klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 1: Great Unknown
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none yet, will have fluff and mild smut later
Summary: Y/N has lived on the surface for nearly 10 years after she was unwittingly a part of an assassination attempt on the then King of Atlantis Orm Marius. She has hidden away in a small coastal town in Maine, living as a human and building a simple but decent life in a duplex on the beach. Then one day someone moves in to the other half of the duplex. She goes to greet them only to discover it's Orm himself.
Note: Here it is! Orm on the surface! I hope you enjoy it, please any comments or critiques are appreciated! Also, if you want to know the song that inspired this chapter it is called 'Great Unknown' by William Ryan Key
Tags: @gabrieleskywalker
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Will I ever stop imagining what if I'd done things differently and Will you find it a corner in your heart For me long after we part Funny how time doesn't care who we Love and who we wish we could repair So into this great unknown I will wander on my own
Y/N had never planned to be running from Atlantis. She hadn't meant for any of this to happen. She had just wanted to help the people in the lower city, the non nobility in Atlantis, to have a better life. How handing out supplies and funding small businesses to help them flourish became attempted murder she didn't know. But here she was, in her room at her mother's mansion, packing a small bag so that she could disappear.
She wasn't sure how a person's entire life could fit into a bag the size of small sea turtle but that's all she had. Into the bag went the mosaic of her father and she, when she was barely walking and he was still alive. They were poor, but they were happy. Then the plague came through, killing him in days and she was immune, meaning that her blood was noble. A DNA test later and it was discovered her mother was a councilwoman for King Orvax, so she was sent to live with her. Her mother didn't want her, Y/N was the result of a foolish night of 'slumming' as her mother said and her father had been so happy to have a daughter that, Roux Velix, never had to bother with the child again. But now she had to face her mistake and bring this child into her home. She put a smile on her face, making a story about Y/N being kidnapped by her father as a baby to save face, and welcomed the child like she was wanted.
Y/N put a bracelet into her bag next. The only gift that had been given to her in kindness, from the daughter of another council member, her first real love when she was a teenager. That had ended when her mother had found out, already having wild ideas about her marrying the prince, whom she had yet to meet. They fought, screaming at each other until Roux revealed that she had never wanted Y/N and that she wished that the plague had been made to kill anyone with low blood. Y/N had been suspicious of that comment so she started digging into what actually went on in those council meetings between her mother and the king. She was disgusted by what she found.
A flier for a meeting of the Atlantis for All activist group was slid into the front pocket of the bag. Y/N had snuck out in her early 20's, finally getting up the courage to seek out others with similar ideas, hiding under a maid's cowl, to meet with the small Atlantis for All group in the lower city. It had been cleared of the sickness that had taken her father by now, and this group had been operating for years, doing small acts of kindness for the low class Atlantians. When she arrived they didn't trust her, thinking she was coming in as a plant from the nobility to spy on them. It took a few years of hard work and providing funds from her mother's accounts before they really welcomed her. She bonded with one particular person, Aria, who soon became her best friend.
Finally she put letters into the bag. Letters between her and members of AfA, notes from Aria encouraging her to be her true self, things that made her feel happy and reminded her of the fun times she had before Hendrix arrived to begin tearing everything apart. Just as Prince Orm was readying to become king another member of the nobility had joined them. Y/N had never met him before but that didn't surprise her. Her mother didn't let her come to events where someone might ask her about her home life or her history, and she didn't seek out others in the nobility. The few times she had she had either gotten her nose or her heart broken. But Hendrix came in and he was charismatic, he knew how to make people believe him and even more, believe in him. Soon he was nearly running the show and he tasked Y/N with something so that they could protest the coronation of Prince Orm. She had to find out from her mother the route that the parade would travel that day.
"How did you know my mother was in charge of the schedule of events?" she had asked. She assumed he hated the nobility and despised Orm and what he stood for as much as she did, how could he even speak to enough of them to find out this information. He had smiled sweetly at her, and she couldn't lie, she had nearly melted at the attention. She loved when sweet, kind attention was given to her. She was going to soon realize that those who paid that kind of attention to her were just out to use her.
"We must know our enemy if we are to actually interact with them on their level," he said. "Most of you are lower city, those without noble blood, you were raised with them Y/N, I was raised with the royals. I have found that if I want to enact change I first have to understand what they are about. I spoke to several council members at the coronation announcement and was able to convince one to tell me some details. Please, just ask your mother. Once we know the route we can choose the best spot for our protest."
What an amazing liar Hendrix was. The AfA was planning a protest while Hendrix was planning an attack. What no one knew was that Hendrix himself was in line for the crown should anything happen to Orm and well, he always loved to put on a crown.
The parade had gone as it was supposed to, until they rounded the corner closest to the palace. The group was gathered, Y/N at the front with a projector, voice singing out a song of resistance, asking for equal rights for all. Hendrix was supposed to shoot off a cracker, bringing attention to the group. Then Y/N noticed that the canister was ramping up. It wasn't a cracker, it was an energy pulse. She grabbed it from him just as it shot off, barely missing Orm's head, instead hitting the back of the floater he was in, sending it spinning. She knew she had to run and just before the guards descended she and few others took off. She made it back to her room in minutes.
Now here she was, bag packed, ready to run.
She had no idea what to do once she got to the surface and was lucky that Aria had run early and had the sense to do some research before going to land. They met on the way to a small town in the state of Maine. Aria had the knowledge and Y/N had stolen enough from her mother that they were able to get fake documents and rent a duplex on the beach, rooming together for awhile before Aria found someone in town to love and marry. Y/N remained in the duplex overlooking the water. She knew that she probably would never be able to travel far from the rocky shore but she still wanted to see the ocean. She loved the sea and would forever regret what had happened.
For 10 years she settled into a life in Maine, opening a cafe, learning all she could about the surface, and continuing to try and help anyone she could. She had no idea that soon she would be forced back into the Atlantian world and would have to face the man she almost helped assassinate.
When everybody filled me up with pride I was only looking for a place to hide I am no statue or monument to raise But I try my best these days Funny how time doesn't mind who we Keep and who we bear to leave behind So into this great unknown I will wander on my own
Orm couldn't tell Arthur but he was going to miss him. He was going to miss his brother, his mother, his nephew, and especially his kingdom. He knew it wasn't his anymore, and he had been imprisoned for years, but in that time he had thought about everything he would do differently if he were able to go back, go make things right. Now though, he couldn't go back, not yet, possibly not ever. And that broke his heart.
He took some time, mostly walking up the east coast, still living in the ocean when he could, sleeping on beaches and in coves, still wanting to feel close to his home. He didn't bother much with the surface world, choosing instead to let his pity fester. He didn't want to be on the surface and as much as Arthur touted the pros of living on the land Orm didn't want to bother. It was after Orm started garnering attention on the surface news that Arthur finally had to come in and tell him he had to settle somewhere.
"I know you don't want to, you're restless, but that's making you conspicuous and since Atlantis has been revealed, people are traveling to the surface to explore. Someone is bound to recognize you if you keep making waves," Arthur said as they drove up the coast of Maine. He had said he found a place he could stay. It was near Tom's lighthouse and Atlanna had agreed that she would use part of the stipend she received for being the former queen to help fund Orm's needs. He didn't enjoy the idea but the king wasn't really giving him a choice.
"Making waves, funny," Orm grumbled. "So I am expected to live in this house? And what?"
"I don't know, read a book, watch some TV, you have a neighbor, meet them, make a friend, get laid, who cares? Just keep laying low," Arthur said, pulling up to a house that seemed split in two. There were two doors sharing a large porch, it was two stories, and to Orm's happiness at least, was boarding a rocky beach that allowed him to walk to the ocean if he wanted. "We got it furnished already, fridge is full, and I left information about places to eat and different sites you could visit." Orm got out of the truck and grabbed his bag, just a single backpack, and headed to the front door. Arthur let him know that Tom's lighthouse was only 10 miles north and he could go to them any time he needed anything and they would get Arthur. Orm waved back to the truck and watched it pull away.
He was about to enter his new home when the other door opened and a woman stepped out. He turned to look at her, not sure what he expected from this neighbor, but the look of surprise wasn't it. She recovered quickly and he decided to ignore it. He had probably made a similar face, considering his surprise at how pretty she was. He had seen pretty surface dwellers before, but not like her. Maybe she thought he was just as pleasing to look at. Arthur had said to get laid.
Y/N had covered her shock at seeing King Orm standing on her porch, apparently moving into the other side of the duplex, but she was still panicking inside. What was he doing here? What had happened that the man who's major selling point to the Atlantian people was how much he hated the surface world. She put on a smile, resolving that she would try her best to keep him from realizing that she was Atlantian and also keeping it secret what she had done, what she had been involved in.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Vila, I guess I'm your neighbor" she introduced, offering her hand. Orm smiled a little back at her, taking her hand hesitantly, sending a bit of a flutter through her. O no.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 8: Shot at the Night
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Orm can't do much to help Y/N but he does find someone who can
Note: song is 'Shot at the Night' by the Killers
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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We’re breaking all the rules To find that our home Has long been outgrown Throw me a lifeline Cause honey I’ve got nothing to lose Once in a lifetime
“Why did you settle by the ocean if you’re so afraid of water?” Orm asked, sitting on the back porch with Y/N, watching the waves under the moonlight. She was strumming, singing one of her songs. He was starting to recognize them by now and he knew she sang this one because he liked it. She looked at him and shrugged.
“I used to love the water, felt free and happy in it,” she said. “I told you I was accused of something that I didn’t do. I do bare some responsibility for it though, even though it was an accident. Ever since then, I don’t want to go back into the water, but I can’t let myself forget that day. Part of me wonders if it was my fault.” She stopped strumming and set the guitar aside, wrapping a blanket around herself.
“Did you want someone to get hurt?” he asked. She shook her head. “Not your fault, you shouldn’t stay here feeling guilty. What I did…I wanted to hurt people, all of the pain I caused was because I was angry. You didn’t have that malice.” He looked at the water before looking down at his hands. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, instantly calming him.
“Do you remember feeling like that?” she asked. “Do you ever feel like that now?” He shook his head. “Have you tried to make things right?”
“Yes, I’m trying,” he whispered. She smiled at him and squeezed his arm.
“You’ll get there, let the guilt go, but keep becoming better. I’ll help you, we are better together,” she said.
Orm startled awake, the memory fading from his dream to his waking nightmare. He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, sometime right before dawn. Last he remembered his mother and Arthur were still there making plans on finding some kind of proof of who tried to kill Orm. The footage was enough to clear Y/N of active treason, but she still could be held for conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit treason was a capital offense in Atlantis and she could still be executed if they didn’t find and get a confession from the culprit.
He was alone now with a note from Arthur that they had left to find proof in Atlantis. Arthur planned to talk to Hendrix and Atlanna was going to talk to Y/N. Orm went over to Y/N’s place. He hated to invade her privacy but maybe she had something. He started searching, trying to ignore that her bed was still unmade from where they had been together, her same clothes from her birthday on the floor around it.
“There has to be something,” he muttered to himself as he went through her closet. He moved some boxes out of the bottom and saw a small door, probably another small storage area behind the wall. He was able to pry it open and inside was a bag. He pulled it out and sat on the floor, looking through it slowly. He pulled out the mosaic of her and her father. It was cheap but well made, a product of the lower city where technology to film wasn’t as widely available. He set it aside carefully. Next came out a flyer for Atlantis for All, listing their goals as equal status, better living conditions, and fairness in the workforce. Orm remembered his father telling him that all those below the nobility were lazy, they just wanted people to hand them money and food without doing anything for it. At the time he had agreed, but this notice listed things that anyone would need to survive and thrive, which is what he thought his father wanted for all Atlantians. He set it aside also and pulled out a stack of papers. This was what he needed, letters to and from different people in AfA.
