#there’s two possibilities for this specific panel in my eyes
purrfectlycontent · 4 months
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loving the webtoon artist’s portrayal of this scene
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vertigala · 5 months
*Grabs you by the throat* Listen to me you TMAGP-loving freaks. Listen to me right now. RedCanary might be the host for this universe's Jonah Magnus.
This is under the assumption that TMAGP takes place in a parallel universe that may or may not have already had the fears in it prior to Jon releasing them at the end of TMA.
RedCanary goes to explore the Magnus Institute ruins. They become paranoid because the Eye is watching them. They pick up a wooden box with strange symbols carved into it. They go to put it back. Next we hear from them, they post an image of gouged out eyes with the caption "Canaries should stay above ground."
They found the tunnels, hence that caption. Then they found Jonah Magnus's body sitting down there, waiting for a new host.
In this universe, the Magnus Institute burned down in 1999. Maybe in this universe Gertrude went through with her original plan of burning the place to the ground after finding out Elias was actually Jonah in 1997. Either way, let's say Jonah's original body is down there, maybe with Elias's body and his eyes and all that, and with his plans foiled, he's just chilling down there waiting for an opportunity which RedCanary then gives him. This is my going theory due to the specificity of the caption "canaries should stay above ground" (referring to the tunnels, and also it being in third-person) and the fact that RedCanary themselves would be pretty unlikely to be able to post that picture of THEIR OWN EYES GOUGED OUT unless it was Magnus assuming their body and identity and being a freak about it.
But there's more.
Narratively speaking, it makes sense for the third voice in the computer to be Jonah Magnus, right? If Jon and Martin ended up in this universe as voices in a computer, the only other person sharing their fate would have to be Magnus, given how TMA ended. Recall, also, the boot-up sequence in the trailer of TMAGP.
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[id: a screenshot of the text from the TMAGP teaser, which says “initializing J.01… OK/initializing M.01… OK/initializing J.02… OK”. end id.]
Jonathan, Martin, and Jonah, right? Unless Augustus is gonna be a new J name or this is just an unrelated easter egg but like. It's Jonah right?? Right??? And he's watching the O.I.R.A through the systems like a good little voyeur, and Colin knows it!
So now we possibly have TWO Jonah Magnuses in this universe!! That's absurd!! One from the TMAGP universe now loose and running around in RedCanary's body, and one from the TMA universe trapped in a computer. But if this is true...doesn't that mean there would be two Jons and Martins too?
And listen...I'm thinking about what Jonny and Alex said during that liveshow panel about this story's themes regarding "what makes a human." If we dare to hope that Jon and Martin (and Jonah, if it's his voice in the computer) are going to gain consciousness and once again become proper characters...then, are they going to simply stay in the computer? Or are they going to "manifest" physically? Are they going to UPLOAD themselves into THEIR OWN TMAGP UNIVERSE BODIES?
@doomatix and I have been going crazy over these theories and they were the one that initially considered RedCanary's new identity as Jonah Magnus. Are our facts wrong? Does any of this even make sense? We haven't seen anyone else posting about this particular theory. Someone help us we are rotting. And don't even get me started on how GWEN would fit into this--
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verinarin · 5 months
In which he helps his dearest friend to study anatomy by using his own body-
Friends to Lovers fluff ! | Wrote just because of this veil panel-
I would try to make this as anatomically accurate as possible with limited knowledge of the human anatomy (о´∀`о)
C.AI bot version ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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The idea of having his whole arm on your lap never crossed your mind, after being friends with this narcissistic asshole for 5 years never in a million years you thought you’ll be in this position. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal his forearm for you, resting it slightly on your lap, inadvertently tensing the muscles to keep it from fully weighing down your lap
“This is not what I meant by helping me study for my anatomy exams Veritas,” you sigh, trying to act composed while your best friend’s face is right beside you
“I have observed for a while that you’re more likely to fully commit things to memory when you learned it by hands-on experience, the test I gave you two months ago shows that you are more suitable in Kinesthetic learning methods,” he replies in full confidence
You can’t help but agree, you do find it easier to understand concepts or remember things if you experience it or learn it with a physical medium, so here you are tracing your fingers through his veins, trying to remember what that specific nerve is called
“You’re touching my cephalic vein, it’s the most prominent vein you could see and feel on the forearm,” he suddenly leans forward and guides your fingers from the back of his hand slowly tracing the vein until it reaches his elbow, you could feel his blood coursing through his arms as he keeps your fingers still on the vein
“You see this vein would continue further up, but I’m afraid I could only roll my sleeves this far up since my biceps are too firm,” he bashfully continues as he unbuttoned the collar of the shirt, feeling a sudden increase in the room temperature
“Oh okay,” you reply shortly, what the hell is wrong with you, you have never been this shy with him before, and you can’t help but try to gain back your composure and confidence by asking another question
“So these umm rather wide muscles consist of two parts right ?,” you ask, your hands holding his forearm, perhaps the word hugging would be better suited because of how large his forearm is compared to your hands
You could hear his breath slightly hitch as you rested your hand on his forearm, “Yes the one that you’re resting your left hand on is the Flexor-pronator muscle while the one on your right is the Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle,”
“Oh so this one is Flexor carpi ulnaris ?,” you mindlessly squeeze your right hand, you knew that Veritas regularly trains his body, but you never actually feel the firmness of his muscles, so like a fascinated moron you start to gently squeeze the muscle in amazement, making him laugh in return
“Yes that’s right but you don’t need to keep squeezing the muscle, it’s quite tense now because I don’t want to put the full weight of it on your lap,” he chuckles, but now you’re curious about just how heavy his forearm is, you look at him with a sudden determination in your eyes
He of course knew what you meant by that look and your face and the small nods you made, he sighs before relaxing his muscles, now the full weight of his forearm rests on your lap and Aeons! it’s heavy
“You feel what I mean now ?,” he scoffs, his forearm still resting it full weight on your lap, it’s like he’s teaching you a lesson to not do such a foolish idea ever again
“Alright yes yes loud and clear please lift back up,” you whine as you struggle to push his forearm out of your lap, he laughs before tensing back his muscles and slightly resting his weight on your lap
“So is there any particular muscle you want to further examine ?, I’ve been told that my upper body in particular is quite the sight to study upon,” he asks as you twist his forearm to inspect the Flexor-pronator muscle better
You subconsciously gripped his arm tighter when he told you, “Okay first of all you’ve done this with someone else ??!, second of all are you implying that I could examine your abs ??!!!,”
“First of all you’re the first and the only person I’ll permit to touch me like this, second of all yes I am open for you to examine further parts of myself,” he replies calmly like he had not just given you a green light to examine his sculpted body
You can’t help but let your mouth agape, I mean it is beneficial for you to have this life-sized toned human mannequin to use to study but really, your best friend.
Your annoyingly attractive and narcissistic best friend !
“And also you look rather cute when jealous, but yes someone did ask me to help them study anatomy with my body but I declined it was a foolish idea, but the idea itself is interesting for another reason so I made it applicable to only you,” he continues to talk, which makes your face redder than before
“Why me ?,” you ask, your face so soft that Veritas needs to lean slightly forward, until your shoulder touches his own
“Because I trust you and perhaps this is all just an elaborate ruse to make you flustered over my body but perhaps it is not,” he whispers beside your ear, he speaks like it is a confession of the heart
“You fucking jerk !,” you mutter as you cover your face fully with your hands, his ruse works perfectly. He chuckles before dragging your hands away from your face so he can see your flustered expression
“But at least you could now remember the materials you wanted to study right ?,” he smirks right in front of your face
“NO! IN THE MIDDLE OF MY EXAMS I’LL BE THINKING OF THIS EXACT MOMENT !!!,” you yell as you try to cover your face back, sadly he wouldn’t let you do that
“Ah I don’t know whether or not to feel sorry or happy by the fact that you’ll think of me throughout that exam,” he tease, leaning forward to meet your eyes
“You should feel bad !!” you pout as you lightly punch his chest, he just laughs boisterously, which makes you more annoyed than before
“Ah yes I apologise,” he smirks as he ruffles your hair, covering the pout on your face that he loves so much, the progress he makes to slowly win your heart seems to bear into fruition
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
throw another stone at a glass house
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request/summary; your writing literally gives me life. love it sm <3 would you be able to do something where jj and the reader get into an argument at dinner but they have a rule to never go to sleep mad at each other?
pairing; jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings; fluff & angst, maybe a bit suggestive
authors note; love loved writing this anon :,) pls continue to send in requests ! gif creds to owner
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His cured blood was boiling— searing even.
Eatery being complacent, fairy bulbs roped neatly and whimsically throughout the establishment. Fake plastic plant leaves braided about the paneled open roof. The trimming on the tables simplistic and clothed white, any other vibrancy would clash with the modern elegance that was being established. Clammer from steel trays and the mouthy Kooks that JJ was rubbing elbows with.
His attire is classy to fit his false image— dapper wrinkle-free black button up: buttons done up until the narrowing of his chest, not too revealing, not too Pogue-like. Arms broad and fibrous, giving quite the show whilst they bulged and unbulged with every movement he made. Grey slacks, steamed specifically for this event, an absolute fool as to not recognizing himself cleaned up so pleasantly.
