#the problem with the ‘1000 year old demon in a child’s body’ is that the narrative presents them as essentially a kid still
itsrocketsurgery · 21 days
ngl chilchuck age discourse feels like it’s getting way too close to the idea of being “minor coded”
like yeah, he looks younger than he is but he’s also married, is considered a veteran at his job, has 3 daughters who are all working age, etc.
a real world example would be… uh… me?
i am 22 i turn 23 later this year and according to most people i still look 16
but also i’m a senior in college i have a car and an apartment with my name on the lease i’m responsible for my own debt and i live in a separate city from my parents and any other family members (i have for the past 4 years) and i’m doing just fine taking care of myself
are you saying that despite me being an adult that i should be treated like a teen because i look like one?
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vixxelle · 10 months
Hey Raye! Is it okay if you can explain to me what's wrong with Lore Olympus? I've never read that webtoon before but I see it all the time because of how crazy popular that webtoon is. I'm just curious and want to be educated on it if you don't mind.
Hoollyyy shiiiit I have no idea what to tell you.
Okay first off, the comic handles serious topics and trauma terribly. It treats things like Persephone’s SA and Hade’s being a domestic abuse victim as drama fuel that is only put in for shock value and to come off as ‘deep’. And with the six traitors, they paint Zeus as having no trauma because his siblings were physically scarred by Kronos while he wasn't. Even though MENTAL TRAUMA FUCKING EXISTS.
(And as someone who has mental trauma despite having an good childhood, that fucking pisses me off)
Persephone is constantly drawn like a child and infantilized while being so sexualized I felt like I was watching a porno straight out of Wattpad.
Hades is a 1000-year-old man dating Persephone, A FUCKING 19 YEAR OLD. A LITERAL TEENAGER.
The comic’s constant slut shaming of women and hyping up Persephone as “The Perfect Woman”. Along with REALLY BAD body diversity and the demonizing of aging.
Constantly pitting women against each other (usually for a man).
Persephone is treated like a special lil princess because she is a “Fertility Goddess”. That alone is weird as fuck, why does she need to be a fertility goddess??? Can't she be a ‘Creation Goddess’ or just the regular ‘Goddess of Spring’??? And that fucking sounds like a poorly disguised fetish…
Hypocrisy GALORE!
Persephone using her body and sex appeal to get what she wants is good and empowering but when someone else does it it's shameful.
It's totally fine for Persephone to start an affair with Hades despite him dating Minthe but when Leuce tries to seduce Hades it's perfectly fine to destroy her house and threaten to kill her.
It's totally okay that Persephone gets special treatment and paid despite being an intern while the rest of Hade’s employees are paid in peanuts. And if you got a problem with that, then you have some issues to work out yourself! It's TOTALLY fine for your boss to act unprofessionally and favor his mistress while paying his employees and slaves nothing!
It's totally okay for Hades to financially/emotionally abuse Minthe and cheat on her with Persephone! Persephone is hotter, a fertility goddess, and PURE unlike Minthe the frumpy, small-chested, dirty nymph WHORE! It's totally fine for Persephone to screw up her relationship and torture/murder her by turning her into a plant!
It's totally fine for Hades to abuse Thantanos, his adopted son! He gave him a roof over his head and a job, which means he has every right to treat him like shit for daring to criticize his darling Persephone!
Persephone kidnapping Zeus’ newborn after he gave birth is totally fine! Zeus was going to give his son to those horrible nymphs to raise! Dionysus will totally be safe with a woman who neglects him to abuse the working class and a blue, long-nosed, abusive flat out pedophile who fetishizes flower nymphs (especially nymphs that look like Persephone) and smokes 24/7!
Literally ANYONE who even slightly criticizes Persephone or Hades is treated like a monster no matter how right they are.
Very bad and limited LGBTQ+ representation.
Comic claims to be ‘Tackling Purity Culture’ despite villainizing women who are promiscuous, painting nontraditional and/or nonmonogamous relationships as bad, and having characters only stick to old-fashioned gender roles and monogamous relationships.
The art in this comic gradually deteriorated from being stylistically cute and interesting from Season one to looking like a mix between the corporate Youtube artstyle and kindergarten art in Season 2-3.
And finally, butchering Greek Mythology by demonizing Demeter for rightfully being worried about her daughter dating a man that can pass off as his dad, turning Apollo into a rapist, turning Leuce into a sugar baby gold digger when she was originally Hades’ first wife, and saying that mortals would ask Persephone and Hades to bless their marriage when IT WAS HERA, THE LITTERAL GODDESS OF MARRIAGE.
So yeah 0/10, do not recommend, absolute trash.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Epilogue (2/2)
"3 Years later..."
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Three years passed. It's been three years since the battle with Dark Nebula and Dulk Fakis. But still, I heard troubles that those pesky Gorgon Witches were responsible for the outcomes on bringing heartless to destroy the legacy. But I guaranteed that you went through all age progressin coming along your then Maki. So how's the age progession of 19-year old girl coming along, Maki?
Maki Oze : Not yet, Shinra. Although, I did get into age progression that I was given protein of a hot muscular being. So I took the power of God's fitness and gave the body of a 19-year muscle girl. So it's best the Kusakabe legacy that you created was about to be overthrown. So can it explain that it wants to be overthrown. Luckily, before the 2010s begins and right before the winter olympics Canada, there is one explanation about one thing. Are you willing to reunite Tamaki after she went back into her past of being a kid again? She did got into age progression when she took the body of a 17-year old as well. I believe it was called the God of Fitness. The God of Fitness, It's the title of an individual who is skillful talented, and muscular that is being they call it a God, it's what people worshipped over the muscular bodies.
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Really? That's a weird fact about crazy mad stories like that. God of Fitness you say? Are you telling me, that I have been stuck as a worthless lifeform from a video game world and you talking into that all of that age progress would make you a God of fitness! That sounded like Tamaki would say? But who's going to be the next God of Fitness? Even though, there is Fire God of Fitness that is very fitting for a person to become like one, who is going to be.
Maki Oze : Check it out. (shows a photo of Tamaki as a 17-year old girl) This is her, during age progression. It turns out that Tamaki has chosen the body of a God that brings fitness to her 17-year old body. But there one teensy-weensy problem. Despite this, Tamaki Kotatsu may have the body of a 17-girl, but she's only still a kid.
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : What the hell? How did age progression from the 06 happened?
Maki Oze : I believe this might be the work of the Time Eater, we don't know why it made Tamaki Kotatsu returning to her 17-year old body, but we do know is that the Time Eater returning from 1000 years after your death. It's because it's searching for the child that Drawcia created.
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : (in horror) ...No way.
[Unrest - Hidenori Shoji]
Drawcia : Can't believe it. Are you sure that the Time Eater is making it's return to bring vengeance on Shinra Kusakabe, the same boy who created Soul World 1000 years ago? He was reincarnated into a Devil Chaos Chao, but he's still an old man that is trapped within worthless body of his!
Drawcia Family Scientist : Yes, I do beg your pardon. The Time Eater effects on Shinra and his people has lost their effect on Real World AU, the age progression that occurred in 06 were members of Special Fire Force Company 8. Apparently, Shinra, who the devil that lost his body, has finally discovered a disturbance between Soul World and the Real World. It means that Soul World is not set in one universe, but was set in the same one as Shinra's old world. So it's basically that the universe that Shinra was destroyed about 50% of it. That's because the Time Eater was such a menacing threat the Ohkuboverse is definitely a facade to the Shadow Realm.
Drawicia : The Shadow Realm? That concept made up by 4Kids Entertainment? That is so lame. It could be Japan's fault that the hero Maka Albarn, who saved the world in the 06, has been frustrated saying that she was not the hero to Soul World, therefore being the only hero of her true story in the real world, she has been a part of that Phantom's story, a love story she and the masked boy named Makoto created it. It was around 12 years since she destroyed 80% of Japan's population in an event known as the Shattering. What's the analysis on the sample that we got Medusa Gorgon's so-called Black Blood research?
Drawcia Family Scientist : Our analysis has been completed we have found out that the Ink originated from from race dark demons made of ink called Ink Demons, and they were responsible for the cause of all the destruction about 70 years ago. We did capture Inky Albarn that was long time and had to be imprisoned inside the abandoned that was located in Brookyln New York. Joey Drew Studios, a workshop that originally came from the 20th century. It was once a workshop full of animation and famous cartoonist before the incident of a man named Sammy Lawrence, an unknown employee living in Brooklyn, that is responsible for the studio's shut down. This Giant Blooper squid that was defeated by Mario during the Isle Delfino incident. The real criminal Bowser Jr, son of the Koopa King, created that was made out of ink. But turns out, it was just a regular squid and it was spewing ink all over the harbor. this son of a Koopa leader has falsely led to Mario into believing that he was the villain of Isle Delfino.
Drawcia : Heh. Professor E.Gadd, that impudent fool! What was he thinking of making a paintbrus that to his son that vandalized an entire island and made a fool out Mario and Peach. I can't believe that spiked-shell turtle is an imbecile for bringing terrorism on an island, and the inhabitants of Isle Delfino are always arrogant species like the humans does.
*SA2 SFX : Alarm/Intruder Alert*
Drawcia : Great! Now what!?
[No Way Out - Yutaka Minobe]
Drawcia Family Scientist: I'm not so sure, madam! There's seem to be a situation going on!
Para Sorceress : Lady Drawcia! We have latest on Com Sectors A1 an B3 reporting that all of Dark Nebula's clutches have been finally wiped out! The Phantos finally required that their kinsman, Maka and Moirai, are making a peace to all Humans and witches from their people that are Phanto and same goes to the defeat of Dulk Fakis! We just discovered that the Demon Queen, Inky Albarn we imprisoned years ago, has finally making it's return.
Drawcia : That's good, ma'am. Since all casualties of Shinra Kusakabe's recklessness of spreading influence all over the real world, (drinks her cup of tea) what's the status reports of the Ink Demons' whereabouts.
Para Sorceress : Well ever since the awakening of the Mobian demon Dark Gaia caused Dr. Ivo Robotnik's mess, we have confirmed that there are some planets that appeared after Dark Gaia's defeat, Dr. Robotnik has captured four planets to create a new amusement park that would be another incident and would easily lead to the Time Eater's return in just about 2 years!
Drawcia : Is that so! Alert all field commanders of sectors A and B. I'm launching an authorized use of full tactical units! I want all heartless to be stopped and destroyed, further to do, I want Inky Albarn to be encapsulated back into her imprisonment! And make sure warn everyone that the Time Eater will never forget that it wants to see it's "creation" fully awakened with it's true potential.
Para Sorceress : But, Homura Akemi, she's not ready to see her full potential! But it'll be wisely to find out where did she went off to!
Drawcia : Don't be ridiculous, as head of Drawcia Family Headquarters, we have already secured Homura Akemi after we caught her dealing with the events of the 06's plot, eventually, the plot for the 06 was retconned as a failure for her mission. So we captured her and had secured! By the way, we do needed to wake her up in prepared for the threats of our universe! Make sure, she's with us.
Para Sorceress : Yes, my lady! I will go check if Homura Akemi is able to willing to her freedom! (leaves the room)
Drawcia : little to be never too late, I've plans on saving Real World from the likes of Shinra and demons like you, Inky Albarn. You and your bloodline of the Ink Demons will be cherished with the loss of your beloved consort, the King of Ink Demons himself. You will be exposed and eradicate that you are. Especially your own son. This time, I will make full use out of you!
(scene later transits to King Boo at the mansion)
[Hidden Memories - Yutaka Minobe]
King Boo : Dracula's servant Death...When I leashed and destroys the powers of the Dark Moon, you, Shinra Kusakabe's son, and every human being on the planet...will pay for the transgressions that you'll ever caused! I will capture Inky Albarn and then I will avenge my brothers that have fallen before you! This will be the end for the Ink Demon bloodline and the Kusakabe Legacy, just for your son! (the two fires are shown in his eyes rising up) VENGEANCE...SHALL BE MINE! SAME GOES TO YOU, GREEN MUSTACHE MAN!
(King Boo laughs evilly)
Maka : Thanks for sharing the adventure with all of us, everyone...!
All : [together] You're welcome!
Sonic : That's all folks!
Porky (from his POV) : Hey! That's my line! Whatever, now, umm, hold still while take your picture! Oh, what's the worse thing that could ever happened?
Dark Nebula : Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late for the--*CAMERA FLASH*
[Game Over (NSMB WII Ver.) - Koji Kondo]
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kogetanotenshi · 3 years
Yay! Another opinion post!
I really want to do this because as I've already established, Naraku is one of my favorite villains of all time, therefore he will be out of this top, because he would obviously be N° 1.
This top will focus only on the nine children of anime's best single father.
Let's START!
8. These two
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Yes, these two. Because I don't even remember their names (I think they both end with "maru'' I guess?). Let's put it this way: I totally skipped these two's arc because I found it to be incredibly uninteresting!
Rate: 1/10.
7. The Infant
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I like this little ball of sociopathy more than the first two, but I still think he was too... "meh". He wasn't bad, I think he pulled a good threat but there's not much you can do as a character when you're just a talking baby.
Rate: 4/10.
6. Byakuya
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I really like his design, let's start with that. He is a total bishounen and undeniably pretty, his dub VA was very well casted, and that tramp he put Sango in to force her into almost killing Rin? Damn.
