#the only reaction i give him is a middle finger as i fully turn my back (yea probably shouldn’t have done that i know)
transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
Eddie would come up with the most elaborate schemes to kiss Steve for the first time.
here's mine: He realizes Steve is a gossip early on, like the first time they all hang out someone mentions a rumour in passing and Steve latches on. Eddie is delighted. He's enamoured by the twinkle in Steve's eyes and the intensity in his probing, even the enthusiasm in giving out the information he has about the people in question.
So Eddie knows what he has to do.
Whenever Eddie sees or hears something that frankly should not be any of his business he makes sure to tell Steve. He doesn't mention it to anybody else and most of the time he doesn't care about it much, but he needs to tell Steve.
And he only does it when it's just the two of them. He finds Steve in a secluded corner of the Family Video, says "i think my boss is cheating on his wife" and is rewarded with a gasp.
He follows after Steve when he goes to refill the popcorn in the middle of movie night and casually asks "you know who I saw the other day coming out of Laura's house at 3am?" Steve raises his eyebrows higher than Eddie has ever seen.
He calls Steve at midnight on a Wednesday and opens with "my neighbors are definitely getting back together" Steve answers with a devastated "noooo!"
He leaves the kids in the cookie aisle to go catch up to Steve and lean on the shopping cart shoulder to shoulder and whisper "dont look now, but Heather and Monica are here together, right behind us. They ARE dating" Steve looks immediately.
And Eddie's not only excited about his initial reactions, but he thanks the heavens for his discovery because it gets him Steve's total, undivided attention every.fucking.time. without fail.
Steve turns fully to him, touches Eddie's arms for emphasis, shoves him when Eddie says something dumb, tugs on a strand of his hair a bit when Eddie says something silly, opens his eyes SO wide or squints at him and his eyelashes look sooo pretty. Steve leans in and whispers back and grins and teases and scrunches his nose in the most adorable gesture Eddie has ever seen in his life.
With practice, Eddie goes from having to give Steve's shoulder a back handed slap to get his attention, to just looking at him directly for like 5 seconds and then Steve knows Eddie has something to tell him.
so he does it at dinner, on a nondescript date at a nondescript hour because, mostly, Eddie just kinda can't take it anymore.
He's listening to Steve tell this story about a costumer and frankly, forgets to look away from him and Steve interprets this as Eddie having something to say. He cuts himself off, tilts his head and asks "what?" with mirth in his voice.
Eddie smiles, a little mischievous and says "c'mere I have to tell you something"
Steve smiles back, but says "we're the only ones here, Eds" gesturing to his kitchen.
Eddie rolls his eyes a bit and threatens "do you want me to tell you or not?"
Steve leans across the table, his cut off tank almost touching their spaghetti.
Eddie wants to shove his hands through the armpit holes, but he settles for holding Steve's jaw and threading his fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
Steve's lips are as soft and warm as he expected, he tastes of the red sauce they cooked together and he smells good enough to eat. Eddie indulges in a thorough kiss but keeps it short.
No matter how many times Steve looks at him like he's the most interesting person in the room, he hasn't outright said that he likes Eddie like that, so he'd rather be careful.
Eddie pulls back and finds Steve smiling, his eyes closed still.
Steve blinks his eyes open and looks at Eddie, his tongue darts out to swipe across his lips and he says "I think that's the best one you've told me yet"
Eddie snorts and feels his cheeks burn "Yeah?" he asks.
"Mmhm" Steve confirms against his lips, already kissing Eddie again.
It takes a while, but eventually Eddie realizes Steve doesn't only give him his undivided attention when he has gossip. He does it pretty much all the time.
Maybe at some point it expanded to everything Eddie has to say.
Or maybe it was like that all along.
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hyunubear · 2 years
This dude just took catcalling to another level🙂
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sachiko1309 · 6 months
Fuck me, while I taste your fingertips
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Summary: The title says it all
Word count: 2827
Warnings: pure smut, soft to rough, made for my finger and hand fixated vulcan loving people ;) (aka: @mystery-star)
Minors DNI !!! this contains adult content
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I was just walking out of the shower, my towel still wrapped around my body, the hair twisted into a sloppy bun on the back of my head. Spock was sitting on his desk, working down some files on his PADD. I had been teasing him the whole day to the point where he had looked like he was about to snap any moment. To my surprise he kept his demeanor pretty well and only those who knew him very well, were able to see, what was really going on inside the Commanders brain.
Knowing he was probably trying his hardest distracting himself with anything, I sneaked up behind him, putting my lips right next to his ears: “I need you.” Was all I said and he immediately tensed up. Taking a deep breath, he turned off his PADD and rolled his chair back a bit. His eyes were trained on my body, looking me up and down with a hungry look on his face.
I tried my best to not get too distracted by the things it did to me, keeping my eyes trained on his face. “Remember what I told you earlier?” I asked, waiting for him to respond.
“You have asked me a lot, today. Please elaborate further to which event you are referring.” He pressed out, his voice just as tensed as his body.
“I think you know.” Letting go of my towel, I grabbed his hands, slowly starting to play with his fingers. His reaction was instant. He let out a low moan, sinking back into his chair, half closed eyes watching my fingers play with his.
“T’hy’la…” His voice was husky and he stopped talking, when I pressed light kisses on his fingertips. Taking the last step between his legs, I put his hands on my hips, forcing him to look me in the eyes. “Do you trust me?” My question had him raise his brow. “You are my wife; it would be illogical of you to assume I do not.” His answer made me chuckle lightly. “Good thing I learned to translate your words to what they actually mean.”
Sinking to my knees I never let him out of my sight. As if on que, he spread his legs further apart, making it easier for me to kneel between them. Out of reflex, his hands went to my head, but I held them down. “No, not today. I want to take care of you.” He immediately obeyed my command, resting his hands loosely on his thighs.
I let my fingers run over his thighs, his lower stomach, making him shiver and twitch in anticipation, before I gave in. Slowly opening his belt and pulling down the zipper. When I freed his member, I pressed a soft kiss to the tip, eliciting a low moan from Spock. “Please…” He begged, but I didn’t give in. Planting soft kisses along his shaft and sweetly licking his tip, until he was panting above me.
Then I stood up, holding him down by his shoulders, when he tried to reach for me. “Relax.” I climbed onto his lap, lining up his cock with my entrance, slowly sliding down on him. Had I not been horny all day, that maneuver would have been nearly impossible. Because unlike what Spock seemed like on a day to day basis, this man was packed. And when I finally bottomed out on him, I let out a deep moan, holding onto his shoulders to gain some control back. Instantly his hands gripped my hips, rolling them along his lap, earning a high-pitched yelp from me. Fighting against the hot waves starting to rise in my body, I shook my head: “No. Give me your hand.”
Spock looked at me confused, but complied. And when I led his right hand to my lips, the realization dawned on his face.
I started with kissing his palm down to every finger, before I took his middle and ring finger in my mouth, wetting them with my saliva. Before was even able to fully take them down my throat his head rolled back, the grip of his left hand growing harder on my hip. It was working.
Sucking on his long digits, I let my tongue circle around them, like I was giving him a blowjob. I switched between his fingers. Changing the speed and depths I took them into my mouth with. And the longer I sucked on his fingers, the more agitated his breathing became until he was panting again. That’s when I decided to give him the last bit. Letting my right hand wander to his ear, I softly stroked the outer shell of it. And as soon as I touched his ear, he bucked up underneath me, forcing his cock deeper inside of me, a loud moan rolling through his chest. I let his hand go with a soft plop, reaching for the other one, repeating what I was doing.
His face was covered in a soft shade of green, the tip of his ears painted a flashy dark green. I was watching intently, how his mouth shivered, quiet Vulcan curses flowing from his lips. His whole body was tensed, his hand gripping my body tightly as if he needed to steady himself on something. “T’hy’la…” He breathed out, opening his eyes. And the look he gave me, said everything I needed to know. He was close, begging me to come.
I took his fingers down my throat as deep as I could, simultaneously clenching around his cock and stroking his ears in the most sensual way I could. That’s when it happened. With a loud moan ringing through the room, he came. I could feel his cock twitch deep inside of me when he shuddered underneath me. The feeling of hot seed shooting up my core, filling me up. It was heavenly seeing him come undone like that.
He pulled his hand out of my mouth, grabbing me and pulling me flush against his chest. His grip was hard but I liked how it made me feel even closer to him. It took him quite some time to calm his breathing to a point, where he was able to talk again. “What… Why?” Was all he was able to press out, making me smile. It didn’t happen often, for Spock to be out of words, but when it did, it was the cutest thing I could imagine.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Why not? I know how sensitive your hands and ears are and what it does to you, seeing me fidget my fingers all day, so I wanted to do you a favor. It was kind of mean of me singing that song, while literally performing finger porn right in front of you. I am actually quite surprised you made it that long without pulling me into the next room and fucking me senseless.” I smirked.
He raised an eyebrow, now almost back to his calm and collected self. “You did that on purpose?” I just laughed. “For what other reason would I be singing ‘Talking bodies’? I mean the line she sings the most is literally ‘fuck me while I taste your fingertips’. So that just got me thinking of a new way to please my husband.”
His eyes went dark, hearing what I shamelessly admitted. “You want me to fuck you, while you suck on my fingers?” I nodded, feeling the blush creep up my cheeks. He just tilted his head, obviously stuck in his thoughts. “Then why did you not let me touch you and refrained me from moving one bit? I believe this was not as pleasurable for you as it was for me, giving the fact you are a human.”
I just shrugged. “I don’t mind it.” But my words visibly made him upset. Getting up with a low growl, he pressed me against the closest wall: “Do you think I will let my wife go to bed without giving her at least one orgasm? I am not some miserable human man, who is incapable of pleasuring his woman.”
His words made me rip my eyes open, staring at him like a deer in headlights. “What are you…” I didn’t need to finish my question, because the look he gave me, mixed with the fact, I could feel his cock hardening inside of me, told me everything I needed to know. I was in for a long night…
As soon as my back hit the wall, his lips were on mine, kissing me with such force, it left me breathless. The rough fabric of his clothes rubbed against my skin, my nipples growing hard to the touch. Him still being in his clothes caused something to stir in my mind, I didn’t know existed. It was a deep longing and satisfaction for his dominance, which only took him seconds to realize. Kissing down my chin until his lips caressed my earlobe he whispered: “Tell me,” His voice was hoarse. “Tell me what you want.”
I could feel myself grow wetter at his words, relishing in the hard touch of his hand on my breast. “I…” My body betrayed me, not letting me speak, when his thumb stroked over my hard nipple. “I… I want…”
“What, rom ko-kan. Speak to me and I will oblige.” He groaned; face deeply tugged into my neck. Taking my hands out of his hair, he started to rid himself from his shirt. Now he was just in his dress pants. Pinning my hands above my head with one arm, he intertwined our fingers and as soon as he did it, his feelings crashed into my head. “Please…” I whimpered, rolling my hips as much as the position of my being pinned against the wall let me.
Spock kept on playing with my breast, looking at me with a wolfish grin, while his hips kept me pinned. “Please what, t’hy’la?” The teasing side of him breaking through. It was obvious he wanted me to beg for him and if it would have been any other day, I probably would have put up a fight, testing his patience. But not today. My whole mindset was taken over by my husband, no other thought strong enough to cross my mind. He was all I wanted and the whole day I had trouble concentrating on anything else than him. I was putty in his hands.
And when his free hand wandered from my breasts to my clit, I reared up in a sinful moan. The jolts of pleasure ripping through my body in hot shots, while he teased me mercilessly. I tightened the grip of my legs around his waist, pulling him in even deeper. Spock sighted, giving me another soft kiss on the lips. “I take that as my answer.” He groaned, his hips pulling back and snapping forward again.
“Oh God yes…” I breathed out, arching my back to be closer to him. It was all the encouragement Spock needed, releasing my hands, he grabbed my hip to guide my movements better. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying my best not to claw at his back. “I don’t mind it.”
“What?” I was confused, far to caught up in the heat of the moment.
“I don’t mind you marking me.” He repeated, tilting his head back, to take a better look at me. I raised my eyebrows, biting down on my lips, when his cock brushed against the spongy spot deep inside of me. “But the others will see during training.” I argued, my voice shuddering with pleasure. Now he was wearing a sly smile on his face. “I hope they will.” Was all he said, before he bent down, pressing his lips onto my nipple.
“Spock… Please!” I cried out, not caring about a single thing in the world. I could feel my orgasm nearing. The hot waves that started deep in my core now growing to a big tsunami threatening to drown me at any given moment. “Go on, t’hy’la.” He encouraged me, wrapping a hand in my hair and pulling my head against his shoulder.
“Cu-Cumming!” My moan turned into a cry, as my body shuddered. Bright lights exploding behind my closed eyes.
“That’s it. Be a good girl, make a mess on my cock. You are doing so good for me.” He cooed, lips brushing over my ear while he spoke. His praise striking me deeply. But instead of slowing down like he normally did, to give me some time to regain strength and consciousness, he kept his pace. “Spock… I cant… please…”
He just shook his head. “You really think I would let you go this easy? Teasing me all day with those filthy fingers of yours. You know what it does to me, when you wear those rings. When the jingle like that with every move, sparkle in the lights of the bridge. And your earrings… I should have known better when I married you. But those piercings you have… they make me want to ravish you, just by looking at you. Do you even know what a whore you are considered on Vulcan? Eight piercings and at least 5 rings on each hand….”
I let out a soul shattering moan, clawing on his back, not caring that my long nails probably let some red scratches behind. Spock cussed at the pain, but his thrusts didn’t falter for one second. “You are the most beautiful and filthy woman roaming the universe and I am so fucking lucky to call you mine. But I will not let you get away with teasing me like that. You hear me?” He grabbed my chin, shaking my head softly.
“Yes, Commander. I am sorry. I will stop wearing so many rings and piercings.” I cried out, tears forming in my eyes from the overstimulation he forced me through. “Oh, hell you wont.” He growled. “You will wear them. Understood? I want you to look like a whore, because you are my whore and nobody else will see you like I do. But just remember if you ever try to tease me like that again, I will show no mercy. I wont wait until our shifts are over. I will bend you over the next desk I see and you can pray that nobody walks in on us, is that clear?”
“Yes Commander!” I yelped. My body shaking in pure bliss as another wave of an orgasm initiated itself deep inside of me. It wasn’t until now, that I realized, that his movements got sloppy. His breathing was rigid, sweat dripping from his forehead. A look of determination present on his face. “Fuck.” He cussed, a rare occurrence for him to do, but when he did it, it send butterflies of pure filth down my stomach.
Catching my lips in another kiss, he bit down on my lower lip, leaving it sore and slightly bruised. It wasn’t until then, that I realized with what force Spock had pressed me against the wall. I was sure that I would be sore the next morning, but I didn’t care. My mind only caring about the jolts of pleasure racing through my body. My moans were muffled by his kisses as my legs started to tremble again, fighting against his hips, muscles growing tired. “Don’t stop.” I pleaded, my grip on his shoulders growing harder.
“Never.” Was all Spock pressed out, his hands gripping my hip so hard, it was on the edge of painful. “Come for me now!” He ordered, his thrust growing rougher. Without much time for my brain to react, my body surrendered, shattering into thousands of tiny splinters. I let my head fall back against the wall, a loud and sinful moan ringing through the room. My body shaking violently, as he growled and thrusted deep inside of me for the last time.
He shivered between my legs, as his orgasm washed over him. My spasming walls milking him for the second time this night. And when his throbbing cock slowly stopped twitching, he pulled me into a deep hug. His breath fanning over my neck, while he held me in his warm embrace. I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind far enough to speak. “I love you.” Was all I was able to mumble, my tongue still heavy from my orgasm, but Spock seemed to understand.
“Nash-veh ashaya du, t’nash-veh k’diwa.” He whispered into my ear, while slowly walking towards the bathroom. We were still wrapped up tightly into each others arms and I could feel my slick and his seed slowly trickling out of me. And when he carefully lifted me up and set me back onto my feet, my legs gave in underneath me. He was just quick enough to catch me. “Let me run you a bath, t’hy’la. You are sore and the warmth will help your muscles relax.”
For everyone wondering what on earth rode me to write this:
You are either welcome, or I am sorry for ruining this song for you 😂
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deja-yu · 7 months
Night out - Choi Jongho
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Genre: fluff (a lil suggestive)
Synopsis: Spending a night out with your boyfriend and friends except I am really obsessed with Jongho and it shows.
note: I didn't proofread :D
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Maybe the two of you were a little too caught up with each other, but nobody seems to mind. Head leaning on your boyfriend’s shoulder while you watch him trace something in the palm of your hand with his finger. “Elephant?” Your question softly, only for him to hear, the low rumble of his chuckle slightly shaking you along with him. “No, try again” he traces the same pattern on your palm, the sound of your friends arguing about what movie to go see after dinner, was just a background noise at this point. You had all finished your desert already, only Wooyoung and Hongjoong were still eating too busy talking to actually clear their plates. “Turtle?” second guess and Jongho giggles softly. The nope he lets out comes with a pop to tease and you huff in slight frustration. “I don’t know then” another giggle “It’s us” snorting you join him with your own giggles. “My turn” you turn over his hand and draw your own figure in his hand. “A dog?” with a copy of his ‘nope’ you let him know he is wrong causing him chuckle. You are about to repeat your drawing but Yeosang nudges you which makes you straighten up so you can look at him. Jongho intertwines your hand with his before you can fully pull away from him. “Is a horror movie okay with you two?” Yeosang asks, you see he was in the middle of buying tickets on his phone “Sounds fun!” you agree with a big smile. Yeosang hums and continues ordering, you look around the table and see everyone is done. “I am going to the toilet before we leave” You nudge Jongho who takes a moment too long to finally let go of your hand as you get up.
“Our little Jongho is smitten” Yunho teases as soon as you’re out of earshot. “Do you even know what movie we are going to?” Hongjoong asks with a laugh, Jongho raises his hands to surrender to the teasing with a roll of his eyes. “I was going to pay for dinner but…” he laughs as everyone backtracks and instead starts complimenting him. When he sees you on your way back to the table he gets up to pay. Meeting you on his way to pay he gives you a quick kiss, “Go get your stuff, I will meet you outside”.
Wooyoung hands you your coat while you grab your bag, “What did you put in his drink to make him so loving?”. Others join in one the teasing “You really got him wrapped around your finger”, “He didn’t even let me hug him the other day!”. You sigh telling them to knock it off, quickly making your way outside in hopes the cold air will hide your reddening cheeks. Jongho doesn’t take long to come outside, handing you a mint he took while paying. Your boyfriend’s loving smile makes you shove the previous teasing to the back of your mind. “You should have put on a warmer jacket” Jongho complains as he tugs at the fabric of your coat to connect the buttons. Smiling at his antics you take his busy hands to intertwine with yours instead, “Let’s go” giving him a quick peck on the lips before tugging him to follow in your friends’ steps to the cinema.
