#the gifs are in no order of the mvs they are in order of color KINDAAA also i didnt add people pt2 for a reason i am lazy to type it here he
sugajimin · 1 year
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Agust D  → D-2  → D-DAY
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megaclaudiolis · 2 years
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SUPERACHE | CONAN GRAY // music videos ​​​​
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blueepink07 · 8 months
Okay, so I'll make a compilation of all my random thoughts about Amane's MV. (it's very messy and the wording is lazy) If I feel like it, I will explain in much proper words... I will try to write some symbolism, but idk when it would be finished. (mentions of child abuse, murder!)
First, let's start with the title of the MV: Purge March
Purge in dictionary means:
->rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling;
->remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.
->physically remove or expel (something) completely.
The title summarizes the cult beliefs: erasing the people who don't accept their religion, those considered unwise, unpure by them. It can also symbolise Amane's unwillingness to change her ideals, ignoring the voices and Es:
"I disavow you, eyes corrupted must be crushed
So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too"
Moreover, a march has the purpose to spread an idea, an belief. Amane is expressing her attachment for her religion and the cult's beliefs, as well spreading it, in order, for other people to accept it and join.
March members
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(they are in order of their appearance)
We start the march with the drum captain:
"The Drum Captain or leader of the drumline plays the center snare and will tap or count time in order to set the tempo and lead the band in marching and following the drum major. This is the most recognized member of the drumline with exceptional playing skills as well as strong leadership skills."
Amane drum captain is doing her work very well, because she is the one that starts the song and sets the tempo. (an experinced member)
Continuing, the color guards are next:
"Color Guard or Flag Corps are teams of performers who combine the use of flags, sabers, rifles, and other props or equipment to perform choreographed dances and routines that enhance the visual effect of a Marching Band or Drum Corps."
Interesting, the Amane that receives punishment is a color guard. However, why such a harsh punishment?
"Flags have always been an important part of history. They often represent the pride and unity of a group or nation. They are respected and revered as a symbol of beliefs and values."
By messing up the choreography, her action was demeed as disrespect to the cult beliefs. It is pretty much prestabilated that the cult is teaching by giving punishments, so the Amane with the blue flag was "erased" from the blank space to learn.
Next, the most important member and the heart of the march, the drum major:
"A Drum Major leads the band in Marching, rehearsals, and performances. Their job is to follow directions given by the band director, be an example to the other students or members of the band, and help the program run smoothly. Generally, the Drum Major is a senior member of the band."
No wonder why Amane drum major appears in the thumbnail, but is also the one that gives punishments! The band directors are most likely the adults in the cult and her mother, so based on their teachings, Amane drum major is behaving and acts accordingly to the circumstances. She is an example, a perfect member of the march, who needs to be sure that everything goes smoothly. The color guard Amane made a mistake, so in order to learn and to not mess up she needs to receive punishment to learn.
I honestly was torn between the little girl and the mother, but ultimely I believe the murder victim is the mother. And I will give some reasons for my reasoning.
->First: this interrogation question
"Tell me what your family consists of."
"It was my father, my mother and I."
The use of the past tense never made much sense to me. It could imply, that she is talking like this because her father is not a lot at home. However, the question is pretty straightforward, so for Amane to use the past sense just to imply that her father is away at the moment, doesn't make much sense? Unless if of course, one of them is already dead. Even with only the first trial interrogation question we can already guess that Amane respects and loves her father more than her mother, so if we have to chose between those two, whose the one dead, I think the choice is obvious...
->Second: the victim's hand
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I find it difficult to explain why the little girl would be in Amane's home. Yes, she goes once, but there is an adult with her. I find it hard to believe that the girl will come on her own will. I believe this scene more likely shows that the man and the girl went to Amane's home to tell her mother about Amane's actions of healing the cat.
Moreover, the hand looks bigger than Amane's. The little girl and Amane seem to be the same age, if not, younger, so the size difference is really questionable.
->Third: body parts
The little girl has all the body shown, with the exception of the face features.
The mother has just her hand shown, nothing else. Not only it implies that Amane remembers her mother just for the abuse, showing the hand with which she caused her harm, but it is also the only body part shown of the victim. So why hide the victim and only show the hand? It makes harder to find who is the victim, but it also can lead us to the reasoning that the mother is the one murdered...
-> Fourth: lyrics
"If you're going to break you vow/Here and now/It's my turn to tear you apart/ So there is no second time/ I'll give back the judgement you gave to me/ After you cry, repent and kneel/ It's now your turn to say that hopeless "I'm sorry" /You are sorry? I don't care! / Please go ahead and die already/Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
This part is clearly directed towards the murder victim. Who do we see abusing and hurting Amane in her MV? Her mother. She is the one who is tearing Amane apart by hurting her. Also, these lyrics:
"Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
I don't think Amane will apologize to this extent to a random little girl. Also, it's more likely for her to cry, repent and apologize if she was beaten up at that moment. Because she wanted the pain to stop, the punishment to be over.
The mascots
With the new MV, I don't think the mascots represent real people anymore. They are just beliefs, rules of the cult.
The poster pretty much shows that they are used as advertisers, and so it explains why in the first MV, Amane was watching them at the TV.
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The beliefs in question:(colour=mascot)
"Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny"
"Tis ordained, thou shall discard vulgarity"
"Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in"
"Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish"
Why Amane killed her mother?
To answer this, we have to go to the scene with the cat. It's pretty clear that Amane wasn't the one who killed it, in fact, after helping it, she goes next day and notice that it's gone. The man and the girl who are most probably part of the cult, only watched from afar and told the mother what Amane did.
Let's take a look at the rules of the cult, shall we?
From those four, the ones which seem to be againts Amane's actions are the first and the last one.
"Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny"
Meaning that if the cat was injuried, only the destiny will tell if it will live or not. Amane shouldn’t intervene and heal the cat.
"Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish"
Quite similar meaning, the cat has to remain on the path that it taken (what caused it to be harm) and then perish. Amane prelonged its life, and such the rule was broken.
The cult members only told Amane's mother what her daughter did, but they never were shown approaching the cat, they went straight to Amane's house. If you think about it, it makes sense for them to not hurt the animal. It will again be against the rules. The second rule implies that they are against vulgarity, it's not socially accepted to kill an animal, it's rude and violent. The first and last rule will also be broken, because by killing the cat, they wouldn't let it to follow its destiny, to see if it will heal or not. How Amane will tell "it's a trial from God". If the cat was killed, it wouldn't have the chance to overcome this trial.
This means that the only person who killed the cat was her mother.
When Amane comes home after healing the cat, she is punished by the mother for her actions.
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But if the mother killed the cat and broke some rules along with it, doesn't that mean, that the mother also deserves punishment...?
Amane was taught that with a proper punishment she will learn. Combined with some feelings of resentment towards her mother, for the pain she caused, and the knowledge that her mother also broke the rules, she has all the reasons to give her mother a punishment.
