#these aren’t for anything I’m literally just figuring out how to draw him
matts-self-soda-ships · 6 months
God I love men
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noctylisse · 5 months
I Knew I'd Curse You For The Longest Time
⋆⭒˚。⋆ In which you curse Suguru Geto for, well, being Suguru Geto.
Suguru Geto x Gn! Reader (not proofread)
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Fuck Suguru Geto for having those stupidly attractive bangs.
It’s the way he gently attempts to tuck them behind his ears with one hand as he smoked. Each time he does, they end up falling forward to frame his stupidly attractive face anyway.
You’re looking at him respectfully, you swear. It’s just you and him at this moment, waiting for your classmates, Satoru Gojo and Iori Utahime to meet you outside the closed basketball court.
Normally you wouldn’t want to stand near a smoker, but this man just seemed to draw you in somehow.
Suguru Geto was a charmer, and you simply couldn’t resist. He’s a gentleman, too. He greeted you with a smile when you bumped into each other in the hall, opened the door for you as you both went out the main building, and even asked you if it was alright for him to smoke at that moment. You know it’s all the bare minimum, but you figured he could do literally anything humane and you’d feel your cheeks flush.
You recall those moments when you and your middle school friends would excessively cough around smokers to try and make them feel bad for smoking. But now, you think that if you were to ever do that, it would be to get Suguru Geto to coddle you.
He meets your eyes as he exhales the smoke, and you smile. He does, too.
You don’t know Suguru Geto that well yet, but you yearn to know more about him.
Fuck Suguru Geto for having such a sweet voice.
“You okay?” He asks as he gently holds your hand, bringing you toward him. His eyes roam to assess you for possible injuries.
You nod. You feel his thumb press against your pulse.
“I’ve got you, you’re safe.” He says with that addictingly smooth voice of his. He thinks you’re still deeply shaken from what had just happened.
You narrowly dodged a fast attack from one of the curses you were supposed to exorcize, and Geto just so happened to cover you and do the job before any serious damage could be done.
You do admit to be shaken from it, knowing that you would have been totally busted if it weren’t for Geto, but your heart’s quick racing didn’t come from that at all.
It came from the way he spoke to you after that encounter. You never realized how soft his voice was.
It was hypnotizingly sweet. From the way he whispered in your ear, wishing you luck as you entered the abandoned building, to the way he held your hand as he spoke words of comfort, you were sure he could control you with his voice alone.
But right now, you decide to be more level-headed. He was fussing over nothing, after all. Or rather, he was fussing over a quickening pulse that he had no idea was his fault.
You shake your head. “No worries, I’m fine, Geto.” You smile at him. “Thanks for covering for me. I’d be busted without you.”
He smiles back, stands straighter, and suddenly you aren’t so level headed anymore.
“It’s no problem.” He replies, placing a hand on your head to gently ruffle your hair.
As the two of you walk out the abandoned building with the burden of the mission off of your shoulders, you fail to prepare yourself for his voice that just so happened to sound even sweeter when he asked you to call him ‘Suguru’.
Fuck Suguru Geto for having the most careful hands.
You sit in front of your vanity with Suguru behind you, gently brushing your hair.
The early rays of sunlight rest on the both of you as you sit in comfortable silence. He snuck into your dorm
to sleep over the night before, and he’s here with you as you get ready for the day.
“You’re really sure about this?” He asks as he gathers some of your hair to twist in his hands.
You smile. “Of course! We’d be matching in a way, Sugu. It would be cute!”
He chuckles. “I suppose I see the vision.”
You had asked him to tie your hair in a half-up half-down bun, to match with his man bun. You liked styling
your hair whenever you had the chance, and Suguru had ended up loving it when you let him do it for you.
It was peaceful, and extremely domestic. You’d give anything to always have moments like these with Suguru. One day, you’d hope to have him style your hair in a home the both of you share.
You can’t help but close your eyes as you feel his hands brush through and work their way around your hair.
Suguru has always made sure to make your hair look flawless. He also ensures that he never hurts you by accidentally tugging on your hair or getting it caught on the accessories he uses on it.
When he was done, he gently rubs your shoulders as you make eye-contact in the vanity mirror.
You turn around to place a gentle kiss on his lips as a sign of thanks. He smiles into it and pulls you closer, a hand on your cheek, and the other around your waist. His touch remains gentle, as if his fingers themselves press kisses to your body.
Fuck Suguru Geto for having such pretty, sparkly eyes.
You feel the bed shift as Suguru gets up, trying not to wake you.
You immediately reach out for him in your sleepy state, squinting in the dark.
He sits back down to lay you back down slowly, a hand running through your sleep-tousled hair.
“Just want to take a smoke break, baby. Go back to sleep, ‘kay?” He says softly, caressing your cheek.
The moonlight that managed to pass by the curtains shone on him as you looked up.
He looked beautiful. Unreal, even.
Your eyes move to look at his own, and they shine. His eyes shine like twinkling stars.
You catch a glimpse of him wiping at them before you close your eyes. You assume his eyes are just as drowsy as yours, and that he’d probably teared up after a yawn.
You’re too sleepy to argue, so you let him go.
“Just be back here, Sugu.” You yawn. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He says, voice cracking.
The sheets rustle as you pull the covers over you, and you fail to hear Suguru sniffle as he gets up and leaves.
You wake up alone.
You do not see a trace of Suguru the entire afternoon, either.
Instead, you see Satoru with his back to you, fist clenched and bloody. You spot your teacher looking deeply agitated in front of him. His gaze then moved from Satoru to you, and somehow, he looked even more distraught.
From then, you learn about Suguru’s crimes.
You don’t know how to react. You first think of cursing him, which you do.
Fuck Suguru Geto for…
Not telling you sooner? No, you should have known. You should have done something. Anything.
Fuck Suguru Geto for treading a path I can't follow.
That could be it. But you crumble before you could think of anything else.
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2knightt · 1 year
Hii! Idk if you’ve gotten this req before, but can you do the gang with an artist s/o? Thanks:)
↳10-4, no switichin’ sides!₊˚✧
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—IN WHICH, the gang dates an artist s/o!
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Johnny Cade ;
he loves watching you draw omfg.
he thinks your process is so cool!!!
tries to draw with you, but he gives up in the end and draws stick figures instead.
“what’re you drawin—oh.”
“i gave up, okay? don’t judge, y/n.”
if you draw him i think he’ll actually explode.
“whatchu drawin’ this time?”
he’s legit gonna be blushing so hard.
“re-really? can i see?”
if you have a sketch book and theres pages full of him he might pass out.
he will pass out.
he’s just so flattered you’d draw him out of all people!
he doesn’t get it.
but, he loves your hobby so much and if you want to do it as a job one day, he’ll support you 110%.
Dallas Winston ;
doesn’t understand why you like art.
no matter how much you explain it to him, it’s like everything goes in one ear and out the other.
“plus, the finished product is always something gorgeous.”
“…i can do that if i take a picture, y/n.”
“yeah but, you don’t get that sense of pride.”
“i get that sense of pride when i beat the tar outta a kid. that pride don’t mean nothin’ to me.”
if you draw him or he catches you drawing him, he’ll tease you so bad.
like actually, good luck bru.
“ouu, someones head over heels, huh?”
“a ‘good job,’ would also be nice, dal.”
“yeah, yeah. good job, sugar.”
if anyone else teases you about it? he’s onto them. they ain’t safe.
if you tell him like, anyone said anything bad about your art, he will go to jail for the 50th time.
he’s ready to go to jail for you, do not play with dallas.
if you want to make art your job, he still won’t get it, but he’ll let you because it makes you happy.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
when he finds out you’re an artist, he’s over the moon!
he’s so happy someone else can share his hobby :)!!
if you draw him something he likes, he’d probably hang it up in his room.
“i remember you saying that tiger lilies were your favourite flower, so, i drew it for you.”
“wow, y/n! this is really good!”
if you draw him, he will tear up.
he’s just so flattered you’d waste your talent on a guy with his looks.
“look, pony. i drew you! thought you looked real pretty in that lighting.”
“y/n…you didn’t have too.”
“but i wanted too! wai-wait are you crying?!”
“i’m jus—so happy.”
if you ask him for help, he will not sugarcoat shit. so, if you aren’t ready to hear the hard truth, i wouldn’t recommend asking him for help.
he will support you fully, no matter if you want art to be your life long passion or not.
Sodapop Curtis ;
thinks you’re the best artist out there, no joke.
he thinks you’re Picasso or something.
will not stop bragging about you.
literally, it’s all he talks about.
“dude, my partner does such good paintings. they’re beautiful!”
“i know, soda. it’s all you talk about.”
if you draw him, he will show everybody.
“oh my glory, y/n! this is amazing!! i gotta show steve!”
“wai-wait, soda! it’s not finished!”
another one that will beat the shit out of anyone that bad mouths your art.
he isn’t afraid to sock someone in the mouth.
especially since it’s for you!
soda really wouldn’t understand if you wanted to art full time but he will be your #1 fan!
Darry Curtis ;
also..doesn’t get art..but he tries!
he thinks you doing art is fine but, why?
he’ll support you 110% you just, gotta explain to him.
“and also, because i just, love seeing the outcome after weeks or months of hardwork!”
“oh, makes sense.”
if you draw him something, he’ll fold it up and put it in his wallet.
he looks at it when he has free time at work and just smiles.
if you draw him, he might MIGHT just smile, teeth n all in front of the gang.
“this is, stunning, y/n.”
“yo, what the fuck?”
“holy shit, they made darry smile.”
“dude, go tell him your gay he’s in a good mood.”
Steve Randle ;
he is obsessed with your works, oh my lord.
he will not stop looking at them if you give him one.
“is, is it good?”
“it’s wonderful!”
similar to his best friend, he also doesn’t shut up about you.
“and then they painted this cat and dog, and it’s so pretty.”
“you told me this, steve.”
“did i?”
he will not hesitate to throw hands in your name.
“what d’ya mean, ‘ew?’”
“i mean, ew. it’s just so ug—“
knocked out, on the floor.
Two-bit Matthews ;
he is so proud of you.
‘so proud,’ is an understatement, though.
he loves any and all of your artwork.
if he finds something from when you were 5, he’d still love it.
“i love the colours in this!”
“i made that in like 1st grade, two. what?”
“oh. it’s still super good!”
“did you just compare my work to a 1st graders?”
“…i ain’t mean it like that.”
another one who is willing to go to jail for you.
he will knock out a bitch for you.
he can, and he will.
if you draw him like mickey or something, he’ll love it forever.
“here. i know you like mickey mouse, so.”
“AHHH—this is amazing, y/n!!!”
he’s fangirling.
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kyuteflesh · 4 months
kyle “gaz” garrick / f!reader
﹒⪩⪨﹒ ﹒⪩⪨﹒ ﹒⪩⪨﹒
anotha one (much love to everyone who supported my last post 🫶🫶 ur the best). not the greatest i could’ve done, less serious this time, experimenting, barely proofread, just writing to cope. enjoy :p
more plot than porn tbh, +18
141 was finally home after what felt like an eternity.
you were close with all of the members but one: kyle garrick, otherwise known as gaz.
every time you all had plans together, garrick would be the first to tap out within an hour. tonight was the night you would figure out why.
“i have a question.” you announced, downing your second shot of tequila
“ohhh! getting serious now, are we lass?” soap exclaimed, nudging ghost who in return gave him a pinch on the arm. you could only purse your lips at him.
“go on. we’re all ears.” price replied. soap and ghost crowded next to him.
“how come whenever we go out, kyle never comes? am i that much of a dick repellent??” you huffed.
soap coughed up his drink. “far from it. honestly, he just has a wee bit of a problem.”
you weren’t sure whether you should’ve been offended or not by what he said. “and what in the hell does that mean?!”
“we all agree that you’re the bonniest l—“ johnny started, only for price to quickly cut him off in attempts to deflect the attention away from them.
