#the squid sisters have been on trains
loz-the-noob · 10 months
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Pictures from Goochy’s train adventure yesterday! We were very excited about the bull in the last picture because it was featured in official Splatoon art!
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galariangengar · 1 year
#…… I feel like I’m giving up on my dream of being a nurse….#I’ve been scared for the past couple of weeks cuz I tried to apply at the local community college for a couple classes#but I couldn’t get into any classes cuz I fucked up and let my anxiety get to me and tried to do this at the last minute#and I’m tired of how things are and how my life has been the past couple years and tired of living in this house and sick of my mom#like I really want to just get a job to save up money and I can move out/get my own place and get away from my parents#I still have to wait till like April to hear back from 3 schools I applied to back in the fall#if I get accepted to at least one of them/then I’m gonna absolutely accept and attend#if not then I’m kinda fucked and gotta get a job and start saving money to move out#I just… don’t wanna work in a place for my degree like I hate physical/occupational therapy and training etc etc#I also like don’t wanna be stuck being like a receptionist or something and stuck on the phones or some shit…#if I do get rejected/ I wish I could just go to the technical nursing school here but I know my dad won’t let me…#I just… don’t want a job that I hate and don’t want issues at a job like with what my parents are dealing with with their jobs#hell I’m even considering becoming a phlebotomist cuz school for that is hella short and you make some good money#I’m so fucking tired of life and everything… I’m having a breakdown#squid sister says stuff
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pinyeti · 7 days
Is it just me or have they just not explained the Death Star properly?
I cant take Darthy seriously anymore, he’s just a bag of organs 
Whats quirrel doing here
Isnt this that old caterpillar from Alice n wonfderlad
WOW LUKE REALLY SUITED UP FOR HIS MESSAGE- DID HE JUST SELL???? GOLDENFACE AN R2-oh right Hans in the carbon - way to go to the dark side Luke, triangular droid trade YOU ARE YOUR FATHERS SON LUKE 
So much of Star Wars is just running into the problem with a glowstick and hoping it dies
Wow hansolo has been imprisoned, thrown into garbage, tortured, thrown into carbon, imprisoned AGAIN all cuz he has can’t shut my mouth disease
What even is their relationship with Luke btw, are they his adopted fWOAH WOAH WOAH WHEN DID LUKE TURN INTO A MAN??? Last I saw he was a child who couldn’t get a plane out of a lake AND THEY LEFT THE LAST MOVIE WITH ALL OF THTEM BEING TOGETHER wow the text in the beginning is more important than I thought 
No seriously why is Luke dressed like a pastor whats going on
Ok yoda we get it you’re 900 no ones talking about your wrinkles anyway with pastor Luke in the room, projecting much?
Is yoda suidicdal???
 Whos the other Skywalker?? lukes not even a Skywalker isnt his name Luke vader where’s skywalkers real son OH darthy’s deadname is skywalker
Nice the gang is back together, waiting for chewbakka to be revealed as darthy’s next offspring
I cant believe these are the idiots the emperors trying to kill
"yes I could sense you were my brother when my tongue was down your throat"
Oh yes Luke hands himself over- haha darthy sensitive over dead name 
Luke youre so stupid- but since jedis cant die is he gonna go to wherever yoda and obi wan is 
Lando is growing on me, also squid guy
This movie is gonna end with emperor and Luke dead isnt it
Is the emperor a jedi too how else does he have power or something something Sith
Id make a horrible jedi- im made of hatred
Hansolo my pathetic little idiot
You’re telling me this big of an empire cant take down 6 idiots lead by a happy go lucky guy, never heard of this before
Hahahah a hand for a HAND- wait what…. Why does he have a robo hand too whats going on 
Luke stop acting like you didnt hear about jedis 5 secs ago
Aw does darthy have a heart among his organs
Oh damn hes not as ugly as I thought he’d be
Kinda cute even - bro how did he even get this weak why’s he dying rn 
He has such kind eyes
Is the empire this easy to penetrate? No but they did it with the power of lOVE and FRIENDSHIP 
Love lando 
Yes Luke its so sad your daddy that blew up an entire planet in ONE second without a single thought died IM NOT FORGIVING HIM THIS EASY
No way thats it??? They took down the empire just like that???? What??
Damn no one in this world can dance
ok fine anakin is cute
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leothetraveler · 2 months
I'm not going to finish this anytime soon, so let the squid simps feast on this half-finished Lamb x Kallamar fic
They’re dead? They can’t have fallen. Them too? Thoughts raced through Kallamar’s mind as they received the news. His last high priest had fallen to the lamb. How could they do this? It’s just a lamb I need to hide run SCREAM. “My lord? Are you alright?” Kallamar had all but forgotten the messenger before them, their face full of concern for their silent god. “Y-yes. Of course. I… I need to plan. BEGONE.” Kallamar turned their back to hide their terror as the messenger left the room. The squid fell to his knees in a mix of grief and dread. His sister and brother were dead. Half of the Old Faith, gone. No doubt he was next. His mind could only imagine the torture his fallen siblings were facing. What horrors had been dreamed up by- Kallamar froze, sensing the trespass of the red crown. Of the lamb. They were back to finish him. Tears welled in the squid’s eyes as he tried, desperately, to think of a way out. The lamb would not die, so maybe they could be convinced to show mercy? There was only one chance. One way the Old Faith could survive. He could not allow a single soul to see such, but he had to grovel before the red crown and beg them to claim his sibling in his place. This whole thing was Shamura’s fault anyhow. And death would be a mercy on their shattered mind. So Kallamar departed to confront the lamb with a silent prayer to the first gods.
