#the beat and melody is very fun! i will not comment on the lyrics on account of its very embarrassing
crescentmp3 · 1 year
Do you like the song I Can't Decide? :)
do not use that emoticon talking about that song
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bad268 · 10 months
Breaking News (Part 3)
(Max Verstappen X Reader, Charles Leclerc X Ex! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Nope (I had an idea, Mr. Krabs)
Chapter warnings: cheating mentioned, sex references, song referenced belongs to Natiale Jane.
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 1672
Chapter Summary: "Seven" is released during the race week, and Y/n sees Charles for the first time since their split.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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(^Came from 2 pics on Pinterest)
<- Previous Part
It’s been months since I last saw Charles. It was not really a concern for me anymore. He can do whatever he wants, and I can do whatever I want. And what I want is to attend the race in Austin.
It was Wednesday, and we just flew in a couple of hours ago. We settled into our hotel room before Max went into the bathroom to shower before we went to dinner. Once I was dressed in a semi-fancy outfit, I decided to sit on our bed and wait for him to finish up. I had started scrolling through countless comments on my newest single, “Seven,” when Max came out of the restroom. He was wearing a black button-up and jeans, but at least it wasn’t Red Bull merch. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked, coming up to look at the comments from over my shoulder. “Is that the new song?”
“Yeah,” I chuckled lightly, leaning back into him. “They’re loving it so far.”
“Well, of course, they are,” he retorted, standing up and pushing me to lay on my back as he leaned over me. He placed a couple of small kisses around my face before placing a final one on my nose. “You wrote it. Why wouldn't they love it?”
“It was just really different from my normal songs, I don’t know,” I sighed, setting my phone to the side as I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his damp hair. “It’s also the second single for the album.”
“You haven’t even finished the album yet,” He shook his head with a laugh. “They’re your fans, liefde (love). They’ll love anything from you.”
“Doesn’t make the release any less daunting, schat (darling),” I whispered, pulling him down to kiss him. We moved in sync before ultimately needing to pull apart for air. “You ready to go?”
“Of course,” He said, lifting himself up before holding his hand out for me to stand beside him. “What kind of food are you feeling?”
Thursday is media day, so Max was off doing his own thing. It works because I had a virtual interview anyway, so I was able to hide out in Red Bull hospitality to do the interview in peace. 
“Y/n L/n, your newest song, ‘Seven,’ is smashing the charts,” They started off, “Tell us about the story behind it.”
“Honestly, I think everyone knows the story behind it,” I chuckled. “I wanted to try something new, so I continued the fuel from my last relationship to make this song. I’ve never really done something like this, but I really liked it, and I think the fans do too.”
“They certainly do!” The interviewer reassured. “The story, the beat, everything is just so catchy! It’s an amazing song! What was your favorite part about writing this song?”
“The lyrics were really fun, and I got a little help from my new boyfriend for the melody,” I admitted. The interviewer’s eyes widened as they let out a gasp, and I just smiled wider. “He was actually the one that came up with the chorus beat.”
“Did he write any of the lyrics?” They asked quickly.
“No, he left that to me. He just listened to every draft,” I laughed as I remembered something. “About a month ago, I woke him up at like two in the morning on a race day because I had a dream about the lyrics. He loved it so much, it’s now the chorus. He also was not very happy that I woke him up that day. He had to be on track at like five, and I woke him up just before his alarm.”
“That is gold,” They laughed as well. “We have some fan questions if you don’t mind. One person asks what is your favorite lyric from the song?”
“Not a lyric, but the laugh before the first chorus,” I answered after a second of thinking about it. “While recording the gap between the first verse and chorus was missing something. I tested with more lyrics, but ultimately, the laugh sounded the best.”
“The laugh does make it better,” The interviewer agreed. “Next question, has your ex or his girlfriend reached out, regarding the songs you’ve released recently?”
“No, but there was an article that announced their relationship right after I released ‘Ava’ and she stole lyrics from a fan cover as her original caption,” I remembered. “I was tagged in a fan cover of ‘Ava’ where they portrayed Ava. It was actually amazing, and I loved it! They did an amazing job, and one of the verses was ‘if he’s your man, why’s he still in my bed.’ I, personally, find it funny, but everyone likes to paint it like there’s bad blood between us,” I explained, going off on a short tangent. “Sorry, but to answer the main question, no, they have not said anything to me specifically.”
“Do you wish they did? I mean, these two very popular songs of yours are centered around them, so do you wish that they acknowledged them?”
“They did, technically,” I replied. “The fact that they announced their relationship right after I released the song and used a fan cover of my song to jab at me kinda validates that they know about it. Plus, it’s funny that his teammate loved both songs. He’s told me that he blasts them in their garage all the time.”
“Well, that’s all the time we have today,” They wrapped up, satisfied with the answer. “Thank you for your time, and we’ll look forward to the full album.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a smile as I left the call. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair, laying my head back and closing my eyes to rebuild my social battery. 