“garrick fancies you very much!!” there was no way in hell he was gonna let a drunken soap spoil what they talk about when you’re not around.
“in what way???” you were flabbergasted to say the least.
“way to go, captain.” ghost grumbled, facepalming in the process.
“he told us that you were so attractive it was intimidating to him. he doesn’t wanna mess anything up, so he refrains from overstaying his welcome.” price chuckled between air-quotations.
johnny was having a blast, cackling and slapping his knee. “LORD HAVE MERCY! THAT IS THE HEADLINER OF THE CENTURY.”
several drinks later, you found yourself staying in a hotel room with the group. nothing going on besides friendly banter.
simon’s phone buzzed and everyone turned to him. “who is it? some girl from the bar?” soap grinned sheepishly. “would you shut the hell up for once? it’s garrick, said he’s about to be here.”
“about time that man shows up!” price and mactavish silently cheered together.
… so many thoughts in your brain right now. how were you going to act after finding out hes been crushing on you for how many years now??? you weren’t sure if you could deal with the anxiety of presenting yourself in this state.
that’s when you heard a knock on the door.
“well would you look at that..”
“that’s our cue, gotta go!”
“sorry l/n…”
and with that, simon opened the door for gaz, and the rest of them swiftly escaped. literally no time to process anything.
you looked up at kyle. “are they coming back?”
he shook his head and took a deep sigh.
“no, they aren’t.. i rented this room for us.”
flabbergasted x2. and he could tell.
“i know i’m practically a stranger to you, i apologize. however, i’m determined to change that.”
he’s not a stranger to you. you know tons about him due to soaps big mouth, and the times where he would barely speak– because other little fun facts got tacked on from there by the group messing with him.
honestly, that’s what draws you to him.
you weren’t gonna say that. you haven’t said anything.
he sat down next to you, taking yet another deep sigh.
“i don’t want you to think i dislike you, and i’m sorry if i made it seem that way. i really like you y/n, and i just never knew how to go about dealing with these feelings. i thought they would go away if i distanced myself but t—“ you pressed your lips to his. kyle’s eyes widened, but he promptly snapped out of it.
he wasn’t about to fumble a second time. he’s been waiting for this moment forever.
it didn’t take long for it to turn into a heated make out sesh.
he put his hand on the back of your head, gently weighing you down to the bed. he was on top of you, kissing down your neck.
gaz parted away from you for air. “is this ok?” he asked, toying with the bottom of your shirt. he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way.
“of course it’s ok. you can do whatever you want with me.” you giggled.
he slipped a hand up your shirt, caressing every inch possible. “these already feel so nice. i wanna see them bare.”
your face turned a light shade of pink, “you first.”
gaz took his shirt off without any further hesitation. he wasn’t the bulkiest of the group, but he still had a nice, toned figure.
that was enough to really get you going. you followed along, straight to the point too considering you removed your bra prior to his arrival.
“bloody hell.” he leaned his head into your chest.
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing at all. you’re absolutely breathtaking.”
(SO INTO BODY WORSHIP CHANGE MY MIIINNDDDDDDDDDDDDAGHHH) gaz wasted no time sucking and kissing on your tits. his hands were wandering for a good minute before he started to travel towards the burning heat between your legs.
after finally getting your skirt and panties off, gaz took a moment to admire his prize. “such a pretty fuckin pussy.”
he started to gently massage your clit, gathering your slick to help. “all of this for me? i’m truly honored.”
“hush up already and do somethinggg.” you begged.
“aw, needy all of a sudden? where’v you been keeping it all this time?” he began to stick two fingers inside of you. “whatever you say, luv.”
he was eating you out while making sure your hole got attention too. curling his fingers, going at a generous pace. “you taste so good. need your mouth on my dick at the same time.”
kyle laid down, and you got on top of him nearing his cock. he started to lap at your cunt again, returning to his previous tempo as his digits pumped in and out.
you squeaked, starting to work his dick with your hand. you took the tip into your mouth, licking the mess of precum that was left because of for you.
as much as you’d rather have his dick inside your pussy, something about the both of you being pleasured orally was insanely hot. enough to help your climax build.
“more, please.”
“more what?”
“add more fingers. i need it, please kyle.”
practically fisting you, he had four fingers inside you now (rookie numbers tbh). you on the other hand, were gagging on his dick. you could feel it twitch with every gurgled moan you let out.
“i’m gonna cum” he choked out. this man is one hell of a trooper. a munch if you would.
“i wanna cum on your tits. just need you to finish first.” he flipped you over, back on top of you. two fingers this time, but it was enough.
“right there. don’t stop-!” you were struggling with words. squeezing his free hand. so focused on the intense feeling you didn’t care about who could’ve been hearing you.
you finally let yourself go. face glazed with sweat and spit. kyles was 10 times worse. hot tho.
kyle was eager to cum. after giving your pussy a final kiss, he started to work on his own release.
hovering over you, he continued to jerk himself off. you pushed your boobs together, anticipating the sticky coating. he groaned in response, getting shakier by the second. without any word, he finished all over your chest.
“have you gotten over your little crush yet?”
“for fucks sake. definitely not.”
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vampcubus · 2 years
KISS HCS | simon, daniel, & nines 
 a/n: bonus round!! no one asked for em but I’m a whore for PL600s and warming up to RK900 so i figured why not. these really got away from me, apparently i can’t write headcanons without exposition 🧍‍♀️ 
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Simon (PL600)
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— What sets domestic androids apart from a lot of the others is their remarkable ability to blend into human families, they have expanded knowledge of affectionate gestures and often double as “significant other” models. So Simon knows why humans kiss and comes to the conclusion very soon that it’s something he wants to experience with you. 
When you kiss Simon for the first time he thinks he’s gone blind and dumb, swears his thirium pump stops for a moment as your lips gingerly brush over his. You see his eyes go half-lidded and soften in a moment. Your hands grip the collar of his shirt like the scruff of a cat. You’re supposed to be angry with him, you remind yourself. He almost died on top of that tower, you were worried sick for hours, and now he’s back admitting he volunteered to be left behind.
Markus and the others got their earful earlier, it’s his turn to have his ear tugged on.
But you can’t find it in yourself to be cross with him because you’re just so happy he’s back, and the icing on the cake is the way he sighs “I love you, i’d never leave you.” against your lips. and suddenly you’re throwing yourself at him, tears streaming down your face as you cup his face and kiss the android with all you have.
— He didn’t know kissing felt like that.
— Simon loves soft and sweet kisses, they are his kryptonite and if you ever want anything from him that’s how you get it. No matter how firm he starts off, he always melts into compliance with every saccharine kiss you tease at the corners of his lips, tilting your head away when he chases your lips, insisting he yields. He always does.
— The type to kiss oh so gently over your closed eyelids just to see you grin with your eyes shut.
— Simon likes kisses to be a part of your routine, like a kiss goodbye before both or one of you is off to work, and a kiss hello when you get home. MANDATORY BEDTIME KISSES, they’re non-negotiable. Simon doesn’t need to sleep but he wants to sleep next to you at night. It always takes an eternity for the two of you to finally settle down and sleep because you’re too busy smoochin’ and whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
— While the majority of the kisses Simon initiates are intended to be chaste and innocent, you have a way of drawing him back in and making him want more so easily. Will literally lay on the couch for hours with you just lovingly(?) making out with you, trying to fit as much of his tongue in your mouth as he can as you teasingly swirl your own around his, your fingers tangled in the synthetic blonde strands of his hair. 
— Moans into kisses like a whore fight me.
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Daniel (PL600)
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— Like Simon, he knows about kissing and I mean his previous owners were a married couple that wasn’t necessarily embarrassed being affectionate in front of their android. He just never expects to get the opportunity to try it. Daniel is grateful you even let him stay, let alone pursue a romantic relationship with you– which was very hard, by the way, getting someone who literally just had their trust shattered into pieces to trust you.
— Despite Daniel’s trauma initially prompting him to distance himself from you, being a part of a family is something he craves so deeply. 
— When you kiss Daniel for the first time, it’s hesitant and you aren’t sure if it’s the right move. 
He’s having an episode, pacing around the kitchen mumbling about Emma, how it wasn’t fair. How he didn’t mean to do it. When you finally corral him against the counter, hands on either side of his face in a way you can only hope is comforting. The touch draws those silvery blue eyes to yours and suddenly the guarded, bitter Daniel you’d known up until that point melted away and you knew you were seeing a glimpse of who he used to be. He’s vulnerable now and you know you need to be careful.
“I never meant to hurt them.”
“I know, Daniel. It’s in the past, you aren’t just their machine anymore. You’re safe here.” you soothe, but the PL600 is unconvinced.
“The police are rounding us up and sending us to camps, if you’re caught with me- “ he starts, and you realize he’s worried about what might happen to you for hiding him.
“I won’t let them take you, you deserve to be free. If that means we have to pack up and sneak you across the border, then that’s what we’ll do.” You asserted, your thumbs brushing away his synthetic tears as his hands come up to hold yours over his face. “I won’t lose you.”
You know you’ve finally broken through that icy barrier he’s kept between you when he leans down to rest his forehead against yours. His LED is blinking yellow, but before you can ask why his lips are on yours. The kiss is gentle and riddled with hesitation, but you only sigh and wrap your arms around his neck in encouragement. 
— He’s yours now, be gentle with him.
— Hug him from behind while he cooks, pepper butterfly kisses from his shoulder up his neck to that spot behind his ear that makes his whole body shudder. You discovered gentle touches around his biocomponents could be immensely pleasurable and most definitely took advantage. His audio processor is right there, so he can’t help but sigh when you kiss there.
— Daniel’s kisses are usually soft, slow, and loving, the type where you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and lose yourself in the moment.
— Daniel’s kisses are radically different when made jealous; however, they’re desperate and possessive. You often have to tap at his shoulder to remind him to let you breathe 😅 there’s no better way to reassure him than to match his energy. Kiss him until he forgets what he was even worried about, till all he can think about is your lips against his. 
— Kissing’s a part of his routine. A kiss hello and goodbye before and after work, a kiss good morning and goodnight. It’s muscle memory at this point.
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Nines (RK900)
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— Kissing is pretty foreign to Nines, he was designed specifically to be cold, calculating, and efficient at hunting down deviants- and now he is deviant and very lost on how to cope with the change. Cyberlife did their damndest to prevent him from achieving deviancy, so naturally, he takes longer to grasp emotions and how to handle them. 
— That’s not to say he doesn’t have urges to kiss you, because he absolutely does. He just doesn’t know what to do about those urges.
— If you only saw how fascinated he was when checking the footage from the last stand outside the recall center during the revolution. His LED flickering between blue and yellow as he watches Markus and North kiss in front of hundreds of soldiers, shocking the media and stopping the assault altogether.
— He knew straight away you were who he wanted to experience it with, but Nines was quite notoriously terrible at expressing himself without coming off as a huge prick. You butted heads for sure in the beginning, which made the android's feelings for you even more frustrating to deal with. He wanted to bond with you but every time he opened his mouth he just made you angry.
— You don’t see this of course, but you know how androids can construct routes of action? He absolutely reconstructs kissing scenes but never executes them. 
— You’re often saddled in cases together so obviously all that tension has to burst sooner or later. 
It happens when you’ve finally had enough of him and burst into Fowler’s office demanding to be put in a car with anyone else—you’d even have taken Gavin at that point. Nines only catches the last bits of the spat but puts things together pretty quickly. Before you can storm off he corners you in a hallway of the station.
“You don’t want to be partners anymore?” it’s accusatory, and you hate that it makes you feel guilty. 
“Partners? All we do is butt heads and disagree over cases, Nines. I’m done trying to understand you.” You seethe, but you’re taken aback by how unhinged the usually stoic and polished android detective looks. His LED is spinning between yellow and red with every word and he’s deliberately blocking the exit. “You should be grateful, you’ll get a more compliant partner.”