The movie wasn’t really your cup of tea, you honestly just said yes to Yeosang to avoid starting the argument about what movie to start back up. Jongho was next to you laughing at some of the scenes which made you squirm in your seat. You lean over to ask him to grab the popcorn from Yunho beside him but a loud scream makes you cringe, words dying on your tongue instead letting out a small squeal. It drowns out with the other screams but Jongho hears of course, laughing at your reaction which makes you huff. Ignoring him to instead grab the popcorn from Yunho yourself. Leaning over Jongho completely and Yunho only spares you a quick glance as you get his attention. Wordlessly handing you the popcorn so he can focus back on the movie. Jongho chuckles as you send him an annoyed look while getting comfortable in your seat again. It’s not long before the movie makes you jump in your seat again. Jongho leans in this time, “You want to leave?” automatically you look past him towards the rest of your friends but he leans slightly forward so you look at him again “I’m asking you” with a small nod you confirm you would rather leave. Jongho takes the popcorn and shoves it back into Yunho’s hands. Standing up and holding out a hand for you which you quickly take having the seat at the end makes it easy to pull him out of the row, he lets you lead him down the steps and through the thick doors into the light of the main hall. Your shoulders relax as the blood curdling screams of the latest victim finally disappear as the doors close behind you. “Let’s go to the arcade to wait?” smiling he happily agrees with your suggestion.
You died 2 rounds ago and Jongho is still going through the zombie game. The ticket amount going up by the second, Jongho determined to exchange it for the plushie you’ve been eyeing. Your eyes are not on the great display of skill on the screen, because how can your focus be there when your boyfriend looks so incredibly handsome. Quickly you pull out your phone to take a picture, smiling proudly at the picture which you quickly make your new background. Missing the way Jongho takes his eye off the screen to look over at you, smirking when he sees what you have done. The boost to his ego comes at the cost of some health. Jongho resumes shooting the zombies but you’re bored, feeling a little mischievous you let out a deep sigh, a chuckle coming from Jongho “Bored?” asking it without taking his eyes off the screen. “A little, maybe we could pass time in a different way?” Immediately he puts the toy gun back into the holder and you laugh slightly surprised as you watch his character quickly lose the last of its health. “Here?” he is asking it while cockily raising an eyebrow. The arcade was mostly empty, you saw two guys and one worker but they were nowhere near right now. You smile and give him a nod curious what he would do. Jongho steps into your space, leaning down till his lips are mere centimeters away from yours, instinctively you close your eyes. A giggle from him makes you open your eyes, his forehead meets yours and you can’t stop a smile from forming. “Let’s go play air hockey, before I do something we’ll regret” now it’s your turn to giggle “Can’t control yourself baby?”. Jongho pulls away holding his hand out which you gladly take, “You know I can never control myself when it’s you. So, let’s go before I take you back to the car”, with a giggle you let him drag you along.
After two rounds of air hockey you are joined by the rest of the guys, Yunho excitingly telling Jongho how the rest of the movie proceeded. You cringe away at the details, going to the crane machines where you find Seonghwa, “What are you trying to get?” he points at a little toothless keychain making you giggle. “You want to try?” you nod as Seonghwa steps to the side to let you have a go.  Both of you getting excited when you manage to get a hold of the keychain but it changes as the plush falls a little away from the drop box. “You got it a lot closer than I did, try again” Seonghwa excitedly urges you on, already swiping his game card for you. This time you get a good hold of the plush and it carries all the way to the drop box. Both you and Seonghwa cheer excitingly exchanging a high five before you retrieve the plush. “Your highness” Seonghwa laughs at your words as you bow while presenting the keychain for him. “Thank you” he says it with a cute which makes you grin. “Seonghwa! Y/N! You guys ready to leave?” San calls from the entrance of the arcade, waiting with the rest of the group. Jongho eyes you as you come to his side, “I won Hwa a keychain!” Seonghwa shows your boyfriend his prize. “Where were these skills when we trying to get that plushie you wanted so badly at the fair?” laughing you remind him how he kept going after you already gave up determined as he was to get you what you wanted. Before you can walk towards the car with the rest Jongho tugs at your sleeve, “I won you something too” presenting you with a small bear keychain “Could’ve gotten the big one if you didn’t distract me” trying to play of his present to you by acting casual but it only makes your grin widen. “Now I get to have you with me at all times” you tease as you clip the bear to your bag, looking back up in time to see the smirk playing on his features.
Jongho is one of the designated drivers which means you get passenger seat privileges, so when Wooyoung takes your reserved seat Jongho glares at him. “I’m not moving” Wooyoung says with a huff, “I will get car sick” Jongho gives him a light shove “I don’t care. It’s my car” you ignore the commotion and slide in and Yunho follows you. Your boyfriend turns to the back to see you squeezed in tight between eyes questioning you, asking if it’s okay without saying the words. “Just drive! I want to go home” reluctantly he turns back and starts the car giving Wooyoung one more jab when he gets a little too happy about succeeding in securing his spot.
The drive to their shared house was peaceful, San and Yunho seem to exchange a mischievous look and Wooyoung is seemingly in on it too, distracting your boyfriend so Yunho can whisper their plan into your ears. You giggle and agree, seeing your own profit in their plan to tease your boyfriend. When Jongho parks the car for them to get out, they set their plan in motion. Jongho turns to the back, ready to tell them to get the hell out. “Thank you for hanging out with us Y/N” “Yes, you should totally come over without Jongho next time” two kisses, one on each of your cheeks cause the words Jongho was about to say to die on his tongue. You watch as your boyfriend’s face falters for a moment while car doors open and slam shut, a moment passes before Wooyoung bursts out laughing, Jongho turns to him with a glare, which is enough reason for him to get out the car. Once alone with your boyfriend he turns back to you still glaring, only causing you to laugh. “I’m not stopping for ice cream now” gasping you whisper “you wouldn’t” but he just shrugs starting the car again. Still in the back seat so you wiggle your way between the front seats to take your rightful place in the front. He is giving you a look which makes you whine again, “Why not?? We always get ice cream on the way home” you lean in a little closer hand on his thigh trying to give him your best puppy eyes. Seemingly unphased he starts driving “Get your seatbelt on baby” Pulling back with a huff, you do as told before crossing your arms. Not even a minute of silence passes before an idea sparks in your head pulling out your phone, you can feel his eyes on you. “What are you doing?” showing your phone dialing Yeosang you stick your tongue out at him, “Asking Yeo to get ice cream with me”. The line connects and you turn away about to greet Yeosang but Jongho cuts you off “I’ll get you your ice cream if you hang up right now” with a pause you consider it  “Oh Sorry!” hanging up Jongho laughs at the grin on your lips. “Happy?” his hand landing on your thigh with a squeeze, nodding proudly he laughs again.
“After all that trouble and you’re letting your ice cream melt” Jongho teases as he pulls away from your lips. “Shut up” pulling him back to connect your lips once more. The backseat of the car is way too small to comfortably be making out but neither of you seem to care. Half way through your ice cream your boyfriend shoved you up against the car to taste the ice cream for himself. “Let’s go home Jjong” you breathe out, his lips meet yours one last time a groan leaving him as he pulls himself off you. Head hitting the roof of the car as he straightens up you snort still laying on the seats, freezing up when your boyfriend glares at you. “Sorry” it comes out as a whisper and one of his eyebrows quirk up, “You will be”.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Not gonna lie if I were the reader after they got replaced by YouTwo I would be a neurotic mess lmao. I already mental issues but I can't imagine going through their trauma on top of everything. I would definitely be scratching myself again out of sheer stress and anxiety about whether or not everybody will replace me again. My arms would look horrible. Oh boy imagine everybody's reaction to realizing they've messed up this badly and absolutely ruined the reader
Other people: fun ways we can write! Coffee shop au! Red string of fate! Hanahaki! Enemies to lovers!
me: what if I sat and tried to seriously and realistically contemplate the ramifications of a severely traumatic experience and the following neurotic habits that arise from the spiral down
Reader gets back to Spider Society, either glitching back in or "being rescued" whatever, and, you're just doing shit like digging food out of the trash "you'd never guess what kinds of perfectly good stuff people throw away, and it saves time to not have to wait for anything to be prepped! Never know when you'll vanish in the middle of a meal or that one serial killer will pop out at you again!! Ahaha!
Someone comes to check on you and you deadass have a fucking, tripwire web trap all around you, you're not even sleeping in a bed you're in your own webbing (because we rock organic webbing here because it fucks) so the second anything like, opens the door of your apartment or comes near you, you're instantly aware. Peter B comes in "heeeey, just wanna check in, make sure you're doing ok--" and there's fucking web wires rattling cans as he opens the front door and suddenly you're wide awake with an actual fucking knife or some kind of equally brutal survivalist weapon and it takes you a few seconds to fully snap out of it and let him calm you down and he has to tell Miguel You Are In Fact Not Doing Ok
You've got real "scaring all your loved ones and everyone around you" energy during those times you're just like going through some manic shit, opening your mouth and going on a sudden 'epiphany' like "i know what would help!! I'm gonna start cutting my face in really visible prominent places and that way you guys will know by the scar who I am :) and when it heals I'll cut myself again :) and again :) maybe I should just cut off a finger, how many of me do you think are missing fingers? Or maybe I could give myself a cool scar!!" And it's just like. What the fuck do they even say to that. A lot of them just genuinely could cry over this, seeing what this did to you. You sound genuinely cheerful at the realization and give no mind to how casually you just suggested self harm out of paranoia and self preservation.
You're just having like hard-core eating disorder issues going from overeating to undereating, binging because you're suffer9ng trauma from starving and then starving yourself "no its fasting, I'm FASTING to save food and money and resources, ok, I can only fit so much in my backpack and--"
You have this backpack from your multiversal glitching travels and keeping it with you basically 24/7 even when you go to the bathroom becomes a comfort habit, because, "never know when your camp has been found by the runners and you've gotta make a break for it" or some other cryptic memory you babble at them like you're discussing coffee when it could be one of the most vile horrifying things they've ever heard
I think the most interesting but tricky thing I've thought of is, what if Reader's trauma-humor coping mechanism gets dialed up to 11 and you can basically never turn it off because, your brain is protecting yourself. It's like you're Doing A Bit but literally all the time like some traumatized method actor and you're just, they're never sure if you're actually telling the truth or actually recounting things you experienced after a while
"Oh man the last time I ate a meal this big was when I finally stopped glitching and I had to break into someone's house and rob them for food! Just call me Santa Claus! But this Earth had suffered a nuclear fallout so all they had was like, DRY CRACKERS and, a lotta canned stuff, icky, and, I was in the middle of trying to pry a tin of lil cocktail weenies open with my teeth when the irradiated house centipedes smelled my blood, just imagine like a normal centipede but, like, the size of a Shetland pony, hey, friendship really IS magic right, and me and these centipedes got SO close, so anyways they smelled my blood, right, and it made them hungry, and--" and here you got like The Entire Squad speechless, Hobies just over here like "fuck, I don't even know what to say to that, you want some ketamine bruv" and yall just hit em with "nah last time I tried ketamine I had a fever dream of being replaced by an evil clone and I was shunned by all my close friends who i thought of like family. Oh wait, that was you guys! That's awkward!"
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Hi Lana, hear me out, how about reader with a voice kink she loves Joe's voice but one night she has a sexy dream not only about him but also Eddie was in it, she tells him about the dream and one night he just decides to try something and switch between his normal voice to Eddie's and vice versa just to see how her body will react. Hope this makes sense, love your stuff btw 💕
Why thank you angel. I am FERALLLLL for this 👀 Under 18's DNI.
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Picture via Pintrest 📸
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Sure you got to experience your boyfriend every day of your life together and the passion and lust was there in the blink of an eye from the day you began dating. But you couldn't help but be fascinated by the way he played Eddie once you got the chance to watch him bring the character to life.
The thing that struck you the most was his voice, the way he conducted the little accent and the gravelly tones of Joe's voice that were combined had you frothing at the mouth. It was a characteristic that had always made you unimaginably turned on, never before until you met Joe. In the end it really became a fantasy for you to ponder on, what it would be like to have a hold of Eddie, having him whisper in your ear all of the things he wanted to do to you in the way that Joe would and then one night when you lay peacefully in your bed, your wish came true.
Your dream was so erotic, but except it being one of them, it was both of them. The way they both touched you, the way they both fill you so well. The way they chanted your name the same but different, just the way their voices sang so sweetly together. The pet names. It was all so heavenly, having Joe and Eddie fighting for their chance's to fuck you better than the other, competing at who would give you the best orgasm, challenging on who could get the biggest reaction from you when their fingers or tongues were working hard on your holes. The threesome of a wet dream is something torturous and bizarre yet so god damn beautiful, but then you woke up, all sweaty and dazed next to your snoozing man.
You nudge him awake, making him stir and wrap his arms around you in an attempt to get you to go back to sleep. "What are you doing awake at this hour babe, it's still dark." Joe muttered lowly. The slow, strained and still very much sleepy voice flew down to your already heated core making you ache violently.
"I need to tell you something." You moved him to lay on his back, releasing yourself from his grasp so that he'd groan about it but at least listen.
"What time is it?" Joe yawned. You looked over at your phone, the brightness stinging your eyes slight. "3:45am." You winced at him, he wasn't the best at being woken up suddenly, especially in the middle of the night; you kind of felt bad but at the same time you needed to let him in on your little sweet dream.
"Can it wait for another few hours?" Joe tried to push away again, snuggling back under the covers to try and go back to sleep, you pushed them off him an in instant revealing his torso and making him sit up, feeling the cold rupture his stomach. "Ok, ok. I'm awake." He sat up a little, shooting a blank sigh your way and pulled you into him so you could lay on his chest to which you happily obliged. "Go on, what are you dying to tell me?"
"So I had this dream where-" You couldn't continue, the way you were going to tell him sounded so much better in your head, but you knew out loud it was going to be crazy and maybe even Joe himself would think you're insane and just be ignorant to the fact that you were now craving the fictional character he portrayed and him all at once.
"Where? Where what love." Joe gestured for you to continue, his eyes opened fully staring down at you in the darkness.
"Promise you won't become all weird about it?"
"How can I promise when I don't know what it is Y/N?" He hitched a small chuckle your way, you took a huge intake of breath and spilled.
"Me, you and Eddie had a threesome. I can't get him out of my head, you were so damn sexy as him, you're so damn sexy as you. You both are going to be the death of me and-"
Joe's head fell back against the headboard, not the laugh you were expecting, more of a devious and challenging smirky laugh, one that sounded exactly like Eddie's, but like Joe's too, their laughs were one of the only things that brought them to be similar, or so you thought.
"So you've got the hots for Eddie?" Joe's smile was reeling, he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing; but at the same time was relieved it was at least someone that he'd embodied rather than a random person or someone else you knew.
"Kind of..." What a lie, you were down bad for him.
"Ok let me get this straight, so you want to be fucked by Eddie but you still also want to be fucked by me? But you're dreaming of him being real and being in the same bed as we're in right now, doing filthy shit, all three of us, together?" He couldn't of ran around it in a windier path of context. You sarcastically rolled your eyes as if the penny had dropped. "An unhinged compliment if I ever heard one baby, but if that's what you want." Joe took an unusually sharp breath in, leaving the both of you in silence for a few seconds.
"Then that's what you'll get, sweetheart." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You could of reached breaking point just from hearing the accent fall from his lips. For real, you heard it right. Eddie's voice.
Joe pushed you onto your back, leaning over and kissing you hard, your mouths writhing against each other, your tongue darted into his mouth in desperation, rather a need than a want, they danced around each other, battling for dominance in a way that had you both whimpering lightly, the echoes of them falling down each other's throats. Even if he was just acting to get a reaction at this point, it was fucking worth it.
Joe moved his mouth down to caress your neck, trailing his tongue down the sides and moved towards your throat, nibbling just off of it, your hand cupping the back of his head in an attempt to grip his messy bed curls.
"So what is it you want from us?" Us. He's really doing this.
"You, you both p-play with me. You both- your voices."
"Voices? Ahh is that what this is about?" Joe smirked into the crook of your neck as he sucked a small mark onto your skin.
"Wait, what?" You take a few steps back from yourself, pulling at his hair to bring him up to stare into the outline of you.
"You told me that you loved the sound of my voice once, it stuck with me, it's clear that you have a little kink for it with what you've just admitted baby. You're so...what's the word I'm looking for... unique." He giggled and you pouted your lips, frustrated in his teasing manner. A small pause and out his alter ego popped again.
"Unique?" Wow.
"Mm, he's right sweetheart, we love it." There was Eddie again. That made you forget the sarcastic remark rather quickly. The entirety of you gained a mountain of goose bumps, every little strand of hair on your skin rose from the way he deflected from one voice to another. Your body felt alive, your cunt was aching and your mouth was almost dribbling from the kink you absolutely knew that was fully brought to life, you were loving every second of this.
Joe's hand fell downward towards your thighs, stroking over your soft skin, the coolness of the steel attached to his fingers mirrored what it could've been like if it were Eddie, yet another similarity between them; they both loved rings. Your legs immediately opened up for him to make contact with where you needed it most, you could've slapped him silly for teasing you when he delicately grazed everywhere but in between your folds.
"Shit. Is he not giving it to you the way I can?" Eddie spoke out, making you groan, your hips bucking upward so that Joe's hand fell straight to your cunt. Another silent pause as you awaited a response. "Absolutely not, I can definitely do it better." Joe protested.
Joe's fingers pushed your slit open revealing your clit and two fingers instantly fell upon it, rubbing harshly at your over sensitive bud. His digits drove down and the back up, bringing the pool of wetness you'd created already to extend an easier glide against you. You could just about make a silhouette of each other from the dimmed street lights hidden through the window and behind the curtain, so you closed your eyes to entice the notion of two men in your presence, feel more real.
"Does that feel good my love?" Joe leaned down whispering into your ear, just like in your dream. Was it just you or was he in your god damn head right now?
"Or does this feel better, pretty girl?" The sound of the American accent flew through your ear drums and Joe sat up instantly, using his other hand to plunge two fingers deep inside you. He worked ravenously to edge you. One hand still making shapes around your clit, pushing against the side which hit the spot the most, whilst Eddie's fingers fucked your cunt effortlessly.