“Please, I beg you, spare me. Kill Shamura, but do not send me to my death. Do not send me to him!” Kallamar finished his plea, looking for any sign that the lamb’s fury waivered. But if there was any thought of mercy, it was hidden behind the trained expressionless face of a crownbearer. Kallamar’s mind raced with fear. “You will not find my temple. I will be safe there. Yes, I will-” “Now you know how I felt.” Kallamar froze, their eyes focusing back on the lamb before them. “w-..what?” The lamb took a step towards the terrified bishop. “Now you know how I felt the day you and your siblings killed me.” Kallamar stepped back, the lamb stepped forward. “Now you know how I felt every damn day of my life being hunted by your family for being born.” The lamb only stopped their advance as the bishop backed into a column. “You now live in fear, like I did. You beg for mercy…like I did, for so long. You did nothing then…I won’t listen now.” Kallamar racked their mind for excuses. “I-I couldn’t do anything. My siblings, yes, they insisted. Even if I had, I would just be joining Narinder in damnation!” The lamb tilted their head, a curious yet sadistic expression breaking through. “Narinder? Who’s that? One of your beloved priests?” There was silence as the two stared at each other, trying to decipher what the other was thinking. Kallamar spoke first. “YOU KILL IN HIS NAME AND DON’T EVEN KNOW IT?!?” The lamb only stared, more annoyed at his screeching than anything. Kallamar groaned, his fear temporarily forgotten. “Of course our brother wouldn’t mention it. It is not relevant to killing us. He always kept his cards close to his-” The lamb’s blade dug into the wall behind Kallamar, interrupting his chain of thought. “What do you mean ‘brother’?” Kallamar broke into laughter. This lamb was nothing but a tool. A weapon aimed at their throat, not a rival or follower. They knew nothing of the Old Faith or the crown they wear. His confidence restored, he explained to the fool before him. “He was the third. The middle sibling. Why do you think our symbol is the five-pointed star? Five points, five crowns. He is not different. He is not better. He is our brother. This, all of this, is little more than a family dispute. He tried to increase his power. Made himself a threat to the rest of us. So we locked him away. Even if you did manage to break the chains, it will take quite the sacrifice to-” Kallamar paused mid-sentence, a thought occurring. How did Narinder plan to escape? While the seal on his temple was easily broken, bringing a god back from the land of the dead would take a grand sacrifice. No mere mortal would suffice, but the grand vessel beloved by so many? Add the fact that they were a lamb, a sacrificial beast, and that would do it. “So that’s his grand plan. Put you on a pedestal, make you beloved, then demand your head so he can walk free. And you are left none the wiser till it’s too late to say no.” The lamb dragged their hoof across the ground in frustration. While they were sworn enemies, it is clear the lamb was not such a fool that they did not see the truth in Kallamar’s words.
[I just burned out trying to force myself to finish this. I'll do it some other time. the idea was that Kallamar would willingly break the chain and shatter his crown to have the lamb's protection as their loyal, immortal consort.]
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Random Facts About Marie
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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All Children Galileo Dorothy
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A/N: It’s finally Marie’s time in the spotlight! She has been waiting patiently, ngl. Also, I know I’ve mentioned the most basic K-dramas. I’m still learning😭�� Also, I’m planning on writing something for Marie in the future. So for that I have to ask; who do you think Marie’s celebrity crush is?🤔 I will honestly be surprised if anybody guess it
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Warnings: None💜
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The youngest of you and Donnie’s children, and the younger half of your twin girls, your daughter of course had to follow your theme of being named after a well known scientist. You and Donnie decided on the name Marie, after Marie Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, also known as simply Marie Curie.
While Dorothy was the stereotypical girly girl, Marie was the biggest tomboy, both in clothing and in interests. Is her brother or one of her male cousins cleaning out their closets, Marie is the first to look through their old stuff. They have a skateboard they didn’t want anymore? It’s Marie’s now. Console and games they got tired of? Marie already had a spot for it in her room. And somehow, she always manages to make better use of it then they ever would. It is almost impressive.
Just like her father and siblings, Marie would show great intellect from a young age. Though she showed a great interest in Donnie’s lab work, to the point where she would fight her siblings to be the one that would help him the most, her true passion was in music. With a knowledge and understanding of music theory, as if it was just a different way of writing English, Marie could best be described as a musical genius. Plus she could play several instruments, always picking up a knew one to challenge herself with.
When Marie and her twin sister turned 15, she was more than ecstatic to see what weapon her grandfather had picked for her. And when she was given a pair of kama, she was more than happy, not touching her instruments for a whole month, so that she could practice with her new weapons. Both you and Donnie knew that was a big deal, and was surprised that such a thing could even happen.
Just like some of her cousins, Marie was a prankster. But while Luis and Gerardo would stick to minor pranks that only would cause mild annoyance or maybe even joy to their targets, Marie took it a step further. Her pranks didn’t occur as often, but when they did, you knew it was her’s. Often involving water or something that would have to be cleaned up afterwards, Marie had a tendency to target her siblings. And yes, her pranks have ruined and broken quite a few things.
While Dorothy could get a new celebrity crush every other day, Marie is stuck on the same celebrity, and has been so ever since she first discovered him. Other than the time back when she was 4 years old, where she had a small crush on Casey and April’s kid, this is the only time she has had a crush. But there ain’t no way she will ever tell who it is. Not even Dorothy knew.
Marie likes to watch K-dramas. Or, some K-dramas. She’s not very much into the romantic comedies or all that cute stuff, but the action and horror ones? She’s sold. Squid Game is an obvious one, Kingdom and now The Silent Sea. Her favorite movies are Parasite, Midnight and Train To Busan. However, there was the time Dorothy caught Marie watching Goblin, seeming fully invested into the plot. However Marie would deny it.
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rassicas · 2 years
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Summary of the new Splatoon character chart from the Nintendo JP website
I spent a couple hours writing up a summary of all the new, noteworthy, or otherwise obscure information from this character chart. Basically, if its lore that’s been mentioned in a more known source like a sunken scroll or in the game itself, I left it out. Click the link above to see the chart, its interactive and more than what I can fit in a single screenshot. Summary under the cut, with my own notes written in brackets.
Agent 3/S1 Player character -came from a region a little far from Inkopolis where there are many prosperous towns. they left their parents at age 14 and moved to the city. [old comic in the 1st artbook followed this backstory. mentions of parents are rare in splatoon lol] -the age that inklings gain their humanoid form varies, but its usually around age 14 [mentioned in 1st artbook, nice to see it brought up again] -some inklings keen on turf wars participate in competitions held in distant lands [probably in reference to IRL competitions] Agent 4/S2 Player character -came from a place about 40 minutes away from Inkopolis square by train, so they didn't have as much longing for the city as the S1 player character -was too busy with extracurriculars to know who Marie/the squid sisters were [previously mentioned in the S2 artbook] -many Salmon Runners have become "addicted" to the work Pearl -She thought of the Squid Sisters as rivals, but the 2 duos hit it off when they performed together in a distant foreign country. -When she gets serious, she builds up emotional energy by hopping side to side [in the JP version of Octo Expansion, she does this to build up her special to use the princess cannon. this was localized to her warming up her vocal chords in English.] Marina -She loves shoujo manga and practices her crosshatching -She got the groove of the squids in her soul after hearing the Inkantation [bringing this up because in the JP dialogue there's no mention of being 'freed of the oppression of Octarian society' or whatever. She wasn’t literally sci-fi mind controlled by Octavio, and still holds some respect for him despite leaving the Octarian world] -her description is "Maiden in love," the word for "love" seems to be the romantic type. [pearlina real???????] Callie and Marie -Callie loves the outdoors, while Marie is bad with both hot and cold weather -Their debut happened after their performance at a youth singing competition in their home region caught the attention of Shy-ho-shy, who then went on to become their producer [mentioned in Splatune album jacket] Agent 8 -worked in combat in Octarian society -really looks up to Agent 3 and has a “strong mental image” of them. Watched the battle between them and Octavio. [the inner agent 3 fight was never real, its just 8's active imagination. hence the name “inner” agent 3.] Judd and Lil Judd -Judd's eyes are able to instantly determine the winner of turf wars -the voice that you hear when first arriving in inkopolis is not some out-of-universe narrator, it's Judd talking telepathically -While Lil Judd is always plotting to backstab Judd, his plans fail because he's too small -Lil Judd is basically an omnivore, but is especially interested in 'crispy prawns' -once again it's brought up that judd and lil judd are the only 2 mammals to exist, and that judd is immortal. [considering Lil Judd was intended to be a back up for Judd in case he died in cryo freezing, I wouldn't be surprised if lil judd was immortal as well. hasn’t been confirmed tho] Capn Cuttlefish -[if you played Octo Expansion then nothing really new in his info, mostly stuff mentioned in the chat logs.] over 100 years old. made the zapfish plushies that appear in place of the real zapfishes when you replay a level. Annie and Moe -Annie is a fan of metal music -Sheldon sometimes asks her to help him decorate weapons -Moe is a bit overweight because Annie feeds him a lot of sweets
Crusty Sean -he can sometimes sense that Judd and lil Judd are looking at him in a "i want to eat you" way, but he doesn't seem to care. -not new info, but the tidbit about why he uses tickets instead of cash is mentioned. Basically when he first set up his food truck, the long lines were bothersome to the folks running The Shoal, so he worked with the Inkopolis chamber of commerce to set up the ticket system to cut down on lines and bring customers into The Shoal as well.
