#the thought of sleep deprivation torture for him is just so endearing to me
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cheesecakethots · 8 months
Sooo…do the British get insomnia???🥺🤨🤨/Srs
Totally not gonna research sleep deprivation experiments and how it was used as torture to make a fic based off of that illumi thought I wrote…no way….not at all… only weird people would do that
(it’s me, I’m weird people 😔)
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the British either wake in the middle of the night due to the extreme heat or extreme cold. the weather here is either disgustingly sweaty or freezing your limbs off, no inbetween 😭
so real actually i see illumi just seating u in his lap, and every time you dose off a little pinches you with his cold ass hands.
finds it just a little endearing the next day when you start drifting off mid action, preferably leaning on to him.
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bakakugo · 3 years
creep shigaraki finding you passed out in his room during a party, and ur lil dress hides nothing he just. has to touch you, you did this on purpose 👀👀 cums inside before he even comes to his senses and youre completely clueless
skdskdhgfskhf this is so amazing??? my first thirst!!! consider me inspired~ i hope you like it!
warnings: yandere!shigaraki, somnophilia, enemies au, delusional shigaraki, dubcon, you're intoxicated and unaware who exactly you're sleeping with, he calls you his slut once or twice, vaginal sex, creampie implied, possessive lovesick shigaraki
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god he hated you. he hated how out of reach you were, how wildly unprepared he was for the subtle rejections you'd cruelly tease him with. did you rejoice in seeing him flabbergasted, utterly disheartened at the fact you scoff at the very idea of his fancy towards you?
admittedly, ever since the first day you've met there has been an unspoken rivalry between the two of you, but that type of rivalry could be born from nothing but respect in his eyes.
your wit and skill outweighs any he's come across yet your prideful sense of self and the absolute disgust at the thought of your number one title being taken away- that's what he considered an endearing threat.
nothing short of raw tension, sexual he'd go as far as to say, would weigh down on the room that was unfortunate enough to have you pit against one another other.
it was a vulnerability he found utmost inappropriate, wrong and forbidden. it was irredeemably intoxicating and he could rarely get enough.
you did not share his sentiments in the slightest; for one so strange and off putting, he was capable, true, but you'd rather submit yourself to the finest torture than admit that. any attempt at a hand of peace he'd offer, you'd shut down. he's beneath you, he's lesser and so utterly naive if he thinks he's got you fooled into thinking that he wants anything but to lower your defenses so he could strike when you turn your back on him
needless to say, there's only so much patience that shigaraki can practice before bitterness overturns him
imagine his shock and disbelief at finding you sprawled across his bed, drunk out of your mind. instantly, he locked the door behind himself to ensure no one from the party could interrupt his view
and what a view it was. short black dress, hitched up far too high as a consequence of your sleeping position and-
fuck, you damn little slut, you couldn't even bother putting on any underwear, could you?
was he breathing? he's certain he's supposed to be breathing
part of him, the one that still thinks of you fondly now and then urges him to just cover you with a blanket and leave. but his straining pants and racing thoughts urge him for a much more carnal option.
maybe rightfully so have you been treating him like a deprived beast. he praised himself on his self control in dire times, but his mind grew darker and darker the more he thought about your current situation. after ignoring him for what seemed like an eternity, you show up at a frat party in his house where you paraded around almost naked in a dress far too short, your pussy in danger of being exposed to any persistent pair of eyes, passed out from the amount of alcohol you've consumed, and you thought to find shelter in his bed?
he would think lady luck looked upon him kindly that night, if only he believed in coincidence. as if.
everything happens for a reason and this was no exception. as if you'd ever allow yourself to become this vulnerable under his roof if you didn't have a plan, if there wasn't something you wanted. passed out, so deliciously seductive on his bed? please- you were begging to be fucked senseless.
he was by your side, his palm cupping your cheek delicately. if he were you he too would love some liquid courage, no wonder you got carried away
for once, he'd be a gentleman, he thought, his palm tracing lower and lower, earning a barely audible yelp in protest at the sensation of his cold fingers trailing your sleeping form
"you're certainly not helping," he mused, driven close to madness upon realizing your risque cleavage could handle only so much before spilling out. he should wait, he knew that, but his twitching cock certainly didn't care about it. what kind of tease wears no underwear to a damn frat party?
the pain was getting unbearable, he'd lose his mind if he doesn't bury himself deep within your inviting walls. with a squeeze of his thighs, he decided to take his time; he has to reward you for finally coming to your senses. for coming to him.
would be a nice surprise to have you wake up in bliss with him by your side, wouldn't it?
he's got nothing against your sinful dress but it would look so much better discarded on the floor. it didn't hide much but he was still greedy for more.
oops. hopefully it wasn't your favorite because its front was ripped in its entirety, the sudden jerk of his movements causing your breasts to bounce in a way he's often only imagined.
"screw the dress, even the bed is in danger now"
just the sight of you naked had him fighting for his life, would he actually cream his pants before even getting his dick wet?
time was of essence and he wasn't going to waste it. one of his palms immediately sought out your breast as he trailed desperate, sloppy kisses down your neck. he's waited for this far too long not to let his desperation and hunger show.
you remained passed out, but by no means were you unresponsive. your mewls had him by the balls, eager to please you until the whole house knew you were experiencing bliss.
his tongue kept lapping circles around your nipple before he'd nibble down, marveling at the taste of you, the softness- fucking you into the mattress will be heaven
while he was far from the most experienced man out there, pride swelled up in him at the wetness he was greeted with once he mustered enough courage to reach down and finally grace your clit with some much needed attention.
at that point he didn't care anymore, he was greedy and selfish and wanted a taste of you and he was so fucking tired of thrusting into the mattress when your aching cunt was right there begging to be stuffed full of his length
he'd make it up to you later, he promised himself, but if he had to wait for a minute more he'd raise hell
it didn't take him long to coat himself in your juices, running his erection down your slit, utterly amazed at how sopping wet it is. how wet you were for him, how ready to finally take him after years of denying the both of you this mind blowing pleasure.
shigaraki went weak in the knees just thinking about how much better this will be when you come back to your senses. a little prologue never hurt anybody, has it? not when it was this inviting, it hasn't.
when he finally entered you he was surprised by how much he was the one unable to keep quiet- you were sucking him in like you were made for one another, like anything he's ever experienced before was a foul mistake. this- this is how it's supposed to feel.
the scent of you, the sounds of your dripping cunt squelching as he pounded into you, trying his best to be quiet as he kept his firm grip on your hips; it was so fucking worth it. the humiliation, the wait.
albeit hazy, you woke up, unaware of who the stranger fucking into you was but god damn did it feel good, "m-more."
his eyes shoot up to meet yours, his gaze softening upon seeing your face red in its entirety. aww, his little slut was embarrassed about asking for more after years of pretending she wants nothing at all.
hell, he didn't need to be told twice, the male picked up his pace, rutting into you until you went numb, singing praises to how well he was stretching you to your limit.
when he thought it couldn't get better, you shamelessly pulled him in for a heated kiss, taking a short break ever so often in an attempt to put together a sentence
"l-let's do it, cum, let's - ngh- cum together."
that was the nail in the coffin; he was thinking of pulling out but when you were begging him like that, when you were grinding against him so desperately, who was he to deny you? only a god would have such control and he was the furthest thing from him.
he didn’t care, not one bit, not when you were clinging onto him and crying out in pleasure he caused. his, his, his- fucking finally, you were.
after the both of you come down from your high, you fall asleep, embraced, fucked out and blissful, completely unaware of the horrifying realization awaiting you in the morning.
what will you do, dearest? steal the clothes of the man embracing you so protectively, whose cum is still dripping down your thighs as you try and leave his clutches? it’s cute you think he’d let you. not now that you’re finally his, at least.
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Hi fellow Gryffindor! Hope you're read for:
Not Yet Wed Questions
Note: Great Scott! This week, we are going back in time to MC’s intern year. Think of Ethan’s relationship with them at this point and answer the following questions accordingly. It is entirely up to you when in year 1 this takes place (pre/post Miami, pre/post CH 15, etc). Feel free to answer with dialogue or pictures or both :) Have fun!
No worries. All of this is off the record and HR will never know!
The setting for this answers is:
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought__________
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Three people at work your coworker hates?
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
(Bonus round! Feel free to skip.)
Never have I Ever:
come into work hungover
had a fistfight
been kicked out of a bar
gotten a tattoo
broken someone’s heart
been in love
For MC (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Last thing he texted you?
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
For Ethan (MC is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Last thing she texted you?
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
Ahh my favorite time of the week again. Also on a side note these questions are brilliant.
I am sorry for being late, my school thinks it's okay to torture seventeen year olds, smh
(Ignore if there are any typos, I am sleep deprived)
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Previous Interviews
The setting for these answers is: Two days before they leave for Miami. Diana already knows about Naveen and as an extra context, they now spend time together at his apartment or at Derry Roasters to discuss Naveen's case and both of them (grudgingly in Ethan's case) call each other ahem...."friends"
[Two people make their way towards the busy little coffee shop down the street from the hospital, the man furtively looking over his shoulder, as if scared of being spotted, the woman, sensing her companion's distress, puts a tentative hand on his arm, which visibly seems to calm him somewhat. He sends a grateful smile her way.]
ETHAN : We are both busy doctors rookie, why are we supposed to do this—interview?
DIANA : It won't take long, plus we are already waiting for the test results for Doct- umm our patient.
ETHAN : Well if it will stop you from talking my ear off.
DIANA : (Says nothing just smiles)
When I first saw them, I thought ________
Diana : Actually the first time we met it was kinda in the midst of an emergency, so I didn't get much time to form an impression but once he left I thought he was a (glances towards Ethan, then says in a rush) handsome asshole.
Ethan : Excuse me, what?
Diana : Well after I helped save the woman you told me that it was incredible I didn't kill her, forgive me if I can't think that you were an asshole.
Ethan : (a little flustered) That's not what I said excuse me fo- never mind, I thought she wasn't completely incompetent for an intern and also that she's quite bold.
Di : "Bold" ?
E : Yes, you tried to flirt with me.
Di : Oh that was before I knew who you were.
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Ethan : She alternates between Shit and Fuck
Diana : Goddamnit and Fuck
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Diana : Blue, a bright clear blue.... umm it's quite noticeable when someone chews you out every other day.
Ethan : Dark brown that appears almost black at times.
Diana : (mutters)I am surprised he can see my eyes from his giraffe height
Ethan : glares at her
Diana : What? Oh did I say that out loud? Umm well it's true (shrugs)
Three people at work your coworker hates?
Diana : (giggling) I think it's easier to tell you about three people he doesn't hate, he hates everyone except Dr. Banerjee, Dr. Emery both of whom he respects and well me.
Ethan : (a rare smile playing in his lips) who said anything about not hating you Rookie?
Diana : Because you are my partner in crime and I think we are friends.
Ethan : "partner in crime"?
Diana : Yes we go to burning buildings together and anyways deny as much as you want, you don't hate me.
Ethan : (softly) I don't. (composing himself) In case of Dr. Ramirez, I don't think she can ever hate anyone, she herself says "I love everyone" I don't know how that's possible but she doesn't hate anyone at this place.
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
Diana : Definitely pinching the bridge of his nose thing, I once tried counting how many times he did it while morning rounds, it was exactly 17 times in two hours.
Ethan : Not my fault most interns are utterly hopeless. In Diana's case it's forgetting a hair tie every day and using a pen or a pencil to keep her hair up.
Di : This irritates him so much that he keeps a spare tie in his office now.
Ethan : I don't know why I put up with these habits (pinches the bridge of his nose)
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
Diana : (in an uncanny imitation of Ethan's gruff voice) It's beyond me to have juvenile emotions such as a crush, it's mostly a result of continued exposure to the person for a long time anyways.
Ethan : What- I don't sound like that
Diana : You do!
Ethan : For her it might be one of her friends, they seem quite enamored by her.
Di : My friends....nah! It's someone else
E : Who else do you spend time with to have a crush on?
Di : A girl's gotta have some secrets. (muttering so softly that Ethan doesn't hear it) how much more oblivious can a man be?
Ethan : What is that?
Di : You drink if you have done said thing before, it's a classic drinking game.
E : I am not playing any such game.
Di : Come on we are already doing this.
E : *Grumbles in agreement*
come into work hungover
The iced coffee lies untouched before both of them.
Diana : We are responsible doctors.
had a fistfight
Both take a sip of their respective beverages.
Diana : Okay I'll go first, I once punched a guy in seventh grade because he was being obnoxious and then his other friends taunted him on being punched by a girl which hurt his male ego and he tried to fight back but some of our teachers spotted me dodging it and I escaped punishment because of my pristine record.
Ethan : Well, in our field there are many power hungry morons who deserve being punched.
been kicked out of a bar
Ethan takes another sip, Diana doesn't.
Diana : Okay dish
E : We all do regrettable things in our youth.
Di : Really, you won't tell us?
E : (grins) I am going for an air of mystery.
Di : Well it's working
(Both smile at each other, forgetting their surroundings for some time)
gotten a tattoo.
None of them drink.
Di : It hurts like hell so I am never getting one.
broken someone’s heart.
Di : Nah! I haven't. But Ethan you drink this time.
Ethan : Why?
Di : Honestly have you ever seen the way the nurses look at you?
Ethan : If you say so (takes a sip)
been in love
Ethan : Doesn't drink but all of a sudden he fixes his gaze at her almost involuntarily.
Di : (Drinks) I like to think I have been in love before.
Ethan : (trying to look as uninterested as possible) What changed?
Di : Well we broke up after around two yearsof dating.
Ethan : (doesn't say anything but looks visibly less tense)
Di : Oh we are out of coffee...
E : You sit here I'll place our orders.
Di : Thanks
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Di : Professionally he'll most definitely contribute even more to the medical world, lead the Diagnostic Team like the best doctor he is. Personally, I dunno maybe he'll find someone, I hope he does, he needs someone to help and support him through his problem of shouldering every little thing.
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Diana : His passion for medicine obviously, you should see when he talks about medicine, it's so evident how much he loves what he does and also how much he cares despite the gruff exterior he puts on in front of everyone.
Last thing he texted you?
Diana : He hates texting, so I think his last text was, let me see (scrolls through her phone)
"We need to put ciprofloxacin in our list, can you do me a favor by adding it?"
It's uh about a case.
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
Diana : It's never going to happen, he's Ethan Ramsey and I am, well me, but if uh hypothetically he asked me out, I'd say yes immediately, hypothetically obviously.
(Ethan returns with the coffee, then looks at Di's flustered face)
Ethan : What were you talking about?
Diana : Uh nothing I was just - (her pager goes off) We have the test results, I'll go and bring those back in a few minutes.
Where do you see her in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Ethan : She'll be an amazing doctor obviously, maybe even with a spot on the diagnostic team. I suppose she won't hear this?
Interviewer : No, she won't.
Ethan : Personally, with someone who values her contribution to our sphere of work, I suppose.
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Ethan : I really shouldn't be talking about this.
Interviewer : Don't worry, no one's hearing about this, it's just some extra information so that we know you better.
Ethan : She's an attractive woman obviously, but I think her smile, it's difficult to ignore and her eyes.
Last thing she texted you?
followed by a series of emoticons
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
Ethan : I would have to turn her down, I am her boss.
(gazing wistfully at the street, eyes glued at Diana's approaching figure)
But perhaps in a different life I would have said yes.
Ethan : I think that's enough questions, she's here now and we have important matters at hand which require our attention.
Taglist : @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @drariellevalentine @rookie-ramsey @aleynareads @miss-smrxtiee @terrm9 @aestheticartsx @fireycookie @maurine07 @starrystarrytrouble @schnitzelbutterfingers @tsrookie @anntoldstories @iemcpbchoices @stygianflood @sophxwithers @actuallybored @iloveethanramsey @natureblooms24 @chemist-ana @mercury84choices @casey-v @uneravine @mm2305 @mrsethanfreakingramsey @smilex1104 @missmiimiie @shanzay44 @sweetheartdetectivex @potionsprefect @headoverheelsforramsey @jerzwriter @mainstreetreader @coffeeheartaddict @adiehardfan @mia143
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Hello beautiful people~
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas (if you celebrate it). Although my creative spirit haven’t fully come back full fledge, I did manage to finish another short.
