#there were rats in there for much longer but they used to not wake me up every night
vydumaj · 1 year
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nrdmssgs · 10 months
Reacting to the reader, accidentally falling asleep on them. (Soap, Alex, König)
Part 2 (Price, Ghost, Gaz)
This is pure fluff. Platonic and romantic. Please, try to sleep enough, guys.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish
Let's just hope, every inch of your skin is securely covered with cloth. You've just asked why? Oh, you aren't prepared, are you, poor thing?
Too bad. Because Johnny can be infinitely proud of the fact that only next to him, you relax so much that you allow yourself to fall asleep on his lap. But he'll never turn down an opportunity to prank you.
Soap doesn't mind that he only has one arm free - you use the other as an extra pillow. He opens the marker with his teeth.
Following Johnny's gaze, Ghost hides his hands behind his back.
"Lieutenant, please! I need my references!" "I'm not taking part in this nonsense, MacTavish." "But she loves your sleeve! Why not let her wear the same one for a few days?" "A few days? Don't tell me, you're using a permanent one! And since when I have a dead rat as a part of my sleeve?" "It's not a rat, this is a skull. Ever heard of an artistic interpretation?"
His hand embraces you the very next second, he notices, you're asleep.
Doesn't give a damn, if anyone sees you two like that. In fact, he would very much appreciate, if everyone seen, how safe and happy he makes you feel.
He will quietly murmur you lullabies that he heard as a child. If you ardently wake up and ask him, what are they about, he would apologize and confess that they are in Gaelic, and he barely speaks it.
"Oh, that's ok, don't be sorry. Could you, maybe, sing a bit more to me?" "Aye, bonnie. Now close your eyes."
Will bury his face in your hair and rub his cheek against the top of your head, while humming quietly, slowly losing himself in your heavenly scent.
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Alex Keller
Surprisingly calm about it. He will not wake you up or whisk you away from his shoulder. He won't even think about commenting on what happened when you wake up.
Alex knows perfectly well what it's like to carve out every free minute on deployment to have a little rest between missions.
He is grateful, that you were on the same team - he could not wish for a better partner than you. Therefore, he is ready to help you not only on the battlefield. If you are tired and want to take a nap, he will lend a shoulder.
If this happened in transport, Alex will cradle you so that you do not hit the back of your head against the wall at a sharp turn.
May once make you 'return the favor' passing out on your shoulder. He does not lean on you completely, plus he has the fluffiest, softest hair out there, so don't worry, it will feel nice.
Have you ever seen a light bulb the size of a grown man turning on in a room? Because that's what Alex looks like when you don't answer his question because you accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder.
He dreamt to be your safe place, to make you feel protected, taken care of. And you've just convinced him, that he actually succeeded.
Can't help but smile, hugging you with all care and fondness, he is capable of.
If someone approaches him with a question, while you are still sleeping, he will put his finger to his lips, making it clear to this person, that now is not the best moment.
If you wake up and ask him, how long did you nap, Alex will always answer, 'oh, you've just closed your eyes a few minutes ago'. Even if you fell asleep more than an hour before.
Please, just let him stay like that with you for a little longer. These are the moments, he lives for: you in his hands, in peace, loved and loving.
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Oh no, this poor soul, he is completely lost. He doesn't feel, if his verbal interactions are graceful enough, and you've just accidentally initiated a prolonged touch.
His pulse is higher than Austrian mountains, as he tries to sit still and mimic the wall or couch under your head.
He hides his eyes when someone passes by you, tries to pretend that this is how it should be, thanks all the gods for not taking off his veil immediately after returning from the mission so no one sees the blush stretching from his cheeks to his neck.
"Horangi... Pssst, Horangi! W-what should I do?" "Ehm, enjoy a peaceful moment with fellow soldier? You guys look cute like that." "Wait, don't leave me here! This whole situation might be inappropriate... You must help me now! Do something!!" "You want me to wake her up?" "Yes! Wait, no! What if waking her up is actually inappropriate?"
König will sincerely want to apologize to you. He does not yet know what exactly, but he certainly did something wrong. He will suffer and spin in bed half the night, formulating a socially acceptable apology, and finally fall asleep, satisfied with the phrase he composed.
He'll come up to you in the morning, only to realize with horror that he forgot the exact wording of the apology. Therefore, he will honor you with a short nod, turn around and go in the opposite direction.
König pretends he's asleep too. It is ok to not move, since he is asleep, yes? It is enough of an excuse to hold you in a tight embrace, since he's doing it unconsciously, is it?
It doesn't even matter, if everybody around knows what exactly is happening between you two - he still believes, he needs an excuse to touch you, even to be around you.
Due to his size, König can simply hide you in his arms. Can and will. You are after all his treasure.
He discreetly lifts his veil up just to take your hand and press a quick kiss against your knuckles. He enjoys the opportunity to touch you like that from time to time when others are not looking.
But if someone decides to interrupt this heaven - they better be prepared for the coldest, most menacing death glare. Because König won't let anyone disturb his Schatzis` moment of peace.
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senditcolton · 7 months
If You Want It Done
summary: after a disappointing playoff loss, brady reappears on your doorstep eight months after he ended things. and he has nothing on his mind but taking out his frustrations by having you desperate and keening for him once again. however, you aren't about to submit without a fight.
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song inspo: NFWB by Hozier & Rats by Motionless in White word count: 5.1k warnings: feminine reader. smut! hair pulling, fingering, unprotected penetration, spanking, slight choking, oral (m receiving), and - as always - a healthy amount of dirty talk. plus somewhat toxic and insanely cocky brady.
a/n: no tricks here. just a sweet treat in the form of long- awaited Brady Skjei smut. technically it's a continuation of this blurb, but i just combined the original and the addition into one fic for you all. enjoy and happy halloween.
Sadness. Humiliation. Shame.
Those should be the emotions running through Brady as the plane lands back in Carolina after Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Because he wasn’t back ready to fight for another win. He was here to pack his bags and go home.
The best team in the Metro. Swept. By a wild card team who barely made the playoffs.
It was a disaster, an embarrassment. And Brady should feel the heavy weight of that failure, even if he might only be responsible for one-nineteenth of the blame. Or, at least, he should feel the waves of sadness crashing over him about the way it ended, or the mere fact that it did end.
But he didn’t. Perhaps he had earlier, when that final buzzer sounded and the fans in South Florida cheered. But now, having sat with those feelings for the better part of 24 hours, he was no longer sad.
He was angry.
And so, when the wheels touched down in Raleigh and he collected his car, he didn’t drive home.
Instead, he drove to yours.
A tired sigh leaves you as you pull up to your quaint cottage-style home. A long work week was cause for an even longer relaxing weekend and you were ready to start that weekend by getting inside and having a long nap. Or a strong drink. Or perhaps both.
However, after hopping out of your car and wandering up the small path that leads to your front door, your plans placed on a momentary hold when you see someone leaning against your siding, their baseball cap pulled low.
“I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling,” you call out, ready for this stranger to flash you an award-winning smile and tell you all about how their company could save you money on roofing repairs after last week’s storm.
But when their head lifts, you stop in your tracks as you recognize the face staring back at you.
Hell, you used to wake up to it every morning for eight months. Until he ended things.
His name falls from your mouth in complete practiced apathy. You didn’t need him to know how much time you spent crying over him in the last month. You especially didn’t need him to know how your heart still skipped a beat when his eyes connected to yours.
“Did you see the game?” he asks.
“I heard.”
“And what? Do you want to cry for you?”
There’s a humorless chuckle that comes from Brady as his head falls before he takes a step towards you.
“You always knew how to make me feel better,” he says, the sarcasm lacing his voice. And when you hear it, that dry scathing tone, you realize that you didn’t recognize the man in front of you.
Brady was always soft, gentle, welcoming. It made the dichotomy between you even more obvious; you all sharp edges and harsh words and burning fire. It was part of the reason the two of you broke up.
But this Brady… there was something different. Something dangerous. it intrigued you. But not enough for you to give in.
“I’m not going to coddle you, Brady. You should know that by now.” 
“I don’t want your sympathy.”
“What do you want then?” you ask, finally taking a few steps forward, closing the gap between you and your front door. “You want my pity? You want me to say ‘poor you, poor Brady’?”
It’s your turn to let a scoff fall from your lips as you reach into your bag for your keys, Brady now behind you.
“If you wanted someone to feel sorry for you, you came to the wrong fucking house,” you explain, unlocking the door.
Before you can even reach the handle, you feel Brady step forward, his hands falling on your hips as his body crowds you into the smooth wood. You attempt to take a deep breath to calm your heart but it doesn’t help because when you breathe in, your senses are filled with the smell of his cologne. A smell so familiar. One you missed.
Brady moves closer, his body almost pinning you to the door and you can’t stop your knees from trembling as you feel the heat of him behind you.
“I came here because I missed you,” he whispers into your ear.
“And it took you getting your ass kicked to realize that?” you shoot back. Although, the waver in your voice betrays you, revealing how much your body was responding to him; his touch, his words, his warmth. Brady just lets his previous sentence continue, as if he didn’t even hear you.
“And because I know you missed me just as much.”
You couldn’t let him do this – let him come crawling back to you when he was broken or bored. You no longer belonged to him. It was a recipe for disaster.
“I think you’ve forgotten that I’m not one of those girls that would fall on their knees for you.”
“You seemed to enjoy being on your knees for me when we were together.”
“And we’re not together anymore. So, find someone else to fuck your frustrations out on.”
“Is that what you did?”
“None of your business.”
You feel his grip on your hips tighten and you barely have time to react as he effortlessly spins your body until your back is pressed against the wood of the door, your eyes now looking up at him.
“You’re lying.”
Brady almost spits out the words, as if even the barest suggestion that what you said was true was poison to him. Your eyes follow the movement in his temple, the clenching of his jaw, the storm in his eyes. This wasn’t the side of Brady that you knew.
But it was a side that you were always curious to discover. Throughout those eight months, you wanted to know if Brady had that same fire hiding within him – a passion and intensity that could match yours. And now, you could finally see it peeking through.
You wanted it to come out completely. 
“And you can tell?” you ask, wielding your words with edge and precision. “Does that make you feel worse? If I told you about all the other men that ended up in my bed?”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I wouldn’t? Are you sure? You knew what you giving up when you left. Can’t blame me for moving on.”
“You wouldn’t,” Brady repeats, one hand falling away and you barely have time to comprehend where it had gone when you feel the steady weight of the door fall away from you.
Your body lurches back, the momentum pulling you until it is abruptly stopped by Brady’s strong arms, pulling you close and lifting you over the threshold. Your feet find the hardwood of your floors before Brady is spinning you again and you find yourself pressed against the door once more, this time inside your house instead of without.
“You wouldn’t,” he reiterates, “because no one could make you feel as good as I did.”
You hear the deadbolt click, the sound causing the heat pool in your stomach. Brady’s hand moves back to your hip, pulling you close again as he leans in until your lips are barely touching. It’s intoxicating, having him this close to you once again. You are about to surge forward, connect your lips to his, let your fire burn with his. Until Brady speaks again.
“No one could make you feel as good as I’m about to.”
That statement pulls all rationality from you and you don’t hesitate to close the gap between you, crashing your lips onto his. Brady returns the kiss with as much intensity, his hands gripping you tighter while yours move to trace over his arms, his broad shoulders before tangling into that salt-and-pepper hair. The kiss is frantic, all teeth and tongues and it takes a moment before Brady finally pulls away, connecting those brown eyes to your own
“You’re mine,” he whispers. “You always will be.”
The words cut right through you; as a threat or a promise, you weren’t really sure. But the instant that Brady crashes his lips back into yours, you find that you don’t care.
God, you missed this. You would be lying if you didn’t spend many restless nights reminiscing on how his hands felt on your body. How his lips felt on your skin.
But you wouldn’t tell him that. The words would never leave your mouth, not while Brady is standing in front of you. You wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. At least, not yet.
Instead, you get lost in Brady’s kisses, your hands coming to tangle deeper in his hair, pulling him closer to you as your hips roll up to meet his. You think you can hear a dark chuckle rumble from Brady and vibrate directly into your body, sending sparks of electricity flowing through you. His hands roam across your body, up from your hips to the soft material of your blouse before landing on your breasts, giving them a squeeze, causing your head to fall back.
“Missed these perfect tits,” he mumbles, his movements against your chest continuing in response to the soft moan falling from your mouth. Your moan turns into a sharp gasp as Brady grips the center of your shirt and tears it open. The sound of the buttons scattering across the hardwood floor floods your ears and it inexplicably turns you on even more.
If this was any other man, you would be pissed off at him for ruining your one of your favorite shirts. But this was Brady. A new Brady.
In those eight months you were with him, he was nothing but a gentleman, both outside and inside the bedroom. And he was more than satisfactory. But you knew there had to be something underneath all that charm. An untamed animal just waiting to be unchained.
And if this was the key to its cage, you weren’t about to stop everything to cry over a few buttons. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to complain at all.
“You’re buying me a new shirt,” you mutter against Brady’s lips. Brady swiftly removes his mouth from yours as he looks down at your newly exposed bra.
“Gonna buy you something new to wear under it,” comes his response as his thumbs trace over the edge of the plain nude material and this time, you can stop your eyes from rolling in annoyance.  
“Do you really think I wear lingerie to work?” you quip, staring up at him.
You can see his eyes harden and it is in that moment that you realize he was enjoying this. The chase, the tease, the dare, the push and pull between the two of you.
“If you don’t like it,” you continue, your voice taking on a sultry tone as you continue to meet his dark brown eyes, “then take it off.”
The quick sparkle that appears in his brown eyes makes you think that he has taken the bait, that you might have gained some control over the situation at hand – a situation that you were wholly unprepared for but welcomed none the less. And when Brady leans back in to lock you lips together once again, his hands wandering around your ribcage towards your back, the confidence grows.
However, it takes a sharp plummet when you feel his hands drop from your frame. If Brady had given you a split second longer, you would have broken the kiss to question or quip him again. But you have barely any time to miss the sensation of his hands on your skin before you feel them grip the back of your thighs as Brady uses his athletic strength to effortlessly lift you off the floor.
You gasp, a gasp that Brady gladly swallows before he spins, tearing his lips away from yours to look around your house. There is a part of you that wants to tell him nothing has changed from the last time he was there – the furniture is the same, your bedroom is still two doors down on the left – but your lips have already busied themselves marking the smooth skin on his neck.
There was also a power in your decisions; forcing him to find his way through your space all while doing your best to distract him. And it seems to be working as you feel Brady’s pulse shudder underneath your mouth.
You feel him take a lurching turn right and a slight flash of confusion runs through you until you feel his body lowering. The soft material of your couch hits your knees and the skirt you had on flows out around you as you now straddle Brady.
“Forgot where the bedroom was?” you chirp into his neck, feeling his desperate hands return to your torso as he removes the tattered remains of your blouse from your waistband.
It seems that it takes a minute for your words to register but when they do, Brady’s hand lifts to tangle in your hair. Another gasp escapes from your chest as his fingers tighten before pulling your head away from his neck. He quickly reverses the roles, his own lips moving to your newly exposed throat, your breath transforming from gasps to soft sighs as his mouth works against your skin.
“Who says I’m not going to take you there after I’m done here?”
“Who says I would let you back into my bed anyway?” you retort to keep some semblance of control.
Your pathetic attempt is clearly read by Brady, who makes you falter once again as the hand not tangled in your hair effortlessly unclasps your bra. His lips depart from your neck as he helps slide the material down your arms, throwing it carelessly somewhere in the room. You both hate and love the smirk that appears on his face as he takes in your heaving chest, your pebbled nipples. His dark eyes dart back up to you briefly before he is tugging you into him for another animalistic kiss.
“Seems that you like it so far,” he whispers into your open mouth before he pulls away again, lifting your body upright and pulling you closer. “I’ll take my chances.”
You wish that you could say something back, something to knock his arrogant confidence down a peg but your mind goes blank as his lips move to your collarbone, leaving faint hickeys against the taut skin before moving down to your chest. His lips close around one of your nipples, tongue moving to tease the sensitive peak as his hands rest on your ribcage, his thumbs running across the delicate skin on the underside of your breasts. Your hands fly to the back of his head, keeping him close and you can feel his lips curl against your skin. The action both turns you on and pisses you off, a combination that you weren’t sure could even work until now.
