#they go out there
Hello! Can you continue the Thenamesh Actors AU where they are trying to do a kiss scene, but they mess it up every time and end up laughing, but then off set, they manage to do it?
Thena leaned in, her eyes fluttering closed, her heart picking up. She could smell his cologne and some coffee on his breath. But he had also chewed some gum. She had seen him doing it, too; it was sweet he was nervous about it.
Gil felt Thena's breath hit his lips and gulped.
Thena and Gil both pulled away, giggling like kids in a play.
"Sorry, I'm sorry," Thena apologised immediately for her lack of professionalism. She ran a hand through her mussed hair; she had never had trouble with a kiss scene like this before.
"N-No, it's my fault," Gilgamesh volunteered (chivalrous as always).
"Do you two need an intimacy coordinator for this or-"
"Just," Thena cleared her throat, trying not to play with her hair as her nerves built up, "just give us a few minutes?"
"That's a take 5!"
The crew started shutting down and moving equipment as needed. The director was already turning attention to other things that needed to get done that day.
Thena sighed as she and Gil both made their way off the soundstage. "Sorry, I don't know why I can't seem to focus."
"Well, I'm not being much help," Gil offered in apology with a smile. "I think--I don't know, I guess I haven't gone over it as much as I wanted to."
"Y-Yes, that's it!" Thena eagerly jumped onto the reason - excuse - Gil provided. "I have a few notes on it, but we didn't get these sides that long ago."
"Exactly," Gil laughed along, "the re-writes aren't helping either."
"Come and look at them with me?" Thena asked with a small smile. "I wouldn't hate having your opinion on what they're thinking in this scene."
"Yeah, yeah--same," Gil rushed, trotting beside her away from the commotion of the set. He pulled his script out of his back pocket (folded and rumpled). "I was thinking about, uh, I guess what he might be thinking in terms of...this is the woman he loves, right?"
"Right," Thena nodded, opening up her own sides as well.
"Not that he's necessarily been open to it before," Gil shrugged, leaning against the wall as he went through his process. "I kind of think maybe they've always been a little flirty. But I don't know, what do you think?"
"No, I agree," she mused as she flipped to the appropriate page. "They've worked kind of around each other for so long, and I imagine there's always been a kind of tension surrounding them. The film is just when we see it really coming to a head."
"Exactly," Gil nodded eagerly. "They're mob bosses, for fuck's sake. There's no way they haven't thought of, well..."
Thena smiled at how sheepish he became about it, when she had written on her own pages 'dying to fuck each other' in the margins. Not that it was for anyone else to see. "I think...they just need the right push."
"Right," Gil said more seriously, reading over their scene again. It was rather dramatic seeming on the page, but that just meant that their performance would be what grounded it in reality. "Their enemies are starting to catch onto their weaknesses."
"It's important that she be the one who has to bargain for him," Thena pointed out, tapping the page, "not just from a woman's perspective, but also because it illustrates that she's willing to make sacrifices for him."
"As opposed to him being the only one wanting her," Gil concurred. He flipped the page, leading to the big kiss. "The confession is a bit..."
"I thought so too," Thena murmured, looking at where she had noted and scribbled and crossed out liberally. "I don't know if it's really...letting them speak."
Gil just nodded. "I don't think they'd need this long-ass paragraph speech."
"They've known each other for so long, now," he narrated, even tucking his pages away as he crossed his arms in thought. "And they've been loving each other quietly."
"There's this understanding between them that's," Thena also tucked her pages away, pushing her hair out of her face, "obvious."
"Love doesn't always need these big speeches," Gil shook his head, leaning off the wall and closer. "He knows she knows...even if she won't admit it."
"That unwillingness to admit it is fundamental to her," Thena agreed, chewing her lip as she thought. "She's so uptight, so controlling-"
"That's why she has him," Gil suggested a little more lightly. "I think that's what this kiss is saying."
"Saying?" Thena peeked up at him, realising he was a lot closer than before.
"It's a way for him to say that he loves her, and that he's there to be everything she needs, as well as everything she isn't."
"So she can say," Thena's eyes drifted down to his lips for just a split second, "that she knows he's there, and that she knows that she wants him there in spite of herself. Despite all her efforts, he's already in her heart."
"Is it worth the risk?"
