#these two are gonna be my 5th otp
captainharunanase · 11 months
Ah yes these lads look great together I def ship *checks crumpled note*
Nova Scotia & Worcestershire Sauce
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Just because I simply wanted to do it and not because someone asked, I decided that I wanted to list everything I like and dislike about my favorite characters. Link to original post (OP deactivated their account, so I’m using the link of one of the reblogs):
I’m gonna start with V since me scrolling through the “dmc v” tag is how I came across this.
Favorite Thing I Like About Them: His design. I am a sucker for gothic/emo designs, not to mention the awesome tattoos, so seeing V’s design drew me in. And so it began my thirst for this goth man whore.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: I barely have anything bad to say about V, but the closest I can think of is the fact that he got such a nice alternate costume in a GACHA GAME. I hate Gacha games because they are the most obvious boring and bland money grabbers and the fact that the only time he officially got an alternate costume is in Devil May Cry, Peak of Combat.
Favorite Line: “Don’t worry… I’ll be gentle.” For… reasons 🤭. Okay but for real, that aside, I like his, “I have no name, I am but two days old,” line.
BrOTP: V and Nero, because technically, Nero would be interacting with his father in his 43 day old goth phase.
OTP: None. I’m indifferent to him (while I’m at it Vergil) being shipped with Lady.
NOTP: V paired up with Dante or Nero. I will move on before I make an unfunny Sweet Home Alabama joke.
Random Headcanon: He’s a messy eater with specific foods. Despite how gentlemanly and somewhat polite he is, things get messy if you give him a burger. Even if he starts to get it after like the 5th time.
Unpopular Opinion: I’m not sure if this is an “unpopular opinion,” since a lot of other people agree with this too, but nonetheless, I have no problems with V being his own character. It’s mainly because when I personally look at V and Vergil, I see two different people.
V is basically who Vergil could have been had that incident at their home not have happened or if he and Dante switched places. Vergil chooses not to open up emotionally or make himself vulnerable because he is an emotionally constipated power seeking blue demon, but V chose to be vulnerable in front of Trish and then Nero.
Even with that twist at the climax of DMC5, I will always view the two as separate characters.
Song I associate with them: Joke answer: Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica.
Serious answer: Tourniquet by Evanescence (I thought long and hard about this one and could not come up with anything else).
Favorite picture of them: Fanart wise? @orosuz who drew very cute artwork of Shadow licking V’s cheek affectionately.
Officially? That one Visions of V panel I reblogged under my “goth poet (my dmc v tag)” where he’s eating cooked demon meat and saying, “this tastes vile” while he’s STILL eating it.
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moku-youbi · 5 months
Christmasy Klive Fic (a bit belated...)
A continuation of my Teenager series, set in a universe where Five never left, which has so far shown us Klive's first Usmas (Christmas as a couple) at age 14, and their fourth as a couple at 17. This is their 5th, and first one free of Reginald and out in the world! Basically just an excuse for me to write holiday fluff and smut for my otp. With some nice family feels eventually...
I mentioned it on one of my wips and briefly on here, but I had a surprise gallbladder surgery, so I'm sort of behind on all things holiday. Then I tried two different holiday fics for Klive before this that got way out of hand lengthwise, so I fell back on this lovely verse. But that's why I'm late posting, and why it's gonna be two chapters.
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
1, 5, 8, 9!
hey!!! i apologize for answering this so late!! but thanks for the ask friend!!!
Top 3 Doctors?
oh goodness!!! as i grow up these change a lot, so im gonna give this a long answer couse i can (also i physically cannot not over explain things hehe)
when i was younger andjust got into the show: 10, 11 and 9!
now that i finally expirianced more of doccy who: hmmm wow this became so much harder to answer actually, even doctors i don't think about often i like some parts on but if i had to choose... for now... 8 is defenetly up there! and its francly a battle between 9 and 1, but also 10 my beloved, but also 11 was so importent to me growing up that its hard to even put him on the list couse i cannot be possably objective on him at all, breaking my trans and autistic egg, so, even as through the years i find myself loving other doctors more, and he is not part of the list much these days, he is still automaticly part of it so its pointless to actually put him there? hope that made sense! i love 1 so much, did not expect to adore him as much as i do, but what can i say eventually he he he and ho hoed himself into my heart. also after rewatching some of 10 i finally rememberd how much and why i loved him as a kid and i do not think it was nostalgia that keeps him high for now. also also 6 is such a suprise but he is pretty close to being on the list, which is fucking impressive concidering i only expirianced one audio of his (of which you know lol). also 5!!! baby fun 5 is also fun!! but not on this list yet. to recap: for now its 8 (wow i did not expect for 8 to still stay up there so high but he is so fasinating and relatable and babygirl and gender and actual canon mewo mewo and weee), 9, and 10 or 1! but 11 is still automaticly in there, hope that makes sense!!
5. If you could pick any companion to travel with any Doctor, who would it be 
omg ok ok ok ok, so, after thinking about this quastion i think i had the random idea of Donna and 1... omg the amount of shananigens they can get into holy shit, they would probably apear to not get along in the beginning but i think that after a while i think they would get along really well???? i see them as having a similer relationship to 1 and Viki, in a way of two idiots scheming their way to political infuance and having to get out of situations by the skin of their teeth, but Donna is probably is wayyy more intent on calling the doctor out in much more direct ways so it can have the potencial of some great argumants and character development. ok now im in love with this idea
8. OTP? 
omg omg omg omg okkkkk so, within doctor who i will say its not usual for me to actually have a ship with the doctor, as i see them being more of an aro ace not realy feeling that way towards anyone kind of person. (not that that stops me from enjoying the occesinal doctor x compaion, its just not something i activly will ship) so its mostly companions, so within companions, Ian and Barbara all the way!! no matter romantically or not, Ian abd Barbara are so tied to me, they are defenetly at least life partners all the way, they can't imagine life without each other!!! they just live together with love and joy and the understanding that no one knows how they changed and grew apart from each other, the true trauma bond couple who lives their lives together for some peace and fucking quiet lol
but if we are going the least canon complient possible: 5th doctor and 8th doctor all the way!!! gosh darn it i adore them to absolote bits, the two most inoffencive doctors finding comfort in each other, healing from trauma together... damm are they cute
9. NOTP? 
fuck lol, hmmmmm, Donna x 10th doctor all the way, i don't have any hate in my heart to those who ship them, i see it! but to me they are very important as platonic friends, and their closeness and emotinal moments are my go to to discribe my wish for a life parnter myself!! they were the original couple that gave me hope as an aro ace person to have close relationships liek that in my life, and to this day they are one of my if not the absolote fave platolic relationships in media, my qpps forever
thanks for the ask!! i apologize for the longness of the answer lol, thank you for asking!!! have a great day friend!!
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alien-hunny · 2 years
Void Experience
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THIS IS A LONG POST ! I seen a post about how they wanted more details about how people just wake up after the void with all of their desires. So I wanted to share my first day waking up from the void!
When I woke up from the void I lowkey forgot i went to the void until I realized my room was fucking emptyyyyyy ☠️ then i was like “oh shit-“. I didn’t check for shit besides my car because i was sooooo fucking hype for my jeep !! I ran downstairs and when i went outside i fucking SCREAMEDDD when I seen that shit. Like it’s so pretty and red and it has all my anime stickers and EYELASHES! (yess my jeep is a bad bitch 🥴) and my lil hangy dice thingy 🥺😂 My neighbor was walking her big ass dog and she was just staring at me so i took my ass back in the house and went back to my room.
My mom came in there and was asking why i was yelling. (My family and everyone except for people at my school pretty much think i’ve always had my car and i was always planning on moving on the 5th of March.) I just told her that i was excited to move and she went back in her room lmao☠️ that was lowkey awkward..
My boyfriend was texting me asking when i was coming over and i called him and i fucking cried otp to this man telling him how happy i am to be moving with him and he was laughing telling me i don’t need to cry cuz ima make him cry (my fucking heart bro😫) I told him I’ll be over there after I take a shower. So i took my shower put my cute ass fit from fucking Pinterest on and seeing myself with my df and db wasn’t really nothing crazy because before the void i was already acting as if i already had it, but damn i feel bad asf.
i got in my car for the “first time” YALL!!!!!!! It was so surreal. I had never driven by myself before the void but it was like i’ve been driving my whole life and i was crying otw to my boyfriends house. I had to stop myself before I got there cuz he was not bout to clown my ass lmao🙅🏾‍♀️ After I got there he got in and we were just going to come back for his stuff cuz my car was full. I was so nervous to go to my new home so we went to Roberto’s first and I got some carne asade fries (my fucking favvv). We ate in the car and while we were eating I was just thinking about how im gonna be yelling and running around my house and shit lol.
