#the hard part is that makes William king so…
luxurybrownbarbie · 3 months
2024 is THE most unserious year and we’re only 36 days in.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 1: Great Unknown
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none yet, will have fluff and mild smut later
Summary: Y/N has lived on the surface for nearly 10 years after she was unwittingly a part of an assassination attempt on the then King of Atlantis Orm Marius. She has hidden away in a small coastal town in Maine, living as a human and building a simple but decent life in a duplex on the beach. Then one day someone moves in to the other half of the duplex. She goes to greet them only to discover it's Orm himself.
Note: Here it is! Orm on the surface! I hope you enjoy it, please any comments or critiques are appreciated! Also, if you want to know the song that inspired this chapter it is called 'Great Unknown' by William Ryan Key
Tags: @gabrieleskywalker
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Will I ever stop imagining what if I'd done things differently and Will you find it a corner in your heart For me long after we part Funny how time doesn't care who we Love and who we wish we could repair So into this great unknown I will wander on my own
Y/N had never planned to be running from Atlantis. She hadn't meant for any of this to happen. She had just wanted to help the people in the lower city, the non nobility in Atlantis, to have a better life. How handing out supplies and funding small businesses to help them flourish became attempted murder she didn't know. But here she was, in her room at her mother's mansion, packing a small bag so that she could disappear.
She wasn't sure how a person's entire life could fit into a bag the size of small sea turtle but that's all she had. Into the bag went the mosaic of her father and she, when she was barely walking and he was still alive. They were poor, but they were happy. Then the plague came through, killing him in days and she was immune, meaning that her blood was noble. A DNA test later and it was discovered her mother was a councilwoman for King Orvax, so she was sent to live with her. Her mother didn't want her, Y/N was the result of a foolish night of 'slumming' as her mother said and her father had been so happy to have a daughter that, Roux Velix, never had to bother with the child again. But now she had to face her mistake and bring this child into her home. She put a smile on her face, making a story about Y/N being kidnapped by her father as a baby to save face, and welcomed the child like she was wanted.
Y/N put a bracelet into her bag next. The only gift that had been given to her in kindness, from the daughter of another council member, her first real love when she was a teenager. That had ended when her mother had found out, already having wild ideas about her marrying the prince, whom she had yet to meet. They fought, screaming at each other until Roux revealed that she had never wanted Y/N and that she wished that the plague had been made to kill anyone with low blood. Y/N had been suspicious of that comment so she started digging into what actually went on in those council meetings between her mother and the king. She was disgusted by what she found.
A flier for a meeting of the Atlantis for All activist group was slid into the front pocket of the bag. Y/N had snuck out in her early 20's, finally getting up the courage to seek out others with similar ideas, hiding under a maid's cowl, to meet with the small Atlantis for All group in the lower city. It had been cleared of the sickness that had taken her father by now, and this group had been operating for years, doing small acts of kindness for the low class Atlantians. When she arrived they didn't trust her, thinking she was coming in as a plant from the nobility to spy on them. It took a few years of hard work and providing funds from her mother's accounts before they really welcomed her. She bonded with one particular person, Aria, who soon became her best friend.
Finally she put letters into the bag. Letters between her and members of AfA, notes from Aria encouraging her to be her true self, things that made her feel happy and reminded her of the fun times she had before Hendrix arrived to begin tearing everything apart. Just as Prince Orm was readying to become king another member of the nobility had joined them. Y/N had never met him before but that didn't surprise her. Her mother didn't let her come to events where someone might ask her about her home life or her history, and she didn't seek out others in the nobility. The few times she had she had either gotten her nose or her heart broken. But Hendrix came in and he was charismatic, he knew how to make people believe him and even more, believe in him. Soon he was nearly running the show and he tasked Y/N with something so that they could protest the coronation of Prince Orm. She had to find out from her mother the route that the parade would travel that day.
"How did you know my mother was in charge of the schedule of events?" she had asked. She assumed he hated the nobility and despised Orm and what he stood for as much as she did, how could he even speak to enough of them to find out this information. He had smiled sweetly at her, and she couldn't lie, she had nearly melted at the attention. She loved when sweet, kind attention was given to her. She was going to soon realize that those who paid that kind of attention to her were just out to use her.
"We must know our enemy if we are to actually interact with them on their level," he said. "Most of you are lower city, those without noble blood, you were raised with them Y/N, I was raised with the royals. I have found that if I want to enact change I first have to understand what they are about. I spoke to several council members at the coronation announcement and was able to convince one to tell me some details. Please, just ask your mother. Once we know the route we can choose the best spot for our protest."
What an amazing liar Hendrix was. The AfA was planning a protest while Hendrix was planning an attack. What no one knew was that Hendrix himself was in line for the crown should anything happen to Orm and well, he always loved to put on a crown.
The parade had gone as it was supposed to, until they rounded the corner closest to the palace. The group was gathered, Y/N at the front with a projector, voice singing out a song of resistance, asking for equal rights for all. Hendrix was supposed to shoot off a cracker, bringing attention to the group. Then Y/N noticed that the canister was ramping up. It wasn't a cracker, it was an energy pulse. She grabbed it from him just as it shot off, barely missing Orm's head, instead hitting the back of the floater he was in, sending it spinning. She knew she had to run and just before the guards descended she and few others took off. She made it back to her room in minutes.
Now here she was, bag packed, ready to run.
She had no idea what to do once she got to the surface and was lucky that Aria had run early and had the sense to do some research before going to land. They met on the way to a small town in the state of Maine. Aria had the knowledge and Y/N had stolen enough from her mother that they were able to get fake documents and rent a duplex on the beach, rooming together for awhile before Aria found someone in town to love and marry. Y/N remained in the duplex overlooking the water. She knew that she probably would never be able to travel far from the rocky shore but she still wanted to see the ocean. She loved the sea and would forever regret what had happened.
For 10 years she settled into a life in Maine, opening a cafe, learning all she could about the surface, and continuing to try and help anyone she could. She had no idea that soon she would be forced back into the Atlantian world and would have to face the man she almost helped assassinate.
When everybody filled me up with pride I was only looking for a place to hide I am no statue or monument to raise But I try my best these days Funny how time doesn't mind who we Keep and who we bear to leave behind So into this great unknown I will wander on my own
Orm couldn't tell Arthur but he was going to miss him. He was going to miss his brother, his mother, his nephew, and especially his kingdom. He knew it wasn't his anymore, and he had been imprisoned for years, but in that time he had thought about everything he would do differently if he were able to go back, go make things right. Now though, he couldn't go back, not yet, possibly not ever. And that broke his heart.
He took some time, mostly walking up the east coast, still living in the ocean when he could, sleeping on beaches and in coves, still wanting to feel close to his home. He didn't bother much with the surface world, choosing instead to let his pity fester. He didn't want to be on the surface and as much as Arthur touted the pros of living on the land Orm didn't want to bother. It was after Orm started garnering attention on the surface news that Arthur finally had to come in and tell him he had to settle somewhere.
"I know you don't want to, you're restless, but that's making you conspicuous and since Atlantis has been revealed, people are traveling to the surface to explore. Someone is bound to recognize you if you keep making waves," Arthur said as they drove up the coast of Maine. He had said he found a place he could stay. It was near Tom's lighthouse and Atlanna had agreed that she would use part of the stipend she received for being the former queen to help fund Orm's needs. He didn't enjoy the idea but the king wasn't really giving him a choice.
"Making waves, funny," Orm grumbled. "So I am expected to live in this house? And what?"
"I don't know, read a book, watch some TV, you have a neighbor, meet them, make a friend, get laid, who cares? Just keep laying low," Arthur said, pulling up to a house that seemed split in two. There were two doors sharing a large porch, it was two stories, and to Orm's happiness at least, was boarding a rocky beach that allowed him to walk to the ocean if he wanted. "We got it furnished already, fridge is full, and I left information about places to eat and different sites you could visit." Orm got out of the truck and grabbed his bag, just a single backpack, and headed to the front door. Arthur let him know that Tom's lighthouse was only 10 miles north and he could go to them any time he needed anything and they would get Arthur. Orm waved back to the truck and watched it pull away.
He was about to enter his new home when the other door opened and a woman stepped out. He turned to look at her, not sure what he expected from this neighbor, but the look of surprise wasn't it. She recovered quickly and he decided to ignore it. He had probably made a similar face, considering his surprise at how pretty she was. He had seen pretty surface dwellers before, but not like her. Maybe she thought he was just as pleasing to look at. Arthur had said to get laid.
Y/N had covered her shock at seeing King Orm standing on her porch, apparently moving into the other side of the duplex, but she was still panicking inside. What was he doing here? What had happened that the man who's major selling point to the Atlantian people was how much he hated the surface world. She put on a smile, resolving that she would try her best to keep him from realizing that she was Atlantian and also keeping it secret what she had done, what she had been involved in.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Vila, I guess I'm your neighbor" she introduced, offering her hand. Orm smiled a little back at her, taking her hand hesitantly, sending a bit of a flutter through her. O no.
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xythlia · 7 months
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so in the spirit of wanting to see writers thrive I've decided to make a big master post of every single resource I use in order to create my works. It can be really hard to find concrete resources and it's frustrating to feel like you just don't know how to do something or how to get started but no worries hopefully you can find answers in this post ^⁠_⁠^
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› writing resources to keep on hand while you write
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic by QuinnAnderson on AO3
The Sexy Thesaurus by Laurel Clark
Lewd Vocabulary in Erotic Fiction Survey by KJ Scott (from a survey done on r/fanfiction)
75+ Ways To Say Heart Pounded by Kathy Steinemann
Ways To Describe Breath & Breathing by Kathy Steinemann (everything on her site is super helpful tbh)
21 Other Words For Vagina by Lisette Marshall
The Gay Sex Positions Guide (be advised this is a photo guide!)