“I don’t want a more compliant partner, I want you.” He's wearing an expression you recognize as desperation.
“That doesn’t make any fucking sense, you’ve never wanted anything other than to be a huge pain in my a- “ but you’re cut off by his cold lips against yours and that certainly shuts you up.
You had resigned yourself to believing you’d probably never know why he hated you so much. That maybe Nines just didn’t want to build connections with anyone, that deviancy just wasn’t his thing, but this new… information was providing evidence to the contrary. 
— Nines is a pretty awkward kisser in the beginning, and it takes practice and some pointers for him to improve. Once you get past the stiffness, and teach him where to put his hands and how to move his lips against yours he quickly becomes obsessed with kissing. The RK models are one of the few with the ability to taste things, and once you’ve introduced Nines to kissing with tongue it’s all he really wants to do.
— Will literally make out with you for hours if that’s your desire. There’s nowhere he feels more content than up against a wall somewhere with your tongue down his throat. 
— Most arguments turn into angry kissing nowadays. Say sorry later kiss me now, that type deal. 
— And once Nines finally thaws out? Everything about him—including the way he kisses you softens. He takes his time kissing you, gives you that longing look when you pull away first (because otherwise he’d keep you there all day) he can never really get enough of you.
— If you’re ever interrupted right before your lips meet he’s so pouty, sending death glares at the distraction until he gets his kiss 😤
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Who Is Edward Creel? If You’re Confused About Him, Read This Post
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So, I’ve been seeing a lot of people asking about Edward Creel and who he is and what the hell people are talking about with him, so I figured I’d make a big general post about Edward. You can skip to the end for a bulletpoint TLDR summary.
Where Did Edward Come From?
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I originally noticed him here, in the Indianapolis Gazette article about the Creel murders, and made an initial post about his name just being a reference to the idea of Vecna using Eddie/Edward Munson as a corpse puppet.
However, as I went through more of the Indianapolis Gazette, I realized that this goes WAY, WAY beyond “corpse puppet Eddie,” references, and rather than “Edward Creel being a reference to Edward Munson,” it’s actually the other way around, and Edward Munson is a reference to Edward Creel and has multiple lines that reinforce the idea of Edward being Vecna rather than Henry.
Here is a large post about some of the timeline differences, and it’s a post that’s been sitting in my drafts for a LONG time and is what initially prompted me to look further into the multiple timeline stuff/the concrete differences between Edward’s timeline and Henry’s timeline.
As far as “where did Edward come from in-universe?” goes though, THAT is a much more complicated question, one that I’m still trying to answer.
Who Is Edward Creel?
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So, who IS Edward? Well, I very much think that Edward is Vecna, and here’s why:
1.) I talked in this post about the parallels between ST and Jekyll and Hyde, specifically regarding Henry Creel and Edward Creel versus Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and how Jekyll and Hyde and ST tie into Carl Jung’s theory of the shadow. I would recommend reading that post for a solid intro into the idea that Edward is Vecna and the relationship between Edward and Henry and Edward being Henry’s “shadow self”.
2.) Eddie/Edward Munson is literally Vecna in the DND game- just like how Edward Creel is actually Vecna, they’re meant to parallel eachother.
3.) All of the name weirdness where there’s that whole scene with Robin and the Hawkins gang being uncle to figure out what to call Vecna (Vecna or Henry or 001), and how even though the supposed plot twist was that Henry was Vecna, it’s actually that 001 was Vecna, and we don’t know for sure if Henry is 001 due to the Edward weirdness, and all of the continued debate about names after the supposed plot twist/reveal tells me that we still aren’t done learning about who Vecna actually is. Especially since at the end of S4, Will just talks about “him,” and how he can still feel him, and doesn’t name him. You’d think if Vecna was Henry, they’d throw in a reference to Henry there, and that in general, they’d draw a stronger link between Henry and Vecna rather than drawing that link between 001 and Vecna, which is what they’ve done.
4.) There's some other reasons too, but I'm still finishing up the analysis posts for those.
How Is Edward Creel Connected To Henry Creel?
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So, this is a question that ties into the question of “where did Edward Creel come from in-universe?”, and as such, is also a difficult question to answer. However, right now, these are the main theories about where Edward came from and how he’s connected to Henry (none of these are in any particular order, like 1.) isn’t the top theory or anything):
1.) Edward was split off or cloned from Henry in Hawkins Lab as part of Brenner’s attempts to recreate Henry, and then something happened with timeline and time travel weirdness, and Edward ended up with his whole own timeline where he grew up in the Creel house instead of being cloned/born in a lab.
2.) Edward and Henry are eachother’s naturally-occurring equivalents from different timelines, and one or both of them and/or the lab were messing with time and ended up swapping timelines/temporal displacement stuff.
3.) Henry and Edward were born as actual brothers in the same timeline but something happened with timelines splitting and they ended up in different timelines.
How Is Edward Connected To Timeline and Time Travel Weirdness?
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So, I already talked about this post where I compare Edward’s timeline with Henry’s timeline and all of the drastic differences, but it goes beyond just different timelines, because we have all that imagery of Henry/Edward turning back a clock with his mind, and all of the general timeline weirdness/time travel imagery in ST, in addition to Vecna’s clock imagery.
I’m still figuring out exactly what happened and how he’s connected to Henry and timeline weirdness, but there’s definitely a big connection there, especially considering birthdaygate and the fact that in Edward’s timeline, the Creel murders happened on Will’s birthday.
Transcription of The Indianapolis Gazette Article Involving Edward
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So, this is just a transcription of the article relating to the Creels, not all of the articles in the page (although I AM finishing up analysis posts of those articles).
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Paper Title: Indianapolis Gazette
Publication Date: Thursday, March 26th, 1959. (MIGHT say 1958, but most likely 1959)
Article Title: 3 Dead as Police Probe Grisly Scene
Subtitle: Bodies Left Mutilated, Eyeless, Creel Defiant
Column 1:
"Local family man, Victor Creel, murdered his wife and two small children Saturday night.
The bodies were discovered early Sunday morning after Creel was found wandering aimlessly along the side of Highway 49, South of Hawkins.
Deputy John Snow from Hawkins Police Department intercepted Creel and made the discovery upon returning him home. The bodies of three persons have been found inside the home of a 35-year-old Town of Hawkins Roane County family man. Law enforcement officers searching Sundary Morning for signs of foul play found the bodies of Virginia Creel, Edward Creel, and Alice Creel strewn about the foyer of the house, six miles from downtown Hawkins.
Sherif fJack Kaulfield of Roane County and Director Larry Peacefield of the State of Indiana Crime Laboratory kept newsmen from the site Sunday.
Roane County Dist. Atty. ParkerJones said today that Creel had broken his silence that he "might of" killed the victims and admitted to being present when the victims died. Shortly after 11 o'clock, this morning, Creel was taken from the jails at Hawkins by Jack-" (article cuts off)
Column 2
"Officers who had been at the scene said these things were among those found at the Creels' home: The eyeless, mutilated body of Mrs Creel, "butchered, like you would clean a deer," according to one law enforcement officer. The mangled and eyeless bodies of the two young children- Virginia and Edward- laid deflated and bent on the floor of the foyer. Creel at first told authorities he knew nothing about the things that occurred at his house. He is decribed as 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing about 158 (?) pounds, with light skin, light brown hair, and "appearing slight and unable to perform basic motor functions"- a condition likely brought on as a result of the psychological consequences of committing the murders, said head psychiatrist at Pennhurst Asylum, Alexis McMurry. Creel was known around town for his generosity and the Creel Family was regularly seen at Sunday Mass at St. Phillip's Catholic Church on Sundays. Which has led many locals to wonder what led Creel to commit such ghastly acts. A veteran from the second world war, VIctor Creel served two tours of duty in Europe and returned home a hero. After moving to-" (article cuts off)
Caption Under Photo
House of Horror
Here is the house in which the Creels lived for the last two years where authorities found the remains of Alice, Edward, and Virginia Creel- Victor Creel's wife, son, and daugther- Early SUnday in what police are calling "the most grisly set of murders the town of Hawkins has ever seen"
What Is Edward’s Timeline/Thw Indianapolis Gazette Timeline?
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Here’s the key events and info that you should know if you’re interested in Edward’s timeline/the Indianapolis Gazette timeline:
Edward moved to Hawkins in 1957 and lived there for two years.
Edward’s father is Victor Creel, and his Victor is 35 years old as of 1958.
Edward’s mother is Alice Creel, and her age is not listed.
Edward’s sister is Virginia Creel, and her age is not listed.
The Creel Murders happened on March 21st, 1959 in Edward’s timeline.
How are Connie Frazier and Alice Creel and Mike Wheeler and Eleven Connected To The Edward Timeline?
Remember how I mentioned that Edward’s mother is named Alice, NOT Virginia (unlike Henry, whose mother is Virginia)? Well, that’s who “Mother Alice,” is (if you’ve seen me using that name on my blog), and I also think that she’s Connie Frazier.
I originally posted here about Connie being Henry’s sister, Alice, prior to the realization of how she connected to the Edward timeline, but then that turned into the realization that Connie is more likely Edward’s mother, Alice, rather than Henry’s sister, Alice. I’d recommend reading that post, so I’m not going to retype it all here, but the name “Alice,” plays repeatedly in the song “White Rabbit,” when Connie is on screen. I’ve got more Connie posts here and here. Mother Alice’s death in the Hawkins Middle School hallway in S1 even parallels Daughter/Sister Alice’s death at the Creel house in 1959.
In this post, I talk further about Connie being Mother Alice, but I also talk about something/someone else in that post- Karen Wheeler.
I think that Karen Wheeler is Sister Virginia/Virginia Creel from another timeline (the Edward timeline). I’ve got more posts about Karen being Daughter Virginia and Virginia-Karen parallels here, here, here, and here.
As well, @henrysglock has a bunch of great posts about how Eleven ties into this, as Eleven is likely Edward’s daughter in one timeline (daughter in the sense that he’s her biological father due to Brenner trying to recreate Henry/Edward).
However, if Eleven is Edward’s daughter in the Edward timeline, and Karen Wheeler is Edward’s sister in the Edward timeline, then doesn’t that make Mike and Eleven blood cousins? Yes.
I posted here, here, here, and here, about Edward Timeline Victor being Karen/Daughter Virginia’s father and therefore being Nancy, Holly, and Mike’s grandfather.
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So, here’s the current main thoughts to know about Edward Creel:
He was originally found here, in the Indianapolis Gazette.
He is very, very likely Vecna, rather than Henry Creel being Vecna.
He has a timeline that is different from Henry Creel’s timeline.
Even in the definition of a timeline as “a series of dates,” and setting time travel/multiple timeline weirdness aside (even though he IS very much involved with that) his series of dates is canonically, indisputably, different from Henry’s, thus, literally different timelines even in the most basic sense.
His mother is Alice Creel and his sister is Virginia Creel, the opposite of Henry’s mother and sister.
The Indianapolis Gazette DOES NOT mention Henry Creel at ALL. ONLY Edward and mentions him repeatedly as being Victor Creel’s son.
Edward’s father is still Victor Creel, but his Victor is younger than Henry’s Victor, as Edward’s Victor was 35 in 1959 and Henry’s Victor was 40 in 1959.
Edward Creel lived in Hawkins for two years, and moved there in 1957.
In Edward’s timeline, the Creel murders happened on the night of March 21st and were discovered on the morning of the 22nd (Will’s birthday), whereas the murders happened on the night of March 25th in Henry’s timeline.
Edward Creel’s body was supposedly found with his eyes gouged out (whereas Henry slipped into a coma after 7 days and did not lose his eyes), however, in both Henry and Edward’s case, there is ALWAYS the possibility of the lab creating fake bodies, which is what I think happened, especially since we see the same State Troopers involved with Will’s fake body arresting Victor.
