#the pacific headcannon
taintedmind666 · 8 months
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ithinkabouttzu · 4 months
Hey could you do a first time with the pacific characters x reader??
First time with the pacific boys
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genre! smut; romance
warnings! sexual intercourse, swearing, reader has a hole, just plain filth. *minors please do not interact, 18+ only*
description! The pacific boys (listed below) having sex with you for the first time.
read my disclaimer in my pacific masterlist! Also note that reader is gender neutral.
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Eugene Sledge: He would be very soft and gentle with you the whole time. He cares for you so much and handles you as though you could break at any moment. He would lay you down and plant a millions of small, but passionate kisses all over your body softly, taking off your clothing one by one. It would leave you breathless, frozen and barely able to breathe. Singing little words of praise to you over and over until you’re practically begging for him. He would trace every part of your body with his hands, followed along by his lips. When he has made his way inside of you it’s like a fire is lit between you two. The passion that comes from him is amazing. “I love you so much, y/n. Let me show you how much I do”
Sidney Phillips: He’s fun but very sweet with you. Giving you such a sweet and loving smile while he’s practically torturing you with his fingers, tracing his fingers so closely to that sensitive part of you, but not close enough, while also kissing on every inch of your body that he can get his sweet mouth on. He’s so desperate for your touch also, he can’t help the almost pathetic whimpers he makes when you hold his cock in your hands for the first time. And when he finally feels the inside of you it’s almost too much to bear. He’s become pussy-drunk off of you almost instantly. The only instinct being to rut into as good as he can, trying to make you feel amazing. “How much do you want it, my doll. Say you want it as much as I do, please”
Robert Leckie: He really can’t hold himself back from you, even if he wanted to. When he sees you naked on display for him he becomes different (in a good way) almost animalistic when it comes to you. Hunting you down onto the bed and attacking you with his fierce kisses and friendly hands. He intends to leave hickeys all over your precious body. To show everyone who you belong to and love so much. He’s so charming in bed with you. He knows all of the right things to say and to do. When he feels your warmth for the first time he’s at a loss of words, all he can do is moan out sweet nothings to you as he feels you up with his length. Wrecking you with his cock only. “You are amazing sweetheart, just for me, right?”
Lew ‘Chuckler’ Juergens: He’s practically putty in your hands when you tell him that you’d like for him to make love to you. He can’t even began to tell you how many times he’s dreamed of this moment, it’s almost unreal. He’s in shock, amazed and both overwhelmed by your natural beauty. As you take your clothes off for him he can only start to jump to the future, imagining a whole life with you, forever and ever. When you feel his length for the first time his expressions are award-worthy. His moans almost pornagraphic. He finds his way inside of you sooner or later, he finds it hard to hold himself back from fucking your hole sore, and pistoning in and out of you as hard as he can. He starts slow and picks his speed up more and more every minute. “You’re amazing, doll. Just perfect, all for me”
Merriell ‘Snafu’ Shelton: How do I even began to explain the way he would fuck you. He would spend hours rubbing, sucking, licking, and pinching that sensitive spot of yours, over and over again til’ you were a moaning mess. Squeezing and hugging on every part of your body while he begs for you to just cum on his hands, just one more time, then he will make love to you. When he finally does fill you up with his cock, he doesn’t waste time, he’s going at an insane pace, not stopping for nothing in the world and the only thing encouraging him is your loud screams of pleasure. He’s a filthy talker too, saying all sorts of dirty nonsense into your ears while he makes you a mess. “You love it when I fuck you, huh? Such a pretty thing, even prettier on my cock”
John Basilone: He’s quick to undress you from your clothes, and press his face in between the place you need him the most. He will use all of his body to make you feel good. His hands working magic of their own upon your top half, and his mouth on your bottom half, working wonders within you. He doesn’t feel the need to stop until you’re pleading for his cock. And when he finally does decide to show you mercy, he wants to hear you beg for it himself. “c’mon, honey, tell me how bad you need it” when you beg enough to his liking he finds it well enough to shove his cock inside of you, getting a noisy reaction from you in return. He looks amazing while making love to you. The way his biceps look as he’s pinning you down, the small sweat beads falling off of his forehead as he gives you his all. “Let me cum into you, darling. Have all of me please.”
R.V Burgin: He’s a gentleman like he always is. Sweet to you as ever as he finds his way around your body with his hands. He’s kissing you the whole time, never leaving your lips barely once. He enjoys soaking into your love almost too much. He can’t help it, he’s obsessed with your body, and the way you look under him. Yearning for his touch. “Is it alright if I put it in, I promise it won’t hurt” He’s very careful with your body. Holding you as if you were a precious jewel. When he finally starts making love to you it’s unreal, he’s amazing. Just getting to feel your warmth and embrace all of you, is the best thing he could ask for.He’s breathless the whole time, still feeling magical the way you tighten around his cock. “I love you so much, baby. You feel so good around me. Just like that, don’t stop sweetie.”
Wilbur ‘Runner’ Conley: He’s got a sweet smile on his face the whole time you guys are together. How could he not show his excitement for you? He loves you so much and had been waiting for the day to make you his, to fill you with his load, so that only you could be his forever. He makes sure to undress you softly, kissing and holding you like a sweet puppy. “You are an angel, you know that, right?” He’s in awe when he sees you naked. You are absolutely breathtaking. He doesn’t know where to put his eyes, or what he should say other then tell you that you are beautiful over and over again. When he’s inside of you, he’s so passionate and patient for your pleasure first. In his mind, his life’s purpose is to make you completely happy no matter what. It’s his mission to make you finish multiple times.
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith: He’s fast with his hands, not restraining himself one bit. He’s tearing off your clothes in an instant. He’s waiting so long for you and he can’t waste any longer for you. His lips are on your chest immediately once your clothes have been stripped from you. Finding his way to your hard nipples and biting them gently. He’s amazing at foreplay, he finds no intent on stopping whatsoever and not even superman could tear him off of you in this moment. When he’s inside of you he turns completely different, primal like, only being able to thrust into you sharply. Holding you up against him as he pushes and pulls himself in and out of you until you’re practically in tears. “I can’t get enough of you, you sweet thing. You feel like heaven”
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Again thank you for your request! Sorry for such a delay, i’ve had a hard time writing here recently. If you enjoyed, please like or reblog. Any feedback is appreciated! 🩷
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mads-nixon · 7 months
i LOVED those chuckler headcanons - he's my absolute fave in the pacific and there's so little writing about him! could i request some more, maybe chuckler with a medic reader during wartime?
Chuckler Dating a Medic
Chuckler Juergens x Medic!Reader
A/N: Hi anon! Thanks for the request!! Love this gif (peep my baby hoosier 🫶) this is about the fictional portrayal of the H company boys on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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Being assigned to H company, you meet the boys on the ship over.
The first time Lew sees you, he has to do a complete double-take.
At first he's like, "That's a woman," and then he takes a good look at you..." Wow. that's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," type vibes.
He immediately gets a crush on you, and by the time y'all deploy to Guadalcanal, the poor fella is hopelessly in love, despite not knowing you for long.
Bill and Leckie's teasing is unending, and it's the only time you see Lew clam up and get embarrassed.
When the company first encounters the Japs at Tenaru, Lew's heart is in his throat every time he sees you dart from foxhole to foxhole, responding to the call for a corpsman.
He tried to keep tabs on you, but amongst the smoke and bullets in the air, he lost you. Even though he wanted to go searching for you, Lew knew you were good at your job and that he had his own to do, but it didn't stop him from worrying.
When morning came and the dust settled, he saw you sitting in a hole, staring off into space, your dungarees covered in blood (it's not yours). He freaks out and slides next to you, asking you a million questions.
Lew cups your cheeks gently to get you to look at him, and instinctually, you lean forward and connect your lips. It was s short kiss (really like a peck), but it shut Chuckler up, and he stared at you dumbfounded.
"You just kissed me," he says, his eyes wide.
You smile, your teeth a contrast to the dirt and blood on your face. "I did."
Then...boom, he asks you to be his girlfriend, and you ofc say yes. You've gotta keep it on the DL, but the boys know and joke about it constantly, but you also know they would take the secret to the grave if they had to.
Any time Lew would get even the slightest bit hurt, and I mean like a tiny cut on his finger or something, you'd go in full medic mode.
"I need to disinfect it," and "Let me see, hon."
Deep down, you're absolutely terrified of losing him, so you kind of go crazy making sure you do everything in your power to keep him healthy.
You're probably the mom friend of the group and always make sure they're all doing okay. In turn, Chuckler is always there for you if you want to talk about anything.
Being a medic is draining, and there are some days that you just lay in his arms at night, trying to forget the blood and death you'd witnessed that day.
By the time you got to Melbourne, you were almost to your breaking point. Seeing boys blown to bits and crying for their mothers day after day became too much.
Instead of going out and exploring, you stayed in the stadium and slept like Hoosier. You told Chuckler to go have fun, but he insisted on staying with you. He sat propped against the legs of your cot, rubbing your hand gently, trying to coax you to sleep.
As the months went on in the Australian city, everything seemed to get better, and you took advantage of the time you had with Lew.