The only reason he doesn't have a higher spot? He is basically a replacement goldfish for Kagura (Face it, he is). He has the same way of air transportation as Kagura, fills the same role as Kagura (keeping an eye on the Inugang, giving them info Naraku wanted them to know, all that jazz). Unfortunately he has no deep desire to be free like Kagura so he's just... Fine, for me at least.
Rate: 6.5/7.
5. Goshinki
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There's a way to summarize Goshinki's whole character: Small Role, Big Impact.
Goshinki (as much as I can remember) only appeared for like 4 episodes and was an incredibly OP monster (and also I think the only child of Naraku that doesn't look human at all). He was fast, strong, agile, and could read freakin' minds! He might as well be almost the most powerful (behind Naraku himself)... My only problem? Remember I watched InuYasha last year, when I was in my 20s already. Therefore it was almost too easy for me to figure out something was gonna happen. Rumiko wouldn't have introduced such a powerful character so early in the story if she didn’t know there was a hidden reason for it. And lo and behold, Goshinki breaks Tessaiga (very cool moment) but also unleashes InuYasha's Superpowered Evil Side. And I said, I KNEW IT! Because it was kinda obvious. Again, small role, Big Impact.
Rate: 7/10.
4. Muso
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For some reason I was unable to find a gif.
Muso was basically introduced to gives us an idea of how was good ol' Onigumo before he was mauled by fire and found by Kikyo. He is a hedonist, a murderer, a (possibly) rapist, and was proud of being a pure son of a b*tch. And you know what? It works, at least we know why someone like HIM would sell his soul to demons in order to move again. And his body horror, turning into a scorpion monster was very squicky, kudos to Rumiko for her body horror! Perhaps the only thing I don't like about Muso is his design, he looks too human. He is still supposed to be an Incarnation of Naraku and therefore should at least have eye makeup like his daddy or pointed ears. But whatevs. I really liked Muso. The Reincarnated Onigumo.
Rate: 7/10.
3. Hakudoshi.
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Aka the Only one who acknowledges Naraku as his dad and proudly names himself "Son of Naraku". I really, really like this young punk, I like his weapon, his design, his battlehorse, his voice, and I find it hilarious how his 11 years old ass bosses around Kagura, it’s really funny. The problem is that he doesn't know his place and got killed because of it. Imo he needed more screentime, he had way more potential.
Rate: 8/10.
2. Kagura.
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The fandom's favorite.
And I can really tell why. Her story is very sad from a certain perspective, she didn’t want to be working for Naraku and she clearly hated the guy. Her wind powers are on point with her "Lady of War" character and her necromancy is a very interesting contrast to such a lady.
The thing is, while I like Kagura, the only reason she's not number one is because, guys, let's remember she's not a misunderstood puppydog? At least not completely, she (in her first appearances) enjoyed fighting with the Inugang and didn’t seem too bothered with the idea of slaughtering Koga's whole clan. She might hate that Naraku bosses over her but I can't say she's a boohoo poor innocent sunshine baby who deserved better, sorry 🤷‍♂️
Rate: 8.5/10.
And the top spot goes to...
1. Kanna.
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Ah yes, the firstborn, the eldest sister, the soul-taking, hole-digging white girl! I LOVE Kanna and you can tell with how much I bring her up in my Incorrect quotes that involve Naraku. This ghost-looking creepy child is a character I'd totally like to adopt.
I'm sorry but I have a soft spot for unemotional characters who end up becoming emotional and having feelings. And also, of all the Incarnations, you can tell Kanna was the only one who was NOT inherently evil. She just followed Naraku's orders but she didn’t enjoy anything she did (because she seemingly didn’t feel anything by the time?) and her death in the anime? My eyes watered more with her death than with Kagura's.
Kanna is and always will be, my favorite Naraku Incarnation.
Rate: 1000/10 because she's perfect and I want to adopt her!
Please remember this ranking is based only on my own opinions, you can share them or you can not, if you want, you can let me know if you agree or disagree with this ranking, I'd love to read your own opinions!
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Latin MC.
My MC.
I know; “if I wanted to be reading about a MC I would rather read mine.”  Well I want to talk about her, because I want you all to meet her!
It's a tragedy that I can't draw her, because I suck at drawing!
Her name is Yukari, all my OCs will be named Yukari If you find my profile in Obey Me! We can be friends!!! Anyways. 
Her full name is Verónica Yukari Perez Aguilar, she was born the 22 of June, in Mexico (She´s from the center of the Republic) As a good Mexican and Latin American she has a BIG family, the 25% of her blood is indigenous. (Her grandfather is 100% indigenous) and she will always brag about it. 
Small really small. Her height is 1.45 (4.76 feet... enserio ¿Por qué no se conformaron con los centímetros?)  brown wavy hair, even thought she bleached and coloured it in red. She always use dresses and shirts with a whole in her back, she has a lot of tatoos and she olny has one in her spine, the pact with Beel. Of course when she made a pact with every demon her back became black because of the ink and pacts, she use a lot of black, dark lipstick and tons of eyeliner, but just for speciall events, Yukari is way to lazy to make her make up every single day.
Her first interaction with the devils was not even natural, they imagine the new exchange student was pure, but nope. Her whole family is good with magic and more than that, when she was young accidentaly call upon Belzebuub, they made a pact in exchange of food and horchata water, after that they kinda became good friends. She was (10 years old and she was bored). 
The “Kidnap” by the other hand... Her whole family went straight to the Devildom, they knew, if her daughter was missing she was in hell, and yes, there she was half naked, from the waist up, her tattoo artist way to afraid of saying something, her mama was about to murder Diavolo (He loved it because he already knew Yukari´s mother) cousins and her older brother protected her with an encantation that she broke when things became espesas. And she used the pact with Beel to show everyone how she was gonna be fine. After that she bought lunch for Beel and her family started to shout at her. “Pendeja, los demonios no son juguetes.” “DEJA EN PAZ A ESE DEMONIO YUKARI VERÓNICA PEREZ AGUILAR O YO TE PUTEO AQUÍ Y AHORA” 
Yukari´s mom: ¿¿Quien te manda pendeja?? 
After the putazos. The demons understood, they better don´t mess up with her family. 
Her relationship with the brothers. 
He was surprised that Beel didn´t told him about his pact with a human, and he knew everything. After the show that Yukari put through, he decided that Mammon needed to stick around with her. 
He even went to her house for photos, books and action figures for her room. After that he saw Yukari in the big garden, planting cempasúchil, she even put in her door Papel picado she made an encantation with them so nobody could cross her door. He tried once when she wasn´t answering her D.D.D, he couldn´t.   He was amazed about her magic and power to talk, also she eats a lot for her small being, he has a Beel 2.0 but smaller. 
He tried to sell the flowers in the garden, but Yukari nearly kill him, not on pourpose though, she put a protection for her flowers, and he crossed the protection, tha result was burns level two, that she cured. 
He is the only demon that like the saying says. “Entra como perro por su casa” it seems that after he burned up her encantations didn´t worked on him, so she needed to make better encantations and even protect her books. Once in a while she likes to cast a spell of truth in him so she can analyse his ways. The first time she spoke Spanish he knew he needed to create a bussiness with her. And her tattos are sick, he takes photos for her, he´s so in love with the art in her back. 
LOOOOOOOL She´s like that character from that anime, plus her hair is sick. He got another otaku by his side, for Yukari it was easy to make a pact with Levi, they became friends in a anime group so they kinda knew each other.
When Levi saw her magic he started to tell her how amazing she was, and how he can summon Lotan, and they totaly need to make a pact, she´s Henry, like in real live. For first time in his life he feels better with himself. 
He actually has a secret pasword with her door, so he can enter whenever he wants too, and laughs when his other brothers can´t even open the door. 
He was the opposite of his three older brothers, he needed to draw a line between that woman and himself, but when he saw how she could read difficult books and even summon other demons and even angels. 
Yukari: Ay Güerito I´m creating this potion so Asmo can´t flirt with me, I just want to see his face. 
She was evil, and he loved it, once he understood that she wasn´t a threat they became quite close.The cherry that was on top of the whole cake, was, Yukari was studying literature back in the human Realm, so yes, Satan made a pact with her, not as fast as Mammon or Levi, but if he was going to have a master, it needed to be her.
For him, Yukari was cute, and the first impression was way to good for him. If anyone dares to see her body and thinks that she is not sensual, they are wrong, she just doesn´t like to show her atributtes, but damn, those Latin Americans were pure sensuality.  Omg, that type of clothes does match with her personality, she was evil and he loved it, needed more that a look. 
Bloking your door my dear? No problem I always have the key. (He doesn´t have it though)  His human is the best of all, even Solom can cry before her and she wouldn´t mind, his humans are great. 
Most protect my master, Beelzebub actually know her really good, he stayed in her life since she was 10 years old and they agree to make a pact. That means every familiar dinner he went, every birthday there he was, and after a break of each other, when he saw Yukari again he needed to hug and kiss her, she became a proper lady no longer a small child that summon him for cookies or for bullies. 
He got a crush in the 18 years old woman, and even if she doesn´t like him or she see him like a really old uncle that was okey for him. He knows that the flowers and potions that she makes can´t be eaten, so he always waits for her to give him a bite of her lunch or snacks. 
When he tried to kill her in the other line of timpe she threw a flip flop in his head, and actually used her pacts, so Yukari 2.0 could have enough time to cast a spell, she summon an Archangel. It was impressive and the brothers were terrified, one human could summon anything was a danger. 
When she returned to her line she hugged Belphie and told him; If you try to kill me here, I will take your teared your head off, with one spell. After that they became such good friends, and she kept her secrete for eternity. 
With the undateables
Try to bully him and she will bite. She´s small so she hates with all her heart when the brothers are mean to him. Luke loves her, she´s like a big sister, and finally someone can face those devils. She even knows Michael, and when he speaks with him, Michael always tell him how impressed he was. Luke stook with Yukari every time he can, they also make sleepovers, and the curse in her door always give him a candy. He is the happiest Angel alive. 
Worried, her magic is way to powerfull, he knows her type of magic, but, he can´t make it, that magic is from way far away in the humanity time line, and if she could summon one of the seven brothers when she was young, he didn´t knew how powerfull she was know. Ancient magic might stayed as a secret. He faced Yukari when she was angry, and damn, not even his magic helped him when he recived a Chanclazo.  
He liked her, her apperiance was angelical, and her height was the cutest of them all, but he knew that even the Archangels had respect for that human, he saw her once in the  Realm, and he was shocked, she was nearly 14 years old, and was talking with Uriel like nothing. 
As powerful as a human might be, they have a time limit, he´s not that affraid of Yukari, he knows that she can handdle herself, and won´t start a rebelion Right? Even if she does that, he can always marry her and that would be all. 
He got atonished when she returned from the temporal line time, that wasn´t part of his plan, and she managed to break it. They became close, not only to know Yukari better but he needed to keep an eye on her, she wasn´t normal, she was playing with fire, but she didn´t get any burn of it.
Chanclazo.  When a flip flop hit you
Güerito, This one is how should I say it? Kinda racist, means when a person has a white skin color and when he or she has a lighter hair. BUT in Mexico in the market, all people are güeritos, so dont worry. 
“Entra como perro por su casa”  He enters like a dog in his house
cempasúchil  A flower that means 1000 petals. And we use them for day of the deaths.
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Papel picado Type of paper, that is use for our day of the deaths, in the ofrendas
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It´s very common that Latins owns 2 names and put the two last names of the two families, the whole name from a mother, means danger. 
¿¿Quien te manda pendeja??
Who leads you asshole?
Type of drink,without alcohol. It is usually made of rice, and it´s sweet. 
espesas : Thick. 
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oc masterlist
sorry i havent gotten around to this until now! ive been busy :(
but here it is! a main summary/overview/list of all my ocs ill be talking about on this blog. its below the ‘read more’ because this is a pretty long post. ;)
Tyler Alexeev ( #tyler alexeev - oc )
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Human
- none, although he is surprisingly strong
- Severe Anxiety Disorder / Agoraphobia / Social Anxiety Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
Tyler was orphaned at a young age, due to an unfortunate accident. This accident led him to eat his parents and proceeding to run off into the woods. He’s lived there ever since – he built a house, and became a “park ranger”. He’s really just paid by wildlife services since he keeps the animals safe from poachers. He met Elias when he was around 17 and has lived with him since then.
Elias ( #elias - oc )
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual, heavily male leaning
Status: Single (please don’t date this guy)
Gender: Male
Species: Werefox, genetically modified with raccoon genes
- incomplete regeneration ; can put limbs back and restore partial function to lost limbs
- PTSD / Adjustment Disorder / Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- literal god complex
Elias was taken from his parents for government experimentation when he was 10. The facility he was held in was to test the extremities of his kind (werefoxes) and subjected him to gruesome tests and exposure to hazardous chemicals. The exposure led him to develop unnatural regenerative abilities… He’s too undead. He always smells like rotting flesh. And on top of that, they experimented with genetic modifications, giving him modifications of a raccoon. He eventually broke out, somehow getting a guard’s gun and killing everyone who dared stand in his way. He now lives with Tyler and has an odd infatuation with guns and a serious sadism problem.