Edward’s sister and mother also likely survived, which is where we get into more speculation, because I have the initial post here about Connie Frazier being Alice Creel and then a post here about Connie Frazier being Edward’s Mother/Mother Alice/Alice Creel from another timeline and about Karen Wheeler being Edward’s sisters/Sister Virginia/Virginia Creel from another timeline.
I’m still figuring out exactly how Edward and Henry are related, if they’re a.) just eachother from naturally-occurring alternate timelines, if they’re b.) twin brothers from the same timeline but separated into different timelines scientifically or supernaturally or c.) Edward being Henry’s clone as a result of Brenner trying to recreate Henry in a lab or split off from Henry, or vice versa, and then Edward getting to live at the Creel house/experience the Creel murders via timeline weirdness even though he was “born” in the lab.
There’s also a solid chance that there’s multiple Henries (possibly even three or four, for example) and one Edward, or multiple Edwards and multiple Henries etc etc, because there seems to be multiple timelines happening, and also there’s multiple different Henries/Edwards during NINA, all with different blood splatters on their jumpsuits, and all with completely different, changing child corpses during their massacre sequences.
There is a “Richard Brenner”, listed in the S1 final episode article about Will’s vanishing, and Edward and his timeline is likely connected to Richard Brenner rather than Martin Brenner, or Henry is connected to Richard and Edward to Martin, I’m still figuring that out.
Some of the S1 scenes, specifically the ones involving Connie Frazier, seem to be occurring in the Edward Timeline (or one of the Edward timelines/the Indianapolis Gazette timeline), because if Connie Frazier is Mother Alice Creel, then she exists in the Edward timeline, so when we see her, we’re seeing Edward’s timeline. Unless, of course, she got mixed up into another timeline, which is always an option.
I’m suspicious that Edward was watching the Creel family from the void or from another timeline (see: Will’s “True Sight”/however he was able to see the alphabet on the Byers’ wall from the UD in s1 and was “trapped in the walls”/in the Byers’ house) and that Edward is what Victor was “sensing,” in the attic, much like Billy sensing/seeing El in the void in s3 and Mike seemingly sensing El in the void in s2. Will being “trapped in the walls,” of the Byers’ house is likely going to come back with Edward and Henry in S5 and Edward being “in the walls,”/watching the Creels from the void or from another timeline.
One of the “Henries” monologuing to El during the massacre is very very likely Edward
Regarding what I said about Mother Alice being Connie Frazier and Daughter Virginia being Karen Wheeler in the Edward timeline, that would make Victor Creel the grandfather of Mike, Holly, and Nancy, and would make Connie Frazier their grandmother.
And if El is Edward’s daughter from the lab and Brenner trying to recreate him, then that would mean that Mike and El are blood cousins in the Edward timeline.
List of My Posts About Edward
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Here’s a current list of my posts about Edward, and I’m finish up a new pinned post/directory that’ll have a continuously updating list of links to my posts about him! (here is the link to the edward pinned post section)
Who The Fuck Is Edward Creel? Original Discovery of Edward Creel Post (x)
Edward Creel is Vecna and Henry Creel is Innocent: The First Shadow, Edward Creel, Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and Carl Jung’s Theory of the Shadow (x)
Initial Post About The Creel Murders Happening On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline (x)
NOTE: I use “Henry” in this post because this was before I connected it to Edward being a separate person, so just swap “Henry” for Vecna, but the Indianapolis Gazette IS the Edward timeline.
Confirming That The Creel Murders Happened On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline (x)
NOTE: Same as the other post, use “Henry” in this post because this was before I connected it to Edward being a separate person, so just swap “Henry” for Vecna, but the Indianapolis Gazette IS the Edward timeline.
The Creels’ Disappearing Door and Magic, Colour-Changing Wallpaper (x)
Birthdaygate and When Did The Henry-Edward Split Happen And Was Edward Watching The Creel Family From The Void Or Via True Sight From Another Timeline? (x)
Edward Creel and the Lost Brother (x)
Edward Creel is Totally Vecna- Eddie’s DND Scene (x)
Edward Munson and Henry Creel and Being Blamed For Murder (x)
Revisiting The “If We Just Go Based On Henry’s Monologue, We Would Have No Clue Alice Even Existed Until The End And He Never Mentions Her By Name” Post With The Context Of Edward (x)
The First Shadow: Shadow(s) of The Past and LOTR (x)
The Shadows of The Past Have a Very Long Reach (x)
The First Shadow: Demons In Your Past (x)
Edward Being Bolded On The S4 Movie Board (x)
You’re Not A Child vs I’m Not A Dog And Henry Or Edward Being “Not A Child” (x)
Edward and Henry and 001 vs 000 (x)
Henry’s Colour-Changing Socks (x)
I Don’t Know What That Thing Is But It’s Not My Son- Victor, Henry, Edward, and Vecna (x)
Why Are We Seeing Through The Eyes of Someone The Same Height As Henry So Often? And Why Did Henry Look Up At The Camera? (x)
How Does Timeline Theory Stuff Tie Into Other Events In ST and How Does It Tie Into The Themes of ST and How Are The Duffers Going To Pull It Off Without Blindsiding the GA? (x)
Something Was Wrong With Me Vs What Is Wrong With My Boy (x)
Lost In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Shadows vs Good At Hiding (x)
Is Sam Owens Edward’s Father/Victor Creel From Another Timeline? (x)
“Well, my hair was buzzed and i didnt have these sweet old tatties yet”- Another Eddie Munson vs Edward Creel Parallel (x)
Just Move Your Date This One Time: Edward and Moving Dates (x)
All Your Theories About It Are Wrong, Because I’ve Seen One and Fought One: Edward Creel is Vecna/001 (ft Which One Is It?) (x)
The Lab IDs That Kali Dumped Out Vs Edward and Henry (x)
Edward Creel and the Criticism of Eddie Munson Being a Pointless Character (x)
Henward’s Plinko Reflection (x)
Henward Standing Like Alice Vs Standing Like Young Henward (x)
That’s The One: Will and 001 and Edward Creel (x)
I’m Eleven, You Long Haired Freak (x)
Edward, Eddie, and Straitjackets (x)
Joseph Quinn and Jamie Bower Doing Press Together, ST5, and Edward Creel/Vecna Using Eddie Munson as a Flesh Puppet So That Jamie Is Freed Up To Play Henry Creel (x)
Reblog of Stav’s Post Regarding Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, Reefer Rick, Richard Brenner, and Will’s Vanishing vs Eddie Hiding Parallels and Eddie Being Mistaken For Rick (x)
Eddie The Banished vs Edward Creel and Eddie’s Death Scene vs Edward Creel/001 Getting Sent To Superhell (x)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
@gryphonlover, here you go friend <3
(AO3 link)
Fluffvember prompt - "Us against the world," comforting a loved one
Four was… not in a good mood.
He hadn’t quite parsed out what the issue was. All he knew was that Wind was speaking too loudly, Sky was being too attentive, Warriors was teasing Legend too much, Legend was getting too irritated about it, Twilight was spending too much time with Wild, Wild was being too somber, Hyrule and Time were gone too long—
Clearly, Four just wasn’t in a good mood.
Sighing, the smith walked away from the camp, grabbing his sword as protection and a means to sort this out. When he was far enough away, he gripped the hilt of the blade firmly, eyes squeezed shut as he frowned.
Okay. I need to figure out what’s wrong before I snap at someone.
Drawing the blade, he felt the magic trickle through his arm and into his mind and heart, chiseling away with searing heat until he was ripped apart into four pieces. The transition was never pleasant, but the end result was hopefully helpful.
Red immediately burst into tears.
“What the hell?” Blue asked, startled and irritated. “Could you put up a sign or something before you just explode like that?”
“Okay, okay, what is wrong with us?” Green asked, waving his hands. “Red, why are you crying?”
“Our friend almost died!” Red hiccupped, rubbing his face in an attempt to calm down.
Vio blinked. “Is that what this is about?”
“Of course it is, genius,” Blue fired back. “You think we could get over it in a day just because he got better? He’s still suffering from it.”
“A-at least we made peace with the Champion,” Red added, his stream of tears starting to slow. “B-but… it’s… it’s still a lot…”
Green sighed, looking away. “Yeah… I guess it is.”
“So now what?” Blue huffed. “We duke it out until we’re too tired to be upset?”
“Or we could talk about it,” Red offered feebly.
“We just did!” Blue argued, throwing his hands in the air.
“Emotions aren’t just… that straightforward and you know it,” Vio explained, crossing his arms. “You wouldn’t be pissed if that were the case.”
“That’s literally how the magic makes me,” Blue snapped. “I’m always pissed.”
Green rolled his eyes. “No, you’re not.”
His blue reflection turned to him, face flushed, but the fight blew out of him with a sigh. “I’m just frustrated, okay? Red’s right – that was a lot. And like… there’s still so much to process.”
“Did we do the right thing with Champion?” Vio asked. “Confronting him the way we did?”
“He apologized,” Red reasoned. “Was that not enough? He seemed better.”
“What about Rancher?” Green asked quietly. “Is he really okay?”
“He is,” Vio said firmly. “He is and we know it. He might just heal slowly.”
“That’ll make me sad to see,” Red mumbled.
“It’ll be aggravating to see,” Blue clarified. “He’s a Hero, it isn’t fair to him to be down like this. I want to beat the crap out of that Shadow.”
“The Shadow’s dead.”
“Is he thought? You think he can be defeated that easily?”
“We don’t know anything!”
“What about that dark magic for his transformation? You think that made him more vulnerable? We should talk to him about it!”
“He’s still recovering, it’s too soon for that!”
“But I’m worried!”
Blue growled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is this helping or just making things worse?”
“At least we’re getting it out in the open,” Green reasoned with a shrug. “That has to count for something.”
Red watched all of them before hugging himself. “I think… I think no matter what, the important thing is that everyone is better than they were. That has to count for something. We should hold on to that.”
Vio smiled at his red reflection. “He’s right. We’re not going to be able to address everything all at once, and that’s okay. We need to take this one issue at a time. We’ve already worked on mending our relationship with the Hero of the Wilds. That’s a good enough start for me.”
“But I still feel upset,” Blue resisted a little tiredly.
“Maybe y’all just need a hug.”
The four aspects of the Hero jumped, startled, and whirled around at the sound of the familiar voice. Twilight stood in a clearing, eyes a little wider than they should be but smiling reassuringly nonetheless.
“When did you—” Green asked, trying to slow his racing heart.
“Sky had mentioned you’d left camp. I beat Wars here,” Twilight explained lightly. “I’m glad Champion warned me about your ability or I’d be really confused.”
Blue let out a disappointed scoff. “That little snitch.”
“It’s pretty cool, right?” Red asked excitedly.
Twilight chuckled. “Yeah. It is.”
There was a pregnant pause after this, everyone waiting for some sort of way to avoid the suggestion Twilight had made, and the rancher pressed onward. Holding out his arms welcomingly, he tipped his head to the side. “Well?”
The four glanced at each other, red eyes eager, blue defensive, purple curious, and green resolute. Then they gripped their swords in unison, slowly fading back into each other, and Four took a steadying breath as the world pieced itself back into a single image. He felt dizzy for a moment before blinking and looking back at Twilight, who was still waiting, and damn it all if everything he hadn’t just hashed out welled in his heart and soul and begged for comfort nonetheless.
Biting his lip, he slowly made his way to his friend, sinking into the embrace. Twilight held him so tightly, almost tight enough to make breathing hard, but he was warm and there and alive and by the goddesses if that wasn’t reassuring and soothing, Four didn’t know what was.
He was slightly disappointed in himself that he couldn’t handle this alone. Usually the Four Sword helped him hash out these issues in a healthy manner.
But, he supposed as he felt a few trace tears fall, sometimes a hug was just what someone needed.
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puddleorganism · 2 months
Hey so for your hs au, we're the kids always big dragon things or did they become dragon things at some point via wacky sburb shit? Love the designs they are so cool
Thank you so much!!
