#this became longer than intended
sun-roach · 1 year
Okay so here is Strife's squad. I created them a few hours ago, so it’s still not completely fleshed out but I wanted to share anyway✨
Rainbow squad
A randomly thrown together group of Corries. The name was Sticker's idea. He desperately wants to see a real one
Strife: former arc trooper, sergeant under Thorn's command, Fork's batchmate, always ends up in a strife unintentionally
- He is caring, hates conflict and will try to end your conflict or problem with his bare hands
Stitch: clone medic, got his name because his face is full of stitches (He worries a lot, will kiss your head after medical treatment)
Cuyan : arc trooper, lost his whole battalion and was send into prison, ended up being a part of the Corries (He is stubborn, closed his heart away, judges your every movement quietly)
Redd: sniper, loves anything red especially his enemies blood (He can be a lil unhinged, will steal from you)
Sticker: arc trooper, sticks to his brothers, a little clingy but loyal (He is optimistic and naive even in Coruscant's darkest pits)
And here some quotes:
(I wanted to write a fic, but oh well my brain didn’t want to. Will probably write one about them soon tho)
Redd: Guys! You won’t believe me what just happened!
Strife: … *sighs*
Redd: …You guys are boring as hell. Where is Sticker?
Stitch: behind you
Redd: hm? AHHH *gets tackled by the arc *
Stitch: Sticker be careful. We don’t need another one with a broken arm *glances at Cuyan*
Cuyan: My arm is not broken *scoffs*
Strife: *raises a brow and grins* Who wants some caf? Raise your right hand
Cuyan: I hate you. May the zillo beast return and feed on you
Sticker: Don’t worry, Cuyan. I will get you a cup with double shots of caramel
Cuyan: Wait no, Sti- *sighs as Sticker disappears * … I want mine black *grumbles in annoyance *
Rainbow squad meeting Fork for the first time:
Fork: *waves at them with a nervous look*
Sticker: Oh he looks like a soft vod'ika
Stitch: He looks hurt…
Redd: You think he got smth valuable?
Strife: You know…He is a lieutenant and older than you? You should show more-
Cuyan: *aggressively signs with his hands and growls quietly* I know you, kriffer! You are still alive?!
Fork: *lightens up as he recognizes Cuyan, his gaze softening. He signs back* Can’t die yet… people need help…
Redd: You know him, Cuyan?
Cuyan: We once had a joint mission together. That kriffer almost got bombed *grumbles but a smirk sneaks on to his lips*
Sticker: Cuyan you can smile?!
Redd: Pshhhht, Sticker! Don’t mention it or he will become an asshole again
Cuyan: ... *growls, his hands clenching into fists*
Strife: … *ignores them and looks at Stitch * Can you give Fork a checkup? His medic is a shabuir
Stitch: Of course. Sir, if you would follow me
Fork: *becomes pale and shakes his head, nervously smiling*
Strife: Why do I always have to do this with everyone? *walks towards Fork and just picks him up as if he were a little tooka instead of a grown man *
Fork: *tries to wiggle out of Strife’s grip *
Another quote
Sticker: It’s so warm
Cuyan: You could let go of me *tries to push the younger vod away*
Redd: You think Strife has new sweets in his stash?
Stitch: I bet his roommate already cleared that
Redd: … Hey Cuyan
Redd: You are ugly
Stitch: We literally have the same faces…
Redd: Yet I manage to look hotter than you all
Sticker: Really?
Redd: Yea- wait what do you mean really? Sticker!
Sticker: It’s good that you love yourself so much, Redd
Redd: I mean-
Sticker: Hold on to it because no one else will-
Stitch: Wow wow wow Sticker.. Cuyan you are rubbing off on him!
Cuyan: *grins dark* He ain't wrong
Redd: Oh you piece of osik, I will-
Strife: …I will beat you all up, if you start to fight each other again. We got a new mission in the lower levels
Redd: Hell yeah! Finally!
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tesb · 2 years
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STAR WARS FILM TRIVIA: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
George Lucas considered duality to be one of the main themes of the film, as seen in Padmé’s double role as the queen and handmaiden, and Palpatine’s duality. Other examples include the master/appentice relationships between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and between Darth Sidious and Darth Maul. There is also the symbiotic link between the Gungans and the Naboo.
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taegimood · 4 months
ALSO on the other hand, thinking about kai and older!reader who always babies him and teases him for being the cute little maknae — and he knows that he doesn’t exactly help his own case with all the aegyo he cranks out — but it grinds his fucking gears that you don’t ever seem to consider him a man, and he’s determined to change that.
kai who has liked you so bad for months and all of his advances have been covered in coos and teases, chalked up to “baby kai needs attention!” and not “huening kai wants to be your boyfriend and he wants to fuck you.”
kai who obviously has always called you noona, but this time you find yourself questioning everything you’ve ever thought about him as you suddenly see him in a whole new light that you had never expected.
you were making another one of your jokes, quipping that “kai can’t handle that, he’s just a baby.” but what you didn’t see coming was the way he would step towards you until you were backed into the kitchen counter, his tall form towering over you as he braces his hands on either side of your body and brings his face down close to yours, saying in a low voice,
“noona. do you need me to show you just how much i can handle?”
you swallow hard.
you’ve never heard his voice sound so deep and dominating. you’ve never seen his eyes look so calmly intense. and you’ve certainly never thought of him as sexy before this moment — but right now, as his dark eyes seem to stare right through you into your thoughts, his scent swirling around you and the muscle in his sharp jaw ticking, you realize that you’re… you feel….
very, very turned on.
“do you, noona?”
his voice is even lower, a sinful whisper to your ears, and you feel like prey caught by a hunter as you tremble under his determined, waiting gaze.
you breath catches in your throat as his face inches closer to yours, but just when you think he’s going to kiss you, his lips are ghosting along your cheek instead to meet your ear.
“it seems like you need me to teach you.”
you shock yourself with the needy whimper that you accidentally let out, and then you don’t even know how but he’s kissing you, everything moving in slow motion and yet so quickly all at once as he dominates your tongue with his own, lifting you up and wrapping your legs securely around his waist.
when the hell did he get so strong??
he’s kicking his bedroom door shut behind him as he carries you to the bed, finally breaking the kiss when he drops you into the plush sheets and stands towering over you, panting.
“what was it gonna take for you to finally see me, hm?” he shakes his head, combing his dark hair back and out of his face with nimble fingers that your eyes suddenly find themselves drawn to.
he huffs out an incredulous laugh. “this, apparently.”
your hands are all over each other after that as you make out heavily, too impatient to even get any clothes off as his hips grind against yours, your arms wrapped desperately around his broad shoulders that you’d never noticed were so wide as you moan his name.
“wanna fuck you so bad, noona, you gonna let me? gonna take it all?”
“please, fuck, just- please, yes, fuck me-!”
you have no idea where this desperation in you came from, but you do know that it’s bubbling over and driving you crazy. you want him so bad that you feel like you’re gonna explode, all these new feelings, this new burst of attraction —
kai is on cloud 9 as he finally, finally gets to show you just how much he’s wanted you as he presses you into the mattress, fucking into you so good and so deep as he kisses you like a starved man, your legs hiked up around his waist and fingers tugging through his hair as you whimper and moan into his mouth, swearing up and down to yourself that you’ll never see him as a baby ever again.
when all is said and done and he’s brought you through two orgasms, one on his cock and one on his tongue and fingers — worshiping your body like you’ve never felt before — you’re jelly in his arms as he traces slow shapes up and down your back.
“i’ve been flirting with you for months, you know.”
your cheeks are hot with embarrassment as you hide your face in his chest.
“i’m sorry… i swear i’ll pay attention now..”
he laughs at your mumbled words, tilting your chin up to look at him. “does that mean you’ve finally come to your senses and agree that i’m more than just a maknae?”
his tone is light and teasing, but his eyes still shimmer with that same hunter-like intensity as before that has you squeezing your legs together and nodding quickly.
“y-yes… fuck, kai, i can’t even look at you, you’re actually too hot now.”
his laugh vibrates through his chest against your cheek as you bury your face again, grinning like a shy schoolgirl.
your stomach flip-flops as his fingertips start traveling dangerously, tracing lower over your hips, along the curve of your ass; dipping down behind your thighs to stroke at your still-wet pussy. you jump at his touch.
“hm.. guess i’ll just have to keep on fucking you, then. right, noona?”
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versadies · 1 year
imagine royal!au in genshin but with ruler x knight trope 😍😍😍 (cw // minor character deaths, violence, threats, and grammar errors)
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you were recently crowned as the ruler of your land after the tragic deaths of your parents. altho you have personally dealt with those foolish nobles who dared to kill your parents with poison by executing them, you still couldn’t help but be extra cautious of your surroundings and the people around you.
you refuse to eat unless the food is served by your most trustworthy butler, who made sure it wasn’t poison. you refuse to take strolls around the garden you dearly loved without being escorted with the captain of the imperial knights. you refuse to attend balls that’s thrown for your coronation in fear of the worst case scenarios happening to you. you even refuse to sleep without checking if your windows are locked and guarded for the nth time.
it was very very severe, and your royal advisor couldn’t take it anymore after overhearing a conversation between your servants about how you’re always so frightened whenever they try to wake you up.
so your royal advisor as well as the royal court together advised you to have a personal knight who could protect you from getting killed by only the gods above know who.
you agreed of course, but on one condition.
“instead of just one knight, i would like to have a group of them.” you said without hesitation.
the people from the royal court was shocked. were you really that cautious to want not just one knight, but more?
your royal advisor on the other hand, remained as calm as they can be. if it is what you want, then you shall have it.
