#the indignation
frostbeees · 7 months
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sea @ ari · 11.7.23
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injuries-in-dust · 9 months
He escaped into the wild again.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
when obi-wan said 'I won't kill anakin' and then spent the entire rest of his life following through on that. fuck everyone else obi-wan I respect you yoda should've taken you at your fucking word
'boohoo why did he walk away and not kill anakin this time either even with all the suffering he'll go on to cause if he lets him go' he's told you why very clearly you just didn't believe him I guess!! desperately not killing anakin is obi-wan's main export. it's his universal constant, his life's work, his magnum opus. he gets creative about not killing that guy. he tries to send anakin's teenage twink son to do the job for him because he simply can't. he fucking... peaces out and dies to avoid killing anakin. that's like his whole deal. whether he's right to be like this is another entirely separate conversation but it is what he is
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mobius-m-mobius · 13 days
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it's a fair question 🙃 Lokius Incorrect Quotes [12/∞]
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valiants · 9 months
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arthurslesbian · 1 year
gwen believed her but arthur didn't :(
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bbygirl-obi · 9 months
considering shaak ti was like 6'2" i love the idea that female togrutas are taller on average than female humans. this is in part motivated by the fact that i love leaning into the carnivore/predator vibes of togruta bc i think we all deserve a lil more adventurous alien biology. but it is also in part bc i love the trope of younger characters being taller than older characters.
please see the vision: when ahsoka first passes 6'0" in height and is taller than obi-wan, anakin loses his SHIT and won't shut up about it. he's so fucking giddy about it bro. teasing obi-wan is like, his favorite thing to do aside from hang out with padme. the height jokes now that obi-wan is officially the shortest out of the trio are marvelous and anakin loves every moment of it.
but then... then ahsoka keeps growing. and soon she's 6'1" and anakin is getting a bit nervous, though he vehemently denies it when asked. and then she's 6'2" aka anakin's exact height and still growing and suddenly anakin doesn't find the height jokes funny any more.
...and then, one day, she inches past anakin. and suddenly anakin finds himself the butt of all of the jokes he made about obi-wan, but it's a million times worse because he's used to being the tallest. please please PLEASE imagine all of the different expressions (and colors) that would cross anakin's face the first time ahsoka rests an elbow on his head or, gods forbid, calls him "shorty."
tldr: i think ahsoka deserves to be tall and buff enough to carry her masters like this, as a treat:
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ariadne-mouse · 11 days
Ludinus, fuming through the 4th wall: SEE I couldn't have KNOWN about the moon back door because this apparent god "Matthew Mercer" MADE IT UP on the fly in the 11th hour of my plans. This is yet another example of the gods having too much power. In this essay I will-
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nerdpoe · 9 months
There was a slight miscommunication.
Danny says "Get souped!" or variations of it when he soups a rogue.
In a different dimension, the few recordings that the Justice League was able to get their hands on of the High King of the Infinite Realms didn't really have a lot of sound coming through, just static.
They need to summon him to wrangle a threat from his home dimension, but they can't hear what he wants.
But Batman can read lips.
Clearly, the best offering to summon the Ghost King is soup.
"I'll have Agent A make soup," he says, completely neutrally.
"I think we'll need the best soup, though. How about I go get my Ma to make some?" Says Superman, side eyeing Batman.
"I believe my mother knows of a fantastic recipe only found in Themyscira," says Wonder Woman, checking her nails.
"My dad left me a recipe for the best fish stew I've ever had," says Aquaman, already halfway out the door to get groceries.
"My pop makes a real good chicken noodle; you can't beat the classics," says Static, already texting his father.
"I have managed to make the most accurate approximation that I can to a very widely enjoyed Martian stew," says Martian Manhunter, staring Superman down.
All of the Heroes assembled glare at each other.
"...How about we let the King decide?" Asks Constantine, shrinking in on himself when the attention gets turned on him.
The High King get's summoned to a row of Superheroes glaring at him, with different soups laid before him.
They're all encouraging him to eat the best one, but he knows a trap when he sees it. He's a Midwesterner, and they fight their social battles with recipes.
Daniel Fenton forces himself to eat it all.
When asked which was the best?
"Oh, they were all so good I just can't bring myself to choose one over the other."
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theclassymike · 4 months
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Happy 32nd Birthday to Logan Lerman!🎂
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badangle · 4 months
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he’s feeling smug about his goal
update: his two alternate captains have now combined to score an own goal. hockey is a comedy…
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kitamars · 1 year
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suit up!
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injuries-in-dust · 4 months
*screams incoherently*
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sleepinglionhearts · 9 months
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started reading one piece lads
[based on the stinky baby cat song you know the one]
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gael-garcia · 6 months
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Gael García Bernal: Hollywood no es el techo, no es el máximo (2016)
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
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DHMIS doodle pages that I managed to cut and paste together and color! I personally like them a lot haha.
2nd doodle page is sorta inspired by @mariaisshiki ‘s piggyback trio drawings.
 B/c it reminded me of the time I tried to carry my baby cousin on my back and I am SO short that even though I got her body off the ground,both her feet were still firmly on the floor. That memory was so horrific I had to project it onto the smallest one.
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