You fly into action, hands moving down to grip the fabric stretched across his broad shoulders, tugging at the material and pulling it upward before he finally breaks away to help you remove the shirt entirely, tossing it away to join your clothes on the living room floor.
His lips return to your chest, moving to leave no skin unmarred with his love bites as your hands drop to his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscle in silent encouragement. Brady’s hands lower before coming to grip your ass and you gasp as he pulls you forward, the action causing your hips to roll. You both let out moans at the sensation of you grinding against him and it turns you on more to feel his erection against your core.
“And here I thought I was the masochist,” you joke, moving your hips of your own volition, pressing deeper into him. The grunt that your actions pull from his chest has you grinning. “Who’d know you get this hard from getting your ass kicked?”
You must’ve struck a nerve, prodded at the memory he came here to forget, because the only thing you hear in response is what could best be described as a growl before he lifts you off of his lap enough to slip out from underneath you. Your brain recognizes the weight of his body disappearing from the couch and you attempt to turn, just to keep your eyes locked on him but Brady doesn’t give you a chance.
His large hand finds the space between your shoulder blades and pushes you forward, your torso falling until your chest meets the back cushions. You can’t stop the gasp that falls, your arms lifting over the edge of the couch as your back arches, your hips pressing back towards Brady now looming behind you.
A dark chuckle echoes throughout the room in response to your actions as he pulls the material of your skirt over your hips, exposing more of your body to him. He doesn’t waste any time, doesn’t even bother removing your underwear, instead choosing to move it to the side before he slips two fingers into your already soaked core.  
You let out a moan, your head falling forward as Brady’s hand moves, winding you up and my God, you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the feeling. His thumb quickly finds your clit, pressing against the bundle of nerves and you can’t stop the way your body responds to his movements.
“That’s what I thought,” he laughs. “You have no right to that attitude when you’re this fucking desperate for me.”
He emphasizes his words with a curl of his fingers, the tips grazing your g-spot and the combined sensation of his hands skillfully moving against you almost has you falling over the edge. Brady doesn’t give you your satisfaction that easily though as he removes his fingers from your core. You whimper at the loss, listening intently to Brady’s movements behind you, impatient to feel him once more.
Brady doesn’t leave you wanting for long as you hear the rustle of his pants hitting the floor and before you can blink, you feel his hands practically tear your panties down your legs before he enters you in one swift, harsh motion.
The moans that you both let out are delicious and desperate. You whine as you move your hips back, pushing him impossibly deeper. Brady groans, his hands quickly finding purchase on your hips, gripping you tight before he begins to move.
“Oh god,” you moan out as Brady fucks into you with quick hard thrusts, showing no mercy, your ass rippling every time it meets his hips. You are grateful for the couch cushions in front of you, helping to support your upper body as your fingers dig into the fabric so deeply that an irrational part of you worries you might tear it.
“Not God, sweetheart. Just me,” Brady replies, his movements barely faltering. “Come on, say my name.”
You wish you could tell him to fuck off, make a quip about his cocky attitude but your mouth doesn’t seem able to form the words or any words for that matter. The only thing you want is for him to continue. A sharp smack against your ass jolts your body forward and your head whips around in surprise, eyes connecting to Brady.
“Say. My. Name,” he repeats, now more command than anything else, every word punctuated by another spank and you are helpless to comply.
“Brady,” you whine, your desperation painted on every letter, your eyes staying locked on him, drinking in his reaction. He groans, his teeth coming to bite his lower lip, his gaze dropping from your face to connect to where his cock disappears into your pussy.
“Fuck, that’s it, sweetheart.”  
His quiet encouragement is all you need to continue moaning his name over and over. One of his hands falls from your hips to join yours in gripping the back of the couch, his body now completely covering yours, the new leverage only increasing the strength in which Brady thrusts into you. Your head falls to rest against the back cushion, the sounds of your staccato whimpers and breathy curses filling the living room along with the continuous depraved slapping of skin against skin.
You whine as you feel his hand disappear from your hip and slowly trace up your body, the softness of his touch a sharp contrast. The gentleness doesn’t last long and your whine turns into a gasp as Brady’s large hand wraps around your throat, pulling your head upwards.
“Keep saying my name,” he says, his hot breath fanning across the shell of your ear. “Let everyone know who’s making you feel this good.”
“You are, Brady.”
“Yeah? Can anyone else fuck you like I can?”
“No. Only you.”
“That’s right. Only me,” he growls in satisfaction, emphasizing his words with his rhythm.
“Fuck, Brady, please,” you plead, your voice strained from how much focus it took to pry the words from your mouth. “I’m close.”
“Well then, come on sweetheart. Touch yourself. Remind me how good it feels when you cum on my cock.”
The speed in which your hand falls is reckless, frantic to get that additional pressure that you were craving. As soon as your fingers press against your clit, your head falls back against Brady’s shoulder in relief. His praise is muffled against your skin as he peppers your shoulder with kisses, only interrupted by quiet curses as he feels your core flutter.
It is hot, so unbelievably hot – how he’s fucking you, how he’s holding you – that it doesn’t take long for you to finally fall over the precipice, your own hand faltering against you as your orgasm rocks through your body. A groan falls from Brady as he feels you clench around him; a groan that he muffles by sinking his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, the additional sensation causing you to moan louder, hips rocking back against him as his motions halt.
The haze that pricked at the corner of your eyes slowly dissipates and you can feel Brady’s hand fall from your neck. The cool air cascades over your back as Brady lifts himself away from you causing goosebumps to appear. A small whimper escapes when you feel him remove himself from your core and steps away. The submissive part of your mind, still in control, panics in fear that he might leave. But the concern is short lived as Brady sits down next to you, pulling you back into his lap.
He wastes no time capturing you in another kiss, stealing any remaining breath from your lungs. Brady attempts to break the kiss but you don’t let him, hands lifting to cup his jaw and pulling him deeper into the kiss. He doesn’t resist and allows you to continue to kiss him, his own arms wrapping around your body.
Eventually your hands move, trailing down his throat, dancing over his chest and you smile against his lips as you feel his abs tighten in response to your fingers sinking lower until they finally reach the desired destination.
You gently take his still hard length in your hand and stroke him a few times, which was easy to do with your prior release clinging to the silky-smooth skin. You grin as you feel the vibrations of Brady’s soft moan in response to your ministrations. The cloud of your orgasm had lifted and, in its absence, your own confidence returned.
“Want me to take care of that for you?” you question, only moving far enough away to ask, your lips brushing against his occasionally. Brady doesn’t respond; you knew he wouldn’t. He had worked too hard to give up the dominance he held over you so easily. But you weren’t deterred.
You kiss him deeply one more time before your lips follow the path your hands previously traced: down his throat, over his collarbones, across his chest. An occasional moan and curse fall from Brady as you continue your descent and you grin, knowing that his resolve was slowly cracking. Your body moves, shuffling from being perched on top of his lap to kneel on the plush carpet between his thighs. Brady’s eyes are needy when your own eyes dart up to meet his stare. Your hand strokes him again but you make no attempt to put your mouth on him, the dare hanging clearly in the air.
“Baby, please,” Brady finally speaks, his hips punching upwards.
“Who’s fucking desperate now?” you quip, unable to contain your excitement at regaining the upper hand. Your jaw drops open in surprise as Brady’s hand darts out, grabbing your neck once more, his eyes growing dark.
“You want to repeat that sweetheart?” he asks, that dominant energy rolling off him again. Except this time, it doesn’t make you back down. Instead, it just spurs you on, that heat and elation as it returns – the battle, the chase. Your dropped jaw just morphs into a wicked grin and you are ecstatic to see a similar smirk twist onto Brady’s lips; a quiet confirmation that he was still enjoying the newfound push and pull between you two.
“Come on Brady. Admit it. You are just as desperate for me as I am for you,” you explain, your voice dipping again into your lower sultry timbre. “Tell me, do any of those other girls have a mouth like mine?”
You flatten your tongue against his shaft and lick a bold stripe up his length before moving your lips to leave a lingering teasing kiss on the head. Brady groans, his head falling back as his hand moves from your neck to tangle in your hair, pulling you closer in an attempt for you to fully wrap your lips around him.
“No one can fuck me like you can?” you continue, hand wrapping around his cock. “Well, you’ll never find someone who can give better head than I can.”
You don’t give him any chance to respond as you surge forward, finally taking him into your wet mouth. Your tongue traces every vein that you could feel as your hand moves against the rest of him. Brady’s moans sounding from above fuel you and you continue to work your sinful magic against his skin.
It may have been months since you two were in this particular position but you feel like a part of you will remember everything about Brady, including all the spots that make him groan and twitch and throb. Your lips move to suck on the tip, teasing the area where the head meets the shaft with your tongue.
“Fuck,” Brady curses, his hips jumping causing his cock to thrust into your mouth. You gag a little before withdrawing – not completely but only enough to catch your breath. Your eyes dart to his and find that he is already staring at you, his salt-and-pepper hair falling over his forehead. The moan you release at the sight vibrates around Brady causing an identical moan to escape him. You inhale deeply before lowering your head, relaxing your throat until the entirety of his cock is nestled in your mouth.
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking good at that,” he groans, his fingers twisting in your hair. You move, shallowly bobbing your head as you feel him pulse against your tongue, a tell-tale sign he was getting close. The assumption was only confirmed by the next word Brady spoke. “Fuck, baby, gonna cum.”
You pull your mouth from him, replacing it quickly with your hand and continuing the pace you had set.
“I won’t waste a drop,” you say, keeping your eyes locked to his as you wrap your lips around him once again, your hands moving to the side his thighs and pressing your fingertips up into them. Brady understands your silent request, hand once again tightening in your hair as he moves his hips upward, taking control.
“Yeah? You going to swallow it all like a good girl?”
You nod your head, keeping your mouth open and accepting everything he gives, moaning against his skin as he increases his pace. It’s only a few more moments before Brady throws his head back against the couch cushions, a long groan emulating from his chest as his own orgasm hits. You feel his cum hit the back of your throat and you greedily pull him deeper, determined to keep your word.
You let Brady collect himself and take a few deep breaths before you slowly raise your head, sliding off of his cock. You wait until his eyes connect to yours before you swallow, releasing a satisfied exhale afterwards. You can’t help but make a show of it, licking your lips before opening your mouth to show him that you indeed didn’t let anything go to waste.
Brady grins, a smile which you quickly mirror before his hands are on your body, hauling you off the floor and back into his lap. Your lips connect and you sigh, savoring the euphoric glow that surrounded the two of you. The two of you continue to make out for a few minutes, relaxing before you pull away, looking down at Brady.
“D’you feel better?” you joke, the remembrance of why he came to your house in the first place – and what it all meant now – nagging in the back of your mind. You aren’t sure if you can see sadness lingering on the corners of Brady’s smile as his hand runs soothing circles across your spine.
“A little.”
“Need anything else?”
“Maybe a shower,” he replies, looking up at you with those brown eyes that always made you weak. A sparkle that spells nothing but trouble for you flashes in his irises as his smile turns into a wicked smirk. “And perhaps a round two, starting with my head buried between your thighs.”
“Demanding, aren’t you?” you breathlessly chuckle, your head shaking in playful disbelief as your tear your gaze from his.
“I just know what I want.”
“Which is?”
His quiet declaration has your head turning back to him, connecting your eyes once again. The emotions displayed in his own stare are unfathomable and you know that this isn’t the place to attempt to decipher them. You don’t have time to unwind and unravel the mess that defined you and Brady’s connection: your prior relationship, the subsequent break-up, and everything that happened today.
So, instead, you gently climb from Brady’s lap, standing upright before stretching out your hand towards him. He accepts your offer and you help lift him off the sofa before dragging him down the hallway to the second door on the left, back into your bed.
Like he always belonged there.
Like he never left.
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tagging the skjei-sy sluts (affectionate) who asked for a continuation + a few others I think would appreciate this: @smileysvech @pyotrkochetkov @cellythefloshie @comphy-and-cozy @laurenairay
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iridescentdove · 11 months
Fyodor, Nikolai & Sigma w/ Elysia! Reader
Elysia is the Herrscher of Human Ego in Honkai Impact. She is a girl as beautiful as dancing petals, and holds the power which is comparable to a God itself.
Her personality is cheerful and sweet-loving, Elysia cares about her friends and everyone else dearly. She's elegant, unique, and is a person who enjoys everything.
Soukoku, Atsushi & Ranpo Ver. ♡ Port Mafia Ver.
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Let's get one thing out the pocket first, i hate this rat mf to hell and beyond so let's start shall we? <3
He's full of intrigue. Fyodor hasn't seen you yet in full action, and begins to question and anticipate the day he finally meets you face-to-face.
As a bitch man with a God complex, this dude would take it slightly lightly.
I mean, how much better could you be?
Could you really stand against him for long?
And to a much unexpected surprise, his imagination was far off from what he had thought.
How pretty you are. As you always described yourself 'a girl as beautiful as dancing petals', his pride made him not want to admit such...but he did agree later on.
What made him feel a change of emotion was how sweet and carefree you were. You're beautiful, and kind.
Maybe he began to think more differently.
He'd definitely tried to kill you with his ability the first time you met UGH THIS LITTLEPIECEOF–
You were obviously skeptical and sensed something from him, being as he was so keen on shaking your hand as you remained with a soft smile.
Fyodor anticipated you to die to the effects. To witness all the power he possibly had.
But fortunate to unfortunate, your demise never came.
That was when he began to observe you more. And to his own surprise, he fell in love. In no way did he expect to do so, and more importantly to a God. Impossible.
Fyodor witnessed your full power sooner or later, and your God Form that sent everyone levitating ABOVE FR
Every inch of you from top to bottom was perfect.
And so the obsession begins. He's definitely created his own cult or had worshipped you to no end. Fyodor won't stop praying no matter the time of day.
Waking up and going to sleep, before and after he eats, even when the slightest misfortune comes up.
He'll speak to you like you're not just a God. You're his God.
Fyodor slowly comes aware and accepts that you're like, probably over a thousands times stronger. But then again it doesn't matter anymore.
He just wants you to stay still, and be pretty.
Just seal it with a kiss <3
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Me to Fyodor: Ew fuck off
Me to literally Nikolai, Sigma & everyone else: Aww i love you guys sm and i'll do everything in my ability to make you happy and feel loved so have a cookie and my–
So, first of all, you met him while feeding the birds. It was a fun little hobby you were doing nowadays.
Plus, you loved animals! So why not?
Nikolai found himself staring at you the longer you kept at it, and took in your features that were so unique. He's never seen anyone like you around.
Dude tried to walk up to you and ask if you were real
We'd all know he ain't really sane so let's just say that the first encounter was a little strange. But still, you didn't back off and kept talking to him so...nicely?
Why? He found this curious, and had asked you a few things while talking. But then again, it didn't last.
Took you to Fyodor right after lmao
You'd told him barely a thing about your "ability", but he had that feeling it was nothing so normal. Plus why tf are you wearing such a revealing outfit...in summer.
Don't judge that's just Elysia's Pink Elf outfit bae
Thought Fyodor found you useful, although hesitated a bit for the first time ever. He, deep down, didn't want to involve you. And when Fyodor tried to use his ability on you..
It didn't work. This caused him and Sigma to really question your own existence knowing how it was impossible.
Then the big reveal. Nikolai grew fond of you. He, as seeing you were such a beautiful, powerful omnipotent God - never did he leave your side and continued worshipping you.
Oh, an your God Form? He lives for it, really. Finds you even more beautiful than you already are.
Nikolai loves touching your soft hair...and maybe something else that's soft- ahem
Someone insulted you? They went missing the next day! You're hungry? Suddenly there's food at your doorstep. You're buying new clothes? He's already there beside you.
Holding you against his chest, Nikolai's cold heart began seeking for the warmth known as you.
And no matter what, he's never gonna leave you <3
"Quiz time! Who is my one and only beloved?...Correct! Ahaha. I love you, (Y/N)."
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He's normally stoic around you, and acts just as how he does with everyone else. But oh, he's definitely not glancing at you every few minutes, admiring your beauty, looki–
Let's just say he's a bit more silent. He's definitely affected by you somewhat, and honestly who wouldn't?
You knew he owned a casino, so you began visiting.
Sigma had seen you walking up to customers and just chatting, being nice. Greeting them, and even offering a present you got on the way.
You were honest, and something so rare - so pure. It was so impossible to be innocent in this world.
But you proved him wrong in every way. No bad intention.