You squirmed harshly underneath his touch, both hands creating one emotion that made an almost ball made out of steel swell inside your stomach. The motion that was being worked in unison, thrusting and curling up inside of you, stretching your walls whilst the other cursed your clit into eternal damnation.
"Oh fuck J-Joe-Ed-die" You cursed their names, Joe's lips stealing himself an instant bite of his bottom lip. You didn't know who to thank more, but deep down you knew it was an utter praise for your boyfriend delivering your deepest and darkest fantasy in the middle of the night, a true definition of perfect.
"Yeah sweetheart, is that good? You like it when we fuck your pretty pussy up like this? You're so fucking tight." We? Are they working together to get this out of you now. Joe got Eddie's voice down to a tee, I mean why wouldn't he? But he knew nothing of the way Eddie might of been in this situation, he must of just assumed from the way you spoke about it, that he was as eager as Joe was to please you.
Your screams fell hard, bouncing around the walls of the pitch black area, you climaxed seconds after, your back arching upwards as Joe's hand slapped itself messily across your clit, Eddie's fingers releasing themselves as your slick squirted out of your cunt vigourously like a waterfall, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, even the angels that were waiting to give you your place in heaven couldn't save you from the moment you climaxed. You'd seriously never felt this worked up. Death by orgasm; now that's a new one.
Joe removed his hands from you, climbing back over to seal it with a kiss, more passionate instead of fierce, the softness of them making your hole gape around nothing.
"That was so hot." You giggled.
"Now I've got to know, who did you prefer?" Joe questioned you, a slight mock in his tone but all the same intrigued.
"You already know the answer." You smiled.
Joe pulled down his boxers, releasing his stiff length from the cage it stood to attention in, throbbing for contact, aching to be inside of you.
"I just needed to check." He positioned himself at your entrance, not wanting to waste another second.
"What do you mean?" You stroked along his jaw, beaming from ear to ear, you were still getting over what just happened.
"Whether I needed to fuck you as me, or as Eddie from now on." You both shared a hearty laugh.
"As much as he's a god damn fantasy, you will always win baby."
Joe loved to hear that, not that he was jealous that his own character turned you on immensely but he almost fought back the victory fist pump in the air to know that he had won and let's face the facts; he always would.
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simpscripts · 1 year
Say My Name Part 4 (Bernard the elf x Reader)
18+ Smut, Afab Reader
This is the final part, I hope you enjoy!
He doesn’t wait for you to catch up, his arms sweeping under your legs, repositioning your body to cradle you with your arms tied around your back against his chest. From this position you feel how hard he is as your butt swings back against his crotch as he moves you both over to the rug. He turns to sit and lean back against the cobbled fireplace wall, supporting you in his lap as he spreads your legs. One arm wraps around your waist, holding your position back against him. The other slides down to rub three fingers flat against your clit, quickly sliding past the nerves, before stopping and slapping your thigh.
Your heads still spinning as his teeth reach to bite your ear lobe, then getting soothed with the lick of his tongue. “Don’t you dare cum until I hear what I want.”
He starts his next round of torture by continuing the onslaught of friction against your clit, waiting for your moans to build before slapping your bright red and stinging thighs. The pain and pleasure work together to flood your brain into a euphoric state in between the spaces, clouding your judgment. Your squirming is pointless against his grip and only serves to push your crotch against his fingers or back against his cock pressing into your ass. You feel puffs of warm air hit your ear as he breaths in pants, restraining himself when he starts thrusting up against you.
“Just say my name, and I will give you everything you want.” He purposefully thrust up against you, causing you to squeal as his hands push down against your clit.
You’re too hazy to speak properly anymore, instead you elect to throw you head back and forth, whining in discontentment. You’re resolve is breaking apart piece by piece and seeing as his current tactic of torture failed to get you to fully break his fingers move to spread down through your folds to try a new one. After brushing his fingers through to spread your slick arousal around he glides his middle finger in, curling at the top once fully in. He starts slow to test your reactions before speeding up and bending deeper inside to explore.
You feel the textured exchange of his fingers gliding against your walls, and the shocks of them curling to hit even deeper to push against the walls and nerves. Your eyes prick and sting as your nerves clench around his fingers, the pressure brightly intense. Feeling your walls clench he slips another finger in, pumping at a steady pace that thrusts all the way back to his knuckles. His arm around your waist curls up to play with your nipple and his mouth attaches to your neck to bite along your throat and ears. Every last sensation burns hot on your skin and your mind can’t take it anymore, wanting to release the rolling stings torturing your body.
“Is there something you would like to say?” His fingers work at a brutal pace, finger tips pushing in on the upper wall.
He has been so close to the spot you needed him to get to, just the pressure sliding around the nerve was making your head spin. Your mouth is desperately trying to speak his name, your so close to insanity you’d do anything. You’re breaking apart as his finger briefly swipe across the exact spot that jerks your legs out, thighs stretching in and out unsure if you want to give him more or less access, and toes curling against the plush carpet in ways you swear you can hear the knuckles pop. If you didn’t have your voice before it’s now crawling and screeching out of your throat.
“FUCK OK! Bernard, Bernard, Bernard, please let me, right there just fuck, I need, Bernard please.” Your back arches as you go dumb, pleading and babbling trying to direct him to the spot. “Please I love you so much Bernard, I need it please fuck just let me cum!”
His hand wrapped around your waist pulls your arched back against his chest more firmly, keeping you in place as you thrashed. His legs quickly wrapped against your legs as best as possible and spread them completely open for him. His fingers angled again searching for the spot a bit slower than his pace before so he doesn’t lose it. The moment your body jerks his tenses against you to keep you steady, fingers pushing and circling around the sensitive nerve cluster that thump along with your rapid heart beats. You could feel every pulse, the slightly rough texture of the pads of his fingers circling, and especially the slickness coating every inch helping his fingers glide without snagging. Finally he angles his thumb to mirror the circles inside, pleasure of your nerves on the very edge.
“That’s it, cum for me.” His teeth latch onto your shoulder as he holds you tight.
It all crashes down on you starting with the crushing grip of your walls clenching around his fingers still moving inside you. Next your moans screams out of your mouth as you throw your head back against his shoulder. You can feel the pain of his bite through the low beats of waves that roll across your body. As you ride out your high your hips bear down against his bulge, feeling intermittent twitches through the fabric of his pants as he thrusts against your body. The high of it has you freezing in a long stretch before taking deep breaths and collapsing against his chest as your energy leaves you.
His fingers slowly slide out but don’t leave your skin. Slowly he moves them through your folds as your brought down, careful to avoid over stimulating the sensitive flesh. With your head tilted back against him he brings a hand up to cradle your neck back to kiss. You’re floating without breath as you kiss, muscles melting to goo against him. His hands trail up your body, drifting across the surface of the skin, and then squeeze around your breasts. After pinching the perked nipples they continue their way up to untie the bow around your neck, loosening the whole wrap, then comb through the ribbons to pull it off your skin.
Your skin warmed across the indentations criss crossing along your body. Slowly you move your arms back forward to stretch out along with the rest of your dazed body. Bernard leans you both forward, rolling you both together onto the floor. He lands above you, one arm resting on his elbow to the side of your head so the other can run along your body freely. With your hand now free you move to find his hand against your waist and twine your fingers together while leaning up to kiss him.
His moves your hand with his up to his cheek and he leans in to the kiss. You continue spreading your fingers back through his hair to tug on the locks from the base and nip at his lips to leave them as bruised and red as he left yours. His hips roll against yours and you break from his kiss to move your hand down to slip below his waistband. You grab onto his hard length and start tugging, leaning up to kiss him again once you find a rhythm.
He moans against your lips from your ministrations, seemingly falling into his own pleasure now that he’s claimed his victory over you. His hand follow down next to yours cupping your sex and slipping through your folds. You both breath in each other between kisses and moans through this simple intimate pleasure. You swipe your thumb across the head of his cock on an upward stroke, spreading the drop of precum across the bundle of nerves there. He jerks his length up against your hand in reaction, groaning against your lips.
He pushes back from your body, sighing as your hand slips out of his pants. He sits back between your legs quickly, reaching his thumbs to pull the suspenders off his shoulders, and unbutton his pants to let his cock out. Licking your lips you lay back fully against the rug, sighing as you watch him pull himself for a moment then leans back over you to give you a light kiss.
“I can’t wait anymore.” With eyes clenched shut his hand guides his length through your lips, pressing the head of his cock against your clit.
Your legs wrap around him, pulling him close, and sighing out, “Bernard.”
He stutters out a curse, running his cock through your folds a few times before burying himself inside you to the base. Groaning out he moves his now available hand to grab at your waist, pulling your body closer to his. Your walls clench down once before relaxing to feel the fullness he’s providing you, satisfying the itch for a brief moment as you adjust. His other hand cradles against your cheek as he waits, breathing heavy, and staring down at you with hooded eyes. His thumb moves to brush across your parted lips as you pant and nod to him to keep moving.
He draws the length out until just the head sit at the entrance before pushing back in, following the movement with rolling thrusts. Your eyes can’t break away from his as he watches every expression pass over your face with every hit to your core. It’s an intense pace he is starting off with that has you leaning forward, causing your spine to curve your hips away from the overstimulation. Your gaped mouth curves around the thumb resting against your lip, sucking on this digit, and staring right back at him. Your heart flutters as you feel his pace stutter from your action.
His eyes break contact first as he dips quickly to suck on your nipples, moving his hand down to knead the area. With his new bent position his hips shifted to a new angle that allowed his cock to rub against the swollen cluster of nerves. Your legs shifted around to get a good hold, your hands reaching around his back to scratch your fingers down his back. Your clawed grip sinks in more as his hands hold your hips down against the rug, snapping his hips harshly against you while you hang on to him and scream. You feel the fur rug shift under you as the force of his thrusts bounces your body back along the ground.
Your breath hitches as he quickly rolls you both around again, landing you chest down on top of him, and he continues to thrust up into your cunt. Your moans stagger out between each jostle of his pumping, his arms still clenched around your back holding you tight to him as he uses you. As the pace slows back down he releases his grip to land a smack against your as and lets out a moan.
As he takes a chance to breath you lean up to sit back fully on his length, positioning to roll your hips forwards. You hold on to your breasts to play with the sensitive tissue as you use his length to rub against your walls where you need them. He watches you with blown pupils, assisting your chase for pleasure by rubbing your clit. Your thighs start to burn as you bounce on his length so you slow the pace, raising your hips slowly until his head pops out, and sits just against the entrance.
You smile watching his eyes scrunch in confusion when you don’t move to go back down on him. His hands try pulling your waist down but you clench your thighs to hold his movements. He tries another time with more force to thrust up into your cunt but again you clench just enough to keep him at bay. Your teeth tug your bruised lip in as you watch him glare up at you.
He does the only next step he can take by throwing all his weight into pushing you both to roll. You playful wrestle against him, teasing him one last time to get him to explode. The altercation ends with his hand pining your wrists above your head while you lay panting on your back. Immediately he thrusts back in, grabbing your waist, and thrusts directly against the spot that arches your back on impact.
“Bernard please,�� You whimper out.
His fingers dig little crescent moon marks into your hips as he tries a few different angles in quick succession. Your head snaps back against the ground when he hit the spot you need him to and you gasped out loudly.
“Fuck there, right there.”
He follows your lead keeping the pace steady and in the same spot. He tries to help your building tension by rubbing your clit but you cry out against the sensitive touch. Your nerves are painful now as you chase the edge, tears pricking your eyes in desperation.
“I can’t, I-fuck, I need you.” Your whimpering loudly with need, moving your body against him in any way that can help push you over. “Bernard please.”
“I’m right here love, cum for me.”You can heard the need thick in his own voice, pleading with you now to fall apart in his arms.
Your voice opens in a silent scream as you clench around him, his body still thrust at a brutal pace to hold you through your orgasm. The last orgasm was sharp and buzzing but this one fills your body with a deep pressure that holds you tight. Every muscle holds tightly together before snapping and every drop of tension bleeds out as you melt. His hands grip your waist with a white knuckle grasp as he helps you ride out your pleasure making sure to extend your high for as long as possible until he helps bring you back down. His body shudders as your clenched walls releases its death grip on him and once you fully ride out your orgasm he falls apart on top of you with your name spilling from his lips.
You both lay there panting, hot skin brushing each other as your chests rise and fall together. You feel both your juices push out around him still throbbing inside you and tickles your skin as it drips down causing you to shiver in bliss of being fully used and filled. You can’t discern the soft look he gives you, his hand coming up to play with your hair line. As your body comes down from the high you feel the pain from bites and bruises along your skin. The pain flares lightly as you shift, making you smile softly now that your skin is decorated with red marks from him. His lips meet your forehead in a gentle kiss trailing down to your nose and mouth.
“How are you feeling?” His voice whispers out against your lips.
“Good.” You hum out hoarsely, not used to using your strained throat yet.
“You sure I didn’t go too hard?” His hands ghost over the marks along your hip from his nails digging in.
“Are you sure? I bit your neck pretty hard, and-“ You cut off his concerned ramble with your lips.
“I’m sure Bernard.”
He smiles against your lips, “Don’t ever call me anything else, or I’ll have to drag you right back here until you scream my name so loud the whole North Pole hears it.”
You most definitely would do this again, every single chance you got you, every second you can to have your body against his. His voice grunts softly into your lips as he slowly pulls out of your heat and you whine softly. You both reluctantly part from the kiss to stretch out your limbs and sit up. He takes a moment to analyze your body trailing his fingers across bite marks, bondage indentations, and red inflamed skin from slaps. His hand comes back to grab your hand in his and guides you slowly to stand with him. His other arm slips around your waist in assistance to your wobbling form, leading you over to the large love seat in his office near the window.
“You did so good, now sit down, and let me take care of you.” He guides you down to the plush seat.
His hands reach to the side table and that’s when you notice a bunch of stuff that wasn’t in here when you first arrived. This must have been what he was getting while you undressed and your heart warms looking at the giant pile of items he gathered for you. A giant pile of every item you could ever need is all stacked neatly comprising of blankets, med kits, lotions, candy, glasses of water, and more buried beneath the items. He grabs a wash cloth and softly pats your skin for you, knowing your too tired to do anything but lounge back. Once he is sure your cleaned up he cleans himself up and tucks himself back into his pants making you pout. Your skin starts chilling back up and instead of letting you put your clothes back on he bundles you up in several blankets.
“Now I guess someone has to do some work around here, and by the looks of you, you wont be doing work anytime soon. So stay right here and relax while I work and afterwords I’ll take you out to replace that hot cocoa I made you abandon earlier.” His fingers brush some sweaty strands of hair sticking in front of your face out of your eyes. “How does that sound, love?”
You hum happily, feeling your eye lids grow heavy as sleepiness creeps over you. His lips give your forehead one last kiss and mumbles something you can’t make out before you feel yourself drifting to sleep feeling fully satisfied with the results of your naughty habits.
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devine-star · 1 year
ayo get I get a mfin uuhh #1 from the Christmas prompts with my favorite guy Newt please 👉👈
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Newt x Reader
Note: This is from the Holiday prompt list! Thanks for the request! Going with my idea of Everyone getting out of the maze and the world being normal outside! Also sorry it’s so short! Figured a cute little blurb would do! 
1: "So, you've never kissed under mistletoe?" "Actually, I've never been kissed at all."
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The holiday season was in full swing and Y/n was holding his boyfriend, Newt, close as they walked down the street of the holiday fair. 
This was the first year outside of the maze for Newt and everything about the outside world was alien to him. The brain swipe was removed and he slowly got his memory back but sadly he couldn't remember his family; so Y/n was his only family now. 
Y/n looked over at Newt as his eyes lit up watching the lights above them "It's so pretty!" He smiled as love filled his heart watching Newt reach above himself to run his fingers over the lights. 
Now, Y/n would never fully understand what Newt went through inside the maze. He remembers when the news was released that in the middle of no where a huge cement maze filled with boys was found; he was shocked. 
His shock and horror grew after learning of the things W.I.C.K.E.D did to these poor men. Y/n joined the counsel to make sure that those monsters paid for what they did and that is how he met Newt roughly 4 months ago. 
"Love?" Blinking quickly, Y/n looked away from Newt as a deep blush spread across his face "y-yeah?" The embarassment of being caught staring at his boyfriend almost being too much. 
"You alright? You're spacing out," The concern in Newt's eyes made Y/n's heart swell. 
"Yeah!" Looking around quickly to distract Newt, Y/n spotted mistltoe. 
"Look! Mistltoe!" Newt turned his head looking up at the berries and sprigs "Huh?" 
Y/n grabbed Newt's hand and drug him towards the hanging decoration. 
"Mistltoe! You bring someone you like under it to give them a kiss! It's tradition!" Newt looked confused before looking back up at the hanging decoration. 
"I've...never heard of that," Y/n frowned. 
"So, you've never kissed under mistltoe before?" 
"Actually, I've never been kissed at all." Newt shrugged, his face growing redder in the cold weather. 
Smirking and pulling Newt close, Y/n gripped his face gently "I can change that," he said confidently as he waited to see Newt's reaction. Newt became flustered and started stuttering over his words trying to get something, anything, out. 
Giving up Newt just nods his head dumbly as he looked awestruck up at Y/n. Grinning softly, Y/n brought Newt closer until their lips touched softly; Newt froze unsure of what to do. 
Sensing this, Y/n took the lead and guided Newt's hands around his neck to pull him closer. 
Fireworks seemed to go off as the new couple shared this romantic kiss in the snow under the christmas lights; figurativly and literally. 
Scaring both men, they pulled away to watch in awe as the lights lit up the sky. Y/n moving to stand behind Newt and cover his ears; loud noises like this always triggered a fight or flight for the poor Brit. 
Pulling Newt away so a panic attack doesn't consume him, Y/n grinned "Hot chocolate?" Once again Newt's face scrunched into a look of confusion. 
"Hot chocolate?" Y/n rolled his eyes playfully as he walked up to a food truck saying "We have a LOT of stuff to learn," 
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aph-mable · 1 year
Superphantom: The Ghost King, three hunters, and an Angel.
Chapter 4: When Time strikes, Death waits.
Danny stayed frozen still as the Angel glared at him while he was still being cuddled by a sleeping Sam.
Cas sighed out knowing that the conversation might be difficult to discuss in this current moment but it was the only time they will have.
With a snap of his fingers both Danny and Cas were teleported into the Impala back seats, making Danny start frantically moving around.
Once the teen had calmed down Cas started to talk again, which hurts Danny's head as he could hear both voices at the same time.
"I need to know who your guardian is, this could mean the matter of life or death for you".