The amount of meals he missed simply for this one meal, to scrimp and scrape pennies together merely to see a joyous picture-perfect smile planted on your face.
And he hadn’t told you he was doing so, but for about around a month now he’s been saying ‘Got a special night for us in the works baby.’
You knew it was tonight and you knew the address.
It wasn’t a familiar one, no, the both of you, Pogues, and not having heard of such a lavish restaurant. Hell, JJ was even awestruck himself when he stepped foot in the door.
But to him it was showing you a glimpse into the future with him. The life he would scavenge to define, to escape the one he’s living in now.
Full Kook.
But, nevertheless a Pogue at heart.
With that being said, he cannot fathom as to why you wouldn’t be here.
As to why you wouldn’t be here basking in the night, with him.
As to what could possibly be any more revelation, right here.
“Sir, are you ready to order yet?”
The same lanky waiter, with a nasal like voice spoke— and the irritation of it made JJ’s skin crawl. His class bow tie, with upheld posture was something JJ cut his eyes at, interrupting his thoughts as he already done prior.
“I told you no the past three times, didn’t I?”
JJ bit back at the man, partially because he’d been to JJ’s table all those times within the span of twenty minutes, not to mention prior to when he’d arrived two hours ago. The waiters mouth turns up in disgust.
“M’waitin’ for my girl, alright?”
He proceeds to add, confirming again to not come back unless he proclaimed he was ready. A kind way of saying ‘fuck off’.
“We cannot continue to keep holding your table this long, there are other people waiting to eat.”
“I’ll call her.”
The waiter clicks his tongue, spinning on his heels to the rest of his section to serve. And JJ presses your contact in his phone, as he did thirty six calls ago— to be exact.
Pitiful, going straight to voice mail, beating organ falling straight to his half-cut boot clad feet.
Pissed, seeing to it that he should be. All this money, all this devotion, only for it to go to waste due to you not being on time?
JJ would give his soul away not feel this.
On the verge of flipping over this table and making a scene just for shits and giggles, or to cope.
The reason you were late was anonymous to him. A slumber took over you, sleeping in later than usual after work, exhausted in that shared apartment. Forgetting to charge your phone, all events that pushed you farther and farther behind. Remnants leaving you pressed to get ready for the event, all whilst having to catch a ride from Kie.
One would probably wonder why JJ simply didn’t wait for you to get ready and just drive you to the surprise himself. He was too adamant, prying on the idea that, even appearance would be a remembrance factor.
Small heels colliding with cement in a clack sound, digits on the iron knob studying the building once more, to assure yourself this location was right.
Pulled straight out of a dream.
And you prodded on the thought of JJ affording this, the effort that went into it. Wondering why he thought he had to spend so much just on you, yet impressed with your boyfriend— if only you knew the sheer devastation upon him.
The red lacey satin of your dress was enough to turn heads and you did just that, strutting whimsically to the front podium to be sat at the table with JJ. Every Kook eye studied you, but you spotted one head of hair in particular. Sat in a dainty wooden chair that caused his back to be turned to you.
Numerous round tables, purely yearning for just that one.
That one with the unearthly being; light locks dancing over his features, and a jawline fierce enough to cut paper.
The one that’s battling with himself as to wether or not to make a big deal out of this, the moment he saw you next.
Little did he know you were feet away, gawking at him and the entirely ethereal gesture he did for you.
Jesus, he looks so fucking hot.
Heat growing on his neck whilst he feels a shadow standing over him, he continues to play with the given metal utensils in front of him.
Perhaps the knife grazing past his fingertips, would pain much less than the ache of disappointment surging in him.
He almost, turns to face the shadow preparing to tell the waiter off. But as his sense receptors fill with that familiar warm vanilla scent ...
He doesn't.
He doesn't because he knows it's you.
And he's gathering himself for the argument that's about to ensue.
Did JJ want to fuss and fight with you?
Absolutely not, he avoids confrontation at any given moment.
However, he is also human and can only take so much.
Your graceful hand stretches over his flexed back, tensing up at a touch that would normally lull him away into no tomorrow. Blue orbs daggering into your figure overtop his eyelashes, clearing his throat at your presence. Your chair scratched along the patterned wooden floor, a notion JJ always does; pulling your chair out.
This time, you do it with no complaints; declaring to avoid the subject at hand. Acknowledging that you were in deep shit with your lover.
That exact lover teaching you so: deny, deny, deny.
And God, that dress is hugging you so tight his hairs stand up on his neck. Alluring and sensual.
If he wasn't so fucking livid, he'd rile himself up enough to temper delicate, mouth-biting, love marks to your neck.
And over
Until he got his fill.
You're supposed to be mad at her, JJ thought to himself.
"Hi, J!"
His insides rumbled as if he ate sour food.
But, no food would be eaten tonight.
His tone laced with malice and defeat. The worse kind of greeting, not the usual 'baby' or 'pretty girl' attached to it.
Then you knew were in for it.
"Thank you for tonight, s'so pretty baby."
Reading you, he knew you were probably thinking how he managed to get a table here. But something this polite, it was uncalled for to ask such a question.
"Yeah, it was prettier earlier."
He muttered under his breath, with his face contorting into a frown. Across the table yet so far away, the bright light of the eatery highlighting his cheek bones so handsomely. And you longed for him to be, himself.
"What'd you say?"
His words unclear, he was someone that usually has a voice prominent enough to hear from miles away; so it couldn't have been anything loving.
Accent think and harsh, eye contact here and there, though it wasn't anything promising.
"Gonna' have to fix your face J, it might ruin the night."
You gasped out a laugh, but to JJ it wasn't fucking funny.
If he wanted to glower, then he'd do so and he meant it.
How dare you joke about something he busted his ass to do, money that could've been enough to pay the apartments rent that month.
He thought you were being ungrateful and that you didn't appreciate him.
First you were behind time, and now you're laughing in his damn face beating around the obvious bush that was weighing him down.
And he can't help himself.
"No ... you ruined the Goddamn night!" He spat, voice broad and demanding, through grit teeth. Knowing that if he spoke any louder the couple would be asked to leave.
He's disgusted with you for being so careless with his feelings.
A night that was supposed to be filled with desperate, needy touches, and bellies full of the finest food; JJ could find it coming to a halt.
You grew ansty in your seat at his remark, lungs missing air and guilt replaced it.
Remorse entering your features.
Falling apart at the cause of his disfunction being you.
"I didn't mean to, JJ."
You reach for his hand across the table, veins apparent and digits long; in effort to console him for your mishap of being extremely late. And he lets you interlock your finger with his upsettingly, though he waited for that same touch all night; unable to deny any touch from you.
To get his point across, he lets go.
"But, you did."
He corrected you with a tilt of his head, replacing your missing fingers with a comb through his hair.
"I-I overslept after work ... and-"
"That's such bullshit. Do you know how many long hours I worked for tonight? Just for you to not be here?"
The palm of his hand slams against the table, drawing the attention of the couple next to the two. You hurriedly shush him, bringing his anger back down to earth.
"M'trying to say sorry JJ."
Both sets of eyes glare at eachother as if in competition, and JJ's stomach whirls.
"I don't want a sorry, I wanted you to be here."
"Well ... well, I'm here now. We can still order, J."
You try again but ultimately fail.
"M'not sitting here with you and pretending like everything's 'dandy', when you fucked everything up."
His words were cold and emotionless. You search for everything to say, but all that JJ said clarified it for you. Your sullen heart thumped, salty tears brimming at corners of your eyes.
Making you feel small.
Fighting to prevent them, so you didn’t fall apart in the middle of this restaurant.
“C’mon, let’s go.”
He wasn’t cruel, not enough away, to leave you here with no way back to the shared home.
No matter how big the fight or the cause of it, it always left JJ wondering if you still besotted him the way he did you.
He wondered why, altogether going with the fact that nothing was ever permanent in his life,
Did you still crave him— on your lips, in your lungs, and beneath your skin?
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One way to describe the ride home was— sickeningly tense.
Amid his rage, his hand clutches the wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. Stealing glances at you, hoping you didn’t hate him. Neither of them able to etch a sentence, whilst the radio played and you sat turned with your knees to the door staring out of the window.
Oddly close enough to your position now.
On the edge of your side of the bed. Admiring JJ peel off his pants and unbutton his shirt, leaving them aimlessly on the carpeted floor— stripped down to his only boxers.
You’d thought you wouldn’t get much comfort tonight, being that he avoided even still after arriving home. Mustering a ‘gonna’ pick up the kitchen’, knowing full well it was only to an excuse to not be up under you while you both were overstimulated and on edge. Leaving you to get the bed ready and practice your night time routine. That’s why you are in the pajama attire of JJ’s t-shirt, his musk still attached to it.
His flesh on fire, conscious that you were boring at him.
‘When you fucked everything up,’ stung your chest and tainted your mind.
Reflecting, he’d wished he would’ve cut you some slack.