We drive to the house and it’s a gated community, close asf to my school. So driving through the gate was sooo fucking crazy and the whole little community is so niceeeee , we living like the rich wypipo 🥺✋🏾! I pull up to my house and i’m just too excited. The key was in the door which was kinda weird to me but whatever the house is mines and i know nobody is gonna just go in a random house so we walk in and it just looks so nice. It is empty but the house is just so nice and i’m so in love with it.
I forgot to mention my boyfriends hair hehe it’s so cute and it’s long like how he wanted ( i manifested that it would be the way he wants it & i loveeeee it)
This was two days ago and we went to get his things, we spent yesterday unpacking and went shopping a bit just for things we would need today. He “made” me breakfast lol he went to Wendy’s. We have school today so we drove to school together for the first time and everybody was asking us questions all dayyyy (no one at school knows i’ve had the car lol) Asking me when i got my car and all that good stuff. I’m in class rn and afterschool we’re gonna go shopping for some house things ! I feel like buying appliances and shit for the house is boring to reg people but i’m so hype lol BOUT TO GET MY AIR FRYER 💅🏾!
if y’all want another post talking about what my house looks like and how we plan on decorating just let me knowwww ! I can also make a post about my relationship a little bit if y’all want some more insight 🖤
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
Sorry I left this in my ask box so long. Here we go again :)
001 | MASH
Favorite character: I'm on such a Hawkeye kick right now. I just love the way he loves: so fully and completely and sometimes excessively. He loves passionately and he loves passion. He gives and gives and gives of himself and has a surprisingly large capacity for love. And he's whiny and annoying and full of faults and simultaneously expects everyone to love him and reject him at the same time. He is full of contradictions. He is a bisexual folding chair of a man.
Least Favorite character: Zale. He gets very little character except to be antagonistic towards Klinger. What does he even do?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): inspired by @thebreakfastgenie, one of my new favorite non-canon ships is Hawkeye/being okay. Klinger/Soon Lee, Charles/Donna, Hawkeye/BJ/Peg (OT3), and Hawkeye/almost everyone. I want him to have slept with pretty much everyone in camp and just be a great friend to everyone later. It's practically canon, but I want to open it up to all genders.
Character I find most attractive: Margaret in that halter top...
Character I would marry: I think I constantly change my mind on this, but today I would marry Bigelow.
Character I would be best friends with: Mulcahy. I dunno, today I'm really feeling like talking about religion with someone, and he'd be up for all my weird thoughts on it.
a random thought: my mind is currently stuck on all the impressions they do of Mulcahy...
An unpopular opinion: Charles is right - Mahler is good. And he wasn't playing Mahler's 5th loud enough. That opening should be eerily quiet, one lone trumpet into the void, and then a cascade of sound. Performing that symphony so many times is probably a big contributor to my tinnitus.
My Canon OTP: Klinger/Soon-Lee. It was short but oh so sweet. They didn't know each other for long, but the contrast was incredible. The way she was fighting against the entire concept of the army and Klinger was shaken out of his complacence to help her, and then she cares too much about him and leaves him behind but he cares too much about her and follows her closer to the front. And how she wanted to see him in a dress. And they look so damn happy. And they're gonna get three weddings: MASH, Korean, and Lebanese.
My Non-canon OTP: Hawkeye/BJ. I feel a little disappointed in myself, but I have to be honest. It's popular because it's good. They're a hot mess, and I love them for it. I also wanna fix it. And make it worse. And I'm a sucker for a mustache and suspenders (and so is Hawkeye).
Most Badass Character: Klinger. Like Ginger Rogers, he did everything his fellows did, but in heels (and probably backwards sometimes). And he can read, write, and speak in at least two languages with vastly different alphabets. He's brilliant and gorgeous and has an excellent eye for style.
Most Epic Villain: The constant trauma of war dredging up the traumas of their childhoods. I posted recently about this, and it's constantly on my mind. The war affects them all in different, unique ways. Hawkeye and his reversion to childhood and his pattern of repressing traumatic events, Charles and his obsession with what it feels like to die, BJ's attempts to control his life at home, Frank's clinging to Margaret and to "patriotism," and so much more. Their coping mechanisms often hurt them as much as they help, and it's all kinds of fucked up. And the Army preys on it.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Frank/Margaret. I mean, I love their dynamic, and it's a really interesting part of the show, but she has always deserved more. And Frank brings out the worst in her. Her character growth really takes off once she leaves him.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): POC characters. Ginger and Oliver had a few excellent bits and then just disappeared from the show. Captain Sam Pak was amazing and seemed like he would be a recurring character, but we only saw him a few times. It took them until season 11 to give Kellye an episode. When Klinger decorates, they spew racist garbage and laugh at him.
Favourite Friendship: I'm really into Hawkeye and Margaret right now. They're not always close, but she is able to take him down a peg when she needs it, and she has a huge capacity for kindness. She loves as hard as Hawkeye, but she shows it differently. They take a while to find their groove, but once they do, they're amazing.
Character I most identify with: Hawkeye. I think we're really supposed to identify with him, and I'm pretty sure my brain is cherry-picking bits of his character to make it work, but I just feel connected with him on some fundamental (and probably really fucked up level).
Character I wish I could be: Absolutely none of them. The 50s were bad for people like me, and a war is a terrible place. And they're all incredibly fucked up. I admire many of them, but I never want to have to be that strong.
002 | Hawkeye/BJ
When I started shipping them: subconsciously forever. More actively, probably last September/October during my 2021 rewatch. I'd thought it before (I've been rewatching it frequently since 2012), but it started rotting my brain around "Rudyard Kipling" this time around, and it brought me to MASHblr.
My thoughts: I wish they could make each other happy. I want to torture them, I want to see them in every imaginable scenario, I want to see them together, I want to see them yearning and apart, and I just want more of their absurdity.
What makes me happy about them: the way they laugh at each other's stupid jokes.
What makes me sad about them: they just don't seem like they'll ever be able to make it work.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Peg erasure. And bi erasure. I have read fic that convinces me of the comphet of it all for BJ, but he does love Peg, and that needs to be handled well. And Hawkeye is bisexual (or pansexual) and no one can convince me otherwise.
Things I look for in fanfic: Gotta have some angsty BJ who is struggling to process feelings. It's all about the characters for me, so I'm looking for interpretations that align nicely with mine, or do something new and interesting.
My wishlist: asdflsdkjf, I don't know. I want them to be happy, I want them to be sad, I want them to be a complete mess. But recently I really wanted more modern hospital AUs.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: BJ with Peg or possibly fucking up his entire life and ending up alone and regretful (can you tell I love him?). Hawkeye with someone new, not anyone from MASH. Or maybe with Trapper (Trapper's got some things to answer for too, but there have been some excellent versions of them getting together after the war).
My happily ever after for them: In a cute Victorian in San Francisco that's technically split into two apartments (for propriety), with Erin every other week (the rest of the time she's with Peg and her wife). OR neighboring houses/a duplex with matching lavender marriages. BJ working on a motorcycle while Hawkeye knits and talks. Lying on the couch/bed, Hawkeye somehow comfortable while awkwardly wrapped around or on BJ, who is sitting like a normal person but absentmindedly stroking whatever part of Hawkeye is closest while they read medical journals or do chartwork. Domestic bliss. Reading glasses when they get older. Maybe Peg takes Waggles and BJ and Hawkeye get two cats. Or they keep Waggles and get two kittens who annoy the heck out of him lovingly as he ages. Umm. I uh, maybe need to go write some fic now. About Waggles and Marlene (Dietrich) and Edith (Piaf), their cats. brb.
