#the shining spoilers
2008hondacivic · 8 months
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hiiii here are some drawings for a Yellowjackets/The Shining AU. Basically just YJ characters in outfits from The Shining / stills from The Shining (+ the symbol in lieu of “redrum”). There’s a lot more I wanted to do with this - maybe when I have more time I can draw the rest of the characters?? I have ideas for Tai and Laura Lee and Van and Misty…
anyway here’s my thoughts on what the story would be like:
(also note that I read the book more recently than i’ve seen the movie but the two have kinda blended together in my head)
So Lottie has similar abilities to Danny in The Shining. premonitions, etc. she “shines”
Tai (and maybe Laura Lee?) also has supernatural abilities. I say maybe Laura Lee bc in The Shining, Danny’s mentor also “shines”. Laura Lee is definitely a bit of a mentor to Lottie… but Laura Lee would have a Catholic™️ explanation for Lottie’s abilities
Tai would repress her abilities the most, being as rational as she is
I think Shauna is the most like Jack in The Shining (but not really bc that's such an insult to her)… I can see how the hotel’s evil vibes would impact her the most because she holds on to a lot of resentment
ok, so how did the girlies end up at the Overlook hotel?
Like Danny, Lottie had an imaginary friend as a child (who turns out to be her adult self, just like Danny's friend "Tony" is actually adult Danny). Recently, she's been seeing this "imaginary" friend again in her dreams, and seeing a strange symbol... (I really gotta draw this so I can draw Simone Kessell as a cool vision)
I was thinking that during the Nationals qualifying game, Lottie has a bad feeling about what would happen should they go to Nationals... so she interferes and stops Jackie from scoring (I guess she'd be close enough to block the shot)
Everyone is mad at Lottie, and her rich ass dad decides to fund a training trip for the team to make it up to the school/team. He gets a good deal to send the team to the Overlook hotel for a week during the beginning of the time period where the hotel is typically closed to guests (the hotel would have to have a good soccer field in this AU, but also bc its up in the mountains they could do altitude training there).
The coaches would have to tend to the boiler room / perform Jack's caretaking duties from The Shining while they're staying there. I think Shauna would help out, and she'd find the scrapbook documenting the hotel's murderous history. As a journal girl herself, she'd be interested in the scrapbook and the hotel's history (like Jack, that's how she'd get corrupted by the evil hotel).
I could see Van also taking an interest in the hotel's history, because she loves a good story. She'd drag Taissa around the hotel to explore and try to uncover its history.
Of course, the snow storm from The Shining would come early, unexpectedly trapping them all at the hotel. Shining shenanigans ensue, etc.
Like Jack, Misty would sabotage their attempts to escape the hotel bc she's having so much fun with the girls... she'd dump the fuel to the snowmobile, etc.
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sacred-deers · 3 months
Petscop Rant: Marvin
!!! Possible Petscop / The Shining spoilers
Marvin is one of the most interesting antagonists I know of. I like to think of him as the Jack Torrance of Petscop. Not in his actions but in how I feel about him. It's easy to feel bad for him; his best friend went missing, and he never got closure. You stop feeling bad for him the second you start seeing the receiving end of his guilt. Like yeah, what happened to your wife's sister was horrible, but don't negatively change your kid's lives in a way that can never be undone.
The windmill accident needs to be talked about more. In a text box directed to Marvin, Rainer asks him "what he did" during the accident. Maybe Marvin played a larger role, but then again, why would he wait for his missing friend every day if he was involved in her disappearance?
Marvin's interactions with Paul really help imagine what he's like. The "HERE I COME" scene is one of the most iconic, and rightfully so. It raises so many questions that I can't comment on it any further because I haven't figured it out yet! Again, what an interesting character.
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synthsays · 6 months
Did I ever tell you about how I love the 1998 Miniseries "Stephen King's : The Shining" ?
It's so good!
I know a lot of people say that the book version of the shining isn't that great and that the 1980 Stanley Kubrick movie is the best adaptation of the story, but personally I disagree. Sure, the 1980 movie is great and is a genuinely good scary movie, but the backstories of the characters are practically erased to make room for the scary factors. Really large parts of the plot are rewritten as well. I think the book was great, and the miniseries is so much closer to the book plot wise, character-castings wise AND setting wise. The ending of the book and miniseries is 1000% better than the 1980's one was. ⚠ Spoilers Below ⚠ check the miniseries out on Internet Archive, the book on Libby or at the library and the 1980 movie on Vudu or else where!