Where Talbott said something he shouldn't have said which results in Judith ignoring him.
Hope you guys like it. Enjoy!
The Ravenclaw wizard was hunched over his books, trying to focus on his studies for the upcoming O.W.L.S.
If he failed to get at least an Exceeding Expectations on all his tests, he could kiss his dream of becoming an Auror goodbye. He rubbed his temples to fight off an impending headache.
It was then when a pair of cold hands were placed on his shoulders. Talbott automatically tensed up, ready to reach for his wand when those hands started massaging his tense shoulders. His brows furrowed in confusion until he focused on the feeling of those hands.
Slender but strong fingers.
Callouses on the fingertips and a bit of the palm, but mostly soft.
His assumption was correct as a trail of soft kisses was placed on his neck. He shivered, unconsciously tilting his head to give her more room.
"Studying yet again, my love?" her voice cooed in his ear. Talbott felt his face flush.
"Yes, I am... so if you don't mind..." Judith frowned. She knew that Talbott was trying to study for the upcoming O.W.L.S.
Who wasn't?
But she could tell that he's been hunched over his desk for quite some time, judging by the tension that resides in between his shoulders and back.
"You need to take a break, love... Besides it's been a while since we last spent some time together," she said softly, leaving a light kiss on his ear. Talbott felt those strong fingers work at his shoulders again and bit his lip to prevent a groan from escaping him.
He wanted to melt against his girlfriend.
Allow her to help him unwind.
But he needed to study.
"I'm fine," he forced out, trying to focus on his Charms textbook and not on the sweet kisses his girlfriend was laying on his neck. Her cool hands migrated lower to his waist, hugging him from behind.
"Talbott..." The Ravenclaw screwed his eyes shut, trying to block out the insistent Hufflepuff.
"Would you just bloody leave?! I'm busy and can't focus with you being so damn needy!" Judith froze at those words. She did want to spend time with her boyfriend, but she knew better to not cling.
The last thing she wants is to feel like a bother to someone.
She frowned and silently removed her arms. She knew that Talbott was just busy and running off of testing anxiety.
Even though his words did hurt, she did deserve them.
She was being pushy...
"Okay..." Talbott stiffens at the simple word.
It sounded cold.
He turned around to find the door to his room being shut. The phantom feeling of her lips and hands lingered behind.
Talbott felt like he could breathe again as he looked at his results. Several Outstanding's and a few Exceeding Expectations. At least he knows what areas to work on.
But that was for later.
He wanted to celebrate this accomplishment by spending some much needed time with his girlfriend.
Who was unbelievably scarce for a while now. Even when they shared the same time block for an O.W.L., she wouldn't look his way. That bothered him a lot.
He hopes that now that the tests were over, he could indulge in what she was suggesting last time they spoke.
With that in mind, he immediately went on a hunt for the girl. Which, lucky for him, didn't take long.
He walked into the Owlery to find her tying a sheet of paper around her owl's, Stark, leg. She gave the white bird a gentle kiss on the head before sending him off.
Talbott bit his lip at the memory of those same lips lavishing his neck and ear with attention.
He could use some attention now...
He quietly walked up behind the Hufflepuff witch, greeting her with a hug from behind. Talbott was secretly happy to find her hair up in a bun, so he can freely nuzzle her neck as much as he pleased. He breathed in the sweet scent that clung onto his girlfriend's skin, before letting out a sigh.
"Hello, darling," he whispered, squeezing the girl closer. He can feel her warmth beginning to melt into him. He missed this...
"Hey." The wizard froze.
He pulled away and swiftly turned the girl around to study her features. His eyes scanned her face to see if anything was amiss.
Was this some kind of prank? Judith never greeted him so... plainly before. He was more used to the sound of her giggle, or her replying with a sweet endearment. Not some nonchalant "Hey"...
"Are... are you feeling alright, Judith," he asked, feeling a bit worried about his girlfriend's behavior. Judith simply shrugged.
"Yeah. I just sent my mother a copy of my O.W.L.S. Not that I think she cares but she at least deserves to know I guess. Anyway, I'm tired and want to take a nap. Was there something you needed?" Talbott didn't like the dull look in her eyes.
"Well, I was hoping that we could spend some time together. Since we're done with testing and all," he said slowly as he ran his hands along the curve of her waist. He silently hoped to get a reaction out of her. All he got was a yawn.
"Maybe some other time. I'll catch you later, Talbott." The girl walked away, leaving her boyfriend dumbstruck over what the hell just happened.
Talbott laid in his bed, trying to sleep. But his mind keeps coming back to Judith.
Who was effectively ignoring him.
It's been a week since they've completed their O.W.L.S. And he still hasn't gotten a chance to be with her.
She always had something to do, so their quiet time together has basically disappeared. He couldn't even get to enjoy her touch anymore. She already knew how he felt about PDA, but sometimes when he can get her alone, he barely gets to experience her touch.
She was normally a very affectionate person, which Talbott loved about her. Seeing how touch-deprived ever since his parents died. That deprivation was starting to show...
There were times where he contemplated sneaking into her room so they can be together. He really missed her.
The feeling of her warmth.
The sight of her smile.
The sound of her voice.
The sweet scent lingered on her skin and hair.
The taste of her kiss.
Talbott buried his face into his pillow, groaning. He can't take it anymore...
Judith was just coming from the Library after her study session with Brooke. She's been trying to keep herself busy ever since the end of her O.W.L.S. She wasn't gonna lie that she was purposely trying to avoid her boyfriend.
She was still hurt over what he said. And it bothered her a lot.
She let out a soft sigh. Who know if-
"Meep-" a hand reached out of an unused classroom, grabbing her by the elbow before dragging her inside. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dark room as she turned to glare at her captor. Only to be surprised to find red eyes staring down at her.
"Talbott-" before she could question her boyfriend about snatching her out of nowhere, her lips were effectively seized by his. She let out a confused noise from the back of her throat as she was pushed into a wall.
She felt her face flush when he grasped the back of her thighs, picking her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, pulling him close. Talbott released her lips in favor of leaving a trail of kisses along the line of her neck.
"T-Talbott?! Wh-what are you d-doing?!" Judith struggled to get the question out as her boyfriend found one of her weak spots on her neck. She shuddered when she felt his tongue trace a heart over it.
"...missed you..." she heard faintly. She reached up and tangled her fingers in his hair before pulling at it. She was able to pull him away from her neck, revealing his annoyed expression. Talbott's hands were rubbing over the curve of her waist and hips.
'Focus!' Judith yelled in her mind.
"What in the seven hells is the matter with you, Talbott?!" The young man looked disgruntled.
"You've been avoiding me," he mumbled. He watched as the sharp glare faded from her eyes. As well as her grip on his hair loosening...
He quickly swooped in and stole another kiss from her. The girl squeaked and tighten the grip she had on his waist. A low moan escaped the back of his throat.
He tried not to think about the feeling of her strong thighs holding him so close was doing to him...
He felt the tension leave his body the longer her soft lips remained on his. She has no idea what kind of hold she has over him. He didn't expect himself to be so...
Judith broke the kiss again and he found himself growing more annoyed. He wanted some love from his little bird...
"Stop torturing me, Judith," he whined, the lingering taste of vanilla remained on his lips as he licked them.
"Talbott, just tell me what's wrong," she said. She covered her mouth before Talbott can try to kiss her again. He glared, the grip on her waist was tight.
"You've been avoiding me and I bloody miss you! I just..." The glare in his eyes faded a bit.
"I just wanna be with you again. I'm sorry if I hurt you, little bird. Please don't shut me out again," he whispered, quietly pleading with his beloved. Judith pursed her lips.
"You're right, you did hurt me when you said I was being needy. And I guess I deserved it since I was being pushy when you were trying to study, but I couldn't help how I felt," she said softly. He winced and cupped her face.
"What can I do to make it up to you, darling?" He watched as her face morphed into a thoughtful pout and tried not to think how sweet those kiss swollen lips looked-
"A date will suffice," she finally concluded. The young man nodded eagerly, nuzzling her hair.
"I can definitely do that, my love," he whispered, kissing her hairline. A flush colored the Hufflepuff's cheeks at the sweet gesture.
"Oh yeah and Talbott?"
"Don't snatch me like that ever again unless you want to have a black eye." The Ravenclaw sweatdropped. He was lucky that she didn't, seeing how quick her reflexes normally were.
"I'm sorry, darling..." The girl looked at him with a teasing smirk before placing her cool hands on both sides of his sharp jawline. The heat from before started to creep back up again.
"Apology accepted, now come here, love..." A shiver ran down Talbott at the sound of her seductive coo.
"Yes ma'am..."
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dilly-oh · 4 years
Sleep With Me
Kakashi is woken up from a dead sleep at three in the morning by an urgent text from Genma. 
EMERGENCY!!, it says. He quickly sits up, a spike of panic shocking him fully awake as he’s dosed with adrenaline. He stares at his phone, anxiously waiting for the flashing dots to spell out: WE NEED CONDOMS, STAT!
Fucking Genma. He lies back down. 
...Fucking Genma. Kakashi gets up.
GET A BOX OF CONDOMS, Genma adds as Kakashi tugs on his boots. He shudders at the reasoning behind it. What the hell were he and Raido up to at three in the fucking morning, a sex marathon? Were they trying for the world record? Whatever, he just needs to stumble down the street to one of the nearby convenience stores and buy a box of condoms. Genma lives a few floors down so he can drop them off at the door before crawling back up the stairs and collapsing into his bed. His wonderfully soft, cozy bed.
He hopes it’ll still be warm by the time he gets back. 
It’s way past midnight and all the respectable convenience stores are closed, so Kakashi has to bite the bullet and settle on the least-skuzzy of all the skuzzy 24-hour shops, the one on the corner with the cracked window and perpetual smell of urine. There’s a hobo by the dumpster outside, but he’s busy arguing with a pigeon so Kakashi is able to sidle around him and approach the front entrance, a bell tinkling rather sadly above his head. The hum of the fluorescent lights should be added to the list of known torture methods, and Kakashi does his best to ignore the incessant buzz as he walks along the poorly-lit aisles, trying to find the item in question so he can leave before he catches something.
The condom section of this store is disturbingly well-stocked, and Kakashi spends a good five minutes uncertain on which brand and variety to buy. He has an internal debate on whether to buy ‘ribbed’ or ‘studded’, unsure of the difference or which Raido would prefer. He finally settles on one of the flavored variety, cherry, because who doesn’t like cherries, right? He grabs the box and heads to the front.
Standing in line with the other half-awake zombies, Kakashi yawns, his jaw creaking spectacularly. It really is late and he’s looking forward to kicking down Genma’s door, whipping the box of condoms at him, turning his phone off, and going the fuck back to sleep. He peeks impatiently over the shoulder of the man in front of him to see how close he is to the register-
Oh. God. Oh GOD.
The cashier is hot. He’s smoking hot and Kakashi hasn’t brushed his hair all day and has bad breath and bags under his eyes and a box of condoms in his hands.
Long, luscious hair pulled back into a low ponytail, dark eyes with even darker lashes, and that TAN. Is it natural? Is he that toasty…all over? Fuck, he can see muscles flexing beneath his shirt when he moves, he’s fucking ripped. Abort. ABORT. There is absolutely no way Kakashi is going to greet this ethereal being of his wicked fantasies with a box of fucking condoms in his hands. But it’s already too late, the customer in front has been dealt with and the hot cashier has spotted him next in line and is waving him over, fuck, SHIT, he’s screwed. He’s made eye contact, there’s no backing out of this now. Fight or flight instincts take over, and Kakashi isn’t about to be arrested for stealing a box of condoms. Taking a deep breath, he strides forward with all the confidence he can muster and slaps the box of jumbo-sized, cherry-flavored condoms onto the counter, refusing to show any hint of shame.
The cashier (his name-tag reads ‘Iruka’ and is a million times hotter up close) looks down at the box, blinks, and looks back up at him.
“…So who are you buying these for?”
Kakashi’s brain shorts out for a moment.
Did he just… He wonders, his sleep-deprived brain slow in catching the veiled insult. Aloud, he answers, “I…they…they’re…for me. To wear when I- you know. With...you know.” He trails off lamely, wondering if he should attempt to elaborate more or just die right here.
“I’d rather not, actually.” ‘Iruka’ eyes him for another beat, then picks up the box, frowning at it. “You know, I’m pretty sure we have extra small on the shelf back there, too,” he suggests. “Might be a snugger fit.”
“No, thank you,” Kakashi replies, struggling to maintain a modicum of politeness. Because, you know, hot cashier. Though he is being a bit of a dick.
“Alright, just remember there’s a thirty-day return policy. I’m sure you’ll be needing it.”
Okay, scratch that. He’s being a huge dick.
If this guy wasn’t such a fox I’d pop him one, Kakashi thinks to himself, fuming inwardly. …Instead of popping one-
Finally moving on, Iruka swipes the box over the scanner with no reaction.
“Huh.” He frowns and tries again. Still no beep. “That’s funny. Just a sec.” He leans over towards a small, black object-
Oh God. Please no.
“PRICE CHECK ON THE JUMBO-SIZED CONDOMS,” Iruka says into the microphone, his distorted voice blaring through the store for all to hear. “CHERRY FLAVORED-”
Kakashi lunges forward and grabs the mic, the feed cutting off with a high-pitched squeal.
“Do you really have to-” he hisses out.
“If you want your cough-syrup flavored DICK, YES,” Iruka hisses back, yanking the microphone away from him.
“Hey, I like cherry!”
“Cherry is disgusting. Your opinion doesn’t matter.”
“Okay, dude, you’re being really rude to me for no reason-”
“No reason?!” The cashier all but bares his teeth at him. “I could feel you eyeing me from across the store! Don’t you think I get enough of that from the rest of the creeps?”
...He has a point there. 
“Look, I’m sorry, it’s not like I asked for your number-”
“Good, because the only numbers you’re getting from me is on your receipt,” Iruka snaps, shoving his purchase in a plastic bag. “That’ll be $19.86.”
“Okay, fine, Christ,” Kakashi takes out a twenty and whips it at his head. “Keep the change.” He snatches up the condoms and storms out of the store. The hobo is still there by the dumpster, babbling on. Kakashi stops, fishes in his pocket for a moment, and hands the man a five.
“Here, have a better night than me,” he bites out. The hobo gasps with delight as he takes the crumpled bill, eyes going wide.
“We feast tonight, Fitzgerald!” he cackles, grinning at the pigeon, which is now perched on his knee and cooing.
Kakashi starts down the street, the bag of condoms bumping against his knee with every angry stride.
“Hey!” A voice barks out from behind him, but he ignores it, intent on sulking. “Hey, you! Cherry dick!” Kakashi stops and looks back.
The hot cashier is running down the road after him, breath steaming in the night. He catches up, panting lightly, his cheeks flushed from the cold as much as the run. He glances up to meet Kakashi’s gaze. 
“…Hey,” Iruka says quietly, flashing him an apologetic look before dropping his eyes to the ground. “Um.” He fiddles with the zipper on his jacket for a moment. “I just got off, and… look, man, I’m sorry about back there. I didn’t mean to be such an asshole. It’s just…I was late this morning cuz my car wouldn’t start, and then my stupid co-worker ditched me so I had to work a double shift, and when I’m tired I get bitchy. Like...real bitchy. I’m...really sorry.” He groans in exhaustion, reaching up to free his hair from its constricting ponytail, scrubbing his scalp with relief. It’s an endearing action that cools Kakashi’s irritation and heats up other things. “I mean, it’s past midnight, for God’s sake. Who’s still up at this hour? I just wanna go home and pass the fuck out in bed.”
Kakashi knows exactly what that’s like.
“I’ve been there,” he says. “It’s fine. Sorry for...ogling you.”
“S’okay.” Iruka looks up at him, hopeful and shy. “Listen. Maybe we could…try this again? During the daytime, when we’re both fully rested?”
“Sounds like a great idea,” Kakashi replies, his voice completely calm while his brain is a litany of high-pitched screeches.
“Yeah?” Iruka’s whole face lights up, and holy FUCK he’s a billion times hotter when he’s smiling. Dear God. How is he going to survive this? He'll probably die when he sees him in the light of day. “Are you free tomorrow? For lunch?”