“we will agree to your condition, your imperial highness,” they said with a bow. “we will provide you the best of the best.”
and so, you got yourself a group of warriors — the strongest ones from all over the kingdom, rather — who all have named themselves your knights and sworn with their lives to protect you from harm and danger for as long as they live.
not one person outside of your palace knew of your knights, they only knew that you have a personal knight who’s by your side.
you’ve learned their names as soon as you’ve met them: zhongli, beidou, alhaitham, kaeya, itto, dainsleif, and kazuha.
they’re a weird bunch, you’ll admit, but they’re no doubt the best of the best as what your royal advisor promised with you.
zhongli, who is known for being a member of liyue’s most powerful noble family, is the leader among your knights and the one who everyone outside the palace knew as your personal knight. not only does he have grace and politeness, but also has the experience of many wars, capable of protecting you from even a mighty dragon.
he’s the same knight who makes you tea that helps you sleep every night, telling you stories that seems too real to be fictional as you drink. sometimes, you couldn’t help but notice a sense of nostalgia from him whenever he tells you said stories.
you didn’t want to admit it, but he looks familiar as well, as if you’ve met him before despite the fact that you never once saw him whenever his family comes to your palace.
beidou, who is known for being the strongest pirate in the seven seas and is retired, is the knight who’s always by your side for when you travel around the seas. not only does she have a strong liver for being able to drink so many alcohol, but also has the experience of a pirate who had slaughtered the most feared sea monster, capable of protecting you from those who dare to try and infiltrate your ship.
she’s the same knight who takes you out from your palace and explore around town to help you feel relax from your duties as a ruler, letting you try out street foods and even made you try fishing for the first time by the docks. she sometimes tells you of what it was like back when she had her crew, her eyes full of longing.
you wondered what happened that led her to retire and have her crew split up.
alhaitham, who is known for being the most skilled and intelligent scholar in the infamous land of sumeru, is the brains of your group. not only does he have the intelligence of the grand sage of sumeru, but also has the experience of fighting off many fighters in a swordsman competition and won from it, capable of protecting you from those who dare to point their swords towards you.
he’s the same knight whose as sarcastic as he can be but helps you with your paperwork if you need extra help and is quite an amazing tactician as well whenever you need it. you didn’t mind his attitude and rationality, not when you sometimes find yourself waking up with a blanket on top of you every time you accidentally fall asleep from dealing with documents as alhaitham reads a book on one of the seats of your office.
you wondered how your royal advisor managed to persuade someone like him to be your knight.
kaeya, who is known for being the brother of the current grand duke of mondstadt, is the stealthiest of the group. not only does he have the best connections to get information about nobles who plot to kill you, but also has the access to come to every events you’re invited in as a member of the ragnvindr family and not as your knight, capable of protecting you from assassins and nobles alike in royal balls and events.
he’s the same knight who’s your drinking buddy besides beidou, listening to your rants and woes if you drank more than you can handle. he never tells you what you said to him, only commenting that “you’re one heavy sack of potato to carry whenever it’s time for you to head back to bed”. honestly, you’re kinda glad he never tells you about your drunk shenanigans.
though, sometimes you notice a flash of regret and sadness in his eyes whenever his brother is mentioned around him, staying more silent than usual.
itto, who is known for being…. itto, is the tank of the group. not only does he have the most intimidating image with marks all over his body and with the horns on his head, but also has super strength that could carry many heavy things such as a carriage, capable of carrying you and running away from the scene of a fight while protecting you.
he’s the same knight who gives you jokes and cheers you up whenever you feel drained and sad. he’s honestly quite funny and endearing, even more so when you play card games with him when you feel bored. you could never forget the time when he rapped for you as a birthday present, not minding how all the other knights look as if they’re dying inside at the sight.
you just wish that everyone sees him the same way you do and not see him as the scariest oni in the land who is rumored to have committed many unforgivable acts despite the fact that it is already proven that he didn’t do such things.
dainsleif, who is known for being the descendant of the most powerful captain of the knights back when your ancestors ruled over the land, is a mysterious one. not only does he have the training to be just as strong as his ancestor, but also has the experience of a traveler who has come far and wide around the world, capable of protecting you from those who came to kill you should you travel around other lands to meet up with other rulers.
he’s the same knight who tells you his travels and what it was like to be in such places whenever you ask him to, mentioning people he’d met and places that he could never forget. he’s quite hard to read, you’ll admit.
it’s safe to say you’re curious about this particular blonde traveler he mentioned sometimes, especially when he completely stops explaining for a moment.
kazuha, who is known for being the last living member of his family who died, is different from everyone among the group for his heightened senses. not only does he have the most ancient and powerful sword crafted by his family years ago, but also has the experience of standing against a ruler who uses magic with just his sword, capable of protecting you from those who try to hurt you with magic.
with his senses, he tells you if it’s going to rain today, if the food has poison in it, if a person is dangerous or not, and so on and so forth. however, due to his senses, he prefers to not stay in one place, leading you to make him explore around the palace everyday if he wishes to and see if he finds anything dangerous around your home.
he’s the same knight who escorts you whenever you take a stroll around the palace grounds, being as gentle and kind as he can be as he listens to you intently. sometimes he’d recite haikus he made just for you as you feel at peace with what you have with your knight.
seeing how he looks peaceful and contented with himself, you never questioned him about why he decided to become a wanderer after everything he went through.
overall, you’ve come to know your knights and grew close, finally trusting them as much as you trust your butler and royal advisor after seeing how dedicated and loyal they are to you.
you even find yourself catching feelings with one of them, but who?
kamisato ayato is one of the three rulers of inazuma, who was supposed to be your husband from an arranged marriage that your families agreed on. however, after your parents’ death as well as his, the both of you mutually agreed to not get married for the sake of prioritizing your people first (and also because marriage is not something you’re interested in).
ningguang is one of the nobles who you trust most and the one you talk to often in events. she’s quite intelligent and is never afraid to tell her opinions. she hides half of her face with her fan whenever you say something flattering about her success as she praises you for your hardwork in return, something that happens once in a lifetime for most people. you admit that she’s also one amazing dancer as well after dancing with her whenever you have the chance to (though, you feel a bit flustered from the fact that you almost step on her shoes sometimes).
diluc ragnvindr is also considered as one of the nobles who you trust most. when your parents died, he was the one who reached out to you first and helped you with your troubles before your early coronation. not only is he your penpal, but also the person who can understand your pain since he too lost his father and was forced to take the title of the grand duke too early. (he’s also the one who defended you when nobles gathered around to discuss about the future of the land after your parents’ death, angry that those pesky nobles have the audacity to say you’re not worthy to rule)
capitano is the current captain of the knights who was by your side when you were super cautious and scared of your surroundings after your coronation. he comforted you and reassured you that no matter what, you’re very well protected with him and with all of the knights of the palace. despite his cold demeanor, you have always appreciated his efforts in protecting you and easing your worries, never hesitating to thank him for what he has done. (you didn’t know the disappointment he felt underneath his mask when he knew he no longer has to be by your side anymore, but he was happy that you now feel even more safe with the new knights).
tartaglia is one of the princes from snezhnaya and is never afraid to tell you his undying love for you with every chance he gets ever since you won from your duel with him. you truly admire his unwavering determination for your hand in marriage, and you honestly didn’t have the heart to harshly tell him to stop. instead, you simply just say no whenever he asks you to marry him. besides, he knows his boundaries unlike some of your suitors and even killed one of the strongest beasts of snezhnaya on his own for your birthday gift: a long fur-coat that matches you very well. (if only you knew how he keeps asking your fellow knights to spar with him after finding out that you caught feelings for one of them, wanting to know just how strong the person who won your heart is).
scaramouche was once a person you’ve known since childhood. he was your dear companion who’s by your side until the announcement of your engagement with kamisato ayato. when you came to visit him after the announcement, it was as if he disappeared without a trace. you didn’t know what you did wrong, did you say something that made him run away? it was something you couldn’t find an answer to, and you silently gave him a farewell before going back to your palace defeatedly. it was only a few months after having your new knights when you suddenly have a visitor by your window, he looks far different than the scaramouche you knew back then. he looks more… evil and—
just as you were about to say something to him, you find yourself falling to the ground before everything went black, the last thing you heard was the sound of evil laughter.
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
4/29 candies to enjoy ^^ 🍭🍬🍩
this was a busy day for us cpfs. so i’m gonna compile some bits that made our cpn-senses go off! 😂
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the most obvious, and my fave, because of how it follows the pattern is them not overlapping their releases. i thought gg was gonna release the gucci stuff at his usual 10:05 or 10:10 but he didn’t. that’s because wyb had jeanswest release on 10:30. i love how that was given it’s time till 13:00 when gg posted the ad. i’m clowning cause 13 is yizhan! and then 13:20 will be the weibo live for FPU, which was kinda delayed too when it went on. some more materials for GUCCI was released throughout the day but moreso on international platforms.
it’s hilarious cause i saw a hot take from an xz anti before who said he is “afraid” of doing stuff alongside wyb. that is their perception. lol. but i think even if you don’t believe in the whole cp thing, maybe it’s professional courtesy? maybe these two are friends and have this unspoken rule? 🤷🏻‍♀️
tho i was very happy to see them both pop up on my weibo opening screen! and to experience them having these international campaigns, for wyb, lacoste recently— makes me proud. 😌
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a funny cpn from today is this parallel. in a segment at FPU, there was a moment where a fan said jiayou and wyb said cheering is not always necessary. It reminded us of that time xz was told to jiayou when he was about to go to the restroom and he’s like???? why do i have to jiayou???
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oh these two. 😂😂😂
yibo is the resident gremlin who always has a smart ass reply or some savage comeback for you but xz usually doesn’t. but we know what he has that in him too and i wish we could see more of that!
bonus cuteness before we proceed, this edit of them looking like they are doing the choreo for jisoo’s flower 🌸 and they are BP fanboys so it fits!
now some double standards. in the movie channel interview, they were asked where they first met, and wyb couldn’t remember. compare this to how he was with xz! he was always very proactive that they met in ttxs!!!!
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there was also a part where they were asked to give an example of what they wanna learn from each other. and if they communicated to learn. so HJY said street dance and WYB said jiu jitsu but they both weren’t able to learn from each other. in the meantime, wyb taught xz a dance routine 😂😂😂 among other things. i’m sure yibo will be more than happy to help someone out, but i think you have to be at a certain level of closeness to him. or he is really comfortable with you.
this last section is for the beaded bracelet. i think it’s time to discuss it again because this is the 3rd time he is seen with it. so this looks like something personal for him. tho i have to say, you have the coco crush which is both personal and part of him promoting chanel too. i’m invested in this cpn and at the same time frustrated because of the questions.
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( p1: him wearing it for the fpu bazaar magazine shoot // p2: worn during the movie channel interview // p3: what so/os are saying is the bracelet not that it matters cause i can clown this too )
1. i hate how no wardrobe accounts have confirmed what it is. and i kinda understand cause we never see it fully, plus there is cpn attached to it so they are extra careful. which is also another source of my frustration. why does he wear it when he has long sleeves on??? he was wearing a shirt earlier and his arms were bare! but wait.. he changed his clothes and as soon as he had something to sort of cover it, the bracelet was on. 💀💀💀💀
it’s like he is purposely clowning us!
2. if this was a jewelry to show off and promote Chanel, why can’t we see it well? and i want to see the change in the beads’ color to confirm if it is what the solos say it is.
i’m also side eyeing international solos who are proudly commenting how wyb’s bracelet is luxury and not some cheap buddha beads like xz’s. what? it’s such an insult to a culture that is important to yibo. those bead bracelets made in specific temples for protection is part of his culture. he knows it’s importance and respects it. but what can i expect from solos really? lol. the bar is already very low when it comes to them but they still manage to disappoint me. 🪦
3. and if it is Chanel, i can still clown by thinking GG bought it for him so they can match. 😂😂😂 atleast with the aesthetic.
bonus: the bone necklace!!!!!
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another bonus, i saw this photo of like a celebration i guess for queen of tears. and the cake! the way the actors are cutting it! lol. reminds of xz and wyb! 😂
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banner edit source 圣衣雪琳
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merakiui · 2 months
to the anon who mentioned enjoying being referred to as "mrs. ashengrotto" by azul, i found a way to slip it into the luxe couture fic!!!!!! (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
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EDIT: Posted on AO3!
“Hey, buddy,” Tony puts away his Stark Pad. “You okay?”
Peter tries not to melt inside at how parental he sounds.
“Y-Yeah,” the boy replies.
Tony is already pulling the covers so Peter can join. The latter shyly lies down on the free spot, and so Tony tucks him in. Thick blankets as well, much like the ones in Peter's room.
“You missed me?” The man half teases, half asks genuinely.
Peter hesitates and nods. Tony smiles fondly, though part of him wonders if Peter has something else in his mind that he’s not telling his mentor.
