#these will never not make me happy
roosterbox · 8 months
More Stranger Things/Steddie fanfic tropes I love
When Steve comes out to Eddie as… well, Not Cis (sometimes she’s trans, sometimes they’re gender-fluid, doesn’t matter to me. In this house, we love Steve Harrington and gender fuckery, and every combination thereof), and Eddie is practically exploding with support, love, and admiration for him. Even if they’re not together yet.
The repeating of Steve and Robin’s “Oh.” “Yeah, oh.” exchange, but this time Steve’s the one coming out.
Wayne seeing Steve and Eddie interact exactly ONE TIME post-Vecna and immediately clocking how they feel about each other, and also damn right he ships it.
Wayne in general. The greatest man the world has ever known, or ever will know.
Wayne being Best Grandpa Ever to the Steddie baby. Seriously, every time there’s a baby (whether mpreg or otherwise), Wayne is the ultimate grandpa to that child. I cry every time, lol.
Wayne bonding with Steve. Just, Wayne bonding with Steve. Gets me every single time, dang it. When Wayne refers to both Eddie and Steve as his boys, or his sons, I am GONE.
Dustin’s reaction to finding out about Steddie. He’s always supportive, of course, but sometimes he’s more blasé (“You and Eddie? Well, duh! I knew that!”), other times he’s more blindsided (“Steve? And Eddie?? Are DATING???”), but I always love seeing how he reacts.
Any time there’s trouble in Steddie paradise, and the boys are being dumb, and someone (usually Dustin) threatens to sic Erica on them if they don’t work things out. It’s only happened in a couple fics, but I have the same exact reaction every time (“DO IT DO IT DO IT”)
Erica and Max. My duel badass queens, who I’d love to see interact in fic more. There would be no survivors.
Speaking of Max, any time she and Steve have a very sibling-like relationship. Those two need each other.
Will coming out to Steve (preferably before Steve has done so himself), and immediately being hugged, and reassured that this changes nothing. That Steve will always be there for him. The Byers Coming Out works with Eddie too, but I like it best when it’s Steve. Something about their relationship just makes it so heartwarming to me.
When Eddie does something that hurts Steve emotionally (perhaps not on purpose, but they’re still young - it’s gonna happen), and Robin swoops in (bird puns, lol) to take care of her best friend. To the point where she’s probably about 0.5 seconds away from punching Eddie right in the dick. I adore a feral, protective Robin so much. Steve deserves to have that kind of fierce love in his life.
As far as AUs are concerned, I will never not love a good pre-season 4 Steddie interaction. Especially if it’s in Season 3. Scoops Steddie my beloved, the love of my life.
I know there are plenty more, but these are just a handful of my favorites, lol. This fandom has all sorts of good stuff.
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alyssamariag · 5 months
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Our King // Nuestro Rey 💛
my instagram | my shop
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iwoulddieforienzo · 6 months
Personally I think percabeth is at its best when Grover is in it. I don’t necessarily mean in a polycule way I just think it’s great when he’s around
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I find the fact that Abby drew the non scooped version of Mike in her art of Him and his siblings... I don't know why that just feels really nice
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Yes! In the drawing Abby drew all three as they looked before the events in FNAF, Consider it like the future they all wanted
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bluegarners · 3 months
bruce and dick are both emotionally repressed but in kind of different but parallel ways. like, the repression that bruce experiences stems from never confronting trauma or any negative emotion, whereas dick's repression stems from needing to be the emotional support for an emotionally repressed man at the ripe age of 9 and so never being able to process any emotions associated with that responsibility
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sorry mia the person who draws ur husband daily is a multishipper
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omrarchive · 3 months
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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golyadkin · 10 months
I cannot express enough that if your reaction, as a hobby artist, to not getting that many notes on your art is to say "maybe I should just stop doing art altogether" you need to stop posting art to tumblr
not necessarily forever, not even for long, but just stop putting your art on here and start doing it for you again, remember why you enjoyed doing art in the first place and stop relying on the attention of faceless people on the internet for your enjoyment of your hard work
believe me, I get it, nothing crushes the artistic soul quite like labouring for hours on a piece only for it to get like 10 notes, so you need to find your own source of joy in the act of creation and a lot of the time that means making art and not showing it to anybody
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 days
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Normal Friend Behaviour.
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valdevia · 26 days
Some of the art I've done for folklore from my homeland of Asturias:
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El Pesadiellu haunts people in their sleep. It will stand atop you, pressing down on your chest to cause suffocation and nightmares. As soon as you wake, it will vanish.
It takes many forms, from a huge hairy hand (la Manona), to a male goat, to a purely invisible being. All across Asturias, it is believed to be the cause of many of the horrors that affect us in our slumber.
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In the forests of Asturias, people know to beware of the scraping sound of washboards near streams. It means the Llavanderes are working.
One of the washerwomen will ask for help drying her blood-soaked shroud. Never twist it in the same direction as her, or she will drown you.
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El Sumiciu is an entity that embodies the void. When someone loses an object that seemed to be in front of them moments ago, they will usually accuse the greedy Sumiciu of swallowing it. Oft misconceived as a house elf, its true shape is shrouded in mystery.
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When travelling the craggy mountains of Asturias, beware the hiss of the Cu��lebre, a winged serpent which grows over the aeons until the earth trembles under its weight.
If you are foolish enough to seek its treasure, find its cave on the Summer Solstice, when it is weakest. You must bring an offering it may feed on, and hide inside it knives and needles that will slay it from within.
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This picture was taken the night when two kids passed away from tuberculosis in a small Asturian village, 1892.
In these remote areas people still tell the tales of La Güestia, a ghostly procession that will march towards a dying person's house and carry them off to join them.
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christakisbang · 8 months
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hinamie · 2 days
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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r0b0t1me · 1 year
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i don't wanna lose you
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brie-annwyl · 7 months
Jason trying to leave multiple times and Bruce is almost in tears like “are you leaving me? 😢” and Jason’s like fuckkkkkkkkkk.
Imagine baby Bruce being the only version of Bruce able to communicate, but because he’s a child he cannot read social cues that well. Dick and Jason get into an argument over something stupid and baby Bruce is like “is this my fault? I’m sorry. I love you.” And it will be the ONLY time they ever hear those 3 terms in the same conversation with their dad.
Baby Bruce would definitely be VERY physically affectionate. He’s always wanting to hold Jason’s hand or hug him and when Jason finally gets fed up and asks about why he’s being so affectionate.
“This is the only time you’ll let me love you.”
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sualne · 6 months
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freedom & hope
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