Writing Sex Scenes by Michael La Ronn (video resource)
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› things that can help when you feel stuck on certain words, want to avoid repetitive sentences, or check your spelling and grammar
Reverse Dictionary (search for words based on their definition)
Related Words (help you find words related to another word or phrase)
Describing Words (find adjectives)
Words to Use (reference that groups subject related words by parts of speech)
Wordhippo (has synonyms/antonyms/ect based on different definitions)
Netspeak (search for words you don't know yet/internet slang)
OneLook (thesaurus/dictionary)
Fighters Block (overcome writers block by setting it up as a game to achieve a certain word count)
Scribens (lesser known spelling and grammar check but does more! Helps prevent word repetition, rephrasing, vocab enhancement, + other stuff)
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› helpful resources to give you a solid foundation for your writing
7 Fundamentals of Writing by Michael Stover
Fundamentals of Writing by Jim Westergren
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› this section is books on writing I recommend reading, you can either purchase them or if you know how to pirate you can get them that way too
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
On Writing Well by William Zinsser
The Elements of Style by William Strunk & E.B. White
Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry W. Phillips
The Writers Journey by Christopher Vogler
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erraticprocrastinator · 3 months
Part 2 of "English Is Hard", the series where I talk about all the annoying details that can make writing a living Hell
Capitalising formal titles.
Oh, God, this one is a doozey.
It can be incredibly difficult to know when you're supposed to capitalise a person's title, especially when you're a new writer or working with characters in a more formal setting for the first time. Here are the tips I use to figure it out myself!
As a general rule, if the sentence would still make sense if the title was replaced with the character's first name, it needs to be capitalised. I've included a couple of examples below to properly explain.
After several moments, the Empress walked away, scowling.
After several moments, Alexandra walked away, scowling.
In this example, "the Empress" could be replaced with the character's first name, and the sentence would still be completely correct, so her title is capitalised.
"She does not want to be an empress, she wants to be normal."
"She does not want to be Alexandra, she wants to be normal."
In this case, although still referring to Alexandra's status as an empress, switching the title with her name does not make sense. This example is referring purely to the position, and not to the individual herself. Hence, it does not need to be capitalised.
Actually, that's another good way of summing it up: if referring to a specific individual, the title should be capitalised, but if referring to merely the position itself, it does not need to be.
A few more examples to expand on this:
Sadly, Queen Elizabeth passed away in 2022.
(the title could be replaced with just the first name and the sentence would still make sense)
Born in 1738, George became king in late 1760.
(the sentence refers to the position of king)
The Prince scurried past, giggling to himself.
He was a very important individual- the president, no less.
Now, when it comes to titles such as "sir" and "madam", the rule is a little different, but not terribly so. These should be capitalised if they are part of a title (eg. "Sir David Attenborough" or "Madam Pomfrey"), but should otherwise be left uncapitalised.
"May I present Sir William Lucas?"
("Sir" in this case is part of William Lucas' official title, and should be capitalised)
"I did not mean any offence, sir."
(in this example, "sir" is not part of a formal title, and does not need to be capitalised, even if the person was speaking to Sir William Lucas)
Madam Pomfrey was chronically overworked and underappreciated,
"I saw a young madam by the lake not long ago, she looked to be stressed."
There are so many other tidbits related to this, so many that I think I may even have to do another post further explaining all the nuances and finer details. Honestly, I could do an entire part just explaining when and how to capitalise family titles. There are a few things I've missed here, and more than likely exceptions to the rules that I've failed to mention, but I hope that this basic guide will help at least a bit.
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
BRF Reading - 9th of February, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 9th of February, 2023
Question: What will Prince William's next three months be like?
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Interpretation: Joy at having his wife back mixed with dissatisfaction about the choices available to him and something happening to Harry.
Card One: The Two of Cups.
This is a card about relationships, especially romantic relationships, and it is the soulmate card. This card tells me that Prince William will have his soulmate back with him in the next three months. Princess Catherine will be well and happy and able to join him for events. This will be a great relief to him - a huge burden is going to lift from his shoulders when this happens.
The clarifier for this card is The Devil. This is normally not a good card, but in this case it is presenting in its astrological aspect. The Devil card represents the sign Capricorn, and it is Capricorn energy that I am getting from this card. Princess Catherine is a Capricorn, so this is verification that the Two of Cups is about her and she will be restored to her soulmate in full health and able to join him in activities again.
When I look at this card, I hear the voice of one of my friends who also reads tarot, saying that she always loves seeing the Devil card turn up when she reads for herself as for her it means wealth and worldly riches. I think Prince William is going to feel like he has all the riches in the world given to him when is soulmate is well and back by his side at events.
Card Two: The Nine of Cups in reverse
When the Nine of Cups is upright, it indicates emotional satisfaction, contentment, and wishes coming true. When it is in the reverse you are dissatisfied, not content, and your wishes have not come true.
The energy from this card is of dissatisfaction. Something is not going to go the way Prince William wants it to go, his wishes will not be fulfilled, and he will be left feeling unhappy about the result of something. The card shows the reunion of Eros and Psyche, so this could be something about himself and Catherine - for example, he may not be able to be with her as much as he wants over the next three months.
The clarifier is the Seven of Cups. The Seven of Cups is a card about choices, but some of those choices might be illusions, and some may be bad for you. It can also be a card of illusion and wishful thinking.
The card shows Psyche begging the goddess Aphrodite for a chance to be reunited with her husband, Eros. Aphrodite sets her three difficult tasks to fulfil before the reunion can occur.
The energy from the clarifier is of someone having to make difficult choices. They have to take the hard path, not the easy path. I'm feeling an energy of duty as well - doing your duty even though you would rather be somewhere else.
Both these cards are cups, so this is all about emotions.
I think that Prince William is rather unhappy about not being able to spend as much time with his wife (and his family) as he would like. He has to leave Catherine to perform some official duties while the King is out of commission. He knows this is part of his duties as the Prince of Wales, and he will do them to the best of his ability. but at the same time he would rather be home with Catherine, making sure she is well and recovering and has everything she needs.
I hope that makes sense. It's not resentment or anything like that which is coming through, but rather a sense of dissatisfaction about having to leave his family, a sense of 'this is not what we planned and I would rather be able to do what we planned', but instead he is willingly doing his duty because that is what he expects of himself (instead of, for example, pushing the duties onto Princess Anne and saying that he can't leave his wife).
Card Three: The Ten of Pentacles in reverse.
The Ten of Pentacles is a card of family, legacy, financial security, inheritance and tradition. In the reverse, it indicates family disputes or a broken family, turning away from your roots, debt, breaking traditions, and instability. The card can also represent the BRF as an institution.
In this reading, the energy from the Ten of Pentacles in reverse is that of a broken family. Something is going to happen that takes away the stability and/or the status of one of more members of the BRF, and Prince William will be involved in this is some way. The card is giving me a feeling of a small amount of hurt at what he has to do, but he will do it anyway as a way to restore stability to the BRF, even if it means breaking traditions.
The clarifier for this card is the Page of Pentacles in reverse. Pages can be messages, especially messages about money and/or status, and they can be children, in this case an earth sign child, or they can be the beginning of something (a bit like an Ace). This is also my card for the UK as a country. In the reverse, the Page of Pentacles signifies bad news about money/status or about an earth sign child, immaturity, unreliability, missed chances, and laziness.
The energy from this card is that of Prince Harry, the earth sign child of King Charles, who is currently embodying the values of immaturity, unreliability, laziness etc. The card speaks of a message going to Prince Harry that contains bad news about his wealth and/or status, Combined with the Ten of Pentacles in reverse, the two cards together give an energy of Harry being removed from the family in some way. The image I get is of the family as a group, and suddenly the group splits open and Harry is booted out, and then the group reforms.
I think that Harry is going to have something done to him that makes it very clear that he is no longer regarded as a member of the family, and I think that Prince William will be involved in this in a major way.
Both these cards are Pentacles, so this is definitely about material goods (e.g. money, status) in some way.
Underlying Energies (Three Cards)
Underlying Energy One: The Moon in reverse
The Moon in reverse is about things being illuminated, seeing clearly, and secrets coming to light. The energy of this card is very strongly that of secrets being revealed. Sometime in the next three months, some secrets are going to come to light, and as this is a major arcana card, I would say that they are going to be publicly revealed. The distorted shapes that you see in the dark will be gone and the light of truth will be shone upon these secrets.
Underlying Energy Two: The Six of Wands
The Six of Wands is a card of success, of coming home triumphant, of receiving rewards and public acclaim. This card gives me the energy of triumph. The reveal of the secrets in the Moon card will be a moment of triumph for the BRF and for Prince William in particular.
Underlying Energy Three: The King of Wands in reverse
The King of Wands is the card for Leo, and in reverse it means that a Leo is overshadowed or undone in some way. The card is giving me the energy of Meghan for the Leo person. Combined with the other two cards it says that the revelation of secrets and the triumph of the BRF will be over Meghan. She is going to be cast down, overshadowed, have her reputation ruined by whatever secrets are revealed.
The energy here is of relief - this revealing of secrets will be a huge relief to the BRF and will take a burden of stress from their shoulders. They are going to feel a great deal of relief when this happens, in a 'thank goodness it is over' kind of way, and they will be much more relaxed afterwards. This applies to Prince William as well, but also to the BRF in general.
Note: I think that this is the big reveal that Lady C has been talking about. It has the same sort of energy about it.
I have three energies for the next three months for Prince William. Firstly, his wife will recover and will be back at his side, which will take a burden of worry from him. There is a lot of joy around these cards.
Secondly, Prince William will be dissatisfied about the choices he has to make. I'm not getting acute unhappiness, but rather an 'I have to do this but I don't really want to do it' emotional discontent.
This could be about Prince William having to take time away from his wife to perform royal duties while she is recovering. He will do his duty, and he will do it to the best of his ability, but he would rather the extra duties had happened when Princess Catherine was well and not during her recovery period. It could also be about other choices that he has to make during the next three months.
Thirdly, something will happen about Harry - he will be removed from the family in some way, lose status and/or wealth in some way, and Prince William will be a part of this action, even though it does hurt him a tiny bit to do this to his brother, but it is necessary for the stability of the monarchy.