Danny barely raised an eyebrow, was that a threat or a warning.
Cas noticed the teen's reaction and was quickly trying to make himself clear.
" Look, you have been badly injured from the ghost attacking you and even though I tried I can not heal your body. Which is bad but also means that you have a guardian who has taken the main authority overhealing you, and if I don't get their permission I can't help you even when you really need it as you do right now".
Danny finally understood what the angel guy was talking about, but it was a bit hard to explain since Danny is both in a unique position with the 'guardian' thing and because he can't talk in his human form.
He decided that the angel should at least know since he was going to be the last one who would even try to shoot at Danny, including since he didn't even have a gun on him.
Danny tried his hardest to warn the Angel ahead since he knew that most freak out when they first see his ghostly form, but it needed to be done, plus if he showed the crown it might give a hint that he's a bit of authority which could lead to a better outcome.
Danny waited for a moment to see if the Angel beside him even understood what he was trying to say, but when he only got a confused frown Danny knew he just had to go for it.
In a flash of dull white two rings in circle Danny's body and changed his form.
The Angel's eyes grew wide as Danny turned from a scared pale skin 14-year-old, with black hair and piercing blue eyes, and into a young teen with snow-white hair, darkened skinned with earthy green freckles, neon green eyes, and a flaming crown that spun slowly around Danny's head.
The moment Danny finished transforming he looked back over at the Angel, and......
Danny had to try so hard to hold in his laughter and keep things on track, but he just couldn't help grin as his laugh stifled out.
The Angel was backing up to the other side of the seat, wings fully fluffed out as he looked like he was going to nearly yell from the shock he had from seeing Danny.
Danny chuckled for nearly a minute before finally talking to the scared man next to him.
"Okay since I got my voice back but I don't know how long I should keep in this form. I'll make things quick, first off I'm not a threat to humanity and in fact saved it a few times, secondly yes this is a real crown".
Danny stared at the angel to make sure he was listing which he was, he was also trying to open the door but kept missing the handle.
"As for my 'guardian' situation, it is complicated since technically in the middle of an ongoing custody argument, from what I can tell right now C.W and long Nose is working out different times or seniors they have guardian authority over me if that makes sense?".
All the angel did was shake his head but was too frightened to say a thing.
"Well since your questions are now over I'll be turning back to my human form, oh and one more thing"
Danny smiled his sweetest smile he could as he floated off the seat,
"I can promise you no matter what I will not harm your humans, I know what it means to lose the one you care about and I don't ever want to do that to you".
With that, Danny turned back into his human body which was a little more healed up now.
It took a few moments for Angel guy to calm down but he understands now, Danny wasn't a threat to him or his human family.
Both reentered the house through the front door, Danny made sure it was locked again as he went over and grabbed his locked journal, as he did so he saw Sam was just waking up.
Mr. Sasquatch freaked a tiny bit when he saw Danny wasn't in his arms and let out a relieved sigh when he noticed Danny was standing beside him.
" whew kid you scared me, I thought you had disappeared again".
Danny watched as the tall lumbering man stood up from the couch and was heading towards the kitchen, "want anything to eat? I think Bobby has down cereal and milk left".
Danny smiled and followed behind, even though it's been only a few days he really hopes that the angel will let him stay and not tell the others, at least not yet.
Danny wants to tell them when he's ready to and only told the angel so he knew Daniel wasn't a threat to him or the kind people around him.
~Cas's pov~
Castile looked up at the ceiling while laying in the uneven bed.
He still didn't really understand the meaning of sleep but he stayed since it meant Dean would cuddle him.
Last night he had to put a blessing to make sure no one could hear them and the power was now slowly fading away as dawn kept into the darkened glass.
Cas waited till he knew Dean wouldn't notice he had gotten up before leaving the bed, once up he quickly put on his clothing but 'mistakenly' had put on Dean's shirt.
Oh well he didn't have a lot of time to question Danny before Dean or anyone else woke up and it was a needed discussion between just the two of them.
Cas made sure to make no sound as he moved around the creaking house and made his way over to Sam who was snoring away like usual but with the small black-haired boy tucked into his arms almost like a cat would to keep warm.
As Cas waited he saw a faint glow of fire above the boy's head when he first saw Danny he almost mistook him for a demon or a benevolent spirit that had taken passion over the kid's frail body, but now it could be that his guardian has been using him as a vessel.
Cas had witnessed it before, a powerful guardian uses their ward as a body in a time of need or convince.
He waited till Danny woke up which had startled the boy, Cas wanted to apologize since it was a bit of a habit but there wasn't much time.
Once Danny was no longer cuddling up to Sam, Cas teleported them into the back seat of 'baby'.
"I need to know who your guardian is, this could mean the matter of life or death for you".
Cas looked at Danny to make sure he was listing and waited for a response, basically forgetting for a moment that Danny had bandages around his neck and wasn't even supposed to be talking, but after some silence, he realized his mistake and had to remind himself that people don't heal as quickly as angels.
When the only response he had gotten from the teen was a raised eyebrow Castile tried to make himself more clear.
" Look, you have been badly injured from the ghost attacking you and even though I tried I can not heal your body. Which is bad but also means that you have a guardian who has taken the main authority over you, and if I don't get their permission I can't help you even when you really need it as you do right now".
After the blurb of info stopped he noticed Danny was trying to communicate by other means but he wasn't understanding him at all.
Danny sighed and was thinking to himself for quite some time, and in an instant looked over at Cas with a different look in his eyes.
Before Castile could even react to the change the boy in front of him transformed in a flash of dull white, which made him quickly move to the opposite side of the seat near the car door.
What was in front of him he couldn't understand, where once there was a small pale boy with black as night hair and bandages was gone, he was replaced by a being that glowed with neon green vines, hair white as snow, a black and white bodysuit, and a flaming crown.
This creature that was using the boy's body and pulsed with the energy to fill the cosmos looked at him with vacant green eyes and chuckled at his fear.
What spoke to Cas wasn't anything human, his voice softly echoed as sensation kept into the car, it felt like he was trapped in a frozen wasteland with this thing as it spoke nonsense.
"Okay since I got my voice back but I don't know how long I should keep in this form. I'll make things quick, first off I'm not a threat to humanity and in fact saved it a few times, secondly yes this is a real crown".
Why would he care if the crown was real or not?
Was he always in control and is using Danny's body as a meat suit or was it just at random?
And how could this powerful being not be a threat to humanity, but there was no way to fight it.
Castile kept on trying to find the car handle so if things got bad he could leave, but his hand kept missing as the inhuman being kept on talking.
"As for my 'guardian' situation, it is complicated since technically in the middle of an ongoing custody argument, from what I can tell right now C.W and long Nose is working out different times or seniors they have guardian authority over me if that makes sense?".
All Cas could do was shake his head no, none of this was making sense unless...
Those were obviously code names, but what would C. W and long nose or more of who are they.
Was it possible that Danny was part if some three-way share holds between these powerful creatures, where they are taking turns on using the teen's body?
No that wouldn't make sense since any powerful being would ever share a body vessel, but Cas needed to get to the bottom of this.
Cas's mind was going in every direction trying to figure out what was even going on the creature talked again.
"Well since your questions are now over I'll be turning back to my human form, oh and one more thing",
Cas didn't like the sounds of that, what was he going to threaten Castile with.
He saw the ethereal being smile much more softly at Cas.
"I can promise you no matter what I will not harm your humans, I know what it means to lose the one you care about and I don't ever want to do that to you".
Oh great at least this one was making a promise not to harm his humans which was at least good!
That just left him and the rest of humanity to be possible targets!
With those last passing words the powerful immortal being lost possession over the boy's body and let him drop to the soft leather seat, Cas didn't even realize that Danny even floated up from it till now.
Both went inside, Castile needed to start thinking of a plan or at least get some information on whatever has control over Danny's body, he needed to act promptly for the sake of humanity.
Wait, should he tell the others?
Cas shook his head no, he didn't want to risk them and as long as Danny was close by that thing could take control over again, and if Castile himself couldn't even know what the creature is he doubts the hunters would know.
It would be safer this way, and he needed, WANTED, to keep Dean safe, he couldn't risk losing him again.
~Danny's pov/ time skip~
It had been nearly a week and a half now, and whatever the Winchester's and Bobby were trying to find was obviously not around anymore.
A few times Danny tried to see what they were trying to hunt but that always stopped him before Danny could get too close to even seeing the pictures Bobby had taken.
By now Danny had gained his voice back for his human form or more of he did on the second day but kept quiet till the end of the week so as not to scare anyone.
Danny noticed Cas -he finally heard what the angel guys name was after he finally heard someone say it-, was acting a little standoffish since there 'talk' but Danny wasn't going to complain about it.
Now that Danny had his voice back he had to try really hard not to say thing under his breath just in case anyone was listening.
During the days he was left alone he would update his notebook about what he read on spirits from Bobby's library since it seemed pretty useful.
Danny was talking to himself as he was rereading some entrees and updating them, Danny wasn't paying much attention around himself as he did so.
"Okay so I know now that I've been classifying some of these wrong, echos are at the bottom of the power chain, most spirits are actually unable to float or cause much damage, and a few are attached to their items".
Danny shivered as he thought back to both the ring lady and the dragon ghost, both had similar get-up but difference in power level.
Danny smiled at his new chart, feeling a little happy that he finally had some pieces fit more together.
" huh who knew the box ghost was more powerful than a lady in a nightgown".
As Danny finished up he closed up his notebook and was about to lock it back up when he was suddenly held by the scruff of his plaid shirt by Dean, who looked almost unimpressed but Danny knew he was going to give a lecturer again.
He waited for Dean but instead, he took Danny's notebook, letting him fall back onto the couch as he started to read through it.
The only thing Danny was relieved about is that when he mentioned himself in the book he didn't use his actual name but his nickname Phantom so it would be way harder to figure out who it was if something like this would happen.
Danny waited for about five minutes, five minutes of Dean just moving around the room and soon sitting across from Danny as he handed it over to Sam.
He looked at Dean's face who was actually smiling, not the happy go lucky smile, the smile of 'I just found something that I would have liked to know twenty years ago'.
Dean moved forward to grab his drink and sit back, still looking at Danny with the smile.
"Well kid, from the looks of it you have some explaining to do, I mean it's one thing to have weapons that are very obviously homemade but professionally, and another to have a complete book about, what was it, oh yeah a ghostly dimension, mapped out and all".
Danny swallowed hard, this was going to be hard to explain, including since he wasn't sure if Dean had read through all of it or just skimmed it.
Danny was about to speak until Dean put up one finger.
" but before you say anything I want you to answer the main questions that I have, one of which is how the hell you got all this information in the first place".
Daniel sighed, he knew this was going to be fun.
End of chapter 4
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ethan’s reaction to marissa getting up in the middle of the night to get water or something & then coming back & giving him a lil smooch on his forehead thinking he’s asleep? what about if it was the other way around? im in a fluffy sappy mood lol 💖
Mal bestie<3 I love you sm! Thank you for sending such a brilliant of an ask. You inspired me to write this! ❤
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Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Marissa Sanders)
Book: Open Heart (Beyond)
Word Count: 642 words
Rating: Fluff
Warning(s): Few lines alluding to suggestive themes.
A/N: A bit late but inspiration struck and I couldn't stop myself from writing this! I hope you guys will enjoy this! Thank you ❤
The outside world was still wrapped in a deep slumber, the night sky glowing with bright city lights from beneath, adorned with the pale crescent moon and endless vast of luminous stars from above. Its luminescence impenetrable through the spectacular ceiling-to-floor windows of his lavish apartment, unexpectedly, begrudgingly awakens his girlfriend during the fathomless night.
Two hours before his prompted alarm goes off, Marissa, still swathed in a dreamlike state, mindlessly searches for her phone on the nightstand to grasp the unruly time. 
2:47 A.M.
She silently drops the phone on the stand, splaying her right hand across the stand in search of the glass she keeps beside her, only to find an empty one.
Marissa releases a defeated sigh, mentally preparing herself to rouse out of the bed, and paddle across the bedroom to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water to quench her unrelenting thirst.
She throws on his shirt over her petite frame, carrying his intoxicating scent with her — the one mindlessly abandoned on the floor just a few hours ago, before they purely lost themselves into each other for an endless hour and hours of sweet pleasure, bodies moving in an ecstatic rhythm.
After a few minutes, that seemed hours to her, she returned to their room, fully sated, only to be transfixed by the vision in front of her.
Ethan peacefully laid asleep on their bed. One leg prompted up majestically; his facial features — calm and relaxed. The comforter barely clad on his glorious naked body. Marissa approached him with deliberate steps to avoid waking him up. 
She gently caressed his face, tracing the faint frown lines, going on a journey with her slender fingers, smiling to herself.
There are some things one can not describe why they do. What takes over them to do things having little to no effect.
Just pure and simple. 
Maybe they do have an effect, but Ethan wasn't in the state to gauge the simple effect.
She leaned down to kiss him on the forehead, her touch full of love and tenderness, before returning and making herself comfortable on her side of bed.
When suddenly, she feels him. His strong arm drapes across her lean body, pulling her close towards him. Ethan nuzzles her neckline eliciting a shiver down her spine.
“All this time, you were awake?” She inquired, chuckling, her laughter music to his ears.
“Mmmmh,” he hummed pleasantly as a yes, eyes still closed. “Perhaps it's instinct, but I'm able to sense whenever you are away in my sleep, and I seem to miss your presence whenever you leave my side, even for a minute,” he said, his voice reverberating a sense of vulnerability.
Marissa turned around to face him as Ethan opened his eyes. Blazing blues meeting her beautiful browns, creating the same scenery as it was behind their closed doors.
“You're drunk on sleep,” she jested. “Careful, Dr. Ramsey. To me that sounds evidence enough for the basis of being soulmates.”
An even beautiful smile broke out on his face.
“Jury's still out,” he quipped.
She gives him an aghast look before playfully hitting him on the shoulder as Ethan's laughter reverberates around the room.
“You're my righteous path when I'm lost, Marissa.”
That catches her off-guard at his sudden somber tone, his revelation. She closes her eyes, drinking in his words, her features softening and melting into complete adoration and love.
“Ohhh Ethan…” 
Ethan leaned towards her, kissing her forehead before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, leaving her heart fluttering.
“I love you.”
He said as he kissed the inside of her wrist, where 'I IV III' that meant the three words he just uttered in Roman numerals was tattooed. 
“I love you too, Ethan. So much.”
His heart soared at the mere words, the feeling igniting as she cuddled close to him, his arms always welcoming and comforting to her.
Soulmates. Maybe there was a biological basis to that.
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mrssimply · 1 year
2nd : Miracle
I decided to do a fic advent calendar this year, and idea that was given to me by Bones a.k.a Riots from the Totentanz Discord Server.
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
This one is for @domicofo/@for-lovely-things :D thank you for prompting me, I'm so happy to be able to write something for you!
The prompt was: "angsty fic on Kerry overdozing with pills/drugs accidentally and either it has just the consequences of Ker being weird or almost dying, you decide :"D I'd love to see V's reaction at that. Could also be someone trying to specifically remove Kerry or make him an easy target!"
The dealer is suspicious, but at this moment, Kerry is past caring. She is promising never experienced highs, and that’s exactly what the rocker is looking for. He regrets giving Archangel to V. His hands are itching for the gun like he’s itching for the drug, to the point he became angry at V for taking it and disappearing with it.
It’s been ten days since that strange phone call, and Kerry is becoming crazy along with the rest of the city. His case is more personal: people lost assets, security, a career, he lost the love of his life, so really, he doesn’t give a fuck about them. 
Since the gun is unavailable, Kerry has to turn to other means of blowing himself up: he can’t bear his own mind a minute more, and that’s exactly what the girl is selling him. 
There are seven pills in the little packet, and only one indication: wait at least six hours between each of them, ideally half a day. The ambiguity of the prescription should raise more flags, and a voice that sounds suspiciously like Johnny of all people, tells him he shouldn’t take that.
He does anyway.
The pill is exactly what it promises: for five hours, Kerry feels free. He still wonders about V, but instead of dread or heartbreak, he only feels floaty. As he continues to think about V, since apparently he can think of nothing else right now, memories of their time together come to him. Their first date after their sexcapade on Kovachek’s boat, that time V tried to do yoga with him in the morning, or that evening Kerry took the merc to a five star restaurant, only for V to ask for a steak and fries. 
He’s snorting and giggling all by himself in the middle of the lounge room upstairs. The high leaves him feeling thirsty, but better. The rush slows down and there is no crash, it’s more like a quiet landing. 
Kerry takes a swim in his pool, feeling at peace.
It doesn’t last. He takes pills number two three days later, surprised at himself for waiting this long. Outside, the city is burning around him, fires, both metaphorical and real, hiking up the slope to North Oak and again, Johnny’s voice tells him he should start looking for a way out. That’s the moment he takes the pill. 
He floats, looking at the stars he can’t see, laying down next to the grand piano. He dreams the ceiling opens and he can see the moon and the galaxies. He flies away with a light heart. At some point, just as he’s starting to feel lonely, arms close around him.
“Hey,” V’s voice says right into his ear. A kiss lands on his neck, fingers brush the hem of his shirt. Kerry smiles and turns his head, straining for a real kiss.
V’s lips are dry against his, and Kerry can taste his smile against his mouth. He turns fully in his arms, and they fall into the universe.
When he wakes up, Kerry can’t help but smile.
The sensation dims too fast, and he wants that rush back. He takes pill number three the next day, and number four the day after. Each time it’s better, each time V feels closer, more real. 
Pill number five is hot like a midsummer day. He feels V’s mouth around his hard cock, he arches back with a whine and can’t stop stroking V’s hair. It’s so soft under his hands, just like his lashes when Kerry wipes the tension tears away. V playfully bites his thumb, and continues sucking on his fingers while he teases Kerry open. The musician’s legs fall easily apart for him, and when V’s lips trace a burning path downs to his thighs, he shivers and beg for more.
V’s cock is perfect inside of him, and his hands are strong where they hold his hips, and his smile is devious when he starts thrusting. He moves sinfully, makes Kerry gasp and throws his head back as his brain fizzes with pleasure. The barrier of their skin is too much, Kerry wishes they could fuse, become one, and it suddenly happens: he doesn’t know where he ends and where V starts, and the pleasure is all his. His body takes fire, his blood turns to stardust, and the sounds he makes are not human anymore.
When he comes, it feels like an earthquake.
The aftermath is depressing.
Six hours later, he takes pill number six. 