You went to the beach, learned how to play cricket, and went on a million picnic dates.
When your orders came that you were going to ship out again, Lew went out, bought a ring, and proposed.
You say yes, and he puts the ring on a chain for you to wear.
On Cape Gloucester, you were often caught up in the medic tent treating infections and other illnesses like the enuresis that Bob ended up developing.
Pavuvu was even worse when it came to sickness. Runner was badly sick with malaria, and you and Lew were tending to him the best you could, but there wasn't much you could do.
You'd stay up all night beside his bedside, keeping tabs on his fever and making sure he didn't need anything. After a few days of this, you were dead on your feet, and Chuckler had to step in.
He'd gently urge you to bed and sit beside your cot, running his hand through your hair. Within seconds, soft snores escaped your mouth and you were out like a light.
From Pavuvu, you went to Peleliu, and nothing could ever prepare you for what you saw there. It was the bloodiest, most horrifying thing you'd witnessed so far. By the time the Marines took the airfield, Leckie, Bill, and Runner had been hit, and you had no idea where Lew was.
When you found him, you almost cried, and he engulfed you in a HUGE hug, lifting you off your feet for a moment.
The pair of you stick side by side through the campaign on Peleliu until he gets hit, and when he does, you patch him up as you try not to fall apart.
Finally, you're called back off the line, and you're by Lew's side the whole time as he's carried on the stretcher to the medical ship. You couldn't go with him, no matter how much you wanted to, so you said a tearful goodbye and kissed him softly, promising you'd see him soon.
You wrote him as you made your way through Okinawa, and you burst into tears when the news of the war's end reached you.
Lew was waiting for you when you finally got to come home. The first thing y'all do is go to the courthouse and get married!
The two of you spend the rest of your lives living outside Chicago in a small town that was quiet and peaceful, except for the trouble your kids caused when became teenagers!
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Tag List: @liptonsbabe @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @flowers-and-fichte @merriell-allesandro-shelton
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag!
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cairnholmdust · 3 months
Hc that newt had gauges when he was in his teens...
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sock-monkey-zd · 1 year
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Finally finished this WIP
During the Weirdmaggedon episodes on Gravity Falls, I like to imagine Pacifica going out for supplies even though she really doesn’t want to, mainly because she knows more about some of the stuff McGuckit talks about than she lets on, it’s the same trip where she finds a horse magazine, and Mabel let her use the golf club.
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happyandticklish · 1 year
I have a couple for the tickle fight asks if that’s okay. 💖
Tom & Marco
Bee & Deckard
Dipper & Pacifica
And Wirt & Sarah
You get me
I love that you always ask for my rare cartoon fandoms because I need to shower these couples in love and you always give me the opportunity to <3
I am not 100% sure if you meant these in a ship-y way, but as these are all ships that I like, I will be interpreting them as such. I put them under the cut as it started to get a bit long lol:
Round 2: Tom vs Marco
Okay, so it is pretty even between these two. They're both fairly ticklish and both competitive as hell, so they'll go for a while before one of them is forced to give up. I'd say that Marco probably loses more because Tom has magic (which is "unfair" and "breaking the rules" according to certain unnamed witnesses) and will pin Marco down with it, to which Marco loses his mind giggling and trying to somehow break his hold. However, there's this spot on Tom's lower back, near his butt but almost at his sides, that makes him panic and he is not able to focus on winning after that point, it is all about survival.
Round 3: Bee vs Deckard
Bee wins. Oh, for SURE Bee wins. Deckard (a) loves to be tickled and (b) is far too ticklish for his own good. He melts into tickling and will just curl up and take it—not that he won't be protesting adamantly—and half the time he might even roll over so Bee has better access to his spots. It's not that he won't tickle Bee as well, or that Bee herself isn't ungodly ticklish, it's simply that he is so fucking touch-starved that he will fight against every instinct in his body not to fight back if the opportunity to get tickled presents itself. Like, he'll start tickling Bee jokingly and she'll tickle back, and he gives up immediatelly. If she's in the mood to be tickled, she won't fight back because she knows Deckard will cave if she does lol.
Round 4: Dipper vs Pacifica
This might be controversial, but I actually feel like Pacifica would lose. Dipper is the more ticklish of the too, but Pacifica isn't used to being tickled. Dipper and Mabel have gotten into a million tickle fights over the years, and as such he has developed strategies to deal with his sensitivity in order to fight back. Don't get me wrong, he'll go down at first, and it takes him a while to get the upper hand, but once he does, Pacifica is caught entirely off guard and can't fight him off for shit. He does let her win occasionally, because he thinks it's cute when she thinks she's "finally bested him at his own game."
Round 5: Wirt vs Sarah
Wirt loses omg are you kidding, my guy is practically one walking tickle spots. No one with that gangly of limbs and that awkward of an attitude isn't insanely ticklish. Sara is also ticklish, and while I think they both ultimately enjoy being tickled, she's able to relax into it more. She'll giggle and squirm but other than that she doesn't get too out of control from it. Wirt fucking PANICS there are limbs flailing everywhere it's a mess. Tbh it's less of a tickle fight and more of him getting unfairly wrecked lol.
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thechaosgods · 2 years
Hi, yes, I’m STILL obsessed with Pacific Rim. This is nothing new-
But what is new is my headcannons. I will definitely be giving more of those now, because FUCK YEAH, GIANT (SENTIENT) ROBOTS!
The drift isn’t just for Jaegers, it connects the pilots too, right? Well, if you’ve been drifting with someone for a long enough period of time, you can start to predict what your other half is gonna do, or maybe even get a glimpse of what their thinking.
Pilots who have been drifting for a long time will die close in time to one another if they die outside the drift and outside of battle.
They, after a long enough period of time, become sentient, and can start doing things outside of the drift with their pilots
They tend to treat their pilots like family!!
They sometimes get their paint colors changed because they can remind them of bad things (the war)
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
HCs for what the first time with Sledge would be like?
AAAAAGGH!!! I've been waiting for a first time with Sledge!! Thank you honey, you have done me proud!! This might be a little smuttier than usual so I apologize and rate this 18+ (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!!)
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Gene would definitely want this one to be special
Because that's how he sees you and when you two decide to be intimate
The spot where you two decided to do the deed? Well, that's a bit of a different story
Yeah, shower sex......definitely shower sex
You and Gene really liked the feel of the water
And the closeness while you two were......ahem.......naked
And it was warm too......God, it was really fucking warm
When he slowly started to (thrust) ever so gently.....
You two had ALOT of fun with the bar of soap (I'm not gonna get into that cuz that is a steamy story for another day)
Even though there were some moments where it might have been a bit awkward
You and Gene couldn't have asked for a better night
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coraxaviary · 1 year
I'm fairly sure this link has been posted before but I feel like shouting it out --
This site has a '40s radio channel (as well as channels for each era going to the 1900s) that I've really been enjoying when I get tired of my typical music rotation.
I didn't know where to start when trying to understand what the WWII GIs would have been playing in their clubs or on the Jukebox, but the station just gives you a randomized sampling that is super fun to listen to.
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Look weird idea ,like WeIRd but...Eugene sledge as a vampire OR werewolf having sexy scars and u need to take care of him
First of it would be a great awfull low budget 80s movie like imagine "he whent to fight in the war and got bittin by a wolf" I feel like that trope can also work with many other characters that whent to war
Second bbg Joe mazzello with scars 🥴 yes pls
If someone is on drugs on this site like me pls consider my idea thankiu
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
Heyyy can you do headcannons of the earthrealmers, specially johnny cage 😭😍😭, when they really like the reader and get jealous when the reader is doing something with the other one of them. Sorry if this isnt clearrr i cant speak 🥲🥲🥲
I love everything you writte btw, are you kidding me???? Thank you so muchhhh
author note: feat. Johnny Cage, Tomas Vrbada, and Liu Kang because I think they'd be the funniest. Also, I intended the request as them being jealous of theirselves from other timelines. Also fem!reader in Liu Kang part.
Johnny Cage: -He basks in this situation. It doesn't matter the timeline, you are always close to him. -But then Johnny notices his other selves getting a bit too close to you. He could recognize those moves. -He can because they are the ones he makes to woo someone. -Finally, something clicks into Johnny's brain. You may always be attracted (also unconsciously) to him in every timeline, but he also remains a dog in every single one. -In a blink of an eye, the ninja mime Johnny and Janet are face to face with your pissed boyfriend, his hand gripping tight your shoulder. -"Have I introduced myself? I'm Johnny the boyfriend. The best one, not a rip-off." He extends his hand, but it is clear to everyone that Johnny's intention is everything but pacific. -Everything happens in the blink of an eye, the three Johnnys brawling on the ground. -You thought about stopping them, but thankfully, you thought some more. -Three Johnnys, fighting, all bruised, his ass sticking out more than once…what a sight. -You sit nearby, your Johnny sunglasses on, admiring the view in front of you. -"Is everything okay? Do you want me to stop them?" "No, Lord Liu Kang. If you really want to help you can bring me a beer. I'm enjoying the view as you can see." You say, smirking at him. He sighs. A small smile appears as quickly as it fades. -You are also the same in all timelines.
