#the other half is like. omg ur so right. how DOES that happen.
mizugucci · 2 years
you dont have to but 💙 if you feel like it!! also hi i hope ur day has been nice 🥰
no worries i love doing these!!! my day was rough but im better now so its all good hehe
hmm okay lets see. dancer comes to mind first but i also think you'd be a really good singer too!! also you're SPECIFICALLY the middle member in the group. not oldest not youngest youre just chillin and doing vlives and stuff on your own while the dorm is on fire behind you. your group has a lot of lore and after multiple comebacks fans are like WHATS GOING ONNNNN and you get in trouble for leaking the fact that no, your creative team DOESNT know what the plot line is, they're just winging it. however fans protect you and actually flock to you after that so it's nothing more than a slap on the wrist
send me any heart emoji and i'll tell you what you'd be like if you were an idol <3
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hyukalyptus · 5 months
when they cum from just nipple play :}
cw. nipple play (m. and f. receiving), cumming, mirror sex, hair pulling, masturbation.
yeonjun turns so red, he’s so embarrassed omg. he’s a confident but bashful guy yk? your tongue flicking his nipple just right while your thumb plays with the other. he tenses up and he can feel it. his orgasm quickly approaching. tries to hold back but he just can’t. a low, shy whine comes from him as he cums on his cute tummy. ohmygod, how did- i’m so sorry- this is so embarrassing. but baby.. no it’s not. are you kidding me? that was so sexy.
soobin accepts his fate as soon as he starts feeling it build in his stomach. your tongue was just so nice against his pretty nipples. and the way you’re enjoying it makes it that much better. he wasn’t embarrassed, no huge reaction, just a simple hm…well that was fun. although he does get questions like wanna see if i can make you cum with just ur nipples again? from you a lot.
beomgyu takes it as a challenge. no way is his girlfriend gonna make him cum with just his nipples and he doesn’t get to at least try to do the same to you. and he’s SO determined. will lick your nipples for however long it takes to make you cum. and he looks so sexy too. he doesn’t just stick to the hovering over your chest position. oh no. he has you on your knees with his chest pressed to ur back, hard cock between your cheeks as he forces you to watch him in the mirror while he reaches around to the front to play with your nipples.
taehyun is not surprised. at all. this has happened to him before. but not with you. not with anyone really. it’s only happened alone. he discovered how sensitive his nipples were in the shower once when he edged himself for half an hour before cumming without ever touching his cock. you doing it to him though awakened a nipple play god within. definitely became a regular for yall in the future.
hueningkai desperately wants it to happen again. see, it was sort of a fluke that one night. he never even considered himself a nipple play (receiving) kinda guy. sure, he loved licking your nipples. but him cumming just from nipple play? it was a whole new world. shining. shimmering. splendid. he loved it. but he can’t seem to replicate. he doesn’t know what happened that night. maybe it was the way your plumping lip gloss made them a bit more sensitive. or the moans you were making. or the way you whined when he grabbed your hair. he doesn’t know. but he definitely can’t stop thinking about it.
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choccy-milky · 7 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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maple-the-awesome · 8 months
You Sacrifice Yourself for Them || Part 3/3
Part 1 || Part 2
Pairings: Twilight, Wild, & Wind x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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There had been a time when Twilight hated dungeons for how often they popped up during his adventures. Between the brain teasers and terribly inconvenient designs (seriously who needs so many rooms or levels?), he would groan aloud every time someone warned him about a problem coming from deep within some 'sacred temple' or caves near their home, however after months of walking until his feet are sore and countless encounters with monster hordes, you could say Twilight has officially had a change of heart. Sliding a few boxes around for an extra heart piece really doesn't sound that bad compared to chasing a shadow across several realms, now does it?
With that said, he had been a bit relieved when a group of locals brought it to his attention that some strange smoke had been rising up from a nearby mountain, practically begging the group of visiting heroes to check it out. He wasn't the only one willingly to agree, in fact most of the boys seemed eager to help aside from Time who was hesitant to derail their quest as well as Wild and Warrior who just couldn't understand what all this fuss about dungeons is about. In the end, it was decided that half of the group would go for the locals' sake while the others would stay to investigate leads about portals. At the time, this seemed to be a great trade and Twilight had even been looking forward to being able to do something different, but as his luck continues to prove, it turns out he has none whatsoever in terms of joy...
What even happened? He doesn't quite understand. He was joking with Wind and Hyrule about something long after everyone had split into two groups to make exploring the dungeon go faster. They were nearly complete with their half, having successfully fought a miniboss which was no trouble at all, in fact that's what had them in such high spirits at the moment. They entered the next room while placing bets regarding how 'difficult' the main boss would be when a shout met their ears. Seconds later, Twilight heard a 'BOOM' while being shoved backwards by a heavy force. Given that sound and the vague smell of smoke in the air, he would've assumed he had been hit by the blast of a bomb which probably wouldn't have been so far from the truth if not for you.
It takes a good minute for Twilight's poor mind to catch up, realizing much to his horror what had actually happened as you fell stiffly against his chest, your entire backside scoured. The floor tile behind you both - the same one he was about to step on before you shoved him out of the way - is gone, only a smoldering pile of broken shards left in its wake. Now why it exploded, Twilight doesn't know nor does he care. His main concern is you, sitting up in a snap and grabbing your shoulders with worry. At least there's some relief in you blinking open your eyes to look at him, but the way you groan and flinch at the movement makes him sick with guilt.
"What was that?!" Wild asks the same question that's hidden deep in Twilight's mind.
"The gold floor tiles explode," You explain, the pain clear in your grumbled voice as you attempt to push yourself away from Twilight, although he doesn't allow it, instead carefully shifting you to sit on his lap as he hisses as the sight of how the flames had burned right through you tunic, leaving behind a nasty open wound that no doubt continues to burn.
"Why did you do that?!" He asks the questions on the front of his mind, accepting the potion Four quickly hands to him for you. A part of him wants to be angry given how calm they can all be given your injury, although any other day he'd be rational enough to understand panicking won't help the situation. Regardless of logic, this is you. You're hurt and you got this way protecting him. It should be the other way around if anything!
"Don't be such a hypocrite. You would've done the same for any of us," It's as if you can read his mind as he carefully pours the liquid over your burns, causing you to hiss quietly, but other than that, you're actually handling the pain pretty well, "Besides, it would've been a lot worse had you stepped on it directly. All that fur you wear looks pretty flammable to me. You would've gone up in flames instead of a small burn."
Twilight tries to keep his eyes down at his work as a stubborn sign that he knows you're right, not that he could ever admit such a thing aloud, "...Still...A shouted warning could've done."
"No it wouldn't. Your foot was already lowering -"
"- You two can argue about this later," Four interjects while offering you a hand to get up, "That potion is only a temporary solution. We should get you back to the inn so that Hyrule can heal you completely."
You're about to begrudgingly agree, knowing full well how difficult it'll be to walk on your own even though you were pretty excited to finish this dungeon. Before you can take Four's hand, however, you're lifted into the air, held bridal style in Twilight's arm (which poses no challenge for him to accomplish).
"I'll carry you back."
"You don't have to -"
"- You took a hit for me. It's the least I can do," His voice is as stern as his mind, making it clear that this is the only compromise you'll be presented with less you want to keep the argument up all night. Thus, you merely pout and look away with a huffed 'fine', "I'm sure the three of you will be fine finishing the dungeon by yourselves?"
"Pff, with our eyes closed," Legend crosses his arms, offended anyone would think otherwise. Four and Wind nod quickly, their eyes still reflecting sympathy for your sake even though they know you've seen worse.
With that, Twilight turns, heading towards the exit of the dungeon with you (more comfortably that you'll say) in his arms and Hyrule at his feet. As upset as he appears on the outside, Twilight can't help feeling some sort of shameful pride at the thought that you'd be so fond of him as to willingly risk injury, so he makes an unspoken promise to himself to spoil you for at least until the evidence of your burns fade. It's the least he could do (and the best excuse he'll find for staying at your side nonstop).
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Perhaps it's because he's never had many opportunities to do anything like this before the Calamity or maybe it's because he got so accustomed to it after those dark days. The origin doesn't change the fact that Wild tends to find more comfort in nature than ever before. The splashing of stream water down a waterfall. The singing of birds or creaking of crickets depending on the hour. The gentle breeze through his hair as his only company...It's become a habit of his to find spots like this during tough moments, especially those when he feels himself slipping the most...moments like what occurred today...