Underlying all this is the revelation of a secret or some secrets, most likely publicly, than will be a triumph for the BRF and very damaging to Meghan Markle. It is quite likely that her reputation will be ruined when this secret/these secrets are revealed.
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littlekohai77 · 15 days
"𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑂𝑓 𝑀𝑦 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡"
(William Rex NSFW alphabet)
𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚗𝚎𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚜.
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: heavy discussion of pregnancy and lack of safety, probably ooc, discussion of his worries, really just a big ass ramble, op is delusional.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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The best you could ask for. Literally. He is the king of aftercare.
He doesn't go very hard on you as he's very mindful of his actions, but he still takes really good care of you. From giving you a massage to preparing a bath for you.
He doesn't even ask the maids to do anything, he does most himself. Because he likes taking care of you and how close that makes you two. He absolutely adores the giddy yet tired smile you give him every time. It melts his heart in a way words can't explain. He also loves joining you in the bath and washing your body and hair for you. Insists that you should relax until you give up. Might get a bit handsy when washing you body, but it's just sensual squeezes to your sides and nothing more.
His favorite body part on himself is probably his entire Phonatory system. The thing that allows him to use his powers. Powers that have brought him pain but also opportunities to enact justice.
On you, he likes your eyes the most
He adores how expressive they are. How they fail to hide any and every emotion that you're feeling.
🅲--> 🅲🆄🅼:
Okay so... He never really talks about it.. Not out right at least. But there are signs. You can kind of tell that he's really fond of children. Especially from the way his eyes soften when you're cradling a baby in your arms, cooing at them and rocking them gently. It touches a deep spot in his heart and blooms warmth all throughout him.
But he knows.... He's meant to have a tragic fate.... One that he has composed himself enough to welcome with open arms.... A chaotic end... One so horrifying and cruel... He wants to end it all with a blast to say the least.
But the thing is, he doesn't know when it's coming, just that it will come. And that information.. . That scares him.
He doesn't want to die early and leave you with all the responsibilities of raising your children.
But what if he lives long enough till his face has worn down with wrinkles from the scars of time. What if.. . What if, he lives long enough to see his children grow.. .
But then there's another factor, he has enemies like an unkempt garden with weeds. They keep on spawning and will continue to do so. How will you two handle the pressure? Can he ensure to himself that he's capable of keeping everyone safe? Can he ensure that your mental stability won't crumble if...
And so he always avoids releasing inside of you. Commonly undoing himself on your stomach, thighs or back.
He knows he shouldn't and that's why he doesn't but oh does his heart clench with desire to do so.
Which is why, sometimes he slips and losses composure, fading in and out of consciousness as he releases inside you. He's immensely pleased yet also horrified. You guys haven't spoke about it and although he's sure from his observations that you wouldn't mind having a mini you running around, his previous worries still lay dormant. So he prays to whatever deity might be listening that the seed doesn't take.
Has sniffed your undergarments when jerking off more than once. This was after you guys got physical though. He respects you enough to not do these indecent things before you two have become comfortable with each other's bodies.
He has a lot of experience. Not because he's a womanizer though.
The thing is, he comes off as someone with a lot of experience due to his extensive knowledge, confident attitude and sense of knowing how to act. But you're definitely not his first.
Probably cowgirl. Or just about anything where he can see your face.
The reason he likes cowgirl is because, he can tease and rile you up into taking control. Which reveals a new side of you to him.
And if your thighs grow weak, he can always grab onto your hips and thrust up into you.
He's more romantic than serious and he can also be quite teasing during these times. So if he notices your mood being tense, he might crack quite a few jokes that are so funny you're literally laughing one moment and then moaning the next. And it's not even that good of a joke, it's literally those simple jokes but there's something about the way he delivers them that cracks you up.
He likes when you moan in between your fits of laughter. He finds it greatly endearing.
🅷--> 🅷🅰🅸🆁:
Not completely shaved, he doesn't like how prickly it gets and doesn't want those rough follicles to hurt your soft pillowy folds
Not a completely unkempt bush either, he doesn't like the feeling of it.
Regularly trimmed and groomed. He takes good care of himself.
The intimacy is through the roof. He's such a romantic. Kissing your eyelids. Running his fingers down your back. Squeezing your tender flesh. Showering your collarbones with hickeys. Sucking on the flesh and nibbling on it til you give out a whimper. And then drawing out his tongue to soothe the location of the assault.
Not that often. Without you around or thoughts of you in his head, his horniness takes a deep dive downwards.
But we're speaking of when he gets pussy three days a week.
Leave him dry for four-five weeks and he'll be spending almost every hour thinking of you. Which will eventually get to him and he'll succumb to jacking off to thoughts of you five days a week.
It's not that he's ashamed of it, no he enjoys it. It's just that he doesn't quite find the drive or need to do it most of the time.
Pet play but it's more so of him not even ordering you around and just doting on you while you reciprocate his worship as he calls you his little doll, flower etc. So… name calling to be frank?
Name calling but it's when he's on edge and overcome with the need to prove a point to you. Still doesn't order you around but does fuck you ruthlessly until you're quivering from how good it feels. During this time, he takes a bit of a more degrading tone.
Breeding kink. Restrains himself from doing that though.
Blindfolds. Finds it exciting how much more reactive and sensitive you are when your vision is blocked and the only senses you can rely on are touch and sound.
Overstimulation. He doesn't mean to hurt you but sometimes he just gets so mesmerized by your reactions, your quivering thighs, the way you weep ‘sto-op! Please-ah!’ And yet pull him in by locking your ankles behind his back. He gets so addicted and ahead of himself that he forgets that you need rest. Would snap out of it the moment you utter your safe word though.
Edging. He likes it because of how many interesting noises and reactions it pulls out of you. By depriving you of release again and again he gets to bask in your desperation as tears roll down your flushed cheeks with your thighs quivering as you pull your weeping little cunny up and down his cock.
Hand holding. He doesn't know why, he just lives for the intimacy it brings. It also helps him sense if he's being too rough.
Food play. He loves food, he loves you, why not combine the two? Likes to lick whipped cream off your chest and back, knowing just how sensitive you are in those places.
Nipple play. He likes them. Soft and squishy one moment, hard and perky other. He loves to graze his fangs over them.
Okay maybe not out in broad daylight at the town square but he's completely up for semi public places. He's surprisingly jealous and possessive. So he absolutely loves to make those nasty nobles hear just how good he makes you feel and that he's the only one who can make you feel this way.
Totally okay with only doing it in bedrooms if you enjoy privacy though.
When you touch his thigh, when you dote on him, when you look him in the eyes with adoration and confess your love to him, when you're so flustered that your face is burning up and you can't even look him in the eyes, when you wear a revealing dress that accentuates your chest.
🅽--> 🅽🅾:
He isn't going to order you around. Not in a million years, not when you're having rough hate sex, just never.
He understands the gravity of what it's like being under his command. And he has a pretty good guess that you'd feel absolutely betrayed... Even if you said you wanted it.... He deeply fears that one day he'll get so accustomed to it that he'll start using it outside of your nightly activities. That he might feel the need to control your actions and get frustrated when you don't do as he wants... And then let it all slip.
He remembers the look of utter terror on your visage the first time he used his powers on you... The night you first met...
He never wants to see that face ever again. Not because of him. Not because of anything in this world.
He remembers how weary you were of him, how long it took for you to warm up and have faith in him. He praises you for being cautious but God does he never want to go back to that. Never wants to see you retract your hand or look into his eyes with fear in yours.
🅾--> 🅾🆁🅰🅻:
You're getting it the most. He just prefers it that way. He loves to pamper you and he's quite sure it hurts to take all of him.
Along with that, he loves to observe and note your reactions to him. He wonders if you'll get shy this time. Would you cover your eyes with your forearm again? Would you be more embarrassed if he was doing this in a room adjacent to the ballroom during a party?
He allows you to give him head, mostly because he's intrigued and wants to see that desperate sheen in your eyes as you try not to gag and push more of him inside your mouth. He lightly strokes and plays with your hair as you do it. Clutching it roughly just as he climaxes.
🅿--> 🅿🅰🅲🅴:
Mostly slow when he's being romantic.
Painfully slow and rolling his hips when he's being teasing.
Erratically fast and deep when he's enraged.
Unless he's not had an opportunity to touch you in weeks, is in the middle of an important mission and can't seem to get your sweet pussy off his mind, he won't resort to a quickie. He likes to take his time with you. He's an observer, he loves to see your reactions and a quickie is way too little time to enjoy them which leaves him unsatisfied.
Would do it as often as you like if you prefer it though. Just know that he'll be especially hungry for you the next time he gets to put his hands of you.
🆁--> 🆁🅸🆂🅺:
Willing to take a lot of risks, mostly because he knows he can simply wipe their memory by ordering them to forget what they saw and heard.
So it only depends on how much risk you want to take.
Could probably go for 2-3 rounds when he's being slow and romantic. 3-5 when he's being a tease. 4-5 when he's being rough. 7-8 when he's pissed off.
🆃--> 🆃🅾🆈🆂:
Girl it's the Victorian era.
While vibrators can't be found, dildos do exist.
He likes to use them to tease or punish you. Making you keep it inside the entire day or the whole dinner while lightly caressing your thighs.
Also teases and rails you with it during sex, using that time to regain strength.
(This is hard ngl.)
He's such a tease. If you want pleasure, he'll make you spell it out for him. But don't worry, he'll still give you what you want despite you failing. He holds it out a little longer each time though to inject a sense of panic into you. Make you think what if he doesn't let you cum this time?
He legit asks the most philosophical questions known to mankind in the middle of fucking you into the mattress. He cackles when you blabber and mumble out your response. So incoherent. So adorable.
This can't be said for when he's jealous though. As he's prone to fucking you to unconsciousness if that's what it takes to drill it into your head that he's the only one capable of making you feel that good. (Would still stop though if you cried or said your safe word)
He's not afraid of being loud. Just that his moans are simply not like that. His leans more towards breathy and whispery. And that's why it doesn't make that much sound. And when he releases, it's a deep groan or a silent scream.
He likes it that way though, as that allows him to fully be able to hear your moans.
Would share you with Victor. But only if you want to.
