have to go. See you later!” Luke pats Bradley’s bare shoulder and steps around him, heading for the door before they can discuss this further. It swings shut behind him.
Bradley sighs, leaning his head back towards the ceiling, the lit cigarette dangling between his index and middle fingers.
As much as he would like to avoid you after you’d thrown him off of you last night, the thought of you eating alone in your room just doesn’t sit right with him. Or, even worse, you venturing out by yourself.
The thought of last night makes him want to drive to the nearest beach, dig a reasonably sized hole, and bury his head in the sand. He’s never felt dirtier. The thought that he went further than you wanted him to.
The fact that you’re his student. He doesn’t do that. He isn’t one of the creeps that drools over the girls on campus. Christ, you’re the first girl he’s ever kissed that’s more than a year younger than him. He just needs to put it behind him.
So, he pulls on a pair of faded, light blue Levi’s 501s and a white button up that’s tolerably ironed, then heads up a flight of stairs and down the hall.
You flinch at the knocking on your door.
Bradley blinks as you tug it open moments later. Then, looks you slowly up and down. You’re wearing a cute button up pyjama set. He furrows his brows at you.
“It’s 6pm.” He points out disapprovingly. He really can’t help it. He could have told you that he actually thinks the little hearts on them are kind of cute.
“So? I don’t have anywhere to be.” You answer back, frowning up at him as always.
“Yeah. About that, uh — me either,” He’s trying not to be patronizing about this. He doesn’t want you to feel like he’s taking pity on you. This isn’t necessarily pity. You also just started trying in his class and it would be a shame if you quit now. “Do you want to get dinner?”
“With you?” You gawk.
He shrugs. This is more awkward than he hoped it would be, but he can’t blame you after the way things went yesterday. “Yeah. Unless you know anyone else who’d like to join us.”
“I’ll get ready.” You decide quietly. He gives you a small nod and starts to step back.
“Alright. I’ll meet you in the lobby in… twenty?”
It’s a good thing that he gets down there early, because so do you. You’re more dressed up than he was expecting, but then, so is he. His shirt doesn’t even have any wrinkles in it today.
Bradley looks you slowly up and down as you walk towards him. He doesn’t know what to call the style of dress you’re wearing. Thin straps that tie at the shoulders, a sweetheart neckline and a lightweight georgette fabric. You’re wearing a pretty necklace that compliments the neckline, elegantly small hoop earrings with pearl drops. Those are probably real pearls.
You’ve dressed the outfit down slightly with summery loafers instead of heels. All that does is make Bradley have to tip his chin down to look you in the eye when you’re up close.
“So. Do you know a place?” You exhale, hugging your purse closer to your body. It matches your shoes.
Bradley shakes his head dumbly.
“No,” He answers quietly. Then, he realizes he’s being ridiculous. He’s been on plenty of dates, there’s no reason to be nervous. Except this isn’t a date. Because you’re getting married. And you’re his student. He clears his throat like that will help clear the momentary fog in his brain. “No. But there are a tonne of places around here. We’ll find somewhere.”
The two of you step out into the still warm evening, the sun still pretty high overhead. It’s quiet out, quieter than when you had first arrived. It makes you feel exceptionally alone next to Bradley.
As the two of you walk in a painstakingly heavy silence, you consider briefly if you should apologize for calling him an animal yesterday. After all, you were the one to kiss him. But his hands are big, and they’re heavy, and you could feel them starting to trail along your skin.
You swallow at the thought, shooting a quick glance at the back of his head. His shoulders look wide, and strong, when he’s not wearing a shirt that’s a size too big. Not only could you feel his hands starting to roam, but his tongue too. That, you remember well.
It hadn’t been forceful, or even really too intrusive. Just like he would push his tongue out to wet his lips, he had pressed close to you and gently trailed his tongue along the seam of your lips. That hadn’t ever happened before. Malcolm doesn’t kiss like that. Really, he’s your only point of reference.
So, when Bradley’s tongue had flicked knowingly against your bottom lip, maybe you had parted them. Just a little bit. But then his tongue was in your mouth, trailing against your own and — nice girls don’t kiss like that. Not any nice girl that you’ve ever known anyway.
“How’s this place look?”
You’ve been following him blindly and daydreaming about his tongue long enough now that he has led you down a side street. Peach coloured stone buildings on either side, lanterns on the walls that aren’t lit yet and a string of mostly empty restaurants.
Bradley’s standing by one covered in plants. The awning is practically entirely green with foliage. The railings outside are the same, flowers tucked into small vases on each table. You’re surprised, honestly, that he picked it. It’s pretty.
You turn your head and he’s looking right at you. The first thing to cross your mind is his hands flexing around your waist, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips.
“This is fine.”
He doesn’t untuck your chair for you, but you wouldn’t have expected him too. This is the same man that would have happily had sex with a married woman on a balcony on a work trip. God, and you let him kiss you.
Bradley catches you grimacing at your menu. “What? — Not a fan of Italian food?”
You look quickly back up at him. There’s a caught look on your face that he can’t quite place. Like you’re waiting for him to tell you that you’re in trouble. “Huh? — No. I like Italian food. What are you getting?”
Bradley looks between you and the menu, wondering if he’ll ever get to a point where he understands you.
“Uh…” He has no idea. He hasn’t even read the menu, he’s just been looking at it so that he doesn’t have to look at you. He exhales. “Do you drink wine?”
Whether the wine helps is debatable. In terms of loosening the two of you up to the point that you can actually have a conversation without burning with embarrassment, it’s a great success. In terms of professionalism and keeping up with boundaries, it is not.
You’ve both eaten, you’ve finished an entire bottle of Malbec and you’re a glass and a have into the second bottle — and Bradley’s a lot funnier tonight than he is normally. There’s a connection between those two things, you’re sure.
Even if it’s just that he’s feeling relaxed enough to actually tell you something interesting about himself for once.
“I was taking a still life art class in Tuscany,” He brings the glass to his mouth and takes a drink of the sweet, red liquid. Relaxed back into the chair, it’s like you’re watching a movie star give an interview when he smiles at you. “Staying with a family outside of Siena. They had a daughter, Maria. She was about a year and a half older than I was, and um…”
He trails, biting his cheek as he sets the glass down on the white table cloth again. The candle flickers in its glass jar between you. With one leg crossed over the other, you’re watching him with your own glass sitting in your hand and a smile on your face. The pale blue of your dress makes your skin glow, your hair is tucked back on one side with a pearl barrette. Verona looks good on you.
Bradley chuckles and pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disbelief. “Well, she — she taught me a lot.”
There’s a brief moment of sense where he sits back and pushes fingers through his curls, shaking his head. Where you can see it in his face that he’s telling himself that this isn’t right. You’re his student.. He exhales amusedly, “I shouldn’t be telling you this.”
He shouldn’t have had his tongue in your mouth yesterday.
“You can’t leave it on that cliffhanger! Come on, I won’t tell.” You grin across the table at him and he bites his lip, visibly grimacing at the memory.
You laugh at him, watching his cheeks turn red on the other side of the table. Breeze catches your hair and brushes it back off of your shoulders. Bradley feels himself grimacing as he thinks back to that time. He can’t believe he’s sharing this with you.
“Y’know, I was in the middle of the Italian countryside but this girl was… she was experienced enough long before I met her. But her father was the town’s butcher, and he had some livestock of his own, and one day Maria and I were… fooling around in the granary…”
“Oh my god, Bradley, no.” Your eyes go wide and you sit upright, breaking into a fit of laughter again. Red faced and reliving every moment of the embarrassment he had felt on that August day eleven years ago, he can’t help but laugh with you as he covers his face with his hands.
“He came after me with a meat cleaver, screaming about how I’d, uh, deflowered his little angioletto.” Bradley admits finally from behind his hands. Even with his face covered, that red blush is already spreading down his neck and onto his chest. You watch it go between the open buttons at the top of his white button up.
The sound of your laughter in front of him is the only thing that makes him pull his hands away from his face. He’s got to see the smile that goes with it. Blinking, he’s quiet for a moment. Candlelight from the lanterns overhead and from the table bathe you in a warm light. The centuries old buildings behind you. The smile on your face. He smiles back at you.
“You know what I find hardest to believe about that story?” You ask him, smiling as you lean forwards and set the wine glass down, propping your chin against your palm.
“What’s that?”
“That you were taking an art class for an entire summer.” It just seems so out of character. He’s all about facts and analysis, using sources to come to a conclusion. Sure, his focus is literature, but so far he hasn’t seemed especially creative.
Bradley chuckles, giving a quick shrug of his broad shoulders. “I can draw. I learned some interesting stuff, got kind of good. Painting… not so much. I failed that class.”
The admission makes your jaw go slack, eyes widening in excitement. He just sits back, lips quirked in amusement as you hit the table and point across at him.
“You hypocrite! Putting love before your studies!” You accuse, grinning at him. He laughs, really laughs, leaning his head back and shaking it at you. Your mind starts to wander in the absence of his eyes on you. Him, at your age. Here in this place, taking an art class.