If he wasn't so upset and angry inside, he'd feel sort of guilty for running off the way he had back there. It wasn't anyone else’s fault that he's out of his element lately, resulting in more screwups on the battlefield. It's not their fault that he messed up during the last fight, too, breaking his sword against a darknut's armor, leaving himself defenseless (he didn't think it would be that strong!). Most importantly of all, it wasn't their fault that his ignorance resulted in you, for whatever reason, feeling as if it was your responsibility to save him with complete disregard for the risk. 
Wild keeps replaying the moment in his mind - you fighting viciously against the darknut until it was reduced to a puff of purple smoke, but not without receiving several cuts and scrapes yourself. He's not sure what hurts more: seeing you injured for his sake or the anger that flashed in your eyes when you looked back at him. You're not happy with him. Nobody was considering the number of times they've warned him about not rushing in battle head first, however your disappointment carried a strong burn that challenged even the Old Man's. If anything, Wild strives to see your joy and hear your praise, not be the source of your dismay. 
He can't help but wonder what would have happened if you weren't so prepared at that moment. What if you had gotten a more serious injury? What if you had died all because of him? Could he stomach losing another person he loves like that? How can he call himself a hero when he's constantly failing those he should be protecting the most? He can't. He's a failure...
He pretends not to hear your voice, although it's a poor act given the way he flinches. Sighing, you take his turned head and stiffened shoulders as an invite to walk closer, finding a seat beside him in the grass. You don't say much at first, simply taking in the beautiful scenery and counting the fireflies fluttering around you.
"...I'm sorry I yelled at you either. I lost my temper, but I shouldn't have."
"You had every right to," Wild mumbles, pulling his knees to his chest and hiding his face against them so that he doesn't have to look at you, too afraid he'll break down if he does, "I put everyone in danger by being impatient. I put you in danger."
You shrug, looking down as you run your hand against the grass, "...You really do have to be more careful, I'll stand by that. You gotta assess situations especially against monsters you've never seen before...but with that said, no one can expect you to be perfect. This situation is different for all of us. Really, aside from the Captain, most of us have never even worked in groups before, so it'll take getting used to. Just try to keep in mind that you're not alone, so don't act like it."
Wild lifts his head only to put his chin upon his knee, still stubbornly glaring into the distance instead of responding to your words, although he's forced to smile a little when you nuzzle your face against his while whining his name for attention. 
"I heard you."
"Then show it. It took me forever to think-up that heartfelt speech. Do you know how difficult public speaking is?"
"It's only the two of us."
"And like, thirty fireflies!" You gesture to the bugs in question, happy to hear Wild's chuckle and even happier to wrap your arm around his without any sort of fight, "...I mean it, Link. It's okay to lean against the rest of us sometimes. I'd be devastated if something irreversible ever happened to you."
He blushes, his words whispered as he leans his head against yours and closes his eyes, "...I'd be, too, if anything happened to you."
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This can't be happening again. How is this even Wind's luck? He thought he made himself perfectly clear from the beginning that just because he's the youngest in the group does not mean everyone has to keep trying to protect him as if he’s made of glass! He's a hero of courage, too! He did his part, traveling across the great sea, fighting through numerous difficult dungeons, and defeating Ganondorf all by himself - Well, the King of Red Lions and Zelda helped some, too, but the point still stands! He didn't need Wild to take a hit for him that one time nor did he need you to do practically the same exact thing now!
It's worse this time than it was with Wild which only makes Wind angrier (and guiltier). Unlike the Champion who bounced back onto his feet after a few minutes, you weren't so lucky. No matter how much Wind shook your body or cried your name with his tears dripping across your bloodied face, you just wouldn't wake up. He couldn't even lift you to carry you to safety. Time has already tried explaining to him that his panicked state likely waived his strength, but Wind refuses to accept that excuse. 
He must've done something during that fight to make you think he couldn't handle himself. You got hurt - really hurt trying to protect him and he couldn't even protect you afterwards. It was Warrior who picked you up and ran out of the battle. It was Hyrule and Legend who worked together to heal your wounds with potions and magic. What did Wind do in the meantime? He cried like a child.
He did his best to hide it, wandering to the back of the group while desperately trying to use his sleeves to clear away the tears. He couldn't help it, as much as he wanted to believe otherwise. For those long ten minutes of you not moving regardless of everyone's efforts, he was left thinking he had killed you. He's a hero who's supposed to save people, but instead he ended up getting one of the nicest and more selfless individuals he's ever known killed!
At long last, you began to stir, further awoken by the chorus of relieved sighs that followed. You complained of a nasty headache and immediately tried sitting up which Legend wouldn't allow; you're okay - you're alive despite how it may have looked seconds ago, but that doesn't make Wind feel much better. 
Even from where he stands so far away, he can see the smudged blood staining your forehead and that dazed look in your eyes while Wild just laughs, welcoming you to the club of needless head injuries. You, of course, brush everyone else off, your eyes skillfully finding Wind despite how he tries to hide from view.
You croak his name, yet he turns his back to you with crossed arms, doing his best not to start crying again, "I thought I told you all to stop risking yourselves for my sake. I can handle myself!”
"You would've been hurt yourself," You comment with a frown, making Wind's anger flare.
"I'm not a child, though!"
"I didn't say you are one. I would've jumped in front of you even if you were as old as the rest of us. Trust me, Wind. The only thing on my mind at that moment wasn't anything related to your age, it was simply the worry that you were about to be ambushed. I didn't want to see you hurt any more than I'd want to see any of you boys get hurt."
Wild chews on his bottom lip, blinking back the tears as he at last stomps over to join the rest of you, pouting stubbornly yet his voice is genuine as he mumbles, “...I’m just happy you’re alive.”
You give a droopy smile and a thumbs up, although the action is rather shaky, “As good as ever!”
“No, you clearly are not,” Twilight deadpans.
“Lay back down already, you have a concussion!”
"Legend, lower your voice."
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I found your page this morning and OH MAH LAWRD 😻 WOOF WOOF WOOF, ya know? 😔
Take your time with this request, because I don’t want you to get stressed..
But remember those Eric and Kyle oneshots? Where you are Kyle’s bf but they have their way with you? 😳 (wowzers)
keep me in ur thoughts 😏
- 🍒
I’VE BEEN LIKE- TRYING TO WRITE ANOTHER KYLE AND CARTMAN ONE BUT I SUCK AT WRITING KYLE- Cartman and Butters on the other hand???? OOOOOH MAMA (says this as I write whatever comes to mind while I’m at lunch and feeling really embarrassed about it)!! Also I’m like half sure you meant Butters x Cartmans gf reader right??? Sorry if I’m wronggg
Also dw I always think about my anons /hj I love y’all sm
Anyways, thanks to @tiniedemon and @hand-writxen for the ideas while writing. I was stuck on this for the LONGEST time and felt super bad about it. As per usual, I’M NOT SHIPPING THEM IN ANY WAY!!
