#they’re close. teetering on the edge of a deeper relationship but neither going through with taking that next step
astraveil · 2 months
would love to know the dynamic between Astra and Y'shtola
Y’shtola and Astra weren’t exactly close in ARR; comrades, sure, but on a level most would consider just cordial. Getting to know each other better through the ordeal that was pre-Titan events and commiserating with the absurdity of it all, the two grew closer over time and would have certainly considered themselves good friends by the end of 2.0.
After ARR and the events of the Crystal Tower raids specifically, Astra was a fucking MESS. Heavensward was essentially the peak of her self-destructive behavior, throwing herself headlong into danger and into the arms of whoever she deemed fit for a night (with the okay from Aethis, of course). This included Y’shtola.
Even if the both of them look back on that time with a bit of regret, as neither of them were entirely in the best headspace when it all unfolded, both Astra and Y’shtola understand the importance of opening up to each other more than they did in the past.
They’re close now, a certain desire to protect the other blossoming between them even if it largely goes unspoken. Y’shtola is often the one that reminds Astra of the importance of taking care of herself, the whole of Shadowbringers opening her eyes to the lengths Astra would go to protect and not worry her friends and loved ones, especially at the cost of her own health and safety. It frustrates her, but she understands where it comes from, many a conversation being had between them as if they’d always been close from the start. Fraught with a certain tension at times, closer than most would consider a simple friendship to be, but then again…a lot of things in Astra’s life are quite complicated. They’ve learned to live with it, never broaching beyond that unless they were both absolutely certain they needed more than just each other’s company at any point (this includes parts of shadowbringers. things were stressful).
Even in the face of Astra’s near-death in Endwalker, Y’shtola would always stay just close enough by her side as she recovered over those few moons, helping where she was needed and reminding Aethis and G’raha to not run themselves completely ragged in the face of it. She could’ve sworn she heard Astra call her Shtola in the wee hours of the morning at least once, beads of sweat on her brow and locked in the midst of a dream, most likely…whether or not she hallucinated it from stress, she’s never been quite certain.
In summary because I’ve been yapping long enough, Y’shtola holds Astra’s well-being in incredibly high regard and vice versa. They’re essentially ride-or-die for each other now, even if Y’shtola isn’t afraid to chastise Astra’s more reckless decisions.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Bad Dream
Pairing: Kageyama/Hinata (KageHina) x Reader, Yachi x Reader 
Genre/Warnings: SFW, Angst, Love Triangle
Summary: They say time heals all wounds. You hope that’s true as you turn your back on Karasuno High School one last time as you graduate, walking away from the painful black, orange, and blonde memories you have. 
Requested by Anon
Yachi was your first love. What wasn’t there to love about the sweet adorable blonde? You’d always thought she was cute with her side ponytail bouncing in the air as she walked through the hallways, the blue stars on her hair tie contrasting fashionably against the gold hue of her hair. Maybe she was a bit on the shy and quiet side, but you didn’t mind that. It’s not like you were going to try your luck anyway, not when it was your first year and you were still navigating the new waters of a new school, new environment, and new people. So you watched her from afar hoping that maybe one day your paths would cross and you’d be able to befriend the petite girl. 
But as luck would have it, you’re paired together for a project and you can feel your heart flutter as you sit side-by-side, and suddenly you’re just as shy as Yachi as you stammer out a shaky greeting. Your first few exchanges are a bit rough around the edges, punctuated by awkwardly long silences as the two of you struggle to find a conversational rhythm, but both your well intentions finally win out and after a few working sessions the two of you are all smiles as you easily flow between chatting about your project and getting to know each other. And if you thought Yachi was cute before, she’s absolutely endearing now as she brightly smiles at you and excitedly yammers away. 
It doesn’t take long for you to spend time together outside of just working on the project and when the project is handed in and completed, the two of you find yourselves walking to and from school together, working on homework and studying for exams together, going to art galleries in Miyagi together. Neither of you talk about exactly what’s developing between the two of you, but when your hands briefly linger as they brush against each other and when you instinctively brush a lock of Yachi’s stray hair behind her ear while the two of you eat together, there’s an unspoken understanding that there’s something stronger and deeper than just friendship tying the two of you together. 