Jelonzo -his store doesnt sell pants because jellyfish dont wear pants [makes sense lol] Jelfonzo -He won the National Karuta Tournament on his first go because of all the old books he read to memorize the Inkling language. [This tidbit was referenced in splatoon 2's sunken scroll 8 but was never really explained. Karuta is a japanese card game thats been around since the mid 1500s.]
Sheldon -The building that houses Booyah Base is owned by Sheldon's family [I think this was mentioned before in a 2015 famitsu interview] -Sheldon's grandpa, Ammoses, made a fortune off selling weapons for use against the Octarians during the Great Turf War
Spyke and Murch -both came from the same town in a nothern region [previously mentioned in a famitsu interview] -Sea urchins are good at processing Super Sea Snails, and use their spines to dexterously remove the insides -the process of applying chunks is described as a technique(technology?) developed by Murch, and that sea snail shells are used to reapply gear abilities -Flow loves to dote on Murch
Flow and Craymond -Flow loves to drink alcohol, and when she gets drunk, she loves teasing cute kids. [in the 2nd artbook theres art of her getting drunk.  In the chart, her thoughts on the player character is that they are a cute kid. This also explains why she dotes on Murch] -her age is unknown but the inklings think of her as a 'cool older sister' kind of lady -Craymond cleans up parasites that may have latched onto Flow
Bisk -the 3 shoes he wears are his favorites -mentions the thing about him leaving his lover to pursue a band career in the city of Inkopolis, but that’s not really new info CQ Cumber -Kamabo Co. continues operation nowadays just for the sake of those living in the Deepsea -CQ detonates the ink-filled backpack on test subjects when they fail without hesitation because they're faithful to their duties -life form created solely to operate the deepsea metro. there are many of them spread throughout the metro. [this tidbit was previously mentioned only in Haikara walker concept art and the Nintendo Dream interview in 2018] Telephone/Tartar -being left alone for over 10000 years made it go from 'lonely' to 'completely out of control' [the 'lonely' part was previously only mentioned in a couple dev interviews, nice to see it brought up again] Iso Padre -the bag he carries is said to be filled with 'hopes and dreams' DJ Octavio -described as indomitable, and able to escape and rise up after defeat -his wasabi DJ style is unique to him -the music played throughout the Octarian world is mixed by him. The rhythm regulates the dilligent octarians [again, Octavio is not literally mind-controlling his soldiers! think of 'regulate' like how a commander keeps a military in line.] -He once hijacked Inkling airwaves to provoke the Inkling world. The Inklings, however, thought it was a new promotion or something and didn't care, but they appreciated the music. Octarians -Extremely dilligent, follows the music that is played in Octarian society -due to their diligence, they dont really care about how their designs (of their machinery) look -There are two types of octarians: those that are made from tentacles cut off from a host, and those that can become humanoid. more limbs=more intelligence [Essentially, it seems that Octolings reproduce the same way as Inklings, while other Octarians like Octotroopers are made through severed tentacles. octarian reproduction FINALLY clarified after years of confusion massive W] Mr Grizz -described as a mysterious entity, seen by nobody and unknown whether he really exists -the benefit package for Grizzco is described as "excellent" : free transportation, no overtime, and free uniform rental -golden eggs are used as a high-performance energy source, and may be contributing to the overall energy situation in Inkling society [i speculated this for years FINALLYYYYY THEY CONFIRM THIS OUTRIGHT] -some inklings are addicted to the experience of using the illegally modified grizzco weapons, since its a feeling you cant get in normal turf wars... Salmonids -They can live in both land and water, and have the intelligence to weaponize junk that sinks underwater [like ive been saying guys salmonids arent a bunch of dumb animals, thanks] -many of them feel that they are prisoners to their part time jobs [im unsure if this is referring to ω-3 or to salmonids as a whole tbh] -[personal note: the "smoke rises from the 7 rings" bit from the sunken scrolls is brought up and not explained, but i finally realized... the seven rings is in reference to a shichirin 七輪, a small charcoal grill... the literal translation for the kanji is "7 rings." same tattoo ariana grande got lol]
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djsangos · 4 days
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//who are THESE fresh squids?? (made here)
okay these guys might not get a mention on this blog for a while- if ever- so i'm gonna talk about them now bc i've been rotating them in my mind for a while
these are captain's siblings! the ones they left behind when they were 14 to run away to inkopolis. captain certainly isn't proud of leaving them behind at ALL, in fact the one thing they wish they'd done differently is taking them with them, even if it would've been damn near impossible to take care of 2 younger siblings all on their own away from home when they were already struggling to take care of themself. they have no idea how their siblings fared with their neglectful ass father after they left, but pierce (right) was only a year or 2 younger than them, so they hoped he'd be able to leave soon too- taking harper (left) with him
so yeah harper (left) i think is probably around 16 or 17 now, having been 7 or 8 when captain left. since she was pretty young she didn't really know exactly why they left, and they didn't tell her either, so i'd say she probably resents them for it. she's a hotheaded edgy teen, classic rebel, you know the deal.