“Make it a late lunch,” Kakashi agrees, nodding. “I’ll probably sleep in.”
“God, me too,” Iruka snorts, and even that’s hot. “There’s this nice cafe that- oh, wait.” His face drops. “Those, um, cough-syrup- I mean, cherry-flavored condoms…are they for… anyone special?”
Anyone special? What is he talking abo- Oh. Ohhhh.
“They aren’t for me,” Kakashi explains quickly. “I was...there isn’t…I’m not…” He shrugs helplessly. “I’m just doing a favor for a friend.”
“...A friend who needs a box of condoms at three in the morning?”
“Don’t ask.”
“I won’t.” Iruka lets out a long sigh and rubs his eyes wearily. “Anyway, I need to be heading home. Ugh, it’s gonna take, like, an hour to walk back to my apartment, none of the buses run this late and I don’t have the cash for a cab. Maybe if I hurry I can-”
“Sleep with me,” Kakashi blurts out before he can stop himself. He can almost see Iruka’s hackles go up. “I mean, like, actual sleeping, no sex stuff. Not that I wouldn’t want to do that with you, you’re fucking gorgeous, it’s just I’m way too tired-” He cuts off his babbling, unsettled by Iruka’s stoney silence. “I’m just saying I live, like, five minutes away and I thought since it’s closer, maybe you’d appreciate-” Iruka’s still not talking. He’s probably about to kick Kakashi in the dick and run. “I, uh, promise I’m not an ax murderer or anything. You can take a pic of me and send it to your friends to let them know you’re sleeping with me-”
“I’m sure they won’t at all take that the wrong way,” Iruka states, finally speaking. He studies Kakashi for a moment longer. “...Yeah okay I’ll sleep with you. My standards are low enough right now.” He pauses to snicker. “Look at me, sleeping with a guy whose name I don’t even know. It’s like college all over again.”
“Oh, sorry. I’m Kakashi.”
“I know, I saw your name-tag. So, wait. You’re not worried I’ll try something?” he asks cautiously. Iruka scoffs.
“I know jiu-jitsu. Touch me and I’ll throw you through a wall.” 
That would explain the muscles. And Kakashi’s desire to be pinned by him. 
“I have eight dogs,” he warns.
“They’ll make excellent feet-warmers,” Iruka says dismissively. “Do you have good pillows? I’m a stickler for good pillows, I need the support for my neck, otherwise I get stiff shoulders.”
“I have a couple memory foam ones, plus a down comforter and some quilts-”
“Oh God, yes, talk dirty to me.”
“Anyway, I get the bed, you can have the couch.”
“Screw you, I just worked a double shift. I get the bed.”
“It smells like wet dog.”
“I babysit a five-year old. I’ve smelled worse.”
“Okay, fine. We share the bed, but I get the right side.”
“That’s not fair, I want the right side.”
“You can have the right side if you cook us breakfast tomorrow. Or lunch, rather. I’m not getting up till noon.”
“I’ll cook, but you have to clean up. Deal?”
They shake on it, firmly sealing the agreement, and head off down the road together.
They don’t let go.
(Written for @kakairu-fest Nine Weeks of Summer, Week Two Prompt: Shop AU)
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starkerforlife6969 · 4 years
Starker - Accidentally Perfect
It all started with a bet.
And Tony hates how much of a cliche even that is. A bet. He's let himself get dragged into a bet by a fresh-faced eighteen year old who has a walkman ironically and brings a dictaphone into every lecture.
Goddamn, he hates Peter Parker. He seethes furiously at him from across the quad, the hot summer sun beating down on his shoulders. His blank tank top is helping keep the heat off, but it's still almost unbearably warm. Sticky with the promise of the summer holidays only a few weeks away.
"Do you actually think you can stare him out of existence?" Rhodey asks, a cool, amused voice from back in the shade of their stand. Tony turns and glowers, pulling his sunglasses off.
"He's such a little shit."
"He's eighteen, Tony. All eighteen year olds are little shits. We were, remember?"
Tony doesn't remember them ever being as unbearable as Peter. His face must say as much, because Rhodey sighs.
"We're twenty-seven." He says gently. "We're getting a little too old to keep blaming college wars on the freshman."
He barely resists the urge to stomp his foot. "He started it!"
It's true, Tony thinks. He can't really remember how it all started. He remembers the beginning of the semester, deciding to take a break from the all-consuming robotics thesis of his doctorate and go and drop in on a lecture. He remembers a bright-eyed boy with fluffy hair stumbling through a presentation in front of his peers. He very vaguely remembers calling out one or two inconsistencies with Peter's presentation. He remembers the bright red flush that had spread across Peter's cheeks, and the way he'd stumbled quietly over his words, and- okay- in Tony's defence, he was sleep deprived- trying to think up his proposal, still trying to get his second phD started and-
It had turned into all out war pretty quickly.
Turns out, Peter didn't respond well to being picked on.
Not that Tony had picked on him, just-
"Gluing all my furniture to the ceiling? Selling my text books? Hiring someone to fire a paintball at me every hour for four days?!" Tony runs his hands through his hair, shaking his head. "He's evil!"
Rhodey barely blinks, eyes on his phone. "But..."
Tony's shoulders droop. "...But I started it." He mumbles under his breath.
"What? I didn't quite catch that."
"I started it, alright? Jeez," he winces, "I said sorry."
"No. You didn't."
Okay fine, he's not big on apologies.
Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway. They're where they are now. The bet. Whoever raises the most money for the oil spill just off of Mexico's coast wins. Their two stands sit opposite each other on the quad, six hours to raise money, loser has to get down on their knees in front of the entire student body and declare the other their superior in every single way.
That's why Tony's here. In a tight black tank top, muscles on display, sunglasses on, hair messy, grinning at everyone who passes.
"How much have we got, Rhode-aroo?"
There's a gentle clatter as Rhodey checks the basket. "Uh, $12?"
Tony winces. That's not great. "Whatever. It's gotta be more than Parker has anyway."
Rhodey hums.
As the third hour ticks by, Tony slinks back into the shade of their stall and dozes off a little. It can't be more than fifteen minutes, but when he opens his eyes, there's a trickle of students leaving their classes and walking through the quad.
For some bewildering reason, they're all walking to Peter's stand.
Tony frowns, tiptoeing over to enemy lines.
The first thing he sees is that Peter's money basket is full. Not just one money basket, but four money baskets. At least $100 in change, loose bills and Starbucks vouchers.
What the fuck?
And then- then he sees why.
MJ, the equally annoying friend, is manning the booth. She's concise and thoughtful and armed with scary statistics as she neatly collects money and scares more into baskets.
But Peter, Peter is all cream silk shirt and tight blue shorts, and big eyes and enthusiasm.
"I just keep thinking of the baby seals," Peter whines, rocking on the heels of his feet, pink converse scraping against the grass. "Those poor animals, all covered in oil..." he bites his lip, bats those eyelashes, and the tall jock who's leaning over him, nods, already fumbling for his wallet.
"Yeah totally, the-the seals."
"Right? Oh, thank you," Peter sighs, voice a little wanton moan, touching the guy's elbow, leaning in. "You're a hero."
The guy tosses in another twenty.
Jesus Christ. Tony can't help his grin of disbelief, even as irritated as he is that he didn't come up with it first.
Devious little shit.
When the crowd has dispersed a little bit, and the dynamic duo have bled most everyone dry, Tony makes himself known, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"Wow, Parker. We're more alike than I thought."
Peter turns, looking up at him, eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Oh yeah? How's that? Did you actually start caring about the oil spill?"
Tony hums, feigning nonchalance. "I just mean, I thought your standards were a little higher."
The boy frowns, little face scrunched up in confusion. It's annoyingly endearing. "Huh?"
"C'mon, no need to hide now. Playing dumb and pretty to get donations? Way to care about the animals."
The outrage that flits across that expressive face is way too believable. "Pretty anddumb? Screw you, Tony. You're just jealous I'm winning." Peter humphs, crossing his arms. "Is surly know-it-all not enticing the crowds the way you thought it would?"
Tony shrugs. "Maybe. Because I won't reduce myself."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Come on, Peter. You know what you're doing to people." Here, Tony raises his voice. Hopefully, he'll be able to steer people away from here and over to his own stand. Though, Rhodey's death glare from across the quad is making him think maybe that's not an excellent idea- why, he's not sure. He barrels on, attention on him. "You're doing that thing- with the big sparkly brown Disney eyes and the scandalously short shorts and the elbow-touching. You're fake laughing at bad jokes and fluttering your eyelashes and selling your torturous mix of princess and bombshell that none of us can resist to trick people into giving you their money, admit it!"
Peter gapes, mouth in a delicious 'o'. "I am not!" He shrieks: scandalised.
Tony scoffs. "You expect me to believe that you're thisfucking irresistible on purpose?"
The boy doesn't seem to know what to do with that. He scrambles, blushing under the stare of the passers-by. "I'm...I don't...um...thank you?"
Tony stares. No way. No fucking way is this not an act, it can't be or-
"Yeah." MJ sighs, the sigh of the long-wearied, as she unfolds another dollar bill into the pile. "Join the club."
Tony's pacing back stage, still trying to understand everything in his head.
The entire student body is waiting on the other side of that curtain, mostly drunk, hopefully too drunk to remember this in the morning- to see his apology act.
"Big sparkly Disney eyes," Rhodes hums, re-watching the video on twitter. "I'm surprised you went with that one, you're always going on about his Bambi eyes. What's the difference?"
"I swear to god, if you keep talking-"
"I think my favourite bit is where you basically announced to the world that your kink is sexy princess."
"Oh my god-"
"Uh- T-Tony?"
Tony whirls around to see Peter standing at the curtain, and Tony can't help the groan of embarrassment.
"Look, Pete, I'll do it, alright? Just give me a second to shed the last of my dignity."
"No, it's not..." Peter blushes, and Rhodey lifts his hands, shuffling away to give them some privacy. Peter edges closer, stupidly gorgeous with all of his freckles, a fucking dandelion crown perched on his chestnut curls, like he's just trying to press all of Tony's buttons and- "Look, Tony," Peter murmurs, all sweetness and loveliness, "I was thinking, you don't need to- you don't need to go out there and say anything." He wrings his lily-white hands, silvery bracelets hanging at the wrist, "Really. I feel like- the fact that video from the quad went viral was- that's more than enough."
Tony doesn't know what to say, but it doesn't stop him from trying. "Pete, about what I said..."
"I really wasn't doing any of that stuff- I-, I wasn't trying to play dumb, or- I mean, maybe I was? I didn't- I didn't mean to, I just wanted to help the seals, and I've already bought my ticket to volunteer for seal cleaning over summer break and-"
Tony laughs, shaking his head. Because he knows. He sighs, meeting those lovely brown eyes. "I know you weren't. You're not- I was just- I'm sorry, Pete. For all of it. For the day we met."
Peter looks shy, but pleased. "You were an ass." He agrees amiably.
"I was. Am. Trying not to be."
Peter chews on his bottom lip, accidentally embodying Tony's every wet dream. "You could buy a ticket for the summer seal cleaning task." Peter shrugs, eyes darting away. "If you like."
"With you?" Tony wonders aloud, "with you being so...unintentionally you? Not sure I could cope."
"True," Peter whispers coyly, "imagine if I was actively trying to seduce you. You wouldn't last a minute."
At that, Tony laughs again. Loud and delighted. Head tipped back, unaware to how Peter drinks in the sight. "Is that a bet, kid?"
Peter beams.
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lixiefe · 4 years
Can’t Touch- k.sm
Chapter Nine: You are lying, right?
Words: 1.3k
Warning: the comedy i tried adding, it’s awful.
IT WAS more than a week after your marriage and you were staying with your mother. 
The past week had been quite eventful. Seungmin had gotten the whole week off, yet his meticulousness got the best of him and he routinely worked from home. That didn’t mean your uni and part times were off too. You only got to see Seungmin after evening and you spent the time quite productively.
You had perceived that Seungmin was a great listener. He’d listen to you babble about your peculiar work experiences and would simply stare at your face as you talked, in a different way you’ve never seen him look. Sometimes he’d lose control and laugh at your incredulous descriptions. And you’d give him monotonous looks and ask him what was funny.
You dared not to touch him- accidentally or purposefully- after that incident. However, it didn’t spare your thoughts and clung to your mind like a leech. You wanted to confront him about it, but you hadn’t the confidence.
Even though Seungmin’s house had typically everything and anything you needed; including sustained silence for your concentration, you just couldn’t bring yourself to study dedicatedly. The opulence and attraction of your room constantly forced you to stare at the blank painted wall for god knows how long. So you eventually proposed to him to let you have your studious comfort and he respected your wishes. You didn’t exactly want to move, but your mid-term exams were strictly scheduled for the next two weeks and you had to.
But that didn’t mean the end of your communication. You were totally flabbergasted because your apparent husband texted you every night. And your unhinged emotions were successfully moved. You even called him and went on a nervous chatter, because, well he picked up. Even through the phone, his breathy voice and melodious laughter provided you foreign feelings. And over time, you started to expect his texts and calls. You’d finish your studies quickly and chew at your fingernails, waiting for the timely call. Of course you don’t notice yourself smiling crazily with your clumsy wander around the room and even blushing crimson as you exchanged words.
Your mom caught onto it, and told you that you were smitten.
But ha ha. How could you?
On the other side, Seungmin didn’t have a different situation. After yet another work day and forbidding Jisung from touching the damn globe on his table, he eagerly waited for you to pick up and talk your worries out with him. It was- sort of- a form of entertainment for him as he leaned on the headrest of his bed and smilingly heard you talk. The both of you ended up talking for hours on end; yet, every time, he felt himself craving more call time. But you needed you beauty sleep and who was he to keep you up?
Near the time you would come back, Seungmin was jouncing with excitement that even Jisung questioned his change of attitude multiple times. Since the first time he’d seen you, you seemed to differ than any other person he’s seen before. And without knowing you, he generated a small liking to you. And now that his chest was palpitating and his insides were fluttering relentlessly, he knew; he knew it was a direct fall, to somewhere he was still clueless of. He knew that he was only diving deeper, with the vines of his anxiety holding him back to the clutches of imminent apprise; but he wanted to resist it, he wanted to fight it. For you.
And he completely forgot about his seeming mental disarray, including the doctor he was supposed to see.
The rest of your first month had passed by and you were coming back today, right from your university. You had rigged hair, a pair of drooping eyes and extremely pale face. After the weeks of utmost torture, you were desperate to just leap onto the bed and sleep for a solid 10 hours. And so, you were unaware of your messy appearance. Well, how could you- when you hadn’t looked at the mirror for the past days. You were a struggling hard-worker, and you had to earn the result every time.
You pushed in the pin code of Seungmin’s penthouse, sluggishly opening the door and getting inside. You set your worn-out shoes aside and walked inside with laze evident in your every movement. As you looked up, you were startled to see Seungmin looking directly at you. You flinched back in surprise, hands planted on your chest.
“Whoa, you scared me.” you whispered. You went closer to him towards the davenport and plopped down opposite of him. The materiel was so soft and plump that you sank into it, immediately groaning in comfort. You heard Seungmin chuckle at you, with that melodious sound and same charm.
“You seem very tired,” Seungmin says, amusement in his tone. Of course you looked funny, he couldn’t help but smile. 
You vigorously nod at him, your drooping eyelids on the verge of collapsing. You see the bright smile on his face through your barely open eyes and feel some of your energy return back to you.
Oh how you missed this pleasant sight.
“You bet I am,” you replied, head bouncing as you nod strongly. Seungmin again offers you a dulcet giggle. He was about to ask you more, but you beat him to it. “You don’t get to talk to me. You told me you weren’t going to be home when I arrive. So I’m going to pretend you aren’t here.”
You had a sloppy trail in your sentences, it was noticeable. You had an unnatural habit of getting tipsy because of sleep deprivation. You tended to mindlessly say idiotic stuff that randomly occurred in your mind just for the heck of it. Seungmin knew you when you said weird stuff and performed comedy. He knew the late-night you, knew your change of humor and he enjoyed every bits of it.
He really wasn’t supposed to be home today, but when you said you were coming, he immediately filed for a day off. He needed to be there for you.