Maybe the two of you would have liked each other. Maybe in another universe, you would be the kind of girl to be kissing him hard in a granary on a summer day.
“I wouldn’t call what Maria and I had love.” He’s still smiling as he makes the decision. If there was ever much of a decision to make in the first place. Bradley knows what being in love feels like, both in written fact and in personal terms. Head over heels, heart-thudding devotion.
“Sex. Putting sex before your studies.” You correct yourself, still grinning as you take a sip of the wine. Bradley watches your tongue leave your mouth to catch a droplet of the aged red intoxicant from your bottom lip. He studies you from the short distance between you. Sun kissed and with the kind of smile on your face that threatens to have you spilling over into laughter again any minute now.
There’s a small silence between the two of you. The bustle of Verona at night just a few streets away. The two of you, tucked away here. It feels private. Even with the wait staff, the few other guests, Bradley hasn’t looked at anything but you in a while now.
“I just don’t get it,” Bradley says softly, staring across at you like he’s searching for his answer on your face. On a good track to finishing this second bottle of wine, you take another drink from your glass and simply raise your eyebrows at him. “Why you’re waiting until you marry this guy.”
The wine sits on your tongue, still, as you blink at him. Shit. Bradley lifts his palm in defense. This is nice, the last thing he wants is to argue with you.
“It’s none of my business, I know — and it’s your decision. I just don’t get it.”
He watches you swallow the wine in your mouth and look down at your knees, silent for a moment. While you’re thinking, Bradley’s thinking too, of a million ways to apologize and change the topic as quickly as possible.
“There are two reasons.” You tell him quietly, sounding uncertain in yourself already. Bradley’s watching you intently when you look up. “But if you tell anyone then I’ll call you a liar to your face and make this entire trip hell for you. Understood?”
His lips twitch, almost smiling. “Understood.”
“The first reason is that it’s what’s expected of me. I’m a nice girl, from a nice family and nice girls don’t have bad reputations.”
“Having sex with your long-term boyfriend would give you a bad reputation?” Bradley questions, brows drawing together. It’s times like these that you believe he grew up in California. He doesn’t understand the social lives of these North-Eastern socialite mothers.
“Yes.” You deadpan, sitting up a little bit straighter. “And the second reason is that we tried, once. And never again since.”
“Tried.” Bradley repeats to you, squinting his eyes slightly. He mulls over the word, then wets his lips with his tongue. He’s preparing to speak again.
You beat him to it, giving a calm shrug. “We were eighteen. I wasn’t the problem. That’s all I’ll say.”
His lips quirk upwards into a small smile. Your hot shit boyfriend couldn’t keep it up. Bradley’s smart enough not to say anything else on the matter, and instead asks you how you’re liking the book that Pasquale gave you. The two of you finish the bottle of wine in polite conversation.
Bradley calls the waiter over and asks for the bill. It sounds like he’s polite about it. Once it has been set down between the two of you, you’re both quick to reach for your wallets.
“I’ve got it.” Bradley waves you off, opening up a brown leather wallet. You look at him through your lashes, squinting dubiously.
“Since when are you a gentleman?” You play, lips quirked. A week ago, this would have started an argument. Maybe you’re growing on him. He just smiles and shoots you a quick wink, dropping the notes onto the bill.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” He jokes back, starting to close his wallet on the other side of the table.
“What’s that picture in your wallet?” Your eyes linger on the black and white photo booth picture in his phone. Bradley’s gaze shoots between the picture and you. He pulls it from the sleeve and passes it across the table to you.
Briefly, your eyes widen. The man in the picture looks so much like Bradley that you think the woman in the picture must be an ex. And then you look across to the woman, and somehow he looks even more like her than he does the man.
He watches your lips quirk softly into a smile as you inspect the grainy picture. No explanation needed, you know exactly who they are.
“You look like your mom.” You tell him gently. Her blonde hair is settled into short curls in the picture, the man at her side is practically beaming. He looks happy in a way you’ve never seen Bradley match, maybe that’s it.
“Really? — Most people say I look like my dad.” He comments, resting his forearms on the table to lean over and examine the photo for himself. You smile at him, lifting the picture up and holding it next to his face.
There’s a brief quiet between the two of you. Bradley’s still, trying to keep his face neutral as you study the differences. His lips twitch. The serious look on your face just makes him smile. Once he’s smiling, your decision is made.
“You do,” You nod, glancing between him and the picture. “You’ve got your mom’s lips. And her eyes, I think. She’s really pretty.”
You look up, picture still between your index and thumb. He’s pretty. Tanned from days strolling around northern Italy, the golden colour to his skin just makes his freckles more pronounced. It makes his eyes less dark, more of a golden honey colour. Everything, just a little bit warmer.
Bradley’s silent for a moment, watching you watch him. You can see the idea cross his mind. He smiles and reaches out for his picture back, pushing up from the table as he sets it into the wallet.
“You want to see something cool?” He pushes the wallet back into the pocket of his faded blue jeans and the look in his eye tells you that this night is far from over.
Your instinct should probably be to reconcile with your fiancé. To apologize, maybe. But, Malcolm told you to come back with stories to tell, and hiding in your hotel room isn’t much of a story.
The smile on your face is answer enough, Bradley nudges his elbow into yours and rests his hand against the small of your back to guide you in the right direction.
“It’s not that far, I promise. Across the bridge and up some steps.” Bradley tells you, dropping his hand from your back once you’re walking at his side.
He’s right. It’s really not that long of a walk at all. Not with him being your tour guide every step of the way. He walks you across the Ponte Pietra, which is a stone bridge built in 100 BC, making it the oldest bridge in Verona.
From there, it’s a short walk through some more paved streets and up some steps to the Castel San Pietro. Of course, not without first hearing a brief recount of its history. Bradley doesn’t really know much about this spot, much more than he has picked up as a visitor in past visits anyway.
Still, he’s a firm believer in leaving a girl impressed on the first date. He’s able to answer every single one of your questions with ease. As he had hoped, you sit at his side on a stone wall, facing the city, impressed.
It’s after a comfortable silence has fallen between the two of you that you ask him a question of your own.
“Do you believe in fate?” Your cheek presses into the muscle of his shoulder, staring out over the lights of the city. Bradley exhales an amused noise from beside you. Like the notion itself is something to laugh at.
“No. Do you?”
“I haven’t made my mind up yet,” You tell him, kicking your feet just slightly. There’s more of a breeze up here, a slight chill now that the sun is down. “Plenty of intelligent people believe in fate.”
He nods at your side. “Of course.”
“Shakespeare did. Romeo and Juliet’s all about fate.”
He makes a sound, but doesn’t shake his head. “It’s about human will and making the wrong choice.”
Bradley has a way of replying when it comes to discussions like this that makes it sound like he’s correcting you when he’s just stating his opinion. You fight the urge to roll your eyes and instead lift your head to look at him.
“Okay, so the prologue of the play tells the audience exactly what’s going to happen. It doesn’t just foreshadow, it explicitly tells us that the two families hate each other and that the lovers will die. Right?”
“Right.” He confirms to you with a brief nod.
“‘Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife’. The feud would never have ended if they weren’t to fall in love and die. The entire structure of the play is this tragic fate that neither one can escape from.”
Bradley’s eyes flicker over your face. He turns his head towards the city and smiles. “I know. I wanted you to explain it and I feel like I can’t get a straight answer from you unless I piss you off sometimes.”
Your mouth gapes. Bradley flinches as you jab a finger into his ribs and laugh at his side, making him turn back towards you grinning. He chuckles along, shaking his head.
“I can’t believe you just quoted Shakespeare at me. I’ve been busting my balls trying to get you a C in my class and you’ve got passages from Shakespeare memorized.” He muses. When he turns his attention back to the city this time, he leans back on his palms to observe it. Your cheek presses softly into his shoulder once more.
He feels you squeeze closer to him for warmth.
“My grades weren’t ever bad. I still got into an Ivy League. I’m not dumb.” It’s playful in the way that you say it, but you’re not joking.
“No, you’re not dumb.” Bradley agrees. You’re just wasting your potential on being nothing but that kid’s wife. He keeps his mouth shut. Even though the two bottles of wine are telling him that you need to hear it, he’s got enough sense not to.
Bradley lifts his palm and drapes his arm around your shoulder. You shift closer, pressing into the warmth of his torso. Silently, the two of you look out over the city.
You set the curve in your English literature classes once upon a time. Back when you were still trying. Your work was showcased at school fundraisers. It’s easy to convince yourself that you have wholeheartedly believed in every decision you have made so far. That at this age, you have no regrets.
If that were true, you would have been happy the first time that Malcolm had proposed. You wouldn’t have kissed Bradley. You wouldn’t have done it again yesterday.
This doesn’t feel like the right decision either. It can’t be, when it would cost you everything back home.
A light turning on in a bedroom across the river catches your eye. From here, you can’t see much other than her silhouette. A woman, changing alone in her room.
Turning your attention instead towards the sky, you think about the fate Shakespeare wrote about. Ill-fated love that ultimately leads to death, but is inevitable.