and then there's pierce (right), who's around 21 or 22 now, so he would've been 12 or 13 when they left. even if they didn't say a word to him before packing their bags and hopping a train at the asscrack of dawn, he knows exactly why they did. because being a kid and not only growing up, but having to parent your 2 younger siblings in your father's place, is hard. he basically had to take on their role as caretaker of harper when they left, being the second oldest, and that's how he realized. he doesn't resent them exactly, but he does wish they'd at least said goodbye. he's an outwardly chipper guy, and puts on a brave face even at the worst of times.
and they both did eventually get out of that house- pierce didn't leave as soon as he turned 14 like captain did (though cod, he wanted to) but when harper was old enough to be left home alone he got a job and saved up what he could to get himself and his younger sister out of there. and then when harper was 12 and he was 17, he got them both out of there. they might have gone somewhere else first, but i wanna say they probably ended up in splatsville, living in an apartment together with pierce doing what he can to support harper through school, and she does some turfing herself to help with rent and save up her own money so she can get her own place eventually.
i feel like the reason they probably haven't run into captain is that captain lives in inkopolis and only really goes to splatsville to visit rookie, and the last time they saw their siblings, neither of them were fully transformed yet, and they aren't so easy to recognize anymore themself. so if they've happened to pass each other on the street, it'd take more than just a cursory glance to realize just who they're passing. so it could definitely, and likely will, happen eventually. who's to say.
#ooc text#ooc img#headcanons#muse lore#jesus chirst this is a fucking novel and a half#but also i wanna say i think the reason captain is so fiercely loyal and 'no squid left behind' with their current found family#is because they'll die before repeating their perceived mistake with their siblings#tbcf to them they were only FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and were NOT equipped to raise 2 younger siblings#so it's fully understandable why they would dip as soon as they could from the situation.#they loved their siblings. they did everything they could. but they reached their breaking point. so they left that house before they broke#they DO feel a lot of guilt over it but they've never tried to go back and find them for multiple reasons- the guilt being one of them#but also when it comes to their father: i likely won't incorporate him into the blog in any way more than a mention or a flashback#he was a single father of 3 and he did an absolute shrimpshit job of it.#should've gotten help with parenting from someone OTHER than his oldest barely teenaged child#though he pushed the parenting role onto them long before they reached their teen years#anyway what the fuck am i talking about#wrote ANOTHER WHOLE ESSAY IN HTE TAGS I'M SORRY#I JUST HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS BACKSTORY I'VE BEEN CRAFTING FOR THIS SQUID BEHIND THE SCENES#but anyway my point with these tags is: it's a very complicated family dynamic#all these squids are fucked up but at least they're out of that house now#i DO want to incorporate them into the blog somehow i'm just not sure when/how yet
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 9 months
Coroika Gorai headcanons
Rider had typically been more closed off about his sexuality, for reasons he decided to keep to himself as they mostly originate from insecurities, but also because he actually hadn’t known he genuinely likes guys the way he thought he liked girls for the longest time in his life. It wasn’t until he was 15 in a half, and having gotten to know Goggles a lot more at the time did he realize that he likes guys in more ways he initially thought he did. It didn’t help when the devastating realization came to him that he had a crush on a specific blue idiot boy… a hard crush as a matter of fact. Like, I’m talking head over heels kind of stuff, Spiderverse Gwen syndrome. Mans is tripping on his own feet because he can’t stop thinking about that scatterbrain for the life of him. Goggles is in every corner of his mind, he’s in the reflections in the windows of the subway, his bubbly laughs can be heard through the soft breeze like bird song. Rider always looks at the Pilot Goggled buffoon’s empty hands, willing everything in himself not to take it and intertwine their fingers together like thread sewing fabric, and he clenches his own hands into tight fists whenever he’s away from him and the thought of hand holding comes to mind. He’s so in love, he wants to kiss that stupid little weirdo’s face it’s making him look like the biggest dumbass that’s ever been born-
Sorry I got a little too into it there I guess. Whether you wanna take all that seriously or not is your choice of poison.
Anyways, yeah, once Rider finds out he’s literally in love with the squid who deadass flashed him to the public during their first match back in the Plaza, it’s not going so well for him. Why in the world would he start getting all blushy and feely for that absolute moron? What possessed him into developing feelings for that over-ecstatic boy with tentacles as blue as the shining sea? With a goofy smile so bright that it rivals the very sun? With such inspiring optimism that Rider can only dream of possessing-
Oh, who was he kidding.
What makes it worse is that his crush on Goggles actually started back when he was teaching blue team how to train to fight against Skull, hence adding onto his seemingly territorial behavior on Gogs when Skull eagerly said he wanted to fight team blue again. Jealous much? Lmao. It gets even funnier when he and Goggles both end up crushing on Skull too BAHAHA (I believe in fixing love triangles/squares with the power of POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS. SKULLAMIGORAI FOR LIFE✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻)
For the longest time he tried to repel what he considered were “intrusive thoughts” of Goggles. He’d try gaslighting himself that he’s someone Goggles would never find that kind of interest in; maybe he already has someone else, like a guy or girl, he’s bi after all, isn’t he? He and Goggles would never work anyways, Rider’s personality was too serious to match with Goggle’s boisterous and colorful character even though he’d be willing to undergo any more bullsquit imaginable if it meant he’d get to spend the rest of his days with the blue buffoon. He doesn’t see him that way, they wouldn’t mesh well together, Goggles deserved to have someone nicer than he was, etc.
This kept going on for a little while, until eventually Aloha finds out—it’s a long story—and accidentally rats Rider out to his sister and momma—that’s an even longer story, and they both enthusiastically try to coerce him into confessing from there.
Aloha: “You should write him a song and play it for him-!”
Rider: “Bitch heeeeell no”
Rider’s mom: “why not make him something? Like bake a cake or a pie for him as a gift”
Rider: “did you forget what happened last time? what happened to having me banned from using the oven???”
This was all meanwhile Goggles was actually having a secondary crisis of his own. Not the extent Rider had, but all through the Turf War and Ranked Battle Tournaments to his journey with Sheldon to find the treasure, he’d been quite distracted needless to say.
Compared to Rider, Goggles was plenty more laid back and wasn’t shy about his sexuality, though he didn’t ever tell anyone his sexual/romantic orientation that much, so it lead to everyone believing that he was a gay squiddo—though he was really bi and had an equal preference for both boys and girls. There’s still not a lot of people who know he’s bi because he never tells anybody, and if he ever does it would be like discovering rare dialogue in a video game. Even though he has little interest in pursuing a love life, he still kinda had some hope in finding that special someone that he would get to spend the rest of his life with. He tried one time with a girl back in Inkopolis plaza (before the events of the manga) but it ended kinda rocky and he kinda tried to distance himself from relationships for a while until he moved on and kinda just went like “if it happens, it happens.”