“Petty enough?” He whispered, eyes crinkling with delight.
“Damn right, I’m pretty.”
“I said petty.”
“Why you so rude?”
You pouted at him with puckered lips. Seungmin couldn’t contain his emerging laugh at your cute gesture. He looked away for a second to steady himself before locking eyes with you again.
“Jisung told me I looked like a tornado struck me,” you stated whimsically, lips pouting downwards as you slid down more on the sofa. 
On the way of coming here, you met with the said man on the ground floor and he looked at you in absolute distaste. You knew he wanted to say you looked like a pitiful beggar but decided for a bit more civil illustration. As if his final choice of words were courteous enough.
You whined and dramatically told him he was rude. And you didn’t get why he laughed at you like you were a clown.
“But you still look very beautiful.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, suspicious. But you noticed his unusual and fond smile; also the intensity of his eyes. You were instantly flattered at his compliment, your mind slipping away even more. But his compliment didn’t strike you as much as the vehemence of warmth and honesty in his voice. Did he really mean it?
Oh- oh, what is this feeling?
“You are lying right?”
“Of course not. Your present appearance doesn’t change that you’re still the prettiest in my eyes.”
And there, he endeared you yet again. Your heart hammered against your chest and the impeding butterflies flapped dynamically. You smiled with full gums and wondered in your torpid mind,
What was happening to you?
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Is it getting better?- a/n
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raigash · 4 years
can you write something for "a character who keeps getting found napping in odd locations… and it turns out that’s all the sleep he’s getting"? :D
I ABSOLUTELY CAN!!! You have to forgive me for how monumentally long this took. Between work and just generally sucking at keeping myself on track, I’ve actually kept on this one pretty hard since I got it! I know it doesn’t look like it, it’s so small and underdeveloped I’m sorry but anyway this gave me an idea and I just sort of...ran with it. Or....hobbled slowly. But I have plans to keep running with this, if y’all like it! Anyway, here we are!
[TW: briefly mentioned torture, briefly mentioned gore, sleep deprivation, and general fuckery]
“Seriously? Of every soft spot, nook, and cranny in this entire compound, including your own bed, you choose a floor shelf in the munitions bunker?”
The words drifted through the stuffy room like smoke, jumbled and swirled into obscurity by the exhaustion currently holding him under. He was awake...but at the same time, he was most certainly not. More like the base defense mechanism had been kicked on in a system still lying dormant.
Like sleeping with one’s eyes open
His mind continued to splutter and spark, trying to ignite in light of what could very well be approaching danger. Thoughts churned in unrecognizable blurs, a typhoon battering him back under the waves of unconsciousness. He would have given in completely, had it not been for the hand suddenly combing through his hair.
That pulled him back to the waking world posthaste
The hand quickly pulled away as he shifted. Alandra crouched in front of him, peering into the little hidey hole he had created between boxes of dehydrated fruits. It couldn’t be comfortable. He’s barely under six foot!
And yet there he lay, scrunched up and hiding behind the mop of curls he refused to get cut. In such a vulnerable position, he looked...small. Defenseless. It would have been endearing, if she weren’t so concerned.
What was he doing down here?
He let out a splitting yawn that cut her thoughts short before wriggling out of the tiny space with a practiced ease. He fell the half inch from the shelf to the dusty floor, waiting until he had made contact before unfurling and stretching gangly limbs that had to be aching.
All she could do was stand up straight and back away to give him his space, though she kept her face fixed in a way she hoped conveyed her need for an explanation.
After stretching, he hopped up from the floor easily and fixed his mischievous grin back in place. The one that let her know, before he had even opened his mouth, that whatever would follow would be complete and utter bullshit. It was an expression she was far too familiar with.
“You try sharing quarters with Matti and see if you don’t need a nap every now and then. The man snores like an earthquake!”
He was jogging out the door, a quick “see ya, got training soon!” thrown over his shoulder, before she could so much as think about formulating a response.
That might have worked, had Matthias not been something of a night owl himself. She had found him working on reports in the commons, and after a quick glance to ascertain their isolation, had asked him if everything was alright with Kalun.
Maybe he would know, maybe he wouldn’t. But she had figured the best place to start would be with his roommate
He had scoffed.
“I do not snore. Besides, it’s not like he would know even if I did. He’s never in our quarters at night now.”
That was not what she wanted to hear
“What do you mean by that? And how would you know, if you’re asleep? Maybe he just...I don’t know, comes in late?”
He merely laughed again, this time a little more genuine. A little sadder.
“I guess that could be the case, but considering I’ve been up until about 4 am nearly every night the past two weeks. Even if he is coming in later than that, he wouldn’t be able to learn much about the room’s ambient noise in the two hours before Deya wakes him for his duties.”
“For God’s sake, why are you getting to sleep that late?”
”I’m fine, I've just been cramming. As soon as this round of examinations is finished, I’ll be back to hitting the hay at a decent time.”
They chatted for a few more minutes about training, upcoming missions, and the like. But both left the conversation with heavier hearts than when they had started
Maybe she was just reading too much into this. She knew Kalun would say as much, if she were to tell him she were worried.
He would likely be annoyed at me digging into his personal life too
She couldn’t explain exactly what it was that pushed her to keep looking into this. What made her worry so much.
She couldn’t explain it, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t shake it.
And so after a day of trying to put her mind on anything else, she had decided to check with Deya. She was closer to him than anyone else within the compound. Maybe she would know what was up.
He sat atop the roof, knees pulled tightly to his chest, and gazed up at the glittering stars.
The world was beautiful at this time of night. Crickets chirped lullabies to the drowsy earth, and a cool breeze whisked the final dregs of the daytime heat off beyond the horizon.
In the darkness, no one could see his tears slowly streaking the concealer down his face, revealing gruesome splotches of purple and black beneath his eyes. They could not catch a misplaced beam of light illuminating just how scrawny he had become, beneath the baggy clothes he wore like armor.
They could not see the monster eating him alive from within.
He had not been able to sleep in almost a month, now. Not since he had picked up that fucking book, and condemned himself.
Cat naps were fine, he had found. He could drift in that place between sleep and waking, where your body seems to float an inch off the ground and you can hear the world around you but not touch it, with no issue. It was when he sank into the depths of exhaustion, letting true sleep overcome him and submerge him in a restorative blackness, that the monster would come to terrorize him.
To paralyze him and feast upon his utter fear and agony.
He would rip open his abdomen and tear through organs, sometime smashing them. Sometimes biting into them. No matter what, it brought down suffering upon him. He stayed in a hellscape he could not escape from for what felt like centuries, his captor toying with him and rewinding time to spend more time with his prey.
It seemed to like it when he screamed. But he never screamed loud enough.
He was not able to escape unless someone woke him. He could not rouse himself of his own volition.
And so he sat, most nights, out on the roof and watched the stars. He gazed at the belt of the great hunter, and wondered if even Orion could beat the beast who haunted him behind closed eyelids
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Can’t Take my Eyes Off You
A Royal Romance Au fanfic 
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Bastien Lykel, Captain of the King’s Guard plans a New Year surprise for the love of his life, Sophia...
A/N Although this chapter is from a long series, you can read it as a standalone. If you already know the plot of Choice’s Royal Romance, all you need to know is that it is set after TRR3 and Sophia is a young English woman - a member of staff at the Palace who has captured Bastien’s heart. Drake Walker and Riley are in a romantic relationship and King Liam has no Queen, but Olivia Nevrakis is intentionally pregnant with his child, who will be his heir. 
Words of endearment - Bastien calls Sophia his goddess, or ‘thea mou’ in Greek, and she calls him ‘agape mou’, or ‘my love’. He mixes his languages for ‘Ti amo, thea mou’ - Italian and Greek, for ‘I love you, my goddess’
If you’re following Protect and Serve or Silver Service, there is a chapter that precedes this one - read here
Otherwise, this is a triple dose of fluff with a side of smut - so NO UNDER 18s PLEASE
Word count 4074
Standing in the departure lounge at the tiny airport in Cordonia, Sophia wiped at her eyes and blew her nose. Her parents had spent a whole week at the Palace with her and Bastien, and were returning home for the New Year celebrations. As usual she had mixed feelings. She loved seeing them after being apart for almost a year, but it had been tiring to have them around 24/7, so she also felt a certain sense of relief.
‘I hope they manage to get their connection at Nice’ she said, her voice a little shaky
Bastien drew her into his arms and hugged her tight, kissing the top of her head.
‘I’m sure it will all go smoothly, theá mou’ he murmured ‘Your Dad will cope just fine, he’s a practical man’ Sophia smiled up at him.
‘He really liked you, you know?’ she said ‘So did Mum’
‘I think Edith was slightly disappointed that you didn’t snag yourself a royal prince’ he chuckled. ‘She was so in awe I thought she’d get repetitive strain injury from curtseying so much.’
‘It was kind of Regina to invite her to afternoon tea’ she replied ‘She was on cloud nine after that. She promised to do some paintings of the Palace for Regina from the photos she took.’
‘I’d be interested to see them too’ Bastien replied, letting her go. She took his arm and hugged it to her as they walked back out to the SUV to go back to the Palace. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t take more time off to help entertain your parents’ he said ‘But I have a little surprise planned for the New Year celebrations.’ He held the car door open for her before going around to the driver’s side. She slid smoothly into the passenger seat, closing the door and belting herself in.
‘A surprise?’ she asked eagerly ‘I hope it includes some time alone together’ She reached across and squeezed his knee. Their sex life had suffered slightly from having house guests, and they were both feeling a little deprived. He swatted her hand away playfully.
‘Don’t distract me when I’m about to drive’ he scolded ‘Wait until we get back’ She pouted, hitching her skirt up slightly. He groaned ‘Sophia, if you’re wearing stockings…’
‘Might be, might not be’ she retorted, pulling it demurely back down and turning away coquettishly
‘Wicked woman’ he grumbled ‘It’s a good job I’m not on duty until late afternoon, I’m going to make up for lost time when we get back’
‘Promises, promises’ she said breathily. He started the car off smoothly and Sophia waited until they he pulled out onto the main road before speaking again.
‘So this surprise’ she asked ‘Does it involve leaving our suite at all?’ Bastien pursed his lips
‘It might, it might not’ he teased, and she snorted in exasperation. He kept a stoic expression despite getting the upper hand, and turned on the radio to listen to the Cordonian news.
Bastien stood in front of the mirror in their bedroom, straightening his tie and checking his hair. Sophia lounged in bed, her hair ruffled, an expression of deep satisfaction on her face. Her lover had lived up to his promise and had brought her to orgasm three times and allowed himself two. She would get up shortly and tidy up the suite before her evening meal, and Bastien was getting ready for his shift. It was two days before New Year’s Day.
‘You look immaculate, Bas’ she said sleepily ‘You’ve certainly gotten over your injuries – your stamina is mind boggling’ He smiled smugly
‘I just know how to pace myself’ he replied, and turned back toward her. ‘I have a long shift tonight so my schedule will be a bit off. I’ll have breakfast with you if you get up early, then I’ll be grabbing some sleep ready for your surprise.’ She sat up, her eyes glinting
‘Oh yes?’ she said ‘Please tell’
‘Not yet’ he replied ‘You’ll find out soon enough’ She collapsed back onto the pillows in defeat. She looked thoughtful
‘You could give me a clue’ she cajoled as he came over to kiss her on the forehead. She grabbed hold of his tie and pulled him close to kiss him on the lips. He pulled away regretfully as she let go, thankful that she wasn’t wearing lipstick.
‘You’ll never crack me’ he smiled ‘I’ve been trained to withstand torture’
‘I’ll wear stockings for a whole week’ she smiled seductively, biting her lip and looking up at him through her eyelashes. He sucked his breath in and adjusted his pants.
‘Woman, you are insatiable. Temptation is entirely different to torture’ he croaked ‘But I’m still not telling.’
As promised, the two lovers ate breakfast together the next morning. Sophia yawned, the sun not quite up, and sleepily sipped at her orange juice.
‘Now then, my English rose’ Bastien began ‘I’m ready to tell you a little more about your surprise.’ Sophia perked up, sitting up straight and opening her eyes wide. He chuckled at her expression. ‘I’m going to sleep in the guest room so you can pack to go away when I get up after lunch’ he paused to take a gulp of his coffee. ‘The King and Regina are going to visit Olivia in Lythikos, and we are going with them. You’ll need to pack warm clothes, we’ll be there for a few days – it’s hard to say how long, as snow is forecast up there and the roads might get blocked’ he paused ‘Don’t worry, we won’t be going to Lucretia’s castle, we’ll be staying at Olivia’s lodge by the ski slopes, and we’ll have space to ourselves, quite private’
Sophia smiled reservedly. She couldn’t help but remember Constantine grilling her last time she had been there, questioning her relationship with Bastien and telling her she’d be dismissed if she distracted him. He wasn’t around any more but it still triggered an unpleasant memory – and Lythikos was not her favourite place, as Lucretia had plotted with Justin – or Anton as they now knew him – and Sophia’s enforced visit to her castle still gave her nightmares. Bastien noticed her expression change, and he reached across the table to take her hand and squeeze it.
‘I know Lythikos brings back unpleasant memories, but we’ll make new ones, theá mou’ he said. ‘It’s a beautiful place in Winter – fresh snow, and plenty of opportunity for skating and skiing – or staying inside and keeping warm’
‘I remember you teaching me to skate in the moonlight’ she smiled ‘I’ll have to go out on the ice again and keep up my skills. Are Drake and Riley going?’ she asked.
‘They are’ Bastien answered. ‘and you’ll have the choice of spending time with everyone, or just celebrating the New Year with me. I don’t know what you normally do at that time of year’ he looked at his watch. ‘But I need to rest now, so we’ll talk about it later’
Later that day when Bastien got up, he loaded their bags into an SUV along with Drake and Riley’s. Sophia sat in the passenger seat despite Drake’s grumbles about not riding shotgun. They were part of a small group of vehicles accompanying Regina out to Lythikos. Liam had gone ahead with another security detail.
‘Best place for you is in the back, son’ asserted Bastien ‘I saw Hana’s face after you drove her to Applewood the other month, and I know for a fact Riley was almost sick when you brought her back from the cabin not long after.’
‘Hey, have I ever scratched or dented any of the cars, or crashed them?’ Drake protested ‘It was you who sent me on all those advanced driver courses, I have to keep up my skills’
‘No, but it takes a power washer to get all the mud off the chassis’ Bastien said drily as he started the engine.
‘Never mind, Drake honey, you can hold my hand’ said Riley brightly ‘I’d rather snuggle with you on the back seat’
‘No mischief back there’ Bastien intoned ‘Leave that until you’re alone’ Sophia nudged her lover
‘Don’t be such a grump, Bas’ she said. He shrugged and sighed
‘Just laying down the ground rules for the journey’ he replied ‘I promise I’ll be more attentive at the other end. Remember, no games and no music, I need to concentrate. Driving is a serious and dangerous process.’ Sophia sighed. Road trips with Bastien were no fun, and if Drake and Riley hadn’t been there she’d have put headphones on to listen to music. Her lover’s tastes in music didn’t go much beyond jazz and classical music – the only mismatch in their relationship as she liked many different types of music, favouring upbeat and romantic tunes. He was softening a little and would listen to her choices – she had hopes that his tastes would change.
He signalled to the guard overlooking the motorcade, who got into the lead vehicle, and they set off, Bastien’s SUV taking the last position. Both Sophia and Drake knew better than to distract the driver but after a while he broke the silence.
‘So, Miss Brookes’ he started ‘How do you usually celebrate New Year? I imagine there’s a lot going on in New York at the turn of the year’
‘You’re not wrong, Mr Lykel she answered ‘Though the last couple of years I’ve been working in the bar, I used to go to Times Square with friends and see it in with a bang’ Bastien nodded, looking Riley’s way in the rear view mirror.
‘Call me Bastien, please. I know Drake celebrates alone with a bottle of whiskey’ he said drily ‘But I was going to ask you how you celebrate it, Sophia’
‘Oh I don’t usually pay it much attention’ she replied ‘I never really rated it. It’s such an artificial manmade date, I’d really rather do something at Winter Solstice – but I’m usually too busy getting ready for Christmas’
‘That’s interesting’ Bastien said, smoothly negotiating a sharp bend in the road. ‘Perhaps next year we can put the day aside, do something special’ Sophia smiled warmly
‘I’d love to, Bas. That’s so thoughtful of you. What do you usually do to ring in the New Year?’