They take a trip through fields of gold, waste hours kissing under a cherry tree, naked, slowly rubbing against each other. The valley is lush and green, no place like this exists on earth anymore. The sun filters through the canopy, and Kerry can see each leaf clearly. He loses focus when V takes him, slow and deep. He wishes it would never end.
Which is why, as soon as the dream fades, he takes the last pill.
He falls asleep in V’s arms, a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a kiss brushed over his brow. 
“Sleep well, babe,”
Darkness welcomes him. It’s warm and quiet. 
It’s just perfect.
He wakes up to alarm sounds, to people shouting at each other, and to pain. His whole body feels like a giant bruise, but the worst is concentrated around his chest. He tries to breathe and it feels like the air itself is acidic. Intrusive hands rams over his body, moving him this way and that, up onto a stretcher. In flashes, he sees his ceiling, the sky, and the inside of a trauma team AV. He wishes he wouldn’t recognise that so easily but it’s not his first rodeo. 
Being alive, awake and himself is really awful for a few days. The clinic welcomed him back with a tired but genuine smile: he knows the staff by name, it hasn't changed much since last time. They keep him for a few days, just enough to make sure the drug has no lasting effects, and offer him to subscribe to their counseling program. Kerry says thanks but no thanks, and gets back home to sit in the dark. 
It dawns on him, as he’s sitting on the piano bench, looking at the black and white keys, that this is it. That’s his life. It’s not just a shitty moment to pass, it’s permanent. V was like a match in the dark: it burned bright and fast. Too fast. Kerry barely had time to enjoy his light and his warmth.
The piano makes a discordant noise when Kerry puts his elbows on the board and buries his face into his hands. 
He falls asleep on one of the downstairs couches, incapable of taking his old carcass upstairs to the bed. Plus, he nearly died in the sheets, so he thinks maybe it’s best if he doesn’t go there yet.
He dreams of V, of gentle hands touching his face, fingers trembling softly. He dreams that V calls his name softly, and then lies down next to him, gathering him in his arms. It’s a nice dream, so he stays there a little longer, and buries his face into V’s neck with a sigh.
When he opens his eyes, he’s not expecting much. The light of the day is fading, meaning he lost another day but he’s lost so many it brings no reactions in his mind. He registers that he’s warm, and that there is a body next to him on the couch. 
He jolts, suddenly wide awake, and nearly over balance, but strong arms catch him.
“Hey, Ker,” V murmurs, because it’s him, or Kerry thinks it’s him. 
He’s lost weight and his features seem sharper due to the hollowness of his cheeks. He’s lost his smile, and sleep apparently, if the dark bags under his eyes are any indication. 
Kerry looks at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly parted to let out ragged pants. V gives him a tired smile, but when there is still no answer, his expression turns unsure. It snaps Kerry out of his shock.
“Are you really there?” he asks and V winces, eyes suddenly turning sad.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m here.”
“It’s not a dream?”
V’s eyes sadden even more and he shakes his head slightly.
“No. You’re awake.” 
Kerry takes a few seconds to assess that declaration: he does feel awake, but he’s not sure he can trust the sensation yet.
“Sorry it took me so long to come back to you. I…” V stops, works his mouth around the words, but they can’t seem to get out. 
“I came as soon as I could. The screamsheets said you…”
Oh yeah. Of course it’s probably all over the news, in an attempt to distract people from the fact the world is crumbling around them. His misery is endlessly fascinating to the mass, and reassuring because it means fame and money are no shield against despair either.
“You were gone,” Kerry utters, “I thought you were gone.”
V seems to deflate and he slowly rises to a seated position, briefly looking to the side with a guilty expression. He then reaches for the musician’s fingers and his hands are shaking when they hold Kerry’s. He brings them to his lips, and kisses his palm reverently.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have waited that long.”
“Why didn’t you — Where were you?” Kerry chokes out, and V’s expression crumbles.
“I was… First I was at Vik's, then… Back at my place. I needed time to… Process things — think. I didn’t — I didn’t realize you would be that worried.”
Kerry wants to laugh, if only because the other option is to cry.
“You called me. It was weird, you were weird. Then the news said something happened in the Arasaka tower. And then you disappeared. I couldn’t reach you I — fuck!”
V winces and nods like he’s listening to a voice in his head. Before Kerry can inquire about that, V goes on.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Ker. It’s just. Johnny’s gone and I…” he stops, and Kerry gets the feeling he wanted to say something more but can’t right now. Instead, he raises his eyes to Kerry’s and begs him to understand “I should have come right away but I was…”
“Lost,” Kerry finishes, because it’s not like he doesn’t know the feeling. 
V nods, closes his eyes and his expression turns wounded. His grip over Kerry’s hands gets painful.
“Fuck, what were you thinking? If I had lost you, too…” He murmurs against the musician’s fingers, and he sounds terrified by the prospect. 
With a raw sound, V surges up and kisses him, making Kerry gasp into the embrace. He practically climbs in his lap to feel him closer. 
It’s nothing like in the dream, it’s so much better because Kerry can feel his weight, his strength when V tightens his arms around him, his heat when he slips his hands under Kerry’s top.
“You scared me,” V breathes between kisses, “fuck, I just needed time.”
Kerry refuses to promise anything, he feels tired, and now that the rush of V’s presence is starting to fade, anger rises instead.
“I’m tired of losing the people I love,” he retorts with a frown, “you don’t get to disappear on me and expect to find me right where you left me. You promised to chase the shadows away, V, you gonna keep that promise?”
The young man looks up at him and through his eyes, Kerry can see his weary soul. It’s strange to see someone so young being so burdened.
“I’m still dying, Ker,” he confesses softly, and the oxygen freezes in the rocker’s lungs. “It — it didn’t work. Johnny’s gone, but it’s only slowing the process. I’m still dying,” he repeats and tears gather in his eyes. V lowers his head and blink furiously, refusing to let them fall.
“t’s why I needed time… To process it all, to… Think.”
Silence stretches between them, and in the silence, one conviction blooms. 
“I’m not gonna let you die, V,” he breathes out like it’s the most obvious thing. The young man looks up and in that moment, he really looks his age: barely thirty, and still so hungry for life. It fills Kerry with rage to think of how the world is trying to destroy that.
“I’m tired of losing the people I love,” Kerry says with more force, “Stay with me and we will find a way.”
V chuckles sadly, and gives him a small smile.
“It’s gonna take a miracle, Ker.”
Gently, Kerry wipes his tears and kisses his forehead.
“You’re not dead, you came back, it’s already a miracle, what’s one more?”
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srorgana1 · 1 year
Into the Reverb (Kylo Ren/Reader)
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Chapter Seven
Your right hand holds two bottles of water as you walk down the hallway, eyes scanning for Kylo. His SUV is still outside. There are only so many places he could squirrel himself away in on a weekend. You turn left as you see one of the lounge doors cracked open. You open it slightly and look inside. Your knees go slightly weak at the visual before you.
Kylo is sitting in the middle of the long couch, leaning over writing something. He has his tablet and multiple notebooks around him. His long sleeve black shirt and dark gray jeans give him a casual relaxed vibe. His long hair hangs in his face but his nose and lips are prominent. A scowl of concentration written over what you could see of his features. A tattooed finger taps at an unknown rhythm.
“Hey” you say, trying not to spook him. He looks up and gives you a warm smile. “Hey Y/N, how’s work today?” “Good thanks, sorry about earlier” you say, cringing internally. You hope you won't get a warning about tardiness on Monday. “Why? It was fine. No one died” he says, chuckling at his own joke. Your cheeks warm as you sit on the chaise across from him.
“How is it going in here?” you said, silently hoping he won’t notice your awkwardness. “It’s going” he sighs “I have one song I am struggling with. You want to look at it and let me know what you think?” “Absolutely!” you chirp, spine straightening with anticipation. Kylo has been brilliant so far with his lyrics and musical choices, you feel honored he is even asking for your input.
His eyes lock onto yours as he starts to hand you the notebook “Here”. It's so deep you can feel it vibrate in your chest. As you grasp it, your fingers brush against his. A tingle shoots through you making you gasp.
You have never felt anything like that before. His eyes widened at your reaction. “I'm sorry, did I shock you?!” he says, quickly removing his hand. “No, no you didn’t” you say, trying to quiet your body's reaction to whatever just happened. You tighten your grip on the notebook, dropping your eyes from his fierce ones. “Where should we start?”
You do not when or how but you ended up next to him on the couch, soaking in the words on the page. His handwriting is surprisingly elegant. It floats along the page in random bursts of creativity. The content varies.
Most are lyrics. Some are guitar chords. One random page has his favorite take out places listed as well as what he orders. You giggle at that. It's like you have become immersed in his world and you have no plan of removing yourself right now.
Kylo is blown away and wants to just gape at you as you talk. But he doesn’t because what normal person would do that. You are sitting next to him, thighs almost touching and your beautiful voice is filling the space. “I am liking these here, the rhyme is fast paced. Gives you the opportunity for some vocal distortion here, here and here…” you say as your slim fingers fly across his tablet. “The pre-choruses should be short and super punchy, most memorable part of the song. Then you can flow right into the chorus and only use chord differences instead of lyrics...”
He could do this every damn day. Just sit next to you and work on music. You have become the best part of his day very quickly and he is totally okay with it. He clears his throat, pushing down those thoughts. Your fingers continue to fly across the tablet screen as you continue talking.
“I know you and Vic write all your own stuff, but I have a couple ideas in my head that I think will round up the song. You don’t have to use them obviously…” Wait what? “What?” he says, immediately cursing himself for floating away there for a minute.
Your face warms as you face him fully. “I have some ideas to bring the song together. I think you could use them in verses. I know you are experienced and you definitely don’t need the help…” Kylo could almost hug you. “Yes! Yes I want your ideas. They are great, I promise" he exclaims. "Okay…” you whisper as his eyes hold yours.
He cannot take it anymore. He cannot not stop what has been building inside. He slowly lifts his hand and holds your chin. He watches as your eyes widen. He takes a shaky breath, then leans forward to capture your lips with his.
The kiss is perfect. Your mouth immediately opens for him as soon as he licks at your bottom lip. As he tastes you, he groans and moves his hand from your chin to around your back, keeping you flush to him. Your soft lips and tongue send shivers of pleasure down his spine. He doesn’t want this to end.
You pull back swiftly, making him have to lock his arm around your back. You pant silently as you look at him with hooded eyes. He wants you to say something, anything. “I have to go” you state flatly, your face and chest still flushed from the activity.
That was not exactly what he wanted to hear. “Okay” he sighs, releasing you. He cannot force you to do anything you don’t want to. He would be an asshole otherwise.
You stand up and hand him the tablet. Your fingers brush again, and he watches you shiver at the feeling. You feel something too, he surmises, you are just scared. “I’ll see you Monday, right?” he asks cautiously.
“Yep, I’ll see you all at 12:30” you say quickly as you head to the door. “See you then Y/N” he says softly, wishing slightly that you will look at him. All he gets is a nod as you walk out the door.
A contined huge shoutout to my girls who have supported me every step of the way ❤️❤️❤️
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iamfruitie · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Day 6
Day 6: Toys
“So I put this in you?”
“And I turn it on?”
“That’d be preferred.”
“Jackie, honey. I am naked, ass in the air and I am dying for you to fuck me with that vibrator already.” Phantom spoke bluntly since he had already answered these questions from Jackie several times. He appreciated that Jackie wanted to be sure he was going to do it right and not hurt him but he was on the verge of giving up on the toys and just riding Jackie until they both broke.
“Sorry.” Jackie scratched his neck with the hand that wasn’t holding the lubed-up vibrator.  
“You don’t need to be sorry.” Phantom sat up and gave Jackie a kiss. “It’s cute how much you care. I’m just worked up as fuck from you fingering me to the point of cumming and I need more.” Jackie blushed a little and chuckled before moving the two of them. He laid Phantom on his back and knelt between his legs. 
“Better.” Jackie nodded, looking down with a little tilt of his head as he started to rub the tip of the toy against Phantom. 
“You just love seeing me become a mess because of you.” Phantom teased, rolling his hips down against it. “Love watching your work.”
“Maybe.” Jackie’s blush deepened as he took the hint and started pushing the vibrator in. 
“Fuck, yeah~” Phantom moaned out, relieved to finally be getting what he wanted. “Turn it on.” 
“Okay.” Jackie nodded and did that, flicking it on to the lowerest setting and feeling the vibrations on his hand as well. He shivered a little at Phantom’s reaction, that low groan and little arch of his back was a sight to see. 
“Faster.” Phantom saw that little shift in Jackie’s eyes as he lifted one of his legs to rest it on his shoulder. 
“What’s the magic word?” Jackie’s voice came out deeper, rougher as he started thrusting the vibrator.
“Oh, shit~” Phantom gasped and it became a whine when Jackie pulled the toy out completely. 
“That’s not the word.”  
“Jackie, please.” Phantom played up a little ‘innocent’ act, holding his hands towards his face. 
“Good boy.” Jackie chuckled and pushed the vibrator back in, turning it up to the middle setting.
“Jackie~” Phantom moaned out, trying to rock down towards the toy and Jackie’s hands. Jackie only grinned and went back to thrusting the toy, getting another delicious moan from Phantom. “Yes, yes, yes~” Jackie wanted to hear more and used his free hand to trace his fingers down Phantom’s stomach before wrapping it around his cock. He got what he wanted as Phantom wasn’t playing anything anymore as he closed his eyes, arched up fully, and cried out when he came. “Jackie!”
“Fuck.” Jackie grunted, turning the vibrator up to the highest setting and continuing to move both hands, fucking Phantom with them through his orgasm. 
“Oh, my God~!” Phantom started squirming. “J-Jackie, Jackie! Oh, God!” He could feel Jackie’s hand holding his leg firmly so he couldn’t get away unless he told him to stop. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Jackie!” Phantom was nearly screaming Jackie’s name, getting closer and closer once more. “Please! Please! Jac-Jackie!” His voice cracked when he came again, moaning loud enough that it almost echoed in the room. Jackie quickly stopped his hand and took it and the vibrator away. He sat the toy aside and leaned over to press kisses all over Phantom’s face, kissing away the tears that had started to form. 
“You okay?” Jackie’s voice was back to its usual tone and Phantom chuckled the best he could. 
“Very.” He wrapped an arm around Jackie’s neck and yanked him down into a kiss. 
Tags: @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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ticiie · 2 years
week 16: ouch - that's a sunburn
prompt from the off-season winter sport challenge
characters: Alina Odermatt, Marco Odermatt, Gabriel Gwerder (mentioned), Gino Caviezel (mentioned)
length: 762 words
There were few things in her life that Alina honestly regretted and most of them weren’t all too serious. Telling Marco the dress shirt with the flower print looked good on him was one of them for example. Or that she had waited too long to make up her mind about the nice appartement uptown which now had found a new owner that wasn’t her. But right now, the thing she absolutely and with all her heart regretted most, was not listening to neither her older brother nor his friends. And oh lord she should’ve listened. This wasn’t her first sunburn but it certainly was the worst she ever had to endure. And although she had only spent a good three hours on (and in) the lake, it had been enough to turn what seemed like every square centimetre of her skin into the likeness of a lobster. A very angry, very red lobster. 
Now, one day later, she seriously considered calling in sick at work just to not having to listen her colleagues and the clients of the bank making fun of her. On the other hand, a meeting with a big company was scheduled for today and her attendance was both required and desired. So, her stubbornness left her no other option than to force herself out the door of her parent’s house- where she nearly collided with Marco. 
“Now that’s quite a sunburn you got there”, he greeted her and Alina was close to punching him in the face. She showed him the middle finger and tried to shove past him but he motioned her to wait. 
“Can’t this wait? I need to get to work or my boss will kill me for being late again.” 
“I’ve been instructed to deliver this to you in person and to tell you the following”, before he continued, he pulled a gift bag out of his backpack that read Alinas name on the label. “Dear Alina, I am sorry for making fun of you yesterday, please accept my sincere apologies. Love, Gabriel.” Marco quoted the message from the screen of his phone, then he handed Alina the bag. 
“What the actual fuck, Marco?”, she asked while shaking her head in confusion. Marco just raised his hands defensively. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on with him either. He blackmailed me and honestly, that was not the worst thing to do, since I had to come here anyways today.” 
Instead of throwing another insult at her brother, Alina took a quick glance at the contents of the bag. A mixture between anger, frustration and then again sheer affection welled up inside her. Stupid dork, she thought and tried her best to not show any kind of reaction to Marco. He would just nag her and Gabriel to the ends of time if he’d knew. Of course, it was only a question of time until their whole secrecy would eventually blow up in their faces and that Alina and Gabriel would have to admit to not just her oblivious brother, but to probably their entire social circle (which also included a certain teammate of Marco’s who would for sure be the biggest nag about it alongside Marco himself), that no, Alina and Gabriel weren’t just friends, they had been dating for the past 4 months. Secretly. May God have mercy on them both. 
“Now what did he get you?”, Marco asked. Alina clutched the bag to her chest to avoid giving Marco the chance to see what was inside of it. “How did he blackmail you?” 
She didn’t wait for an answer as the ringing of her cell phone reminded her that she had elsewhere to be. Alina hurried to her car and was about to start its engine when Marco called: “He threatened to tell everyone about Gino and me.” 
That was low, even Alina had to admit that. She sighed and gave in. Not fully though, she obviously wouldn’t be making that decision on her own accords.   
“It’s an after-sun lotion he knows I like.” 
She closed the door of the driver’s side before Marco could wrap his head around her words. If he had been paying attention just a tiny little bit in the past weeks, he’d probably figure it out with that being said. On the other hand, it had taken him almost half a year to realise Gino had been crushing at least as hard on him as he had been on Gino, if not more. Perhaps Alina and Gabriel got to enjoy their secret for a bit longer.  
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Empty Seat Moments Four: The Picnic Table  DRW x SFK x Reader 
Well, folks! Here she is- and she's over 10.5k words this time. Very angsty and very smutty. This was the last planned chapter between our little trio, so if anyone has anything in particular they'd like to see from this series, please let me know! Thank you all for reading, I adore you!
A/N: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY Warnings: SMUT, angst, M/M/F threesome
Normally driving in Danny’s car, in the middle of the old bench style seat with Sam on the outside, found you at your most peaceful. The old but revamped Corvette was Danny’s pride and joy, besides you and Sam of course, and you loved nothing more than flying down the roads with both of your boys by your sides, wind in your hair.
Today, however, you were not enjoying the ride. Anxiety thrummed in your chest and you wrung your fingers together. 
You were going to your grandmother’s house for a summer barbeque. And for the first time, you were bringing both Sam and Danny home with you.
Your family adored Danny in the years you two had exclusively been together. He got along great with your parents, and his parents loved you, too.