Butters x Cartmans gf reader
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• Let’s be honest, Cartmans a bit of an voyeur- so when Butters came up to him real apologetic about having a lil crush on his gf it gave him the best idea
• That’s how it started, all of y’all expected it to be a one and done thing BUT NOPE
• But who tf knew that Butters was super fucking horny??? Not you-
• Anyways, the both of them take turns on you ALL THE TIME! It’s mainly because they don’t hate each other so that makes it a hell of a lot easier
• Y’all ever heard of double penetration??? YEAH THATS THEM- JUST HEAR ME OUT ON IT
• They’re both kinda impatient (difference is although Butters might get antsy he can wait, Cartman refuses to) so like, double penetration does happen quite a bit
• Butters has like, no chill tho. He’s super obvious about his crush on you and how he feels about you, dudes ALL over you and it’s kinda cute ngl. It annoys Cartman tho so it usually ends in him making Butters watch y’all fuck or something and not letting him touch you to remind him who’s gf you are
• Butters gets so whiny too, he’s desperate to touch you and he’d do literally anything Cartman tells him just for the chance of a bj or something
• Cartmans a sadist so he usually makes Butters get on his knees and beg or something. That part’s not even sexual he just likes feeling the power 👀
• Tbh Butters is a really sweet, passionate guy so most of the time he puts your pleasure before his own. In his eyes, you come first so ofc he’s gonna make you cum first even if he has to edge himself
• But omg those few times where he really lets go and he’s really rough and uses you 😩
• Anyways so enough of that, ngl Cartman really likes watching Butters eat you out. Sometimes after he jerks off to y’all he has post nut clarity and thinks he’s a lil creepy but that’s like, immediately gone because he realizes he doesn’t care enough
• Honestly, I can see Butters fucking you but Cartman being completely in control the entire time
• He says he wants Butters to edge you? It’s done. He wants you guys to overstim yourselves, DONE
• He loves seeing Butters edge you and himself. Definitely likes seeing the tears of frustration and taunting you about it, calling you his crybaby
• Butters definitely whimpers while edging himself and gets really caught up in how good you feel, hehe Cartman edges himself a couple times too while y’all do 🤭
• Hear me out, he’s super mean about cumming. Literally will not let either of you cum until he does from you sucking him off
• I dunno, orgasm denial is just a huge thing here ya know? Like in his eyes (at the moment) y’all are just fuck toys entertaining him 💅
• Cartman is such a control freak but it’s honestly kinda hot to both of y’all. Butters is definitely more on the sub side a lot of the time so it works out for you guys
• NOW YOU GOTTA HEAR ME OUT AGAIN ‼️ the both of them like watching you get yourself off using toys. Also mutual masturbation ngl. They jerk each other off while watching you <33
• Like I said, orgasm denial is a huge thing so Cartman probably makes you get off on some sort of vibrator but doesn’t let you cum for the longest time because he wants you to beg. He starts rubbing off on Butters at some point and he starts doing similar things
• Would not be surprised if Cartman makes you get off on his shoe (def a new pair he only uses for that purpose because ew, germs) while the two jerk each other off
• EHEHEHE imagine Cartman makes you fuck yourself on a dildo and watches because he says you’re not ready or even worth him and Butters dicks yet
• Definitely says you have to work for it and likes watching you do it. I swear no amount of preparation prepares you for the both of them at the same time. FUCKING ANIMALS
• Anyways, Butters is probably secretly into pegging. Just hear me out ok???
• He really really wants you to peg him while Cartman fucks you (in Cas’ words, a lil train)
• Omg so like, jerking him off while you peg him and Cartman just jerking off the whole time because damn who knew you looked super hot while pegging someone
• I feel like Cartman really likes seeing his cum on your face and at the end of y’all’s… session the two of them usually jerk off on your face and tits
• Butters definitely thinks you look super pretty with cum on you while Cartman kinda sees it as a hot degrading thing
• Sometimes this kinda stuff happens in public where they’re both horny and they literally fight over who gets a blowjob from you because they don’t have much time or privacy
• Anyways, both literally love a good creampie so you best believe that both of them do creampie you. CONSTANTLY
• Round after round man, Cartman just really likes seeing it drip out of you. Probably smacks your pussy (somewhat lightly) just to giggle as you whimper before fingering it back in
• All that is just an instant boner for both of them. THEY’RE INSATIABLE I TELL YOU, INSATIABLE
• Before y’all go out sometimes they both cum in your underwear and make you wear it out after rubbing it in, this definitely isn’t something I saw on an NSFW twitter acc that made me giggle and kick my feet
• They’ve both ruined and owe you SO MANY panties because they keep using them to jerk off or they cum in them. FOR SOME REASON IT STAINS AND JUST RUINS THE PANTIES and both of them feel so proud of doing that
All jokes aside I really liked writing this so ty for the request babes <33
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sugar-omi · 8 months
my younger cousin had this project where their class had to host a mini "press conference" of sorts in their classroom and gather insights about love and marriage from any married couple they choose to invite and it's funny imagining if something like that happened to mc and gang down the line, especially when if it's their kid inviting them, their own parents 😭
mc + cove & mc + derek are a given, and the class ends up fawning over them from how damn tooth-rottingly sweet they are
while i'm not sure baxter would agree to share his story with mc, i can see him getting bullied (affectionate) by the kids once it's over KGJDKFJ
(for some reason I thought u were talking abt like. how they got together ok n I realized like half way in so shhhh but also lemme cook ok)
omg baxter would try to like. keep it more light bc no need to explain your whirlwind romance to a group of 13 year olds or smth right
so he tells it like you broke up after dating for a summer and you showed up one day to help his clients plan their wedding and he had to act normal bc he figured you prbly didn't wanna deal w him again but the couple were like "so, are you in love w mc?" and you still ended up together bc he's such a simp for you even when you're mad at him....
everyone calls him a simp but they also fawn n die laughing bc that'd so funny?!??! I love Jude for asking baxter that, he is such a king n I love him Scott you gotta share a bit more of him bc he's so !!!!! I need me a Scott n Jude in my life yk that omfg
now cove and mc.... omg everyone is so over it yall are SICK
your kid tells you to keep it short n sweet bc we get it you're childhood friends n crushes MOVE ON 😾👎👎👎 (they're tired of ur love, confirmed)
but pls cove going on abt how he just does things for you bc he loves you??? like when you were teens n he wanted to make you happy (happiness moment) and you took him to the poppy field
and same w derek, him talking abt supporting each other n stuff. like you opening the door for him, making him relax while you set up the game, or helping w chores. and you tell him it's okay, that you just want him...
your kid/s w cove would have enough to write 4 novels and counting... like stfu and tell me who confessed to who bc we're getting NOWHERE
or even better tell them who proposed to who. if it was you and you did it the next day after you started dating they'd be on the edge of their seat n start screaming bc YOU REALLY DID THAT!!!! YOU GO MC THATS THEIR PARENT!!!!!
now derek... they'd turn to him n go "dad you're dumb" especially if you've been dropping hints since forever like why are buff men the DENSEST OMFG
but they'd also cry bc he shouldn't feel like that?!?,! their dad is so awesome?!?!;@:! they cry n hug him n tell him they will always need him n stuff :,)
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campbyler · 7 months
the perks of being european: u can start ur day with beautiful new 30k chapter 🙏🏻♥️
i admire everyone who read this chapter in less than an hour. u guys r insane. it took me like 2,5 hours to read it but i have to stop to scream into my pillow.
mike and will r so.. idek how to describe them. scared? they r not stupid cause in both povs we see that they realize that their dynamic has shifted.
like will observed in the vending machine scene their kisses became more soft? romantic? u can tell that they r not just attracted to each other physically they really like to spend time together.
the stargazing, the hand holding, the longing stares omg. i get why mike wouldn't go further. even if those feelings aren’t new the circumstances r and it Is scary considering their complicated history. (unrelated but i hope history by 1d is on the master playlist 😭)
we actually got to see that mike feels the same when he got upset that will said the “wither away” thing. that so like their pre isolation cabin selfs - insults each other just to control the urge to start making out 😭 glad that will didn’t control it this time and i can bark cause of kissing shoulder scene.
poor will almost had a stroke cause of mikes edward cullenofication And his best friend only made it worst with her deductive skills. but i think max dropped this conversation too fast. i have a feeling that it will come out after some time. it must be so scary for will to open up like that especially, if i remember correctly, nobody really knows what actually happened between he and mike. also “i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep u”.
i loved el and her dedication to all the good stuff she can eat. i bet she’d murder that one poor little camper who would take the last pancake 💔
and i Really liked that little dad son bonding moment. van camping doesn’t sound that bad for me will!!! at least u don’t have to sleep outside 😭
“twenty stitches in a hospital room” and it actually two band-aids in the middle of the forest. at least we know that poor mike won’t get a gangrene 💔
will feeling better when he’s around mike even if he does such an unpleasant thing as wilderness week. what if i die?