Sigma fell for you the moment it clicked. You're so pretty, so loveable, so sweet. And he didn't want to admit it but you're the only one brightening his day.
He looks forward to your visits at the casino, and even gets you a drink that's specifically for you - only for you.
It's a pretty, sparkly pink lemonade drink with a purple gradients - and sweet whipped cream. Topped off with (f/c) sprinkles and a small slice of lemon on the side.
He had named it after you. And you've never seen something so beautiful - you didn't even want to drink it.
During a mishap, you and Sigma had run into trouble. It was then occuring to you that he was hurt very badly.
You wanted nothing but to help him. Sigma had felt it, the full, extreme omnipotent power - only possible to be acquired as that of a true God.
Your God Form overwhelmed him to some extent, but he didn't care later on. You were breathtaking.
Since you loved humanity so dearly, he silently wished that you loved him as well.
Maybe his love even rivals your own.
A girl, more beautiful than dancing petals.
Sigma doesn't show it much, but he's awestruck. And with how deeply in love he is with you anyways, don't be surprised if you find yourself with a ring on your finger.
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woobiz · 16 days
Veritas Numquam Perit
The truth never dies.
cw/tags: minor violence, cursing, angst, norm maclean x f!reader
author's note: this is the first part to a series that i'm hoping to start. it's a norm maclean x raider!reader fanfic!! this first chapter is a bit short but it's only the introduction!!! i'll try to update as much as i can and future parts should be much longer. i love feedback and constructive criticism so pls tell me what you think!! pls no reposting/translations without permission.
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Lock a bunch of rats in a cage, they’re bound to fight.
The repetitive clanging of heads against metal was starting to irk me. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a confined space with a bunch of dim-witted assholes whose only idea of a good time is beating the shit out of each other. I should’ve been out there in the wastes, flaying the skin off of Hank MacLean’s back, but instead, I’m sat in a corner, nose twitching at the scent of regurgitated jello-cake. 
I flinched as a man was toppled beside me, head slamming into the steel wall with a nauseating pop. Then, he was grabbed by the ankles and torn away, leaving a trail of sticky crimson in his wake. The vault dwellers came by every now and again, pleading with us to end the fighting, promising a better future. It was all bullshit and we knew it. Sometimes they’d even take one of us off to another cell to interrogate us. I don’t know why they thought any of those idiots knew what they were fighting for. Half of the dipshits in this cell were so high on chems, they’d have taken any excuse for a good brawl. Still, those holier-than-thou vaulties fought tooth and nail to fix us.
I’m not sure how they chose which of us to drill, but I was one of the many who still hadn’t been taken. At this point, I was contemplating giving into their demands if only they’d let me out of this god forsaken dungeon.
Once again, food was served, and once again it ended up splattered across the walls. The little one –a man with a perpetual scowl etched into his face– had watched the scene, unmoving. He’d been faced with threats one after another and all he did was watch. Then, as if the gods themselves had blessed me, he pointed to me and nodded me over to be interrogated. The prospect of getting out of that cell had me jumping at the opportunity, I took what I could get.
As always, they tranquilized me. When I woke up, I was alone in another room. There, the little one stood on the other side of a glass pane. His eyes stayed glued to mine, brow furrowed.
“What do you want with my father?” he spoke quickly, almost to himself. Father. I knew the man in front of me resembled something akin to that human scum, but he didn’t have the same foul look in his eyes.
The corners of my lips curled upwards at his ignorance. “You don’t know the half of it, MacLean.”
He took a step forward. “Then please explain what I’m missing.”
My smile faded as I searched his eyes. “How close were you? You and your father?” I watched him carefully. His poker face held strong.
I hummed at that. His glare didn’t break. “See, I don’t think you want to know,” I said, standing to face the young MacLean. “You think that you know the type of man your father was?”
He stepped closer, face inches from the glass. “He was a good man. You people took him away. Now you’re rotting in a box.”
I struggled to keep my composure. “You want the truth? Let me out and I’ll show you.” He scoffed, turning to leave. “You think your dad was some hero? He’s a destroyer. A killer.”
He paused for a moment, his eyes locked ahead. I watched his mouth open slightly, as if to speak, but it closed as footsteps sounded down the hall. I dropped back into my seat, preparing for the sickening sweetness of vault dwellers and their pep.
“Thank you Norm, but we’ve got it from here,” a man spoke. He had a soft face with well-kept facial hair and a pair of uncracked glasses. He stood beside a thinner man with dark hair and a neck brace. They watched me through the glass, silent for a moment before the first spoke. “Hello, I am Woody.” He articulated his words as if I was too stupid to understand them at a normal pace. I didn’t reply. “We want to help you,” he said, gesturing between us.
“I am Reg.” The second one spoke in the same condescending tone. The idea of cracking the glass and punching his teeth out was appealing, I can’t lie, but they'd only tranq me again. I kept my head down, not wanting to look in the eyes of the people that had destroyed my life. “We want to open our community to you.”
“Not interested,” I barked. I lifted my head. “I didn’t come here to make friends.” My eyes narrowed at the two men.
The first man, Woody, spoke with an uncomfortable chuckle. “Well, for obvious reasons we can’t just let you leave,” he flashed an insincere smile. My eyes were locked onto his. Either this man was an excellent liar, or he was just as dumb as he looked.
“You don’t know, do you?” I laughed to myself. “You two are trying so hard to be elected overseer and you have no idea what you’re doing.” My laugh grew to a cackle. I all but had tears brimming in my eyes. These idiots!
Reg shot a concerned look at Woody. “Maybe we should tranquilize her again,” he suggested. I didn’t care to stop them. Woody reached for the gun, pointing it at me with his finger on the trigger.
“When the wastelanders string you up and cook your skin, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He pulled the trigger.
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Everything was quiet. 
The room was filled with silence, save for a periodic beeping coming from just outside the door. They’d left me with a firm mattress to sleep on. I’ll admit, it was better than the bloodstained rags we’d settle for out in the wastes, but the dark of the metallic hallway wasn’t very comforting. I suppose the lack of radroaches was nice, but I’ve never been much of a sleeper. 
I lay awake atop the mattress, hands clasped together against my stomach. I was surprised to hear footsteps in the distance. I didn’t think anyone was awake at this hour, but what really got me was that they were growing louder by the second. I sat up, craning my neck to see down the hall. There, a light shone on the ground.
“Hello?” I instinctively reached for a weapon, only to realize that everything had been confiscated when I was put in this dump. I raised my arm over my eyes when the light rounded the corner. It was bright, almost blinding compared to the darkness that loomed before. Squinting, I was almost able to make out the figure. It wasn’t an angel here to save me, nor a demon to drag me down to hell. Through the glass I saw a familiar vault dweller, shutting off the light from his Pip-Boy. 
“Tell me what you know.” Norm MacLean stood in front of me once again. I eyed him. His hair fell messier than it had when we first spoke, draping over his forehead. I didn’t reply. His nostrils flared. “How did you know my father?”
“Ask someone else.”
He gritted his teeth. “I have. They didn’t even know his name. You did.” He glared at me through the glass. “Tell me what you know.”
“You want the truth? Like I said, you let me out and I’ll show you.”
He scoffed. “You killed our people. Because of you, my father is gone,” he barked, “and my sister, too.”
I tilted my head. “Your sister? The bride? I saw what that girl could do. Shame she died.” I stepped back, taking a seat on the mattress. 
“She isn’t dead.”
I looked up. “No? Well where is she then?”
He paused, watching me. “The surface.” I raised my eyebrows.
“What’re you doing down here, then?” He broke eye contact and I stood, my tongue pressed against my inner lip as my eyes landed on his expression. He stayed quiet. “Well, I’m sure she’s a goner anyway. Vaulties don’t last long up there.”
“You’re a liar.”
“Maybe,” I stepped forward, “but at least I’m not a coward.”
He was tense, his hands balled into fists on either side of him. I watched his nose twitch in his frustration. Then, just as he came, he went. It was dark again, and I was alone.
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Days passed filled with much of the same. The vault dwellers spoke to me now and then, trying to pry for information. I was careful with my words. I had no intention of doing them any favors. Some nights I was visited by the small MacLean. Each time I told him the same thing: “If you let me out, I’ll show you the truth.” 
The days grew longer and I think the vaulties realized I wasn’t going to be cracking any time soon. The nights were especially lonely. I can’t say I missed the rats I’d been locked up with, but Moldaver and I were close. Friends, even. I guess I got used to having someone else around.
That night, I sat on my mattress, back pressed against the steel wall. The past few days I hadn’t seen Norm. I’d usually sleep an hour or two. I’m not sure why I was never sent back but I wasn’t complaining. It had always been easier for me to be alone. Ever since I was a little kid, I’d known what it meant to look out for yourself. Besides, it’s better not to get attached.
The footsteps returned that night. I was almost relieved. When the hall lit up, I knew who was coming. At first, he didn’t speak. He slid down the wall on the other side of the hall, watching me through the glass, his chest heaving up and down. His face was painted with dirt and his hair fell messily over his forehead. His eyes stayed low and suddenly, I knew where he’d been.
“You went, didn’t you?” My voice pierced the silence like a blade. He looked up, “To thirty-two. You went.” 
“What happened back there?”
I watched his lips curl downwards ever so slightly. “I couldn’t tell ya’.” I dropped my head, eyes locked onto the ground. “It was like that when I got there. Been like that ever since.”
“They,” he paused for a second, “killed each other.”
Neither of us spoke for a while. It was easy to say that wastelanders were evil. We all need a scapegoat. I guess when it was other vault dwellers, it was different. To Norm, they were supposed to be the good ones. They were supposed to save America.
As if it was any consolation, I spoke in a mumble. “Sometimes good people do bad things.” He sighed. Another silence fell over the scene. Something in his sadness felt all too familiar. Maybe we weren't so different. Maybe he and I were one and the same. Maybe we were two kids, still searching for something they could never get back.
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starheirxero · 1 month
I saw what you said about Jack and Bloodmoon👀 I SEE YOU ARE TRYING TO BREAK MY HEART-
WE'LL IT'S WORKING- But it also got me thinking👀
There's something so deeply unsettling about Bloodmoon's situation. It's an inner, deep rooted horror!
They have always been two, working as one. And despite their hunger, despite their violence, they worked in perfect harmony, never fighting for control. Or anything, for that matter.
Imagine: You wake up. You are surrounded by the abyss, and your body is aching.
You are hungry, so hungry, it drives you to insanity. So hungry, you want to claw off your skin. So hungry, you want to rip out your insides.
But then there is someone else. They are inside of you. A part of you, yet someone else.
And they understand. They feel the same hunger. Their body aches the same, for theirs is yours, and yours is theirs. You are the same.
You are one. You can hear their voice inside your head, and feel their presence tingle underneath your skin. There is a presence inside of you, and it turns your insides warm. It eases the hunger, eases the pain, just enough to make it bearable.
There is a constant presence inside of you, and your head is never quiet. It is always filled with thoughts, some from you, some from them. Sometimes, they will respond to an idea of yours. Sometimes, you tease them for thinking something silly.
Sometimes your body is heavy, and they will gently tug you back. Their presence is no longer beneath your skin. Instead, it surrounds you, their warmth swallowing you whole. They will think of something to make you laugh, because they are a part of you, and know you better than you know yourself. And when you laugh, you feel their lips, yet your own as well, quirk up into a smirk.
You are never trapped, because you're always free to take control, and they will let you, because they trust you, and you are as much a part of them as they are of you.
You are still hungry, but you are not alone in this hunger. Instead, together, you do anything to fill it, hunting down prey. And when you are unsuccessful, they will simply tug you back, and reassure you, telling you you'll catch it next time.
This is your whole life. From the moment, that you first opened your eyes in the abyss, they were with you.
You do not know loneliness, for they are a part of you. Even as you are used and betrayed, time and time again, you do not learn the meaning of loneliness. Because they are right there with you, feeling the same pain. You can hear their thoughts, their anger, their wrath, yet they never lash out at you, rather killing a rat you've stumbled across. Likewise, you're own thoughts are leaping waves, crashing against your skull and leaving you two with a numb ache. But you are not alone, there is a buzzing beneath your skin, and you find them pulling you in. They do not come out, leaving your shared body leaning against a wall, as their warmth surrounds you. "I am here." they tell you. "I'm not leaving." you reassure. You will never know loneliness.
Except then you do.
You are separated. At first, you do not notice the silence, still high on adrenaline and bloodlust, high on seeing you sibling, your other half, face to face. But then you lose you fight, and there is no one to reassure you, to tell you "good job", or take over and finish it for you.
Suddenly, you become aware of the emptiness. The presence underneath your skin is gone, leaving you freezing. You feel your stomach rumble, but no one notices, no one shares it.
Your head is silent. Their voice is gone. Their presence is gone. You can only hear yourself, and you are left reeling. You feel like a stranger in your own skin, a husk who has lost it's soul.
Then you are told, they won't come back.
The buzzing in your flesh will not return. The warmth inside of you will never save you from the cold again. The voices inside your head are gone for eternity.
The presence inside and around you has left. For the first time in your life, you are truly, and utterly alone.
And you are left feeling like nothing but a parasite in your own shell, for there are meant to be two, not one.
Just imagine: there is a constant weight on top and inside of you, like a weighted blanket, and a voice filling your head. And one day, the weight is gone, and your head is quiet, for the first time since you can remember.
But it's not a relief. The weight was a comfort, and the voice was your friend. They were familiar, and all you've ever known. There was never an existence without either.
I don't even have any additional thoughts you literally worded this all spectacularly. The second Bloodmoon wasn't even technically supposed to be there, but they latched onto each other all the same and worked their existence around each other. They were comfortable and they were familiar and they were happy :(((
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xximperioxx · 2 years
All Those Sleepless Nights
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Aether Ghoul x GN! Reader
I love this beefy ghoul with my whole soul
Warnings: none! Just angsty and fluffy , mentions of depression , I mention picking at fingers really quick like super quick (just adding this as a warning just in case)
Word count: 1.3k
I had a fem reader in mind but I guess I didn’t use any pronouns or anything so it’s now a GN reader! Yay!! If you do notice anything pls let me know and I’ll change it right away!
Also when I was writing this, I wrote based on my experience with depression so please understand everyone has different experiences when dealing with hard times.
Anyways! Much love to everyone and I hope you enjoy! <3
You had tried so hard to not let the ghouls absence get to you. You took walks, helped out in the kitchens, helped with events, and even asked Sister Imperator if she needed help with anything. You were desperate at this point and Sister Imperator could easily see what was going on and decided to give you some tasks to complete around the abbey. They were meaningless tasks but the Sister wouldn’t dare tell you that right now. You appreciated them as it allowed you to keep your mind off of the ghouls. You missed all of the ghouls. You missed how Swiss would sneak around and scare you or pull pranks on Dewdrop with him. You missed how excited the ghoulettes were every time they saw you and how all of you could talk for hours. You missed running into Rain in the library and talking about your favorite books. You missed Aether. Oh satan how you missed him. You missed his gentle kisses as well as his rough kisses, his hugs and cuddles. How his body melted with yours. Granted, you were much smaller than his beefy body and he towered over you but he felt like home. You missed how you could be your true self around him and how he felt comfortable to be around you. You loved him for the ghoul he is. Horns, claws, and all - he was your ghoul. You kept telling yourself it was just a couple months but it was starting to feel like an eternity.
You started to feel the toll. You could barely sleep. Each night was getting tougher to fall asleep. Sure, you had plenty of friends in the abbey but you felt so alone. It was like you couldn’t shut off your mind at night. And the one ghoul who would know how to cheer you up wasn’t here. Your roommates began to notice your sleep schedule and gave you nothing but sympathetic looks. Frowning, as they noticed when you did fall asleep, how you would stir and whimper. Like a nightmare was constantly haunting you.
It wasn't until Sister Imperator saw how dark the bags under your eyes were getting and forced you to go back to bed, you finally realized. You felt embarrassed how much the ghouls' absence was getting to you. After that day, you developed the lack of motivation to get out of bed and be productive. Sister didn’t ask for your presence as she knew what it was like- not having the love of your life around and the damage it can cause but the older woman didn’t like to speak of it, so she left you be. You were afraid people would judge you for the way you were acting. Over dramatic. Depressed. Clingy.
You had lost track of the days.
