#the more we talk about it the more fucked off i get. ZUKO zuko? turtleduck boy? son of ursa? get his name out your mouth netflix
hella1975 · 2 months
wait zuko tries to actually kill someone?? zuko??? the guy who tried to save ZHAO after everything?? that zuko???
the very same!!!
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victorianbatman · 1 month
More ATLA/LOK Incorrect quotes
GN reader, unless stated otherwise
Bolin, propping his feet on the table: So, I heard you like bad boys?
Y/n: What? No.
Bolin, taking his feet off the table: Oh thank God, that felt terrible.
Lin: Whats this?
Y/n, hugging her: Affection.
Lin: Disgusting.
Lin: Do it again.
Bolin: Wow, your legs look amazing in those pants!
Y/n: You should see me without them.
Bolin: Without.. legs?
Sokka: What did you make for Y/n?
Zuko, staring at the burnt food: Regret.
Korra, holding kettle: Coffee or tea?
Y/n: Tea.
Korra: Wrong! Its coffee.
Bolin, talking about y/n: My crush isn’t picking up on any of my hints.
Mako: What hints have you given them?
Bolin: I think about them.. a lot.
Bolin: And sometimes I think about talking to them.
Y/n: Mako?
Mako: What?
Y/n: Are you asleep?
Mako: Who the fuck did you think said ‘what’?
Y/n, waking up: Am I dead?
[Sees Asami next to them]
Y/n: Is this heaven?
Korra, bangs on door: Open up, fuckers its me Korra
Y/n, tearing up: I always knew I’d end up in hell.
Lin: Having trouble figuring out who knows Korra the best?
Asami: Its me!
Bolin: Its me!
Mako: Its me!
Y/n: It’s probably not me.
Y/n: Time for plan G.
Mako: Wait- don’t you mean plan B?
Y/n: No we did plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over C because of some technical difficulties.
Asami: What about plan D?
Y/n: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Bolin: And plan E?
Y/n: Im hoping not to use it, I die in plan E.
Korra: I like plan E.
Y/n: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them?
Mako: Well, what do you do?
Y/n: I die? Pfft- What kinda question..
Y/n: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and it died.
Y/n: Then I started thinking. It was just trying to get food.
Y/n: Like, what if I went to the fridge to get something to eat and it slammed the door on me and broke my neck?
Y/n: Howw would I feel?
Mako: Are you ok?
Bolin: What does ‘take out’ mean?
Mako: Food.
Asami: Dating.
Korra: Murder.
Korra: You’re a little obsessed with yourself aren’t you?
Y/n: Well if im not who else is gonna be?
[Y/n, throws bread at turtleducks]
Y/n: Do not forget this act of altruism. If I am ever in trouble, I expect you and your brethren to come to my aid. Do not forget.
Y/n: You’re the love of my life, I’d do anything for you.
Asami: I want you to take care of yourself and get enough sleep.
Y/n: Absolutely not.
Asami: My boyfriend is too tall to kiss, what should I do?
Korra: Punch him in the gut, then when he leans down kiss him.
Bolin: Tackle him
Y/n: Dump him, be with me.
Lin, passing by: Kick him in the shin.
Mako: Please don’t do any of those.
[Korra, sneaks into house at 2 am]
Mako, turns in swivel chair: Care to explain where you were?
Korra: Uhh.. I was out with Y/n.
Y/n, also turns around in another swivel chair: Care to- [chair wont stop turning] Mako- I cant stop the chair-
Bolin, after making Y/n mad: You wont hit me, I have witnesses.
Y/n: Mako. Asami. Turn around.
[Both Mako and Asmai turn around]
Bolin, scared: M-Mako? Asami?
Y/n: So whats Zukos type?
Sokka: Y/c eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humour, turtleduck lover.
Y/n: Damn, sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends though.
Sokka: Did I mention oblivious?
Y/n: Yeah why?
Sokka: Just making sure.
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azenkii · 4 years
A Long List of Trash Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons
...that i couldn't get out of my head:
(warning: SUPER LONG POST i havent figured out how to trim posts yet)
he's the one who unchains azula despite iroh's protests. she doesn't even try to fight him, just cries into his shoulder and keeps mumbling about how father's going to be so disappointed in her. he takes her to her rooms and has her drink a sleeping draught, then stations the best guards he has left outside her chambers.
his first council meeting takes place literally a day after sozin's comet. he hobbles into the council chamber shirtless with his entire torso covered in bandages and every council member just looks at him like '...what'
he does NOT sleep for like,,a week after sozin's comet and then another two weeks after his coronation. katara, aang and suki try to persuade him to sleep and he doesn't listen. eventually sokka, toph and mai team up to literally drag his ass to bed and tell him he's not allowed to get up until he sleeps (does mai pin him to the bed with her knives? yes. is it kinky or sexual in any way? definitely not.)
he drinks So. Much. Tea. at this point it's practically tasteless to him but he drinks it anyway because he just needs something to do and tea is something familiar. he keeps iroh on his toes because he's constantly asking for new tea blends, uncle, i think i actually tasted the last one,
he flat-out refuses to grow his hair for at least a year after ozai's defeat. the second it starts getting close to his chin he shears it off himself, with his knife, and his stylist has a heart attack every single time
when he's tired he'll occasionally jump up when one of his guards moves. it stops after a bit, but for the first month and a half or so he's really twitchy. when sokka asks, the only explanation he can come up with is that he's not used to having people stand behind him silently and not want to kill him, much less want to protect him (sokka immediately takes him out for a shopping trip and makes a point of walking behind him the entire time, but only on zuko's right side, where he can clearly see it if sokka moves towards him)
when the healer declares azula mentally unstable and in need of an institution, he shuts himself in his office for the rest of the night. no one's allowed in, not even iroh. he finally emerges in the morning, eyes red from crying and sleep deprivation, and tells the librarian that he'd like a list of the best mental institutions in the country, please, the best in the world if you can get them
he loves theatre (is this even a headcanon?). unfortunately it practically died out in the fire nation along with the rest of the creative arts, leaving nothing but small troupes like the ember island players. one of zuko's personal goals (meaning things he wants to accomplish that aren't as important as restoring his country) is to bring back theatre; he finally manages to do it after about eight months or so of being fire lord, along with other arts like dancing, music and sculpture
he establishes a national day of mourning, on the first day of autumn every year, to commemorate the genocide of the air nomads. from 100AG onwards, every calendar printed in the fire nation has it marked. at first it was called the day of repentance, but aang persuaded him to have it changed (by arguing that he didn't want guilt to be a literal staple of fire nation culture)
he introduces literally So Many educational reforms, plus a mandatory class that teaches students about the cultures of the other nations (air nomads included) and how some of their traditions overlap
he turns down the offer of having a statue put up of him in the capital. toph ignores him and does it anyway.
he visits azula regularly, makes sure she's (relatively) comfortable and well-fed, and sometimes just sits down outside her door and tells her about everything that's going on right now ('some of the far colonies have developed their own standardised writing, azula, you wouldn't believe it, and i've asked the fire sages to come visit more often—but you never liked them, did you? oh, well; i'll make sure none of them go into your chambers by mistake')
(he doesn't know it, but when he does this azula sits by the door and listens. she wonders what kind of writing the colonists have developed, and whether or not the fire sages have taken on some new recruits.)
he hates being above anyone else. never sits in the throne if he can help it, nor does he sit on the dais in the council room. when he talks to people shorter than him, he finds himself stooping a little bit to talk to them on their level (the exception to this rule is sokka, who he mocks for being shorter all the way up until sokka grows taller than him, the bastard)
the first time he visits the earth kingdom, the earth king's ministers call a toast. he ends up being the only one who has to sit out, because he's too young to drink by earth kingdom law
once his servants figure out he won't kill them for talking to him, they start becoming a lot more bold, telling him off when he doesn't take care of himself. at one point, they force him to let them take care of him so much that he literally just bolts into the gardens and hides there until the staff rope in mai and ty lee
when he needs to escape, he does one of two things: (a) he dresses up as the blue spirit and does some parkour until he calms down, or (b) he goes to work at the jasmine dragon. (b) happens less often bc the jasmine dragon's in ba sing se, but there's been a few memorable incidents when an earth kingdom diplomat walks in and yells, 'LEE?!' when they see the fire lord
the first court artist who draws him also happens to be the one who drew azulon and ozai. he draws zuko without his scar. zuko takes one look at it and tells him, very calmly, that he'd like him to leave, please.
zuko burns the portrait. he doesn't fire the court artist, but he never calls on him again unless he has to. a second court artist is called, and can't help but be a bit confused when the fire lord tells him to be sure to include the scar
he forgets the crown. a lot. sometimes he walks into council meetings in his sleepwear with his hair tied up in a messy ponytail and a bunch of scrolls tucked under his arm. none of his councilmen have the guts (or the heart) to tell him that this is not, in fact, formal council wear
he goes to feed the turtleducks when he's stressed. he thinks he's being subtle. he's not. the entire palace knows, and they consciously give him space when they see him in the turtleduck garden
most of his staff are older than him, so they look at him and see this teeny tiny fire lord who is So Small and who Must Be Protected. the day after zuko's coronation, the head chef holds a meeting where they commence Operation Do-Not-Let-That-Boy-Turn-Out-Like-His-Father (subsection He's-The-Only-Good-Thing-We-Have)
one night he wakes up to find suki sitting in his room, decked out in full kyoshi warrior garb and makeup, and just about screams blue murder. suki tells him there are suspicions of an assassin in the palace, and would you please stop yelling it's very distracting, we won't be able to hear anyone coming over that racket
zuko gets very, very paranoid of random spirits after that. yeah, suki looks like a possibly malevolent spirit when she's wearing her makeup, what about it? (when he tells sokka he's highkey terrified of spirit shenanigans, sokka just looks at him and says, 'man, the stories i could tell...', and THAT'S when zuko remembers sokka spent like six months more than he did travelling with the avatar)
on his first visit to the southern water tribe, he removes his boots and leg guards, rolls up his pants and kneels barefoot in the snow. even though chief hakoda immediately starts trying to pull him up, he's stubborn as hell and stays kneeling for the entirety of his very long, very sincere apology-on-behalf-of-the-fire-nation speech. he nearly loses his toes to frostbite after that, and both sokka and katara never stop giving him shit for it
the first time he grows a 'beard' is completely accidental. he's stressed over some trade miscommunications with chief hakoda, hasn't slept in a few days...and then when sokka arrives as water tribe ambassador to help smooth things over, he takes one look at zuko and says 'man, facial hair does not suit you'
zuko: facial what now
he checks a mirror to find that he's got stubble covering his chin, dark enough that it almost looks intentional, and holy gods how the fuck did he not notice this before
'UNCLE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME' 'i assumed you were doing it on purpose' 'WHEN HAVE I EVER DONE ANYTHING ON PURPOSE'
he shaves it all off immediately, of course, which prompts a lot of teasing and rib-poking from sokka until zuko finally snaps that he's scared it'll make him look like his father. sokka stops after that.