Again, his crush was more mellow compared to Rider’s, or at least it started out mellow before eventually growing into a deep sweet longing for his companionship. Goggle’s crush started off typical, thinking that Rider was all handsome, strong, total dreamboat kinda guy. After they’d gotten to know each other some more, and upon moving to the Square did Goggles really have a thing for him. Even the rest of the blue team began to notice. His interest in him peaked when Rider stopped him before his battle against Team Emperor and told him “watch the next semi finals match closely. Because you’re gonna be facing against me in the finals.”
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Can you tell that these are my favorite panels because ho mine gosh
Goggles wasn’t as insecure as Rider was in terms of self esteem, but he also came up with the thoughts that Rider wouldn’t see him like that, too. He even worried that Rider would’ve been disgusted if he told him 😭. He wanted to at least keep their friendship together so he was just like “I like you a lot and I admire you to no end but I understand that it may never really come to that so I’ll just support you and admire you for all your grace from afar. 😁”
Hope you enjoyed this cuz now I’m eepy and I’m gonna take a nap. I’ve got college now and I didn’t get enough sleep last night because my adhd will never love me.
(Edited a few things in here. Hope you like the changes better!)
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lisa-russell · 1 year
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This classically trained, all-female 6-piece band creates jazz and samba-inspired battle music. They owe their unique sound to a blend of academic music theory and modern sensibilities. Ink Theory's eclectic approach makes them quite popular with young Inklings and middle-aged Inklings alike.”
— Live from the Squid Research Lab
Ink Theory is an all-female six-piece jazz band. The band has a history of classical training, with the members learning music since their childhood long before making their debut. Their songs were added in Version 2.0.0 of Splatoon 2.
.....Yoko is the band's trumpet player and frontwoman, though she sometimes feels overshadowed by the other members' personalities. She is an Inkling with a mutation that allows her tentacles to have multiple colors, but it rarely proves useful. She is described as often getting nervous before large productions. She also has a weakness to atmospheric pressure; on rainy days she is said to have a dead face and while she struggles in sunny weather as well, she is a hard worker and always gives a solid performance. She has a sister in high school.
In Splatoon 3, Yoko is a member of a new band called Yoko & the Gold Bazookas.
......Karen, the band's pianist, is a nautilus who graduated at the top of her class from a famous musical university. She has participated in overseas competitions and has won many awards, as well as offering emotional support to the band. She provides the band with a crisp atmosphere, and looks self-assured, though she worries that she is not loved by fans. She formed Ink Theory after being amazed by Hightide Era's music,[1] specifically by Taka, who was a senior at the same school.
......Zuzu, the kazoo player, is an Inkling who graduated from a famous music academy. She is closer to the public than the other members of the band, and is renowned for her beauty, often being considered the "flower" of the band. As a result of this, she gets a lot of attention, often being pulled in front of cameras. Fans address her with the Japanese honorific "-sama", which is used to address those one considers to be on a higher rank than oneself. She is a large spender but has never struggled much financially.
.....Oonie, the band's bassist, is a sea urchin, specifically Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. She grew up in a strict household with parents who are famous musicians. For a short while, she favored bands with a different musical style from her parents, but lately, she has been observing classical music in a new light. She is romantically inexperienced, often falling for self-degrading people.
.....Maya is the band's percussionist. She is a sea anemone who joined Ink Theory after graduating from a music academy. While her professor recommended she become a music instructor herself, she decided she would rather get experience creating her own music first. She mainly plays with Ink Theory but occasionally freelances percussion for other bands.
.....Kitamura is a sea urchin and the band's drummer. She acts as the band's mascot. She has a high singing voice and regularly follows new fads. She lives alone but pays close attention to her curfew.
They've only done 2 songs
Kinda surprised that a six-member band has only managed to create 2 songs, than again theirs so many other bands out there for them to compete with, like there rival band the BOTTOM FEEDERS. Funnily enough both of these bands debuted simultaneously and use classical instruments, but have conflicting styles. Not only that both bands rivalry fueled a performance of the ages. Ink Theory chose to participat in a battle of the bands where they faced off against the Bottom Feeders at a popular venue situated in Inkadia called ZAPP square.  Got no clue where this square is located, but it sounds like it was a blast to be at!
Yoko & the Gold Bazookas is a band in Splatoon 3. Their lineup consists of a trumpet (Yoko), trombone, and baritone saxophone, accompanied by a full rhythm section, as well as vocals. The band is a side project of Yoko and other members of Ink Theory. The band was formed when Yoko joined a jam session in Splatsville to test her skills. After getting along with the other musicians in attendance, they quickly formed a seven-member group.
As we all know by that 7th member is the mysterious and quite stylishly dressed Octoling Girl, who is highly likely based on the poisonous blue ringed octopus.
This band has three fresh and sizzling hot songs to their name...
Ska-Blam :
Three‐Ringed Circus:
Rockabilly Blues:
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t00nyah · 1 year
it's been more than a month since i teased those pics, and i finally finished! splat clans au idol designs!
if you're wondering: i drew squid sisters the last and they were....surprisingly difficult considering they're idols who i draw the most usually lol
this au is still very underdeveloped and i'm very open to your suggestions of names and such
you can find some info about the clans here and my first art post of this au here
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callie(really want to call her something like kestrelsong but dunno) and marie(marigoldshine? cause firefly squid?) are very important cats - callie just being a very talented and social warrior and marie being the medicine cat
as you may have guess marie gets some sort of a sign about a long forgotten clan going the dark path in need (this being octarian clan stealing all the herbs) and the cat who's able to save their clan(this being three), that causes them to form a traveling group all together for the prophecy
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well of course as usual marina(juniperpool? really want to name her after some herbs 'cause she was in a very good medicine cat in training and something that relates to her original name(pool is close to sea, right?...)) is a warrior of the said octarian clan who was brought to inkling clan by pearl(pebblespark?), a daughter of respected senior warriors, and is said to be just a very cool rogue friend of hers
marina is a very great help to her new clan due to her being a fast learner and a medicine cat apprentice in her past. she's very conviniently there when marie is away with some new prophecy, weirdly being too similar to the last one... (this prophecy is also fabricated this time. she made it up because it's still the same herbs problem, it has to be octarian clan...also where in the name of starclan are three and cuttlefish? ughhh probably shouldn't have let them go to the twolegs territories alone...)
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and of course deep cats! ahem. i meant. deep cut!
honestly. let me ramble a bit but while the other designs were inspired by the in-game designs mostly, with deep cut i actually had something to use as a reference. shiver is referenced from some mako shark images i found and frye is obviously referenced from moray eels. they also were A BIG PAIN IN THE ASS with trying to make them look at least a little bit genetically accurate before i gave up. i tried my best to make it somewhat based off cat genetics(cause i'm a cat genetics nerd) but. yeah. deep cut. (no big man you were the best one bc i could literally just use your in-game design as a reference you were a bliss thank cod big man exists) also i really want to point out bc i really love how i made frye's side scar long and wiggly looking a little like an eel and shiver's scars are meant to look like shark's gills.