“Really – now that the beast has been vanquished, what’s the worst that could happen?” the phrase after which nothing never goes wrong 🙏🏻 im not scared at all 🙏🏻
i also have a question about chapter playlist. how do u guys choose song for each chapter? does the person who write this chapter does all by themself? or u brainstorm the best songs from the master playlist altogether? have u ever added the song to the chapter playlist even if it wasn’t in the main one?
thank u for the chapter suni! i hope ur feeling better and im giving u ur favorite soup 🫂
sorry for such messy comment it turned out so long and i feel like i didn’t write the half of the things i thought about 😭
hi alya! sorry it took me one million years to answer this ask but it was so thoughtful and thorough that i wanted to wait until i had the time to do it justice with the response 🫡🫡
first, i am sooooo so glad you liked chapter 7 because it was insanely fun for me to write! really enjoyed writing it and their shifting dynamic and i’m super glad that came through! you’re so right in saying that neither of them is stupid enough to Not notice how things are changing between them, and they both are definitely coming to terms with the realization that they do enjoy each other’s company in a way that is more than just physical. i think for meeee one of the most fun things abt this chapter was writing the different ways they approached that realization, especially from will’s pov. the feelings definitely are not new for either of them, which i think is pretty obvious by this point in the fic, but both of them are used to turbulence and are anticipating that and don’t really know what to do without it! super glad you picked up on mike’s hesitation as well — i think people tend to characterize our mike as “all in” or a lot more open about his feelings than will is, which is true to an extent, but he has his limitations just as much as will does and maybe even more at times.
anyways all that to say that i’m really glad that the chapter came through the way i was intending! the other parts of it were so fun to write as well — the hopper and will moment, el and max, so on and so forth. re max: it definitely is very hard for will to say the things he’s feeling to her, and battling with not wanting to keep such a big secret from his best friend vs not wanting to betray the newfound trust between him and mike is absolutely something he has been struggling with. very excited to see how that plays out hehe ( <- knows exactly how it will play out)
as for your last question, we have a couple initial songs for every chapter that have been in the playlist doc for a while, usually the “main” song for that chapter, but it’s pretty much up to whoever is writing to choose the rest of the songs and move them around/add and remove as desired! we try to keep it about 5-6 songs per chapter to keep the playlist from getting monstrous (bar some very Long and Dense chapters that are getting more) but what we do is we assemble the chapter playlist as we write and then let the others know in case there is a song that someone thinks doesn’t fit or has a better suggestion for. we’ve absolutely added songs that aren’t in the master playlist before, especially ones we stumble across and realize would be perfect for a chapter.
so sorry for taking forever to answer this and then writing an absolute essay in this response 😭 thanks soooo much for the love alya we appreciate you sm 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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joanie-writes · 2 years
Omg just saw ur asks are open LES GOOO
OKAY SO IF U WANT COULD U LIKE WROTE LIKE Reader who occasionally does tarot and such and like Arthur maybe like asking for a reading and READER FINDS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR THEM THROUGH THE READING AND HOW THE SITUATION WOULD UNFOLD
Tysm for the request, this was fun to write; got to pull out my own (cat themed) tarot cards for this bad boy
The Lovers
Seventy-eight cards, half a million possibilities.
Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
From the moment you stepped foot into the Van Der Linde camp, you'd been a whirlwind. Originally you were brought in for your ability to pickpocket and charm anybody out of their money, but you had come with so many other pleasant surprises as well, to Arthur's discovery. For example, you could shoot with the best of them, even teaching him and the other boys a new flourish that you'd learned from a man on your travels to Brazil. That was another thing you had surprised the gang with, your rich collection of stories from all over and your knowledge on seemingly everything. Arthur had also happen to notice something else about you, but no matter. 
You had just finished one of your famous storytelling's, leaving Jack in amazement, Micah swearing that wasn't true, and Arthur in awe. "Pardon me, but I need another drink." You announced with a smile and got up from your place next to Mary-Beth. Admittedly, Arthur had watched you get up to admire your figure, but he also happen to notice a small box tumble out of your coat pocket while you did. 
While the others continued their chatter around the fire, Arthur got up to retrieve the box, it looked important. As he picked it up he discovered that it was a box of cards, but not like the ones he was familiar with. Instead of aces and spades on the front, there was a sun, moon, and stars. Were they supposed to be a child's deck or something? 
As you turned around from the crate of drinks, you nearly bumped right into Arthur, startling you. "Oh, hey Arthur, sorry." 
He waved a hand, "Don't worry, I just wanted to give you your cards back, they fell out of your jacket." 
You took the deck from his hand, grinning. "Thank you, I would've been so sad if I lost them." You looked up at him while you tossed the box in your hand before putting it back into your pocket. You handed Arthur a bottle of beer, as a thanks in a way, making him smile.
"What kind of cards are those? I've never seen a deck with the sun or anything on it." He tilted his head in wonder.
"They're uh, tarot cards, do you know what that is?" You asked, taking the deck out again to show him properly. Arthur shook his head no, examining the box a little closer. 
You took a few cards out of the box, the fool, and the emperor. "They're used for fortune telling, every card is unique with it's symbol and meaning. Like, if I pulled the fool here for, Micah, then that would make a lot of sense, or the emperor for Dutch." You chuckled, carefully placing the cards back in the box. 
"Huh, how come you carry them on you?" Arthur questioned, an amused (but curious) smile on his face. 
"Never know when you're gonna need to know the future, Arthur," You smiled cheekily, putting the deck away for now, "how about I give you a proper three card reading tomorrow, I'll cleanse them and everything." 
Arthur really hadn't grasped the purpose of the so called tarot cards you spoke of, but if it meant he got to spend some one on one time with you then he'd pretty much be willing to do anything. He also wanted to know how the hell you washed a deck of cards?
"Yeah, why not, sounds like fun." He replied, a hot blush forming on his face as you said, "Perfect." And left by playfully tapping his nose, then making your way back to the fire.
It was the next day, nearing the late afternoon. Arthur still wasn't back at camp and you were beginning to worry that he'd forgotten about the reading. You'd gone through the trouble of dragging a small table outside of camp, along with a couple chairs and even some of your special candles. 
Arthur had caught your attention the second Hosea introduced the two of you. He seemed so, special, compared to everybody else. He had this aura of goodness around him that you picked up on immediately. The silent strength and at the same time this impish nature in which he possessed intrigued you. And you wouldn't lie, he was also very good looking. 
You sat by the scout campfire, tapping your foot and waiting, growing antsy. The sound of horses brought your gaze up, a grin replacing the frown that had settled on your face. Deciding against approaching him, you continued waiting, hoping that he hadn't forgot, or maybe just didn't care. But alas, after he had gone into his tent for a few minutes, appearing with his hair fixed, his face cleaned of dust, and a fresh shirt, he came over to you. Your racing mind put to ease, now it was only your heart racing.
"Afternoon, sorry I was out all day, Bill led us into a right old mess." Arthur explained, his cheeks dusted pink. 
"Don't worry about it, you still up for that reading?" You raised your brows, standing up and waving the deck.
Arthur smiled softly, nodding before he spoke, "'Course."
You took Arthur's hand, causing the pink to turn beet red as he followed you along, he composed himself enough to ask, "Where'd you learn this magic card business from?" You laughed at his name for it, guiding him to his seat before taking your own.
"I stumbled upon a few metaphysical books when I was young, and then I met this woman named Julia from Italy who was an expert on this, she actually gifted me this deck." Arthur laughed and shook his head, expecting no less than another one of your oddly specific stories. "It's much better to be gifted a deck rather than buying one, better karma means more truth." You informed him, shuffling the cards with skill that Arthur had only seen at a high roller poker table once. 
"Ah, so I'm getting the best of the best here, huh?" He joked, smirking and watching you closely. 
"That's what you lot signed up for when you brought me on, isn't it?" Arthur barked a laugh, crossing his arms and relaxing into the flimsy wooden chair as best as his wide frame could. 
You both quieted down as you took a deep breath and shuffled through slower. Focusing on which cards buzzed in your hands, which ones stuck out. One at a time, you placed three cards faced down on the table before setting the rest of your deck down. Arthur's gaze mulled over the cards before lifting back up to you, patiently awaiting for whatever you'd say next. 
"Alright, this first card represents your past, Arthur." You flipped it over, revealing the wheel of fortune. "Is that bad?" Arthur asked timidly, his finger drumming along his forearm in anticipation. 
"No no, this is the wheel of fortune, it means a cycle of change, so I from my interpretation, that could mean that some big change from your past altered the course of your life and lead to something good, does that resonate with you?" 
"I suppose, running into Dutch and Hosea was pretty life changing, I don't even think I'd be alive without them." Arthur shook his head softly, thinking back on the past and how different things could have been. 
You nodded along to his words, taking in everything he had to say. "I'm glad, well next is the present, so you got, eight of pentacles," Arthur leaned forwards, his large hands resting against the table, "this usually alludes to working towards a goal, a pursuit, and it's paying off but you're just not quite there yet."
He nodded and you could see him processing your words, taking it in and applying it in his head. 
"And last but certainly not least, your future." You flipped the card, your face becoming heated at the picture of Adam and Eve. "The lovers." Arthur rubbed his thumb in his fist, glancing from the card to you. 
"You got a special somebody Arthur? This card means a relationship or something of the sorts is on the horizon for you." You busied yourself with cleaning up the cards, giving them a quick shuffle before placing them in the box once again. You silently prayed that he wasn't about to go on about some other person he'd been admiring, the very thought crushed you. 
"Well, I was hoping that would be with you." Arthur admitted, chuckling as you stopped moving just before you were about to blow out the candle. 