Tomas Vrbada: -Like it's nice that you get along with another version of him, but…they should have different personalities. -And you still get along…are you with him just for his looks?! -It's a funny thought coming from such a humble guy, but it's not bad that he is developing a bit of an ego. -Tomas won't move a finger unless you are in danger, but you brushed off all the advances from his others' self so he doesn't stress much. -"Say the truth. Are you in love with me only for my looks?" You chuckle. "I'd love you even if you became a worm, Tomas."
Liu Kang: -It's nice to see that he has amazing taste in different timelines, but his other self seems to be a bit pushy. -Liu Kang recognize him. He should be an actor in that timeline, not a monk, not the chosen one. -But Liu Kang also notices how this guy is definitely trying to touch you and how you jerk away, still trying to be nice; still recognizing a bit of him in that other version. -Liu Kang doesn't mind when you get attention. He knows you are hot but hates when you are uncomfortable. -"Hey, I think it's time to return to your timeline." "Oh, the knight has come to save you!" The smile of the other Liu Kang is fake, something you have never seen on yours. -"I've heard you are getting married soon, congratulations!" The fake cheer in his voice makes you cringe. While you walk away, your Liu Kang's hand slightly pushes on your back to hide your figure from his other self. "Yeah, we love each other very much." "Ahaha perfect. Can't wait for you to marry her, so I can fuck her like I fucked the Kitana of your timeline." Your Liu Kang turns around. -He and the Kitana of his timeline broke things off centuries ago, so she was free to do whatever she wanted. -But what that slime wants to do with you? -Blood. A lot of blood was spread.
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taintedmind666 · 6 months
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 month
Hey! I really enjoy your Band of Brothers and The Pacific writings so much! I wanted to ask if you could write something on Burgin (he’s my absolute fav and I feel he is greatly underrated)!!! I wanted to request something as well about him returning back home to Texas after the war and trying to impress a girl from his hometown that he comes across someday (whom he knew of before he left to go to the war but never really spoke to he before). She’s a bit hard to impress and is rather introverted but nothing I don’t think Burgin can’t handle haha. Thanks so much 💖
Cinnamon and Chocolate
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Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of war, mentions of burn injuries, jealousy, and drinking.
a/n: Hey friend, I hope you enjoy!! This is probably the longest thing i’ve wrote in a while, so please excuse any mistakes!! I honestly got so carried up with this oneshot lol but I love it so much! Hope you all enjoy!! (Also, please note that there are a lot of historical inaccuracies and this story is in no way disrespect to any real life veterans, this one-shot is solely based off the character in the show! Everything else is fictional! :))
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(R.v. Burgin x fem reader)
Today was arguably the calmest day he’s had in years. Just him, and his best friend from back home, Chris, on the back of his pickup truck drinking two cold Coca-Colas. (which he had dearly missed the taste of.) They were downtown on a nice Saturday afternoon enjoying the nice weather. It was the most relaxed he’s felt in a while, the nice breeze patting his back made him feel at peace. A feeling he deserved after a long time from home, there weren’t any bombs blasting behind him, or heavy gunfire going off right beside his ear, instead it was quiet. He was glad to be back home.
It was only his second day back in Texas and there she was. She and a couple of her friends were walking out of a clothing store when his eyes caught a glimpse of hers. She was laughing and giggling about something that R.V. couldn’t quite catch, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her even if he wanted to. He could have sworn she was an angel.
The sunlight was bouncing off of her skin during midday, making her bright and bubbly laughter feel radiant. It’s like he could see no one else but her, or at least until he felt his friend, Chris elbow his side hard, it was the kind of force only a friend of many years could give him.
“Like whatcha’ see, pal?” Chris said with a slight smirk that R.V. could hear in his voice. “Oh shut up. I’ve just never seen her around before.” R.V. remarked looking back at Chris. He had to know more about this girl. “Oh R.V., you’ve missed a lot while you’ve been gone”, Christopher laughed, his voice honing in on R.V. as if he told an inside joke that Burgin had no clue of. “What’s that supposed to mean?” R.V. turned back to his friend to give him a questioning glance before taking a big sip of his Coca-Cola. “Man, that’s y/n, we all went to school together?” Chris chirped enthusiastically as if he’d been waiting for Burgin to ask.
A smile now appeared on his face, one that he hadn’t shown in a while. He started to see the resemblance now, remembering your sweet smile from years ago. “She’s really grown into her looks, hasn’t she?” Chris said happily, still staring at you. R.V. rolled his eyes in response. Sure you had grown up, if that’s what Chris meant. All three of you had, but to Burgin, you hadn’t changed a bit.
He had always thought of you as beautiful, even when you yelled at him in front of the whole first grade after putting a small toad that he had found in the woods, in the classroom's dollhouse during recess. He knew how reserved and quiet you were, and to get such a heated reaction from you.. Well he was shocked, but he also felt a new feeling that he couldn’t quite grasp, one that made his heart race whenever you were near. “Do you know what she’s up to these days?” He asked Chris and quickly scolded himself for not recognizing you at first. In his defense, he had really forgotten everyone from home other than his family and Chris after a while.
Chris was an Anchor-Clanker during the war, one hell of a sailor before coming back home. It seemed like Chris had found adjusting back to civilian lifestyle very easy. It's something that R.V. couldn’t quite agree with. He knew that it would take time of course, but coming back home has been like a whole new world for him, very different from the lifestyle he’s had for these past few years.
Chris took a swig of his cola as if it were beer before replying. “I think she still lives with her ma and pa, she left to Houston to become a Gray Lady a little after you left for basic. Hell, I think she came back home only a week ago.” R.V. thought to himself after what Chris had said. Only a couple days back home, just like him.
He studied her face as she walked down the street with her friends, noticing how she used her hands exaggeratedly to explain something to the other girls with her. It was only a matter of time until she got swept up by some other soldier coming back home, or at least that’s what he thought. He didn’t realize how much he felt the void of female presence until he saw you. His heart fluttered when you glanced his way, your smile sent him butterflies all over his body. This was his chance to make a move before it was too late. He couldn’t think about anything else other than getting closer to you.
Before he could announce to Chris what he was going to do, his body was already off of the truck, setting his cola aside and walking across the street towards you and your friends, not taking the time to wait until the cars near the crosswalk were gone. It’s like his body worked faster than his mind, like he was doing only what felt right in the moment. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say or do when he got to you, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to you either way.
“Where are you going?!” He could hear Chris in the background, but he didn’t have time to answer. His heart was racing, and his pulse was getting quicker with each step closer towards you. A smile appeared on his face once he made it to you and your friends, and with a long breath and a questioning stare from the girls you had with you, he finally spoke up. “Can I ask you a question?” He felt nervous waiting for your response. The silence was almost deafening. All of your friends looked at you waiting for a reply. “Yes, R.V, it is, right?” You gave him a response that he was hoping for, your sweet voice filling his ears making his cheeks a small shade of red.
He felt even more nervous being this close to you, now he had gotten to see all of the little features on your face that he couldn’t while he was on the truck. He was too focused looking at you to think of anything else, a common reoccurrence. “I,-“ He paused, thinking about what he should say, before coming to a conclusion. “How are you so beautiful?” He said breathlessly. He felt embarrassment almost immediately. He put his hand over his mouth in regret and moved his hand down to his chin smoothly to make him look in shock. His inside thoughts had finally come out and spoke for themself. Before he knew it, there was an eruption of laughter between you and your friends. He took his hand and rubbed behind his neck in an attempt to cover his embarrassment. What came over him suddenly to make him say that? “That was a good one, R.V.!” You said with a giggle.
If making a fool out of himself made you smile, then he was more than happy to be foolish. He laughed along with you very awkwardly in an attempt to seem unfazed, like it was a joke in the first place. “I’ll see you around” You smiled softly before heading off with your friends, leaving him. He waved you a goodbye, one that you couldn’t see because your back facing him, before walking back to Chris. Who was now sitting at the end of the truck and dangling his feet off of the end, looking amused.
When R.V. made it to the truck, Chris started clapping. “I think you’re a real ace at talking to broads, pal!” Chris started breaking out into laughter before Burgin could admit to his defeat. “It’s okay, I’ll find a chance to talk to her again. Alone hopefully.” He said to Chris with confidence, although his inner feelings were quite different. He grabbed his cola and scooted himself back onto the truck so he was sitting next to Chris. He huffed in disappointment and slumped down slightly, drinking the last bit of his cola. “You’ll get ‘em next time” Chris replied a little more seriously after seeing a somber look take over R.V’s face. “Yeah, next time for sure.”
2 weeks later
“Are you ready, boys?!” R.V. heard his mother shout from downstairs, still waiting for R.V. and his father. The urgency in her voice was making him button up his coat even faster than his previous speed.
Of course his father’s workplace would have their huge yearly party right around the time that he came back home, and to be completely honest, he was dreading it. The empty conversations with little to no life in them, the awkward stares after being gone for so long, and it didn’t help that his parents were making him wear his dress blues, although it was a social cocktail party with high formality, he was worried he would stick out like a sore thumb.