His baby, that he hoped for on nights when he had no one.
He baby, that he hoped for on every shooting star.
His baby, that he hoped for in a crowd of people.
His baby.
There was this rule book.
This rule book, was true and real, and contained all the expectations you and JJ had for eachother being together. It was for numerous reasons to begin with, but a year passed by and another and they fully became implicated.
The rule book was a thin black note book, adorned with two red pairs of lips. One was yours, and one was JJ’s— having put red lipstick on his puckered lips, afterwards staining your entire face with them.
Painting your face with his desire for you.
And still that notebook remains framed in the living room, just above the TV.
Rule #1: Never go to sleep mad at eachother.
It was in big, chunky black letters— JJ wrote it and with every letter he wrote he meant it more. One would think cheating would be at the top of the list— but that wasn’t a worry.
It wasn’t a concern because if JJ could inject you into his veins he would do just that.
And so would you.
Opening up his heart to you was not a thing he’d ever regret doing.
Letting himself become infatuated with you, and letting you treat him the way he deserved to be.
You’d silently prayed that JJ would enforce the rule tonight, seeing as even though you did fuck up, you had reason to be irate as well.
His feet pad against the khaki carpet to switch off the bedroom lights. Miscellaneous TV show, playing whilst it illuminated his appearance. He made a b-line for his side of the bed, queen size engulfing him. And you did the same, twisting to lie in bed next to him, but not right beside him.
Lying the exact same— backs flat against the black silk sheets, duvet pulled up past either arms. Pairs of eyes darting at the the other. Except JJ’s left arm is behind his head, the muscle fissuring with ease as it grooved forward from the small glance you got. His right arm is the one closest to you, flat in the open space between the two.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know how to lay.
He is so use to having skin on skin contact, but now he’s lying alone and deprived of your touch.
And you would initiate but you quiver at being denied again.
“Y’know you can’t go to sleep yet.”
His raspiness booms and echoes off the walls, causing you to jump in the slightest. Still continuing to look forward at the cinema before him, you bore into him with furrowed eyebrows— head turning on the firm pillow.
“How come?”
His insides fluttered at your melodic and rhythmically put together voice.
He’s still scolding to the touch, but realizing his tad of unreasonableness consumes him. Turning to his side, he faces you, an everlasting lump in his throat.
“Rule number one-“
“Never go to bed mad at eachother.”
You finish his sentence, and his mouth is partially open. Heartbeat becoming deathly, hands clammy at him bringing the rule book up. He remembered.
He remembered it all.
“So can we stop being mad?”
He pleads, voice cracking in the slightest.
Giving himself to you in every way possible.
Vulnerability only amendable when he’s near you.
Enchanted and explicitly, letting you suck his soul in.
And he didn’t care.
“I was never mad at you J, you were mad at me.”
Solely, truthful acknowledging that you couldn’t be viled at him chewing you out at dinner. Feeling like you deserved every bit of it.
“I s-shouldnt have said that, baby m’sorry.”
His lone hand encapsules your shoulder, the pet name leaving his mouth smoothly, a part of his everyday vocabulary. You crane your neck to place small pecks to each one of his knuckles, showing each one more attention than the last.
“S’okay, I get it J.”
“Just wanted us to have tonight, for us.”
“I ruined it, I know-“
“Nothing’s ruined … we still have us.”
His head lowers, lips puckering in the faintest way. Softly pressing with yours, all whilst enveloping you closer into his frame. An embrace his sore body hungered for. Tongue delving into your mouth, molding together like puzzle pieces. Angrily kissing to make up for the love lost today, he hummed at the comforting sensation.
“And m’not letting go of that, baby.”
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kitorin · 1 year
how they react when they catch you simping for a fictional character
pairings. shidou ryusei x gn!reader, itoshi rin x m!reader, mikage reo x gn!reader (separate)
contents. crack, smau, a sexual joke and a half (it's just ryusei being ryusei) shinonome akito slander (I'M SORRY I PROMISE I LOVE HIM BUT RIN DOESN'T), exposing my taste in men, written all in lowercase, spoilers for sounds of a summer event (project sekai)
a/n. i thought of this bc i questioned if i liked rin or akito more 😭, and sorry for rin's being so long since i had the most ideas for him :>. i also have no confidence with crack so please bear with me and it's my first smau
shidou ryusei - seong taehoon (how to fight / viral hit)
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when he caught you gawking at the new viral hit chapter, taehoon specifically, he immediately joined you (as he should)
he straight up yelled "smash" at that one scene where taehoon's snacking and he's wearing a tight shirt so you can see all of his muscles
he begs you to re read the series with them, and now you two read each update every week together, fully engaged in the story and taehoon's abs
attempts to recreate all of taehoon's kicks (i headcanon that does taekwondo and has a black belt :>), proudly shows them off to you, with a huge grin on his face (please fawn over him too)
also extensively practices so he can show them off by incorporating them into soccer somehow (doesn't matter if it ain't practical he just wants to impress you), and if he ever has to use them on anyone making you uncomfortable
he probably has a folder in his gallery dedicated to every panel he loves (which is basically all) and recreates his absolute favs (with you as his photographer)
makes a lot of jokes about being in love with taehoon (so do you), but he'd stop them if they made you uncomfortable, and reassures you that a drawing can't compare to how sweet, amazing and perfect you are
honorable mentions to baek seongjun being his second favourite
wants you to do taekwondo as well cause now he has a thing for it after discovering taehoon
"i swear to god men who do taekwondo and can actually fight are so hot,"
"isn't that you?"
"... you don't agree with me...?"
"no you have a brilliant point"
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itoshi rin - shinonome akito (project sekai)
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during the sounds of a summer festival event you spent so much time glued to your phone, full combo-ing literally every hard, expert, and master song you possibly could, leveling up all character ranks, sacrifice countless of hours of sleep (if it's for akito it's very much worth it), and even contemplate spending money
you even tweeted about how badly you need him
rin notices the bags under your eyes, and the lack of sleep you had been getting, he's worried and when he asks you you're too focused on the event story to even register what he says, as you're on the brink of sobbing at young akito and ena
he observes as well, and immediately is jealous of how much of your attention this fictional character was receiving from you
as you're about to spend another few hours grinding, he stops you
"dumbass you need to sleep, and give your eyes a break"
"no i don't, i need summer festival akito,"
"who and what?"
soon you're rambling on how much akito's backstory and struggles already hurt, and how wholesome yet painful the event story was, with akito quitting soccer and ena encouraging him to give music a try, and it only nurtures rin's envy
"you're going to cry for a ginger guy who quit soccer and started his ambition because of his older sister? how lukewarm,"
"yes i am?? and he looked cute as a child and now he's a pretty boy with the best vocals. their event cards are beautiful too i need them. didn't you start soccer because of sae anyways?"
"rin... are you jealous?"
"... no, i just don't get what you see in this idiot. i never quit soccer when it got hard and i know how to persevere, i don't give up, i don't experience despair when someone's better than me-"
"so you're jealous,"
"rin you always have and always will be my number 1. akito can't do anything you've done for me, and can't even compare to how pretty you are,"
"damn right,"
despite being salty, he still installs the game to read the stories, out of pure curiosity and wants to understand what kind of stuff you like
he ends up adoring ena and akito's relationship (the supportive part only ofc), as well as tsukasa and saki's (and secretly wishes sae was as affectionate as shizuku since she reminds him of sae in the past)
you do not shut up when you seem him struggle with hitorinbo envy on master
"he is, i was just curious why you liked the stories so much,"
"... i want his boyfriend"
"YOU READ THE MAIN STORY TOO ?! and you don't need touya you have me"
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mikage reo - kang tae moo (business proposal)
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he heard you squealing at a scene of tae moo getting flustered after sunghoon suggested his feelings for hari
he thought that you were having a heart attack and thought something was wrong
reo doesn't even need the show's context to be invested immediately, as he joins you and watches with great interest
after seeing you simp over tae moo, in secret, he binge watches the rest of the series in attempt to mimic any romantic scenes
full on posts the "do you know what my credit card and my love for y/n have in common? they simply have no limit" on his not very private twitter account, and it leaves you flustered by all the comments saying how lucky you are and their jealousy
deletes any comment revealing the source of that line (silently apologises to the writer(s) and credits ahn hyo seop for its brilliant execution)
little does he know nagi made a tweet exposing him
also recreates other cute scenes from the show, and starts looking for more kdramas to watch and recreate (still gets fully absorbed in the plot and dialogue)
innocently smiles when you realize he's just a kang tae moo copycat
"i didn't copy him i'm the inspiration behind him, rich, smart, pretty and utter perfection,"
"i can't deny the second part... i can't believe nagi's seen business proposal,"
"wait what?"