‘Again, not much’ he answered ‘I’m often on duty, or I just take myself to my rooms and have a glass of whiskey’
‘Well none of you are any fun’ piped up Riley ‘I hope Olivia has a massive party to celebrate’
‘As she’s pregnant, I doubt if she’ll want too much fuss’ Drake said. ‘I’m thinking it will be a low key celebration’
‘That’s a good point’ said Riley ‘How long has she got?’
‘Only a couple of months now’ replied Sophia ‘She’s getting big and cranky’ Drake snorted with derision.
‘So what’s new? She was always cranky at the best of times’
‘Now don’t be unkind, Walker’ Bastien scolded ‘She offered to provide Liam with an heir. The two of them are becoming quite close, and I’m certain she’ll make sure you and Riley are comfortable’ Drake shrugged
‘Maybe. I’ll believe it when she allocates me a decent suite, and not the lodge furthest from the Manor’
‘A lodge all to ourselves sounds amazing’ said Riley
‘You didn’t see the one I got last time’ grumbled Drake ‘The heating was bust and the water froze in the pipes’
‘I’m sure that was an oversight, Walker. Now stop speculating and let me concentrate on driving’ Drake fell quiet, Riley pursed her lips, and Sophia sighed and relaxed back into the seat, allowing herself to drift off to sleep for the remainder of the journey.
At Lythikos Manor, Drake and Bastien unloaded the luggage. Olivia’s majordomo was organising room allocation and Drake was surprised to discover that, as Bastien had predicted, he and Riley had been given a large suite in the Manor. Sophia expectantly waited to find out where they would be, but Bastien took her elbow and drew her aside into an ante room.
‘Sophia my love, I have one more surprise for you’ he said, and her eyes widened. He took her hand and squeezed it ‘Tomorrow there will be a small party to see in the New Year, but you and I are going to spend tonight in a room in Olivia’s ice palace’ Sophia’s eyes grew even wider, and her mouth dropped open.
‘An Ice palace?’ she asked incredulously ‘Really?’ Her lover smiled and nodded.
‘Indeed, and if you really like it, we can spend New Year there together if you’d rather it was just the two of us.’ Sophia threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek.
‘That’s just amazing, Bas’ she cried ‘I can’t wait – when can we go?’
‘We ‘ll have dinner with the others first, then we can make our way there. We can go skating tomorrow - or I can teach you to ski’
‘Bastien, you are amazing’ she said, hugging his arm ‘You spoil me’
‘It helps that I work for royalty’ she said sheepishly ‘The job has many perks’
The dinner that night was held in the grand hall of the manor. Olivia was showing her size and looked a little tired but seemed pleased to have everyone there and was attentive to her guests. She sat at the head of the table with Regina and Liam flanking her. Both Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont were there, Hana had made a rare appearance after spending Christmas with her parents and Drake and Riley completed the small group save for one more person – Duke Domvalier, father of Rashad, had been invited to keep Regina company. Sophia noticed that the Queen mother looked more relaxed and kept sneaking little looks at her companion, blushing when he noticed.
‘Now, Bastien, you know my security team has everything in hand, you don’t have to lift a finger’ Olivia said ‘You’re my guest and I want you to treat the place as your own. You’ve earned it after all your years of service to the Crown.’ He bowed his head gravely and thanked her
‘I understand you and Sophia are going to the Ice Palace’ Liam said. Sophia nodded
‘Yes, I’m so excited – I’ve read about places like that, I’d no idea you had one in Cordonia’
‘We build it every winter’ explained Olivia ‘Obviously we can’t keep it up all year round, but it’s been open a couple of weeks now.’ Sophia snuck her hand over onto Bastien’s knee under the table and started to slide it further up his thigh as Olivia turned to talk to Duke Domvalier, but he firmly put his hand on top of hers and stopped her, giving it a hard squeeze and flashing her a warning glare. She leaned closer and whispered in his ear
‘I love it when you’re stern’ she sighed
‘Be careful, our room at the ice palace will end up melting before morning’ he growled
‘Was there any doubt?’ she said innocently.
It was an hour later when they drew up outside the ice palace and were greeted by staff who took their bags inside. Sophia’s eyes sparkled as they entered and she took in their surroundings. The lobby doubled up as a bar, all the major structures made of ice and sparkling with blue white light, the barman dressed warmly in a thick coat and fur lined hat. Sophia had eaten heartily at lunch time but lightly at dinner, in anticipation of spending an active evening with her lover. She had looked so mournfully at the cheesecake as dessert was served that Bastien had shared a piece with her, even though he didn’t usually eat sweet things. They stopped for a drink while staff prepared for them.
At last they were shown to their room. It was not big, and a little cool compared to a conventional hotel room, the bed made of ice blocks and strewn with furs and thick blankets. Mood lights were set into alcoves around the room and the colours shifted slowly and lazily.  Bastien rummaged in his bag as Sophia sat on the bed.
‘Just wait a few moments my love’ he said, taking his phone out and tapping away for a few moments. Music started to play from bluetooth speakers in the wall and he held his hand out to her. ‘Do you remember the Beaumont Bash?’ he asked
‘Of course I do’ she laughed ‘You bought me a beautiful dress for the Ball, and you took time off to dance with me in our suite before I went down to join the others’ He smiled as he drew her close and they began to sway together.
‘It was a shame I had to work then, I would have loved to have you on my arm that night. This isn’t the tune we danced to, but it expresses my feelings exactly’ he said, and hummed along for a line or two before starting to sing along quietly. Pressed to his chest, she felt the deep notes of his voice reverberate through her whole body. She felt safe and secure, just the two of them in their own little world.
You’re just too good to be true Can’t take my eyes off of you You’d be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much At long last love has arrived And I thank God I’m alive You’re just too good to be true Can’t take my eyes off of you Pardon the way that I stare There’s nothing else to compare The sight of you leaves me weak There are no words left to speak But if you feel like I feel Please let me know that it’s real You’re just too good to be true Can’t take my eyes off of you I love you baby and if it’s quite all right I need you baby to warm the lonely nights I love you baby, trust in me when I say Oh pretty baby, don’t bring me down I pray Oh pretty baby, now that I’ve found you stay And let me love you baby, let me love you
‘There are no more lonely nights for me’ he said ‘I’m so happy I found you’ She gazed up at him adoringly.
‘Bas, you’re so romantic’ she breathed ‘I love you so much’
‘And I love you too, my sweet temptress. We have the night to ourselves, and only breakfast to think of in the morning’ She shivered in anticipation.
‘I wonder if we’ll ever get tired of each other’ she said quietly
‘Never’ he vowed ‘I’ll love you to the end of time’ She pressed closer into him, still swaying as the tune repeated. She laughed
‘I’d never have had you as such a sappy romantic when I first met you, you were so dour and professional, every inch the Captain of the King’s Guard’
‘I wasn’t – you brought it out in me. I never felt like this for anyone else. I’d do anything for you Sophia, I want you to be happy’ He inhaled her scent and became more aware of her soft body – her breasts against his chest, her hips swaying and belly pressed against him so that he began to grow and harden. He let his hands graze her spine, gliding down to the globes of her buttocks and pulling her hips closer to his, feeling a little chuckle vibrating through her.
‘Mmm, smooth move, agápe mou – from romance to seduction’ The music dropped into a soft ambient tune, swirling quietly in the background.
‘It’s worked one hundred percent of the time with you so far’
‘You’re irresistible’
‘I’m helpless in your presence’
‘Shut up and kiss me, Bas’
‘Your wish is my command’ Their lips met in a scorching kiss that threatened to melt the room around them, and Sophia half expected to feel water drip from the icy ceiling. She snuck her hands under his shirt to find the flat plane of his stomach warm under her palm. He shivered slightly and drew back to work on the buttons of her blouse. His fingers skated over goose flesh as he worked to undress her, and she reached out to do the same to him. As their body temperature dropped, they made a mutual decision to undress themselves more speedily, dropping their clothes on the rug on the floor and diving under the thick blankets together, naked. Sophia lay back and Bastien hovered over her, leaning down to pepper hot kisses down her neck to her collarbone, brushing aside her golden hair.
Each time he moved, it sucked a draught of cool air down beneath the blankets so that she craved the heat of his body. His hands were warm, his back and buttocks hot – his chest cool, his hips burning. As his hands moved over her body she felt the temperature gradient change – his hand hot on her shoulder, cooler on her breast, cold on her belly.
He let his hand trail lazily down her side to rest on her hip, listening to her soft moans of desire before going back to claim her lips with his. His hand moved over her belly to her mound, his strong hands gentle and sensitive, fingers probing between her folds. Their kisses grew deeper, and he pressed his length against her belly, hot and heavy. She let her hands roam up over his broad back, up to caress his neck and tangle her fingers into his black locks. She drew one knee up against his side as his thumb pressed softly against her clitoris, fingers delving inside her. She pushed up toward him luxuriously as the colours of the mood lights swirled over the icy walls and the music played softly.
‘Are you ready for me, my goddess?’ he murmured,
‘Always’ she breathed ‘Fill me, make me yours again’ He placed his body between her thighs and slowly eased into her, gazing into her eyes, holding his to begin with and rolling back in ecstasy as they became one. He rocked against her, enveloped in her soft warmth, his strokes short to begin with, increasing slightly each time until he was almost out and slowly burying himself again and again. Her fingers raked over his back, nails slightly scraping against him, hips rolling with him, keeping the rhythm.
The icy bed was firm underneath them, insulated from the cold by the thin mattress, giving their lovemaking solidity, the blankets draped over their naked forms. Sophia had discovered that Bastien’s size was more than adequate for her to climax simply with penetration, although it took some doing. He drove into her, increasing the tempo, making her gasp for air, still sensitive to what she needed, unerringly finding the perfect angle to hit her sweet spot. She implored him to keep going, her gasps changing to a chant
‘Yes, yes – yes…’ until her back arched and she pushed her hips up against him, pulsing and tightening, a rush of wetness accompanying her orgasm. He matched her movements until she came to a shuddering stop, letting himself go with a groan, waves of pleasure rushing through his senses, rocking against her and slowing, feeling her go limp beneath him, little sighs of satisfaction escaping her lips. He rolled to the side facing her, murmuring sweet nothings, hand resting on her belly, the heel of his palm on her hip bone. After a while she turned to face to him, her features glowing with satisfaction, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
‘I don’t need a date on a calendar to look into the future’ she said softly ‘My future is with you, and we can celebrate any time we like – every time we touch, every time we kiss’ He took her hand and kissed it, looking deep into her green eyes.
‘You’re right’ he said ‘We belong together, and it doesn’t matter where we are, when we’re together, everything’s right.’
‘Of course, being in an ice palace helps’ she joked ‘You don’t ever have to stop spoiling me – but we could just be at home and I’d still be happy’ He nodded and leaned to kiss her lips.
Ti amo, theá mou, ti amero per sempre’ he murmured as he drew back again I love you, my goddess, I love you forever…
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witchsheartbooks · 5 years
How would the crew deal with having a partner with insomnia?
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As someone who suffers from insomnia. I felt an obligation to write this one myself. Enjoy!~
-She comes into your room, a look of concern on her face as she notices the bags under your eyes.
-You insist that you’re fine and explain about your chronic insomnia.
-She can’t help but feel guilty.
-She sits next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and smiling warmly at you.
- “If you can’t sleep then I’ll stay up with you okay, [Y/N]?”
- You give her a nervous smile and insist that it isn’t necessary for her to do that.
- But Claire has always been that type to look more after others than herself, so she insists.
-“If we put a movie on, do you think you might fall asleep that way?”
- You weren’t entirely sure it would work, and you didn’t quite want Claire ruining her sleep schedule.
-Claire does in fact win in the end, putting on a movie for you both and sitting next to you on the couch.
-The two of you snuggle under a crochet blanket while Netflix runs in the background.
-The program quickly turns to white noise and midway through the second program you notice that Claire is fast asleep against you, lightly snoring.
- You eye the analog clock on the wall, noticing it was already past three in the morning.
-Though with the combination of warmth and two sets of white noise, you actually find yourself drifting off as well.
-It seems her little idea worked after all.
-He lingers in the doorway and his more cheerful mask is replaced with his more neutral and serious looking expression.
-He slowly walks over and leans against your back.
-His chin rests on your head. Keeping his tone gentle as he addresses you.
- “Trouble sleeping, [Y/N]?”
- You smile up at him trying to mask your looming exhaustion.
-You insist that it isn’t a problem and you can handle it.
-He knows better, his medical experience gives him more insight on the matter than you choose to disclose.
- “Oh? When’s the last time you slept?”
-Your tongue catches in your throat and you give him a more nervous smile.
-He sighs gently, shaking his head and goes to rifle through his bag.
-He leafs through the pages of a leather bound journal before slapping it shut with one hand.
-He retrieves something else from his bag and offers it to you.
- “It’s one of my own variations of a sleep aide. It might not work all the time but perhaps I can strengthen it if you ever grow immune to certain dosages.”
- You perk up and thank him with a tight hug.
-He pets your hair and insists you take one and lay down.
-He also stays with you until you fall asleep.
-Going so far as to lay next to you and spoon to see if that helps.
-Which with the combination of the aide and Ashe’s warmth, you quickly drift off.
-He blinks calmly as he listens to you admitting about your insomnia.
-He beckons you over to join him, patting the space next to him on his bed.
- You tilt your head in minor confusion but comply to his nonverbal direction as you stare over at him curiously.
- “I’m well aware of how it is to have a tortured mind while wanting to just shut down and get rest.”
- He leans closer to you, chastely kissing your temple before leaning back only slightly.
- “I could offer you a distraction, [Y/N]. I have plenty of ideas. Ones of which could have your mind wander to other more pleasant things.”
-He spoke to you in a gravely low tone of which always caused you to shiver in delight.
- A blush dusted your cheeks and out of shyness you lightly put your hand on Wilardo’s cheek to push his face away.
-He simply chuckles at your reaction.
- “Alright, Alright. Though I do have other ideas.”
- Hearing this, your attention is on him again, giving him a quizzical look.
- “ [Y/N], exactly how much do you know about flower meanings?”
- Your eyes nearly sparkle once you make the connection of where he was going with this.
- He grins at you and takes your hand, leading you out of the red room.
- The two of you somehow find yourself in a vast fantasy space.
- The two of you in a large field of flowers while stars littered the expansive sky and water around you.
- Neither of you could fathom how you got here but enjoy your time none the less.
-He sits with you and points to certain flowers, explaining about their colors and meanings.
- You always enjoy hearing him go on about his profession considering it’s the most he ever tends to speak.
-After a while, you find yourself slowly succumbing to fatigue.
-You lean on Wilardo’s shoulder, still listening as he went on.
-You don’t remember when you fell asleep.
-But Wilardo gives a faint hint of a smile at his handiwork.
-The next morning the two of you are no longer in that space.
-Though you both hope to visit it again.
-He’s been eyeing you the past few days, studying your patterns and contemplating how to approach the situation.
- A classic case of insomnia with a dash of sleep deprivation caused by it.
-He had gone over the necessary options for what he could do for you, over analyzing them actually.
-He calls you to his room in the evening and he has tea ready for the two of you.
- “Sit with me, [Y/N].”
-He meant business and you could tell. Though there was something else in his eyes, concern?
-So, you comply to his instruction and eye the warm drink in front of you.
-You glance over to him curiously, wondering what this was all about.
-“[Y/N] you’ve been fatigued as of late.”
-You go pale and simply stare at him as his brilliantly captivating crimson eyes rest on you.
-You didn’t think he had noticed in the slightest, but that was a foolish thought. How could he not notice?
-You weren’t exactly good at hiding when something was wrong, so he was bound to confront you about it eventually.
-Though your boyfriend was ever the worrywart, so you couldn’t help but smile, upon realizing he had been thinking so much about you.
-You then openly admit your insomnia and sleep deprivation to him.
-He rested his cheek against his fist as he listened to you.