“I dunno, some nights I just… can’t sleep alone,” the teen admits. “I feel immature for that.”
“That’s not immature.”
“I mean, I’m not a kid anymore. And it’s not like I can ask to sleep with Aunt May because she’s at work, and the reason I’m alone in the first place–”
He stops right there.
He’s not ready to really talk about this with Tony.
“... it’s… my fault.”
Peter stares at the ceiling, feeling Tony’s sad gaze on him.
“Kid,” the latter calls.
Peter tentatively looks back, fearing he might cry.
“I’m glad you came here. You don’t deserve to be alone, even if you might believe that,” Tony reassures him.
The boy sniffs.
“... Do you ever feel cold… even though you’re warm on the surface?” Peter wonders. “And you realize how empty you really feel?”
That seems to affect Tony on a much deeper level.
“... Yeah.”
Peter can see so much in his eyes.
Tony exhales, wrapping both arms around Peter, somewhat sitting on the bed so he can hug him better. There are no other words spoken. Only their breaths, their heartbeats, and their inner coldness being revealed to each other. Them trying to warm each other up.
That’s not the kind of emptiness that’s ever going away, Peter knows that well.
At least he doesn’t have to focus on it now.
Because Tony is here, holding him.
Tony is like his puzzle piece. When they’re together, they fit perfectly. When they’re together, Peter feels like he has nothing to fear on his own.
And when they fit together, Peter might have to adjust. He’s not entirely used to the feeling. Perhaps Tony isn’t, either. But it’s not that bad.
Peter is just surprised how… gentle Tony Stark is.
You’d never read that anywhere about him. Least of all about a man inside a suit of armor.
Unlike all those tabloids and headlines on the internet… Peter can actually hear Tony’s heart. Feel the way it beats. The way it’s hardened but is now loosening up. Opening up. Only the true ones know who Tony Stark is.
And Peter also knows with the way Tony hugs him, in a solid grip that is not letting go no matter what. Not giving up on Peter. Not letting anything awful happen to either, and least of all to the boy.
Just telling him, it’s okay, you can rest, and you can rely on me.
Peter takes a while but he starts relaxing significantly, wishing he could never leave. Well, that’s too idealistic. But he can pretend otherwise.
Tony might rub his back and his shoulders every now and then, sometimes he runs his fingers through Peter’s hair, or nuzzles his face against it. All the while remaining quiet. Just being here for Peter.
Deep, deep in the latter’s mind… he remembers those cold nights his uncle lent him an oversized coat. And Peter would wear them and smell like Ben.
He remembers his smell. Shampoo, some old cologne. Cigarettes but he didn’t smoke, it was mostly the smell of the city.
Peter is never going to feel that smell again.
Tony’s is coffee, oil, and sometimes sweat. He spends a lot of time working, too.
Completely different smells. Peter might not ever be able to describe them properly, regardless of his enhanced senses.
They’re not the same, but Peter being enveloped in this, getting to absorb it and call it home…
He never thought that would happen again.
It’s a coat trying to protect him from his inner cold. Peter is wearing Tony’s old MIT sweater, but he’s wearing another thicker coat now.
Peter inhales and exhales deeply, snuggling his head against Tony’s chest. He might feel Tony snorting to himself. Probably wanting to say Peter is cute, which always makes the latter embarrassed.
Tony is lying down again, but never completely releasing Peter. Then he turns off the light.
The boy tenses automatically.
“I’m here,” Tony notices. “I’m right here, kiddo. Not going anywhere.”
He can hear his smile even if he can’t see it.
Peter smiles back, slipping into the dark, knowing Tony is guiding him in the endless nothing inside Peter, understanding it, not trying to get rid of it or fix it. Because Tony loves him the way he is.
Peter can say the same for him.
In his dreams, they’re flying together, having fun. Everything is okay.
And everything will be okay, one day.
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zeravmeta · 28 days
Super Sankta 2 Exu sounds like an excellent idea Zerav. For maximum meme, she's a John Wick style Guard- just uses guns to bash in people's skulls.
Super Sankta 2 Exu whose going John Wick style on people is funny but my concept for Exia Alter was always based on like, the concept that Skadi Alter first introduced that we all thought at the time was gonna be the standard fare for alters
My Ultimate Sankta vs Exia 3 concept was based around the idea of a "Bad End" Exia the way Skadi Alter is, where Exia would be further mechanized ala Executor and become an emotionless seraphim-type unit who would essentially be the ultimate Sankta weapon. This would happen as the result of Laterano having some kind of big event that would cause them to pull all remaining Sankta from all corners of Terra for their promised day of ascension where they would leave Terra and all its problems behind, with certain Sankta (Like Exia) essentially being the vanguards and protectors of these people (I essentially just took the idea of the Rapture and assigned it to the Sankta), with the event concept in question being Penguin Logistics invading this holy land to save their girl.
So like. you can imagine how hard ive been popping off with all the new lore reveals we've gotten over the past 2 years. That said, this concept is a little outdated, and just leaving it at that would be no fun
So here's my pitch for how Exia Alter 4: The Quest For Peace would go with modern foresight (added read more because reasons)
The Popes basement computer in Zwillingsturme just let out a directive that they need to gather their best Sankta to fight against the end of the world. This is in conjunction with the last few events squarely tying together Iberia's Seaborn plotline with both Laterano and Siracusa and their dividing faiths. Now, all of this is in conjunction with the hints we've been getting that Penguin Logistics is going to split up (Lappland and Mostima have already flown the coop, and currently the rest are in Siracusa helping Texas the Amogus, but that will likely not last especially bc Exia's own anniversary line all but majorly hints at this split happening because they all got different stuff going on)
If Penguin Logistics splits, Exia will well and truly be left without a support system.
Now, Exia has always been kind of off as far as Sankta go, because for all intents and purposes she shouldn't be out of place: We see just how Sankta tend to act in Guide Ahead, and Exia didn't really seem all that different. Yet, when we look at her history and actions (she was basically kicked out, she was super accident prone which made other Sankta hate her, as part of Penguin Logistics shes constantly drunk, Texas herself says that Exia being an optimist makes her different, etc), she's actually Really different.
Almost like she has an abnormality compared to other Sankta. Me and a few others (check out @annierosaart post here) have speculated on her being different, but we also don't really know WHY: Even if she was suddenly disconnected from the Sankta empathy powers, we don't see any indication of how, and unlike Ezell we don't have any sort of 'wake-up' moment for her.
But given the weirdness about her and her lines, I think I know what the exact nature of her abnormality may be (and heres my pitch) when looking at the most relevant characters who have abnormalities, namely Executor and Arturia, because I think she falls in line with them (shameless plug to my old exia/executor buddies post):
Executor's abnormality is that his emotions are incredibly muted compared to others. He isn't heartless or emotionless, but more that his heart and mind runs on rationale and logic first and foremost, which almost disqualified him from being canonized had he also not been Laternos single most competent man because saint fedex is entirely disconnected from caring about petty things like being racist.
Arturia's abnormality is that she is receptively empathetic to the point she has nothing within her. She can remove the inhibitions of people, and this is in service to understanding them, because she lacks an understanding of herself: She has a grand dream of an empathy for the world even beyond the Sankta Empathy power, and to accomplish this she draws out the emotions that people hide. As a result, she reflects the emotions of others within herself and thus is incredibly empathetic to the point she's also lacking in emotions and a self.
Exia? I think that her abnormality is that she's too emotional, that the emotions she feels are far more amplified compared to others.
I believe this for a couple of reasons: All the weirdness surrounding her aside, whats the one thing that's always defined Exia? Her Rapid Casting EX. It's always been memed about, but simply firing a single bullet from a gun is akin to casting an Arts attack, with guns serving as a type of wand in these cases. Exia is the only character within the series whose been noted to be so fast with her arts and casting.
This post here does a phenomenal job expanding on this point, but Arts are an expression of the soul, they're influenced by emotions and become stronger with them because they are ultimately expressions of the self, which all characters in and of themselves having a "unique" arts inherent to them. Hell, all of Leithaniens arts are based around using musical expression, while Sarkaz are noted for their arts based on souls and memory, with the literal main heroine of Arknights having an empathy based arts superpower.
Exia, having Super Emotion as her Sankta halo abnormality, could explain why shes so good at gun, even without Oripathy, because said emotions are boosting her casting ability. Remember, anyone can use originum arts, it's just that oripathy is needed for them to be able to do it without a casting device.
This heightened emotion could also possibly explain her crush on Mostima, and even why Mostima is so weird/cruel about her: Mostima was simply a childhood friend alongside her and her sister, and yet when she left for Lungmen, Exia was hot on her trails and then waited 4 YEARS to be beside her and meet her again. She joined Penguin Logistics specifically because of Mostima. It's incredibly likely that Exia might have just had a small crush on her that then spiraled heavily because of this, and Mostima (with her chronic backstory-itis letting her find out that the whole Sankta and halo thing is a scam from her op files and events) might even be aware of this aspect of Exia, and may have wanted her to get over it, always leaving to try and make Exia move on but also always coming back because she needs to look after Exia. After all, if Exia had heightened extreme emotions, what are the chances she could die of grief? She already gets drunks regularly, and despite being cheerful and optimistic, Exia is wearing a mask hiding an incredibly depressed individual.
It could also be possible that the reason why Exia never noticed this is because while it doesn't let other Sankta feel her emotions, she can still feel that of others. She's always confused as to why back in Laterano people always accused her of being disingenuous, because can't they feel her emotions? Well, if she has Super Emotions, it could potentially be overloading her halo, so while she can receive signals, they can't be felt by others. Moreover, this mechanical aspect blends in well with her E2 art, where she is the single operator in the game without an animal/living motiff
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Even other Sankta have birds and/or human statues and robotic elements (funnily enough, Executor Sniper only has crosses but even then he is clearly being themed as specifically an angel), but Exia? She has her guns, becoming wings as a ring forms with them. She's literally ascending while her wings become darker.
So what does all this mean?
Well, the Pope's basement bonzi buddy just sent out a directive for the Pope to gather the best Sankta to fight against the end of the world, and who else to recruit but a vulnerable, lonely Sankta who was kicked out for being TOO destructive? Exia's profile does make mention that despite appearances, she is also incredibly pious just like other Sankta, and if the Pope himself came knocking, wanting to give Exia a place back in Laterano, and in a high ranking, respected position no less?
She would jump at the chance, not only to be beside her sister (and possibly Mostima), but also to be accepted back into Laterano society.
Executors own halo has a mechanized element to it, where he also gains more parts to it when he goes from normalest man to saint fedex, so he likely underwent some kind of modification to go along with his promotion, especially because he also now carries an Nier Automata companion cube with him straight from the machine
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If Exia is to be canonized, she might be adjusted in a similar way by The Law.
She might even be fully altered into becoming Laterano's perfect weapon to fight against the end of the world. The Witch King himself describes this approaching threat as a void of infinite knowledge which seeks to eliminate them, an unshakeable truth of existence that drives people insane.
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The Creator must perish.
What better weapon to fight against such a thing than one who feels her own emotions so strongly she cannot be swayed? Or better yet, an equally as unshakeable, emotionless machine?
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m4delin · 7 months
QSMP Purgatory Pissa AU
There is cannabalism in this.