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©kouyun : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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barrenclan · 1 month
Mallowstar saying 'when did the wolves start closing in?' with that panel of him being surrounded by two canine silhouettes (Prowl and Ranger taunting him)
I'm feasting on the foreshadowing
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One thing this style of illustrated prose lends itself to really well is the repetition of not only artistic symbols, but written ones. I have tried to include as much as possible of specific phrases that repeat in thematic places, or draw parallel imagery. Here's a few examples:
"I lifted a paw and weakly pushed at the thing, imagining long canine teeth digging into my neck, but in a moment the pressure lifted and I sunk into the cool, dark softness beneath my body." (Issue 23)
"I could feel his long canine teeth dig in, sending tiny jolts of pain through my skin, and I couldn’t stop myself from shuddering." (Issue 24)
"Something about darkness, and long canine teeth, and blood spattered up Asphodelpaw’s neck." (Issue 29)
"Then a cold smile cracked the wolf’s face open, revealing long canine fangs, and my heart fell." (Issue 35)
"Gatherings happen once every couple of weeks, when the moon gets fat and hangs in the sky like a big, unblinking eye." (Issue 1)
"When I came to myself, it was midday, the sun hanging in the sky like an unblinking eye." (Issue 33)
"I took a deep breath and flexed my claws in the prickling grass, trying to recall why I was here." (Issue 31)
"I looked over my shoulder, and saw that the grass had surrounded me in a yellow and prickling expanse." (Issue 33)
Those are just the ones I can find quickly, but there's plenty in the comic. Of course, there's also more obvious parallels in specific phrasing -
(such as: "[...] drowning out her words and seeping red into my vision, thick and overwhelming with the scent of blood and triumph and bones and death - " Issue 31, vs. "Gore and death - violence and hypocrisy - take what you want, give meaning to what you do - blood and triumph and bones and death and death - " Issue 28)
- but here, I'm just specifically speaking about the little words, the tiny bits. Poetry in phrasing and repeated motifs are important literary devices to me.
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ectonurites · 3 months
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to know a lot about the comics, and specifically about Tim Drake. I was wondering if you knew off the top of your head when Tim and Steph last canonically dated? Because I see people blaming Meghan Fitzmartin a lot, but I could've sworn that they last broke up before she became Tim's author.
So, the people 'blaming' Meghan Fitzmartin are correct—but I can understand some confusion happening because the breakup occurred off-panel. So like, if you weren't following things closely at the time these books were coming out, it might seem like the first Tim story Fitzmartin wrote was referencing a breakup that already happened somewhere else... but that is not the case.
The other possible confusion point would be that there was an earlier 'break up & get back together' storyline with them in the Rebirth era, a few years before she wrote Tim.
To briefly go over the Rebirth & onward Tim/Steph dating timeline just to clear things up (and I'll be using cover dates just for consistency, so if you want release date subtract two months):
Detective Comics #934-935 August 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph are established to be dating in Rebirth continuity. We don't see the actual moment they start dating, we're just shown that this is now the situation.
Detective Comics #940 November 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is 'killed' (he's not really but everyone thinks he is, and he is out of the picture for a while) and thus that effectively pauses any relationship between he and Steph, obviously.
Detective Comics #969 January 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is back and reveals himself as alive to Steph, and the two of them resume their relationship. After a short timeskip, we then learn that in the aftermath of his return... Tim is not being honest with Steph about his plans (to not go to Ivy like he said he would, to instead continue hero-ing indefinitely).
Detective Comics #970 February 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph start to have some tension here because of how he's overworking himself, how he's handling things with her, and there's a moment where she says she's leaving, he asks if she means 'The Belfrey, the team, or me?' and she says 'I'll get back to you on that.'
Detective Comics #974 April 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] In the aftermath of the team sort of exploding due to ~plot events~ Steph breaks up with Tim while he's throwing too much of himself into his work.
Detective Comics #981 July 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] More plot stuff happens (a whole big mess with Brother Eye) but once that's settled, the two reunite and rekindle their relationship as they head off ‘to Ivy University’ as they tell Bruce, but we know that’s not actually where they’re going.
Young Justice (2019) #5 July 2019 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Flashbacks show us that after leaving Gotham, Tim & Steph had specifically gone to see the Justice League/Zatanna for help with timeline memory things rather than going to Ivy. Even though they’re in separate places at the main timeline of the book, this shows us that they're still together.
Young Justice (2019) #11-20 February 2020 - January 2021 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Steph & Tim immediately try to get ahold of one another via text once Tim's back on the correct earth, and work on getting back in touch until eventually reuniting. They are shown together [and depicted as still dating] during the later parts of the book.
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1 February 2021 [written by Joshua Williamson, James Tynion IV, and Scott Synder] Shows the two of them together within the larger group of former Titans/YJ members—specifically one panel towards the end shows us Tim with his arm around her while they talk with others [fun fact that’s the panel my icon is from I just had edited Steph’s head out of the way]. As I recall/as far as I'm aware, this issue is the last time we see them interacting together/together as a couple before Future State and then the Infinite Frontier relaunch. [disclaimer that there could be like... a splash page group shot or something that I'm forgetting elsewhere during the Dark Nights: Death Metal event but like, that's not actual interaction that's just physically being present in the same group shot].
NON-CANON BUT RELEVANT: Future State: Robin Eternal #1-2 March - April 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] During the Future State event which was used largely to tease/set up plotlines for the Infinite Frontier relaunch, in this potential future Tim & Steph are seemingly no longer together but still on okay terms—teaming up in the story, but with clear tension and history there.
Batman: Urban Legends #4 August 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] We learn that Tim & Steph broke up off-panel before the events of the issue. Steph appears in the following issue further reiterating that they recently broke up.
So yeah! They broke up off-panel and this was first referenced in Batman: Urban Legends #4, thus under Fitzmartin's pen.
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anxiety-elemental-kay · 9 months
On Plants, Selfhood, and Seeking a Collective
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[Image ID: Crop of several panels from TriMax volume 11 chapter 8. In this scene Chronica is interfacing with the used entity that consumed Domina. Chronica observes the mass and says "We as a species naturally do not have a concept of self, and therefor instead have a deep shared consciousness. That is why these plants are able to use without major difficulties." Then we see Chronica reach her hand toward one of the plants within and appear to gain information from her. End ID]
I told myself I was going to hold onto my Trigun thoughts until book club finished the series because I keep falling behind. Then I saw these panels and started chewing on a thought and since it's not really meta and more speculation I figured I'd write a quick little thing about Independent plants and selfhood.
Here we see Chronica interacting with the fused entity Knives made that was left behind/still attached to Domina. Chronica's comment about "We as a species naturally do not have a concept of self, and therefor instead have a deep shared consciousness." has really stuck with me and I've been trying to suss out possible implications for this, because she doesn't seem to be talking just about the dependent plants here. It's 'WE as a species', no distinction is made between different kinds of plants. Maybe it's nothing but the thought won't leave me alone SO:
I've been trying to look back at Vash and Knives through this lens to see if there's anything to glean there. Independents clearly do have a sense of self, and understand themselves to be unique individuals. They don't seem attached to any kind of hive mind the way dependent plants are, though they do have some minor telepathic powers and can communicate with dependent plants.
Mostly I was wondering if Independent plants have some instinct/predispositions toward certain needs or behaviors they cannot meet or fulfill as Independents?
(Subtopic: Does this mean there are therapists that specialize in Independent mental health, if they have specific needs/pressures that are different enough from humans?)
Knives and Vash suffered similar trauma when they discovered Tesla, and both felt sudden and violent isolation from everyone else on that ship, albeit in different ways. As adults they both isolate themselves in different ways: Knives keeps others at arms length so as to not disrupt his worldview, where as Vash's wandering lifestyle and danger-magnet-ness generally keeps him from forming lasting relationships.
Humans are social creatures and we'll generally pack-bond with anything, and it's hard to tell if it's similar for plants. Do they feel the same need to socialize/form bonds, or are Independents seeking out a collective/hivemind they instinctively seek but can never find? They clearly can feel lonely and isolated, but does it feel different for them? Does that pain come from a different place for a plant than a human?
Then there's this spread in the same chapter as the above panels:
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[Image ID: A two page spread from TriMax volume 11 chapter 8. It's a closeup of Vash, bleeding from every hole in his head, his eyes wide. He lays near the edge of a huge drop-off, and far below him is pitch darkness lit with lights like a city at night as seen from above. It is unclear if the lights below are the plants, from the human city, or something else. End ID]
Since this is in the same chapter which opens with Chronica saying the line above, I was wondering if these two moments were connected somehow. Does the reminder that there are people who depend on him, a collective who needs him? He seems surprised when Brad, Meryl, and Milly made their diversion to stop the military. He generally seems to struggle with the idea that other people want to help him. Something something Vash both is and isn't part of the human society he lives in???
To what degree does Vash see himself as a person versus something that belongs to a collective, whether that collective is humans, plants, or both? Does an inborn need/desire to serve a collective predispose him to self-destructive behavior? Same with Knives, did the trauma of losing a perceived collective (discovering Tesla and losing the sense of belonging with humans) fuel his future hate and fear of humans in a way that he wouldn't have felt if he weren't an Independent?
Maybe there's something in the next volumes I don't remember that address this somehow. Part of what's fun about this reread is rediscovering things or connections I missed the first time, and all the meta people write pointing out things I might have missed entirely on my own! (Blows a kiss to everyone who posts meta on Tumblr ya'll are great and smart and thank you for sharing!)