Ross Allegri ( #ross allegri - oc )
Age: 700
Sexuality: Bisexual, also heavily male leaning
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Werecat (brown Abyssinian cat)
- ancestor was cursed with a third eye
- can die 9 times before it’s permanent
- cannot be killed easily unless with silver
- mild ADD / ADHD
He had a shitty home life when he was young; his mother calls both him and his dad freaks. Soon his dad took off, leaving Ross with his verbally abusive mother. The minute he became mature enough to move out, he did, although he’s mostly broke and is addicted to smoking weed. He currently works at Hot Topic with his cousin Rogue, and acts in snuff films on the side, since he cannot die unless the weapon is silver.
Salem Agnelli ( #salem agnelli - oc )
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single, very brokenhearted
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
- eternal life
- superhuman strength / speed
- insane healing factor
- illusion casting
- healing
- telekinesis
- Bipolar Depression / Mania
- Severe ADHD / ADD
Mother was emotionally abusive, father took off. He moved out and went to college, currently studying biomedical engineering. He lives in his friend Alex’s (not MY Alex) house and works at a Wal-Mart. When he first moved out, he got turned into a fallen angel after a hookup with a guy at a bar and is now cursed with immortality. He regularly binds his wings to his back so they aren’t seen.
SR700 ( #sr700 - oc )
Age: technically he was assembled 5 years ago but 23
Sexuality: he’s confused
Status: Single
Gender: Male (they/them he/him)
Species: Android infused with cyberdemon blood (Cyberdemons are a closed original species)
- cyberdemon abilities, which include durability, strength, etc
- n/a
An advanced, weaponized android infused with cyberdemon blood, giving him unnatural abilities. He’s currently a SWAT team member.
Rose ( #rose - oc )
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Single
Gender: Female
Species: Avian (Closed original species) [magpie variant]
- rapid healing / healing abilities
- extreme durability
- high blood volume
- Severe Anxiety Disorder / Agoraphobia / Social Anxiety Disorder
- Clinical Depression
- Avoidant / Paranoid Personality Disorder
Rose’s parents were cruel beings, unable to deal with having a half-bird child. They beat her mercilessly and forced her to bind her wings, stunting their growth and causing them irreversible joint problems. After her parent’s… Unfortunate death, she ran away and followed her dream of being in the police force. She works at the same station SR700 is at, and they’re very good friends. Although later on in her life she got kidnapped by Leo, who did numerous things to her, including keeping her as a pet and digging her eye out - so now she wears a bandanna to cover the scar of the hole, along with numerous other scars that can’t be covered. The feathers on one side of her face are missing and scarred over.
Zeksis ( #zeksis - oc )
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Male (FtM)
Species: Human
- n/a
- Clinical Depression
Zek is an orphan who’s currently living in his own apartment with a job at Spencer’s. He’s the school’s drug dealer and has had a couple of rough patches in his life, but he’s overall pretty okay. He carries around a crowbar and is often easily angered or pissed off.
Rogue Milano ( #rogue milano - oc )
Age: 170
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Taken by August (Alex’s OC)
Gender: Male
Species: Werecat (gray Nebelung cat)
- ancestor was cursed with a third eye
- can die 9 times before it’s permanent
- cannot be killed easily unless it’s silver
- Severe PTSD / Anxiety Disorder
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Depression
He was stolen as a young kit to be used as a weapon for a powerful gang, who basically broke down his sanity until there was none left. Far back in his lineage (he’s related to Ross) a powerful witch cursed his whole bloodline with a third eye in the middle of their forehead. They forced him into a pet mentality, and gave him two extremely strong metal prosthetic arms as a replacement for those he lost during a hit. He killed his ‘master’ (he forced Rogue to call him that) and eventually escaped, but he never truly recovered because he never remembered his actual name. So he calls himself Rogue. He started to work at the same Hot Topic Ross works at.
Adonis Errus ( #adonis errus - oc )
Age: over 1000 years old
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Taken by Max (Peri’s OC)
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
- strong persuasion
- toxic blood
- abnormal strength
- rapid healing
- mild PTSD
Adonis is a demon who was tasked with making humans commit the sin of lust; specifically lust for sex and lust for food. He has snake-like attributes (red-bellied black snake ones, to be specific) and venom that acts as an aphrodisiac. He was also kidnapped by Leo and used as an object, but he’s forcefully forgotten most of that experience. He works at a club as a dancer.
Anxietatem ( #anxietatem - oc )
Age: 23
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Cyberdemon (Closed original species)
- rapid healing
- abnormal strength
- dense body mass
- Severe Anxiety Disorder
Sent to kill people, hindered by his anxiety. He spends most of his time hiding away in his house in his human form, afraid of being feared. His demon form is a four-armed beast with long black horns and four bright purple eyes (his body is completely pitch black), along with a tail. His blood, just like his eyes, is bright purple. He works at a little bookstore that he loves to death. Currently struggling with the fact that he has to eat humans to survive, and that need is moot with Thorn and Alex since they’re part human.
Jakkal Sibuna ( #jakkal sibuna - oc )
Age: thousands of years old
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Demigod (Son of Anubis)
- reanimation
- immortality
- shapeshifting (into a jackal)
- n/a
Jakkal is the forbidden offspring of Anubis, the Egyptian god of embalming/the dead, and a mortal who practiced witchcraft. He can morph fully into a black jackal with Egyptian style markings, or just his head, which is his favorite to do. He currently works as a bouncer at the same club Adonis works at.
Thorn ( #thorn - oc )
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Taken by Salias (Lilly’s OC)
Gender: Female
Species: Stunted Cyberdemon (Closed original species)
- rapid healing
- abnormal strength
- dense body mass
- n/a
She’s basically a mutated cyberdemon stuck in limbo between human form and demon form, and so she managed to escape being slaughtered by coming to Earth and hiding herself. She works with Jakkal as a bouncer, and tries to juggle caring for Alex and her unfortunate alcohol addiction. Her blood is electric blue like her eyes.
Alex ( #alex [c] - oc )
Age: technically, since they age fast, 3. but he appears to be 18
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Cyberdemon hybrid
- rapid healing
- abnormal strength / body density
- four arms
- n/a
Bastard child of Thorn and her long ex boyfriend, a human. He, (sigh) was also taken by Leo and used as an attack dog. He’s stuck in a semi-demon form, having four arms (one pair is retractable), a stubby tail, four eyes and little horns. His eyes and blood are bright red, since all cyberdemons have a random blood color at birth.
Morthraxul / Max ( #morthraxul - oc )
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual, heavily male leaning
Status: Taken by Max but open to a poly relationship
Gender: Male
Species: Demon (Gojira, closed species of my own)
- rapid healing
- possession
- abnormal strength
- persuasion
- n/a
He was sent away at a young age so he wouldn’t be slaughtered, and came to Earth. Tide saved his life and formed a bond with him, even if Tide is unfortunately possessive. He’s a very bubbly person and loves meeting new friends, although he has to eat hearts to live.
Tide ( #tide - oc )
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Taken by Max but open to a poly relationship
Gender: Male
Species: Human (drinks/injects demon blood)
- persuasion
- super strength
- claws
- god complex
A priest who isn’t actually religious; he worships demons and uses his job advantages to summon demons and drink their blood, which he is addicted to. It makes him have violent outbursts and random attribute changes, which are currently only at bright red eyes and sharp teeth. He honestly loves Max with all his heart, but his expression of it is unfortunately twisted due to his deteriorated mental state.
Leonard / Leo Mac Domhnaill ( #leo mac domhnaill - oc )
Age: 20
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Demon prince
- immortality
- rapid healing
- super strength
- god complex
- Intermittent Explosive Disorder
- Severe Bipolar Disorder
- Schizoid / Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Demon Prince with amazingly sweet parents, until they were brutally murdered. The loss of his parents drove him insane, and it turned him into a sadist hell-bent on keeping people as ‘pets’ - although that may change since as I’m writing this, he’s dead. But he may be brought back. Before insanity took hold he loved to bake and throw parties and sew. He has bright green mint hair and grayish horns, bright amber eyes, and a white lion tail. His dad was a demon with a lion head, and his mother was a lower demon with simple features.
Kiielbeyatt / Kiel ( #kiielbeyatt - oc )
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Salval (closed alien species, mine)
- extremely swift & light
- very fast reflexes
- bioluminescent
Kiel came to Earth to escape his parents, who dislike him due to not having venom glands like he’s supposed to. I’m not going to describe it here (I’ll post it later) but he comes from a planet of humanoid reptilians. His green freckles are bioluminescent and so is his hair, which is also neon green. His eyes are a darker blue, but he has a ridiculous fashion sense and a snake tail. He loves to make new friends and he honestly loves Earth quite a bit.
Reese Volkov (#reese volkov - oc)
Age: 18
Sexuality: Questioning
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Beastkin (a species by @/gatobob)
- quite fast, very agile
- claws, sharp teeth
- can see dead people; can’t interact
- he has snow leopard features
- N/A
Reese and his sister, Sasha, were moved from Russia when they were very small by their parents to avoid the ridicule of having to grow up in a small town who thought all beastkin were evil, etc. Anyway, Reese lives with his sister in an apartment and works at an arcade, and he’s currently taking online college courses. Reese took on his father’s full snow leopard features, giving him brilliant green eyes and three black cuff markings on each of his wrists and ankles. He loves salad and Marvel movies. Reese didn’t inherit his father’s height - he inherited his mother’s. He’s 5'2".
Sasha Volkov (#sasha volkov - oc)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Taken by Clark
Gender: Female (MtF)
Species: Beastkin (again, a species by @/gatobob)
- fast and agile
- claws, sharp teeth
- she inherited her father’s strength
- she has arctic fox features
- N/A
Sasha’s parents were a snow leopard (father) and an arctic fox (mother), who moved them from Russia at a young age. She’s a huge tomboy and loves her girlfriend with all her heart. She loves to watch crime shows and eat fruit - she also shares the three cuff markings (all in the same places) with her brother. She has brilliant blue eyes and the same hair color as her brother as well. She also inherited her father’s height - she stands at a whopping 6'2".
Clark Smith (#clark smith - oc)
Age: 19
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Taken by Sasha
Gender: Female
Species: Human
- she can draw really well
- advanced telekinesis
- clairvoyant
- N/A
Clark is a sweet girl who loves Star Wars, history, and video game design. She’s currently in school to become a video game developer, after moving out of her parents’ house. She works at a small café with her girlfriend Sasha and often uses her abnormal abilities to do her work quickly. Her favorite color is purple, so naturally, her hair is long and dark purple. She’s a little bit on the rebellious side, having numerous piercings and small tattoos.
Karnarka (#karnarka - OC)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Naga
- immune to poison
- hypnosis
- snake features (feathered tree viper)
- extreme anger issues
Kar is an extreme hothead, his anger mainly being towards the fact that everyone thinks he’s a freak. He has blonde hair with black tips and gray eyes, with a scar over his left eye. He moved out when he graduated from college, after his dad practically kicked him out. He currently lives in a small house of his own with a pet snake named Zeus.
Natalia Amius (#natalia amius - oc)
Age: 394
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Married (to Virgil Amuis)
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
- superhuman strength
- persuasion
- immortality
- telepathy
- pyrokinesis
- shapeshifting
- N/A
Natalie was born quite a while ago, obviously. She was bitten by a vampire in her village and fled as soon as she turned. She met Virgil in the 1900s, and immediately fell for him when she found out he shared her same… Sadistic tendencies. She lures people (of all genders) in with her looks before draining them; if she likes you well enough she may just turn you. She’s got black hair and bright red eyes.
Virgil Amuis (#virgil amuis - oc)
Age: 1,000
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Married (to Natalia Amius)
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen angel (seraphim)
- immortality
- superhuman strength & speed
- advanced healing
- illusion casting
- control over the heavenly fire
- bipolar disorder
Virgil was cast down from heaven after he burned a human being alive – and he’s been doing the same thing ever since. He fell in love with Natalia immediately and they still love each other quite a bit, despite the affairs they both have. He owns a strip joint, and he’s quite the slut, really. Black hair with red tips, and milky white eyes. He also lures people in, but gives them to his wife or kills them himself. He turned Salem into a fallen angel and only did it because he’s quite fond of the boy.
Vazamoth (#vazamoth - oc)
Age: 27
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Demon king (a son of Mammon)
- alternate demon form
- superhuman strength
- persuasion
- mind control
- N/A
Vaz, as he goes by, is a surgeon at quite an uppity hospital. He’s filthy rich, and as a demon of greed, he always wants more. 6’ without goat legs, 7’ with them. Black hair, piercings, many facial scars, and a pair of black bat wings tattooed on his back. His demon form includes reddish-black goat haunches, black spiked tail, sharp teeth, and bull horns. He can control these at will. He’s a bit arrogant, but once he warms up to you (which takes a long while) he’s caring.
Gabriel (#gabriel - oc)
Age: 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Angel
- control over heavenly fire
- immortality
- amazing healing factor
- persuasion
- N/A
Gabriel is down on Earth earning his wings – he wants to be in the heavenly court one day. Despite this, he experiments with human things, such as sex, drugs, etc. He’s got a big crush on Vaz, but he won’t admit it since it’s basically forbidden. He’s got bright red eyes and stark-white hair, and a cross branded on the nape of his neck. His wings are a bit small, but they’re still growing.
Tenki Gyaltsen (#tenki gyaltsen - oc)
Age: 23
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
- normal werewolf abilities, immune to most everything but silver
- can commune with animals
- N/A
Tenki used to live up north, and he came down to go to school. He wants to be a veterinarian when he gets older, and due to his werewolf lineage, he’s amazing at it already. He can hold his alcohol extremely well and has brilliant green eyes and dark brown hair. His fur is also dark brown – he has the ability to turn fully into a dog since he’s pureblooded.