Malcolm wouldn’t lead you to your death. Life with him would be safe and comfortable. Close to home with a pleasant income — in-laws that get along with your parents just fine. And yet, that fate does nothing but make your heartbeat thud in your ears.
“You know that Shakespeare wasn’t the first to write about the Montagues and the Capulets?” Bradley interrupts the silence and almost makes you jump out of your skin. Your fiddle with your cuticles, staring down at your knees.
“Dante.” Bradley answers quietly. “This poem he wrote in the fourteenth century that he wrote, the Divine Comedy, he wrote about two warring Italian families. The Montagues and the Capulets.”
His thumb strokes softly at your shoulder as he nods his head. “Like two hundred and fifty years before Shakespeare did.”
“So?” Bradley scoffs, pulling his arm back from your shoulder and squeezing playfully at the nape of your neck. You turn and find him looking at you. Your lips twitch. “So, I’m sharing a fun fact with you. So. You’ve got an attitude, you know that?”
The sun is down now and the thin tie straps, the soft georgette fabric, neither does much to ward the chill of the evening air from up where you’re sitting. Even pressed into Bradley’s side, the cold grazes you suddenly and makes you shiver.
“Come on. Let’s go.” He squeezes your nape playfully once more and gestures his head back the way you had come. Standing up, he almost drapes his arm around your shoulder again out of instinct. He pushes his hands into the pockets of his faded Levi’s.
Neither one of you really says anything, but the walk is far from quiet. It’s like he can hear you thinking. The soles of your cream coloured loafers are quiet along the paved streets, you trail just slightly behind him. He knows you’re just taking in the scenery, but it’s not in his nature to let someone walk alone in a foreign city after dark. He finds himself slowing to the point that he’s dawdling by your side.
“You know we have three more days here, right?” He tells you.
“I know, it’s just pretty,” You answer back, not bothering to turn your gaze back towards him. He watches you taking everything in. “Why, you have somewhere to be?”
“No, but you’re cold.” Bradley points out.
You just roll your eyes and stop walking to correct him. He bumps his shoulder into yours and grabs either side of your waist with both hands, guiding you abruptly forwards.
“Don’t argue. You’re shivering.” He leans forward to tell you softly. Biting your cheek, you push your elbow back into his stomach. He scoffs and nudges you forwards again. His hands are still on your waist when he’s guiding you through the hotel lobby and up the stairs.
Your floor is one up from his, but neither one of you says a word when he skips his all together and keeps walking. Bradley wouldn’t dare call this a date, but he has never let a woman walk home alone after a first date. He walks you to your door wordlessly.
As he opens his mouth to thank you, and tell you goodnight, he watches you pluck the silver key from your bag and push it into the lock. The latch clicks compliantly and you walk inside, leaving it open behind you. Bradley glances down at the threshold, and back at you.
“Here,” You breathe out, crossing to the small dressing table in the corner and picking up the sheets of lined paper there. Bradley rests his forearm against the doorframe, apparently taking the vampire approach after his overstep yesterday. “I finished the practice exam.”
“Oh. Yeah.” He blinks. The expectation is that you’ll turn and bring the paper over to him any second now. Instead, you turn your head and look at him over your shoulder.
“Are you going to come look?”
Fuck. Bradley nods. He swallows and dips his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans as he walks inside, a silent reminder to keep his hands to himself. You had told him no yesterday, and one mistake is more than enough. He’s old enough to know better.
His shoulder brushes yours as he leans around you to get a look at the paper. Reaching out, he rests his thumb beside the line that the first question begins. Glancing back, you watch his eyes scan the paper for a few moments.
“The first three are right.” Bradley notes. All that he can focus on is your perfume. The sweet notes, the expensive, layered undertones. You turn towards him, sitting down on the edge of the vanity. He swallows.
“When you failed that art class, did you know you were going to fail it?” You ask him. It’s eating you up, the thought that this might all be for nothing. You don’t know what you’ll do if you fail again. This time, it’ll hurt that much more. It’s one thing to fail because you hadn’t even attended. To fail after you have actually tried, that’s another thing entirely.
“Yeah.” Bradley breathes out, offering you a smile. He nods his head just to provide additional confirmation. “I couldn’t even paint a sunflower. I knew.”
For once, he doesn’t take a shot at the effort you’ve put into this class. You’re trying. He sees that.
“But you could draw.” You recite back to him.
“Yeah.” Bradley smiles. The top three buttons on his shirt are undone, you can see that he’s still wearing that gold necklace. His father’s necklace, his dad is wearing it in that photo. His cheeks are terracotta red, warm.
“Could you draw me?” Maybe it’s not the best effort at flirting, but you don’t have much experience with that. Your first kiss was with the man that you intend to marry. You shouldn’t flirt with him. Most days you’d rather hit him than kiss him.
But, your bed is right behind him and yesterday he had you pressed into that mattress by a fraction of his weight, and his hands on your waist, in your hair. You inhale softly, met with the increasingly familiar scent of his cologne.
Bradley doesn’t touch you, but he might as well have. His hand curls around the vanity beside your knee. He leans in just a little closer and gives a small shake of his head, smiling like something’s funny. “Sorry, honey, my specialty was human form. Posing nude.”
He’s just trying to get under your skin, see how old-fashioned you really are. Maybe you’re growing used to that by now, it doesn’t take you a second to come up with a comeback.
“Did Maria teach you that?”
Bradley’s eyes don’t move, staring right at you with that smirk on his face still. He chuckles softly, then taps your knee softly. “Alright. I’m going to call it a night. I’ll see you—“
“Wait,” You close your eyes and ransack your brain looking for what comes next. You know he’s still standing there, you can’t hear him moving. “What, um, what did she teach you?”
Bradley’s not stupid. Nor is he oblivious to the fact that for one reason or another, women seem to like him. He’s used to being flirted with. And he knows exactly what you’re asking of him. He’s smart enough not to tell you that the things he did with Maria would have you clutching your pearls.
Still, he’s not going to tell you no. Not when you’re looking at him like that.
Wetting his lips with his tongue, he looks downwards at your knees politely pressed together. Bradley reaches out tentatively, glancing up at your face as he curls his fingers into the hollow of your knee. Your eyes are just on his face, compliant as he tugs your leg just slightly to the side to make room for him to step closer.
Between your knees now, Bradley’s hand abandons your leg. He brings both up to cup your jaw, angling your head so that you’re looking up at him. He exhales softly. You close your eyes in anticipation. He doesn’t keep you waiting long.
He leans in close and kisses you softly, tenderly. Nothing like yesterday. It’s slow, just his lips on yours. Once more, another. Then, he pulls back and gently strokes his thumbs across each of your cheeks.
He swallows softly, opening his eyes. His intention is to search your face for doubt, annoyance — whatever had caused your freak out yesterday. His mouth twitches. Your eyes remain closed, lips pursed ever so slightly, waiting for him to kiss you again.
You lift your hands cautiously from your sides, resting them against his stomach over the cotton of his button up. Bradley kisses you again, just as soft. Building into it with gradually modern generous pecks. His hands keep your face exactly where he wants it as yours ball loosely into the fabric of his shirt.
This time when he pulls back, you chase after him, a small sound slipping your lips. Bradley bites his cheek, tenderly tracing over your jaw, reminding himself to be polite.
“You really want me to show you more?” He murmurs, lips grazing your cheek. Your daren’t open your eyes, fearing that it will give away your entire being. If you look at him, he’ll be able to tell how much your heart is pounding in your chest.
He’s already got a good idea, given the fact that you still haven’t uncurled your hands from his shirt.
“Mhm.” You manage, quiet.
He leans forwards once more and kisses you again, soft, slow. You lean into him, fighting a frown as he pulls away all too soon.
“Open your mouth, just a little, sit still.” With your eyes closed, all you’ve got is his voice. You’re okay with that. It still makes you shiver. You obey, parting your lips just a fraction.
Bradley’s eyes fall down to your lips. He blinks, studying the plush skin. But again, he doesn’t keep you waiting long. He presses closer, as close as he can get to the vanity, and tilts his head just slightly. He kisses your bottom lip, trailing it with his tongue this time.
Your thighs bracket his as you try to press them together. The next kiss he comes in for, it’s the same thing. His tongue doesn’t dare venture into your mouth, or brush yours. He’s just teasing you.
His hands are still cupping your jaw, keeping you exactly where he wants you. Then, finally, he kisses you again, deeper this time. His tongue dips just a bit further, slowly, gradually.
You’re taking the sit still instruction a little bit too literally.
“Copy what I’m doing. Just slowly, like that.” He mumbles against your mouth, his lips on yours again the second that he’s done speaking. Slowly, gradually, and his tongue touches yours once more.
It strokes along the tip of yours and curls just slightly. Nothing to complex to keep up with. One of his hands slides from your jaw to the nape of your neck, sliding his fingers into your roots.