I work from morning until night, I never see my family, yet they still starve…
My mother died because we couldn’t get her a proper doctor, the nobility never have to worry…
My father died of the sickness King Orvax released when I was a child. King Orvax made me an orphan…
We can fix this. There is a way. King Orm’s coronation is on the first day of the Great Migration…
Here is what he needed. He read through the letter, it laid out a plan to protest, nothing else. They were to have Y/N sing, and Hendrix volunteered to bring the cracker. This was almost enough, but Orm needed something else. Aria was mentioned as one of the leaders of the group. He had to find her; she might have more proof.
Orm wasn’t sure where else to go so he went to the café. It was empty except for Y/N’s friends when he arrived. They were all glaring at him. When he walked in Dean came up and punched him in the face. It didn’t hurt, but Orm wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back a step. Dean was shaking his hand, wincing. He had probably broken a couple fingers. Aria pushed past him.
“Get out tyrant,” she demanded. Orm stood his ground. “We know you did something to her, no one can find her.”
“I didn’t do anything, but Hendrix took her back to Atlantis to face trial for treason,” he said. Aria froze.
“You’re lying, you gave her up,” she said, but her voice lacked conviction.
“If I gave her up I would be on my way to trial too. I’m a fugitive just as much as the two of you,” he said. “We need proof that Hendrix was the one who tried to kill me. I found a letter in her things with the plan for the coronation day, it says Hendrix was to get the cracker, but we need more than that, anything that makes it sound like he alone planned the attempt.” Aria was breathing deep, trying to remain calm.
“How do we know you won’t just take the evidence and destroy it?” Vincent called out. “What if you want to use her to get yourself pardoned?” Orm didn’t have time for this bullshit.
“Because I love her!” he yelled. “Because she is everything to me and I won’t stand by while they execute her. I can’t go back, no one will believe me if I say she is innocent, I’ll just get thrown in a cell next to her, but my brother is king. If I am able to get proof to him he can set this right.”
Aria watched his speech and nodded before motioning for him to come with her. She lived only a few houses down from the café and she also had a bag full of letters. She kept meticulous records and correspondence, including from Hendrix. Hours later she jumped up.
“I found something,” she said, setting the letter down in front of Orm at her kitchen table. By then everyone had joined them, watching. “This is from Hendrix, the day before the coronation. I think I received it by mistake. I never read it because well, I hated Hendrix and anything he had to say was worthless to me.” She pointed to a spot that clearly incriminated him.
“These people are idiots. They’re going to give me the crown and not even realize it. Tomorrow Orm will be dead and I’ll be king,” Orm read. This was perfect.
“Bless that asshole’s giant ego,” muttered Amanda from the couch. Orm stood and hugged Aria.
“I know you hate me but thank you,” he said. He looked between her and Dean. “I am sorry for the tidal wave, for everything. I was wrong and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it.” He left it at that, hurrying out of the house and calling Arthur to tell him he had proof.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 2: Landslide
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none just building some fluff
Summary: The first few months are awkward, but they figure things out
Note: Chapter 2! So excited for this, and I love Orm being both confused but still trying to pretend he knows what's going on! Comments/critiques appreciated! Also, song is 'Landslides by Fleetwood Mac
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The first month Y/N and Orm only exchanged pleasantries when they saw each other leaving or entering their homes. A quick hello, or how are you, followed by a hasty exit that left Orm confused, what if he had caused her to dislike him, and Y/N worried, what if he became suspicious of her? Despite their meetings being quick and dismissive both found themselves fascinated by the other. Y/N would often stand in her bathroom upstairs, in the bathtub no less, discreetly watching Orm as he walked the beach, sometimes swimming despite the chill of the autumn weather. She envied him honestly, he must have been on the surface because he wanted to be for some reason. If he were hiding out here he would be too afraid to go into the water like she was. Either that or he was still just as self-centered as he was as king and didn't fear being caught. She hadn't stepped foot in the water for the last decade, afraid that somehow her mother would find her and drag her back for punishment for a crime she had tried to prevent.
Y/N thought she was being discreet but Orm could feel her watch him. What he couldn't figure out was why she wouldn't talk to him. She hurried through any interaction they had, putting as much distance between them as possible. He didn't think he had said or done anything offensive, mostly just tried to smile and be polite. It had worked with other surface dwellers, why not her? Could she sense he didn't belong here somehow? He pondered this while he swam in the shallows of the ocean, receiving strange looks from those walking by. He knew the weather was too cold for humans to be swimming but he needed to be in the water, feel a part of the sea at least for a little while during the day. And today was the day he was finally going to confront Y/N, at least so he could apologize for whatever he had done to make her dislike him.
Orm was just coming in from the beach through the back sliding door of the house when he heard Y/N returning home through the wall splitting the house. He waited for several minutes, getting dried off, before he approached her door, knocking. She peeked out of the peephole and nearly passed out. Why was he here? Had he seen her watching him and wanted to tell her off for being creepy? She took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi," she said, trying to hide how nervous she was. Orm swallowed, almost forgetting the words he wanted to say. She looked like she had had a long day, hair in a messy ponytail and clothes wrinkled from whatever job she did. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed and the thought of her in bed almost made him blush.
"Hello, I just, I notice that you seem to run off at the sight of me and I am wondering have I...done something to offend you?" he asked finally, stringing a usable sentence together, much to his surprise. Whatever she had been expecting him to say, this was not it.
"O, um, no, I'm...I'm sorry," she stammered out, trying to think fast about why she was avoiding him. "Its just, strange man moving in next door to me, not the first time I've been polite to a neighbor and he has thought that I was flirting, I didn't want to, I just wanted to make sure you weren't a creep first before being nicer." Was that an explanation? Did those words even work? Orm drew his eyebrows together, thinking over her statement.
"I hope I didn't come off as a creep, I am not one I don't think?" he said, voice unsure. Y/N couldn't fight the smile that appeared, he seemed so sweet and genuine. He wanted her to think he was a good man, not someone to be afraid of. She took a deep breath and decided to give him a chance.
"No, you haven't, you've been perfectly respectful," she said. "I'm sorry for making assumptions but you can never be too careful can you?" Orm agreed and looked at the weather. It was overcast, but not rainy.
"Would you like to take a walk on the beach?" he asked. This was actually surprising. Y/N looked towards the back of the house, thinking about the rocks and the water and then Atlantis. Then she pictured a force arriving on the beach to carry her back to the kingdom for execution. She shook her head.
"No, but how about a walk to the park?" she asked. Orm nodded. "Give me 2 minutes to change my shirt, I just got off work and feel like I smell." She laughed at herself and Orm smiled, nodding.
While he waited he thought about the look she had on her face when she had looked towards the ocean. It wasn't boredom, or even nervousness, it was fear in her eyes. Was she scared of the water? If so, why live in this house where the waves sung him to sleep every night? What was she afraid of? He filed the question away to think about later as the door opened again and she came out in a sweater and her ponytail smoothed out.
"Shall we?" she asked, offering him her elbow. He looked at her for a second before she laughed. "Sorry, its the gentleman's job to offer his arm isn't it?" Orm cocked his head to the side before mirroring her move, sticking his elbow out. Now he wished that he had watched those movies that Arthur had talked about, maybe he would know what was supposed to happen with his arm like this. Then Y/N slid her arm through his and linked them together. Now he understood. And he liked it. They started off towards the small green park that was nearby.
"Its nice today," Y/N said, breaking the silence as they started to circle the fountain at the park entrance. "Cloudy, but the temperature isn't too cold yet. I'll bet we'll have snow soon though." Orm looked up at the sky.
"I've never seen snow before," he said. He knew about the weather pattern, water froze in the air and then fell lightly to the ground in white flakes, but he had never bothered to go see snow. He wondered if he would like it.
"A southern man, I see," Y/N said, stopping by the edge of the community garden. She walked over to the small patch she took care of, grabbing a small bit of weed that had popped up in the last day and tossed it aside. "That's my part of the garden, I grow some vegetables."
"I've never gardened before either," Orm said. As they walked he was realizing he hadn't done a lot despite being on land for almost a full year now and wondered if he should start actually trying to live instead of just hide here. He shook the thought from his head and looked back at his walking partner. "So, you just got off work, where do you work?"
"I own a cafe in town, little place that's open for breakfast and lunch," she explained. "You should come by sometime, could always use more customers." She nudged him with her elbow, making her own heart skip a beat and deciding maybe it wasn't a good idea to walk with him, be this close to him. But he was like a magnet for her and she had spent so much time trying to fight speaking to him, it had been exhausting. They could be friends.
After the walk, for two months they had small talk. Nothing too deep, just general things they liked and disliked, some bland stories from their past that could easily be pulled from almost any surface dwellers memories. They walked in the park a few days a week and despite either of their best interests they were starting to really enjoy each other's company. Y/N loved to hear Orm's laugh and see his smile. Orm liked how the sun made Y/N's eyes a deeper color, but how the rainy days brought out her silly side, splashing in puddles or swinging at the vacant, soaked, playground. These walks were Orm's favorite times of the week, but after tonight he would have another favorite to add.
It was late, after midnight, and Orm was barely dozing, a nightmare waking him over and over. One would think the nightmares he had would be about his imprisonment, or the attempted assassination from his coronation day, but no, the nightmare's were about his father on his 18th birthday. His party had just ended, and it wasn't much of a party, more a show where his father could pretend to be so happy and proud of his soon-to-be king son. They had known his father was sick by then, would be dying within the next few months, so he had thrown Orm a grand bash to remember him by. Orm couldn't recall a single thing about the evening until he was saying goodnight to his father at the door to his room.
"You ate still an embarrassment," Orvax had said, looking Orm over. He was wearing his finest armor but still felt like a child playing knight and his father knew it. "Your reign will be the worst of any of the Atlantian kings and I hate that my child is going to be the greatest disappointment in the history of the sea." Then his father went into his room and died that very night.
Orm had spent the next decade trying to prove his father wrong. He knew he had, he knew now that Arthur being king was the greatest thing that could happen to Atlantis, but there was still a part of him that felt the pang of guilt and shame of being exactly the disappointment his father knew he was going to be. He woke up with the shame swimming in his body, but this time he heard something outside. He stood, throwing on a shirt as he ventured downstairs. The sound wasn't threatening, it was, music. Y/N was outside on the back porch playing...guitar...that was the word, and singing. He thought he recognized the voice but couldn't place where from. He opened the sliding door to the back quietly, wanting to listen. She was seated on a wicker rocking chair facing the ocean, strumming as she sang to the sea.
Orm must have made a noise because the song stopped and she turned, looking at him. He blushed, feeling caught peeking into something he wasn't supposed to see. After a moment though, she smiled and waved him out. He closed the door and moved to sit on the other wicker chair out on her porch.
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing oceans tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
"I hope I wasn't keeping you awake," she said, still strumming softly. Orm watched her fingers, shaking his head. "I can't sleep either. What's got you awake, if you don't mind me asking."
"My past," he said softly. She nodded, seeming to understand. "You?"