AHEM. me rambling about designs aside.
deep cut are the splatland clan elite:
shiver(sharpstar?) is the leader. she has the charisma and she can keep her cool...kind of.
frye(no, no idea fr) is the deputy. she's very good at organising the patrols even though you would probably argue that frye could be the one to organise something, trust me, she just knows her stuff very well.
and, of course, big man(i literally can't come up with something not including 'big' in it directly HELP sadfgargagaw) is the medicine cat. with his pacifism and not really wanting to fight attitude it's probably quite obvious!
and of course they still descent from cats who've been living there since the very begginings of the clan!
separate versions under the cut
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tizzypizza · 1 year
do you have any splatoon ocs?
sure do, with more on the way! i can’t stop making these babies LMAO heres a rundown (btw tilly and nana are both failed squidsonas, they became their own ocs fhskdh):
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jackie•octoling•she/they•: born and raised in the tentatek region of splatsville with an intense appreciation for inkopolis and takarokan fashion. jackie’s got an insanely low social battery and they’re notably very shy, making faster friends with shopkeeps than they do with other inkfish. she rarely if ever competes in any turf games if she can help it, mostly wielding easier weapons like the vanilla splattershot jr.
nana•inkling•custom splattershot jr.•they/them: born in inkopolis and moved to splatsville at a young age, nana is a young up-and-coming musician with a passion for all things fusion. they’re notoriously very loud and impulsive, and will stay up until 3 am slamming on their drumset or plunking out tunes— much to the discomfort of their roommate. they’re a massive toni kensa fan and can’t bear being seen in anything but kensa gear, which has already run their thin musician pockets into the ground. they’ve tried for a kensa sponsorship so frequently despite their abysmal lack of competitive skill that they’ve already been blacklisted from several store locations, but they’re nothing if not stubborn. they spend many hours in the work week salmon running, hoping to earn enough to line their closet with even more kensa gear.
raccoon•inkling•variety chargers•they/them: raccoon is a splatsville native but has never followed too intensely into the rambunctious and colorful nature of their hometown, having lived the majority of their life selectively mute. out of all of the other cephalopods in my roster they’re by far the most competitively adept LMAO they’re a variety charger onetrick who sometimes flexes into blasters, and they’re a complete and utter deadshot. they land their shots so frequently that they tend to wear headgear that obscures their vision just to handicap themselves, which in turn helps them train. for their terrifying charger prowess they’ve got an equally terrifying visage— bright, unblinking yellow eyes with contracted pupils and a perpetual grin— but they’re actually a massive sweetheart with a cheeky sense of humor.
snow•octoling•vanilla splash-o-matic•she/her: snow is one of many octarian army defects spurred by the calamari inkantation. she was a relatively high ranking tactician/battle strategist, and she carries that same skillset into her competitive play. she’s very proper and curt, oftentimes rude in how she addresses her fellow teammates to the point that they joke that she never “mentally” defected. there is, however, a way into her heart: cute stuffed animals and squid sisters merchandise.
tilly•octoling•sloshing machine•she/her: tilly was born in the takarokan splatlands to all but neglectful parents. being left to fend for herself at a young age led her straight to a grizzco branch located out in the badlands, and she’s been doing nothing but salmon run since. she takes her job very seriously and is quick to scrutinize any less capable teammates (though not out loud). she spends most of her days stalking around grumbling to herself, shooting withering glares at any passerby unfortunate enough to have locked eyes with her.
heres the th https://toyhou.se/~characters/manage/folder:4394713 u can also see my ocs through the tizzylings tag sorry if my english got jumbled these waves are killing me
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hiroshotreplica · 10 months
also can u infodump about ur agents
hi i will but its kind of a lot. Putting a break on this cause its long
Alister's a chill but still serious guy. He used to play turf war and ranked a ton as a kid while also working as agent 3 for the new squidbeak splatoon. His parents are missing. Cuttlefish took care of him cause of that, kinda treated him like a grandson. He almost outranked callie and marie in terms of skill before he was partially sanitized. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself. The only medication he's willing to take is his antidepressants. He loves the squid sisters and has so much merch of them, mainly from his youth. He has no fashion sense and will walk out of the house in the worst outfit you've ever seen thinking he did ok. He renamed the nss to neo squidbeak splatoon when he was promoted to captain. He loves his boyfriend josh a lot, ignore the fact they tried to kill each other in their first encounter. They live together.
Zara is cheerful and seemingly confident. But she thinks of herself as a fraud and is worried about people finding that out. She's good at her job as agent 4 and more but she focuses on her mistakes a lot. She is really good at building and using computers and the like. Her laptop is enhanced by octarian technology, she has reverse-engineered it. She prefers making friends more than splatting enemies, but knows when she needs to stop being friendly. She used to have a celebrity crush on Pearl and Marina when she was young. It didn't stick but she still loves the two. She has worked with them and still does as a social media manager. She is a lot less involved in agent work than she was as a kid due to her job + being with her girlfriend but she still loves it.
Josh is really mysterious, but still very talkative and nice. He has a lot of repressed memories. He's glad he can't remember some of them. He used to be a trainee in the octarian military. The calamari inkantation changed his life. He used to be a lot more daring and reckless, but he'll never remember. He's agent 8 of the new squidbeak splatoon. Something's wrong with him, but he's okay. He has a special interest (inkling culture) that he studies a lot. He isn't the best at socializing sometimes. He's loved alister since the two were stuck in the deepsea metro. He likes wearing most clothing, except for things that are tight. He loves loose, baggy sweaters. It took him awhile to do agent work, but he's good at it. He still can't play turf war matches with pink and teal as the ink colors without feeling dread. Ink bombs scare him a little.
Orion is a bit of a loner. He was recruited as agent 7, by his own request mainly. He's an old friend of josh, though josh doesn't remember that much, and josh seems like a completely different person. He worked in the octarian military until the domes stabilized. He mainly did it for his family, who he still visits often, no matter how awful travelling conditions are. He values connections the most despite insisting on going on missions alone often. He has a bit of an ego due to his experience. It won't ever hurt him though. He wants to train the new agents, though they're hard to work with. He doesn't mind.
Violet is the most energetic of the group. They feel a lot of pressure being neo agent 3, they have a feeling captain alister did a lot as agent 3, from what they've heard. They were an orphan that learned to survive in the wilderness with their best friend, scope. They got help from another soon-to-be close friend, too, and want to repay them by secretly letting them explore alterna (that will definitely go well). They love alterna. They hate the fuzzy ooze. Theyve been partially infected by the fuzzy ooze, though this doesnt show too much. Mr. grizz considered them partially mammalian when the two first met. They hated that. They want to be a pro splatterscope player when theyre older. They love the z+f one in particular. They do aim drills with their friends. They love their friends dearly.
