#they deserved the world !!
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frecklesandpoverty · 2 years
how am I supposed to live now knowing that this amount of chemistry/cuteness was just natural improv ahhhhh 
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oceanlils · 11 months
Imagine walking all your life with your siblings, one besides the other, a perfect path, a perfect line.
That line is sometimes altered: sometimes, your brother Peter walks in front. Sometimes, he seems to wear a golden crown, until you realize it's just the light in his hair.
You usually walk besides your sister, Lucy, who is always smiling and, sometimes, seems to float instead of walking. Still, she sometimes runs in the front, so you take your brother's, Edmund, side, and you both look at each other in complicity as your siblings play in the front.
What never changes, it's the pace. Well— it does change. But you all change it at the same time. You walk at the same pace, everyday since you were little until you turn 21.
You don't know when it changed. Logically, you assume it was wen they left you, but then you remember how you pushed them aside long before the accident, and you wonder— was it really after they left you that you lost your pace, or did you walk alone long before that train took them from you? Did they really left, or did you force them to?
Now, you walk alone everywhere. No mom or dad to hold your hand. No Peter to offer his arm. No Edmund to snicker with you. No Lucy to smile and wave your way, before rushing to your side.
You refuse to take your friends arms. You do your makeup before meeting with them, and take the long way home in hopes that they will not accompany you. In hopes that one of ypur siblings will show up and lead you to them.
You suppose that's impossible, and quite unsafe. But it's also unfair, and long walks mean that you have more time to try and find the proper pace to pretend you are still surrounded by your siblings, to pretend Peter still walks in the front and Lucy still looks up at you in admiration, to pretend Edmund still intimidatea the guys that look too much at you and your parents still wait for you on the door.
You never manage to find the right pace, ans pretending is never enough. You walk alone, and your house feels cold.
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ghostradiodylan · 2 months
In general Ryan gets so mistreated and overhated by the fandom and it makes me sad because I really like Ryan even in my first playthrough :/ I get that the part where he was arguing with Laura about the existence of werewolves when he watched Nick transform and run out the window was kind of dumb but he’s all around a great character who’s brave and helpful and he helped save everyone’s lives in the best ending….
While I don’t agree with all of their actions I can’t bring myself to hate on any of the counselors. They’re all young adults who are stuck in a horrifying and traumatic situation, of course they’re going to be flawed and not perfect. It just baffles me how Travis, Constance, Jedidiah and Eliza do the most horrible things in the game yet people viciously hate on Ryan : (
Oh, the actual adults in the game are absolutely The Worst. (Even Chris, though I think he wants to help, is incredibly negligent at best).
I think there are a few things happening here that can turn people against Ryan (and I'm not saying anyone has to like him as a character, we all have characters we vibe with and ones we don't, but it's worth examining why we don't vibe with some characters especially when those characters are Black or other POC, LGBTQ, and ND-coded).
Ryan is a victim of some of the less compelling writing choices in the game IMO. They don't have anything to do with his character, really, he's generally well-written, but some of the things that were cut from the game, and the way the relationships unravel in the latter half of the game does Ryan kind of dirty.
First of all, his relationship with Chris Hackett isn't fleshed out enough for a lot of players to understand why he's willing to sacrifice so much on the hope that his mentor isn't actually a werewolf (or a deeply irresponsible asshole of a boss). If they'd left in the scene of Chris following up with Ryan about following his dreams and going to animation school and the initial confrontation with Chris that was patched out, where Ryan questions how he hid this from them all this time when he cared about them and Ryan trusted him (literally heartbreaking to watch tbh 🥺), it might have been a little easier for players to empathize with his loyalty to Chris. This kid has no known father, absentee mother, aging grandparents, a sister he clearly feels a lot of responsibility for, and his father figure who he goes to for advice left him in the worst possible situation. Of course he's going to be in denial about that and about him being a werewolf until he sees it for himself, and then Ryan has to kill him. It's so fucking tragic. And he doesn't even get a second to mourn or even react because the Silas plotline kicks in immediately (and they spent all the animated tears budget on Jacob).