The au was inspired by some posts I saw (can’t find them now 😔) that were essentially just talking about how cruel SBURB is, and it got me thinkin a bit.
At this point I’d already had the idea “hey what if godtier let them turn into big monsters” because, and you may notice a theme here, I really like big monsters. There was no lore at all at that point. They literally just. Were big monsters. For fun!
But I got thinking about it more, and kind of came to this conclusion:
Godtiering steals your life, your very humanity from you. It makes you a god, by definition. What if that was very literal?
So the au is everyone starts out like normal, but once you godtier things start to get weird. It starts small, a single pair of wings (which, ironically they don’t actually use to fly. They could, but they still have their floaty godtier powers (and honestly there’s a whole lot of lore around THAT too)). The more you use your godtiering powers and the more time you spend as a god, the less you really… fit inside a human/troll/etc. shape, anymore, and the more your body starts to morph into something larger and grander. Something more befitting of those who have mastered the game.
And that’s basically it, that’s the only way this au diverges from canon. It’s essentially a re-skin of an au lmao
I will say the gods can return to a human shape, but only visually and it’s difficult. They sort of come to embody their aspects - literally - so if they can figure out a way to condense or conceal their aspect, they can in turn condense themselves to be something smaller. Like I said, it’s tricky though. It’s probably something they would’ve only figured out post-canon. That, and it’s something they have to consciously maintain. If they don’t, the rest of them starts to “bleed through” back into visible reality in weird ways. Since it’s all tailored to their aspect it looks different for each of them. I want to draw Dave bleeding through sometime because I have a really cool idea for what it would look like for him.
One last thing, more of a design note than anything. I actually… don’t really like their designs yet. Well, I guess it’s more that they’re not really what I want yet? I do like some of them (especially Dave’s, Dave might not need any revisions actually). While designing them I really want to model them after two concepts:
1. Illuminated manuscripts and heraldic beasts, because the classes are based off of medieval fantasy and I think it’d be sick to reference that.
2. Eldritch/cosmic horror, because that more than anything emphasizes that they don’t really belong in any one universe anymore, and also emphasizes their loss of mortality and thus, in a way, life.
I feel like most of them lean too far towards either one, and aren’t balanced between them like I want. Hence why I’m unsatisfied with them atm! I am very glad you like them though :)
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serasarahhhh · 26 days
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuKami Rating: R Chapters: 3/? Summary: Bakugou is eighteen when he decides it's about time to deal with that whole dumb virginity thing. He's twenty-three when Kaminari finds out about it. It doesn't exactly go the way he was expecting. But when does it ever? ~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 “I just…” Kaminari draws in a breath, then puffs it out slowly up at his bangs. “I don’t get how it didn’t fuck with you guys. I dated Jirou for a month and we could barely talk for a whole dang year afterwards. I can’t risk that with you.” “So, we agree here and now that won’t fucking happen.” “It’s not that easy.” “Isn’t it?” Katsuki leans to the side before Kaminari lets his gaze fully drift away, making sure they stay locked on each other. “If we try this, whether it lasts a week or six months or five years, as long as we’re not assholes about it in the end, we’ll be fine.” “This is literally why I’ve never made a move on you before,” Kaminari mutters. “The fear of anything ending.” “Tch. That’s on you to decide if it’s worth it.” Katsuki rests back again, folding his arms across his chest. “You can either keep being scared or say fuck it, let’s go.” “I’m here, aren’t I?” Kaminari grins a little, but it’s not all real. Katsuki can tell. It’s partly a mask, an attempt to hide whatever worries he’s still fighting with. Katsuki sighs. “Did Sero tell you I lasted about ten seconds the first time he touched me?” That catches his attention. Kaminari visibly snaps out of it, shaking off the brain fog and fear demons and shitty uncertainties. The line of tension in his shoulders fades. “He barely told me anything. Ten seconds?? Dude.” “Fuck you, I’d never had someone else’s hand on my dick.” Katsuki would scowl at him, but that’d be sort of useless since he’s the one who fucking brought it up. He refuses to be embarrassed about it, though, even as his face goes warm. “Just like he’d never had someone else’s jizz on his hand.” “Holy shit,” Kaminari laughs. “I just figured you’d act all – pissed off. If something like that happened.” He doesn’t mean pissed off, he means mortified, but Katsuki appreciates that he’s not actually saying it. “Nah, it was funny,” Katsuki says, and Kaminari blinks at him. “Funny.” “Yeah. The look on his face.” Katsuki snickers, tipping his head back into the couch cushion behind him as he remembers. “Like. Panic and shock but kinda impressed with himself. Idiot.” He slides a glance over to Kaminari. “Just made me laugh. I wasn’t trying to impress him. Didn’t have to.” “So that was your icebreaker,” Kaminari guesses. “A ten-second handjob that ended with you laughing at him.” “Mm. He kissed me to shut me up and after that it was easy.” Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 3 now posted!
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 1 year
DADDY ISSUES - Part Seven: Friends
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Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Now that you're all moved in and set up, what do you have to look forward to in your relationship as Elvis Presley's sugar baby? [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: sad reader, angst, guilt/shame as a result of sexual activity, elvis being a bit of a fucktard ngl
Rating: M || Word Count: 3985
A/N: i hope y'all are enjoying still!! i can't tell you how many ideas spurred while writing these chapters. i literally had a web of ideas that i somehow managed to weave all into this little fic lol
Song Rec: friends - anne marie and marshmello
This is Part 7 of Daddy Issues. Find the rest of the series here!
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🦋 mila
“Am I allowed to date or see other people or is this an exclusive thing?”
Elvis’ eyebrows shoot up when you ask the question and you can tell that he wasn’t expecting it. His eyes drop to the floor and eyebrows furrow as he considers what you’ve asked. After a few moments of tense silence, he clears his throat and glances back up at you with a tight smile.
“Course you can see other people. We ain’t an item or nothin. It’s just a convenient relationship for both of us. Doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, but doesn’t mean we gotta be lovers neither.”
You nod, offering a small smile. His eyes fall to your finger and he smirks.
“That’s a good girl. Lemme see,” he says, scooting forward and holding out his palm.
You drop your hand into his and he gently runs his fingers over it with the hint of a smile on his face. His calloused fingertips ghost over your knuckle and then onto the ring resting snugly on your finger. You take a deep breath, the feeling of your touch on his palm making you giddy and excited.
“See you doin so good already followin my rules. This ring’ll tell everybody important that you’re with me. Looks good on ya, princess,” he says with a nod. “You like it?”
“Oh absolutely, Mr. Presley,” you say, automatically defaulting to his proper name. You feel like you should treat him respectfully, or maybe you’re addressing him as your boss? You aren’t sure but the urge to be formal is suddenly extremely present in the room. “It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen and definitely not something that I could ever afford on my own. Thank you so much for gifting it to me.”
“Don’t mention it,” he says, waving dismissively. “It’s payment for our first appointment. This was the arrangement we agreed to and I stick to my promises. There’s more to come, I’m sure.”
Your lips part as you watch his gaze fade from sunny blue eyes to a dark, serious expression. He emphasizes the word come, pausing after he speaks the word. He draws it out, licking his tongue over his lips before finishing the sentence. You desperately hope you’re not reading too much into it, because you do desperately want him to be talking about you.
Everything in your body wants him to touch you and make you feel things you’ve never experienced in your life. The first time you saw him in 1956, you wanted him. Other girls may also want him, but not like you. They don’t want him like you do. The lust he planted then has done nothing but grow since that day. For god’s sake, it possessed you, the most unlikely person in the world, to slide out of your panties and offer them up to a complete stranger who you’d probably never see again. Elvis’ voice jerks you out of your awe.
“Which reminds me, what sorta payments do you want? I don’t wanna get you nothin you dont like.”
“Oh, uh, I guess I’ve never really thought about it. Well, I like necklaces and rings. Um, I’m more of a pants girl than dresses but I still like nice dresses and things. Um…”
“Noted,” he replies.
Silence settles as his eyes trace over your figure. You’re becoming more comfortable with him doing that, since he does it pretty constantly. The little problem of your debts and bills rises to the forefront of your mind and you consider adding to the list since that’s what you really need to be paid off, but before you can say anything else, he curls his finger and motions for you to come over to him.
Your core starts to swell with excitement and you actively fight the smile that wants to cross your face. You take a few steps closer to him and sit down on his lap, just as you had the other day. You already feel a bit more comfortable this time as you rest your hands on his chest and his hands gently cup your thighs. You stay still, waiting for instructions which he promptly provides.
“Tilt your head up for me,” he says and you gulp before obeying, lengthening your chin out so that he can see your neck better.
His fingers gently rise up toward your skin, ghosting across your throat and the sensitive skin underneath your jawline. Your eyes flutter and threaten to close but you force them to remain open. He just gently closes his fingers around your throat, not all the way but enough that your breath audibly shudders. You gulp your nerves down as your pussy begins to throb with desire for him. Just as you’ve resolved to lean down and kiss him, he pulls his fingers away.
“You got a pretty neck, princess. Perfect for my hand. I think a necklace would work nicely for you.”
You hover in the space between you, resisting the strongest urge to smash your lips against his. Your entire body is slowly aching for him, but is it okay for you to make a move? Despite his loveliness in answering your questions, you’re still confused as to how all of this works. Plus, now that you’re relying totally and completely on Elvis to sustain you financially, you’re terrified of making a mistake that’s unfixable. Just as your head begins to bob forward with a burst of confidence, your nerves get the better of you and you just hover anxiously. You clear your throat and Elvis continues the conversation.
“Is jewelry what you like best? Or dresses or what?”
“Um, I guess I’ve never really thought about it, honestly. I…don’t have much of a preference,” you reply with a lackluster shrug. “I could use some new clothes. But, of course the jewelry is also very nice. Um…sorry, I just feel very awkward saying these things.”
You laugh nervously but he shakes his head.
“Why’s that?”
“Well,” you suddenly laugh as you realize what it feels like and that image begins to surface in your mind, “honestly, it feels a bit like sitting on Santa’s lap and telling him what I want for Christmas. I’m just not very used to asking for things, like material things.”
“But that’s how you get what you want. Y'ask for it.”
“I guess so, yeah. But that’s usually not how it works for normal people, and it’s certainly never worked out that way for me. I hardly ever get what I ask or pray for. God has favorites and I really don’t think I’m one of them,” you reply with a weak chuckle. “Besides, I’m just not the kind of person who places a lot of value on material objects or gifts or anything. I don’t need all that many things, to be honest. Just the basics, although these are very tempting and it feels good to own them. They’re not really necessary in the grand scheme of things, you know what I mean?”
“But that’s what I’m here for. I ain’t got no issue giving you whatever you want. All you gotta do is ask, princess, and it’s yours.”
“I’m not used to that. People like me don’t just get the things we ask for. We have to work for them.”
“Not anymore, doll,” he smiles, leaning forward to whisper against your cheek. “Ask and it’s yours.”
You smile in awe as Elvis pulls back.
“Stand up, over there,” he gestures toward the middle of the room. You nod and carefully remove yourself from his lap to stand on the mark he’s given you. Once there, you await his directions. “Take the dress off. Just the top. I wanna see you better.”
You nod and turn away from him to spice things up. You shakily lift the strap of your dress up and off of your shoulder, glancing over your skin at Elvis who watches you hungrily. You let the strap fall, exposing the skin of your shoulder to him. The slow speed with which you’re stripping is putting both you and him through an uncomfortable tenseness that only grows when you drop the other strap down. The dress, being held up mostly by the straps, elegantly falls off your chest and pools around your waist where it’s cinched in a little tighter. You reach up for the strap to your bra, but Elvis stops you.
“No. There’s good enough,” he says. “Turn around.”
You obey him, spinning around so he can get a good look at your entire body. He rubs his slender fingers over his lips, tugging them out lazily. You stand still like a statue before him until he gestures for you to come closer.
“Come here. Right here. All the way this time.”