One night you couldn’t ignore the ache in your stomach any longer and forced yourself out of bed to go to the kitchens. You snuck away quietly, not wanting to wake your roommates. The abbey was still except for Papa’s rats who roamed at night.
Munching on a banana you stole, you found yourself wandering the halls. With eyes wide, you had noticed you nearly finished the fruit. Stopping, you laugh at yourself as you imagined Aether telling you how proud he was of you for finishing it and how he would make a stupid comment about there actually being bananas in the kitchen since he wasn’t there to eat them all. The thoughts bring a smile to your face. A real smile, not a forced one you had been using around your roommates.
You looked up at the stained glass window in front of you. The silence was deafening but calming. The moon’s glow seeping through the colored glass puts you at ease. You allowed yourself to take a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. You decide to keep walking to hopefully tire you more.
Without realizing you had found yourself at the stairs to the dungeon where the ghouls live. The thought of Aether’s bed had suddenly become very appealing. You look around you to ensure no one was watching before you ascended down the stairs quietly. You appeared at the quintessence ghoul’s room with ease after going there so much. You had avoided the thought of coming to Aether’s room for some time because you were unsure how it was going to make you feel but it didn’t matter. How worse was this going to make you? The answer was it didn’t matter. You were already sad enough.
You immediately felt a sense of comfort wash over you as you entered the room. You take in the ghoul’s musky,foggy scent. You can’t help but smile. A yawn escapes your mouth as you kick off your shoes and crawl into his bed. Your mind barely had time to begin to overthink as you had fallen asleep, curled up under his blanket.
You had spent the last few days in Aether’s room because quite frankly, it made you feel better. You felt yourself getting better. You even took a shower which shouldn’t be a big deal but it is!
You sat on the bed, brushing your hair as you hummed a tune that your ghoul often played for you on his guitar. You were so caught up in yourself you didn’t hear the door open or hear the guitar case hit the ground.
The voice causes you to stop what you were doing and look up.
Your eyes widen with joy, “Aether!”
Without thinking, you crawled over to the edge of the before leaping into his arms. He grunts at the force. You can’t help the tears that escape as you hug him tighter. He lifts you up from the bed fully causing you to wrap your legs around him. His hands lay on your ass as he gives it a gentle squeeze. A smile hasn’t left your face.
He hears you sniffle and lets out a chuckle which you can feel against his chest. “I’m here now, (Y/N). I promise I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
You pull your head away from his neck and wipe some of the tears away with a smile. Looking down at his lips, you give him an urgent kiss which he responds to immediately. You pull away after a few moments before remembering he still had his mask on. You gently take it off before tossing it on the floor. You didn’t care what if Papa yelled at you. Your grin widens as you caress his face, “My handsome ghoul,” you whisper as you press kisses all over his face and finally his lips.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting.” The voice of the fire ghoul comes from the doorway before he walks away.
Your smile turns into a scowl, backing your face away from Aether’s face, you both yell out, “Fuck off, Dewdrop!”
Aether let you down slowly after that and shut the door but not before pressing a kiss to your forehead. He guides you back to the bed and pulls you on top of him and immediately wraps his arms back around you. He rubs circles into your back. Sharing a few more kisses, you beg him to talk about the tour. You dismissed the question about yourself and said that you could talk about yourself tomorrow when all you wanted to do is listen to him. He began to run his fingers through your combed hair, talking about the amount of times dewdrop threw guitar picks at him on stage. The two of you laid like that for hours only you had fallen asleep on him after the first story. The ghoul beneath you could tell from the bags under your eyes and your picked-at fingers that the last few months were rough on you. It had been rough for him as well and decided that for the next tour, he would ask Papa if his mate could tag along. For now, he was just going to hold you close.
It had been the best sleep the two of you had gotten in months.
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smolweeblets · 10 months
Hi! Could I request a Yelena x reader? Nothing specific, I just like seeing stuff for her.
General Yelena headcanons
GN reader
-Despite her looks shes actually just a softy. Many people would think otherwise but seriously show this woman some love shed do anything for you.
-Cold ass feet. Youre just trying to sleep but you get assaulted by her freezing toes. They literally feel like ice cubes against your legs.
-Really resilient against the cold. Its her Russian roots I swear. Wait, yeah thats an hc too,
-Shes russian. Speaks to you in it sometimes, maybe just the pet name here and there. Makes you melt each and every time.
-If she was a dog she'd be a borzoi. You know those long and lanky ass dogs that were being memed in tiktok for a while? Yeah, those guys.
-On the topic of pets, i already posted something about this before but i totally see her having a rat with an unsettlingly human name like gertrude or something.
-The things I would sacrifice to hear this woman's morning voice LORDD. Like shes just so groggy and disoriented but she gives you a soft smile and talks to you in that deep raspy voice… my knees are buckling.
-She doesnt like talking a lot in the mornings, sadly. She needs a few minutes to feel ready to talk, but dont worry, youll still hear the morning voice, just gotta wait a while for it. It's fully worth it, promise.
-Okay but you gotta be ready if you want to hear it because this woman wakes up at the asscrack of dawn.
-Huge morning person, makes her feel productive. She sleeps at like 9 pm and is grumpy if you make her stay awake for much longer.
-Shes a loner. This woman is such a loser.
-Okay no she has that charisma and knows how to get what she wants but she doesnt have a lot of actual friends, she thinks of most people as good acquaintances at best.
-Definitely uses you as an armrest when youre standing. Its the rules.
-Huge fucking romantic but is SO awkward abt it its so cute.
-Brings you flowers and shes so flushed when she gives them.
-”Uh, here you go-” She hands you the flowers and gazes at you with so much affection and at your happy expression. It actually hurts how much she loves you.
-Not a huge fan of pda, but will indulge you if you feel especially touchy.
-That being said, loves randomly holding you in her arms when you two are just standing there. Like, waiting in a line or something? Her head is resting atop yours and her arms are around you.
-Okay so I kinda imagine her to be similar to ice bear from we bear bears they just have similar vibes
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting this, finally gave me motivation to write. Ive been wanting to write for her more but have had no ideas so I hope something like this is okay. Really tired of ppl just portraying her as a hot manipulative mommy like pls shes allowed to have a personality
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earthry · 9 months
did anyone else have a isekai webcomic phase or was it just me ajsbdbdbdb anyways
Isekai AU where you are a sibling of sin or something and you are sent back into time and reincarnated in place of Sister Imperator around the time when Copia is still very young, maybe only a few years old.
Primo isn’t Papa just yet, but he’s being trained/prepared for it. Nihil is obviously a shitty dad and none of them have their mothers around— so you decide to say ‘Fuck It’ and decide to become their parental figure.
At first Primo and Secondo are suspicious— Terzo is still a little too young to understand what’s going on, aside from taking the brunt of Nihil’s anger (so he soaks up your love and attention like a sponge, especially when you talk back to Nihil and stop his shitty behavior right that instance). But then you send Nihil’s ass to therapy or some reform thing (or you can just straight up get rid of him), and suddenly you’re in charge of their educations and lives and you are,,,,, so kind and understanding. The boys finally experience gentle parenting and both Primo and Secondo start to see you as their foster parent and adore you dearly just as much as Terzo and baby Copia.
Just…. Imagine walking around the abbey with little baby Copia all happy and cooing in your arms, Terzo trailing behind you and clinging to your robe or jacket, and both Primo and Secondo looking regal as they were taught to be, but protectively lingering by you and occasionally approaching and asking for approval or help— beaming when they receive encouragement and not reprimanded.
And hear me out— this means:
Primo still gets to retire when he wants but he stays to nurture and advise his younger siblings. He begins a garden at the abbey not out of needing something to relieve stress or distract himself, but rather out of love. Out of a passionate love of nature, of creating life, of watching things grow.
Secondo probably has a longer run and has healthier coping skills. He’s still a bit of a party kid— the thrill is just too good to resist, but he’s no longer doing drugs and drinking until he blacks out. He knows how to balance things now, knows how to properly channel and process his emotions in a healthy way. Actively challenging the harmful mindset of toxic masculinity drilled into him as a child from Nihil.
Terzo gets a longer run and also never gets dragged off stage. He no longer sleeps around to cope, stops using sex in order to just feel something. Because he doesn’t need to— he feels alive just being with those he loves and those that love him for who he is. He’s still a huge flirt and tease, still mingles amongst ghouls and siblings of sin, but it’s so much healthier and full of deep bonds of companionship and friendship. Doesn’t feel like he has to prove himself as Papa in order to receive love.
Copia grows up with three older brothers who adore and protect him. He’s still awkward and anxious (but it’s just the autism, not the trauma ✨) but he has a support system to lean on now. He’s not alone anymore. He’ll become Papa when Terzo is ready to give up the mantle— and when he, himself, is ready. It’s not suddenly thrust upon him with high expectations and there is no tragedy that lies in its wake. When he becomes Papa, you and all his brothers throw a little party and his rats are invited. It becomes and stays one of his favorite days ever.
and in case you decide to run the ‘send Nihil off to get help’ route:
He’s livid and definitely resists but you threaten to leave for good if he doesn’t get help and therapy.
It’s an in-patient stay and you visit him every weekend. Alone at first, but as he begins to improve, you’ll start bringing the boys with you.
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echoedcrosshairs · 8 months
Dark Redemption: Blank Slate - part IV
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Warning: Cannon typical violence, Order 66, Pinning, former established relationship, emotional turmoil, smut piv, mention of wounds, mention of mount taniss, Crosshair’s depression, Crosshair’s head wound, Flashbacks, experimentation mention.
Word Count: 7.9k
Master list - part I - part II - part III
The dawn had never looked more like the dead of night, reminding Crosshair of the emptiness within laced with a fresh wave of guilt that he knew would never fade into the shadows especially in the darkness light. He hovered next to your unconscious body, how soft and innocent your face looked while you were asleep reminding him of the monster he is; that was enough to make his step falter for a moment. It wasn't suppose to go like this, I was suppose to prove you belong with me. He gnawed on a toothpick trying to keep the rage from watching his features but it didn't go un-noticed by Admiral Rampart.
"I know we spoke about coming tonight but we couldn't risk you and the asset falling back into enemy hands or her getting wind of it and leaving," Rampart stated, or for you to have a sudden change of heart.
"Understood, sir," he tried to say as flatly as possible.
"Unfortunately you can't accompany her to the facility, but you will be there when she wakes up. She will most valuable to us," a way to control you if you step out of line, Rampart mentally added, "and to you."
Crosshair watched as you was taken to another smaller ship, his stomach twisting at what he'd done. He didn't dare each out to touch you one last time before what ever procedure they had planned even though marks of his littered your body plain as day for all to see. He scolded himself for such a visual display of weakness for his affection knowing the empire did not take kindly to such weaknesses. Why couldn't you just say you were coming with us of your own free will? ...with me. Crosshair let out a silent sharp exhale as he walked into the ship taking his place  watching the other ship take off into the unknown. Weakness, his brain screamed, but it will be better this way, us together again for the betterment of the galaxy. He discarded the cracked toothpick in his mouth, replacing it with another one to work away his silent frustration.
The rest of the flight back to base was silent, leaving Crosshair alone with his thoughts without the idle chatter of a mission and planning. No longer than he had you, he lost you for however long the procedure would take; it took all of his will power not to lean his head against the wall and stare into nothingness as the emptiness within slowly returned. Fresh images of you flooded his mind causing his toothpick to snap. He quickly put on his helmet to hide the sneer tugging at his mouth. How long until I see you again? Will you still be you? Will I still be me? Will I be Crosshair to you? Were you right; is he gone?
White. White walls, white floors, white clothing. White. The facility was obsessively sterile white top to bottom. Laying on your bunk you stared at the ceiling, without so much as speckling to create the smallest of images. Turning to face the wall you tucked your arm under your head. It was as close to privacy you could have here but it let your eyes shut trying to avoid thinking about the next round of 'treatment' slowly cutting bits of you away. No matter how much you repeated your life story and sequence of events, names and places it was all growing into a distant nearly forgotten memory. Doctor Hemlock had been intrigued by your resistance to the procedure slowly becoming his lab rat. Your ears heard his familiar step pattern approaching, reluctantly you sat up and faced him crossing your arms in unreal defiance knowing if you defied him it would be a day of pain.
"Come along," he sighed watching you scramble to your feet offering an eerie smile at your compliance, "While your mind is not perfectly clear, I think any more treatments will not be necessary for the next phase in your rehabilitation."
"Next phase?" you asked trying to hide the fear in your voice as your temples throbbed thinking about the 'treatment.'
"We're going to test if a regular mind can be implanted with an inhibitor chip, the clones are implanted young however we have yet to test if they work on non-clones. If you survive... you'll get to see him again."
Your heart felt like it had physically stopped, maybe it had. Him. You couldn't remember his name, time to time you remember the outline of his face and his piercing gaze but it always quickly faded, "Who... is he?" you asked already trying to steady the shake in your hand revealing you were more empty minded then you ever let on which didn't go un-noticed by Doctor Hemlock who gave an side eye glance.
"Your commander," was all he offered keeping this revelation to himself, "Does the name Crosshair? Sound familiar"
Speckled silver flashed across your mind followed by wonderful shades of brown and then an intimidating black silhouette in a tree, "Yes."
"You might have been useless getting substantial information about Clone Force 99, however your mind has revealed important about the procedure. I suppose it's time for a reward."
"A reward?" you knew him well enough it wasn't going to be able anything good, the man's name synonymous with pain. You watched Hemlock take out something from his pocket two holo imagines showing. The same man, silver hair and then bald with scaring. Your head started hurting trying to remember but nothing came, "That's.. Crosshair?" you asked questioningly still staring at it before he switched it off.
"Yes," Hemlock said smiling, "You'll be.. reunited with him soon enough," he said ushering you into the medical bay.
"What are we going to do?" Echo grumbled replaying the message again, it had been weeks and not a single whisper of your whereabouts anywhere. He knew that was meant something horrible had gone down.
"Per her instruction, we are to assume and proceed as if she is dead and bury the photos back on Corellia," Tech said flatly.
"We have to go after her!" Omega insisted, "We just have to keep searching!"
"Hate to say it but the kids right," Wrecker added, "Regardless of what we wanted she would come after us."
Hunter's hand curled into a fist trying to quell the anger boiling up, "We are to assume Crosshair killed her and forgive him, that's the last thing she told me."
"What!" Echo snapped staring at him, the rage in his blood boiling as he teeth clenched together.
"Crosshair wouldn't, would he?" Omega asked quietly.
"I... do not know anymore," Tech sighed, "since his time with the Empire I am no longer sure of the man he is; but he is still our brother. I do not believe he would or could be possible of harming her however I... also have to assume he followed orders."
"Then we just have to find Crosshair," Omega pointed out.
"He's too dangerous, especially now if he..." Hunter said hesitating too finish the remark, lost his last sliver of a heart, "We have to keep you safe from the Empire, that's what she wanted. I'm sorry Omega but we can't go after her."
"Can't or won't?" Echo said bitterly standing up, "We don't leave our own behind," he said before heading to his bunk to think, debating if he wanted to reach out to Captain Rex or if he just wanted to go by himself to find answers. Hunter is right, we all can't go and leave Omega unprotected but I'm an ARC, this is what I do. Echo took an annoyed breath finding the presence of Wrecker staring at him in his own bunk. "What?" Echo grumbled.
"You're thinking about finding her yourself aren't you?" the giant asked.
"She's was family to you all long before I joined this squad, we should be going after her."
"Ya got a point," Wrecker huffed, "What about the kid?"
"I'll go alone, Rex didn't give up on me; I can't give up on her. Who knows what the Empire is doing to her."
"Just think it through," Wrecker wasn't a planning guy, he rushed rushed in head first but even he knew for this not even he could do that and win.
"Thanks, Wrecking Ball," Echo gave a short laugh before looking down at his scomp hoping you hadn't met a similar fate or worse.
"He does have a point," Tech pointed out raising his finger to emphasize it.
"I know... Tech, I know," Hunter muttered defeatedly listening to the conversation playing out in the bunk room, "I have to choose between saving her or risking the lives of everyone in this squad."
"And Crosshair's, we don't know if she is dead or alive, or a hostage being used against him," Tech added, "They are partners, where we find one we will more then likely find the other if she is alive. If we could just find him in the field-."
"Stow it, Tech," Hunter murmured, "We have to think this through thoroughly account for every angle," he whispered, "for Omega's sake."