He could already see his future. Having to answer questions upon questions from women and men, overwhelming him to find the right and appropriate answers. He let out a big sigh, calming his brain for the events ahead. The thought alone overwhelmed him. He already wanted this party to be over before it had even begun.
Just a slip on of his white gloves and he was done getting ready. He couldn’t delay going downstairs any longer. R.V’s father opened his door slowly, right on cue as if he somehow felt R.V.’s hesitance. “Are ya’ ready, son?” R.V. 's dad said as peered through the door. He was in his Sunday best, with a black suit and tie of course. “Yeah, I'm ready.” R.V. replied with a shake of his head. His father could tell his nervousness just by the expression on R.V.’s face. “You got this son, it’ll be nothing” His father replied, giving him a sweet smile and a pat on the back that gave him somewhat of a relief. They both walked out of his room and started down the steps. “Hey, you might even find someone there.” He said going down the steps quicker than R.V. did, putting him behind his father. He thought about what his dad said for a second, stopping right at the last step. What if you happened to be there by some chance?
“You look great, honey. I’m so proud.” His mother said, causing him to break out of his thoughts. Both his ma and pa were waiting for him by the door so that they could be on their way to the party. “Thanks ma, glad to be back.” He replied with a close lipped smile as he got stepped down from the last step. His mother hugged him tightly before he could say anything else. He quickly accepted the hug and hugged her back softly.
“You guys ready?” His pa said, opening the front door of their home. He unwrapped his arm from her before walking out of the door, his mother following quickly after with his father. It was going to be one interesting night for the Burgins indeed.
When they arrived he could see the gate wide open for its guests, revealing the house to his eyes where he could finally see how big it was. He didn’t think his father had that many co-workers. It was a great large venue in the middle of nowhere. Cars were parked out front in no specific order, in the grass or what small areas of gravel they could find.
The party was hosted at the old vineyard house that everyone in town loved because of its extravagant beauty. It was now used as some sort of banquet hall for the town's use. The sun was setting making the view look picturesque. Some people were outside, with the finest dresses and long glasses of champagne in their hands. Probably some sort of small talk about the weather, or about the party, And some were inside, most likely doing the same exact thing.
Their car was finally parked as they walked closer towards the house, the closer he got to the building, he could tell how big it really was. As they had finally made it onto the porch, He heard a somewhat familiar voice call out to him, “Romus, oh how nice you look! I’m glad to see you here!” He turned his head to his left to see who the commenter was. He smiled when he saw who it was. One of his old school teachers from primary school. If he had to pick, she would have been his favorite teacher out of all the years he’d ever learned. He shook his head to himself slightly at the use of his first name, no one ever really called him that except for his mother when she was mad at him, but he didn’t pay much mind to it. It was nice to see someone familiar to him in this unknown place.
“It’s nice to see you, Miss. How have you been?” he replied softly as she came closer to him. He could tell she had aged from the last time he had seen her, but she still kept her sweet smile that he remembered from when he was a little boy. It seemed as if R.V. hadn’t changed that much to her either, “You’re still sweet as apple pie! It is surely nice to see you!” She replied in her nice southern accent. He could smell a strong scent of liquor coming from her mouth as she got closer.
“It’s nice seeing you too ma’am” He chuckled slightly to himself when he saw the small amount of drink she had left in her cocktail. It was more than obvious she had gotten a little too happy at the bar before the party barely even started. "Now you have yourself a time, alright?” She said, loudly walking back to her friends and not giving him a chance to reply.
When he looked around for his parents, he could see that they had already left him and made their way inside of the big ballroom. It looked like he would have to find his way around here tonight alone. As he walked into the venue he looked around attentively, to look for his parents, (who were most likely swept away by other coworkers and friends), but to also take in the extravagance of the building first hand.
Old floral wallpapers adorned the wall, and there were big windows all around the huge room that overlooked the vineyard. He could tell that the place had been renovated heavily, as it once was a house and now had become one big ballroom. The ceiling stood high with multiple big crystal chandeliers that lit up the space. It was open and spacious for all, with the room mainly used for dancing and talking. There were poseur tables and chairs on the sides of the floor, where people ate and drank whatever the party had to offer. The catering service had a little station in the corner of the grand room that had canapes of all sorts. And there was no way he could have missed the built-in bar with stored glassware and drinks of all kinds.
R.V. could have imagined that this same room was used for similar parties years ago under different circumstances. Maybe large debutante balls that had groups playing loud classical music instead of the sweet jazz they had tonight, or maybe even a mysterious masquerade ball that had unique masks with people that talked very differently then what they do now. As his thoughts swarmed, he wasted no time taking himself to the bar.
As the time went by, the events of the party were what R.V. expected. Overwhelming. Boring. Small talk with people he barely remembered or didn’t even know, was the norm at this event for him. He didn’t expect anything different tonight. He found himself back at the bar table over and over again, hoping that there would be a new conversation each time he wandered back over there. Yet, after an hour and a half of walking around in circles and bar visits, just a small buzz later, he figured he had met just about everyone in the whole damn building.
He found himself getting more bored by the minute. That is, until his favorite song, “Pennsylvania 6-5000” Started to erupt through the room played by the lovely band.
He got up almost immediately, as if there was some magnetic force pulling him to the dance floor. Maybe it was the same force that pulled him to you on that sunny day two weeks ago.
As R.V. descended to the dance floor, he quickly noticed a familiar figure in a striking red dress across the room. His heart started to pick up speed almost immediately and he could feel his stomach jump with excitement. All he could see in that moment was you as your gaze met him in the crowd. He didn’t expect to see you here, but it changed his night almost instantaneously. You were by yourself, watching the groups of dancers in joy and swaying your body along softly with the music. He felt such a relief knowing that you were here. This was his chance to talk to you formally one-on-one and apologize for what had happened two weeks ago.
The feeling in his chest started to quicken much more when he took in detail of your dress’s design, and he would be lying if he said that looking at you in such a magnificent dress didn’t leave him a little breathless. Like the previous encounter between you two before, he didn’t waste his time making his way towards you. That is until R.V. saw him.
Him as in the guy who brought you a glass of lemonade with your coat draped over his arm, the guy who whispered something in your ear that made you giggle. He stopped his way to you abruptly. Making him accidentally displace a young couple who was dancing with quick speed. “Watch it, pal!” He heard the guy he bumped into say sharply. R.V. had heard him, but everything had started to sound distant. He looked over at you with his jaw clenched in an attempt to hide his emotions, but his eyes told no lie.
The look he gave to you was forlorn. It all made sense to him now, when you had been short with him that day. It was all because you had someone else the entire time. That feeling in his chest turned from good to sour. He needed to get away for a second, the feeling of fresh air was now becoming a need for him.
He quickly moved his way off of the dance floor and charged toward the big entry doors. Once he felt the outside air hit his face he felt relieved. R.V. hadn’t realized how much you really meant to him until he saw you swept away by someone else. He looked around and finally settled for a seat on the outside steps.
It was now dark out, and no one was outside at this point. Just him, the parked cars, and the occasional chirp of a bird. Other than that he was completely alone with his thoughts. He had made his mind up then and there. He would excuse himself from the party with a “sick stomach” and just walk home. That seemed like the best thing to do at the moment.
He wasn’t up for dancing, getting drunk at the bar, or having to act like he cared about any of the stupid stuff this party provided. He sat up from the stairs and thought about leaving without saying a word for a second. Sure his parents would worry, but if anything he could handle himself. He walked down the stairs and planted his feet on the gravel. Other thoughts rushed through his head too. They were thoughts of you, like how he felt when he heard your sweet laugh after so long, or that one time in junior high when you gave him the last answer on a science test he hadn’t studied for, even with the chance that you would have gotten in trouble too. The sound of your voice whenever you spoke, and those gentle eyes of yours…
He was now contemplating back and forth. All of these thoughts of you suddenly came rushing through his head and swamped him with the realization that he can’t let you go. His mind had made a new decision now. Instead of going home, he was going to go back inside and just try to talk to you.
R.V. took a nice long breath, making sure to steady himself before walking back into the party. The laughter and music from inside started to get closer as he walked up the small stairs to the porch and took a couple big steps towards the door. But before he could make it inside, someone bumped into him hard, making him take a step back.
He looked up to quickly realize it was you. Time seemed to stand still at that moment. It was now silent. His eyes met yours once again. Locking and not letting go. No words were spoken, just the mutual look at one another. You stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Neither of you had begun to speak or move. It’s like everything stopped for a second. R.V. 's brain started to short circuit after staring into your eyes for so long. He didn’t want to break eye contact and waited for the right time to speak up, but before he even opened his mouth, you beat him to it.
“Hey, R.V.” You sounded almost surprised to see him, especially after the way he vanished moments ago. It was obvious, you could tell he was nervous. He didn’t reply, but was silent. Maybe it was because he was waiting for you to say something else, or he just couldn’t find the right words to say. You continued before giving him a chance to speak, just as he figured out what to say. “I saw that you were walking out and just wanted to tell you that you looked nice, I also want to apologize if I hurt your feelings the last time we spoke, I meant no harm.”