-He gently scooted the tea cup towards you again.
- “I know how much you enjoy my brews, s-so…I thought I’d make one that might help you sleep.”
-He then tried to mask his blush by lifting his own cup to his lips for a sip.
-You noticed though, you always did.
-You drink your tea with him and it’s lovely as always.
-A mix of Chamomile and Lavender, he had explained to you that it was good for quelling anxiety and assisting with relaxation.
-He then of course rambled on abit about some other teas before catching the sight of your smile.
-Realizing he was rambling, his blush returned, and he waved his hands abit.
- “W-What the devil is that look for?”
-You explain to him that you find his ramblings to be cute and that you enjoyed listening to his voice.
-It takes him…a few minutes to process your statement.
-His blush nearly lit up his whole face and even covered his ears.
-You decide to distract him by asking him to read you a story!
-Specifically, Lewis Carrol’s Alice in wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking Glass.
-He eyes you warily but after a moment, he seems utterly delighted, a grin spreading across his lips.
-The two of you curl up with your tea in his bed, bundled under the covers.
-He begins to read to you and his voice is smooth and lovely to listen to.
-Occasionally you’d catch charming linguistic cues from his faint English accent and that only made you melt.
-You quickly lose yourself, enamored by the sound of his voice and the way he narrates the story.
-The combination of the finished tea, the warmth from being next to him in bed coupled with his voice sent you briskly to dreamland.
- The two teacups set off to the side on the side table and you snoozing peacefully while leaned against his shoulder was something he found to be cute and utterly endearing.
-He could get used to this, perhaps he wouldn’t openly and verbally admit it.
-But should you ask him for this again or for it to become an evening routine, he wouldn’t complain.
-He brushes a wisp of hair away from your face and places a kiss on your forehead.
-He was the affectionate type, just more so behind doors and he never really initiated such things.
-He watched you for a few minutes and the sound of your breathing lulled him to sleep right along after you.
-The book dropping gently on his lap as the two of you slept there, propped up against each other.
-Both of you share a Wonderland esque dream and speak of it when you both wake in the morning.
-You walk into Noel’s room since you were unable to sleep.
- He smiles kindly at you as always, greeting you cheerfully as he quite enjoyed your company.
-“Good evening, [Y/N]. Did you have a good day?”
- You nod and find yourself joining him at the window where he stood.
-Though as he looked at you, his warm expression shifted to one of concern.
-He had noticed the bags under your eyes.
-“You’re having trouble sleeping again aren’t you, [Y/N]?”
-You had wanted to keep that information to yourself, but Noel could always read you.
-You simply give him a nod but follow up with insisting that you can handle it.
- He isn’t convinced, worry is still evident in his features.
- Noel always worried for you, just as he worried for his two best friends but even more so.
- He takes your hands and holds them gently.
- “As you know, I’m nocturnal. How about you stargaze with me! I’ll talk about the star names and constellations!”
-You beam at him over his enthusiasm and nod.
-You always found Noel to be utterly adorable when he got into his mindset about stars, constellations, and space.
- His tone was warm and gentle even as he spoke passionately about his interests.
-He nearly talked your ear off.
-Going so far as to pull out books, star charts, maps and many other texts.
-Noel always liked having his examples for you so that you could follow along easier.
-At one point you mention how it’s a shame that you are stuck staring at the star clustered sky behind a window.
-An idea hits him, and he takes your hand again, pulling you to him.
-You blink and the both of you appear in a fantasy space.
-One of his own construction, you’ve been here before.
-It was filled with flowers, moon boats, stars littered the sky above you both and even the water that held the floating moon boats was overflowing with stars as well.
-You both lay back in the field of flowers, watching the sky above you.
-Your partner continues his ramblings and occasionally you watch his expressions.
-You find that fatigue begins to wash over you, the more you focus on Noel’s voice.
-He notices that you drift to sleep and smiles to himself.
-He places a kiss on your forehead and goes back to gazing up at the stars while you rest there next to him.
~Mod Sirius
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yoonminos · 5 years
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18-2021: honeysuckle (ao3 link)
↳ pairings: yoonmin | genres: fluff & smut, idol!au
↳ one shot | words: 2.5k
↳ warnings: oral sex and anal sex (not too explicit), extreme softness.  
↳ summary: jimin has a (or rather several) mental breakdown(s) over yoongi's pretty lips in the new shade of lip-gloss that he started using (and yoongi might or might not have orchestrated the whole thing for a specific purpose). 
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jimin has always liked pretty lips, has always taken very good care of his. it sure comes with the whole being an idol thing but it's more than that. jimin loves his lips - it is one of his best features, he'd dare to say - and with time he has learned just how to use them in his favor. he loves how one shade can make him look cute and soft, while another can make thousands of people collectively lose their minds for a few minutes. there's something about the power of it, he thinks. so it’s really no secret or surprise that he has a wide collection of lip-balms and lip-glosses, going from peachy pink to transparent and glittery. a variety of flavours and hues, from the most normal to the most absurd shapes too. yet, it seems that somehow it still wasn’t enough to prepare him for this.
listen, yoongi's lips are objectively pretty and jimin has never had trouble admitting that to himself. they’re almost heart-shaped at the top and a bit full at the bottom and always form the prettiest of pouts when he talks. they curl sweetly on the sides, ever so slightly, when yoongi fights a smile but isn’t that much successful in hiding it. it’s cute and mildly endearing. nothing wrong with acknowledging it.
but now? now, yoongi’s lips are glossy, shining alluringly and adorned by the prettiest color jimin has ever seen. they even look a little bit fuller too and impossibly soft. they’re telling jimin something and he's is trying to listen but his mind can’t seem to focus on anything other than in how perfect they look. it feels unfair, really. jimin is the one supposed to have the awe-striking lip game between them and yet here is yoongi, causing jimin’s brain to flash him error messages one after the other as he tries to process yoongi's shimmering pinkish mouth.
yoongi's voice goes down a tone and his lips form that cute pout and that helps jimin. used to it, he knows yoongi is probably complaining about something, probably chiding at him for being late again so jimin nods dumbly, as if he’s agreeing with whatever he’s saying. yet, his eyes keep glued to yoongi’s lips. unable to shift from how they move and shape every word, gloss glimmering in the light that seeps from the opened door behind yoongi.
"which color is that, hyung? it’s pretty."
jimin asks, words rolling from his tongue before he can really think them through. eyes widening in realisation as he finishes, snapping harshly from yoongi’s lips and up to his eyes to gather the damage. yoongi looks a little bit stunned, cheeks flushing prettily and jimin wants to whine because now the lip-gloss harmonizes even more with his face and it’s—it’s too much.
"i don’t know.” yoongi replies after a few seconds. voice low, sounding a little bit bewildered as he slightly shakes his head to the side, covering his eyes with his bangs. a hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck.
yoongi is clearly uncomfortable and jimin wants to hit himself with a brick for being so careless. for that, he's more than thankful when namjoon appears in the door asking what’s taking them so long.
"sorry, hyung! i’m ready, let’s go."  
jimin swears to himself that it won’t happen again. it does happen again. a couple of days later but this time it’s not like it’s his fault because they’re sharing a car, going to an interview when yoongi tells him.
and jimin really doesn’t get it at first, eyes fleeting from his phone to yoongi’s face with a silent question in his furrowing brows.
"honeysuckle. that’s the color."
“oh." jimin uselessly replies, eyes immediately and instinctively focusing on yoongi's lips only to find the prettiest shade and glimmer to them once again. it’s too alluring and now that he has a name to call it jimin feels even more entranced by it.
he remembers, vaguely, the flowers that go by the same name. pretty, delicate ones. honey-named for their sweetness and jimin faintly wonders if this would be the case too, if he would be able to taste sweet honey in yoongi’s lips if he leaned in a little bit closer.
it's only when he sees the small curl rising in one of the sides of yoongi’s mouth that the daze shatters and jimin realizes he's been staring again. he snaps his eyes away, back to the phone in his hand as he feels his cheeks warming in embarrassment. after a second or two, fumbling to recompose his thoughts, he clears his throat.
"right. thanks."
then, it's a week later and jimin can’t take it anymore. it's not like he has never had dreams about yoongi's lips, not that he'd admit it to anyone, but this is getting out of hand now. he has thought of stealing the lip-gloss from yoongi numerous times, wanting to throw the tempting thing away but the ironic thing is that he has never seen it. never has seen yoongi actually picking it up and using it, only its effect lingering in a glazy pinkish glow in yoongi’s mouth. perfectly soft and pretty and inviting everywhere they go. it's frustrating, to say the least. so much so that by now honeysuckle almost seems like a thing that jimin’s mind has single-handedly created to torture him and he vaguely thinks that his brain might be needing some rest.
they've been working on a song, on and off for a few months now. just the two of them. it’s three thirty in the morning when yoongi sends him a text. when jimin lets him know that he’s awake, a bit tired but too much jet leg running on his system, yoongi calls him over to his studio.
it’s three thirty in the fucking morning so jimin doesn’t even worry, thinks the universe might cut him some slack this time. but he’s quickly proven wrong because as soon as he enters yoongi’s studio, easily pressing the door’s code that he knows by heart, yoongi is greeting him with a shimmering, close-lipped and soft smile.
jimin curses silently, a dry laugh echoing inside his mind from the irony of it all. something lodging in his throat as he takes in yoongi's lithe body swallowed by an oversized mustard hoodie – the one that jimin gifted him a few years back, telling him jokingly that he needed a bit more color in his life. an excuse for how he knew the color would look beautiful on yoongi.
alongside the hoodie, there's yoongi's recently dyed black hair contrasting prettily over his pearly skin and the mustard yellow and then. that infuriatingly tempting pinkish glimmer on his heart-shaped lips. jimin is definitely too sleep deprived to deal with all of this. he wants to go back to his room, maybe muffle a scream or two in his pillow. he’s thinking of which excuse to use when yoongi slides a chair to his side and calls him over with a gentle and sweet flickering in his eyes, softening in his voice. and jimin is a weak, weak man.
he takes a breath and walks the few steps separating them, socks thumping on the padded floor a little too harshly and unnecessarily but he’s frustrated and tired and yoongi is too unfairly pretty so he guesses he’s allowed some pettiness.
like that, yoongi talks him through the changes in the melodies that he made, the note changes that jimin needs to make to accompany. asks if he feels comfortable with them, with the new words he added too.
jimin listens, hears the words but can’t make sense of any of them. thoughts a jumbled mess of pretty pink and sweet honeysuckle as they’ve been like for days now whenever he sees yoongi with the goddamned lip-gloss. his stare shamelessly locked in yoongi’s mouth, focused solely in how his lips shift and shine along with the words they form, how it paradoxically contrasts with yoongi’s deep and gritty tone, all of it sending a shiver down jimin’s spine.
"min-ah, are you listening to me?" yoongi asks and jimin gets that, understands the meaning of all of those words combined and he swears he tries, tries to look up and away but yoongi’s tongue is peaking out, pink and wet and softly licking the corner of his shining mouth, tasting the honey there and jimin can’t really do anything else but continue his staring. something inside his mind combusting with the sight.
"wanna taste it, hyung." jimin mutters under his breath, almost as if an afterthought.
"honey." jimin says, the word laced with wonder and craving as he carefully and dazedly places his thumb on yoongi’s cupid bow. brushing and relishing in the soft skin there before he’s gently sliding it down, from yoongi's upper lip to his bottom one. touch featherlike, almost reverent. his mind completely hazy and he can’t even be embarrassed by the request, can’t even bother thinking about how yoongi will react, what he'll think. he craves.
"can i taste it too?" adds, eyes flickering up to meet yoongi’s.
there’s warm breath on his thumb before yoongi’s fingers are wrapping around his wrist and pulling it down. yoongi places it on his thigh but still doesn’t let it go. from there, jimin’s fingers are bunching the material of yoongi’s polyester pants, needing something to hold on to because yoongi is shifting on his chair, body moving impossibly closer to his. jimin's mouth parts eagerly, a knee-jerk reaction to their noses brushing and the sacred honey almost dripping on his lips. finally.
"thought you'd never ask."
jimin leans in. there’s softness molding on his lips, parting gracefully before the sweetest honey is melting on his tongue. thick and velvety and overpowering and jimin groans at the taste, even more perfect, even sweeter than he had imagined.
he savours it until he feels completely dizzy and breathless, until his chest is crashing wildly and he needs to part their lips. but it’s okay because yoongi is tugging on his hair lightly, tipping his head back and soon enough there’s honey dripping on his neck and then down his collarbones, down his chest too. his skin blooming with pretty pink everywhere yoongi’s mouth touches.
yoongi doesn’t stop, seems to want to make jimin all honeysuckled and jimin can’t find it in him to argue. eagerly gasps his agreement, moaning yes yes as yoongi goes down and down until soft pink is meeting hardening pink. yoongi’s mouth wrapping around him so prettily, so warm and perfect, almost as if it was made for it.
but yoongi doesn’t stay there for long, as if too aware of how easily he could make jimin crumble. soon enough he’s rising from his knees and then it is all honeysuckle and jimin. sweet and sour mixed together in yoongi's tongue, feels a bit overwhelming but jimin takes it, suckles all of it. a throaty groan over yoongi's lips as the knowledge hits him: knows that there’s nothing better than this, that something more bittersweetly perfect does not exist, couldn’t possibly. 
"too sweet." jimin groans again and yoongi chuckles, light and pretty and blissful, warm breath fanning over jimin’s lips.
"you are." yoongi tells him. jimin has half a mind to tell him otherwise, to tell him no, it’s all you but yoongi is climbing on his lap, too distracting, the chair creaking as he moves. jimin’s hands instinctively close around his thighs as yoongi accommodates himself on top of him.
"do you want to make me feel good too, sweetheart?" yoongi asks, an irresistibly sweet whisper. a teasing hanging by the corner of his smile, glimmering in his darkened eyes and then. a deliberate slow roll of his hips on top of jimin. jimin’s hands sliding back from yoongi’s thighs to close around plump and smooth muscle as he bites his lips, his breath still caught in his throat, pressuring down his chest.
yoongi's mouth parts as his eyes thirstily drink in every little reaction that jimin offers, the prettiest deep moan escaping him as jimin’s hold on him tightens. smile widening mischievously, no honeysuckle left but a new glimmer added. it’s jimin, spread all over yoongi’s lips, shining invitingly. bruising the soft skin, now all reddened and swollen. honey consumed feverishly, but still so pretty. "so pretty." jimin thinks aloud, one of his hands rising so his thumb can brush underneath yoongi's bottom lip, tracing its shape gently before inching a little higher, pressing in the swollen and shiny wet skin. it's when yoongi leans a little bit forward, presses a soft kiss to the pad of jimin's thumb. jimin isn't really expecting it, shock and warmth exploding everywhere inside him. "'was all for you." yoongi tells him incredibly low, a small voice that jimin's ears barely catch. his cheeks flushing endearingly as his eyes bashfully fleet from jimin's, focusing on his lap. jimin feels like he's about to combust. heart hammering wildly inside his chest, his pulse ringing loudly in his ears. fondness and warmth spreading in a flush all over his chest, creeping up his neck and blushing in his own cheeks. there's something deeper, rawer too. something thrilling that takes yoongi's words as praise, as confession, as reciprocity. for him? "do you?" yoongi raises his eyes, voice recomposed. determination flickering in his stare as he deflects back to his question. the one that jimin still has to reply. 