Your tongue lets his do most of the work. He’s surprised when you’re brave enough to actually copy him and curl the tip of your tongue into his. All too soon, he pulls back and goes right back to the pecking. More urgent this time, still he finds time to be tender. Soft, with you.
And yet, you pull away from him with a soft frown.
“What? — What’s the matter?” Bradley’s face creases with concern, his thumb swiping softly over your jaw as he looks for the answer on your face.
“You stopped. Was I doing it wrong?” You ask meekly.
He almost smiles, but decides against it. A sincere shake of his head works instead. He leans in and kisses you once. “No. No, you weren’t doing it wrong. I just… like to go between tongue and no tongue, I guess.”
Bradley sounds uncertain. He hasn’t ever had to explain himself like this before. This is clearly a foreign process to the both of you.
“Okay.” You breathe out. As long as you’ve got the hang of it, you like the sound of that too. You sit upright, stretching up to kiss him again. Bradley leans down. You are rendered silent once more as he kisses your forehead.
“I should go.” Before this goes any further. Before you ask me for more, because I’m really not sure I could say no. Bradley blinks as you look up at him. He almost leans in one last time.
“Yeah,” You breathe out, barely a whisper. He’s more than close enough to hear you perfectly. Your heartbeat thuds in your chest. “Okay.”
He swallows. “I… I had a really nice time with you tonight. Thank you.”
You’re acutely aware that he still has one of those giant paws of his on the back of your neck. That he’s still standing between your knees. That he’s close enough to kiss if you reached for him.
“So did I.” You answer.
Bradley trails his thumb down until he reaches the top of your spine. He finally lets go, dropping his hand back down to his side.
“I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“Right.” You agree, curling your fingers around the edge of the vanity as he takes a step away from you. Bradley offers you a small smile, and takes another big step.
And you leave it at that. He leaves, closing the door to your hotel room behind him, wandering back down to his own room. He should probably feel guilty.
Any guilt that he should feel hasn’t hit him yet. It won’t. If it doesn’t go any further than teaching you what french kissing is — then, what’s there to be guilty about?
Tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @bradshawsbaby @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @thecitysgraveyard @sugarcoated-lame @kmc1989 @cherrycola27
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sorceresssundries · 22 days
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Gale sketches by @orangekittyenergy <3
CHAPTER 1 (of 2)
Pairing: Gale x Fem Tav
Summary: Set post-game where Tav did not feature in Gale's troubles in Baldur's Gate. A whip-cracking, fedora wearing, Indiana Jones inspired mini-adventure - where Professor Dekarios is tempted out of the classroom, and on yet another perilous quest. (Chapter 2 out soon)
Warnings: Chapter 1 is SFW, Chapter 2... less so.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Just a bit of a fun based on the Gale as Indiana comparisons. Also, he looks like a young Harrison Ford, how could I not? This is not the stuff I'm used to writing! But it's been enjoyable and nice to try something new.
Her forest was dying. Thaes’yána, a sacred patch of overgrowth within Elltavia’s home, had been under protection for so long that the Rangers of the forest no longer knew the reason why. Its guardianship had been passed down from mother to daughter for generations, and all Elltavia had known since being a girl was that entry was forbidden, and it was to be protected from outsiders. 
But now, an arcane rot had settled deep within, and was infecting further and further outside of its bounds. Animals, once serene, were being driven to madness if they got too close for too long. Among the forest-dwellers, whispers of unrest travelled, tales of violence and theft staining the once peaceful community. The responsibility had fallen to her to find help, and she had travelled far to ensure she got it. Just like her beloved forest, if the end was near, she would not be going gently. 
Her quest had led her somewhere unexpected, to the shadowy recesses of a sprawling lecture hall. She was nestled in the farthest corner, seeking refuge from the professor's unrelenting enthusiasm. From her observations, his class appeared to cleave into two distinct factions: the diligent scribes, feverishly scribbling down every word that spilled from his lips, struggling to keep pace with his monologuing, and the other group, who seemed utterly disinterested in the lecture material. Their pens lay dormant as they indulged in a different kind of attention; lingering onto his every subtle gesture and every inflection in his voice with wide-eyed fascination. There were a number of Tieflings in the class whose tails were swishing with telling enthusiasm. She imagined if she looked into their notepads, they would be laden with love hearts and romantic doodles.
She knew who Gale Dekarios was, of course. Word travelled, especially when one had command over birds to receive and deliver news from across the realm. Even as far away as she had been from the chaos and fire of Baldur’s Gate - she had taken up moonlit vigil to pray to Mielekki that the heroes' aim be true and their hope evergreen. And now she was sitting here, staring impatiently at one of the very people who had pervaded her prayers. He was more… academic that she’d expected, in his tweed blazer and bow tie. Rounded glasses perched on his nose, occasionally slipping down during moments of particular ardour, prompting him to deftly push them back up with his finger. 
His talking seemed to go on for an extraordinary amount of time, but maybe it just seemed that way because she could feel each precious second slip through her fingers like burning sand. Eventually, the class poured out with a mixture of yawns and giggles and she approached his desk as he scribbled frantically on the blackboard.
“Your dates are wrong.” she said. He flinched slightly, making the chalk jump.He sighed and wiped away his slip, having lost his train of thought. 
“Excuse me?” He turned to face her, his scholarly face frowning and making the lines between his eyes more pronounced. He looked much older when he was frustrated, she thought with amusement. 
She pointed at his scribbles; “The fighting ended in 1421 sure, but the peace treaty wasn’t finalised until the following year.” Her eyes met his, and she was struck by the depth of them. “You may want to correct your students' next lecture. Well… the ones who were actually taking notes.” 
She briefly cast her eyes over the picture frames on his desk. There was one of a formal looking woman with his tanned skin and warm eyes sitting on a sunlit balcony by the sea, and another of an unimpressed looking Tressym perched atop a pile of books.
It was the larger group photo that caught her attention, frozen in a moment of chaos.
In the centre of the frame, a flame-red Tiefling woman was mid-laughter, proudly displaying a crudely drawn portrait of a white-haired elf, the illustration nestling within an odd-shaped gap amongst the group. Behind her, a slight woman with a silver braid, was in the midst of being lifted by a huge, tattooed wood-elf, their collaborative efforts evident in their attempt to fit her into the picture. Next to them, an older woman in druid armour gestured animatedly, seemingly scolding a large, bald man who was earnestly attempting to position what appeared to be a hamster at the forefront of the group. Meanwhile, Gale, with his finger poised mid-sentence, was engaged in conversation with a handsome, horned man who stood with arms folded, seemingly annoyed. Amidst the chaos, only a Githyanki woman remained composed, her unsmiling gaze fixed directly on the camera, unaffected by the surrounding mayhem.
They were the heroes she had seen in the papers, but here they looked less like champions of the Gate and more like a dysfunctional, loving family. She much preferred this version of them. 
“I was not aware I was being monitored today.” He took in her appearance, her dark braided hair was pulled up and away from her face, and she wore travelling robes and a worn cloak. She definitely wasn’t an academic, he thought. Though she certainly seemed knowledgeable on history. Her eyes looked much older than she did - They were the colour of summer leaves slipping into autumn and sparkled when she spoke. With her being an elf, it made sense that she was probably a lot older than she appeared. 
“How can I help you, miss…” 
“Elltavia Kidd’Alka.” Her tone was brusk, efficient. “I won’t waste time with small-talk. I’m here to request some assistance on an urgent matter.” 
He sighed and rubbed his forehead, as though this was a regular interruption to his workday. “Ah, well you can tell the guild..
“I’m not with the guild.”
His frown deepened, “Fine, the harpers…”
“Nope, not them either.” 
“Then please Miss Kidd… 
“I’m a ranger stationed in the High Forest. My home is being infected by a blight which threatens the lives of many who live there.  It is believed the cause is of arcane origin. I need your help to fix it.” She dumped a heavy, jangling pouch on his desk. “I think you’ll find this should be adequate payment.”
This woman did not mess around, he thought. She was refreshing, although he would probably like her more if she actually let him speak.
“I am a professor, not a hireling. I’m afraid I cannot help.”
“Completely understandable, Professor.” She offered warmly “After everything you’ve been through I can understand why you would prefer a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle. Besides…” She said with an exaggerated, compassionate sigh. “You’re not getting any younger.”
This appeared to have touched a nerve. “Listen, Miss Kidd’Alka - I'm sorry for your troubles, but my answer is no. Now if you’d excuse me, I have much to do before my next class. Apparently my dates need amending” He gestured with his arm for her to leave, and she tilted her head with curiosity. She was enjoying him flustered, and she did not move.
“You must feel very lucky to have such a comfortable position here at the academy. Especially with the influx of ancient artefacts that have been added to its custodianship since your arrival.” Her lips tilted at the sudden stiffening of his posture.
He remained silent, eyes narrowing as she sat down in his chair and put her muddy boots up on his desk. She removed a knife from a strap at her thigh, flashing her toned, supple skin and began to peel an apple which had been left for him by a particularly devoted student. He felt a familiar, but dusty feeling stir within him at the flash of her leg. His hand automatically flew to his chest, before remembering that was no longer necessary. Old scars run deep.