(the day after sokka leaves, zuko finds that a mysterious someone has scribbled all over ozai's royal portrait, giving him a frankly ridiculous beard and moustache that literally CANNOT be grown in real life. oddly enough, he can't bring himself to care about the defamation of royal property. he's too busy laughing.)
his paths cross with toph and sokka more than any of the others, because sokka is ambassador and toph is technically still a beifong. most of the time, at formal functions, he ends up sequestered in the corner with toph and a hoard of snacks, and they talk and swear much more than they usually do (zuko's ministers once heard him when he was drunk with toph, and the servants swear the older ministers' ears started bleeding)
he restores fire nation cultural festivals, and in doing so subjects himself to learning a lot of complicated dances
during one memorable week, he wrote so many letters and drafted so much legislation that he ran out of paper. he had to go visit the nearest school and ask for some
he keeps up with his firebending and sword training even though it's hard to fit into his schedule. his ministers refrain from reminding him that he has guards to protect him now; it's still hard for zuko to trust his safety with anyone but himself (team avatar is the exception).
he started sleepwalking about two months into his reign. no one knew why. one time, he nearly sleepwalked right off the edge of a balcony, and one of his guards had to grab him by the back of his robes.
the sleepwalking stopped after around a month and never happened again. at this point it's practically palace legend.
after freeing the war prisoners, he went around collecting every single earthbender-proof wooden cell he could find in the capital and surrounding areas. when he'd gotten most of them, he gathered them into a huge pile in the city square and set fire to them with his own hands.
unfortunately he couldn't do that with the waterbender metal cells but he did get toph to come in and bend them all into pretty shapes (well, toph thought they were pretty shapes. everyone else thinks they're meaningless squiggles)
he learned how to write with both hands at the same time out of sheer necessity (he refused scribes until it became clear that he'd be putting some people out of a job; that was when he started letting scribes write very, very minor things, but all important documents/drafts/letters are still written by him)
he once put the wet end of an ink brush in his mouth instead of the wooden end by mistake. didn't even realise until he bit down to keep it in place and ink went oozing everywhere
when his guards rushed in to find him coughing and spluttering black liquid all over his desk they thought he'd been poisoned but no he's just stupid
on his 17th birthday, his first one after being crowned, he got tackled by team avatar in the middle of the ballroom and ended up at the bottom of a cuddlepile for like ten minutes
this cuddlepile happened at an event that was very much public and very much formal. it was a scandal for weeks
just. fire lord zuko, guys. so much potential
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zukkaflowers · 3 years
zukka enemies to roommates au
Sokka slammed his head on the cafe table, the noise swallowed up by the chattering of other customers. “I’m being EVICTED,” he moaned.
Katara raised her eyebrows as she drank her tea and then placed it back on the table. “Why?”
Sokka dragged his head up against the table until his chin was the only thing touching the wood and Katara made a face, no doubt thinking of all the germs that were now rubbed into Sokka’s face like lotion. Sokka couldn’t bring himself to care. He was too deep in his despair. “The landlord sold the building. And now I only have two weeks to move because everything around here is so fucking expensive and I got discouraged so I put it off—“
“Move in with Zuko!”
“...like I put everything—what did you just say?”
Katara’s face brightened, a stark contrast to the cloud of doom that had been enveloping Sokka. “His roommate is moving in with her girlfriend and he needs a new one. A roommate, not a girlfriend. And I think his place is really close to your work, too! It’s perfect!”
Sokka finally sat up, shoving his hands in his sister’s face to turn her brightness down a notch because it was hurting his eyes. “Wait wait wait, are you talking about the Zuko I think you’re talking about?”
“Is there another one?”
Sokka had many questions. “Why do you know he needs a new roommate? Why do you know his roommate is moving in with her girlfriend? How do you know where he lives? Did you just say, ‘it’s perfect’?”
Katara watched Sokka as he grabbed his drink, eyes never leaving her face in a demonstration of his seriousness, and then swallowed painfully with a grimace after realizing he’d grabbed Katara’s bitter tea on accident. “You’re such a goof,” she sighed in anguish. “Zuko and Aang actually went to university together and became friends. Zuko wants to be a teacher like Aang.”
Sokka sputtered. “WHAT?” A few strangers shot him judgmental looks at the outburst, which he ignored. “You—you—he—Aang—BETRAYAL??”
Katara rolled her eyes. “This is why we kept it a secret from you! We all knew you’d be overdramatic about it.”
“We ALL?”
Katara shrugged, finally having enough decency to look sheepish. “Yeah, me, Aang… and Suki and Toph.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped wider. “SUKI?” He clutched his heart. “Mine own bestie...”
Katara continued, “Well, it’s Toph that’s really close to him now, actually.”
“Figures. She’s always been my least supportive friend.” Sokka gasped as a realization hit him. “Is… is Zuko the ‘Captain Angst’ guy she keeps hanging out with??”
“Yeah,” Katara said plainly.
Sokka slammed his head back on to the table, where it might as well have stayed long-term.
“I’m serious, though, Sokka,” said Katara. “Zuko is… kind of okay, and obviously he has everyone else’s approval. You shouldn’t let a petty high school rivalry between you two get in the way of your current life.”
“‘Petty high school rivalry’??? Last I heard, there were four of us involved in the rivalry-ing! You weren’t too fond of him or his sister, either!”
Katara once again rolled her eyes. “All I’m saying is, the place is within your budget, it’s actually nice, and the commute is good. He’s only just started looking for a new roommate, and I promise that if you don’t try it out, you’ll regret it.”
“And all I’m saying is, if we move in together, Zuko and I will murder each other.”
Katara looked at her phone and stood up, collecting her bag and bile tea. “I doubt it. You haven’t spoken in five years, and you’ve both changed a lot. I have to go, Aang wants me to meet another stray dog, and we still have lunch with Yue, so I can’t let him get too carried away. I’ll text you details about Zuko’s place. Please at least look into it, Sokka.”
Her eyes were too genuine; he couldn’t say no. “Fine,” he grumbled, fully prepared to briefly skim over the information before moving on.
But when he did look it over, he saw that Katara was right. It was perfect. He could even walk to work if he wanted to, it was that close. The rent was well in his budget, even leaving extra leftover. He could maybe finally replace his cracked phone screen! Sokka sighed at the dim light of his laptop. The fates were telling him something. It sounded like, You will consciously choose the path of suffering, ahahahahaha.
“Sokka... wants to be my new roommate,” Zuko said.
“Hello to you too, angsty pants,” Toph replied through the phone.
“I think I’m going to say yes,” continued Zuko.
“Wait, Sokka? Katara’s brother?”
Zuko swallowed, eyes flicking to the stir fry he’d left on the stove. He’d been checking the notifications on his phone when he saw it and had immediately called Toph. “Yes.”
“Okay,” Toph offered helpfully.
“What do you think?”
Silence fell for a few seconds as Toph thought it through. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“That’s what I’m asking you for. If he’s reaching out, he knows it’s me, so he can’t still hate me, right?”
“I don’t know,” said Toph. “Don’t you like him?”
Zuko bit his lip and weakly stirred his stir fry. “But it’s not like I’m still—I’m not hopelessly into him. It’s just. You know, a little bit.”
“You’re not even going to interview him? What if he poops with the door open? What if he… what if he eats in the bathroom while he poops.”
“Would I ask him about that in an interview?”
“If you’re not a coward.”
“Okay, I’ll interview him,” Zuko said, relenting. “What do I have to lose?”
To: Katara
Sokka: uuugughghgghghhhhhhh zuko wants to interview me
Katara: You looked into the place!!!
Sokka: yeah but i’m seriously doubting myself now
Sokka: can i really pretend not to hate him long enough to get the place
Katara: Have you considered just
Katara: Not hating him?
Sokka: …
Sokka: how could you even say that
Katara: Ok I thought so
Katara: Well just be professional if you don’t wanna be friendly
Katara: Pretend it’s a job interview
Sokka: oh yeah
Sokka: because imagining that zuko is my employer would definitely not make me hate him 400% more
Katara: On the bright side, you haven’t reached the threshold of hate yet if it can be increased by 400%! There is hope
Sokka: ha
Sokka: i scoff in the face of hope
Sokka let Suki pick out an outfit for him before going to meet Zuko at the cafe they agreed to meet at. He wanted to look nice so that Zuko, at least visually, might be inclined to let him become a flatmate, but mostly he just didn’t want Zuko to have the upper hand anywhere, not even in his fashion sense. And Zuko had grown up with money, so he’d always been well dressed.
Sokka slipped the chosen tan sweater over his button down and pulled on a pair of black jeans. The clothes covered all his tattoos—he was sure Zuko would not appreciate them. His hair, he couldn’t do much about, so he settled for tying it back as he always did.
He was so distracted throughout the train ride thinking about all the valid reasons he had to hate Zuko that he almost forgot to get off at the right stop. But the walk from the station was short, and before he knew it, he was opening glass doors, scanning faces, and—there he was. Hair hanging in his face, chin on his palm, and wearing—a hoodie and ripped jeans? Sokka cleared his mind of surprise and tried to relax his face.
He walked over.
To: Toph
Zuko: It went well?
Toph: Be more specific
Toph: For example, what went well
Zuko: The interview with Sokka
Zuko: I’m pretty sure he doesn’t shit with the door open, and he definitely doesn’t eat in the bathroom
Zuko: He was also
Zuko: really nice
Toph: Really nice to talk to? Or really nice looking?
Zuko: Shut up
Toph: Hm deflection
Zuko: I think you’re wrong
Zuko: I think it won’t be hard to live with him
To: Katara
Sokka: the whole time he’s being this stiff, boring, JERK
Sokka: i had to smile and nod the whole time
Sokka: no way will this keep up if we live together
Sokka: but i have to think of the commute…..
Sokka: and the view….
Sokka: and i’ll be closer to suki….
Katara: But Sokka, you will try, right?
Sokka: try what
Katara: To be nice to him.
Sokka: uh
Sokka: maybe?
By the end of the next week, Sokka had moved in the last of his boxes. He honestly didn’t have that much stuff. He did have one special thing, though. Or rather, a special friend.
“What are you doing?” Zuko asked, peeking into Sokka’s new room.
Swallowing his annoyance at being interrupted, Sokka gestured for Zuko to join him. They’d only exchanged at most a few sentences a day, and Zuko hadn’t done anything too irritating yet, so Sokka was going to try to keep his promise to Katara.
“This is my turtle, Duck,” he said, pointing to the turtle swimming around in the tank he’d just finished setting back up.
“What’s a turtleduck?” asked Zuko after plopping down beside him.
Sokka frowned. “I don’t know.”
“Then why do you have one?”
Before Sokka could answer, his phone rung from the dresser, its vibration so strong the whole room shook and Duck popped into his shell.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Happy Kantoph Mondangst! These titles may be getting worse, but hopefully the chapters aren't... time will tell ope. Despite the angst, I hope you enjoy :)
“Are you up?”
His form shifted in the bed as he lazily turned to face her. She could hear the tiredness in his breath that indicated that no, he wasn’t up, but even if she didn’t perceive that, she would’ve known he was lying when he replied, “Yeah, what’s up?”
A gentle hand rubbed her arm in an attempt to comfort her, and the combination of his casual fib and sleepy gesture of comfort made Toph smile just a bit. But even then, she couldn’t ignore the unsettling feeling that sat in the pit of her stomach and made her toss and turn for the past few nights.
When she didn’t answer right away, he called out again, his tired state wearing off. “Toph? Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” she quickly reassured, but then bit her lip. Technically, things were okay, but she still felt uneasy. “Well, maybe? I don’t know…”
Kanto’s hand instinctively went to her stomach, coincidentally landing precisely where the baby was kicking. His thumb swiped across her belly, calming down the baby’s activity temporarily, and Toph let out a sigh that was a combination of exhaustion and relief and apprehension. Her hand fell on top of his, and she found the words to describe her thoughts. Well, some of them.
