#there IS good info on tiktok but u have to know where to look it’s not exactly a foolproof plan to just stick a term in the search bar
cowboyslikedean · 6 months
just saw someone say “try tiktok” as a good place to research economics and like. girl please don’t i will GIVE you my jstor log in im begging you. i’ll summarise any article u like. please.
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sentavoarts · 5 months
hey, ur oc is super cool! got any hcs w/ them in adwd? i’d love to know!!
HI THANK U FOR THAT but yeah i have some:
His name is Sen btw! (where i basically got my name from)
Post will include these things: -Basic info about him (fav color, food, music taste, etc) -More detailed things (previous jobs he worked, body details like scars and tats, etc) -Hcs with them and grim (uses his actual name)
Basic stuff:
-He/they pronouns
-Sennes is his actual first name with Sen being a nickname
-Fav color is this specific shade of blue ( 8BECFF)
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I can't even explain why he likes it he just does and thinks that's awesome of him.
-Fav foods would be those local filipino noodles (pancit canton if u wanna look it up) and that samanco ice cream
-His overall genre of music would be a mix of indie , jazz and, somewhat pop
-Fav artist is arctic monkeys or laufey!! (projecting here)
-He doesn't really have a style he just wears whatever he thinks looks good on him but it may range from vintage to things those skateboard boys wear!
More detailed things about him:
-He's quite scared actually not sure if it was seen that much in that art but he has a scar across his face from accident (technically an attempt of casp trying to take his soul) from when a wine bottle fell on his face.
-On the note of wine he actually had a bartending job while he was in college to help pay for his rent. He's had some other previous jobs before this one and here they are in order: flower shop cashier > cafe barista > bartender.
-Honestly the job i was gonna give him wasn't in the list of jobs (psychiatrist) but if i were to pick in the list it would be mortician i just think he would probably kinda enjoy it??? because if you think about it being a mortician is like those asmr tiktok games where you give a make over to a zombie or smth...
-Tattoos! All over his arms! And on his nape:
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the one on his nape is inspired by a song called "crying lightning" by arctic monkeys!!!!
-He has a mole on top of his eyelid and freckles everywhere.
-Actually pretty buff as he can bench press around 291 lb (strong baby boy)
-He's actually had some self defense training from his parents when he was younger and picked up boxing and fencing as a hobby.
Hcs with Casper!
-Like one of the options in the game, Sen would absolutely ENJOY putting little ribbons all over Casper's hair. He might even play around a bit and make him have goofy hairstyles (that Casper would KILL him for but we ignore that).
-He calls Casper "Casp" because he just thinks its really cute. Along with "Cas" "Buwan"(filipino for moon) and "Vinegar" (Teasing)
-Inspired by that convo in their official discord server, They would have a BLAST doing each other's skincare/ make up while listening to 2015 white girl songs!
-Following the one before this they would ROCK karaoke night.
-Sen is a avid music listener and would probably try and get Casp into so many other artists.
-(based on the game) Sen's teased Casp about his plush Azrael but really Sen has a whole ARMY of plushies and Casp REALLY gets back at him for that. Basically would go like:
"Your not really all BIG and SCARY with that plushie thats so PINK and CUTE!"
"Says the shithead with a army of plushies on his bed... seriously why do you need that many"
"THE CHILDREN??????????????????"
-Idk why but i feel like he would let Casp use markers to color in his tats!
-Sen would 100% bring him on a whole road trip to a more country/rural place to just enjoy the peace and quiet (Like one of those aesthetic vanlife tiktoks
-Sen is pretty decent at drawing and i feel like Casp would be too if he tried hard enough but i just imagined them giving each other lil drawings they made (could even be on little notes left on the fridge or little letters scattered everywhere)
-On those days Casp is in the soul sickness time will be spent snuggled in bed and having nice warm meals!
-Sen would probably always ask Casper for a sparring session because that seems like it would actually be fun! Plus we don't really know much about how Casp fights so... that would be interesting (he would be butt hurt if he loses).
-Their def a >:| and :3 duo
-I feel like deep in my bones Casper would probably like playing guitar/bass. So basically what im saying is they could sing and play TOGETHER! YIPPPEEEEEEEE!
nyways i think i better stop here because this list is getting LONG. And currently thats all the hcs i can think of.
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holllandtrash · 1 year
woah woah woah. i am the anon that sent that message and i have a bone to pick with you. first you completely ignore my apology after i have explained how you misinterpreted my words. then you go on to reply to others and spread false info?? FYI- i wasn’t referring to your tiktok, i’ve never even viewed your page bc it’s probably boring af. i was referring to the hundreds of posts on your tumblr. who do you think you are to talk to me like this? get over yourself you’re not a celebrity 💀
if you had come off anon and reached out to me privately or sent me a message, i would have loved to have a conversation with you and clear the air, but because you want to continue to hide behind the secrecy of a screen, i am going to respond to this publicly and i am going to break down my response so no one gets their feelings hurt.
"i am the anon that sent that message and i have a bone to pick with you." this is not how you start a conversation with anyone, and if you are looking for respect here, you're not getting it by starting off like that.
"first you completely ignore my apology after i have explained how you misinterpreted my words." if you had looked at my recent post, you would have seen I put out a general thank you to those who did send kind words. i did not respond to every single one, or any of them for that matter (except 1) because as mentioned, i was taking a short little break from tumblr and did not want to read my inbox. by the time i did go to look at what people had sent me, i skimmed the inbox and realised that a lot of them had some not so nice things to say about you and your message and the last thing i wanted was more negativity on my page, regardless of who it was directed at. for your benefit, i kept those messages in the inbox. i put out one general thank you because this situation was something i wanted to move on from.
also this was your apology:
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no where in that message is a proper explanation as to what you were referring to when you said "u need to write more fanfics instead of giving your opinions."
also what if i didn't accept your apology? i don't owe it to you to respond if i don't want to.
"then you go on to reply to others" i replied to one person because the first sentence in their message caught my eye. that user is from italy, more specifically the region that is affected by the flooding and i wanted to share with them they were in my thoughts and i hoped they were safe.
"and spread false info??" FYI- i wasn’t referring to your tiktok, i was referring to the hundreds of posts on your tumblr. what false info? yes, i admit, maybe i did jump to assume you were referring to my podcast/tik tok and what i had said about imola, but in my defence, why would someone come on my blog and tell me to not post on my blog? that doesn't make any sense at all, and again, it's just rude. maybe you meant it as a joke, (you didn't, we know that now) but you need to understand that you cannot go into someone's inbox and say things like that. people are allowed to post what they want on their blogs. if you just wanted to read their work, there's a good chance they have a masterlist you can scroll through to avoid the rest of their posts.
"i’ve never even viewed your page bc it’s probably boring af." please see exhibit a: you saying you love my page and my podcast (which is the exact same as my tik tok). so you're being dishonest in one of those messages. also, i can assure you it's not boring. if it were boring, i wouldn't have been invited to texas or toronto to work with other creators, but i totally understand if my content is not something you want to watch or listen to. it's not for everyone, but it's also certainly not boring.
"who do you think you are to talk to me like this?" this is what i said:
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you are quite literally the one who sent me a message with the underlying tone that said "talk less, write more" and you are not the first person to send me a message like that, your message was simply the one that pushed me over the edge and i had to say something. you are the one who came to my page and said "u need to write more fanfics instead of giving your opinions." so let me ask you, who do you think you are, talking to me like that? those paragraphs i put out were, yes, for you but also for the dozens of other people who think its fair to tell people to write more. if you saw that and got personally offended because you thought it was a message that resonated with you and what you had said, that's on you.
"get over yourself you’re not a celebrity" never said i was babes, i'm just a human being. i will stand up for myself and share my opinions and i believe you have been extremely disrespectful. i've done nothing wrong. my inbox is still open, as are my messages, if you would like to come off anon and have a real conversation. but until you understand that there is a way to talk to people and how spoke to me is not it, i fear you may not get the respect you desire.
as per your most recent message:
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i don't believe you're sorry for the outburst, but i do believe it was sent in frustration and haste. again, if you had reached out to me privately and off anon, this whole thing could have been avoided. thank you for liking my writing, i am not apologising for anything i said or for my personality as you seem to be the only one who has a problem with it. if you would like to unfollow me, i understand, but please, don't leave any more messages for any more writers that implies 'talk less, write more'.
thank you
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thecorvidforest · 1 year
Hi!! I saw that ur punk and I had questions if that’s okay!!! Im p sure I heavily align w punk ideology (and have already been cpunk for a while) (I strongly don’t want to conform to society and love all “weirdos”, fuck cops capitalism etc etc,,,) but I don’t listen to punk music or dress punk at all. I know u don’t have to dress any certain way (feel like ppl r gonna call me fake though) but people say u need to listen to punk music and I’m going to try !! but I’m very new and haven’t started yet.. when exactly is it okay to call myself punk? and umm while I do align with ideology I actually am very uneducated on anarchy and maybe similar concepts that I’m very interested in learning about but have no idea where.. can u give me any info on what being punk is really about and where to learn more? some people say there are “posers”’ but what exactly would make someone a poser?
hello! not a problem, i'm happy to tell you what i can :) (also ayy, fellow cpunk)
i would say that you can call yourself a punk when you're educated on the politics and ideology and can say for certain what parts you align with. being punk isn't about the aesthetic, it's about the ideology, so making sure you understand said ideology is the most important step.
that said, while punk ideology is generally left-leaning and anti-establishment, it's a massive umbrella that covers tons of different political beliefs. i personally am an anarchopunk, which is very left-leaning and centered around community instead of authority, but is directly against the beliefs of other subgroups like neo-nazi skinheads or national front which have both co-opted a lot of punk culture for its anti-establishment beliefs. there is no single set of punk beliefs, so it's important to do your research before adopting the label.
some places i would look to in order to learn more: classic punk literature (https://www.popmatters.com/punk-literature-101-recommended-readings is a great list of some places to start), and punk arts such as poetry, music, and zines, and punk history. dcdig.dclibrary.org has some fantastic collections that cover some of the history and politics that have influenced punk culture (i would very much recommend their DC Punk Archive Zine Library). in particular i'd look at the queer and BIPOC historical influences on punk culture, because those tend to get left out and knowing about that history is very important.
as for what makes someone a poser: posers in the punk community are typically people who embrace punk aesthetics but are uneducated on punk politics. they want the social recognition of the label but have nothing to contribute when it comes to their ideology. they tend to flock to places like tiktok where they can get that social recognition without having to talk about their beliefs. they also tend to gatekeep the punk community a lot. posers are not punk.
some red flags that a person might be a poser: they gatekeep the punk community, they don't talk about their beliefs and/or get irritated when people ask them about their beliefs, their punk fits are bought from amazon or other large corporations instead of being handmade or from small/punk owned businesses (it's pretty hard to tell from just looking though), they shame people for not listening to specific music or not "looking punk enough", they happily promote unnecessary violence because it's "edgy", they hate on everyone who doesn't agree with them, etcetera.
and in regard to your follow-up question about whether one can be emo/goth/nerd etc and punk at the same time, you absolutely can! these subcultures tend to overlap pretty often, and there's really no actual rules about what makes or breaks a punk identity other than being educated and honest about the labels you use.
i hope this helps, and good luck! :))
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infitsovermisfits · 2 years
(SMUT) Tiny Swords Part 3 - Eddie Munson x (afab) Reader
info: I also wanted to give a personal headcannon that Eddie is pan/bi if u couldn't tell (/srs). I know the whole hanky code thing, i saw it all over tiktok but b r o plz... he.. I.. he... i... yeah. Pansexual so we can all enjoy him together as a community <3 i love sharing my fictional boyfriend with all the thousand of u <3 HAHAHAHHAHA /j /lh ENJOY MORE SMUT LADS
This is a smut chapter- if you're under the age of 18 please don't read it. Be safe on the internet ok?