"My past," she mimicked his voice before laughing. Orm chuckled. It must have been the sound of the waves or the sight of the stars because Y/N decided then to trust Orm with a little more of herself. "I was blamed for something that I didn't do, but because of me it was still able to happen. Someone almost died, so I ran. I couldn't live at home anymore, seeing what my foolishness caused so, here I am." Orm looked at her and sighed. "What? Same thing for you?"
"Worse," he said. Her eyebrows shot up. "I also did something foolish, and well, I was high on who I was, the power my name afforded me, and I did hurt people, almost killed my own brother. He forgave me, taught me a hard lesson in the process, and now I just want to figure out who I am without that world, without that power." Y/N reached out her hand and set it gently on his.
"I'm glad we found each other then, maybe we can be friends and help each other be better then we were," she said. Orm smiled, squeezing her hand and sitting back to enjoy the ocean as Y/N pulled back to start playing again, singing him to sleep.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 12: Pointless
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: this is just fluff
Summary: epilogue, five years later
Notes: I hope you enjoyed this little story! I hope to write another story soon, I do have another idea in mind, just need to flesh it out. comment/critique appreciated, song is 'Pointless' by Lewis Capaldi
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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I bring her coffee in the morning She brings me inner peace I take her out to fancy restaurants She takes the sadness out of me
Orm let out a breath, seeing it as it drifted into the snow-covered forest. It was getting dark soon so he better head back to the house. Everyone would be arriving soon, and he wanted some time to get ready. He piled the wood onto the sled and called for Rex to get moving. The Pyrenees barked and started walking back through the trees to their home. He unloaded the wood into the shed, grabbing a few for the fire and walked into the mudroom of the cabin. The wood went into the holder, his hat and gloves into the cubby and his coat on the hook. The dog ran deeper into the house, and he heard the joyous laugh of a baby and smiled. The mudroom led into the kitchen where Y/N was standing by the counter, decorating a cake meticulously.
“It looks and smells amazing,” Orm said, walking over and kissing her head. She took some of the frosting and made to let him lick it off her finger. He leaned in and she poked his nose with it instead, laughing.
“Your nose was red, wanted to give it a blanket,” she teased. He laughed, wiping his face and stealing the bowl of icing from her as revenge. “Orm! I cannot chase you in this condition!” she said, motioning to her stomach, just barely a bump showing. He set the bowl down again, but not before taking some and eating it. “Go see your son, get yourselves ready for the party.”
Orm headed into the living room and lifted his two-year-old son from the playpen, carrying him up the stairs. If you would have told Orm five years ago, but when he and Y/N took off from Maine in the night that he would be living in north end of Yukon Canada with a son and a daughter on the way he would he laughed. They had been so scared for the first year, moving at night, staying away from the water and major cities, not sure if Atlantians tourists would see them. They didn’t talk to anyone, dropping communication with Arthur, Aria, Atlanna, everyone. They were in Alberta, just roaming, when Y/N found out she was pregnant and they decided to find a place and settle, at least for a while.
They bought some land outside a small town and built a cabin, adding to it when they needed the room. Now it was just enough for them and their children, and Y/N even got to open another café in the town, becoming popular quickly since she was the only place to get decent coffee. Despite all their safety and happiness, they still wanted to see their family and friends again. Orm took it upon himself to get back in touch with Arthur and the others, inviting them to surprise Y/N with a birthday party. She still thought that evening was going to be just her, Orm, and Naut.
Orm put Naut, named for Y/N’s father, in the tub and helped him get cleaned up before dressing him in his pajamas. No reason for him to be uncomfortable when he was meeting new people.
“Play in your room while I get dressed ok?” Orm said, sending him off. He dressed and was just getting finished when Y/N came in.
“The cake looks great. Still don’t know why you requested so much, its just us,” she said, getting a dress on. No matter if it was just them, she still dressed up for birthdays, wanting to celebrate them as much as she could.
“That cake will be gone in the morning, and you know it, now we can enjoy it for a few more days,” he said, pulling her to him, kissing her softly. His hands drifted to rear, pulling her against him. “I know you just put the dress on…” he whispered, kissing down her neck. She giggled, pushing him back gently.
“You can rip it off me later alright?” she said, kissing him again. There was a knock. “Who…who is possibly here?” Orm shrugged and waited for her to turn before smiling. She went to get Naut, wanting him close in case whoever was at the door was a threat. Orm answered, smiling at his brother who pulled him into a hug instantly. He led them into the kitchen where Y/N waited, eyes filling with tears. Everyone filed in, Orm reuniting with his family and getting reintroduced to AJ and to Arthur’s other 2 children. Atlanna was holding one with Tom holding the other. Aria, Dean, and their child walked in after and looked at Y/N holding Naut still.
“O God, Orm procreated,” Aria said, leaning to Dean for drama. She ran over, hugging Y/N gently and looking at Naut. “He’s beautiful, so blond.”
“It’s a very strong gene that hair,” Y/N agreed. “This one will probably match.” She patted her stomach and Aria squealed. “Now, can everyone quiet down for a second?” The group looked at her. Orm smiled.
“I thought, it’s been long enough, our family should be able to see us,” he said, moving over to her. She nodded and looked at him.
“Thank you, this is great,” she said. He kissed her softly before letting Atlanna come over. Y/N gently handed Naut to her, telling him that this was his grandma. He seemed nervous but soon warmed to the queen.
“He looks just like Orm did at this age, is he trouble? Orm was trouble,” she said. Y/N nodded. Orm and Arthur stepped aside as everyone kind of sectioned off, finding food or exploring the cabin.
“I’m glad you called,” Arthur said. He watched as AJ and his other kids played with Aria’s child and Naut while Aria, Atlanna, Mera, and Y/N watched them from the couch. Tom and Dean were discussing the cabin, looking at the fireplace. “This is amazing, who knew my dick of a little brother would be capable of all this.”
“It wasn’t just me,” Orm said. “Y/N is what brought this about.” Arthur shook his head.
“It isn’t just her either. You were already doing the work, trying to be a better man. That’s why she chose you,” Arthur said. Orm nodded with a smile. He went to the stereo and turned on a song. Y/N looked up as he approached, offering her his hand.
“Care to dance?” he asked. She smiled wide and nodded, taking his hand. He pulled her close, hand to her waist, the other in her hand. “Does this make you happy?” She nodded, kissing him softly.
“Yes, this makes me happy, you make me happy.”
I make her cards on her birthday She makes me a better man I take her water when she's thirsty She takes me as I am
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 5: Cut to the Feeling
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: here comes the smut! its most of this chapter, if you would like to skip the italicized part is where it is over
Summary: just see above, but everything may be falling apart
Note: hope you enjoy! comment/critique appreciated! Song is 'Cut to the Feeling' by Carly Rae Jepson
Taglist: hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul
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Around the 7th step Orm couldn't stop himself, pulling Y/N back to him, and doing a sort of double walk with her up the rest of the way, kissing at her neck as he went. She tasted amazing and he wanted to savor every part of her. She guided him to her room and he stopped her just before her bed, one arm holding her firm around the waist while his other pulled up her skirt, fingers sliding into her underwear and feeling at her core. She moaned as he started doing circles around her clit, head falling back to him. Before he got too involved he wanted to hear her fall apart, and when she moaned out his name he wanted to hear it again and again. Her face turned and she kissed him before she had to stop, focusing on the feeling of his fingers dancing over her.
"Do you like that?" he whispered, teeth grazing her earlobe before biting it softly. She said his name again.
"Yes," she finally said, then she let out a soft cry and he could feel her shutter. She panted as he brought his fingers to his lips and tasted her. She tasted amazing and he wanted to taste her more, but he knew he couldn't hold out for that long. Once she had a moment to come down he turned her to face him. She wasted no time in pulling his shirt over his head, kissing down his chest and undoing the top of his jeans. Y/N wanted to have some fun with Orm like he had with her so once he was out of his pants she took his cock into her mouth, licking the underside before taking him fully in. He groaned out loud, a hand tangling into her hair.
"Y/N, I want you," he whispered, hearing the begging tone in his voice. He glanced down and she smirked up at him and he nearly released in that moment, but thankfully she stood up and he pulled her dress over her head. She took care of her underthings herself, beckoning him towards her bed. What had started as hot and fast had slowed now, just a little. Orm was going to take his time now, despite wanting to take her as fast as possible. She laid down and he started to kiss up her leg, exploring with his lips and tongue, fingers inching up with him as he climbed up her body. He met her core and he couldn't help himself as he dove in, licking a few times, hearing those sweet noises again before he pulled back. She looked down at him, her fingers toying with her nipples as he watched for a few moments.
"Please..." she whispered, clearly wanting him to continue. It was his turn to smirk, shaking his head as he moved up her body more, moving one of her hands as he kissed at her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking it gently before licking it and moving to give the other the same treatment. By the time he kissed her again she was wrapping her legs around him, trying to guide him into her.
"How do you want to do this?" he asked. He wanted her to enjoy this, wanted to make sure she remembered this night forever. She thought for a second before she pushed him onto his back and climbed over him. He held her hips as she moved into place, sliding onto him and letting out a content sigh as he filled her. She put one hand to his chest, the other to her headboard as she started to move to him. He watched her for a few moments, relishing in how she felt on top of him. Him giving control to someone else wasn't something he was used to but he thought he might have to do this more often. She started to move faster as she came closer to another release. He sat up some, arm holding him up as he kissed at her breasts again, nipping the skin before she pushed him back and kissed him. He moved his hand, sliding it between them to find her clit again, circling again, knowing it was still sensitive from his previous touches. She moaned into the kiss, pulling away to pant and call his name. She cried out and froze for just a moment, enjoying the high she had hit. A few more thrusts and he released also, gripping her close to him as they came down.
"That was...amazing" she said softly, climbing off him. She went into the adjoining bathroom, throwing him out a hand towel before closing the door to clean up herself. He sighed a little and laid back, not bothering with his clothes again. She came out a little bit later and climbed into bed naked next to him. They should have been tired but Orm found himself awake, thinking back to every moment of that day and committing it memory. "Orm?"
"Hmm?" he asked, looking at Y/N on his chest. She looked up at him, those eyes melting him. He couldn't stop himself, he kissed her again and she laughed, pushing him back gently.
"I want to ask you something," she said. He sat up a little, adjusting so she was using him as more of a pillow. "This was the best birthday I have ever had, so I was wondering, what was your best?" He froze, not sure how to answer. He looked down and then at her.
"Honestly? I've never really had a good birthday," he said. She looked shocked. "I know, well I might have had good ones before my mother was...left for a bit, but my father wasn't a very kind man and he didn't really think birthdays were anything special. In fact, he died on my 18th birthday, after informing me what a disappointment I was." Y/N sat up more, looking at him very serious now. "What?"
"You don't believe him right? You know that you should be proud of yourself?" she asked. He stared back at her before looking away. In truth, no, he wasn't proud of himself. Not after what he had done without any consideration for others. And if Y/N was honest with herself she knew he probably wasn't proud of himself. She remembered the destruction he caused five years ago, but she couldn't believe that this Orm was that person. He wasn't, he couldn't be.
"I am working on that," Orm finally said. Y/N nodded and yawned. He smiled at that. "Come on, get some sleep, and happy birthday." They snuggled down ins't bed and he kissed her head as she drifted off on his chest.