"yeah." jimin whispers shakily. "yeah, hyung. i do." it feels like a surrender, like a confession too.
there’s shifting and fumbling, clothes taken off in a rush until their burning bodies are settling in yoongi’s sofa. taking and giving slowly, but eagerly. yoongi’s small whimpers muffled by the curve of jimin’s shoulder, kept safe there. jimin’s chant of yoongi’s name being pressed to yoongi’s temple, to his cheeks, to his neck. soft praise and desperate adoration engraved in the moony skin. sweat clinging to all the honey, their bodies chasing fast and deep.
but yoongi teases, tells him to stop, to slow it down. jimin whines, tells him he needs it and he needs it now but yoongi calls him sweetheart, tells him to wait just a little bit more, that it will be worth it. jimin is weak, too weak. does as he is told and waits. waits until it builds again, each time more overpowering than before.
waits until yoongi tells yes, sweetheart, let go and there are tears blurring his vision and trailing down his cheeks because it’s all too intensely sweet, too candidly perfect and jimin can’t begin to understand it, to comprehend all of this. his vision going white, limbs trembling with the warm honey rushing freely on his blood as yoongi's voice praises him, tells he did good, so good, fingers gently caressing his hair. jimin sniffles on his neck, mouth still tasting the salty sweat in yoongi’s skin.
a few minutes later, when jimin backs away from his neck, yoongi is smiling gently at him. catlike eyes dropping in exhaustion with some sleep curling by their corners, but there's still warm bliss swimming inside. jimin leans in, nudges their noses together, shifts to softly brush his on yoongi’s cheek. yoongi hums in reply, something deep and steady. comforting and assuring.
jimin moves and looks back at yoongi again, chewing on his lips unconsciously. he wants to say something, feels the need to. an itching on his chest but his mind is still lost in swirling blinding delight, in too much warmth and sweetness to come up with the right words. after so long, thinking that he could never– yoongi did it for him. 
"i know, sweetheart. i know." yoongi tells him simply.
jimin feels the smile forming on his lips, fondness bursting inside him again and hanging warmly over his body like a soft blanket, glazing in his eyes. he laughs, a bit embarrassed, blinking the newfound wetness away from his eyelashes. yoongi's hand cups his cheek, thumb brushing gently.
jimin nods, smile still not leaving his lips. he lowers his head to yoongi's chest, no words said. yoongi wraps his arm around him. it feels more than enough.
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lettalady · 5 years
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There’s this way that he frowns when he’s trying to drill words into his brain that makes me fall a little more in love with him every time. Not that I’m stupid enough to tell him. Most days I’m content to remain his friend, content to enjoy the close proximity that that particular moniker allows without doing anything foolish to jeopardize my standing. Most days. 
Then there are some days when I open my mouth and thoughts spill out that have no right to be aired. I swear that’s how we became friends in the first place. After being paired for a project I glanced over at the hunk ambling towards me and muttered - at a decibel I thought no one could hear - ‘fuck me, we’ll be the giraffe and the hamster’. 
Of course he heard the comment, and his warm smile melted into a heartfelt chuckle that zipped straight into my chest and stayed there. From then on, in addition to the various assignments we tackled for the sake of education, my mission as I chose to accept it was to make him laugh at every opportunity. It’s great watching him double over because I’ve laid another horrible pun on him. Don’t get me wrong, I aim for wit. I just usually miss. 
Don’t start swooning over the height difference, either. It’s comical, not endearing. Like a chihuahua befriending a great dane, comical. I’ve never been so grateful for an intro class, though. Never before, and never since. 
While our shared classes have ended, the friendship has not. Study sessions are great for torturing myse- I mean, focusing on the things that will be coming up on our respective exams. I’ll blame sleep deprivation and chemistry - sadly just the formulas making me cross-eyed in my textbooks and not the other kind, for what came out of my mouth that night. It certainly wasn’t a moment of bravery. 
"Why aren’t we together?” 
He emits a harrumph and tosses his head just enough to make his fringe flop out of his eyes for a moment, even though in the next second it’s settling into place over his eyelashes again.  Out comes that smile that makes making myself cross-eyed over formulas worthwhile. “Your poor jokes and - as you’ve told me on many occasions - I snore.” 
He thinks I’m messing around, as usual. I act mock affronted, placing my hand over my heart to try to play it off a bit before switching to point at him, “You love my jokes. And I could invest in earplugs.” 
He raises an eyebrow at me before dropping his gaze back to the book propped on his knees, a smile on his lips. “Hm. Guess you’d better go shopping, then. Let me know if they have bulk rates.” 
[Wherein the writer lost track of the drabble for a bit there. Whoops.   Have an idea for a February Flash Fic(let or drabble or prompt)? Let me know!]
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realmonstersrp · 6 years
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(+)  PERCEPTIVE jiwoo is a highly perceptive person and once she knows someone well enough, it can be very hard to fool her. she tends to remember everything people say to her, even the smallest things. INTELLIGENT her high levels of intelligence are something that she inherited from her scientist father, perhaps the only good thing he ever gave her. she’s good at analysing situations and coming up with a good attack plan for just about anything. COMPASSIONATE despite being closed off, to put it bluntly, jiwoo still can’t seem to ignore her instinct to help others, even after all the wrong that has been done to her by the man she was supposed to love them most. (–)  ECCENTRIC despite being classified as an introverted by the many personality type quizzes she’s taken thanks to the fact that she’s often off in fairy land, jiwoo can come across as a rather eccentric thanks to the way she acts, especially ( if not solely ) because of the fact that she tends to talk to the plants on campus more than the people. CLOSED OFF after what happened with her father, jiwoo has become rather distrustful of people. despite still having a good heart and wanting to see the best in all people, she can’t find it in herself to do it so she tends to keep people at an arms length. BLUNT she has a habit of stating the facts, sometimes brutally even, and it can be a tad uncomfortable for those around her.
tw; death, murder, torture, abuse
                                   SCENE I, PART I    the sound of something breaking, i awake from my dreams
this is how the world ends… not with a bang, but with a whimper.
it’d been the author t.s. elliot who had written those immortal words in his book of poems entitled ‘the hollow men’ and it was times like this, as her lithe fingers moved over said words in the aforementioned poem book, that jiwoo couldn’t help but ponder their meaning.
she was far too young to be reading books this grim, her caretaker, aurora, had stated sadly once upon a time. she had said that jiwoo was supposed to be playing in the gardens of her parent’s manor, making friends and scraping her knees, reading books about fairy tales and running from boys and their supposed cooties — not sat locked away in her room with her eyes glued to a book and her ears covered with earphones while her father did his experience and her mother was out shopping.
she shopped a lot, or at least that’s what jiwoo gathered each time her father would brush of her questions of her mother’s location before he shoved her into her room and ordered to keep her earphones on.
thinking back on it now, now that she was older and knew about what kind of a man her father had been, she truly wondered just why she had so blindly trusted in him.
                                        SCENE I, PART II
the sound is full of unfamiliarity, so i try to cover my ears and go back to sleep
min jiwoo hadn’t been born a mutant, no. she’d just been born an ordinary human, there was absolutely nothing remarkable about her, really. well… except maybe her chipmunk like cheeks. born to a scientist for a father and a former nurse as a mother in a manor brought with her father’s extensive amounts of money in the new zealand countryside, jiwoo spent the majority of her childhood alone; her father was always in the basement of the manor working on his experiments and her mother… well, she was never around much either.
her father had always had an unhealthy obsession with mutants, all his paperwork that jiwoo had read in secret had alwaysalwaysalways been about mutants and what made them tick. he had always been determined to make a mutant out of an ordinary human, and that should have been her first red flag, but no… jiwoo had always just thought it was an innocent obsession just like her obsession with plants, she never thought that he’d ever actually try and do what he dreamed.
and that was where she had gone wrong.
jiwoo had been ten years old when she first made the mistake of removing her earphones in the dead of night, irritated by the way they were pressed against her skull as she laid against her pillow. it’d been the first and only time that jiwoo would hear the screams resonating from the basement of the manor, the basement that she was forbidden from entering without her father by her side. but she had been too scared to even move, the high pitched screams seeming to rattle jiwoo’s very bones and all the young child could do was roll over, plug her ears up with her earphone again, and pull the covers up over her head.
that was all she could do… right? right.
                                   SCENE I, PART III
       the pain in my throat is getting worse, but i’ll try and hide it
her mother died on the 10th of december, 2007 and jiwoo could still remember the day that she woke up to find her father sobbing hysterically over the woman’s cold corpse.
she’d died of a heart attack according to both her father and the coroner, but it still left ten year old jiwoo dumbfounded. how could her mother have died so suddenly when she had been perfectly fine the day before? she and jiwoo had played soccer together and danced to her mother’s favourite song, they’d laughed and had fun and jiwoo had felt loved again for the first time in a long time… how could that be ruined so quickly?
the last jiwoo had seen of her mother that night had been when she had spotted the woman and her father entering the basement of their manor.
…those screams that she had heard the night of her mother’s death… they couldn’t have been her… right?
jiwoo could remember shaking her head free of those thoughts, not wanting to even think about what it meant if those screams had been coming from her mother.
the funeral had been a private event, hosted on the grounds of the family manor (which, in itself, felt wrong because jiwoo knew how much her mother hated how closed off from the world they were on the manor grounds) with close family and friends. her mother’s grandparents had been enraged at the sight of of jiwoo staring soullessly at her mother’s casket, but they didn’t understand.
no one did, no one ever would.
                                     SCENE II, PART I
         again, i don’t have a voice. today, i hear the sound again
when she was seventeen, her father would miraculously pull himself out of the slump that he had been in for the past seven years. after her mother’s death, her father had completely given up on his love for science, he’d stopped going down to the basement as much as he once had, and, honestly? jiwoo was beginning to believe that he had been more depressed over his failed experiments than the death of her mother, his wife.
when her father started spending more time with her in her garden, something that her mother had helped her to grow because her mother had known just how much jiwoo loved plants and all things related to them, jiwoo knew she should have been worried. but no, she’d ignored her gut feeling (for what was perhaps the upteenth time in her life) she welcomed him back into her life with open arms.
that night, when she went to bed, she heard the basement generator turn on for the first time in months.
                                          SCENE II, PART II
 it’s ringing again, that sound. a crack has appeared on the frozen lack
the first time jiwoo ever entered her father’s basement was on her 18th birthday, a promise to show her around the room that she had never seen in her life to honour her becoming a woman.
the things that happened in the following moments had been etched into jiwoo’s memory for eternity; the memory of her father playfully asking her to lay down on the metal slab in the middle of the room and the feeling of anxiety that had rushed through her veins when he had strapped her ankles and wrists to the metal with the leather restraints was something that jiwoo would never forget. he’d just been playing around… he would never do anything to harm her right?
it was with her dark eyes following the man as she anxiously pleaded with him to remove the restraints and let her go that she watched him turn on the multiple computers that sat atop on of the many desks in the room. but her pleads would fall on empty ears as her father turned around, looking at her with such a look that jiwoo was left wondering just where the hell her father had gone.
“your mother was a failure, but maybe you will make my dreams come true, my darling briar rose.”
                                    SCENE II, PART III
         i dumped myself into that lake, i killed my voice for you
the things that jiwoo had been forced to endear over the following months in that cursed basement was something that she would never wish on even her worst enemies. in those months, she had been forced to all different forms of torture; oxygen deprivation, abuse, if you could name it, she had probably been through it.
all in order for her supposed mutant gene to awaken.
in those months, jiwoo finally put two and two together. her father’s obsession had never been an innocent thing, it was a deadly thing that had torn their family apart, something that had killed her mother who, like jiwoo, had been subjected to the torture that would supposedly set of the mutant gene that lay dormant in all humans. “she gave herself over to me in order to save you,” her father had told her from the other side of the basement door. “that stupid woman. if she had just let me at you, she would still be alive now.”
that had been the first time jiwoo would cry over her mother’s death, she had cried herself to sleep that night. the truth of her mother’s death weighing too heavily on her young mind, the truth of what her mother had done for her.
it had all been too much.
                                       SCENE II, PART IV
     over the winter lake where i drowned, a thick ice has formed
it was on the 27th of september that her father’s dreams finally came true, on the same day that he died.
after months, weeks, days, hours and minutes of torture, jiwoo’s mind finally snapped. the sound that her father had let out when the computer let out a piercing beep, alerting him to a sudden change in his daughter’s very DNA, was another thing that would haunt jiwoo’s sleepless nights but his elation hadn’t last long, not long at all. for at the exact moment that the alarm set off, the very ground rumbled with jiwoo’s anger, resentment and pure, unadulterated hurt.
he hadn’t even looked scared as vines from her beloved garden broke through the basement walls to strangle him, to steal his breath from him just like he had her mother. he had laughed, screamed that his calculations about there always being an active mutant gene in third generation children being true, he had looked insane… more insane than he ever had in the past months.
he had laughed up until the moment he couldn’t laugh no more, up until the moment where his neck snapped and his body went limp in the vines that obeyed jiwoo’s ever command.
                                         SCENE IV, PART I
                        even in my dreams, my pain is the same
she was eighteen when she moved to south korea to live with her grandparents, a few months after her families manor had burnt down in a ‘supposed arson attack’ and her father’s body was found burnt to the crisp.
nobody would ever know that she had set it on fire in fear of people finding out what she had done… what she become.
she felt so many new things, she could feel everything the plants around her felt, she could feel death when the plants in her grandparents house were being ignored, she felt it all…. and it scared her.
it didn’t take jiwoo long to hear about gumi international, she’d heard whispers other mutants that could be found if you knew where to look. her grandmother had been the one to tell her about it, tell her that it was a school in incheon for gifted children to go and hone their talents, she had told her of the mutants that went there and their abilities that scared some and frightened others. and god, how jiwoo wanted to be amongst them.
but the question is… would they accept her? someone who hadn’t been born a mutant but had had her abilities forced on her.
it was then that jiwoo would decide to fabricate a new life for her own. one that would completely cover up her old one and the trauma that she had been through.
one that would, hopefully, never be questioned.
                                      SCENE IV, PART II
                       have i lost myself or have i gained you?
her name was briar rose min, she was twenty one, and student at gumi international while working a job as a florist on the side.
as far as the other students knew, briar rose had never had a family, she’d been raised in an orphanage in new zealand and moved to seoul when she was 15 after being adopted by an elderly couple and had gotten into gumi on a scholarship for photography, placing her in hellion.
min jiwoo was no more, she only returned when it was just her and the plants. the plants who knew everything, the plants who were jiwoo’s only true self.
or when it was late at night and she was, yet again, forced to face her demons. but that she could deal with personally and on her own, just like she did everything.
   this is how the world ends… not with a bang, but with a whimper.
                         …let’s test that theory, shall we?
POWER: agrokinesis (plant manipulation) DESCRIPTION: also known as botanokinesis or just plant manipulation, agrokinesis is the ability that allows holders to grow, destroy or just plain manipulate any and all plants, as the name suggests.
BOTANICAL COMMUNICATION:  the user can communicate with all plant life either telepathically, through verbal speech, or through touching the plant physical. through her telepathic communication with plants, jiwoo is also able to order plants to physically move if she so desires.
PLANT EMPATHY: the ability to sense the overall well being and conditions of plants.
PLANT GENERATION: the holder can generate plants whether by drawing them from already existing plants or by manifesting them anywhere they want.
PLANT GROWTH: the user can influence and accelerate the growth of plants.
CHLOROKINETIC COMBAT: the user can utilize plant manipulation with their physical combat. can also use plants as a means of defence in combat, as well as being able to move plants through her plant telepathy.
POWERLESS in areas devoid of plant life
highly susceptible to mutants with FIRE or ICE MANIPULATION mutations.
TIME LIMIT: jiwoo can only use her mutation in physical combat for a total of twenty minutes before she becomes physically and mentally fatigued from controlling the plant matter.
WEAKNESS: along with being susceptible to the elements of fire and ice, ordering plants to move telepathically is extremely mentally taxing and causes jiwoo to be rendered defenceless quicker than she would like to admit.
RANGE: jiwoo is only able to control and use plants within a 30 foot radius whilst in combat. outside of combat, she is only able to communicate and empathize with plants within a ten foot radius of her.
jiwoo was not born a mutant, it was through tortorous experiments that she became one.
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Im planning on rewatching Once Upon a Time, mostly to watch Emma and Hook fall in love again. Also just to help me realize when exactly I stopped liking certain characters and what has changed in the way i see things now with the series being basically completely over and it being a few years. I might make posts about it, I’m not sure. I’m going to on this, have the opinions i have now prior to rewatching. That will be under the cut because you might not care and some of it is reference for me.
Season 1:Its a great opening for the show. I really enjoyed Regina as the villain and her and Emma’s antagonistic dynamic was great. Emma learning about Henry and their blossoming relationship was the cutest and so great. I also loved the friendship between Emma and Mary Margaret. Had some great quotes. Loved the introduction to the characters and how they are connected to each other. I WILL NEVER GET OVER GRAHAM’S DEATH!!!! It hurt me so much and Regina’s reasoning for killing him was such bullshit. The curse breaking was pretty great. The duality between the Enchanted Forest stories and the Storybrooke ones was very well done and well balanced which i missed in later seasons.