Then there's Ryan's relationship with Dylan, which I could (and will) write about for days. Based on the game we got, plus the cut content, I don't think Ryan was ever supposed to have the option to get with Kaitlyn. I think that's a red herring that allows homophobic players to avoid a gay kiss (kind of a fucked up use of a BAMF character and Brenda Song's star power but, ok). I don't think he was ever supposed to get to romance Laura either. But I do think he was meant to be able to either end up with Dylan, or decisively not end up with him. If they'd kept the relationship system that we still have traces of but no actual structure for, then his ability to say 'maybe neither' to Laura wouldn't be something players held against him because it would have a basis in the choices we've made as Ryan (and Dylan) so far. As it stands, it feels like that is unsupported by what's happened in the game when we've had Dylan and Ryan flirting with each other and taking an obvious interest in each other since they were introduced.
Even if you choose the less favorable dialogue options, Dylan and Ryan are never really shown to be truly at odds (with the possible exception of the gun argument, but even that pretty much smooths over in the end). Even if you have them be hard-headed assholes to each other, they still have their heart-to-heart on the way to the radio hut (which I really think was supposed to have an alternative if they had low relationship stats).
Complicating matters is the fact that a lot of people really love Dylan. Obviously I'm one of them, I mean, look at my url and writing choices. I think Miles gives the best performance of the game, hands down (and I think all the actors did really well tbh). He's a great actor (his line reads are flawless and that sassy boy body language? I die.) but he also gets a lot to work with in terms of the script. Dylan is complex and compelling in a way that tends to be highly relatable for most people. He's probably neurodivergent (ADHD) but it's portrayed in a more palatable way for neurotypical people. Plus, as an audience, we are primed to empathize with the person who wants to be wanted, who is afraid of rejection, who has the cute crush that we want to see reciprocated and is trying not to get their heart stomped on. We've all been there! That's a centuries-old trope in drama and literature for a reason. And while Ryan does not owe Dylan reciprocation, we see some pretty clear signs of it at least being possible. So the game sort of dangles it in front of players like we can make that happen with our choices and then makes a half-baked attempt to snatch it away. That annoys people and, I think at least partially because Ryan's race and stoic demeanor (/autism) have people subconsciously primed to view him negatively, they take that out on him instead of the SMG writers who opted for that rather than fleshing out the relationships any further for the latter half of the game.
Like, yes, it's a horror game not a dating sim (Ryan and Dylan dating sim DLC when tho??), but you spend so much time building relationships that end up not mattering to the outcome of the game, I get why that's frustrating for people. It's frustrating for me! I just think being mad at Ryan over it is the wrong take. I still see people saying "Dylan deserves better than Ryan." Dylan and Ryan both deserve to exist in a finished fucking game where we have the option to get them together or not, but blaming whatever happens, or doesn't, on Ryan as a character is kinda trash.
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bradshawsbaby · 9 months
Sometimes I think about the fact that Carole had to live more years without Goose than she got to live with him and I just
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marvelsgirl616 · 3 months
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Megan Fox as Jennifer Check in Jennifer’s Body.
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lovereadandwrite · 4 months
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nothing bad has ever happened to these two on Christmas Eve☺️🎄✨💛
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softestaries · 5 months
y'all ever just chilling and then out of the blue you're hit by how absolutely devastating the Marauder's story actually is.
Like, they were just kids.
They were just kids.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Wolfstar Microfic: Fondness
"Uh huh," Remus said absently, no longer paying attention to whatever tangent Peter had gone on.
He was too distracted by Sirius's antics by the fireplace to be able to pay attention to anything else.
Sirius wasn't even doing anything, not really, just laying on his stomach trying to balance his wand on its tip, but somehow it was still completely mesmerizing.
It was harmless, as acts of boredom went, but every time his wand overbalanced and fell, sparks would shoot out of its tip, sometimes missing his face by inches. But he didn't seem to care.
It was absurd, and wasn't really much of anything to watch.
But Remus couldn't help the fondness that crept up in him as he watched. Something in him warmed at just the sight of Sirius in such a quiet moment.
It was the sort of calm, casual action that would have faded into the background if it were anyone else... But when it was Sirius he just couldn't look away.
There was just something about Sirius.
He couldn't put his finger on what exactly, or why he was so interested.