For the people that mattered the most to you, your mom and dad and siblings, Danny’s parents, Josie, all of the Kiszkas; they already knew. There were some surprised reactions, to say the least, but after witnessing just a few interactions between you, Sam, and Danny, your families were quick to understand the dynamic and accepted you all fully.
Your extended family, however, was a different story. Your grandmother could be old-fashioned, set in her ways…however you wanted to describe her, you had a feeling she wouldn’t take super accommodatingly to her granddaughter dating two men who were also dating each other. Not to mention the various other aunts, uncles, and cousins who would probably have lingering stares and snide remarks.
God, you were working yourself up. Take a deep breath, you told yourself. This is all going to be fine. 
Sammy turns to face you with a dazzling smile when you throw your hand over his left thigh to ground yourself as your time remaining in the car ride quickly diminishes. 
You give him a quick smile in return before resting your head on his shoulder and giving a bigger sigh than you intended.
From the driver’s seat, Danny asks “You alright, sweetheart?” Your sweet, perceptive boys both knew you were nervous about today, so you don’t bother hiding it. With another shaky breath you answer, mindlessly drawing circles on Sam’s leg. “Just anxious, I guess. I don’t want my family to say anything stupid.” 
Your blunt statement causes Sam to break into his characteristic stoner laugh that you love so much, and for a minute you revel in the sound. “I’m serious!” You huff through a laugh, and Danny slings his arm around your shoulders comfortingly.
“It’ll be fine, my love. Your mom and dad know, and they love us. Who gives a fuck about the rest?” Danny says seriously, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Um, they’re still my family, Dan…” you trail off, feeling a little irritated. “I’m gonna care what they think about me.” 
You can feel the tension building in your neck and shoulders where Danny is resting his non-driving hand.
“What I think our dear Daniel means to say, babe, is that we all love each other, and the most important people in our lives support us, and we’ll deal with the rest as it comes, yeah?” Sam muses, grabbing hold of Danny’s hand over your shoulder and rubbing over his knuckles. 
“Yeah, that!” Danny says. Even without looking at him you can hear the smirk on his face. You’re kind of annoyed at his level of calmness, but Sam’s sentiment does ease your nerves slightly.  
As Danny turns the car into the long driveway of your grandmother’s house, Sam presses a chaste kiss to Danny’s hand, followed by one on your cheek. 
Subconsciously, you don’t even know you’re doing it, you brush Sam away quickly as your car comes into view. With a quick pat to his thigh, you adjust uncomfortably in your seat and unfasten the seat belt. 
Sam turns to look at you with his eyebrows quirked into a question, but you continue to rub reassuring circles on his leg while your eyes scan for your family members milling about the yard as Danny parks. 
“Fuck, everyone’s here already.” You moan as Sam opens his door and slips out, before offering his hand to you to help you out. 
You look up at him with wide eyes before taking his hand and letting yourself be pulled from the Corvette. But as he takes a few steps away from the car after swinging the door  closed, you let his hand drop.
Danny comes up behind the two of you and places a hand on each of your shoulders, guiding you gently towards the gathering. “Ready?” He asks gently. “I guess so…” you trail off on a sigh, and take a step  ahead of both Danny and Sam. 
“There’s Y/n!” you hear one of your cousins announce from the group of people milling around, and you toss your hand up in a quick wave as you make your way there. 
You greet your cousin with a big hug, and find yourself being passed around the circle one-by-one to your family members. As you greet aunts, uncles, more cousins, and others, you can hear your cousin saying “Danny, how have you been! And who is this!” 
You try your best to make eye contact with Sam and Danny as your aunt chats away with you about your job, but neither have caught your eye. Instead you can hear Danny simply say, “this is Sam, we’re in the same band, and we’re-” then he’s cut off by a different cousin gushing poetically about Greta Van Fleet. “Danny and Sam! Can I get a picture!” 
Of course they are gracious, but they both finally find your eyes and their smiles look a little comedically pained. You shoot them a sympathetic grin and slip away to the coolers nearby, picking up three beers and popping them open before rejoining the circle. 
As you pass them off to Sam and Danny, you find that you still can’t get a word in against your chatty cousin, but the boys are handling it well. As Danny continues telling some story about playing with Metallica to your uncle, Sam starts to drape one of his arms lightly around your lower back. 
Instantly your heart rate climbs, and not in a good way. He’s your partner and you love him, but all of the people in this group don’t know that. They know Danny to fill that role. So, with a pleading look in your eyes, you look up at his face in sorrow and side-step away from him.
You can almost watch his heart break in real time as you let your hand linger on his wrist and announce to the little crowd, “I’m gonna go find mom and dad, you guys coming?” Danny and Sam both nod their heads and say their polite goodbye-for-nows as the three of you head towards the main house. Sam, a little bit behind you and Danny, can’t help but notice that you don’t brush Danny away when he places a guiding hand on your lower back. 
As you approach the sliding glass door to the kitchen, you’re relieved to see that it’s just your mom, dad, and brother milling around and talking. As Danny goes to pull the glass open, your mom waves excitedly at you three. “Ah! You made it!” She gushes, and pulls the three of you into a simultaneous bone crushing hug. In the safety of the kitchen, you allow yourself to wind your arm around Sam’s waist and lean on him.
When you finally break apart, you greet your Dad with a hug, and he gives hearty handshakes to Danny and Sammy. Your brother chats pleasantly with the three of you for a while before excusing himself to get another beer.
As your dad steps onto the patio to light the grill, Danny says “Can I help you with anything?” looking at all the side dishes bubbling on the stove. Your mom flounders, pleased, and hands him a big whisk, pointing at whatever needs attention.
Turning back to Sam, you wrap your arms around his slender waist and lean back to look at his face. He gives you a somewhat tight lipped smile and sips his beer. “This is going well, right?” You ask him, running your fingers over the small of his back through his shirt. 
“Yes, babe.” He answers, looking down at you, but his voice is tight. You tilt your head to examine his face closer, but some movement coming closer to the sliding glass door from the backyard sends you reeling away from him, nearly knocking his beer right out of his hand as you scurry away.
“Y/n, are you alright?” Your mom asks as she dries her hands on a dish towel. “Yeah yeah, just feeling a little jumpy today.” You say. Sam excuses himself from the kitchen and brushes past you, passing by Danny with an arm on his shoulder and a barely-there kiss on the cheek before he’s in the living room. You hear him greet someone else sitting in there, so you know he’s okay for now. 
You know what you’re doing. You know you are hurting him. But you also know that your family can be bigoted sometimes, and they weren’t the ones who were going to have to deal with that forever. 
Wait. If everything keeps going the way this last year has gone, you do want them in your life forever to help you deal with things like this. This burden would become theirs as well, this would become their family. Hell, your mom and dad already think of them as additional sons. 
God, now you’re spiraling in your Grandma’s kitchen, and you really owe Sam an apology. 
“Y/n, are you sure you’re okay, honey?” Your mom is standing in front of you with the back of her hand pressed to your forehead. You hadn’t even seen her come over to you. Danny isn’t even in the kitchen anymore. 
“I- I really need to find Sam.” You tell your mom, and turn on your heel to follow where he went earlier. 
In your clouded mindset, you aren’t paying very much attention to where you’re going as you wander through the house looking for your boyfriends. 
One instant later though, you feel your blood run cold as you make eye contact with your Grandma. Martini in hand, she waves you over to where she is sitting alone on the screened-in back porch, overlooking the backyard.
“My granddaughter! Lovely to see you, darling!” She proclaims, kissing both your cheeks. The scent of her sickly sweet perfume makes your stomach turn. “Lovely to see you too, Grandma.” 
She pats the cushioned bench next to her, so you sit beside your grandmother and wish you were anywhere else at that moment. 
“My darling, I’ve got to tell you that I’ve just seen the strangest thing!” your Grandma says in a scandalized tone. You think you might be sick. “What’s that, Grandma?” You say in a brave voice, trying not to betray your nerves.
“That lovely boyfriend of yours, Danny, is it? Well, I just saw him and that other boy you showed up with, your friend, and they were doing something quite unholy! By the looks of it, it seems your boyfriend quite enjoys kissing the mouths of men, my dear.” 
“O-oh.” Is all you can force yourself to say. Obviously you know this. But know your grandmother knows too, and god knows who else she’s going to tell. 
Quickly a thought flashes through you- that maybe you should pretend you didn’t know, to save face. Instantly the guilt coursing through you makes you believe you actually will be sick to your stomach. “I have to go.” 
You hurriedly leave the porch and find the nearest bathroom where you can dry-heave in peace, pulling in empty breaths and panicking. The thought that has you actually vomiting is that you never corrected your grandmother. You let her believe that Danny was cheating on you with Sam and keeping his sexuality a secret.
You were a monster. A vile woman. You didn’t deserve your two loving partners. Twice more you empty the contents of your stomach. Thankfully whatever bathroom you were in had mouthwash in the cabinet, so you swish some around before heading back out and trying to track down Sam and Danny. 
They aren’t anywhere in the house, so you make your way back outside. Upon entering the backyard, you can see your grandmother leaning in close and chatting hushedly with one of your aunts. Your gut churns, but you keep your back straight as you scan over the little groups until your eyes finally land on the dark sweeping mop of curls and smooth brown locks of Danny and Sam. 
They are facing away from you, and talking to all of your siblings and your mom as they spread dishes out on the long folding tables. With a steadying breath, you make your way to them. 
When you finally cross the yard to your family, you slip your hand onto Sam’s arm. Both Sam and Danny turn, alerted to your presence, but they don’t look thrilled to see you like they normally do.
To your shock and horror, you think that Sam has been crying. Nobody besides Danny could probably tell, but you can. His eyes are slightly red-rimmed and his skin is glowing even more than usual.
You have to clear your throat before you speak so you don’t give away the emotion in your voice. “Can I talk to you for a second, Sammy?” He doesn’t look at you, he even brushes your hand away from his wrist. Still not looking at you, he says “I’m helping your mom right now.” 
You bite your lip and nod, shunned and embarrassed. You can tell your family knows something’s up, but thankfully they keep their mouths shut for now. 
When you turn to look at Danny, he’s already looking at you. He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets and a sad, worn out look on his face. He gives you a sad shake of the head and casts his eyes down. 
You know you really really fucked up. Sam did not deserve this, he’s an equal in every aspect of your relationship. You, however, were too much of a coward to face your family and tell them this. 
Should you make some sort of grand gesture? Hey everyone! This is my boyfriend Danny, and this is my other boyfriend Sam! Deal with it! 
You’re ashamed once again as you can’t even manage that, because here comes your Grandma, sauntering over with your aunt. Panicky breaths begin leaving you once again, and you have to remind yourself to calm down, damnit. 
Danny brushes by you with a gentle hand on your back, and pulls out your chair for you before disappearing to the cooler for a refill before the meal begins. You pull out the chair next to yours for Sammy, but he doesn’t look at you as he walks further down the table, your siblings and at least a cousin or two between you and the spot that he picks. 
Just because the universe hates you, your Grandma snags the seat you opened for Sam, leaving Danny to join Sammy far away from you. The seat you wanted Danny in, to your left, remains open. 
As your family begins passing dishes with lively chatter, your Grandma nudges you with her elbow and says, “Where’s Danny?” You roll your eyes out of her line of sight and sigh, telling her “He’s sitting with Sam over there.”
 Gesturing towards the two boys with your fork catches the attention of your aunt and a few others who were sitting near you, drawing even more uncomfortable attention to yourself. You swear you can hear one of your cousins muttering something, and if you listen really closely, you think you catch your boyfriends’ names. 
Thankfully, your mother is sitting directly across from you. By now she has an idea of what’s going on, and she changes the subject for the moment. Despite the meal having just barely started, you give the excuse of not feeling well, and think aloud to the group that the air conditioned house might do you some good.
Your mom grasps your hand from across the table as your Grandma huffs and your aunt’s eyebrows shoot to the top of her forehead, but you utter a polite “excuse me,” and move away from the table in the grass.
You have no doubt Sam and Danny can see you leaving, everyone can, but you really just need out right now. When you finally reach the cool kitchen, you lean on the counter and close your eyes, allowing yourself to just breathe for a moment. 
The sound of the heavy glass door forces you back to reality. It’s your dad, and the sight of him looking concerned sets you off. “I really messed up, dad.” You whimper, and he catches you just in time as you collapse into him. 
Your dad kisses the crown of your head and tells you that everything will be okay. He tells you that he talked to your mom, they know what’s going on, and they don’t blame you for being nervous about bringing both Sam and Danny around your family. He also tells you that Sam deserves better. 
“I know he does, dad. I love him a lot. I need to fix this.” You can barely get control of your hiccuped breathing when the door opens again. Your dad passes your crying frame, with one last kiss on your head, from himself to Danny. The only reason you know it’s him is because you’d recognize his scent and the feeling of his arms anywhere. 
Your dad makes his escape back outside, and it’s just you and Danny alone in the kitchen. He holds you for a moment, not saying a word. He lets you cry for what you did. For what you were afraid of. For how you treated Sam. 
He rouses your shoulder gently after a few moments and tucks his head on top of yours. “We’re leaving, babe. Sam’s already in the car.” 
You want to see your Sammy so badly. Hold him close and kiss his sweet face and tell him how sorry you are. Tell him how much you love him and how badly you need him. How badly you fucked up and how much you wish this never would have happened. You’re ready to see him. So you nod in Danny’s arms and brush away the tears lingering on your face.
Danny ushers you out the back door, even though it sends a chill through you to walk out using the screened-in porch. You’ll text your mom and dad that you got home safe later, they’ll understand. Right now you just need to make everything right with Sam. 
When the corvette comes into view, you can see Sam’s chestnut locks leaned against the passenger window. Danny goes to open the passenger door for you, and you think that Sam will step out so you can shimmy into the middle seat. 
Without even sparing a glance, Sam scoots himself into the middle seat. Your heart cracks a bit as you sit yourself into the passenger side and Danny closes the door for you. 
You turn your body to look at Sam, but he’s stony faced and staring straight ahead.
Your lip begins to wobble as tears gather in your eyes. “Sammy…” you start, but he cuts you off. 
“Don’t, please.” It isn’t mean, but it’s cold. Void of emotion. So opposite of your bubbly Sammy that it feels like a dagger to the heart. 
The only thing you can manage is a shaky exhale as Danny gets in and starts the car. Sam leans his head on Danny’s shoulder and gives a soft sigh of his own. 
Before Danny reverses out of the parking spot, tears are freely flowing down your face. “I’m so sorry Sammy.” You say, voice thick with emotion that hasn’t shown its face yet. 
Just based on Sam’s inhale you can tell he’s affected, but he doesn’t validate you with an answer. “Sam!” You try again, this time on a choked out sob. 
“Y/n.” Danny says as he looks over at you. “Please, just don’t right now.” 
“Okay” you cry, body wracking with quiet sobs as you lean against the window. The best you can do to manage your outburst is pressing a hand to your mouth. All you want is for Sam to reach over and hold you. You can hear the periodic snuffle characteristic of him hiding the fact that he’s crying, and it sends you further into your pit of despair.
The entire way home, neither Sam nor Danny says a word to you or each other. The radio doesn’t play. Your quiet cries and Sam’s periodic sniffs feel very out of place for the beautiful late afternoon, picturesque day that it is outside.
When Danny finally pulls into your winding driveway, your eyes are aching and your head is pounding. Sam gets out on Danny’s driver's side, so you open your own door and follow the boys up the front porch.
You don’t, however, follow them inside. You decide to sit out on the front porch swing alone for a little while. Danny told you to leave it alone for now, so you will. 
The front door closes and you’re left alone in the late afternoon breeze. The sun will set soon, but you can’t bring yourself to care about the slight chill in the air. Wrapping your arms around your knees, you let yourself mope for a bit while Danny hopefully takes care of Sam inside. You can hear shuffling and cabinets opening and closing in the kitchen. In your mind, Danny is making Sam his favorite kind of tea and bringing it over to him on the couch, wrapping him up in a blanket, and showering him with kisses. It’s what you would do if Sam were speaking to you right now.
The trail of thoughts causes your eyes to grow wet once again as you rest your chin on your knees. You’re shivering in earnest now, but you want to stay out of Sam’s way to avoid causing him any more pain. 
God, the things you would do to be able to show him you were sorry. You could tell him, obviously. You would. You will. But you still feel like that’s not enough. 
With your eyes closed, nonsensical visions of time machines and love letters and Sam and Danny dance behind your tired eyes. When you think you can’t cry anymore, a restless doze overcomes you, right there on the front porch swing in your jeans and tank top.
The thing that rouses you from your uncomfortable sleep is the slamming of the screen door on its hinges, and a figure standing before you in the dark. Your eyes are having a hard time adjusting to the night, but the figure standing before you is thrusting a mug into your hands. 
Without any ado, Sam is muttering “ ‘s freezin’ out here.” His voice sounds worse for wear, although you still can’t really see his face to gauge how he looks. 
He plops himself down beside you once you take a hold of the steaming mug, and you immediately feel fresh tears brewing.
Neither of you says anything for a minute or two, you just sit and look out over the beautiful property you share with the loves of your life. Occasionally you sip on the tea that Sam brought you. The fact that he brought it to you kind of shatters your heart, and you appreciate him more than you know how to tell him. 
Finally mustering up the courage, you place the mug on the ground and take both of Sam’s hands in yours. He actually looks at your face this time, for the first time in hours, and instantly you crumble. His expression is still stony, but he looks tired.
“Sam, I am so sorry about today.” One sentence in and you’re crying. Hard. You take a shuddery breath in at the same time Sam does, and continue on, “I love you so much. So much. You didn’t deserve that at all, I-I’m…” 
There’s so much more you need to say to him, but you’re shaking and gasping and you need to control yourself for a moment. 
The entire time you’re pulling yourself together, Sam doesn’t say a word. His frown is deep-set and his lip wobbles, but he doesn’t break. He just keeps on looking at you. But he doesn’t pull his hands out of yours.
You do let go of his hands to put them up to his face, cupping his cheeks and running your thumbs over his soft skin. With your faces this close together, Sam finally lets a tear roll down his cheek. You brush it away before you find at least some of the words you want to say to him. 
“I was a coward.” You whisper. Sam furrows his brow and shakes his head no, but you furiously nod your head-yes you were. “Yes, baby, I was. I thought I could face them, but I was too scared of what they would say, I was too scared of my own family…I-” you’re so ashamed that the words die in your throat. 