In the book and miniseries Jack Torrance still has some chance at redemption, even from the beginning. Sure, the first sentence of the book is him calling his employer a prick, but that's because he was being pretty rude and picky. One of my favorite things about the book/miniseries is the croquet mallet. I don't know why but it's just so much more silly and cool than the boring axe. Croquet Mallet my beloved <3. Jack's internal conflict with his dad and alcohol problems, etc. are also really intresting to watch. The scrapbook explaining the hotel's history was very important to the whole plot, because it explained the whole reason Jack went over his breaking point, but the 1980 movie just deleted that whole post point, which is very annoying. Danny's "imaginary friend" Tony is never explained in the 1980 movie, but turns out to be Danny's older self somehow talking to him in the miniseries. I'm not sure if it says Tony was older Danny or not in the book. I'm biased but Jack Torrance is %1000000 more silly in the miniseries. I know it's controversial and that he's kind of a terrible person but he's just a silly guy when he's not trying to kill his family. The party guests... now that's a whole nother story. Wolfman is certainly an intresting character, but is clearly a scare factor. For context, Wolfman is a party guest in a wolf mask and tail that scares Danny a lot. Instead of a hedge maze, which is no where to be found in the book or miniseries, there a hedge animals, which come to life and attack Jack, Danny, and Mr. Halloran. Jack is writing a play, much like in the 1980 movie, called "The Little School" I'm not sure how much the plot of it is described in the book. Also, Jack was a teacher at a school before he was the caretaker at The Over look. I say *was* because he was fired and fighting a student in the parking lot (the student *did* slash his tires but that not and excuse ;-;) he was an English teacher and the sponsor for the speech and debate club. Wendy, now Wendy is just a silly lil gal. She's trying her best to just get by and she is just not doing to great. Obv she doesn't trust Jack with Danny too often bc Jack broke Danny's fucking arm (not *really* on purpose but he was still drunk blah blah blah) and Wendy still has her knife in the book & miniseries. She hits Jack over the head with a croquet ball instead of a bat, but croquet balls are pretty heavy so it did as much damage. Going back to Jack's problem with his dad I mentioned earlier. We find out through the book that Jack's dad wasn't the best of guys, if you catch my drift, but I think Jack still tried to impress him before he died and all. Because the hotel is rather off grid, located in the mountains, the Torrance family's only mode of communication is a CRT Radio. The hotel makes Jack hallucinate that his dad's voice is coming from the radio and that he's saying Jack is weak etc. Etc. Jack is having a pretty much mental breakdown and responds with " you're supposed to be dead! Stay Dead!" Before smashing the CRT radio with the previously mentioned croquet mallet. This cuts off the Torrance family's communication but it is also a very intriguing scene to watch. OMFG <- I just realized something.
So, the whole scene in room 217 (in the 1980 movie its a different number but I'm too lazy to look it up) Danny is strangled by the ghost/poltergeist of the lady who died in that room. So obv Danny has bruises on his neck. Jack is yelling at him from down stairs because Danny stole the room key and he wasn't supposed to do that. Cue Wendy running and and both her and Jack run up to get Danny. Once Wendy gets to Danny and sees his bruises, she immediately accused Jack of doing it. Later in the living room/common room/ whatever room Danny is still in major shock from being strangled obv and Wendy is kind of rocking him back and forth. Suddenly Danny snaps out of his trance and starts yelling "It was her it was her!" (Refering to the lady in room 217) but since he was in Wendy's lap and jumps out and runs over to Jack. Jack notices a lipstick mark on Danny's cheek (again, from the lady in room 217) and immediately turns to Wendy and asks if she did it. THIS IS WHERE MY AU COMES IN. I PRESENT...
The Role Swap AU: The Shining Edition
Wendy is the one to go insane because of her anxiety instead of Jack w/ his alcoholism.
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actualcryptid3 · 3 months
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
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he's coming to get ya! 😱😱😱
wip/sketch underneath
(click 4 higher quality plz)
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this is the best axe i can draw i swear also yes i did originally sketch this in my school book😭
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typeface-no-9 · 7 months
I've noticed that most of the horror lit I've read doesn't really scare me. Like, from the shitty teen horror novels about demons and schools for troubled girls I picked up in the teen section at the library once I turned 13 to the fucking Shining. Which is immensely disappointing.
But, I have noticed that when it's "something" that it does scare me. A matter of undefined and something and someone and the unknown. Danny's friend Tony in the Shining freaked me out. The rest of the book was ok, sorta fun even, but not scary. But there was such a nebulousness about Tony, like he's something for sure, but I couldn't tell if he was malevolent or not. The hedge animals weren't shit. But when Tony was calling out Daannnyyyyy, Daaaaannnyyyyy, it got me. I thought he was the scariest part of the book.
And not to mention (sorry) the last bit of the first Twilight book where there's "something" there. Something or someone, the details are a little hazy. But I remember being surprised at it because it scared me. It got my brain going. Something there but no way to find out what it is,, delicious.
Also in this category, though not a book, is the one episode of Cowboy Bebop, where the characters investigate a ghost signal sent from decades before the show takes place (something like that. pretty sure it's ep 14). I loved that one, it creeped me tf out.