You’d like to think that you know Yachi well by now, but you’re taken by surprise when she tells you she’s now an assistant manager for the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team. Do you like playing volleyball? Do you know a lot about volleyball? You’re genuinely curious questions keep on being reciprocated by her shaking head and you sweatdrop in confusion, but seeing her so passionate about something makes you smile and you wish her luck. And you stare in awe as the girl who’d wormed her way into your heart blossoms even further, becoming more outgoing, more determined as the days pass and when she invites you to come to a volleyball game, you easily agree and watch, entranced by how her eyes practically glow and her body jumps in the air with every point scored. 
You start coming to as many games as you can after that, always patiently waiting for Yachi to finish up practice before the two of you walk home together, and that’s how you meet Kageyama and Hinata. Sure, you’d seen and exchanged a few polite words here and there with the two fellow first-years, amusedly observing how they badgered Yachi to help them with their studies, but as you begin to tear your eyes away a bit from Yachi and actually watch the court, you watch in amazement as they work together seamlessly on the court. And when the four of you go to Ukai’s store for meat buns once in a while, you can’t help but chuckle at how different they are on versus off the court as you watch the two bumbling idiots bicker with each other. But they’re fooling no one with their pretend animosity and you share a knowing look with Yachi when the two of you trail behind the boys and you see them subtly link their pinkies together.  
Maybe back then if you had known how messy things would be, if you had known that you would end up being more than just a bystander of the relationship between Karasuno’s first-year star athletes, you would have stopped interacting so much with the setter and middle blocker. Maybe you would have dedicated yourself solely to Yachi. But ignorant of what’s about to be set in motion, you grow closer and closer to the two boys and you’re not quite sure when it happens, but suddenly you’re rarely alone with Yachi and life is a little noisier, a little more chaotic with Kageyama and Hinata constantly tagging along, but you love every second of it. You love it too much and it’s too late by the time you realize the butterflies in your stomach aren’t just because of Yachi anymore. 
You know you’re in the middle of a teeter-tottering seesaw when your heart beats faster when Hinata beams at you as he loudly asks you a question, when your face heats up as Kageyama silently hands you a carton of milk he’d bought you, when you’re still just as lovestruck as always while Yachi asks for your opinion on a new poster design she’s working on. You try to play it off, telling yourself it’s more than possible to remain friends with all three of them, that you won’t give into temptation and choose one side over the other (not that you could choose even if you had to), that you’re looking too much into it and it’s not like either side even reciprocates the budding feelings that grow and twist inside of you more with every passing day. But even as determined as you are to pretend everything’s platonic, it becomes a game of wills and Kageyama, Hinata, and Yachi are more than worthy opponents when it comes to resilience. 
It becomes impossible to ignore the way Kageyama too slowly, too intimately wipes some crumbs accidentally left on your face. It becomes impossible to ignore the way Hinata boldly grabs your hands and refuses to let go as he talks to you. It becomes impossible to ignore the way Yachi leans her head on your shoulder, eyes too intently staring up at you, straying too much, too often to your lips for it to truly come off as just a friendly gesture. And you’re not the only one fully aware of the changing dynamics as blue and hazel eyes battle it out with light brown eyes in a silent heated battle every time they cross paths with you caught in the middle. 
Unfortunately for everyone around, they intersect too often between classes and volleyball and really, it was only a matter of time, a ticking time bomb before the shaky truce the four of you had fell apart. And like they say, when it rains, it pours.