He looked at you with a deep guise on his face when you apologized. He stared at you while you said it. He found it hard to read the look on your face. He spoke up, “Please don’t apologize, I didn’t mean to trouble you and your friends, but please know that I did mean what I said.” He paused before taking a leap of faith. “You’re beautiful, y/n” He could see a dark crimson creep up on your face lightly. He didn’t feel the need to take back his words like last time. His compliment to you wasn’t forced or awkward, it was soft and warm, like a hug.
“Thank you, really” You said, breaking out into a small giggle, one that he adored most. He could feel the awkward tension ease after your laughter. He now felt the time was right to take yet another leap of faith tonight. “It’s alright if you don’t want to, knowin’ you have a date and all, but would you like to dance with me?” He felt his heart pound in his chest, almost worried it would break free out of his sweaty dress blues.
He hoped that you couldn’t hear the sound of his heart beating so quickly, he didn’t want you to feel his nervousness. “I would love to.” you looked up at him with a warm smile, one that made him feel at ease. His heart slowly pumped back to its original, calmer pace.
“Just a warning though, I'm not the best dancer.” You winced, thinking of the countless times you’ve danced before. He laughed at your expression before replying, “I'm not the best dancer either.” He could remember the first time he had ever danced with a girl. He tripped over his shoe strings and felt embarrassed the entire night.
He put his left hand out as an offering, which you gladly accepted. You and him stepped back into the big room hand-in-hand. He took the lead in front of you, making way towards the dance floor. He felt butterflies in his stomach when he realized how soft your hand was, so delicate and smooth. He felt excitement take over him when he realized that you and him were finally going to share this moment together.
You and him quickly made it onto the dance floor just in time for the band to start playing a tune that R.V. recognized almost immediately, the classic, “Undecided” by Chick Webb and Ella Fitzgerald. Now this is a song he could definitely dance to.
It seemed as if R.V. couldn’t hold back his feet any longer. He took you by the hand and spun you out, only for you to dance back to him in a twist, in tune with the lively beat of the music. Look at that! You were a natural! Your footwork mixed with his almost perfectly, like cinnamon and chocolate, while you and him danced around the room. A smile erupted from his face as he watched the nervousness melt off of your body. You moved your body around at a quick pace, looking back up at him with a smile. If he wasn’t in such a groove, he probably would have tripped over his feet and made a fool of himself. He watched you dance attentively, while also still making sure to keep up with you. If only Chris had been here to watch all of this.
R.V. clapped with you as the music stopped. It was the third song you and him danced to of the night. With all of the excess movement you and him both felt tired. Good thing the band was taking a break right when the third song ended. “You were being humble when you commented on your dancing earlier” R.V. said with a laugh.
It was true that you could swing like no other. He was mesmerized watching you move. He felt a knot in his stomach when he realized how close he was to you the entire time that you and him danced. “I could say the same for you! You’re one good dancer” You exchanged a giggle in return.
Both of you moved off of the dance floor and found a poseur table with two barstools, a perfect seat for you two after a long time of dancing. “I’ll go get us something to drink, want anything?” He said to you as you placed a seat on one of the barstools. He felt content being the one to offer you a drink instead of someone else. “Just a Coke please!” You replied to his question softly.
He made his way to the bar, and upon his arrival asked for two Colas, which was a shock to the bartender considering that he had drank only beers up until now. “Hiya son! Having fun? I saw you dancing with a pretty gal!” R.V.’s father popped up behind him, patting his shoulder. He chuckled at what his father said. “Pretty indeed. Where’s ma?” R.V. replied back as the bartender handed him two cold sodas.
“Oh you know her, talking to some friends of hers. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing. Me and your mother might leave soon, we’ve had one heck of a night” His father said with a smile. R.V. smiled too. He could already see his mom 50 feet away talking with some of the other moms there, she always enjoyed chirping to her friends, even if it was about nothing at all. “What’s her name?” His pa said, not really giving R.V. a chance to say anything else, even though he probably wouldn’t have said much at all. “Y/n”, As R.V. said that, he looked towards you. You were looking around the room and swinging your legs on the stool. He thought you looked adorable. “She looks like a nice girl. You be good to her.” “I will” R.V. replied to his father, still holding the two sodas in his hand. “See ya, pa!” R.V. got up from his seat and progressed towards you carefully. Making sure not to drop your drink or his.
Once he got to the table he handed you your drink before sitting on the other stool. You and him sipped your drinks in silence for a moment. The band had finally picked back up, and as expected, more couples piled onto the dancefloor. It was later into the night so the band had slowed to more softer, slow paced music compared to before, but it was still more than enjoyable. “Where is he? Your date?” R.V. asked you, taking his straw and swirling it around his drink.
You looked up at him before speaking. “Oh, Arthur? I wasn’t really his date” You shook your head in explanation. “We’re friends. Him and I met during the war. He had no one else to bring and he thought I could use a change of scenery.” You explained to him. It sort of made sense to R.V. now. He waited to say something until he was sure she was finished talking. “He’s already spoken for. As you can see over there” You pointed your finger to Arthur. Who was at the moment slow dancing with a pretty blonde on his chest. “He needed some extra encouragement.” You laughed, waving at Arthur, who also gave a wave back. Ohhh. R.V. finally understood now, just friends. She was here to help him talk to the girl he was dancing with now. He scolded himself for thinking otherwise earlier, even though they seemed pretty exclusive moments before.
“Oh, that’s real’ nice of you. R.V. said, taking a big sip of his drink, feeling the carbonation sizzle down his throat. “Is that why you left earlier?” You said, looking at him with an accusatory smirk. He had now been caught. R.V. felt like you could read right through him. He didn’t have to explain himself, because you already knew. “No way.” He said sarcastically, still holding a playful manner in hopes of sparking up a conversation full of banter between you two. The night had started slow, but became swift in the end. You and him, dancing, talking and laughing together, it felt perfect.
The moment felt right, so you spoke up. “R.V., do you maybe want to walk me home? It’s getting awful late and I would love to talk with you more.” You looked at him waiting for an answer. “Of course.” He replied with a toothy grin. You and him both finished your drinks and said goodbyes to the company that brought you and him here. “Pa, I’m walking my gal home. I’ll see you at the house” R.V. said to his Father who was most likely about to leave himself. “Alright, kiddo. You two be safe!”
His father smiled at you and R.V. before going back to his conversation with R.V.’s mother. He took your hand, making you feel butterflies when he did, and led you out of the big ballroom with him.
It was quiet outside other than the sound of crickets chirping and cars buzzing as they left the huge building. “My house isn’t far. I live practically next door.” You said walking down the steps with him. You and R.V. were now side by side, with your arm wrapped around his. “Really? I bet you got a pretty view from your place then.” R.V replied back with a chuckle. He could only imagine how the nice pastures out here looked from your home. “Well not really my house, it’s my parents. I used to come out here when I was a little girl, walk my way through the fields to the abandoned vineyard. I danced on the creaky wooden floors and dreamed of having a party here, in real life.” He could imagine, younger you dancing lively in the big building, behind you and him. “Well you got your dream tonight, didn’t you?” He turned his head to you to give you a big grin. You and him had now made it out of the gravel area and towards the fields, away from the old road. “I did. Thank you for having such a fun time with me.” You spoke softly. R.V. could hear the sleepiness in your voice. He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little tired himself. Before he knew it your head was tilted on his shoulder, taking refuge in the comforting warmth. It was quiet for a moment. Not an awkward silence, but a calm one. Neither of you felt the need to talk, just listening to the breath of one another was just as fine. “How’d you meet Arthur?” R.V. was the first one to break the silence, the random question had suddenly popped up into his head and made him wonder. “I met him at the hospital I volunteered at. He was injured badly during Pearl Harbor.” You continued, “ He was hospitalized for months and months, First at the Naval Hospital in Hawaii, and then sent to Houston. He had severe burns all over his body. When I first volunteered, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, I was overwhelmed to say the least. He was always nice to me, like a big brother. He had already been there for so long, it seemed like he knew more than I did.” You exhaled when you finished. R.V. cleared his throat before speaking. “Oh…” R.V. trailed off, “that must have been real hard for him.” He grimaced to himself when he thought of how bad some of the burns must have been. He had witnessed it before, with some of his friends, he wouldn’t wish that type of pain on anyone. “It was. But he made it out alright after all. And now he’s dancing with a girl he could only dream of.” The way you said it, in such a positive way, gave him hope. Hope for lots of new beginnings, a fresh start. That the things he saw or did, couldn’t define him anymore. He wasn’t in the Pacific. He was home, with you, and he sensed that this was the best he had felt in forever. As you and him were talking, neither of you noticed how close your house was, finally in clear view, maybe 50 yards away. “R.V. Can I ask you a question?” You took your head off of his shoulder, only to look up at him. “How do you feel, after coming home?” R.V. thought about it for a moment. He hadn’t really had anyone ask him a question like that. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he gave a comical answer. “Better, now that I'm sleeping on a soft bed.” He said with a beam on his face. Once he gave his answer, you and him had both finally made it to your house. To R.V. It looked like a warm place. A cozy home that made you feel relaxed whenever you spent time in it. “Well, I guess this is it. Thank you for walking me home. “You said, taking him up the steps of your porch. He was now facing you with your hands holding his. R.V. didn’t want this night to end between you two. He wanted to keep talking to you. To ask you more questions, but he could tell you were already so tired, so he kept it short, “When will I be able to see you again?”