"What?" For once you were at a loss of words, unsure of what to say at the moment.
"Could I take you out sometime? Just the two of us. It's just, I've never been so, interested in somebody before I met you, and I well, I think you're great." Arthur's voice lowered towards the end of his sentence, ever so gently taking your hand into his on the table. 
You stood up, Arthur joining you as you held both of his hands now. The hands you would soon become so familiar and comforted by, the hands that at that moment held so much excitement and admiration. "I would love to. I think you're amazing, Arthur, I really do." He blushed at your words, the both of you slowly leaning towards the other.
His lips pressed to yours as yours pressed to his, officially signifying that the future was here, the present fleeting with every second passing.
Joined hand in hand, you two now the lovers personified, you both walked back to camp in bashful silence, only interrupted by a question Arthur just couldn't seem to drop, "So, how did you manage to wash a deck of cards?"
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
a very cursed request, but could I ask how the first years would feel about an s/o who's basically Alameda Slim from Home on the Range? They can control animals through yodeling, very flamboyant when performing, and is all around a rough and tumble cowboy xD
Omg! I never met another person that knew this movie, so I'm glad to see someone else. Yes of course, this would be interesting!
First Years with an s/o who is a twist version of Alameda Slim from Home on the Range
Dang idk but you guys really like getting into trouble probably 💀
Ace does find you to be really fun to be around because of the countless amounts of antics you get yourself into. But also because you manage to buy him lunch every. single. time (ur a rich kid in the school change my mind)
He's never done yodeling before? But he does find it to be kinda cool. Might ask you to teach him
Overall I don't see him finding anything you do to be concerning. If anything, you guys are a nightmare together to Riddle haha
He's a bit surprised with how flamboyant you are at first, but it's kind of nice to see you have so much confidence sometimes
He will attempt yodeling at least ONCE. But after nearly killing his vocal cords he'll never do it again 💀
You guys would be an absolute menace to anyone that tries to be mean to you guys. Like Deuce has a past of being a rough boy and you're from what would be considered "the wild west"
He might find your ability to gain so much money all the time to be surprising haha
He was a bit nervous around you at first because you had a short temper. He's a bit level-headed so he's usually the one to calm you down
Might know how to yodel but will refuse to tell you about it. He does find your ability to be very interesting
Might not like some of your more cunning tactics because he's a stickler to the rules, but sometimes he does find it fun to do pranks with you
I feel like it's an opposites attract theme between you guys, it's kinda cute honestly
You two meeting was like the worst thing to happen to Vil lol. Epel found someone who had a background similar to him, basically from the countryside and someone who wasn't afraid to be a bit more loose
You guys definitely know how to yodel. Might do it to annoy Vil late at night
Epel might invite you over to his home on the breaks and you would probably fit in right away. You're pretty good with taking care of animals on a farm, so if they happen to have any that needs care you might be called
Epel's so happy he has someone else who is like him. While he's not as short tempered you two definitely can get heated when someone bothers the two of you
Overall I feel like it's really nice for the two of you to have similar opinions and interests in things. Vil on the other hand might see all of his work to make Epel more formal shatter haha
First didn't like your yodeling because it wasn't something he was super used to. But after a while he got used to it and honestly thought it was cool
Will try to keep you from using tricks or doing pranks, however he might end up getting involved because why not
The two of you have a loud personality and to anyone that might make you guys upset they'll have to deal with a cowboy and an angry half-fae
Overall you two are a bombastic couple. You tend to make things more flamboyant while he's more on the stiff side, but it's still nice to see two people with a lot of confidence
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placeinthisworld · 11 days
i am relating to SO much of what im reading on ur blog rn. do not get me wrong - i LOVE ttpd and love taylor. it's kind of one of those things that's like "always have, always will." im always going to be so grateful for her work and this community, and as i said - i AM loving the music rn!
BUT. she feels different, and feels so far away. i know we are not owed her time or attention, but when you've built your entire brand on fan connection and being "different" than any other celebrity in that regards, it's going to feel off and unexpected when it suddenly stops with no explanation. most of her little interaction is on tiktok, which is half the time not with actual fans, but rather anyone who uses her song in the background (which a lot of times is influencers!) ppl say "yeah but now she does so much more for us" .... yeah... so many new THINGS to buy.
i also think she's at a place where she KNOWS she is on top of the world rn (good for her!) but it has come with a complex - she knows now she doesnt NEED to be close with her fans, doesnt NEED to use her platform for good, doesnt NEED to take constructive criticism - because the gp likes her enough to where she doesn't even need a strong centralized fanbase. as of rn, no opposition can make a dent in her fame or income and she knows it. and it feels icky, and honestly makes her feel less human (which is interesting, because the ttpd is imo some of the most raw humanlike work)
the new social circle is off too. i dont hate travis, and i was happy for her, but have come to like him less and less since realizing he's a bit sleazy and is kind of only liberal for pay. he's publicly made r*pe jokes and xenophobic comments in the past couple years (NOT from 15 year old tweets! recent!) his dad is also super transphobic and mahomes brother is a charged SAer yet taylor gallavants w both of them. travis just seems like an oaf and while im glad she had something more easy and fun, it's telling that there's been a lack of backlash towards him when he's exhibited the same behavior as matty and the only things taylor could write ab him were sports and high school references. i hate to even touch on her personal life like this but god forbid this is a forever thing :/ omg this is a lot but yeah im glad we're having this convo
yup!! bestie your feelings are so valid and i feel very very similarly about everything!!
she knows she doesn’t need to appeal to a niche audience of tween girls anymore. she knows she’s beyond that. fate worked its magic and now she’s america’s it girl without any of drama of having to censor her work. and while yes i’m very proud and happy for her, you’re exactly right, she’s more than happy to continue to push things for us to buy in order to feel close to her. she’s already established a group of life long fans by those who she’s interacted with, invited to things, sent money too etc. so she really doesn’t have to do anything else besides make more music and have the world speculate about her personal life. at the end of the day she just feels sooooo disconnected to us now, compared to how we used to have it at least.
ugh i knew icky meathead was sleazy without even needing taylor to bring him into the limelight but now everyone and their mom is obsessed and up his ass too. EVEN with all those gross things about him (we all saw the recent commencement speech excuse 🤢) he’s definitely democratic for pay. i definitely don’t think he’s gonna stick around forever, either he’ll fuck up and get caught w another girl or she’ll get bored of his ass (speculating that this is a legit relationship and not PR at least lol) she’s a girl that needs a new boy every now and then i fear.
generally i’m just disappointed in her now in a lot of aspects. but completely disconnecting from the world, acting like a whole ass genocide is not actively happening, only ever promoting of talking about herself or her own work just seems so bland and selfish. she’s mentioned voting like what, twice this year? in generic ghost written sentences on an IG story?
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alexcutecolly · 1 month
omg yea the villi would tickle ur right!! omg v.olo trying not to wiggle when he feels us moving around down there & he presses our spot a lil bit x3 uuu it would b fun to feel him squeeze us from outside like an extra hug!! & hed like finding where we are and feeling us move further in too no way we think he forgot us!!
omggg hes silly!! others might beleive it but we know the truth cuz were what his lower belly is rumbling about x3 i think it means we’re liked deep inside there!!