Like I said, there's no real conclusion I'm making here, just kicking around an idea to see if it fits. Not sure it does, but putting it out there to get it out of my head and see what other people think.
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class1akids · 1 month
Honestly at this point it's our own fault for expecting to not be disappointed by theses chapters apperantly hori can only gives good moments to irrelevant characters therefor said moments are also irrelavent and don't have the impact they would have if given to someone that mattered
I've come to not expect anything else really anytime hori does something axtuly good it's followed by a million not (his characters and stories have so much potential and there all wasted like way are fanfics so much more impact full than the main story 😢
Although I'm a little confused as to what happened to the todorokis?
The leaks came in truly bad quality this week, but even so, it's evident that Hori is still trying to "hide" what happened fully.
All we know for sure is:
Endeavor and Shoto were awake enough to respond to the back-up call and come through the portals (this to me is not a surprise. Shoto especially is in relatively good condition. He only overstretched his quirk but had time for cooldown).
They come from two different portals, but at the same time to do a Flashfire Fist to drive back AFO away from Izuku. (It's a pretty basic move for both of them, and not very powerful, and it maybe because they are down to the last scraps or because of the crowd, they can't do AoE moves).
And then there is this cryptic flashback:
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It looks like the robots are putting Rei (?) on a stretcher, while Natsuo is still moving. Toya is hidden. Using pikahlua's TL because the scanlation look inaccurate:
"Quickly, to where Recovery Girl is...!" "The old lady is also at her limit with injured persons... Whether or not anything can be done..."
-> This could refer to either Rei or Toya (or likely both) - basically implying that they are in critical condition and the family is trying to get them to Recovery Girl...
Then Natsuo says - I think talking to specifically to Enji (because he uses "anta") and not to Shoto:
"Even with you here, mom and the others will only be hot."
This confirms pretty much that Toya is there too.
Enji hesitated whether to take the portal or go with his family.
Natsuo basically says that there is nothing Enji can do and his presence could be even harmful - implying that Enji is still overheated (which if you look at both Shoto's and Endeavor's pupilless eyes makes me wonder if they absorbed a lot of Toya's heat)
"So go. Even if it's [just] a little, if you can muster [any] strength..."
Even if it's just a litte is written over Enji's panel, which may imply that he's on his last fumes and his presence here is not necessarily to boost the fight, but for whatever narrative conclusion purpose
if you can muster [any] power - this part is on Shoto's panel. As the Japanese uses "chikara", as in the famous "kimi no chikara" moment between Deku and Shoto, I'm guessing it foreshadows a more powerful attack from Shoto at a later stage (which could include a quirk upgrade if he absorbed Toya's heat - it would make sense or it could include a combo with Toya if he'll show up, which I have a strong feeling he will).
So I think the important thing is that Toya's fate, just like Toga's is left in limbo, as well as there is a strong sense that the Todorokis are running here on fumes, just like everyone else.
My personal feeling is that Hori is setting up a quite hopeless fight with a moment where the star arrivals to the battlefield will be the LoV (possibly because Kurogiri decides that this is the boost Tomura needs), and it will be the tipping point to bring Tomura back who will be essential in stopping / defeating AFO together with Deku (and maybe the other Origins - Bakugou and Shoto).
Bringing in the LoV would achieve tying in the efforts to save Toga and Toya (and Spinner) into the final main conflict, tying together Deku reaching Tenko's/Tomura's fused desire to be the hero of the villains and also for the civilians to see the villains fight against the big bad. It could also foster final conclusion of the big character arcs, including for Enji, Toya and Shoto.
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gmax sandaconda is the DEFINITION of snootirific. i'm not the nose rater but i have to say gmax sandaconda might have the best snoot in the whole franchise
i saw someone in the tags of one of the posts where i used the word "snootiferous" say that they added that word to their vocabulary. as though it was a word i didn't make up. i totally did make it up and now i keep saying it, specifically in posts on this blog. i have not said it anywhere in my real life but if i can make other folks say it then i think that's the ultimate funny
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not getting their models, but rendering the eyes properly. there are two competing and likely theories for why the eyes are so fucked up in gen 9: number one being that the eyes are rendered dynamically in-game as shaders instead of as flat textures like they typically were in past pokémon games so that pokémon can look around, have reflections in their eyes, have more dynamic eyes, et cetera, which means they're much more difficult to render authentically for quick silly tumblr screenshots; and number two being that game freak renders them dynamically as a "security measure" to keep folks online from ripping the models as easily to use them for… whatever they want. such as blogs like this, which are of course extremely harmful to the pokémon company's bottom line and destroying their business et cetera et cetera (sarcasm). either way, the eyes are fucked up, and i either have to find a way to recreate the eye textures from what i am given in the texture files, or i have to find a way to recreate the eyes to the best of my ability using shaders in something like… blender, which is what i've been using for more recent models since gen 7. that puts more work on me for every individual model, and isn't exactly easy for models that i have to rip and convert myself when there are dozens of nodes in the shading panel that i don't know what to do with. for example, here's what quaxly (famously, a pokémon with pupils that can look around, as it appears in a whole cutscene in-game) looks like out-of-the-box when i convert it myself from the model format used in-game:
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if you can't tell what's wrong, here's what it's Supposed to look like:
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notice the white pupils? those aren't rendered properly in blender, notably because no texture exists for them. no texture even exists for anything you see in the eyes there, but it's all somehow magically appeared in the shading section, by magic. and i am not that kind of wizard
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this means very little to me. i just played around with some of the nodes by looking at the strangely-colored textures that were given to me with the .trmdl conversion, and i managed to get something close enough:
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but they kinda look like they're looking in two different directions (possibly fine? we'll have to see how they look front-facing) and the colors are slightly off (can anyone tell but me? possibly not); not to mention it likely won't be this easy with every pokémon. pokémon whose eyes are much more complex or have colors i can't easily match, for example, or pokémon for whom multiple parts of their eyes are missing… not to mention i don't necessarily have the time or willpower to be spending hours tinkering with these models every morning to make sure the eyes look right. ideally i can take what i've learned from fucking with quaxly right now to hopefully move forward a bit smoother, and eventually i'll refine a process. but until then, this is what worries me
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right, but it's also less funny. the initial concept for this blog, inspired by pokémon like snivy, is that some pokémon look really funny when they're up in your face staring at you. it's a concept everyone loves. but if they're facing away from you, there's considerably less to work with there. they're all Kinda just gonna look the same. they lose a lot of that personality. i suppose i'll consider it if i ever run Really low on options, though
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nah. i don't do visual art anymore. that time has passed—now if i do it, it's usually a one-off thing and i never want to look at what i've created again afterward
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Not exactly an analysis but possible parallels/basic comparisons <3
Comparing none other than terukane (teru x akane) and dangerously yours masquerade, a 1944 podcast/radio show, in summary is about a french spy named Catherine that is sent to make an American man Rudolf Stephan fall in love with her so she can kill him and gain information, but in the end she falls in love with him too, but he makes her think he never loved her so she can complete her assigned mission (or something like that?)
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i saw stuff ab terukane and dangerously yours on tiktok and thought it was so interesting so i wanted to make a thing ab it 😭 FYI this is gonna be alotta words and like zero pictures so turn ur brightness down and don’t kill ur eyes
just the basis of these two are incredibly similar, two people from opposing sides forming an unlikely bond, originally unwanted but now shared?
Comparison/Possible parallel 1:
the line
“if i betray you, i betray myself. if i betray him, i betray my country. my country is very dear to be.”
“dearer than i?”
“… no not dearer than you..”
feels not like a parallel, but so uncomfortably fitting for them. (Akane being in Cathrine’s place and teru being in Rudolf’s place) if taken from akane’s place, “if i betray you, i betray myself, if i betray him, i betray my country, my country is very dear to me” easily we could associate “country” with aoi or one of akane’s supernatural duties or wtv he does with his clock keeper shit
from teru’s place, “dearer than i?” The “i” would pretty obviously be teru
the basis of being in between sides, not knowing which to chose but regardless of which you end up choosing you’re fucked one way or another is a common ground for both catherine and akane, especially with what happened in chapter 112
Comparison/Possible parallel 2:
the line
“I will betray you”
“If you do, you will betray yourself at the same time”
“yes… yes i know”
also feels eerily similar to them aswell. Again akane in cathrine’s place and teru in rudolf’s. This also especially relates to what happened in the “betrayal” part between teru and akane. Again relating to akane not knowing which side he should choose.
in summary, the doomed lovers cathrine and rudolf have so much in common with teru and akane its kind of crazy. how could one possibly look at them and not think of terukane? Akane/Cathrine being inbetween sides (the two sides being their counterpart and their duties) and in the end choosing their duties but still hoping for a seemingly unachievable chance at their counterparts. Ive specifically avoided using words like “coded” or “heavily implied” because i’ve never been completely sure,
Taking it into account, AidaIro are Japanese, and in japan homosexuality isn’t exactly normalized. yes queer people are in japan, they are everywhere and always have been but queer people in japan often conceal their sexuality and from what ive seen simply mentioning homosexuality in the wrong crowd is frowned upon (although don’t take my word for it 100%, i don’t live in japan)
And from what ive seen, AidaIro are pretty “traditional”. Literally name one female character without a male love interest that isnt shijima mei or tiara.