Thena's eyes fluttered closed as Gil tipped her head up to him, hands on her cheeks, fingers dipped into her hair. She leaned into the kiss, pressing her lips to his the way a hand might cling to another in the dark. Her hand came up to his wrist just to rest on it, to cling to his sleeve as if to ask him to stay there a little longer.
Gil kept his head close, moving a stray wisp of blonde out of his way so he could look at her unobstructed.
Thena licked her lips - completely subconsciously - as they pulled away. That was it--that was exactly what they needed to happen when they were rolling! It was...it was... "good."
Gil blinked as her voice kind of squeaked out. His heart, if it was already beating faster than normal, flipped around inside his chest and started beating tenfold. "Y-Yeah, that was--was it-"
"Yes, it was-"
They both broke into laughter, soft and gentle in the little corner of the studio they had found. Thena twisted some of her hair over her shoulder, smiling up at him in their little bubble of solace. "Thanks for working on the scene with me."
Gil looked surprised, but he had on a smile that she recognised as the smile he wore specifically in character. It was a little cocky looking, a little sexy, but still undeniably Gilgamesh. "Like it's a chore to kiss the most beautiful woman on the planet?"
Thena rolled her eyes at him, also slipping back into her character in favour of ducking her head down in a blush. "Thinks he's so charming."
"Ready?" he asked, tipping his head in the direction of the set moving back to one.
Thena flipped her hair over her shoulder, taking the lead on the way back, "just try to keep up."
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hauntedhotel · 1 month
Me, on the welcome desk in the library: Good morning, how are you today?
Customer: I have welcomed Jesus into my heart and so I am well today and every day.
Me, a little unnerved: Okay then! Is there something I can help you with?
Customer, digging around in his bag and pulling out an iPhone in a box: Unfortunately, Jesus can't help me with this fucking phone, so I came to the library.
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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brickiebrickie · 2 months
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They purposely gave him a pantyshot I’m gonna lose it
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churroach · 12 days
Full of Desires
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theblob1958 · 8 months
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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tariah23 · 15 days
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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golyadkin · 9 months
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Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
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wordfather · 2 months
nobody does it better than the stardew valley chicken
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lets goooooo little dude you know exactly whats going on
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julnites · 5 months
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Red riding hood comic collab with the wonderful @yeehawpim (go check out their blog for loads of great comics!) 🌷 See the layouts he did here!
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saturnisfallingdown · 10 months
girl who wont shut up about how she "loves a man in uniform" but as she keeps talking it becomes clear she's talking about butches in customer service jobs
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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give-soup-please · 10 months
raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.
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spitblaze · 3 months
I don't see people gas up gnc and butch transfems nearly enough, can we get a fuckin round of applause for gnc and butch transfems
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fluentisonus · 5 months
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bigweldindustries · 1 month
going through the hades 2 stuff and im sorry but i just have to ramble a second because look at Hephaestus
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he's not just a wheelchair user but also an amputee. an above knee amputee. wheelchair users are already next to nonexistant in video games but amputees exist in this really...disheartening? spot where they're pretty much just reduced to "person with a cybernetic limb" - it's always just somewhere from "just a cool visual design" to flat out "superpower". I can't think of a video game amputee that is actually disabled by their limb differences - I'm all for futuristic worlds where prosthetics and other disability aids are far advanced from what they are now, but that's not really what's implied by these designs. They're just... Cool designs that in no way reflect on the real-world experience of being an amputee.
Look at Hephaestus, though. Look at that prosthetic. Whilst stylised it very much looks like it functions like common mechanical knees - knee bends when thigh is lifted, knee straightens when thigh is lowered. He's a wheelchair user as well as a prosthetic user - every prosthetic user I know is also a wheelchair user as a prosthetic is not usable in every occasion and also cause exhaustion and pain if used constantly.
Whilst we can't see much of his wheelchair the position he's sat in and the wheels very much evoke active wheelchair to me - this carries on to very specifically the thickness of his arms. Whilst a lot of Hades designs are muscular Hephaestus has very noticeably thick arms - which makes sense, as active wheelchairs require a lot of arm strength.
Just overall this design is making me want to cry - he's not just an actual wheelchair user in a video game, he's a realistic depiction of an amputee, a disability usually brushed over in order to give a character a fun design quirk and nothing else. He's fat and he's hot and he's a realistic depiction of an above knee amputee. Oh my god. Oh my god?
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