White, vibrant bright white. In the distance you think you heard screaming; a part of you curling up in to a ball trying to hold onto something but it didn't last long against the flooding sensation of sterile white. You stopped registering the growing pain with the amount of sedation that coursed through your blood. The part of you which desperately tried to hold your mind together fading into depthless black. Have to remember... them.
Hemlock watch as your thrashing stilled, smiling clasping his hands behind his back before asking about your stabilizing vitals, "Excellent, prepare her for transport."
"Doctor, we don't know if the procedure was successful," Emory countered.
"Prepare the asset for transportation, if it was a failure we terminate the experiment and try again," he repeated annoyed.
Crosshair was brought to medical facility in a unmarked ship, it had been weeks without a whisper of your name and he had started to assume the worse unexpected when a file was handed to him to read. Project Belladona, Rampart had called it. Curious. Upon entering the room he found a Reg sitting stiffly. Commander Neyo. Crosshair didn't sit, annoyed at the intrusion of this reunion. Patiently he waited against the wall until your sleeping body was brought in. His eyes didn't leave you, watching every raise and fall of your chest slowly relaxing with every breath that you were still alive and lived through whatever had been done.
"The Doctor will not be joining us," Emory said injecting adrenaline into the iv, "She should wake momentarily. Her memory however is... distorted. You've both have read the briefing. We don't know what or when she will remember."
Crosshair's reservations broke as he pried himself off the wall moving to your side as he saw your body trying to wake, placing his fingers inches from yours as he waited staring down hoping to be the first thing you saw upon waking. His fingers inched closer almost breaking the gap when you shot forward clutching the side of your head. Crosshair watched at you looked down finding his hand then up at him before looking towards Neyo. No recognition, nothing. Nothing, just like me.
"Commander! How long was I out?" You asked looking towards Commander Neyo.
"Lay back down, lieutenant" Neyo said nodding towards the bed, "Do you remember Commander Crosshair?"
You looked at the man, deep brown eyes, sharp nose, high cheek bones, full eyebrows and a prominent cupid's bow and jaw line, "No, Sir. Apologies Commander."
Crosshair pulled his hand away as if a rapid animal had struck him, "With time will her memory return?" He asked flatly looking to the unknown woman fighting the crumpling sensation in his chest.
"Possibly, we don't know for sure. I must go update the doctor on her condition," Emory stated with a small nod exiting the room.
"Glad to see you've awakened. I wish the best for your recovery," Neyo said eyeing Crosshair suspiciously before he exited as well.
Crosshair's eyes were fixated on you, nothing but your mind seemed out of place no fresh scars that he could perceive except there it was... a dull haze in your eyes; life-like but more to the appearance of a wax figure rather then a living person. He stuck a fresh toothpick in his mouth trying to regain any semblance of composure, "What do you remember?" His stomach twisting in preparation for the answer
"I don't really remember much," you said blinking before staring at him, "You're familiar but I can't say if I ever knew you personally."
"We've been together for a long time," Crosshair said open endedly, "At least your awake."
"How long has it been?"
"40 rotations."
A month, you have been out a little over a month. You tried sitting back up but you felt his firm touch push you back down, "I'm fine," you tried again but his touch was even firmer this time. There was an intensity in the grip you didn't understand but it was threatening but caring wasn't the correct word either.
"Not til the Doctor releases you."
"You don't need to baby me, Commander."
"You'd like me spoon feeding you" He quipped, "To you, it's just Crosshair," he added.
"I am certain that goes against regulations," you started.
"We've always been a little against regulations," he finally sat back in the chair the room provided. Examining the faint haze in your eyes, he wondered if it was the procedure or from the sedation but he wasn't that lucky. The lack of recognition in yours eyes made him feel even more insignificant in the vastness of the galaxy. All the time together, gone. Just like with his brother. A lifetime erased. His fingers brushed against the pocket concealed under his armor hiding the photo Hunter had given you. For a moment he was tempted to pull it out and show you but for now he could continue to save what little was left of his heart.
"When you meant we've been together for a while...?" he watched your eyes shift to the door then back to him.
"We've been together for a while," he restated with a small smirk watching you roll your eyes at him. At least her observational skills are still intact. "How's your head?"
"Hurts, but its tolerable. If we've been together why was Commander Neyo here?"
"Good question," Crosshair arched an eyebrow seeing him in the hall wall still talking to the lady, "Doesn't matter. You're where you belong."
"With you?"
You stared at him, his demeanor, his voice, the void in his eyes it all seemed to familiar but no memory came forward. White. You looked around the room, it seemed familiar at least the shade of vibrancy did. You blinked remembering one tiny memory of being strapped to a bed in a room like this and that was enough to make your heart start zooming. You flew up, hearing your heart monitor ding and twisting his arm out of the way as he tried to push you back down, "No, please," you whispered. You saw him narrow his eyes and eyebrows furl together for a moment before it soothed back into a neutral expression.
"Remember something?" he whispered.
"I don't like white rooms."
Crosshair gave a curt nod, she remembered something about the facility before me, kark it. The corner of his eye caught Neyo's back walking away and the lady reproaching. He eyed every movement as she checked over her vitals and scanned her head. Crosshair's fingers gripped the arm of his chair but stayed silent as he saw the tiny implanted chip on her screen. Fury starting boiling in his blood, he knew that's what took so long trying to see if she would survive. She wasn't some clone, nat borns weren't designed for that.
"She's free to go, the doctor will come check up on her on a later date," Emory said unplugging her connections to the various machines.
Crosshair held out his hand helping you to your feet, "Crosshair, a moment?" the lady said tilting her head to the side. He dropped your hand and walked over barely keeping his composure.
"Take this, it's to monitor her implant for any complications. If this meter drops belong half press that button and we'll be on our way to.. retrieve her."
More than likely terminate her, "Understood," Crosshair spun on his heel tucking the monitor into his utility belt quickly returning to your side, "Let's go," he said quickly wanting to get you out of that disgusting situation. Stirring you through the halls back to the awaiting ship, he was granted small relief as the door shut behind him. He gave the order to the pilot to take off immediately before taking a seat watching as you sit across from him. Putting a fresh toothpick in, "Now, what did you remember?"
"I'll tell you when I figure it out. Is that my weapon kit?" You asked looking at the long carry crate on the floor.
"Ours. Your armor replacement is in that crate," he said nodding his chin towards a box in the corner he hadn't bothered to look through.
You got up surprised at how easy walking the across the ship had been with the mild turbulence. Your fingers hovered at the lock wondering the type of person you were, is it too going to be white? Opening it you found black on dark grey on deepest shade of red camo pattern scattered across it. Muscle memory quickly equipped it into place. Tucking your helmet under your arm you found him staring at you, annoyance lacing his features with a sneer plastered across his face. You looked down at the armor then back up at him, "Did I put something on crooked?" you asked confused.
"Then what's that look for? Or is just your face?" you said arching an eyebrow.
"It's the colors on our disbanded unit. Paint it black when we get back to base." It felt like a slap in the face, just another silent taunt by the Empire which he diligently served.
"Yes, Sir," you said shuffling back into your seat.
"You don't need to-."
"Then you're really going to hate it when we get to the base," Crosshair snickered his mood lightly lifting at the approaching realization.
"You'll see," he smiled folding his arms over his chest.
You stared down into the visor of the helmet, looking over the colors causing words to tickle the tip of your tongue but nothing came. Your mind felt as empty as the color of the hospital. Sighing you set the helmet on the seat next to you. Itching the side of your head you found Crosshair staring at you intensely, quickly you dropped your hand to your lap feeling like a scolded child for some reason under his gaze. Instead you opened the weapon kit on the floor finding two blaster rifles, one well used and one brand new. The rifle whispered to you, calling you to use it against them. The traitors. You stared at it blinking before you shut the case pushing it away. The side of your head pulsed once more before fading. Arriving at the base their was one no to greet either of you which you had anticipated. Passing eyes stared at both of you as moved through the barracks heading towards a room at the very end of the hall. You watched Crosshair pull out a card and slip it into the slot, the door sliding opening. You followed him in finding spotless quarters, everything perfectly aligned but eyes going wide noting the two beds a few spaces apart.
"Why is everything of mine new?" you questioned eyeing your armor, the weapon, the bed, even the obvious new clothes in the small closet.
"Regulations," he shrugged,  "We should run a battle simulation to see what you remember."
"Now?" you arched an eyebrow.
"I obviously meant yesterday," he quipped placing his hand on his hip letting his other hand set the weapon kit on the bed opening it. He stared at you as your hands assembled it faster then they had in the past even rivaling his own practiced speed. Hearing your quietly foot steps following him, he guided both of you to a training room away from prying eyes. He saw the cold expression on your face before slipping on your bucket. I suppose that's the chips influence. Wonder if that's what I had looked like before battle. Crosshair quickly tapped in the authorization for the drill and snapped quick orders watching you follow them to the letter. In his observational perch he watched you tenaciously defeat the combatant droids. He didn't make a sound as he hoped out of the shadows on to the ground as the simulation ended, "Remove your helmet," no sooner had the words came out of his mouth did he see you taking it off and folding it into the crook of your room. There was still the void expression across your face, empty. He made a hmm noise sticking a toothpick back in his mouth, "That's enough for today," he watched a sliver of you return to your gaze before stalking out of the room.
Watching his hand move you caught the key card he tossing the spare in your direction. You turned it over in your hand before slipping it into your pocket, "Was my performance satisfactory?" you asked looking at him finding him lost in thought. You didn't bother to ask again at his silence. Seems like the type of man who would have said something if it wasn't. Finally he looked at you with a scrutinizing expression but still didn't say a word. You were getting really pissed by the expression without explanation.
"Crosshair," he growled, "Yes?" he asked softer.
"When can I go back to hunting them down?"
"Who?" Crosshair said squinting.
"Clone Force 99," the name on the tip of your tongue finally blared in your head echoing through out your body, "Our... old unit," throbbing knocked on indelicately against your temples. Fingers traced the side of your head, you found Crosshair's thumb running along side the throbbing part of your mind with an unrecognizable expression across it. "What is it?" you asked arching an eyebrow noticing the touch relaxed the flutter in your hollow chest.
"Nothing," he said pulling his hand away, fingers plucking the toothpick out of his mouth and flicking it away.
"When do I get to see the rest of our squad."
"They died rescuing you," the lie came easily as he had perfected it waiting for your arrival, the perfect cover story the empire had carefully planned. The shadow of the truth laced with a hint an echos betrayal. "We're on standby." Crosshair felt the tingle in his hand from the touch even through the glove of your warmth. His lip twitched into a frown stopping his abrupt walking, "Get changed," before he turned back into the direction of the barracks.
"We're going out."
You followed him back to the room gluing your eyes to the floor as you heard his armor click to the floor. Out of the corner of your eye you saw his back was still towards you but his head was tilted to the side smirking before digging out civvies. Finding the dresser you opened it stacking your armor on the top putting on the first thing you saw. Your eyes caught silver in his drawer, you moved towards it and grabbed it without hesitation holding the soft fabric in your hands. Inhaling the scent it seemed so familiar, "Crosshair," you whispered. Pulling it away from your face, a small image of a store popped in your mind, "I picked this out."
"You did," he affirmed eyeing you, "Reminded you of my hair," he gave a small curt laugh running his hand across his scalp before grabbing the scarf wrapping it around him neck, letting out a content hmm, "Coming, Cyar'ika?" the endearment slipped out. He gridded his teeth turning away from you.
"Cyar'ika?" you asked catching up to his frame heading towards the door.
"Empty headed."
"I somehow don't think that is what it means," you laughed.
"Wouldn't you like to know" you found his eyes beaming at you a smile tugging at his eyes, "I'll tell you if you remember anything I deem relevant," his smirked nearly caused his tooth pick to fall out. Crosshair watched as you caught up to his side following him to the speeders at the edge of the base. He felt your warm against his back as you climbed on, holding his waist causing him to quickly exhale trying to dispel the memories playing across his vivid mind.
"What planet is this?"
Crosshair cocked his head squinting before returning his eyes to the road, "Corellia."
"Have I been here before?"
"You tell me."
"I don't think so, doesn't sound familiar."
"Hmph," Crosshair gruntled. A special place in your heart, erased. This place and I are alike. His eyes took in the surrounding landscape before taking a sharp turn towards the out-skirted city. He felt your grip tighten at the sudden jolt but hoped it would spark any memory. Using his tongue he flicked the toothpick into air, smirking as he peaked watching it fall into the trash but silently disappointed you couldn't see such a feat with natural eyes. His smirk faded as he remember the last time you saw him, the acceptance of what had happened but the tranquil peace with the other option. The hatred of himself kept him going, a painful motivator to continue because being the monster no one understood what was the one thing he could say he was the absolute best at.
The speeder drifted to into a spot under a tree, you watched him climb up it with ease. You watched him stare into the distance then down at you, "See something you like?" he purred. Suddenly the image of him went black it was just a shadow in the tree. The shadowy images slammed into your mind as you stumbled back, your head threatening to split but in a flash it was gone and he was in front of you grabbing your wrist concern lacing every corner of his features, "Cyar'ika, what is it?"
"Shadows playing tricks, it spooked me," you tried to shrug off.
"A highly trained imperial lieutenant getting spooked?" he said arching an eyebrow, "unlikely."
You pulled your hands away from him, "You don't need to baby me, Commander," you snapped.
"I am looking after my subordinate," he sighed releasing you from his grasp.
You rolled your eyes at the comment. You weren't an idiot you could see it plain as day across his face that there was more to the story, "Are you going to cut the bantha crap and tell me?" you said narrowing your eyes at him.
"It means Darling," he said walking away, "Maybe you need real food."
A single eyebrow arched up but you followed after him contemplating if that was an answer to both questions or just one. While most of his statements had open ended meanings often alluding to more it wandered you if he ever gave direct answers. Taking in the surrounding, you noticed the lack of flora instead finding infrastructure scattered about with gigantic transport ships taking off. Silence clung to both of your voice boxes as you tried to dissect each other for who you were. There was something about him that felt like home but equally something that made every hair on your arm try to stand up, there was something eerie about him threatening to spill over but you couldn't place your finger on it. For as many speeders passed and ships took off the air was still crisp, cold upon entering your nostrils with just a hint of metallic scent lacing it. Somehow you started outpacing him, your feet leading you towards a semi run down building near the back edge of town. Corellian Well Cantina. It didn't ring any bells but somehow your feet knew where he was guiding you. You heard Crosshair make a small hmph noise as he stuck a fresh pick between his lips as he snatched an unused menu from the table behind the two of you. Watching as his slender hand pushed the menu towards you as his long fingers droned against the wood tabletop. Flipping threw the menu to appease him, you let your eyes steal glances over the top of the menu noticing him avoiding you as he took in the rest of the Cantina.
"Not having anything?" you asked nonchalantly putting the menu down notice he hadn't bothered to grab another.
"I order the same thing."
"Doesn't that get boring?"
"I like routines."
"Not very fun or adventurous," you smirked watching him take mild offense to the comment snatching the menu, "Wow maybe you're a little less boring," you teased further with a small laugh.
Crosshair's ears honed in on the beautiful sound, the corner of his mouth upturning that it was still the same. Playfully he took the pick of his mouth and flicked it at you, watching you attempt to swat it away but failing as it landed in your hair. He snatched it in the air as you tried to flick it back at him, "and maybe you're a little less forgetful then you seem," he poked emptily before flagging down the server who's surprised expression didn't go unnoticed as he ordered something new. It didn't surprise him as you ordered the same thing but he didn't say anything, "That sounds good," he offered handing the menu to the server dismissively. Interlacing his fingers, Crosshair made a rest for his chin as he continued to survey the cantina before returning his gaze back to you. "I'm glad you're alive."
"Thank you... Crosshair."
"What are you staring at?" He asked arching an eyebrow.
"Your tattoo."
Cautiously Crosshair leaned forward offering his eye, "Trace it," he tempted.
Your head pulled back in surprised but your finger tips already prickled moving towards the ink embedded flesh. Reflexively your hand found the side of his face, your thumb alone tracing the tattoo. Dark embers danced across his iris as you repeated the motion trying to recall anything but nothing came. You sighed and pulled your hand away watching a disappointed expression bloom across his features, "Sorry," you mumbled.
"You never need to apologize to me," he snapped before exhaling, "It was my fault anyway," he mumbled harshly.
"Sometimes it's hard to make the right decision in war."