although the whole “lemon and akane” thing happened, it really was just for fun and jokes, although it seems to be a running joke in their friend group that “akane likes lemon” so make of that what you will
queer people being in tbhk is very much possible, we’ve seen panels of boys wanting to be teru’s boyfriend, nene blushing at sakura and claiming she was duped by her gorgeousness, mitsuba constantly accusing kou of wanting to do “pervy” stuff with him, akane mentioning his confusion on how teru can attract both genders (when their current topic had nothing to do with that? Are you the male attracted to him akane?) and natsuhiko’s entire character, but the likeliness of there being multiple queer characters is much lower than just one, of course im not opposed to there being multiple, the more the merrier, but we need to remember homosexuality is not normalized, and in some asian countries homosexuality blatantly doesn’t exist. like you could propose to someone of the same sex and people would say “omg such bffs!!” and we don’t know much about AidaIro besides they’re both girls, both Japanese, one’s a writer and one’s an illustrator.
although this alone does not down-right dismiss the queer implications, it still makes you think. We can never be too sure
Make of this what you will :3 ive been thinking ab compiling every possible queer implication or hint in tbhk but i feel like that sounds stupid and no one would read it
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torgawl · 1 month
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continuing my crepus posting, can we just talk about his delusion for a second? because even dottore thought it was unique. dottore was surprised for seeing someone wielding a delusion, sure, i assume it's not everyday you see that especially in that situation. that's normal, but saying specifically that it piqued his interest, calling it "perfect and utterly peerless", encouraging diluc to grow stronger and saying "i can see a bright future ahead of you"? a bit weird. so this got me thinking, what if this delusion is different than other delusions?
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as we can see from the webtoon panel of crepus wielding it, there's two things about the delusion that we haven't seen associated to any others so far: chains and what seems like an alchemy circle. this delusion doesn't just hold elemental power, it can create something (or transform/manifest the power into something physical). we read somewhere someone referring to the delusion fire as "black flames" so probably the chains are embued in that power but the chains themselves don't look like fire. another curious detail about crepus' delusion is the way it interacts with ursa the drake, besides being the only thing able to drive the dragon away, it changed its eye colour from yellow to red! when the delusion finally backfired onto crepus, we can see that the air and diluc's hands after touching his father seem to fill with black dust. and maybe this is nothing, i mean, fire burns and what is burnt generally releases ashes but dust can also be tracked down to alchemy, more specifically the art of khemia (an advanced form of alchemy that sustained the underground kingdom of khaenri'ah). and do you know what's also different in crepus' delusion specifically? the symbol that appears on the orb.
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unlike other delusions, it isn't the fatui symbol (or the elemental symbol, like the one visions have) but instead a big circle with a small circle inside it. that's literally the symbol that appears in alchemy tables!!! if you look at it attentively, it looks like a big circle was parted into three and they go around it like orbits. and is it a coincidence that three is a constant number appearing in genshin, including associated to three beings that are always drawn with similar symbols everywhere across the game, three moon sisters - a representation of the moon?
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because there's other instances of circles within a circle drawn in the game. it reminds me of an eclipse like the one shown in abyssal moon spire (easily connected to the eclipse dynasty of khaenri'ah where the crimson moon was replaced by a black sun), the moon depicted in tsurumi island (that from what i understand got its hole after kapatcir descended) and the crimson moon that became an eye in perinheri (book about the crimson dynasty in khaenri'ah - the one that preceded the eclipse dynasty). khaenri'ah and alchemy possibly being tied to crepus' delusion doesn't sound so crazy anymore, right?
the insistence that crepus was a "mere businessman" by eroch and that being the reason they couldn't let the people know he saved everyone from ursa the drake (which led to diluc's resignation) also sounds like the perfect little detail to throw for some sort of plot-twist. yes, this is mostly my wishful thinking but also, what if crepus really wasn't just a business man? diluc got his "red dead of night" outfit from his father who had a ceremonial uniform tailored for diluc in advance and diluc modified it for battle. maybe that's where the resemblances with the fatui come from, as a way to go unnoticed or mix in during his time hunting the fatui. at least it's easy to discard it as something deeper that way. but i don't think it's such a crazy idea anymore to think of something crazier when we consider the ragnvindr's connections to the hexenzirkel (the teapots and diluc's jacket patterns being the same as the ones in the hexenzirkel cutscenes) and the fact kaeya was left purposefully at dawn's winery. again, maybe it could just be because the ragnvindr are a prestiged family but also, what if there's something else here? is it that impossible?
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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22 - Answer’s Gonna Come Somehow
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr / lazyjunebug on twitter. these specific panels are from the digital zine juno posted. go buy and support!!!!! there’s so many phenomenal works in there and it’ll warm your little heart.
cw: n/a :)
Year: 1995
“And what’s that?” Bobby pointed to Dustin’s book.
“That’s a character guide,” Dustin smiled.
“And that?”
“Guide to NPCs.”
“What’s an NPC?”
“Non-playable character,” Dustin chuckled.
“And those?”
“Villains. Bobbs, did you know that your papa is a dungeon master? He knows a lot more about this stuff than I do.”
“Whoa, really!”
“Yes, really.”
“And what’s the game called again?”
“Got it. Papa!”
Bobby ran from her play room into the living room. Eddie was sitting on the couch, completing the finishing details for the campaign he’d be running later that day. Bobby crashed into the couch and rested her chin on the arm rest. 
“Hi, pumpkin,” Eddie smiled.
“What’s D-n-D?”
Eddie’s eyes shot open as he looked to his little girl. He set down his pencil and notepad as he slid to his knees. He braced his hands on Bobby’s shoulders and pulled her close.
“Bobby Judas, my sweet, sweet girl. I need to tell you, with every fiber of my being, that this is the best day of my life.”
Bobby smiled proudly as her father whisked her into his lap and explained what he was doing with his latest campaign. She reclined back onto him as she was sucked into the enchanting fantasy world.
“And what’s your character, papa?”
“I was initially a bard, but since becoming dungeon master, I’ve been a vampire—Kas—Vecna’s second lieutenant.”
“What’s daddy?”
“Daddy doesn’t have a character.”
“Why not?”
“I dunno, pumpkin.”
“Daddy!” She yelled.
Steve’s ears rang at his daughter’s shrill shriek echoed throughout the house. He dried his hands on a rouge dish towel and wandered off to find the hell spawn.
“Yes, Bobby?”
“How come you don’t have a DnD character?” she asked.
“Because I don’t play.”
“But why not?”
“I never really understood it.” He shrugged and tussled her hair.
“Hey,” she whined.
“Oh, sorry, bug, I forgot you had hair clips in. Here, let me fix them.” He knelt to her height and unclipped her barrettes, promptly fixing them. “Better?”
“Mhmm.” She kicked her legs, accidentally knocking Eddie’s knees and shins.
“Ow, Bobbs, be careful, please,” Eddie said.
“Sorry, papa. So, do I have a character?”
“You do, actually,” Eddie smiled proudly. “On your first birthday, we threw you a DnD themed party where everyone came dressed as their characters. Since you didn’t have one yet, I made you one.”
“What am I‽” She gasped.
“You, my dear, are a first level Neutral Good Human Paladin.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that you are destined to be the best person you could possibly be. You’re adaptable and take adventure seriously—I noticed all that when you were a baby, and I still stand by it.”
“Papa, can I play with you guys tonight?”
“I can ask the rest of The Party, but there shouldn’t be any issue, pumpkin. Dustin!”
“Yeah?” he hollered back.
“Why’re you still in my daughter’s playroom? Come here, please!”
“What?” He asked, running down the stairs. “Everything okay?”
“No, Henderson, why would you introduce my child to DnD?” Steve asked, hands resting on his hips. “Now it’s two against one,” he teased.
“Ignore him,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Would you mind if Bee joined us during our campaign tonight?”
“No, not at all. What would she be doing?”
“Well, I’ll start her off as second in command as dungeon master, then when it’s safe enough, we’ll work her in. Does that sound good, Bobbs?”
“Does this mean it’s gonna be more tame?”
“Please,” Eddie scoffed, “as if my hell spawn couldn’t handle my sadistic campaign. Who do you think I raised?”
By four o’clock, the entirety of The Party arrived at the Harrington residence for an early dinner, prepared by Steve. The boys (and Bobby) dug in and by five o’clock, the game had started. Eddie lugged Bobby into his lap and leaned back in his masters thrown.
“Bee, you may begin,” he said.
In the deepest, gruffest voice she could muster up, Bobby leaned forward, only eyes peering over the master guide, and she set the scene for the campaign. Her voice changed with each character, however, sputtering a bit whenever she couldn’t pronounce something. Eddie would match whatever voice or tone she was putting on and sound out the words with her.