"If you're going to break you vow/Here and now/It's my turn to tear you apart/ So there is no second time/ I'll give back the judgement you gave to me/ After you cry, repent and kneel/ It's now your turn to say that hopeless "I'm sorry" /You are sorry? I don't care! / Please go ahead and die already/Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
These lyrics really start to hit harder and make even more sense...
The weapon
The transition between Amane with an umbrella and the thumbnail, implies that the main murder weapon is most likely the umbrella.
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(the quality is so bad...)
Not only is shown in the last sequence with the victim, but it is also very similar with the weapon in undercover.
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After Amane sees the dead cat, she comes home with a weird expression: she is happy and the eyes look hypnotized. It can symbolise how the only thoughts that she has in her mind are the cult rules. Moreover, in the white world created by Amane, the march is no longer organized, the members are chaotic, enthusiastic that they found the bad person, as described in the first lyrics, in this case, the mother. (I will explain in the next section!)
It means, that the murder took place soon after Amane saw the dead cat, most likely the moment she came home. In the last scene, there is water on the floor. In that day, it was raining. If she used the umbrella during a rainy day it could explain the water on the floor when she was beating up her mother.
Ok, ok, but why did I said main weapon? Realistically, a single blow will not be enough to knock a person unconscious with an umbrella (At least with her umbrella, as it looks pretty cheap and mostly made of plastic). Also, the mother could easily see if Amane was approaching her with such a big item. So, what other weapon do we see in her MV? Well, simple, the taser... The object that the parent uses to punish Amane.
"Tasers (and stun guns) are designed to temporarily incapacitate a subject, not knock them unconscious"
Amane doesn't need to knock her victim unconscious. A simple blow with a taser will be enough to incapacitate her mother, shock her, being unable to process what is happening. After that, the more Amane hits her with the umbrella the more damage she is doing to her parent's body, to the point the victim will be unable to protect themselves.
Also, this thunder from at the end of her first MV:
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The way she was swinging the wand in her first MV may resemble the hits with the umbrella.
The march
The march at the beginning is very organized, strict and serious. I believe this strictness is the way Amane perceived the mother's behavior. The color guard Amane with the blue flag is punished, because she messed up and broke the blue rule. It's interesting that the one who punishes in the white world is the drum major, the same Amane that kills the mother. I think this symbolise how Amane changed her views of her parent. At first, as the drum major, she is making sure that the march is going accordingly to the rules, as the "band director" (the mother and the cult) wants to.
"A Drum Major leads the band in Marching, rehearsals, and performances. Their job is to follow directions given by the band director, be an example to the other students or members of the band, and help the program run smoothly. Generally, the Drum Major is a senior member of the band."
However, once the mother hypocrisy is is brought to the surface, as she is also breaking rules, the drum major Amane no longer finds her worthy of being a band director. The march is no longer organized and strict, Amane no longer wants to listen to her mother.
Moreover, the reason why the members lost control is because they found their target, the reason why they were marching.
"However, there are blasphemers and silent by-standers/ Who would have it otherwise/ We must not give in to them/ they are the ones that should be judged/ With pure, unsullied body and soul/ Let us preach all that is true and right/"
Of course the lyrics can also imply Amane's hatred to the voices and Es, basically us, voters. However, if the mother broke the rules, the one that should have been an example for Amane, that means betrayal and disloyalty to the cult. As the parent never fully believed in the religion.
The colours of the confetti
At the beginning they are white and bland.
White -> symbolises purity, certainty, illumination and insight; it is associated with knowledge and learning
Considering what white symbolises, I believe the beginning of the MV is when Amane first started to learn the cult's teachings. She is still innocent and pure at this stage, as she never killed anyone and was not indoctrinated with the cult's rules. She is clumsy, inexperienced, but determinated to please her parents. (the fact that the drum major Amane gives punishment to the inexperienced member, might show that Amane is very hard on herself).
At the end, the confetti change colours in the mascots colours: pink, blue, yellow, green. Amane already learned everything that the cult has to offer, and is the moment when she decides to murder her mother.
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The clouds
The clouds appear in both MVs, and they are really interesting!
First, I want to point out that in the first MV, Amane is shown together with the mascots on top of the clouds, after the murder, while in the second MV, Amane is under the clouds, before the murder. The clouds may represent, again, Amane's experince as a cult member, but also how she escaped from her mother's punishments. Notice how when she is under those clouds she gets hurt, but when she is at the top, she is happy, because there is nothing that can hurt her anymore? It can also represent that Amane found confort in this religion, because while it harmed her, it was also the reason for why she escaped from the abuse.
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Rain -> symbolises unhappiness, rebirth, determination, cleansing
Rain represents one of the punishments that Amane received from her mother. Considering the symbolism, we can say that it represent Amane's determination to learn more and how the mother thinks that punishing her daughter, she is "erasing her sins".
It appears before every punishment. It can symbolise Amane's "rebirth", as she is considered to be redeemed after every punishment, the fact that Amane should be happy, because she is slowly becoming a better person.
Also, a reference to the flood and the Noah's ark: Noah was instructed to build an ark, and in accordance with God's instructions he took into the ark male and female specimens of all the world's species of animals, from which the stocks might be replenished. Consequently, according to this narrative, the entire surviving human race descended from Noah's three sons.
The reason why God wanted to flood the Earth was because there were to many bad people in the world.
Amane's shown drowning -> represents her mother's opinion on her -> a bad child for not following the rules
The hand
It's the last one, I promise!
This is mostly an observation...
Because of the hand placement, I think in both scenes the mother uses her left hand when she is punishing Amane. The second one is more obvious, than the first one. In the first one, because of the big thumb, it's very unlikely to be the right hand, at least I can't imagine how it would work. However, when Amane kills the mother the weapon is in her right hand. Not only when she is punishing the mother, but also when she is punishing "herself".
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(somebody tell me why I can only put 10 photos in a post💔)
This detail can show the mother and Amane's opposing ideas and how Amane's mother was a hypocrite when it comes to the cult rules. Also, if we take the literal word "right" hand it could imply that Amane was respecting the cult beliefs, while the mother wasn't.
Symbolism of the right and left hand
"The right hand is often associated with dominance, strength, and good luck in various cultures. It symbolizes power, blessings, and positive actions, often considered the “Hand of God” in religious contexts."
"On the other hand, the left hand is linked to subtlety, intuition, and feminine energy. It may represent creativity and emotional expression but has faced negative connotations and taboos in some cultures."
Considering that Amane's mother was abusing Amane, the symbolic meaning that it is associated with evil forces makes sense. Also, i know that is pretty much clear that the hand belongs to the mother, but it's interesting that the left hand is associated with feminine energy.
The right hand symbolises Amane's kindness and good intentions by heliping the cat. In the context that she killed the mother, it can symbolise how she got rid of an evil person, who didn't actually respected the cult's beliefs, such why she is a hypocrite.
Thank you for reading!