Scope is quite rowdy but still well meaning. He had gotten lost from his family while on a salmon run, and violet had found him. He couldn't have asked for a better friend. He doesn't know his original name, he feels bad about it, he wants to learn about his culture. He's agent 5 for the neo squidbeak splatoon. He helps out violet on missions. He was apart of a family of stingers, and strives to be one himself. He really wants to work with violet as snipers some day.
I have an agent 6 in the works, but ill talk about them later
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splatoonkirby · 1 year
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(Artist credit in the Alt text!)
I’ve been blessed with art of my ship!! Kat is shorter but she is the kind that would climb up on a crate to woo her octo gf. Story in read more
It is another warm day in the Splatlands, Tempest comes out of the turf war hub after spending the day grinding turf war to continue building up her savings. She needs every cent she can get, Captain Kit's sister, Agent 4 Kat, has a birthday soon and she wants to give her a gift that will make the small squid smile brightly.
Just the thought of her smile makes Tempest blush and her heart begin to race. But she can't linger in the fantasy for long, she still hasn't found the gift itself. Its hard to buy something for someone who seems to have everything, and has enough money to never really worry about being without. Tempest is still getting use to Kat spoiling her with rather extravagant gifts. She wants to be able to give Kat something just as great as shes received from her.
She gets onto a train to head away from the battle hub, toward the shopping distract outside of the battle district. She gets off and begins window shopping looking for something that would be the perfect gift for the tiny country squid. Tempest began to get a feeling of being watched, she stares into the window glass of a shop in front of her watching the crowd until she spotted them.
The Twins, Kirby, and Kirby, or Kib and Kibby as they allow Tempest to call them, where trying to blend in across the street. Curious to what the twin Agent 8's where up to with following her she decides to make things a little more interesting. She begins walking catching sight of the two scrambling to follow her as she picks up her pace crossing the street in front of them she goes between the buildings with the two quickly after her.
Tempest makes a jump up the buildings to the first ledge she could and waited to see if the duo would follow, not nearly as gracefully as herself Kib was thrown up onto the ledge by his sister in Octo form and once there Kibby was able to super jump to him. Both panting out of breath, and Tempest amused by the younger octolings as usual. She gets them to sit down and catch their breath before explaining themselves.
'We just happened to see you,' Kib started, and Kibby picked up 'And we wanted to see what you where up to!' 'And practice some of the 'sharking' technique you showed us last time we worked together in a turf war match!' 'How'd you notice us?' Tempest smiled, and ruffled their hair with her hands. 'I recognized you in the glass window of the shop.' 'Sooooooo-' Kibby started, and Kib asked. 'What are you getting Little big sis?'
Tempest sighed blushing lightly. 'I... haven't found the right gift for Agent 4 yet.' The twins smirk and giggle. and teasingly speak in unison. 'You can't even say her naa-me!' Tempest rolled her eyes and playfully bopped both octolings. 'You two keep that to yourselves. What is between her and I, is just that, between her and I. And not a word to her that I'm out here searching for a gift for her. Its a surprise. She had told me no gifts but that just doesn't feel right to me. Not after all shes done for me.'
The Twins nod giggling. 'Big sis, Kat'll love anything you get for her.' Kibby told Tempest. 'Yeah!' Kib added. 'But what if we help you out?' 'Help how?' 'Well Little big sister is in this distract right now.' Kibby explained as Kib continued 'We can keep tabs on her for you and keep her away so you can get her the perfect gift!' Tempest nods standing up. 'Then you have your missions Agents 8!' Both spring up in salutes at Tempest saying. 'Yes boss!' then sprang off to locate Kat.
Tempest sighs smiling and shaking her head and made her way back down and returned to browsing spending the rest of the day in and out of shops. The sun was setting and Tempest had failed today again, she knows she has more time but she is feeling at a real loss now.
The twins hadn't been of much help on the gifts front but did keep Kat from seeing Tempest, until Tempest was waiting for the next train back out to the battle district so she could make her way home. The twins seeing the dejected Tempest with Kat spill the secret to the little squid. The three hurry over and the twins act as steps up so Kat could better get Tempest's attention.
'Tempest.' Kat's cheerful voice makes the Octoling perk up, and then squeak in surprise finding the Inkling was above head height with the Twin's giving her a boost up. Tempest isn't able to focus on that as Kat reaches out gently stroking Tempest's hair. 'Hey look at me a second.' Kat smiles as she stares into Tempest's eyes. 'You're the perfect gift for me Tempest.'
Tempest won't remember what happened next, as all the blood rusted to her head and she fainted. Kat managed to grab her as the Twins shout 'YOU BROKE HER!'
Kat smiles and sighs holding her fainted girlfriend up and pulls her onto the train with the Twins. 'Come on, lets get Tempest home so she can rest."
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seffien · 1 year
(finally getting off my ass and writing this out)
Mwahaha fool. Ask the devil and they shall answer. (So it doesn't look like I'm just torturing your oc's without YOUR permission)
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Here is how The Suffering plays out.
I've gone back and reread some lore and came up with a few things. First, what has Miko's(8) greatest fear been?
A: Being a soldier. Or rather, becoming like those she grew up around. A hate filled octarian trained to be let loose on the enemy.
So she leaves Alterna. A bag on her back with the few remaining possessions she has, her phone, and the charger. All she has to do is check Squitter™️ to find Veronika(n3), and wow. What a nice friend group she has. (The promo kids)
She had friends once. She only got Squitter because Masu(4) egged her and Jun(3) to keep in touch while they were away in Splatsville. She scrolls their dead accounts. The most recent photo is Koko riding her squee-g.
She trembles, then remembers. "She's safe." Jun had left her with Callie before...
She gags. She has to push forward. They'll be avenged soon enough. She starts by friending the two crazy ones. They seem to have some sort of beef with Veronika, but regardless. She's found a route in.
Annie loves her. Finally, the anti-ronnie squad is 3 strong!
But Tako is IMMEDIATELY put off. She knows crazy, sees it in her bestie, but the look in Miko's eyes isn't that. It's calculated. Analytical. She wants something from them.
After maybe their 3rd hangout Tako finally confronts her after Annie leaves. "You don't just hate her, you loathe her."
They bicker back and forth in an alley until Tako finally sees it. The ragged clothes, her bag hidden behind a dumpster, The dead look in Miko's eyes as she tries to keep it together. 'She's psychotic'.
Tako threatens to out her intentions, tries to run out the alley, but Miko acts instinctually. The sickening crack of the charger piercing Tako's helmet shakes her, as she watches the girl fall limp to the floor.
Her medical training kicks in. Checks vitals, assesses the wound. She knows it's fatal before she even touches the body.