Would let you peg him. Even if just once, he just wants to experience how you act when you do it to him. Are you domineering? Are you sweet? Are you teasing? Would you also rub his cockhead while thrusting into him?
He likes to make you wear collars. He likes this sense of ownership.
🆇--> 🆇-🆁🅰🆈:
Probably 6.5-7.5 inches. Possibly the only thing he's ever been most insecure about. Cause you know, in times like the Victorian era, large penises were a sign of lack of intelligence.
Not that much tbh, lower than expected, a bit more than average. He's more preoccupied with being overwhelmed with love for you, observing you, adoring you, appreciating you and wanting to squish you cause you're just that freaking cute than wanting to bully your pussy.
But he does get hot and bothered whenever you're just being too adorable and flustered.
He generally has a hard time falling asleep, so he naturally stays up even after you've dozed off. Tries to fall asleep with you but if it doesn't work, he might go play the piano for a bit or take a stroll in the garden or maybe even read a book with you in his arms.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
𝙰𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝... 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞. :)
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erooca · 9 months
daycare pt. 2
ellie williams x reader
description: ellie williams is forced to work at a daycare. in part two, she gets more comfortable with her new job and with you. 2.5k words
omg im so happy a lot of people liked the first one!!! i hope u guys like this one too. i love writing ab ellie and am open to any suggestions you may have!!
part one: https://www.tumblr.com/erooca/724971592933834752/daycare
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ever since you met ellie, you started seeing her more around your campus. every once in a while, y’all would go study together or maybe grab a coffee, but she’s never invited you back to her dorm before, at least not until right now.
like the gentleman she is, she held the door open and you walked in, instantly getting hit with the scent of ellie. specifically a nice, light scent of tobacco vanilla, which felt very on point for the freckled girl.
her dorm was small, smaller than yours since she had one to herself, while you shared with roommates. all that was in here was a bed, a desk, a mini fridge, storage, and a door leading to a bathroom.
her back wall was filled with little sketches everywhere. you knew she liked to draw, but you had no idea it meant this much to her. you took in all the drawings, examining them one by one. you see sketches of horses, dinosaurs (no surprise there), sunsets and just a lot of landscapes in general, and you see a few of an older looking man. you assume it’s her father.
ellie is watching you nervously as you examine all her drawings. she was scared as shit that you were finally in her dorm, but she also had a tingling feeling in her heart because you were surrounded completely by her and only her at the moment. she could get used to this.
it had been two weeks since her first day at the daycare. for two whole weeks, her thoughts have been plagued by you. she was loving it. she loved spending a full eight hour shift with you. just to see you, she would even come in five or ten minutes early.
she wasn’t very secretive about her crush on you. she did a lot of things for you. if you went on break earlier than her, she’d pick you up something to eat and would forbid you from paying her back. she would also buy things you had mentioned you needed for the classroom. one time, she even brought you a candy bar since she noticed you weren’t as energetic as your usual self.
even after all these gracious gifts, you were oblivious. it drove ellie insane. she really didn’t want to have to confess it out loud to you. she was really hoping you’d just take the hint and ask her out yourself. ellie has a bit of a hard time with rejection and she can’t imagine pouring out her feelings to you just for you to tell her you didn’t feel the same about her.
“hey.. is this one of king’s drawings?” you said, pointing at a colorful and bright picture. it had two stick figures with a hell of a lot of scribbles.
“oh yeah, he said he drew it for me,” ellie smiled, reliving the memory. king had told her it was a drawing of her and him hanging out together. ellie asked if she could keep the drawing and of course king said yes.
“that’s so sweet,” you smiled brightly. you were so happy ellie already made a strong connection with one of the students. the best part about working with kids is seeing the way you influence them and make them better humans.
ellie nodded.
“so, did ya’ wanna order pizza and watch a movie?” ellie asked.
“that sounds like a perfect way to relax after a week of working.”
you guys settle onto ellie’s bed (since there’s no couch) watching a random movie on netflix waiting for the pizza.
it was a really good night. you wish you could spend every night like this.
the next monday, you were eagerly waiting for ellie to enter the classroom door. you were so excited to see her. you guys had such a great time on saturday, and you couldn’t wait to be in ellie’s presence again.
when the door opened, all the children screamed out ellie’s name, getting up to go give her a hug.
“ellie!! guess what my mom did this weekend!!” a blonde girl named charlie asked.
“i went to the park yesterday ellie!!” pippa told her.
“hey! hey! ellie!” another kid called for attention.
ellie laughed and listened to each of the kids one by one. it warmed your heart so much seeing your students gathered around ellie, telling her stories and giving her hugs. you felt like you could burst from the warmth that spread throughout your body.
when she was finished, she got up and locked eyes with you. she greeted you and that was when you noticed two starbucks cups in her hands. she sheepishly handed one of them out to you.
“ellie, you shouldn’t have done this,” you said, taking the cup from her even though it contradicted your words.
“gotta get a coffee for my favorite coworker,” her lips rose into a half smile.
you brought the drink up to your lips and sipped. you’ve had starbucks countless times, but this one tasted different. it tasted amazing and you know it’s because it was ellie who bought it for her. you thanked her.
the day continued on as usual. while you were outside, you watched as the kids ganged up on ellie to chase her and take her to “jail”. you watched her run, taking the game a little too seriously. it made you think how she’d probably survive a zombie apocalypse, if it ever happened.
she easily got cornered and king tugged her hand, leading her to the fence. some of the other kids did a locking motion, acting as though ellie was chained to the fence.
“don’t get out!!!” one of the boys, william, said.
you made your way over, innocently.
“how’s jail?” you ask.
“oh, ha ha,” she said sarcastically, then her eyes lit up, as if she had a great idea, “hey.. unlock me!” she said, glancing at her hands.
“you do realize you aren’t actually locked in, right?” you ask, laughing.
ellie scoffs. you follow through with her request anyway, motioning an unlocking gesture. then ellie bolted.
“HEY! they let ellie out! get both of them!” one of the kids yelled.
now both of you were running for your lives from a big group of three year olds.
once you guys came inside, you had lunch, and then nap time. when the kids woke up, you opted to do floor toys and just keep them all on the colorful alphabet rug.
you sat with the children, watching them build with the duplo legos. they were each having you look at what they made. you praised them each time, suggesting they add a different colored block or make it taller. soon, you felt a bit tired so you laid down onto the carpet.
this turned out to be a bad idea when half of your students rolled on top of you, leaving you no room to even move. all you could hear was the sounds of your three year olds giggling, as they tortured you.
you called out for help from ellie but was met with the response of laughter coming from her.
wow. your own friend. you thought up your revenge plan quickly, “everyone!!!” you shouted, catching their attentions, “go give ellie a kiss!!”
“what? no- no,” but it was too late. the kids ran up to her, giving her kisses on her arms and hands. a few even gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“payback,” you smirk at her, watching as she’s trying to control the kids now.
“oh you’re evil,” she responds, playfully narrowing her eyes at you.
the rest of the day went by fast, but this time ellie wasn’t leaving when you got down to less kids. maria had asked that you go through all the cleaning duties with her that are required for closing. you agreed, obviously excited to spend even more with her. you decided to wait until all the children were gone to start teaching it. it would allow you to give ellie your full focus.
all the kids were called to leave one by one and soon it was 6:00 and all the kids had went home. it was just ellie and you in the room. you could already feel the intense butterflies moving through you. god, your crush had gotten bad.
ignoring the feeling in your stomach that was so extreme it almost hurt, you showed ellie the closet.
“so we keep the vacuum and broom in here, and all of the cleaning chemicals. there’s bleach water, soapy water, floor spray, and a bathroom cleaner,” you explain to ellie.
you went inside to pull out the vacuum but with a mighty tug, the vacuum wouldn’t come loose. it was stuck in between the children’s mats. you said a naughty word but kept trying.
“here, let me help,” ellie said from outside the closet, stepping inside.
“wait! don’t let the door—“
“oh fuck. did i just lock us in here?” ellie asked, wide eyed as soon as she heard the click of the lock.
“uhh.. yeah. you did. it’s alright, i’m sure someone will find us soon,” you said, hopeful.
the closet wasn’t super tight, but it definitely wasn’t spacious. you were a little too close to ellie for comfort. you could already feel your heart racing. someone better find you guys soon, or you might have a heart attack.
“i’m gonna see if maybe i can like.. jam the door open,” you said, trying to switch spots with ellie so you were closer to the door. you couldn’t ignore the way your skin touched hers in an effort to get across.
you started wiggling the handle with all your might, trying to move it up, down, and side to side. it wasn’t budging.
“try moving it like this,” ellie had found her way right behind you. she rested her hand on the door handle where yours was. your pinkies overlapped and ellie started jiggling the handle too.
you looked to your side and noticed she had her other hand resting on the door, for support, to the right of your head. she was basically leaning over you, trapping you within her arms.
“yeah we’re not getting out of this any time soon,” ellie states, letting her hand rest on the door knob.
you finally turned around to face her and it both hit you how close you both had gotten. your back was against the door and she was right in front of you, only maybe a foot away.
ellie felt a dust of pink wash over her cheeks as she realized how close she was to you. she hadn’t meant to position you like this, but she wasn’t complaining.
ellie was keeping her eyes locked with yours and neither of you guys made an attempt to move. you could hear as her breath was moving more rigid.
it was becoming too much for you, and you glanced down, forcing your head to look at the ground. you tried to relax your heart that seemed as though it was clawing out of your chest.
a soft hand rose to the bottom of your chin, and pulled it upwards, forcing you to look back at ellie.
“don’t.” ellie whispered, not taking her eyes off of you.
you don’t think you’ve ever desired someone as much as you desired ellie right now. you were so close to grabbing her face, giving her as many kisses as she deserved, but instead you stood still, frozen under ellie’s dominant position.
ellie took the hand from your chin and moved it to gently tuck a wisp of hair behind your ear, “wanna see your pretty face…” she let her hand rest on her cheek.
your whole face turned a blushy color at her words. how was this girl you met only a few weeks ago making you sink into a puddle?