Lena Metzger (#lena metzger - oc)
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual (female leaning)
Status: Single
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf (black german shepherd)
- normal werewolf abilities, immune to most everything but silver
- can commune with animals
- N/A
Works as a butcher in her dad’s shop – has a side hustle of being behind most of Rogue’s hits. She works for the government in the ‘tech department’ where she programs targets into their supersoldier’s heads. She’s a bit of a stone-hearted asshole, and it seems like she never laughs. She’s got dark black hair and hazel eyes. Has the ability to turn fully into a dog, and loves it.
Kaskae Tikaani (#kaskae tikaani - oc)
Age: 20
Sexuality: Gay
Status: On / Off Relationship With Andreas
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf (alaskan malamute)
- normal werewolf abilities, immune to most everything but silver
- can commune with animals
- N/A
Kaskae is from Cali, and he’s wanting to go into fashion when he goes to college. He’s on his way to doing that, happily working at the mall. His hair is red (which he has dyed so it fades to a soft pink towards the ends), which matches his red/white colored fur. He’s got a very bubbly personality and he’s built like a football player, although he hates sports. He loves animals as well. He prefers only showing the ears and tail parts of his abilities, but he can also turn fully into a dog.
Fen Kuang (#fen kuang - oc)
Age: 20
Sexuality: Questioning
Status: Single
Gender: Female
Species: werewolf (chow chow)
- normal werewolf abilities, immune to most everything but silver
- can commune with animals
- N/A
Fen grew up in a strict household, immediately moving out upon graduating high school. She’s extremely femme and wants to have a fashion line, and is actually going to college for that. Blonde, almost cream colored hair and blue-green eyes. She loves bright and pastel colors and loves to draw as well. Her fur color is cream.
Andreas Schmidt (#andreas schmidt - oc)
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: On / Off occasional relationship with Kaskae
Gender: Male
Species: werewolf (doberman pinscher) / pyrokinetic cross
- normal werewolf abilities, immune to most everything but silver
- can commune with animals
- pyrokinesis
- anger issues
His mother was a pyrokinetic, and his father was a werewolf. He’s furious at his father for not ‘keeping the bloodline clean’. He hates the pyrokinetic part of himself, especially the bright red eyes it gives him. He can’t even control it. But he’s a boxer and fights often, so he’s got a little bit of an outlet.
Enid (#enid - oc)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual, but questioning still
Status: Single
Gender: Female
Species: Avian (closed species made by me) [crow variant]
- rapid healing / healing abilities
- extreme durability
- high blood volume
- umbrakinesis (darkness manipulation)
- Bipolar disorder
Enid went to an underground all-girls school for avians, where she was taught how to use her mutated powers for extremely bad things. It was run by a cult of avians who wanted humans completely exterminated. Luckily, she escaped, but she’s on the run from them. She currently lives with Fen as a roommate, and she’s incredibly happy with that. She has long black hair with an odd sheen to it, crow wings and a tail, and black feathers on her chest and face. Her eyes burn a bright icy blue and she usually keeps to herself, due to her destructive and manic tendencies. She loves to read and is extremely smart.
Njord Sangster (#njord sangster - oc)
Age: appears 26, actually 260
Sexuality: Straight (but possibly gay; hes experimenting)
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Werecat (light gray Norwegian forest cat)
- 9 lives, immune to death unless wound inflicted by silver
- night vision
- purebred, can turn into a cat at will
- able to withstand ridiculously cold temperatures
- N/A
Njord was born in Norway, but moved to go to art school. He's generally very quiet and has difficulty speaking proper English. He’s become a carpenter, taking great joy in building things. He has long gray hair that’s usually in a ponytail, with brilliant golden eyes. His fur is a silvery-gray, and he’s quite tall (6′). He lives in a house he built himself and likes to draw and make things out of spare wood in his free time. He wants to become a comic book illustrator. His father was from Norway and his mother was from Scotland.
Ari Norophine (#ari norophine - oc)
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Avian (closed species made by me) [greater yellow-headed vulture variant]
- rapid healing / healing abilities
- extreme durability
- high blood volume
- N/A
Ari and his brother are practically inseparable, although Nikolas is adopted. He loves to sing and perform, and he even enjoys theater. His hair is oddly yellow with a red streak in it, and his feathers are simply black. Ari works at the local theater as a stagehand/actor.
Nikolas Norophine (#nikolas norophine - oc)
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Avian (closed species made by me) [bearded vulture variant]
- rapid healing / healing abilities
- extreme durability
- high blood volume
- low form of pyrokinesis (appendages being able to heat up, fire breath)
- Extreme Social Anxiety
Nikolas was adopted by the Norophine family after his birth parents gave him up. Ari was five at the time, and 8-year-old Nikolas was already pretty traumatized. He hates to delve into it because it induces panic attacks. He immediately bonded with Ari, who is the only person he trusts to be around him. Nikolas, who sometimes goes by Nik, writes under a false name for a newspaper column. Nobody has ever seen him since he spends most of his time in his house. He has reddish-ginger hair and same color feathers.
Mezzurith / Project 56 (#project 56 - oc)
Age: 19
Sexuality: Questioning / Not Actually Mentioned
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Cyberdemon (Closed original species)
- rapid healing
- abnormal strength
- dense body mass
- Severe PTSD / Anxiety Disorder
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Depression
Mezzurith was captured on the street after killing and eating an agent from the group that is holding Rogue -- they did the same exact thing to him they did to Rogue, although it is taking them much longer to break him than it did Rogue. They’re still in the process of doing so, actually. He isn’t stunted like Thorn, but his blood is bright green and his demon form has wings, a spiked tail, four eyes, and horns. His human form is a black-haired young man, although his eyes are bright green as well as the inside of his mouth.
Theo / Project 57 / DSTR 57 (#theo - oc)
Age: Appears 21 but is actually hundreds of years old
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Lesser trickster god / god of chaos (stoxali)
- psychological manipulation
- reality warping
- persuasion
- chameleonic nature
- shapeshifting
- escape artistry
- weak to iron
- kleptomania
Theo’s real name is too long and too foreign to actually pronounce; everyone calls him Theo. He got taken after pick-pocketing yet another agent that’s ALSO from where Rogue & Mezzurith are being held. There are rumors that he’s a god from another world -- he has odd, bioluminescent red markings and ram horns. Due to him not being... How you say... A more powerful god, they broke him easily with a little help from a certain demon we all know has hypnosis abilities. He currently is revered as ‘The Destroyer’ because he decimates everything in his path, making him equal in abilities to Rogue. His usual form is odd, with swirling brighter red designs on his skin. His hair is blonde, and the horns on his head are gray. He acts like a cat most of the time, and he has the fangs and claws to match.
Rinen (#rinen - oc)
Age: Appears 19 but is actually at least 100
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single
Gender: Biologically male, doesn’t prefer any specific pronouns. Appears androgynous.
Species: Lesser god of space / god of antimatter (stoxali)
- teleportation
- dimension hopping
- persuasion
- invisibility
- weak to iron
- Social anxiety
Rinen came to Earth to learn more about humans. They’re fascinated by them, and he loves human culture, although he’s easily spooked and doesn’t make a lot of friends. He used to know Theo back on Salvalara, but they’ve lost touch. His hair is a soft white, and he has a soft purple and extremely fluffy cat tail. His bioluminescent markings are bright purple, and his eyes are so pale they’re almost white.
Zephyr (#zephyr - oc)
Age: Appears 25 but is actually millions of years old
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Lesser god of mind / god of insanity (stoxali)
- psychological manipulation
- mind control
- persuasion
- phasing abilities
- weak to iron
- Intermittent Explosive Disorder
- Impulse-control Disorder
Zephyr narrowly escaped death on Salvalara -- he stole a book from the archives and tried to kill one of the Ancient Ones. He narrowly escaped death by manipulating a guard to send him to Earth. He suffers from vampirism, giving him an undeniable craving for blood. Since he’s on Earth, he can easily satisfy his craving by attacking humans. He usually kills them quick, but if he’s feeling particularly zesty he might ask for a quick fuck first. He has hyena fur on his neck and hyena ears, and his markings glow dark gray. His hair is almost always greasy, and its gray, as is the hyena fur. His eyes are gray as well, although lighter.
Alinar (#alinar - oc)
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight (although questioning/experimenting)
Status: Single
Gender: Male
Species: Vahhr (closed original species)
- curse inducement
- conjuration
- illusions
- necromancy
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Alinar is from Salvalara, and he's actually the prince of their people (the vahhr). He has grayish-pink markings on dark gray skin, and sparse fur, along with a wiry tail and paw/hands. He steals to help Wistari support her family since he can’t exactly give away his fortune. He came to Earth to basically copy Kiel, and to also steal human stuff. He’s pretty pretentious and stuck-up, but deep down he’s extremely loyal and a good friend.
Wistari (#wistari - oc)
Age: 17
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Single
Gender: Female
Species: Vahhr (closed original species)
- curse inducement
- conjuration
- illusions
- necromancy
- blood magic
- N/A
Wistari comes from a somewhat poor family, and because of this, she’s had to fend for herself. She works to support her dad, because her mom is manipulative and an overall a jerk. She steals things to sell with Alinar, and she’s also a bit of a jerk herself, but she and Alinar are best friends. Her markings are silvery over her dark gray skin, and her fur is slightly lighter as well. She also has a septum piercing. 
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bowlerhatwearer · 5 years
Second part of the recording
“Your vote is a fresh new start for Lampblack City!”
“The Old must go, the New must be in!”
“One vote for Croney is a vote for Humanity. Others go on the Toons! ”
“With the Erasers in the City nothing remains tainted.”
“For Humanity and for the city, vote for Michael Croney and the Eraser Movement.”
~~~ Quotes of different Eraser Movement election posters
“They marched and whilst their shoes and boots hit the concrete ground that was the pavement they chanted their paroles and sang their songs. Many where armed, I did not dare to open when they walked past my shop nor to see out of the window blinds, they mumbled, knew that I have my sympathies for the Toons, I worried they might break in or throw a brick into my window but my fortune was anothers misfortune, unfortunately another person they seem to have known, (I did not hear who) had crossed the street who they then insulted, I do not know what happen after since it became so loud all of a sudden and Croneys voice screamed out of speakers, but I do hope that if there is a god in those times, where the Erasers are getting more and more “confident of themselves” and are loosing their fear and thus in their trance of violence are not getting scared anymore, that the person they cased down is doing well, I hope so, I really do.”
~~~ Diary entry of a resident from the Miller lane.
Transcript below:
With the emerging of the toons many problems that have already existed have been neglected and new ones are thriving up ever single day! The new hospital has not been finished even if it was promised half a year ago. The old one is full, people have to move to other cities. Our churches are crumbling and the crime rate rising. Our streets are shabby and there is rust and lead in our drinking water! Do I really have to say the name again who is to blame for this dear people?
I tell you, it’s a plan to diminish us, a plan that gets us all killed, intended of course, because the politics and people like Liebmann or the old animator believe they get spared once the toons plan unfolds that gets us all killed.  But as foolish as they are now will they be when they get back stabbed. There is no toon who is “good” people, let me tell you, the first man or woman who brings me a toon with a hearth of gold shall get 1000$ from me, you won’t find any, Toons are twisted, in one moment they offer you a cookie and in the next you’re getting stabbed to death and one of countless bodies floating in the sewage.
People have died because of those creatures of the dark river of insanity they crawled out from. And more will follow if we do not stop the puddles, they have to go back, to go back into their puddles I tell you people!
As dangerous as the toons of course is also the Ink, the so called “Miracle Ink” as many of those hellish beings call them together with their sympathizers. It’s a miracle indeed, a miracle of madness, a miracle that made people addicted, a miracle for people who began to sheepishly follow Samuel Lawrence, a miracle people died for.
You’ve heard it all , for two weeks it stood in the newspaper, a mother who fed the ink to heir children in the believe to bring “miracle”, and what happened dear citizens, what happened? What happened was that three days later two white child coffins had to be buried in our town cemetery.
And one month ago, when a group of four death young adults, ink addicts were found in the sewers, their organs busted like old bellows or pipes. And the police? Baffled, helpless, clueless how and why it happened and not able to prevent anything against it. They’re as obsolete as our cities government, they are amateurs in their jobs, our movement, the Erasers, have done more than any of those institutions.
Only the law is what supports us, but for how long till this breaks too? How long until it folds down? Breaks apart and slips more and more away until Toons and Demon Blood addicts are considered equal? As long as people like the old animator exist the fear is constant, they have to be driven out of this city, no, they have to be thrown out of this state, maybe they find more sympathizers  in Europe, in Asia, in Australia but definite not in the United States of America or so god help me.
It’s our, the Erasers goal to make this city human again, to bring back the past and change the future to a good one, not to the Dystopia that starts. To support those who really need it, and are not blood and money suckers that slowly poisons and kills us all. I can not understand it why some people seem to not mind or even support those things?
Nevertheless. We shall come, like a storm that hits a town, like a wave that swallows a Harbor, like an earthquake that buries the castle, we will come and we take everything and everyone with us who stands in our way. We clean and wipe and bleach out those who oppose us, who can not convinced to the right, to the white. They are venom to our society and seek it to fail, request an Anarchy dominated by things made out of chaos, disaster and blasphemy!