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AN: I wanted to finish this asap because I have a flight to catch tomorrow and won't be working on anything over the weekend ;P i'm also going to catch up on sleep and pack and stuff so i wrote this as fast as my tiny small little fingers could type unhhhhh. I have a few ideas for more fics but they will come out a little later :p love u all <3
((as a side note (i am writing this while still working on the fic w no ending yet) i was thinking of making a part 4 with the... the handcuffs O.O that we all collectively saw in the set design in his room.... Would u guys want to read some bondage porn? :p now that I finished, idk if or when I will write this :p ily all!!))
WARNINGS:  reader is 18+ please, reader uses they/them pronouns but has female bodily autonomy, oral (male receiving), cum play, soft core porn, condom/safe sex practiced, marking kink, biting kink, licking kink, riding, cockwarming, whimpering/beggging/crying, overwhelming/overstimulation,  brief mentions of previous bad sexual experiences/harrassment, fluff and smut, mentions of blood (I may have missed some stuff ;P)
(completed) PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | MASTERLIST
words: 6372
Finally, you had Eddie right where you wanted him: under you and whimpering. His hands had been pushed above his head, pinned loosely in place as you kissed his neck lovingly, occasionally biting and sucking on his skin as he had done yours. He'd squeeze your fingers occasionally, but mostly you were enchanted by his moans and groans, along with the pleasant, deep vibrations against your buzzing lips.
He always found it so difficult being quiet with you- by now, you knew exactly how to make him crumble beneath you, you just found it more difficult being patient. The noises he'd make caused your hips to grind harder against his now growing hard-on, causing your patience to wither faster. Your brain was stuck fighting itself between slowing down and just skipping straight to the sex,
"Jesus fucking Christ," He swore, letting out a sigh and pulling you out of your head. You smiled, pulling off his neck and grinning at the marks you left in your wake. They'd get darker eventually- you doubted they'd rival any of the marks covering your upper body, but it was still something. You smirked at him, sitting back on his lap. Where you'd been slowly rubbing yourself against his dick and relishing in the feeling of it hardening beneath you, you now slowed, causing him to open his heavy eyes and gaze at you, "Fuck, you look so..." The words failed on his tongue and he only let out a sigh with a large grin, hands quickly finding the sides of your bare thighs and squeezing them lovingly. You grinned, leaning forward to kiss him, hands pressing against his chest to feel his thudding heartbeat against your palm,
"So?" You teased against his lips,
"Beautiful," He whispered, one of his hands touching the side of your neck now and pressing on one of the marks. With a small chuckle at your moan, you bit down on his bottom lip and kissed him hungrily. He shifted so he was sat up, hands wrapping around your middle, and moved one of his legs so you'd be leaning against it. One of his hands fell to your hip, helping start your hips' slow movements against his and moaning into your mouth.
It all felt so good. Too good to stop or even think about stopping. But you wanted to see him fall apart first. Desperately. Sure you had 'all the time in the world', but there was something about hearing your name come out in a whimper from his lips that filled you with so much desire... And it was the only thing on your mind.
Eventually, you pulled away from him wetly and shifted in his lap. You laughed to yourself as he attempted to kiss you again, moving his head after you, then pouted as you moved off him completely, situating yourself next to him on the bed,
"Why'd-" He began, eyes growing wide as you undid the zipper of his jeans agonisingly slow, before pulling them down. He shifted around to help you, then audibly swallowed, leaning his hands back on the bed to watch you intently. In the light of your table lamp, he appeared illuminated before you. You smiled lustfully,
"I want to hear you whimper and beg for me, Eddie," You hissed, and grinned as his eyes fell shut again, your name escaping his lips in the form of a sigh. You pressed a kiss to his chest, just below his nipple, then to his stomach before helping him out of his underwear, "I want you..." You trailed a hand to stroke up his thigh, close to his dick, then back down again, "...To beg," You said, grinning at the whine that escaped his lips, your hand just skimming over his skin, causing him to shiver in anticipation, "For me," You finished, letting your tongue roll out of your mouth and lick a long stripe up the shaft of his dick, following a protruding vein,
"Oh, fuck," He hissed, watching you for a moment before putting his hands over his eyes and letting his head sink back into the pillows on your bed. With a grin, you flicked his tip with your tongue, letting the salty taste of his precum coat your tongue, before pulling back and pressing a kiss to his slit. Taking hold of the bottom of the shaft, you began to stroke up and down, before opening your mouth and taking the whole tip in your mouth again. The noises that emitted from him were sinful, and only made you want to keep going.
Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked gently, earning groans and a pleasant shiver from him. You began working him, stroking your hand up and down while your mouth focused on the tip. Licking and sucking, at first, earned you shaky sighs of your name, and when he made eye contact with you, you gave a playful wink, then moved your head lower on him.
"Oh God," He hissed out at the sight, reaching his hands down to your face, touching your hollowed cheeks, before moving his hands against your cheekbones and pulling the hair getting caught in the way away from you. With delicate fingers, he held it out of the way for you as you bobbed your head up and down on his dick in a steadily increasing rhythm, 
"Jesus fucking Christ," Eddie moaned out, bucking his hips slightly as he fucked himself into your open mouth. Spit and drool ran down your lips and over his hard dick, then onto your hand and over his hips, "If you keep doing that, I'll cum," He managed to warn you, breathing hard,
"Then cum," You encouraged, moving away from his cock to speak and grinning at him as he whined from the sudden loss of contact. You quickly increased the up and down movement of your hand and stuck your tongue out near his tip, grinning as he moaned loudly, beginning to pant, his hips bucking into your hand eagerly,
"Fucking- shit-" He cursed, beginning to whimper your name as your lips wrapped around the tip and you sucked him off eagerly, flicking your tongue over the slit, "Please, please," He whimpered between groans, and you could feel him swelling in your hand. He came suddenly, and you bobbed your head up and down at the same consistent speed, the room quickly filling with his cries and deep moans of pleasure laced with your name. His salty cum coated your tongue, and you swallowed, glancing up to see his abdomen constricting. You grinned around his cock, continuing to suck him off, swallowing around his dick as you took more of him in your mouth. At this point, your lips grazed your hand, now just gently squeezing the base of his cock as you let your mouth and throat do the work.
You didn't stop until his legs were shaking, and his whimpers turned to desperate cries. You felt one of his hands pressing against your face, managing to capture your chin and pushing you up so your lips detached themselves, "Jesus Christ- Oh My God..." He breathed, and you grinned as you watched him heaving in deep breaths. You were a mess yourself; drool gliding over your lips and hitting your sheets. You managed to whipe your mouth on the back of your hand, looking at him. Your mouth was still glistening in the soft light. To Eddie, you looked angelic,
"It's only me, Eddie," You reminded, "Not Jesus," You said playfully. He gave a low hum, letting himself relax into the pillows. You grinned as you observed him for a moment, before glancing down at your hand still wrapped around him. Giving him a lazy stroke from the base up to the tip, you squeezed any remaining droplets of cum from his cock head and earned yourself a pleasant whimper, "You liked that huh...?" You asked, watching him with hooded eyes,
"Liked...?" He breathed, and you let yourself laugh. Bless him; he was so dazed and fucked out below you, he was barely able to formulate a sentence. At the sound of your humoured response, he grinned, "Fuck. You were latched on like a leech," He breathed out, bare chest rising and falling rapidly next to you, moving his arms behind his head,
"I like hearing you whimper," You grinned, and watched as he sighed, shutting his eyes momentarily, open mouth fixing itself into a smile. From the corner of your eye, you noticed his now limp cock twitch at your words, and you felt your cheeks redden. You reached out to gently wipe a tear from his face with your thumb as you saw it shimmering in the low light, "Damn. So good you're crying?" You asked, intent on sounding amused but coming off more surprised and touched,
"Best head of my life, sweetheart," He murmured, and you found yourself surprised as he grabbed onto your arm, pulling himself forward and kissing you deeply, tongue quickly finding yours. You moaned into his mouth, gasping slightly as one of his hands slid down between your thighs quickly,
"Holy shit, you're so wet again," He marvelled, pulling his hand away to show you his glistening fingers,
"Yeah," You breathed, thankful for the dark light managing to hide your red face,
"Damn," He sighed, kissing you again, "You get that wet from sucking me off?" Shyly, you nodded, to which he only grinned, "My love," He hummed, kissing you deeply. He managed to coax you to lay down now, so that he was on top, and you moaned into his mouth feeling a hand trail back down so he could play with your clit. He bit your bottom lip, causing you to let out a small laugh,
"The biting again," You teased playfully, pulling back to look at his eyes with a smirk. Quickly, you let out another moan at the sensation of his hand between your legs traveling further South and teasing your eager hole,
"Too much?" He asked, finding his mouth at the base of your throat, pressing delicate, feather-like kisses to your thin, reddened skin,
"Not enough, baby" You breathed, and sighed happily at the feeling of him smirking against your skin. He bit down on your skin gently, enough to make you grab his hair, pull it gently, and wrap your legs around his waist to pull him closer. Suddenly, before he surprised you: he licked a stripe up your neck, flattening his tongue so your left it. The warmth of his muscle, putting just enough pressure that your felt the welcoming tingling of the myriad of hickeys dotting your neck, followed quickly by the cooling of the saliva now covering your throat made your eyes flutter closed and your pussy clench around his fingers, "Fuck," you shivered, sighing contently and feeling him playfully bite at your bottom lip. You opened your eyes at that, just so you could swat his shoulder,
"Not enough biting, hmm?" He pulled off you, shifting off the bed and moving to his bag on the floor. With a quizzical look, you sat up to watch him shuffling around his back set at the bottom of your bed. You settled back into your pillows and watched him curiously, only to smirk, rolling your eyes at the condom you faintly saw him remove. Shifting up to look again, you raised your brows,
"You're really prepared for dooms day here, Eddie," You laughed, considering the multitude of colourful packets that he dropped back into his bag. Relaxing into the fluff below your back and head, he quickly rolled it on and found himself on top of you again, kissing you happily,
"Five days," He hummed, and you got lost in the heated kiss until your felt one of his hands impatiently travelling up your thigh to touch your pussy. Eddie swiped his fingers over your clit in a gentle, yet firm, motion, causing you to moan out loud into his mouth. Your cries were eagerly swallowed by his mouth and gentle chuckles, though you quickly remembered you didn't have to be quiet. You just remembered your parents and siblings were gone. You didn't have to be quiet like usual- the fear of an awkward conversation that following morning was gone. And once you realised you could be loud, you were loud.
Eddie'd be yours for five days- well four now. But you weren't paying attention too much to the time right now- preoccupied with other things. There was something inside you that made your heart swell at the thought that he'd be there in the morning, holding you close to him and not having to jump out of the window and scale the side of your house like he sometimes had to.
 Maybe you'd wake up at the same time... Just the thought of waking up to Eddie wrapped around you, perhaps already hard, and fucking into you slowly in the morning to the sounds of the birds outside and in the warm glow of the morning sun made your walls eagerly flutter around his fingers that had slipped inside you.