You gave him a grin that showed your teeth. “Soon, hopefully.” It was just you and him now, again facing one another in complete silence. It seemed like R.V. ran out of words, and all he could do was look at those soft lips of yours, how nice they looked… R.V. brought his hands up to you, cupping your face. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but felt hesitance. “Can I?” He said in a soft whisper. “Yes”, you replied. If he hadn’t been listening, he wouldn’t have heard you. Before you knew it, you felt his lips melt into yours slowly. He felt goosebumps as he closed the gap between you two. He wanted to savor the moment with you as best as he could. When your lips parted his, his lips moved up to your forehead, giving you a soft kiss there. The gentle gesture made you visibly blush, which made his heart beat even fast. “Goodnight.” He said, retracting his hands from your face, and placing them by his side. “Goodnight” You replied quietly, before opening the door of your home, and walking inside. When he heard the door shut fully, he started to make his way down your steps in victory. He had one hell of a night. A night he wouldn’t forget, because it was a night brought him, you.
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Hope you enjoyed this again!! If you enjoyed, please like or reblog! 💗💗
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mads-nixon · 8 months
Hoosier Dating an Extrovert Headcannons
Bill "Hoosier" Smith x Extrovert!Reader
A/N: I'm currently obsessed with Jacob Pitts...so you're welcome :) this is about the fictional portrayal of H company boys on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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You and Bill get along from the beginning, and y'all are the epitome of the grump x sunshine trope!!
Sarcasm and your endless optimism go perfectly together, even if no one fully comprehends it.
Where Bill sits and observes most of the time, you never seem to tire from the excitement, telling him about every second of your day with a bright smile on your face.
He won't admit it, but he finds it incredibly adorable.
When things slow down at night and you're sitting in your foxhole, you two often find yourselves talking about everything from back home to the future.
In the quiet when it's just the two of you, Bill seems to stray away from his usual snarky and blunt attitude for one that's much softer. If Leckie or Runner ever got wind of it, he knows he'll never hear the end of it.
You slowly pick up on some of his traits, your own sarcastic and witty side becoming more prominent. Of course, Bill notices and he feels a sense of pride knowing that he's influenced you...and he teases you relentlessly.
"Now, who'd you get that fine sense of humor from?" he asks you, a smirk adorning his lips.
You just roll your eyes. "Definitely not you, honey. You're not as funny as you think."
The teasing NEVER ends, and the H company guys all love the two of you, so they go along with it.
When the terrible shelling on Guadalcanal started, you happened to be on your way back from the bathroom, so you sprinted towards the first hole you saw.
The men inside were calling for you, and right as you were about to slide in, it was hit with a shell, throwing you onto your back. Seeing the horrific remains of the men inside tore at your insides, and you froze. A second later, you snapped out of it and ran to the next hole over, which happened to be your hole with the boys.
You slide into the hole, and someone grabs you and holds you to their chest. It doesn't take long for you to realize it's Bill. He's got you in one arm and a whimpering dog in the other.
He was going insane not knowing where you were, and having you in his arms calms his nerves slightly despite the bombardment happening around you.
The next morning, he holds your shaking form (wrapped in his *signature* blanket) tightly as you sit outside your hole, staring numbly at the ground ahead of you. From then on, you seem to be more reserved...more quiet, and it worries him and the guys to death.
Whenever things got rough, they (especially bill) always knew you to be the one happy thing in their life (not that you didn't make them happy still ofc, but seeing you so shaken hurt them).
He does anything and everything to make you smile, laugh, and seem like your old self again. You never tell him exactly what happened, but it doesn't take much for him to imagine something along those lines.
You know those little habits that you picked up from Bill? Well, he picked some up from you, too, and he finds himself having a more energetic and extroverted attitude while he's trying to be there for you, cheering you up to the best of his ability.
Slowly, with Bill and the other guy's help, things get better, and you become more like yourself again. Although he's overjoyed that you're back to your bubbly and extroverted self, he's soooo relieved that he doesn't have to pick up the slack on that front...because it is exhausting for him to act like that. He'll leave that to you!
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Tag List: @footprintsinthesxnd
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the-possum-writes · 1 month
I loved the fire fin stuff you wrote, Can you write more headcannons about him and the reader trying to keep finn distracted while also trying to turn him back, pls
Subdue the Flame
➼Character: Fire Finn (Finn Mertens)
➼Tags (warnings): headcanons, canon typical violence, gender neutral reader, mentions of servitude, sloppy kisses, misogynistic comments
➼Synopsis: Fire Finn headcanons about distracting him in a fight during the Elemental special.
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➼With the fire citizens heading for the Candy Kingdom it's up to you and Lsp to try and de-escalate the situation, mainly with you trying to defeat Flame Princess's newest champion while Lsp retrieves the jewel from Princess Bubblegum.
➼"Are you sure you can handle him? I mean he already beat you once, it’s like a more intense version of Finn... It’s lumpin hot." Lsp mutters as the two of you scout the area.
"Yeah, we just gotta improvise a bit. At least knock him off his sense until I use my secret weapon and defeat his hot headed butt for good!"
"You sound way too eager about this. But no dude you got it all wrong! the real Finn is still in there somewhere you just gotta play into his hero heart ya know? pull one of those 'I know the real you is in there somewhere' kind of speech."
It's hard not to roll your eyes at Lsp's dramatics, but if she's trying to tell you to solve things pacifically first, then sure why not. Like don’t get me wrong, of course saving Finn is a priority but knowing this prick fire version of him, it’s gonna take more than heartily speeches to subdue him.
"By all means, be my guest."
➼It goes as expected, Fire Finn just walks past her spewing something about war drums and threatens to slice her down if she tries to stop him. This is where you come in.
➼You're the only one who can confront Fire Finn either cause you're physically strong enough to match him in a fight or you have the mental fortitude to deal with the stuff he'll say in hopes of saving him.
➼Like, the guy was pulled in and created in a toxic and violent environment so that leads me to believe he's bound to say some hurtful things and make fun of you with low hanging fruit. For example, if you're a gal (or female presenting) he'll spew some misogynic comments about how he's biologically stronger "You don't stand a chance against me, I'm all hardcore muscle." or "You'll regret leaving your sewing room this morning."
➼If not, he'll still boast about how he's stronger than you and will wipe your face on the dirt.
➼Uses insults too. Mainly stuff like: nerd, loser, mouth breather, girlie, wimp, roach, useless scum, motherless bastard, to think of a few.
➼I don't know if he'll fight honorably (since the other fighters have kinda roman gladiator inspired designs) or fight dirty, but now that I think about it he'll most likely do the latter. He'll kick you in the shins and throw sand at your eyes, that's how he gets the upper hand when fighting you.
➼Dominant, ruthless and a huge show off. Overtime he gets too cocky.
"You're too much of a wimp, I bet I can beat you with nothing but my hands."
➼To mock you further he kicks away your bag and your main weapon but not without stabbing his own sword into the ground before approaching you with cracked knuckles, wrestling you into the ground as he continues to belittle you- albeit with suggestive undertones. "Once we're done with these candy nerds they'll be nothing left but cinders and ash. Maybe then I'll take you back to the fire kingdom as my personal training dummy... All for myself~"
➼You don't know if you're reading too much into this whole fight, but It's now that the physical contact makes sense. He tightens his hold on you, purposely grabbing you where you're most sensitive (that would make you blush any other day) before tossing you around like a sack of potatoes, the pain is real but it started giving you an idea.
➼If there's one mistake he's actively making it's that he's completely underestimated you and your brain power that compensates your lack of extra brawn to beat him on a one on one.
➼"Oh woo is me, you're obviously the better opponent. Might as well start getting used to serving you as you deserve." you cry out, causing Fire Finn to quirk a nonexistent eyebrow. He grips your hair by the back of your head, purposely raising you to his eye level.
➼"And how would you start serving me?" He asks, suspicious of your change of attitude but quickly allured by the promise of servitude.
➼You momentarily lick your lips, it's subtle but hypes you up for what's to come. "Like this," and you lean forward to kiss the fire elemental on the lips completely unprompted. It's a risky move, and considering Fire Finn isn't returning the kiss you're 90% certain that he's gonna slap or throw you away but the second you attempt to remove yourself from him he instead tightens his hold on your hair and pushes you back into his eager mouth, opening it up as his tongue dwells all around yours in unexpected wanton. You try your best to reprocitate but he's completely controlling in this situation as well, now holding your face with both hands as he gives you the sloppiest kiss you've ever had.
➼Underestimating how sharp his teeth are, you cut your tongue on it and has you groaning at the unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, fidgeting in the spot as you try to pull yourself from his hold but it only served to rile him up further, running his tongue over the wound.
He eventually pulls you away to catch his breath, completely devouring your breaths as you exhale to take in the fresh air.
➼His reaction is more enthusiastic than you expected. In fact it's his crazed expression that ultimately snapped you out of your foggy daze, immediately taking advantage of his unguarded walls and you kick him where he counts.