003 | Radar O'Reilly
How I feel about this character: I have complex feelings about him. How many times does he lose his innocence/possibly his virginity? I was tired of that plotline the first time. But I love the weirdness of his psychic abilities (when he responds to things Potter is writing/thinking!) and how he is sometimes a vegetarian? He's weird and wonderful.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I dunno. I actually really like that one girl he meets at the airport near the end of his run. And there was at least one fic I read that implied that he ended up with Park Sung, which I love.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Henry. I don't think I can say more without crying.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know if this is unpopular, but Radar was wrong about how he got mad at Hawkeye. I kinda hated his hero worship of Hawkeye.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish they had let him grow up a little better. They kept rewinding him to make him so naïve, and I wish he'd had the chance to grow a bit more as a person.
Favorite friendship for this character: Klinger. I wanted more of whatever was happening with the practice proposal that one time.
My crossover ship: I just had the idea that he meets Shawn from Psych, and I don't know what's going to happen, but it sounds fun.
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twilighthomunculus · 2 years
How abt Shingo? or Hojo rin?
<3 <3 <3 Hello!!! Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3
my two murder hobos, how I love them so
So Shingo, my stinky rat man. First impressions where honestly the same as everyone else "evil man, evil, I hate. but hey at least that eurobeat intensifies meme comes from his race. and now,,,well,,,,, :)
Favorite moment-Sayuki's snot nosed Shingo comment in the extra stage. Idk if its different subbed but I think about it sometimes
Idea for a story- As some of you hopefully know, prologue mechaAU Night Kids were once a team(more than a team) but broke up after a devastating loss caused a rift in their ideologies. Rn I've been trying to figure out how write or show off them getting through their differences and rediscovering their passion as a certain junker reminds them of what they once were but I don't like to write too often and comics take too long for me to stay interested in finishing them. Will probably do a single page piece, Might just commission a drabble at this point but my ventures in the fanfiction world is limited.
Unpopular opinion-The only opinions I've seen of him are HATE or hehe stinky rat man so idk what to say here
Favorite relationship-I mean Takeshin is otp, but I also really enjoy the idea of He, Mako, and Sayuki all being a chaos trio in high school getting into racing with each other and being that lesbian/pure of heart, dumb of ass dynamic
Favorite headcanon-lets seeeee I mean I've got so many HCs for him, especially AU version, where I could probably pull a WattPad original movie, give him a different name, and make him my own OC but i will not. Some favorites include-He owns pet rats, his wound from his race v Takumi never heals properly, trans shingo, he does graphic art sometimes(designed the team logo and half of his tattoos in AU ver).
Now for Rin, gonna be a little short cause unfortunately there's not as much
First impression- stinky old man(derogatory)
Impression now- stinky old man(affectionate) ah yes the 20 y/o calling the 30 y/o old man, classic
Favorite moment-Shinigami Race(derogatory) dude I laughed out loud with this one because I'm a sick bastard ig, but its the only race I remember from 5th stage, and the only one I feel gives the same amount of characterization to the race as the ones from 1st and 2nd stage i need to read the manga
Idea for a story- Still working on White Comet v Grim Reaper, in which I'm rewriting the backstory to be Rin, Kaori, Ryosuke, and Fumihiro were once a team until a mech designed by Ryosuke failed killing Kaori and damaging Rin to the point where he's an angry cyborg now
Unpopular opinion- hard to have unpopular opinions on the guy when I know only ~4 other people in the english speaking fandom who actively have opinions on him
Favorite relationship- Him being a cursed uncle to Shinji is the best one, him having cartoonishly unbridled hatred for Ryosuke is also fun.
Favorite headcanon(s)- He was kinda a jerk older brother in a Rodrick Hefley kind of way and he's also the one who started the goth/punk boy trend for Gou(and eventually Shinji), he's the embodiment of wrath for a more less light hearted HC
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bugoverlord · 4 years
l i st t im e
here is a list of my otps and why
klance: got sucked into the (horrid) fandom and liked their dynamic so i adopted them and now they are running around in my head at all times
drarry: liked the fandom since i was a smol child and one day in like 5th grade i looked at them and was like :0 they gay so now i am silently suffering while watching jk be a idiot and still sticking w the big ass fandom
snowbaz: kept seeing the carry on book in barnes and noble and kept putting off reading it cuz it looked confusing, but one day i decided to read fangirl not knowing it was the same universe, and i feel in love then read all the books in a span of 2 weeks. im also a sucker for enemies to lovers
reddie: my parents wouldn't let me watch it when i first came out, but when i finally did and saw the gay i was v excite. who wouldn't enjoy a bsf pining ship when you are gay??
demus: ugh damn i love them too much for this shit. i just saw both of these dark sides and went :0 huh they gay, once m0re
catradora: i will forever vibe w the bsf turned enemies turned lovers canon that is shera
phan: ugh i fucking hate the shit that i used to do, but this ship to me no longer represents mlm fetishization, it represents how much love i have for these two 30 yr old british men :)
solangelo: sun gay and death gay meet and gay
wolfstar: ugh i loVVE them so much omfg they are canon and no one can disagree
boyf riends: ummmmm so we are just gonna ignore my whOLE bmc phase, (that was a joke, i will forever love this show, the fandom is just scary), but yes i liVE for best friends to angst to lovers tropes
um ye @asharpkniffe if u have any to add that i forgot since we have basically the same taste in ships u can add but besides that that's all that i can think of rn
i will reblog if i remember any more
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kaibacorpintern · 4 years
another rivalshipping otp meme because i am giving myself the content. from here but only the questions i find interesting
1) who can outdrink the other?
seto. he has a full foot on yuugi AND he’s learned to hold his drink through numerous incredibly boring business dinners and galas and whatnot. however, he has, after a particularly rowdy kaibacorp party, carried a tipsy and delighted yuugi out of the car and back into the house, pretending to be annoyed by all of it but actually equally delighted by the way yuugi cuddles up to him
2) who says “I love you” more?
yuugi says it out loud more; seto rarely says it out loud but shows it by doing things
3) who has trouble sleeping alone?
seto has more trouble sleeping in general, but yuugi especially has trouble sleeping alone, because he lived with someone in his head for two years, and now he only has his own thoughts again. he’s gotten out of bed many a late night to game or read in seto’s office while seto burns the midnight oil. they should both be going the fuck to sleep
4) who swears more?
kaiba-boy, obviously
10) who usually makes dinner?
yuugi loves to cook, makes loving use of kaiba’s fabulous kitchen, and has revealed the dinner menu via a series of puzzles and riddles at least several times, which leads to seto texting halfway through the day “THE ANSWER IS SCALLOPS YOU’RE MAKING PAN-SEARED SCALLOPS WITH LEMON CAPERS SAUCE” and it never fails to get him excited for dinner
11) who plays their music out loud?
“seto. listen to this song. i promise you’ll like it. just LISTEN. I SWEAR ITS GOOD”
meanwhile, seto’s blasting Mahler’s 5th symphony, 1st movement “trauermarsch” at 120 decibels throughout the house at 2 AM
12) who hogs the bathroom?
equal hogging time: yuugi, for his hair styling and make-up routine, and seto, for his expensive 12-step skincare regimen
13) who gives the most compliments?
yuugi, so earnestly and sincerely that seto blushes every time
14) who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
i was gonna say “seto starts them and yuugi ends them” but honestly seto thinks he can get away with a lot of bullshit, and yuugi doesn’t let him. yes, i am thinking of the iconic “a threat?” / “sure! why not!” DSOD dub dialogue
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick?