“I’m… I’m just worried, I guess,” she confessed.
“About the baby?”
“Yeah. Well, not the baby specifically. I’m worried about me.”
“Are you worried about the pain—”
“No, no. I mean, I’m not looking forward to it, but... fucking spirits,” Toph muttered. She wasn’t exactly describing her fears in the most coherent fashion, and she was losing the courage to admit what was on her mind.
“Toph,” he whispered, and his voice gave her focus. “You can tell me whatever you want, but only if you want to, okay?”
Toph took a deep breath as she calmed her nerves and felt the rhythmic motion of his thumb across her stomach. He grounded her like the earth, his touch and voice never failed to bring her back to reality. And everyday she thanked the spirits or whoever she needed to thank that fate brought them together.
Courage and actual words found her once again, and she pressed her forehead to his and confessed her fear. “I’m still worried about being a mom.”
Kanto said nothing, but waited for Toph to continue, so she did. “I know we’ve talked about this, but the baby is due any day now, and I just… I still feel like I’m not ready for this. I have no motherly bone in my body, I’ve never even thought about becoming a mother.
“And then the fact that my upbringing was pretty shit? Not the best references. All I know are piss poor parenting techniques.
“And if our kid hates us because of me, I… I don’t know what I’ll do.”
His hand moved to wipe away her tears (when did she start crying?), then settled back to her belly, their fingers intertwined this time. He said nothing for a while, and part of Toph cynically thought that perhaps he felt the same way. She prompted him to speak. “Is this your way of saying you agree?” she asked in an attempt to lighten her own mood.
“I wish…” Kanto paused; it was his turn to find the right words. “I wish you could see that you already are an amazing mother.”
Toph blinked, confused. He continued, “Everything you do is for our baby, and even your fears are all because you are worried about their wellbeing and happiness. That tells me everything about the kind of mother you will be. Selfless, thoughtful, loving…
“You could do motherhood in your sleep and by yourself, Toph. That’s how great you’ll be. But you don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got me, and we’ve got your friends.
“I know we won’t be perfect parents, but we have each other to lean on, and if you’re ever worried about anything, I’ll be there.
“And like I’ve told you before, my fatherly intuition says that we’re having a girl that will be just like you, and I couldn’t be more excited about that. I know all your tricks, Chief.”
His teasing remark got a scoff out of Toph, and she removed her hand from his to give him a light shove on the chest. Kanto’s hand captured hers again immediately after, and they laughed as he kissed it.
But everything else that he said, it felt reassuring. Not just in the moment, but as Toph thought through their future as parents, Kanto’s words gave her hope. He was right. Technically, they could be okay parents alone, but together, they would be amazing. And they’d lean on each other not because one would be a better parent than the other and needed help, but they wanted it.
That made all the difference.
Before she could even thank him for talking with her in the middle of the night, he smothered her with kisses all over her face until she was in a fit of laughter. And when she caught her breath, his warm hands found her round belly and so did his lips. He kissed her stomach lightly and spoke to their baby in a mock whispered tone. “Hey baby badgermole, I’ve got a secret for ya.
“Your Mama and I can’t wait to meet you, but there’s something you should know about Mama…
“She’s the Greatest Earthbender in the World, but she’s also the Greatest Mama in the World. She’s always gonna love you and protect you, just like I will.
“I thought you should know how amazing your Mama is before you meet her. And I don’t have a doubt in my mind that you’re gonna be just like her.”
He gave another loving kiss to the baby and hummed a goodnight to them before he made his way back to Toph. Once he settled back in bed, Toph inched her way as close to him as she could, burying her head in his chest and finding comfort in his warm embrace. His chest hummed in content as sleep found them again.
She remembered hearing him whisper right before she soundly slept, filling her with the reassurance that everything would be okay.
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom, Toph. I just know it.”
“I’m a terrible mother, Zuko.”
The Fire Lord shifted in his seat, startled by the bold statement and waited for an explanation. As he silently stared at her, he took in the beautiful surroundings before their focus turned to the morose topic that lingered over them.
It was a beautiful day in the Fire Nation, one of the first warm days of the season. The Beifongs traveled to the Fire Nation for a bit of a reprieve from Republic City. With the change in season, Zuko and Toph took advantage of the weather by sitting in one of the palace gardens with the children. Zuko watched as Lin clumsily ran around in the grass after Izumi while Kya coaxed the turtleducks to the edge of the pond.
They didn’t have a care in the world, not yet, at least, and Zuko naively hoped they never would.
Toph exhaled deeply, disrupting his observations. “I’m letting her down, I know it.”
Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. “What makes you say that, Toph?”
“I just—” she hesitated. Time made her more closed off, and it always took her a moment longer to admit more feelings.
But Zuko was patient, and he knew if he waited long enough, she’d open up.
Toph took another labored breath. “She’s looking for him. Everywhere we go. She wants him, not me. Which, I get, because I’d want him instead of me, too. If that wasn’t hard enough, everything she does reminds me of him.
“And I can’t stand it. I can barely hold her or take care of her because every other word she says is ‘Dada’ and I nearly break down when he’s mentioned. What kind of mother can’t even take care of her kid without wishing her dead boyfriend was around instead? What does that say about me?!”
He glanced over at Lin, who was crouching down to the ground with her cousins and gently patting the shell of a baby turtleduck. She seemed happy, content. Even if her mother was struggling.
“You’ve just had to deal with a lot right now, no one expects you to be perfect, Toph,” he reassured her. “Lin’s okay, she’ll be okay.”
“She won’t be okay if her mom keeps sulking around like this. Sure, maybe it’s fine now while she’s a baby, but she’s gonna grow up, and she’s gonna think I hate her.”
“No she won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
Zuko said nothing, and Toph cynically chuckled. “He said she’d be just like me, but I can only see his traits in her. She’s got his heart, the noises she makes when she sleeps are his, and her hands are his. And I just know she’s gonna have his laugh, and it’s gonna break me.”
“He said I could do this in my sleep,” she interrupted as she rubbed her eyes. “That I would be a great mom on my own if I had to, but he was wrong.
“He should be here, he’d be better at this than me.”
“Toph,” Zuko began again, “he’s only been gone a year. We’re here to help so you both can heal. Please don’t think you’re alone in this with him gone. You’ve talked with Aang, but have you talked with Katara at all about how you feel? I can interrupt her meeting if—”
“No, your lives shouldn’t change because mine did,” she interrupted.
“Our lives don’t have to change dramatically, but you also shouldn’t think that this is all your weight to carry.”
“But it is,” she insisted, her voice raising with every word she said. “Lin is my kid, I lost my partner, I have to raise her alone, even if I can’t.”
A heavy silence fell between the two friends. All they could hear were the sounds of children giggling and turtleducks quacking.
It pained Zuko to see Toph like this. She was trying to be so strong for Lin, and she was strong. Her ability to persevere was unlike any he had seen. Toph went to work, searched for Kanto’s killer, stayed in touch with her friends and kept them up to date on her feelings, and raised Lin. And she was raising Lin well, amazing even, considering all that they had been through.
He just wished she would see that as well.
But that was a tough sell to convince Toph that she was doing amazing in spite of everything. No matter how many ways he spun it, Zuko’s words didn’t reassure Toph; it seemed that no one’s words of encouragement comforted Toph anymore.
Lin approached Toph, and their conversation ended as abruptly as it began. Zuko watched as Toph picked up Lin without hesitation, a hint of a smile grew as the toddler rambled on about her day with the turtleducks. In between the story, Toph’s head leaned in toward Zuko, and she quietly suggested, “Think it’s time for a snack.”
So they left to grab an afternoon snack, and Zuko’s eyes never strayed from Toph and Lin, not even when Kya and Izumi asked to run ahead. He just couldn’t shake his vision away from them as he saw the adoration Lin had for Toph, and the love and anguish in Toph’s eyes as she listened to her daughter chat. Zuko could visibly see Toph’s strength and perseverance as she walked into the palace, and yet, she remained unconvinced of her capabilities. The Fire Lord sighed, wishing he knew how to help Toph, what to say. But not many could reassure Toph. Well, Kanto did. He knew all the right things to say to calm her, to give her strength.
Who could she lean on for that now that he was gone?
Zuko didn’t know the answer.
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the-turtleduck-pond · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
I finally have a semi-coherent thought about A:TLA again!
Zuko and Katara (or Sokka or whoever, it truly doesn't matter) in the crystal caverns... except they don't know he's Zuko. He's just some random -apparently- Earth Kingdom teen stuck down there with them.
They have no clue why this guy (who introduces himself as Li) is in there with them.
Then everything goes wild when Azula comes down and starts talking to them and inevitably calls him 'brother' or something.
240 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 00:00:03 GMT
So I've just been excited that c!Tubbo told c!Ranboo what happened. That he got executed because c!Quackity and c!Schlatt peer-pressured c!Techno and that he made the burns from that attack canon.
However I keep seeing people upset that c!Tubbo is not upset with c!Techno and that people are saying that the peer pressure was enough to cause him to do that.
However, I don't think any of them are actually thinking about the facts of c!Techno here because their arguments are always along the lines of "Oh, he could have fought his way out :/ He could have easily beaten them".
They're probably right, even against high odds, c!Techno could beat a lot of people. However, c!Techno isn't one to take a risk he doesn't have to and also -
The peer pressure does come into play, like it or not.
I would like to bring to the table that both cc!Techno and c!Techno have rather severe social anxiety. This is true and canon fact.
Do you know what it's like to be in a situation where everyone is staring at you when you have even normal anxiety? It's fucking terrifying. I'm saying this as a person with anxiety, both social and just plain anxiety.
So important people like c!Schlatt and c!Quackity, suddenly calling for c!Techno to execute c!Tubbo? He would be feeling all of those eyes on him in a situation where he doesn't have any authority and isn't mid-battle.
Fucking hell that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Put me in that situation and tell me to stab someone? That knife is gonna look like a good option for getting out of an awkward and terrifying situation. Just thinking of it makes me nervous to the point of my chest getting tighter.
c!Tubbo was in no position to really call him off either, he was literally trapped and couldn't do anything. He had no power to help c!Techno escape the situation of being watched while called to do something, which meant that c!Techno also felt trapped.
Not to mention that c!Techno and c!Tubbo usually got along before that. So c!Techno didn't exactly have ill will towards him either.
Had someone he trusted and worked well with - c!Tommy and c!Wilbur come to mind - tried to call him off, he more than likely would have hesitated more and even potentially just not done it.
But I'm sure some of you would argue that just c!Schlatt and c!Quackity doing it and no one speaking out against it isn't enough.
However, it wasn't just c!Schlatt and c!Quackity was it? it's something we don't want to think of for one very simple reason.
It was us too.
Chat is canon and Techno bends to our will quite often. When it comes to violence, we're the ones who get the final say and get to call the shots.
After all, our favorite phrase is "Blood for the Blood God" and we called for it that day.
And we aren't exactly small in number.
299 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 23:41:32 GMT
Has anyone ever noticed that when people in the Dream SMP fandom go "Oh, what this character did was unforgivable", "This character is bad", "this character is flat", or "This doesn't make any sense". You can always tell whether or not they watch the person they're complaining about?
Like, c!Tubbo's execution for instance. Every time I see someone say that c!Techno didn't care at all or his character enjoyed it, I can tell they don't watch Techno or completely misunderstand his character.
c!Techno spent several minutes stalling, all while trying to find a way to free c!Tubbo.