"You've spent to much time with Commander Cody," a tiny light bulb went off in Crosshair's head. If I could just find Cody... Stop. You choose this. See it through. Crosshair's com went off opening it he found orders to check out an unscheduled landing. Growling he stood up, "Order's let's move." He watched as you drew two concealed blasters and handed him one. Smirking he took it, "Make that to go," he told the server.
You followed after him at a run as the two of you took off for the speeder. Barely having enough time to wrap your arms around his waist, he started the speeder and both of you were off. Your eyes honed in on the landed ship in the distance, "Them." Still keeping distance Crosshair shut off the bike letting it slide behind cover, he motioned for you to follow and slowly both of you approached the ship. Your eyes narrowed at him noting his weapon wasn't drawn on the traitors, your eyes glued themselves back to the ship skin prickling in anticipation.
"They know we're here," Crosshair whispered looking around finding Hunter in the distance glaring towards him, "Stay close."
However you didn't listen, you had orders. You heard his hiss to stay put but your feet kept moving on their own. The tempo of the drum in your chest kept speeding up until it reached your ears. Tiny movement of shadow in the near distance caught your eye and you moved closer to it finding it to be a person's silhouette. Trigger finger inching as every step made the shadow more defined, Echo.
Your name fell from his lips in shock as you lifted the blaster towards the center of his chest, "You're alive. What are you doing? We have to go."
"You're a traitor to the Empire, you are to be terminated."
Echo's eyes went wide at the statement as the trigger went off but he was already moving. "We have to go," Echo shouted into the com, "Something's wrong." For once his legs stayed under him as he moved putting as much distance as he could between you and him.
"Why is she shooting at us?" Wrecker said running off towards the ship dunking out of the way of the blaster fire.
Hunter heard it, a whisper under Crosshair's breath. Rage boiled in his blood, "The Empire implanted her with a chip." Experimenting on Clone's and now on Nat borns? This was personal to Empire to get us, it had to be. Was Crosshair in on it? His blaster is on stun and he's not genuinely aiming. Maybe not.
"I did not know that was possible," Tech said firing stun shots in your direction providing cover for the others  to get onto the ship.
In slow motion, Echo jumped onto the ramp as a shot finally landed on his shoulder as he turned to look at your rushing imagine towards them. No regret or hesitation in your eyes, just per dedication to your assignment. After his time as property of the Techno union, Echo came to learn he could still feel fear... and now it froze him. Wrecker scooped up the Corporal in one arm tossing him into the ship as the ramp started closing. "I'm fine," Echo said peeling his shoulder looking at the tiny graze feeling Omega's well practiced hand already placing a bacta patch on it. He slumped in his seat taking his helmet off, "We have to tell Rex what the Empire is now capable of if they ever get their hands on us."
"Well for us, the orders seem to be kill sight."
"Thanks Captain Obvious," Echo grumbled.
"I do understand your meaning. It is highly distressing that the Empire would go to such lengths."
"We changed things on Ryloth. The Empire will be coming for us for the damage we caused."
"We got your chips out, we can get hers out too!" Omega said looking at all of them pleadingly.
"Omega, we tried," Hunter said defeatedly, not capable of meeting her gaze, "We have to let her go, she's with the Empire now."
"We also do not know enough on the procedure if she could survive having the chip removed," Tech added, "You have to let her go."
"Would you want us to let you go?" Omega demanded glaring at Tech.
"Yes, if it was in the best interest of the squad. We all are prepared to make that sacrifice. So was she," Tech said turning to look at his sister, "She is with Crosshair. We have to trust whatever his personal ambitions and plans are - that they include her, he let us live on Ryloth, on Kamino and just now. We may not understand what is going through his mind but I choose to believe he is playing a long game none of us understand," Tech twisted back setting his focus back to flying.
"Did he say anything else?" Echo asked eyeing Hunter who also wouldn't meet his gaze. 
"To Run," Hunter admitted, "I don't trust him but she wasn't playing around. I believe he was right about the chip and to run."
Wrecker looked at Echo who returned his gaze with a nod upward, "She'll be home before you know it kid," Wrecker assured placing his huge hand on her petite shoulder, "Just gotta be patient." If she's breathin, she'll be coming home.
Blaster fire clung to the air but that didn't detour your anger. You mirrored him placing your hand on your hips glaring at him, "Why did you set it to stun! The order is to terminate them on sight."
"I haven't received any such order," Crosshair said spinning the blaster around his finger before handing it back, "I ordered you to stun, why didn't you obey?" he squinted.
"My orders go above you."
"I've been with you since you woke up, you haven't received any such order; lieutenant."
"The Emperor.." the pain on the side of your head started again, your hand moved to it defensively, "ordered it."
"Did he now?" Crosshair said slyly moving closer until he was on your toes looking down hovering his face mer inches away from yours feeling your warm breath against his neck. "Go back to the Cantina, eat. That is an order," he said seeing the approaching Imperial ship with reinforcements and more than likely command. Once again trying to think quickly of a way to cover this.
"Yes, sir." Reluctantly you turned and headed towards the speeder, looking at him one more time watching him shoo you with his hand as he turned towards the ship. Arriving back at the Cantina the table the two of had temporarily occupied was still vacant so you slide back into it. At first you attempted to eat slowly but it didn't last long with the craving in your core for the solid substance. Your stomach grumbled at the cramming of food. Leaning back in your seat you stared at the blasters tucked into your waist band and the empty heaviness weighting them down. You thought about the shock on their faces, had we spoken lately? Why would they assume I would go with them? However emptiness weighed in your chest, nothing towards them was felt not even a sliver of closeness. They were nothing, traitors. You were to caught up in your thoughts when Crosshair appeared wiping the corner of your mouth with a napkin. It made the area tingle where the napkin had touched, warmth creeping into your cheeks. Unfamiliar softness lined his features as he sat down slowly shifting back into the harden solider.
"How did it feel?" He asked flatly examining you with her perceptive gaze looking for any hit of memory.
"Feel?" You asked finding the void in his gaze.
"Shooting your best friend," he poked eyeing you with squinted eyes.
"I shot a traitor," you said matter of factly.
"You didn't always think like that," Crosshair mumbled looking down at his food, no longer feeling hungry with the unsettling feeling creeping through him that you were more gone then he anticipated. He took a few bits pushing the contents around with his fork before just closing the box. His gloved hand found the scarred webbing on the side of his head and his leg curled up to his chest, the activation of his chip had shook him to his core often haunting him in the dead of night. Abandoned by his brothers, forced to try to kill the family he'd ever known and accepted him, then to have them still question his loyalty and now this would be another ghost haunting him. Crosshair was aware of his cold demeanor and severe outlook on life but how much it had been amplified and changed him to be the perfect soldier, part of his humanity had been taken buried in a locked chest in the depths of his being just out of reach until the accident and having it once again just to lose the person who made him feel like life was worth continuing. His eyes moved sideways feeling your hand cover the one he had on the side of his head.
"It makes you self conscious."
"What do you know," he said harshly removing his hand forcing your hand to drop.
"I don't need to know, I just need to see," you watch his eyes lift off the table softly looking at you for a moment only tenderness to, "I'm sorry I don't remember you, I didn't even consider how difficult this is for you too."
"Hmm," he said digging out a pick and putting it in his mouth. His fingers moved to his pocket debating bearing the truth but decided against it letting his hand fall flat on the table. "It is," he decided to admit, "and agonizing." I am nothing but a clone. A soldier carrying out orders to serve the purpose I was created for but you were suppose to be my everything to give me a reason protect this galaxy but once again in the makers cruelty I am nothing to you too. You're so close but a galaxy away. "What," he stated seeing your eyes still on him.
"Ri.... Riduur," your lips quivered speaking the word, "What does it mean-."
"Don't ever say that word again... until you remember," Crosshair growled but that didn't cover the heart breaking expression on his face, "Feeling full," he quipped with a wink trying to change the conversation as he noticed the near empty box before you.
Your eyes widen at the abrupt switch before you rolled them, "Yes. You obviously aren't however," you said moving your hand looking at the barely eaten food, "Do I need to feed you?" you taunted his early words back at him.
Crosshair smirked handing you the fork in a silent challenge, watching as you took it and reopened his box of food. Genuine laughter filled his lungs after you put food on it and hovered it by his mouth. He took the bite and took the fork from your hand to continue to pick at the food himself. Pulling his data pad out he slide it across the table opening your file up, "Up to you." He waited as you read your file along with opening his.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked pushing the pad back towards him. No words could describe what it was like to read your life, at least parts of it that were on the record. It was looking in on a scene as a stranger in the distance realizing it was your scene but no matter how fast you ran towards it you couldn't touch it.
"I did."
"Poorly. Why is my service record blank for the past year?"
Kark. "Classified," Crosshair opted, "Same reason part of mine is."
Somehow that answer just make sense, "I was undercover with them. Wasn't I?" You thought about the look of shock and horror on their faces as you shot at them, deep down you knew that was correct answer. You had been with them. I didn't always think like that? Suspiciously you eyed Crosshair, was I traitor? No I would never betray the Empire but would he? Traitors get terminated.
Taking a sip of the water glass the server had brought over you continued to examine him over the rim of the glass, the way his nostrils barely move when he's breathing, the micro movements of his facial muscles when he moves and the depths of his eyes which look like they could swallow you alive and drag you into their dark depths. "I know." It was a game of cat and mouse, what could be said and what could not, if you were smart enough to read between the lines but never truly reveal the cards in either hand. "So... Crosshair, would do you like to do for fun?"
"Guess," he smiled interlacing his finger over the table going still as a statue waiting.
"Hmm," you tapped a finger on the table looking at him again, mentally going over his record and the limited time exposed to him, "Actually..." you paused to look up at him, "Show me one activity that you want me to only think of you during."
"Given your reaction earlier, I don't think you'll like it," Crosshair made the measly tab, motioning for you to follow him. The feel of your hands around his waist froze him for a moment, he looked down at your small arms wrapped around him taking a steadying breath. This is what I wanted, to be together... but we never seemed further apart.
You watched as the landscape faded behind you, the city melting into the distance as you continued to ride into no where. The feel of him against you felt natural, you rested the side of your face against his tensing back. The scent of leather, musk and smoke engulfed your senses and probably would have put you to sleep besides  knowing if you loosened your grip it would be a long way down. You tightened your grip a little adjusting how you sat hearing a small muffled growl from him, "Sorry," you mumbled a small wave of embarrassment hitting you.
"Just stop moving," he gritted trying to keep the tent from growing in his pants as your legs and core straddle and rub against him. Thankfully you had stopped moving giving him time to relax and breath. She's not mine, not now, he reminded himself. The rest of the trip was in blessed silence as he took both of you to a mountain side he had found on one of his days off trying to get away from the world to think and find peace in the new galaxy. Regs, the republic, the Jedi, that time is over. We'll be strong, united and unconquerable. Crosshair's agile legs swung first prying off the mode of transportation breaking free of the touching and containment of the embrace. Smirking he looked at you for a moment then up the cliff side, "Climb."
Climb? You watched as his hands and feet already found footing propelling himself up. It was just a momentary lapse, you did your best to psyche yourself up for the task before perusing him up the sharp climb. Pausing for a moment to catch your breath you watched his grace as his hands swiftly moved from one spot to another while his feet tested foot holes. Clone Commando's, you mumbled a sound he apparently caught as he stopped to glare.
"Care to say that again?" he threatened.
"You are designed to be nearly perfect," you offered, "Endured rigorous training to make this child's play to you."
"You use to be able to keep up," he grumbled waiting, "Glad this wasn't in the field, or we'd be dead," he huffed.
"If I'm dead weight then why wait for me?"
"To keep you from being dead."
Maybe it was the inflection in his nasally voice or the way he looked when he said it or maybe even the way he tried to safeguard your climb the rest of the way up but something in your chest echoed an unfamiliar flutter as you climbed up in onto the perch of the climb overlooking the nothingness. You saw his drawn in posed as he sat, this time no memories revealed themselves. The sun set darkened his eyes while shadowing the hollow cut of his cheeks.
"Beautiful," he stated looking out at the vastness of empty land, keeping you in his peripheral even as the evening haze begun to contour your features.
"Crosshair?" you asked quietly.
"Are you happy?" you asked the tooth pick nawing man as he continued to watch the world around him as if the universe in it's entirety existed in this single moment as he turned to look at you, pain lacing his features.
"People like me don't get happy endings."
Tags: @projectdreamwalker
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rationaliity · 1 month
Calico and Tabby ★★★★★
Preservation — Physical Faction : Planetary Protection Division Obtained On : 20XX-XX-XX Character Introduction : Two sisters working with the IPC; they’re always close to each other, never straying apart for long. Two bright, eccentric personalities, one girl dances around telling her exact feelings, while the other tells it as it is without hesitation.
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Character Story I : ( Unlocked at Character Level 20 )
XX-XX-XXXX : patient has not woken up from her state of comatose since we found her on the dead planet. eye witnesses say she was awake when they found her, but she passed out from exhaustion soon after. we have reason to suspect she dropped her survival instincts, and her body’s exhaustion caught up to her. we don’t know when she’ll wake up, if she even will, but we are doing tests around the clock to check on the long-term affects of being on a dead planet long after a stellaron crisis. some of her wounds are scarred over so many times we cannot get a date on how long she’s been there, but documents have proof that the stellaron burst on the planet that caused the explosion happened at least two hundred years ago.
XX-XX-XXXX : we found… anomalies within her body while she has been out. the majority of her body’s muscles are comprised of scar tissues deep within the layer of her skin, and she is missing.. her entire uterus, with serious scarring all around that area. we have ideas of what happened, but none of us are willing to voice our concerns because all of our ideas are graphic and terrifying to think about. she still has not woken up, and we are beginning to suspect there are serious injuries inside of her brain as well. perhaps a lack of proper food and sleep have diminished her cognitive abilities, or at the very least, could explain why she is in a coma currently. until we have more information, we do not know what happened to her on that planet. regardless, we’re all in an agreement: whatever she went through, it was hell on earth. i believe an easier fate for her would have been death.
Character Story II : ( Unlocked at Character Level 40 )
XX-XX-XXXX : she has woken up, and seemed a lot calmer talking with us than we initially expected. furthermore, we’ve come to a shocking revelation: she has no memory of her time on that planet after the stellaron explosion. she can only recall her name, calico, and an overwhelming desire to find someone she knew from the planet before the explosion. we have reason to believe that it’s because of the damage to her brain we found during a brain scan, but we’re doing whatever we can to attempt to restore her memories. we have a renowned doctor from the intelligentsia guild is here to study her case, although he refuses to talk with the subject face to face. perhaps he finds her less than ? he’s adamant about the subject remaining unaware of his work here. 
XX-XX-XXXX : a week after she woke up, calico was trying to stand and broke her femur practically in two. her body is so weak right now that she’s struggling to move, but she refuses to give up and continues to push herself. however, when the doctor tried to help her, she insisted that she was okay, even daring to stand up on her own two feet. doctors everywhere were stunned, even i can hardly believe it.  after running some tests, we’ve discovered that the nerve endings in her entire body are not working properly, and her brain no longer sends signals to signify pain. she cuts out the majority of pain from her cognition unless its something detrimental. this is… not a wholesome update to her case. we are worried that she may not ever progress as a normal person again.
Character Story III : ( Unlocked at Character Level 60 )
XX-XX-XXXX : i’ve been.. staying at this hospital for a long time now. doctors walk by and shoot me a look of pity, as if i’m a failed experiment. a lab rat gone wrong. but i won’t give up hope. no matter how much they poke and prod at me, i know.. i know i will get out of here. alive, hopefully. i’ve been regaining my strength, and my stomach can now handle most foods, even if i have to eat in small bursts. apparently, starving does numbers on your ability to eat. i want to get out of his hospital, and make a name for myself out here. perhaps i could join the interastral peace corporation myself. i mean, they were the ones who saved my life, i kind of owe it to them, don’t i ? besides, i've heard talk that they'll wring usefulness out of anything, so saving my life did not come for free, i'm sure. so many people came to help me, including very important people, so i’ve heard, i feel as though i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the doctors that helped me along the way. i just wonder what i can do, what i bring to the table.. but sitting here beating myself up over my uselessness isn’t going to change anything.
i want to get out of this place, yes. but i think what i want more is to have a normal body, a normal life. i cannot.. no, i won't live like this, unable to find my own path. i'm better than this, i think. i want to be better than this, at least. i've been studying cellular regeneration, and i think i figure it out. i mean, i'm just sitting in a lab every day. i've got the time to figure it out.