ohhhhh they’re both incredibly fussy and concerned lol. and both of them get frustrated with too much anxious hovering because the attention makes them SO uncomfortable. so they’ve negotiated: if one of them is sick, they can game from separate rooms and still spend time together over VC, and that way seto does not catch yuugi’s raging head cold
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
yuugi’s rarely MAD; he’s more “i’m not mad, i’m just disappointed" about things, and is generally sweeter at the end of an argument; seto stays mad longer, and needs a hot day or so to cool off and think things over, which was a big thorn in the early days of their relationship because seto would be like “i’ve had ENOUGH” and cold-shoulder him, leaving yuugi in the throes of anxiety, and then come back two days later like nothing had happened at all. and yuugi had to be like “don’t do that to me. just say you need some time, thanks” 
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
seto: i am NOT upset, and i do NOT cling yuugi: i know. you can hold my hand, if you want seto: thank you. i will
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
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dipplie · 3 years
This is how I cope don’t @ me
1: Top 3 pets you wish to have Bunny, Mouse, pet bee 2: Top 3 Disney Movies Tangled, Zootopia, and a close tie between The Princess and the Frog and Wreck it Ralph 3: Top 3 OTPs Nick and Judy (I’m not a furry), honestly probably the other pairings from my 3 (4) favorite movies like Felix and Calhoun or Tiana and Naveen or whatever 4: Top 3 pick up lines Pick me up- no literally please just carry me around like sweep me off my feet no like ACTUALLY like ju- 5: Top 3 summer activities Lying in the grass, listening to music on the swings, drinking from the neighbors sprinklers because you didn’t bring water on your walk 6: Top 3 school memories    -Once in 5th grade we were doing an egg drop, and I put mine off till the day before, so my parents just gave me a jar of peanut butter, and I just put the egg in the jar, and when they dropped it from the school roof it exploded all over the pavement and left a stain for years.    -Another time in 9th grade, a couple friends and I wrote a giant “send nuds” in the snow beneath my friends next class’s window, and some other kids took a picture of it and spread it around, and like the whole school was talking about it for a day or two (though we denied it was us so we didn’t get in trouble).    -And in 12th grade the last day of the 3rd semester, my AP Psych teacher said “you know you guys might not come back after spring break since the covid-19 virus might come to America.” And half the class was like: “I hope so we don’t have to come back haha.” And then we went into lockdown for a year 7: Top 3 things you find attractive Being looked at, Being talked to, Being touched at all oh my go d 8. Top 3 shops I dunno man can I say Build-a-Bear Workshop I’ve never been there 9: Top 3 romantic dates Theme park, Aquarium, Build-a-Bear Workshop 10: Top 3 drinks Milk, Milkshakes, the color purple 
11: Top 3 spices/herbs oh my god im too white for this question I think doritios are spicy, SALT 12: Top 3 apps to use not tumblr 13: Top 3 months of the year not winter 14: Top 3 clothing items Skirt, Bows, Thigh-highs 15: Top 3 kinds of flower Daffodils, Buttercups, Dandelions (yes I’m aware they’re a weed) 16: Top 3 Christmas movies Home Alone 1, Those stop motion rudolph ones, the original grinch 17: Top 3 things you don’t/Won’t miss Angsty middle schoolers, Angsty high schoolers, Angsty people 18: Top 3 games Minecraft, Stardew Valley, All the Zelda games between 2002-2009 19: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows I really don’t watch actually T.V. shows I just watch anime sometimes maybe and youtube series man 20: Top 3 kinds of candy Butterscotch, Chocolate coins, Those little pebble chocolates that looks like fish tank rocks 21: Top 3 ways to exercise/be active Well I have an answer, but I don’t think I can say it~ 22: Top 3 spirit animals (I’ve heard something about this being possibly racist so I’ll approach this wish caution) Bunnies, Lambs, a pet rock 23: Top 3 petnames Honey, Muffin, Sweetheart 24: Top 3 places you’ve been to A yearly carnival my old town had once a year, Disney World even though I almost drowned there, The Arcade in my old town called Bananas 25: Top 3 most used websites Youtube, Tumblr (regrettably), Pintrest 26: Top 3 people you last texted My boyfriend, my friend, my co-worker friend 27: Top 3 hashtags you use imagine using the tags how they’re supposed to be used 28 Top 3 items you can’t leave the house w/o clothes (i’m really funny) 29: Top 3 guilty pleasures I write self-insert sometimes I guess 30: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take Psychology, Sociology, certain art classes 31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle My OC’s, My friends, inappropriate stuff 32: Top 3 aesthetics Cottagecore, Bloomcore, Wonderland 33: Top 3 things you’d buy if you gained three million dollars Pretty things, Cute Clothes and stuffed animals, therapy 34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself Buying pretty things, Wearing cute clothes and holding stuffed animals, therapy 35: Top 3 cartoon crushes Kyoya from OHHC, Mako from Kill La Kill, Marceline/Marshall Lee 36: Top 3 things to do in the snow Draw in it, make snow sculptures, eat it 37: Top 3 accents to hear Russian, Spanish, idk spanish 2 38: Top 3 scents Vanilla, Cream, Strawberries 39: Top 3 things to do in the rain Sit in the car quietly, make out probably, cry 40: Top 3 cupcake flavors Chocolate, Chocolate 2, Chocolate 3 41: Top 3 fruits Cherries, Strawberries, Grapes 42: Top 3 holidays to celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Valentines 43: Top 3 embarrassing moments My friend jokingly revealing my weird self insert fanfic I wrote in middle school (that was gross don’t ask about it) to my friend group, getting a constant D- in AP Stats the whole semester and the whole class secretly knowing about it, wearing an oversized minecraft shirt in my 6th grade school picture 44: Top 3 crayola colors Seafoam, Canary, Cotton Candy 45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college Get back into theater and actually be included and noticed, not cry in the bathroom, feel cared about by my classmates 46: Top 3 fanfictions you’ve read don’t ask me that you can’t ask me that the last fanfics i’ve read were in middle school  47: Top 3 people you miss right now My boyfriend, Two of my friends GJ, my dopamine  48: Top 3 fears Being hated, Being alone, Being abandoned 49: Top 3 favorite literary devices (oh god it’s been a minute hang on) Alliteration, Juxtaposition, Colloquialism 50: Top 3 pet peeves Saying one thing and doing another, trying to act like you’re being the bigger person by not choosing a side, constant self deprecation 51: Top 3 music artists AJR, 3OH!3, Fake Type 52: Top 3 bad habits BFRD OCD, speaking before I think, lately I’ve been lashing out  53: Top 3 ice cream flavors Cookie Dough, Bubblegum, Cheesecake 54: Top 3 meals you love Bread and cheese, cheese with bread, I like dairy and bread 55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime Where are we going, What are we gonna do, what are you doing onii-chan (im so sorry) 56: Top 3 dog breeds Small, fluffy, actually a cat 57: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood The Amazing World of Gumball, Courage the Cowardly Dog, y’all remember Might Bee??? 58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak Better French, More ASL, I guess Spanish would be useful 59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) I like the first couple Saw movies but then it went kind of downhill, I eventually stopped keeping up with SU ad AT but they have lesbians now and we love that, and I guess I read Warrior Cats in middle school. 60: Top 3 pizza toppings Cheese, ???, that’s all I need 61: Top 3 youtubers you’re subscribed to Markiplier, Erolds Story, Wilbur Soot 62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas Little Flower earrings, Little flower tattoos, Little flower stuff 63: Top 3 awards you want to win love trust and affection  64: Top 3 emojis 🍄🐝🍋 65: Top 3 things you’d do differently have different parents 66: Top 3 places to be in the world In love, Back up, Purgatory  67: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid Lack of responsibility and pressure, Mental illness, Lack of shame 68: Top 3 baby names Penelope, Theodore, Sofie 69: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors Grape, Strawberry, Cherry 71: Top 3 turn ons People being patient with me, People treating me equally, Being touched kindly at ALL 72: Top 3 turn offs looking like Tyler1 73: Top 3 recipes you want to try Sugar spice and everything nice 74: Top 3 dream jobs Primary School Teacher, Child Consoler/Therapist, I dunno being a storytime animator sounds nice... 75: Top 3 lucky items Fidget Toys, Stuffed Animals, Random Office Supplies (you know the ones)
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itchapter2week · 5 years
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Hello my gorgeous writers, artists and general content creators! We’ll be hosting an It Chapter 2 week to celebrate the release of the new movie!
The event will run from the 30th of August till the 5th of September. For each day you can choose from two prompts and post any sort of content (moodboards, headcanons, fics, playlists, artwork etc) as long as it relates back to It in someway.
We’re fine with ALL content as long as it has been tagged appropriately AND all possible trigger warnings are listed PRIOR to the content.
On the day, just use the tag #itchapter2week or mention this blog in your post (@itchapter2week) and we’ll reblog your content.
The Prompts are:
AUGUST 30th, Day One
Are your faves now a crime fighting team? Is half your OTP actually an evil villain? Do they have a secret identity?
Is there a workplace romance? Or are they rival businesses? Does someone have a hot boss? Or are they all employed by the same sadistic asshole? Doesn’t this barista is just too cute to be true? And who said being a teacher is an easy job?