You’re ecstatic as you wait for the team to exit the court and make their way to where you’re waiting for them in the hallway, still feeling the high of shock and pride from the fact that they had beaten Shiratorizawa and guaranteed themselves a spot in Nationals. But you yelp in surprise when instead of your usual high five and hug, you’re tackled by a ball of orange and the world freezes when you feel something pressing hard against your lips. You’re frozen stiff, the whooping cheers and exclamations of both surprise and congratulations from the rest of the team just vague background noise as your lips remain locked, but when you feel a taller figure at your back, gently placing his hands on your hips, you whip your head behind you and your heart thunders as you stare into blue eyes flooded with love. And suddenly you’re all too aware of the sandwich you’re in and it feels so right, so natural, so perfect to be between the two toned figures. 
But the picture perfect feeling shatters to pieces when Hinata is being shoved off of you by an outside party, when Kageyama’s hands are being ripped off of your body, and suddenly you’re face to face with a familiar face you’ve come to love, and yet, it looks so different, so twisted and marred by the hate and anger you see shadowing it. Your body runs on autopilot as it immediately reaches out to comfort and soothe Yachi, hating the hurt you see in those beautiful eyes, but you’re halted by a softer pair of lips and you can’t help but instinctively close your eyes and sink into the sweet feeling of finally sharing such a tender moment with your first love. 
And that’s when chaos ensues and suddenly there are hands everywhere, there’s screaming and shouting, harsh and terrible words being venomously launched and you watch in horror as Tanaka and Daichi wrangle Kageyama and Hinata away, as Kiyoko forcefully pulls Yachi away, as the rest of the team, even sweet Suga-senpai, send accusing disappointed looks your way. You feel nauseous as you run away, clumsily making your way into the nearest restroom, and your body shakes from the force of your sobs as you harshly rub your lips as if rubbing them raw would make up for anything. Of course it does nothing and you sink to the ground, huddling into a tight ball as you wonder where everything went wrong and only when the gymnasium has long cleared and you’re being forced to exit the venue as they lock it up for the night do you come to a decision. It’s time to make things right. 
It’s hard to muster the strength to be alone in the same room as the three of them, but when you see the scathing looks they shoot at each other, Kageyama and Hinata on one side of the room, Yachi all the way on the opposite side, your resolve hardens and you don’t waver as you completely cut ties with them. It hurts and your heart screams at you, begs you to at least try and repair your friendship even if nothing ever happens beyond that, but your mind knows better, knows that the four of you can never truly go back to what you used to be. And maybe the other three realize it as well as their shoulders slump and they make no move or sound to stop you as you swiftly turn on your heels and retreat.   
You laugh humorlessly at yourself in the following months. Pathetic. How many other people had gone through horrible break-ups, divorces, deaths, and come out strongly? And yet here you are, heartbroken, a mess from ending things that couldn’t even be considered real relationships. But the mental kick you give yourself doesn’t do anything to help the giant hole you feel inside of your heart, your soul and you let your internal wounds fester until they ooze into your well being like a rotting infection. Sleep escapes you at night while tears stream down your face and you trudge throughout the day with blood-shot eyes that droop heavily as you sit in class. Dark circles stain the skin beneath your lids and your mind is a hazy fog as it tries to push on, tries to soak in the droning voice of your teachers as they lecture, tries to compute the lines of text in your homework assignments. But there’s only so much it can do with no sleep or nutrition to help it along and you try to muster up apology after apology as teachers worriedly, but sternly pull you aside, citing your rapidly dropping grades and lack of attention. 
You’re a shell of who you used to be and even in your barely functioning form, you’re more than aware of the whispers and strange looks your classmates are sending your way. But you tell yourself it’s for the greater good. At least the ones you love are finally moving on with their lives as they should and you bitterly smile at the thought of Yachi, Kageyama, and Hinata exchanging jokes and encouragements as volleyballs are passed around. So you’re in shock when a small hand gently grips your hand and pulls you aside as you’re on your way to school and you turn to see one of the three faces that have been haunting your thoughts and dreams. 