Character Story IV : ( Unlocks at Character Level 80 )
XX-XX-XXXX : and here i was, under the impression that your first week alive wouldn't be a hard one ! i've been tested and tested over a million different times, and i still have no idea why at this point. we know what happened, we know why i'm here. she copied her dna and tried to replicate it, but before the cells got swapped over, something went wrong. the experiment didn't stop at just copying her damaged cells, it created all of her cells, which made meeee ! i don't understand why we need to do so many tests. apparently, there's even an important guy from the ipc here to do some tests, but i haven't seen him yet. she likes to avoid him as much as possible, i wonder why. is she nervous ? no. she's not the nervous type. maybe she just doesn't know how to approach him. she's silly like that.
i like her. and i like him too. but, obviously i do. i'm her, everything about me is just her copied over. well, everything is just her except my conversational skills, of course. while we were talking to someone, she was getting uncomfortable, and i could tell that she didn't like this guy very much. so i told him to stop talking to us and that he was making her feel bad. and what did she say to me ? she said " tabby, you can't just say that to people, that makes them feel bad. " but i don't get that line of reasoning. why should she feel bad and not other people ? what's the point of not saying what you mean ?
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melloween-candie · 10 months
Yandere Felix + Darker Side
The darker side of this headcanon - Yandere Felix
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Requested // Request Rules
"Omg I loved the yandere felix! Could you do something more with that idea? I love angst so why not that ahah, your pick tho! Take your time!"
A/n - Okay, so basically, this is just an add-on to the other headcanon but will be going into the darker side of Felix and what he'd do... This will also be a headcanon! Hope that's okay.
Submitted by Anon
Warning! cussing, mental abuse, physical abuse, forced sexual activity, starvation, panic attacks, seizures, murder, mental destruction, force drugging
Word Count: 1,260
Yandere Felix (I'd recommend reading this first... though you don't need to.)
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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Now, let's assume someone did find you.
Assuming Felix still hasn't learned the sealing spell.
Let's say a lost boy was going swimming, and no one else knew about it.
They got caught in a current and were dragged under the water.
Then they washed up in that very cave you were in.
You'd help the poor thing get dried up.
Once the boy wakes up, you explain everything.
You were hoping the kid was nice enough to help you escape, and surprisingly enough, he agreed to help you.
You didn't expect Felix to 'come home' till a few days later, but you were sadly mistaken.
He came that very night.
It was mainly because he was getting a bad feeling about the lost boy who got lost in Neverland.
So, he just wanted to check up on you.
He expected you to be asleep, but when he found you fully awake with that kid, everyone was looking for... things got messy quick.
You panicked, obviously, but he pushed you out of the way.
He was filled with rage, and that kid stood no chance.
That poor kid was beaten to death in front of you...
You ended up having a panic attack, and Felix had to stay longer than he expected.
Don't get me wrong, he'd stay forever if he could, but if he stayed too long, Peter would start questioning him.
Now that you understand that Felix isn't afraid to hurt someone for you- it's best not to try at all.
Do understand that, during that night, he manipulated you HARD.
Saying stuff like-
"He was only trying to get between us."
"He wasn't actually here to help you!"
"How many times do I have to tell you?! I'm the only one you need!"
Apart from that, he's also very controlling.
When he tells you to stop doing something- he won't repeat it.
If you make him- he'll force you to stop.
You're paying more attention to your stuffy collection- He'll rip up all of them.
Of course, he doesn't usually use force to get you to do what he wants, but when he's in a bad mood, then yeah- he loses his patience quick.
On a side note-
Felix isn't bellow using drugs either...
Meaning when he's too annoyed and doesn't feel like listening to your constant whining- good night :D
Or when he's horny... Good night :D
Now, if you did something bad... like so bad he believes it needs a punishment-
Normally he'd punish you by not giving you food or he'd put you in solitary confinement, but... in this case- let's say you did something super bad.
Like slapping him.
He doesn't tolerate a darling who tries to hurt him.
He'll lose his shit quick after that.
He'd take away the blankets and anything else he deems you unworthy of.
Then he'd tie you up.
He wouldn't even care how much you whine.
He'd tie you up in the most uncomfortable position possible and leave you there on the cold, hard, rocky, wet floor.
He'd leave you like that until you apologized.
And the worst part is- he'd need to believe you.
This could go on for days.
You could be laying there crying, starving, smelling like a rat, praying he'd believe your apology this time.
And you'd only get one chance to apologize per day.
Eventually, he'd 'accept' your apology. But his main goal was to make sure you would NEVER do that again.
It worked... but if it didn't- then the worst punishment you could ever imagine would happen.
He isn't below the idea of beating the knowledge into you.
He can do it for as long as he needs to.
The worst part is- he'd secretly enjoy it.
And once he finally feels like that was enough- he'd leave you with your injuries.
Mind you, that is, by itself, already bad... but the fact that you are in a wet cave can make your injuries worse.
Meaning- overnight, maggots already got into your wounds.
You freaked out and tried cleaning it up yourself, but your body ached too much.
So, all you could do was pray that Felix would hurry up and arrive and hope that he brought a med kit.
If he didn't bring one... he'd just smile and say he forgot.
Then he'd act like everything is fine even though most of your wounds already got infected...
He won't let you die though!
Now another horrible thing he'd do- Apart from...
Physically harming you and neglecting you-
(Mentioned in the other Headcanon)
He'd fuck you.
He tried respecting you every time you said no.
But you just kept saying no.
He tried earning your love- but you just kept being bad.
So, by this point, he lost his patience, and he had his way with you.
Once that happens, he isn't going back to asking or initiating.
By this point, he doesn't expect for you to change at all, so he'd just rip the clothes off you.
The worst part is he wouldn't even bother getting you new clothes after.
He'd just leave you naked in that nasty cave feeling completely disgusted with yourself.
(Btw- this is when he no longer feels anything when he fucks you when you're drugged asleep... Meaning he wants you to know what he did and is currently doing to you...)
And if you got pregnant... it could go multiple ways.
One- if you didn't tell him, that baby would die.
What I mean is that with all those punishments and the fact that Felix can't always be there to feed you even though he tries... It's just impossible.
Two- if you did tell him... he wouldn't be excited. At all. He didn't think you could get pregnant because of neverlands magic.
But if it was possible... he wouldn't be a monster and physically kill it. He just wouldn't try to help it... Basically, nothing would change, so if it survived, then it survives; if it doesn't, it doesn't.
Three- if it made it, it would probably get sick at some point being in that damp, cold, cave... and well, die. (Mind you, Felix doesn't care for it, so he wouldn't get clothes or food or anything for it. He mainly sees it as a nuisance.)
Four- if it still managed to survive, Felix would end up losing his patience, and he'd kill it himself. Either in front of you or not... you'll know it's dead if he never gives it back to you.
That would be your breaking point.
You'd have so many panic attacks being with him... you'd probably fall into seizures too.
You'd just be so miserable being with him.
Oh, and if you were a girl this whole time (If you weren't, then just skip the parts that clearly made you a girl- along with this part)
And you were on your period. Good luck with that.
If Felix is in a good mood, then sure, he'd put in the time to get you stuff to help with your cramping, but if he comes home feeling angry and shi*ty... then don't even bother asking.
Don't even complain... otherwise, you'd just become his punching bag again.
Overall, you question if he even actually loves you at this point...
I'd rate the darker part of Felix a 2/10 (I'd rather die before having this version of him as my Yandere 💀)
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So glad I saved this into a google doc 😭. I was TOO CLOSE to losing all this work... (Tumblr didn't save it 😖)
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hirik0 · 2 months
Back to you part 6
When Yuri wakes up he's in an awful mode his alarm is way to loud and happend way to early. Working for Makarov? Forget it! Why did he even thought that's a good idea in the first place? This also means his plan to get Jack a phishing link also needs to change, god fucking damm it. He groans covering his eyes with his left arm, the sun is to bright, he sleeped to less, his throat hurt and has a cut and he has a video call with his lawyer in 30 minutes and the worst problem he has is that Makarov will be at his doorstep or a killer send by him at anytime. He more falls out the bad then rolling and he just want to sleep a littel longer. First thing he needs to cover the bandags around his throat, like his laywer can't see this, so he searches for a scarf or a turtle neck in his closet, nearly not finding either. In his hast he nearly dressed in the dress shirt with blood on the collar. Rushing half dressed, who needs pants if everybody is only seeing the upper half of your body, to the kitchen, where he nearly drops his full coffee cup. He will go back to bed after this call, nothing good will happen to him today. The call also starts in the worst way possible, his laywer looking clearly displeased before she drops this bomb question on him. "Did you sent anyone to intimate your husband?", Lucy Harris is asking him looking angry. "No", Yuri answers being confused by the question, to tiered to even entertain whi she even could refer too. "Well I had a phone call if your ex husbands laywer yesterday and they told me that you sent somebody to provoke him in his favourite bar to get a better case to divorce him." Yuri frowns taking a sip of his coffee trying to get his brain to work. "When was that?", he asks he would remeber if he ask anybody to do this. "The night you were in Moscow with your old friend." Yuris frown gets bigger at this what is she talking about. The realisation hits him like a train, she's talking about Makarov. "I never asked anybody to piss of Jack. If this person was there it was their desition and I don't have anything to do with it." "Well it would be good when it don't happen again." "Of course, I will talk to him." A fat lie because Makarov would do it anyway, especially now that they are fighting. "Good, well they are still push the dates for mediation around so their is honestly not much we can do for now, I can complain to the court over this of course, but I don't think it's to much if an issue now", she explains and Yuri just nods along money is not really an issue sure it sucks but thanks to Zakheav he actually has some really good paying jobs on the line. He also needs the time to adjust his plan now that... oh oh genius of course that can work perfectly. Getting Makarov of Jack with the fake Instagram perfect genius, if he dont get killed later this day. "Of course that sounds great", Yuri says to something he only half listened. And soon after the call ends, what means he can just go back to sleep for few more hours or till Makarov kills him.
Makarov didn't even sleep yet, breathing hurts and well nobody said he can't do work from the bed. So just simply started working. Going through the information he had on the last gig before 141, Europoles new wunder weapon against organisation crime, fucking losers in his opinion, confiscated half of his weapon shipment. Who was on it, who know what who is the mole? He even didn't most analog, do no text, no mails and somebody still got information out, the tablet he uses right now can't even connect to the Internet. Oh this rat will suffer, touring him will be so fun, so satisfying, but he first need to smoke them out. His eye burn from exhaustion, he's getting a nasty stress headache. Circulation a few false information, drawing the circel closer and closer like a shark swimming around a seal hiding on a rock, before taking the lethal bit. But he also need somebody on the outside, somebody that can keep track of what false information is circulating and who was told what, he can always ask Milena he made her husband fall on a knife 8 time after all and she is also profiting from his buisness in more indirect ways, but he dont want to. Everyone knows that he and Milena are close so his men will be careful around her he needs a new face. He lets himself fall back against the pillows when his mind sets on Yuri. Yuri would be perfect, few people know him, he could join easly, well till last night he would say he can trust him, but not with the Zahkeav situation. He's honestly not even angry at Yuri anymore well maybe still a littel bit, but he's now mostly angry at Victor Zakhaev how did he even found Yuri? Depending on what he will learn at 3 pm there are probably a lot of persons trying to recruit Yuri to work for them exclusively. But Yuri is his, only his.
He sits in his office the pain meds finaly working. Waiting for Paval, his man for cyber crime what makes a good stable amount of money every year. Yuri claimed he sometimes sold to Pavel and well truth soon will be discovered. Pavel looks pale when he walks in as to be aspected, being called in by the boss with out given a reason is usally a very bad sign. His hands are slightly shaking when he sits down ready to throw a subordinate under the bus if needed. "What can you tell me over the Magpie, Pavel?", Makarov asks enjoying the effect he has on the other man. "His malware is amazing, but the windows you can buy from him are rare, he sometimes even offers to write custom programs for the right amount of money, but nobodyever could confirm that. His work is good, he's on time, I always buy something when his shop is open." Makarov nods along so if Yuri is who he claims to be he is a very valuable asset to the organisation. "What do you know about him?" Pavel frowns that is the whole point of him only selling a few times a year is to make sure he can't be found that easy, there is only one think that is seen as confirmed that he must work on cyber security. A insider making money on the side with crime. "He works in cyber security, besides that he's hiding his identity very well. Makarov frowns at this so how did Zakheav found him then? Pavel starts to sweat under the angry gaze of his boss, not sure if he is of the hook or not. "Would you reconices his work?", Makarov asks having to suppress a yawn, he needs more coffee. "I even have some of his latest work to directly compare it to anyone that claims to be the Magpie", Pavel nearly wispers not wanting to unleash Makarovs anger on himself. "Perfect, be prepared to do so, you can go now." With this Makarov dismisses Pavel who has the feeling he's a gazelle getting away from a very hungry lion. So he walks out of the place as fast as he can without looking like he's running. Makarov makes himself another coffee he really wants a drink, but he don't mixes medication with alcohol, the risk of accidently killing himself out of stupidity. That would be embarrassing because he's the man with at least 5 back up plans, the man that knows how to use legal grey zones for his advantage, the one never been pinned down for the big crimes, always getting away. Not for a lag of trying and the 141 is becoming a pain in his ass, Captain John Price had a interesting team. His attack dog Simon 'Ghost' Riley who lost his whole family because of a cartel, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick his protégé since he finished college with degree in forensics, the hard to kill Gary 'Roach' Sanderson who lost his voice in a undercover mission he barely survived and the new guy John 'Soap' MacTavish who before worked in the bomb squad. Not to forget his supporters behind the scenes Nikolai somebody that left crime to become a police officer, Kate Laswell and Alex Keller that are their contacts to Interpol, Shepard leader of a anti drug unit of the several US agencies and his attack dog Graves who is in lead in the fight against Mexican Cartels.
He takes a sip from his coffee if he had to bet money on it he would put it on Graves having installed a mole. He's actually know for doing highly questionable undercover missions, most aren't as lucky a Sanderson and survive when the cover is ultimately blown. 141 stared to target him around 7 months, ruining plans of his all over Europe, but the mole must be here for longer. Makarov knows the failing rate for new people to join his organisation is around 70%, most of them die, the next biggest reason he rejects them because their work is bad, they are unreliable, some cracking under the pressure of police when all they have to do is shut their stupid mouth. So for somebody to get this high to get that valueable information to seriously hurting his organisation they must work for him for nearly two years, must be working directly under one of his Lieutenants. His coffee mug is half empty and the damm drink can't keep his exhaustion at bay anymore. He can visit Yuri after he sleeped, making a strategic move tiered can end disaster because Yuri is probably well rested by now and would likely not put up a fight this time. Also when he breaks into Yuris place at a unsuspected time or when Yuri is asleep he has the uper hand.
Yuri is still tiered when he wakes up again in the late afternoon. He is still alive, what don't mean that Makarov is not in his living room when he leaves his bed room. But their is no Makarov in his living room waiting for him, what honestly is worse, if the other Russian would be in his place he atleast knows he is about to die. Now he hast to wait, he turns on his laptop so he can check his mails. He puts a pizza in the oven because well he need to eat. Before laughing at his silly thought, you can just text Makarov and ask. While waiting for his pizza he checks over his mails, seeing a familiar mail address from work. Kate Laswell wrote him, he frowns should he read it, should he just delete it? He can still delete it after reading. He already cringes when he reads the first part of the mail. Sure Kate probably don't know he's divorcing their interaction were always exclusively business.
Dear Mr. Blaire,
Mrs Potter was so friendly to give me your new business mail address. We were very grateful if we could still use your expirince for some of our cases, please send me a list with your prices as soon as possible.
Kate Laswell
He looks dumbfounded at the mail for a while. He never planned to keep working in cyber security, did he told that his colleagues sure, but it was a lie. Also of course Alice gave out his e-mail out, one he also only uses to keep the lie from being to obvious. He thinks about simply deleting the mail account, does he really still need it? It would be foolish to keep the account now that he has the first profitable jobs to modify certain malware and bots for the people Zahheav introduced him. The smell of pizza is slowly filling the room so he takes a look at it, the cheese isn't melded enough for him. When he goes back to his laptop he nearly clicks delete account when he rembers he also gave this mail also to his lawyer. So he does the next best think blocking Laswell and deleting her mail with out answering. This is probably something he should talk with Makarov about if ge survives the fight ring problem. After getting the pizza out if the oven he grabs his phone opening his chat with Makarov. Seeing his drink text from the night in Moscow with Milena and he laughts at the absurdity on how their relationship did a 180 by now. He still sends the silly text he about Makarov killing him.