uuu n.aga!v.olo would look so good in the sun!! with his full wrigglily belly! how do you think he first gets the idea to be friends with us & swallow us? cuz yea he’s lonely as a human hed be rly lonely as a big snake guy :C
omg I like that alot!! weve been in his first stomach for a long time already and instead of letting us out those gurgly rumbles only pull us in deeper uuuu and he does a biiig sigh when he moves us in further cuz it feels soo good ❤️ or omg!! even further than the second stomach?? uuuuuuuuu wow he must rly enjoy us!! n.aga!v.olo doesnt want to let us out cuz we make him nice and full and he likes talking to us!! and every time he moves us deeper he gives the bulge we make a massage so we fit more cozy x3 i rly love thinking he keeps us in there for days its rly cute omgomg
i saw that!! did u read the part like “remember me as i am”?? hes so sad and I wanna know what happened to him & hes gonna be ok after the end of this right?? omg i got so scared for him v.olo u cant even see youre cared about poor man
if anything went wrong hed be right there to help!! uu shrunk to ten inches for m.erman!v.olo?? thats a rly cute size cuz hed have to work just a lil to swallow a few times to get us all the way down!! & wed make a smaalll bulge in his tummy outside uuu x3 i rly like this v.olo being playful and pritective of us at the same time!! we can move around a lil bit in his belly but its snug too
we can travel everywhere with him!! he wants to see all the myths in the oceans of the world & were his exploring buddy that hes a little more than friendly with ❤️ omg i hope he doesnt get hurt saving us!! maybe after he swallows us down and gets outta danger we can remind him to take a break & make sure hes okay!! we stay in his belly the entire time cuz he has to know we’ll be safe ofc x3
-v.olo uwu
Oh yes!! They'd tickle both him and us at the same time! x3 also V.olo might actually be quite ticklish if he wiggled so much in the first place! Hehe, in that case concealing our presence would end up being harder than it seemed! x3
Oooh I like the idea of trying to locate us to be a sort of game to him, like a vore version of Where's W.aldo? xD like where he's poking and rubbing his middle to look for small bumps and movements xD he'd definitely have his intestines squeeze a little bit around us too, especially when he finds our specific spot! Hehe x3 this cements the fact that there's no way he's going to forget about us if we're inside, oh dear xD and we're absolutely the reason behind those rumbles lmao, and that's just his digestive system trying to say we're an excellent meal! x3
Omg yeah he'd look so gorgeous!!! ✨ Relaxing in the sun, exposing his fangs as he does a big yawn, his shiny black and gold tail shimmering with the human-shaped bulge wriggling inside xD and I actually have two plot-ideas for a story involving n.aga!v.olo! I'm not normal about him lmao
Both stories would take place in H.isui, the first around the same chronological period as the P.LA events, the second one in modern times:
The classic monster-in-the-forest trope: rumors are spreading about a cruel, unforgiving half man-half snake creature in the H.eartwood, in the O.bsidian F.ieldlands. Everyone in J.ubilife V.illage is terrified by him, wild p.okemon stay clear of his cave.
We're tasked with exploring the area and figuring out if he actually exists and how much of a threat he is. Soon we stumble upon the cavern where he lives, but as we sneak inside we mess up and we alert him of our presence. We really don't want to hurt him, we're almost frozen in place, but before we can flee or summon our p.okemon partner we get caught and eaten safely, so he can get some answers out of us.
Bonding situations ensue once he realizes we're not after his throat and we're actually friendly and nice to have around, especially because he's been feeling lonely for so long and nobody ever dares approaching him. Plus he finds out he likes keeping us in his two stomachs, and beside the initial shock we don't really mind it afterwards xD
However, in the end we discover that K.amado actually knew n.aga!V.olo was real, and he sent us to investigate him just so he could get rid of us. Nobody is happy with this.
A Modern!AU story where n.aga!V.olo is our college roommate/study buddy, and we've been knowing him for so long. We don't know this, but we're actually his only friend. Unfortunately most people on campus are repulsed by him, despite his sweet and cheerful demeanor.
After revising our notes and manuals for hours, we're exhausted and can barely keep our eyes open. That's when V.olo offers to swallow us for the first time, assuring us it's all completely safe. We accept, and take a long nap inside as he keeps studying his own stuff.
He'd massage and stroke the bulge in his tail where we're in, and even play around a bit when he says he's gonna let us out, but instead we're sent deeper inside as everything around us gurgles and rumbles xD we enjoy his company however and we have no errands or places to be then, so we just relax some more and let him take care of us x3
Also I'm very glad we're both such huge fans of long-term endosoma/vore! We'd basically have a field day if n.aga!V.olo pushed us deeper to his small intestine and/or kept us inside for days xD perhaps it'd be a little cramped, but the warmth and the rubs would make it pretty cozy regardless x3 💕
Warning: V.olo in P.okemas spoilers below!
Omgggg yeah that line!!! Omggggg... ;-; ;-; ;-;
"Please remember me as you've seen me during our time together."
It broke me tbh ;-; ;-; like... what do you mean V.olo?? Is he going to do something he knows he'll regret? Or that he's not fully in control of? 😭😭 Or perhaps he can feel he's going to disappear forever, so he wants us to remember him in his happiest moments... ;-; ;-; ;-; if this is true, it's supported by this other line of his:
"It's possible that either you or I could disappear from this world..."
Like jfc 😭😭 our man's perspective of the future and the world aren't too positive ;-; ;-; ;-; and considering his past and low self-worth, he probably sees everything as unchangeable and unfixable ;-; ;-; ;-; oh my gooood!! 😭😭
Omg yeah absolutely!! I picked this size because not only is it very cute, but he'd need a few gulps to send us down, and we'd leave a small bump too, which is super lovely! x3 His belly would feel slightly tighter, but we could still move around, it's pretty good imo! We adore snug stomachs! x3 💕 plus I feel like he'd be the perfect combination of protectiveness and playfulness, which is very fitting for a charming character like him! x3
Oooooh I like this a lot!! I'd love to be his travelling companion on his journeys, and help with his research by exploring ancient sea ruins and more! Btw I also had thought of a giant m.erman!V.olo, with us being of our normal height and him around 42'? This way he could protect us from P.rimal K.yogre for example, or other beeg sea p.okemon! x3 Regardless of his size though, as long as he can get away safely with us in tow, I'm happy and not terribly concerned 🥺 hopefully he doesn't get hurt! Especially if it was us that somehow drew the attention of those sea p.okemon! :(((((
Either way, we'd definitely check up on him after such a tense event, and depending on how he's doing we could either remain inside, or have him bring us out so we can maybe help him heal, or at the very list rub his stomach to make him feel better! 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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avianii · 10 months
I would just like to say… that your use of colour in your work is absolutely insane!! Every time I look at your drawings and I see your colour-use my mind starts to go into overdrive. As someone who struggles with colour and colour palettes I’m so jealous in like the best way possible
Do you plan your colour palettes before hand (if so how do you go about doing that) or does it just sorta happen?
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love ur art! <33
omg thank you so much for this ask, I absolutely love talking about the more technical side of art!
Believe it or not I actually really struggle with color too, it kinda feels like I have to wrestle the piece into looking cohesive while also having interesting and fun colors. I don't typically plan out a color palette before I start coloring since it feels too restrictive to me so I'll just have a rough idea of what the lighting and background is going to be and then I'll choose a base color that I paint everything on top of. I'll use these two [1] [2] as an example
My process for adding color is more or less just adding the base layer that I build everything else on top of, adding solid colors and shading with multiply and then throwing on some glow dodge and then adding on some details.
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and these set the undertones and lighting for everything else that goes on top. it's a bit like painting in gouache if you've ever done that before. whatever is beneath everything doesn't just act as a background but will show through to the layers on top
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Then its just blocking out the simple colors using a brush at half opacity. I don't think I ever actually choose their clothes beforehand and I kinda just go with whatever I think is gonna look the best or makes the most sense. So like with Ice and Goose in the second one, I wanted them to have contrast with each other so they would be easier to see who's who, and ended up with Ice in blue and Goose in warmer bright colors.
From there it's just a matter of using a mix of purple and blue to shade and adding in reds and oranges to make skin look less lifeless and then adding details and using different blending modes like glow dodge to add effects
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But sometimes even after the 500 adjustment layers there's still some things that I still feel like messing with like making sure the lineart blends into the piece and environmental lighting such as the lighter blue reflections in the shadows here because of the water
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but yeah this process isn't the same for everyone and it's just what feels right for me. I'd recommend taking something simple and figuring out what you like the most! My process changes from drawing to drawing, especially if it's more focused on the background like that one of Mav and Rooster arguing in the forest. and I tend to draw a lot of warm lighting like sunsets or blues and purples just because I like them but I rarely have a solid idea of what the final colored version will look like and instead I just start out with a general feeling I want the final to give off
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rillette · 2 years
So how would you think titans 2018 would handle the parralax arc (I'm interested in a train wreck sorta way)
im so glad u asked bestie <3 putting this under a cut bc theres four paragraphs already and i havent even got to parallax yet
ok so. if they ever plan on introducing kyle into the titans lineup, they're probably going to have to adapt the parallax arc. and since they have superboy i feel like its (unfortunately) a possibility. so, first things first: destruction of coast city happens early in the season.