If you watch it from c!Tubbo's POV or any other character than c!Techno, it does look like he's just lining up a shot and trying to avoid c!Tubbo's talking, but if you watch Techno all that movement makes more sense. He was looking at c!Tubbo's imprisonment for a way to release him.
He can't. He's forced to go through with it. He gets close to use a weapon he himself doesn't know is effective because he knows at close range fireworks do more damage. Then fires off multiple shots until he gets the message. He also apologized beforehand for what he's doing.
The thing about c!Techno is he doesn't apologize if he doesn't mean it. If he didn't care about killing c!Tubbo he would have fired off his shots immediately and without a word of apology because he wouldn't have a reason to even pretend. He wouldn't have bothered stalling and he wouldn't have bothered with even a half assed apology.
Another thing is when someone says that c!Phil's is two dimensional. They clearly aren't watching lore from his POV, only from other people while he happens to be in the room. That or they completely don't understand what's going on. cc!Phil isn't an actor or writer by any means so of course his side will seem a little flat.
If you actually pay attention from his POV and to what's happening rather than purely how he's executing it, c!Phil does have a lot of motivation.
I've also seen people say that his character half-ass tries to explain away shitty things he does, but here's the thing. From c!Phil's POV, those excuses make sense. They aren't half-assed because to him they're exactly why he did it.
Just because you don't like it or it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean that it doesn't in the end make sense.
There are more situations than just this too, but people need to work on stopping and thinking about things and not just jumping in on a take that doesn't really have ground to hold it.
452 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 11:46:20 GMT
I swear-
c!Techno was abundantly clear to c!Tommy from the beginning that he was going to destroy L'Manburg. He stated it several times. He made no illusions about not wanting or planning to.
c!Tommy chose to ignore every verbal statement c!Techno gave him about this however.
Yes, c!Techno stated they could talk about it at one point, but need I remind you that any chance they had to talk about it was completely disrupted by c!Tommy leaving and therefore c!Techno had no reason to even hesitate anymore.
Also, despite seeing several people who seem to think otherwise, c!Techno had no intention to force c!Tommy to help him destroy L'Manburg. He asked but he also stated that c!Tommy didn't have to help and that he should just stay out of the way. c!Techno was essentially saying, "Just stay at the cabin, you don't have to be involved" and meant it.
Not to mention c!Techno showed c!Tommy a room with HUNDREDS of wither skulls. c!Tommy isn't dumb, he knows what that would mean.
So, NO. c!Techno did not lie and hide his intent to destroy L'Manburg and NO, he wasn't going to force c!Tommy to help him.
672 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 12:10:21 GMT
Things that piss me off when people ignore them, Dream SMP edition. (Surprisingly TikTok and Tumblr are innocent today, I'm just mad.)
c!Techno did not blow up L'Manburg. c!Wilbur did. c!Techno set Withers on the already destroyed city after they set up a government in front of him while knowing he was an anarchist that they had employed partly because he was an anarchist.
c!Wilbur manipulated c!Techno by lying to him multiple times throughout Pogtopia. He claimed Pogtopia was not a country -which is directly opposing what he told c!Tommy as they made Pogtopia- then proceeded to tell him that he wouldn't be making a new government when they took back L'Manburg.
Releasing Withers on L'Manburg was not c!Techno betraying them as he had no loyalty to them in the first place. He had been hired by Pogtopia to help them train and farm. He had no ties of loyalty beyond helping them regain the country. When betrayed and finding out he was lied to, he then proceeded to set the Withers on them. You cannot betray someone who you were never loyal to in the first place and he had no loyalty to L'Manburg.
From c!Schlatt's view, executing c!Tubbo made perfect sense. He was a mole that he found, not only in the country he was in charge of, but in the actual cabinet. Even if we don't like it, it made sense from his view.
c!Techno did not enjoy executing c!Tubbo. He was forced to. He would not have apologized or stalled for time while attempting to figure out how to free him if he had wanted to do it or didn't care.
c!Tommy did not mean to burn down c!George's house, it was an accident. He had set out to steal from people that day.
c!Ranboo was as much to blame for the destruction of c!George's house as c!Tommy was.
c!Tommy took all the blame for c!George's house being burnt down despite the fact that he knew that c!Ranboo was there too and he could shift some of the blame to someone else.
c!Quackity had no right to cause the formation of the Butcher Army. He went to c!Techno's land knowing that he wasn't causing any problems right then. He knew that c!Techno had no intent to fight and used Carl against him. Even when informed that c!Techno was retired he didn't care. Also, c!Techno simply responded to c!Quackity coming after him with the same reaction as c!Quackity gave him. Violence.
c!Wilbur was manipulating c!Tommy for a long time. Even as far back as the Disc Wars. When c!Wilbur told c!Tommy to give the discs to c!Dream, seconds later he privately messaged him to tell him to run, which caused even more chaos and harm in the end.
No matter how much you head canon otherwise, Sally was just a regular salmon.
682 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 18:38:55 GMT
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quentyl · 4 years
What does ATLA tell us about Ursa?
For context, originally this started as a response to an ask. I felt like I couldn’t answer properly without going over Ursa’s portrayal in the show first, ergo this very long post. I’ll answer the actual question later.
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Ursa only appears in one episode of the show (not counting Azula’s hallucination), has about a dozen lines, and apart from that is mentioned just a very few times. That’s not much, but there’s still a lot we can infer from that limited screen time.
Without further ado, let’s talk about Ursa as a mother first:
In her first scene, she’s sitting with Zuko on the ground and feeding turtle-ducks, giving off an aura of tranquility, relaxation and effortless grace. Even contentment. This is how the show chose to introduce her to the viewer: as someone who can laugh with her kid, be affectionate, and enjoy a peaceful moment.
Of course, she’s not just affectionate and sweet in this scene, she’s also protective. She says it plainly: “Zuko, that's what moms are like. If you mess with their babies, they're gonna bite you back.” At that moment, she was just joking with Zuko, but it foreshadows what she’s going to do a few days later, when the Fire Lord himself tries to mess with her baby: she bites back like a true mother. Ozai said that she did “vicious, treasonous things” that night. She herself, just before her disappearance, basically admits to having done terrible things, and she can’t leave without telling Zuko why, she needs him to know: “Everything I've done, I've done to protect you.” It’s interesting to note the plural here (“vicious things”, “everything”). So, though we aren’t shown anything directly, the show still seems to insist on the fact that Ursa got her hands dirty to save Zuko, that she killed Azulon herself and actually might have had to do other unpleasant things to accomplish that. So in spite of the lightness that seems to emanate from her at first, there is a dark side to Ursa.
Wrt Azulon and Ursa’s personality, there is another moment that is telling: when Zuko fails his demonstration before the Fire Lord, she does not hesitate to go over to comfort him, acting as if they are alone in the room. As if the most powerful man in the world isn’t watching, as if this isn’t a formal audience, as if she isn’t wasting the time of the Fire Lord. She tells Zuko that she loved watching him, as if it wasn’t Azulon’s opinion that mattered. She just throws propriety and caution through the window, Zuko’s hurt feelings eclipsing everything else in her mind, and forgets to give a fuck about her lord’s opinion (or her husband’s for that matter).
Ursa is also presented as her children’s primary authority figure, the one who’s charged with watching over them, giving them news, and preparing them for surprise meetings. But more than just an authority figure, she’s presented as the main good influence in their life, the one who teaches them about right and wrong. She makes Zuko play with Azula because she thinks they should bond as siblings (from the way Azula manipulates her using this, we can assume it’s a point Ursa has stressed as important in the past). She teaches Zuko to see things from others’ point of views (the mom turtleduck), she admonishes Azula without losing patience when her daughter shows lack of consideration for her uncle’s life, she reprimands her more strongly when she’s being deliberately insolent.
To summarize the above points: Ursa in the flashbacks is (almost) portrayed as the ideal parent: gracious, affectionate, playful, comforting, fiercely protective, authoritative, respectable, and the person who provides moral guidance to her children.
Ok but what about “our mom liked Zuko more than me” and “my own mother thought I was a monster” and “even you fear me”? Well, first things first, these are Azula’s thoughts, years after her mother abandoned her in order to protect her brother. While we have to respect her feelings, they do not necessarily match who the real Ursa was and thought. In particular, I think the Ursa we saw in the flashbacks didn’t seem to think of her daughter as a monster, or to be afraid of her at all - or she wouldn’t have forced Zuko to play with her (she does wonder “what is wrong with that child” but that’s in reaction to Azula making a deliberately provocative and ominous comment: she’d been acting borderline treasonous and kinda worryingly obsessed with the succession). Personally, I think that it’s more likely Azula who sees herself as a monster, not Ursa, and she projected that unto her mother because Ursa was the one who taught her how to distinguish between right and wrong and she believes that her mother wouldn’t have approved of the person she chose (and keeps choosing) to be.
That said, Zuko absolutely may have been Ursa’s favorite (studies found that most parents have one). Zuko himself doesn’t argue the point with his sister, and Ursa’s character description on the old Avatar website supports this (Zuko is flat-out described as “her favorite child”). Note that this doesn’t necessarily translate into Azula being treated unfairly by her mother. All we know for sure is that 14 years old Azula feels her mother liked Zuko more and that this thought hurts her deeply (personally, I tend to think that it hurts Azula more as a teenager than as a child, because it ties into her teenage self's deep well of anxiety about being unlovable in general - a “monster”).
The rest under the cut.
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Now that I’ve gone over how she was portrayed as a mother, I think it’s time to delve into her and her husband’s dynamic, and how it fits into her relationship with their kids:
(Disclaimer: note that Ozai and Ursa never interact during the flashbacks, so to know more about their relationship we have to read the subtext - and since it is subtext and not text, basically everything below is technically just my interpretation, and at best I can only argue that it is the most fitting interpretation.)
Let’s go back a moment to “What is wrong with that child?”: Ursa sounds genuinely puzzled here. But she shouldn’t be puzzled, she should be alarmed. “Fire Lord Azulon. Can't you just call him ‘Grandfather’? He's not exactly the powerful Fire Lord he used to be. Someone will probably end up taking his place soon.” - this isn’t just Azula being insolent and stanning her dad, like her earlier comments. Ursa should have taken the second part, “someone will probably end up taking his place soon”, as a warning. But she doesn’t (at least not at that moment). She just silences Azula and doesn’t immediately think “oh shit my husband is planning something” or even “what kind of fuckery has my husband been discussing in our daughter’s earshot”. Instead her reaction shows that she is kinda clueless about what’s going on. She seems to think the issue is just Azula being a weird child, and doesn’t immediately link her words to Ozai. So what we can infer from that is that Ursa, before that day, wasn’t very... aware of Ozai’s ambitions. At best, she knew he’d like to be Fire Lord without realizing that he actually does intend to do something about it - sorta like just because you know someone is jealous of their sibling’s sport car you don’t suspect they’re gonna kill them to steal it. The idea of Ozai attempting to take the throne is just not on her mind like it is for us, the viewers, when we’re listening to Azula talk about how her dad’s glory days are coming.
Note that Ursa is not the only one who didn’t expect such a move from Ozai. Azulon is furious and surprised at Ozai’s impudent request.
This disconnect between Ozai’s ambitions and Ursa’s simple enjoyment of life is also shown through her relationship with his older brother: it’s clear from the little we see of them that Ursa and Iroh get along very well. Ursa seems very fond of him: she’s happy to read his letter, laughs at his joke, admonishes Azula for her callousness regarding him (“it would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn’t return”), and is genuinely heartbroken for him when she learns of Lu Ten’s death (”Iroh has lost his son”). These scenes are telling us that Ursa isn’t in on Ozai’s plans, and wouldn’t support him if she knew of them.