Take your signs, make your voice clear, show your dismay and protest with us today on this march for human nature. We will not be silent not silenced any more. It’s our time to show the white amour of justice we wear, the shield of defence against the threats of the past, present and future. On every quarter, every street in every house of Lampblack City we shall be heard and noticed, and we shall go and end our rally at the city hall so that the mayor seeks today how many of us are sick of her, Liebmanns, the sympathizers and the toons shenanigans maybe then they’ll understand that for humanity those toons and everyone who approves them has to be erased so that the blank white spot they leave can be replaced by an acceptable human individual.
Now then, for Humanity, onward MARCH!!!
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 years
Getting Into My OC
A comprehensive breakdown of your OC.
Thank you to the wonderful @ellenembee​ for tagging me with this! I’m going to do Finley from Andraste’s Witch and Weslyn and Nicole from Tales of Mysdrym. 
Thank you so much for the tag!
NAME: None, though she calls herself Finley as of the Conclave
AGE: 27 at the time of the conclave 
GENDER: Female
PROFESSION: Wilds’ Apostate
Finley’s father was a heartless maleficar and her mother was an abomination. The demon inside her mother was a third parent of sorts, the only one who cared for her, and the only reason the others didn’t drown her when she was little, instead tricking her maleficar parents into believing that Finley’s blood would enhance their blood magic, thus ensuring they would keep her alive.
Around four years old, templars came and killed her parents. Because she had been a hostage of the blood mages, as far as the templars knew, they kept her with them, initially to keep an eye out for signs of possession, though they ended up becoming very protective of their dear, odd girl. 
For the first time, Finley knew what it was like to be safe, to have a home. Her templars -- Ser Caudry, Ser Ross, and Ser Neil -- doted on her and treated her like their own child, telling her stories to make the world less frightening and always there to hold a hand when her nightmares were too much. She would steal the templars’ shields and run around, imagining herself a savior to others from the terrifying blood mages and monsters in the world. She didn’t want anyone else to be trapped with monsters like she had been and was determined to be like her heroes, even if she was very afraid of most all other people.
After 3 years of living with the templars, one of them, Ser Caudry, was brought back severely injured. Terrified that one of her heroes would die, Finley’s magic woke up, and she expended almost all of her energy healing him as best she could.
When she woke up, one of the other templars, Ser Neil, was taking her into the woods, telling her that she would be safe with the Avvar, as he feared what would happen to her if she was taken to a Circle when she was already so skittish and mentally frail. The Revered Mother from the Chantry they’d been living at, however, had already alerted the Circle of Finley’s magic, and the Circle templars caught up before they could get far into the mountains. 
Ser Neil tried to fend off the templars, but one snuck up behind them and ran Finley through, just barely missing her heart. Distracted by Finley’s cry from getting hurt, Ser Neil was cut down in front of her.
When Finley next awoke, she was with the renowned Flemeth and one of her daughters. The great Witch of the Wilds had caught sight of the templars attacking Finley and Ser Neil and had been curious because Finley seemed a bit closer to the Fade than most her age, so she had intervened. 
Flemeth told her that going back north would result in death, at best, and that there was a sliver of a chance she might survive if she fled into the Wilds. When Finley woke up, she was alone in a deserted camp that looked like it hadn’t been used in months.
Life in the Wilds was hard at first, but Finley learned that most of the creatures people deemed to be monsters could be allies of sorts, if one offered them the proper respect and understood that they simply followed their nature.
Seeking peace and quiet, she became known as the Green Witch, as her magic dealt mostly with nature and she wound up helping the lost find their way out of the woods and the like. Mostly she did it to prevent search parties from drawing too much attention to herself and bringing in the templars, but in the stories that sprung up around her, people lauded her a kind Witch. 
Heartbreak and betrayal, as well as the demon that had possessed her mother, followed her through her life, leading to some hellacious trust and abandonment issues.
After the Blight, she devoted herself to finding a way to heal the Wilds and return them to the way they were before the arrogance of man had destroyed so much of it. It was during her research that a familiar old Witch came by to tell her that there was someone who could help her with her research, though she would need to go to the Conclave to get their assistance.
Body type: lithe
Eyes: blue with gold flame-like center around the pupils, fade-touched
Hair: fiery orange
Skin: tanned with oodles of freckles
Height: 5′3
Weight: 105   
Strength: 5/10, but only because she can heal herself well enough that she can over exert without too much in the way of repercussions. 
Perception: Varies. 9/10 when she’s in the Wilds, on her own, 5/10 when she’s dealing with a lot of people, mostly because she may see what they’re doing but doesn’t understand what their little movements/tells mean so seeing it is meaningless, 6/10 when she’s in a fight and collected, 3/10 when her side is losing and she’s panicking that someone is going to die and she’ll be blamed. She tends to get hurt most often with the last one because she forgets to look after herself.
Endurance: 9/10. She’s been through some shit and is used to having to outrun/outlast templars. 
Charisma: 2/10. Her general paranoia and fear of people betraying her does not lend well to being charismatic.
Intelligence: 7/10. Finley picks up on things quickly, so long as she can make sense of why it is done or why it is necessary. Her lack of understanding of currency, for example, stems from her not seeing a point in having tiny coins when one can just do favors for one another. Spells, she learns incredibly quickly, flips, and the like. Nuances to conversation and culture, not so much. Most of the time, her problems also stem from the fact that if she knows (or thinks she knows) one way to do something, she sees no point in learning another way when hers is already effective. She’s her own biggest obstacle.
Agility: 9/10. One does not outmaneuver a templar if one is slow.
Luck: 1/10. Father - maleficar. Mother - possessed and dead. 3 Templars - dead or exiled from the order. 1st love - possessed and dead. 2nd lover - possessed and dead. 3rd lover - was a liar who tried to sell her to the templars and Finley was almost beheaded while she ran away (she doesn’t like to talk about it). Demon stalker. Wilds ravaged. People messing up her wards and making them clunky and cumbersome. Stuck around a ridiculous number of templars. Expected to play nice with idiot nobility and mage haters. Favorite spider - stepped on by Hawke. Hawke - exists. 
As far as Finley’s concerned, she has no good luck. Well, except for getting to meet the Alistair Theirin and a few other grey wardens. 
Magic: 10/10 Finley is very good with magic, also rather condescending to anyone who doesn’t practice her style, which is everyone. 
Colors: birds, wild animals, the Wilds, not being around people
Smells: Fresh rain, ocean breezes, wildflowers 
Food: For someone as picky as she is, she’s surprisingly blasé toward food in general
Fruit: any of them
Drinks: Anything non-alcoholic
Alcoholic drinks: she doesn’t like them because she likes to stay alert.
Smoke: none. Smoke makes it easier for someone to find you.
Drugs: none, unless she’s slipping them to someone else so she can run away
Driver’s license?: much to Varric’s amusement, she claims she can ride kelpies, but not much else.
NAME: Weslyn Kagris, 2nd son of Jasserai Kagris
AGE: 28 at the beginning of the book
GENDER: male
PROFESSION: emissary/make-shift monarch (not by choice)
Weslyn grew up in Kyvrell, Mysdrym’s southern neighbor who has poor standing with Mysdrym ever since the Demons’ War four thousand years ago, during which the lands that now make up Kyvrell were abandoned by the crown. The people who survived the demonic onslaught and fall of their sacred temples refused to return to the rule of the people who had left them to die, and it is a point of pride that they have survived so well on their own. Especially considering that they are the ones who are most frequently attacked by the Chaotic shifters from the islands to the south.
While Weslyn had expected to join Kyvrell’s prominent military, being the second child of noble parents, when it became clear that the demons were reemerging after four turns (1 turn is 1000 years) of silence, he was elected to go to Mysdrym on behalf of Kyvrell to request the ancient seals that could lock the demons away once more.
He was nearly laughed out of court when he presented himself to High Grace Norwrithe of Mysdrym.
Even as he’d considered what he could do—he couldn’t return home without the seals, but knew he couldn’t expect the High Grace to take him seriously—he was approached by Lord Sehnswrift, a noble who had fallen out of favor with the high grace. Lord Sehnswrift was adamant that Weslyn was right; the demons were returning.
They began working together, gathering support where they could—even though he’d fallen from favor with the court, Lord Sehnswrift still held a great deal of respect among the soldiers.
Then, abruptly, Lord Sehnswrift staged a coup, with Weslyn at his side, murdering the high grace and scattering the surviving nobles from the capital. Despite taking power, Lord Sehnswrift showed no desire to take over the duties of running the country, instead handing the job off to Weslyn, who—despite pleas that him running things would make it look like Kyvrell had declared war on Mysdrym—finally accepted with great reluctance.
Despite the rather legitimate fear that he will be assassinated, Weslyn has done what he can to ease tensions, working on redirecting funds from the high grace’s parties to doing construction around Mysdrym’s capital and attempting to show the people of Mysdrym that he and Lord Sehnswrift wish to help.
He keeps his sword near him at all times, so that he will not be taken unawares.
After a few months of somehow managing to not have a heart attack whilst running a foreign country, Lord Sehnswrift gathered him to go and meet fabled other-worlders, who are sent by the Gods in times of strife. Weslyn is not particularly pleased with their arrival, as that means that the return of the demons is likely to be so devastating that the Gods thought other-worlders were necessary.
Body type: well toned
Eyes: gray
Hair: dark brown
Skin: coppery
Height: 5′11
Weight: idfk, he’s got muscle though  
Strength: 7/10. He’s a pretty solid fighter. 
Perception: 7/10 He’d probably notice more, but he’s kind of paranoid about being assassinated, so what he thinks is hyper-vigilance does make him miss some stuff because he gets so easily distracted by harmless sounds and shadows. 
Endurance: Varies. 9/10 in a fight, 6/10 dealing with the upkeep of the castle, 2/10 dealing with other-worlders’ bullshit, but he’s working on that last one.
Charisma: 5/10. He’s not great at hiding the growing terror that he’s going to be deposed with the Lord he sided with, should people come to reclaim the throne for the young grace. 
Intelligence: 7/10. He’s a quick study, and a fairly good tactician. 
Agility: 7/10. Not the fastest, but good at dodging stuff, in a fair fight. Demons don’t fight fair, though. 
Luck: 4/10. He went to a foreign country to find out how to save his, got stuck running said country and accidentally freed the demon lord, when all he wants is to go home, so... not the best.
Magick: 3/10. He is not a fan of his healing magick, as it wears him down, but he is trying to strengthen it, as the other-worlders are so accident prone and it would help to have a healer while fighting the demons. 
Colors: reds, browns, golds
Smells: ocean breezes, baking bread
Food: He likes a good wyvern steak. 
Fruit: eh, star flower fruit is alright
Drinks: something to take the edge off
Alcoholic drinks: yes, please
Smoke: a good distraction tactic, if necessary.
Drugs: he sees enough shit hiding in the shadows, he doesn’t need drugs adding to it.
Driver’s license?: He does not come from a world with driver’s licenses, but he’s fairly good on a horse.
NAME: Nicole (Nik) Katerin Hedgeway
AGE: 21 at the beginning of the book
GENDER: female
PROFESSION: other-worlder
The first five years of Nik’s life are never brought up or talked about, other than to say her mother was unwell and unfit. Zachary’s father found Nik living in the woods behind their house, scrawny and underfed and terrified of people. He talked her into coming home with him, and while his wife and son talked with her, he called for help.
Nik’s mother had failed to inform anyone that she’d been missing, and had a breakdown after her reappearance, saying that Nik was the product of rape, and she couldn’t look at her. While Nik has always doubted this, her mother’s family did not, rallying behind her mother. When her aunt refused to shun Nik, saying she deserved to be with family, Nik, her aunt, and her cousin Samantha were all disowned.
Nik has fought with guilt over that for most of her life, though she can’t say that she thinks Samantha is missing out on much. Still, she knows it hurts her aunt and wishes she could fix things.
Because of a freak accident in the woods when she was 7 that left Nik severely injured, she was unable to go to school for two years and ended up being in the same grade as Samantha, Zachary, and Ella.
Her injuries have caused her problems ever since, and she’s been in and out of the hospital far too many times.
One of the things that has helped her the most throughout her life are stories that have been in her head for as long as she can remember, of fantastical creatures and magick. She is sure that they are as real as she is, and often claims to have seen them or other magickal creatures wandering the world.
While Samantha and Zachary—and later Ella—were fond of her stories growing up, Samantha has become disenfranchised with them, feeling that Nik is using them to avoid reality. Nik is annoyed that Samantha would be so quick to insist they are not real, but tries to keep the peace, as she knows Samantha will not accept her truths.
Knowing that Samantha has spent much of her life giving up too many things so that she can stay with and help her, Nik fakes getting accepted into a local college so that Samantha will go off into the world and have a chance to find herself, free from Nik’s shadow.
It doesn’t quite work, and when Zachary finds out she’s not in college, things get uncomfortable as she realizes she’s going to have to tell Samantha she lied.
However, before things can fall apart completely, Nik and Ella are whisked away to Mysdrym by a dog made of shadows.
Needless to say, Nik is ecstatic.
Body type: a bit too thin
Eyes: gray
Hair: brown
Skin: too pale
Height: 6′0
Weight: underweight 
Strength: 4/10. Despite being so thin, she can carry about as much as her healthier friends, and insists she could do more, if given the chance. She is never given the chance. 