I'm setting this during s4 since it hasn't happened yet, so the titans are on a road trip back to the west coast. The titans are in a diner, diner goes quiet, they see the destruction of Coast City on the TV or whatever. Standard catastrophe happens in a movie shit, u know the deal. The titans go "oh no! anyways" and go back to their meal.
they get back to sanfran and everyone in the city is giving them a wide berth, shit is weird, everyone is creeped out but they figure it's just leftover bad press from s3 in gotham. they get back to the tower, turn on the news and find out that superboy is being framed for the destruction of coast city. its not that huge of a leap considering he has a history of flipping his shit in public, but never to that extent.
anyways they get to coast city, defeat the imposter, kon gets his cool 90s outfit to separate himself from the other guy and bc its cool as shit. on their way out of the city (they dont help with the clean up) they pass by some guy having a breakdown at the edge of the blast radius. they shrug and keep moving bc who gives a shit.
anyways the next couple episodes or whatever are them attempting to do street level hero shit and failing miserably bc they have no skills other than punch guy in face hard and also people still don't trust them lol. they get word on the street that someone is going around and actually like helping people and stopping crime with minimal collateral damage (impossible challenge).
eventually they corner the new guy and omg its kyyyyle hi kyle! kyle is doing street level shit bc some guy gave him a ring and no instructions, so he just. started doing what the main character in his comics does (hes employed as a comic artist and this will never get brought up again). they offer him training and he accepts, joining the team. of course, the introduction of kyle means that the entire corps have been slaughtered offscreen at this point. girlboss hal moments.
anyways this all builds up to hal being the big bad of the second half of the season. hal confronts the titans in full parallax regalia, intent on killing them all. soup, you say, is this 90s parallax or the shitty bug retcon? neither. this is titans 2018. this parallax has a breakdown over the destruction of coast city because he can't control coast city anymore (since its gone) and spirals because he feels like he's losing control over his space sector. he spirals so hard that he decides he needs more power so he never loses control over anything ever again. thats right baby, this titans 2018 version of hal is just a thinly veiled version of sinestro but shittier.
anyways this culminates in a showdown where hal is trying to kill the titans bc he blames them for the loss of coast city. kyle is going "wait guys i got this, hal this isnt you this isnt in ur heart </3" etc. etc. it doesnt work lol. anyways the finale matches the season one finale beat for beat. if they go the route of hal also having fear powers or whatever this is a great opportunity for jason to push past the fear and show his character growth but this show hates good writing and also jason.
anyways the titans beat his ass with the power of working together and also the color yellow probably and then they all go "omg we're such a family" and hal dies. the end of the season finale shows kyle leaving flowers at hal's grave, and then he walks off and meets up w the titans again. (also this gives kyle a complex where he feels like he has to be better than hal bc hal turned out to be a mass murdering megalomaniac.) (this is hinted at during the course of the next season but they will never ever expand on it and it will be forgotten).
i have thought about this a normal amount. dc hire me.
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] you still did progress anyhow and das really really good!!! focus on ur trip the attention might mess up da writing vibe and thought process tho i trust 10000000% on ur gigantic shiny brain what you do on ur writing <333333
ALSO WHAT BREAKUP THERES A??? NO YOU DID NOT TALK ABOUT IT HERE JUST ZHONGVEN RECENTLY 😭😭😭😭 pls elaborate please dump it all on me i am sitting i am preparing the Tea i am Sipping for the oncoming angst silly whatever i am expecting and the piping hot tea stays no matter what reaction LETS GOOOO 🍵🔥
im so excited omgggggg also good morning !!!!!!! :DDD <33333
okay SO. this is actually basically just an idea i initially had for a Different piece of media taken and recycled.
xiaolumi. modern au. lumine and aether move to xiao's town and start at his school when they're like 13 or 14.
aether befriends half of their year in half the day. lumine is quieter, sticks closer to those who are the same. scara, xiao <- im absolutely not biased in any way. aether is chatty but quiet once you get to know him, lumine is quiet but chatty once you get to know her.
she and xiao share loads of classes and work well together and very much want to be closer to each other but dont exactly know how, there's this sort of tension there that neither of them can figure out to save their lives. they're still very close, just. definitely not as much as they could be. and they endure CONSTANT teasing through their school years from friends and family alike about them liking each other/having crushes on each other/"so when's the wedding?" type stuff. people will try to get them together and they just kind of awkwardly laugh it off and dont really know what to do about it. they don't like each other like that. do they?
its never been a question of whether or not they love each other. never. of course they do. but in college they make new friends, and those new friends not ONLY assume they're together from the very start but also jump right in on the teasing after learning that they're not and they finally think okay. fuck it. lets just try dating.
it lasts... a week? two weeks? three? they've never, ever felt further apart from one another. it's strange and weird and they do not like it, even with all the congratulating and claps on the back and celebration that its "finally" happened.
they break up. they make it very clear to all of their friends that they've broken up. and they're scared !! they're scared. they've been each other's closest friend for years now. what they had worked so well for both of them and now they feel theyve ruined it and they're so scared that it's gone for good.
but the breakup is a huge weight off their shoulders. there's a little bit of distance until one day lumine makes a joke about it and suddenly they fall back into rhythm like nothing ever happened. more jokes about the breakup and about each other being shitty partners are integrated right into their vocubulary, and suddenly, somehow, they're closer than ever before. that tension that'd always been between them seems to vanish, they become so COMFORTABLE with each other in a way they weren't quite able to achieve beforehand
venti is probably a pretty big part of it. i am so ready to shove the aroace agenda onto everyone. they meet him in college and he's friendly and carefree and kind and he befriends them both pretty easily, is one of the few who never teases. he does ask, after the fact, about the breakup and how it felt-- but hes respectful and he doesnt come at it from a romantic standpoint and he helps one of them (i havent really decided but Probably xiao) work through a lot of those feelings and what they mean.
lumine and aether end up having a pretty serious conversation about it. lumine has always, always known that she loves xiao, that she's in love with xiao. that hasn't changed. its just... not that kind of love. aether listens. he helps her to better understand, and he starts to understand, too.
"lumine. all that matters to me is that youre happy. are you happy?" and she is. she really, really is.
lumine and xiao do talk about it eventually, too. lumine asks xiao if he loves her. not because she wants or expects to hear a yes, just because she wants to know. wants to understand his feelings, too. and he describes it-- the depth of his care, how important she is to him, describes exactly how he feels and does not once use the word love to do so. he doesnt really know if its love. he doesnt know if any of it is. and lumine tells him that that's okay. that it doesnt have to be love. they're on the same page, they understand, that's what matters.
the Biggest Focus if i were to write it would be that huge comfort and the weight off their shoulders afterwards. the characters i first had this thought for were slightly younger teenagers, one with a huge crush on the other thats so intense they barely manage to befriend them out of shyness, and the thought was that they'd finally date, it would suck, theyd break up, and suddenly without all the perceived romantic feelings in the way there'd be nothing stopping them from being besties. i do think it works a little better with that and in theory i could change this around so that xiao and lumine meet later on and both have ""crushes"" on each other and dont know each other super well before getting together? i actually do kind of like that thought now. fawk. erm. ill Probably end up doing that if i ever do this :sob:
BUT ANYWAYS yeah that's the whole idea/premise smile. breakup fic my <3333333
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ramu-ego · 1 year
mind sharing your other fandom favs then? you have me sort of curious if ego is tots ur type LMFAOA .. omg aftwr u-20 win ego was such a proud dad the face he made was honestly sort of emotional ..!!
NEVVER APOLOGIZE 4 WRITING ANOTHER FIC IDEA HEL i think with my pussy half the time and i read ANYTHINGGG as long as it’s dom!reader (can you tell i’m desperate ORR WHATT?) ngl your “pussy dragging on the keyboard” comment made my ass giggle for a full minute LMFOAO i’ll be using that as well thanks!
personally 4 me i never was really into nikko ASSS MUCHH.. but i can see the hype .. cant stop thinking how sweaty and greasy his forehead must be after those thick ass bangs though.!.!?!
WOAH our timezones r so different HELLPP.. by the time you said it was 6:40 am, it was at least night for me, polar opposites in a way sorta! godd you’re a chronic coffee drinker?? i’m more of a tea person myself but coffee does power through most things with ur day anyways, don’t overdose on it or something!! (unless u alrdy do LOL)
i’ve been doing great as ever, taking my time to relax before i’ve got to get back to that tiring education life again.. 🥲 your blogs has been a good way to pass the time though so a win win for me!! for the blue lock anime last week, episode 10 was surprisingly good considering i was scared shitless of animation budgeting and if they would butcher it, sometimes the cgi makes me giggle but hell i’m such a blue lock supporter that i just move on from all of the questionable moments with the animation!
i’m a sub watcher for all animes (which, i haven’t touched a lot of animes .. if you’re an avid anime watcher, any recs?)
for me, u-20 match was an INSANE ride for me, def my fav and i always reread it in a way, i think everything leading up to it like the 3v3 or 4v4 matches were great too, but u-20 match was hype like no other !! whiichhh brings me to my next point, i need to see more of hiori as his design was just too cute for me to pass up, just the hair and the eyes were so ?!? eye catching imo..
oh jeez and there was this one panel with this blue lock player with the most nicest hair but he just. NEVER APPEARED LMFAOO? i haven’t seen him ever since — don’t even think we got a name
ah jeez i’m SOOOO SORRY if my messages get a bit too long, I HATE JUST RESPONDING INSTEAD OF. CONTINUING A CONVERSATION (if this makes sense?) .. so i tend to ramble ^^’ don’t feel pressured to mirror the length though!! i’d be heading off to bed as i send this message in, so this is sort of my goodnight :P - 💌
-this will be a dead give a way to some of my very very old followers who've accidentally re found me after I achieved my last blog and took a long hiatus. I have very specific...qualities...to a lot of them that overlap...