Yuri: you decided on killing me yet or can I do work?
Its such a stupid text, why did he even send it? He bits in his pizza the cheese and tomato sauce burning his mouth. Great really a bad day, he sits down on his couch laptop on his lap pizza on the couch table and it's fucking nostalgic. He can't even recall how often Makarov, Milena and him sat after university together in a living room all doing homework and complain about it. How often they would ask Makarov about the law, how often he helped Milena with the math for her buisness degree how often the other looked over his code to find the one missing semicolon so the code would work. He was happy back then. All of them working their ass of in university at day and at the fighting ring at night to finance their degrees. Then Jack happened and Makarov and Milena stayed away, because they could not stand his boyfriend. How they would fight, because of Jack their friendship crumbling honestly a wonder they even came to the wedding. But now after all this time after he came back it don't feel like things never changed, like Jack never happened, well besides Makarov maybe killing him after he already gave him a unheard second chance he won't get a third.
Makarov: Andrei will come by and you will give him an USB-stick with some of your code for comparison
Y: you can read code by now?
M: I have people for that
Y: of course you have
Yuri sighs so his contact person in Makarovs organisation want to see some of his work, to compare to what he sells. He rolls his eyes coding a classic first generation malware. He eats the next slice of pizza thinking what to do add to it to give it his spin. Something that screams Magpie. Mid chew he knows exactly what to do. Does he have to prove to his claim of being the Magpie sure to a stranger, but he also can do something that Makarov knows from back in universety.
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101ocs · 3 months
Leslie Transcript
Note: I just wanted to do this for funsies giggle :3!
[Leslie’s ability, “SIC,” allows him to call upon his dog, Bullet, to attack any victim close enough to him. Bullet cannot kill a victim himself, but can incapacitate them if their health is low enough.]
Feed Grandpa
- I’ll read you a story after this is all done here, grandpa.
- Here you go, Grandpa! A lil’ snack!
- Johnny didn’t mean to, Grandpa…we’ll fix it.
- I gotta present for youuu! Say ‘aaah…’
- I wish you were up n movin’ again. Things would be so much easier.
Victim Found
- Hey, that’s my hidin’ spot!
- What’re you doin’ in there, babe?
- You thought I wouldn’t check here? Really?
- Sorry, babe. Cat’s outta the bag.
- Peekaboo!
- You shy or somethin’? C’mon out.
Victim Hit
- I’m tryna be gentle!
- Awh, yer blood’s so pretty! Lemme see a lil’ more, ‘kay?
- Gotcha good there!
- Why’re you squirmin’?! That just makes things worse!
- I’ll make it quick, babe! Just stop movin’!
Blood Trail
- I’ma have’ta clean this up, y’know…
- What did I say? I told you I’d be nicer.
- Man, I really don’t want clean up duty again.
- Phtt…someone’s havin’ a bad day, huh?
- Yeah, that’s it. Leave Bullet somethin’ to rat you out.
Match Start
- Bullet’s gonna have a field day with this one!
- I’ve never really done a chase like this before…gotta stay on my toes.
- I might be young, but I ain’t dumb. I’ll find ‘em.
See Victim Escape
- We’re really gonna get it this time!
- Shit! This can’t be happenin’ right now!
- I’ll send Bullet after ‘em.
- Goddamnit. I gotta tell Ma.
- I gotta prove that I ain’t a kid no more!
- That girl Johnny liked…she was really pretty. I mean, really pretty. He didn’t have to do that…
- This may be my first rodeo, but that don’t mean nothin’! I’ll still get it done!
- Bullet should be waking up soon. (sigh) He’s such a good boy…
- Y’know I…I don’t really like killin’. But it is what it is. Gotta do what’s best for us.
Sees Enemy
- I promise I’ll be way nicer than the others. Just c’mere.
- It’s okay…c’mere, sweetheart.
- I’m sorry it has to be this way. Really, I am.
- It’ll be over soon, hun. C’mon over here.
- All of this is pointless. It’ll hurt worse if you squirm. 
Ability Denied
- Bullet can’t hear me from here…
- Nope. No scent for Bullet to track.
- Bullet won’t be able to find ‘em.
- Let’s wait a lil’ longer…
Use Ability
- Sic ‘em, Bullet!
- Get ‘em, boy!
- Find ‘em, Bullet!
- [whistle]
- Sweet dreams…
- Don’t keep the angels waitin’.
- There you go. You’ll find her up there…I promise.
- Night, night.
- Rest easy, babe.
Cook Seen
- Don’t be hollerin’ at Bubba, okay? You’re makin’ him nervous.
- Let me know if you need help, ‘kay?
- You seen anyone yet? Huh? Huh?
- I’m sure Johnny’s sorry for all this mess, alright? Can you just drop it please?
- Hey, hey, hey, what you gonna cook up for dinner tonight? (laughter)
Hitchhiker Seen
- O-Oh, my bad. I’m in the way…
- Did Grandpa really teach you how to make those traps? You’re so lucky!
- Hey, you should really stop mutterin’ ‘bout my folks, y’know…
- I think you should set a few more traps, man. They’re runnin’ around everywhere!
- I know you’re more experienced than me but…I don’t think messin’ around will do much for our cause.
Johnny Seen
- There you are, Johnny! Me and Bullet have been lookin’ all over for you!
- We should be more gentle with them this time…y’know?
- Johnny…is this about that girl? …Never mind that, we’ll get ‘em!
- I should start workin’ out like you do. My arms could use a lil’ more muscle! (laughter)
- Mama’s worried about you, y’know. Once we catch ‘em, I think you should try to work things out…o-or not.
Sissy Seen
- I’ll get outta yer way…
- Make sure you don’t overdo it with that poison, okay? Ma gets pissed off whenever you do.
- What’re you always singin’ anyway? I don’t get it.
- I’m worried one of these days yer gonna step on somethin’ and hurt yerself. You should really put some shoes on or somethin’!
- Yer flower garden’s doing real well, Sissy! Must be that fertilizer we make. (giggle)
- Y’know, I’m surprised to see you! Thought you were gone for good last time. I’m glad you came back…
Nancy Seen
- Hey, mama! Having any luck over here?
- We’ll definitely catch these kids with you ‘round, mama! You had tons of practice with me n Johnny way back when, huh? (laughter)
- Mama, you think I should call Bullet out soon? He’ll handle this like a champ!
- When I find ‘em, I’ll bring ‘em to you, mama! I promise.
- Need any help, ma?
Bubba Seen
- Woah! You work that saw real good, man! Real good!
- Make sure you’re havin’ fun, alright? We can hang out later, if you want!
- Sorry, man. I’ll get outta your way!
- Are they botherin’ you again? (sigh) Don’t listen to ‘em! You’re doing awesome! I wish I could be as cool as you!
- You’re doing great! Keep going, man!
- You oughta get yer brother and mother in line, boy!
- Stop yer whinin’ and get to work!
- C’mon, kid. We don’t have all day! Let’s find ‘em!
- If it weren’t for yer brother, we wouldn’t be in this predicament! I keep tellin’ him, but he just don’t listen…
- You better not go off and get us into trouble like this too!
- Y-You don’t know nothing ‘bout nothing! Yer just a k-kid!
- I-It’s funny how you n Johnny look alike…(snicker)
- Better hu-hurry or your mama m-m-might give you a scar next!
- You wanna hear a s-secret? C’mere, I’ll tell you a s-secret!
- You still scared of k-killin’? Huh? (laughter) I knew it! Yer shakin’!
- C’mon, lil’ boy. Pick up yer feet.
- It’s like that game we used to play as kids! (laughter) Hope you learned a thing or two from that.
- Don’t give up on me now! Keep searchin’!
- Thatta boy, Les. Keep it movin’.
- You see, Les? This is what happens when you’re too easy on them kids! Gotta make sure you finish what you started!
- (laughter) Well, aren’t you a sweet thing?
- You just haven’t found the light yet, sugar. That’s all!
- Oh, there you are! I planted some new flowers I want you to see once we’re done!
- Don’t start getting into trouble like your brother does, now. He’s enough as is.
- (laughter) Aww, sugar…you can hardly hold your shears without shakin’.
- Breathe, sweetheart. You’re doing just fine.
- Remember what I taught you, Leslie. You’ll be alright.
- Hold those shears up, sweetie. You won’t hit a thing with it swingin’ like that.
- C’mon, Leslie! We can’t let them get away! Get focused!
- There’s a first for everything, Leslie. Don’t get cold feet now.
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evilwriter37 · 4 months
Last night I made an Amazon wish list for the babies instead of doom scrolling and I thought I’d send you an ask since your followers probably know more about my pets than my own. So, if anyone has the ability and wants to get my babies anything, feel free.
If you’re a follower of Archer and somehow managed to dodge all of my asks with my babies, then here’s an introduction.
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This is Mora. She is a five year old long haired calico with a tiny little bobtail. She was born with it according to vets. She was found in a ditch when she was just a couple weeks old with her siblings. I kept her while her siblings all found homes elsewhere.
She is a spunky, clumsy, cuddly little girl. When I say little, I mean little. She weighs five pounds. She likes to play with her claws and lay on my head when I’ve slept I’m too long. She drools when she’s happy and gives the most pitiful, pathetic meow when she’s upset, like when I try to get her to take her allergy medicine. . . She is winning on that regard. I’ll think I’ve gotten her to take it and then boom! Ten minutes later I find it in the middle of the room. I don’t know how she does it.
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This is Nebula. She is a six year old short haired dilute calico. She found me the day that one of our old family pets passed away and has been with me ever since.
She is very calm, precise, and deadly. She enjoys going outside and taking care of the rat problem we have. She will wake me up in the middle of the night of she hears something skittering in the walls. Once she snuck a cicada inside. Don’t worry though, she’s well watched when she goes outside by both me and people who work nearby. They’ve tried to give her pets but alas, she only likes them from me. Truly an honor.
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This is Tiadrin. She is a two year old lhasa apao and poodle mix. She came into my life soon after the passing of my best friend.
She is energetic (as all puppies seem to be), very friendly, and just all around so sweet. She loves playing fetch and sharing her opinions. If I do not give her a treat before bed. . . Oh, dear, is everyone going to know. She’s not just a spoiled little girl though. No, no, no. She is very smart and we are currently working on some training. I just need to figure out how to make her stay still for long enough to learn that no matter how much she wants to say hi to every person she meets, the leash is not going to go slack. . . She’s so small though that the harness I have for her is loose (but of course if I get a size smaller it’ll be too small) and she can slip out of it. I persist regardless!
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This is Brother Bear. He is an eleven year old lab mix. I got him when he was just an itty bitty baby with his sister (who is no longer with us).
He is a very anxious baby. He and his sister were very, very close and since she passed he’s been so very lost. He found some comfort in my boy Scooby but now he’s no longer with us either. He and Nebula have been grieving together.
It’s not all sadness for this boy though. Despite his arthritis and several other health issues, he is still so energetic and so loving. He can out play me any day. He gives my hand kisses and lets me give him long hugs. We often times just lay with each other by our side. He is such a comforting, calming presence with far more patience than I will ever have.
So, here’s some more about the babies if you knew them already and here’s your introduction if you don’t. I’m starting up school in a couple months and most of my money will be going towards that when I can finally find a job, so if you want to spoil them while I can’t, please feel free to!
I love your pets so much, but you already knew that. I'm sure my followers love them too!
Spoil their pets if you can! They're cuties!
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moldygreenblue · 4 months
Sometimes I forget that 'Cats (1998)' trailer appeared on Barney's Great Adventure as one of the previews
Having finally watched Cats (2019), it's not as bad as everyone made it out to be when it first came out. Like it is very not a good film, but there's a charm to it that I can't help but like (some parts have more charm than others; Skimbleshank's number is a good example of it). But honestly speaking, I wouldn't watch it again.
Or at least, the not whole movie in its entirely. I feel maybe if I watched it as a bunch of disjointed music videos with a theme being an adaptation of T.S. Eliot poems, I enjoy it a lot more (with edits that omits the interruptions; The Rum Tum Tugger number really could have done without the Rebel Wilson's interruptions).
And having watch Cats (2019), and knowing I have Cats (1998) and being obsess with Cats in my younger years (mainly pre-teen years) and still on occasional listen to the songs of any production I can get access to (chores, excising, trying to drone out stuff by putting in my headphones, etc), I realize that I haven't watched the movie in a few years. And I figure, "Hey! Why not watch the movie you watched so many times when younger that annoyed the hell out of your family?"
And I re-watched it. I honestly forgotten how much I enjoy it! Got to love the obvious edits in parts of songs especially so (I know that some cut parts were release/found, and I hope someone managed to edit them back in in an ultimate fan edition).
Having re-watched it, and maybe it's because Cats (2019) omitted this part out due to the restructuring of having Victoria as the protagonist + audience stand in, something finally occurred to me that never did crossed my mind before.
Why is 'The Man Over There' in the junkyard in first place?
(Note: I know this applies to other/all productions, but since I watched the 1998 movie, it's the one with 100% focus)
This legit had me going down a spiral of over-thinking, and an answer (of a wild mass guessing kind), which will be under the cut for this post got a bit longer than I expected:
So, during the pyramid section of Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats, a boot drops from a nearby house or apartment/flat [near/over the junkyard] to interrupt them. The cats don't stop their singing. Sure, they pause, but they go back to the singing in seconds. And also steal away the boot (they don't want anyone tripping over it).
It's only after they finish the number does Asparagus notices that "there's a man over there". We now have a random human stumbling on a bunch of cats singing and dancing so late at night (how late, very late for Jemima to eventually sing 'Daylight' and let us know it's almost dawn near the end of the musical).
And on a similar note that I swear is related to to the topic at hand, Asparagus is the cat to notice the man first before everyone else. I don't want to say he ratted the man's flabbergasted look of 'wtf is going on what is a jellicle cat'. But I'm 100% certain Asparagus is smirking as the rest of the scene unfolds. That to me, personally feels as if he knew what likely going to happen next (re: the man is now stuck with them for the rest of the night).
So, back to the topic. Why is 'The Man Over There' in the junkyard in first place? Why did the man came to the junkyard of all nights?
Because 'The Man Over There' (who Asparagus knows and/or recognizes), dropped the boot into the junkyard in the first place.
Stay with me. This make sense when you overthink all the details.
The Man Over There lives near/over the junkyard. He has a window over it. It's not the prettiest sight to look at, but he's not cursing its existence. It's not causing trouble.
Until now, on this particular night. On this particular night, a colony of cats are suddenly meowing and screeching together. The cats in their congregation, wakes the Man up. And the Man is not happy. He is grumpy for getting waken before his alarm could do it, and he thinks he can get a bit more shut-eye if he can gets the cats to stop their 'singing'. And what does the Man does? Throw one of his boots.
There is silence for about five seconds, before the 'singing' starts up again. The Man was not expecting that outcome. He thought they would scattered and leave. Now being fully awake and realizing he needs his boot back (it's a good boot, and it wasn't cheap), the Man decides to go to the junkyard to get it back.
In the junkyard, the Man is rightfully freaking the hell out. He is now hearing the cats sing. Like, actually singing that he can understand. He sees them dancing (are they dancing like they appear in the musical or are they dancing like actual cats on hind legs, I don't know). He is rightfully freaking out, and confused as fuck because he truly has no idea what is going on, in terms of his situation AND due to his sudden ability to understand the singing cats.
As the Man is freaking the fuck out, Asparagus sees the human. Very shocking to see a human in the junkyard of all nights! And the human here is one Asparagus knows! Or rather, seen more frequently than he likes. The Man is a familiar face Asparagus has the odd luck of running into in many places in London, though the Man never seems to notice Asparagus.
And Asparagus quickly connects the dots regarding the boot from earlier ('Oh, so it's HIM who dropped the boot? Well, he's going to get a night he will NEVER forget.') and rats the Man out.
And to be honest, the fact that the Man did in fact, stay for the whole ball, is something I feel is fanfic material and shock there isn't a single fanfic from the past to now that explores this.
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