But even if it couldn't be identified, he was still transfixed.
So he zoned out and watched, and as he did so, a faint smile appeared on his face that he wasn't even aware of.
On AO3 here
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applespider · 5 months
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notafraidtodissapear · 2 months
guys i miss neil and todd rn.
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sidhebeingbrand · 1 year
Noodling about clones and gender
I am full of largely chemical-based and slightly situationally-influenced RAGE so I am going to write something CREATIVE that I LIKE THINK ABOUT, goddammit, instead of being directionlessly angry.
I initially wrote 'i will write something positive' but it's about the Fett clones so it's in fact uhhhh fucking tragic. Spawned by reading gorgeous Trans!Bly and Trans!Cody fic and my headcanons about what it means to be someone who identifies as a 'clone' but presents as 'not that' (it's Tech, Tech suffers from gender dysphoria, in this essay I will explain)
In my hc, the most common gender identifier among clones is… clone.
And a much, much higher percentage of clones compared to the general population of humans and near humans has done hard thinking about what their gender is. You can't not, when the question is jammed into your face, when ayou realise there are people who don't go by 'he' and have no frame of reference for why you are a 'he' and Trainer Bralor is 'she'. You had the Kaminoans figured out: it's the headfins. You weren't sure how you fit in, but you accepted it, but then you meet human trainers with no headfins who are 'he' and also furious about the implication that they might be otherwise, and human trainers with no headfins who are 'she' and want to know if you have a problem with that, cadet.
So: gender is a foreign idea, a natborn conceit. A social construct for a society the clones have no access to except for bits and pieces gleaned from flash training in how to interact with civilians, and the baggage that the trainers bring to the table.
It is one more step of the grind, the long grueling process of learning everything they will need to learn to win a war, to discover that their trainers and minders are split on one more spectrum, in ways that are not immediately apparent to them-- oh, sure, everyone can see that they're different shapes, but that's normal for natborns. They're all so physically different, even the related ones. The medics get a grip on sexual dimorphism first because it's included in their flash training; they tend to be the first one to group the cues that separate a 'male' human from a 'female' human. But not always. And definitely not cross-consistent between species.
And there's… that baggage.
Sometimes they pick up that baggage, trying to impress or imprint on a trainer. Most of them don't. They just… know it exists. Like a lot of natborn things that don't apply to them. They get called 'men', they learn the word 'brother', but these descriptors don't mean to them what they seem to mean to the trainers (especially 'brother', which is precious to them long after they learn its limitations. To them, 'brother' means 'the one like me, raised on my food in my colors in our domed city where things seemed lifeless but made sense'. Brother means: a person who is a person like me and who recognizes me as a person, too. It is a citizenship. It seems strange to learn that natborns use the word to mean 'male related by blood'. It's strange that natborns just exist in a world where you have to make that distinction, that the vast majority of people they might meet in a day AREN'T genetically identical to within a few percentage points.)
Trainers demand to know if they're Man Enough or not. The answer required is obviously 'man', which in this case means 'try harder, be more adequate, succeed at task', but in opposition to what? Is Nala Se a man? No? But she is a top performer? Please, asshole trainer. Tell Nala Se she's inadequate. They want to see it.
Gender is a strange minefield, they learn. Many of them decide not to fuck with it. Gender: Us. Gender: Brother.
Others, though, see a new way of individuating themselves. The more knowledge they scrape of the outside world, the more some of them go-- oh, it's a choice, this is a choice. The genital thing may not matter, whisper the medics in training, given the files on Jedi whose presentation does not match their initial physical configuration, who will need vitamins standardized for a different birth sex. The strict instruction to call politicians and ranking officers by whatever pronouns you are told no matter what they look like. (What does that even mean.)
And like names, from trainers, from illicit holo scrapes, the idea of gender spreads. It becomes a fad, a past-time Arguments on what genders entail split up bunkrooms. Neo-pronouns and non-human-gender-identifiers are passed like a game of telephone, or created.