Your sleep deprived mind is too slow to react accordingly and you’re thankful for Yachi jumping in first and you sheepishly thank her when she points out that you’d been walking in the wrong direction. It’s silent as the two of you continue trekking along, walking past the school gates, walking down the hallways, but even with the extra space between your two bodies as you take step after step, you can’t ignore the way light brown eyes worriedly scrutinize you and you almost protest when Yachi insists on walking you to your desk, but you’re too exhausted to deal with her stubbornness and you let her unpack your backpack for you, a painful pang in your chest when you see how she sets up everything exactly how you like it, pencil at the top right, notebook slightly tilted in a diagonal line to accommodate the way you naturally slant your writing. 
She knows she’s overstepping her boundaries and you’re grateful that she at least has the restraint to not verbally confront you about the mess you’ve become, but you still can’t help but feel uneasy as she pushes her luck more and more everyday despite your reminder that nothing’s changed since you had burned the bridge of your bond. And your pleas for her to go on with her own life and leave you alone begin sounding empty even to your own ears and a small insistent part of you wonders...would it really be so bad to let whatever this is develop?
But when your lack of care finally catches up to you and you find yourself falling to the ground, mind slipping under after a particularly strenuous gym class, strong arms catch you and the last sight you see before you give into darkness are blue and hazel brown eyes. And that’s the sight you wake up to as well as you groggily try to sit up in the nurse’s office, only to be forced back down and scolded by two familiar voices. You wince as your already dizzy head throbs from the loud and harsh words being spat at you. What are you doing? Why aren’t you taking care of yourself? How could you be so careless with your life and health? They’re so demanding, so angry, and you try to cover your ears to drown them out, only to freeze when you hear the underlying worry, concern, and love they still had for you as their frenzied rants continued. And it’s Hinata’s final sentences, spoken in a quieter tone than anything else uttered that finally break you. 
“Just choose Yachi or us. Please. Just choose one of us and be happy. We hate seeing you like this.”
You stare in disbelief at the two boys sitting by your bedside and like a dam that bursts, all your emotions come flooding out of you and your voice raises almost to a hysteric tone as you rave at them. 
“Do you think it’s that simple? Do you really think I can just choose as easy as 1, 2, 3 between the three of you? Don’t you think I would have done that already if that was an option? I can’t because I love all three of you equally! I can’t choose. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t…”
Your words are becoming less and less coherent as they get muddled by the choked heaving sobs shaking your entire body and when a calloused hand gently rubs your back in a comforting motion, you violently shove it off, anger and frustration beginning to seep into you. 
“If you really want me to be happy, you’ll leave me alone and let me move on. I’ll be happier having nothing to do with any of you anymore.” 
You’re not sure who’s hurting more after the harsh words slip past your lips as you stare into two pairs of heartbroken eyes full of unshed tears and feel your own heart shatter knowing you’re the reason for their pain. But it doesn’t matter. You’ve made your point loud and clear and the silence is suffocating as both athletes stand up and shuffle out the door, not even glancing back at you once as they close the door behind them and the image of their retreating backs is one that will be ingrained in your memory for years to come. 
Unknown to you, a small blonde girl had been quietly hiding outside of the room, listening to every word and when the boys come face to face with their manager, neither side can hide the hate-filled sneer on their faces as they part ways, Kageyama and Hinata attached to the hip as they make their way to the club room, Yachi purposefully going in the opposite direction, taking the longer detour to avoid being anywhere near the two of them as she also gets ready for practice.
Things never do get better after that. That’s life, you suppose, and sometimes there aren’t happy endings. There certainly isn’t a happy ending as Yachi and Kageyama and Hinata barely acknowledge each other over the years despite their close proximity on the volleyball team, silently weaving around each other with barely contained contempt and just enough toleration to not be lectured by Coach Ukai. There certainly isn’t a happy ending as you pass the three of them in the hallways, never exchanging even a single word during the long three years you all spend at Karasuno. And there certainly isn’t a happy ending as the four of you graduate without a backwards glance, intent on going your separate ways, intent on completely leaving behind any bitter memories, intent on letting each other fade away like a bad dream. 