This takes place in an apocalyptic world, around a city that's sorta floating/suspended in the air a good 100 meters up. The elite basically controlls the city, and both for them not wanting it to become crowded and for their own entertainment they gather a group of people (criminals, people with less power than them that they don't like, etc) and basically kick them out of the city.
It's hard to live outside, anyone who breaks away from the group tends to die if they don't get accepted into another one, but the groups that have survived are often suspicious of others so it's a rare occurance.
Doesn't help that those who survive out in the wilderness tends to have gone a bit insane.
The blue group is the newest batch to the outside and gets greeted by a couple of people from green team who gives them the run down of the "rules" out here. Fit gives them the heads-up, to be nice, to avoid running into the red team until they're more on their footing. "They can be a lot to handle" as he says.
The blue group finds a place to settle down on and at first it seems to be going all good, making people question why it always seemed so bad to live out here. Then they get ambushed by a purple team but before there can be too much bloodshed there's a disaster that sends the purple team hurrying away. After everything calmed down, they still have to bury 3 bodies.
After that attack, they truely start to learn the rules here on the outside.
The first time Missa encounters someone from the red team is when he enters a cave system to escape an acid storm. He figures he can get some mining resources while he's at it.
As he enters a cave he spots another person in the cave already. Now, at this point he has heard plenty of horror stories about the red team from some tense trading interactions with other teams, so he freezes in place as the gasmask turns to him. Missa barely register the masked man shouting something and he's just frozen in place as the man sprints at him, pickaxe in hand. And as it's raised, obviously with the intent to strike, Missa closes his eyes and raises his arms around his head as if it would prevent him getting killed.
There's a loud crack and there's a brief but heavy silence as Missa realizes that the loud crack didn't come from his own head getting cracked open and then there's a thud as something heavy hit the ground.
Missa opens his eyes to see the masked man take a step away from him, the pickaxe falling to his side in a casual hold. He glances behind him to see an unmoving zombie. With a sizeable hole in the side of the head.
When he looks up again, the man is surprisingly far away. The last he sees of him is a pair of wings, partial feathery and partial skeletal.
So his first encounter with someone from the red team was terrifying, but he at least survived.
His next encounter with the red is the same man. And Missa isn't sure what overtakes him, but he gives the man his freshest food, as a thank you for saving him last time. The masked man gives him a look, not that Missa can tell through the mask, as Missa nervously rambles abt the thank you. But they part way without anything dramatic happening.
Missa himself doesn't really encounter other people from the red team though he do hear stories from his team members. And they sound terrifying and yet, when he meet the masked man for the third time, he's not exactly terrified, just more like nervous.
This time he's been out looking for any new crops that can farm when he gets jumped once again by acid rain. He digs down and stumbles into a tunnel. It's not a big tunnel, barely large enough for him to sit up. Obviously a tunnel that you mostly crawl through. When Missa finally gets his bearings he realizes that the masked man is staring at him. And then the man is leaning close and Missa becomes flustered as he presses close, but it's a brief contact and the man is leaning back again. Now Missa realizes that he had closed off the hole Missa had made as he tried to get into cover. Which was a good as Missa can feel the sting from where the droplets had eaten through his clothes.
They're staying in silence for a little bit until the man tries to talk but Missa can't make out what he's saying and then he removes his mask and now Missa is throughly flustered as he looks at him with a grin. The man introduces himself as Phil and the two talk a bit as they're waiting for the rain to stop.
It's a bit of a surprise when Phil suddenly puts on the mask again but there's no hesitation in digging out of the small tunnel. Outside they wave goodbye to each other and part ways.
They keep bumping into each other and Missa just can't see why people are afraid of the red team. Not only does he meet Phil several more times, but he do meet other from team red. Sure, they can be a bit odd but everyone kept talking as if they're are a group of scary induviduals.
It's not until there's a "hunt" of sorts that Missa gets to see just how terrifying the red team can be.
"Hunts" are an event where the elite from the city decides to send some heavily armored soldiers to kill some people from the teams because they think there's been too little killing between the teams.
Green and blue teams gets jumped when they're in the middle of a discussion of how to deal with an incoming big horde of mobs. There's a lot of fighting, but at least it's not a pure massacer.
At one point Missa is scrambling backwards to get away as one soldier is raising their rifle to shoot him, and then *something* throws itself over the soldier. Somewhere in the back of his mind he recognizes it as Cellbit and he's tearing into the soldier with his bare hands. And the rest of the red team is not far behind. With the help of the red team all of the soldiers gets killed (maybe some escapes) and they're safe for now.
Missa locates Phil through all of the people and finds him digging through the chest of one of the soldiers. And when he stands up, he's holding the soldier's heart in his hand. And he's staring at Missa and walks to him. He crouches in front of him and stretches out his hand holding the heart.
As Missa stares at the mask staring back at him, Phil pushes the heart closer and closer to Missa's mouth until Missa has it pressed against his lips. And as he stares into the mask's eyes he takes a bite of it, fearing what would happen if he didn't. H knows Phil well enough by now to know that the other man is smiling.
When Phil pulls the heart away, the whole red team is cheering. And Missa doesn't dare to spit it out so he swallows the bite he took.
(Missa doesn't notice how Cellbit runs over to Roier with another heart and does the same thing, the red team cheering even more. he can only stare at them as they grab some of the bodies and he knows it's for food)
Cue Missa having a bit of a crisis when he realizes that he still has a crush on Phil despite that.
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bathomet-writes · 1 year
Could- 👉👈 could I perhaps ask for a rise Mikey x reader short, where like: it starts with a flashback of the boys as kids, going outside for the first time and while exploring, Mikey spots this little girl on the playground and just thinks she's the prettiest creature he's ever seen, so he goes to give her a flower, completely forgetting he's a mutant and like, readers scared at first but then sees the flower and is suddenly flattered
And then flashback ends: Mikey is now left hopelessly in love with reader, who the boys have now been friends with for a long time and reader is like well dam aware of mikeys crush, but decides to act like she doesn't know to see how long it'll take Mikey, but after a failed attempt of impressing reader by almost getting hurt, reader is just like 'fuck it' and makes the first move
If u don't wanna do it then just pretend u don't see this, and if ur interested, feel free to make any changes you'd like. Also pls do not feel rushed and have a good day.
candy hearts and paper flowers
relationship: Mikey x F!reader
warnings: romantic, fluff, humor, minor hurt/comfort, kissing, sfw
word count: 5,289
author's note: omg..my first request!! this was so fun, i've never written for mikey before. i hope you like it!!
Mikey peeks his head out, lifting the manhole cover up a couple of inches to get a look around. The sliver of light that flooded out from the outside was mesmerizing. He blinks, adjusting to the brightness. 
“Woah…!” He lifts the lid even higher. 
“What do you see?” Donnie whispers. “Is it a horse? I read that there are horses out there sometimes.”
“You read that there are horses in New York? Please,” Leo sighs. 
Raph climbed up the ladder behind the other three, urging them to keep moving. “Quit holdin’ up the line!”
Leo and Donnie crash into one another, knocking their noggins awkwardly. “OW!”
Heaving the manhole cover to the side, Mikey jumps through the air. He tucks his body in to do a quick backflip, crying out a high-pitched “Hoo-wah!”
Mikey stood in hushed amazement, taking in the view of the street they popped out of. He’d only seen places like this on T.V. or in comic books, or while sneaking secret looks through sewer drains. But to stand on the pavement, feeling the dirt and grit beneath his toes, it was something else. He simply couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. 
“This is amazing! Hello dumpster! Hello alley cat! Hello mysterious rainbow-colored puddle!” He hopped and skipped with glee, greeting every object his eyes fell on. 
Eventually, Donnie, Leo, and Raph made their way out of the sewer to join him. They too were taken with the mundane sights around them, amazed at the fact that they were finally above ground. Donnie had already pulled out a crumpled up notepad to scratch down notes. Little observations of the people and buildings he saw. Leo was equally enraptured, following Donnie around as he pointed out various things on the ground. 
“Woah, a used cigarette. Cool!”
“Don’t eat it,” Raph warns. 
The red-clad turtle was trying his best to stay vigilant of his brothers, making sure none of them wandered too far off or ingested something they shouldn’t. He couldn't help but be star-struck as well, however. The ambient sounds of cars passing by and humans talking amongst themselves filled his ears. Raph claps his hands together, getting the others’ attention. 
“Okay, boys. Splinter said we could come up and explore for exactly thirty minutes. Not thirty-one minutes, thirty minutes.” Raph gathered up everyone in a tight huddle, laying down the ground rules. “If any of you mess this up for us–”
“All we have to do is keep a low profile and not die, right?” Leo scoffs.
Mikey nods enthusiastically, siding with Leo. “Easy as pie!”
“I concur. Let us all go our separate ways and reconvene here in a half-hour. Commence the synchronizing of watches.” Donnie readjusts his glasses on the ridge of his nose before hitting a button on his wrist. 
That was all Mikey needed to hear before bounding away, giggling to himself. “Cowabunga!”
Raph was soon left standing by himself as the others followed suit, going off in separate directions. Sputtering, he calls out to them. “W-Wait up! Don’t leave me alone!”
Quickly, he chooses to run after Leo across the street. 
Mikey made a beeline through a nearby alleyway to explore its contents. The smell was strangely worse up here than it was down in the sewers. The pungent scent of garbage made his nose scrunch up in disgust. 
“Nasty. Humans just leave their trash lying out like this?”
Once he gets one last look at the graffiti markings on the brick wall, he flattens himself to the corner of the building to check out the perimeter. There were a couple people walking around, talking on phones and looking somewhat distracted. Taking a chance, Mikey steps out onto the sidewalk, suddenly very nervous. 
The locals didn’t seem too interested in a pre-teenage mutant ninja turtle, not so much as sparing him a passing glance. Mikey twiddles his fingers together, almost waiting for someone to scream out in horror. 
“Huh…” he blinks. “I guess New Yorkers really have seen everything.”
He scans around for a moment, casually people-watching. There were so many humans, and they all looked so different! 
Suddenly, his eyes catch a glimpse of a playground just a couple of yards away. His eyes go wide, sparkling. 
“Omigosh!” Without thinking, he sprints over.
The playground was sizable, seemingly a part of a larger park in the neighborhood. Mikey marveled at the monkey bars, jungle gym, and various slides. He does one more double-take, making sure there was no one else around, before launching himself into the air. 
“Aw, yeah! All mine, baby.”
For the next fifteen minutes or so, Mikey sampled all the playground had to offer. This kind of place was the perfect outlet for all his manic energy. He swung off of every monkey bar, climbed through all the plastic tunnels, and dug through the sandbox for any potential treasures that were hidden away. 
As he buried himself within a sand castle he constructed, Mikey patted himself into a cocoon. “There, perfect.”
“What are you doing?” A tiny voice calls out.
Mikey turned his head toward the swingset to his left. Somehow, he failed to notice a human girl sitting right beside him. She sat clutching the chains of the swing, letting her foot move herself slightly back and forth. 
“I said, what are you doing? You’re gonna get sand everywhere.”
Mikey laid there, looking up to the sky in deep thought. Only his head was visible, while the rest of his body was buried in the sand. That must be the reason why she wasn’t terrified by the sight of his unusual green skin. 
“I like being buried.” He chirps. 