There was also chance you'd just fuck all night, go down and drink some coffee... And maybe fuck on the kitchen counters again,
"Shit-" He pulled out of you quickly, leaving you pouting and whining attempting to grab his glistening hand. He looked up to his fingers- still clad with his rings- newly wet and sticky with your arousal. With a blush, you watched him as he looked down at you with a loving grin, "You're so wet, my love," He hummed, kissing you gently,
"I just love you a lot," You hummed, snapping out of your daze. This was about him- he wanted you on top. Moving, you gave him a gentle push so he'd lay back in the pillows. As he lay back, you quickly discarded your soaked underwear and threw them across your room, as well as removing the 'Hellfire' shirt. He watched you with a grin, eyes flicking between your face and bare breasts. Before he could reach for you, you were quickly leaning forward and grabbing his hand licking your own arousal from his fingers,
"Jesus H. Christ-" He gasped, mouth falling agape at your obscene performance. You smirked around his fingers, playfully moving your head down so your mouth stretched to accommodate around them, making him groan out your name, "F-Fuck," he hissed, his eyes widening as you gave a slight choke from how deep his fingers were curling in your throat. You quickly lifted your head up and shaking out your hair, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, moving his other hand to touch your hair and move it out of your face,
"Uhuh," You smiled, glancing down at his dick, wrapped and waiting for you, hard again. Biting your lip, you eagerly grabbed a hold of him causing him hiss your name. You swiped your fingers over the fine material, careful your nails didn't cause any tears. You trailed your hand down his shaft to grip the base. With a small groan, he sat up, taking hold of your wrist, making you look at him confused,
"Hey," He said softly, sitting up and moving his head so he'd filled your field of vision, "Not so fast, alright?" He said with a reassuring smile, and you nodded, "You doing okay?" He asked, and watched you nod again,
"Yeah, I just-"
"Hold on," He said, shifting beneath you as if he wanted to get up. You quickly moved off him and watched as he grabbed the cassette he had placed on your bedside table, placing it into the radio player in your room and letting the music consume the quiet space. You realised you were breathing heavily, and you allowed yourself a moment to calm down, shifting to grab some water from the side and taking an eager sip,
"Good," He praised. You glanced up at him, watching him tower over you as he moved back to sit on the bed, beginning to gently stroke your hair, setting it behind your shoulders. Your lips smile around the neck of the bottle, "Let's go slow, okay?" He murmured, placing his lips against your neck and giving you gentle kisses. It relieved you so much that when you lost your way and gave in to your horny desires, he was there to grab you and pull you back to Earth before you could float off. Your eyes fell shut as he did so, and a sigh escaped your lips as you finished drinking. You tapped the cool plastic against his shoulder, and with a smile watched as he drank the water too. Eddie handed it back to you, you closed it, and threw it off your bed with a small thunk. Quickly,you moved back on top of his lap, straddling his legs.
Eddie quickly kissed you, tongue seeking yours out once more. His hands cupped your face and moving hair out of the way for you, tucking it behind your ears. His lips were slow, and loving, reminding you you weren't just fucking- he wanted to make love to you and you wanted to love him too. You allowed him to set the pace: this was intimate and caring. You had all the time in the world to devote to each other. To show the other how much you cared. He had already shown you; now it was his turn,
"Lay back for me, baby," You murmured against his lips, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He let out a low hum as you pulled away. For a moment you just looked at each other, before letting out small laughs. Eddie lay back as you asked him to, shuffling playfully to get comfortable as you rolled your eyes. Impatiently, you crawled over him, situating yourself on his thighs and glancing down. You took hold of his dick again, earning a delighted hum,
"You want to be on top, babe?" He clarified for you, and you looked at him with a nod, grinning at his wide eyes. He smiled, kissing you gently and letting his hands trail down to your waist, gripping your ass, "Let me help you, sweetheart," You shivered slightly at the term of endearment, and murmured a 'thanks'. Your mind quickly blocked out all other thoughts, hyperfocusing only on Eddie, his dick, and your drenched pussy.
As you'd done before, you carefully hovered over him and guided his cock to your pussy. Gently, you swiped his tip against your pulsing clit, grinning at the sensation and humming in unison with him at the contact, creating a pleasant harmony that quickly got drowned out by whatever song was playing now. Your mouth fell open into an 'o' shape as you lowered yourself down his shaft until he bottomed out inside you. You gasped as he moaned, squeezing your ass and hips gently before leaning forward to latch himself onto one of your breasts.
You moaned obscenely loudly, breathing shakily as you grew accustomed to the feeling of being completely full by him. You shivered at the sensation, breathing heavily and letting your head fall back, and your eyes shut closed. Neither of you moved, besides Eddie licking and sucking your breasts, or just pressing gentle kisses around them to your tender skin. Your hands found themselves in his hair, scratching at his scalp and earning pleasant hums against your body. You felt electric and energised, and it felt too good to move,
"Mmmh," He hummed, playfully biting down on your nipple before pulling off you entirely and pressing a kiss to your exposed throat, earning a deep hum from you, "You plan on staying like this for long, babe?" You felt him smile against your skin, and you moved your head to look at him. He once again shifted the hair from your face behind your ears, holding on to a few strands and letting them fall between his fingers,
"You always do that, Eddie," You pointed out affectionately, smiling at his confused expression,
"Do what?" He asked,
"You're always pushing my hair back, babe," You clarified out, doing the same to him and letting your fingertips skim over his rough cheek, trailing over the darkening marks on his neck. He hummed, taking your hand in his and moving it to his lips to press a firm kiss to your fingertips, before setting it over his heart. Your eyes widened at how fast it was beating,
"I like looking at you, my love," He grinned at the way your eyes darkened, and your lip trembled. As your eyes welled with tears, he kissed your cheek gently, quickly whipping them from your face, "You alright?" He asked gently, and you quickly nodded,
"Yeah- just..." You sighed. All the guys you'd been with before would never be this gentle, patient, or caring with you. Usually, they'd forcefully push into you deeper- mouth or pussy- never caring for your feelings of pleasure or if you were having a good time as well. You realised in the seven months that you'd been dating Eddie, that he had never once been forceful with you, always gentle and loving when it came to intimacy like this. And even if you told him you didn't mind him being rougher with his touches, he'd always check in with you or apologise if he went too rough and senced your discomfort. He was just so... Perfect. At reading you, and understanding that sometimes, when he was this sweet, it overwhelmed you. Even a thing as small as pushing your hair out of your face so he could gaze at you clearly, and yet it was enough to make you emotional. With a sniffle, you quickly smiled brightly as he whipped another tear rolling down your cheek, "Eddie, I just really fucking love you," You expressed honestly, eyes lighting up as he grinned at you,
"Oh?" He teased, "You do?" He asked, and as you eagerly nodded, he moved a hand back to your cheek to bring your head down. He gently pressed a kiss to the top of your head, then the front of your forehead, then to your nose, and finally, a gentle kiss on your plush lips, "I really fucking love you too, baby," he sighed, touching his head to yours and grinning. You kissed again, then again, and as it grew heated, your hips began undulating against his again. You'd forgotten he was already sheathed inside you, causing the two of you to let out your respectful moans and hisses of pleasure.
Quickly breaking the kiss, you looked to where your bodies were conjoined, and as Eddie lightly squeezed your hips, you began to move your body: slowly up, then slowly back down. Your sighs mixed with each other, warm breaths fanning over one another's faces. You moved your arms around his neck, letting your nails back and shoulders as you moaned, movements gradually speeding up,
"Fuck- you feel-" He breathed against your ear, turning his head to press his lips against your radiant skin, latching his lips against your skin with a warm wet kiss, "You feel so warm and good," He sighed, helping you as you moved by guiding your hips up and down,
"Good?" You breathed with a grin, allowing your head to fall back and focusing on the delightful feeling of him buried so deep within you, hitting that same spot over and over again, sending waves of pleasure coarsing through your entire body,
"Heavenly, my love," He growled, hips moving in sync with yours at the leisurely, yet ravishing pace. Lips were gliding along tender flesh- on your neck, breathing your name followed by countless praises muttered into your skin. You moaned, in turn, his name, letting it tumble off of your tongue and into the electric air surrounding your bodies. He once again bit into your neck, causing your body to jerk against his. 
He only held on to you tighter, pulling you forward into him more and biting down into your skin harder until your squeaked and pulled his hair. He let go of your skin, soft groans escaping his lips as he sought out your lips, smiling against your mouth. You could taste a faint metallic flavour when your tongues met, but the realisation quickly escaped your mind as Eddie gave a particularly hard thrust upwards, shocking you pleasantly,
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, gasping and glancing down at your bodies, trailing one of your hands down his chest and scratching him, while you let your other hand dig and claw into his back, scracthing his skin so it was bright red, "Eddie, dear God-" You moaned again, quickly muffled by his mouth. He hummed against your buzzing, swollen lips,
"You-" He breathed into your lips, teeth gently biting at your bottom lip and making you grin as your hips moved harder again his, "Christ, babe," He moaned your name again as you shifted your angle so you could ride him better. He was reaching deeper than you'd ever felt him, and you gasped as your eyes rolled back into your skull, a high pitched moan escaping your lips, "Your earrings too... Mmm," He hummed, and you felt him against your neck, kissing around the bruises,
"Eddie I'm s-" You could barely speak, your speech slurred as your moaning turned to cry out incoherent moans. And when you felt him reach a hand down to rub your clit, 
"You're close," He finished, and you could only respond with a moan. His lips felt divine against you skin, "You're so close," He urged on, "I can feel you... Cum for me, baby- shit," your legs began to shake against him. The walls of your pussy fluttered, then contracted, squeezing him. The two of you came almost in unison. And for a moments, you swore you saw stars zooming through your vision as you gripped on to each other tightly, terrified of flying away or somehow loosing this incredible high. Quickly, your noises were reduced to desperate moaning and groaning into one another's ears.
You let your hips move against him much more lazily now as you came down off the high. You both breathed heavily, letting out the occasional soft noise until you stilled completely against him to be able to fully comprehend... This. How good you felt. How loved you felt. How, for a moment, it really was just you and Eddie together in this world. 
Your body shook slightly and you let out soft, shuddering breaths against him. You were leaning the side of your head against his, and you could feel him breathing just as hard as you were, body rising and falling at a similar pace as you. You smiled, reaching a hand up to play with his hair as your eyes fell shut.