In the morning Orm woke up alone, still naked, but hearing some music from the kitchen. He got up, sniffing a little, whatever Y/N was making smelled amazing. He found his clothes, sliding them on and heading downstairs. He was quiet as he approached the kitchen, leaning on the dining table as he watched her sing and dance as she cooked.
I wanna play where you play with the angels I wanna wake up with you in tangles I wanna cut to the feeling, o ya, I wanna cut to the feeling
She turned then, holding a plate of pancakes and another of bacon. She stopped and laughed, blushing that he caught her. He walked over, taking a plate and carrying it to the table.
"Did I wake you? I wanted to finish before you got up," she said, getting some OJ and silverware. He got cups and set them out and noticed how strange yet wonderful this felt, setting a table with her, being here with her in the morning after holding her all through the night. He wanted to do it all again tomorrow, and the day after, and then another day. He never wanted it to end.
"You didn't wake me, but you didn't have to do all this, I have been living off of Fruit Loops honestly," he said. She laughed and gave him some pancakes and bacon. "Do you have work today?"
"No, I'm free, took it off because who wants to work around their birthday?" she said. Then she looked at him. "When is your birthday?"
"In a few months, after the new year," he said, waving it off. She still stared at him. "January 12th." She nodded, satisfied.
"I will be sure to repeat last on your birthday, only you will get all the fun," she said. Orm felt himself heat at just the thought of another night like the last one. "Which, just so you know, last night was probably the best sex I've ever had." Orm felt himself flush with pride.
"Me too," he answered honestly. "I have to go talk to my brother today, but maybe I could see you again tonight?" She was about to answer when there was a loud and angry knock at her door. She went to answer and there was Aria, staring daggers at her. Then she saw Orm and Y/N knew this was the end of everything.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 4: Like Real People Do
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none this chapter, next one will have some, this is more fluff
Summary: Y/N introduces Orm to her friends and they take a next step
Notes: more good stuff! comments/critiques are appreciated! Song is 'Like Real People Do' by Hozier
Taglist: @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul
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"You are so into this guy!" Aria laughed as she sat at her kitchen table with Y/N the day after Halloween. "What is his name again?" She was multitasking, feeding her infant. Y/N hadn't said his name, knowing that if she did Aria would know who it was. Orm wasn't exactly a common surface dweller name and Aria still had contacts in Atlantis, she had just been telling Y/N that the previous king Orm had escaped his prison cell and was presumed dead in some attempt to retrieve the Black Trident from the Lost Kingdom. Although, according to Aria, that sounded ridiculous, Orm was in hiding somewhere. And Y/N had paled a little, thinking about how he was in hiding, right next door to her.
"His name is Oren," she said, thinking as fast as she could. It could work, not like Aria was going to meet him any time soon if Y/N could help it. "He's from somewhere in Europe."
"Tell me more about him, I've heard he's hot, and that's he's funny, what else does he have going for him?" she pressed and Y/N regretted bringing him up. She hadn't meant to tell Aria, but she was her best friend and just like most best friends, she knew when Y/N was infatuated with someone and Y/N was bad at keeping secrets from her.
"Well, funny thing, you know who he reminds me of?" she said, figuring if she told her he reminded her of Orm maybe if they did stumble across each other it would set up the idea in her mind that he was some kind of surface dwelling doppelganger. Aria nodded for her to keep going as she spooned more baby food into her daughter's mouth. "King Orm actually, he's got the same exact kind of royal way about him. He also is blonde, sometimes things he's the greatest thing to happen in the world, and he's charming as hell." She had rambled a little more than she meant to and didn't realize Aria was now staring at her.
"If he's anything like that prick Orm you should leave him be, that asshole was a genocidal maniac who didn't care about anyone but himself and that stupid crown," Aria said, voice dripping with venom. Y/N bit her lip.
"I said he's like Orm, but he's also so kind and I can't imagine him being a genocidal maniac or not caring about others. He's been nothing but sweet to me and anyone I've seen him with. You should have seen him with his nephew yesterday, that man is nothing like Orm was," she said. Aria narrowed her eyes, assessing her friend for a minute before finally nodding and offering a small smile.
"Well, I hope he comes to your birthday party tomorrow, Dean would love to meet him," she said, looking a little guilty now. YN's eyes widened. Her party, at her house, that Orm would definitely notice, and be really hurt if she didn't tell him he could come. Aria was supposed to be there, but she had said only Dean, her husband, would meet him.
"Why is only Dean coming?" she asked. Aria sighed.
"The hospital had another flu breakout among the nursing staff, I've been called in for 3 12's," she said. "I'm sorry, I promise we got you an amazing present! And once I'm done with these horrendous shifts I will take you out for a proper fun time." Y/N nodded, putting on an upset face, but inside she was doing a cartwheel. If Aria wasn't there and Dean talked to Orm, then he could report back to Aria instead of her seeing him for herself. Dean had no idea who Orm was, he was a surface dweller who barely understood anything about Atlantis and honestly, didn't care to know once he heard how horrible they were to the lower city. She knew sooner or later Aria would meet Orm but she could warn her first, actually talk to her about him and tell the truth before then.
The day of her party, after getting the supplies and starting to make some of the food she had planned she walked to Orm's door, knocking on the wall as she went. She frowned when didn't answer so she went to the back porch and towards the water. He was swimming again, just a few hundred feet out and back. She took a deep breath, walking slowly down to the beach. She could stay on the shore, it was too cold for a human to be swimming, he would make the excuse he always did, he was used to these temperatures, family of swimmers, blah blah blah, a human would have been still suspicious, but she would pretend what he said made sense. She got to where the rocks started and stopped.
"Orm!" she yelled, hoping he heard her over the wind. He didn't seem to so she took a couple steps forward, heart starting to pound as she pictured a drop of water getting onto her shoes and somehow sending word to her mother that she was near the water, ready for capture. She knew how crazy that was but the fear in her mind didn't care. "ORM!" she yelled, this time louder, and with a little more panic in her voice. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She saw him freeze, looking at her. She wasn't sure what he saw but he swam, faster than any person would be able to, back to the shore, running over to her.
"Y/N, are you alright?" he asked. Orm had heard her voice, hearing thinly veiled terror in her tone. Then he saw the look on her face from the water, she looked pale, like she was going to pass out. He knew he had swam too fast, but he was worried about her, had to get to her as fast as he could.
"I'm alright, just scared of the water," she said, but he felt that was a lie. Why did she lie about the ocean? He couldn't understand it, but he would accept it. "Are you finished? I wanted to ask you something?" He nodded and she forced a smile. He took her arm gently and started to lead her back towards the house, seeing the worry melt away the further they moved from the sea.
"What's going on?" he asked once they were safely back on their porch.
"Well, um, I'm having a party tonight, its my birthday party and I wanted you to come. Its nothing big, just a few friends. We'll mostly eat, play some board games, nothing crazy," she said. Orm stared. The last birthday party he had been to was his 18th and that had ended terribly, he hoped all birthday parties weren't so bad. He swallowed the memories of that night down and nodded.
"Ya, I'll come, what time?" he asked. He had to know how much time he had to find her a present, if he knew one thing about birthdays here it was that gifts were required.
"At 8, and no gifts required, we're all saving for our own lives, so no one ever brings any," she said. He frowned, not liking that. She deserved a gift for just existing and making his world infinitely better over the last 4 months. He nodded anyway and smiled.
"I will see you at 8 then, now I'm going to shower, its freezing out here," he said, realizing he should have been shivering. Y/N just nodded, a knowing look in her eye that he could never place and headed inside.
Orm did in fact shower, go out to a small boutique in the town, and get ready all within the time frame and was knocking on her wall at 8 before heading to her door. It was thrown open by a strange man before Y/N pushed him out of the way to greet Orm. She came onto the porch, closing the door behind her, but he Orm noticed several faces peering out the front window.
"Alright, this is a little out of control, but um, I have never invited anyone outside of this little friend group to a party before," she said. Orm didn't hear her at first, staring instead at how beautiful she looked. She had dressed up in a green dress with blue pearl accents around the neckline, her hair was down and longer than he realized, and her face was made up in soft golds to bring out her eyes but not hide her freckles. She looked more amazing than any woman on land or in the sea. He shook himself and blushed a little. "They think we're dating but you know, I've been trying to tell them we're friends, but they, they don't believe me." She was blushing also, glancing from him to her friends and trying to wave them away from the window.
"It's...its fine, hopefully they like me," he said. They were friends, but were they? He knew he didn't feel like she was just his friend, he was starting to feel like she was more than that, more than everything to him. She nodded and then noticed the small bag in his hand. She took it gently as they walked inside.
"I said no gifts to him, I promise," she said, setting the bag down on a side table, out of the way and safe from the festivities. Her friends just smiled, all looking like they were anticipating something. Orm now understood the scrutiny he normally placed on others. They were watching his every move, trying to read how he felt about Y/N.
"Hi, I'm, I'm Orm," he said, unsure what else to do, he looked to his neighbor and she seemed to be coming out of a trance.
"Ya, um Orm, this is Vincent, his husband James, Amanda, her husband Nick, Colleen, her fiance Erin, and this is Dean, he is my friend Aria's husband. She's a nurse and couldn't be here tonight," she explained, going down the line. He noticed that her voice hitched a little when she spoke and Dean and Aria and Orm knew those were the ones he was trying to make a good impression on. The others all came over, introducing themselves and talking at once at him. He felt relief wash over him when Y/N suggested they play a board game, something called Horrified, and they seemed to lose interest in Orm.
The party was great, food amazing, music soft but still fun and celebratory. Y/N kept asking people to dance with her but no one did and Orm can see it was bothering her. He would have if Dean hadn't cornered him a little, asking him questions about himself and then dropping a bomb on him.
"Aria thinks you and Y/N should be together," he said. Orm looked at him surprised. "O come on, you are all Y/N talks about anymore and you haven't taken your eyes off her all night, you two should just kiss and get it over with." In that instant Dean reminded Orm a great deal of Arthur and he thought he much he wanted to talk to his brother. He never thought he would be wishing for Arthur's perspective on something but now he craved it. Arthur had dealt with all this before, the feelings, the desires, Orm hadn't really dated anyone ever. Mera was supposed to marry him, so he may have found someone to warm his bed from time to time he never had actually felt like this for anyone. He wanted to hear Y/N tell him her secrets, he wanted to taste her skin and her lips, he wanted to hear her laugh, wanted to feel her body against his, he wanted everything with this person. He didn't know how to react to that.
"Ya, well maybe," was all he could offer Dean, but the other man just smirked some and nodded, before saying goodbye to Y/N and heading out for the night. It was getting late and her friends were all starting to leave. Orm hovered in the background, getting glasses and dishes to clean up and find some time to be alone with Y/N. She got the last guest out of the door and turned to face him.
"Hi," she said softly, noticing he was still there. He set down to dishes he was carrying to walked over to the side table, getting the present.
"Would you like to open it?" he asked. She blushed and took the bag. She opened it slowly, inside was a necklace with a silver chain and a single pearl. She stared for a moment, mouth open a little.
"Orm, this beautiful, its too much, but thank you," she said. He smiled and offered his hands. She handed him the box and he took out the necklace as she moved her hair. He gently put it on her, fingers thrilling at the touch of her skin. He was tempted right then to kiss her before stopped himself. He wanted to know that she wanted to kiss him back, wanted to see it in her eyes first. He heard a song playing, soft and perfect for a dance.