AUGUST 31st, Day Two
Guns, violence, sex, politics where do your characters end up? Is there a forbidden romance between the police chief and the city’s kingpin? Does the head of the mafia need a new assassin?
Does someone need a friend to pretend to be their lover to make their crush jealous? Does a partner get hit on one too many times? Is someone a little too clingy and raising all the red flags in a relationship? Does somebody always get everything they want? Is just too talented for their own good?
SEPTEMBER 1st, Day Three
Fairy Tale
Once upon a time... from palaces to ginger bread houses, from paupers to princes to beasts. Do your characters live happily ever after?
Shhhhh...someone has a secret. Is it something to do with their childhood? Are they in a secret relationship? Or are they secretly married to a crazy woman who is locked in their attic? What exactly is in their attic then?
SEPTEMBER 2nd, Day Four
From the heroics of Hercules, to the horrors of Cthulhu, will your characters fall in love, lose their love or go on the next great big adventure?
Road Trip
Whether it be by planes, trains or automobiles where are you characters gonna go? What will they explore? What will they find out about themselves?
SEPTEMBER 3rd, Day Five
Ahhh domestic bliss, how have the characters ended up? Would it be 100% fluff or does something happen to shake up their normally peaceful lives?
Are your characters famous rock stars? Actors? Authors? How do they deal with the price of fame? Are they forced together? Do they pretend to hate each other?
SEPTEMBER 4th, Day Six
Time Travel
Do they go back in time? Forward in time? Can the glimpse the future? Can they change the past? 
From fraternities to finals, how do your faves deal with college life? Are they students or are they professors? Are they teammates or are they rivals?
September 5th, Day Seven
Harry Potter
Alohomora. Unlock your imagination and have your character live in a world of magic, dark lords and kind werewolves. Are they studying at hogwarts or perhaps teaching? Are they fighting crimes or causing mischief?
Stranger Things
Welcome to the Upside Down where your faves can fight demigorgons, become friends with a telekinetic young girl or even end up as a lab experiment with special powers. Are Richie and Mike twins or are they cousins? Are all the adults useless or does Hopper and Joyce help save the day?
There are infinite possibilities! Best of luck!
Madi and Ruve
FAQ Under Read More
Do I have to follow the prompt suggestions?
All the prompts are up to your interpretation, so you can write them however you want. The suggestions are just there to give you an idea of what you can do. However,  feel free to you use any of the above suggestions if you so desire.
Are there certain characters or ships that you cannot write about?
No, we don’t believe in policing you in who you can or cannot like or ship. Even if they’re problematic, as long as the content is tagged appropriately and warnings are added, we’re fine with all content. 
What happens if I don’t put out a content warning?
If we find any possibly triggering content that is missing a tag in submissions, we will not reblog the post until the additional tags have been added but we will notify you should this occur. 
Can you post the content on other sites?
Sure, you can use the tag #itchapter2week on Tumblr, Instagram, Ao3, Twitter or any other social media platform. However, the content from other sites won’t be reposted by us on this blog unless we’re given a link. 
If you have any more questions feel free to ask, our inbox is always open. 
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mcrmadness · 4 years
I was tagged by @cupcakecurl a while back (thank you!) and finally I’m on the mood for doing this myself as well!
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Top 3 current ships: I actually have just one OTP, which is Bela/Farin (aka FUB) from Die Ärzte, and then multiple smaller ones here and there. I’m finding new ships way too easily and sometimes it bugs me because I meant to enjoy a thing and boom, suddenly I have a ship there to fuck up with my brain. B/F is pretty much the only ship that I can say to actually ship, the rest are more like just for fun, I enjoy seeing stuff but I don’t really do anything about it, you know?
But now as I think of it, I think of it, I could say another band ship here: Paulchard aka Paul Landers and Richard Z. Kruspe from Rammstein, about these I have also watched videos and read some fancomics too and last summer’s tour was a wild one and I was following the events quite a lot.
And then maybe I could throw one fictional ship here too as it’s pretty much current one since I just finished watching the 5th season of Gotham last week, and that is, of course Nygmobblepot aka Penguin/The Riddler aka Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma. I’ve never in my life shipped these before, even tho I’ve been a Batman fan since 1999 (I was 8) as I saw the 60s series on TV and I can remember almost shipping Batman and Robin back then, and I was only 8 years old!, and then had been watching the movies more or less during my childhood, but this was never something I’d even think of before I started watching Gotham and things started happening in the show. But it’s an interesting one. And I have to admit that while the show was still running and I couldn’t watch it because I live in Europe (and was too lazy to look for a website to watch it :D), I was still browsing the tag on Tumblr after each episode and giving myself spoilers of what happens with them. But I think the ending was a lot different than what I thought based on the Tumblr posts, and I’m actually not sure what to think of it. Imho it was not as bad as everyone else seemed to think.
I’m putting this under a read more link as this is getting way too long and I don’t know if people are interested in reading my weird thoughts about ships and other random stuff, so here you go... 
Top 3 all-time ships:  Oh my gosh, I have had so many but only like 2 actually strong ones? And I have to say Bela/Farin here as well, the reasons are found from above and I’m just so obsessed with them and idc what it is, already the friendship is like friendhip goals, you know? But yeah, I’ve been making videos about these two idiots for like last 10 years so... :D
And the next one, okay I’m usually not so talkative about ships. I can talk about them with people in private but I don’t like to go and shout about them publicly, probably the only one I talk about this way is Bela/Farin but it’s because Tumblr is a safe place for this and there’s no hate with this ship or anything (and the other one is Paulchard, every now and then I will reblog something that crosses my dash). But mainly I like to keep ships to myself and like I said in that other tag game post, ships are more like a guilty pleasure. Maybe because of my age as it was very normal at the age of 15 but now as I’m 28? Why am I still “in love with other people’s love”? I actually don’t mind it but I think many people would find it weird, especially when I don’t read fanfictions anymore and I don’t want to imagine anything, I just like seeing cute stuff, but with many ships I don’t even want to see too much, I just like seeing them being close but with many ships even seeing them kiss would be too much.
But anyway, top 3 all-time ships... I think I need to mention here a ship that I was very much obsessed when I was 15-17, that I wrote LOTS OF fanfiction and was there to make lots of fan theories and all, and that one was Frerard aka Gerard Way/Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance. I was SO obsessed it’s insane. If you know anything about MCR and Frerard, you maybe are aware of how was the year 2007 and you can probably imagine how crazy we all went when Project Revolution stuff happened. So yeah, I need to mantion that here even tho I no longer “believe in this ship”, but I guess I’d lie if I said, that I didn’t believe that there was something there back in the day. I’ve actually recently been watching some Frerard theory videos just for fun, because there’s so many things I had forgotten and so many things I still can remember, but also lots of stuff that I kinda missed because they happened in 2010-2012, and even tho I was still very much in the fandom and I was to their second gig in Finland in 2011, I still was not that much into the Danger Days album so I was not so into digging up stuff either. And I had my own identity crisis and Die Ärzte had been my favorite band for 1-2 years at that time so I was spending lots of time watching DÄ videos, so MCR was kinda at the background. And then the whole band went quiet for some time until they quit in 2013 (and now they’re back), so all that Frerard hype kinda died after each of them started to get married to other people and the kids were born, so there just... kinda was no more room for the ship, you know? But Freard was my first actual huge slash ship, I’ve had others before it (for example, my first touch to slash fiction was Harry Potter fanfiction and of course Harry/Draco stuff, but that one also later died out), but it was the first really strong one and then Bela/Farin kinda took its place as Frerard died out but B/F has been going strong and the ship has been sailing itself since the 80s, so... :D
And as the last one I think I could again mention something fictional but at the same time something that is super weird for me as it’s not slash fiction but hetship, which is something REALLY weird for me. I usually don’t like heteroships as they’re just... boring and so cliché. But I need to mention this one that I got into when I was 15: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from The X-Files. Yeah I know it was 2006 and the series had ended already in 2002, but I was a new fan! I had known about the series since I was a little kid as my dad was watching it back then, but I started watching it myself when the show had a rerun here in 2004-2005. And then I met my friend in 2006 when we were 15 and we found out that we both were very much into TXF and I remember how we somehow both started to ship Mulder and Scully (having no idea of how the series ended), and it was probably until the 6th season (there was 9 seasons at the time) when they stopped airing it altogether, so we were so furious about the fact because the last episode was such a cliffhanger and we NEEDED TO KNOW, so I had to buy them on dvd! So I remember how we would meet at school every day and after every episode, we went so crazy, discussing what had happened in the episode and if there was any Mulder/Scully activity, we were just so hyped :D And then, as we STILL hadn’t seen all the seasons, we went to see the second movie (”TXF: I want to believe”) in theaters in 2008 or so, and it’s set to happen after the events of the seasons, we were both so blown away by what was in the movie because we had no clue :D Fun fact: I actually finished watching the 9th season only last year. So now I understand the events of the second movie a lot better, and I’ve also seen the 10th and 11th seasons so now I’m finally aware of everything. But that really is a hetship that I accept and that is not like a typical movie romance type of ship. It has interesting dynamics.