He points to the space between his legs, a spot that has become rather familiar to you already. You can’t help the smile that spreads onto your cheeks as you step toward him.
He leans forward, his fingers taking hold of your waist. They gingerly trail up the bare skin of your waist, so lightly that you feel goosebumps spreading across your skin. He traces his fingers around to your front, ghosting over your breasts underneath the bra. He curls his fingers around your chest and squeezes firmly. You release a contented breath and close your eyes at the sensation, what little of it there even is. It’s more than you’ve gotten from him so far. He squeezes a few more times, saying nothing, before he releases your breasts.
You instinctively follow his grasp as it retreats. Your eyes fly open in disappointment and he slides further down into the red velvet chair. He tugs gently on the zipper to his jumpsuit while staring intensely into your eyes.
“You know what to do, darlin."
Unfortunately, you do know what to do, although you’d love to do something else right now. It might only be the second time you’ve sucked him off, you hope this time will be different. You hope this time you’ll get to share in the receiving end. Glancing up into his bright blue eyes, you have an idea. You lean over him, trying to push your breasts near his face in the hopes that you’ll tempt him enough to put some effort into pleasing you. You pause for a few seconds, waiting for him to grasp your chest.
When he doesn't respond, you reach down to grasp the zipper. His hand snakes onto yours, gripping your fingers away from his suit. You glance up at him in confusion
"I liked what you did the other night with your teeth," he says, his eyes falling down to your lips. "Do it like that again."
You gently maneuver yourself onto the floor on your knees and catch the zipper between your teeth. This time, you unzip the jumpsuit slowly, maintaining eye contact with Elvis all the way down. You spread the leather of his jumpsuit aside so you can access him. His white boxer briefs are familiar to you now. You glance sneakily up at the clock in the corner of the room to see that you only have about five minutes until show time.
As much as you appreciate his trying to get to know you better, you’re desperate for some physical attention. You’ve been responsible for taking care of yourself for the last five years or so and, quite frankly, you’re just tired of it. Having a man touch you for once is a need that’s rekindled every time he dares to touch you.
But with only five minutes left, you waste no time, yanking his underwear off and wrapping your fingers around his length. You immediately start to pump him, licking the tip of his dick with your tongue. He releases a satisfied sigh and leans back into the chair. You glance up to see his head tilted toward the ceiling with his eyes completely closed. You feel pleased with yourself but frustrated at his passivity. You yank him into your mouth and harshly bob your head up and down on top of him.
He groans and moans in approval. Your eyes flash wide when his hand sneaks down your chest to massage your breasts through your bra. You hum against his length as he pinches your nipple between his fingers. You shift closer to him, hoping he'll touch you harder. While the sensation is very welcome, you need so much more.
As your head bobs up, your eyes flick up toward him again to see that he hasn’t moved, other than his hips which are beginning to buck up into your mouth as he matches your pace. You squeeze your eyes shut, suddenly feeling the urge to cry. You continue to bob up and down on his dick as you fight back the emotion that’s flooding into your chest painfully.
You feel him start to twitch in your mouth and pump your hand harder on his length. A few seconds later, his hips are bucking into your lips and his hot cum is slipping down your throat. You gulp it down begrudgingly, the taste almost sour on your tongue. Your body shudders with the displeasure of the action and the taste but mostly with how it made you feel at the moment.
You drop your head immediately, focusing on the floor below you as Elvis reassembles himself to go back out for the show which starts in just a few minutes. You squeeze your eyes shut tightly, wanting to transport yourself completely from this situation into a different time and place, somewhere you’re safe and alone. On his way out, Elvis places his hand on your head and gives your hair a little muss. His fingers slip down to your chin, lifting your gaze to his. You reluctantly open your eyes and he smirks down at you slightly.
“Such a good girl,” he murmurs before making his way toward the door.
You keep yourself upright until you hear the door shut behind him. As soon as the lock clicks, you feel your face screwing up. You keel over onto your hands and knees, your arms shaking with the emotion that is coursing through your body. You curl onto your knees and sit back on them, resting your forehead on the scratchy carpet below you. Tears start to pool by your eyes and you don’t stop them as the warm liquid falls from your eyes to stain the carpet below you. You curl your arms around your shoulders as your body shakes and you cry.
He had his chance to pleasure you and he didn’t take the hints, which you thought were very obviously being given to him. Now, it’s too late. You feel worthless, disgusting, dirty. You understand that you wholeheartedly gave yourself up to Elvis when you agreed to become his sugar baby but you assumed the arrangement would be mutual.
You should be stronger than this; this shouldn’t bother you so much. You are the one who agreed to this, who decided to accept the proposal. You’re just reaping the consequences of your actions, the ones Steve warned you about. But for some unplaceable reason, it hurts. A lot.
On the other hand, while you realize how silly and dramatic it is to be upset when you’ve just begun, the emotions that are running through your veins are so strong. And considering that you’ve relocated your entire life over the last week, it’s probably understandable that you’re feeling so overwhelmed.
After a few more tears sneak out, you sniffle and wipe your runny nose on your arm, not caring about the stickiness spreading onto your skin. You don’t have anyone to look pretty for anymore. And the one person you did choose to look nice for doesn’t seem to have any interest in you other than using you as a personal fleshlight. As moments of anger and embarrassment pulse through your veins, you pull yourself together with a few deep breaths.
You weren’t really in the mood for giving him a blowjob even when you got dressed to come downstairs tonight. But he asks and you provide. As he said earlier, ‘all you gotta do is ask and it’s yours’. As you dry your tears, that phrase starts to circle in your brain. Ask and it’s yours… If that’s what he wants. That’s what he’ll get. Why can’t you take the reins a little? You’re half of the deal, after all.
You stand, fix your hair and your dress, wipe off your tears and snot and grab your purse. You exit the dressing room with the confidence of someone who simply doesn’t have the will to care anymore.
As you trudge out of the dressing room, not bothering to pause before the door to listen for anyone passing, you keep your eyes glued to the floor beneath you. You shrug your bag over your shoulder and pull the bottom of your dress down harshly, trying to get the stubborn fabric to stay put. When your body slams into another, you momentarily lose your footing and feel yourself careening toward the floor. Luckily, whoever you bumped into manages to catch you at the last moment. With a panting breath, you glance up to see one of the most handsome men you’ve ever seen in your life. He helps you to your feet as you feel heat creeping into your face.
“Uh…thanks,” you say nervously. “I’m so sorry about that.”
He chuckles, leaning down to pick up your purse, which you hadn’t even realized you’d dropped during the collision. Your eyes widen as you notice the black lingerie poking out from inside the bag. You wonder if he notices, although he doesn’t mention or allude to it at all when he carefully hands the bag back to you. You snatch it quickly from his hands, sneakily reaching your hand in to push the lingerie back into its hidden place.
“It’s no big deal. It’s my fault for being so clumsy,” he says, flashing a crooked smile at you.
As his straight white teeth sparkle in the light of the hallway, you can’t help but grin back at him. A few moments of silence pass before one of you gets the courage to say something else.
“So…do you work here?” he asks, gesturing to your outfit.
“Oh, uh, sorta. I’m part of Mr. Presley’s…” your eyes wander quickly around your environment, desperately searching for an excuse that doesn’t involve your chest and face being covered in Elvis' cum. You suddenly see someone pass carrying a case of makeup and your face brightens. “...makeup crew. I’m one of his makeup consultants.”
“You do his makeup?”
“Well, I just sort of check it to make sure it’s up to standard, you know. The eyeliner and such,” you pull out as much knowledge of makeup as you can possibly access in your brain as your heart beats rapidly in your chest.
You know you shouldn’t be embarrassed to admit what you really do here, but you still feel too ashamed to fess up to it. You know there’s no way that this stranger is actually buying the idea that you’re a makeup artist for Elvis, considering what you’re wearing and the fact that your own makeup is probably smudged hideously from the crying and snotting all over.
“Cool. I’m one of the stagehands, so I carry some of the props onstage and help with the curtains and all that.”
“Oh, that’s super cool!” you say, folding your arms over your chest. “How did you get into that?”
“My mom was a singer back in the day, so I’ve always been around sets. How did you get into…what you do?”
“Oh, it’s just a job for money. There’s nothing that special about it, honestly.”
“Working that closely to Elvis Presley isn’t special?”
“He’s not as amazing as you’d think, actually,” you reply with a curt smile as you reflect on all the disappointments you’ve already experienced since becoming his sugar baby. “But it pays the bills.”
“I can understand that,” he says, staring down into your eyes.
You’ve been truthful with him, besides admitting what you do. Although you can’t explain why, you want this man to think highly of you. Elvis did say that you could date other people, so why shouldn’t you take a stab at this one. He’s handsome with curly brown locks, deep brown doe eyes, and a nicely shaped face. He’s very tall and decently built; you guess he has to be pretty strong to be able to toss set pieces around.
You abruptly stick your hand out for him to shake. His eyebrows raise but he takes your hand in his, giving it two solid pumps. You wiggle your fingers, assuming he’s going to release your hand but he holds onto it for a few seconds longer than you’re expecting. You smile sweetly as he releases your fingers slowly. You drag them across his palm and resist the urge to shudder with excitement.
It’s been upwards of five years since you last had a serious boyfriend, so the thought of maybe finding someone after all this time is extremely appealing. Not to mention that you’re desperate for some physical pleasure. With all of this teasing and leading-up to nothing, you’re starting to get fed up and very tired of the constant lack of tension relief.
“I’m Y/N,” you say.
“Max!” someone shouts from a different spot in the backstage area. “Stop flirting and get your ass over here to help with the curtains!”
Your eyes shift toward a man yelling orders who you assume is in charge of the stagehands and the backstage activities. Max glances back at you with a shrug.
“Duty calls. Will I…see you here tomorrow?”
“Uh…no, probably not. I don’t think I work tomorrow and I have another job that I have to take care of on the side,” you lie, not too excited about the idea of coming down here more than necessary.
“Oh, damn. Well, what days do you work?”
“It’s sort of unpredictable, to be honest,” you can feel your palms growing sweaty with his constant questioning.
“Alright. Cryptic but alright,” he laughs, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. You bite your lip as you watch his biceps flex. If you were wondering, your question has now been answered. He’s strong strong. “Guess I’ll just have to hang out around here every day until I see you again.”
“Oh…” you drop your gaze, embarrassed and flattered by his charming flirting. “Well in that case, maybe I can make an exception for you. Here.”
You snatch a pen from the table next to you and scribble the number to your hotel room on his palm.
“You can reach me here. If you ever want to hang out or need help or, well, whatever,” you offer.
“And what if I need something tonight? I can call you then?”
You chuckle and bite your lip at his goofy smile.
“You can call whenever. And I’ll decide if I want to pick up or not.”
“Max Carver!” the stage manager shouts and Max jumps.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Max. I’ll hope to see you again some time.”
“If I have anything to say about it, you will," he replies with a wink and a handsome grin.
You turn and start on your way out of the backstage area as you hear the stage manager shouting instructions to Max. You smile to yourself, just a little bit smitten with him.
As you pass the trash can on the way out, you click open your purse and pull the black lingerie out. You drop it into the can and get on your way back upstairs without giving the piece of clothing a second thought.
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 8 months
Okay so, here we are with season 4 episode 1 of Stranger Things. But before I get into the episode, I need to explain something: I’ve never actually watched this season before. I have, however, watched Steddie compilations on YouTube. Regardless, I’m labeling this as a ‘rewatch’ because it’ll keep the series consistent. And parts of it technically are a rewatch. Anyway, these are also going to be way longer than usual because a lot more is just Brand New™️ to me. Although some I haven’t seen but do know because of fanfiction.
1.) I literally can’t remember what made the Texas shooting something that would be necessary to be mentioned at the beginning when America has shootings all the time.
Edit: I have been reminded of the actual case it’s referencing. But I think Texas shooting is going to become less and less of an obvious connection as time goes on, especially for people who aren’t in America. I am in America, and there’s just…too many shootings to keep track of, tbh.