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jmdbjk · 10 months
JK's Seven live
JK starts off announcing his new single Seven. He immediately says he knows people will be disappointed it is just a single and not an album, but don't worry, he is working on a "full" album. It irritates me that he feels the need to even acknowledge this. JUST BE HAPPY HE'S CREATING NEW MUSIC OF ANY KIND.
He says he likes it and thinks we'll like it a lot and to look forward to it.
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My take on perhaps what the MV might be like? He says its a feel good song that fits this time of year and since it was filmed in Los Angeles, the land of palm trees, sunny days and beaches I would expect a lot of outdoor scenes, people having fun, etc... because if it was all filmed on a soundstage, what was the point of filming in Los Angeles? Also, not a single leak of a pic of JK on set anywhere soooo hmmm...
The actor Han Sohee is supposedly very popular and edgy and I would imagine her fanbase and his will dovetail perfectly and the MV will be a match made in marketing heaven. The contact may have been made through Tae and his actor network. We don't know.
... and sorry, this won't be a p*rno film where they will be doing the nasty... no matter how much the homophobes think it will be. I mean... seriously? JK? Who had to get over his bashfulness of posing for cameras with no shirt under his Calvin Klein denim jacket?
Jimin had to gently break it to us that there would be female dancers just touching him (while fully clothed) in the Like Crazy choreo... and y'all think Kookie is going to be inserting his [blank] into a [blank] on camera? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAA... AHAHAHAHAHAAAA....
He also explained his album process is one where he is still working out what his colors and voice are. Which tells me he is much like Jimin in that though he is part of BTS, his central being is not creating the music but performing it. I hope he learns a lot from this process and is able to express his colors and voice to his satisfaction.
He talks about "resting" for so long and how much he really enjoyed this lengthy personal time. Back in February when people were sounding the alarm that he was being held back and forced to stop work... welll... he just said he chose to be a lump on the couch for a long time and apologized. DON'T APOLOGIZE KOOKIE! He's been running as BTS since he was a middle schooler, he deserves to be a lazy lump, JUST LIKE THE LAZY LUMPS EVERY ONE OF YOU ARE WHO JUDGE HIM AND HIS CHOICES ALL THE TIME.
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He says the song Seven came about after a meeting with Bang PD and he heard the song and said MINE! I can't wait to see what Kookie did. I suspect this is the song he was recording when we saw this:
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[April 16, 2023]
Kookie explains his new piercing:
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Like bondage? Wait, that came out of nowhere... never mind, DON'T WANT TO TRIGGER ANY CLOSE-MINDED PEOPLE FOR GOD'S SAKES.
... what were you saying Kookie?
They always try to show "a different side" of themselves in their work. Their photo shoots have run the gamut of concepts. But Jungkook has indulged in tattoos and piercings for a few years now, experimenting first with the fake studs on his eyebrows before plunging in (literally) with a real eyebrow piercing.
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You look like a cuddly bunny? Like a sweetie? Cuz you are?
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His desire to be less "round" and more "sharp" is intriguing. Edgy is what I believe he's going for. His personality is edgy but perhaps not in the way he perceives "edgy" to mean. So he wants an outward appearance of edgy: tattoos, piercings, the whole motorcycle aura thing which reminds me, when are we going to see him straddling one of the bikes he supposedly owns?
Oh this explains everything...
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[Paraphrasing for people in the back: Jungkook says to fuck off, he can do whatever he wants to his own body.]
A TMI: he just had an English lesson earlier. He says the order is difficult and I know exactly what he's talking about. The sentence structure of English and Korean are not the same. English is subject-verb-object, example: Dogs eat kibble. Korean is subject-object-verb: Dogs kibble eat. Also, English past/present/future participles are HARD for those learning English. The brain has to do some mental gymnastics in translating. Takes a lot of practice. He's very good at reading English and pronouncing what he reads. I suspect his struggles with English are conversational English and vocabulary. Not only do you have to recall the correct words to say what you want, you have to construct grammatically correct sentences as the words leave your mouth and its really hard to do that. I am certain he 100% understands English when it is spoken to him.
Another TMI: he had been at the company earlier, and ate buckwheat noodles...
I feel the need to further explain some misleading terminology people are constantly throwing around... not all noodles are "ramen" or "ramyeon". I already explained the difference between "ramen" as Japanese style and "ramyeon" as Korean style but ramen/ramyeon noodles themselves are made of wheat. When Jimin was asked specifically about did he go to Jungkook's for ramyeon, and he said no, he has not been to Jungkook's for ramyeon... but perhaps he's been there for buckwheat noodles which are gluten-free and are what JK used in that last dish he posted a pic of on Weverse. We already know JK has been told to lay off the gluten.
Anyway... back to JK.
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He explains his 20/4 intermittent fasting. Some call it the "warrior diet." No eating for 20 hours and then a 4-hour window to eat. This type of eating pattern may impact metabolism and glycemic levels in your blood. If he's been told to lay off the gluten, this type of eating pattern may also be a way of controlling certain levels of blood chemistry throughout the day, especially if he's also working out. The timing of the eating pattern also makes a difference and what you eat during the four hours also impacts the effectiveness. That's all I know about it. Just keep in mind, all the members have a staff of professionals helping them stay healthy and when they say "diet" they don't mean they have eating disorders or are doing anything extreme that would hurt their health, they are following the advice of their trusted professional staff. Jungkook says his eating window is from about 7-8 pm until midnight or so.
After going on for a minute or two about how awesome yet cute Yoongi is, he says he wants to be like that, play instruments and sing and dance and be awesome too but...
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I'm only 18 minutes into this 1 hour 50 minute live...
He showed off his mullet:
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He still doesn't understand how some comments disappear...
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My explanation to Jungkook: there is a complex war of wills happening in the comments where different factions of the fandom attempt to impose control over each other using the "report" function in the live chat. And that some comments, seemingly innocent of motive, "touch your hair", "touch your nose", "make a funny peace sign with both hands", are actually an attempt to coerce you into sending secret hidden signals to those watching in order to confirm that you are half of a "hidden" couple within the group and that you are being controlled and forbidden from living your life freely. These hand gestures (that only they know) and the places on your face that you touch are being intercepted and analyzed and fed into a software program as you speak so that these idiots ... conspirators ... dumbasses um, individuals, can prove their baseless ... ridiculous ... disrespectful ... selfish ... uh ... their fantasies are real. For real. Don't laugh. Ok go ahead and laugh because that's everyone's first impulse.
But for real, stop fiddling with your new piercing because it might get infected if you are constantly touching it with your fingers.
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Gratuitous armpit shot for our hairy armpit enthusiasts:
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Someone asks him for a spoiler for the song:
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA SUCH A REBEL! This is the rebellion everyone insists proves that Kookie-pookie is being held back by the company. Right...