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in order from top left to right; Kurono Yuichiro (Fire Force absolute love of my life and a near 1:1 character match to Ego honestly), Hanma Shuji (TokyoRev), Sir Nighteye (MHA), Asagiri Gen (Dr Stone), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ginoza Nobuchika (Psycho Pass) ...three out of the six are played by the same English VA so you could say I have a type 😂
To be fair my other categories for favs are literally all copy and print similar too. My "These are my babies I'm breastfeeding them and enabling them" favs are near identical copies in every anime I watch 😂 then the third less talked about group...the dreaded libra group 😒
ok but to gush a moment before forgetting the Ego during the U-20 match...that panel!!! Oh god that panel!!! Of him telling Isagi that what happened to him and his career didn't matter, that he was fine to be blacklisted from the sport he loved bc he assured all 22 of them had a career in soccer after this game, win or loose, OH GOD THAT PART. I will literally fist fight anyone at this point who wants to shit talk Ego and say he "doesn't care" bc that man was ready to throw away his livelihood for them to succeed on a world stage in the sport they love. Man's got protective dilf energy and I'm giving him a child this uterus is open for business rn
Niko is....Ok I'm blaming it on his VA actually (sorry I watch dubbed I just literally can't focus on subbed) and his English VA is a well known one but did a creepy high pitched voice with it and I mean I'm willingly fucking Ego like I'm advertising I'll kiss that weird man's ankles but Niko- Niko is just too fucking weird for me. But apparently the pussy wants to challenge that bc fuck me with a six plus page story over god damn nipples! Niko is still....too ugly for me RIP
My time zone is fucked at the butt end of everything so I am WAY use to being the last one up and last one to go to bed in every fandom I've ever been in 🤣 Learned that as a teen when literally no one was ever awake when I was RIP. But yes I'm a chronic coffee drinker I've always have been the bean it calls to me I must have it (given I don't drink enough to like NEED it or get a headache I just enjoy the taste but love tea too) Drank it thru my pregnancy and drank it breastfeeding no one's pulling the beautiful bean from my mouth. Love me a good tea though I won't deny good green, black and other teas hit different. Just no herbal shit stuff makes me wretch istg
Glad to hear I started this blog in good timing then! Ain't nothing like relaxing with some good pegging when you're trying to forget that book bullshit 💅 And honestly even though I picked up the manga right after like episode two (needed Ego I wasn't waiting lololol) I've been very happy with the animation cuz like the manga is illegally beautiful. Holy shit is the manga just so well done and the drawings are top tier throughout the entire thing (coming from tokyorev and jujutsu god I miss manga artists that don't just scribble on things like a coke addict) Questionable animation or not they keep slut drawing Ego's hands so damn fine and that man's watch I'll forgive any animation doozie long as my weird looking stick man looks fine as hell
I don't watch sub (I just can't take in the actual show and read plus I got a mad voice kink so....dubbed it is for me) But I've watch a fair share of anime. Don't really watch it for like...the sake of just watching anime (prefer western cartoons a little more) but I've watched some really good ones though. First on the list, Fire Force. I've single handedly convinced like two dozen people to watch this. It's my favorite of all time and will be tattooing the weird looking man in the collage on my body at some point bc of how much I love that series. Mob Psycho 100 is amazing as always for so many reasons and it has a bit of everything for everyone. The Case Study of Vanitas was better than it was aloud to be and I hate vampires. Dr. Stone fucking nerdy funny and entertaining. Psycho Pass is a good like murder mystery book. Sonny Boy and Space Dandy done by the same studio and will make you question your existence. Kekkaishi is old but still one of my favorites ever. And Blue Exoricst I wrote a 60+ chapter fan fic on it for a reason and its still going strong and written by a woman! Don't know about any of their sub versions but their stories and characters are so good they're worth it.
That entire block from the five round selection to the U-20 game was just- Fucking illegally good for a sports anime?? A sports anime for crying out loud?? Even the way they introduce so many new characters is so smooth and not even clunky and you genuinely take an interest in everyone even if you only see them for one game?? Hiori is cute...a little more feral than I expected when we first saw him being cute with Isagi and Nanase. But Hiori, Otoya, Karasu and Kurona haven't like wowed me yet. I'm invested but I'm still going real fucking soft on Yukimiya right now like. God. The eye thing. LET ME BABY YOU AND HAVE THAT SAD MAN. God he's gonna be so fucking pretty when he's animated I'm screaming already
Was that the panel of the dude with Gagamaru and Raichi? The one that's shown on the blue lock screen but we never have an actual manga cap of him?
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imy2 · 5 months
noted o7
5-2 warrens so cutee .. ugh pandora..... oo hi red .. •
lmao warren opening the trunk to murphy then slamming it back on him .. "ok, wanna do it the right way? open the trunk, let the man out - i'll apologize, my bad 🙄" lol cooper ,, aw warren :( but murphys smile at her :') •
hmm last ep doc asked w 10k n sarge n dante all right there - "whats in the bizcuitz?" and george answers "nobody knows, no one wants to know - rumor is, it's a trace amount of brains." so whyy ?? this episode, 10k asks dante "what's in those things anyway" and dante says "nobody knows for sure, nobody wants to know. my guess, trace amounts of brains." ??? i would've said 10k asked again to see if they got the same answer, but dante was there when george answered the first time so obv he'd just be able to repeat what she said... so i'm thinking this was just a genuine mess up ? •
ughh estes ... •
ahhh warren n george lookin at each other , oh to be in the middle of that look.. omg i forgot puppies n kittens was from george.. •
aww wb sun mei :-) .. hi cz .. •
"another... dude? and they got a kid?" i too would drink the zombie thumb alcohol after that one 10k •
omglol i just gasped when leroy shot cliff.. not cool leroy! "heyy you shot me :/" "i'll do it again if you don't shut up." 'this was my favorite t-shirt :(" •
5-3 "people have been giving me the eyeball since i got here!" "you look like satan." "yeah and i'm rockin it 🕺 but still it's rude to stare!" redmurphy does look pretty cool •
oh damnn i forgot abt 10k.. mann :/ bye sarge ... •
5-4 man warren laughing this ep made me realize how little she's laughed thruout the show .. wish i was in that room w george n warren ... •
5-5 i wish I was the zombie warren n george just slammed on that table.. ok i'll stop (unless it happens again) •
aww nana n jz r so cute .. •
this time doc was the one throwin a zombomb down the elevator(/air) shaft .. lmaoo "but i could use a light" wld be a great gif •
omg wb addy •
5-6 "alright i'll go ahead" "why" "bc ur my friend n i dont want u to get hurt" george pls .. •
hmm redmurphy cooloutfit another 5/5 look .. hellll yeah he got doc a look too •
lmaooo dante pulling a peeta •
5-7 lol doc gettin stabbed by murphys spiked gloves when they fist bump ... what car r doc n george in rn, i like it ... bye dante :// .. •
"take care of them." "yeah yeah, i got it." "ok well then, be safe." "no, you be safe out there. i don't want to have to go traipsing around half of screwmerica again to save your ass." "i don't care how many times you gotta traipse around to save me - but when you do, pick a color." lmaoo .. "i mean it, warren. the apocalypse wouldn't be half as fun without you in it. be careful." ohhh the looksss. "i love you too, murphy." murphy's facee :') .. "god, keep him safe." mannn •
5-8 oo i dont like this ep :/•
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this was cute ..•
5-9 interesting ep.. kuruk n ayalla r so cool n pretty ..•
5-10 "one mans junk is another mans treasure. . that didn't come out right." lol doc •
man always hate that end bit... •
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