When Eddie knew it was safe for Bobby’s character to enter, he sat his daughter down in her own chair and set the stage to introduce her. He flipped his locks back and smiled proudly at his little twin.
“As you clear the luscious green hills after conquering the stampede of trolls, you encounter a lone traveler. Human, state your name and class,” Eddie announced.
“I’m Bonnie Priest, a level one, pala… pala… papa, help, please…” She leaned forward in her chair, kicking her legs aimlessly.
“Paladin,” he whispered.
“Level one paladin!” she cheered. “And I’m ready to defeat Vecna!”
Eddie quietly chuckled as he admired his daughter’s spirits. As she continued with her opening speech, he whispered, “that’s my girl.”
Unfortunately, the night came to an end quicker than usual, as Bobby’s bedtime approached faster than most assumed. Steve entered the basement at eight sharp to collect Bobby and get her ready for bed. With much protest, he managed to get Eddie to wrap up the one-shot and persuade the spawn upstairs.
But as soon as Steve scooped her up in his arms, she was dozing off within seconds. Eddie was left to say goodbye to The Party as Steve was doing Bobby’s nighttime routine. When it came to her bedtime story, she refused to sleep until Eddie read to her.
“Pumpkin, you’ve spent all night with papa—I’ve missed you. We usually have our movie and coloring night tonight. Can’t daddy read you a story to make up for it?”
“But papa does voices,” She pouted.
“I can do voices too. What do you want to read? Just tell me what you want, and if you don’t like it, then I’ll get papa, okay?”
“What do you want to read?”
“Tell Tale Heart.”
“Yes, again…”
“Alright, I’ll grab it.”
While Steve put in a valiant effort, Bobby still demanded to be read to by Eddie. For days to come, Bobby clung to Eddie more than usual, taking a particular interest in his hobbies.
One day, when Steve was stuck at work, Eddie picked Bobby up from school on his own. He sent her into the den to complete her homework—he was over in the next room plucking his guitar and scribbling down new lyrics. When she was finished, she wandered in and sat at Eddie’s feet.
“Hi, pumpkin,” he smiled.
“Can I play?” she asked.
“You can try,” he chuckled. “It may be a bit too big for you, but go for it.”
He handed the acoustic guitar over to her, sitting behind her to hold it and guide her hands. While her strumming was deafening, Eddie still egged her on, not wanting her to give up on any potential hobbies.
“You know, daddy used to sing to you before you were born,” Eddie said.
“Did he?”
“Oh, yeah, it was horrific.”
“Was it?” Bobby giggled.
“No, it wasn’t bad,” Eddie smiled. “God, he has loved you since day one, pumpkin.”
“You didn’t?” she pouted.
“No, of course I did, but… I dunno… I initially never wanted kids, but daddy? He wanted like five of them. He was so excited when he found out I was pregnant. But me? Lord, I was terrified. I love you more than life itself, Bobbs, but I was so, unbelievably scared at first.”
“That’s okay, papa. Babies are scary.”
“Yes, they are,” he laughed.
“Hello?” Steve called, walking through the front door.
“Hi, honey,” Eddie beamed.
“Hi, daddy!” Bobby cheered, storming the door and attacking him with hugs.
“Oh, bug, it’s only been like eight hours,” he chuckled.
“I love you, daddy.”
“I love you too, pumpkin. What’re you doing? Playing guitar with papa?”
“Learn anything?”
“Not yet.”
“But she’s getting there,” Eddie added. “Just a little more practice and she’ll be a pro.”
The family went about their evening as normal, ending with the boys putting Bobby to bed with a story of her choosing. Once she was sound asleep, they headed back downstairs to tidy up before hitting the hay themselves. As Steve washed the dishes, and Eddie scrubbed the counters, Steve let out a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Eds?”
“Do you think… have you noticed… uh…”
“Uh? What’s wrong, Stevie?”
“Do you think Bee’s been a bit, I dunno… off lately?”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s just been bouncing from hobby to hobby. A lot more than most kids her age do.”
“So? She’s just curious.”
“No, Eds, what I’m…” Steve trailed off.
“I think she has either ADHD or ADD…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Think about it, Eddie. Her grades have been slipping a bit, she had that weird stint with a temper last year, and now she’s trying to take on a million new hobbies at once. Her brain is going a million miles a minute.“
“So? I was that same way when I was a kid.”
“And you graduated high school three years late.”
“Yeah, alright, you make a good point,” he sighed. “What do you want to do about it?”
“I think we should take her to see someone… or at least start with talking to her teachers to see how she’s focusing and participating in class.”
“If you think it’s necessary, then I say let’s go for it. After all, this is your line of work.”
“Closer than mine,” Eddie shrugged. “But, Stevie, even if she has ADHD, would you really want her to be on medication so young? I mean, she’s barely seven.”
“I mean, kids can start taking small doses of medication as young as six. There’s a lot of research in this. I think it would be more beneficial to treat her and hopefully benefit her in the long run than to keep her off it.”
“If you say so…”
Several weeks passed and after a lot of conversation with several professionals, Bobby was eventually diagnosed with combined type ADHD. To accommodate both the boy’s wishes, she was initially placed in both behavioral therapy to try and gain control over some of her outbursts, then if that failed, they’d move on to medication.
Bobby wasn’t taking the treatment as well as they boys had hoped. She always threw a fit whenever they brought her in for her weekly appointments. She said that she felt like an outcast—a freak—and that was the last thing Eddie wanted for her.
Steve tried explaining that it was totally normal for some kids needing extra help in school, but she wouldn’t hear any of it. Instead, she barely spoke or even participated in her treatment sessions, so the boys were left with no choice but to start medication.
“I hate this,” Eddie sighed. “I really, really hoped she wouldn’t get any of my bad traits.”
“Bad traits? Ed, honey, it’s not a ‘bad trait’… she just learns a bit differently than others, and that’s okay. It’s normal.”
“She said she feels like a freak, Steve,” he teared up. “I grew up as the freak. Hell, even you, my own husband, used to call me a freak. I never wanted that for her.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a freak, Ed. Hell, I was labeled a ‘King’, and now I’m nothing but a lowly social worker. But you? Eds, you have albums out, you open for huge bands, and you’ve been on tour. There’s worse things to be than a ‘freak’.”
“I guess so,” he sighed. “I just know the feeling and it sucks. Kids are so mean. I just hope no one’s being mean to her at her new school.”
“If they are, then we pull her completely and just home-school her. At least that way you’ll be able to tour again,” Steve teased.
“Pfft, please. I’d rather her stay in school.”
“So she gets socialized and makes friends. At her age, it’s more important than traveling.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Steve took a sip of his coffee before glancing at the time and choking on his gulp. “Shit, we haven’t gotten her up yet. She’s gonna be late.”
“Fuck, I’ll get her. You start breakfast. Go, team, go!”
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aruyoulisteningyet · 1 month
Kin'emon & his ADHD shenanigans
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We all know that from all characters the most ADHD-coded is rather Luffy, BUT, while talking very much about my own ADHD and my bestie's experience with it we come to rather interesting conclusions that i have a hard time to explain properly, but want for mor people to think about
There's some symptoms that kinda look like Kin actually have ADHD:
1. Kin'emon is absolutely fine with sudden changing themes of dialogue, getting distracted.
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One of the most basic things most people knew about ADHD is the lack of attention.
There are differences in how a neurotypical person and a person with ADHD are distracted during a conversation. Firstly, ADHD people do this much more often in general(there are only 3 examples specifically here, but I guarantee you, he still has a lot of them), secondly, to change the dialogue, it may sometimes be enough to literally "throw in" something (even if it is not related to the topic of conversation at all or isn't so important, like when Kin'emon got distracted on Sanji to joke at him, even when Kin was talking literally page before how he should find Momo and his body) and they will quickly continue this (while a neurotypical person usually either returns to the topic later, or is generally confused or asks about a sudden change of topic), thirdly, they can just drop the first topic or absolutely forget in the process what the dialogue was originally about (as in the example with Zoro, when Kin'emon is distracted during a conversation about the sword and does not bring it up at all later despite being very conflicted about it literally few panels before) and simply does not return to it anymore. Fifthly, this is all also happens due to the tendency to speak without thinking, without taking into account the time and relevance of the statement.
Also Kin can be distracted in this way not just specifically while talking, but in actions too. Brook, so that Kinemon would not be distracted by the dragon (there will be a whole point later about ADHD people's fixation on some specific goal), had to literally hold his hand like a child so that he would not run away from him in episode 606.
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2. His connection with Luffy.
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It does seems too obvious but Kin'emon cares about Luffy maybe as much as he cared about Oden, and Luffy cared about Kin as a close friend, probably on a same level he cares about Strawhats. They both got attached to each other, Kin is fine with Luffy's shenanigans, and Luffy even invite Kin'emon to join their journey when they were sailing off(plus, he even called his name firstly before Yamato and Momo(and it also means they all are honourable Strawhats as much as Vivi is, why everyone always forget that?)) There's just plenty of moments when Luffy cares about him but maybe that's for another talk.