➼Now he's the one falling like a sack of potatoes.
➼You suddenly rush to your discarded backpack as you hear him shout angrily behind you.
➼There's no time to ponder what kind of punishment he's talking about since he's immediately back on his feet and just a few steps away from you, but the second you grab your hidden weapon it's over for this fire elemental. You pull out a plastic water gun and spray it all over Fire Finn, watching him shout in agony as he steps back as you blast him into submission until he lays beaten on the ground. "This is why you need a safe word my dude." You finally spew a well deserved taunt.
➼And to make matters worse and more humiliating for the fire kin, you snap a fireproof collar around his neck, courtesy of Wizard Betty.
"What is this contraption?!"
"It's a little something from a friend, a temporary solution until we find out how to turn you back to normal."
➼With a sigh, you sit back as you watch the fallen warrior attempt to rip out the collar only for it's safety mechanism to activate and spray him with cool water, like one of those automatic car window things.
"You're not in a spot to make demands my dude, so unless you wanna turn into a popsicle you'll have to follow me." You eventually stand up with a more nonchalant attitude compared to earlier, still wincing a bit since your safety now doesn't take away that Fire Finn pulled a heavy number on you.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" He threatens, but the collar activated again before he could lay his blue hands on your neck.
"Maybe, if you say please~?"
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ashensgrotto · 11 months
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 3)
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (You are Here) Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will had links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree with anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Play the song you sang long ago
And wherever the storm may blow
You will find the key to my heart
We'll never be apart
“...And how is everything going with our trio?” Mr. Crowley had called both Trein and Crewel into his office along with Grimsley for a meeting that night after the rest of the staff had left for the day.
“Absolutely swimmingly,” Professor Crewel answered with a psychotic grin on his face, “Only nearly got my head bitten off by two mers today, but other than that, we’re fine!”
“You weren’t even near the pool,” Professor Trein let out a sigh, rolling his eyes heavenward, before turning toward Mr. Crowely, “The subjects have allowed test number 03182020 to interact with them as well as talk with them. We know that both of the morays see 03182020 as a match, we are still waiting for the octopus to make the decision as well.”
“I heard about that attack,” Mr. Crowley leaned forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface as his long fingers criss crossed each other, “and the morays’ first instinct was to protect, not only the octomer, but 03182020 as well?”
“Yes, sir,” Trein answered.
“Hmmm…” Crowley shifted, fiddling a contract in his hands before one nail tapped against the desk.
“Whacha thinking?” Grimsley asked, a dark brow raised in question.
“We don’t have much time left before the contract is up - I had sort of hoped it wouldn’t come to this, not yet at least,” Mr. Crowely stood from his desk, moving toward the window and looking out into the courtyard behind the office, “When was the last time they went into heat?”
“All three had experienced their urges around September last year,” Crewel answered, pressing his hands into his pockets, “Now, normally for moray eels, their mating season runs from July to September - and octopi fry are typically hatching at this point.”
“And if they are anything like their counterparts,” Trein mused, “The twins and the octomer will likely die following the mating process.”
“Hold on, these things die after mating?” Grimsley cocked a brow at the two of them.
“Unfortunately so,” Crewel answered with a nod, “Octopi will mate somewhere between November and early February - following that process, the female will eat the male before she goes into incubation. The few lucky males that are able to escape their mate’s hungry clutches eventually succumb to death a few months after the mating process - some male Giant Pacific octopi have also been known to get dementia before passing. As for the females, after they lay their clutch of eggs - which can be roughly around a hundred thousand, they starve themselves and sometimes tear themselves apart piece by piece. After the eggs hatch, she succumbs to death as well - leaving all of her fry to the current of the sea and one can only hope some of the eggs make it.”
“As for morays,” Trein answered, “depending on the type, males and females will travel to a particular spot and breed there, the males - exhausted from the travel and mating - pass away. The female will incubate her clutch - which is about ten thousand eggs - before laying them in the rocky beds among seaweed before passing away as well. If the water is warm enough, the eggs will only take about 30 to 45 days to hatch - sometimes sooner depending on the temperature of the water.”
“Sheesh, talk about a sexual turn off,” Grimsley crossed his arms over his chest.
“But, we don’t know if mers act in the same fashion,” Crewel answered, “I’m guessing that they follow some of the same mating habits as their counterparts, but not all of them.”
“And we won’t know anything unless we try something,” Crowley spoke, turning toward the duo, “We can't wait seven months, it's now or never. Speed the process up - add about three degrees to the pool each day and try to see how the mers’ attitudes change toward 03182020 in the coming weeks. I want to see some results before the end of next month.”
“Consider it done,” Crewel and Trein smiled as their hands rested over their hearts, a sign of their understanding.
"We've got one last shot - do not fail me."
Floyd and Jade greeted you in their usual fashion the following morning, with chirps, clicks, and echoes of ‘Hello’ and your name.
“Good morning,” you smile with a soft wave at the duo, “Are you guys hungry?”
“Hungry!” Floyd shouts, back flipping into the water to toss it in your direction before reappearing on the surface again.
You only snort, pulling the buckets from the freezer before strolling toward the edge of the pool, kneeling down to deposit the contents into the murky depths. 
Before you can do so, however, both of the twins pounce. Jade had shifted so his upper body laid behind you on the edge of the pool, his long tail still draped into the water with your shoulders trapped between his webbed hands as his face buried itself into your hair, cool breaths tickling your nape; Floyd, on the other hand, had attached himself to your front - arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his head tucked under your chin as he rested against your chest. Soft clicks and coos came from both brothers as they twisted their bodies closer to yours, noses nuzzling your warm skin as the slippery film that coated their bodies clung to your skin and clothing.
“Safe?” Jade had asked after a moment, pulling away and looking directly at your face.
“Safe?” you ask, confusion slowly writing across your features.
“Shimpy safe, Jade,” Floyd grinned, sharp teeth on display.
“Wait a minute, who are you calling shrimpy?!”
The twins only clicked and chuckled before removing themselves from you, though each still clung onto each of your hands, sharp nails tracing the smooth skin of your wrists as the two brothers chattered with each other.
It was then that it dawned on you.
Following the arrival of Crewel after the first encounter with Azul the previous day, the twins had believed that you, maybe even Azul, were in danger - hence why Floyd had acted like a guard dog most of the day, even going so far as to refuse to return to the water. It had been yours and Jade’s gentle urging that allowed him to submerge under the water, allowing the gills behind his ears and on his sides to breath again; now, Jade - on the other hand - had paced the water, keeping one eye on the set of glass double doors and growling any time someone walked by it. When you set out to leave for the day, both of the twins had let out ferocious growls that you jumped in your skin - but seeing you frightened was the last thing they wanted. You had made it clear that you were going to be careful and that you would return in the morning like usual - the two could do so little as they watched you leave, worry filling their brown and gold gazes.  
You shouldn’t have been surprised since the two were likely very apprehensive about you and maybe had been up all night, wondering if or when you would return - and when you did, they wanted to make sure that you were safe; no injuries or pain on your body from the other humans that had made appearances prior to your arrival.
You smiled and patted both of their heads, trying to show some reassurance, “Don’t worry, guys. I’m okay. I was just a little nervous from that incident yesterday.”
Jade growled while Floyd hissed in agreement.
“I swear I’m okay,” you sigh, dipping your hands into the water as you lay on your stomach before the duo, “I wasn’t attacked or anything, I don’t have any bruises or cuts - nothing worth reporting. So, please be a bit more gentle when the others come in. I know you guys like me and all, but you also have to work with them too - after all, they brought me here to look out for you and vice versa.”
The twins looked at each other before clicking in agreement, although Floyd looked dejected - likely hoping you’d allow him to do more than splash the intruders during your time together.
You could only chuckle before standing and taking the knocked over bucket of seafood and depositing it over the side, “I hope you guys are hungry. You look like you both deserve this one!”
The next two weeks pass by slowly as you continue your interactions with the duo - now turned trio.
Azul made his appearance again a day or two after the Crewel incident, but only stayed and watched your interactions with the twins for a few minutes before disappearing beneath the surface again. Every time you saw him, you waved at him - trying to reach a hand out to accept your presence into the group, especially since Crewel had interrupted that near precious moment between the two of you; Azul was always shocked to see you wave at him and slowly began copying the movement with the tips of his fingers peeking out from beneath the water. He began to grow bolder, appearing closer and closer to the pool’s edge with each passing day until by the end of the second week, he was greeting you with the twins as you walked in - clicks and coos higher pitched than the twins'.
“Hey guys!” You grin, setting your bag down and heading over to the freezer, “And I see Azul decided to join us this morning! Nice to see you again!”
Azul ducked his head down, but you had seen the blush slowly creep up his face - turning his face and ears a deep shade of blue.