But Azula supports him, wholeheartedly. Azula wants her dad to be Fire Lord because clearly he deserves it. There’s something a little unsettling about the fact that Ozai’s little girl knows what’s in Ozai’s heart and what’s on his mind, his dark designs, but his own wife doesn’t. Was she spying on him (we see her do just that at least once) or did he just take her into his confidence (also very likely, it looks like they do spend time together without their other family members)? Whichever way she came by her information, it immediately creates a chasm between mother and daughter - because suddenly they’re not on the same side anymore, politically. And the worst thing is, Ursa isn’t even aware of that chasm - or at least, she doesn’t seem to understand its importance yet (even though Azula tries to tell her).
To go back to Ozai and Ursa, by the time of the flashbacks not only are they not on the same page politically, they’re also not aligned on the matter of parenting. Ursa admonishes Azula for words that could have come directly from Ozai’s mouth, were he honest. They also don’t react in the same way at all to Zuko’s fumblings: while Ursa is just sorry that he feels bad and is proud of his tenacity, Ozai is unhappy about him even attempting a demonstration. So however their arranged marriage started, they failed to become a unit on the two most important fronts of that contract.
But note that while Ursa makes a show of comforting Zuko, Ozai’s disapproval is actually subtle - the viewers see it because the camera makes a point to focus on it. I don’t think Ozai was full-on abusive toward Zuko yet at this point, when Ursa was still in the picture. Copy-pasting from a previous meta: “In these flashbacks, Zuko didn’t seem scared of his father yet. He wasn’t afraid to perform before him, to cry and lament his failures before him, or to be comforted by Ursa before him. He didn’t seem overly worried to have embarrassed him in front of Azulon himself. He wasn’t afraid to demand answers from him after Ursa’s disappearance.” So it is very possible that Ursa wasn’t very aware of the depth of his disdain for their son, just like she wasn’t very aware of how intensely (terribly) he desired his father’s throne. Before that fateful day, it seems Ozai kept the monster inside himself hidden.
So what happened between them the night of Ursa’s disappearance? One thing that is really important to note, I think, is that Ozai was ready for a takeover before Ursa decided to do anything. Not only does Azula basically spell it out before Ozai even makes his request to Azulon (he did not intend to wait patiently for his father to die of old age, he intended to replace him “soon”), we see after the fact that he has at least the head Fire sage in his pocket (“As was your dying wish you are now succeeded by your second son” - that was most certainly not Azulon’s dying wish). When telling the story to Zuko, Ozai rejects the whole thing on Ursa, saying she was the one to propose a plan - but the flashbacks imply he had one himself beforehand whether it involved her or not.
Ursa somehow found a way to get to Azulon in the middle of the night. How did she even have access to his chambers? Did she kill the guards too? Is she a secret ninja or did she somehow trick them?
Even though Ozai was in on Ursa’s plan (by his own admission), he still banished her for it. Now he didn’t do that to save face, since the official story is that Azulon died of natural causes (it’s actually less suspicious if his wife doesn’t disappear on the same day). It could be a weird thing like Ozai actually did feel some love/attachment for his father, or respect for his position as Fire Lord, and felt he was somehow duty-bound to punish her for his murder even if he himself incited her to commit it (maybe he let her do the dirty work so that he can still feel like he himself is clean?). Or he banished her to silence her or keep her from assassinating him next (the justification he gave in the comics).
But then, whatever his reasons for banishing her, the question becomes why didn’t he kill her instead? He did not spare her to avoid bad press or some form of retribution, since as far as the public eye is concerned him killing her and then making her body disappear would look exactly the same as what he eventually did. Ultimately, she’s much less of a hazard dead than alive somewhere out of his control. At the very least, he could have kept her prisoner. So, unless there’s some other variables we’re not aware of, I can think of two explanations. The first is that after she left Zuko’s room that night, Ozai did actually kill her (or attempted to and she somehow managed to escape) and just lied to Zuko during the Eclipse - though I’m not sure why he would lie in that particular context. The second explanation - brace yourselves! - is that Ozai let her go because back then he still had ~feelings~ and couldn’t quite bring himself to kill her.
Subtext does, in fact, support the idea that Ozai did once feel something for Ursa, whether this is the reason he spared her or not. In animation everything is a choice. The people who made Zuko Alone decided that on the morning of his triumph - his father’s death and his impending ascension to the throne - Ozai wasn’t celebrating or plotting. He was brooding while thinking of his wife, just standing still at a spot where we know she used to spend some time (she’s sitting there when she receives news of Lu Ten’s death). Even if he wasn’t sad, at the very least he was contemplating what he lost in order to get what he wanted. Which means that there was something to lose there, that he could have chosen another life, but did not. The writers could have elected to show him pretending to be mourning his late father, or plotting, or preparing for his coronation, or not to show him at all, but they didn’t. This is a characterization choice.
So I know this is controversial but I do believe Ozai chose power over love (the opposite of Aang in The Guru). It’s also hinted at via Zuko’s idyllic memories of his childhood - of their family vacations on Ember Island. At one point, Ozai was willing to devote some effort to being a husband and a father, enough to take his family to his summer house and give Zuko a few happy memories with his father - the memories that he desperately clings to years later.
It could also maybe tie back to “what is wrong with that child?” i.e. Ursa not immediately recognizing that her husband was the problem. Maybe Ursa was unable to see how far he’d fallen because she remembered the person he used to be at the beginning of their marriage, and maybe this is also why she accepted to leave her children in his power and didn’t even warn Zuko about him or anything. The last thing she ever says to Zuko before leaving forever is “no matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are” - she might be telling her son not to turn out like his father, if she feels like Ozai forgot who he was. These are all just possibilities though.
So I think that’s about it: what I can infer from the show about Ursa’s relationship with her husband and children. Before I conclude this post though, I also want to talk a little about Ursa’s family before her marriage, because I find this fascinating:
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Ursa supports the war effort. I don’t think you can find a joke about burning Ba Sing Se to the ground funny unless you’re fully on-board with the Fire Nation’s imperialism. The writers didn’t have to show us this tidbit - it’s irrelevant to the rest of the episode - but they made a point of including it. It becomes even more interesting after we learn that Ursa descends from Roku and that Zuko didn’t know it. You don’t just forget to mention to your kids that they’re the Avatar’s great-grandchildren - this information was deliberately kept a secret. So there can be several possibilities:
Ursa wasn’t raised by Roku’s family i.e. she was raised by her other parent’s family, or she grew up in an orphanage, or she was adopted by some other folks. In this case, she might not feel any connection to Roku, if she even knows he’s her grandfather (Iroh knew but I don’t think this means we can irrevocably assume Ursa did too).
Ursa was raised by her family to support the war in spite of Roku’s position: this means that either Roku’s entire family basically disowned him and sided with Sozin, at least in appearance, or the family was divided in two with only one part rebelling against the throne.
Ursa was raised to support Roku, but she made up her own mind and decided she didn’t like being taught to hate her nation and Sozin was right, in spite of her family’s opinion.
Whatever the case, Ursa eventually just disappeared and no one seems to have made a fuss. So she either didn’t have any family left at that point, or she did but they were so alienated that they didn’t care, or she did but they were too utterly powerless to even demand an explanation.
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beignetbenny · 4 years
If you're comfortable would you share more you projecting your relationship onto Zukka? I originally followed you from the grocery trip post and i honestly love that sort of thing
You... you want me to project my relationship onto Zuko and Sokka more? My relationship? The one where my GF texted me “if i cosplay zuko and you cosplay sokka and we kiss would that be crazy or what?” that relationship?
I have literally been DYING to do this
Zuko and Sokka met in their junior year of college (performing arts college because if we’re projecting we’re projecting) and the first time Sokka sees him he’s already like: I’m in love
Since Zuko is an arts student, his style is a little more on the quirky side i’m not gonna lie. It’s usually a mix of grunge and goth stuff with the occasional surprise like “oh you have a turtleduck pin on your backpack. Are those pride flag socks?”
Sokka already had a pretty established friend group, but Zuko had transferred back in that semester after taking a leave of absence for family reasons. So, immediately sokka takes him in.
Zuko becomes really good friends with Aang and Katara and Suki and Toph of course, as they spend most of their time together. With rehearsing, running to get food at obscene times of the night still in their dance gear because rehearsals ran long. They food hop and get boba at 2 am, coffee at 3 am, McDonalds at 4 and so on. They go out and get pasta at midnight and refer to it as pasta time. Only one of them has to drop that phrase alone in the groupchat and everyone agrees on a time. Pajamas be damned. They get away with it because technically they are student athletes
A joke by Sokka that is run into the ground by the time they sneak ben and jerrys into a Tap level 5 placement. Zuko is the only other one out of the friend group that gets the highest dance placement as Sokka. It’s understandable, tap dancing is very hard, its’ a difficult skill, and not everyone can do a winged time step into navy time steps it’s rightfully difficult and the timing is off
So... the two of them start rehearsing together more. It wasn’t that they didn’t a lot before, but the class was mostly split and sure they were definitely friends outside of classes too but Sokka felt like his super mega crush on the hot belter who came in with Aftershocks from Next to Normal was something he could get over. So he kinda stuffed it away the more they worked together. 
Then they get assigned a scene. An acting scene. An acting scene that ended in a passionate kiss. An acting scene the teacher said they were both capable of
So they rehearse it. They’re both dead letter perfect by the first night because they have expectations to live up too and both of their siblings just get things so much easier and suddenly they’re talking instead of rehearsing.
Three hours pass before they remember “holy shit we’re running this with blocking in class tomorrow we should probably get this right”
So they go through the scene, the emotions are pretty high, and they both lean in for a stage kiss before Sokka stops
Sokka: Wait...  Zuko: What? Sokka: This is okay right? I can touch you? I mean we didn’t talk about it first and- Zuko: Sokka Sokka: And I know this is both of our first scenes with a kiss and i really respect you as an actor and i don’t want to make you uncomfortable Zuko: ...Sokka Sokka: And I just want to say that- Zuko: You can kiss me Sokka: What? Zuko: It’s not a big deal. We’re both trying to be professionals right? It doesn’t need to mean anything.  Sokka: ... yeah...
So they kinda uh... kiss... and they don’t really stop... kissing
They do it in class and the kiss maybe plays off a little too well. The other classmates clap, the teacher gives feedback. His main point is that you’re supposed to be in love but you’re acting like it hurts.
And sokka makes some bullshit excuse about how he saw the character differently and Zuko tags along to that idea giving more validity to the statement and the teacher is like “alright, bet. You’ve proved your point. It’s probably not what the playwright wanted but this is about expression so i’m glad you feel expressed”
They don’t rehearse together anymore because both of them feel like they’ve gotten it and don’t want to ruin anything. They still hang out. They still have pasta nights. But things are kinda weird. But more than anything, Sokka really misses his friend
In the end, they end up having to do the scene for a showcase. Meaning that during rehearsals they have to do it again and again and again and again until it sort of just becomes normal
Good luck kisses back stage turns into kissing in greeting when they’re visiting each others dorm rooms turns to picking up food orders for each other. Never in front of people, because you can make it platonic. And realistically it’s only done so both of you can make the stage kiss feel more comfortable.