Last song: Tatuoituna by Tehosekoitin
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, I don’t use any make-up, but chapstick I need to use daily.
Last movie: Iron Sky. I’ve seen it before tho, but we’re gonna watch the sequel soon, so we had to watch this to remember what happened :D (And it’s made partially by Finns, so..!)
Reading: Atm I have 3 books I’m reading, all of them in Finnish:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which has all the short stories in one. But I think there’s some of the newer ones missing and that’s why I bought this bit newer book with more stories, and I’m gonna read those once I’m finished with this one. And I’ve been reading this now for years lol... but I’m slowly getting there, I’m already over halfway through :D
A collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories, I don’t know the name for this book and it doesn’t say any name for the original. This one I also started to read a years back, only to pause if for years and then last year I borrowed it again from my dad and tried to continue from where I was left the last time.
The Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. I’ve been reading his books ever since I was a, well, teenager probably, and I have had a long pause with these books and reading overall, but now I’m back at it and trying to buy and read all of his books I still haven’t read.
I wanted to read the latter only after finishing with SH and Poe’s stories but I needed to read something and they’re bit too difficult reading at the times, and I needed something lighter but also didn’t want to start over with Harry Potter for the 5th time so I decided to go for this series instead. I really like reading SH and Poe’s stories, but like I said, they’re bit difficult at the times. You can’t just read them, you need to think and use your brains meanwhile you’re reading, and sometimes it’s just so incredibly hard to stay focused on it and I need to go back so often because I wasn’t paying attention and then had no clue what was happening and why.
And I sometimes I skip some of Poe’s stories because they’re so purely scientific about a topic that I cannot comprehend nor care about, e.g. this one story that was almost like a science essay about hot-air balloon flight in the form of a story, probably super interesting for someone who likes this kind of stuff and even more interesting for a writer interested in stuff like that, but I’m really not the target audience of that story :D But then there’s also lots of really interesting ones, I especially like the ones that have something to do with insanity. I guess people would call them as the horror stories, but idk, I just love that kind of mystery. For some reason all of my favorite stories are those where there is a dead woman/love interest :DD But probably my ultimate favorite is the one about writing an article to a magazine with horror stories, and how this guy become beheaded and all just to write a story about how it feels like and stays alive meanwhile, and I just LOVE IT when fictional works play with death and when something that is supposed to kill you, doesn’t, and I just love the idea of that story so much :D It’s just that you never know how a story will be like, as you start reading, is it a scientific essay or a mystery or a horror story or about insanity or what is it? And then when in the middle of reading and you realize this is bit boring or uninteresting, but still want to finish, but also want to skip, and that’s why I get stuck with that book, and I change to SH or something else. Often I also grab some of the comics (or non-fiction books) I own whenever I feel like reading but these books feel too heavy for that moment.
I should tag 9 people but I don’t even know that many people to tag lol. Okay I do know people, but I still don’t know who wants to be tagged and who doesn’t. Maybe I’ll be boring and tag @stufenlosregelbar again? :D And idk, maybe @annika-of-the-lost? Eh, I’m so bad at this whole tagging thing. I’m having a bad conscience if I don’t tag anyone/enough people in case they want to be tagged and I can’t read minds; and then I’m having bad conscience when I DO tag people in case they’re all somewhere facepalming and screaming “WHYYYYYY” into the void, as I still can’t read minds. So you can choose, do this tag game or ignore it and ban me from ever tagging you people again, I don’t mind :p
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anxious-bisexualll · 4 years
been following you for so long idek what fandoms we still have in common, so ill be basic: harry potter for the ask game
I truly mean this in the nicest way possible but I can only recognize like 5 people tops on here anymore I’ve been on this stupid website so long. I think there are people on this site that are the same age as when I started this blog. Which is terrifying. 
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: HARRY - I was enamored with his courage and willingness to do what was hard. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Ginny, I was really into her when I was young and now I don’t have a huge amount of interest in her story for some reason. 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Ron and Hermione. Obviously I liked them in the books when I read them but as I’ve gotten older I think they just really aren’t a good match realistically.  
my ultimate favorite character™: Hermione, Draco, Cho, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus.
prettiest character: Cho Chang. I think she was my first fictional character girl crush. I remember reading about her in the 5 book in detail and imagining her and wanting to touch her hair and see her. 
my most hated character: At first it was Umbridge. But now I hate Snape and Dumbledore. 
my OTP: Mauraders Era: Lily/James, Current: Draco/Hermione, Next Gen: Albus/Scorpius or Rose/Scorpius 
my NOTP: anything with snape. he can go die. 
favorite episode: For this I’m going to say which book I liked the most: 5th/7th. I’ve always been a sucker for pain and angst and man the teenage angst was so great to read as a teen. 7th because of the Journey of the characters and the development of the world. 
saddest death: Remus, Dobby, and Hedwig. Fuck you JK Rowling for repeating the cycle of an orphan from war. Dobby because it was like reading about my inner child dying and Hedwig because of the ultimate selflessness of an animal to give its life like that, even if we never really noticed it. 
favorite season: Gonna answer this as which movie was my fave: 3rd and Seventh part one. Third was masterfully done in terms of blending the whimsicalness of the books and the true story with a distinct change of pace from the first two years as they got older and understood the evils of the world. 7th for really buckling down on how fucking hard it was for the trio the first half. How it drained them. Great acting and portrayal. 
least favorite season: Least fave book and movie: They each have their faults, I would say I have the most issues with the 4th and 6th books. 4th movie was not great. Can’t look past the awful costuming. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Snape
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Lmao Draco my idiot boy who can be redeemed. 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: HERMIONE, GINNY NEVILLE AND CHO
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: nah i don’t got anything. maybe draco/harry just because I really can’t see them together so if i read a fic that was well written enough for me to like it I would be freaked out that it could convince me to like them together. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Harry/Ginny. Cute but very vanilla and expected. 
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cyancees · 6 years
salty ask meme answers
ok im awake now hehe so here’s all my answers for that ask meme
@adoggodude asks:  5, 7, 14, 16, 20
5: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
yes. none i can think of for danganronpa, but .... mch/anzo....... but tbh, it was also partially me realizing it’s such a boring ship and they’re only paired because they’re both hot
7:  Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
see above - nah i’m kidding i don’t hate it that much. a lot of animes i used to like have lost my favor because of things i’ve realized as i got older, mostly pedophilia. namely kill la kill i used to adore until i realized how many characters were underage. i used to really like attack on titan too but the creator is fucking bonkers.  i also liked koma/eda during the first chapter of dangan (as im sure most people did lmao) but i then hated him when he went nuts
14:  Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
16:  If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
a lotta things, but if i had to choose one, i’d either let juuzou live :( (or maybe i’d make asano from drg end up with the sleepy chick because her ending up with hijirihara pissed me off sooooooooooo bad you have no idea)
20:  What is the purest ship in the fandom?
naegiri uwu
Anonymous asks:  6, 16, 19?