“ellie..” you breathed out, scanning her face, trying to decipher any thought she might have. from up this close, you could see how irregular her pattern of freckles were. how they were different shades of the same color. you could count them all from this position, and you happily would.
“can i please kiss you?” ellie asked, in almost a puppy dog voice.
you didn’t trust yourself with your voice right now (hell, you’d probably accidentally propose to her), so you gave a sweet nod.
she took a step closer to you, bodies mere inches from colliding, she watched your eyes and glanced to your lips.
“are you sure?” she asked, wanting to confirm that this is genuinely what you wanted. her eyes went back up to yours and she searched them.
instead of answering, you moved forward closing the gap. your soft lips met with her chapped ones. ellie made a noise of surprise at your sudden movement, but easily got comfortable, kissing you back.
she pulled back after a moment, but stayed close to your face.
“holy fuck,” she breathed out, trying to regain any sense of herself she had previously.
before you had a chance to say anything, she reconnected her lips with yours. she placed her hands on your hips, pulling you in closer. you crossed your hands around her neck. you don’t ever think you’ve felt this kind of rush before. all you knew was that you wanted ellie closer. you wanted to be surrounded by her completely. now that you’ve kissed her once, you don’t think you’ll ever be able to stop kissing her.
she slowly started kissing along your jawline, and then trailing her lips down your neck. you giggling at the sensation from the way it tickled your skin.
ellie liked the way your throat felt under her mouth. she continued to leave soft kisses all on you. you could feel your hunger for her grow stronger and stronger.
just then the door swung open, leaving you to fall on the ground, and ellie tumbling over you. you both groaned in pain.
maria stood in front of you two’s lying bodies. she cleared her throat awkwardly. it was obvious she saw what you guys were doing before you fell.
“i’m not gonna talk about what i just saw, but how many times have i told you not to let that door shut??” maria said, only acting angry to wash away the awkward feeling of walking in on her (basically) niece making out with one of her best workers.
“it was my fault, maria. i let the door close,” ellie said, taking the blame. she stood up from the ground, and then held out a hand to you. you gladly took it and she pulled you up.
maria sighed in frustration, “don’t let it happen again, and get this room clean. we lock up in 15 minutes.”
as soon as she leaves the room, you erupt in giggles, thinking of how shocked maria’s face was. ellie joined your laughter, just now realizing how silly the situation had become.
knowing there wasn’t any time left to dilly-dally, you two sped cleaned the room.
you hoped the next couple days would be full of more closet kisses, more of those loving looks ellie had given you today, or even wishful touches throughout the hours.
unknown to your knowledge, ellie was planning on giving you every single one of those for the rest of her life.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
I do wonder where Harry got the ‘co-reigning’ thing in his head, his goto approach is to weasel round those who he can charm to get what he wants. There is no way The Queen or now the King would have pandered to his unreasonable wishes, but both of them don’t like confrontation and through family love wouldn’t have totally squashed his ramblings or worse case ignored it and he would have taken that as viable. Plus he does/did believe the most popular royal other than the Queen’ stuff and probably still does or thinks it’s retrievable. When MM came on the scene we have the ‘you do the UK’ and we will take the commonwealth (re the commonwealth flowers veil) , and the idea of sharing the Duchy of Cornwall money. To any normal person it’s completely pie in the sky, but with these two such a high level arrogance/self esteem and people not ever really saying no to either of them has created a utopian ‘fair world’ where everything is ‘equal’ and they get what they want eventually.
Ancedotally it's because of Diana. She insisted on raising William and Harry equally, which the BRF (largely the Queen Mother) opposed. So because of that, any opportunity William received, Harry also received. Which, fair, makes sense. Two kids, send them to the same places, make life easy for yourself, right? Especially if you're separated/divorced from your partner, treating the boys as a single unit/a pair made it easier to track custody and other arrangements.
Then when Diana died, Charles probably figured it was easier to keep William and Harry together so they could help each other through their grief and shared trauma. (And also Charles most likely had his own trauma from Gordonstoun that made him unable to see how terribly misfitted Harry was at Eton, which most likely played a part in it too.) And that became the new royal brand: "Diana's boys, William and Harry." So much so that when Charles began to develop the vision for his monarchy, it was "William and Harry and their wives."
Now granted, it's hard to plan roles for people who don't yet exist, but the wives never needed to exist for the plan to work. All Charles and the BRF needed to do was say "William and his wife and Harry and his wife." Instead, their scheme was a scheme of three: William, Harry, and Wives - copying the scheme of Charles, Andrew, and Diana+Sarah.
So essentially, Harry grew up and spent his formative years being treated as equal to William. Then when William married Kate, they became "We Three" (or whatever cutesy little nickname you like) instead of spinning William and Kate off to do their own thing, which paved the way to Fab Four and Harry's rude awakening that "no, actually, you're not equal to William, you're not even William's consort, no matter how hard you try."
The what-if of it all is what would've happened if Diana hadn't died in 1997. Diana understood, fundamentally, that the boys had different futures because she always talked about William being King. She may have wanted them to have the same childhoods so the self-esteem issues and the insecurity Diana felt growing up weren't likely to happen for Harry. But at what age would she have encouraged Harry to make his own path and go his own way from William?
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deadqueerboys · 5 months
Okay, so.. the Wine Stream just ended, and I have thoughts!!!
Wilbur Soot x Reader (headcanons sfw/nsfw)
First time writing for Wilbur, I have no idea if he allows it or not.
I have the conscience that I'm gross for that. You have no idea of how ashamed I'm.. but horny thoughts are horny thoughts!!
No gender specific, I'm more used to writing for male/gender neutral reader.
I'm the king of starting a thing and not finishing it! You gonna see this a lot on this one, i don't know why i am like this. If you want me to keep going with those, just ask me. Also, I'm accepting requests again! For Quackity, Wilbur, Slimecicle, and who whatever you guys want!
Does anybody really read that? I know you want to scroll until the nsfw part.
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Sfw - because I'm a nice person.
I can only imagine this guy coming home from a fly or spending time with friends and needing to see you.
He loves to be close to you. Especially touching you in a soft way, like holding hands, petting your hair, or just letting his hand for you to play with it. (I'm autistic, I swear i can spend hours just playing with somebody's else hand, moving the fingers up and down, like a child).
Wilbur is always kind, and he might or not get worried when you call him William.
It was almost 1am, Wilbur spent more than two hours just seeing some videos and also trying to get an inspiration for a new song. You were worried. You've always been, but he insisted that it was just his work.
"Hey, love, uhm.. I'm going to sleep if that's okay for you.." You say with a tired and weak smile, trying to be positive.
Wilbur didn't heard, he never did when he had headphones on. You got closer to his chair, taking his headphones.
"Ugh! William, I'm going to sleep, okay? Don't make any loud noise." You said before rolling your eyes.
Something just happened. Wilbur's mind just stopped. He got up, and in a question of second, he was already in front of you. Always with those puppy eyes, like if he did something wrong.
"What did you just call me?" He asked, his voice sounding like a lost child: kind but scared.
Loves to talk with you about anything and everything, geography in special. He had some other hyperfocus, but that one hits hard!
Need stimulation, like playing with fidget toys like a spiner and those kinda of things, but loves when his partner notices it. Imagine backing home from a day of work or studying and he just hugs you and ask how was your day, after a long conversation, which he was looking kinda upset, you give him one of those colorful toys who shine and you have to touch all of the buttons who are lighting. Oh my God, he's so happy! He plays with it all the time. And he always makes sure to remember that his partner gave him this.
Clingy, but not in a weird way. A sweet way. Soft hugs, kisses on the cheek, arms around of you in public, and anything he feels like doing.
He has so many ways of expressing himself for you! He can sing, write, read, talk, give you gifts, literally everything!
He has such a sweet smell, he never smells bad!
Loves to give you comfort. If it's a cold night, you can sleep with the sure that in the moment that you woke up, you'll have socks on your feet and one more blanket than you slept with. As you slowly woke up, he's sleeping with his messy hair all over his face, it's an adorable image!!
(It might be kinda amab at this part, but..) Come on, give him some of your clothes, you know he looks perfect on it!
Now nsfw - because I act like a slut even being asexual.
MORNING SEX!! He's all messy, but now he's holding your waist from behind, rolling his body against yours. You don't even notice it, and then you feel a hard thing touching your leg, which makes you almost jump. In fact, you couldn't, because his hold was too strong.
"Mhm.. babe, wake up.." You whispered, trying to look in any direction as you couldn't move your neck for look behind you, where he was.
"I'm already awake.. it's been a while, actually." Wilbur smirked. Now that he knows you're awake, his plans will turn into actions. "Tell me.. did you miss me, huh? Did you miss it..?" His voice is teasing. He knows that. He started to kiss your neck while putting you closer to him, if that was possible.
Now, think with me, he's all tired and he wanted to bad to be kind with you, but today was passing him off! The make-out season just started to be more aggressive. His body is taking all the control over you. And you almost can't breathe. Even though he seems like not caring for it.
"W-wil.." You asked, taking the breath you could before he keeps kissing you aggressively.
"Yes, honey? Do you want something?" He asks, that dirty smile on his face was just there for arouse you. Wilbur looked at you before starting to kiss and suck your neck. "You're so pretty.."
He kept talking while you started to grab his hair. As you moaned. You felt him getting harder.
Loves compliments you while having sex.
He's a totally bitch when we are talking about hickeys, Wilbur loves to give you them, all the time, you're his propriety, why wouldn't he like that?
He also loves it when you give him marks, scratching your nails on his back and in his chest, biting him in anywhere, but sometimes he might ask you to be careful, he doesn't want so many attention for it when he's making an concert.
Hates public sex, but lives for public teasing! Hands on your thighs, slowly going up.. when you look at him, he acts as if he isn't doing anything.
(For M! Reader or just amab, i'm sorry):
He would totally sit on your lap on public! He's moving and slowly going up and down while he still keeps having a normal talk with other people. When he finally feels he got you, that he turned you on as much as possible, he get up and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"What? You weren't thinking about this now, right? Babe.. we're in public.." Wilbur plays innocent, giving you his hodie so you can cover your erection.