"You said you wanted to dance, well, shall we?" he asked. He had never danced before on the surface but he had seen a couple movies, he knew the idea and he wanted to see her smile. She nodded, taking his hand and pulling him to the center of her living room. She put one of his hands her her waist, hers on his shoulder and she held the other. They started the song a foot from each other but as it progressed they moved closer until they were nearly nose to nose, whispering to each other about the party, about anything really.
She could hear the songs words and now was glancing from Orm's blue eyes to his lips. She noticed him doing the same and despite knowing that this would open her up more, would make her vulnerable, more than she had let herself be with anyone since she ran away from Atlantis, she nodded at him. He didn't need any other signs, leaning in and taking her lips with his. They had stopped dancing, now just in an embrace. Her hands went into his hair, his to her hips, pulling her even closer to him as his tongue pressed against her lips. She welcomed it, meeting him as they deepened the kiss. When they parted she took a deep breath.
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask and neither should you
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real do
"Would you like to stay the night?" she asked. He nodded and she led him upstairs.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 3: Jackie and Wilson
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none, this is just fluff and relationship building
Summary: Orm and Y/N have been keeping each other at arm's length, but through talking and her meeting his family, maybe its time they get closer
Notes: I love the slow burn (and yes, 3 chapters is slow burn for me >.<) and them just learning and feeling each other out. Comments/critiques appreciated. Also, song is 'Jackie and Wilson' by Hozier
Taglist: @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul
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The whole idea of Halloween confused Orm to no end, but it was giving him the opportunity to see his mother and his nephew so he would go along with it anyway. They were going to come into town with Tom and Mera for a children's costume party at the local library so he figured he would join them, spend some time with people he cared about. However, he wanted to not be completely in the dark and being that he lived next to a surface dweller that seemed very willing to teach him about this world and didn't treat him like an idiot, he would ask Y/N about it. He stood in his bedroom, looking in his closet, debating what to wear to go knock on her door. Why was he doing this? He had no idea, but here he was debating between a black shirt and a blue one before finally settling for black. He headed down the stairs and knocked on the wall a couple times, their new way of announcing that they were going to come visit. He got a knock back and headed to her door. She was already there, wrapping herself in a sweatshirt.
"What's got you visiting me this early?" she asked. He frowned, looking at the sky and seeing that the sun was just starting to rise. "You're lucky I'm up early to check on the morning work at the cafe." He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing a little. She smiled at him. "Ok, out with it, what's going on?"
"Um, my family is bringing my nephew into town for the costume party at the library and well, being honest, my side of the family didn't do Halloween so I'm not sure what its all about," he said. Y/N nodded, once again being understanding about Orm's seeming lack of normal surface dweller knowledge.
"Come on in, I'll make some tea and give you a crash course," she said. Orm was nervous for a moment, having not been in her home yet. They mostly just sat on the back porch, or he would visit her cafe, never in each other's houses. He stepped in and looked around. It was a mirror of his place, entering the living room, open to the dining room and kitchen in the back, then stairs to the bedrooms. Where he had nothing really in his house, preferring to pretend that he was only there temporarily, she had decorated. It was sparse, but homey, with a few photos on the wall, a television (at least he assumed that's what it was called), furniture that looked lived in and comfy. She led him towards the kitchen where she had a mug out and water heating. She grabbed another with Justice League symbol on it and got some loose leaf tea ready. "Ok, so hit me with the questions."
"What is the point of this holiday?" he asked, taking the seat she offered him at the round table.
"Well back before there was candy involved it was believed that October 31st was the day the veil between the living and the dead was thinnest, so ghosts and spirits could freely walk among the living," she said. His eyes widened a little and she smiled, setting the mugs on the table and setting a timer for the tea to steep. "And some cultures still believe that. For some people the spirits of their family returning is a reason to celebrate, they make food, have parties and make offerings to their ancestors and its beautiful. Other people are frightened and wear masks to hide from the spirits. That's where the whole idea of trick or treating came from. People dress in costumes, go to houses and get candy." The timer went off and she poured them each a mug. "Anything else?"
"Why would the dead want to come back?" he asked. She laughed, but not in a mean way.
"Good question, the living world is a mess, why come back?" she said. "I guess if they felt something was unfinished, or maybe they miss their living family. I know I miss my father and wish his spirit could visit me sometimes." Orm looked at her, never hearing her talk about her father before.
"What happened to him?" he asked. She sipped her drink for a second, took a deep breath and he was worried he had stepped too far into her world with this. They kept each other at arm's length and he hated it, but he had been following her lead, maybe he had finally pushed her too hard.
"He died, when I was a child, sickness," she said finally. He felt a pang in his heart for her. Despite the fact that his father was a step down from a monster he still missed him sometimes, and he knew how it felt to watch someone you thought was immortal die slowly.
"I'm sorry," he said. She nodded, not looking at him. "I'm sure if his spirit could visit you he would." It felt lame, but it was all he had to offer in comfort.
"Thank you Orm," she said, smiling. He noticed that she again looked surprised by him. He wasn't sure of her experience with men before but it couldn't have been good with how shocked she was by him being the bare minimum of kind.
Y/N was constantly surprised by Orm's kindness. What she remembered of him was a narcissistic, nearly genocidal prick, not this kind, funny, almost humble person. Sure he still carried himself like a royal, but it was like he had been knocked around some too, the crown had a few scratches in it and it made it more interesting, more beautiful. She cleared up the mugs and looked at the clock.
"I have to get going, bring your family by the cafe later, I'll give your nephew a treat," she offered. It wasn't until she was at the cafe and starting to make something nice for the boy that she realized how dumb she was. Orm may not recognize her, but his mother might. She did mildly resemble her mother and she had met the queen a few times as a teenager. She could only pray that he chose not to bring them around.
Tom, Atlanna, and Junior arrived at Orm's home after lunch. The baby was nearly 2 now and he remembered Orm from the last visit, reaching out to his uncle excited when he saw him. He hated to admit it, but Orm adored the boy, despite him being the son of his idiot brother. He took the boy, noticing the costume.
"What is he?" Orm asked, the little regal costume confusing him. "And where is Mera?"
"He's prince charming," Atlanna said, "and Mera was called back to Atlantis, the council is trying to wrestle more power away from Arthur. They want to put forward demands of the surface and threaten war if they don't comply." That was concerning, the council still seemed to be annoyed that their king had revealed Atlantis to the world and wanted to get some vengeance against him.
"I hope they can squash that, although I don't hate the idea of forcing the surface to make some changes," Orm said, letting AJ down to walk around his place. "I know the party is soon, but could we stop by the cafe beforehand? My friend said she would have a treat for AJ." Atlanna perked up at the mention of a friend. Orm hadn't ever talked about anyone before, and never with that tone of voice.
"Friend?" she asked. Orm realized the can of worms he had opened with that statement and sighed.
"Yes, Y/N, she lives in the other side of the duplex," he said, trying to sound nonchalant, but the look in his mother's eyes told him he failed.
"Then let's go and meet this Y/N," she said, gathering up her grandson and husband.
The cafe was empty when they arrived, close to closing time and just passed a lunch rush. Y/N was behind the counter, looking like she had been busy that day. Orm smiled at her, liking when her hair was slightly messy and she smiled back. Atlanna frowned for a moment, trying to place the girl's face. Y/N looked worried for a split second before masking the face and going to the counter, pulling out a small box.
"Hey, you must be Orm's family, I'm Y/N, his neighbor," she said, coming around to the front. She saw AJ in Tom's arms and smiled big at him. "Aww, he's precious." She opened the box for him, showing a vanilla cupcake with a jack o'lanturn design on it. Tom thanked her and took the treat for AJ, getting him set up to eat at a table. Atlanna came up and greeted her, shaking her hand.
"You look familiar," she said. Y/N felt panic rising in her chest.
"Honestly, people tell me that a lot, I have one of those faces," she said, trying to sound relaxed. She hoped it worked. The queen seemed to buy it, just smiling and going to see AJ, making a mess of the table with the icing, Tom trying to clean up. "Don't worry about that, let him play, I have wipes for that."
"You look nervous," Orm said, standing next to her now. He could smell coffee and vanilla on her and it was intoxicating if he was honest.
"Well, they're your family, I want them to like me," she said. He looked at her, eyebrows raised a little. "What? I like to be liked." He chuckled, noticing her blush. He was watching Y/N and she was watching Atlanna, noticing her probing looks, still trying to figure out why she knew her. "I'm going to get those wipes, get ready for closing, just leave the mess when he's finished." She headed to the back, through a door to the back area. Orm frowned and looked at his mother, who shrugged and went back to AJ.
The party was fine, AJ got lots of candy and had fun with the other children. On the way home Orm sat in the back with the baby and heard a song play on the radio that he recognized from Y/N's concerts on the back porch.
"She's gonna save me, call me "baby" Run her hands through my hair She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily Better yet, she wouldn't care"
he sang to his nephew, who giggled at his uncle dancing and singing the backseat. Atlanna was watching through the rear view mirror the whole time and when she walked him to the door she smiled.
"You like her don't you?" she asked, nodding towards Y/N's door. Orm felt the red rush to his cheeks, but shrugged. "O, you really like her."
"Fine, yes, I do, I like her more than any other person I've ever met," he admitted. He had missed so much time with his mother it felt nice for her to needle him into admitting something like this. "But she seems to want to keep us as friends, which is fine, I'm happy if she's happy."
"Orm, she made a special cupcake for your nephew and the smile on her face when she saw you today? That is not the kind of smile a friend gives someone," she said. "Give her time and I think she'll see that she feels the same for you that you feel for her." She kissed his cheek and hugged him tight and he relished in the feeling. They parted and she left with Tom and AJ and he went inside, rolling her words over in his mind.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 11 - Everywhere
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: threats, light violence
Summary: Hendrix tries one more thing
Notes: this is not the end! there is an epilogue coming! comment/critique appreciated. song is 'Everywhere' by Fleetwood Mac
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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Orm had barricaded the door to the lighthouse before taking AJ to a closet and setting him inside. The boy was crying, wondering where his parents were.
“Listen AJ, stay here and don’t come out until your dad comes to get out ok?” Orm said, holding the boy’s shoulders to still his shaking. He nodded. He was not even 2 but could understand this was serious. “Tell your dad, mom, grandma, and grandpa, tell them uncle Orm loves you, all of you.” He nodded again. Orm kissed his head as he heard Hendrix banging on the door. He closed the closet and locked it with a chair before going to the front door. He heard another bang on it, but this time he was ready.
Hendrix was knocked off his feet when the door blasted off, landing on top of him in the grass. Orm walked out of the lighthouse and stared at him. Hendrix sat up and met the former king’s eyes.
“I knew it…you are alive and the king had you in hiding. It was you fucking that lower city rat before too wasn’t it?” he said, standing. He pulled out his Atlantian dagger and held it up, ready to attack.
“Leave Hendrix, you don’t want to do this,” Orm said. Hendrix just smiled more, becoming a caricature of madness.
“O Orm, you’re mistaken. I want to kill all of you. That brat in the house, why don’t you bring him out and I’ll make it quick for him? Then I’ll take you back to Atlantis, let everyone see that the reigning king kept his tyrant brother alive, against their wishes. They will demand all of your heads.” He took a step forward, switching the blade to the other hand, waiting for an opening. Orm didn’t move, not wanting to start this fight.