6:  Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hmmmmmmmmmmm..... i can’t really think of anything for danganronpa. i’m a huge multishipper after all! well, when i was back into one piece, i hated zoro x sanji. but now i like it - however that wasn’t because of the fandom, i’m long gone out of that hahaha. more just me being nostalgic and watching clips of the show and realizing the sexual tension that little me didn’t 😔
19:  What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
people will call you out for liking the good guys because of one or two “problematic” things then kin sociopaths and serial killers
@sparklygems asks:  eyoo this is for the salty asks list and I was curious about if you could change anything in the DR games what would you change? (You have some Good opinions, i like hearin your thoughts~)
hehe thank you! i already answered this one, but, i guess i’ll give a different answer this time.
less weird borderline pedophilic things coming out of yumeno’s mouth :) (borderline because she’s technically of age but she’s total lo/li bait) and i guess just a bunch of other things regarding the weird unnecessary sexual shit lmao
@oxonicrab asks:  22 and 23! for dangan ofc
22:  Popular character you hate?
pretty sure it’s very well known that i hate koma/eda and ou/ma by now, soooo.... fucking MON/ODAM! he’s by far the most popular cub, i cannot stand him and i never could
23:  Unpopular character you love?
@chainedintimacy asks:  If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Also purest character? Popular character you hate? Unpopular character you love?
welp, almost every one of these has been answered, im gonna have to get creative!
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
mukuro-junko incest. totally ruined a perfectly good character for me (mukuro)
Purest character?
fucking usami.... nanami and naegi also are perfect and pure!!! 
22:  Popular character you hate?
hmmmm... shing/uuji
23:  Unpopular character you love?
i adore angie but it seems like a lot of the fandom hates her so;;;
@fly-fool asks:  Unpopular fan opinions 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, and 27 please
[rubs hands] here i fucking go
2: Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
toukomaru :x not that i hate the ship or anything! it can be pretty cute! just.... one is a minor and one is an adult haha
EDIT: i now know that komaru is only a year younger than fukawa, but, this ship still counts for the question!
4:  Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
fucking. KOM/AHINA. OUM/ASAI. wayyyyy too popular for my liking. also oum/ota
5:  Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
fuck i really gotta think of something for dangan huh? cus the pairings that i hate, i already hated... if it counts for anything, i only disliked oum/asai at first but the fandom made me loathe it so incredibly?
8:  Have you received anon hate? What about?
nothing too serious that i can recall. a couple funny little things about my CONTROVERSIAL SHIP/CHARACTER OPINIONS but nothing else really! oh, and some of that wasn’t even anon, so...
9: Most disliked character(s)? Why?
here’s ma top 3: 
3. koma/aeda. it feels dumb to have to explain why, but we’re in a fandom where he’s one of the most popular characters, so... just remember every bad thing he’s ever done, and that’s most of it. but i also hate the edginess surrounding him, the weird wheezy laugh, the self-deprecation done in such a weird creepy way, the appearance, the fact that he has the voice of my love, the fact that he’s the sans of the fandom... the sans before sans, if you will...
2: hai/ji. i shouldn’t have to justify this one since almost no one likes him, but. pedophile. even if you take away that totally unnecessary character aspect, he’s just... so fucking annoying. huge dickhead. ugly ratty hair. pissy pissy man. I HATE HIM
1. k*k*ch* **ma!!!! :)))))))))) again, just like kom/aeda, think of every bad thing he’s done. think of how the fandom treats him, amplifying my already-existent hate. think of his mortal enemy in the game who happens to my my favourite v3 (momota) and there ya go! his lying is only entertaining for so long, his stupid fucking shota face, the way people call him hot when he looks 12 and the fandom overlooks it because he’s a boy, the way people treat him like some canonically gay icon, some dickhead i saw who called him autistic once which offended me and my autistic brother deeply since the evidence they used was clearly a lack of understanding of autism... it’s a combination of the fandom’s obsession and his actual canonical character.
14:  Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
it’s fucking shite and everyone is a sheep - not to sound like some “intellectual” atheist who watches rick and morty but.... yall really do just latch onto what others say without looking into things yourself
17:  Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... instead of gonta getting iruma killed and being punished for it, i’d rather iruma have succeeded with her plan and taken one for the team :)
24:  Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
i’ve gotten ummm... at least 6 people to play so far hehe
even back in 2013-2014 when i was first into dangan, i got a couple friends to watch the anime. so that’s a yes! :)
i recommend it because, primarily, i need friends to talk about my hyperfixation to - but also because it’s genuinely a great series in my opinion. it has its flaws, but overall i really love danganronpa !
25:  How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
i mean...................... they could’ve thrown a naegiri wedding in there at the end of dr3 i’m just saying
26:  Most shippable character?
souda hehe. no bias xd (but for real i don’t think there’s bias considering none of my other top faves have nearly as many cute ships as he does. i can ship him with sonia, gundam, nidai, hinata, kuzuryuu, ibuki, iruma, kiibo....)
27:  Least shippable character?
ou/ma because he deserves nothing. i mean at least i can ship kom/aeda with himself (amami) and himself (sans) :///
@holy-shit-dangan-ronpa asks:  salty ask #17
17: Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
shit lemme think of something else. uhhhh instead of... monaka going to space i want her redeemed too :( she may be totally evil and a bitch but they’re all kids!!!! i can’t wait for despair girls 2 i want the monokuma kids to be saved from their helmets and i want the warriors of hope to be adopted by good parents :((((
Anonymous asks: 10
10: Most disliked arc? Why?
i’ll probably have to choose ruruka’s whole character arc, what a bitch haha. she caused her own demise by trying to cheat in her exam, blamed her ‘friend’ for it who she only used, then killed her boyfriend because she didn’t wanna be ‘betrayed’ again. fucking christ woman get your shit together lol
Anonymous asks: 1
1: What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
besides the notps i’ve already mentioned earlier... i guess oum/eno? like... the whole thing seems either based on the fact they’re both pedo bait... or because in the 5th trial ou/ma says he likes her (WHICH ISN’T EVEN OU/MA SAYING IT? AND IF MOMOTA IS GETTING THAT FROM HIS SCRIPT THEN DON’T THEY KNOW YOU CAN’T TAKE ANYTHING OU/MA SAYS SERIOUSLY BECAUSE HE’S THE BOY WHO CRIED USO DAYO?)
thanks for those guys it was fun :D xx
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atlasifyllm · 6 years
Because yes
1. Your first OC ever?
I would say Queen Mana, my self insert alicorn pony princess, but in all honesty I'd say my Littlest Pet Shop toys from 3rd grade that I gave each a persona or my mouse character "Licky" and his sister "Lucky". Yeah Licky had quite the unfortunate name. As for my LPS toys, I'm not sure which was my FIRST among all of them, but I do know the first ones were Trevor and Erica! They were a happy married couple~
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Ooh, I gotta say I have one for each story. Though among all of them? I HAVE to go with Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS: DD. Honestly my fave out of the DOTS peeps, I love his design (thanks Raven), her persona, his character arc, god I love this dickhead
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Honesty no? I did base Rose off of a friend's OC, but that was years ago and she's more original now.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I gotta say Agent Silver and Agent Neon from MAR, mostly since I've been pretty dry with MAR ideas and have near no hope to revamping them both from their 5th grade counterparts. That and the protag of D.exe, since I'm revamping them too. Pretty much any character I've planned on revamping but haven't really gotten to yet...
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
COBALT ZAFFRE. I honestly feel like he's worth the fame, though I'm probably biased-
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Yang and Tig! When designing one of them into DOTS, I created Yang with Tig's original palette concepts of 2016 with no intentions of bringing Tig into the story yet. Though that changed, and I brought Tig into DOTS: DD and got too attatched to their palettes to change them. I have thought of changing Yang's design, but I got too attached so Tig and Yang just so happen to share the same hair and skin tone.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
The real question is who ISN'T apart of any story? I get too attached to OCs easily so I'd either need to make a story or put them into a story! I did have a void character for a week named Benvolio, though I found him a place in "Dragon Destiny"
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I've never actually roleplayed before! I have thought of opening an askblog for Turquoise Sky from DOTS: DD, though I've lost most motivation for continuing it
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I'm too attached to my babies!
But in all honesty my brain makes so many character concepts that I could legit probably sell them at this point for the characters I REALLY don't need.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don't have a picture of her on-hand, but the first that comes to mind is Nio from Chrisis! Mostly due to her rainbow sleeves and cards...
A close second is Iris from the DOTSverse, though it's honestly just due to her hair being a gradient AND layer mode at the same time.
I'm sure there's more though, I can never keeo track of them all!
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “cinnamon roll”?