If you could, you'd stay like this with him for as long as time would allow you, just absorbing one another's presence and slowly melting into one being. Eddie's hands had moved to gently caress your bare back, fingers dancing over your shoulder blades and the kinks and grooves of your upper spine, making you shiver more against him, your skin peppering with gooseflesh. You weren't cold though, and he could feel it. He was hot as a furnace, and you didn't want to let go of him just yet,
"Hey," He coaxed gently, making your heavy head droop slightly as he pulled back to look at you. His hand quickly sought out your cheek, fingers touching the bottom of your chin and helping lift your head so you'd be able to look at him. He whispered your name; then spoke it; then pressed his thumb to your lips, "You didn't fall asleep, did you?" He asked. You heard the smile in his tone and your own lips curled up. He drew out your name playfully, and you let out a breathy chuckle. He now touched the corner of your eye and you managed to get your eyes to open heavily to see what he wanted, "There you are, my love," You smiled at him, humming and leaning forward to kiss him tenderly,
"Enjoy that?" You hummed, pulling away to set your forehead to his,
"More than enjoyed, believe me, sweetheart," He said, kissing your cheek, then lips a few times, "Mmmh, you have no idea how much I love you," He murmured, pulling away to lean back against the pillows and headboard. Your eyes blinked open slowly. You could feel his legs supporting your back, allowing you to rest your back against them. He kept his hands on your arms, touching your elbows delicately, "How are you feeling?" He asked, caressing your skin,
"Very, very good, Eddie," You hummed, swallowing the saliva that had been pooling in your mouth to avoid drooling over him,
"Glad to hear it, baby," He hummed, and you faintly saw the twinkle of his rings in the lamp light as he moved a hand to brush hair out of your face, "You planning on staying up there long?" He asked playfully, and you laughed,
"Yeah, I come here often," You grinned, and he laughed, sitting back up to capture your lips in his, hands trailing to your neck and keeping you there momentarily. Your own hands came to rest on his arms and trailed up them, finding and taking his hands in yours. He moved his legs so they were outstretched. He pulled away to look up at you, eyes shining brightly with love and adoration, and a warm smile permanently fixed to his lips. He was far more awake than you at the moment. You on the other hand felt like passing out. You let your eyes droop closed heavily,
"My love," He murmured, causing you to open one eye and look at him. He was merely watching, unmoving as you let out a yawn. Finally, he shifted bellow you,
"Oh, God, let me-" You struggled to move, wincing at the stiffness you felt in your legs at first, but then sighing as you moved off his lap and stood off the bed, never once letting go of his hand. You had to go to the bathroom down the hall to wash yourself clean. He grabbed his toothbrush and told you to go on, and that he'd join you soon. You stumbled to the bathroom, considering your legs still hurt, and squinted in the near darkness of the hall. Soon, you found the door, yelping at the sudden bright fluorescent light that filled the room when you pulled the drawstring light to turn it on. After your eyes adjusted, you glanced around the area, blinking still tiredly, before focusing on yourself in the mirror.
The first thing that drew your attention was the multiple dark bruises on your neck and chest, and all you could do was laugh at the image of yourself. Your unruly hair made you look like a cave creature that had been dragged through the Hawkins Forest and back. And the bruises... Oh, God... Was that blood? You hissed as you touched your tender, aching neck and smiled, as you ran the pads of your fingers over the indentations. Dry flakes of blood came off on your fingers and you snickered,
"What's funny- Oh God...!" You heard Eddie, only now seeing him reflected behind you in the mirror, looking very concerned as he gathered the hair from your back and moved it over your shoulder, "Shit- you're bleeding!" He said, a frown crossing his face, causing his brows to knit together in worry,
"I knew you were a vampire, Eddie," You teased nonchalantly, looking at him in the mirror and putting your hands on your sore, bruised hips. He moved behind you, hands moving to your stomach and hugging you from behind, watching your reflection with a pout as their hands came to rest upon his,
"I didn't mean to bite so hard..." He said, kissing the top of your head. How could you even be mad at him? He looked so apologetic, the wide eyes flicking between open and closed gazing down at you in the mirror,
"Eddie, it's okay," You reassured him, hands moving over his fingers before squeezing them reassuringly, running your fingers over his rings. His eyes met yours in the mirror as you slowly began swaying to the muffled music from your room, "I don't mind," You said, "The bite mark. Maybe it'll be a cool scar?" You said, tilting your head so you could look at the real Eddie, and not his reflection. He was frowning softly, and my God he looked beautiful when he frowned.
The light behind him illuminated his mane of hair, making him look like a holy figure of sorts, rather than the devilish metalhead he usually was. It amused you, and you reached a hand up to touch his cheek. He sighed, letting his eyes close at your touch. He tilted his head to press a delicate kiss against your palm, before covering your hand with his and keeping it there,
"Sorry," He said softly, and you just shook your head, indicating to him he didn't need to. You turned your head, moving out of his arms but keeping a firm hold on his hand and pulling him towards the shower. Considering how tired you were, he simply helped wash your body and instructed you to wait for him out there and to wrap yourself in a towel. You were slowly coming back to your usual self, but your mind was still clouded with the merry euphoria you experienced together mere minutes ago in your bed, along with a sleepy daze that left a fog over all your memories. Did you even remember your name...? You sighed, pulling a large fluffy towel over yourself and brushing your teeth in the mirror. He quickly joined you, standing next to you with a towel around his hips and body and hair still wet from the shower. You briefly watched each other in the mirror, smiling like idiots until you were finished in the bathroom, before returned back to your bedroom, fingers intertwining.
You'd moved under the covers after he had given you one of his shirts. One of your favourite things was to wear his clothes; it allowed you to feel physically closer and that your favourite thing to do is... inhaling his scent. This specific Led Zeppelin shirt of his was your favourite, and it smelled faintly like weed, smoke and some cheap cologne- are all these tropes written down correctly.
 Tiredly, you opened your eyes, watching Eddie as he fiddled with the radio player. He was now wearing boxers, and you watched his back muscles flex as he stretched his arms above his head. He turned then, wet hair no longer as poofy as it was when he arrived this morning and hanging down, framing his face in loose curls. His bangs were much curlier, being shorter than the rest of his 'mane'. He looked so beautiful, you felt your heart speed up a little at the sight of him,
"Admiring the goods, hmm??" He hummed, playfully flexing his arms as you laughed lazily. He moved over to you with his usual swagger, then bent down to press a kiss against your temple, "Good?" He checked in,
"Warm," You confirmed with a nod,
"Need anything?" He offered. He had made sure you drank plenty of water right after you got off of him and he had slipped out. He held the water bottle up for you as your arms were too shaky and weak to support the plastic, at first. He had removed your sword earrings, delicately setting them on the bedside table so you could wear them again tomorrow. He'd surely remember. He also forced you to finish the rest of those apple slices, which had, by the end of your intimate night, oxidised and turned brown. You had used the bathroom, and then you had showered together, and he had even helped you dress. You greatly appreciated it, but now you only wanted-
"Need you, Eds," You sighed, stretching out your sore limbs tomorrow and rubbing your bare legs together under the covers. With a warm smile, he nodded,
"Gimmie a sec," He said, sitting on the side of the bed. You reached over to place a hand on his bare knee, letting your nails dance along his skin, leaving thin white lines in their wake. You flicked your eyes from his skin to the way he twisted off his rings, flexing his fingers as he set his jewellery next to yours. The only thing he didn't remove was his necklace. He then looked at you, taking your hand in his and pressing a tender kiss to the backs of your fingers, "My love," He said in a delicate tone that made your heart speed up and butterflies to flutter in your stomach,
"My love," You repeated, smiling wider at how his eyes widened with surprise, and crinkled in the corners as his gaze quickly filled with love for you. He pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss; you could feel all the emotion being poured into the kiss, and you sighed against his mouth, fingers skimming over his cheek as you pulled away, "Now come here," You said after a moment, playfully patting his cheek and shifting under the covers to make room for him on your large bed.
With an eager grin, he slid close to you, throwing the covers over his nearly nude body and pulling you up against his chest, arms circling your waist and slipping under your shirt to touch your back and bare skin. Your hands wrapped around him too, and you made a small noise of surprise as he pulled you on top of his chest,
"Eddie," You murmured against his chest, blinking tiredly as you set your chin on his chest, smiling,
"Yes, sweetheart?" He asked, lifting his brows. You murmured something, laying your cheek back against him and shutting your eyes, "What was that?" He brushed your hair out of your face gently,
"I always liked being on top of you," You said, and you grinned as you felt him chuckle beneath you,
"Knew it," He said playfully, and you smiled against his skin. One of his hands found yours, squeezing it again, then kissing it, "I like you on top of me too," He admitted in a whisper, lovingly watching as you hummed, and promptly fell asleep on top of him...
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hiwatari · 1 year
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I posted 2,893 times in 2022
4 posts created (0%)
2,889 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 378 of my posts in 2022
#cherry magic - 112 posts
#heartstopper - 49 posts
#cherry magic spoilers - 14 posts
#is back - 7 posts
#good omens - 7 posts
#yoi - 7 posts
#me - 6 posts
#tat - 6 posts
#yes - 5 posts
#tsv - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but when treating whith clients at qork i do a lot because i can see how more approachable i look to them and also it makes them less afrai
My Top Posts in 2022:
Send I'm sending this to the twelve nicest people you I know or who seem to have a good heart if you get five back you must be pretty awesome No strings attached, I just wanted to tell you I think you're pretty neat 💖✨️💕
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0 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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This blog turned 11 today!!!! i am old!!!!!!!!!!
0 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get to know me [useless info edition]
Ahh I've missed these tag questionaries hehehe, I was tagged by @greighish Thank you so much!!!
What do you have under your bed? A LOT of dust i need to clean
Favorite candy? I have a sweet taste so it's difficult to choose one. but maybe Bocadín (a chocolate cookie bar)
Describe your favorite shirt: yellow with justin bieaber's black and white beat up face in a circle.
The last thing you drew/doodled was: nun dan ¬u¬
Are you completely sober rn? yup
What's the one thing that annoys you more than anything? right now I'm annoyed at people not seeing beyond their noses.
Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter? it never gets that cold here for that to happen, I've got my tongue stuck on the freezer tho, when i was a child xD.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? right now I'm ok here at home, to travel to is another question. 
What was the single last word you spoke? pastel (cake).
Tag whoever you'd like to know better (no pressure): @jorzuela @hattoriscap @obv10usly @thegraceofebonee @cloud-gays @alittledizzy @rawritsamehh
I'm paying it forward and making this an open invite as well.
8 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
All the sites you can find me in
because twitter is exploding.
Kofi twitter tumblr main @hiwatari tumblr dnp and twoset @themwhiskers tumblr fanart @hiwatari-art tumblr kpop @papurain instagram fanarts instagram for serious art (spanish) personal instagram Ao3 pillowfort (both sfw and nsfw) tiktok discord (ask) nsfw twitter
ok bye!
11 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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colemckenzies · 2 years
hi sorry to bother you but do you have any advice on how to make friends in your 20s? seeing you happy and enjoying your friendship group is so good and wholesome and everything i kind of want out of my life lol <3 any advice appreciated!
aw this is so nice!!!
i mean the biggest impetus for me was moving to a new city where i knew literally not a single person and then living alone in said city, so i had no choice but to go out and meet people like there was nothing else i could do. and i will say it has been really hard, particularly as i work full-time and study part-time, and have been recovering from some Stuff that happened in 2020, and even now it's sometimes A Lot because it does take me a solid 5 years of knowing someone before I'm like Yes Okay We Are For Real Friends And I Can Be Myself With You lol. but it has also been really gratifying and i do always recommend getting out there and connecting w people irl!!!
i obviously don't know what you're situation is or how much it aligns w my experience but with that said here are my Top Tips:
apps. when i first moved i met most people my age through Bumble BFF which is a bit cringe and awkward but it was a great starting point, it basically kick-started my entire social life bc you know that the people on it are ALSO actively looking for friends (literally the first person i met was so invested that they threw loads of networking events for everyone they had met and started a groupchat and i met a lot of people that way). also tinder lmao the two people i talk to/hang out with most are both people i met on tinder it's a great way to specifically roll with the el gee bee tees
clubs/societies. personally i find clubs really hard to commit to (see the work/uni time commitment lol i just get too tired) but the thing to remember is you don't have to do them forever. i joined all sorts of groups for a few months, and then when there were people there i really liked (who i knew shared an interest in whatever thing it was) i just stayed in contact with them. and then obviously if you really like a group you can keep doing it (i still do theatre and LOVE literally everyone there). these groups are good as well because they really cultivate Local Community investment in particular and i think it's important to interact w people from different backgrounds/age groups you wouldn't necessarily be Friends with but like they ARE your local community
community centres/local businesses. like that tiktok that says about Just Show Up Somewhere Regularly, like this could be going to your favourite coffee shop/community space and then just keeping an eye out for who else is always there at the same time as you, but ALSO could be more active than that. most of my main friend group are big contributors to the local queer arts scene and organise events w the local arts centre/pubs/etc so don't be afraid to ask your local institutions what's going on or if you can volunteer. again i think actively investing in local community is really key here and provides you a wide net to rely on and full of more individuals you can meet one-on-one
group chats are your friend. i love a groupchat these days i used to hate friendship groups in school bc it was so cliquey and required so much maintenance and ive always preferred hanging out with people one-on-one (still do) but now im in sooo many groupchats and it's nice if i have a free evening and feel like doing something and i can just post 'hey is anyone free' and then people r free and sometimes they will bring people THEY know and then i meet more people.