You know what he wants, everybody knows what he wants!
Oh, please, moan his name! That's the only moment he would love hearing you call him as William. (Will still better to moan, in my opinion).
Such a perv with a smile on his face! You know what he's doing. He does it for fun.
So, this scenario didn't get out of my head for a while.. it's personal, I think. Also, it's really gross and maybe too kinky. Maybe I could call this one as "Playing Alone". Enjoy it if you want:
You spend all the day out, and by the text, something was obviously wrong with Wilbur. He said he was only playing guitar, and as a gentleman, he asked if he could take your guitar to try a new thing. You said yes, there was no reason to say no. But, the feeling that had something happening just couldn't get out of your mind. As you go home, you go upstairs. As you're getting closer to your room, you can hear his soft moans. Oh, that little bitch, he couldn't even wait until you got home?
"Wilbur? Babe, are you there?" What a dumb question. You knew he was there! Still, you asked because, depending on his reaction, the things you are doing with him later might change.
"Yes.. yes.. uh.. that's not a good moment!" He says he was desperate. You felt that. You started to hear him moving and fast, running around the room, maybe hiding something. Then, he opens the door with a big smile and his clothes all messy and crumpled. "Hi love.."
You took a long saw of the room, nothing was out of place.. except that your guitar wasn't there. "Uhm.. babe? Where's my guitar?"
"Your guitar?" He seemed more nervous as he looked at all the places except in your eyes. "Oh, I broke it. I.. it fell on the floor.. and I.."
"YOU WHAT?!" You screamed, an angry tone on your voice. He couldn't have done that.. he wouldn't even dare think about that!
"Okay.. alright, calm down! I didn't break it... you know.. all of your clothes have my smell now.. I was needy, and I tried to distract myself by playing with your guitar.." He started to explain himself, blushing as hell, making fast moves with his hands. "It weirdly had you smell in it because you said you always let a paper with your perfume inside of it.. I started to play it, just some normal melody, and.. when I noticed my mind were already out."
"What do you mean with out? I know you jerk off, but.. oh God... no! No! No!" You shake your had while denied it. "No, you didn't!"
"I'm.. I'm sorry, okay?" Wilbur stuttered nervously.
"Just show me it! How bad was it..?"
Wilbur walked inside the room and took the guitar out of the closet, where he had put her before. The guitar has cum over all of it. Probably not inside, so it wasn't a big problem, but it still looks sticky and milky. Between all of the emotions.. horny was the one who provided.
"Oh.. babe, you were missing me, huh?" You asked, a smirk on your face, grabbing his chin, making he look at you..
As I said, I like to don't finish some projects, let some other people imagination be free. If you continue it, make sure to let me see it, I'm anxious.
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companion-showdown · 11 days
Family Feud Nominations, Who is the Best Doctor Who Family
If I've missed a character out of one of the families let me know (within reason, I imagine all these families are massive in the EU, so prioritise tv or significant characters)
Currently, the only rule is no families may inculde anyone who is even ambiguously The Doctor, it'll get super complicated super fast imo
Any characters, eg River, who can link up multiple different families to create a single massive family unit will be treated on a case by case basis. If it is possible to pick one of the smaller family units that they are a part of to include them in while not including them in any of the others (in a way everyone will agree at least makes sense) they will be included in that family only, otherwise they will not be included
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
Foreman-Campbell (Susan, David, Alex)
Chesterton-Wright (Ian, Barbara, implied to be married after they leave)
McCrimmon (Jamie, Heather, V.M.McCrimmon, various others)
Waterfield (Victoria, Edward (father))
Lethbridge-Stewart (Kate, The Brigadier, Doris (Brig's wife in Battlefield), Archibald Hamish (TUAT), Gordon (Kate's son in Downtime), Kadiatu, The Great Intelligence, Lucy Wilson)
Grant/Jones (Jo, Cliff, Santiago (Jo's grandson in Death of the Doctor))
Smith (Sarah-Jane, Lavinia (aunt), Brendan Richards, Luke, Sky, Mr Smith, K9 (they are her family and I will not be hearing otherwise), Barbara, Eddie (parents in Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith))
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Adric and Varsh (brothers)
Nyssa, Tremas, and Kassia (daughter, father, step-mother)
Jovanka (Tegan, Vanessa (aunt in Logopolis), Colin (cousin in Arc of Infinity))
Turlough (Vislor, Malkon (brother in Planet of Fire))
McShane (Ace, Audrey (mother), Kathleen (grandmother), Liam (brother))
Tyler (Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tony (baby mentioned in Journey's End), no I will not be adding the metacrisis to this list)
Another Smith (Mickey, Rita (grandmother))
Harkness (Jack, Grey, parents, Alice Carter (daughter), Steven Carter(grandson))
Isolas (Fear Her)
Jones (Martha, Francine, Clive, Tish, Leo, Leo has a baby as well, Adeola Oshodi)
The Family of Blood
Redfern-Smith (Joan, John (various), possible dream children and grandchildren)
Shafe Kanes (from Utopia, Kristane, Beltone)
Mott-Noble-Temple (Donna, Sylvia, Wilf, Shaun, Rose)
The Adipose
Pond-Williams (Amy, Rory, River, Brian, Anthony, Amy's aunt and parents)
Owens: (Craig, Sophie, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All)
Gillyflower (Mrs Gillyflower, Ada)
Paternoster (Jenny, Vastra, Strax)
Oswald (Clara, Ellie, Dave (parents), grandmother, and I'm going to say Danny makes the cut, Orson)
Potts (Bill, Mother, Moira (foster mother))
O'Brien-Sinclair (Graham, Ryan, Grace, Aaron (Ryan's father))
Khan (Yaz, Najia (mother), Hakim (father), Sonya (sister), Umbreen (grandmother))
Lewis (Dan, Eileen (mother), Neville (father))
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder and their as yet unborn child
Sunday (Ruby, Carla, Cherry, many many foster siblings)
The TARDIS and Lolita
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow (Grandfater Paradox, Qenceus, Inocet, various cousins, Irving Braxiatel, Maggie Matsumoto, Ulysses, Penelope GAte, Anna Joyce)
The House of Dvora (Morbius, The War King, Thessalia, Romana, various others)
Langer (Clyde, Carla (mother), Paul (father))
Jackson (Maria, Alan, Chrissie)
Chandra (Rani, Haresh, Gita)
The Wu Diaspora (Cindy Wu and her clones)
Munmeth and Mutmunna (Medicine Man)
Ada and Alice Obiefune
Who (Susan, Barbara, Louise)
Jones-Davies (Ianto, Rhiannon, Johnny, David, Mica)
Summerfield (Bernice, Issac, Claire, Jason Kane, Peter, Wolsey, Keith, Rebecca, Cousin Eliza, Benedict I-IV, Christine)
Miller (Lucie, Pat (aunt))
Schofield (Hex, Cassie, Hilda)
House of Witforge (Narvin, Lenaris, Helico, Narvin's father, Rexin)
Faction Paradox
Pollard (Charley, Louisa, Richard, Margaret, Edward Grove, The Sound Creature)
Mesh Cos, Lon Shel, Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Cooper-Williams (Gwen, Rhys, Anwen, Geraint, Mary (Gwen's parents))
Chenka (Liv, Tula, Kal, Garlon Rosh)
Sinclair (Helen, Albie, Trev Bailey)
Proctor (Cleo, Jordan, parents)
Nominations will be open until Midday Friday (03/05, 12:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)), I will try and give a more specific time then
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omkookie · 11 months
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♡ Suitors ♡ · Roger, William and Alfons.🩷
⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut, kind of angsty.
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His hands roam your body, his fingers teasing all of your sweet spots and undressing you with a practised hand.
Even if you still resent him for how he betrayed you, your body still loves his touch and craves it. You haven't changed one bit since he remembers… except you've gotten quite snarky and aggressive towards him.
But he still likes you, even if you're like this.
He holds you closely as he penetrates you, his cock sinking into you with one swift thrust before he ruthlessly fucks you into the mattress. Even if you curse him, curse his name, and tell him how much you hate him, you still come undone beneath him. Your nails claw his back so hard that you leave marks behind. He turns you into an overstimulated mess with tears running down your face, and his cum dripping down your legs.
Unfortunately, you don't waste a second to stay any longer once you're done having sex. You put on your clothes and leave him.
It's okay though, even if you leave him the moment that you've finished, he knows you'll be back. He knows that it doesn't matter how many times he makes you cry, you'll always come back.
But why does he feel a pang of guilt in his chest every time you leave?...
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You shouldn't have indulged in your desires, as tempting as they were.
He was the worst temptation of all, and even if you hated him you still couldn't resist wanting him and his body.
You touch him, craving more and more of him throughout the night even as you know this will be nothing but a fleeting moment where you exchange intimacy. Your lust for him still manages to overthrow the part of you that resents him, and you run your fingers through his smooth hair while his face makes its way between your thighs.
He takes care of you throughout the night and until morning, his mind curious about what path you'd take next…? What would you do? Go back to your normal life and cut him off, or continue to seek him out like this?
Not wanting to do anything more than fuck him, you leave him once you're done and head off to who knows where.
Only later when you stop visiting him for a late night tryst does he find out that you've found a new lover.
A fair enough play of events for the self-righteous king who left his little robin all alone outside in the raging storm.
Why does he feel some envy when he sees you happily holding hands with your new lover though?
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You hate this man full of lies and illusions.
He's a sick…sick…twisted evil man.
Even if so, he continues to please you with his body and toy with you despite knowing you hate him.
He puts his body on yours, your tongues coming together to entangle in a kiss while he strips you of your undergarments and positions you on his lap. His big hands hold your soft thighs as his fingers make their way towards your entrance, and then slide inside of your wetness with ease.
"Isn't this the best proof that you're enjoying it?" He asks you while slipping another finger inside of you, and making your face flush red in embarrassment at how easily his fingers enter inside of your body without any resistance.