“It’s so strange how the discovery of these artefacts always seems to coincide with your sabbatical leave.” Her tone was playful, innocent, but her eyes were mischievous. She slowly let the peel fall away, her blade so sharp she barely had to stroke the fruit with the edge of it. She wasn’t even looking at what she was doing, her gaze was fixed fiercely on him. 
“Your implication is wasted here, I can assure you.”
“My apologies, Professor Dekarios. I meant no disrespect.” She took a sharp bite of the piece of apple speared at the end of her knife, and he watched with fascination and derision as she swallowed, the juice trickling down to her chin. “I just thought the rumoured artefact causing the problem may be of interest to you and your academy. But, never mind. I hear there’s a ex-Sharran cleric who is fond of adventuring, maybe she can help me out.” She could practically hear the thoughts bouncing around in his head as she stood up to leave. 
She was almost at the door when he gave a loud sigh. 
“Wait. Take a seat. I’ll see if I can get my lectures covered.”
She turned to grin at him, and threw the rest of the apple across the room and into a bin with alarming accuracy.
“Leave some milk out for your cat, professor. You may be gone a while.”
The journey back to her forest had been arduous, mainly down to the fact Gale could not get the elvish pronunciation of her name right and so had resorted to calling her ‘Kidd.’ Frustrating for a woman who was one hundred and forty years older than him. Luckily, his useful knack for teleportation meant that at least the journey was shorter than expected. 
They made it to the forest by the following morning, and Elltavia finally relaxed as the sound of songbirds and swishing trees soothed her tired feet and weary soul. She was home again. The plush canopy above them provided respite from the sun, but not the heat, and it wasn’t long into their journey before Gale had switched his slightly faded wizard’s robes into something more appropriate. 
He now wore a loose, tan coloured shirt, unbuttoned enough to display a smattering of chest hair and what looked like a faded, circular scar. His tight brown trousers were tucked into leather boots held up by a belt laden with supplies and potions, and he had a satchel slung over his shoulders. Atop his head was a weather beaten fedora. Typically, she was not a fan of men in fedoras, but the way it kept his hair back off his face and shaded his handsome features was an unexpected and pleasant contradiction to the professor she had first met. But, it was the sinuous coil of a whip holstered at his side, its braided leather worn smooth by countless flicks and flourishes, that caught Tav’s attention the most. 
“A whip?” She asked curiously, trying not to let any of the thoughts it inspired creep into her voice.
“An enchanted whip.” He replied smugly. “Much more useful than a staff, comes in handy from time to time.” To make his point, he unhooked it from his belt, swished it around his head once and then cracked it at a low hanging branch ahead of them. The tail of it curled around tight and sparked with electricity, zapping the dry wood into flame. It fell to the ground with a burning crash. He looked very pleased with himself as he extinguished the fire with a quick blast of conjured water. 
“Well…” She said in the smoky silence. “That was completely unnecessary” 
The mood shifted as they got deeper into the humid, overgrown forest. Leaves and foliage that was lush green and danced in the breeze suddenly became duller, the air stagnant and unbending. Birdsong had hushed, and the once vibrant heartbeat of the forest had suddenly stuttered and stopped.
They reached the centre of the blight, hidden amidst the greenery, to find an ancient temple almost completely swallowed by forest. Its crumbling skeleton had merged with creeping moss. Vines twisted round it like the lithe bodies of a hundred snakes, gripping and squeezing out any remaining life, pushing their way through the stone work until it was prised apart to fall to the forest floor. It once would have been grand, but now looked hollow and haunted. Elltavia grabbed Gale’s arm before he got any closer.
“Wait.” she murmured, crouching slightly. She drew out the sinuous bow from her back and notched an arrow. Her ears flicked like that of a cat surrounded by too much silence. There was something stirring, she could almost hear motes of threatening magic slinking together through the blighted air. Like heat gathering to form a storm. She could practically taste the thunder that had yet to crack.
“Expecting trouble?” Gale asked, hand now hovering over the whip at his belt. 
She did not have time to answer before a skeletal figure, clad in tattered monks robes lunged at them from the shadows. His hollowed out eye sockets glowed with an eerie blue light, and his bony fingers clutched an ancient staff, carved with runes that pulsed faintly with dark energy. As it moved, the sound of creaking bones and whispers of necromantic incantation surrounded it like diseased air. 
With a raise of its staff, a surge of necrotic magic crackled towards them. Gale dove to the side, rolling behind a fallen log, while Elltavia nimbly leaped into a nearby tree, her bow in hand.
She released an arrow in one swift motion. It whistled through the air and struck the skeleton in the chest. For a moment, the blue light in its eyes flickered, but it remained standing -  unbroken and unfazed.
The guardian turned its hollow gaze towards her and began chanting in an ancient, guttural language. The ground beneath the tree where she perched started to rot and decay. With cat-like agility, she jumped to another tree just as the first began to crumble.
Gale seized the moment, sprinting forward and pulling his whip from his belt. With a flick of his wrist, the whip wrapped around the monk's legs, pulling it off balance. The skeleton crashed to the ground, the blue light in its eyes dimming as it struggled to free itself.
The ranger leaped into action, her bow discarded in favour of a pair of daggers. With feline grace, she landed above the guardian and plunged her daggers into its eye sockets, and the dimming light was finally extinguished. 
“Nice whip work.  You get much practice with that thing?” Elltavia approached him, breathless and sweating, and blew away some dust which had settled against his neck. 
“Not as much as i’d like, Kidd.” He said, brushing away some blood from her lip with his thumb. “I’m just making this up as I go along.” There was a moment where their ragged breaths mingled, and their eyes held each other before she turned with a smirk, and headed towards the entrance the skeleton had been guarding. Gale realised, watching her sheath her daggers and count her arrows, that he was in more trouble than anticipated. His heart was hammering in his chest, and he wasn’t sure the fight was the cause of it.
They made their way down ancient, crumbling stairs flooded by spectral light from an imperceptible source, and Gale started to feel queasy and breathless. It was as though something beneath his skin, in his bones, was being sapped from him. It was a feeling he recognised. 
“Sussur” he murmured, and he noticed vein-like ridges running along the walls, thin and faintly pulsing with a moonlight-blue glow. He ran the pads of his fingers over them, and felt a dull burning sensation on his fingertips.
“it’s in the walls. Incredible. It is no ordinary magic emanating from this place.” He held his hand out flat and attempted to conjure a small flame in his palm. There was a crackle, but nothing more. “My magic won’t work here.” For the first time since meeting Elltavia, he felt unsure of himself. It had taken time, patience, an orb of devastation and a mind flayer tadpole for him to even consider that he was of any use to anyone with his spellcasting ability. It had taken his friends to talk him down from martyrdom, and then Godhood. They had  prised his own destruction away from him and cast it into the Chionthar. They had saved him, but some damage is irreparable, and some wounds will always scar.
“I didn’t come to you for your magic.” Elltavia offered behind him. “I sought you out for your knowledge, and bravery. I wanted the professor, not the wizard.”
He didn’t turn to meet her eyes, but his heart fluttered slightly at her words. He steeled himself, thought of the bravery of the Ranger who was fighting for her home, and pushed open the stone door at the foot of the staircase to reveal a giant, circular chamber. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and aged stone. The walls were smooth, carved with meticulous precision by hands long gone. Covering every inch of the surface were runes and writing, each symbol etched deeply and filled with a faint pulsing luminescence that danced over their skin. 
As Gale worked his way around the room, he took out a pair of glasses to help study the variety of texts carved about the place. "I’ve read about this before. A long time ago. An order of ancient monks, secretive and nomadic in nature," he mused, and Elltavia observed the delicate dance of his fingers tracing the inscriptions, as though seeking enlightenment through tactile communion. Beads of sweat glistened on his brow, causing his spectacles to slip, and the subtle readjustment sent a shiver down her spine.
“Like the one outside?” She tried to draw on what little knowledge she had. She had limited experience with monks in her many years. Certainly she had never come across any in the forest before. 
“Not like that one.” He said frowning in concentration. “That one was dead. Re-animated, as a trap.”
He explored the ruins with an elegance befitting a sage, a paradox of scholar and adventurer, warrior and pacifist, man and mage. She found him fascinating. Turning, he caught her in the act of studying him, her curiosity laid bare.
“Something caught your attention?” His gaze was burning, and his mouth was a cocky smile.
She did not blush, Elltavia never blushed, but she did pause long enough for him to move on without hearing her sharp answer.
"They are custodians, seekers of wisdom, guardians of ancient lore, and protector of magic" His voice was low with reverent contemplation. “There are very few of them, and legend has it the ones left are immortals. Chosen by the Gods to protect and serve the precious arcane knowledge which so often gets corrupted or destroyed.” 
For a brief second, his hand instinctively moves to his chest, to rest on the faded scar. He suddenly felt like a heretic defiling a sacred temple.
“You seem to know a lot about it.” She folded her arms with suspicion.
