uncigarro · 1 year
Lo que me caga de lo moderno
O sea el Modern Dating
It’s not meant for introverts lmfaooo
Somos selectivos con nuestra energía y cuando creemos decir ok cool maybe i can share this lil bit of energy I have witchu and it’s swallows entirely and then you’re like ok lemme have it back it’s gone
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dedfly · 2 months
Hello dear, random idea just came up from my mind..what if..Shadow Milk x Faerie reader but with a slight little mermaid storyline? Basically the reader want to explore around the earthbread (and is fallen for certain Cookie?) but the reader is unable to leave the beast yeast because the reader had to guard the silver tree, on one night Shadow Milk try to communicate with reader through the dream and offering the reader to become 'common (normal) cookie' with one condition..(and is up to you-)
(Take ur time dear :> )
This is a great idea and wow, it's crazy
Shadow Milk cookie x reader
† This is justa blessing for him
† A whole guardian with big dreams and a love interest who most likely won't reciprocate theirfeelings because he will never notice a some guardian. P e r f e c t
† You always wanted something more and what’s wrong with having some dreams? however, you begin to realize that your usual dreams have begun to become a whole daydreaming
As if your imagination was literally pushing you to change, to escape, but how? You are just one of those guardians who invest their whole lives in the Great Goal. But just standing and protecting the tree is not for you and you know it. You want something more, this world full of adventures
And this mysterious voice in your dreams thinks so too
You haven't shared your dreams and plans with anyone else. For what? They won't understand.
But oh, this gentle voice understands, how good it is that your "subconscious" helps you at least in your dreams. Supports and guides.
† Imagine certain cookie what readerloves is Pure Vanilla or Elder fairy cookie. Yeah what would be messy
† And fun. Come on Shadow milk cookie would try not to gag while trying to manipulate you into doing what he wants using your love for them
† He's just being dramatic but yeah he's not happy about it. Not because he felt bad but because he is concerned about your "unique taste"
† bro is a hater
† Shadow Milk cookie made sure to help you, to keep you on his side. "Listen to me little fairy, you have a grand future waiting"
Unfortunately, most of your colleagues were not present on security for some reason, which is why you were put on post longer than expected. You lack of sleep and energy, you have become more irritable and honestly you would just like to finish this unbearable work, just run away or cut down this damn tree. Wait. It was clear as day, no tree, no problem. You will finally live the life you want.
† As if all the danger that will come from cutting down this tree has faded into the background, a voice gently whispers to you, encouraging you to get rid of the tree
† But the voice in your head offered you a perfect idea, just gave up your wings (Or rather your fairy magic) and chop down the tree and he would make sure to help you out
†Just a little tiny crack would be enough
†Just chop here and there use your spear or whatever weapon just make some damage and your problems would disappear
†No, this is wrong, you managed to catch yourself in these terrible thoughts and you nipped them in the bud
†You are scared and confused, as soon as you told your colleague about this you were immediately kicked out of the guard, or rather you were transferred to another department and given the day off
† Yes yes it is anticlimactic but come on look at fairies they are more gentle with that, especially with dealing with beasts
† if you already fall under the influence of one of the beasts, you will simply be moved away from the tree. Most likely to some kind of reconnaissance detachments
† so you safe, until Shadow Milk actually break free
† and I assure you he would be pissed what he didn't get his way, especially what he wasted so much time with you
† And if it's something more romantic he would also be pissed what he was there for you and you just "betrayed" him
† But come on its not like he really would help you. You want to see the world not destroyed dessert, you want to see civilizations at peace not wars
Actually I thought at first with whole little mermaid thing. Like reader giving up their wings for something but eh it was a bit raw for me :p but I tried my best
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outeremissary · 1 year
☮ - Balthazar, specifically with Harrim or Jaethal?
From this... I've made you wait more than long enough, so I'll say something for both.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Jaethal I've had a lot of thought about, of course. She is Balthazar's closest friend in the Stolen Lands and the person he forms a connection with the most easily. She's his closest confidante and spends a lot of time with him, and a part of that is having a pretty intimate understanding of his space. She's the only person besides him who can claim to comprehend the horrible organized chaos of his study in its entirety. Sometimes she can even find things faster than he can. He is also much more comfortable with her in his personal space than with most people- she's free to lean in to observe what he's working on, or to reach across to indicate things she has thoughts on or to relocate things within reach. He trusts her judgment and knows that she's like-minded enough not to deride him for any project (although her opinions are always delivered with the bluntest honesty).