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This is your rebel trying to invent his own "heart" gesture:
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This is our dorky rebel, y'all... TAKE THAT, HYBE! (oops he gave himself a muscle cramp trying to make his goofy heart hands... our big, edgy, pierced, tatted up Kookie... love him)
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And without any warming up, he commenced to working out on his home workout power tower.
Sorry, couldn't resist...
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The whole time he's doing his arms work out he's whining about being so tired. Actually the ENTIRE time he's working out...
But he dropped another TMI too:
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A shoot? What shoot, JK? And oopsie:
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Every time he dropped those free weights to the floor, the neighbors below him probably fell out of bed...
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[the chewed up corner of the coffee table is taking me out...]
At least he's not singing with his whole chest for 3 hours straight...
Then he gave himself a pep talk... to make himself do the workout... to finish it... to work on his solo activities well, to stop his habit of starting things and not finishing...
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Koo is gonna be hangry ...
That workout was a killer. Damn. Abs of steel.
As I've been making my way through this live, I've also been kept in the loop about a few things... Celine show has been cancelled. I was concerned that one of ours was in Paris while this turmoil was ongoing so hopefully Tae can get out of there. Maybe he can zip over to London and visit his bae at some point before heading back to Korea.
And hopefully no one gets triggered by this post since I kept it clean-ish. People are ready to call them lovers but saying they might be into certain sexual preferences is off limits? Seriously, check your prejudices before you start coming at me.
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mikelogan · 2 months
Can I ask you how you make your black and white gifs?
you absolutely can! i'm always happy to help and answer questions/make tutorials whenever i'm able 🥰 generally, black & white gifs are some of my most simple gifs just in terms of coloring and how many layers i use. i'm going to use my latest billy joel set as an example:
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i always color my gifs after sharpening them, but that varies from person to person. for this set, i literally only did a curves layer and then the b&w gradient map. curves will depend on your source material, but here are what mine looked like using the turn the lights back on music video:
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with curves, i almost always use the eyedroppers on the left side. i don't think the order in which you use them matters, but i typically use the black eyedropper and then the white.
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to use these, you click the eyedropper and then click a point on your gif. for the black eyedropper, you typically want to click on the darkest/blackest part of your gif. for the white eyedropper, you want to find the whitest/lightest part. you can definitely experiment a bit, like curves are incredibly useful for tinted scenes. that didn't come into play with this mv, but for heavily tinted media like the haunting of hill house, ready or not, chernobyl, mindhunter, etc. curves are a game changer. sometimes i'll find a dark part of the gif, but slightly lighter than pure black because it will work to counteract the tint. for really blue scenes, it will increase yellow. for red scenes, it compensates with cyan. green is adjusted with magenta. i find the black eyedropper to do most of the heavy lifting, but the white one also helps with the overall brightness of the gif as well.
anyway, like i said, my coloring was extremely simple for this gif, so from here, i went right a gradient map adjustment layer.
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(alternatively: layer > new adjustment layer > gradient map)
what happens immediately after clicking this icon depends on what two colors are selected as your foreground and background colors on your canvas:
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if your colors are something completely different than the gradient map you want, just click on the gradient itself, which brings up this menu:
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it depends on the effect you're going for, but this should typically be your darker color. in this case, i did use a very dark grey rather than pure black, but whatever color scheme you're using, this side should be darker than the color on the right side.
your lighter color! in this case, white.
photoshop's pre-made gradient maps, which i definitely play around with from time to time.
if you scroll all the way down in box 3, any new, custom gradients you want to save will appear. to save your current gradient, press new. pictured below:
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i save a lot, as you can see lmao. the possibilities are endless!
once you're happy with your colors, black and white in this case, hit okay! that's literally all there is to it. sometimes before the gradient map, i'll do a brightness/contrast layer set to screen to brighten the gif, then curves, then levels (where i also use the black and white eyedroppers), then a selective color layer where i darken the blacks by 1-5 and sometimes lighten the neutrals by -1 to -5, but this all depends on the scene i'm working with.
i hope that answers your questions! if you need any additional info, just let me know!
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ameyumez · 1 year
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🩵 — Replycons image mask credits ♡ ’
Bold — favorites! ♡
Itallics + small text — additional info! ♡
⟨☄️› What and how to request ♡
Icons (matching, pride, themed, shaped, hair and eye color changes... ask and i'll see what i can do!), headers, banners, moodboards, layouts, stimboards (current preference!), simple replycons (may be selective on these!), wallpapers, song mv gifs, psds (for a character or a card set !)
Please specify the website for layouts and the dimension for wallpapers!
For layouts and icons, specify whether you want simple ones (no editing necessary, just a psd), intermediate ones (some overlays on top of official art + psd, not much editing besides that) or complex ones (might take a bit longer, will only accept 3 requests of these at a time!) Also on these, please say if you'd prefer transparent versions of it and i'll make sure to include one of each for layouts and three for icons! If there's nothing specified, I'll do what I feel would look best ^^
Also on the topic of icons, if you go to ‹🩵//: ame templates you can get some templates I have for icons! Since the only thing I have to do in these is to arrange the png and then psd, they might get done quicker than others :3
⟨🪐› What sources do I work with?
Enstars, d4dj, Paralive, Hypmic, A3, Charisma House, Love Live, Milgram, Fragaria Memories, Alien Stage, Project Sekai, Obey Me, Idolish7, Twisted Wonderland, Limbus Company, Bandori, Honkai Star Rail, most vocaloid song mvs (exception for Evillious as I don't personally think I can work well with it), Nu Carnival, certain rpg maker games such as Hello Charlotte or 1BitHeart
I may sometimes work with genshin, however, i am extremely selective on what characters to edit, please be aware of that.
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⟨💎› Blacklist ♡
What in Hell is Bad, Izumako, Ramujaku, romantic Ibahaji, Rei Amayado, any franchise that is anime only (i can't quite edit it properly, so i'd rather not deliver something of lower quality), problematic content and ships in general. I'm still in my right to deny requests and add other stuff to this list at any point, so please be respectful. In general, if someone requests something from there or when requests for something are closed, ill immediately delete the ask, sorry! Otherwise, I shall give an explanation ^^
⟨🪽› Whitelist ♡
Eden, Knights, CrazyB, Undead (Enstars), Rondo, Merm4id, Abyssmare, Lyrical lily, Noa, Esora (d4dj), Goku luck, Bae, Cozmez, 1nm8, Akan Yatsura (Paralive), Fling posse, Sasara, Kuko, Jyushi, Matenrou (Hypmic), Summer troupe, Itaru, Sakuya, Taichi, Winter troupe (A3!), Diverdiva, Guilty kiss, You, Aqours third years (Love live), Mahiru, Kotoko, Es, Mikoto, Mu (Milgram), 25ji, Shiho, Ichika, Kohane (Project sekai), Asmodeus, Mammon, Barbatos (Obey Me), Trigger, Riku, Iori, Tamaki (Idolish7) Lilia, Idia, Heartslabyul, Octavinelle (Twisted Wonderland), Any of the sinners, Dante, Charon (Limbus Company), Aster, Rei, Blade, Kuya (Nu Carnival)
Pastel or really saturated colors! Also, eye edits!!!! Ask me to change pupils or add eyelashes and highlights!