But that doesn’t stop Sokka from being like “woah man i’m getting mad butterflies when we kissed even though I immediately called you dude after the kiss broke"
So sokka comes up with a plan because as much as he likes whatever they’ve got going on, which he does because friend and kissing and cuddling is GREAT for someone who is scared of commitment because the chance of something happening to that person would literally destroy him and that doesn’t feel great.
Instead, the night of the showcase he gets all of his friends to hype him up to ask Zuko out with his favorite candy, a coupon to get pasta, and well... the obvious question
But Sokka waits until they’re in places like an asshole but also because he’s kinda terrified and if something goes wrong it could change the whole dynamic of the scene and they’d both flunk out of fucking THEATER SCHOOL AND-
And he shoves the snack and the coupon and a note he hastily wrote into Zuko’s hands before running to his own entrance to do the scene because he’s stage left while Zuko’s stage right.
And they do the scene, but somethings a little off. Zuko seems distracted but he’s also happy? like super happy? Like did the laugh queue and made it sound genuine instead of spiteful happy? And he smiled into the kiss? That wasn’t... something they did. But Sokka went along with it because the scene SEEMED to be working fine
And then they go off stage and the second the theater darkens, Zuko shoves the prop pillows into Sokka’s chest
Zuko: Fuck you Sokka: What? What did I- Zuko: I mean, yes, obviously yes. The hot tamales were a great choice but fuck you. Sokka: Yes? Zuko: Yeah!
And that’s the only conversation they get in because they have to help with the other prop changes but the moment they are finally backstage and their mics are off they kiss in the little hallways backstage that goes from one entrance or another
(at least they think they’re mics are off but uh... that was embarrassing and i don’t want to put that on them carrying on)
When the show ends and they’re both wiping they’re stage makeup off about to leave their director approaches them and obviously they both think they’re in trouble because they just did a 180 to what they had practiced for the last month but the director loved it. And then he asks them why it was different and Zuko admits that something finally clicked. And the director chalks it up to opening night vibes and that now they should keep it that way for the rest of the performances
The night the show closes they do a Gaang pasta night and the rest of them don’t even realize anything is different until Sokka reaches over and takes something from Zuko’s plate (which was usually off the table and would result in getting fussed at) that they noticed something was up.
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Ten (Zuko x Reader)
Part Nine
Word Count: 2,750
Author’s Note: We’ve had enough sad. Like, in general. So I wrote some happy for this week’s update. This chapter was originally going to be longer, but I decided to save the rest of it for next week since it ended pretty nicely where it is.
I feel like now is a good time to mention that I haven’t read the comics (I didn’t even know there were comics until like two months ago) so if you’ve been wondering why this story diverges so much from them, that’s why. I see the canon and I think it’s great, but it’s just so much more fun to write my own interpretations of what happened to everybody after the war. Sorry not sorry. 
I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. I felt pretty okay yesterday, and I’m starting to not immediately hate everything I produce and am remembering how to talk myself up again after forgetting that anxiety and depression don’t rule my thoughts when it comes to my creativity. Things are still gonna be weird for a while, but we’ll be fine eventually. That’s how the human condition is - we always swing back at some point. 
~ Muerta
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“What do you know about Fire Nation prisons?” 
You expect Rina to falter at the question. She doesn't even flinch, continuing to dress you as if you asked her what she’d had for breakfast. 
“What do you want to know?” she wonders in return. 
You gaze off, allowing your mind to roam as you consider her question. 
Since your return to the Fire Nation, Zuko’s attentive attitude hasn't changed, and your fondness for him has grown in ways you never expected it would. During council meetings, it’s become a habit to hold his hand under the table where your advisors can't see (though Yong has caught you once or twice, smirking as if you were two school children passing love notes during class). You spend more time together in the evenings before bed, and some nights you invite Zuko to sleep beside you, missing his presence since returning to separate rooms - he’s always gone before sunrise to discourage any scandal (despite the fact that you're married), never leaving without a kiss to your forehead and a murmur of, “See you soon.” It’s also become routine to meet him by the turtle duck pond when you each have a moment to spare, the little creatures getting so used to your presence that many of them freely approach you, pecking at your palms in the chance you have a treat for them. 
“My mother and I used to do this,” Zuko confides during one of your breaks; it's the first cool afternoon since the beginning of summer, a few leaves from the overhanging maple tree floating on the pond’s placid surface. “I remember throwing a rock at one of the ducklings when I was a kid. Its mother bit me.” 
You giggle, opening your hand so a young male can nibble at the apple peel you hold out to him; you attempt to scratch his head while he eats, and he squawks at you. 
“Good for her,” you jeer. “Serves you right for being a dick.” 
Zuko chuckles, the curl of his lips framing a hazy sadness in his eyes. 
“Azula did stuff like that all the time,” he sighs. “I always felt… bad. Our mother knew what she was when she was really young. I was the one who got all her kindness. Sometimes… I think it's my fault Azula ended up the way she did.” 
“It isn't,” you assure him. You tuck your hand into his. “Your parents played favorites. It wasn't fair.”
Zuko hums absently, his gaze drawn out across the courtyard. After a moment, he’s pulled back to you, a playful grin tugging at his mouth.
“You remind me of a turtle duck,” he states. “You look harmless. You're cute. But you could really fuck someone up if they provoked you.” 
You laugh, slipping your hand from his to teasingly shove his shoulder; the turtle ducks around you scatter as he mirrors your reaction, doing little to defend himself against your loving attack. 
“Did you just call me ‘cute’?” you tease, reaching to pinch at his cheek - he grimaces, taking your hand away from his face by recapturing it in his. “Are you going soft on me, Hothead?” 
He chuckles, mirthfully flicking an apple peel into your hair. You notice the blush that colors his neck, unable to deny your own.
“Oh, Turtleduck,” he says with mock pity. “Is Sokka so bad at flirting that you never learned to pick up on it?” 
He's used his new pet name for you almost every day since he coined it; every time he does, your heart soars out of your throat and into the clouds. 
Through your bedroom window, you can see Zuko on the porch behind your chambers, leaned casually against the railing as he chats with Aang. 
Aang says something that makes the older man laugh; your innards seem to melt as the lines around the corners of Zuko’s eyes and lips wrinkle like folds in a bedsheet. Something in the scene riles you - you’ll slit a hundred men’s throats to protect that smile and the feeling it gives you. 
“This is about Azula,” Rina observes. 
One thing you've learned in your short time with her is that you can't keep secrets from her - chances are she already knows all of them. 
“I just want to know what her living situation is like,” you tell her, “how powerful she could actually be from inside a prison cell.” 
“You have a merciful husband,” Rina sighs, somewhat dreamily . “Azula doesn't live in a prison; he put her in a compound in the Si Wong desert. She's heavily guarded and follows strict schedules and rules, but he didn't want her to live the rest of her life in a cage.” 
“What about Ozai?” you ask. 
“He’s in a prison. I said your husband was merciful, not that he doesn't hold a grudge.” 
You smirk, momentarily eased from the worry that strains your mind. 
“Do either of them have access to the outside world?” you press. 
Rina shakes her head. 
“Azula has very little; the last she heard of anything outside the compound was your marriage announcement. Ozai has absolutely none. All the guards that keep both of them are from the unoccupied Earth Kingdom, so they have no allegiance to them, and only a select few guards are allowed to speak to Azula.” 
“So… there's no way they could be the masterminds of any of this?” 
Rina lifts her gaze from the sash she cinches at your waist, her dark, round eyes meeting yours; her expression is blank, but she speaks in a determined hush. 
“I can't say for certain. But Azula’s intelligence is violent and cunning; she sees things from a different perspective that isn't entirely human. She has insights that more empathetic people would never consider.” 
You nod slowly, understanding. 
“I'll talk to Aang.”
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Katara arrives from the Southern Tribe a few hours before the banquet you're hosting in Aang’s honor is scheduled to begin. You accompany her husband and yours to the imperial docks, a massive grin breaking across your cheeks the moment you spot her on the ship’s deck; she sends you a large, sweeping wave, catching you in her arms as soon as she's close enough to do so. 
“I'm so glad you're okay,” she cries into your ear. “How do you feel?” 
You nod, holding her by the waist as she pulls away. Her grip doesn't loosen, her arms still coiled around yours in an affectionate embrace. 
“I'm good,” you assure her. “I'm tough.” 
She smiles, pulling you in to kiss your cheek before turning to Zuko, greeting him with a warm hug. When she reaches Aang, her gestures are much slower, more tender. He takes her chin between two fingers and kisses her gently, his other hand positioned low on her waist as it presses her tightly against him; the action is so out of character for the two - typically so lively and averse to such kinds of public affection - that you and Zuko share an instinctive, curious glance. 
“Did we forget their anniversary or something?” you whisper, fear jolting through you when a look of panic crosses his features. 
“... I don't think so,” he says after a pause. “Maybe… he just missed her?” 
The confusion on his face is endearing - he's more emotionally intelligent than most people, but he's the last person who knows it. 
“Could be,” you agree. “This is the longest they've been apart in years.” 
The two of you watch as Aang assists Katara into Appa’s saddle, another strange behavior considering how used to flying Katara is. Neither of them seem to notice your staring, Aang leaning in for another lingering kiss before taking his place at the reins.
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You return to the palace and are met with commotion, servants and high-level diplomats scrambling this way and that in a flustered frenzy. Everyone immediately alerts, prepared for yet another catastrophe. 
“What's going on?” Zuko demands as Rina approaches you; she doesn't hide her sneer at his brash tone, and you smirk as he apologetically shrinks back. 
“You have visitors, come to give their congratulations for your marriage,” Rina explains. 
“Who?” Zuko wonders. 
“Sun Warriors. They're waiting for you in the throne room.” 
Zuko and Aang exchange a look of shock. As you're ushered through the halls of the administrative wing and into the throne room, you take Aang by the arm, pulling him close so you can whisper to him. 
“Who are the Sun Warriors?” you ask. 
“They were the first fire benders,” Aang tells you. “They were supposedly wiped out, but Zuko and I met them when we visited their island at the beginning of my fire bending training. Their existence is supposed to be a secret.” 
“Then why would they come here?” 
“Your guess is as good as mine.” 
The throne room is silent - empty save for your entourage and guests - but a constant, electric buzz seems to hang in the air. Zuko falls into step beside you, taking your arm in his as you approach the group of visitors gathered before the throne; their clothing suggests Fire Nation, but from a different world, ancient to the point of almost primal. Each person present is decorated in baroque jewelry, glimmering gold and laced with vibrantly colored beads placed in intricate, deliberate patterns. Their faces are painted in stark lines of red and white, some across their noses and cheeks and under their eyes, others over their chins and foreheads; the makeup is so similar to Water Tribe markings that your eyes widen, unable to stop yourself from leaning in as you attempt to get a better look while also remaining dignified. The warriors are also much more robust than their mainland counterparts, with stocky builds and robust features - they remind you of your own people, leaving you in awe. 
“Chief Sunan,” Zuko addresses the leader of the group, bowing low as he speaks; you follow suit, leveling your gaze with the floor. “To what do we owe the honor of your visit?” 
The chief smiles faintly, warmly at the two of you, bowing in return. 
“We are not so cut off from the outside world that we have not heard of your marriage,” he says. “News has traveled to us of the strength of your union, and the tenacity of your bride. As Firelord, you have protected us, and made strides to restore the ancient ways of the element - we have come to give you our thanks, and offer our blessings to the both of you.” 
Chief Sunan steps aside then, making way for a man and woman carrying a basket between them; they lower it at your feet, bowing as they step back to rejoin their people. 