The girl continued to stare, pushing herself lazily on the swing. “Whatever.”
Mikey turns back and gives her a pleasant smile. He was thankful for the company, even if it was a slightly annoyed human. As he opened his eyes to fully look at her, he felt a sudden tightness in his chest. And it wasn’t just from being trapped in a sand prison. 
Mikey didn’t know how to describe it. He could look at a painting and call it beautiful, or look at the moon up above and say it was enchanting. But the person sitting next to him, looking at him with slight indignation, left him gobsmacked.
She tried to look away and continue to enjoy her swing in peace, but she felt Mikey’s eyes bore into her. 
“Do you want me to leave or something?” She sighs.
“What’s your name?”
She turns back to him, a small frown gracing her charming features. The way her scowl curled to the side was adorable. Every minute detail of her face was drawing Mikey in. 
“What’s your name?”
Suddenly, Mikey sits up and lets the sand fall from his person. “Michael. Angelo. Michaelangelo!”
Her annoyed expression falls away as she takes notice of his shell. The green skin, the bald head, suddenly it clicked. 
“You’re a…?”
Mikey scrambles up, putting his hands out in a placating gesture. “I-I know, it’s weird! Is it the mask? It’s the mask, isn’t it?”
He reaches up to untie it and pull it off of his head. Holding it out before him, Mikey waves it around in her face. “See!”
Scoffing, she bats his hand away. “I mean you’re a turtle!”
Mikey secures his mask back on before giving her another winning smile. He shoots his hand out for a shake. 
“Yup! And you are…?”
“I’m leaving.” She slaps his hand away again, rejecting his friendly gesture. 
Mikey watches as she moves to sit up, heart-broken. His lips tremble slightly as he rubs at his hand. Maybe he was being too presumptuous, but he didn’t really expect to get such a cold welcome his first day up on the surface. 
His eyes search around, desperate to find a reason to make her stay. “Wait! I can push you on the swing? If you want…?”
She stops, looking back at Mikey. After a couple seconds of contemplation, she sits back down.
“I guess that’s fine.”
Instantly, Mikey’s mood does a 180. “Yes!”
Stepping behind her, Mikey places his hands on the chains. He begins to step backward and lift the girl into the air. She gulps, her hands gripping tighter.
“This is kinda high.”
“That’s the best part! Here. We. Go!”
Then, Mikey reels back and lets the swing go. He doesn’t take into account the fact his strength was a little more intense than most, accidentally sending the girl flying.
Screaming, she does a full rotation. Mikey stares on in horror as she does another spin. And another. Eventually, she becomes tied to the top rung of the swing set, bound tightly by the chains. 
“That, uh…might be a little too high?” He chuckles.
“GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!” She wails, wiggling against her restraints. “How did you even do that?!”
Mikey quickly jumps up into the air and lands on the bar. He gives her an apologetic look, feeling like he was in real trouble. 
“Sorry! I’m so, so sorry! Let me just—“
She blinks at him, watching as he untangles her from the swing. “You’re…really strong!”
She grins in spite of herself. Her limbs finally go slack and she’s pulled up into Mikey’s grasp. He holds her for a second before gently setting her back on the ground. 
“I’m really sorry again. I kinda can’t control my own strength yet.”
Mikey hangs his head as he lands on the wood chip surface of the playground. 
She kicks her feet, feeling a little awkward for making such a fuss about it. He looked so genuine, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
“It’s fine…That was actually kind of fun.”
Mikey looks up, hopeful. “It was?”
She nods, holding out her hand. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Mikey beams, his eyes shining like stars. He wasn’t sure what it was about this girl that was making him so upbeat. Well, more upbeat than he usually was. He launches forward and brings her into a tight hug, shaking her back and forth. 
“Y/N! You’re my first new human friend! The first of many!”
She groans, trying to escape his enthusiastic hold. “Okay, that’s enough!” 
Chucking, he releases her. “Right. Sorry, too much.”
Mikey rubs the back of his head, smiling goofily at her. She flits her eyes down to his mouth, noticing his missing tooth. Without thinking, she covers her mouth. 
“Your teeth.”
Mikey, feeling suddenly very bashful, closes his mouth. “Yeah, I know. My dad says the tooth gap will go away eventually, but…”
The girl blinks, moving her hand away. She didn’t mean to make him embarrassed at all. To Mikey’s shock, she breaks out in quiet laughter. 
“H-Hey!” He shouts, waving his hands around. “That’s not very nice!”
She laughs even harder, moving her hands away from her mouth. Then, Mikey sees it. She was missing her top right canine. 
Blushing, she points up to her teeth. “You’re just like me! I lost this tooth last week. That’s so funny!”
Mikey’s eyes go wide, watching her continue to heartily laugh. Slowly, his lips curl into a smile. He chuckles along with her, his voice steadily growing in volume. 
As the two of them wind down, Mikey’s smile falls away. He never really interacted with a real human before, was this how he was supposed to feel? His stomach was full of butterflies, hands opening and closing out of sheer restlessness. 
“Can I give you something?”
Walking back to lean against the swing, she nods. “Depends.”
Mikey sweats, realizing he didn’t really have anything to give her. He pats his chest, searching for a gift. “I— I’m gonna give you…”
Looking down, a couple of dandelions sprouting out of the corner of the sandbox catches his eye. Mikey quickly picks them from the ground and presents them to her. He accidentally tore them out by the roots, stringy grass and dirt dangling from the flowers. 
“Flowers! You’re supposed to give cute girls flowers!”
“You…think I’m cute?”
Before he can respond, Mikey notices a large clock face against the side of a neighboring building. It had already been a half-hour! Panicking, he shoves them into her hands before running away.
“GOODBYE!” He screeches.
Mikey peels out, sprinting back toward the direction of the manhole cover he emerged from. He stumbles and trips on the wood chips, accidentally getting some in his mouth. 
He scrambles up to continue his ungrateful exit, leaving the girl behind. She sits dumbfounded, staring at the bouquet of dandelions. A small blush colors her cheeks. 
You smile to yourself, remembering the day you and Mikey first met. 
You look over to him as the two of you stroll through the same park. A good number of years later, things were relatively unchanged. The playground had a couple of updates, some new equipment. Tonight’s destination, however, was the botanical gardens. Mikey insisted that you accompany him tonight, eager to show you the exhibits.
“And, why couldn’t this have waited until tomorrow again?” You ask.
“Because,” he skips ahead, giving you his signature gap-toothed smile. “There’s no one around at night!”
You fold your hands behind your back, winking at him. “So we’re breaking in.”
“No. We’re sneaking in.” He corrects.
Chuckling, you playfully shove him aside. “You just want an excuse to hang out with me alone, don’t you?”
You close your eyes, confidently walking forward. You hear Mikey sputter and cough, having seemingly been found out. He tries his best to cover up his bashfulness with a cool facade. 
“W-What’s so wrong with some good-natured plant watching between friends? You need a little more culture in your life, and who better to provide it than me.”
Mikey places his thumb and forefinger on his chin, his eyes glinting under the dull moonlight. 
“Uh-huh. Sure,” you scoff. 
You didn’t consider yourself a particularly perceptive person. Especially when it came to matters of deciphering people’s intentions. But, Michael was unfortunately kind of an open book. He wore his heart on his sleeve, the poor guy. 
Even a fool could see that he was head over heels for you. You’re not too sure if Mikey had always had a crush on you, but lately he had made quite an effort to shower you with attention. His texts were more frequent, sending you random online quizzes and songs that you just had to see. Mikey was always pretty touchy-feely with his family and friends, giving out plenty of hugs. He was a very physically intimate turtle, sometimes to your detriment. 
“We’re here!”
His voice rips you from your thoughts and you glance up. 
Before you stood a grand building, composed almost entirely of glass windows. The yard surrounding the gardens were almost a little more impressive, countless hedges and water features decorating the area. 
Mikey slides up next to you, waggling his eyebrows. “Right?”
“Okay, this is pretty cool.” You smirk.
“I know. Allow me to razz my tazz…”
You watch as he backflips into the air and sticks to the exterior of the glass building. How did he do that, you wonder? Mikey feels around the glass panel, looking for the loose edge to wiggle himself into. He finally finds it, knocking his elbow against the window. 
Suddenly, he slides in, letting out a surprised squawk. “WOAH—!”
You cringe hearing him fall through a number of limbs, leaves shaking and vines ripping from the impact. The jungle of foliage inside was dense, so you can’t really see where Mikey lands. You run up to the service door, waiting for him to give you some sort of signal.
“Oh, Michael? Are you dead?” You cup your hands together, calling out to him in a sing-song voice. 
Pressing your face against the door, you strain your ears to listen closely. Silence. You click your tongue in annoyance.
“I’m gonna call Raph.” You slowly reach for your pocket.
Mikey slams his head against the other side of the door, his pleading face squished against the glass. “NO, DON’T!”
“AAAH—! Don’t jumpscare me like that!” You shriek. 
Mikey quickly throws open the door before pulling you in by your shirt collar. Stumbling in, you nearly fall over. You huff indignantly while he lifts you back up on your feet. For such a little guy, he sure was strong. 
“Falling for me already, eh?” He jokes. 
You flick his nose. “In your dreams.”
He awkwardly snickers at you, feeling a little shy about his casual flirtation. Mikey didn’t know if he was coming off as cute or just creepy, unable to gauge your reaction. You were always a little more cool and collected than him, your quick wit and charm rivaling even Leo’s. It was humbling, even a little attractive. He follows you from behind like a love-sick puppy, desperate to impress you. 
The two of you eventually walk into the center of the botanical garden and stand in awe of the plant life. Part of you wishes that Donnie was here to inform you both on each and every plant name, he was full of fun facts like that. But, you were happy just to have Mikey here to yourself. It was a good opportunity to test out a theory you had brewing in the back of your brain. 
“So, what first?” You smile, turning to Mikey. “Lead the way.”
He gives you an even bigger smile, eager to have you on the hook. “Oh! There’s that one stink plant!”
He directs you to the right, walking ahead of you before stopping dead in his tracks. You peek your head over his shoulder, looking around curiously.
“I, uh— I forgot we kinda made it into a mutant with a security guard.” He chuckles.
You stare at his face, looking all at once bashful and spacey. Smirking, you edge your head closer to his. You were usually pretty touch-averse, but maybe you could try being more physically intimate with him. Just to see what would happen.
“Maybe that’s for the best. I know you have a very sensitive nose,” you whisper. 
Mikey covertly gulps, caught off guard by your sudden closeness and your low voice in his ear. “Let’s go look at the babbling brook! I think I can hear it…babbling!”
Spinning around, he grabs your hand and drags you along behind him. 
You bite at your lower lip, entertained by his flustered behavior. You hated to admit it, but teasing Mikey was just too much fun. You hold his hand tighter.
“Aww, it’s like a tiny waterfall!” You gush, walking up to stand beside Mikey. “I wonder if there are any fish in here?”
Mikey shakily lets go of you, placing his hands on his hips. “There actually are. Lemme show you!”
You furrow your brows, watching Mikey step into the tiny river. The water led to a larger pond, lilly pads and other aquatic plants scattered about the surface.
“That’s probably a bad idea,” you warn. You follow him along the bank, careful not to step on any of the flowers.
“Relax. I’m a turtle, water is my natural habitat.”