“Well.. I didn’t get tenure for nothing, Kidd.” His eyes flash at her with confident assurance. “These texts imply that they dedicated themselves so completely to their cause, to their life of protection, that they completely cast out all other distractions. They undergo a Rite, to prove their single-minded dedication. Apparently very few passed it.” He tried not to let creeping agitation wrap itself into his voice, if there was a test or a challenge to be taken for proving worth - he felt as though he was the wrong man for the job. He had cast aside the most luring and precious of temptations mortals could ever dream of. It was a test he’d taken twice, and only passed once. He didn’t want his weaknesses laid bare in front of him again. 
“What happens if they failed?”
 His answer was simple, but he feared what would come next would be less so.
“They died.”
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axcel-lucci · 8 months
Didn't know...
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/n: so quick authors note, this is something out of my heart like-- it's most of my frustrations in one fic, so I hope it's not all over the place too much, also it's kind of angst to me.
My masterlist
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(Y/n) has been a part of the heart pirates for years now, she was a part of the "og crew" which consists of penguin, Shachi, and Bepo as the first crewmates.
She met them when they found out she'd been following them around but they didn't notice, law wanted her on the crew because one, she's sneaky, two, she'd be a great spy, and three, none of them know how to cook properly, so they kinda made her their cook.
Anyway, fast forward to today, she now works as the scribe for the crew.
If anything, everyone knows how hard and important being a scribe was. Other than the first mate, the scribe works closely with their captain to keep certain documents straight and papers stacked accordingly as well as it being kept neatly tidy.
But in all the years, even before the crew started, (y/n) always acted so professional, always speaks in a blank expression and straight but cold tone.
Law find it quite amusing how even he gets scolded by her in such a tone as well when he doesn't take care of himself.
She's also rather distant by nature, which the "og crew" got used to after a few months.
But in the most recent year, he finds himself slowly being captured by her alluring personality and physical properties.
Sure, she was cold, but damn is she so fucking beautiful. People would always ask her what skincare she does but all she uses is soap and water, but what's important is her maintaining a balanced food, perfect hours of sleep, and working out. As well as her invulnerability to stress. Which makes law so jealous, but maybe this was the reason for his sudden attraction? Perhaps?
But as Law was starting to realize his feelings and emotions towards her, (y/n) already knew her feelings toward him.
From the very VERY beginning, she liked him.
From the way he carries himself to the way he speaks, to the way he dresses. Everything about him was perfect to her.
But no man has no insecurities, she grew in a home where love was almost nonexistent and grades were everything, but being in a real world like this one, there is no such thing as grades. So she has no idea how to prove herself to him that she liked him.
Does she know how to communicate her feelings? No, she doesn't.
Does she feel comfortable with the growing attraction towards her own captain? Obviously not.
She buried that feeling long ago deep, deep in her heart but it always finds itself to resurface whenever anyone shows interest in Law, or vice versa. It just unceremoniously makes her compare herself to whoever it was.
It just makes her confession day push back further and further and further until it had been two years of planning to confess and being pushed by some "inconvenience" (y/n) claims to have happened.
So imagine her shock and confusion when he announced his plan for dressrosa.
She knew she might never return from it, she knew he might find someone that suits tmhim that isn't her... it hurts... but it's also important to move on.
And as they waited in Zou, the crew noticed how distant she's become, more than her usual, but they brushed it off as her adjusting to the new location as she always does and her being concerned of her captain since she was part of the "og crew" which means she knows him best and bonded with him far longer than anyone has.
But her heart just sank and broke when she read how he's now in kahoots with the strawhats, of course she knows it would be beneficial for him and they'd take good care of him, but she also knows a specific individual was there, one that would defeat her in every single rank, one that would probably click with him more. Nico Robin.
So the hope for any type of romance or relationship, other than really close friends, with Law was shut down right at that instant.
Bepo noticed her sad eyes when she read the news and asked her, of course she denied it with her saying "I'm just tired and drained at the moment, my apologies..." to him. The lie was absolutely buyable since she now also works in the infirmary to replace the missing captain and give the crew their daily check ups, on top of that, being the crew's scribe.
But when he returned, she was in so much relief to find out that no, he did not have any relationship to anyone in the crew, if anything, he was desperate to get out of there (his words).
But when they were around the strawhats, Law reacted so much more to Robin, making her wonder if he was interested in her.
The weight in her patched heart slowly grows heavier each day passes until Luffy decides to leave and save his cook.
Clutching the white envelope in hand, she raised her fist to knock only to hesitate a few times, resulting in her chickening out entirely.
As she walked to her work, she just stared at the white envelope. Weighing down the pros and cons. Mostly cons.
When the footsteps of another crew member was soon echoing right behind her, she shoves the envelope messily in her pocket, not caring if it got ruined. It was going to the trash anyway.
'so much for my hardwork... I literally worked on that for days!' She sighed inwardly before greeting the crewmember that just caught up to her.
"Captain said he's gonna help everyone be transported to wano." They said
She just hummed with a nod, as she usually does. 'wait... so does it mean that... even miss Robin would be here...? So much for my hope I guess...' she inwardly thought while listening intently to the details of the plan.
Later, she and Shachi were working on the engine when Law decided to check on their work performance, which was completely normal.
He glanced to (y/n) as she was tightening up some bolts while telling Shachi to work on the cooling system of the engine when he noticed a small part of an envelope was sticking out.
Knowing (y/n), she'd probably just hide it or deny it being there if he asked, so he did what he always does.
"Room... shambles." He lowly muttered and soon acquired a nearly crumpled up envelope in his hands, he of course hid it since she didn't seem to notice it being gone as it was just a piece of paper.
Law soon left and hurried back to his personal quarters, curious as to what the envelope must have inside.
A letter? Money, perhaps?
Once he got there, he closed the door behind him and locked it before sitting at the edge of the bed and pulling the envelope out, he observed the outside of it first, "for captain's eyes only, Huh?" He chuckled to himself.
He soon found himself removing the seal very carefully.
Once done, he pulled out the letter that was inside and began to read it.
"'dear captain'... how cliche, (y/n)-ya" he chuckled while rolling his eyes.
As he soon read throught the entirety of the letter, his small smirk slowly falls.
The letter basically contains her confessing her true feelings, her own insecurities about the matter, even her own insight and expectations, which was really so "shallow" (her words).
But to sum it up, it's just her confessing her true feelings, how she knew she wouldn't have a chance, and how... she just wanted to try.
At the end of the letter, it said: "I hope you take my offer into consideration. If not, please consider this letter void... I promise I wouldn't mind as I already understand every possible outcome of such a risky letter. I also hope this offer turns out in the best way it possibly can. Also, please do tell me what your feelings on this matter is, I really would appreciate if you'd be able to communicate all these to me directly. With best intentions, (y/n)."
"No wonder she tries her hardest to stay professional..." he muttered before looking at the date it was created ((y/n) is such a dumbass and placed a date), "she made this over... wait... months ago?? Why didn't she just give it to me directly...?"
He just hummed slightly, "chicken..." he muttered under his breath a little.
As the sun slowly sets in the horizon, Law called (y/n) to his quarters for their daily reports.
"At 7 am, Shachi accidentally broke a vase due to him still drowsy. I had patched his arm up, luckily it wasn't severely bleeding. Around 12 noon..." she said in her usual professional tone as she reads the incident reports for this day, also briefing him with this week's hectic schedule.
He listened attentively, but his mind was flying off to somewhere.
"And... that's about it on the incident reports, as for the grocery list..." she muttered as she flipped through her clipboard to find a specific section while she paused.
"I've heard enough." He mentions, making her look at him with a faint nod
"Yes sir." She stands straight and proper
"But can I ask some questions?" He hummed before leaning back in his chair, "why was Shachi-ya drowsy...? Didn't he sleep early last night?"
She nodded, "he did. But he ended up playing videogames the whole night."
He hummed before scoffing, "I knew letting him buy that game was a bad idea."
"On the bright side though..." (y/n) muttered, "at least he has more to talk about than... his perverted stuff..."
"True." He chuckled under his breath, he could see a faint smile playing on her lips before it returned to her neutral expression of professionalism.
He sighed deeply before pulling out the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out the letter from before, "do you mind explaining this?" He asked as he showed her the letter, now wide open for the world to see, in front of him
She was unresponsive at first, staring at the crumpled piece of paper with words almost blankly before her face starts to heat up.
Keep in mind, her face was still on her usual neutral expression as she heats up. Her face redder than a tomato at how embarrassing it was.
She just turned around for a second and breathed deeply. Ins and outs. Before she had calmed down entirely and turned back around
"That letter wasn't supposed to reach anyone... how did you get it?" She asked in a slightly shaky voice.
"Oh, I was just curious. I saw it peaking out of your pocket earlier, so... yeah."
"I... I see... I should've disposed of it earlier" she muttered
"Care to explain this, by any chance?" He looked at her.
She remained unbothered but her form was visibly shaking from emotions.
She was thinking really deeply, whether to lie and get out of there as soon as possible OR just admit all of it and hope for the best.