“A gift,” the chief proclaims. His muted grin morphs into something more knowing, almost mirthful as he watches Zuko approach the offering. 
You rest a supportive hand on Zuko’s back as he leans forward, lifting the lid of the basket to reveal its contents; he raises a bundle of blankets from the vessel, his eyes growing wide as he peels the fabric back. 
Inside the package is a dragon, just small enough to be cradled in his arms. Its scales are a gorgeous crimson, glinting and shifting between hues of gold and turquoise in the light cast from Zuko’s bended fire that surrounds his empty throne. The little beast peers up at its new parent with amber eyes that mirror your husband’s. Zuko lets out an astonished breath, raising his gaze to meet Chief Sunan’s. 
“I can’t accept this,” he states, so quietly that only you and the chief can make out the words. 
“You must,” Chief Sunan counters, his smile never faltering. “The masters insisted.” 
Under your palm, you feel Zuko’s body tense. He nods, cautiously settling the tiny dragon into your arms; you hold the bundle tightly, reaching in to stroke gently at the baby’s nose. It purs appreciatively, and your heart swells. 
Zuko bows, lowering himself to the floor in the ultimate display of respect. 
“Thank you,” he says. “I vow to protect him with my life.” 
When he once again stands, he looks to Rina. 
“Accommodate them however they need,” he commands. “Send a group of our Kyoshi Warriors to the island to guard it from outsiders.” 
Rina nods, scurrying off immediately to delegate the tasks. Chief Sunan then approaches you, resting a hand on your shoulder; you meet his eyes with slight fear, but find only kindness looking back at you. 
“We are grateful our bloodlines will merge once again,” he tells you. “The origin of our people is a history that has been lost to time, long before the war was even a speck on the horizon. You see, the Sun Warriors are descendents of migrant peoples from the earliest ancestors of the Southern Water Tribe as well as the Fire Nation - what our mothers and fathers knew of water bending shaped our understanding of fire. Your union brings our people together once again, as they should be.” 
Zuko wraps an arm around your waist, proudly pulling you against his side. You draw in a shaky breath, leaning into him as you nod, tears pooling along the lines of your lower eyelids. 
“It’s an honor to finally meet you,” you say. “I’ll do everything to make sure we regain our lost history. I promise.” 
Chief Sunan smiles temperately and nods, his fingers contracting around your shoulder in an appreciative grasp. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. “We are proud to call you our queen.” 
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You invite the Warriors to stay for the night, Aang eagerly informing them of the banquet you have planned; by the time your reception of the unexpected visitors is finished, there's little more than an hour before it begins. 
Zuko brings your new ward back to your quarters, keeping him tucked protectively under his arms until you shut the sitting room door securely behind you. He then unravels the blankets the little creature is wrapped in, allowing him to explore his new home. 
“I thought dragons were extinct,” you marvel, watching as the fabled reptile twists and turns his body around every piece of furniture he encounters, inspecting everything he sees with humanlike interest. You smile, endeared by his wonder. 
“There are two still living,” Zuko explains. He kneels down beside the dragon, offering him a bit of a rice cracker from the box you keep in a side table for your nightly tea. “Three, now, I guess. The other two are the fire bending masters Aang and I had to seek approval from after I joined their team. Honestly, I thought they were both males.” 
“You must have made a good impression for them to trust you with their kid,” you remark, stifling a bit of laughter at his confession. “Maybe this’ll get Yong to stop bugging us about getting me knocked up.” 
Zuko chuckles, glancing up at you with an impish grin; the suggestive expression makes you blush, and you try to not admit to yourself that the excitement it sparks isn't unwelcome. 
The baby dragon lets out a mewling growl as he wraps himself around Zuko’s shoulders. He blows a minuscule jet of flame into the Firelord’s face, which Zuko mimics. You feel like squealing. 
“What should we call him?” you ask, lowering yourself onto the floor beside your husband. You hold a finger out to the dragon, which he curiously takes into one of his clawed hands. 
“Druk,” Zuko answers. “He looks like a Druk, doesn’t he?” 
You nod, your cheeks pinkened by the smile that’s plastered itself across your face; Zuko’s eyes meet yours with the same joyed expression. He maneuvers himself closer to you, resting his hand atop yours in your lap. As his fingers curl around your palm, you become achingly aware of just how near to you he is, and in a way that’s no longer friendly - the tension is heavier now, strained under the weight of a giddy, fluttering mania that leaves you dizzy. You don’t have to wonder if he feels the same. 
“Guess we’re parents now,” Zuko jokes, his voice barely above a breath. 
You giggle, taking the chance of leaning in to brush your lips to his. Your skin hardly touches; you’re too nervous to dive in and taste him, and for a moment after you pull away, you fear you may have imagined the glancing kiss. The fire that flares across Zuko’s cheeks tells you you didn’t. 
“Yeah,” you smirk, speaking in a murmur. “Guess we are.” 
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Me? Combine two soulmate AUs and add in an animal hybrid AU????
Of courze, buckle up buddies this is gonna be a bit if a bumpy ride
Dream soulmate/soulpairs AU/Soulmate Ribbons AU/Animal Hybrid AU
Dream: Basically like last time you cant control when you visit, you cant see them, you cant say your name or where you're from. But this time its a legit group dream. In the dream your soulmate(s) will have a ribbon around them apposed to the simply blurred soulpair(s)
Ribbon/animal hybrid: with the ribbon au it ties in with the animal for the most part. You're born with a ribbon tied around your animal feature, whether it be at the base of a fluffy wolf tail, the end of a cat/lemur tail, at the base of cat ears/bunny ears, on any type of horns. Regardless of where it happens to be tied, it cannot be removed, it can be burnt or singed but it cant be cut or removed. The color of your soulmates nation appears after you meet your them, and you can then see the color of yours around them during dreams
So basically Zuko's 12th birthday he goes to sleep and in his dream there are three people with one surrounded by a pale white ribbon.
"H-hello?" He called out.
"Hi!" A cheery voice called out
"Im assuming you're all.. not my soulmate, because I'm 8" a slightly annoyed young girl called
"Your a soulfriend for me!" A chipper Boys voice broke through, the voice of the bright figure
"Uhm, I know I can't know your names, but I'd like to be able to distinguish between all of you... uhm,"
"Call me Bandit" the younger girl called out
"You can call me Oshi"
"And uhm..."
"I'll call you turtleduck" zuko interrupted him
"What? Why that?"
"Uh, well, I have a turtleduck pond by my home and I like it there, and uh, your my soulmate so..."
"Oh! Uhmm... what should I call you?" The boy paused a moment
"Sunshine? Maybe?"
"Yeah! Sunshine!"
"Alright, so, Bandit, Oshi, Turtleduck, and Sunshine?" Oshi piped in
"Yeah," bandit hummed "by the way, whats a turtle duck?"
"Ill show you one whe-"
"Im blind"
"What? Oh, im sorry, I didnt know. Well, if we ever meet I'll let you hold one. I'm sure it'll get the idea across."
"Youre blind?! That sounds so cool! I bet your other senses are heightened" Oshi chirped at the thought
"Yeah, and so is my bending! I can see with me bending, but im not too good at it yet"
"You're a bender? I dont know if we can find out what kind" Turtleduck mused
"Let me try... im an earthbender!"
"Woah! Cool! So you use earthbending to see?" Zuko questioned
The rest of the dream was fairly blurry to him. He ran to his mom to talk about his dream, going on about Oshi, Bandit and Turt; he shortened turtleduck because well, he wanted to.
They dont meet up until later that year, after his mother had left him he was found crying
"Sunny?" He heard Bandit call out
"Huh!? Oh hey guys, sorry, im fine" he sighed "I- I lost my mom just last week"
They all comforted him and then pulled the conversation to different topics, Turt talking about going hunting with his dad and getting hit wolf tail caught on a fishing line. Bandit talked about her earthbending and how she learned how to use her badger tail to bend as well. Oshi all the while hovered as close as the dream would let her, it felt similar to a motherly protection and he appreciated it greatly.
The next time they saw eachother was about two nights after his banishment he was found pouting but quickly came out it the pout when he heard Turt calling out
"SUNNY! Sunny! Hi! Oh Tui! Hi Bandit! Hi Oshi!"
"Hey Turt!" The girls called out "Sunny, whats got you down?"
He sighed "i left the firenation today"
"Woah woah, hold on, why did you leave- oh were you from there? Why would you leave?" Oshi pried.
"Uhm, I was banished for losing an agni kai against my dad"
"An Agn- thats a firebending duel! Your still just 13!" Turt cried out
"Yeah, well, my dad doesnt care about that, he made sure I'd remember that by burning me, now i have to find the avatar before I can return home"
Their conversation lasted for what felt like several blurry hours. When he woke it was to Iroh walking in with some tea. Zuko shot up and managed to get his blanket caught in his horns "AAAGH!" He growled out "help... please" iroh simply chuckled and untangled the blankets from Zuko's horns
"How was your sleep nephew?" Iroh asked as he started to pour them some tea, handing Zuko his cup.
"I talked to Oshi, Bandit and Turt again" he mumbled while bringing the cup to his lips and blowing some of the steam away.
"Thats good, were you able to discuss your banishment? I'm not sure if the dreams will let you, my soulmate and I have never met nor have we ever left our nations"
"Yeah, I was able to tell them everything, well the banishment and" he motioned to his now healing eye wound.
They had met a few more times over the next three years, Oshi revealing that she has a lion tail that is most certainly not as clumsy as Turt's consistently caught wolf tail.
About a week after Zuko arrived at the southpole and managed to lose the avatar there was another dream
"Sunny!" Turt sounded angry
"Uh, y-yeah?"
"You visited my tribe today" the ribbon around Turt was red
"Oh, uh yeah, I'm sorry. Did I hurt someone, I wasn't trying to, I just needed to grab the avatar"
"YOU DONT NEED THE AVATAR SUNNY!" Turt was fuming "youre chasing the avatar for what? The love of an abusive father?"
"Hes no-
"He is Sunny! I dont know the full extent of it. But if he broke your horn, burnt you, and then BANISHED YOU all for speaking out of turn, then that spells abusive!! That level of abuse and your level of wanting to be back says clearly that you were neglected and abused, what the FUCK Sunny!"
Zuko was frozen but it wasnt silent
"We've been trying to tell you this Sunny, your dad is terrible and you deserve actual love, your uncle is a much better dad than him, and you know it" Oshi piped up
"Yeah, I know but-"
"And! If I ever get my hands on him, it'll be his last day alive. Mark. My. Words" Bandit cracked her knuckles
The dream went on for a while longer with the trio eventually convincing Zuko he shouldn't search for his fathers love by capturing the avater. Turt managed to convince him to join forces with the avatar the next time he saw them. The next time he met up with the avatar was on Kyoshi Island, where he entered the town without his armor or helmet, and instead wearing casual garmets.
"What are you doing here Zuko?" Katara growled at him with the hairs on her tail standing on end. Aang was behind her with his lemur tail flicking angrily.
"Well, im not here to capture you if that's what you think. I came to join you"
"Why would we ever believe that?" Aang's voice was nearly as angry as Katara's
Sokka was beside Katara in a similar stance but had yet to respond
"Well, I honestly don't expect you to believe me, unless any of you happen to be Turt, Oshi or Bandit." He paused "look I was burnt and banished at 13 by my own father just for speaking up in a war meeting about how cruel it was to sacrifice new recruites for a bigger win, and my father sent me out to find the avatar." He sighed "i would have continued but Turt and Oshi managed to help me understand where I was wrong in thinking and made me see just how abusive my dad is"
"Sunny?" Sokka finally spoke but was matched with one of the Kyoshi warriors
"Huh? I mean, yeah they call me that, wait are you Turt?" He then turned to the warrior and saw the lion tail "Oshi!?" He stepped back in a moment of surprise.