2.) I don’t know why I’m watching this recap. I literally watched season 3 last week or whatever but they really cut out the Russian interrogation/secret base locating stuff entirely from their recap.
3.) season 4 really starts out by being like, “Remember Brenner? Remember that douchebag? Well, guess what. He’s actually super boring in everyday life.”
4.) 010 come on down to get your psychic powers tested and your ability to interpret Brenner’s bad drawings tested. Oh nvm at least now they’re trying to locate people only to witness both Six and Dr. Ellis’ death.
5.) Wait why did Brenner survive this? How did Brenner survive this? Ten is dead. Also, since when does Brenner care about the kids? It’s not like he’s treated them well.
6.) El looking really crazy covered in blood and basically hyperventilating.
7.) El’s got her own room. Also, we’ve gone 185 days since season 3 and now El is painting little figures. And is giving a recap via letter. Joyce is a telemarketer, Will is gay pining, Jonathan has a broken car and is a stoner. Argyle has a pizza van and takes them to school. The bullies in school are cliches.
8.) Nancy drives Mike to school and Karen Wheeler looks great. Also they want Mike home by 9 pm because of his 6:30 flight.
9.) Suzie is editing a D- to an A for Dustin.
10.) I love this conversation about crushes between Robin and Steve. Boobies. Although I don’t like Robin’s hair as much this season.
11.) Max rides the bus and missed a Thursday meeting so needs to go after lunch.
12.) oh there’s Chrissy. And here’s the marching band with Robin playing the TRUMPET. Looks like Vickie’s a clarinet player. Jason and Lucas on the basketball team while Dustin and Mike argue about girlfriends in the crowd.
13.) I know it’s way too early since Jason hasn’t done anything yet, but I already hate him. He just has a punchable face. “Think about all these dead people DID THEY DIE FOR US TO LOSE AT BASKETBALL?” I would have keyed his car in high school. Like oh my god.
14.) Mike and Dustin are nerds and freaks and proud of it. To be fair, Lucas always has been cooler than them. But also Lucas should have gone to Eddie himself.
15.) PACKAGE. FROM. RUSSIA. Man, do not ever send anything delicate to Joyce, she fucking demolishes packages. Oh, that’s an ugly doll. I’ve read about the doll but didn’t know it was that ugly.
16.) El/Jane has to go after a blonde girl talking about Helen Keller for her presentation about Hopper? That’s rough, buddy. Angela is a bitch and I hate her Ariana Grande looking ass. Will is trying and I love that him and El are siblings but yeah, no, that presentation went badly.
17.) Max is doing her loner thing but does get to see Chrissy being upset in the hall as she heads away from the counselor.
18.) C in English and C- in Spanish. It’s not normal for Max but babe, C’s get degrees. You’ll be okay. Max’s mom is drinking, working two jobs, and stepdad is gone. Max is still my favorite even if she is a liar. Lucas’ advice about finding something she cares about is technically good but poor wording and timing. Max isn’t really open for help.
19.) Stranger Things really loves shots of people in bathrooms holding the sides of the sink. Also we get to hear Chrissy vomiting.
20.) Chrissy’s hallucinating. She has issues with her mom being awful about her weight and honestly, mood.
21.) Oh hi, Eddie. You’re a goofy guy. And now Eddie walks across the table. Also honestly, so far the bullying in Hawkins is like, minimal. All that happened in that scene is Eddie got called a freak. Dustin and Mike do try to get the game postponed. I still think Lucas should have asked. Eddie’s got to pass Mrs. O’Donnell’s class and that’s it to pass the class. Eddie really does yank both those dweebs out of their seats with barely any effort.
22.) Murray has karate from 1-3 on Fridays? Good for him. Oh and the doll from Russia has nipples. Teeny tiny nipples. And now needs to be smashed.
23.) Everyone thinks it’s weird that Nancy and Jonathan aren’t spending spring break together. I still think Nancy’s a comphet case. I love that Mike asks Nancy and Dustin asks Steve. Max is sarcastic to Dustin’s request which is very funny. Literally everyone shoots them down. Dustin comes up with an idea nad sprints off faster than I knew was possible.
24.) Oh it’s the picnic table behind the school scene. And we hear and see a clock chiming as she waits for Eddie. I’ve never actually seen the build up to the meeting with Eddie. Did not know the clock breaks and spills spiders.
25.) Eddie is tempted to leave ‘cause Chrissy is acting crazy. Eddie is very dramatic and they were in a talent show together. Eddie used to have buzzed hair and now plays at the Hideout on Tuesdays. I would have loved for Chrissy to live and for these two to be another Steve and Robin. Chrissy asks for something stronger.
26.) El failed a math test, I think? And if that’s the test she failed, it’s extra sad because that’s what she called herself good at in the opening letter. And then Angela tripped her? And her stupid friends stomp on her project. I wanna kick Angela’s ass. El forgets that she doesn’t have powers and it’s so embarrassing. El doesn’t snitch but a teacher takes Angela away anyway.
27.) Will feels so bad and is trying so hard to help.
28.) I feel like it wouldn’t require a paint can from a tree to break a porcelain doll. Oh, Murray thinks it might have an explosive. AND IT’S FILLED WITH A NOTE SAYING HOP IS ALIVE AND IT’S WRITTEN IN CUT OUT LETTERS LIKE IT’S FROM A SERIAL KILLER. WHY DID THEY DO THAT??? LMAO
29.) And now it’s the championship. I feel like fanfics stretch episode 1 into like, 3 chapters. Steve came with his date to see Lucas. And here’s Tammy Thompson. And she’s…bad. this bad performance is worth it for Steve’s sassy expressions.
30.) Oh, hey Erica Sinclair. LMAO WAIT, IS SHE WEARING AN AMERICAN FLAG? GOD, YOU DWEEB. I will say that the rest of hellfire that just kind of chortles in response to everything is so far just background noise that I do not care about. I do love that Erica is way better at insults than Eddie and he kind of adores her.
31.) I still hate Jason.
32.) Technically if we’re going with the lore of we thought Vecna was killed by Kas then technically El/Jane is this show’s Kas.
33.) Okay going back and forth is too hard when they’re going back this fast between basketball and Hellfire so I’ll just summarize at the end. Lucas going in and the gameplay mirror each other very obviously. It’s an old trope but a good one. Eddie’s unhinged.
34.) “There is no shame in running. Don’t be heroes.”
35.) Dustin misses and so does Jason. But Lucas and Erica both win. This slow mo is kind of excessive. Eddie’s fucking thrilled that Erica did a critical success. Although did they actually need a natural 20 to win? That doesn’t really make sense if the guy only has 15 HP left. Presumably they haven’t been critting to attack this fucking thing this entire session. So really it’s a matter of going above his AC. And technically you don’t need a nat 20 to do that, especially if you have enough bonuses. Although they are playing a different version of D&D than I’ve ever played so maybe I’m taking out of my ass.
36.) Aw, Max listened to the game’s result on the radio. I thought she went. Her mom is passed out on the couch. Max takes food to a dog. Eddie lives like, directly across from her. For some reason, from fanfics, I thought they were like, directly next to each other. Still, Max saw Chrissy go into his trailer.
37.) Wayne works nights. Eddie does not know where his ketamine is. Should keep track of that. That is a very cool guitar he has though. Chrissy’s hallucinations are very bad now and she’s no longer responsive. And now the lights are flickering. Vecna’s ugly as hell. There are so many spiders in this vision. Eddie really is trying to wake her up but I’m not sure how he thought I DON’T LIKE THIS, CHRISSY, WAKE UP would help.
38.) did not know we see Vecna in episode 1. “It’s time for your suffering to end.” Don’t be weird, dude. And now Chrissy is floating. Her death is like, both weirdly graphic and also sanitized. Like it looks cartoonish. I didn’t realize how cartoonish it looks. Bones don’t break through the skin. There’s barely any blood. Her skin moves like putty.
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humblemediagenius · 7 months
It's au guys ask time >:) one 📻 for that song meme, and skin, break and future for the not-so-nice oc meme >:3
Song: mememe by 100 Gecs
I know I already sent you a different 100 gecs song that was on their playlist but I’m sending you another one because I am insane. Besides the fact that this is absolutely the type of music Luna listens to, I just think the lyrics fit these two PERFECTLY. Like, I interpreted the song to be about a breakup from a unattentive / uncaring partner and I don’t think that applies to Zeke and Luna’s relationship, but rather applies to their relationship with their ex-boss and with their hosts. It’s a big plot point that the two of them figure out who they both really are, and the traits that make them who they are as their own individuals is blatantly looked over by their ex-boss (and the canon counterparts to their hosts, to an extent). So it feels like the type of message they’d want to be heard, that they feel like their experiences aren’t important…….. ough. I even did a drawing to this song, I think it fits them that well. also yeah just 100 gecs is au guys core music IDK what else to say on that
ok now for the other ask game:
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them -a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
WELL. The AU guys take that one phrase “the human skin is hard to live in” to the next level because they are literally living inside human bodies but aren’t human themselves. Over time I think both of them have kind of accepted their fate, but they don’t exactly like it overall. Luna has somewhat grown to appreciate their host and appearance, but Zeke has actually gotten less comfortable with it. He hates the color red because of that jacket he had to wear for so long. They don’t HATE the skin they’re in but they don’t LOVE it either. But then again, it’s all they’ve ever known, so even if they DID get freed from their hosts they probably would base their appearances on their hosts (especially after they start dressing and acting like themselves).
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
God, this is hard to think about because the AU guys are generally lighthearted and not getting into situations like this. I know for sure Zeke could (and honestly probably will at some point) reach his own breaking point because he’s repressed everything he hates about being in a host and acting like someone else. He’s jealous of Luna and how they’re so confident about everything they do, and he is so SICK of that jacket. So after months, maybe even over a year of holding it all in he finally snaps and breaks down. Zeke is typically very monotone, calm, collected— so you may or may not be surprised to hear that he is an emotional WRECK. I mean, ugly sobbing, shaking, barely able to coherently speak. He holds a lot in, not just his thoughts but emotions in general. Luna is obviously the only person to see him like this, and also the only one to help him get in a better place.
Luna, on the other hand, I don’t feel would realistically get to their lowest. They’re very flexible. I think the only thing that’d ever cause them to feel that way if Zeke, like, died or something (and vice versa for Zeke as well), but that obviously isn’t happening.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Well the worst possible future that could have happened to them would have been if a certain ex-boss of theirs continued to mind control them and not let them break away; if it weren’t for them, they probably would have taken over Rackethill by now. In the story they’ve basically already avoided this fate, but they’re very much aware that 1) it very much could have happened, 2) it ALMOST really did happen and 3) they are never ever going back there again. I feel like Zeke especially panics about the fact it almost happened because for many months before Luna got their host, he was being mind controlled and he did not like it at all.
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP2
Ah we get the OP this week and that real quick frame of a “game over” screen with our two protags with the options being “continue?” or “kill” is very concerning!
Wait what’s the back of Maru’s hoodie say? “We are neither machines nor..” what? It gets cut off!
The art style keeps changing and honestly I kinda dig it? Especially when it goes line-less, like that once sequence of Kiruko running where it literally looks like she’s chasing her outlines.
I was so focused in trying to figure stuff out that I didn’t really listen to the song.. but I’ll give it another listen now. And I like it.
What’s going on with wheelchair boy’s arm? Is that why we always see him in a bed or wheelchair? Or is this mark a result of something weird?
I’m all for loving whomever you want but aren’t y’all just children?? like that was more than just a simple kiss man!
The hell is with these kids? Last ep it was Taka doing parkour and now this Kuku chick is jumping and clinging to trees like a damn frog.
Why. are kids. sending shower pics. to each other??
Tokio really does have a collection of Kona’s drawings. I’m sure they got some kind of meaning.
What on earth is in the window? Also, this man-eater has a name? Hiruko? What, were they people before?