Hendrix made the choice, running at Orm, slicing as he got close. Orm sidestepped, stumbling a little on the uneven ground. He still was terrible at fighting on land, but seeing Hendrix trip made him realize, so what he. He ran after Hendrix and threw a punch. Hendrix got his footing just in time to deflect, scratching Orm’s arm with the blade. Orm winched, the pain a surprise, and he was a half second behind as Hendrix dove through a window of the house. Orm gave chase and arrived just in time to see Hendrix pulled AJ out of the closet.
“Don’t, he’s a child, innocent in all this,” Orm pleaded. Hendrix held the knife up to the baby’s throat. “I’ll go with you, anything you want just let the baby go.”
“I think I’ll take him as a guarantee. You wouldn’t do anything with this child’s life in danger,” he said. He held AJ easily with one arm while escorting Orm towards the dock. Arthur, Atlanna, and Y/N all arrived at the same time. They froze as Hendrix held the knife to Orm’s neck, his other arm squeezing AJ enough to make the boy whimper.
“Let my son go,” Arthur demanded. He wished Mera were here instead of in Xebel with her father. Even Tom would be a help, but he had needed to travel to help a friend. Arthur looked to his mother and Y/N, they would have to be enough. He wouldn’t lose his son or his brother.
“Choose who lives your majesty, your brother or your son,” Hendrix said.
“Stop!” Y/N yelled. “Please…Hendrix I’ll go back with you, I’ll tell the council I forged everything, even the recording. I will tell them you are innocent just let them go please,” she begged. He shook his head with a laugh.
“Do you think I care about you now? Once I am finished with this your death will be slow, agonizing, don’t you worry. But right now, I have unfinished business with the royal family,” he said, focusing back on Arthur and Atlanna. Orm looked over towards the house and then sighed.
“Give me the boy,” Orm said, slowly turning to face Hendrix.
“Why?” he asked. He squeezed a little tighter, making AJ cry out. Orm chuckled darkly.
“I have been waiting for an opportunity like this for over a year,” he said. “Do you think I could kill my brother’s heir when he was always surrounded by the rest of them? My idiot brother, his whore wife, and my whore mother? If I had made one wrong move they would have shipped me back to Atlantis for a quick death. But now, well, you’re going to kill everyone anyone. Let me just have this one thing.” Hendrix looked surprised, looking to the aghast faces of the others.
“Orm…” Arthur said. Orm silenced him with a look.
“Do you really thing I would have some big epiphany by living on the surface? Dammit Arthur, I hate it here, I hate everything about this place. Its not only as wasteful and corrupt as I thought it was, its worse! I just needed time to get to you again, make sure you thought I could be trusted, and that’s frankly not an option anymore,” he said.
“You don’t mean that,” Y/N said, tears springing to her eyes. Orm glared at her and she recoiled.
“You are nothing to me, honestly did you think one night was going to mean something? You were just there at the time to be entertaining. Didn’t you notice I did nothing to help you? I left you in that cell to die because I didn’t care about you at all,” he said, filling his voice with an much venom as he could. The broken look on her face almost did him in. Hendrix laughed.
“This is an amazing turn of events,” he said. He looked at Orm and handed him the baby. “Have at it, hope you have fun.” Then he felt the knife to his throat.
“O he’s not going to have half as much as I am,” Aria said, drawing the knife just a little to show Hendrix that it was Atlantian and it could kill him. Orm let out a breath and backed up, away from them to keep AJ safe. Arthur walked over, taking the knife from her and holding it on Hendrix himself, just as guards from Atlantis arrived, along with several council members. They took Hendrix into custody before staring at Orm, who was still holding AJ.
“Well you caught me, I really tried,” he said, still glaring at Arthur. Arthur caught his meaning.
“Give me back my son” he said, moving towards him. “You’re outnumbered now little brother.” Orm looked around, cornered. He saw Y/N taking a step so he threw AJ towards her, gently, but the council wouldn’t know that. They would see a monster hurling an innocent baby. He ran then, diving into the water and taking off as fast as he could.
Several hours later and the council had heard the tail that Hendrix had found Orm, the two had joined forces to kill the royal family, and Hendrix clearly planned on killing Orm after all was said and done. Orm was alive and in the wind, guards were sent out to search for him, and Arthur agreed that he would need some time to make sure his family was safe before returning to Atlantis, where Y/N and Aria were free to return to if they wanted. Both decided to stay on land and were sent back to their homes.
Y/N arrived at the duplex and headed inside, expecting it to be empty. She closed the door and sighed, once again crying at the thought of Orm being gone again. She had seen him for a few minutes, and he had acted like a monster the whole time. She knew it had been a ruse to save his nephew but still, she had so badly wanted to touch him, hear him say he loved her, that he was going to stay with her. It was terrible. She heard footsteps in her kitchen before hearing him.
“What’s the matter?” Orm asked, rushing over to her. What was he doing here? Atlantians could be watching the house, waiting for him to show up. But he was here, holding her face, fingers gently wiping her cheeks.
“What are you doing? You could get caught,” she said, her own hands finding his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into her.
“I wasn’t going to leave you again. I already was useless to try and save you, I’m not going to sit by again. Let them catch me, I have to be near you, I love you” he said. She pulled him in and kissed him for as long as she could. He met her passion with his own, backing her into a wall to get closer to her.
“You’re never going to be safe here, we have to go,” she said as they parted. He nodded. “Let me pack, we’ll leave tonight. Where do you want to go?”
“I never did get to see snow,” he said. She smiled. Before the sunset they were gone, off to keep Orm safe and, more than that, be together.
Can you hear me calling Out your name? You know that I'm falling And I don't know what to say Come along, baby We better make a start You better make it soon Before you break my heart Oh, I I want to be with you everywhere>
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 10 - Somewhere Only We Know
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: some violence
Summary: Orm comes to terms with his past, and Y/N puts the plan into action
Notes: almost done! Just a couple more chapters! I want to thank everyone who has read, liked, commented, etc on this work. Its hard writing anything and it feels so nice when someone says they like it, so thank you! song is 'Somewhere Only We Know' by Keane
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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This could be the end of everything So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Orm was standing on the beach, watching something floating towards the shore. His heart sank as it got closer. It was a body, Y/N’s body. He moved, picking her up and carrying her up to her chair on her porch, setting her down.
“Y/N?” he said, shaking her gently. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him.
“Why did you do this?” she asked. Orm frowned. “Why didn’t you save me?” She closed her eyes, and he knew she was gone.
“I tried…I tried…I tried,” he repeated, falling into her lap as he sobbed.
“Orm, wake up!” Atlanna said, shaking her boy. He woke, sitting up from the bed he had in the lighthouse. He was pale, stomach turning. Aria was standing in a corner, eyes fixed on him. “It was a nightmare.” His mother held his face, leaning her forehead to his like she did when he was child.
“I can’t save her. I can’t do anything,” he whispered. Atlanna shook her head. “Mother, is this what it felt like? When you had to leave here? Everything feels like its ending.”
“Yes, that’s what it felt like to leave Tom and Arthur…but that’s also what it felt like when I was forced to leave you,” she said. Orm looked at her. He knew her banishment to trench was forced by his father, but he always figured she hated being in Atlantis anyway, hated his father, hated him, so death might have been a relief. He never imagined leaving him had hurt her like this. He took a breath.
“Did you talk to her?” he asked her. She nodded.
“She told me to tell you she would see you again, but not just on Halloween?” she said, not sure still what Y/N had meant. Orm smiled. She planned on coming back to him alive and well. Her confidence made him feel better. “I’m glad you know what she meant.”
“What are you doing about actually freeing her?” Aria asked from her post by the window. “Or are you just leaving her there to stew for awhile?” Atlanna frowned and looked at the girl.
“Why would we leave her?” she asked. Aria swallowed. “I know that in the past the royal family have not treated those they deemed below them well, but Arthur is not that kind of king, he is a better king.”
“Ya, that bar was really low…” Orm said to himself.
“Be that as it may, we have put in the evidence that she was not involved with the assassination, and that it was Hendrix looking alone. We should not only be able to clear her name but the rest of the Atlantis for All members that are currently in prison still waiting punishment. And you Aria, will also be cleared,” the queen explained. “There is one final piece we need. Y/N is going to talk to Hendrix and get him to confess.”
“Why would he even talk to her?” Aria asked.
“He will have to, she is going to be put to death and her last request will be to speak to Hendrix,” Atlanna explained. Orm’s eyes widened.
“What do you mean she’s going to be put to death?” he demanded, the dream coming back to him. Her body, cold, lifeless, him just standing by as she passed on.
“It is the only way to force Hendrix to speak with her. He must answer her last request. Her death sentence is not official, but he doesn’t know that. We are going to record him. She says she learned from Aria how to get him to say things he shouldn’t,” Atlanna explained further. Aria smiled, proud of her friend. She looked up, hearing AJ crying from his room. “I will be back, don’t worry my son, you will see her again.”
Aria watched her leave the room before looking at Orm. She was trying to figure him out. He wasn’t like she expected, how was this guy, a crying mess at the thought of a single woman being in danger, the same man who had killed hundreds just a few years ago without batting an eye?
“You can say it you know,” Orm whispered. “You can say it should be me, that I’m a coward and I should be going back to Atlantis, demanding her freedom in exchange for my head. I don’t deserve her; I don’t deserve to be free after what I did.”
“I have thought that many times since she was taken, but that’s not what I was thinking now,” she said. She moved to sit next to him, playing with her rings. “I was thinking that she saved my husband on the day of that tidal wave. She used her power, exposing herself to possibly any Atlantian that could have been around, someone who could have reported her, but she saved him because she knew I loved him. And now she’s in love with you, the person who caused all that pain. I was thinking, I should be watching you hurt with joy but I can’t.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because she loves you, and she’s happy with you. You haven’t redeemed yourself for your crimes but you’re starting and that is important,” she said. “She will be back with you soon and you better spend the rest of your life showing her that you can be better than you were.”
“Don’t worry, I’m never going to be less than she deserves,” he said. Atlanna came rushing into the room.
“Hendrix is gone. Aria, go back to the house, see if he goes there, I’ll find him in the water,” she instructed. They were gone and Orm had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Hendrix arrived at Y/N’s cell, ready to grant her last request. He had no idea why she would ask for him, but he couldn’t refuse. He was ready, the letters and the video made him look bad and he had started planning his escape as soon as he left the king’s office. He was going to break Arthur by killing his family, before returning to the throne room with Orm’s body, proving the king was a liar and hid the tyrant. Then Hendrix would be king, and things would change.
Y/N was humming to herself when he arrived. Poseidon’s blood, he hated her obsession with music. She sounded terrible and she didn’t care. How could she not care?
“What did you want terrorist?” he asked, standing before her. She stood and looked at him.
“Is this what you wanted? The death of anyone who would actually stand up for the rights of the lower city?” she asked. He rolled his eyes.
“You are such an idiot, no one cares about you, this is about me. You are just a pawn in this game, a sacrifice to be made. Once you are dead I will find Aria now that I know she’s alive and…” he stopped talking. This wasn’t right. She looked smug, like she knew something he didn’t. She was trying to trap him. He stormed forward, hands padding over her clothes. She cried out in surprise, but he found what he was looking for, strapped to her back.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he ripped the recorder from her skin. She cried out in pain, and then again when he hit her with it. Her cheek started bleeding and he smirked.
“You think you are so clever, trying to trick me into saying something I shouldn’t” he taunted. “I am not an idiot Y/N.”