Balthazar often visits Jaethal at the inn. Originally, before she was persuaded to take a formal position as an advisor, he would drop by to ask her opinion on significant undertakings on his realm and seek her advice in an informal capacity. The visits continued afterwards though and now are simply social. They discuss politics, philosophy, magic, and recent happenings- Jaethal is seldom without a word on any topic. It's also an opportunity for mutual reminiscing on past residences: neither can claim to be entirely pleased to have settled in a rural backwater (even as its local leadership) and both miss the grandeur of past lives. Every so often, talk edges dangerously close to the wistful. The frequency of visitation between them means that each tends to leave some things in the other's space. There are always some of Jaethal's books on Balthazar's desk and Balthazar's notes in Jaethal's room in the inn. It's so mundane that neither tends to give it much thought.
It would be difficult for me to define the relationship between Balthazar and Harrim as a friendship, and Harrim has certainly caused Balthazar frustration on many occasions. However, I think that there's a respect that Balthazar has for Harrim's pursuit of his own incomprehensible way, as well has his defiance of tradition when it came to fail him. Balthazar doesn't really mind Harrim's melancholic soliloquys. The drama of them is entertaining, and he's not put off by the pessimism unless he's already in a bad mood. So every so often he takes the time to listen: sometimes in silence, sometimes nodding along with some points and striking up debate over others. Some of those debates deepen into lengthy metaphysical conversations about religious esoterica and philosophies of being. It's a mutually fulfilling exercise.
And of course, Harrim's always a fantastic ear when one needs to vent to someone who will affirm theirfeelings about the pointlessness of the problem at hand.
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wraithblogging · 1 year
"Before industrialization and urbanization, people depended on theirfeelings and intuition rather than on shrinks and Oprah. The peoplelived in tune with nature thanks to a largely agricultural existence, until the Enlightenment and its attendants calculus, petroleum and animal vivisection—turned the universe into clockwork, work into wage slavery, and the family into a demographic market segment. [...] Thanks to modern society, we’re all Frankenstein’s monster. None of us fit."
- Mamatas, “Elven Like Me.”
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amysbooks · 3 years
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akai-hito · 6 years
I’m just confused that everyone look sorry but for some reson... Oso keep Kara’s mouth shut as he give him a cherry
“The last person I can show those feeling is him”?
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el-carro · 3 years
𐐪𐑂 my future spouse love language 𐐪𐑂
Ꮺ all of my readings are based on both my intuition and my experience with the cards. this reading is for entertainment purposes only.
⁰⁰¹∙ ﹕deck used: universal tarot
𓆩 ♡ 𓆪 : below are three photos representing the three groups. choose the photo that most catches your eye.
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this person's love language is very interesting because it shows me a person who may not be very affectionate. they do not like to show affection in public because they feel embarrassed.
however, i see that they will work on the signs of affection they give you. for example: if they give you a ring they will have designed it or chosen it personally with a meaning behind every detail of the ring. if they write you a poem be sure that they will have spent many hours writing it and choosing the right words to make it perfect because they find it difficult to show his feelings.
they have a hard time expressing theirfeelings but that doesn't mean they do not love you, they're very aware that they love you and would do anything for you. they're very sure of their feelings, but histheir way of expressing them is not very effusive.
this person is very affectionate and will show you at all times that they love you with kisses, cuddles, hugs, nice words... they will not mind showing the world that they love you and can even be very affectionate even in public. i see that they will introduce you to their family from the very first moment which will be very important for them and which will show their love for you.
in front of people they will brag about you and all that you have achieved.they're a person who will support you in everything and will be happy about your achievements. i see that they're also a person who will show their love for you with words.
as this reading is not for adults I will simply explain that although your future spouse may seem serious and cold, they're going to show all the love they feel with you in bed. i think it is a moment where they feel that connection with you and where you will see their most vulnerable side.
𖠿 if you want to know more about the reading you've picked. you can book a personal reading with me. all the info here
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meganutriland · 4 years
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This is horrible #feelings when u can hold her and cuddle only once per day only. But this is my #finalapproach and I am not gonna give up. The #pain #frustrations #surgery #treatments won’t stop me from being #healthy and #active again. I do salute all of u who are fighting with all #diseases but especially to all mums who struggle with this issues and have #kids around. I do #admire all women who can’t have their kids with them, who are not able during this #crazytime spent time with them knowing their ‘r gonna leave this world I truly admire you! It’s a real power so to all mum who are healthy and have healthy #family complaining about your hair style or lack of social life - pls do not! There is no choice - #cancer doesn’t care if I r healthy or not, if you r eating well or not just simply doesn’t. Be aware that the whole #fight is something #real and it depends on #petsonalcharacter and #predispositions #preciousmoments #lifeisbeautiful #kids #theirfeelings #smartkids #love #thoughts #nutritionyourbody #expressingyourself #fightforwhatyouwant #temporraryissue #walka #dziecisąważne https://www.instagram.com/p/CIh9MgAMuCO/?igshid=1mijk4p5nzdhd
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amysbooks · 3 years
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amysbooks · 3 years
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