“She fed us some sort of drug to put us to sleep.” Yeah I thought of that last week too after the fact. Maru fell asleep way too quick for someone who is always up longer than Kiruko, and the inn owner didn’t eat any herself either.
Oh hold up, I can read the back of the hoodie now. “We are neither machines or game pieces.” … That still concerns me greatly! Could they really be part of a game? Or a dream reality? Maybe they got multiple lives? Answers would be GREAT right about now.
That certainly is one hell of a creepy monster, what the fuck? It’s got different attributes of several animals and it has ultrasonic whip things or something?
I love that even in the middle of an intense chase scene they still choose to give our protags some funny faces.
Ah shit, that thing is the lady’s son? That’s why she didn’t want our duo to go out and hunt it..yet she had a huge gun herself.
“I was almost eaten by one, so I know..” Well that explains her scars from before.
Yeaaahh I knew that death was coming. Rest in peace lady. So much for thinking that monster was protecting her.
Aw, I like how Maru accuses Kiruko of only thinking about defeating the monster instead of the lady who just died but turns out she was already shedding tears.
How do you both expect to kill this creature though..? The gun is out of shots and Maru, I know you were strong against those thugs last time, but could your hits really hurt this thing?
… Huh? He touched it and some weird spirit hand went inside it to crush a heart? Maybe? Help??
What was this Great Disaster huh? But damn Kiruko really is bad with numbers, she can’t remember how old she was for anything.
“The only thing I can kill is Hiruko!” Oh is that the collective name of the monsters? I thought it was just the last one individually.
Jesus christ that was such a hard ass fall! Taka has gotta be dead. Or got a concussion or broken something. No way in hell he gets up fine from that.
“There’s a guy with the same face as me out there somewhere.” Okay but how do YOU know that Maru?? And why we gotta inject this person with a drug? This show is good at keeping SECRETS.
Who’s this Mikura now? Oh, his mom maybe? Or whoever this lady that give Kiruko the job and gun to protect Maru.
And she has the same kind of weird marking over her body as the kid from earlier with the wheelchair.. that boy ain’t gonna make it huh?
Oh god so there really were crocs in the water they just sailed over. That’s hilarious. They had every reason to freak out then!
They’re both very trusting to eat the nice food these farmers prepared for them when the last person who offered them a meal drugged them!
Kiruko does kinda look like this Kiriko Takehaya kart racer but not quite the same, however she did react to the whole “killing your brother” thing.. so maybe they are similar? Somehow? Maybe it’s like whatever is going on with Maru and Tokio and how those two look alike.
OH LOOK. A symbol with some kind of bird in it. How very Promised Neverland of you!
Oh, well I picked up the little hints that Maru might’ve felt some kinda way towards Kiruko but I wasn’t actually expecting him to outwardly say them?!
“My body is a woman’s, but in here, my mind is a man’s. So.. I’m a man.”  Are we saying like..by choice? In which case good for you. Or like.. due to some crazy experiment because that’s the vibes this show gives me with these kids being anything but normal? And maybe that’s why she..? he? this person can never remember the correct age.
Mmm the ending is nice too. I might like the song better than the OP? Also, Taka gives me Don (TPN) energy for some reason.
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lake-archive · 1 day
Chapter 41 - Being In Love
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Nyeli, Arashi Narukami, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC), Izumi Sena (mentioned)
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Things have drastically changed, to say the least. Sisnya seemed to do so much better these days, in a much better mood. He even noticed proper lunch boxes being around and the bags under her eyes were slowly fading. Her mood was more chirpy and she came off as less and less sluggish the more days passed. It was great to see and it made him a very happy kitty. It has been years since Sisnya was this happy. She even played with Nyeli more often and did her work with even more vigor. And when it came to the process of her stories, he got to read something almost daily! And he enjoyed it a lot, to the point he always begged Papa to read them. Even if it took waking him up, it was worth it for the kitty. He loved hearing the tales she came up with after all. And he could draw illustrations based on them too! He was looking forward to chapters on the daily! The last time Sisnya had such a flow was years ago so this was an exciting time! 
And yet, why could that be the case now of all things? That was a question the kitty investigated for some days now, ever since Brothnya moved right into her home. The change creeped in, to say the least, yet the more days passed the more visible it became. Sisnya was so happy recently, it was hard to put into words. Nyeli did not understand it at first of course, it could be literally anything. Maybe a good grade? Passing classes with flying colors? Or winning a jackpot and expanding on her merchandise collection of small figures and plushies. It was sure complicated, to say the least, and made the cat’s own head nearly hurt and burn. 
That was until he connected the dots, thanks to his Papa a bit. After all, he had pointed out the following one day: “Secchan and Ann–Chan.. They sure are getting close recently, aren’t they?”
It clicked at that moment in Nyeli’s brain. A light bulb suddenly lit up, almost literally, and things started to make sense! Somewhat. It had to do with Brothnya! Yeah, he was the source of this. How he didn’t know but the cat did his research. He tried to read some things on his own but if it got too complicated he made sure to ask anyone. Papa or one of his uncles.
However, the one who gave Nyeli the most insight had to be Auntie Arashi. She was always eager to help so Nyeli was never afraid to approach her with any type of question. So he asked if she could read some of Sisnya’s writing or some articles Nyeli randomly clicked on here and there. Needless to say, her face always lit up with excitement, especially when reading Sisnya’s little stories.
“Oh my, oh my~ Someone is lovestruck.”Auntie once pointed out with a chuckle, eyes sparkling. It only made the kitty tilt his head in slight confusion yet luckily for him she continued talking. “This knight over there reminds me a lot of Izumi–Chan. And how he is portrayed… Very flattering~”
It sounded a little confusing at first. What does that have to do with anything? And he would not hide this confusion, only looking at his aunt with a tilted head, ears wagging non stop. She noticed right away and smiled when looking at Nyeli, having a quick response. Though that is expected from auntie. She knows a lot about those things!
“It’s just a thought but maybe Ann–Chan is trying to express her feelings, you see. She might be too shy to say anything or be afraid. I’m not blaming her, given Izumi–Chan sometimes.”
“I mean, wouldn’t you agree? You can feel the emotions rushing through, the desire to come closer, an obvious longing. I can feel the tension myself, it is so lively~”
He was wondering for a second if she had just been exaggerating but he remembered something Sisnya loved to tell him when he had conversations with her about art, or when he overheard her talk about it.
“ You can get to know a person when taking a closer look sometimes. Maybe I just love it too much but reflecting on my work helped me a few times. ”
To Sisnya it seemed like a throwaway line but Nyeli took it to heart, always looking through his drawings to see what he could discover and his own findings were interesting. Sometimes he had not thought about these things actively if at all. So what auntie said started to make sense the longer he thought about it. Something not even Sisnya knew yet is trying to express… That or she is just hiding it too well. So it ended with him nodding and wagging his tail eagerly. Auntie Arashi was smart!
The only thing left to do was ask Sisnya. Maybe she was just trying to mask it or she needed someone to give her a bit of a nudge. And this time he wanted to be the one to help her. After all, Sisnya did so much for him, this was the least he could do for her. So he made it quick by tapping on her arm a few times after having scribbled something on a few papers, then holding them up for her to see.
She of course turned to Nyeli, about to ask what was wrong but went silent when reading and then seeing the two sheets of paper. He couldn’t see her reaction though sadly yet the silence meant a surprise in one way or another at the very least. 
One of the images was a simple sentence, something he was able to make out easily as he read the sentence over and over. Plus auntie told him what it meant. 
‘ Are you in love? ’
To top it off he drew Sisnya and Brothnya, or simplified versions of them together, hand holding and putting in every imagery he could. Best way to get it across was with a heart after all. He had learnt this from Auntie as well! She knew so much too after all! But back to the topic…
There was silence for a good few moments, Sisnya not saying a word. It allowed Nyeli to take a peek from behind the paper, wanting to see her face. It was all red and eyes wide, mouth nearly open. He swore that he saw some sweat too while she was shaking in her seat, even if very slightly.
Usually he would panic, afraid that she had caught a cold if not a fever. However, in this context it was different. 
“ You see, when you ask someone directly you might see them warming up! Or all red. On top of that they will probably be very nervous. Needless to say, it might be a sign! Especially if they were fine before! ” Auntie Arashi’s wise words! 
With those in mind there was only one option for Sisnya. She was a terrible liar after all, literally. Or at least she had a hard time hiding things when she really had to. She was like an open book to people, even when lying. So Nyeli got his answer. But what about her? Could she admit it to him? He will see in a moment, given how eager he looked. He wanted the answer right here, right now! Does Sisnya love Brothnya? It’s all too obvious but—
“Haha, that’s a cute drawing Nyeli.” She responded, him so close to pouting. He believed that she wanted to avoid the topic yet she added the following: “But no, there’s nothing going on between Izumi and me. Yeah, nothing at all. We are just friends.”
As if trying to reassure him she even pat Nyeli on his head, accepting it of course. And yet, he didn’t like her answer at least at first. However, there is one sentence sticking with him right then and there.
“Besides, there’s no way this would ever happen. Not like I’m his type to begin with.”
She’s not denying it. So auntie may have been onto something after all.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (141): Mon 1st Aug 2022
On the first of every month I get given five hours flexi to go home early so today I decided to use it so I could check out Ric Flair's Last Match. Like most people I was not enthusiastic about 73 year old Ric Flair getting in the ring even if it is just for one last time (Well, until his next divorce that is). This match was even worse than I imagined it would be as nowadays Flair has the same mobility as Ozzy Osbourne. He could barely move in the ring and his once legendary chops looked like he was trying to swat away a moth that was flying too close to his bowl of prunes. In the run-up to this match Flair put out a Tweet which read: "It's All About The Fundamentals. If You Can't Punch, You Can't Kick, You Can't Work" but this silly old fucker can't even do the fundamentals anymore. In his defense though his selling while he was in the Figure Four Leg Lock is still fucking amazing, better than 90% of wrestlers are capable of doing nowadays (On the rare occasions when they decide to sell). He's always been great at getting the fans to sympathize with him, only this time I think most of us were sympathizing with the fact that he looks like a drawing of Ric Flair someone has drawn on their ballsack. It was cool seeing The Undertaker, Mick Foley and Bret Hart at ringside but that was about the only highlight of match and I'm sure if you asked them all what they thought of this car-wreck they'd politely change the subject which is probably what I would do too.
I read an interview with the former boss of Neighbours who says that he considers the show to just be resting at the moment. I'm sure this will fill fans with hope that the people who made the show will still be shopping around and trying to find a couple of broadcasters who would be willing to fund the show as it's not like it got cancelled due to low ratings. I saw a few people saying that if they brought it back it would be awkward because in the final episode Guy Pearce's character moves into one of the houses and they'd have to explain why he wasn't there (Because Pearce wouldn't return to Neighbours full time if it came back). But it's a soap for fuck's sake people aren't going to give a shit. They could literally have Karl say to Susan "What happened to that Mike bloke?" and she can reply "Oh he moved away". Job done, it can literally be as flimsy as that and no-one will care. Finally I decided to take my nipple rings out this evening and let the skin heal. I've had them in for almost a full year but I'm sick of them now, they keep getting could on blankets and Luna keeps knocking them and it stings like a bitch. Getting a piercing was on my bucket list for the longest time and I kept putting it off for years and years even though it was the easiest thing to cross off. Finally at the Edinburgh Fringe last year on a spur of the moment I decided to pop to a nearby tattoo shop and have them done. They took fucking ages to heal and for the longest time I couldn't lie down properly in the bath in case they got infected. The one thing that baffled me about having pieced nipples is the amount of people who ask you "Did it hurt?". How could someone sticking a needle into your tit not hurt? All in all it was a fun little adventure but it's more of a hindrance than anything else just because of how long the little bastards take to heal. I think the next crazy thing I try will be a Minoru Suzuki style haircut to go along with the numerous crazy tattoos that I'm planning on getting.
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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