Sam’s hands, that had previously been sitting idly at his side, tentatively come up to rest on your waist as he pulls you in. Just feeling his touch is enough to set you off again. You’re a blubbering mess as you clutch at his shoulders, burying your nose into his neck to get as close to him as possible. Like a mantra, you repeat “I’m sorry, Sammy, so sorry. I’m so sorry, baby.” 
He’s actually holding you. He’s here and he’s holding you, and he loves you and you love him, and you haven’t lost him. You don’t know how many times you repeat it, “So sorry Sammy, I love you so much.” He just shooshes you and soothes you, rocks you gently. 
As your sobs turn into hiccuping breaths and eventually you’re in control of your own breathing again, Sam removes his lips from your temple and speaks into the night air, “Your mom called. Told me and Daniel about your Grandmother. She sounds lovely.” 
When you peel your face off of Sam’s neck, you look up at him with a sad expression. He’s looking out into the yard, expressionless. 
“That doesn’t make up for the way I hurt you, Sam.” You whisper, afraid that he or you will break if you speak too loud. 
“No, it doesn’t.” He turns to look at you, and the thought bouncing around your head is that you just want to see him smile. Sam wearing a frown throws the universe out of alignment. “But I get it.” 
That felt like a physical punch to the gut. You just hurt the love of your life worse than you thought you ever could, and he understands. 
“How?” You implore him, sitting up straighter to look into his face. 
“She would have said horrible things about us, y/n. About you.” As Sam says this, he reaches out and holds one of your hands. You do not deserve this sweet man. You squeeze his hand with all your might, as if you could throw all your love into this one physical display of affection. 
“I should have just let her say it. Who gives a fuck. She’s gonna find out eventually. I mean, I need you in my life, Sammy.” 
He squeezes your hand back, still looking out over the view, and says, “You sure?”
“Babe” you whine, feeling close to tears again. “I need you more than I need oxygen, or water, or… something else important.” He snickers at this. So poetic drama is lost on you right now, so what? “Whatever! I’m serious, Sam.”
Finally, he turns to look at your face once again. You tug on his hand and tell him, “I can’t live without you.” 
At long last, the quirk of a small smile graces Sam’s beautiful face. Maybe the universe isn’t out to get you after all, because in the same moment, Sam says, “I love you.”
And there you go again, with the waterworks. Sam looks frightened for a second, before he pulls you into his side and lets you bask for a minute. “I don’t deserve you, Samuel.” You tell him, littering kisses anywhere you can reach. His neck, his cheek, his ear, his hair. 
“You do deserve me. And Daniel. And I deserve you two, too. Don’t forget that, trouble.” He says, giving your flank a hard pinch that causes you to yelp. 
“I think I’m going to be saying ‘I’m sorry’ for the rest of our lives.” You tell him, snuggled into his side on the porch swing. 
“Well, I’ve already forgiven you, love. So get it out one last time and then stop it. I want to move on from this. It’s fuckin’ cold out here and Daniel reheated the leftovers your mom snuck us while you were passed out.” Without lifting your head from his shoulder, you know he’s wearing his signature smirk and everything feels okay again. Not perfect, but okay. 
With a deep breath, you plant a soft kiss on his perfect lips and let it linger for a moment. When you break apart, you hold Sam’s face in your hands and press your foreheads together. 
He smiles up at you as you tell him. “I will never let you feel that way ever again, Sam. I am so in love with you and I need you every single day. I am so sorry, baby.” There’s no need for Sam to respond, he knows. So he just presses another kiss to your lips. 
When you finally find your way back inside, Danny is standing at the stove wearing a knowing smile. He glances at the leading hand Sam had placed on your lower back as the two of you entered, and then raises his eyebrows in question.
Instead of breaking it all down right now, you just step over to where he’s standing and press a fat kiss on his mouth, savoring the feeling of being in the presence of nobody but your favorite people. 
Letting yourself enjoy kissing Danny for a moment, you feel Sam come up behind you and press his chest to your back. Sandwiched between your two boys, you think there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Reluctantly you break away from Danny’s kiss to lean your head backwards on Sam’s shoulder. It’s a view that many would kill to have when Sam reaches up to pull Danny in for his turn at a kiss, with you still sandwiched there in the middle. 
It takes the three of you ages to break away from trading sweet kisses, standing there in your kitchen. Only when one of Danny’s reheated dishes starts to bubble over the pot do you giggle and shove him towards the stove, while you and Sam bring out dishes and wine glasses for a makeshift dinner. It’s lighthearted and full of love, but the three of you can feel how important it is- sharing your time and space. Sam keeps littering lingering touches on your arms and Danny’s. Innocent little things, but he’s always reminding you of his presence. 
Eventually, you stumble into your bed with Sam and Danny hot on your heels. You’re too tipsy on wine- and too emotionally drained from the day- for anything besides more sweet kisses in a dog pile under the covers. You can barely tell where one body ends and another begins- all tangled limbs and fingers in hair and lips on sunkissed skin. 
When you drift off, you dream of a lake house. Sam and Danny are there, your mom and dad and siblings. The Wagners and Kiszkas. You’re all older, you don’t know how much, but you can tell that time has passed. An enormous, goofy-looking dog runs by your feet, and you know it’s yours. Your dad and Kelly and Dan are out by a grill, beers in hand. Their raucous laughter makes you smile. When you blink you’re in another room of your house- your mom and Lori and Karen, Ronnie and Josie, your sister, Jake and Josh, everyone you love is there, cooing over a tiny baby swaddled in white. Three or four more kids run around at the feet of the adults in the room. You aren’t sure who’s children they are, but it doesn’t matter, you love them. There is so much love in this house. In your house, yours and Sam’s and Danny’s. 
A blindingly bright ray of sunlight streaks across your face and directly into your eyes when you wake up the next morning. You can tell it’s ungodly early, but the wine and the emotions caused the three of you to forget to close the blinds before tumbling into bed the night before. So, here you were, at- God, 6:18 am, wide awake.
After 20 minutes of willing your eyes closed and hoping you’ll fall back to sleep, you deem it futile and resign yourself to being awake. You can’t exactly get out of bed, though. You’re on the edge of the bed, but Sam, in the middle, has your legs completely pinned under his. Danny, from across the bed, has one arm over the pillows and reached around Sam’s sleeping form, with his hand resting on your collarbone. 
As wholesome as the scene is, you can’t even adjust your positioning without waking up the sleeping boys. Your bladder is screaming at you, you’d love to brush your teeth, and when you wiggle your toes, they’re a little numb. 
Thankfully, Sam stirs within the next few minutes and rolls on his side directly into Danny’s chest, freeing your legs. Danny’s arm that was spread across the top of the pillows is now capturing Sam in an unconscious bear hug. You can finally make your getaway, but not before snapping a picture of your precious boys. 
As quietly as you can, you freshen up in the bathroom and throw on a t- shirt before you make your way to the kitchen. The idea strikes you to wake the boys up with breakfast in bed-who couldn’t use a little extra love and appreciation?- and god knows your boys will sleep for hours more if you let them. 
Banana pancakes seem like a good choice for a lazy Sunday, and you find yourself humming the Jack Johnson song as you slice and mix. It’s peaceful in your sunny kitchen, and early enough that there are little other sounds coming from the house. 
The lack of noise continues as your stack of pancakes grows, and you hum along to whatever song pops in your head. The lack of noise is so jarring, however, when you feel a pair of hands snake their way around your waist and lips land on the side of your neck.
You let out a squeal of untamed shock, thinking you were completely alone. When you turn in the arms of the intruder-Sammy-you clutch your heart and say “you scared the life out of me!” 
He looks down at you appraisingly before attacking your neck with his mouth again, causing you to hiss. His voice still gravely with sleep, he says “After the fucking day we had yesterday, all I wanted was to wake up next to my man and my girl…” he puncuates this phrase with a sharp bite to the muscle joining your neck and shoulder, and you inhale sharply. Even just Sam calling you his girl sends you reeling. 
His tongue laves over the bite mark and back up your neck, littering soft kisses. He plants a wet kiss right under your ear and continues, “so imagine my surprise when I wake up and she’s gone. After everything she put me through.” 
At this, you pull back and look at his face with a questioningly sorrowful expression. Sam had forgiven you last night and the three of you went to sleep happy, so hearing him say this just about breaks your heart.
But when your eyes find his, there’s a playful glimmer in his eye. He smiles genuinely then, and cups your jaw in the most gentle manner before kissing you softly. You sigh into the kiss in relief, but once Sam can tell you’re at ease, he’s pulling away. Before he completely leaves your mouth though, he bites down sharply on your lower lip and tugs, causing you to let out a pitiful whimper. 
“I wanted to make you breakfast in bed.” You tell him, turning back to the countertop to remove the last pancake from the stove and turn off the burner. Once you put the spatula down, Sam pins your hips to the counter with his own. His hands bracket you in against the marble, and you can feel his hot breath on the shell of your ear. His facial hair tickles you when he says, “how about we go find Daniel and say good morning a different way, hmm?”
Deciding that you’re feeling a little bratty, you push your ass back into him and whine, “but I just spent an hour cooking!” 
In a move that is so unlike your gentle and often submissive Sammy, he lets out a growl from deep in his chest, and one of his hands gripping the counter is suddenly caged around your throat. His voice is gruff when he tells you “you really don’t want to test me today, love.” 
His slender fingers around your throat have you whimpering again. He’s barely even touched you and you’ve lost count of the embarrassing noises you’ve let loose so far. 
With his hand still on your throat, you turn to face him and give him the best doe-eyes you can manage. “I won’t test you Sammy. I’ll be good.” You watch as his light brown eyes dilate and his head tips back as he drinks in your words.
“Yeah? You gonna be my good girl?” He says with a tighter squeeze to your windpipe. All you can manage is a nod.
“You’ve got 30 seconds to get your ass in the bedroom. Understand?” He says, the hand on your throat trailing up to grip your jaw tightly. Again, all you can muster is a nod, but it’s not good enough for Sam. 
“You’re gonna need your words today, baby. Use them.” His grip on your jaw is becoming deliciously painful, so you hurriedly say “I understand, Sammy.” Even to your own ears, your voice sounds wavery and about to break with need. “Good fucking girl.” He smirks, turns you around by the shoulders, and smacks you once on the ass before you’re scurrying to your shared bedroom.
When you enter the room. Danny is awake and dressed only in his boxers. He’s propped up against the headboard palming his visibly hard erection, a smug smirk on his face when you walk in and your pupils blow at the sight of him. “Morning, babe.” He sounds sly, even as he bites his bottom lip and continues working his hand over his clothed cock a little faster. 
Your feet are glued in the doorway, eyes transfixed as you watch him work himself up. You just have to touch him. It’s purely acting on instinct when you climb onto his lap on the bed and grind down onto him, attacking his mouth with yours. His hands find your hips under your t-shirt instantly and he happily returns your kiss for a few seconds, but when he breaks away, he mutters “He’s not gonna like that.” 
And boy was he right. Suddenly you hear Sam clear his throat from the doorway, and his eyes are icy when you meet his. 
“Baby, baby, baby…” he tsk’s. He’s slowly sauntering over to where you’re still perched on Danny’s lap, but you don’t dare chase that delicious friction while Sam decides what to do with you. “You just never listen, do you?” 
You swallow guilily and look up at him, not sure if he’s expecting an answer or if he’s just talking to talk. When he grips your chin and turns your face towards his, and sneers “Do you?” you know that for your best interests you should probably answer him. 
“N-no Sammy, I didn’t listen. I don’t. I’m sorry.” 
He scoffs at your meager apology and drops your chin from his hand, removing his t-shirt from his body in the silence that now fills the room. 
“What should I do with brats who don’t listen?” He ponders, pushing his fingers now into Danny’s hair and tugging affectionately, as if asking him that question. 
Danny looks up at Sam like he hung the moon, and Sam indulges him in a quick kiss, before Danny answers him. “Whatever you do, can I watch?” Sam smiles like the sun and runs a soft hand down Danny’s cheek while he says, “Of course you can, Daniel. I’m gonna need your help teaching her a lesson, baby.” 
Being that it’s normally Danny who takes the dominant role between the three of you, he speaks up then. With gentle hands on your thighs, he looks at you and asks earnestly, “Are you okay with this, y/n?” 
You take a deep breath and look at Sam, who’s looking expectantly at you for your answer. You know he’s not still mad at you, but you need to be 100% sure before you can enjoy this.
With an outstretched hand, you unspokenly ask for Sam to approach you. He goes to you immediately and lets you hold him closely, with you still perched on top of Danny. “You’re not mad, right?” You ask in nearly a whisper. You’re kind of embarrassed to ask, but it makes you feel better to know.
Sam looks like his heart might break at your question, and he kisses you sweetly. “No, my love, I’m not mad at you. Just having fun. Do you want to?” 
You sigh in relief and kiss him deeply then, waiting for him to resume his role. When you break the kiss with a nip to his bottom lip, you tell him, “I don’t know if you can teach me a lesson as well as Danny does, but you can try?”
“You just keep digging your grave, baby.” He growls, and begins attacking your neck with his teeth. You yelp and try to shimmy away from the sensation, but the friction of his facial hair mixed with his nipping teeth are causing such a mix between pain and pleasure that your mind is going hazy. He doesn’t relent, moving across the side of your neck to your collarbone, dropping wet kisses and harsh bites over nearly every inch of skin.
One particularly harsh drag of his teeth has you jolting forward, which reminds you that you’re situated directly over Danny, who is still perched below you. When you peek down at him, he looks like the happiest man in the world to be watching Sam tear your neck apart and be receiving the occasional friction from your grinding. 
The pure joy on his face causes you to giggle, and Danny meets your eyes when he hears it. “Hi, baby” you whimper out as Sam sucks your flesh into his mouth, and Danny meets you with a grind of his own hips upwards.
Suddenly, the mounting pleasure between your legs is completely gone. You find yourself flat on your back towards the end of the bed, and in a flash, Sam’s face is hovering over yours. “Eyes on me.” He growls. 
His hands aggressively hike up your t-shirt and pull it over your head, leaving you in only your panties. Immediately his mouth is on your chest, giving it the same brutal attention that he paid your neck. Biting one of your nipples and twirling the other between his thumb and finger, the intensity becomes nearly too much as you writhe and thrash. 
The sound of Sam popping his mouth off your nipple is absolutely obscene. With a final bite to the sore bud, he asks “Missing our sweet Daniel, y/n?” Immediately his mouth is on your other breast, and you shriek loudly before running a hand through Sam’s hair and tugging. Whether to bring him closer or pull him away from you, you aren’t sure.
Even though Sam grew frustrated with you last time you ignored him, you decide to not verbally answer him again. The consequences were sure to be so delicious. 
With a harsh suck, he pulls off once again and calls for Danny, meeting him in a filthy kiss that you can hear more than you can see. You hear them speaking in hushed whispers cut off by the obscene sounds of wet kisses, when suddenly Danny is planting himself behind you.
You’re no longer flat on your back, but supported by Danny’s chest so that you can clearly see Sam settle between your legs. Your breath hitches when he picks up one of your legs and starts kissing his way up, starting at the ankle. Okay, so this was going to be torturous.
“Let me talk this through, baby.” Sam says between kisses to your calf. “How many times have you ignored the questions I’ve asked you this morning?” Danny’s hands have begun playing with your nipples, which has rendered you nearly speechless in its own right. And, you’re not even sure of that answer. “I- I…” you trail off on a low moan as Danny continues to tweak your nipples and kiss your neck.
“Oh! Another one!” Sam gasps, acting affronted. By now he’s kissed to the junction of your thigh and has begun trailing kisses across your stomach. You wriggle your hips, hoping to catch his nose or anything nearby for any sense of friction, but you get nothing.
“Daniel?” Sam asks, ignoring you in the places you most want to be touched. Danny pops his mouth off your neck, and you can hear him smirking when he answers, “that makes three, love.” 
Your other leg is now draped across Sam’s shoulder as he nibbles on the tender flesh of your inner thigh. The noises you are making can only be described as pathetic, but you really really don’t care. You just want Sam to touch you. “Please baby, I need it, I need your mouth,” you whine. Your hips are moving on their own accord, even with Sam pinning you down.
“You whine so pretty, my love. Do it again before I shut you up.” Sam answers you, although it's muffled while he still works on marking up your soft skin. You relent, begging “please Sammy! Please touch me! I’ll be so good!”
When Sam moves his body up towards your face and away from your aching core, the whine you let out sounds absolutely distraught. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so needy. 
Sam’s nose is a millimeter from yours when he growls in your face. “You think you deserve for me to eat your pretty pussy?” All you can do is whimper in response. 
You crane your neck out for a kiss, but he scoffs at you and moves like lightning back down your body. With his face an inch from where you need him, he says, “good thing I’m feeling generous.” 
Immediately he licks from your weeping entrance to your clit in a long broad stripe that has you arching up into Danny. Before you can revel in the feeling, he’s pointing his tongue and assaulting your clit with kitten licks that have you seeing stars. You’re mewling and gasping, incoherent sounds. As he licks and prods you, you grind down on his face as much as you can. 
“Oh fuck, Sammy!” you cry. His tongue continued to work you over, but as soon as your babbling turned into a complete sentence, he removed his face from your core and made eye contact with Danny. “Shut her up.” He said, wiping his face with the back of his hand before diving into you again.
Once his tongue is working you over again, two of Danny’s fingers are pressing at your mouth. You let him in readily and suckle at them, drooling all over him and gagging when he presses them in even further. “Good fucking girl.” Danny tells you, right in your ear, and you whimper around his fingers. 
Suddenly Sam changes his approach, and starts whipping his head back and forth, dragging his tongue over your clit sideways. Your breathing doubles in pace and your abs tense. If Danny’s fingers weren’t gagging you, you were positive you’d be screaming. The intense orgasm building in your stomach is seconds away from snapping, so you close your eyes and lean against Danny’s chest to revel in the feeling. 
“She’s close, love.” You hear Danny say, and instantly all stimulation is gone. Sam’s face is gone from between your legs, Danny’s fingers gone from your mouth and breast. The sudden change in sensation is devastating, and you’re not even aware that you’re begging until you hear your own voice in the room. “Please Sammy, I need to cum, I’m so close! Please let me cum- I’ve been so good! I’ll be good, please, baby!” You’re reaching down to stroke Sam’s hair and face, but he’s unfazed. “That’s just one, babe. You’ve got two more times before I’ll think about letting you cum. Better stop with the dranatics.” He sucks your clit between his lips one last time before standing up from the bed completely. 
“Daniel, we need a better way to get her to stop fucking whining. Wanna fuck her mouth?” Simultaneously, you and Danny release guttural groans from deep within your chests. “Fuck yeah I do. Babe?” 