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⟨❄️› DNI ♡
- basic dni criteria. any sort of homophobe, racist, pedo etc.
- proshippers.
- anti mogai.
- anti kins.
- endogenic systems.
just don't be an asshole and it should be fine otherwise!! ;3
⟨☁️› Rules ♡
I will not use any fanart for editing. This is more of a personal preference thing but yeah!
Anything I'm uncomfortable with doing will be denied. Please be patient after requesting! While some requests are easy for me to do, others take a little bit more from me...
Always credit if you're using something and ask if you want no me/id or f/o tags!!! Sometimes, requests from the whitelist may have priority, but i usually try to go in order!!!
When requesting, please try to type properly and with no typing quirks. Mod has a hard time understanding some of them, so it'd be appreciated if you could do so! ^^
Finally, no reposts!
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⟨🩵› About me ♡
Hello, hello!!!! I am Chii or Cheren, but here you may call me Ame! I use any pronouns and my current preferred neos are pup/pups and fang/fangs! I've been editing since 2017 and finally made an editing blog to archive my stuff. Please don't be afraid to talk! ^^
I gif stuff to use in stimboards at @sleepuppy and stitch cards + post renders of games at @idolstitching! ♡ my main is at @vampuppyy!
You can bet I don't support any of the problematic parts of the franchises I edit for (glaring very strongly at the project moon staff) and if anything just claim them as my own ocs if anyone is worried about me supporting their actions
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ru1-png · 1 year
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sleepover headcanons for all the divisions ,, a/n : it's been.. a while!!! im sorry for taking such constant long breaks finding motivation to write has been getting quite hard as of recently. i tend to write more for fun than anything but i don't wanna be leaving my page dormant. here's the sillies as compensation for my absence ! word count : 1,437
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The brothers probably have a couple nights like this on weekends where they don't got much to do. Someone (that someone either being Ichiro or Jiro) would suggest they have a little sleepover where they whip out some sleeping bags and all chill out in the living room.
They'd pull out a couple of video games, Jiro and Saburo would begin arguing in the game, Ichiro ends up winning. They play a game on a console, Jiro and Saburo would begin arguing, Ichiro ends up winning. But when the pillow fight of the century happens, all hell breaks loose. Suddenly the living room is a war zone and the siblings are all out for blood
In the attempt at seeming as cool as can be for Ichiro, Jiro and Saburo probs don't realize that their older brother is landing all the big hits on them until they finally realize and team up on him. Ichiro is quite proud that they could work together even for such a thing like that
Winner of whatever board game they play chooses what they all order to eat
Ichiro can't help but excitedly show the others some cool clips from some new anime he's watched or a Miku mv (autistic ichiro cause i said so), at some point they'd all get together and probably laugh at shitty low quality shows
Jiro SWEARS that he will stay up the longest just to fall asleep the fastest, much to Ichiro and Saburo's humor
One night the guys must have been out late and realized it would be most convenient to crash at whoever's place was closest, that being Jyuto's
Matching pajamas. Don't know who got them (maybe Rio tbh that would be adorable), don't know why. But matching pjs for everyone, Samatoki pretends to hate them but he can't help but like how soft and comfortable they are.
They'd end up chilling on some balcony in Jyuto's place as they have a smoke and just talk about whatever comes to mind.
They made sure that before getting there Samatoki suggested they ordered food so that they could hopefully avoid the inevitable cooking situation with Rio there seeing as he wouldn't wanna waste money on food. Thankfully Jyuto's fridge was just filled with cheese, so ordering food it is.
"How the fuck do you even make yourself meals???" Samatoki would ask with the most confused look ever.
"I tend to find some way to make it happen." Jyuto's response did nothing more than make things more confusing.
Best of all, they play Splatoon on Jyuto's Splatoon themed switch (i will not be convinced otherwise that at the MINIMUM 40% of the hypmic cast plays Splatoon
Honestly just a chill night overall, great bonding time for everyone other than the screaming in Splatoon
Literally like every little girls dream sleepover
Ramuda gets bored one day and gets the others to spend the night, to no protest of course cause how fun would an idea like that be
Ramuda whips out PILES of candy and snacks for everyone to dig in on throughout the night, more snacks than actual food is all I can imagine they'd eat
EVERYONE is given makeovers by Ramuda, it's almost like a whole fashion show, whether it's hairstyling, outfits, any of that. Ramuda is on it!!
Gentaro ends up telling scary stories at 1:30 in the morning which sends Ramuda and Dice into a frenzy and they almost ran outside in the cold and in their pajamas
Speaking of pajamas, Ramuda made custom made sanrio ones for everyone in preparation for an event like this, they're beyond fluffy and in tons of pretty colors just to the other members likings
Ramuda get's the most basic white girl idea and has Gentaro and Dice film tiktoks with him doing the most generic dances ever, cringe from the view of normal eyes, but funny as hell when seeing them film it
In response to the ghost stories Dice is first to fall asleep, he ended up hoping if he fell asleep the ghost wouldn't be able to get him since "If I can't see them, then they can't see me either!"
Ramuda and Gentaro made an art piece on the poor gamblers face
Doppo is quick to remind Hifumi to stash away all of their loose bottles of alcohol before Jakurai comes over to spend the night, both wouldn't want a near death experience during a harmless sleepover
Once Jakurai arrives, Hifumi is ecstatic to get to test out making some new meal plans for everyone to eat. It's almost like his ultimate test as the trained malewife he is, and he loves the chance to make a nice meal for everyone
It's normally quite hard to find a weekend where everyone isn't working to make plans like this, even during the week. So, during these kinds of nights the trio gets to take this time to just catch up with each other and talk about things
As quite the ongoing trend here, every division has one person that is the equivalent of that one mom at the mothers slumber party that happens once every century, Hifumi got them all matching pajamas
Jakurai always can find himself interested in the playful banter amongst Hifumi and Doppo, so there never really tends to be that dull of a moment amongst them all even if they're just talking
Hifumi ends up taking LOTS of selfies of everyone
Much to the others shock, Jakurai is actually quite the night owl and he is able to stay up impressively late with the others
Matenrou seems like that group of adults at parties that could be up until 4 in the morning just laughing obnoxiously loud at each others jokes until they suddenly realize time is a thing and they all finally decide to knock out for the night
Now, there is little variation of context as to how dh would get together for a sleepover. It's either they had spent the night at the bar and in Rosho's drunken state Sasara and Rei carry him back home and just decide to crash at his place, in that case not much happens for the night other than the vandalism of Rosho in his drunken sleep state. OR, on the other hand they all decide to just hang out at Rosho's place and stay the night which THEN leads to a night of drunken fun and banter.