Rose Morganite from DOTS: DD and Nimbus Fulmen from AuAg! Both are sorta naive kids who don't know what's going in too well...
My other kid OC is basically Ed Elric except with Queen Moon's look-
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
fuck it i'm calling them out @ravenwolfie97
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Tig is sorta on the border between troublemaker and full-blown villain. Though my new OC Roman Rho from Dragon Destiny seems to fit that description? Others include Kaiser and Shadow from Last Light, Aquamarine from SOTGC, the entire cast of Sky Games, Viobalt and Charoite from Chrisis, Ater from the DOTSverse (somewhat), Ala Blaster from DOTS: SF, Reed from ROP, Akumu from D.exe, Mika from ZP, and... yeah I hope that's all of them
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS has a pretty angsty backstory so far, though I can't spoil that right now. Iris actually has a sad story too, but I can't spoil that either. Have some runner ups!
- Bluebot (Beyond Repair) Bluebot is the only android that is utterly seen as useless by Eris, the main AI
- Storm Gray (Dragon Destiny) Storm was treated more as an experiment than child by the scientist who made him, having him be bullied by his scientist's son, Roman
- Ventus Fulmen (AuAg) while he isn't a full blown "angst son", Ventus got into prison thinking his girlfriend was shot dead by soldiers
- Viobalt (Chrisis) Viobalt is trying to strive beyond the void since his own universe was erased from existence by the creator
- Pretty much all the Darksiders in Last Light. Each Darksider succumbed to a dark, deep form of Despair, which caused them to turn into monsterous beings seeking revenge, acceptance, pain, or freedom
- The Squire (A Story Told) The Squire lost his kingdom to an evil king, and wants to try and get it back
Those are the ones from the top of my head!
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Oh honey I could talk about my OCs all year
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
I'm gonna say the scientists in Dragon Destiny, since out of the two other brands of scientists in my story (D.exe and BR), the DraDes scientists had to deal with organic matter way more in order to create the dragons. Vincent from D.exe is a close second, though he's more of a specifically neuroscientist than biologist
17. Any OC OTPs?
- Storm x Orlene in DraDes
- Cobalt x Ruri in DOTS: DD (and by extension, DOTS: SF)
- Ruby x Blaze in DOTS: DD
- Yin x Tigerlily in DOTS: DD
- Yang x Vio in DOTS: DD
- Ventus x Vepris in AuAg
- Momo x Ringo in PSG!
- Alpha x Zetto in DOTS: 5x5
- Iris x Alba in DOTS: 5x5
18. Any OC crackships?
- Cobalt x Yang in DOTS: DD. The two palabros honestly are hilarious together as a hugely dumb couple
- Reed from ROP x Zetto from DOTS: 5x5. This is a REALLY odd one, but one time I had a dream that created a new OC that looked like a fusion between the two with a dark blue color scheme. So of course I joked about them having a son, though it's extra funny when Zetto is just a humanoid snorlax made of pure light and eats flowers, and Reed is an energetic anime prince protag boy who's... well, not made of light. And of course, some crossover ships are absolutely hilarious
But my favorite:
- Turquoise x Cobalt in DOTS: DD. Gotta get that good ol fashion Oncest 👍
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
All the Chrises tbh, but especially Cobalt in particular. Cobalt (and by extension, the other Chrises) is based off of the guy who inspired me to continue making stories and OCs, and I can never thank him enough for helping me find that spark that gave me a purpose. Cobalt's everything to me, a coping character and a tribute to the man who inspired me to be this creative. I created the other Chrises because I want the creativity that the guy gave me to be a symbol of all my stories, and a tribute to the man himself. Cobalt as I've developed him has represented all the things that remind me of the guy, so he's the closest to him but also with my own twists I adore so I can't help but love him so much! Cobalt, out of all the Chrises, represents the man who's inspired me to be a creator to this extent the most, so he means so much to me. The other Chrises are a VERY close second, since they represent him in various ways too that is both a tribute to him and a symbol of me, though Cobalt represents him the most.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
HA! EASY! The Zero Percent crew 100% (pun intended)
Robin I can see sounding probably like a mix of the singer from Set It Off (Sorry I don't know his name!), Natewantstobattle, and I think Billie Joe Armstrong/Gerard Way?? There's so many good voices crie-
He likes rock music tho! He's in a band so that's a given but... yeah.
Elliot is a newer OC from the same story, but not from Robin's band! He's a lone singer cause I wanted a singer OC who sounded like Adam Lambert-
Outside ZP, I had the headcanon that Yang from DOTS: DD had an embarassing rap phase in high school. Ash Embers from the same story was also in a band, though it disbanded as soon as it was made ;n; I'm not sure if she was the vocalist though? Def rockstar, though. Cobalt I can see having a good singing voice since I've really liked Chris Niosi's singing (sing more Chris ;o;), and Ruri too since her voice claim is Rose Quartz from SU! Not sure on their genres, though... Other punk rockers include Ruby, I have been thinking her voice claim changing to Hayley Williams? Not sure, though...
Lastly, The Bard in A Story Told. She plays medieval music, though it's not particularly good since she'e pretty much a drunken bard who gets around by riding her horse backwards.
Anyway that's 20 questions, hope you 5 peeps enjoyed it, ehehe-
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toomanywizardeyes · 6 years
Hufflepuff question thingy; ALL OF THEM! -Vi
Imma just answer the ones I haven't answered yet.1) how long have I known my oldest friendOnly a few years, my family moved around a lot up until a few years ago3) what movie can I watch on repeatThe labyrinth 5) how has my day been?Very slow, thank you. 7) what am I hardest on myself about?Not meeting my own goals9)if I could crossbreed two animals, what would I make?I would make a cat, crossed with a bear, so like 10X cuddle potential, it would probably be extremely hazardous, but I would still joke about petting it.10)top 3 OTPsLogince, Analogical, and Geetrick11)do I like it when people play with my hair?I absolutelyg love it, and so will you, because my hair is a literal cloud13)secret talent?I would say singing, but everyone who sees me url, hears me singing. It's not acting, because I do roleplay with friends and I'm gonna start a server soon. It's not dancing, cause I cannot. Stay. Still. Soi I don't know, I guess it's being honest about everything I can!! 😁😁 14)what does your name mean?I don't know, it literally came to me in a dream, where I came out to my mom and classmates as trans (*deadname* me: my name is Dean. Me: *leaves*) and when I looked it up on urban dictionary, it said I was a people pleaser with a 5 inch dong, so take that as you will. (My grandpa's name is Dean too, and I share most of my happy childhood memories with him, so that's probably why)15)what was my favorite tv show as a kid?It was a tie between Jack's great big music show, and Yo Gabba Gabba. (Yes, I was a child when MCR were on there, and I scanned mainly so I could find the episode with that song in it, I really was emo in the late 2000's.16) the most thoughtful present I ever received?My friend Caroline (I talk about her a lot, but @cjcipher666 can voice, she's amazing) she got me a fan and Phil pin at comic con for my birthday, back before she got ijnto them, she saw it, and thought -that's who's on my friend's sweater, and his boyfriend I think- and I almost cried, and I hugged her real hard, and I'm about to cry again just thinking of it17)would I ever become vegan?I probably would. Tbh. I don't have any meats that I would miss. And cheese has a vegan replacement, so yeah.18) what social issue would I like to spread awareness about?Europe's internet might get sensored, go sign a petition.19)tell you a story from when I was young.I remember this time i was sharing a theory of stench to myy parents, and I said something along the lines of "good stench" and now that's a thing my mom says.20) what age do I get mistaken for?Senior/college student. And I'm like, exuse me? I AM a freshmen.21) what double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?The way you treat people v how you want to be treated. Like, just be nice, is it that hard?22)favorite thing to do on rainy days?It used to be run around outside in my bathing suit, but now, it's cuddle up in bed and read.24)my favorite teacher in school, was my 5th grade English teacher Ms. Gleason, she was like a parental figure that I needed, and she gave me journals and got me into journaling, and was totally cool about my surfacing mental health issues and without her, I would probably have really bad anger issues rn. So thank you. If you are reading this. I'd probably also be dead without you in my life.25) most hufflepuff thing I've ever done?Loving and helping my friends before loving and helping myself.Again, sorry for the long post and teenage aingst, I have, a lot of it. *finger guns out of the room*
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