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Breaking the One Damn Rule (Part 11)
Read Part 10
A/N: Happy Fic Friday! Two weeks in a row! It’s also my birthday tomorrow and will hopefully be celebrating with a charcuterie/cheese board and wine!  
Sure, you’re 100% down with having Pietro Maximoff’s baby—you couldn’t imagine anyone else fathering your children. But neither of you planned for this, you’re not even supposed to be together according to the Avengers. Finding out while Pietro was away on a mission was bad enough and now telling him during an attack, with your future family in danger, was not what you had in mind; and this is exactly why they forbid Pietro from having serious relationships in the first place. Whoops.  
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Warning: Kidnapping children, trauma, language
Words: 1,500ish
The skies had opened up over the city of New York City that early evening and never let up. An even bigger storm brewing behind the horizon of skyscrapers. Rain pelted against your window as a streak of lightning lit up your dim hospital room, followed by a sharp clap of thunder. Sharp enough to wake the dead.
Sharp enough to wake you from your comatose state.
Your eyelids felt like they had been glued together. When you opened them, they were out of focus and it took a moment for your eyes to adjust. Where were you? Where was Pietro?
Flowers covered every open counter space and a dozen of assorted baskets littered the floor. There was one that contained muffins and your stomach growled at the sight.
Your hand strayed down to your abdomen to rub your bump and it never reached one. Your stomach, though not as flat as it had been prior to pregnancy, was flat. All of a sudden it became hard to breathe and something was beeping in the distance.
What had happened? Where was Pietro? Where was your baby? When you tried to sit up it, a tube stopped you from ripping your blanket off.
You looked down at your hands to see an IV and a pulse oximeter. You were in the hospital? How long had you been here?
It didn’t matter, you had to get out. You had to get to Pietro and your baby. Your baby had to be with him, and safe, right? You ripped out the offending tubing, and swung your legs off the side of the bed, and pushed off.
The door to your room opened and your gaze met the familiar fatherly face of one Clint Barton.
“Y/N!” Clint dropped the cup of coffee in his hand and rushed over as you began to teeter. “You’re awake!”
“Where’s my baby?” Your voice was low and shaking, you could barely hear yourself. As if you were already afraid that you knew the answer.
“Please lay back down, Y/N. You’re looking a bit pale.” Clint tried to guide you back to the bed.
You jerked your arms away, leaving a smear of blood on Clint’s arm.  “No! Tell me, Clint.”
“Only if you get back in bed.” Clint saw the manic look in your eyes and was afraid that if he said anything you would fall apart before him.
You lowered yourself onto the edge of your bed. Your baby had to be with Pietro. That could be the only possibility.
Clint gently pushed your back into the bed, covering you back up with the blanket. He swung a chair next to your bed and took a deep breath. “Y/N, what’s the last thing you remember?”
Your memory was murky and you tried to grasp onto any piece of memory. “Hydra attacking the restaurant. I fired Tony’s repulsor hoping to cause enough of a distraction.”
“Y/N,” Clint took your hand, “You’ve been comatose for almost a month.”
“A month?” you echoed back, “I’ve missed that much time? How’s Pietro handling being a dad on his own?”
Clint took a deep breath. He did not want to be the one to tell you, but Pietro and Wanda were across the world if he had to guess, which left him as the next person in line to tell you. “Y/N, we found you… alone. Hydra left you to die, Pietro found you just in time.”
“By alone you mean…”  Your voice caught in your throat.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. Pietro and Wanda are out looking for them right now. As soon as you stabilized, they started following any lead they could. Last we heard they were in Nepal. I will have Nat send out a message that you woke up.” Clint squeezed your hand. “I can’t even imagine what your feeling right now, but we’re all here for you and they’re going to find them. Pietro and Wanda are strong on their own as is, but together and out for vengeance, they are unstoppable. When we first met them, when they were under Hydra, they gave us a run for our money. They also took Vision with them.”
“When you say looking for them—”
“It was twins, we don’t know how to explain it. Wanda saw it in your head.”