“You’re not as smart as you think Hendrix. Everyone can see what you’re doing. You are sloppy, you’ve always been sloppy. Mailing letters to people without checking who is receiving it? Not disguising your pulsar enough so I didn’t see it before you killed the king? Now even, you openly show your hatred for the king, rumors spread that you actually tried to poison Orm several times when he was ruling. You are an insignificant little person who thinks he deserves to be king…” she stopped when he hit her with he recorder again. She was knocked to the floor, staring up at his enraged face.
“I AM GOING TO BE KING!” he screamed. “My plan to kill Orm was perfect. I got you to tell me the parade route using sweet words, because you have always been craving someone to be a good daddy for you…and maybe I would have done that if you had let me kill that bastard. None of you knew because I was so good at hiding it! And poisoning Orm? Would have been simple if he wasn’t so paranoid of his stupid brother coming to usurp him. Then Arthur…what a joke. He thinks his family is safe in that lighthouse? Just wait until you’re dead, then I’ll kill them all and I WILL BE KING.” He stormed out the door and Y/N smiled as she called the guard.
Arthur took the holodisk and went to the council. The confession was enough to get the guard out to arrest Hendrix on not only one count of treason but several. Y/N was released and taken to Arthur’s office where a doctor cleaned up and bandaged her cuts.
“I can go home now,” she said. Arthur nodded. Guards came running into the office.
“He’s gone, Hendrix escaped,” one said. Arthur moved to get his armor on to search for him, sending word to the queen about the escape. Y/N paled. The lighthouse. Hendrix knew about the lighthouse. She took off herself, hoping she was in time to warn them.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 9: This Feeling
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Plans are being plotted to save Y/N from execution
Notes: comment/critique appreciated! song is 'This Feeling' by the Chainsmokers and Kelsea Ballerini
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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Orm met Arthur at the lighthouse, holding out the letter for him. When Arthur went to grab it, Orm pulled it back and his brother gave raised an eyebrow.
“We’re not kids, little late to be playing keepsies,” Arthur said.
“I…I can’t do anything else to help her without risking my life and your reign as king,” Orm said, voice low. “You must promise me you will save her, promise me or I will go right to Atlantis and offer myself up. Do you understand?”
“I won’t let your girlfriend die Orm, we will save her,” he promised. Orm handed over the letter and Arthur left to confront Hendrix.
Hendrix was waiting in Arthur’s office when he got back, looking at some of the parchment on his desk. Arthur entered and the other man stepped back, pretending to have been admiring the view. He wasn’t subtle, thought he was smarter than everyone else. And he was, Hendrix was the person who should be running this kingdom, not some half breed. He wanted to find and destroy any evidence that Arthur had found but he must be keeping it on the surface, probably at his worthless father’s home. Once Hendrix had a chance he would toss that place, maybe kill the father and the heir to the throne. Make it look like Orm had done it.
“Hey, anyone home?” Arthur said. Hendrix snapped back to reality, taking the offered seat.
“Have you found more evidence against the terrorist?” he asked. Arthur sat down behind his desk, glancing at what Hendrix had been looking at before producing 3 items.
“I have found some interesting evidence indeed, however, some of it is incriminating to you,” Arthur said. “I would hate to think a trusted member of my council was responsible for any harm coming to the royal family.”
“What possible evidence could be found against me? I mean, I know that I was part of that group, but only to gather information for my king and the council,” Hendrix crooned. Arthur smiled and nodded.
“I know, it's why I want to get this out of the way. You’ve been a good advisor, many ideas from that the council has implemented have come from your arguments. I’m hoping that you would allow me to have some of your recent correspondence so that I can dismiss these,” Arthur held up the two letters he had gotten from Orm, “as fraudulent. And possibly explain the footage from that day.”
“I have seen the footage and told the investigators about it at the time the crime occurred,” Hendrix said, eyes shifting around the room as he tried to plan on faking some documents to give the king. Arthur waited. “O yes, yes of course, I will provide some recent letters to you tomorrow morning.” Arthur held up a bundle of documents.
“No worries, friend, I already had investigators gather some for me from your home, I knew you would be ok with it. You’re an upstanding member of the nobility, I have no concerns that your personal letters will clear your name.” Hendrix paled staring at the letters.
“Those…those are old, and people’s writing changes as they age…”
“Now the footage from that day, I know that you spoke then about it, but in light of finding the accused we have cleaned up the video and we noticed that she seems to actually be saving Orm. Maybe she got cold feet, doesn’t mean she wasn’t involved in the conspiracy still, but we are interested in the person actually holding the pulsar,” he said, bringing up the holodisk video and showing Hendrix, who stopped breathing.
“You can’t see who shot it…” his voice strained. Arthur nodded.
“We also can’t see you in the group. You said you were there, where are you?” he asked. The video showed the entire group clearly, they were separated from the rest of the crowd. Hendrix could see what was happening, they were going to push this onto him. He scowled.
“I had left already to try and find the authorities,” he said, teeth gritted together. Arthur smiled and nodded.
“Alright, well we have a list of who was there that day we’ll talk to them, I’m sure they will confirm your whereabouts,” the king said. “Now, you can leave, but just know that some of the council have suggested that you are not safe, that your involvement in the group Atlantis for All has made some members of nobility angry so I’m going to put a guard on you, wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” Hendrix felt Arthur’s hand on his shoulder as he escorted him from the office. As soon as he was out, he brushed his shoulder in disgust and headed to his home. He would bide his time, wait for an opportunity, then he was going to destroy the king.
Queen Atlanna moved through the cells with the guard until they arrived at the door to Y/N’s. She heard something and stopped the guard for a moment, listening. Orm said the girl liked to sing, not that she was really good at it, but she liked it. Atlanna listened, not knowing the song but feeling what it meant through Y/N’s voice.
They tell me to think with my head, not that thing in my chest They got their hands at my neck this time But you're the one that I want, if that's really so wrong Then they don't know what this feeling is like
The door to the cell opened and Y/N stood, shifting from foot to foot. Atlanna entered and smiled at the girl sadly. Y/N bowed her head to the queen.
“No need to worry, I am perfectly safe,” Atlanna said to the guard, who closed the door behind her. “Please sit Y/N. You are safe to speak in here, Arthur has turned off the recording, our conversation is private.”
“Did you tell Orm what I said?” Y/N asked, sitting on her cot while the queen sat in the other chair in the room. Atlanna shook her head. “Why?”
“Because you have nothing to be sorry about. You were in hiding, he should understand that more than most,” she said.
“You know that I didn’t try to kill him? I would never hurt him, not then and…not now,” she said. Atlanna reached out and took the girl’s hands, gently holding them.
“I know, and he knows that too. He is devastated that you were taken and, with help from your friend Aria we have found proof that Hendrix planned the attacks on his own. We are just waiting for the evidence to be verified. However, for now it looks like you were involved still, which is still treason, and if Hendrix is able to prove that your forged evidence against him. I’m afraid we need more,” she said, looking helpless.
“What can I do? I’ll do anything, if it helps me get to Orm. I need to see him, I need him to know…” she looked down, biting her lip. It was strange to not be able to cry again. The feelings were there, but she couldn’t let them out like she could on the surface. It just welled inside her.
“You love him?” Atlanna finished for her. She nodded. “He knows, and he loves you too. He wants you back with him. Is there anything you know about Hendrix that might convince him to confess?”
Y/N threw herself back to that time. Back into those meetings. She could see them gathered as Hendrix, always competing with Aria to be in charge of the group. He couldn’t stand a woman being more important than him. He couldn’t stand that Aria was stronger than him, smarter than him, and her confidence drove him mad. Sometimes he would slip up, make comments that were dismissed at the time of just an asshole, he was an asset at the time, but he was an asshole more than anything. Then she remembered something a particular conversation.
“Hendrix you know we are not going to riot, and that is final,” Aria had said before the parade. She had been arguing with him all morning against violence and she had finally stopped being patronizing. She had riled him up, trying to get him thrown out of the group, and then shut him down, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
“When I am king you low born scum will regret this…” he had started. He hadn’t gotten any further in his tirade because Aria held up a hand.
“If…If we can create change and I am king…”
The memory faded and she looked at Atlanna.
“He hates when women are more powerful than him. He hates the people from the lower city. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else, thinks he should be king. Let me talk to him, I’ll get him to confess,” she said. “He won’t be able to help himself, make sure I’m scheduled to be executed, I will make him the person I speak to last, record the conversation on a holodisk.”
“He cannot be stupid enough to think we wouldn’t try that exact plan,” the queen argued.
“He isn’t. I’ll get him riled up, let him find one recorder on me, we make sure another is hidden in the room, focusing on his face. He will think he has thwarted me; I promise his ego will be so big he will admit to anything thinking he is invincible,” Y/N said. Atlanna smiled.
“Do you want me to send Orm another message? Tell him you love him?” she asked. Y/N shook her head.
“I don’t want him to hear that from anyone else. Please, just let him know I will see him again, and it won’t be on Halloween.”
Atlanna left the cell confused, but happy that her son had finally found someone who saw him the way she did.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 6: Silence
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: Just...sadness
Summary: Everything falls apart
Notes: no song this time, comments/critiques appreciated
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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Y/N thought when everything ended there would be music. Some strings to make it seem sad, but with a soft crooning trumpet, to sound hopeful, like everything would be ok in the end. Instead, her world was ending in silence, a quiet so loud she didn’t hear the beginning of Aria’s tirade. She finally came out of her stupor to see Aria staring between her and Orm, taking in the food, his disheveled clothes, putting everything together in her head.
“How dare you?” Aria demanded, staring at Y/N like she didn’t recognize her. Y/N just shook her head. “When Dean came home and told me who Oren actually was, I thought maybe I was mistaken, maybe he was mistaken, but he’s not. That’s not some surface dweller with a resemblance, that is Orm, the tyrant king we all hated.” Y/N looked at Orm then, seeing him doing the equation, figuring out things now.
It made sense now, why she was so understanding of him, why she didn’t react to his quirks the way other surface dwellers did. She was Atlantian, and apparently so was her friend Aria. Orm looked at Y/N and saw the stricken look on her face, but he just felt, numb.
“He’s not a tyrant…” Y/N was able to get out, looking back to Aria. “He’s different now…” It sounded so lame, so childish, but she didn’t know what else to say. Aria’s eyes flamed.
“He almost killed Dean! If you weren’t there 5 years ago when he sent that flood Dean would be dead!” she yelled. “You should go back to where you came from! Get back in a cell and die there like you should have when you were first crowned!”
“Aria GET OUT!” Y/N yelled, unable to stand her talking to him like that. Aria stopped, staring at Y/N for a moment before nodding.
“I hope that dick is worth your integrity,” she said before storming out the door.
Y/N didn’t want to turn around. Afraid of what she’d find. Orm however, was having an even bigger realization. The voice. Her voice that sang him to sleep in his dreams, that voice was the one from coronation day, from the protestors who had tried to assassinate him.
“It was you,” he said finally, voice so quiet she almost didn’t hear him. “You were there, you tried to kill me.” Y/N shook her head violently, looking at him, reaching out and trying to grab his hands. He stepped back, holding them away from her. “Don’t touch me.” She closed her eyes to keep them from leaking.
“No, Orm, no, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. No one was supposed to shoot you. We just wanted your attention, someone to see us and start talking with us about how to help the people in the lower city. Someone to investigate the sickness that killed my father,” she said, trying to explain so he wouldn’t walk away. “Let me explain please.” Despite wanting to leave right then Orm stopped.