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t Ornate box turtles drown really easily?”
He tosses his head at you, continuing to march forward. “That’s a myth.”
You fold your arms over your chest, meeting his cocky gaze with your unimpressed scowl. 
“Let’s see…I think I saw a fish somewhere around here.” Mikey leans down, moving aside a lily pad to investigate. “Ah-hah! Told ya.”
He shoots back up, holding out an orange-spotted koi fish. It thrashed wildly in his grasp, flapping its tail against his hand. 
Sighing, you walk closer to the edge of the pond. “You’re gonna regret that.”
“I’m putting it right back, okay? Chill—“
Suddenly, a whole army of koi fish swarm around Mikey’s feet in the water. They apparently did not take too kindly to his rude intrusion. You wordlessly watch on as Mikey got practically attacked by a dozen or so fish, their tails repeatedly slapping against his body.
“Woah, hey! Stop that! I’m not your enemy! AAA—!” Mikey tries to run out, lifting his legs high and shaking off a fish that had clamped its jaw onto his foot. 
Your hands grip onto your arms in an attempt to stop yourself from laughing. But, as soon as you see Mikey fall into the water, you break. Cackling, you grab at your sides as Mikey pitifully splashed around in the pond. 
“This is amazing!” You tease. “I’m sending this in the group chat.”
“Help me! I lied, I’m drowning!” Mikey screams, waving his limbs about. 
You hold your phone out and start recording a video, chuckling. “The water’s barely a foot deep.”
The last koi fish gives Mikey a harsh slap across the face, leaving him behind to lie in the water. He looked utterly shocked and defeated. 
Once you’ve gotten all the evidence you need, you stow your phone away and kick off your shoes and socks. You were cruel, but you weren’t that cruel. 
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” You roll up the cuffs of your pants and gingerly step into the pond, holding out your hand to Mikey.
Blinking up at you, he scowls. “I could have died back there.”
You purse your lips, resolving to just reach down and pull Mikey up by the edge of his plastron. “Serves you right for disrespecting the pond.”
As you lifted him out of the water, his body was stiff as a board. His face was still screwed into an exaggerated frown. You can’t help but chuckle again at him, wiping off some pond scum that had gotten stuck to his shell. 
“What?” He pouts.
“You’re so cute when you look like that.” You pull Mikey out of the pond, peeking back at his offended expression.
“That’s totally not demeaning.”
Once you both get back onto the path, you give him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, okay? You just have a naturally cute face.”
Your hands drift up to land on Mikey’s face, gently squishing his cheeks. His eyes were still angry, but you could tell from his blush and his wavering frown that you were really testing his resolve. You knew he wasn’t really mad, just embarrassed. It only made him even more cute. 
Mikey stared at you, using almost all of his willpower not to melt into your touch. You had never been so brazen, so comfortable with casually touching him like this. The cheeky way you were looking at him only made him more flustered. Clearing his throat, he dips out of your hold. 
“The succulents are over here.”
Huffing, he marches away. You can only smirk to yourself as you follow behind. Maybe you were teasing him a little too much. You didn’t really care, though. With a pep in your step, you catch up to meet him at the desert flora section. 
You saw a collection of cacti, some towering over your heads, others small and rotund. Mikey shakes off his growing nerves to present them to you. 
“Behold, the pokey plants. As you can see, they are covered in pokey bits.”
Nodding, you sit your chin upon your fist. “Ah, yes. Very pokey indeed.”
The two of you nod to one another in mock-seriousness. You watch as Mikey begins to smile again, and you feel a little relieved. While you quite enjoyed seeing him playfully mad, you can’t deny that you miss seeing him happy. 
Mikey quirks his head to the side, an idea knocking around in his head. “I wonder…”
You cock your head as well. “Wonder what?”
“Dare me to touch it?” He lifts a hand up toward a particularly sharp-looking cactus. 
You shift your eyes from the plant and back to him, cautiously interested. “I won’t stop you.”
“I’m gonna do it,” he warns. 
“Fine. See what happens.” You toss your hand over your shoulder, walking away. This was bound to end well. 
Before you know it, you hear a loud crunching sound behind you. You twist around to find Mikey crumpled over the cactus’s broken trunk, absolutely covered in thorns. His eyes were as wide as saucers, almost in disbelief of his own actions. 
“Michael!” You gasp. “I swear to god.”
Shuddering, he crawls out of the exhibit, moving through the pebbles that laid about. “Pain…I’m in pain.”
You turn your back to him, exasperated with his antics. “I’m not helping you.”
“Don’t need it. I’m perfectly capable of helping myself.” He stands, legs wobbling. He tries to grab at a large spine poking out of his forearm. 
“Ow.” One thorn. 
“Ow.” Another. 
You grumble, listening to Mikey remove the spines one by one. This was just sad. You slowly turn around, watching as he stands there plucking at his arm. Sighing, you decide to be a little more merciful. 
“You’re lucky you have that shell.” 
You find a nearby bench and plant yourself on it. You pat your hand to the seat next to you, beckoning him to sit down. “Come here.”
Mikey quickly pads over to sit in front of you, swinging his legs around the bench. You follow suit and do a once-over. Thankfully, his legs were mostly unharmed, but his upper body and face were covered in barbs. 
“What did we learn?” You sigh, carefully removing all of the larger spines. 
Mikey tries holding back each cry of pain as you pluck them out, his eyes squeezing shut. “I wasn’t trying to throw myself into a cactus, you know. I just tripped.”
“That’s why are you covered in pokey bits?”
“I– Ouch!” He seethes, recoiling away from you. “I was trying to be cool, okay. Aren’t you impressed?”
Chuckling dryly, you move on to the smaller, more difficult barbs. You knew he was just trying to show off, even if it was kind of pathetic. Internally, you frown. No, he wasn’t pathetic. You somehow felt bad for even thinking that. It wasn’t like he was putting on airs, or being fake. He was actually pretty genuine. 
“Not impressed. Just slightly concerned.”
Mikey sniffs, feeling a little disheartened with your reply. “Sorry.”
You flit your eyes up for a moment. “Why do you think you have to impress me? I already think you’re cool.”
He turns his head away slightly. “I don’t know? I just want to.”
Mikey was usually pretty good about verbalizing his emotional desires. But for some reason, he felt so confused. 
After you pick out the last barb from his cheek, you toss them all away into the bushes. “There, all done.”
You were about to stand back up before you felt Mikey grab at your upper arm. You freeze, looking down at him. 
“I just– Sometimes I feel like I need to show off. Show you that I’m cool and strong, I guess? I’m not super buff like Raph, or smooth like Leo. And I’m definitely not smart like Donnie.”
You move to sit back down, staring at him. You don’t know how to react to his sudden confession, simply opting to remain silent. 
Mikey lifts his head to look you in the eye, a sad smile tugging at his lips. “I just want to make you feel safe.”
You frown. “You think I don’t feel safe?”
Shaking his head, Mikey bails on his own admission. “No, I don’t know. Nevermind.”
In an instant, you get an idea. You rummage around in your bag to pull out your old, worn sketchbook that you carried around everywhere. You leaf through the pages to land in the middle. “You recognize this?”
Mikey blinks away a tear that threatened to accumulate in his eye before looking over. “Your sketchbook?”
“No, this.” You reach in and pull out a couple of pressed flowers. They were shriveled and brown with age, but they were very clearly dandelions. 
Mikey’s sad frown melts away as he leans forward. “Those are…”
“The flowers you gave me. When I first met you, I was actually kind of freaked out. I just remember thinking, ‘Why was this weird turtle harassing me?’” You allow yourself to smile, recalling the memory. 
You hear Mikey chuckle quietly, his eyes softening. 
“But, you were obviously just a huge dork. Sweet, but still a dork. I took those weeds you gave me and put them in here.”
You carefully place them back into your sketchbook, closing it. “I carried them with me all the time, so I wouldn’t feel so alone, y’know? If I ever felt scared, I would just clutch onto this and pretend you were there.”
Mikey sat up straighter, letting your soft words wrap him up into a warm blanket. He felt so safe, so secure in your presence. 
“Thankfully, I didn’t have to do it too often. Because you were always there, somehow.”
Finally, you put your sketchbook back into your bag and look up. You give Mikey a lopsided smile, watching him look at you with quiet amazement. Reaching up, you place your hand upon his flushed cheek, bathing in his warmth. 
Mikey was speechless. Words couldn’t begin to describe what he was feeling right now. He unintentionally allows his head to nuzzle up against your hand, practically sighing. 
“You okay?”
“My skin kind of hurts.” His voice was oddly low, laced with a shy sweetness. 
Leaning forward, you debate with yourself whether or not you want to tease him even more. He looked so vulnerable right now, you wouldn’t dare ruin a rare moment like this. Humming, you indulge yourself and decide to place a soft kiss upon his cheek. You didn’t want to scare him off. 
Mikey’s skin tingles with excitement, electric sparks surging through his body. “Hahh…”
“Am I hurting you,” you whisper. You weren’t sure if he was hissing out in pleasure or in pain. 
He immediately responds. “No, you feel really nice.”
Angling your head lower, you slot your lips gently against his. The kiss is chaste and short, but you feel your heartbeat thrum in your ears. The low light of the night sky illuminated the two of you, making Mikey’s skin practically glow. Moving an inch or two away, you admire his features. 
Mikey sighs, his eyes fluttering open. You meet his soft gaze with your own. After a charged couple of seconds, the two of you break out into laughter. His head falls onto the bend of your shoulder, his breath heavy. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” He exhales shakily. 
“Pull out nearly a hundred cactus spines from your body? Yeah, I can’t believe it either.” You chuckle. 
In a bold move, Mikey smiles against your neck before placing a kiss on your hot skin. You shudder, feeling his teeth brush up against your pulse. 
“Woah-hoh-hoh! Ouch!” You tear yourself away, flapping your hands at his face. “Your teeth are sharper than I thought.”
Mikey gives you a cheeky smile, his tooth-gap on full display. “Sorry, I’m kinda pokey.”
He feels his heart swell in his chest, his limbs going limp and gooey. He wondered if he could even stand up. Seemingly reading his mind, you reach over and hook your arms underneath him. In an impressive move, you heave Mikey up and carry him bridal-style. 
“H-Hey! What are you doing?” He cries out, blushing furiously.
“Carrying you back. Because I can,” you smirk. 
Out of sheer embarrassment, Mikey covers his face. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Neither did I!”
And with that, you make your way back to the exit, giggling with Mikey as you bask in your newfound closeness. You hope that he felt safe with you, safe enough to let you into his heart just a little bit more. 
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soft5ku11 · 5 months
The discourse around palworld is not and has never been "we need to feel bad for Nintendo! Justice for Gamefreak!"
It's about artistic integrity and setting a president for dealing with obvious plagiarism.
All the people who spent the last few months allegedly on the side of artists against AI better put your money where your mouth is, unless you only took part in that whole conversation because you wanted someone to attack mindlessly on the internet and stupid AI shaggers were the most popular and low hanging target to get your superiority complex fed.
If you actually care about artists and protecting art and artist rights, you'd make it known now, but a lot of you aren't. You're too busy playing The Funny Pokémon Gun Game in your own little bubble of "this doesn't affect me" to give a shit.