Probably connected to this situation is the whole "something in the water" thing. It's something and it's doing something, but what is it, on both counts? Something about it scratches my brain. Something something corporate horror. I love it.
Not required reading for this post but additional rambling down here:
Technically, you can usually get me w a good jumpscare, ie that one scene in The Rise of Skywalker in the fallen death star where Rey's .... pointy toothed scary clone hallucination pops out. Also successful scares include the ghosts in Crimson Peak. But it's like I grew out of the scare effect as I got older. I remember not being able to sleep after reading the story in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, where some kid finds a random toe sticking out of the ground and the family eats it for dinner and the thing that it belongs to comes back at night and goes like "wheres my toeeeee". I was 7-8. It was also around that age, maybe a little younger, when I watched the first Harry Potter movie, which was very scary to me.
When I read Misery, which I'd heard was one of the scariest books folks had ever read, it was very.. unscary. I'm sure if I got my hands on Stephen King as a younger person that stuff would have absolutely fucked with me. But apparently that horror format doesn't do it for me, anymore. Probably a good thing I didn't read any of his stuff before my late teens, though, because I'm not sure how that would have affected my perception of/experiences with the portrayal of sex, violence, fatphobia, misogyny, etc. Finally, I am in a place where I can read the most proclaimed horror of all time without worrying I won't get into heaven, but I am also in a place where it's just not scary to me. Like what a damn ripoff. Did I just have too many experiences where I feared for my very soul and thought I was tainted and that context just.. nulled horror lit to me? Like did my brain just go like, yeah that's nice and all but I've seen worse? I mean, probably not, but jeez. I'd really love to read a good scary book. But I have not yet found one. My suspension of disbelief is broken, yall.
I mean, back to the Shining, moving hedge animals would be absolutely terrifying irl! Like what a legitimately scary situation to be in, honestly. I'd have to go to therapy for that. Animals made out of bushes around a playground moving when you aren't looking, chasing you, and it's so absurd and freaky and I'm sure it would have you questioning your sanity. Are you really seeing what you're seeing? Like, what the hell. And that's tame in comparison to the other events of the book. Wendy and Danny 100% needed thousands of dollars of therapy after getting out of that hotel. But unfortunately I was fine almost the entire time (thanks Tony).
It is what it is. Back to my fear of somethings, I guess.
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sainztander · 9 months
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ace-lemonade · 2 months
their love and trust and struggle to survive fueling their desperation to keep going - I'm never recovering from this
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bright-molina · 1 month
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poetic cinema ✨✨✨
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lokiusly · 6 months
the sun can’t shine on Loki anymore so now they shine the sun on Mobius
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sunshine-zenith · 10 months
Something about Ambrosius’s reaction to cutting off Ballister’s arm
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He drops his sword and looks like his mind went off line before doing a hard reboot. He acted on his lifelong training before he could process that the weapon he was “disarming” was attached to the man he loves. He looks dumbfounded and horrified, and sure some of that is probably “oh shit the queen is dead” and “did my boyfriend just murder someone?”
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This face, the way he looks at Ballister here. I’m not seeing “what did you do?!” I’m seeing “What have I done?!”
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lokiiied · 6 months
so…the god who’s biggest fear is “i don’t want to be alone” and who “never wanted a throne” has now resigned themself to a lifetime in solitude. on a throne. making an ultimate sacrifice so that everyone else can live.
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don’t fucking talk to me.
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dokidokitsuna · 2 months
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Imagine, if you will, the bad end to Side Order: Overlorder wins, everyone is pulled into the Memverse and loses their free will, and what was once a therapeutic VR space becomes an existential prison, grinding down countless souls into passionless sludge.
What ‘PUNISHMENT’ awaits the protagonist now…?
Oddly enough, they remain themselves-- Agent 8’s rebellious spirit must be definitively crushed before they are allowed into the normal workings of the World of Order. So they are locked in the Spire and given a task: complete all 30,000 floors without dying once (no hacks, after all) and they will be “freed”. Of course, each time they fail, they must start over from 1F.
The overwhelming challenge comes with a greatly expanded palette, but even as it becomes more saturated, the strength of their enemies increases in turn, far past the limits of the laws of physics, or even the laws of time and space. The further they go, the harder it becomes to even comprehend what’s going on around them, let alone react quickly enough to win.
But Agent 8 is nothing if not determined. The hope of being freed, and at least being able to learn what happened to Marina, Pearl, Acht, and the rest of the world, is all they have left.
For now they are totally isolated, with only a standard-issue drone and the cries of the Jelletons for company. As far as they know, they are the only sentient being within the Spire…
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xofemeraldstars · 18 days
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9-1-1 -> 7x5 ❝ you don't know me ❞
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
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(click 4 higher quality <3)
sketch underneath
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you cant tell but i added a 5 o'clock shadow on jack >:(
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hannahhasafact · 9 months
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Currently losing my goddamn mind regarding the new D20 season announcement
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