You giggled, setting the buckets down before them. You had stopped dumping the contents into the water earlier last week, instead handing out the food to the hungry mers as a way to continue to build trust between the four of you. Azul was far too nervous to approach you at the time, so you had tossed what he was interested in eating towards him - allowing you to get a good glimpse at his tentacles for the first time. They were long and black with a purple underbelly and multiple suckers that appeared to be the size of quarters and half-dollar coins. Whenever you tossed something in his direction, one of his appendages would shoot out of the water like a snake launching at its prey. It was fascinating to watch the tentacle curl around the meal, nearly crushing it within its grasp - the dozens upon dozens of suckers clutching it tightly as if it was afraid to let go.
 After giving the impatient twins their choice of meals, you smile at Azul, “What would you like? I still have some crab, shrimp, some fish, and a few snails left over…”
Azul looks into the bucket that is turned on its side before several tentacles reached forward and pulled several pieces of fish and crab from the container before dipping below the surface to eat.
You take the remaining contents and dump it over the side before standing to get your notes. You flip through the filled pages as you take a seat on the edge of the pool, your shoes discarded so you can soak your feet in the water. You absent-mindly begin to hum, your head swaying with the tune that had been trapped in your head for a few hours at least. 
Something slimy touches your foot, causing you to jerk slightly before you realize Azul had attempted to touch you. He looked broken as he regarded you, moving a bit away from you.
“Hey, it’s ok,” you offer your hand out, palm upward, “you just startled me is all.”
A soft click comes from the octomer as he comes to your side again, slowly.
“There we go, I won’t hurt you.”
The scene plays itself out how it should have been the first day Azul approached you; his hand slips into yours, allowing you to feel the surprising smoothness of his skin. One tentacle slips around your ankle, squeezing slightly as his gaze remains on your smiling face. You recalled reading somewhere that octopi used their suckers to help them travel along the ocean floor, but they were also used to taste by touch. Azul was likely testing to see if you were good enough to eat - maybe.
"Am I tasty?" you joked, which earned you a disapproving grunt from the octomer.
You giggled and reached out with your other hand to touch the top of another tentacle that had made its way up the side of the pool. It felt like a soaked piece of gummy candy - slimy and smooth - before lifting the edge and admired the pale lavender-colored suckers, rubbing your thumb slowly around the inner edge. Azul squeaked slightly, the tentacle around your ankle squeezing tighter and causing you to wince.
"Hey, not so tight there," you pull your legs up from the water and away from Azul’s grasp.
The octomer whined, his hands reaching out and clutching the ankle that had been in his grasp. Your eyes widened at the sight of multiple little circles that surrounded your ankle - deep blue in color and slowly turning darker to a dark purple. Azul releases you and ducks down so you can only see the top of his head and his eyes as they shift nervously between you and the marks in your leg. You offer another smile and reach out, stroking the top of his head, offering words of kindness and support - letting him know you were okay and that it didn't bother you.
One finger traces the outline from one of his suckers - a strange feeling settling in your gut at the thought that this was more than just a mere marking.
As time goes on and you interact with Azul more and more, you realize that he was touch-starved to an unhealthy amount.
He enjoys wrapping his tentacles around your legs when you sit on the edge of the pool before him, his head on your lap while you hold your notebook above him and jot notes down about your experiences with the mers. Jade and Floyd often attempt to sneak in for what you've deemed as a "cuddle session" - but Azul often growls at them with a few clicks in their direction before his arms wrap around your waist tighter. The trio do switch things up eventually, with Jade and Floyd both curled protectively around your form as Azul keeps a set of eyes on the glass doors.
Whenever someone attempts to enter the enclosure, all three go into defensive mode - Azul now taking a stance in front - or rather, over - you as the twins shift to lean over the edge of the pool, all three growling frighteningly and baring teeth at the intruders. It was also during the last week you noticed how their touches would linger longer on your skin, Azul - on more than one occasion - wrapping his tentacles around both your ankles, wrists, and your waist multiple times, leaving marks that had many of your coworkers arching brows at you.
"Not that I mind the interactions between the four of you, puppy," Crewel comments when you meet up with him and Trein at the end of the second month, two notebooks resting before you on the desk as Trein goes over them, "but the results we've seen are… kind of startling."
"I've noticed the trio has been a bit more aggravated than usual, as well," you answer.
"How so?"
You press your lips together, trying to think of the best way to describe the events of the previous week.
It wasn't uncommon for the trio to touch you - especially Azul, who seemed to now dominate the spotlight - however, those touches that had shifted from curiosity to protectiveness had now shifted to what you thought was longing. The trio's eyes would watch you intently when you were away from the edge of the pool - either as you were entering, getting their food ready, or preparing to leave - their gaze not once shifting away from your form. As soon as you had taken a seat at the poolside, all three were upon you in the same fashion following the "Splashing Crewel" incident. The twins would pull themselves up to sit behind you, pulling you into their arms while each of them grasped one hand to keep you still, as Azul would launch to lay on top of you with his tentacles curling around your legs and thighs. They would coo and click softly at you, noses running along the column of your neck and into your hair. It would take hours just for them to let you go, even with your soft pleading - only releasing you when you mentioned food. You also notice how the trio enjoy hearing your humming - it may have been the reason why they nuzzle at your neck, wishing to hear your voice bring whatever tune you happened to be humming out of your mouth.
As you explained this, Crewel’s and Trein's expressions turned dark.
"That is… unsettling," Trein answered after a moment.
"Perhaps those puppies should be put in place," Crewel thought aloud, crossing his arms and tapping a finger against his bicep.
"Why are they acting this way is what I'm concerned about," you answered.
"We couldn't be sure," Trein explained, "Personally, we've never had a keeper get this close to them, never mind see them react in this fashion."
"I would venture a guess as to say they might see you as a member of their 'family' or 'school'," Crewel answered, "Given the circumstances of your arrangement, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they cling to you is primarily due to their worry when you are away from them."
"That’s what I was thinking as well," you nod in agreement.
"And as for the humming," Trein spoke, "Sound travels faster in the water than it does on land. Legends of merfolk often indicate that they are attracted to music - though it's typically the mers that use it to lure in unsuspecting prey."
"Do you think they were interested in my humming because of their love for music?"
"Perhaps," Trein nodded in agreement.
"I also noticed when they are, well, clinging to me, they also seem… warmer than usual?" You ask, trying to think of the proper terms, "I also noticed the water seemed visibly warmer too. Do you think their change in behavior may have something to do with it?"
"We'll have one of our men check it out," Crewel nodded, "If someone messed with the thermostat, we'll know."
You nod and leave the office, the door closing behind you.
"Think she's onto us?" Trein asked 
"Never trust anyone, Trein," Crewel pulled a cigarette out of its case, "even your own coworkers."
"I suppose with all of those hints we've dropped, if she hasn't figured out what our plan is yet she likely never will."
"The only thing we can do now is wait for the right time. Hopefully this will satisfy that crow's interest."
Unbeknownst to the world above, the waters of the enclosure shifted as the twin mers lounged about outside a built cave.
"Jaaade! I'm boooored!!" Floyd grumbled, shifting his body to drape over one of several rocks that lined the entrance to their dwelling, "I wanna play with Shrimpy!"
"In time, Floyd," His twin shifted, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the rocky walls, "Azul has to finish up the final piece. Besides, our little pearl isn't around right now to play with."
"This suuucks! Why couldn't we just pull her under when we had the chance?"
"She would never survive if we did that, Floyd. You know humans can't breathe underwater, nor swim like this. We need to bide our time, just a bit longer."
"Luckily we won't have to wait too much longer," Azul appeared in the entrance, his tentacles swaying with motion as he moved to greet his friends and fellow captives.
Both twins perked up, shark-like smiles appearing on their features.
"Did you make it?" Jade asked.
"It's almost complete, I just need scales from both of you," Azul answered.
"Sooo, what does our scales have to do with a mer potion?" Floyd asked.
“It will make our mate more compatible,” Azul answered, “In order for us to successfully, one, produce fry, and two, live with us, she needs to be our equivalent. A human mate isn’t a bad thing, we just need a bit more… well, given that those other two-legged monsters have been observing us for the past two years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were planning on using her for something.”
“Hence we need to take precautions to make sure she’s safe and comfortable,” Jade followed through.
“Does that mean we can eat them?” Floyd asked.
“When the time is right, you’ll be able to squeeze those beasts who’ve harmed our mate to your heart’s desires,” Azul grinned, “Personally, I don’t think they would taste good, but if you want to eat them, by all means help yourself.”
Floyd grinned, all teeth and gums as he bounced giddily in the water.
“How long after the scales are added will we need to wait?” Jade asked, turning toward Azul.
“At least one week.”
“What’s the plan for our Shrimpy, then?”
Azul grinned, indicating for the twins to follow him into the lair, explaining things as they moved, “Our home here will only be temporarily. Once they realize their precious little angelfish is one of us, they will try every means to get her away from us to revert the process. When they make their move, we’ll be able to shift our focus to breaking out. I’ll need several things to create a temporary transformation potion that will allow one of us to move about the surface to transfer us back to the Coral Sea. And we’ll need to work fast - once (Y/N) lays those eggs, she’ll need to be protected and guarded at all times. I’d rather not have her lay them here - hence our haste to get her out of here.”
“And then the big family we’ve always dreamed of!”
“Indeed - so, two weeks?”
“Two weeks. When the moment is right, (Y/N) will be ours…”
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