Perception: 4/10. Nik’s pretty thrilled to learn new stuff, but she doesn’t pick up on danger really quick. Like, she’ll be inspecting an awesome flower she’s never seen before and would be so entranced with memorizing the details on the pistils that someone could easily sneak up on her. She tries to pay attention, but gets distracted really easily. 
Endurance: 7/10. She’s pretty proud that she’s been improving lately, not falling over and collapsing like she used to.
Charisma: 4/10. She’s friendly enough, but people often find themselves experiencing an innate unease from merely being around her, and as a result, a lot of people just try to avoid her.
Intelligence: 9/10. She catches on to stuff really quickly, even things she’s not able to do herself, and can walk others through how to do it (i.e. magick).
Agility: 8/10 fast for someone who looks like they’re about to fall over, and when Ella and Zach catch her doing things like backflips, they wonder how. Samantha threatens murder, though, so Nik tries to be subtle with any acrobatics, so that word doesn’t get back to her dear cousin.
Luck: 4/10. Things are always trying to kill her, when all she wants is to have fun and go on adventures.
Magick: 0/10. Much to her chagrin, she cannot use magick. 
Colors: all of them
Smells: leaves, wind - yes, she insists it does have a smell unto itself, nature-y things
Food: salad
Fruit: fuck yeah
Drinks: water
Alcoholic drinks: she is wary of alcohol and other mind-altering things
Smoke: her cousin, Samantha, would kill her.
Drugs: just got off a bunch of prescribed bullshit against her doctor’s orders, and is not a fan of any type in general
Driver’s license?: due to her health issues, she’s not really allowed to drive, since she was prone to passing out and stuff for a while. Though she’s doing better, she doesn’t need one because she’s in Mysdrym now.
Tagging: @cometeclipsewriting, @momopichu, @commandershepardvasfuckit, @slothquisitor, @rederiswrites, @gugle1980, and @thesecondsealwrites. No pressure :D
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HM] Bluntjob, The Epic story of a Giant Joint and Blunt, faced with saving mankind from extinction!
Narrated By Robot Batman
One day, 1000 years in the future, mankind was on the brink of collapse. But there were 2 guys who just didn’t give a fuck about the apocalypse, and they weren’t even guys at all. One of them, named Blunt, smoked 4000 blunts in one sitting, He was recognized by the inter dimensional entities for being a hard motherfucker, so they turned him into a human-blunt hybrid with super powers. The other one, Fatass Joint, has a tragic back story. When he was 8 years old, his mad scientist parents were entranced by their experiments. They lost sight of the little things that mattered, and only wanted results. They injected their son with refined crocodile vomit, 200 joints, and enough steroids to send you to the gulag for life. He was transformed into a fatass joint with human appendages, and he was strong as fuck. Together, Blunt and Joint will work tirelessly to save mankind from complete extinction. And soon, they would be facing their most menacing enemy yet.
Light me up, and blow me up your ass
It was a shitty day on the slowly sinking apartment complex. They were in the middle of god knows where, but it was the tallest building within 200 miles. They were with the last 50 humans on the planet. And if they didn’t get their shit together soon, there would be no one. “Hey Blunt, I just want to let you know, that if we die, and you die first, I’m definitely smoking you.” Joint joked. “Hahaha, well we both know that if we died, you’d be the first to go.” Blunt laughed and started geeking out which made Joint laugh until he threw up. The only thing he ate all day was the entire last jar of spicy pickles. 90% of the world was covered in water at this point. And not to mention the giant sea monsters that mutated from all of the pollutants that leaked into the water after everything flooded. But as fate would have it, they were close to the last 10%. The only landmass left on the planet. Perhaps something was out there rooting humanity on. Some of the humans that were left with B&J were the baddest of the bad. Many of them went through hell to get to this point. Making unfathomable sacrifices, decisions you couldn’t even comprehend, and through all of it they stood up to the universe and fought back. Many of them could be a warrior, a doctor, and engineer, all in one, whatever needed to be done, they had to be able to do it. Chuck Norris was one of the leaders of these OP Monkeys and he and a small group of survivors approached the 2 anomalies. Chuck spit on the ground to assert his dominance amongst the other monkeys, and walked towards B&J, this was serious. “You assholes have been getting high for 6 hours now! Can we for fucking 2 seconds talk about how we’re all about to die! We have less then 24 hours before this building sinks and we all become mutant fish food!” “Yoo Joint, this sounds pretty serious man. I mean we’re made out of paper and weed, you know. Ehh, I guess realistically we would be fine but these guys definitely would die.” “I think we should smoke on it.” Joint rolled another joint and lit it up. “You 2 are the fucking worst super heroes. If I had powers, we would have been off of this building and safe! We would be fucking like we were the last people on earth! Oh wait, we are!” Chuck was angry, mainly because nobody had the privacy to jerk off and it had been a few weeks. Another survivor, Karen (generally disliked, she’s anti-vax) approached the 2 heroes coughing and fell to the ground, she was blistering everywhere. Chuck took one look at her and yelled “Nooo! Damn you Karen, your anti-vax ways have killed us all!” She had contracted the horrible manmade disease, mega pig gonorrhea. It was lab formulated along with its cure after a strong government had taken over the entire world, they oppressed the people to horrible ends. Create a problem, sell the solution. If you couldn’t pay the $1000 for the cure, you were as good as dead. At the same time this was going on, a lot of secrets were being exposed within the government itself, including the secret love child of a high ranking government official, Also at the same time, a secret plan was taking place, they were freezing people to one day awaken when mankind needed them the most. Chuck Norris was included in this project. Why was Karen included in this band of survivors? She was the secret love child, frozen away never to be seen for possibly thousands of years. It was the best way to get rid of her for good, a 30 year old anti-vaxxer soccer mom fated to save humanity from extinction, all because of the corruption of one man. “Blunt, what are we going to do!? This is one of the worst diseases mankind has ever faced!” “Well Joint, im gonna have to be square with you. I kept this a secret until now, because I didn’t think we would ever need it. But my smoke can be used to heal diseases. There is only one catch, you have to blow the smoke up their ass.” Joint went pale. “Are-Are you sure that’s the only way bro?” “Yes I’m sure, I know this doesn’t sound pleasing to you, but if you think about it, I’m technically the one who has to be in their assholes, so I’m suffering just as much as you are. I wont think any less of you Joint.” Blunt threw a lighter to Joint. “This has to be done Joint, it’s the only way!” Joint lit the top of blunt and took a huge rip from his convenient smoke hole. He went to chuck, because he was closest, and blew the smoke right up his butthole. Chuck coughed a few times and stood up. Luckily he was way too fried to figure out what happened. But Blunt started hysterically laughing, chuck looked down and realized he had no pants on and got really insecure. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?” He yelled for pretty much no reason. Blunt started walking around the room and people started getting up. Joint realizing he had been tricked, started gagging and coughing, toilet paper was not a commodity that they had. “Damn Joint, the apocalypse never gets old when I’m with your dumb ass!” Blunt said with tears rolling down his eyes from the hysterical laughter he couldn’t seem to stop.
Out of the Butt, Into the Fuck
After another smoke sesh, everyone got hard to work on a solution. Nobody knew exactly what to do, but they all knew that when they did know, they would be sure what to do. “I really hate to be a buzzkill Joint, but we don’t have any weed left and I’m getting tired of smoking myself. If we can find land somewhere we can grow all the weed that we want to! Think about it man, we’re sitting roaches here.” Joint took a second to think about it, and stood up with a determined look. “I know what we have to do.” On the roof of the apartment, B&J gathered everyone together, and told them the big plan. Some of them had their doubts, but if it didn’t work they would die anyways. They waited for hours, for the sun to start setting, when the sea monsters were the hungriest. The sky was a beautiful shade of purple, pink, orange, even wisps of gold. Nobody said a single word the entire time, they waited anxiously for the time to come. If they failed, so would the human race. The sun had just hit the horizon, and it was time to put the plan in to action. The survivors started a massive fire capable of burning for days. Joint took his place by the raging fire. When the time would come, he would light his tip, and jump into a sea monster blowhole. The only thing they needed was bait, but naturally Chuck Norris stepped up to the plate. They tied him up on a rope and threw him into the water. “Please keep an eye out, I don’t feel like dying to a fish.” There was nothing for him to worry about, Blunt was watching the water closely, and he has special eyes. They waited for hours, the building was probably minutes from sinking completely, and everyone for sure thought that they were fucked. But just then, Blunt saw 2 huge red eyes start to come up from the depths! “Cmon big daddy! Get ready mothafuckas here it comes!” Blunt was psyched to finally get some action! The beast was so massive that you could see it’s eyes from 200 feet deep. Within 20 seconds, the creature was all the way up to the surface! In that second, Joint lit his tip, Karen let out a mighty sneeze, chuck looked down and clenched his ass cheeks so hard that he pulled a muscle, and blunt started pulling chuck back from the beast. The giant orca whale was covered in black and white sparkling scales and each scale was the size of the apartment complex they were stuck on. The orca was a foot away from chucks body, when joint jumped straight into the whales blowhole! Joints super strength stopped the momentum of the giant whale, and even caused a giant shockwave, shaking the building! This was the first penetration moment for the whale and it was confused. It stopped attacking chuck, took a huge rip of joint and got so high that it became chill. It was instantly fried because joints body is 99.99% thc. Blunt pulled chuck up and chuck was screaming the entire time. “Stop screaming you’re fine man, hit this shit and relax.” “Fuck you Blunt I was inches away from getting eaten by a mutant demon whale!” “But you didn’t so why are you so mad? Come on man, let’s get everyone on the whale and find somewhere to live, everything’s gonna be alright.” Everyone got on top of the giant whale and even though they had no idea where to go, or what to do, they had fate on their side. The whale got caught in a big current that was taking them straight to land.
Finally, I can jerk off
At the same time that B&J and the survivors were floating towards land, something bigger was taking place. That strongest threat I mentioned, it was pure evil. And they were headed straight towards it. His name is Xan The Man. His backstory, is even sadder then joints, it’s the worst fate for a human. Loneliness. His father was a total incel twat. He only looked at women as objects for men to use, and treated Xan (once known as Greg.) and his mother like they were below human. His mother was strong though, and one day she saved up enough money to run away! She took Greg and ran away across the world. But their luck would not hold up. His mom caught Type 2 Mega Pig Gonorrhea. The 2nd version that the World Government released. She underestimated the power of the type 2, Her strength was her downfall. Greg was broken, he was alone, he had barely any money, no place to live, nothing to live for. He got a part time job and spent most of his money on food and xanax. He was only 16 but he had to grow up with nobody there for him. He finally got sick of living that way, and he chose to give it all up. He didn’t see the value in himself anymore. He forgot that he was capable of an infinite amount of things. He created a device that could refine any pill that he wanted to, and put 1000 Xanax into the machine and pressed it all into a super xanny bar. Greg gulped nervously, threw it into his mouth, and gulped it down with an entire glass of water. He died instantly. But his soul was not ready to go. An ancient demon sensed all of his evil and hatred, he possessed Greg years before he died, Greg struggled with it for his entire life. But when he died, he was not granted passage into the next. As long as the demon lived, Greg was bound to the planet as Xan the Man. The demon took the form of a Gigantic xanax bar the size of an elephant, with giant blue eyes. It’s said that the demon was affected by the drug for 3 weeks. At first, Xan was a weak entity. He was slowly waking up his power, but the apocalypse came. This gave Xan the perfect opportunity to awaken his true powers, as there were was only chaos left in the world. He became a true monster. He brainwashed many people into following him and killed them, using their souls to create powerful minions. He could only make few of these minions though, as each minion took a part of his power as well to animate. He spent all of the time that the world was collapsing, to build an evil empire. B&J were strong, but could they truly kill such a horrible beast!? If the stars aligned, maybe they could pull it off. They were powerful too, but were they lucky? As they were riding the waves, one of the survivors noticed something in the distance. “Holy fuck are those mountains!? Trees!? We can find water and food now?” Chuck started laughing. He put his hand on the guys shoulder and said “Kid, I think everything is gonna be alright.” They made landfall, It was a soft yellow sandy beach, as far as the eye could see in both directions. In front of them, it seemed like paradise, a thick jungle with beautiful giant mountains, unfortunately for them, it was getting dark and they didn’t have much time to set up a nice base. Full well knowing this, all of the guys took a step off the whale, and all went off in their own direction, thinking the exact same thing.