While thinking though, she suddenly went through tides of her own emotions, it's like they want to burst.
In the end, (y/n) thought he was upset about the contents. She bowed as an apology, "my apologies... sir. I let my feelings get in the way of professionalism. This won't ever happen again, I'll see to it that if anything like this ever happens again I'll-"
"Hey!" He immediately got up from his chair, "that's not what I meant!"
He just sighed deeply before shaking his head, "this... I didn't mean it was... ugh..." he groaned, "lift your head. I need to speak to you properly."
She did as she was told.
Her body still trembling from the sudden surge of emotions but her expression remained constant and consistent.
"What I mean is that... are all the things in this letter true?" He asked as he placed the letter on the table, "if so... why didn't you tell me sooner? It looked like it was made almost... 4 months ago."
She swallowed thickly, her throat started to dry. But she remained calm and took a deep breath in, "I... simply was a coward. I intended to give this to you at valentine's day, which was roughly... 6 months ago, but I wish to make it perfect. Which took too long..." she kinda sighed at how stupid she sounds right now, "my apologies... had it been long before, you wouldn't have to stress about it right now. If you read through all of it, you can consider this letter void. And we can forget it ever existed."
He shook his head and slammed his hands on the desk making her jump slightly while looking down at the blasted piece of paper that started all of this, as if she wasn't the one who made it in the first place.
"I don't need your apology. Gosh... I never thought you'd be like Bepo" he grumbled, she just stayed quiet making him realize his mistake; "actually, no... I don't want to make this letter void."
She looked up at him with hope in her eyes before dying down and looking at the paper.
"You have... other ideas, I see..." she muttered lowly.
This was one of the worst case scenarios she had thought of, him possibly kicking her out, as falling in love with your boss was a big no-no in a working environment.
Funny enough, she actually had her bags ready just in case when she planned to give him the letter earlier that day.
"Yes. I do have my own ideas." He huffed.
She just then looked at the ground as her hands start to fiddle with each other almost nervously, 'this is it... I'm done...' she thought with a sigh.
She was thinking so deeply of her own self dug up demise she didn't even hear him walking around the desk to be Infront of her until she just saw his shoes directly facing her.
Her head lifted slightly but not entirely, to avoid looking at his eyes.
'He's probably mad just about now...' she thought inwardly.
She heard him sigh softly before placing a hand on her shoulder and the other lifting her head up to meet his soft eyes.
"I told you already, lift your head. I want to speak to you properly, not as captain and crew. But as two separate individuals. Nothing more" he muttered in a soft tone
She just sighed and nodded before composing herself properly, "well...? What's the final verdict?"
It was quiet for a while, more of Law searching her soul empty eyes in hopes for him finding at least one small hope from her.
"I want to give this a try." He says
It took some time to register, but once it did, she didn't notice her face was filled with shock and confusion, "c-come again?"
"I said, I want to give this... us, a try." He repeats
"O-oh... uhm... I see..."
She was too busy planning for her own funeral she forgot the other side of the pros and cons, the pros side.
(Y/n) kinda knew he would reject her so she didn't bother planning for when he DID accept.
I mean she did but it was just him saying he accepts but is actually a lie.
She looked so lost at the moment while thinking how this could've been so... favourable.
Law sensed it too, her confusion, frustration, even the look of her not planning ahead.
"Wait... did you actually think I would... reject your offer??" He asked, surprised himself.
"I-i mean... it would only be natural, right...?" She mumbled under her breath, "m-my apologies for the lack of response. It's just... I didn't expect it to go this way. truth be told, I already have my bags packed just in case you would want me to leave... so uhm... gosh this is so embarrassing..."
"What?! I would never want you to leave!" He said in a shocked tone it almost scared her half to death.
"A-ah... I should've... thought of that, m-my... my apologies"
"Stop apologising..." he just sighed heavily at this point. With a hand, he placed it on her cheek to make her look at him, "hey... please be honest, what would you think would happen if you hand me the letter?"
She just hummed a bit, "I... I thought you'd be mad because... I mean... I'm not on the... uhm... 'pretty' or 'cute' spectre. Hell, I wouldn't reach the beautiful spectre. And I'm not exactly... knowledgeable. So I thought... you wouldn't spare me a single glance. Miss Robin, however... you two fit so much. So when I heard you two bonded a lot while on the strawhats' ship, I... I let my emotions take over and basically back out of ever confessing."
"What on earth are you talking about? You're smart as hell. And I don't care if you're beautiful, pretty, or cute. What's important to me is that... you're kind and generous, even to your enemies that did so much harm than good to you. If anything, I'm upset you forgive people so easily." He explains before shaking his head, "and besides, you're the prettiest girl in my eyes. And nothing could ever change that"
"W-what...? You're not lying, are you?"
"Would I have a reason to lie?"
"Then it's settled, we can try to make this work. But do know I'm not doing this because I feel pressured, in fact, I like you too... I just planned to confess after everything happened. After we defeat Kaido and bring back a small amount of needed peace." He nods, "can we go out sometime? Just the two of us?"
"A-ah...! S-sure...!" She jumped slightly, out of nervousness and shock.
"Still surprised and nervous? Don't be. I won't eat ya" he chuckled
It did NOT soothe her nerves. "Don't say that..."
"Then what?"
"Just... don't say anything about it."
"Why not?"
"I... don't know... I get so embarrassed at everything... and right now I feel so fucking ashamed." She huffed to herself angrily
"What do you mean...?" He asked, genuinely curious.
"I am so unplanned, I only planned for when you get upset. But not at the part where you did... I calculated every single outcome and at this point, you accepting is almost so... hmm... it doesn't feel right..."
"Why wouldn't it? You made the letter 4 months ago" he chuckled
"And right now, I want to burn it, destroy it, rip it to pieces until unrecognisable. I kinda wished you didn't see it first. Then I would've destroyed it out of existence."
He hummed, "and... you did that in past?"
"Multiple is way too much for you"
"What do you mean?" He asks slightly
"I've made at least 10 letters, but none of them ever saw the sun rise as I burned them every time we go out camping... I just... thought you'd reject me, that's all..." she explained briefly, "but now I know it was such a stupid decision... I shouldn't have chickened out all those years ago..."
"Hey... it's alright, what's important is that you're here. With me. Right now..." he smiles softly
"I just... didn't know you like me too..." she muttered mostly to herself, "b-but... I'm glad you do...!"
Law could feel himself smile softly, her exterior seemed to ship off slowly at this encounter.
He had never seen (y/n) so embarrassed, shocked, and confused all at the same time like now... it makes him feel so special right now that... she's slowly letting her in, like he did to her all those years ago.
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i-loveyou013 · 1 year
Alhaitham x gn!reader
-> IN WHICH Alhaitham acted nervous the previous days. Why's that?
-> Normal Universe
-> Wordcount: ~0.9k
Request Page
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"Is he okay?" Paimon asked as she looked at Al-Haitham. Kaveh shrugged. "I don't know. He's been acting like this for quite a while. I'd say a few days…? Never once have I seen him like that. If I had to take a guess, I'd say one of his studies didn't work out."
Now you might be wondering what's gotten Al-Haitham all worked up. He's been distant. Sure, Al-Haitham was one of the humans that don't like human contact and is avoiding it at all costs.
But in the last few days, he's been distant, short-tempered and nervous. Kaveh wondered what could make Al-Haitham nervous.
Al-Haitham always made sure the house was cleaned, always made sure everything was set in place and always made sure that Kaveh did all these things as well.
Oh Archons, one time Kaveh put his dirty dishes in the sink, telling himself he would clean it later,
and Al-Haitham saw it,
oh boy,
Kaveh got a 30-minute long lecture regarding his dirty dishes, why he shouldn't put them in the sink, why he shouldn't leave them there and why he should clean them right away.
That made Kaveh worry.
Al-Haitham never acted like this.
"Now that I think about it, he's been acting so strange, it's not normal anymore. Well, as normal as he can be. I'm gonna ask him later in the afternoon." Mache said his last words before following Al-Haitham,
who ran off again, because "the colours don't match". Kaveh didn't know what that meant, so he brushed it off as he did before.
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Al-Haitham was pacing around the house again.
"Al-Haitham." Kaveh stopped in his tracks to follow his roommate.
"Al-Haitham." He didn't respond to Kaveh's call, still murmuring "That's not good enough." and "This doesn't fit well.
"Al-Haitham!" Now Kaveh yelled his name. Said man stopped in his tracks, locking up his roommate. "What?!" The scribe matches his energy. "Can you not just stand around and help me?! The table is off, the light is too bright and the carpet is dirty!" Al-Haitham's tone was loud and demanding. [Name] should arrive the next day
or today,
he didn't know. That's why he wants the apartment to look perfect at all times.
It's been a year since you travelled to Fountain because of your job. What if you found someone new? What if your love for him disappeared? What if you realized you don't need him anymore?
He didn't know. But he wanted to. So badly. You never gave him an exact date when you would come back. If you did. Maybe you had sent a letter telling him you would stay. Telling him you didn't want him anymore.