“You can try but I’m not sure I’d believe anything you’d say,” he said. She would take it.
“When Hendrix joined us…”
“Hendrix? The councilman?” Orm asked. He remembered something about another noble saying he had infiltrated a terrorist group, finding out their plans to kill the upcoming king but not being able to stop it in time.
“Yes, Hendrix, he wanted to do the protest, said the parade would be the best place to get your attention. I just had to tell them the route…”
“Why would you have the route?” he asked. She said the sickness in the lower city killed her father, but she had survived, which meant noble blood. “Your mother…"
“My mother is Roux Velix and she was the organizer of the parade. I gave them the route, but we only supposed to be singing and then shooting off a cracker loud enough to get you to look and listen,” she said. “Hendrix brought the cracker, I didn’t realize it was an energy pulsar until he was about to fire, then I pushed it, trying to stop him,” she said. Orm shook his head.
“That’s not what it looks like on the footage Hendrix showed us,” he said. She shook her head.
“No, Orm, please I would never hurt you,” she begged, reaching out again. He backed away more, turning towards the door.
“Well too late for that,” he said, opening the door.
“Please stay, talk to me…”
“I don’t even want to look at you right now, leave me alone,” he said before slamming out the door and slamming the door to his place.
Y/N felt her legs go out on her and she was sitting on the floor, where she finally let go, tears running down her face as the quiet sank in again.
Orm needed to get away. He couldn’t be there knowing she was next door. He needed time to think. He needed to talk to someone. Arthur. His brother could help him, give him perspective, maybe even help him see what happened that day. He had always been told that she had tried to shoot him with the help of some other terrorist, but the footage was grainy, and you couldn’t see it clearly then. Maybe the advanced technology would help clear it up now. He grabbed the communicator that he had been given and called his brother, asking him to meet him at Tom’s lighthouse. It wasn’t far, but it was far enough to get him out of town, away from Y/N.
Y/N found herself on the edge of the rocks, looking at the water. She had been terrified the last time she was there, so scared of someone finding her. But now she hoped to find her father in the surf. He would know how to help her, what to say, just like he knew when she was a little girl. She wished that her story about spirits coming back to their family was true and she would feel his arms around her, holding her and telling her Orm would come back. That he would realize so many things were different now. Neither of them was who they once were and together they were better than apart.
She walked to the water, sitting in the surf, and feeling it for the first time in a decade. The salty air immersed into her lungs, and she felt the old pang of home come back to her. She fell into her thoughts, wondering what she could do next, how she could tell Orm she loved him. O God, she loved him, didn’t she? And he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. It was over.
“Well, this is unexpected, I didn’t realize you would make it this easy,” a voice said from behind her, then arms were tangling with her, and she was hauled into the sea.
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klbwriting · 4 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 7 - There's No Music Anymore
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: some violence, light assault
Summary: Somehow things get worse
Notes: Just for some levity, because these chapters made me sad, Patrick Wilson just has a shit ton of shirtless/naked GIFS, like the man hates clothes and I for one, understand, good for him, but it makes it very hard to find GIFs of sadness, comments/critiques appreciated!
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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They finally stopped swimming once they hit actual deep water. Hendrix gripped one of Y/N’s arms while an Atlantian soldier gripped the other. They met up with two more soldiers and Queen Atlanna. She looked surprised at first but then mirrored her face to look at Hendrix confused. He held out Y/N as if he were offering the queen a crown.
“What are you doing with this person?” Atlanna asked, pretending she had never seen the girl before. She didn’t want to explain why she would know Y/N. Orm was still in hiding and this complication wasn’t something she wanted to lead back to him.
“This is Y/N Velix, bastard child of former councilwoman Roux Velix, she was the perpetrator of the attempted assassination of King Orm on his coronation day,” he said, smiling wide with pride. Finally, he could push the suspicion in the kingdom off himself, offer her up as the sacrifice for that day. Make way for the king to trust him and eventually he would kill him and ascend the throne himself.
��This is the woman who shot the pulsar at him?” Atlanna asked, shocked. She had obviously been exiled during that time, but she had heard about the coronation, had seen the footage that Hendrix had found of that day. But she had also seen how Y/N looked at Orm in that café. Whatever thoughts of killing him she had had then she did not have now. Right now, she looked devastated, shaking her head while fighting against Hendrix specifically, not the other guard. She didn’t want Hendrix to touch her.
“Yes, she was with the terrorist group know as Atlantis for All that I infiltrated. I heard their plan, and she was the leader,” he said. Then he smiled even more. “And I thought I saw someone we all thought dead my queen, another criminal on the run. Who was that man terrorist? Tell me his name and you perhaps will have mercy.” Y/N froze and looked at him. Atlanna’s jaw twitched, knowing that he was speaking of Orm. He was still assumed dead during the Black Trident attack, and they needed to keep it that way. Y/N could ruin it all and save herself right now.
“I don’t know who you think he is but he’s just a surface dweller, nothing important, you won’t see him again,” she said. Hendrix glared and slapped her. “Tell the truth trash!” he yelled. She turned her face to look at him, now past fear and into anger.
“He’s a surface dweller, he left, he won’t be coming back to me,” she said, enunciating as if he were a toddler. Hendrix snarled, taking his hand off her to wind up for a better hit. Y/N took the opportunity and swam at Atlanna, pretending to be trying to run. She collided with the queen, who held onto to her. She leaned close so only Atlanna would hear. “Tell him I’m sorry, please.” She was yanked back by the other guards and Hendrix hit her in the back of the head with a weapon, knocking her unconscious.
“She is lying, I’m sure of it, let me go investigate further,” Hendrix demanded. Atlanna held up a hand to silence him. He hated that she still held any power, he should have been king, and he was still listening to the surface loving whore.
“I will investigate. If who you say is up there then I can get him to come quietly. We have just revealed ourselves to the surface, we don’t want him to start a war with them trying to fight you off,” she said. Her word was final. Hendrix glared but nodded to the soldiers who moved with him to take Y/N back to Atlantis and to a cell.
Orm had arrived at Tom’s to find Atlanna off on business in Atlantis and Arthur on his way to him. In the meantime, he sat in AJ’s room, playing with the little one. He didn’t realize until his nephew came over and hugged him that he was crying. He’d never cried before, it felt like the tension he had been holding released. He gripped AJ close, but not tight and let him go when he heard someone come in the room.
“Hey little brother, what’s going on?” Arthur asked, picking up his son who ran to him. Orm got up, wiping his face quickly before turning. He could see Arthur knew, his eyes were red, and he looked a mess.
“Y/N…she um, she was lying to me the whole time,” he said finally.
“What? Was she married or something?” Arthur asked. Orm let out an annoyed breath. That he could have dealt with, better than this at least. Better her be married to someone else then her be not only Atlantian but accused of an assassination attempt against him.
“No Arthur, she isn’t married, but she’s Atlantian,” he said. Arthur looked more confused.
“What’s the problem then? You weren’t exactly honest about being from Atlantis yourself,” he said.
“No, but she knew who I was, anyone from Atlantis would. She knew who I was, and she didn’t tell me who she was. What she did, or what she tried to do…or stop doing…” he trailed off, thoughts muddling together.
“Ok, let's get a beer, I’m going to need a drink for this,” Arthur said, setting AJ down again and leading Orm to the kitchen. They got some beers and went to sit on the dock. “Tell me everything that happened.”
“We spent the night together…”
“My man, finally getting some action,” Arthur said, unable to stop himself. Orm glared at him, silencing his brother with one look.
“We spent the night together and this morning her friend came over. She was angry, I’m guessing another Atlantian, someone who almost lost her husband when I sent that tidal wave to the coast 5 years ago. She was saying how Y/N was a traitor to their cause pretty much,” he explained.
“Their cause?” Arthur asked. He had heard stories about different rebellions during the time Orvax, especially after it was discovered he had engineered and released the sickness that had killed so many in the lower city, but only one of them had really made any noise, Atlantis for All, after they attempted to assassinate Orm.
“She was part of Atlantis for All, she told them the parade route for my coronation, but according to her I was never supposed to be attacked. It was supposed to be a cracker that exploded over them, making me pay attention,” he said. Arthur thought for a moment. “I don’t know what to believe. She said they only wanted to help the people in the lower city. Her father was from there, she was raised there until he died. She’s a councilwoman’s bastard. Arthur, I’m so confused. I’ve never felt like this before, like everything hurts.” For the first time Orm leaned into Arthur for comfort, letting his brother hug him tight as they sat there.
“I brought the footage you asked for,” Arthur said. “I had some of the tech people clean it up as much as could be done. No one’s watched it yet, let’s find out if your lady is telling the truth. If she is, go back to her, talk it out. You were once a genocidal maniac wanting to destroy the surface, if you can change, maybe she has too. If she’s lying and she did try to kill you, well I’m going to take her back to Atlantis myself.” Orm shook his head.
“No, you’re not. If she did try to kill me, I’ll leave, but I don’t want anything done to her. She isn’t that person anymore,” he said. Arthur nodded and held up the holodisk, turning it on. Orm was taken back to that day. He was terrified, so scared of being a disappointment to his father, or worse, becoming his father. He had been able to put on a face, but that crown was so heavy that day, watching the footage now he could see how tired he was already, shoulders sagging just a little under the weight of expectation he was supposed to live up to.
The footage was shot from the side, almost behind the Atlantis for All protest. He heard her voice again, heart tearing in his chest at the sound of it. The song was an old one, about taking care of those around you, being a better person. It broke his heart to hear her, to know she had been right there, so close to him, and he never knew. Then he could see the person next to her putting up the energy pulsar. With the footage cleared up you could see the paint and tubing that disguised it as a cracker, only the soft lighting was giving it away. She hadn’t touched it, but he saw her turn, stare for a moment before shock came to her face. She didn’t know. She grabbed it and tried to yank it up, away from Orm, but the other person, whose face was shielded by the camera angle, yanked it back. It went off and just missed him. He turned off the video and put his head in his hands.
“She was telling the truth, she saved my life,” he said softly, tears coming again. Would they ever stop? Arthur stood, helping him up. He turned his brother’s face to him and held it.
“Go back to her, talk about it, talk about everything,” Arthur said. “Tell her you love her. You’re both different now.” Orm nodded. “Actually, come on, I’ll drive you back.”
The men arrived to find Atlanna on the porch waiting. They looked confused as they approached. She looked sullen and angry.
“Did that woman try to kill you?” she demanded of Orm. Orm’s eyes widened. How did she know about Y/N? If she knew who else did? He looked at her house as Arthur explained the footage and what they had found. Orm didn’t listen. He ran to the house, breaking inside and running from room to room, yelling for her. He was just opening the backdoor when Atlanna put a hand on his shoulder.
“Hendrix found her, he took her back to Atlantis for trial, she’s been accused of treason. They are asking for her execution.”
Orm fell to his knees, punching the ground once before screaming.
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klbwriting · 4 months
OK it's happening.
New Orm fiction, first chapter coming in a few hours.
Summary: Y/N has lived on the surface for nearly 10 years after she was unwittingly a part of an assassination attempt on the then King of Atlantis Orm Marius. She has hidden away in a small coastal town in Maine, living as a human and building a simple but decent life in a duplex on the beach. Then one day someone moves in to the other half of the duplex. She goes to greet them only to discover it's Orm himself.
I hope you like it, if anyone wants tagged let me know!
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