People can argue about anything but not about Luffy having ADHD, because it's geniusly as obvious as possible tbh. This is the moment when two non-neurotipycal people understand each other's train of thoughts and quickly find a good trustful connection together.
3. His 'mastermind' plan moment.
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Jokes (and Kin'emon's luck) aside, it also looks like true ADHD moment. From all people who believed in this 'strategy' it was Denjiro and Kanjuro, two most close person to Kin from Res Scabbards, while for others it was obvious that it wasn't the part of plan. Persons with ADHD have a trait, in which they can kinda create of transform a bit their personality for other people when communicating, but not out of deliberate manipulation or to appear better, but by itself, without full awareness of their behavior on how they behave differently with others individually. Kanjuro and Denjiro believed that he could come up with something like this because in their eyes Kinemon seemed smarter than he is (by the way, this is also a common feature when ADHD person seems smarter than they are), while for Red Scabbards it did not work.
4. His reaction after Kanjuro's death, or to be more exactly... he's lack of reaction about it.
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(still my favourite meme) The fact that after whatever shit happened he didn't really thought about his, i remind you, former best friend that betrayed him in awful way, and seemed to be kinda fine would feel off, until there's one of things that ADHD people have - they are very easy to get attached to someone, but after experiencing traumatic event with someone they used to trust their mind cuts off all positve and negative memories for their own sake, kinda forcing them to just... forget about it. They still will remember if you will brought that up but it won't sound so bad for them anymore. Not thinking about what happened yet remembering how it felt. And, well, in general if there won't be any situation where they have to somehow come back to these memories they won't think about it at all mostly. It was painful in process but much easier after. So, after Kanjuro's death & betrayal Kin's mind just decided to forget everything about him, and that's why he doesn't seemed to really reflect or think about it after Raid.
5. Kin's loyalty to Oden.
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Talking about how ADHD people are easily attached... It's common to not just get easily, but also deeply attached for a short period of time to them. Kin'emon could not care less about Oden chapter ago, but after seeing what kind of person he is his mind changed and Kin is now 100% wants to go with him and to die for him. And, firstly, he didn't really know him at that time, but had already decided to take such a huge turning step, and secondly, Kin never doubted his own decision, even when Oden clearly did not like their idea in first time, and thirdly also never regretted the rest of the time. Imagine changing your entire life just because of adoration over other person. Absolutely normal decision)))))))))
Other ADHD shenanigans, in short, can also include:
1. Very active gesticularity and artistry in retelling events. Kinemon is very emotional in general, but these traits are very common for ADHD people due to a very stormy imagination and a peculiar train of thought. Gesticularity, to be more clear, is one of the signs of hyperactivity.
2. Constant intrusive explanations. Everything is probably obvious here.
3. His impulsive behaviour.
It mostly all for this post. There were also things that i was able to point out but maybe I'll have it second part or add it later if i would found people getting interested in it.
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sarelcon · 2 years
EVA Foam Detailing
Since I’m currently working on a new panel for EVA foam detailing, sharing an abbreviated version of this so that I actually have some posts on my account. This is definitely not a complete list of every technique that could work, but these are ones that I have used before and found to be quite useful.
This is probably the most well-known technique for detailing. A rotary tool is a must-have for working with EVA foam since it’s such a versatile tool. A basic sanding drum is great for beveling edges or carving in battle-damage and weathering. Grinding stone tips can smooth and even out sanding. Depending on how the tips are angled on the surface, you can create a hammered metal look, soft leather-like crinkles, or circles that look like screws or bolts. Sanding is also the single best way to clean up rough seams. Be sure to wear a respirator and eye protection when sanding since the foam will generate a LOT of dust. You will your workspace will get covered with dust.
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A soldering iron or wood burning iron can be used for detailing. These hot tools can be used to engrave precise or geometric lines or can be used to create a feather texture. These can also be used to make more organic textures like wood grain. Very much like a rotary tool, a wood burning or soldering iron has endless possibilities only limited by creativity. The foam can be easily burned through, especially when it is a thinner sheet (1-3 mm). Burning foam creates very nasty fumes so be sure to work outside with a respirator on.
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Heat stamping
This is a more subtle technique but can still be very useful. The most common application is using crumpled tin foil to make a leather texture. Once foam has been heated up evenly (using a heat gun), it can pick up the texture of anything pressed against it.
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Google eyes
For a cheap and easy way to get rivets or bolts, try using googly eyes. Once these are painted over, they can blend in perfectly (just don’t shake the armor or prop because they will rattle). Though real rivets can be used (that is my next point), googly eyes are easy to install and are very easy to find in a variety of sizes. These can be glued down with pretty much any type of glue.
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Metal hardware
If authenticity is the goal, eyelets and rivets can be installed into EVA foam. The key to these is leather hole punches. You can buy these either as a pack of hole punchers or as a single tool that operates a lot like a paper hole puncher. For real leather or fabric, these are normally hammered into the material to generate a hole. Because EVA foam is so soft, a twisting motion works better for cutting a hole without crushing the surface. Eyelets will require a bit of glue but rivets have two separate ends that snap together nicely without any adhesive. O rings and metal buckles can also help with making realistic-looking armor.
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Foam clay
Foam clay is an obsession of mine, but I have to admit that it is a detailing material and only works for specific tasks. Foam clay is great for adding organic textures like bone, monster skin, etc. It can be free sculpted some, but is limited due to being such a soft clay. It sticks to EVA foam without any glue required. It can be sanded or burned once it is completely dry to add more texture. It can be used to fill deep gaps in seams. It can also be pressed into molds.
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Pre-cut bevels and scales
With cosplay becoming more common and mainstream, specialty products are readily available. Bevels are pre-cut strips of foam that can be used as trim. They most often come as half-round or triangular though some shops may carry less common shapes like low profile triangles or trapezoids. Scales are another great pre-fabricated material that can be bought from cosplay supply shops. They are sometimes sold as individual scales in packs of 50-100 or as scales attached to a strip.
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Primer manipulation
I just recently discovered this technique while making Gyurato’s blood sickles. When using a brush on primer that has a slower drying time, it can be manipulated while still wet. Pressing something like upholstery foam or a sponge into the primer can add additional rough texture. I also used plastic wrap to add creases and wrinkles to the surface of the dried foam clay. Another thing to keep in mind with primers is that the finish (satin, matte, gloss) can change out a paint looks. Picking the right sheen, like gloss when painting a metallic, can help with achieving the right effect.
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Hopefully these tips give you some ideas for future projects.
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smokedgastropod · 1 year
we got to see sahed and rainah's reaction to prejudice and i'm honestly really impressed with how it's been potrayed. i also feel like it's written better than hooky, bear with me
yes it's long
let's start with rainah, who seems to mostly be embarassed and upset by how she's treated. she got assaulted by cops, humiliated in front of the public and later had to hear tonny and julia arguing about whether or not she should have been arrested and sent to a research centre. she responds to being treated like less than with shame. she covers her face, faces the other way, wishes to be left alone or with sahed. rainah doesn't want to fight back, she wants to have her dignity be respected and to remain invulnerable. she also doesn't seem to believe that kalgratt can stop being disciminatory towards ah'kon.
rainah's position isn't similar to anyone in particular in hooky, but i think the closest would be dani? mostly with the scene where rainah asks to be left alone with sahed, the only other ah'kon in the group, and the one where dani after almost being burned chooses to hug dorian, the only other witch. they both got saved by someone outside of their group (for rainah it's mostly tonny and kamille, and for dani it was monica), and yet chose their brother to comfort them. what i think is an improvement from hooky is specifically the difference i mentioned already - dani's way more hopeful about the possible life without discrimination. in hooky, the burnings are forbidden, and in marionetta research facilities are not, i know, but in both cases the marginalization is a very relevant issue. (i just hate how the characters act like witches were burned centuries ago, not less than 20 years, sue me) dani responds with blocking out what's happening, just hoping it'll stop, while rainah reacts with shame and hoping to remove herself from the situation.
sahed is way more outspoken about the discrimination they face. he concludes dryly that julia is a moralist, tonny isn't exempt from criticism just because he's not a bigot and that those soldiers deserved to be beaten. he's not vindictive to the point of impulsivity (like actually starting a fight), but has no problem admitting he wants to hurt those that hurt him or rainah. he's no problems with ...joking? about ah'kon (he said to julia that having two eyes is lame though he was pissed off, and also snorted when tonny asked julia to have basic respect towards ah'kon ppl) mainly cause he recognises how stupid and absurd those beliefs are.
i just hope that he won't become like angela from hooky. granted, sahed's limited by belonging to the circus, but he may still become the character of "fight for equal rights gone too far" like the antagonists in hooky. i don't think that's gonna happen, since his biggest motivator isn't revenge but rainah, which i like. (the panels where he's concerned for her and hugs her hurt my soul okay). and what i love about his potrayal is that i've seen this attitude of his so many times, that tiredness and pent up anger that you can't help but laugh at the absurdity. they're both rather realistic characters and i can't wait to see what's gonna happen next
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