He unbuckles his belt, allowing his cock to spring out of its confines and then eagerly press against your entrance. Even if you can't stand him... what's wrong with indulging in the temporary pleasures that he can provide you with and escaping reality?
How he holds you is awfully sweet and gentle… almost like a lover would, while he whispers sweet little words of praise in your ear.
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itjazzbicch · 5 months
My Everything
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Pairing:  William Vangeance x Reader 
Summary: Still dealing with some issues after the conflict with the elves comes to an end, the reader shows her best friend, William, that they are there for him considering everything he has dealt with, and William shows the reader how much trust he has in them and much deep feelings...
Warnings:  N/A (Just fluff!)
Word Count: 0.6k
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First, the elves, then a devil.
Events took a sharp turn that I did not see coming, but I didn't let that stop me from fulfilling my duties and protecting my kingdom and its people. The aftermath was quite messy, but I tried to make the best of it.
"Y/N, what a lovely surprise."
I decided to visit my closest friend, William. He was sitting in a tree by the Golden Dawn's quarters, watching the sunset, his bright eyes flashing through his mask.
"Hey friend," I smiled up, climbing the tree.
"I can come down-"
"It's fine," Climbing up and joining him in the branch, my smile spread to his, "That wasn't much of a struggle."
"I'm glad," He nodded, eyes gazing back to the sunset, as did mine, the sight being one of nature's purest forms of beauty.
"The view from here is gorgeous," I whispered in awe, using that to ease into the conversation I came here to have, "Nothing like a nice view to clear your mind."
"Indeed," He whispered back, still staring at the setting sun as I looked at him:
"I know you recently had an important talk with King Julius. Are you doing better after everything?"
"I do feel better," He sighed, seeing the emotion in his eyes as the sky fell into a darker orange hue, "I feel lighter now if that makes sense."
"I understand," I nodded, taking his full attention as I rested my hand on top of his that was resting on the massive tree branch, whispering, "I know there are some others that may think differently than I do, but I want you to know, William, you're still the same William that is my best friend."
"I couldn't ask for a better friend," He sniffled softly but was still smiling, his hand beginning to shake, and it confused me till his hand started reaching for his mask.
We had been friends for a long time, but I'd never seen his face. However, I was happy that he was confident enough to show me, seeing a dark purple tone along the top of his cheeks, all the way up to his white hair.
"You were hiding a birthmark?" That's what I assumed it was. Only curious and not expecting his correction:
"It's from a curse that was placed on my mother's family."
He'd never been so open to me, putting his head down, holding my hand with both of us, a tear dropping into it as he whispered:
"I imagine you can understand why I keep it hidden. I do feel better now that the truth is out, but I still feel-"
My heart hurt seeing him crying; quickly scooting closer to him, his hands squeezing me harder as I took his cheek, lifting his eyes back into mine.
"William, I don't know a soul who's gone through what yours has," I began, fighting through a few tears of my own, but a smile on my face as I reminded, "But as I said, you're still the William that I hold dear to my heart. I know that your heart is pure, my dear friend."
"My face may be cursed, but I do have one blessing," He smiled back, sniffling as he took my other hand, "That blessing is you."
"Cursed?" I giggled softly, meaning honestly, as I kissed his cheek, "I think you're handsome. Curse or not."
"Is it okay if I continue to be honest with you, Y/N?" Getting confirmation from my nod, it felt as if a bright light was shining from within me when his lips found mine, the light shining brighter as I pressed my lips into his more, gasping slightly as our lips parted, his gorgeous purple eyes glimmering into mine, "You are my everything. "
My heart was beating calmly but so hard. Lost in his sparkling eyes, the purple in the sky coloring us and the tree, smiling more as I nuzzled my nose against his, interlocking our hands:
"I feel the same, William." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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ladymacbeths · 8 months
macbeth related posts/articles/essays masterlist
hi! here's a list of almost every single anaysis Thing I've come across in like two months of being insane about the scottish play. Most are about lady macbeth/the gender theme btw.
‘He has no children’: The centring of grief in The Show Must Go Online’s Macbeth - Gemma Allred: on the misogyny that frequently surrounds conversations around Lady Macbeth
this post by @amillionmillionvoices: Same topic as the previous one, but goes more in depth, explains ladymac’s motivations as mostly coming from love not self-serving ambition.
this post by @dukeofbookingham: also explains the prior point very prettily— that ladymac is (mostly) motivated by love, but also makes the case that many of it is guilt born from not fulfilling societal expectations
On the character of Lady Macbeth - Dr. Emil Pfundheler: paper that explains the same point made in the previous post, using the text to explain. Written in 1873 so explains gender as a dichotomy, but once you take that out, its points are very good.
Characteristics of women: moral, political, and historical - Anna Jameson: aka Why Lady Macbeth is not inherently evil— same topic and the other two, but focuses a bit on the fact that she is A Woman. Not my favorite, but worth reading I suppose. Also includes analyses of many female Shakespeare characters. It does include some very bad history in the beginning— Gruoch did not orchestrate Duncan’s murder. That’s something Hector Boece made up.
Lady Macbeth: “Infirm of purpose” (from The Woman’s Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare) - Joan Larsen Klein: on how she both fits and doesn’t fit the idea of a reinassance wife— doesn’t fit because she isn’t aligned to god (this read more like a Christian analysis than a feminist one if I’m being honest), but fits them because she behaves like one, only subverts them because she’s like, the evil murder girl version of the Wife. The essay right after this one is also very good.
The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth: required reading if you wanna play her Btw not kidding. Analyzes her character thru the lens of freudian psychology. Screws up the text of the play a bit but provides an actual in-depth explanation of how sonnambulism works. Note that "hysteria" is not a current psychological diagnosis, but a symptom of other conditions. Still extremely interesting.
The Macbeths - G. K. Chesterton: analysis of their relationship, makes some interesting point on the differences of the nature of their ambition and desire to kill the king
Shakespeare’s tragic frontier; the world of his final tragedies - Willard Farnham: this one is long but oh boy does it go deep. Talks about the lore of the witches, explains historical context to find out how the real events were so screwed up, makes an interesting point about Macbeth’s conscience against Lady Macbeth’s, and lastly talks about the tragic world of Macbeth compared to other tragedies.
Women’s fantasy of manhood: a Shakespearean theme - D. W. Harding: exactly what it says on the tin, using ladymac and her skewed (and I’d call romanticized) idea of what a man is that she pushes on Macbeth. So yeah, talks about the gender theme. Also talks about Goneril from Lear, Cleopatra, and Volumnia from Coriolanus and how they fit the theme— although ladymac is the only one who goes downhill from it.
Unnatural women in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth - Elizabeth Klett: I’ll be honest I didn’t love this one a lot. Basically talks about how every woman in Macbeth defies gender roles. Doesn’t go too deep however. But the book has a ton of essays analyzing female characters in classic lit.
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celticcrossanon · 4 days
BRF Reading - 4th of May, 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 4th of May, 2024
Question: Why isn't Harry wearing his coronation medal?
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Interpretation: He is in a right sulk about something.
Card One: The Three of Wands in reverse
The Three of Wands is a card of initial success in your plans, having your ships come in, expansion, growth, and so in. In the reverse, that didn't happen. Your plans failed, your are restricted or limited in some way, you are not making any progress with your plans.
This is also my card for the Line of Succession and the handing down of power within the BRF, which is what the coronation was all about - a consecration of the next King.
The first energy I get from this card is sulking. Harry is in a right sulk about something and he is not letting go of it any time soon. It could be that he wasn't treated with what he thought was the proper deference at the Coronation, or he expected a bigger role and it did not happen, or even that he has yet to receive his medal (the Three of Wands as the card for the Line of Succession, in reverse, can mean no longer in the Line of Succession or no longer considered a royal, in which case he would not get a medal). I don't know what it is, but something happened in relation to the Coronation and Harry is in a huge sulk about it.
Let me draw a clarifier -
Card Two: The Page of Wands
This is the third reading in a row where I have had the Page of Wands as the second card. The other two were about Princess Catherine's new honour. Normally I would be looking at the readings to see if they were linked in some way, but I can't see how - unless Harry is refusing to wear the medal to hurt his father until Meghan is given an honour, and King Charles gave it to Princess Catherine instead? That is me speculating, not the energy from the card.
The energy from this card is, once again, using PR articles in the media to send a message (pages are messengers and Wands can be PR). The energy of this card is very passive-aggressive, so Harry is deliberately not wearing his medal to try and hurt/manipulate his father/family. It is a sulky energy as well - the same sulky energy in the first card continues here.
Card Three: The Ace of Swords
Aces are new beginnings, and swords are thoughts/communications (especially over the internet)/strategy. This is a new strategy by Harry, or something that he thinks is new, that he is doing to try and get something from his father. To me the energy is like a toddler going 'ok, screaming doesn't get me what I want, so I'll hold my breath instead' and the person doing this thinks they are very clever for thinking up this new approach. The card has the same sulky energy as the other two cards. Harry is in a right strop about something and he is acting out by not wearing his Coronation Medal (I am assuming he has one, otherwise he is in a strop about not having one).
Card Four: The Seven of Pentacles
This is the card about being rewarded for your work or gaining the harvest from your actions. This is what Harry wants. He wants to be rewarded by his father for what he sees as all his hard work, and as that is not happening he is sulking about it.
The energy is that Harry sees himself as having spent all his life working for the BRF and now that his father is King he expects to be rewarded for that hard work, and he is very upset that this is not happening.
I am wondering if Harry wanted another title or honour to be given to him at or after the Coronation and part of his sulk is because that did not happen. The 'William has a new title (Prince of Wales) so I should have one too' line of thought.
This is also my card for a divided allegiance or dodgy dealings, and both if those apply to Harry - he has done and will do some very dodgy things, and his allegiance is clearly not with his father, no matter what noises he makes about reconciling and wanting to go back to the UK etc.
Underlying Energy: The Chariot
This is the card for Cancer, and this card is full of Prince William energy (a sun sign Cancer). Harry is sulking about how Prince William was treated (what else is new) and/or blaming Prince William for whatever has his knickers in a twist (again, what else is new). Harry's energy with respect to Prince William as per this card is old and stale and turning rancid. It is a revolting energy, exactly like I feel when I have to clean out rancid food or spoilt milk.