Mind over Matter
After all the guys were done spanking their monkeys, their other carnal desire took over. “Oy, i haven’t had anything besides maggoty bread for 3 stinkin days!” One of the survivors said. This has no relation to LOTR, it was just true. “Can’t we just eat the whale?” Tiffany said. Tiffany was known for a deep love of big throbbing meat. She once took 3 1/2 meats at once all to herself. She also really liked eating meat as well. “Looks like meat is back on the menu bitches!” They killed the whale, and although he had a significant role in this story, he won’t ever get the credit he deserves. But I know mr demon whale. Semper Fidelis. Half of the survivors butchered the whale while the others started work on a giant fire. It was literally giant like a 30 foot circle on the beach. Pretty nice job not gonna lie. They had a massive feast, and the combination of post nut clarity, full bellies, and the stars above them, made the men all fall asleep by the fire. The lazy shits. The women however, stepped up to the plate. Elizabeth and a few other women approached B&J who immediately went off on their own, down the beach. They were getting ready to plant weed before they even got off of the whale. Elizabeth was a natural born beauty, but even more importantly, she was a leader. Her best friend Daeshona was right by her side and was even more beautiful. She had supreme wisdom and a loving heart. And despite how bad everything looked for humanity, everyone was in a good mood. Grateful to still have a chance at life. “Thank you guys. I know nobody has properly said this yet, but it needs to be said. Without you, we wouldn’t be here right now. All of us owe you our lives. And I hope we can continue to count on you, humanity needs you.” Elizabeth said to B&J. They were bent over planting seeds of course, seeds they had picked straight from their own bodies. They both looked at her, and then without saying a word, went straight back to planting. Liz was pretty annoyed with this. But she knew how to stay cool, calm, and collected, without sacrificing her inner bad bitch. She bent over and whispered right into B&Js faces “I..said..thank..you.. Did you smoke so much you forgot how to speak English?” She had their attention now. Joint sighed and looked at Blunt. Blunt nodded softly and started speaking “Listen... we aren’t doing this for you, we aren’t the super hero’s you think we are. We’re only doing this because we made a promise to someone a long time ago. It’s someone, and something that you know nothing about. We will always protect humanity as long as we are here, but don’t get it wrong. We aren’t interested in being your hero, or your savior, or your leader, or anything like that.” She looked at Joint, and his previously happy demeanor had completely changed, he had a single tear rolling down his cheek. He walked into the darkness but the girls could hear him choking back his tears. Blunt, almost as if he was getting down onto his knees in utter defeat, Bent down and shook his head. “Whatever this promise was, it was something deep.” Elizabeth thought to herself. Only Liz and Daeshona had heard what Blunt had said, and seeing their saviors in such a sorry state, put a damper on the general mood. The optimism and calmness was replaced with doubt and anxiety. Daeshona noticed this and knew that they had to do something. “Ok listen up ladies! Play time is over!” She yelled, she looked to Elizabeth and nodded her head. “Daeshona is right! For gods sake ladies we just made it across the ocean on a giant demon whale, just in time to dodge the reapers cold, wet, hands. Not to mention the impossible odds we went through to even make it that far! Even through all of that, we made it here together, we’re safe here, we can start rebuilding society, start families, and we can do things right this time!” Some of the girls started cheering. “Right now, what’s important is staying positive. We have the chance to focus on living and not just surviving, but we have to stay strong to get there. Nothing is more important then that. I love you all, but to be honest, I’m scared too. We have no idea what’s out there. What obstacles will come up, what fortunes will bless us, but we have each other right now. And just like everything else, we can get through this together.” The men were woken up by the commotion and although they only heard the end where Daeshona yelled “So what do you say ladies!? Who’s ready to kick some ass!?” And all the women started chanting “kick some ass” over and over this was enough to get them hyped up over whatever was happening. The simpletons. Blunt and Joint, totally inspired by Elizabeth’s speech, walked up to her. Joint laughed half embarrassed half impressed and said “See, we really aren’t the true hero’s of this story. See how happy everyone is now. Sure, everything is stacked against us, we could totally die in like 10 seconds at any point in time, but one little spark of hope and humanity will cling to it like they are the universe and it’s the last star. To them, we will always be the ones who defended them when they needed it, the shield they keep close in a fight. But you’ll always be their last star Liz. You are the hope of humanity.” Elizabeth was surprised at this huge compliment, blushed and started tearing up. She turned to all of the survivors, now in a positive mood, planning, laughing, getting ready to face the unknown. Chuck waved to Liz, signaling her over. She grinned, got ready to say something, but when she turned around, Blunt and Joint had already gone back to planting their precious bud. She laughed to herself and ran over to the survivors, determined to lead her people to a good life. However amongst all the good that was happening, what they didn’t notice was that some of Xans minions had been attracted to the light caused by the giant fire. They started to run back to their base to alert Xan, but it would take some time to get back to their home. The survivors had time, but not much.
Pants are for the weak
After a long but well spent night of hard work, all of the people started to fall asleep, they had some shelter, some beds made of palm leaves, some spears, but not really much else. However this was enough to satisfy them for now, and sleep was the only thing they could think about anymore anyways. Blunt and Joint on the other hand, were super badasses who didn’t need no sleep. As the Sun was rising over the water, slowly illuminating the paradise they had found, B&J were sat side by side waiting to harvest the weed they had planted 8 hours prior. “These are taking a bit longer to grow then the last batch eh Joint?” “Well Blunt if you don’t remember, last time you got impatient and caught all of the plants on fire! Pretty sure you said “fuck it I can’t wait anymore man” Threw them in a fire pit and left your face over the smoke for 2 hours.” Blunt started wheezing from laughing so hard and said “Yeah just making sure you didn’t forget buddy.” His laughter caused him to knock a plant into the sand. “Ahh look what you did, that one is yours man.” Joint said, now laughing himself. And just in that moment, the buds all simultaneously bloomed on the plants, some as big as a fat baby. Excited, Joint let out a howl like a lone wolf. Blunt howled back but much louder. Joint couldn’t handle how pussy his howl was compared to Blunts, and howled again but even louder! This caused a series of back and forth howls that got so intense that it sounded like 2 werewolves trying anal for the first time. They kept going until somewhere off in the distance, something decided to howl back. Wasn’t much of a howl though, more like the lifeless screech of an ancient demon hungry for souls. Xan had heard the 2 howling, and mistook B&J for giant 2 legged alligator wolves. Something Xan was not in the mood to deal with. He let out his most terrifying yell hoping to scare the beasts away. Dumbass. The howling had woken up the survivors, and even though they all heard the evil screech, they were too out of it to really care. They just wanted some demon whale steak. Blunt and Joint however, were thoroughly shook. It sent shivers down their seams, made goosebuds all over them, and made Joint fart a lil squeaker. They quickly got Chuck and Liz, and frantic to get the people ready for whatever abomination was on its way, quickly told them “Listen, something bad is going to happen, real bad. Something is on its way here right now, and it wants to kill all of us, possibly worse. This is beyond any evil you know of. You need to get everyone ready to fight and you need to prepare to lose us today. Blunt and I must meditate and draw out the true power within us. I can sense the creature, it draws nearer every second. We have less then an hour before we must fight. Their is no more time. Please, you 2 must do this now!” Blunt smiled and put one hand on each Elizabeth and chucks shoulder. “You 2 got this. Don’t worry about us, worry about your people.” “You’re our people too, you know. And you’re the ones who don’t need to worry, me and Chuck have this handled.” Liz smiled back, and then knuckle bumped Chuck. The 2 groups turned around at the same time, the King and Queen walked to the others, and the Knights walked into the ocean. They smoked a huge amount of weed, and had the most intense meditation sesh in the history of consciousness. The things they saw, experienced, learned, could never be described by word. And when they sensed that the evil was less then 2 minutes away, they both opened their eyes, with a newfound peace of mind and confidence. They were completely focused on combat. A flock of blood red seagulls flew overhead, as if they were flying away from the intense power emanating off of Xan the Man. “Hey Blunt, you remember that promise we made to our sensei? Back when all of this started? Do you think we can keep it?” Joint said. “Quit acting like a baby Joint, if we can’t, we’ll die along with the promise anyways. The only way to keep his legacy going, is for us to survive, and to keep that promise forever. It’s time to fight, are you ready or not?” “Of course I’m ready. I’m just not sure if we can win.” “Me neither, but it doesn’t matter does it. We have to fight.” They both looked at each other and laughed. “Of course we got this, now cmon, our friends are waiting for us.” B&J joined the survivors, They were lined up, ready to fight for their lives. Some of them had managed to make themselves some makeshift armor out of twigs and whale scales, and a couple of whale scale spears. Most of them just had wooden spears and the clothes on their backs though. The armored ones were the front line, including Chuck, and Karen who was actually pretty good at kicking ass. B&J posted themselves in front of the armored people in hopes that they wouldn’t have to fight at all. Xan was so close now that they could hear the branches breaking and the trees falling in the forest. Any second now, annnnny second, just one more, andddd boom goes the dynamite. Everything suddenly went slow-motion for Blunt and Joint. This was the make or break moment for mankind, and the adrenaline spike caused their perception of time to distort momentarily. Their usually goofy demeanors were replaced by a fire that could burn down hell. Xan busted out of the forest with 2 of his minions on his back, took one look at the group in front of him, and let out a roaring and condescending laugh. “This is what you 2 fools were afraid of!? A couple of half baked pirates and some meat sacks barely hanging on? I should have you 2 sent to the doctor and checked because it appears you both LOST YOUR BALLS! Hahahaha!” Blunt took this moment to point out something important. “Hey ugly, I think you forgot your pants at home. We’re you that excited for your first day of schooling?” “Silence you nimrod, you shall address me as Xan the Man, and I’ll have you know that I am a being beyond pants. If I had to wear pants I would be no different from you sorry lot. No, I choose the pants less travelled.” “Well Xan the garbage can, pants or no pants, you underestimate us. We will defeat you, and make you put pants on. My name, is Fatass Joint, you already met my associate, Blunt. And as long as you are pantsless, you’ll be our personal punching bag!”
Zen and the art of Marijuana
Each of the minions jumped off of Xans back. According to Joint they resembled “Fat fucking cats but way bigger..” Realistically though one was half man, half tiger, and the other was man mixed with a lion. Extremely large claws, massive jaws with razor sharp teeth, and muscles that could make Arnold Schwarzenegger drool. All with the intelligence of a man. These were no ordinary opponents. “Joint, Blunt, leave these 2 house cats to me.” Chuck said courageous and confidently. Stepping in front of them, spear pointed at the beasts. “Hahaha, it’s been a while since I got to beat some pussy up!” And without another second going by, chuck leapt over 15 feet, within inches of the lion, and struck his spear straight through the lions chest. Quick to react though, the lion was able to move his body just enough to avoid a fatal blow through his heart. Chuck noticed this and used all of his force to throw the spear through the lion, sending the lion flying back into a tree. “See, one down already!” Chuck yelled. Amidst the conflict, Xan started muttering phrases of an ancient language very quietly. Not even Xans minions knew how he attacked. He attacked using his secret chants and inner power to draw energy from hell. He knew things from before even mankind existed. “Heh, not bad for a normal human. But don’t count me out yet, I’m just getting started with you. Blunt noticed a shift in the Lions energy and saw its eyes turn from brown to a bright glowing red. He knew he had to strike the lion while it was still weak. He shot a Rasta colored lazer beam from his eyeballs, obliterating the animals upper half. “Now it’s dead, try doing that with a spear.” Blunt said. Chucks jaw dropped in awe. Xan was slightly annoyed by this, but the man tiger, was furious. He rushed over to his deceased brothers body, and absorbed the rest of the lions power into his own. This caused a great shockwave, pushing back everyone, even Xan. The tiger started to transform into a new beast entirely. He no longer even slightly resembled a man. His humanity was gone, replaced with a deep blood lust and predatory instinct to kill. His body completely turned into that of a demon twisted lion with a tiger head and a tail made of the burning essence of hell, said to be hotter than the sun itself, yet concentrated and contained. “That’s one for the books eh boys!?” Blunt said turning around, he went to high five Joint but before he could the awakened demon tiger rammed his head so hard that it sent him into a temporary dream state, in which he was swimming in a pool full of weed. It also sent him flying backwards at a super high speed. He quickly reoriented himself but before he was ready the tiger was already lunging in for another attack. It’s jaws clenched around blunts neck but Joint was right behind them and was able to uppercut it, sending it flying up in the air. The tiger wasn’t going to let an opportunity go to waste though and slashed Joint with his tail. Joint instantly caught on fire and started freaking out. “Stop drop and roll Joint! Stop drop and roll!” Chuck started yelling. He frantically started rolling around in the sand, unfortunately for him, leaving him open for another attack. This time the monster rammed into Joint at Mach speed, pushing him into the dirt and leaving a massive crater. Blunt drop kicked the tiger beast away from Joint and used his weed powers to create a greatsword made out of his own body. Although this sword was made of weed, it was sharper then any manmade sword could dream of being. “You okay man!?” He said. “Yeah just give me a second, damn that really knocked the smoke out of me.” The tiger demon landed on his feet, and pounced straight at blunt, its loss of intelligence was ultimately its downfall. Fueled by blind rage, the beast dove straight into Blunts swing, cutting itself perfectly in half. Joint was in the process of standing up when this happened, but looked up just in time to see half of the animal flying towards him. He quickly moved out of the way and watched the 2 parts of the beast fly another 100 feet out into the ocean. Within a second a monkey shark grabbed the mangled mess of a creature and swam its free lunch down to the bottom of the ocean. Joint looked at Blunt, who looked at Chuck, who was collapsing to the ground in front of them. They looked around them and noticed the rest of the survivors starting to collapse too. “What the hell is happening!?” They were fine just a second ago!” Blunt yelled. “Well well well, I see you two are immune to my sleeping spell. Isn’t this a treat. It’s been over 10,000 years since I’ve been in a real fight! You may have been stronger then my minions, but don’t get too cocky. The fun hasn’t even started yet!” Xan belched deep, and like a dragon, he spewed out a thick mist of unbelievably potent xanax dust. B&J instantly moved back a few hundred feet down the beach. “How are we gonna handle this guy Blunt? He has no pants!” “Forget the pants man! They aren’t important. And forget fighting too! No amount of violence will solve this fight. No, pain is what got him to this state, marijuana is the only way to save him now. I know you aren’t going to like this Joint, but I know how to stop him.” Joint already knew exactly what Blunt was going to say, and with the look of the 2 hardest motherfuckers, they faced their enemy. It was time to either end this, or die trying. Blunt started shooting lazers at Xan the man in hopes to distract him while Joint ran to grab his torch. Xan noticed the lazers and quickly chanted something. The lazers went right through Xan, like he was a ghost. Blunt braced himself for the counter attack. But internally he was scared. Those lazers were one of his stronger attacks and they didn’t even leave a mark. Xan chanted again and sent a shower of sharp xanax crystals flying towards Blunt, each one that hit Blunt sent him flying back 10 feet and screaming in pain! Blunt, with multiple crystals now sticking out of his body, was still standing strong. He still had an ace up his sleeve, but if he used it too soon, they would fail. He just needed to hold out in time for Joint! Before he could attack back, Xan was already chanting again. This time hells essence started shooting out of the ground like geysers in a straight line towards Blunt, each one getting larger. Blunt dodged the attack and started running towards Xan at full speed. Or so Xan thought. Behind the giant explosions of fire and sand, Blunt had secretly cloned himself and hid just under the surface of the sand. Xan was unaware of this and started to attack the clone, the clone however was able to dodge Xans attacks, even though he knew he should be connecting. “What is this annoyance? Have you sent a clone after me? Don’t tell me your so scared that you would run away from a fight! How pathetic are you!?” Xan babbled. Blunt came out from under the sand, he wasn’t trying to fight, just buy time. Luckily for him, Joint was already back and ready to put their plan into full swing. Joint lit Blunt up and got ready to end the fight once and for all. “Alright you pantsless freak. We’ve had enough of your games. Either come at us like you mean it, or quit wasting our time.” Joint said, trying to provoke Xan into a close ranged fight. The bait worked, almost a little to well as within the blink of an eye Xan was over Joint and Blunts body. He slammed himself into the 2, but Joint pushed back, using all of his strength to stop Xan. The force of this caused a tidal wave so massive that it hit the opposite end of the landmass 2 weeks later. “Now Blunt! Do it now!” Blunt used his ace, he mixed the sand with hemp fibers from his body, turning it into a thick paste, which quickly hardened to be stronger than diamonds. He stuck Xan to ground but this wouldn’t last long. “Your play Joint. Hurry it up!” Joint took a huge rip from Blunts body, ran behind Xan, and blew the smoke straight up his asshole. Boofing usually isn’t this violent kids. Xan let out a horrible scream, like he had just learned how to look inward. Millions of years of 0 introspection, and evil acts were all starting to catch up with the demon. He fell down, got in the fetal position, and started mumbling to himself. “I regret my entire existence. Why couldn’t I have lived for the full experience of life itself instead of just the negativity it brings?” Xan transformed back into Greg’s human body. Although he was still dead, his body had a slight smile on its face. He could finally meet the peace he deserved. Bluddy, broken, and bruised, B&J plopped down on the ground and both let out a big sigh of relief. Each of them lit up a fat ass joint and a killer blunt. “Do you think they’ll wake up soon B?” “Man, I hope not.”