I imagine that there were clones who treasured those moments of self-determination. Chose 'he' with full chests, despite it being their default assignment: many gravitate to 'they' and the pidgin-mandalorian 'kaysh' or to 'she' with a certain level of defiance at going against the tide of assumption. That there were others who stuck to 'he' as inadequate but the least inadequate descriptor because what they are, in their heart, is a clone, the brother of the brothers (the vod of their vode) and all other considerations are distantly second.
I think that Cody was one of the ones who experimented, logically and matter of fact picking through everything she could piece together. She wondered if 'woman' was a thing she could be, if her own patchwork quilt of Nurturing-Commanding-Command Class-Strategic-Logical-Devoted could fit cleanly under that umbrella. It felt right, on instinct, and she trusted her instincts in the absence of firmer intel.
…and then the Jedi finally find them.
Their rough, graceless plunge into the wider galaxy both uplifts them and crushes them in turn. The galaxy is full of people and gender is real after all, like families, like children, like birthdays and rest and favorite foods and all the other things they half suspected the trainers made up to fuck with them.
But gender is bizarrely important, more than they could have suspected-- it's also a game they don't know the rules of. And while the Jedi are supportive and kind, the galactic naval corps is… regimented. Traditional. Gender Matters here, and being the gender that your admiral expects you to be apparently matters even more.
Those who openly challenge this face a spectrum of negative responses: the most positive you can hope for is a grudging stack of paperwork that involves psychiatric consults and medical intervention (and how the hell can they pass natborn standards for identification? What is dysphoria to people whose bodies have never been their own? When their uncertainty-in-masculinity has always been a distant third or fifth to greater concerns like 'the fucking war' and 'am I a person, if these people who bleed like me and talk like me are people why am I not' )
(A few clones, especially those to whom their bodies were even more not-their-own than than their siblings, forge grimly through those psych evals and choose those hormones. More slip back into obscurity, taught an important lesson about how much the republic they serve is willing to let them be 'individual'.)
The most common official response is 'no', occasionally with discipline attached for *wasting the natborn officers' time.
The worst and still not uncommon response is that blank stare of an technician looking at faulty equipment. Did not the bill of sale say 'male?' Are you defective? Should you be exchanged from a refund?
(Cody is not one of the ones who asks for a different designation. Cody IS the one who has to go through the mounds of disciplinary paperwork for the 212th, doing what -he- can, bitter as he thinks it, what -he- can to soften the blow and dissuade disciplinary action for a transgression that none of them realized was truly a transgression.)
Womanhood will have to wait for personhood which will have to wait until After The War. The identifier that matters now is Clone or Not Clone. Clone, or 'someone who might discipline you for being anything other than interchangeable'. Clone or Outsider.
It stings so much harder now that they get a chance to learn, to participate -- to know women who aren't grading or examining them. To meet people who wear their lack of gender-many genders- betwixt gender selves openly. To immerse slowly into the expectations, to find a jolt of recognition at last-- and know that they had better keep their new epiphanies about themselves nice and quiet.
(A thousand bright young women find themselves in the new Jedi assigned to Kamino-- yes, like HER their hearts say-- and just as quickly find out that they will need to hide this.
Shaak feels the roiling conflict, offers insight the trainers didn't, that gender is fluid and flexible, that 'male' can mean kind, soft, that they are not beholden to societal expectation.
This will have to be enough. For some clones it is enough. Others grit their teeth and ignore the voice that says (but I am not 'male', I am like you, in a way I cannot name I am like you))
Gender is for suckers, they mutter to themselves. It means nothing. Not to them.
There are two genders that matter, and that's Clone(any) vs Natborn(any).
Maybe after the war they'll get to explore again. Maybe after the war they can wear their favorite colors as something besides war paint. Maybe after the war, thinks Cody, filling yet another form that requires his serial number and rank and decant date, setting his jaw and choosing 'm' in the box marked 'gender' as if the galaxy was ever going to let him put down anything else.
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therhaenys · 2 years
Breaking everything if we don’t get to see Rhaenyra and Harwin not even kissing or being cuties with each other like they were not a couple for ten years
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frecklesandpoverty · 2 years
I haven’t been on tumblr in like two years, and you know what brought me back?
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Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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Everybody moved on I stayed here
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
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“I got a family to think about.”
I just know—I just know—that Goose’s very last thoughts were of Carole and Bradley.
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