reddit. was not expecting this to be a thing and i only had an account for a very short while but my city's subreddit was SO useful when i first moved for finding out about events/clubs that weren't advertised elsewhere and getting local insider info. i personally didn't meet anyone this way but i know they did organise meet-ups and have a CITY DISCORD SERVER so that may work for u if your city has something like that lmao
be open to making friends. with the above said as ways to meet people u have to be willing to actually make friends with people!! in my town instagram seems to be the main way to low-committal connect w people so i made a public account and now whenever i meet the vaguest stranger at an event who seems cool im like oh yeah let's follow each other lol. say yes when people invite you places and be willing to invite other people to hang out if you think you would be friends! a good way to bridge the gap between Acquaintances and Friends is to tell the acquaintance abt something you're doing anyway so then it's no pressure. like if you're part of a local group (see point 2) or going to an event (see point 3) just be like 'oh I'll be at this thing maybe see you there!' and then if they are there you can talk to them more and if you do this enough times you are now friends. or just in general be willing to (casually) do nice things for people even if it might seem a bit weird like when I got new neighbours i put my phone number through their letterbox in case they needed anything i got someone i didn't know That well a gift just because it was something specific they'd been talking about i thought they would like i saw someone on instagram say they loved handwritten letters so i asked if they minded sharing their address - as long as you're polite and not pushy about it and don't mind if people just ignore it then it's nice!
cast a wide net. as u may have noted from the above points lol i think it mostly comes down to meeting EVERYONE and being open to EVERYTHING and not putting too much pressure on anything or anyone in particular so that you will just organically get closer with the people you're supposed to get close with and nothing is forced. its great to find your Platonic Soulmate or w/e but you do also just need a certain base level of socialisation and u gotta work with what you have. if you just assume that most human beings you interact with on a day to day basis are kind people with good intentions not only does life feel a lot easier but it's easier to remember that you are just Someone Who Lives In A Place and so are they and it's all fine.
think about people you already know. obviously it's great when you really Click with someone and meeting new people is refreshing and interesting but is there anyone you already know nearby who you've never been Friends friends with but you get on and could see yourself being friends if you actually invested time in it? reach out!! i think this is esp good bc as much as personality is a factor in friends never underestimate the power of just Knowing Their Name For A Long Time lmao. shared reference points in your history are huge even if you didn't actually talk to them at the time those reference points happened.
still take time for yourself. obviously the above takes a lot of time and energy and emotional effort and it's taken me over a year to get to the point that im at. sometimes it's really hard because i will have plans literally every day of the week and ive met so many people i COULD be friends with and then i feel guilty bc i haven't seen X person for three months lol. but i think it's nice to know that you COULD meet up with someone and invest in any one of those friendships you have but instead you are going to Choose to spend the weekend by yourself bc you are an individual WITHIN this large web of interconnected people and u still exist the whole time. like at the end of the day i am still in fact an introvert and when im with people i don't know that well i still mask a lot so i do need to take time to be by myself sometimes! and everyone is fine w that !
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offical-ranter · 2 years
i completely forgot they were making a series for this. i heard about it on tiktok years ago and promptly forgot about it. i mean i loved the game as a kid, but i expected the show to be kinda meh. its good, not like super great, but cause my expectations were so low it seems a lot better. anyway, once more, heres a list of random thoughts
-animation. its decent. it looks like 2d and then a lot of cgi. i wouldnt rlly be able to tell if they use 3d models but i dont think they do. the characters also look almost exactly like they do in the game. ofc its better quality but they already had natural proportions so there wasnt a big change needed
-plot. now im not saying its any gravity falls (10 year anniversary coming soon thats cool) but it has things sprinkled thruout the plot u dont notice until some other details revealed. like Frank, ofc i noticed the eye and him walking away, but him in the park and audience? i was like, holy sht, how did they do that?? not to mention the secret organization thats spying on them, their brought up sometimes. who knows, maybe their symbol is in the background somewhere and i didnt notice
-episode structure. idk if its only me, but it feels out of order. like the 1st episode they find the alien tech, but its in ep. 10 Yutani uses it to make a hoverboard, even tho Jake in ep. 2 slips up and says hoverboard instead of skateboard. also after they discover the tech, ep. 1 ends, but pics up ep. 10 where Jake runs away from Guard afterwards. this chase continues ep. 11 (which makes sense chronologically) but when he gets caught in the end, its ep. 2 where Guard takes him home. idk if this is intentional, but to me it seems like ep. 10+11 should be before ep. 2. the only reason i can think of them doing this is if they wanted a lot of the lore to be hidden until the last few episodes
-backstory. i havent played the game in years, and even then i only ever played, so ive no clue if theres lore already. but i do like the backstories given to the characters. Jake being the leader, spraypainter, having a single mom, and loving to eat. Fresh loving his shoes and boombox, and having a big family (i think i counted 6 others who lived with him) who all love music. Tricky who was a single child of rich parents, forced to do ballet, but wanting to street dance. Yutani whos super smart, isnt very good at skateboarding, and is adopted. even Frank, who doesnt have any backstory, seems rlly cool and his mystery makes him rlly interesting
-the website. why is it so cool? this is for a game from 2012, why is the website cool. it has no right. anyway it has a theme, like its the secret spy organizations files (the first thing u see if their symbol and the word archives in a cool font). u literally have a cool robotic women voice who reads info on all the characters. and the freaken locked thing at the bottom
-side notes: i was thinking Yutani's va sounded familiar, and its cause she also voices Amy from sonic boom. i only recognized it cause ive seen a few compilation from it on yt reccently. hell, i only watched this cause it was on my fyp. heres the yt vid i used for ep. 1-10, and heres the one for 11. the website has them all but idk if they all work
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boltonbritreads · 11 months
kiiiiiiiinda feel like that post about the anon being sad about not feeling like joe’s type got taken too seriously and a little patronizing
what a way to receive my first message lol 🫠 the one time I decide to come out of my shell and say something….. but honestly you may be right that it could come off as patronising or talking down to the anon, I was personally concerned that adding onto the conversation might come off that way so, fair.
but I don’t think it was taken too seriously. I think there were two aspects of that ask that are important to talk about in fandom spaces and why they’re unhealthy or invasive [especially in the joe space] 1) comparing yourself to the people he *maybe* spends time with or his likes/dislikes he’s shared and feeling down about that comparison and 2) following or seeking out info about his private life (his spotify activity in this case). I couldn’t sleep so my essay on joe and fandom/celeb culture is below the cut for the no one who will read it
I think Joe’s experienced 0-100 overnight success and being pushed into the public’s awareness at a unique time with unique factors that = a particularly unhealthy and toxic case of people either not respecting actors/celebs private lives or thinking they shouldn’t have to bc any person who happens to become famous or well known just sacrifices all privacy and basic respect I guess? (looking at u, anyone who sends things to deuxmoi).
Joe is just a 20something guy who is attractive, talented, charming and knows how to be on for an audience and seems to treat his fans well. He also is a pretty private guy who tends to purposefully not share much about his personal life and those in it, which I think then causes some fans to either try and mine online accounts and profiles to fill in the gaps (his spotfiy or the sm accounts of his friends and family) or just speculate and theorise based off tiny nuggets of info and rumors and run wild.
I think there’s also a real peak right now of people getting a serotonin boost off of engagement or attention for things like sending photos and ~exclusive~ info on a celeb into deuxmoi and getting posted or whatever goes on over on tiktok. I could write a whole essay on why I think things like gossip instas took celeb culture to the next (toxic) level, but my tl;dr is social media and people having camera phones existed before gossip instas, but there wasn’t necessarily a platform that had millions of followers and just serves as a conduit essentially where you could send in that pic of a celeb sighting or a baseless rumor and they just post it without thought. I feel like it’s also normalised treating actors/musicians/etc like zoo animals we’re trying to catch an elusive photo of in the wild or trade private info or stories as little nuggets of social capital to another level. There’s a dehumanisation to it and a commodification of information and photos of real people to trade like pokemon cards
Basically I think the mix of joe seeming like just some guy 🧍🏻‍♂️ who only like a year ago was relatively unknown and just living his life = approachable, attainable, just like us. I’m not saying he isn’t those things but in reality we know nothing about the actual real guy and he kinda now exists in a world that isn’t really accessible unless you’re part of it. That doesn’t mean Joe (or any celeb) is better than anyone else, out of anyone’s league, too good for anyone etc. it’s just the reality that hollywood and celeb world are pretty members-only and it’ll feel like he and some of the new people he meets and befriends are all in this upper echelon of unattainable
I get where the anon was coming from and when I was younger I used to have a harder time cementing the fact that my celeb crushes are strangers to me and that what im having a crush on is a public persona. I unfortunately can remember very well how bummed and sad I got many moons ago when harry styles was rumoured to be dating kendall jenner and I figured harry would never date my very opposite of a model-self🙃
But I really think just separating off the characters and the actor™️ from the private person who’s occupation happens to be acting makes existing in a fandom space a much more healthy and enjoyable experience. I think you can still have fun with the content an actor™️, or whichever type of celeb, puts out intentionally and what they purposefully share with the public - press things, photoshoots, interviews, con experiences or glimpses into their personal life if they choose to share that. But just know when to leave the private life of the real person alone and respect the privacy of what they aren’t intending - or wanting - to share with the world and general public (including their time, @ people who track down celebs when they’re on vacation aka joe in italy)
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rrxnjun · 2 years
hiii I'm sorry it took me sm time to reply i miss sending you these asks and talking to you 🤧 my hols have been going crazy with just tution class after tution class hh i did go on a 2 day trip last weekend tho and it was a nice break <3 (minus the part where we got drenched in the rain for like 2 hours straight. weather forecasts are scams.)
also screw uni for giving you a hard time :( just so you know I'm so proud of you for having the courage to move to a new place and to work on whatever you're studying right now despite not liking the city <33 manifesting sm fun moments and things to look forward to for you 🕯️🕯️ the weekends coming so hope that makes you feel better !!