"You need to calm down!" Kaveh's voice brought Al-Haitham back. "I don't know what's going on with you! The previous days you've been acting strange! Always walking around, never giving yourself a break, never once stopped complaining about how dirty this apartment is or how the lights are too bright! You need to stop! You need to take a break! Please." The architect grew frustrated at the end of his lecture.
Al-Haitham was ready to respond.
But the doorbell rang.
He instead froze.
Is that you?
Were you finally home...?
...back to him?
The scribe completely forgot about Kaveh and his lecture, about his complaints and, about his doubts regarding you. Instead, he paced towards the door, maybe it's not you? He carefully opened the door.
"Al-Haitham." You stood there, smiling at him. You came back.
Back to him.
Your boyfriend didn't move, didn't speak and didn't even think. All on his mind was you and you only.
"[N-Name]?" He couldn't believe his eyes.
368 days. 18 hours and 28 minutes since he has last seen you.
Yes, he counted.
How could he not?
"Aren't you gonna give me a hug?" You opened your arms and Al-Haitham immediately responded, hugging you.
And lifting you up. "Aw, did someone miss me?" You giggled. You were so happy to be back home and finally spent time with your boyfriend again.
"Quiet," Al-Haitham murmured while burying his head into your neck. You were sure 5 minutes have passed since he lifted you up. "Hey I know you missed me and all, but can you put me back down, please? We have time." You patted his head as he let you down, even though he complained. You put your hand around your suitcase and entered his apartment.
"I see you've cleaned. How unusual of you, I wonder what else is new." You laughed, noticing him blushing because of your words. "I-I wanted it to be perfect for you. I know how you like keeping your environment clean and organized." You were going to say something, but-
"YOU HAVE A PARTNER?!" Someone you didn't know yelled from behind. You turned around, surprised. "Haitham you didn't tell me you had a new friend, less roommate. Here I thought you would be lonely during the time I was gone." Kaveh didn't know it was even possible to get the scribe to blush, but here you are, making a stammering, flustered and blushed mess out of him.
"I'm [Name]. Al-Haitham's partner. And you are the 'annoying' roommate Haitham spoke about?" You held out your hand and smiled kindly at the new person.
"Yeah sure."
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Can i have König and Alhaitham with C, D, J, K 👉👈
Headkisses for u Bubba ~~💕
N$FW Alphabet Mini Event
Alhaitham x Top!Male!Reader
König x Top!Male!Reader
C= Cum (anything to do with cum)
Alhaitham| for a long time, he felt a little insecure about his orgasms, because he can only ejaculate once, his dick goes soft but it's not like he doesn't feel pleasure, he can still cum, he doesn't ejaculate, so his body gets overly sensitive from all the dry orgasms he has.
Even so, he cums a lot, and his semen is quite thick.
He doesn't like getting too messy, so he'd rather cum in your mouth or clean himself up before continuing, and before he's too out of it to do it himself.
König| ooh, big boy~ not only can he cum a lot, but he also prefers to squirt, and he definitely does not care about being covered on his and/or your cum every time you have sex, he would even pick some of it with his fingers and lick them clean because he loves the taste of your cum mixed with his on his sweaty body.
D= Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Alhaitham| have you ever wondered where your underwear went? He has them, he's keeping them.
Right when you leave for the bathroom to wash up after sex, he spots your underwear and grabs it, hiding it as quickly as he can. You won't notice anyway, because he bought the exact same pair for himself, he'll just give that one instead and keep the dirty one for himself.
He does it constantly too, but always gives them back, they "magically" show up in your drawer again, cleaned and with a nice scent.
You would've never thought Alhaitham had them, smelling them and getting hard by your scent, or putting them in his mouth to muffle his moans as he came in his hand.
The quiet ones are always the widest, right?
König| he has videos and pictures.
Whether they're ones you sent to him or not, he keeps them in his phone, safely hidden where no one could find them.
He's constantly watching that one video where you're just fucking into him from behind while he whines out your name from the pleasure. He remembers that day clearly, and not exactly because he watches the video every day too, but because he got fucked so good he couldn't walk or sit properly the upcoming days.
J= Jack Off (a masturbation headcanon)
Alhaitham| before you started dating, maybe once or twice a week, afterward though... Sometimes, many times a day, but nothing is enough.
It doesn't matter how many times he jerks off, how long he edges himself, or how much he cums, if you're not the one touching him is useless.
You touch his body in a way that makes him go crazy and he can't do that to himself, and it just frustrates him more.
König| I feel like he doesn't really masturbate that much?
Maybe when he's tense and stressed, but generally he cums when you two have sex, he just likes it more than way.
K= Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Alhaitham| anything you could use to restrain him, he likes looking at the marks left on his body afterward.
Also definitely into being marked, purposely or not, he just likes how the hickeys and bite marks you left look on his body.
He tends to be more vanilla but, believe it or not, he's into exhibitionism. Usually engaging in sexual activities outside at night, when it's less likely to get caught, he's the scribe of the Akademiya, but the thrill of being found gets him dripping wet.
König| humiliation but also praise. He likes being fucked rough and humiliated for enjoying being treated like nothing but a cum dumpster, but he melts when you whisper in his ear how he's such a good boy for taking everything you give to him.
He was scared and hesitant at first, but he found out how much he liked sounding after trying it for the first time. Something about getting his prostate stimulated from two sides makes his whole body tingle and tremble, unable to ejaculate because of the rod inside his dick, making him cry out and his body trembles on the bed.
When he has paperwork left to do he likes having you under him as he cockwarms you, and he finishes as quickly as he can just so he can ride you all night long.
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thirdtidemouse · 6 months
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i have to do more bc she isnt rly brought to life yet.. she will change a LOT... but this is dylan :-] (hammarlund? underhill?) i couldn't not do a hilda oc and i couldnt not make it a nervous werewolf. she stresses herself out but is surprisingly organised about cooking, one of the famously stressful activities. she spends a full day planning out a meal, cooking for herself and kaisa (thank god. that nerd cannot cook) and then asks for detailed reviews.
she is very stressed out about being a werewolf though. she has just finished being a teenager and this is kind of that all over again. she does not want ANYONE to find out and confides reluctantly only in kaisa. what she fears is people fearing her, and she feels like the moment her life has been pieced back together again, she's losing grip, again. it's almost a black hound situation when the people of trolberg hear about a werewolf sneaking around. some episode centred around the mystery ensues.
she likes food + music! although she's more of an amateur at music, she owns + plays a guitar, a mandolin, a banjo, and a harmonica. very folksy. she has a swedish-welsh accent. try and imagine it please.
the default sister dynamic is kaisa getting home from work late (she probably lives in a flat in/around the library), and dylan being in the midst of homemade ravioli or something with a sauce that took 6 hours. kaisa asks about her day to be polite. dylan tells her about the sauce that took 6 hours, a long hike, 3 different invasive plant species, a lot of butter, and the use of powertools. kaisa has been re-shelving niche history of magic books but got so caught up re-reading them that it also took up 6 hours. when they have eaten dylan asks for her opinion and scribes the whole thing down in her notebook as kaisa voices her 5 star yelp review. they do not ask anything else about each others days and interact mainly through dylan slow-motion fake-punching kaisa while she is trying to just hang out in the living room or do her work and is ignored. only when she is in a very good mood will kaisa fake-punch back. dylan has a lethal case of younger-sister-that-is-taller syndrome.
sorry for my handwriting but the vague outline of her backstory WHICH MAY PROBABLY CHANGE is:
from the time she was 8 and kaisa was 21, they lived alone together. kaisa became a full-fledged witch between then and age 25, when suspicion against witches was on the rise for a short while - dylan never became a witch, but the only trusted adults in her life (basically kaisa and tildy) were, and they decided it would be best for her to grow up somewhere less troublesome. they were both pretty messed up about her having to move away, dylan holding some kind of spite toward her sister for a while, and kaisa feeling incapable, guilty and ill-equipped to take care of her.
she went to school in wales at 12, living with as-yet-unspecified family members/friends, and while kaisa almost immediately regretted sending her away, dylan adjusted quickly and spent the rest of her school career there. after a few years she forgave kaisa, because she ultimately enjoys her life, but she is stilll missed at home. at 17 going on 18 she became a werewolf (whether she was bitten or it was always in her somewhere?) and four months later she finished sixth form and called kaisa out of the blue asking if she could come and move in. since they didn't live in trolberg before, she's new to the city.
i will write more cohesively about her relationships to other characters/flesh her out more later, ESPECIALLY the werewolf stuff, but now i have to go to bed. thank you for reading :-] feel free to ask/suggest anything about her!! i love discussing hilda ocs
by the way this is i think my first ever actual OC? i've made up others before but they've just been single designs i've never really thought much about their actual selves because i suck at writing. dylan is the first one thats really stuck. part of her is based off myself and people i know, most of her is not. the main similarity between us is double-denim.
this is fun though. critique is welcome
(obviously her werewolf self is a swedish elkhound. i know the design kind of just looks like a furry im working on it)
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