Leave it to Danny to be checking in with you, even while you’re getting your shit rocked by someone else. But Sam doesn’t let the act carry on for too long. He’s right up in your face with a hand on your chin when he tells you, “You’re gonna make our sweet Daniel feel good now, aren’t you y/n?” 
“Y-yes.” Your voice fails you, but there’s nothing more that you want in the world than to have Danny’s cock in your mouth with Sam’s tongue on you. 
Before you can blink, Sam’s manhandling you so that you’re hovering above his face while he lays flat on the bed. Danny kneels directly in front of you, stroking his hard cock in one hand and gently toying with your hair in the other. 
“Sit on my face, Y/n.” Sam instructs, without a hint of hesitation. You’ve been in this position before with Danny, but never with Sam. You’re nervous you’re going to hurt him, so you ease down without putting all your weight on him. You can feel his hands grip your ass tighter and pull you down, hard. “I said fucking sit, babe.” It’s gruff, but you know he means it. 
Danny must be able to see the trepidation on your face, because he leans in to kiss you sweetly and says, “You won’t hurt him, my love.” With a big deep breath, you let yourself fully sink onto Sam, and immediately his tongue is lapping at you like he’s a starved man. 
“Oh, fu-” you’re cut off by Danny sliding his hard cock right against your bottom lip. “I was told to keep this pretty mouth busy, sweetheart.” He says, and you can hear Sam make a pleased noise of approval from where he’s licking you with broad strokes.
Now standing in front of the bed, directly in front of you, Danny is at the perfect height to slide his beautiful cock straight into your mouth. He groans deeply in approval when you pay attention to the head with your tongue, and you hum around him when Sam gives you a particularly strong lick.
You kiss up and down his shaft for a minute, drooling over his balls and getting him nice and wet, loving on him the way you know he likes. When you peek up, his head is leaned forward and his eyes are closed, he’s so beautiful.
Sammy picks up the intensity from below you and you grind down on him, whimpering as his tongue enters you. From this angle, every forward grind has your clit bumping into his perfect nose, and you chase the feeling.
 As you continue grinding down on Sam, you tap Danny on the hip and whisper, “Fuck my throat, baby.” 
Danny makes a sound high in his throat that you’ll be playing on repeat in your head for weeks, and holds onto your jaw delicately as he slides his cock into your throat. You do your best to relax around him, but Sam furiously working you over his tongue and nose beneath you doesn’t let you act as carefully as you normally would.
A furious gag rips through you as Danny tosses his head back and groans loudly, and in an instant he’s pulling back and letting you breathe. But you don’t let it stop you. You look up at him through your lashes and nod, and he cups your cheek again, sliding in after you take a couple slow breaths through your nose. 
Danny has a rhythm set that matches the pace of Sam dragging you back and forth over his face, and the combined feeling is enough to make you start trembling and humming around Danny’s cock in your mouth. 
Like a pained animal, it sounds like it takes all of Danny’s strength to pull himself from your mouth and say “Fuck- Sam, she’s getting close.” He allows himself to rest his cock on your tongue again as you writhe around on Sam’s face, chasing the high you know you probably won’t reach. 
“Fuck, fuck! Feels so good, Sam.” You sound so whiny and fucked out that you can’t recognize your own voice. With a brutal suck of your clit between his lips, Sam pushes you off of his face sideways, effectively terminating the finish you were rapidly approaching. 
The next thing you feel is Danny’s lips on your cheek, kissing away the errant tears that were rolling down your face. You were crying? “You’re doing so good, baby.” He whispers to you, wiping away any remaining tears with his thumb. 
Blindly- with a hand reached out into the air-you seek out Sam. The thought hits you that he hasn’t been touched at all yet. “Sammy?” You ask, barely a whisper, when he doesn’t find your hand after a few seconds. 
“I’m here, love.” Sam’s voice to your right causes you to turn and look, and his face is right next to yours. He looks ethereal, glowing, beautiful. His hand reaches up to stroke your cheek gently and says, “You doing okay?”
You nod and whisper, “I’m okay Sammy. Wanna make you feel good.” The look on Sam’s face is hard to describe. It’s full of love and longing, desire- but also adoration and appreciation. “My girl” is all he says with a final gentle stroke to your cheek, before he grips your hips and flips you onto your stomach.
You gasp in a breath, and his face is near yours in an instant. “You sure you can handle it?” punctuated with a bite to your ear. 
“Yes!” You gasp, arching up to present yourself to Sam as best you can. “I want it baby, I can take it.” 
He hums his approval and continues to bite at the shell of your ear while his fingers trail down your spine. For the first time since he’s been ravishing you, Sam’s fingers finally enter you, and you groan at the contact you’ve been aching for. 
When you turn your head to rest your cheek on the mattress, your face finds Danny’s, who is watching Sam on top of you like the two of you belong in a museum. Although you had him in your mouth earlier, he didn’t get to finish and he still looks achingly hard. 
“Fuck, Sammy” you whimper, his weight on your back forcing the words to come out airy and breathless. The state of your voice causes him to groan and work his fingers inside you faster, which has you keening for more. 
Deciding that Danny deserves to be in on the action, you extend your palm up to his mouth at wait. The noise he makes is absolutely sinful, low in his throat. He calls you his dirty fucking girl before spitting once into the palm of your hand, with which you search blindly for his throbbing cock. 
When you finally take hold of him, Sam notices and says, “That’s it, beautiful. Make Daniel cum, he’s been such a good boy, hasn’t he?” Danny whimpers at the praise from Sam, and you match his noises as your peak builds deep within your stomach, hot aching pleasure from Sam’s slender fingers and his body grinding over yours. 
You start working Danny faster in your fist, the keening noises he’s making spurring you on as you grind yourself back onto Sam’s hand.
“Fuck, fuck- gonna cum” Danny whines, tensing his abs and throwing his head back. “Just like that baby, I’m so close.” 
“Me too” you whine, though you fear you won’t be reaching your peak yet. Just as you predicted, Sam withdraws his fingers from you and rolls over your body to be closer to Danny while you continue working your hand over him. 
With your fist still pumping Danny’s cock, Sam takes Danny in his mouth and sucks his head with a brutal intensity that has Danny choking on a sobbing moan. You don’t even have the wherewithal to mourn the loss of your impending orgasm for too long, hearing the sounds Danny is making as you fondle his balls and stroke his shaft while Sam sucks him off. 
He sounds close to tears, incoherent with pleasure as he mumbles that he’s cumming, and Sam still doesn’t pull off. You watch in awe as Danny’s hips jerk and he writhes around on the bed, but Sam takes everything Danny has to give him.
“Ah, ah- too much, Sammy!” Danny pants, completely spent. Sam finally releases him with one final suckle, and you’re being tossed flat on your back again as Danny tries to regain control of his breathing.
In a flash, Sam’s head is between your spread legs. His next move, you're sure, will play on your head on loop until your dying breath. 
Looking directly in your eyes, he spreads your thighs and spits Danny’s cum directly onto your throbbing clit, rubbing it with his thumb. In that instant you think you might black out on pleasure, but somehow you manage to stay in the moment.
Beside you, Danny chokes on air and you think you see his cock give a valiant but feeble twitch. 
Thumb still toying with your clit, Sam raises up until his face is level with yours, and gives you the sweetest kiss you could imagine. It’s so opposed to the filth that he just bestowed upon you that your cheeks burn pink. 
You can’t stop yourself from reaching up and burying your hands in his hair, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
“My beautiful girl, you did so well. You want to cum now, baby? Want me to make you cum?” He asks, his lips barely grazing over all the swollen bite marks he littered you with earlier. 
His beautiful face is so sincere that you feel close to tears again. “Yes, Sammy, please. I need it so bad, I need you.” 
“You have me, my love.” He says when he finally enters you for the first time that morning, both of you moaning. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and glides all the way inside. Your three ruined orgasms have you teetering on the edge already, clenching around him with every slow languid stroke.
“I’m not gonna last, love.” Sam groans from high in his throat, enveloping you in his arms as his thrusts turn disorganized. “That’s okay baby, I’m close. Love you so fucking much, Sammy.” 
You are all-encompassed by Sam. His hair cascades around your face, and one hand trails down your body to snake between you. You wrap him in your arms and drag him even closer to you as he furiously drags his fingers over your clit, in contrast to his deep and slow thrusts.
“Love you, Y/n. My girl. My fucking girl. Hmmf.” You can see the strain in his muscles to hold himself up as he rapidly approaches his high, and you’re just as close.
“Gonna cum, Sammy.” Your voice is nothing more than a whisper, raspy and ruined. “Do it baby, please.” He begs you, picking up the pace of his fingers. With his go-ahead, you finally let the coil within you snap. You hear your own voice begging him to cum inside you, but you aren’t aware of what you’re saying. 
There are another pair of hands trailing up and down your stomach when you come to your senses. Sam still hasn’t pulled out of you, and is instead collapsed in a heap on your side, legs entangled with yours.
When you’re slightly more coherent, you wiggle away from him enough to have him fall out of you, and you both hiss at the loss of contact. He’s lying flat on his stomach, looking deep in thought. 
You and Danny share a knowing look and a squeeze of the hand, before you both start pressing kisses up and down Sam’s spine. The airy little giggle he lets out sets your heart alight.
You know Sam can get lost in his own head sometimes, and he needs reassurances that you’re happy to provide him. 
Spooning up to his side and still littering him with kisses, he asks you, “Was that okay, babe?” You scoff endearingly and plant a kiss on the nearest patch of skin you can find. “That was incredible, Sammy.” 
He sits up and puts himself staunchly in the middle of the bed, leaning slightly on the headboard, before opening his arms and silently beckoning you and Danny each to a side.
You happily snuggle up to him, deciding a shower and the rest of your lazy Sunday can wait a few more minutes. Danny nuzzles into Sam’s ribs on his other side with his nose, and speaks into Sam’s skin when he says “that was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
You laugh quietly and then admit, “I still can’t feel my legs.”
When you look up at Sam, he has an exhausted but proud expression on his beautiful face. You reach a hand up to drag through his scruffy facial hair and tug gently, causing him to playfully growl. 
The silence that fills your shared bedroom is comfortable. But, Sam being Sam, can’t let that last for too long. “Hey, Y/n. Should we call your Grandma and thank her for initiating the mindblowingly good sex her granddaughter just had with two men?” 
Taglist: @kdarling1 @hyperfixated-gvf @renaissance-confiance @fictional-duchess
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tokrev-roses · 3 years
Cool Cool Boy
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although you are happy with your love, your ex-boyfriend wants to be a part of your life again. jealous boyfriends and phones involved + NSFW (original request)
🖋Genre: Smut (Mikey, Draken Chifuyu), Fluff (Baji)
⚠️Warnings: 18+ for everyone but Baji, description of the female body and sexual acts, bad writing/grammar/spelling
👥Characters: Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji
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❧ Keisuke Baji
Fancy dates are not his thing
It was not only that he had a budget, being a middle schooler and everything, he also simply didn’t vibe with it
But it was your anniversary, so he saved up all his pocket money and tried to behave so mama Baji would let him out
Cue to him waiting in front of a popular restaurant for young couples, wearing his edgy street clothes
And to both of your surprise, everything went smoothly
He excused himself to the restroom for a sec, and while you were waiting at your table, daydreaming about the beauty of this evening, someone sat down on Keisuke’s chair
You turned towards the person, fully expecting to see your boyfriend, but were met with a less than pleasant view. Your ex-boyfriend greeted you with a satisfied smirk.
“Enjoying yourself, y/n? You know, I always thought you were one of those girls who loved fancy stuff, considering how much you loved our dates and my presents. That you’d settle for someone who is unable to offer you more than this…” He made a derogatory gesture towards the other tables.
This was no high-end restaurant with view over the Tokyo skyline, but it was Baji who put a lot of effort into this, and it meant more to you than anything else
As you were about to respond, a shadow towered over your ex
“What do you think you are doing her punk?”
“This is the trash you left me for, y/n?”
As he was about to laugh, Baji seized him by the collar, lifted him up, and threw him away like actual trash
Knowing Keisuke, you tried to stop the enraged berserker he was about to turn into. No need for a brawl in the middle of a restaurant
You managed to calm him, nonetheless the manager kindly asked all three of you to leave
Keisuke kept quiet on your way home. You knew why. He actually wanted everything to be perfect, to show you how much you meant to him and it was ruined by his temper and a slimy asshole
„♪Kei-Su-Ke♪“, you poked the dimples of your grumpy boyfriend. “I loved this evening. Minus that idiot, but that was none of your fault.”
He kept walking.
Ok, you’d have to bring the big guns in
With two big steps you were behind him to give him the strongest back hug possible
“Ya, you punk. Wanna pick a fight?”, your effort to imitate his voice didn’t go unnoticed.
“As if a small fry like you could win against me.”
With that you knew the ice was broken. What you didn’t expect was him turning around fast as lightening, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
You tried to scream but it ended in heartful laughter
A perfect anniversary indeed.
❧ Manjiro Sano
(Future!Mikey, Dark-Haired)
King of jealousy and most possessive out of all the boys, so you can imagine his reaction as you told him your ex-boyfriend visited you at work
The mood instantly shifted
“Come on, Manjiro. He didn’t ask me to marry him or anything.”
This joke was not appreciated by him, and he stayed broody for the rest of the evening
You should have known that he was up to something as he suddenly became very touchy with you, but you pinned it on his neediness
Things got even stranger when he didn’t let you touch or pleasure him, but instead kept making you feel like wax between his fingers
It wasn’t just the way he abused your neck with longing kisses or how he caressed the sides of your body with featherlight touches as he made his way downwards. Not the way he fondled your breasts with the utmost care, kissing and sucking your nipples until you couldn’t keep your whimpers from spilling.
The satisfied smile he gave you as you made the first sound should have shown you that there was more to it, but you were so lost in pleasure, that you really didn’t care
Things got worse (or better) for you as he reached your most intimate spot
If he was skilled at pleasuring you before, he was a god at doing so today.
White pleasure blinded you as his velvet tongue explored every part of you. Every moan and whimper you gave him was met with a pleased hum that vibrated through your body.
When you couldn’t stop your own need from feeling every part of him on you, you used your hands in his dark hair to push him closer to you.
Instead of understanding your silent plea like he usually would, he just kept going and going until your vision got blurred by tears and your voice was hoarse.
Only then he let you go, mumbling something you were too tired to understand.
You slept well that night, with Mikey hugging you loke a koala
It was only when you looked at your phone the next morning, that you realized what he had done.
A chat with your ex-boyfriend, who must have written you last evening about going out for dinner, cough your eye. Your answer, which you definitely didn’t send, consisted of a 30 second audio.
Innocent you played it, of course, and it took you a second to realize what exactly you were hearing.
That was you. You, moaning in ecstasy. You were frozen in place an listened all the way through it
The audio ended with a raspy voice you knew all too well
“She is busy with me.”
❧ Ken Ryuguji
Your phone was broken.
It did not show you, who tried to call you and called people you never meant to call. That’s why instead of putting it in your pockets, it usually laid somewhere beside you. Like today as you were cooking dinner for your finance who was about to come home from his bike shop very soon
The last days had been a bit stressful, he had a lot to do, couldn’t spend any time with you and you went to meet your ex-boyfriend for coffee, as he himself was about to get married soon
Ken tried to be understanding, but the amount of your time this past fling consumed annoyed him
That’s why he wanted to make up for lost time this evening
He didn’t hesitate when he saw you standing in the kitchen, stirring something in a pan and looking so perfect
On swift move and the giant had placed you on the counter, standing between your spread legs, face buried in your neck
“Well, someone seems eager.”
He wasn’t willing to waste time with your teasing but begun to assault your lips
Heavy breathing filled the room as he cupped your chin with one hand and tried to get rid of your clothes with the other
Your bodies soon met with a pleasurable sensation, moving in synch.
You held on to him like your life depended on it, ankles hooked behind his back
He wasn’t one to moan, but his heavy breathing had something so unexplainable erotic to it, that it made up for the missing foreplay
One couldn’t be without the other and if it wouldn’t have been for the laws of nature, you would have said that your brains your hearts and your pleasure became one
Sweat made the counter slippery, and your voice became raspy as you finally reached your high together
“Well, hello there.” You could literally hear the smirk on his lips as he said this.
You thought you were hallucination from your post-orgasmic bliss as you heard another voice talking to the both of you. But Ken’s shocked face as he looked towards your phone woke you up
It couldn’t be that your phone called your ex-boyfriend, right?
❧ Chifuyu Matsuno
It’s not like Chifuyu needs your attention all the time, but he kinda needs it when he wants it you know?
And today he really needed it
He had given the shop into the hands of his partner, Kazutora, to spend some time with you, as a surprise
The thing with surprises was, that they usually came at the worst times
His mood went downwards as he came home and instead of giving him a confused hug, asking him why he was home already, you were on the phone with god knows whom
He thought you’d end the call soon, so he gave you some space, but as you kept laughing 30 minutes after he arrived, he got annoyed, to say the least.
He didn’t mean to listen in on your conversation, but your constant laughter, bickering and smiling made him…curious
It seemed like your former high school sweetheart had called to “remember the good old times”, and although it wasn’t like him at all, he slowly but surely felt anger bubbling inside of him.
You had settled for the couch, and although the other party was on the phone, he felt the need to touch you, so he laid down between your legs, head resting on your stomach
You, of course, noticed the sour mood hanging in the air (not just because he followed you around like a lost puppy while you were phoning this old friend of yours)
So you petted his hair, knowing it would calm him
But the time for appeasement was over, at least for Chifuyu. He knew that you knew that he wanted you to hang up, yet you didn’t
It started as an innocent kiss on your stomach, which you answered with a silent chuckle, shaking your hand to signal him to stop
That he ignored it would be an understatement
Something you realised as he started caressing your intimate part through your clothes
As your friend on the other side was continuing to tell you about his life, your attention was captured by the innocent puppy-dog eyes your boyfriend gave you as he got rid of the annoying layers keeping him from feeling you
He began giving you kitten licks, that literally took your breath away. Good for you, the other man didn’t notice
Chifuyu, that devil, knew what he was doing, keeping eye contact with you while doing the most sinful things to you
It got worse as he took your pearl between his soft lips and started sucking
You had to press your fist on your mouth to keep any sound from spilling
He continued his assault with a steady pace, and you wanted him to stop as much as you wanted him to continue
“Y/n, are you still there?”
You hadn’t noticed that the excited voice on the phone had stopped
Faster than you could react, Chifuyu had snatched your phone away from you.
His breath tickled your now wet parts as he answered
“Something came up just now, and she needs to come. Try again, pal.”
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