Season 2: I loved this season mostly cause we meet Hook but also because it just continues the storyline nicely. Seeing everyone deal with the aftermath of the curse breaking was good. Emma and the Charmings awkwardly trying to figure out how to do the family thing was endearing. I still liked Regina’s character, the conflict she had in this season made sense and I liked it. Cora was very interesting in this season. Seeing Rumple’s actual reason for using the curse(finding his son) was nice. I got to see more Bae which I liked. Backstory and flashbacks were used well. Seeing Emma’s past was great. The addition of characters in this season felt organic and just fit really well. And Mulan is a queen, i love her so much. Emma being in the enchanted forest. Great set up for the next season and Neverland. I love Belle so seeing more of her was great. I also enjoy the development Hook has from his introduction til the end of this season and his willing to give up revenge to save Henry/help Emma. As much as I hate Neal, I think his addition to this season was necessary to Emma’s storyline as well as Rumple’s and even Hook’s to a degree. So even though he sucks, his character was able to show us different sides and dynamics of other characters that I thought was important. Even though I wish certain things involving him were handled in better ways.
Season 3: This is my favourite season. Both 3A and 3B are amazing. Neverland is great, Everyone trying to work together to save Henry is great. Sassy Hook and Sassy Regina, amazing. Emma taking charge is great. Hook’s belief in Emma. More of Hook’s backstory. That fucking kiss. Hook’s secret. Emma using her magic. Meeting Tink. “I hoping you were dead” Peter Pan was a cool villain. Regina and Rumple’s evil shit not meshing with the Charmings. Hook saving David. Neverland was kind of my life. I’m gonna say it is around the time that I start to have some issues with Snow. I also didnt love that both David and Snow were pushing Emma towards Neal but, I believe they likely didnt know the whole story. Rumple killing himself to kill Pan was fucking epic. Pan being in Henry’s body was a boss twist. Emma and Hook’s goodbye. Mulan being into women, yay!! Her heart being broken boo!!! Belle and Ariel teaming up was chill, I think this season had Belle’s hero flashback and that was great, but I honestly don’t remember when that happened. 3B was amazing. Hook believing Emma was his true love, him going to find her. Zelena was a good villain. Also the Cora flashback was fucking crazy. Neal was an idiot in this season but, whatever. Hook and Henry bonding. Hook’s regret for what he did to Belle and Ariel. Regina and Tink flashback was into it. Outlaw Queen loved. Liked that David and Snow had another baby, didnt like the name. Regina suddenly getting light magic was weird and not totally into. Loved Zelena/Regina showdowns though. The finale was the greatest thing ever. Like everything about it was great. “Someday I’ll stop chasing this woman” “I’d go to the end of the world for her, or time” “We both know i’m his type” Past!hook scene. When they kidnap Marion. When Emma deprived Hook of his dashing rescue. The ball!!! Watching Emma watch her parents meet. David and Hook’s talk. “You traded your ship for me?” “Aye” That fucking kiss!!! Rumple and Belle’s vows were amazing even though there wedding upset me. Like I was really pissed cause this mofo was lying to her again. Regina not getting to be happy w/ Robin sucked but, her bitching to Emma about it was trash. And i forget about how adorable Roland is.
Season 4: I like 4A like alot actually. I know a lot of people aren’t a fan of the frozen arc, but I like it. I love Elsa in this. She has a really great friendship with Emma and I like that their friendship isn't over complicated with connections to her family. Elsa also helps Emma accept her magic which I love and she understands that part of Emma in way no one else does. I kind of wish Elsa could have been on longer so Emma could continue to have her own friendships. I enjoy Emma trying to learn how to control her magic. I dont love Ingrid as a villain but I like her backstory well enough and I like how her involvement gives us a look into Emma’s past/childhood. Killian and Emma trying to have a relationship after the whole epic kiss thing is nice. There date is amazeballs. They are like really in love and become committed to making it work through this season and I love that. I’m not a huge fan of Snow through either half of this season, I felt like she was the person who saw the worst in Emma both presently and in the past. I find it really telling that in 4B we see that she is the one to see the vision of evil!Emma. I think this is the season I stop liking Regina cause her angst is kind of dumb and she’s very pity me about it. I love Belle at the end of 4A when she sends Rumple away, I think it is a very empowering moment where she stands up for herself and is able to stand up to her abuser. I like how 4A has a nice intro to Lily through the things we’ve seen of Emma’s past. 4B I liked significantly less then 4A. The season really putting Snowing in a bad light particularly Snow and I believe it definitely highlights the fact that David’s relationship with Emma is closer and healthier then the one Snow has with Emma. The fact that they gave Emma potential for darkness to another kid is super fucked up. I actually find this whole concept kind of dumb, like I don’t think it was a good storyline, it just dumb. Killian trying to make amends with Belle and succeeding til the point that they are friends is great. Rumple scheming to get Belle back is awful. I find Operation Mongoose pretty awful like I feel that Regina blaming the universe for her not getting a happy ending with Robin is dumb. I think that this idea that a villain can’t get a happy ending might be true when you are still a villain but it isn’t true if you are a reformed villain case in point being Killian his relationship with Emma is great this season and he is an actually villain who has and continued to have a really good redemption arc. So the fact that Regina isnt getting a happy ending and her line of thought is along the lines of the actual villains of this season proves she hasnt had a real redemption arc no matter what the characters in universe seem to believe. I do like Maleficent and Regina friendship. Cruella being a villain with no tragic backstory was refreshing. The introduction of the author was cool. Zelena pretending to be Marion was so fucked up and the fact that she got pregnant means that Robin was sexually assaulted(he consented to sleeping with Marion, not Zelena). I liked Lily being involved but I hate that she was never mentioned again. Henry become the author was pretty great. I really liked how the apprentice was all over this season leading to Merlin's involvement next season. Emma sacrifice herself was an intense moment.
Season 5A: I didnt like this season, I believe it was an okay idea but executed poorly. I loved Merlin and liked Camelot and evil!King Arthur was interesting. Violet and Henry were cute and I loved seeing Henry’s first relationship. Emma and Hook’s thoughts on a future together were nice. Getting to see Mulan and Ruby again was great. I thought Merida came out of nowhere and i didn’t think she had a reason to be there so, I didn't love her. Belle giving Rumple another chance upset me. Emma made grave errors in judgement but she did do everything for love, so I felt conflicted. Dark hook was sort of entertaining. Emma killing Killian was heartbreaking.Her threatening Gold was badass. Gold lying to Belle again was fucking annoying. Emma going to the underworld to save her mans was great.
Season 5B: I have issues with this Arc on many levels. One being I like greek mythology and because of that I hate when Hades is portrayed as like super evil when he’s really not, he’s stern and stubborn but not evil. He tends not to actually torture people there are other people in the underworld to do that and that only really happens in Tartarus where only the worst of the worst go and though he implements punishments he tends not to be the one who created them, that tends to be the gods that the people in Tartarus actually messed with. So they vastly misrepresented him and I was not a fan of that. And as cute as Zelena and Hades might have been Hades is married and is the only god who doesnt really cheat on his wife so I’m not overtly a fan of that. If we discard everything that is wrong about Hades and the underworld there are other issues I have with this season. Regina is just pretty awful in this season. She tries to force Robin to forgive Zelena as well as let her see his kid when this woman raped him. She also treats Emma like crap like she’s a super hypocrite, the way Regina treats Emma when Hook dies and the way she expects Emma to treat her after Robin dies is ridiculous. Robin’s death is also fucking awful. And Regina blaming Zelena pisses me off but whatever. I thought Liam was kind of dick. And Rumple was even more garbage then I expected. I loved getting to see Milah and I found the flashbacks really good. I enjoy that even with Rumple trying to cause Milah and Emma to hate each other they didn’t. I’m really pissed that Rumple made it impossible for Milah to move on. I wish there was more Milah. Seeing James was fun, like it was hilarious. Cruella and James as a couple was pretty great. Emma and Killian being confirmed true love was amazing. OTP of the gods!!! Emma’s family was very supportive of her. Ruby and Mulan being in an episode was nice and I liked that we had a true love kiss between two women but I would have loved for the first LGBTQ couple on the show to have Mulan be apart of it because I want her to have love so bad. Also I’d rather it be two characters I care about then One character I care about ,Ruby and a character that we barely know, Dorothy. Henry trying to destroy magic was dumb, I understand why he tried, it was just misguided though. He also needs to stop hero worshipping Neal. King Arthur running the underworld is boss. I don’t remember much from the finale other then the destroy magic thing and i know that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was introduced.
Season 6: Wasnt great. I liked Emma and Hook moving in together and the wedding. The musical episode was good. Belle choosing to leave Rumple and having the support of her friends specifically Killian was very moving and empowering. It felt like she was finally done with Rumple which was great and why her getting back with Rumple at the end of the season was so heartbreaking for me. Hyde actually being the good one was cool. Regina using the serum was awful and stupid and I hated it, it was just her trying to take the easy way out of redemption. The wish universe was awful and truthfully nothing in it actually made sense like the timeline has to have totally change for Emma to have met Neal in a universe where the curse didn't occur. Wish!Robin ending up with the Evil half of Regina was ironic and hilarious. The flashbacks were used a lot to add unnecessary drama particular the Hook ones. I found the black fairy to be a let down in terms of villains, especially after basically having the evil queen as the villain. She was also basically Rumple and Regina as one villain but with a lot less character depth to make me care in anyway. Rumple being a saviour was awful and didn't make sense. Belle not getting to raise Gideon sucked. Gideon over all was annoying and I think the writers wanted me to sympathize with him and I just didn't. All the added characters happened way too fast and there was just a bunch of characters that were forgotten.
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princessparadoxical · 7 years
I never thought that Priest would be the one to accurately summarize this episode but “this is going to be a wild one” says it more articulately than I ever could. And also someone asking about Dirk’s deal and Farah responding with “actually I don’t know what Dirk is” because isn’t that at the heart of everything at the moment. Everyone wants Dirk Gently but no-one has the faintest clue what he is. Hell, he doesn’t seem to know what he is (other than in desperate need of a hug and a milkshake and probably years of therapy).
I don’t know what the significance is of the underground paintings at the beginning of every episode. Maybe it’s the content. Maybe they’ll finally pan back to reveal the artist. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re taking place underground. Either way it’s a mystery within a mystery and also works with the current fan theory that pits are going to be important in season two.
Oh Trosts, don’t accept gifts from the Mage. Do you know nothing about narative? Do stories not exist in Wendimoor, or do you just wander around repeating the prophecy to each other? But sadly no sign of Silas, for which I am in mourning.
Todd sleeping like a dork, Farah sleeping like an actual angel, and Dirk studiously not sleeping because of trauma and christ, that’s going to start taking a toll soon because sleep deprivation is a form of torture banned by the Geneva Conventions and Dirk is doing it to himself. It doesn’t take much for exhaustion to turn into paranoia.
I don’t know whether anyone agrees with me but Todd and Farah flirting was utterly adorable, either they’ve got some friendly banter going on or it’s something more but it was good fun. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before” I’m assuming they’ve had some fucking weird experiences while on the run, where is this fic series please.
Dirk’s gorgeous face when he realizes he’s getting unfettered access to the costume department lost property and evidence room. He’s a pressure cooker of anxiety and guilt so as far as I’m concerned, he should be taking whatever victories he can.
Someone should be keeping track of how many laws Farah is breaking this season.
I don’t know why Todd thinks that Dirk wouldn’t be squeamish? He’s seen dead bodies, sure. Doesn’t mean that he likes them. But kudos to Todd for trying to coax Dirk out though, even if it’s the exact opposite of what Dirk needed at that moment. Todd, my small angry bisexual son. You’re doing beautifully.
Vogel suggesting that he can be Amanda’s son. Or grandson. I was going to ask jokingly whether he knows how family works but in retrospect, he might not.
Dirk’s “maybe it was some kind of accident” spiel sounds like he’s trying so hard to give them what they want in a way that’s not going to put them in danger but there’s no right answer here and he’s floundering.
He’s probably also imagining his old friends and his new friends dying in equally strange and unusual ways and that’s not going to be great for his mental health.
The only thing I can take away from Friedkin’s “why is there no breakdown video or something?” is that he’s the kind of person who has to bingewatch things because of his terrible attention span and sure, we’ve all been there, but it’s less endearing when people’s lives depend on you knowing your shit. Fingers crossed that his assistant puts together some cliff notes or some flash cards or something.
Hobbs asking Todd “what’s his deal?” literally made my heart skip a beat because I thought he was subtly trying to check out Dirk’s relationship status or sexuality and I was ready to throw a fucking parade, I’m long-term Brotzly trash but I’d also happily sell my firstborn chld for some canon Dirk/Hobbs content.
No matter what else happens this season, Dirk being able to honestly say that he’s working with local law enforcement like a real detective is going to be one of those happy memories that he could use to summon a Patronus.
Todd keeping the brass knuckles like the world’s weirdest souveneir from the world’s weirdest case. What a dork.
I’m so fucking glad that someone called Friedkin out on almost shooting Amanda in the head, that’s been bothering me since season one. I just wish that person wasn’t Priest, because the casting video described how Priest shot another Blackwing subject’s jaw off and that’s been haunting my nightmares for a very long time now.
Tina is my bisexual empath punk law enforcement daughter and I will literally die for her.
But also what if Tina is an actual empath and she’s been abusing substances for so long as a form of self-medication?
Dirk saying that he’s in Bergsberg to deal with all their weird and freaky coincidences because he thinks that’s all he’s good for.
Did Susie just straight-up murder the entire book club?
I’m assuming that Bart got the bell the same way Dirk got up the ladder, there is something spooky going on here and I don’t know whether it’s a causality psychic thing or a Bergsberg thing but I need to know more.
Friedkin, can you please stop flirting with people after electrocuting them. I know we’ve all been talking shit about Todd’s game but man, yours is 1000% worse. Stockholm syndrome isn’t fun. You’re not making any friends.
The thing about the construction company having the same insignia as the Mage’s forces is that one of them probably had to predate the other. My money is still on the Mage coming through the portal in the 1960s (either on the boat or during the huge power surge) and founding the construction company?
Dirk repeatedly rejecting Todd’s offers to talk, god damn it, I know you’re not the best with people but this is an opportunity too good to pass up.
The entire scene with Vogel and Priest, there is a lot going on here, the familiar Rowdy 3 music starts and you see the van and you know things are going to go wrong and then Vogel’s face. My heart broke. This is the monster from his childhood who’s taunting him with his stolen family, threatening the one friend he has left, and who just broke his hand for shits and giggles. I’m officially nominating Vogel as the Blackwing subject most in need of a hug this episode (sorry Dirk).
... and that’s predominantly because Dirk has Todd dropping some much-needed truth bombs about Dirk’s value as a human being. Because I don’t think Todd realized until now just how domestic some of Dirk’s dreams were. He wanted his friends and his Agency. He wanted to solve mysteries and help people. He wanted it to be calmer and he wanted it to be better and now he feels like it’s neither and Todd developed pararibulitis because of him. But Todd’s still there, still offering help, still doing shitty British accents. Quoting something that Dirk told him the very first day they met. That means something,
But Todd mentions “fate and chance” in the same way Dirk mentions “fate and chance” to Friedkin in episode one and that’s concerning. That’s a very specific phrase being used under very specific circumstances and I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t be reused later in a horribly ironic echo.
Susie trying to keep the wand and book makes me think of Gollum clutching the One Ring going “my precioussss” and I genuinely didn’t predict that the Mage and Susie would be this antagonistic towards each other, but there are still seven episodes to go in this season so they might still join forces.
When they said that Bart was asking everyone whether they knew Ken, they really meant that she was asking everyone.
Dirk’s face when Panto says his name :) :) :)
This episode kicked the Bechdel Test in the teeth in the most thrilling and innuendo-laden way possible and I’m fully here for the new Rowdy 3 of Tina, Farah, Amanda and Bart.
And the biggest mystery of all: why the fuck does the sweet sunshine bean dislike pink.
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