You swallowed the tightness in your throat. “I’ll take your word for it.” The hollow chuckle that bubbled out of you terrified Clint. “Clint?”
“I want you and Nat to train me. I’m not going to sit idly by.”
Clint saw the spark of anger in your eyes and the determination set in your jaws. He wasn’t sure how to react. He could handle crying, but this was rage brewing. Much like your other half, he assumed you were a force to reckoned with when provoked. “You need to heal before anything.”
That would buy him some time. Pietro should be able to get back to you before then. Clint wouldn’t dare do anything to piss Pietro off and letting you hurt yourself would definitely do it.
“Heal?” You questioned.
Clint gave you a perplexed look. “Y/N, you were cut open.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.” You didn’t feel any pain.
“Maybe it’s the shock?”
You pressed your lower abdomen. “I had my appendix taken out in college, and that hurt. Now… now I feel nothing.”
“Um, I’m going to get your nurse.” Clint shot off the chair and out the door.
The moment Pietro received word you had woken up he made plans to get back to you. Wanda wanted to come too, but Pietro wanted her to keep looking for the twins. They were in deep, trying to find Hydra hideouts and it had taken almost three weeks for Pietro to get Nat’s message.
He practically ran back to you, save for the ocean he had to get over. He took one flight and started running as soon he got out of the terminal.
Pietro had prepared to see you broken and inconsolable. Steve was waiting by the elevator as Pietro arrived. “Cap?”
“Welcome back, anything?”
“Nope, look I’d love to chat, but I need to get to Y/N.” Pietro turned to walk down the hallway to your room, but Steve stopped him.
“She’s not in her room. Come with me.” Steve lead Pietro back to the elevator and to the 15th floor.
“Why is she on the training floor?” Pietro’s jaw tightened. He thought he had left you in good hands. “She should be resting.”
“You can bring that up with her. We tried.” Steve pulled him over to one of the simulation mazes.
Pietro looked at the tracking monitors to see you suited up, working your way through the maze with Clint and Nat. “Are you fucking crazy?! Get her out of there!”
“This isn’t her first go.” Steve motioned to the hologram with your stats. Not as good as Clint and Nat’s, obviously, but you had excellent marksmanship and your hand to hand combat was ranked above Tony’s out of the suit. “You’re free to end the simulation—”
Pietro slammed his hand on the stop button and glared at Steve. “I am not happy about this.”
“Clearly.” Steve grimaced.
The lights went on in the simulation maze. Making it hard to see, you had been doing a night test. “Steve, what the fu—”
“Draga!” That voice made your heart skip a beat. You didn’t even see him coming. In a split second, you were in his arms being squeezed tightly. Your face nestled into his chest.
“Piet.” You melted into him, having to bury your tears deeper and deeper. Now was not the time.
“You should be resting,” he softly growled in your ear.
“I missed you too,” you whispered back.
Pietro let go after a lingering kiss to your temple as he breathed you in again. “Seriously, explain. Clint, I put you in charge of her care, and I come home to find she’s been simulating?”
“Pietro, don’t be mad. I begged.” You finally got a good look at him. He was rougher around the edges and he had grown a slight beard. If it hadn’t been caused by your current circumstances, you would have dwelled longer on how ruggedly handsome he looked.
“Oh, that makes it so much better.” Pietro gave you a look. “You need to be taking it easy.”
“I’m fully healed and I’m not going to get hurt,” you countered.
“The last time I saw you, you were on death’s doorstep. It can happen again. It will happen again if you try to get involved with this.” The pain was evident in Pietro’s eyes. He had spent so much time trying to block out the image of you basically lifeless. It would haunt him forever.
“Seriously, I can’t get hurt.” You pulled out a small dagger from your thigh holster and ran it across your palm before Pietro could figure out what you were doing.
“Draga!” He made to grab your wrist, but you turned away. Crimson pooled in your cupped hand for a moment and you wiped it away on your pant leg to reveal no wound.
Pietro grabbed your hand to examine it closely. “What the hell?”
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