The amount of teasing that would happen throughout the night, the perfect chill, laid back chaotic fun
Sometimes Sasara is able to convince Rosho to have little sketches with him in the house and put on little shows for Rei, it's quite interesting but it's hard to get Rosho to agree. Rei seems to really like them though
Don't know why, but it seems like they'd do funny dubbing over random low budget movies they can find
Kuko and Jyushi already have their fair share of sleepovers in their own time, but at times if Hitoya isn't busy and he's forced coerced into coming, things tend to take quite the drastic turn
Jyushi has the matching onesies ready on deck for when any of his teammates tend to sleepover seeing as they always agree it'll happen at his house, Kuko likes them, Hitoya finds it quite hard to admit how much he likes them aswell
Jyushi's bed is COVERED in plushies
They'd jam out to Jyushi's cds and have screaming karaoke nights, once Hitoya joins in it's OVER. They all end up going off eventually having the most sore throats afterwards but damn is it fun as hell
It's all fun and games until Kuko and Jyushi suddenly turn to Hitoya revealing part of their motive for inviting him....
Hitoya orders them food
They all end up playing a bunch of switch games, some of which being.. Splatoon, the bane of everyones existence and cause for a new found rage in a casual round of rainmaker. Mario Party, a physical fight almost started. Mario Kart, Jyushi mains Lime Green Inkling girl, Kuko mains King Boo, and Hitoya mains Wario.
They all watch My Little Pony and enjoy it, don't ask me why I don't make the rules
Jyushi tries to convince Hitoya joining in as he whips out the nail polish and goes ham, usually Hitoya refuses but VERY rarely he'll agree and just take it off later
Jyushi makes little doodles of everyone in their onesies, Kuko joins in and draws all of them in their onesies on a monster truck. The truck is in a strange amount of detail
Very hectic but honestly fun night, I'd kill someone to have a sleepover with them
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@ru1-png : please do not repost or claim my accounts as your own
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childofcolors · 1 year
Ateez storyline
This is how I visualise the Ateez storyline using the MVs in a map-like drawing I created in order to hopefully help 🙃
Big disclaimer! Everything I’m typing here is theory or interpretation, but I am using the Diary entries from the Fever and The World albums as guide for the Ateez storyline. Everything else is pure theory/ speculation on my part.
I also feel the need to thank the team behing atiny.net for providing the diary entries online for everyone to access. And for the team @hala_loretiny on Twitter for providing a very detailed Masterdoc on Ateez lore.
With that being said, even tho I’ve read the Masterdoc a few times, there are things I don't really agree with. So I re-read the diary entries as if I have never seen a single Ateez theory before and came up with my own timeline.
So here we go:
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As seen in the guide above, we have 2 main storylines:
The Ateez storyline: the music videos where only Ateez make an appearance.
The Pirates storyline: the music videos where only the og Black Pirates appear (Disclaimer! This part is pure speculation/theory on my part).
There are also two secondary storylines:
The Ateez & Pirates: the music videos where both groups are present.
The Witness p.o.v: Halazia music video that encapsulates a very important part of the story (I will ellaborate when I get to it).
The Diary film
In this short film, we are introduced to each member’s story before forming the friendgroup known as Ateez. There were a few missunderstandings between them that made the friendship fall appart, but after Hongjoong has been visited in his dream by the man in the black fedora (The Black Pirate) and is given the Cromer and the information that another world exists, the 8 friends get back together and the journey begins.
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My interpretation of this MV is that Ateez are trying to understand how the Cromer works by trying to “fall asleep”.
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The first one who is succesfull is Hongjoong at the end of the MV, when he is running towards himself sleeping and “falls into his sleep”.
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After “falling asleep”, he ends up in a void-like room that can be also seen in Thanxx MV, but I will show it once we get to that part.
This is for the most part a rebellious song about teenagers not wanting their lives to be dictated by adults and that they will choose their own path (wich in their case is to go to this new dimension)
The part that stood out to me the most in the MV was when the sky turned from crear blue, to dark grey clouds:
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And then, we see the 8 members in the same dark void-like room (that we also saw in Inception MV), along with a few other elements like cars, a dancing crew, a stage, big baloon animals (i am just as lost as you) and the most important part, the pirate ship (that will help them get from their world to New World).
Inception (left)
Thanxx (right)
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The pirate ship:
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The music video does give me the vibe that they are singing while on the ship to their destination, and it is a bit ironic how the song is about celebrating individuality, and the next thing you know, they end up in Strictland, a place where self expression thru music and art is forbidden.
As for the visuals of the MV itself, there is a clear shift in color that indicates when they genuinely arrived in Strictlang. Also they are wearing the same clothes that they wear in the Fireworks (I’m the one) MV wich is the very next song on the list.
The shift in color in the Celebrate MV:
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The color and clothes similarity between Celebrate MV and Fireworks (I’m the one) MV:
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Fireworks (I’m the one)
In terms of lore written in the diary entries, a lot happen so I suggest you read them, or listem to the audio version on Youtube 💕
But for the MV itself, not alot happens other than them arriving in what it’s assumed to be the Strictland garbage dump and The Black Pirates hideout, but no sign of the 8 pirates. This is where (in the books) we are introduced to a character known as Left Eye, the director of the Strictland dump, and the number 1 helper of The Black Pirates.
Strictland garbage dump (left)
The hideout of The Black Pirates (right)
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This is the moment Ateez find out (in the books) that The Black Pirates are actually in prison, so Ateez need to go help them. They also learn that the prison (also known as the Android bunker) is on an island so they start saililng towards the island.
*More details are mentioned in the Fever ep. 3 diary entry at Mingi’s paragraph*
After arrival, they discover that the island it is an ex vacation resort, but due to the state the world is right now in New World, taking rest and vacations became meaningless.
*more in part 2*
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xiaojuun · 2 years
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hi best friends ... i wasn't going to make a big post because i was just going to do some of these prompts on my own, but i thought if there are any other luvity besties looking for some inspiration while we wait for the next comeback, i may as well put all of these in one place! you do not have to be a visual creator, any luvity is welcome to use the tag #gtkmvity and complete as little or as many of these prompts as you wish. there is no set timeframe to participate, feel free to do what you like when you like in any order, and combine or get creative however you see fit !
PROMPTS: ✧ biases ✧ bias wreckers ✧ favorite mvs ✧ favorite songs ✧ favorite choreography ✧ favorite performances ✧ favorite friendships ✧ favorite hair colors and/or styles ✧ favorite eras and/or concepts ✧ favorite photoshoots and/or stylings ✧ favorite special videos, vity park episodes, variety appearances etc ✧ ... anything you want!
i hope this may inspire some new creations or introduce some new luvity friends on here. if you have any questions my inbox is open. have fun !!
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eightfinity · 2 years
ur change up/cheers set is so good!!!!!!! pls share ur secrets on how u did the fade from one mv to the other im literally obsessed w ur talent
ask and ye shall receive!! another cc taught me this way back so I’m more than happy to pass the info along! I’m gonna reply with a tutorial just in case anyone else wants to know how to do the fade and isn’t too familiar with making gifs or doing edits to them!