help i had to Google up fire and air signs my astro knowledge = pinterest memes lol hfhfj all ik is I'm taurus. so after extensive research I've learnt that I have a thing for * drumroll * aquarians and capricorns (and the occasional Aries and cancer <33) hfjjf i had to search up all of my biases' zodiac info. i literally remember only hoshi's gfdhj He's not my bias (yet ??) but i find it funny before he's like, the Gemini of geminis 😭😭
YOO SEHUNS RAPS ALWAYS, LIKE ALWAYS, GET ME 'thats right my type' from his part in monster is stuck in my head rn. monster by exo <333
(OMG also you can drive ?? THATS COOL i wanna learn it so bad i can only drive a bike rn lolll bc you can only learn to drive cars from when you're 18 here)
HFJKDJFBJ i have a couple more exo memes (half of them are cursed hope no one checks the gallery in my phone) but for sm reason I'm not able to send pics or link things here Tumblr do be getting nastier by the day
the ncit coding thing was jungwoo the mechanical engineer and the others era LMAOO but that concept was 🥴 ngl college aus are a guilty pleasure for me and the shit they did just made my imagination go wild lol THE SPIDERMARK AGENDA THOOO DIDNT THINK HED ACTUALLY DO IT but again mark is the most likely to do smth like that
2 baddies is the catchiest song there exists the title makes me crack the fuck up its so funny DJFKLA i love it tho!!!!! havent checked out the whole album yet but designer's been on repeat its so good!!!! if you listened already, tell me your faves and ill make sure to get to it soon so we can talk abt it :pp
2 baddies 2baddies 1 porsche stil makes me giggle ngkf i haven't checked out the album yet hh (damn i have this and brand new by xiumin but i chose 28 reasons by goddess seulgi over both of them shhh) but i did listen to designer and hmmm <333
p.s. ily bar take care !! and stay safe 💕
its okay!!! we are both busy and mentally tired, send asks whenever you want to! i miss talking to you too tho and i wish life wasnt such a bitch to both of us lately 😡😡 im glad to hear u had fun on the trip!!!!! I got drenched last week as well bc my dumb ass forgot to bring an umbrella with me so im kind of sick ever since and its getting on my nerves 😭
thank you!! i am really fortunate that for the first time in my life, im interested in what im studying and im actually having fun in classes, so thats whats keeping me going tbh <3 also i think im slowly making new friends so i feel a bit better now :')
AHAHA VALID im only like a 30% astrology hoe i only know the very VERY basics. and omg youre a taurus!!!! my best friend is a taurus :) i seem to be getting a lot with tauruses AHAHA also aquariuses 😭 90% of the kpop scene is an aquarius so its very valid but i get it bc i am weak for them as well.
SEHUNS RAPS >>> also BRO my tiktok suddenly decided im in my exo-l era i keep getting exo tiktoks on my fyp and its so funny bc its so random but i also love it ???? 😭😭
i cant drive! 🥰 thats one of the main problems bc im supposed to have the driving exam in like 2 weeks and bro am i not doing well. i keep making stupid mistakes and im so scared im not gonna do it AHAHA here u can get your licence at 17! they let u drive with someone 18+ with at least 5(?) years of experience until you turn 18 and then u can drive on your own :) i actually waited longer to get my licence bc i was scared LMAO but its weird that at 19 i was the oldest in my course
college aus!! my weakness!! jungwoo and hyuck in sticker era 🥴🥴 but also 2 baddies jungwoo?? i lowkey think him and yuta are my 127 biases now if we exclude markhyuck bc im a devoted dreamzen LMAO
i did listen to the whole album but only in the bg as i was doing an assignment so i wasnt really paying 100% attention 😭😭😭 bUT designer has been on repeat its so good!!! other than that one i really enjoyed time lapse, gold dust and black clouds! Let me know which ones u like when u listen to it!!
I GOTTA LISTEN TO SEULGIS ALBUM AAAAAA i havent had the time to yet!!! but i did hear the title track on tiktok and the "i kiss your brother" is all i needed to hear to know that this will be lifechanging and i need to listen to it soon
I love you a lot! :) thank you for always finding time to come here and talk to me. take care and tell me all about how youve been next time!! hope you have a good week <3
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alleunwalk · 3 years
tokyo revengers idol au hcs part 3 that no one asked for AGAIN here’s part 1 and part 2 to get a better understanding.  this is what the members would be doing alongside their idol promotions+ what they would post on social media  toman tbh these guys are all just so damn funny on their own that they would constantly be invited to comedy variety shows. maybe perhaps doing something similar to seventeen or wanna one where they even have their own variety show on youtube (ie. seventeen’s-going seventeen series or wanna one’s show on mnet)  mikey-he would post basic food pics like of his parfaits or taiyaki but also it’s rare because he’d constantly forget his password. however on important days he’ll post long emotional and sentimental posts that hit you in your feels thanking his members and fans always. he also has a youtube channel posting random funny vlogs. draken- he has his own personal soundcloud to upload solo mixtapes/songs feat diff members. posts photos of his bikes and different tattoos he would be getting. responds with 1-2 words to fans during fansigns or ig comments but like mikey, once in a while, will also write heartfelt posts thanking everyone.  baji- his ig feed is filled with animals + dance practice vids. also has his own soundcloud too. trolls his members by commenting on their stuff. “delete this u ugly mf no one wants to see this”.  takemichi- very chatty, (sometimes too chatty where he’ll end up accidentally spoiling their next album info) and interactive on social media to his fans. tries his best to respond to most comments or ama ig stories questions. posts a lot of selfies and photos of his members. king of fan service.  chifuyu- beautiful photos of the sky a lot on his ig (in canon he wanted to be a pilot :,) ) along with cute soft selfies. (which baji and kazutora troll and comment being like “damn....u ugly AF!” “lmao stop pretending to act cute u loser”  kazutora- his ig is filled with pure chaos. just pics of him catching his members slipping (sleeping photos where they’re drooling or have their eyes slightly open or making ugly faces behind the scenes). also has photos of cursed memes and memes made by fans. he’s a literal enigma.  mitsuya- very wholesome ig photos- lots of photos of his family, group photos, sometimes cool artsy edited selfies. occasional photoshoot photos.  hakkai- ig is filled lots of #ootd photos and occasional photos from his modeling or acting gigs (he’s the visual, duh!) gets a lot of sponsorships from big brands.  pah-chin: has a joint youtube channel with peyan. they do silly challenges but will sometimes post dance videos (feat. baji) since they’re the main/lead dancers. fans love him because of his “matter-of-fact” responses that are funny without even trying. (example- fan comment: omg i love u guys soooo much u guys are the best in the whole world!!!<333 toman OUTSOLD!.  pah-chin: idk about best in the world but we’ll just take “the best in our neighborhood” for now i guess. thanks.”)  peyan: joint youtube channel with pah-chin. at fan signs mikey has to warn him to chill out cuz peyan will accidentally yell and scare fans without meaning to, but he’s just really excited to meet his fans is all ^_^   angry: posts a lot of wholesome photos like mitsuya (selfies with smiley) and writes a lot of motivational sweet captions cheering fans up and reminding them to always be happy :,)  smiley: joint youtube account with angry. smiley does a lot of prank videos and angrys just usually in the back like  🧍‍♂️... he also does tiktok- he would be doing all the dances, memes, and trends.  inui: ok hear me out, i mentioned before inui has similar vibes as cha eunwoo so i’d figure his ig would give the same vibe as his (iykyk). since he’s the other visual he would be getting a TON of acting and modeling gigs. idk why but i feel like inui would be a great actor (his facial expressions during tenjiku arc, the range!). actor of the year. gets a lot of skincare commercial deals too. 
black dragons shinichiro- photos of bikes, cars, and photos where hes pretending to do a cool pose but his members (+mikey) would troll and comment “LAME!!!!!” “why tf do u look like that?” “hey leader, it’s not too late to delete this now bestie :)” does fun ig lives. on variety shows as a joke his members tease him there as well. really great at fan-service and pulls the whole “pretend boyfriend” scenario with fans (the delusional fans are gonna act up if he keeps this up...).  taiju- (if shinichiro did not exist in this au OR if you wanted both in the group) photos of him at the gym, photoshoot photos.  inui- similar to if he was in toman, his ig would just be a lot of cool and cute photos of him from behind the scenes of dramas or photoshoots. a soft visual king. occasional selfies with koko and bike photos.  kokonoi- has a personal youtube channel but he would be Drowning in sponsorship videos all from high-end designer brands. he’s just casually flexing that PPL in his vlogs. ig feed is a lot of #ootd photos or pics taken with inui. him and inui would be makeup brand ambassadors or faces of brands (ex: like jennie from blackpink represents chanel). in this case kokonoi would be the face of fendi (he wears fendi slides in the manga cover) and inui would be the face of jimmy choo (his heels in the manga cover looked like jimmy choo but i could be wrong.. but u know what i mean) 
tenjiku  izana- pretty leader has a very artsy ig feed. extremely photogenic like inui. has photoshoot photos and candid pose photos. acts in dramas time to time (gg second male lead syndrome).  kakucho- posts gym or dance practice videos on his feed but he posts rarely because he’s just too busy or forgets he actually has an ig. loves commenting on takemichi’s posts “haha no wonder ur called baka-michi!” as a joke.  kanji- posts gym photos but it’s rare because he always forgets his password.  ran- the other visual. he would be modeling for high-fashion brands and go on runway shows. also definitely gives off actor vibes (he would be constantly casted in dark action movies hahaha). loves giving fan service.  rindou- in contrast to his brother, rindou when it comes to fan service, he loves trolling fans. also he’s really good at drawing a line between fans (y’know, keeping the delusional ones in check...which means he ‘friend-zones’ them but it’s for their own good tbh idols need to remind people their boundaries). has a youtube channel where he just posts random dance practice vids and occasional vlogs. also comments under his brothers ig posts “you look stupid af in this wtf”. on variety shows people find their brotherly banter hilarious.  mutou- posts gym photos, also really awkward selfies (he doesn’t know what his angle is lmao). another member who also reminds fans of their boundaries and keeps it real. (sanzu always likes his photos though and hypes him up in the comments).  sanzu- shy baby. constantly following mutou around. posts a lot of cute selfies and random pics of shogi stuff (he tags mutou in it of course). during fan signing/autograph sessions they love putting cute headband props on him like this or this. 
bonten because this group’s concept and aesthetic is mysterious, mature, artsy, gloomy, and dark they will take this concept to the grave. (minus a few exceptions) they are invited to variety/talk-shows but never make an appearance because they want to keep the air of mystery around them. (it’s a good marketing technique).  mikey- does not have any social media. he does have a private account to lurk around but no one knows what it is.  kokonoi- has a youtube channel but it’s locked and you have to pay to get into it. posts super short vlogs and teasers. thats it. (the ultimate scam! but their fans love them too much to notice). lots of sponsored #ootd posts on ig.  kakucho- he would be modeling ONLY high fashion brands and high end editorial places. his instagram is just his exquisite and expensive modeling photos whether it be candid backstage photos from shows, candid runway walk pics/vids, pics of diff photoshoots you name it. doesn’t really comment much.  ran- visual. similar to kakucho- modeling ONLY high fashion brands and editorial places. instagram is filled with modeling photos but also some artsy scenery pics he took.  rindou- posts short artsy dancing clips (like modern dances in black&white filter) on ig.  sanzu- since he’s the other visual, he also posts a lot of his modeling/acting photos on instagram. also pretty chatty (he’s the exception) on social media and loves teasing and trolling fans. posts with a lot of random cute emojis on everything. “just ate lunch and now im off to practice hehe 🍜🍇🤟💃🤠🧚‍♂️💞🦋” no one really knows why he uses random emojis but it’s just endearing lmao.  kanji- no social media at all.  akashi- manager....or if you made him the rapper in this au then he too would also not have any social media. 
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Modern!au Connie Headcannons
Modern!Connie Springer x reader
a/n: I just love best boy Connie and whenever I think of something about him I jot it down in my notes and the list was getting a little extensive so I figured I’d share! These are just some random Connie HC, can be platonic or romantic reader insert! Please feel free to come in my inbox and talk about Connie I love him :(🖤 I hope you enjoy!