Guess what? If we let Ai generated images become the norm online, all the """art""" of your favourite characters and series will look the same.
All the same.
Never innovating.
All the same.
Always the same.
Because AI image gen doesn't and never has had the ability to create, only to sift through an alarmingly huge box of stolen works, rip them apart and blend them together into something a little different. All it does is replicate.
If we let lazy and blatantly scammy art theft and plagiarism like this go unchecked without consequence, guess what again? Shit's gonna get stolen way more often.
But you don't care, you're not an artist.
You will care though.
It's extremely discouraging for creatives to continue creating when they know their hard work is going to be stolen and trivialised by some lazy cunt who wants to make a quick buck or gain attention and followers online from plagiarism. Your favourite artist might just have had enough. You never know which theft or ""drama"" will be anyone's final straw.
Your favourite artist may have had enough. They'll give up on their passion for art.
All we ask for as artists is respect. If you respect artists, you'd call this shit out when you see it. Make a riot. Stand up because not every artist has the power that Nintendo might do to sue the pants off people.
Supporting this practice of plagiarism monetarily by buying palworld shows not only these developers, but the greater creative industries as a whole, not just video games, that this shit is easy. It will be rewarded. They can do it and get away with it.
It's disgusting.
I know this devolved into something else than my main point, but I believe it's the root issue. Sitting back and letting this shit happen only perpetuates the issue. It allows it to happen again because thieves think they can get away with it.
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swarmishstrangers · 11 months
hello fellow mspa reader fan :> what do you think mallek's and mspar's first kiss was like <33
This one admittedly took me a bit to think about. So! Just walk with me while I ramble before answering.
The thing I like that factors in a lot to the relationship Mallek and Mspar have with each other is the fact that both of them tend to have a different way of looking at love because of the differences between Earth and Alternia's ways of romance and such. Alternia with the quadrants and stuff. I mention that cause them being aliens to each other make both of them fucking DORKS when it comes to romancing each other.
Like?? Y'all saw that guy call mspar cute and fucking STUMBLED AND FLUSHED LIKE!! GRGH!! I don't think Mallek was shy in trying to show attraction to them, at least in the ways that didn't involve words cause his mouth is faster than his brain and he gets tripped up and embaressed over potentionally saying something wack and stupid to them. But what may be obvious for him to show that he's attracted and has a bit of crush on them they either don't understand the significance/it flies over their head and they don't catch that. Which Mallek keeps in mind and doesn't blame the, ya know, alien for not taking what he's putting down. And vice versa on Mspar’s part.
One of my favorite headcanons is that things seen as little acts on Earth are considered to be deeply intimate to trolls. Scratching someone's back when they're having a hard time getting it themselves? Being genuinely invested in the person? Sleeping when the other person's around leaving yourself vulnerable? Any kind of scenario that leaves you both vulnerable to each other? Heart eyes motherfucker. Heart. Eyes.
Okay, so!! While I've established that, let me actually get to your question. (Under a read more cause hoo boy this is gonna get long)
I like to think there was this period in Mspar and Mallek's friendship that ended up turning into this very ambiguous situation of friends??? Or ♡??? Cause neither of them confessed yet, but both are becoming aware that there's clearly signs of attraction that's mutual on both ends, but again, both are kinda like "woah. they're like, actually into me? in a red way? oh, but what if I'm reading it wrong."
So it was within time where I think their first kiss happened.
I imagine it a night where they were staying over and hanging out with Mallek at his hive. He wasn't coding at the moment. His eyes were actively stinging, and he needed a break, so he was just hanging out with mspar. Specifically, he was lying back on his lounge plank with Mspar joining him, and the two were being cuddly and whatnot. Friends can cuddle! It's not something that Mallek found to be a huge deal as 1. The dude's touch starved. He doesn't mind at all. 2. He likes to leech off their heat as much as they like how cool he tends to run. 3. It wasn't their first time cuddling. It was just nice. They both liked it.
He had his eyes closed the whole time they were talking to each other, not hitting the hay, of course. You know this guy's sleep schedule is wrecked beyond repair. They were recounting their past few nights, and the stuff they were up to with their many other friends, he gave them updates about his coding and other projects he had going on. They devolved into more idle chatter, talking about video games, poking fun at one another, and laughing. It was a good time, and it was certainly helping Mallek destress.
After coming down from their laughter, it got quiet for a moment, pleasantly so. They had one of their arms pushed under where the hood would be and the other on his chest, playing with his hoodie strings while they rested their head on his shoulder. Mallek was still just laying there, grin on his face wide enough for his longer tooth to poke out just a little bit. He had one arm around their waist and his other one resting in his hoodie pocket. His eyes still closed. He could feel them looking at him for a while, almost tempted to crack an eye open to tease them and ask what they were staring at, but before he even could, he felt lips pressing against his cheek and it made his mind go blank. Did they..was he registering this right?
Their face was red, they didn't know what came over them, they weren't thinking! He was being so quiet, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were turning blue. The quiet was making them nervous! They had sputters of apologies on the tip of their tongue and were about to unleash them. Mallek, with a sudden boldness, shifted under them, bringing his hand from his pocket to grab at their hoodie strings. With a yank, he abruptly brings them down, and now they were registering that they were kissing.
They don't move for a couple of seconds, having to grapple with the fact that this is real and they were living in the now. Before their eyelids relaxed, they scooted up a little so their head wasn't tilted so awkwardly, adjusted their arm against his chest, and deepened the kiss.
Mallek was. Thrilled. Over the moons even. He kissed them, and they were reciprocating! Which. Oh, thank God. He got really nervous when they didn't move.
It lasted for just a few seconds before they separated. Mallek's head fell back against the arm of the couch, and Mspar lied their head back down against his chest. Both of their faces flushed, both of their hearts going crazy (and they could hear his.)
They go back to cuddling. No words are exchanged. But there's a new air to the room that neither mention, but both are happy to be in right now.
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lovevamp · 3 months
gold rush | armand x lestat
rated E
word count: 5,786
written for day three of @vamptember’s queens of the damned event for the prompt bodily autonomy
She had moved to sunny California to be an actress. When the hot lights of the film set makes the slick between her thighs glisten and gleam, she feels like she’s halfway there.
you can read the rest on ao3
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ialwaysknewyouwerepunk · 10 months
Sometimes I find it funny that no matter how laddy Louis dresses and behaves most of his fanbase (and even some of the media?) perceives him as gay/queer and is waving rainbow flags at his concerts and then we have Harry who is practically vomiting rainbows and a large (major?) part of his fans are adamant about him being a straight, ally at most. And media is either congratulating him in his allyship or blaming him for baiting.. hide it in plain sight huh, seems it really works..
i think the main difference is the difference between people being a fan of an image or a narrative without making the effort to get to know the person behind it, and people who do. obvs not saying we know them personally lmao, but at least i've read their lyrics at least once. most random harry fans don't even know fine line is a song. and ofc harry is so widely popular now that a lot of ppl like his hits and his face without feeling the need to look deeper. imo the majority of harry's fans aren't even conscious of their belief that harry is straight, it's just how the world works for them. and they believe tabloids. they literally don't care, and not in a bad way. i truly think that the parts of the fandom who really do care are smaller than we think, which is a little different for louis. he has a smaller fandom, a fandom with more people who are very attached to him, so you get more fans who have a stronger idea of him, one way or another. and less randos who just assume he's straight. oh yeah and ofc then there's the insane stunting that's relentless for harry and more bg noise for louis
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paarthursass · 8 months
well i GOTTA ask ""you haven't changed." "...do you mean that in a good way or bad way?""
exes to lovers dialogue
"You haven't changed."
Aurel did not meet Wyll's gaze. They sat within a breadth of each other; Wyll's hands were warm as he bandaged the burns on Aurel’s chest. 
He had borne burn scars on his back, once.  It seemed only fitting that now he would bear the reverse; a symbolic branding of the change he had undergone.
'I could only obtain one Scroll of True Polymorph. Karlach required it more urgently than I.'
"That's not what I meant," Wyll hissed.
Aurel almost missed the intimacy of when they had both carried tadpoles in their minds; the effortless psychic link that had cropped up between them, even back when Aurel was so desperately trying to hide himself from Wyll.  He could have re-established the connection now; his own psychic powers were strong enough, and he did so dearly wish he could just know what Wyll was thinking instead of trying to interpret the cadence of his voice and the way he breathed. 
But it would be an invasion of privacy, and it would mean facing the full force of Wyll's grief. 
Aurel grieved himself enough.
'Then say what you mean.'
"You broke into Mephistopheles' library, Aurel!"
'Yes,' Aurel replied plainly, still not facing Wyll. 'We have spent months chasing inconclusive leads among Zariel's forces. Conversely, we knew with certainty that Mephistopheles' realm held tomes and scrolls of every arcane spell in existence.  And with Hope’s House holding a portal to Cania, it was more efficient to steal a scroll from him than to chase flimsy rumors to every end of Avernus.'
"Don't do that," the small part of Aurel's heart that was still a man twinged at how Wyll’s voice broke. "Don't try and speak to me like you're just a mind flayer."
'I am just a mind flayer.'
Aurel felt bile rise in his throat.  He snapped his head to the side to turn his cold, violet gaze onto Wyll.  HIs old lover paused in his work, his dark devil-eye staring back unflinchingly.
There was a time he could have read Wyll’s face with ease.  He would have known what the clench of his jaw meant, or if the way his fingers trembled were from anger or grief.
Or perhaps he had been fooling himself, lost in the throws of new love, and he didn’t know Wyll at all.
'You and Karlach have been putting on a pantomime. Whether for my sake or to ease your own grief, I do not know, but what I do know is that Mizora was right; Aurel died that day in the Astral Prism. His soul has left for the Fugue Plane, and I am only an echo of his memories. I am an abomination to illithid-kind, and a cruel reminder to you.'
Wyll’s jaw flexed, his lips pursed into a thin trembling line — grief then.  Of course.  The man he loved was dead. 
Once, Aurel would have pulled him close to chase those tears away. He would have cupped his face in his hands, kissed his cheeks, held him as he wept...
His mouth was no longer made for tenderness, but for cracking through skulls and gorging on the grey matter within. His hands were warped into cold, slimy claws that inspired more disgust than warmth. His closeness would only bring Wyll more discomfort.
That seemed to be all he brought Wyll nowadays.
'Well, you need no longer continue this farce,' Aurel went on. 'With the Scroll of True Polymorph, Karlach can inhabit a new body free of the Infernal Engine. The two of you may return to the Material Plane.'
"You're not coming with us?" Wyll's voice broke, his remaining eye large and wet and grief-stricken.
'I will not force you to endure my presence any longer,' Aurel turned away. And he cursed his ceremorphosis — not for transforming him into a monster, but for making him this incomplete thing that still wavered when faced with Wyll’s forlorn gaze.
'There is ample food for me here, and I will take pleasure in knowing I am thinning Zariel's forces as I feed.'
He hated how quiet Wyll's voice was. Why didn't he hate him? Why were they both clinging to a ship they both knew was sinking?
'I cannot be what you want,' Aurel said stiffly. 'I have told you; I am an echo of who Aurel was. I am a living reminder of your dead love. You need not suffer me any longer.'
"I don't suffer you."