I’ll preface the entire thing real quick with the most important thing for anyone to keep in mind when doing this is the amount of colors. I started the change/up cheers set with change up clips that had a lot of different colors and since gifs can only contain 256 colors it exceeded that and was very noisy and grainy as a result! (Im sure most if not all gif makers already know the color limit but for anyone starting gif making or unfamiliar with the process that might be reading this, the color limit is with ANY gif not just ones that fade in)
doing the fade in probably looks complicated but it’s super easy! this is all done in photoshop and first thing you want to do is make the two gifs you want to fade into each other. do any sharpening, recoloring, etc and make sure they have the same amount of frames and the same frame delay. the gifs need to be in frames, I don’t know of a way to do this with things in timeline. so here’s two of mine from that set
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you’re going to leave the first gif exactly how it is for now, almost all the changes will be made on gif #2. to create the fade you’ll be changing individual frames a little at a time. for the change up/cheers set I used six frames for the fade (but you can always play with how many you want to use for your own creations). you start with the very first frame and put the opacity down very low. you then go to the next frame and lower the opacity on that as well, but not as much. you’ll do this for each frame you want to fade in with the regular 100% opacity frames at the end of that. for this set I went in the order of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 85%, and 95% opacity. much like how many frames are in the fade the opacity percents aren’t set in stone you can play with it and see what you like best
at this point your frames for gif #2 should look like this
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just make sure if you didn’t earlier that both gifs you’re working with are at the same frame delay (this set was at 0.06) because that’s important. next on the right side of the timeline window under the three lines you want to click ‘select all frames’ and then click ‘copy frames’
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you’re going to move back to gif #1 now and select the last six frames in this case (in general you want to select however many frames you changed the opacity of because this is where the second gif will layer over the first gif)
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while those frames are selected go back to the three lines again and pick ‘paste frames’. when the lil window for that pops up make sure you pick ‘paste over selection’ and hit the check box on ‘link added layers’
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you should now see the fade over top of those selected frames and then the 100% opacity frames from gif #2 after. it should look something like this!
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you can now change the frame delay overall since it’s all one combined gif at this point and then all you have to do is export it like normal! (easy shortcut is shift+ctrl+alt+s) if you have a watermark how I added mine after was converting it to timeline, adding it there, and then exporting one final time
and that’s it! you have your finished product!
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I hope that helps and makes sense!! if any elaboration is needed please dont hesitate to let me know I’m more than happy to explain further as best as I can!! ☺️💝
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jazyjaz · 2 years
Lee Felix x Reader
Bang Chan (Mentioned)
╔═════ ∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘ ══════╗
Your Eyes - Stray Kids MV
This Imagine has/mentions blood, gore, murder, illegal acts, Kuru, unhealthy relationship, psychopathic behavior, normalizing anthropophagous^ ╚═════ ∘◦ ミ⛧ ◦∘ ══════╝
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We won’t get caught.. right?
My thoughts were stopped when I felt a hand on my head. Ah yes, im in the kitchen. To my left, Felix. “You okay?” His voice was so smoothing. Damn, it’s so comfortable to hear.
“Yeah, just thinking.” I went back to making the pancakes.
It was a early Sunday morning. Felix and I were making breakfast. Pancakes. Thin yet delicious pancakes. Felix had a love for baking and cooking. He loves to make food. He would always try to change it up and experiment to see what’s good and what’s not. Because of that, I love his cooking more than anything. We hardly go to restaurants. They weren’t as tasty as his food. They wouldn’t make it good as him and they never will.
You see, Felix had a special ingredient. An ingredient that would make them extra delicious. To help us with our energy. Something that would boost us up. Something that I couldn’t live without.
“Y/n. Can you put the bag away?” He continued to wash his hands while he ordered me. To my right was a bag filled with the ingredient. Smiling, I grabbed it and made my way to the basement to store it away. As much as I want it upstairs because of the smell, I know some people wouldn’t like it. So we had to put away far away. The basement was our only option.
Coming back upstairs, Felix was already setting the table for us. He looked my way and gave me his soft bright smile.
His smile. It brought back to how we first met…
“You got the drinks too?” I asked. He nodded while I sat down across from his chair. Felix went back to counter to get our pancakes, with a beautiful smile, he set the plates down. It smelled so good. “I made them extra special. It’s more fresh and pure.” He said. My eyes locked with his as I gleamed. Fresh?“Really now?”
“Of course! Now open wide.” Lix brought his fork my way. I opened wide, already wanting to dig in-
What? Hey! “Felix!”
He pulled the fork back to his mouth and took the bite while laughing. I pout but shake off his shenanigans and picked up my fork. The moment my tastebuds touch the food, I felt like crying. How can this man make such good food that my mouth started to water before even swallowing the thing?! It was amazing! The flavors were extraordinary! With a bit of our special syrup, it really made itself taste so.. so…
So pure.
“You won’t believe what’s in it.” I started jumping in my seat with anticipation. “You need to tell me. This is so good Felix! I can’t believe it!” He laughed and shook his head. “I had no choice. I warned them but they didn’t listen.” I licked my lips, dying to know what he put in it. “Come on, tell me the whole story then!” He nods and stood up, walking towards the refrigerator. He pulled out a container and-
Did he..?
For me…?
I stare in shock as I looked what was in his hand.
“He came in to visit us, Y/n. He wanted to play the new games I just got. I was getting everything ready until he walk past the door to the basement. We told him before about it, but I think his curiosity got the best of him. I warned him again but when my back was behind, well, he opened it. I stopped and walked downstairs with him. The smell you love so much? He hated it. He said it stunk. Ahh Y/n, you should’ve seen his reaction when I switched the lights on.”
Oh! Felix stood up for me when that rascal made fun my ingredient! What did I do to deserve him? “I bet the color in his face faded. Did he tried to scream?” I laughed. Felix took the lid off and placed the red-shot eyes in my pancake as a topping. “He only started to shake and fell down the floor. Before he looked at me he asked me ‘Why?’ It was funny actually. However next thing I know, his body parts where all over our floor! Thankfully I was close to the syringes so it was easier to collect his blood before it all spilled. Baby, I’m sorry but I took the first bite from his leg and I knew he was perfect for our meal together!”
I look back at the pancakes.
They were filled with red stains and purple markings. Whoever he used, I felt a bit bad. But man, did he tasted amazing! From experience of 3 years with Felix, I can tell that his hands were used in my side of the pancake. His kidneys in other slice, some of his thyroid^^ was used on top as well. The appendix^^^ was in another pancake from the stack the end of it sticking out, and Felix loves livers. The milk was mixed with a dark reddish brown which I can only assume was the brain juices and gallbladder. In the container, in Felix’s hand, was none other than one his best friends. The group of high school buddies they were.
Who knew Chan was hiding all of this without telling us?