She sits there for hours clutching herself. Rocking back and forth trying to close reopened trauma, all while whispering "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." to the body in front of her.
She knows she can't be caught. Not yet. Successfully shoving her emotions in a bag, she gazes down at Tako's body and picks up their phone, and what appears to be apartment keys. 1 down, 7 to go. She's smart, she'll figure something out.
Days later, the garbage truck finds Tako's slowly dissolving body in the dumpster. By then, few remain.
The news of a deliberate murder is shocking. Deep cut, unaware of what happened, go back to Alterna. The graves. The demolished equipment. Slowly, Marie & Craigs cover up slowly unravels.
Marina calls Callie, for once she answers. Miko blocked both her and Pearl's number, and they don't know what's happening. Guilt-ridden and desperate to spill everything, she confesses about Masu's death.
Both Deep cut and Off the Hook converge on the Squid Sisters.
Hiro doesn't know why his friends are being targeted, but he's scared. He made his way to Ronnie's apartment because now she wasn't responding. He knocks on her door, but after no response he breaches his way in.
Horrified and on the verge of taking her own life sits Veronika on her bed. Tears streak her face, her heroshot tightly gripped in hand. Hiro desperately tries to comfort her, but can't make sense of what she's rambling about.
Her fault? She deserves this?
Concerned, he offers her to stay over at his place. "You don't deserve to be alone right now." As he helps her pack to leave, she screams. He swiftly turns around.
Standing and glaring them down through the broken doorway is Miko. "I found you."
ANYWAYS tune in next time where I try to write a happier prompt~ :DDDD
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demonoflight · 2 years
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I mentioned before when I first drew Riff, my New Agent 3, that they don’t have parents and instead have a found family consisting of a bunch of kids sticking together to survive in the Splatlands. I decided to draw The Fam as practice since I want to draw more inklings and octolings and boy there sure are a lot of them in this group.
Aside from Riff (and Buddy!), The Fam consists of Caspian, Sepia, Creek, Wade, Delfi, Bay and Gon. More information about each of the kids under the cut::
Caspian: Inkling, age 18. Quiet and dependable, he’s the one always making sure everyone in The Fam is dressed and fed and doing their homework. He isn’t good with any weapons bar the Jet Squelcher, so he works part time at Hagglefish Market. He’s also part of the Splatsville festival setup crew. He really just wants to work at an office...
Sepia: Octoling, age 17. She met Caspian seven years ago after she ran away from home (do not ask her about it) and they’ve been inseparable ever since. She’s very spirited and caring, and is the one who makes all the purchases for The Fam and manages their money - very good with numbers. She’s a Turf Wars and Salmon Run fiend and the only one who will touch Ranked matches (Charger main).
Creek: Octoling, age 15. A laid back artistic type. He recently won a full scholarship to Inkblot Art Academy’s high school extracurricular program and while he’s stoked about it, he’s embarrassed that Caspian and Sepia won’t stop calling him “our little artist”. He’s good at Turf Wars (Roller main), but enjoys working Salmon Runs a lot more as they’re a lot more challenging and inspiring.
Riff: Inkling, age 14. New Agent 3! And Buddy the smallfry, age 3, his trusty partner. Currently they’re trying to figure out how to tell the others they're tight with the Squid Sisters and Deep Cut without revealing the whole “saving the world” thing. (Inkbrush main)
Wade: Inkling, age 13. Though he has attained full control of his humanoid form earlier than usual, he’s not legally old enough for Turf War. He’s too sweet and gentle to be good at it anyway. He’s very good at Tableturf Battle, though! He’s an avid reader and has a good eye for scrap that would sell well.
Delfi: Inkling, age 9. Wade’s biological little sister. They lost their parents in a train accident four years ago and ended up with The Fam when their extended family refused to take them in. Though soft-spoken, she’s very positive and independent. She enjoys all sorts of sports and loves watching Clam Blitz matches (yeah, I know), and is currently learning how to skate.
Bay: Octoling, age 7. While she technically lives with her grandparents, they’re busy all day at Hagglefish Market and asked Caspian if he could watch over her whenever he’s off work, so she’s very much part of The Fam. She’s excitable and friendly and loves singing and making origami.
Gon: Inkling, age 3. They were abandoned at the Scorch Gorge train station and didn’t know anything about themselves but their name and age, so The Fam took them in (though legally they’re under the care of Bay’s grandparents). They’re a bit shy, but will drop anything for a chance to pat a cute nudibranch. They’re a voracious eater.
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fantomesplat · 1 month
My Splatoon Idol Ocs- Synthetic Cephalopods!
Amph- octoling (coconut octopus)- 20- Charger Born underground Best friends with Marin, idolizes mariana Only has one working eye- changes with her ink color
She loves all types of technology and science, but prefers singing and lyric making. Loves listening to Synth music but not good at making it herself. Looks very intimidating and has major rbf, but is really nice once talking to her. Doesn't really display her emotions but has been trying to be more expressive after becoming an idol. Mostly just comes off as shy though. Was born middle class in the underground of octo city. She was always very good in the intelligence aspect of the army, but was very frail and weak. She had to be on the field once but she didn't have the proper training or equipment, and her eye got shot. She was always treated as less then and we never wanted for anything on any fields. When all the octolings started leaving she took it as her chance and left as well. On the surface she looked for something to do to cover her eye when she came across recreational battling. She heard people singing on streets and she did the same, that being how she was making money. She saved enough money for a splatterscope and did really well. She was so happy to finally not be holding her team back. As she was singing one time, Marin found her. She loved her singing and showed her one of her tracks. This is how they became friends.
Marin- inkling- 19- Octobrush Born In a very urban city a while away. Best friends with Amph, Looks up to the Squid sisters. Was on team order despite it being one of her first splatfests. Loves anyalizing reading and literature, but cant for the life of them write it herself. Is super expressive, almost as if she was born to be an idol. Is great at managing her excitement and anger and making it appealing to an audience, despite her actually having a short temper in real life and also being kind of sarcastic. Still deeply cares for her friends and family though.
Was born in a big city but it was very neat. She always stood out for her very unique clothing growing up. She became obsessed with the squid sisters and wanted to be musicians like them. She experimented with music a lot and then later got really good at synthesizing. She loved composing songs and was able to get lyrics but she never picked up by herself. She heard Amph singing and begged her to do a song with her. After promising she would pay her, Amph agreed. They ended up working together and became best friends. She inspired her to get out more and eventually they picked up traction.
After their debuet song, Electric waves, came out, they decided to make more music, and name themselves the Synthetic Cephalopods. or Synth-pods for short. They made many more songs like Ink ceiling, Electric waves, Psychic squids, Delta energy, and Honorary tidels. They also have decent solo careers, with their main songs being, Amph solo- Missing perspective, and Marin solo- Better with you.
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