'I see how you look at me, Wyll!' Aurel snapped his head around to look at Wyll once more, tentacles flaring. 'You do not see me; you see a dead man you once loved. You saw how Mayrina dragged along the rotting corpse of her husband; I will not be your Connor!'
Wyll flinched, as did Aurel — surprised by the force of his own psychic lashing. Every time he spoke he tried to keep a tether on his telepathy, tried to keep himself from probing too far and sharing too much but in that moment...
"That's really what you think you are," Wyll breathed, his eyes wide. "A shambling zombie trailing after me?"
Aurel's tentacles twitched, and he turned so he could no longer look at Wyll's large, sad eyes.
'Mizora was right,' he said again. He could almost hear her shrill laughter, echoing on the winds of Avernus. 'I am a worm wriggling around in a dead man's brain. I recall his life, his feelings, as if they were my own...and when left to my own devices, I still trick myself into thinking I am him.'
Aurel was quiet for a moment. The balcony doors were open, the rust-red sky of Avernus plain to see. The faint smell of sulfur wafted in, but in Raphael's old boudoir the smell of incense still overpowered Avernus's acrid stench.
They had killed Haarlep here. The incubus had leered at him, tongue tracing their fangs as they looked to make Aurel their next meal, and Wyll had held on to his hand so tightly, as if he was afraid one lecherous look from the incubus would pull him away from his side.
Haarlep hadn't taken him, but only a few days later...the Netherbrain, the Emperor, Orpheus...
'I thought about it.'
Aurel glanced back at Wyll, cheeks wet from silent tears but eyes soft with confusion. "Thought about what?"
'When Orpheus said what needed to be done,' Aurel turned to look back at Avernus. He couldn't look at Wyll, not when admitting this. 'I thought of asking him to do it instead.'
Wyll went quiet. Aurel did not know whether it was grief, or disappointment, or shame that caused his silence, but he persisted all the same.
'The rightful Prince of the Githyanki; their best hope of liberation and ending Vlaakith's tyranny. I thought of asking him to become illithid instead. Worse, I thought it would have been better to let the Emperor feed on him, to let them kill him and take his power, because that would have meant it wouldn't have to be me.'
The carefully maintained dam of his telepathy cracked again. Just a little as his grief, as his anger bubbled over. But it seemed to be enough; Wyll's lips parted, his eyes widened as the torrent of Aurel's emotions seeped through.
'I thought to damn the Githyanki people — Lae'zel's people. I was weak, and I was terrified, and all I could think about was how I wanted to go to that dinner with Karlach and Fytz. I wanted to see Gale’s tower in Waterdeep.  Hells, I even wanted to help Astarion find a new home for him and the other spawn.'
Aurel's entire body had gone rigid. He shook, his claws digging into the sheets of the bed while his tentacles trembled as he stared intently at the wall.
'I wanted my father to recognize me when I went home,' he could not sob, not anymore, but the flood of thoughts and feelings felt nearer to hysteria than he'd been in a long, long time. 'I wanted us to have more than just that one night under the Wilden Oak. I wanted to go to sleep at night by your side and then kiss you awake each morning. And I wondered to myself, 'Could I?' Could I sacrifice the freedom of an entire people just so I could wake up each morning with you in my arms?'
His whole body trembled as those emotions ceremorphosis should have snuffed out spilled over into the air. A small, broken gasp escaped Wyll as he felt it, as all the rage and grief and shame that Aurel had been so desperately trying to hide all these months spilled over into the light.
'I was almost so weak. Weak and stupid and selfish. And I have spent these past months trying to convince myself that it was worth it. That becoming this was worth sacrificing our future.'
He didn't think he was capable of this anymore. This rage, this overwhelming grief, this pain. 
The baubles on the nightstand were rattling, even the bed seemed to be shaking as his telekinesis bubbled within him. 
He hadn't felt this raw and uncontrolled since he was an adolescent.
He forced himself out of the bed and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blot out the everything as if that would stop this.  Stop him.  
He couldn’t. 
It wasn’t just him shaking now; he could hear the bed rattling against the wall, the water in the bath splashing.  Something fell onto the floor and shattered.  He couldn’t stop.  He couldn’t.
And then there was a clawed hand on his arm.  Tentative; just a brush against his cold skin, but enough to share its warmth.
Aurel shuddered, and with that his telekinesis calmed.  The rattling stopped, the House of Hope stood still once more, and Aurel stood there with Wyll hovering inches away.
Aurel stepped away from him.  Out, further, onto the balcony.  He turned to stare blankly out at the barren landscape of Avernus, at the red mountains on the horizon and the smoke rising in the distance.
I will never see the mountains of my home again.
I will never see my father again.
'It is bad enough that I must spend the rest of my days feeling sorry for myself, but I cannot, will not bring you down with me, Wyll. I will not have you standing by my side out of duty and staring at me while you mourn the man you love. That is no life, not for either of us. So leave; go with Karlach back to Baldur's Gate, grieve me, move on, and let me die here knowing I took as many of Zariel's soldiers with me as I could.'
A shuddering exhale escaped Wyll. He was right there, right behind Aurel. He could feel his breath on his neck, could feel the prickling of his warmth on his back.
"Is that what you want?" Wyll asked, his voice ragged and raw.
Aurel closed his eyes.
'What I want does not matter.'
"It does."
'I cannot have it,' Aurel snapped. 'Don't you see, Wyll? I want you to look at me without shame. I want to be able to walk with you in the sunlight. I want to see my father again, with you by my side. I want...I want to be me again.'
A shaky, rattling exhale escaped through Aurel's teeth as he looked up.
'But I am not. Even polymorphing back into my original body could not change that. I am...I am not him. But I don't know who I am when I'm not him. And I do not think I can ever know.'
This was why mind flayers forgot who they were. This was why partialism was such a taboo to them. No mind flayer would be able to survive this agony.
Aurel almost felt sorry for the Emperor. Deluding himself into believing he was still Balduran, that he was better as a mind flayer, had to be the only way he could survive such a thing.
Ansur really would have done him a mercy if he'd killed him.
A pair of warm arms wrapped around Aurel's middle. He tensed, his breath hitched as Wyll rested his forehead against Aurel's back and squeezed with his arms.
"Why did you go to Mephistopheles' library alone," Wyll murmured.
Aurel trembled.
'Because it was dangerous,' he said. 'Because if I failed, then you and Karlach would still be safe.'
Wyll's breath hitched as he squeezed Aurel.
"That's what I meant," he sighed. "Oh Aurel, I’m not leaving you here.”
‘You must.’
Aurel tried to pull away, but Wyll only loosened his grip enough to spin Aurel around - to force them eye to eye while Wyll grabbed his shoulders.  His claws dug into Aurel’s skin, and his eye blazed.
“You haven’t changed,” he insisted. “You’re still the same as you were before.  I should have known from the moment you agreed to jump with Karlach into Avernus without a thought; you’re still the same man who bargained with Mizora for my soul, who risked a sinking prison for my father…who became a mind flayer to save the world.”
Wyll was crying again.  The tears were running freely down his cheeks, spilling onto his tunic.  Aurel stared at the dark spots dumbly as his head spun.
“And then you went and stole from Mephistopheles, and you could have just helped yourself but you didn’t.  You thought…you thought I didn’t love you as you were and you still thought to save Karlach first.”
Wyll’s claws dug in further as he stared up at Aurel, and he gave his shoulders a firm shake.
“I’m not leaving you to sacrifice yourself to Zariel’s forces,” he said. “You’re the same.  You’re the same.”
Aurel wished again to reach out his telepathy, to feel the edges of Wyll’s mind so he might know.
But instead he just nodded his head, and he relished the relieved sob that escaped Wyll.
He wanted to believe this. 
Even if it was a lie.
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I'm of the mind Stede and Ed are going to be separated for most of this season.
And during this Izzy is going to catch wind that Stede Bonnet died by being crushed by a piano, but he isn't going to tell Ed, not at first.
No he's going to keep that information in his back pocket for when Ed starts to collect himself and show signs of being himself again.
Izzy may even find out that Stede isn't actually dead, and that's he's been trying to find Ed, so he'll get the obituary for proof. He wants to keep them apart.
And that's when he'll tell Ed.
Cue Ed hitting rock bottom. He not only sinks deeper into the Kraken persona, to disassociate from his pain even more, but he starts to get sloppy.
He comes up with suicidal mission to raid a heavily fortified military out post.
Instead of taking the weeks of planning he usually would for something this dangerous he wants to do it right away.
Anyone who doesn't participate will be killed.
During their stop get get supplies, the crew runs into Fang, who promptly tells them everything after finding out Stede is alive, and they set up a plan to intervene.
Izzy over hears, gets back to the ship, tells Ed that he shot Fang dead for trying to run away.
Ed believes him and they set sail before Fang gets back to enact the plan.
The rest of the crew rushes back to Stede and tell him what happened and where they're going.
Stede immediately has them take chase.
As the Revenge starts to make it's way towards the military out post it begins to rain. Visibility is poor. Even Izzy starts to get nervous, but Ed is refusing to stop.
Stede orders everyone to dump everything off the ship, even the cannons. They must become as light as possible to gain speed.
Waste Time Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol starts playing
We cut back and forth between both ships as Stede gets closer to the Revenge and the Revenge gets closer to the outpost.
Both Captains are very determined.
Buttons calls out to Stede that they won't make it in time and that the Revenge is too close to crossing into the port of the out post.
Both ships will be targeted by military fire if they go any further. They only have one canon left with just enough gun powder for one shot, but no cannon balls. They'd be goners.
Cut to them loading the Canon with random things that didn't get thrown off the ship.
They aim the cannon at the Revenge. If they can't get to it maybe they can get it's attention.
They light the fuse and fire. A spew of random items fly out from the side of the boat, they aren't close enough to hit the Revenge, but the noise breaks through the rain and does get Edwards attention.
Looking through a spy glass Ed sees Stede for the first time in months.
He is waving from the bow of his ship.
Ed immediately breaks down.
Frenchie and Jim start to turn the ship around.
Izzy tries to stop them. Jim threatens to slice his throat where he stands.
Both ships sail towards each other. It is still raining.
Waste Time Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol is still playing
Stede boards the Revenge.
Goes straight for Ed but he is emotionally overwhelming. Ed draws his sword and keeps his distance.
Ed asks Stede why he is just showing up now.
Stede explains he has been looking for him the whole time.
Ed asks why he never showed up at the dock.
Stede explains what happened and he thought it was what was best for both of them.
Ed tells him that wasn't his decision to make.
Stede steps closer. Ed holds up his sword.
Stede tries to apologize.
Ed won't listen, saying he had given up everything for him. He continues to use his sword as a buffer.
Stede continues his apology inching closer and closer.
The tip of Eds sword touches Stedes stomach.
"I gave everything up for you."
Stede says he knows, and it just took him a little longer to do the same. "I gave it all up, the money the land, I can't even pay my crew a wage now."
Ed seems to let his guard down slightly.
"I'm sorry I'm late."
In one move Stede closes the distance between himself and Ed, running himself through on Ed's sword as he hugs him.
Ed surprised and panicked let's go of his sword.
Stede winces in pain.
"Why did you do that?"
"You wouldn't let me near you." Stede winces a little but smiles "i made sure to miss all the important bits."
They kiss.
And that's basically the season finale probably.
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