He tasted terrific!
Felix loves to keep our secret ingredient’s head in a container. Like some prize or collection. I don’t mind. I get to stare at our food and remember who we ate any ways! Chan wasn’t any special with this either. His eyes sockets out, now filled with dark holes. His top filled with cuts- oh Felix, he still can’t cut the top of the head right currently! His neck sliced.. he looks ripped actually. His mouth stitched together, his nose broken from the side and his cheeks were bruised and filled with scars. It was topped with so much of his blood.
Felix put the container away and sat back down, but before he did he reached over towards me. “Y/n, you have a little something here.” He wipes my cheek and looks back at me with a smile. I smile back and..
My body reacted on its own. We both went forward..our eyes on each other lips…
^ Another word for cannabalism, man-eating
^^ A small butterfly shaped gland that sits in the base of your neck
^^^ A thin tube that is inside and connected to the large intestine
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Best era for each dreamcatcher member?
This was such a fun ask to answer! It was a bit hard for some of the girls, as I felt they had fit in multiple eras, but I went with my gut and picked what I thought fit best with each girl. I did provide a bit of reasoning and fun, no harm intended commentary on each of my choices, so I hope you got your questions answered!
Obligatory @ for the Paladins because if I had to spend 45 minutes doing this, then they have to as well. :) @neon-city-dreams @kingmaker-a @foolish-sparrow @sanccharine I love you all a lot, so I hope you have fun doing this! 💖😉
Also, I went from oldest era to newest era instead of member order because I felt like it would be a fun change of pace! :) ( I put a readmore because, as expected from me, I wrote way more than I need to.)
Yoohyeon - Fly High (Prequel)
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Gonna be honest, it was between Fly High and You and I, but I had to go with Fly High because I like Fly High more
Her stage presence is immaculate this era - as it is every era, but I think she shines most in brighter concepts than darker ones.
I think the styling fits her the best this era
I just really like her voice on Fly High. I couldn't exactly tell you why, but I do tend to really enjoy her vocal performances on brighter songs.
I'll never forget the first time I watched this MV and saw Yoohyeon kill the spider with the magnifying glass - it was both traumatizing and iconic.
Siyeon - What (Alone In The City)
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The way she sings the chorus is so addicting, and the chorus itself is super catchy too.
Like, her voice starts to sing the chorus and then I'm fully immersed in the atmosphere of the song.
I really like how she was styled this era!
I think this was the era that I started to notice how fantastic Siyeon's stage presence is
Ms. Lee Siyeon is one of the main reasons why I enjoy Wonderland so much - her voice and energy perfectly match the song. It's so hard to take your eyes off of her whenever they perform this song!
JiU - Piri (The End Of Nightmare)
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Red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy (part 1)
Iconic pre-chorus + post-chorus
"Pil-lil-lil-lil-lil-lily" *Katie tries and fails to do the hand choreography*
The dress they gave her was so pretty, like I don't even care that the styling was mostly that outfit in different colors, please give me more-
The B-sides 'And There Was No One Left' and 'Diamond' really show off her beautiful vocals so much. <3
Dami - Scream (Dystopia: Tree of Language)
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Ah, yes, the one everyone was waiting for LOL.
Her "Devil eyes come" part still has me in a firm chokehold, and I have to repeat that part multiple times before I can listen to the song like a normal person.
I also am being held in a chokehold by her Red Sun and Black or White raps, but I am not complain because those really are some of her best verses to date.
I really am in love with her hairstyle and hair color this era.
The styling for this era - for all of the promoted songs - really is some of the best styling for Dami in my opinion. I'm already a sucker for women in suits, but Dami's Red Sun dresses? Whew, that really helped place her in the ultimate bias spot. I'm not joking you - I have a picture of her in one of those Red Sun dresses as my home screen on my phone.
SuA - Boca (Dystopia: Lose Myself)
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Okay, listen, I know I might get dragged for not putting Dami here but hear me out-
I love SuA's voice in the pre-chorus, it's so beautifully haunting - I love it!
Whoever decided that she should dance in the rain with wet hair and a soaked dress needs a raise ASAP-
The concept photos and outfits this era really play to SuA's visual strengths - her strong jawline really compliments the make-up and outfits they put her in.
'Too many angels dying now, I'm gonna change your mind~" Pure iconic-ness right there. Like the queen she is, SuA is lifted above all of us to show how good of a vocalist she really is. No further explanation needed, your honor, I rest my case-
Handong - Odd Eye (Dystopia: Road To Utopia)
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My girl came back with a BANG, like my god-
Handong's chorus part plus her part in the bridge are some of the best parts in the song.
I liked the styling for Odd Eye, but whoever decided her outfits for Wind Blows also needs a big ol' raise
Iconic Handong Wind Blows Chorus + she sings part of the chorus and then leads part of the post-chorus dance break!
Hair color was immaculate on her - I hope she goes back to that color again, it so complimented her
Gahyeon - BEcause (Summer Holiday)
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Red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy (part two)
Facial expressions, stage presence, and acting was on POINT by Gahyeon
Styling complimented her visuals a lot - the space buns and the dresses are my favorite styling this era for her
Gahyeon chorus part is so good and catchy - I always sing along to it!
Is a major part of the iconic intro choreo, and the outro choreo has her as the center AS SHE SHOULD BE-
*BONUS!* OT7 - Maison (Apocalypse: Save Us)
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Is it here because they got their first and second win because of this song? Yes, absolutely, but I still have more reasons as to why this is my favorite OT7 era.
Handong has now joined the league of "red-haired idols have a chokehold on me, and yes, I know it is extremely unhealthy"
Jokes aside, this is my favorite OT7 era in terms of styling and hair colors/styling - Yoohyeon's cookies 'n cream hair (I don't know how else to describe it, but it's cool as hell), Gahyeon's short hair, and the white goddess-styled dresses were some of my favorite parts.
Despite what a lot of people say, I think Maison is a complete bop - it's such an earworm, the chorus is so catchy, and that song has one of the best outros I've ever heard.
Group B-sides are fantastic - Locked Inside A Door is like a classic DC b-side to a T which makes it so good, Starlight is the song I've been waiting for them to make since I got into them and oh my goodness did they exceed my expectations tenfold, Together is so fun and bouncy - I definitely get why people say it's club music, and Always is a beautiful ballad that shows off their fantastic voices.
The solo songs were excellently crafted and perfectly showed off their personalities! I don't think I could pick a favorite even if you forced me to - there's too many interesting, catchy, and excellent parts of each song that makes them incomparable to each other (at least to me)
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bu99erfly · 3 years
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taeyeon x you think era
for @anon
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sugajimin · 4 years
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BTS MVs  x Aesthetics
Part XXIV : ON  [2020]
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joeguk · 5 years
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bts - lights (2019)
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sichengmark · 6 years
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NCT U - 일곱 번째 감각 (The 7th Sense) (2016) 
red → green | white on black
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