"Oh my gods Sunny what the hell!" The wolf and lion laughed
"Wait, Zuko is the Sunny you've been talking about!?" Katara and Aang said in unison.
From there out Zuko was a part of the team. Suki having to stay behind for the time being. The group traveled via Appa or by boat. Katara, Sokka and Iroh having lengthy in depth conversations about waterbending and pai sho. He may or may not have been making an attempt to recruit them both slowly but surely.
When they met Toph she put two and two together so fast. "You're Sunny and Turt!" She exclaimed before they duo could introduce eachother
"Wait! Bandit!" Thay said in unison
"The one and only Blind Bandit!" She said proudly.
After meeting with her Zuko became acquainted with a chaotic good type younger sister as apposed to his own chaotic evil. Toph would often launch herself into his shoulders, grab his horns and say "onward noble dragon steed!!" Which he didnt mind so he never complained much.
Let's fast forward to the desert. While Sokka Aang and Katara went into the library to explore, Zuko and Iroh stayed behind with toph to protect Appa, when the Sand benders arrived while the Library was sinking the two firebenders fought off the sandbenders until the trio emerged and they ran off. Zuko, however had fought practically tooth and nail to keep appa there, dodging sand and blasting fire to distract the benders when they tried to use the sand beneath his feet against him. He collapsed from the exhaustion of not only fighting with a dozen benders in their element, but also the heat of the sun. Iroh on the other hand asked Katara for a bit of water to make sure he didnt collapse as well.
"Zuko!" Aang cried out when he watched Zuko collapse in the sand. They all got back on Appa and made their way out of the dessert.
Not long after they stopped at a small body of water to rest and wash up Appa so he wouldn't be shedding and attracting anyone Zuko taking a hot minute to get his strength back. They were approached by a couple who happened to have a baby on the way and Zuko nudged Aang "we should take them with us, yknow, spread some joy"
So they flew the couple with them to Ba Sing Se with them. They managed to get in to tell the earth king their invasion plan, as well as taking down the dai li with the proof of the drill right outside the wall. Without having the advantage of the Kyoshi disguises Azula didnt manage to gain the upperhand against Ba Sing Se, and in turn she had no idea about the invasion plan. Aang had his crisis at Ember island before the invasion and met the lion turtle just before they had to leave.
When the invasion began Zuko and Aang both went off to the city, Zuko in his blue spirit get up with his swords on his back literally being dangled in the air by Aangs weirdly strong ass tail. When the landed on the roof, it was still a bit until the fire kicked off. So they were dodging fire balls while running towards the palace, however right before they went into the throne room Azula appeared. She went to shoot fire but was shocked to see no fire come out. Aang smirked and bended the earth around her to keep her in place.
They went in to Ozai, Zuko drawing his swords and Aang readying himself to fight a powerful bender who possibly had skills other than bending. But they were met with a practically powerless man who didn't take long to defeat, taking his life wasn't the option, however, Aang knew that, and so he took his bending away, to the absolute awe of Zuko who watched the blinding light for a moment before shielding his eyes.
After the success of the invasion Iroh took the throne when Zuko told him he was simply not ready. However Iroh made a deal with him, he would be firelord for all of 5 years, set the ground work for Zuko and let his nephew take up some studying in the other nations as well as his own to figure out how he would rule after the 5 years were up.
And he did, he gathered as much information from the other nations, all with Sokka joining with him. He spend a year at the south pole, helping rebuild the place, he spend a year at the northpole studying the scrolls available, he spent a year going to each large earth kingdom city, and then he spent his fourth year in the firenation reading every scroll he could. One night while in his room reading through a pile of scrolls he leaned onto Sokka's shoulder for support, but Sokka took the scroll out of his hands "alright enough reading for you tonight, come on little dragon its bedtime"
Sokka's tail was absentmindedly wagging side to side as he helped his soulmate undress and get into more comfortable clothes, of course getting the cloth stuck on those pesky horns a couple times. But soon they were both laying in bed with Zuko resting his cheek against Sokka's chest while Sokka ran his fingers through his hair.
They could stay like this forever. And wouldn't you know it, after Zuko took the throne he proposed to Sokka and the two were soon married, the Wolf and the Dragon.
At the wedding Toph and Suki were the first to show up, bringing gifts, Suki gave them a pair of gold fans, one with a turtleduck on it and the other with a sun on it. Toph on the otherhand had brought a dagger with a dragon carved on the blade and a wolfs head on the handle.
>another marraige wrap up? Of course, its me what else would I do?
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smolfrogi · 4 years
Love amongst the Himbos
by: Roman
tw’s: homophobia(briefly), swearing, some violence
Multiple parts, I’ve got a lot of world building and not enough space in one part
“Get up, bitchboy.” Ah, one of Toph’s lovely greetings.
“I’m doing it, I’m doing it.” Sokka lied.
“I may be blind but I know you’re still in bed, pissbaby,” Toph growled. “Don’t make me get Katara.”
“I should’ve never given you a house key.” Sokka grumbled, standing up. He wrapped up his arms in white bandages and put his hair up in a ponytail. “If I get called to the guidance councilor for wearing these one more time, I’m gonna kill someone.”
“I genuinely do not care.”
“You’re so nice, why don’t you have more friends?” Sokka retorted.
“They can’t handle the power of my greatness. I’m the greatest earthbender in the world, y'know.” Toph answered.
“Alright, let’s go.” Sokka walked through the door, with Toph following. Katara joined them. They walked out the door and down the street. Why is this sophomore hanging out with a 7th grader? Who cares.
“I heard there’s a new kid at school.” Aang added when they picked him up on the way. “He’s from New York or something, a private school kid, y'know?”
“Hm. I wonder why he’s moving here.” Katara thought out loud, opening the door to the school.
“Oh, did I tell y'all I hit 4k on tiktok?” Sokka bragged.
“Yes. Like 40 times.” Toph stated bluntly. The cafeteria was chaos as always. Sokka walked across the cafeteria to get the school’s breakfast since he didnt have time earlier.
Sokka’s stomach filled up with dread. Hide,  fucking Hide. He was the worst. Hide tormented all of the students, especially the 6th graders just trying to find somewhere to sit. Lucky for him, Hide never tried to make fun of Sokka. What we he even insult him over? “Haha! You have straight A’s and biceps!”? Sokka didn’t recognize half the kids at school anyway, why should he care about some asshole?
“Oooo! What’s this?” Hide’s ‘crew’ circled around an almost empty table. “A new kid? What’s your name, shorty?”
No response. Shouldn’t have done that.
“He asked for your name.” One of his goons thumped his hands on the table.
“Cool.” The boy muttered. His voice was raspy and deep. He spoke quietly, but with a fatal amount of sass. Hide, an asshole, obviously didn’t like that.
“You think you can talk to me like that?” He snapped. Where the hell are the teachers? He yanked the boy out of his seat.
The kid had dark hair that fell over his eyes and crept down his neck. On the left side of his face, a huge scar covered his eye and reached across his ear, which had a hearing aid. “Leave me alone.”
“Oh, I will! After I kill you.” Hide swung at Zuko, but his hand was blocked before he could reach. Sokka clenched his wrist and twisted it around his back before shoving him.
“You’re a coward, Hide.” Sokka challenged.
“What’s wrong, faggot? Got a crush on him already?” He mocked. Sokka stepped back.
“No. But you’ve just about pissed me off-” The bell rang and interrupted Sokka.
“Saved by the bell. See you after school.” Hide smirked before walking off.
“I can handle myself.” The kid grabbed his bag.
“I never caught your name, emo.” Sokka remarked.
“Yeah, I didn’t throw it.” He paused, throwing the bad over his shoulder. “It’s Zuko,” he answered. “yours?”
“Sokka. Well Zuko,” Sokka cleared his throat. “What’s your first class?”
“Ah, my pal Mr Zei. Follow me.” Sokka started toward the hallway.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I have history, and I’m late already. Now I can say I was showing you around.”
Zuko nodded.
“Sokka, you’re late? You’re never late, are you okay?” Zei asked.
“Yeah, of course, I was helping the new kid!” Sokka answered. Zei nodded and gestured towards Sokka’s seat. “Psst! Zuko!”
Zuko didn’t even look at him.
No reply.
Sokka poked him in the arm.
“What?” Zuko asked, he had one hand on his ear.
“Are you paying attention?” He asked.
“They were being loud earlier, I turned my hearing aid off.”
“Oh, well Zei’s starting a lesson.”
Zuko nodded.
Zuko pov
“And that concludes the Tutum Unision. Can anyone tell me about the siege on Ba Sing Se?” Zuko flinched at the mention of it. “Hide?”
“General Iroh, a-k-a the Dragon of the West, started the siege on Ba Sing Se in 2013 with his son, Lu Ten,” Hide started. Zuko closed his fists. “The siege ended when-”
“Can I go to the bathroom?” Zuko clenched his teeth. “Please?”
“Um…yes. You may. Raise your hand next time.” 
Zuko ran down the hall, trying to shake the panic. He went into the bathroom and sighed. Fuck. You’re such a pussy..
Zuko breathed slowly, releasing some fire through his breath, he closed his eyes. There’s no more war. There was never war in Tutum. That’s why we’re here. Zuko thought to himself. He pulled himself together after a few minutes. He left the bathroom slowly enough to get back almost the moment they were about to leave.
“Sorry about…whatever that was…” Sokka sighed.
“It’s fine.”
“Well anyway, what’s next?”
“English Language Arts.”
Sokka rolled his eyes. “It’s down the hall- just look for the room with cartoon book stickers on the door.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, mostly just to be polite. He felt strangely upset that Sokka wasn’t coming.
“Romeo and Juliet. Chapter one, who wants to start?”
French, already speak it. “Bonsoir! Je parle français. Vous aussi.”
Math. “If X is 2 and Y is 6, What is K?”
Chemistry. “Safety must be taken very seriously in this class…”
It all felt useless, y’know?
“Zuko?” Sokka had seen Zuko from his desk. His blue eyes were squinted, almost shut, in a bright smile. His hair was pulled back messily. He wore a dark gray pullover hoodie, with a NASA logo on the right side of his chest, that fit him just right. Zuko thought about how beautiful Sokka was until he snapped himself out of it, that’s not who he was, he didnt think like that.
Sokka came over and sat down next to him. He breathed softly while he copied the instructions onto notebook paper, small animals and trees were scribbled into the margins.
Sokka pov
Sokka scribbled in the margins of his paper to distract himself. Turtleducks and Badgermoles, even Aang’s Bison. He started sketching out a sheepcat.
“I have some of those.” Zuko pointed at his drawing. “Sheepcats, I mean.”
“Oh. That’s,” Sokka paused. Say something, dumbass! “nice?” DUMBASS 
“Yeah.” Zuko looked back at his paper.
“I- uh, what are their, their names?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation going, it’s not like they’re going to do anything. Imagine! Doing actual activities in Study Hall!
“Druk, Ursh, and…” He paused.
“Lu Ten jr.- Lu for short.” He finished.
They kind of sat looking at each other, not knowing what to say. Sokka looked down at his paper. “I, uhm, I have a polar bear dog.”
“You do?”
Alright, this officially sucks.
It ain’t much, but it’s chapter 1.
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