Harry is sulking about something that is connected to his father's Coronation, and as part of that sulk he is not wearing his Coronation Medal. He is doing it deliberately to hurt his father, and it is a passive-aggressive action. He is sending the message out via his PR articles whenever he wears his medals, and I think he wants someone to ask why he is not wearing his coronation medal so he can speak about what is bugging him without being the one to bring it up.
This is also a part of a new and clever strategy (in Harry's eyes) to get his father to reward him for all his hard work (again, in Harry's eyes). I know this is nit logical or rational coming from Harry, but the energy from the cards is that Harry thinks he has spent his life working for the BRF and that he thinks has not been rewarded for all that hard work in an adequate manner.
Underlying all this is his attitude to his brother - he has x so I have to have x too (and y, and z etc). He also seems to be blaming his brother for his lack of recognition at the Coronation and his lack of a role in the Coronation, for all his plans not working out, for not recognised for his hard work for the BRF, etc etc etc. It is all William's fault.
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mdhwrites · 12 days
Have you seen the leaked TOH pilot and pitch bible yet? IMO it’s crazy how most of it is better than the final product.
I have! And... I don't know if I entirely agree with that.
What I found most fascinating about it is that a lot of the contradictions and issues of scope with TOH that doomed it are still in the pitch bible itself. Just some quick examples of what I'm talking about: When talking about themes, they talk about Fantasy versus Reality but it's as shallow as it is in the show. After all, one of the episode concepts pitched within it features a plot that has Luz literally going "This is just like in my fanfiction!" and being better able to handle it because of that.
It builds up the emperor of the land and Belos (known as Oberon) when talking about them but NONE of the plotlines include Oberon in the episode pitches or even mention the coven system for that matter. They are still barely a thing to the show with the only episode concept about that part of the show being the one about William.
An utter lack of real stakes like how King has to face the deep crises of a decision of either being a lackey to the people he used to run with while also losing any chance to ever reclaim his lost power... Or he can save Eda and Luz and lose the chance to work with these people again. That's not really a compelling decision, is it?
The pitch also claims that the show will mostly be about Luz and Eda's relationship and how Luz's determination will push Eda to be a better person... And most of the episodes pitched are still not actually about the two spending time together. Just Eda making Luz upset so she goes off to do her own thing, just like the same problem as in the actual series.
You actually have MORE characters in this version which sucks harder for trying to narrow things down, especially since more of them are disconnected from each other than before. At least Boscha, unlike Pascha, has a connection to literally anyone in the main cast.
You also have stupidity with your magic still. "Look! I need to work hard to make small objects float!" And apparently that's enough to make all of Hexside lose their fucking minds. WHY!? In 90% of settings, that is as basic as the light spell Luz learns. It's why it's one of the first spells Harry learns.
Oh and let's not forget "Almost all known portals to the human realm have been severed" but apparently Amity has access to one of those known portals freely enough to attend two schools. It's a small thing but it would cause problems in theory.
I will give credit to this: Luz is MUCH more compelling in this version. I think if there is something that is just unequivocally true, it's that. She is way less inoffensively nerdy, instead her interests being more upfront and troublesome, helping explain why that would be why she is rejected and not because, you know, she puts people in danger. Also her rise to power is just better.
Arguably, Luz in canon is a chosen one essentially from episode FOUR onwards. Now, this is up for debate but being given a power almost out of nowhere, with no training, that no one else has, is usually a sign of a chosen in a narrative. Episode 4 is when she gets the light glyph. She doesn't work for it, it's not a big character growth moment, etc. like that. She mostly just oops into it. Making it that Luz ACTUALLY has to work for her magic and the show actually has to explore how the magic works, making it so she has something to learn is just strictly better, especially for the concept of her learning to be a witch. Eda would actually be able to teach her something instead of shrugging and going "Welp, good luck!"
I will say that the bible does also lean more into an adventurous aspect though. This version of episodes would easily be more fantastical and include more magic in them which would help the Isles not feel so much like our realm. I will say the fact that there's also active anti-human prejudice also would be good because then Luz being human would, you know... Matter. Not that the Isles is really given a personality even here besides the oppression they're theoretically under. It's still a very generic fantasy setting.
A lot of the rest though? It's really not that unique or different from the show itself. Lilith is almost exactly the same, Tibbles is just Gus but a demon, there are slightly more restrictions on things like being human or magic but, you know, the show didn't care about its one law, why would it care about three? Even Amity, who does look better on here, is only because it's on paper. This is literally just Amity's pitch in S1 after all. All the reasons people loved Amity are here.
Conceptually it is fine but I am surprised about how not only this got picked up but also how it was greenlit so heavily as to get a pilot animatic, with voice acting, based on these concepts. There's just some very clear cleaning up that needs to be done, basic questions on its own setting and own logic that isn't even playing into the comedy/fantasy angles that could let you let it pass. It's not all of them or even the majority but a skeptical prereader could even raise these basic sorts of inconsistencies like the ones I brought up above. After all, this is half a season's worth of episodes pitched and a fifth of them are still going to Amity and more of them have Luz directly interacting with King than they do Eda.
There's a final thing I have to bring up due to it being why I think the show changed so drastically from this pitch bible to its final form: This is way more complicated. TOH already has extremely decompressed storytelling and too many elements working in tandem. Meanwhile, every character is MORE complicated in this one and less connected to each other, necessitating that each, except maybe Eda, will take more time to get through their stuff. The writing team either had to sharpen how much they could do in an episode or simplify and congregate elements. We see this a LOOOOT in S2A, especially Escaping Expulsion, where it seems the writers went "Even with three whole seasons planned, we don't have enough time to do everything we want to, the way we like to, so we need to start cutting and simplifying even more than before."
One example of this that's really easy: In the pitch bible, Willow is a random witch who lives near Eda. Well that means she'll likely either take time out of a couple episodes as she's introduced or take up an entire episode just for herself. Tibbles is also just on their own, like in the show. Introducing both of these characters is not really an option. However, put them both into Hexside and suddenly you can introduce three characters at the same time organically, like we saw with I Was a Teenage Abomination.
Luz just being gifted magic is another element to this. Her having to actually experiment for every spell and having to have a real system to her spells limits what she can do but also means spending a LOT more time on her magic. You can't just have a flower open up and give her the glyph of the day as easily, nor have her be able to throw her spells around as she wants. Making it so she just needs reams of paper and/or a marker makes it a lot easier and simpler to have her start casting magic.
This version of TOH would have SHATTERED under its own scope while the current version mostly bends and cracks from it. However, if people do use this to go "FUCK DISNEY EVEN HARDER!" I won't be surprised. Grand scope ALWAYS looks better on paper than it does in action. It sounds epic and multi-faceted and complex. The problem is that it still has to fit its format and it is MUCH harder to execute on than a more simple concept.
There's a reason the only perfect project is the one you never do because you can promise the world without ever having to deliver. So, while it's nice to see an earlier version, I am by no means going to say this would have been a better version of TOH.
Sorry for anyone hoping for a link to the pitch bible btw. I just don't have one as I got given it as a document.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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aloysiavirgata · 27 days
Thanks to @numinousmysteries for tagging me! I had never checked these stats before!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for Hannibal, Battlestar Galactica, The Fall, and The X-Files, but only The X-Files at this point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Parting Glass (smut)
Animus Possidendi (dark smut)
The Common Fate of All Things Rare (casefile, cowritten)
Lacuna (casefile)
This Her Fever (cancer arc)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes and no. Not like I should. I am so deeply, truly grateful for every single one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I killed William in Inhaling the Different Dawn, but that wasn’t at the end.
Maybe Where The Vines Cling Crimson? Scully’s cancer comes back and her fate is ambiguous. And I had Scully kill Emily in Alabaster Stones. But I think that was the right ending for both of them.
As a mother? A Basket of Reeds, where Scully gives William away. I can’t even reread it without a lump in my throat, man.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Tent of Shelter is fluffy and lovely gets a lot of love, and was inspired by a STUNNING manip by @avocadoave but I personally think In The Gale. It’s the one that, to me, feels the most like a grownup relationship of two people processing some trauma. I think that’s an ending that’s happy and also real - like “I don’t love being broken, but I can survive being broken with you.” Two abeyances that lean…
Foxfire for similar reasons. I real love that little story, which I wrote thanks to @perplexistan
I’m 43. I’ve been married for well over two decades and let me tell you that young love is a gift and mature love is a craft.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Some! And that’s really great too, that people read words I wrote and felt so passionately that they left me words about those feelings. What a strange but profound compliment!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. PWP isn’t my personal taste so even though I wrote a LOT of smut for the old pornbattles at LJ I wanted the smut to still tell a story.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I can’t say it’s especially crazy, but Fern Hill is a Mulder/Stella Gibson crossover. There are a few little ficlets with XF/Silence of the Lambs crossovers in my Inbox Prompts series.
Oh fuck! Wait! I wrote a Fall/Hannibal/XF crossover called Anthemoessa where Stella, Scully, and Bedelia all meet. Okay that’s it. That wins.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Years ago. God, isn’t that sad? To need positive reinforcement that much?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It was SUCH a compliment!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have - The Common Fate of All Things Rare
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mr. Virgata and me. Followed by Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, who literally invented the word. ❤️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Fisher King
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do pretty good banter and my education makes me pretty good at the sciencey bits.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too lost in descriptions and I try too hard to be clever. I do my best to self edit but sometimes I reread things and I’m like oh my GOD SHUT YOUR PRETENTIOUS ASS UP.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve done it for Bedelia and Hannibal in Italian. I’m not sure I understand the question?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TXF, my one true love.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don’t know that I have a favorite per se. I am most proud of the ones that challenged me to do something outside my comfort zone. Samson is one of mytop fives even though it’s Mulder/Diana. I think I did a nice job. I also wrote Pair of Aces/Double or Nothing which is Scully/Byers.
But I do really love the world of Petrichor and Singing of Mount Abora, and I like the cases.
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