The End
And how am I here you ask? Well, unfortunately I couldn’t save the world this time. But having my consciousness downloaded into a robots body, has given me another chance to protect mankind. And I’ll continue to watch over them until the day my batteries die.
submitted by /u/atryhardrooster [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Pv0zDn
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Body Transformation Freestyle Story June 20, 2017
Body Transformation Freestyle StoryStart time of Writing Freestyle Story after gathering resources used and story title: 7:54 am to 7:55 a.m.Wrapping Up Time: 9:31 a.m.            Russell Jackson was sponsoring a free movie night showing the films Formula 51 and Tropic Thunder, along with eight other people outside of a park that was free and open to the public. Russell Jackson, and some of his other friends; Herman Kingsley, Ted Hill, Jay Bear, Matthew Spice, Jamie Lewis,and Liam Silver are a conglomeration of  communication directors, cooks, event planners, and caterers from both the Hampton Roads and Washington D.C. Area working together to help set up the event for the summertime. The Formula 51 film is normally too controversial to show, however Matthew Spice was able to convince at least six celebrities such as Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, to come down to make an appearance in exchange for a certain amount of money and to meet some of the city’s politicians and military officers.  From the Tropic Thunder film side, Tom Cruise, Jack Black, and Ben Stiller came to visit. Jackson was almost able to convince Robert Downey Jr. to attend, but he had previously promised some officials from a sport event in a neighboring state that he was going to attend their event and the timing cut too close. Many people from the military, government, and even many who work andor volunteer in the private sector came and brought free blankets (some obviously brought their children). After the film, the event was going to be a hybrid of an unofficial party and festival to celebrate the longevity of a housing community in the Norfolk Virginia area. Both civilian and military event planners and cooks were volunteering their skills for the event and there is a scheduled  fashion show featuring people of various ages, physical appearances, and sizes in the north section of the park. The fashion show is being sponsored by Party City, Costco, Giant Grocery Store, and space is being temporarily rented out in the far side of the Norfolk Naval Base.            To be on the safe side and for security reasons, the event/community party organizers kept the celebrities visiting in a separate section to allow ample space for their security team and bodyguards to protect them while still allowing them to interact with the general public in safety. One of the women in attendance Hailey Josh wondered from watching both the Formula 51  and Tropic Thunder films if a similar formula could be used to help some of her friends return to their ideal weight. 44 year old Hailey Josh herself had no problems in that department as she works as a housekeeper for the Naval Lodge on the Norfolk Naval base and works as a model in free time scoring an abundance of modeling job opportunities because of her resemblance to musician Mary J. Blige in her Just Fine music video. As a civilian government employee she is able to enroll in a variety of traditional and online schools that give her a 25 percent discount or more as a government employee.  Currently, Hailey Josh is enrolled in a pilot program for prior military veterans studying to work as a resource analyst for the federal government  (due to Hailey Josh’s experience as an enlisted intelligence specialist for the Navy approximately 15-16 years ago). Josh found out about this program from her friend 50 year old friend Lori Bennett who she met at a Tim McGraw concert during the song performance of For A Little While. Hailey Josh wanted to know how Bennett was able to afford a completely paid for home  and have 2 years of living expenses in her checking account within just 5 years of initially moving to Norfolk Virginia with just 1000 dollars to her name after rent. Bennett admitted that a government social worker referred her to a program training that was currently available in Virginia that would help her to re-enter back in to the federal government as a supply/logistic specialist via free supply training classes (that she was eligible for due to her prior experience as a supply worker for the navy 9 years prior to being referred to the social worker). Hailey Josh’s friend Lori Bennett was also fine in the weight department as Bennett went from a size 14 to a size 2 just a year after moving to Norfolk Virginia. However, Hailey Josh knew some mutual friends of both her and Lori Bennett who were striving to go from sizes 16 to six or smaller that might benefit from someone who knew  chemical  combinations  for quicker weight loss.Haily Josh’s husband Connor Castle resembles one of the men featured in the Amazed music video by Lonestar but would be with Hailey if he could right now. However, his aviation job has him a little tied up in dealing with work that is at least well paid and involving helping out at a Paris Air show in France. This is a big deal as Connor and Hailey have twin 18 year old girls working in California helping out in behind the scenes work for Bravo TV’s new reality tv show Summer House. Additionally, Hailey Josh has two twin 3 year old boys that she adopted from a professor couple that she  met from a Tonic concert (during the performance of Sugar). Tragically, they both unexpectedly passed away together at just 40 years amd 41 years of age in a car crash. Hailey Josh was both sad and happy for them as the same time. Initially sad because she lost two good friends that she and Connor Castle would double date with and trade career stories and talks with. Additionally, the professor couple was finally enjoying for just 6 months the freedom of being debt free and having a paid for home and paid for car. However, Hailey Josh was also happy for the couple because she knew they went on to a better place and are looking after their twin sons from heaven.  Hailey Josh’s 60 year old biological mom Aimee Moore and adoptive mother 65  year old Maya Law help out with the both kids from time to time. Both women are retired and fortunately enjoy financial freedom for different reasons. Maya Law still works part-time flex hours as a professor and is an educational consultant who helps give guidance and advice for online course content for the websites udemy, great courses, masterclass.com,and Lynda.com.  Maya Law usually makes at least 15,000 American dollars each month after taxes for work that  she is highly skilled/talented in. Law has even shared some of that money with Hailey Josh before by paying for nannies at times for the 3 year old twins. Not to be outdone, Aimee Moore and Maya Law have a friendly rivalry with each other when it comes to their daughter. Aimee Moore recently surprised Hailey Josh with a paid for 8000 dollar car for her 44th birthday.  This surprised Hailey Josh as she initially only expected to have a car maybe within 2-3 years after she prayed to God for her request and took as much action as she could towards manifesting a paid for car (a car that is obtained loan-free, paid in cash). Ironically, Hailey Josh surrendered to the idea of giving up her apartment near Old Dominion University and living in a paid for house with at least 10 other married couples known to have wild andor party reputations (some of them child-free and some of them with young children in the house)before she was surprised with a car. Much to Josh’s pleasant surprise, the 10 couples were all understanding when she admitted to them why she was changing her mind about moving into the house with them. Aimee Moore herself was truthfully resigned to working for the rest of her current lifetime on earth until she unexpectedly came into a money windfall of 5 million dollars in today’s money after taxes for writing a story and script similar to It Happens in the Hamptons book. Hailey Josh counts her blessings to have both types of mothers alive and a good/tension-free relationship with both as she is friends with both child-free women and women with children whose mothers already passed away well before they were 40 or 50 years old. As a matter of fact, Maya Law is at the park right now and is about to pay a surprise visit to Hailey Josh.Right as Hailey Josh folds up her blanket to go near the gathering area where many people are at and watching the music group the Cure perform their popular Lovesong tune. She notices another stage area where some chefs are presenting their culinary pop-ups and crowds gathering to try their food. Right as Hailey Josh thinks about going to that stage she sees another area lined with at least 10 picnic tables and hosting an event similar to a grocery store barbecue battle that she saw featured in both the online versions of the Virginian Pilot and Washington Post just two days earlier. Just 40 yards away, surprises Hailey Josh the most. Josh’s friend Hailey Bennett is being interviewed by a Hollywood California newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, and the Virginian Pilot for three females next to her who all went from a size 18 to a size 0 trying the food combinations and combo supplements recommended by Lori Bennett. Hailey Josh realizes that this must be the reason why Bennett herself went from a size 16 to a size 2 in such a short period of time even when others around her questioned if she could make it happen. Hailey Josh is happy for Lori Bennett’s recognition but realizes that her inspiration idea from the Formula 51 film she was picking up on was actually her intuitively picking up on Bennett’s idea before is happened (a prescient circumstance). Hailey Josh sees a throng of crowds gathering around the celebrities who agreed to visit just 200 yards away. However, just as she is about to go join the crowd herself, she is awakened by her mother Law who intuitively and logically noticed that her adoptive daughter unintentionally went to sleep on the blanket  towards the end of the Tropic Thunder film. Time to get up Hailey Dear, Maya gently pulls Hailey up from the blanket to take her towards one of the staging areas that has a hybrid chef cooking show demonstration and five deejays working together on a another stage helping out some of the musicians/music groups who agreed to attend the event. Resources UsedSongs UsedAmazed by LonestarMary J Blige FineSugar by TonicFor A Little While by Tim McGrawLove Song by The CureGiant Barbecue Battle Ad that I had seen in the Washington Post Express advertising the following websitehttp://bbqindc.com/http://bbqindc.com/the-taste-of-giant-sampling-pavilion/WELCOME TO THE WORLD'S LARGEST NAVAL STATIONhttp://www.partycity.com/http://www.military.com/base-guide/naval-station-norfolkhttp://www.partycity.com/product/cars+party+supplies.doAffirmationsMy life is getting better than expected each day.I am undergoing a positive transformation in all areas of my life for both the present and future.I experiment with new methods, ways of thinking and action that are helping to sharpen both my skills pertaining to wisdom, creativity, and imagination in all areas of my life for both present and future.https://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/affirmations_room/I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.I picture abundance for myself and others.Paris Air Show: Decades of crazy, cool planesBy Thom Patterson   @CNNMoneyJune 16, 2017: 5:33 PM ET http://money.cnn.com/gallery/news/2017/06/16/paris-air-show-history-unusual-planes/index.html?iid=hp-grid-domTop chefs on tour: 10 culinary pop-ups around the worldChris Dwyer, CNN • Updated 7th May 2017 http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/culinary-pop-ups-around-the-world/index.html https://www.lynda.com/https://www.udemy.com/courses/https://www.masterclass.com/http://www.thegreatcourses.com/It Happens in the Hamptons Will Be Your Juicy Summer Beach ReadWriter Holly Peterson describes it as "Downton Abbey in bikinis." http://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a9655928/holly-peterson-hamptons-novel/The 6 Types of People You Encounter in a Hamptons Summer Share HouseIn honor of Bravo's new reality show Summer House, T&C takes a look at the characters you might meet in a summer share. http://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a9248/hamptons-summer-share-stereotypes/Inspiration from my husband and I shopping at Costco inside of the Westfield Wheaton Mall in Wheaton Maryland this eveninghttp://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/stage-names.php#.WTqvpOvyucw http://www.onlinemilitaryeducation.org/faq/civilian-job-military-intelligence-specialist/
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