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gif not mine, credit to owner
His snapchat is literally so chaotic, half of his memories he just doesn’t remember
And it’s usually a cursed video involving Sasha
WILL FaceTime you just so he can see your reaction to a TikTok he sent that you have to see now
Don’t ask me why but he will give you wet willys any chance he gets he finds it so funny
He’s just always bumping Bruno so loud when you’re in the car together to the point where all you had stuck in your head was Bruno - he gets limited access to the aux now
His favorites are That’s What I like, Young Girls, Treasure and Gorilla 😐
An actual good driver but is always a few above the speed limit
Got pulled over once and when the police came to the window he stuck his hand out the window and went “what man you’re not gonna dap me up?” - they made him take a sobriety test
Makes you shave his head and clean up his edges for him - has tried to convince you more than once to shave your head so you guys can match
Idc he’s a god tier kisser like king of make out sessions
He’s never too rough or fast with it, and he’s always making sure to give your lips a break and kiss your neck for a bit before he comes back up
His right hand is always holding you by the back of your neck to keep you in place ugh
Moving on
Collection of beanies 😌
Ok but if you’re sad he has a whole change of demeanor like
intently listening and humming to show he’s invested and if you’re really torn up he has one of your hands in his and he’s rubbing it softly - and if you need to cry he’s literally so good at makin you cry LOL
Like he’d just squeeze your hand and go “hey it’s ok babe, you’re allowed to feel that way” whether your relationship is platonic or not he’s calling you babe
And he’s so good at knowing when to switch up the mood and make you laugh and happy again ugh
He has a list of movies in his notes app that he wants to watch with you and half of them are really awful horror movies that he thinks “might actually be worth it cmon, what’s it gonna hurt?”
Him, he’s a baby and no matter how awful it is he’ll be a little jumpy after LMAO
I just, he’s a chronic sock stealer
He just loses his so easily?? And he has no qualms about strutting into your room to steal a pair of socks and soon you’re like??? Where the HELL are my socks?? And he’s like yeah jeez you gotta get some more.... cause what’s he supposed to do when YOU run out
Ok but more on him being a good driver, he only got pulled over before because his taillight was out and he actually isn’t an angry driver either, like he gets cut off and just kinda sighs or completely ignores it he just doesn’t care, unbothered king
One time someone pulled a random u-turn in front of him so he had to slam on his brakes but his first instinct was to swing his arm over you and then ask if you’re ok 😕
HE WAS SO SILENT TOO no honking, no gasp, and when he asked if you were ok he literally just went “you good?” In a super soft voice
He is ALWAYS humming something to himself and if you ask what he’s humming he doesn’t get embarrassed just excited to tell you :) but you’re obligated to listen to the song after too
And he always has a favorite part and he’ll go omg it’s coming up it’s it’s right here ugh omg did you hear that? And play it for you one more time
He just can’t get rid of anything electronic it scares him
He has all his old phones, game systems and an old laptop stored away somewhere
“Where the hell do I even throw them away??! There’s no way they go in the regular trash cause, like, there’s acid in them or some shit. And all my personal info is on there! And they say you should shred any paper with your info before you recycle it, and I can’t shred my mf PHONE!”
Sometimes he thinks he wants a nose piercing but he has a fear of it getting ripped out in his sleep or something (I’ve had it happen, it was god awful, I have so many nose piercing horror stories...)
He does have his ears pierced though
He had those little diamond studs when he was younger, too
He just thinks they’re stylish :)
Looks the best in sweatpants idc
Isn’t actually that bad at flirting like he’s just goofy and nice so like ~swoon (idk maybe I’m projecting here 🙄)
His favorite place to eat out is L&L, he’s a regular customer and his fav is just some simple spam musubi or the kalua pork and cabbage 🤤
Ok he’s loud but also a little shy like the kind of guy where if it was his birthday and you were singing happy birthday he’d get a little bashful and be all like omg,,, ok y’all I get it thanks jeez
Sometimes when he laughs to hard he snorts and covers his face with his hands cause he’s just dying and can’t help it
I feel like he has a habit of having to keep his hands busy and fidget with stuff so when he’s doing something mindless like watching TV he’s pulling on his bottom lip or pulling at the skin around his nails, but one time your head was in his lap and so he started just running his fingers along your skin or playing with your hair if he could and now he prefers doing that instead 🥺
He just pats his lap and looks at you with a lil smile expecting you to cuddle up
TL;DR: Connie is best boy and I love him
That’s all my most recent thoughts on Connie y’all ☺️ I might make a pt 2 in the future but lemme know if y’all liked it and would be interested in that! ily 😽 and if you’d like to be added to my taglist just lemme know! I write for aot and hq so you can specify for both or one!
taglist: @plutowrites
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altviktcrr · 4 years
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『MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL ❙ NONBINARY』 ⟿ looks like VIKTOR SAMUELS is here for HIS/THEIR SENIOR year as a VISUAL ARTS student. HE/THEY are 24 years old & known to be OBSERVANT, INGENIOUS, RETICENT & DEPENDENT. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ JAMES. 20. EST. SHE/THEY.
hllo ,,, again ,,, this is my last child i SWEAR ,,, at least fr now ,,, hes also the most problematic one ,,, the most dramatic ,,, one of my absolute faves ,,, pleathe love him. as always if u wish to plot please like this so i can msg u !!!
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts, graveyards and half-empty wine bottles, sitting there for hours and talking to nothing, about nothing, a god complex, gold rings adorning both hands, barbwire baseball bats, having never played baseball in your life, deep eyebags and broken mirrors, a permanent chip on one’s shoulder, yearning, longing, wishing.
basic info.
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - jan 2nd
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′1″
hometown: rochester, new york
sexuality: pansexual uwu
inspired by: beetlejuice (beetlejuice), sid (toy story), jack sparrow (pirates of the caribbean), francis wilkerson (malcolm in the middle), azula (avatar: the last airbender), vicky (the fairly oddparents), stu macher / billy loomis (scream), marshall lee (adventure time), bojack horseman (bojack horseman), any it’s always sunny character :/
born to mama and papa (preacher) samuels in rochester, new york - fifteen minutes after his twin sister, tatiana samuels. years later, rosa samuels joined the gang. 
was an awkward, quiet kid growing up, he didn’t interact well with others and preferred being left alone to dig up worms and draw on the walls of their childhood home. the only exception was his twin, really.
as he got older he grew out of this, but instead became like ... sort of an asshole? maybe to compensate for years of childhood awkwardness. he’s the sort of person who will bite the hand that feeds him & developed into a full time nuisance by middle school, unlike tatiana who was much more subtle about her conniving manners.
always has been a fan of ‘darker’ materials. grim & creepy morbid shit. probably the biggest tim burton fan, ever since he was a kid ... not a good look for a preacher’s son, but he never really felt ‘in’ with the rest of his family to begin with. classic black sheep syndrome.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid that probably prompted one or two or five phone calls home to assure everything was fine. 
just really had a knack for art at a young age, from drawing to painting to playing with clay. it’s always been his Thing and probably is the only thing he’s good at.
being twins with tatiana was hard. they were near opposite besides both being quite mean-spirited. tatiana handled being in public better, left a better image behind - but viktor had talent, more than she did. they loved each other deeply - y’know, those unbreakable twin bonds as cliche as it sounds - but found each other as competition for their parents’ attention. a rivalry for affection.
in high school is when viktor really started to act out. it started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service & almost had an exorcism performed on him.
his only redeemable trait was like ... just his sheer talent in the arts. was in a 3D art AP course and specialized in sculptures. he could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because he was the problem child, the one who deserved to be disciplined for all his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with whatever she wanted much easier. on the bright-side, for her, i guess.
not a very motivated person - wasn’t planning on going to college, much less going to radcliffe but his parents literally wrote & sent his college application for him because they weren’t going to house a deadbeat but had too much heart to kick him out onto the streets. cool!
he’s actually pretty smart but he just doesn’t apply himself. has a minor in english because he didn’t care for an extra course-load, but he’s good at writing & analyzing literature. is going to use it to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s. not for the kids, but because he likes to leave a trail of terror in whatever he does.
has been experimenting with himself since high school but college is where he really had started to crack down on himself. was out as pansexual & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college just ... not to his parents, who don’t really need to know. 
if you asked him if he believed in twins having a psychic connection with each other - he’d tell you he wouldn’t know. it felt believable at times, but sometimes he had no idea what was going on inside of tatiana’as head. on the other hand - viktor had always felt oddly transparent to her, like she knew all of his moves before he did. the only person who could predict him accurately.
when tatiana disappeared, viktor knew something was up. it was a twist in his gut, pure instinct that something wasn’t right. and it wasn’t right - and when she was proclaimed missing, they couldn’t find her.
and when tatiana died - viktor knew. it felt wrong, something cut so severely in him he could pinpoint her death to the second. he didn’t know how, or why, but he knew it. knew it before anybody else had.
afterwards he went on a sort of bender. he’d begun to struggle with a mild drug addiction late senior year of high school / early college, but he was managing it up until this point. 
his mental health had also sunk to an all-time low, when it’d never been great to begin with. (manic & depressive episodes. once fixated on a sculpting project for six months and then knocked it off the table and destroyed it as soon as he finished it for no apparent reason.)
tatiana’s body wasn’t found immediately, and when it was ... viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing & being hospitalized. spent six months in & out of psychiatric care after that.
came back to radcliffe to finish his senior year because ... for the reasons above, he hadn’t been able to complete it. just wants to get his credits and get out of here.
is still dealing with a lot of trauma & grief, especially since the one year anniversary of tatiana’s death was this month (january) - causes him to spiral and be unpredictable in regards of his mental health. he stopped taking his medication, so. :/ some days are alright, other days are pretty bad.
the human embodiment of a gremlin that was fed after midnight. a goblin, if you will. one of those cats with a narrow head and really big ears ... that’s them!
a big horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies & probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than they should because they just ... love those black & white vertical-striped pants. 
can appreciate the lore & cryptids at radcliffe and likes to feed into the fear that surrounds them. is probably the cause of a few ‘anomalies’ and ‘paranormal sightings’ because they’re just ... a jerk.
fashion alternates between e-boy (they would be tiktok famous if they were 17 & didn’t think that a majorly minor based app was weird.), millennial beetlejuice, and goth in a crop top & sweatpants. big fan of crop tops and a big fan of sweatpants. 
they can be really fucking mean? petty, aggressive, a major instigator. will literally spit in your face for little to no reason, you could just look at them the wrong way. the kind of person who will stick their gum into someone else’s hair. other than that? they’re like ... sort of okay. they’re not always mean, just a dick about 90% of the time lmao
like okay yeah they’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except they feel like it and believes it. it’s fine, they’re fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact that they’re probably getting into a fight whenever, considers themself to be a lover and not a fighter but that’a primarily because they fuck a lot. uses it as a coping mechanism, like they’re this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ and it’s ... a Lot. might have a problem with hypsersexuality but they’re not fully aware of it. 
the preacher’s whore son, basically :)
pansexual & nonbinary, switches between he & they pronouns often and without a pattern, but they have such a fragile grip on their identity that you could call them ‘dog-faced bitch’ and they’d turn around like. sup.
vastly impulsive ... like i said, they destroy their own creations for the fun of it. spends all teir money on useless shit, will cheat on someone because they feel like it & likes the thrill, screams into the night sky frequently like a cat in heat.
will also spend months creating useless shit for no reason too. spent six of them sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of them & then took a sledgehammer to it.
they’re very super dramatic. would play the organ at church when nobody was looking after them and service was about to start. would just churn out these super haunting, creepy melodies like they were phantom of the opera. would do the same exact thing at home on their keyboard with the pipe organ setting whenever they got grounded until their parents took it away HBDSJFNGKH
will absolutely not talk about their ‘time away’ because it’s not anyone’s business, not even their own younger sister. still refuses to talk about tatiana’s death, or their mental health, or their addiction (fallen back into it but it hasn’t gotten severe ... yet :/), or anything involving their own emotions.
will just change the topic abruptly, no warning. asks about the jonas brothers instead and they fucking hate the jonas brothers.
that being said they’re absolutely not over tatiana’s death & it’s to the point of obsession over it. like there’s some kind of secret that needs to be uncovered, even though there just. isn’t. tatiana was their rock and they were pretty much dependent on her. kept them grounded. could control them when nobody else could, got into their head easier than others. it’s sort of like rosa lost two siblings that day because viktor hasn’t been the same since.
emotionally unavailable while also crying twice a day. cries during their brawls but still wins. is stony-faced when they tell you they cheated on you with your much hotter best friend.
will tell you straight up what they want from you, no bullshit & no beating around the bush. just blunt. if they want to fuck, nothing else, then that’s it. if they feel deviation or developing feelings then they’ll ghost in less than a second. is awful like that but feels no shame.
but also emotional as shit and it’s confusing. will cry on a whim and then flip you off if you try to console them or ask them what’s up. will bite you.
they go to therapy but they just fuck around and wastes their therapists’ time ... also is fucking their therapist, but that’s neither here nor there. so they’re not really getting the help they need.
likes to be intimidating but not ... with their body or anything because they’re a TWIG but uses their love & knowledge of horror and creepy shit to their advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before (also is a big fan of sfx makeup & has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids around with a chainsaw without the chain on halloween every year.
generally never doing good, both mental health wise & morally. would probably steal candy from a baby for funsies.
i don’t know if there’s a good to them somewhere deep down, but they don’t see any issues with themself either. nothing really breaks through to them anymore because the only person who ever made them stop and think about their actions was tatiana, and well, y’know. :/
an introverted reclusive type who doesn’t like most people or going out, but does so anyway if it means a quick high & a cheap thrill.
pretty observant and likes to analyze people even though they’re often like ... partially wrong. judgmental because they like to make people feel bad, not because they’re a righteous mighty person. because they’re not. so like, a hypocrite!
wanted connections.
a roommate... but it’s an absolute nightmare to live with him.
enemies... because viktor would have a lot of them...
familiar faces... people who knew tatiana or of her / were her friends. maybe even those who dated her, and who viktor would’ve tried to intimidate / scare at any given chance :/
pitiful glances... people who take pity on viktor and he hates it sooo much.
hooligan gremlin kids... just a friend group of grown ass adults who do drugs and fuck shit up around town like they’re edgy teenagers.
high school girlfriend... probably the one he lost his virginity to inside his family church :/
childhood acquaintances... people who knew him from his youth.
exes... good & bad terms, but mostly bad terms because viktor is an actual demon. probably cheated on them.
soft... i don’t know if he’s soft towards anyone and/or is capable of it but we can try. we can try.
unrequited... either viktor just doesn’t like them or he’s holding back because he’s :/ got issues with relationships & is self-sabotaging as one does
enemies with Tension... of the ... spicy kind if you know what i mean. wink.
friends... old friends, new friends, bad friends, good friends, close friends, frenemies, etc. i don’t know how many he had but if your muse likes to cause a ruckus and fuck shit up then viktor’s your man.
hook-ups... current or old. friends with benefits, one night stands, anything and everything because he fucks around a lot.
ride or die... friendship but make it extreme.
bad influence... he’s just toxic to be around and brings out the worst in people :/
bad egg... he’s gotten into a few fights :/ maybe you witnessed it. maybe you were in it.
literally anything i wld love all sorts of plots.
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I wonder how anon managed to follow Alejandra's mom, she doesn't seem to accept strangers unless they're Alejandra's fan pages.
It's weird they're supposedly in US (my guess is Boston area because of Mercedes' Linkedin acc https://www.linkedin.com/in/mercedes-arn%C3%BAs-arraut-87895560/ ), yet several people were so sure it looked just like her Barcelona apartment. I mean, she was in Barcelona in September, Ale even visited her at some point before Paris, and yep, the room looked familiar. And now her dog is in US...maybe her husband took the dog and went to US while she was in Mexico? And they have the same interior in both apartments? Lol.
I'm also shocked Ale keeps spending her precious US visa days on smth that could be done in Spain too (doing astrological stuff with her Spanish(!) friend). Like, she could have gone to LA to see her cousin or Ivana (btw, I don't think there has been any update about her wedding in a while), or to NY to see her bf (it's been almost 2 months).
Sorry for these thoughts, I know you're not exactly a typical Seb-gossip blog, I just needed to express my confusion to someone who's up with the recent development lmao.
You guys are so good at this lmao I can’t compete
Where did u find pics of M’s spanish apartment? Because i only got infos from others’ asks and answers and saw the video on M’s yt channel which confirmed it was her apartment but not which one😅
Again, I don’t know how her visa works. Visas are different, could be a work visa but i doubt. A normal visitors visa lasts 90 days and she already stayed 90 days in 2021. Fiancee visas are different i think (as well as marriage visas) but this is not our case i think 😂
I think if she still had a few days to spend in the us she wouldn’t “waist” them visiting Mercedes again so she must have a lot of time to spend there. And im very curious about the wedding cause a year ago there were two different tiktoks saying it would have been in sept 2021 (not sure) and seb was ale’s +1
“I know you're not exactly a typical Seb-gossip blog,” best compliment ever nonnie
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
hooray I think I was productive today :) friends can read this time (except cassidy, you gotta leave, birthday spoilers) but if you figure out my secret project dont tell anybody 
uhhh I dont remember much of this morning other than I just wanted to keep sleeping and my cat was probably clawing at my sheets again. I knew I needed some tape so I could tape together patten pieces for my project and my mom needed meds picked up, so I gathered my things and went to the store by myself with my mom’s card and a short shopping list. all fuckin morning I kept repeating the Minecraft creeper song and the clip from “Korone saying eating Myke Tyson's ass Good Ending” where she has the birthday cake hat. so imagine me, sitting in my car, singing “eating, mike Tyson’s, ass. NOOO” on repeat while looking for a parking space. I ended up walking laps around the store because I didn't know where they kept the fuckin hummus and I had to text my sister and ask. then there was SO much trouble at the pharmacy. basically they didnt have my mom’s insurance on file so I put her on speakerphone while she acted like a boomer not being able to read her own insurance card. the worst part is that because the pharmacy lady was talking to my mom over the phone, I couldn't kill time and be on my phone. so I had to just STAND THERE staring into the middle distance for entirely too long playing with the 2 sets of keys I had clipped to my hand purse wallet thingy. at least I felt cool in my outfit and my boots. eventually it all pretty much worked out and I got to bring home 2 out of her 5  medications and all the groceries. but the lady at checkout thought I was struggling with the machine or an idiot or something (or maybe she was trying to be helpful, whatever) and came over to help me like 3 times. like!! I'm sorry im tired and a little overstimulated and like to take my damn time!! whatever its fine lol. afterwards I drove over to dollar tree to get tape, but I ended up getting a lot of other things too. I saw that they had a brand of tape where you could buy extra rolls without the plastic thing that holds them so I got both. there was also satin ribbon which I was very tempted to get to add to my project, but since I did have fabric to color match to I put it away. instead I got a set of tiny jars, glitter, and craft glue to make into liquid glitter jars. my first idea was to maybe make them into a necklace with fake flowers and shrinky dink fairy wings, but I think they'll just be for decoration. I wanted a snack while I was there and got some crackerjack, like from the baseball song. if you didnt know, yeah its real and its just candied popcorn and peanuts with a little sticker inside. but its really damn good! that's why I ate 2 out of the 3 boxes kn the back and shared the 3rd with my dad. after checkout I sat in the parking lot eating crackerjack straight from the box since I forgot hand sanitizer and watching tiktoks. when I tried to go home there was a huge line of cars outside the entrance to the neighborhood with an ambulance in there and police lights up front, so I turned the other way and took the other entrance. when I came home I found my mom in the process of ripping up carpet in front of her bathroom so she can replace it with tile. we had discussed this earlier today but I thought this would be an eventually project, not a today project. so I spent some time cutting carpet, ripping up foam, sweeping, and prying away the spiky wooden boarders. we need to either remove or hammer down some nails that go down into the concrete before we can start laying down tiles. I spent some time taping together my pattern pieces, cutting 1cm strips off the side of 25 pieces of paper until I got 5 long lines of 5 sheets that I would need to match up and tape together. I didnt have enough space on my bed so I brought it all out to the kitchen floor. it was the biggest clean flat surface in the house I could think of. I got frustrated about pieces not fitting perfectly and my printer cutting off important parts at the very bottom of pages, but I made it work. I roughly cut around each piece and when I brough them all back to my room, I saw my cat had gotten sick on my bed which made me more frustrated. she was asleep on my blankets and very warm so when I picked her up I was worried for a moment that she might have a fever, but she’s fine. I let her out of my room so I could take off the sheet she messed up and ran it and a couple other things through the wash. for the rest of the afternoon I let my cat stay outside without me, and she ended up staying outside for hours, never straying too far from the door but not coming inside when I invite her. I'd check up on her every so often and set her food dish. my sister kept asking me to find my wallet that had mom’s card in it which frustrated me more, and by now I was also getting hangry, so I was fuckin mad and tired and needed to be alone in my room for a bit. I have her card info saved on my phone so I just texted that to her so she could pay for food. I noticed my dad’s boss had called me and I missed it, so I called him back nd he just said It would be a couple days before any updates. I wish he would have just texted me but whatever. I sat outside with my cat while we ordered, making sure she was ok and wasn't hurting her eyes in the sun. I went in the car to pick up food but made my sister go in alone. we ate together in her room while I watched tiktoks and she worked on homework. after that I looked at the stuff u got from dollar tree and started making the 5 mini glitter jars in the bathroom. they all turned out pretty cute, but the pink and red ones are lowly leaking baby oil through the cork stopper. after that I had 2 tiny jars left, so I shoved in dried rose petals and baby’s breath and crushed leaves, all from the flowers my dad got me for valentines day. I think they turned out ADORABLE, and I'm going to borrow some earring making supplies from a friend who bought them in bulk to start a small buisness of reselling aliexpress charms as earrings but quit after a while and still had a ton of leftover supplies. I think I might want to add some twine and shrinky dink fairy wings to the earrings, so I spent a while making 2 test pieces and fucking up a scrap piece to test how to make the hole for the earring hardware. I talked to my dad bout my whole process when he walked in on me preheating the oven, and he agreed to buy the smallest drill bit the hardware store had to offer so I could just drill the hole after baking. luv u papa <3 by then it was getting a little late so I went back to my room. I only have a week or so to finish my project, and I didnt want to get into pinning and cutting fabric tonight, so instead I prepped my patterns. I zoomed into the pattern pdf so it was life sized and traced the missing edges that got cut off by my printer and cut out all the pieces with an xacto knife. I was struggling all day to figure out what the hell these 2 huge shapes labeled lower front and lower back were supposed to be, until I looked through the pdfs again and realized it wasn’t even for the version of the pattern I was using!! so I folded them up and added them to the scrap paper pile. now I have all my pattern pieces nicely prepped resting on an open drawer because otherwise my cat would step all over them. tomorrow I think I'll start pinning and cutting, but not until I read through all the instructions like 3 times and try to look up a youtube tutorial. but its 2:30 am now and im hungry, good night sleep well mwah <3
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