“What album?” A voice asked from across the room. It was a voice I have not heard for month, causing me to immediately shoot my head up. 
“What do you mean, ‘what album?’ I’m a songwriter, Charles,” I snapped. “Did you forget that’s my job?”
“No, just,” He took a breath, trying to recollect his thoughts. He hesitates for a second as if he didn’t want to say what he was thinking before just spilling, “Is the whole album about the breakup? Are you that caught up on it?”
“I don’t know yet,” I admitted, moving to stand up and approach him. “I haven't written it yet. Might be, the fans seem to love this era. So what if it is? What are you gonna say?”
“This is defamation,” He seethed, coming up to stand chest-to-chest with me. “I could sue you for both songs.”
“I don’t name you in either of them,” I scoffed. “Ava is a basic name. I could mean anyone named Ava, not just your girlfriend. Even in interviews, I won’t answer questions if they mention your names, and my answers are always vague. You have no grounds to sue me for my success. You just want to rain on my parade. I’m climbing in popularity, and you’re not. Admit it.”
“You’re only getting popular because you’re fucking Max,” Charles replied bluntly. Behind him, I could see a door opening, but I couldn't see who it was.
“Oh, please. If anything, I get hate for fucking Max,” I laughed. “At least I’m getting satisfied. With the way you’re acting, I’d say it's been at least a month since you got laid.”
“You’re one to talk,” He tried to start before I cut him off.
“Not like it’s any of my business what you do with your girlfriend,” I said with a sly smile. “On a side note, what are you doing in here? Ferraris aren’t allowed in Red Bull hospitality, last time I checked.”
“Yeah, Charles, you should head back to your own hospitality,” Christian pressed as he was the one to walk through the door with Carlos, Max, and Daniel, who was holding Max back.
“You’ll hear from my lawyer,” Charles spat toward me before turning and walking out the doors. I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue before I made the situation worse.
“Did I hear an album?” Carlos asks sheepishly.
“I will send a signed copy to my biggest fan once I get it written,” I teased him as Christian and Daniel ushered him out to follow his teammate. Carlos shouted back a thanks before taking off. I shook my head with a small laugh as I walked up to Max who had calmed down since Charles left. “Thank you for mentally killing a man in my honor.”
“Always,” he joked back, “I’d do anything for you. Was he serious about suing?”
“I don’t know, but it’s just going to waste his money cause I worked with my publicist to make sure they couldn’t sue for defamation,” I reassured him, cupping his cheeks and leaning our heads together as he placed his hands at my waist. “Y’know, in case you didn’t know, I love you.”
“I have loved you since we were 18,” He whispered back. My eyes widened as I took in his words.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I gasped out.
“It was before we both thought the same things,” he chuckled. “Your music was taking off, and I was still a rookie. I remember you said that you wanted to wait until you were in a stable place in your career before you started a relationship.”
“I was like 12 when I said that!” I laughed, shocked that he actually remembered that. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I always knew I would end up with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He jokingly took offense as he tightened his hold around my waist.
“I told all of my friends and family I would date you at some point,” I admitted lowly. He immediately began beaming at my confession. “No one believed me, but now…oh, if they saw us now.”
Next Part ->
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malarkgirlypop · 16 days
MEDIC! Part 29 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Listen when I say these characters have a mind of their own, I mean it. I was just chilling writing the start of the last episode and then all of a sudden boom, we kissing and shit. Like ah excuse me, this wasn't in my plan, what are we doing? But hey they deserved a we treat and I mean so do we. So this chapter is definitely rated, if you aren't over 18, back! Back, I say! 🤺
TW: sexy time lmao, long chapter
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We entered Bavaria in early May, and we had been tasked in capturing Berchtesgaden. It was a town high in the Alps, and was the symbolic home of the Nazi party. Apparently all of the important men of the party had houses there. Even though the man was dead, Hitler had ordered the SS to make it their last stand to keep the enemy out of their “sacred” town. 
I sighed, staring at the mass of boulders that blocked our way up the mountain, the hot sun beating down on my back. We had been stuck here for hours, waiting for someone with more artillery than we did, so we could blast our way through. 
I hummed a tune twirling a curl around my finger, trying to remember all of the words to the song I had stuck in my head. I couldn’t for the life of me remember the lyrics, only the melody played on and on in my mind.     
Lieb leaned against the wheel next to me smoking. “How long does it take for engineers to arrive?” I asked while shielding the sun from my eyes as I looked over to Lieb. 
“Who knows?” He said while taking a deep drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in my face. 
“Lieb!” I whined pushing him away as he chuckled. 
“Stop humming, you’re driving me insane.” He retorted, shoving me back. “You just keep repeating the same part over and over again. You’re just as bad as Web and his stupid quotes from his literature.” I gawked offended by his comment, no way I was as annoying as Web.  
“Ugh, rude!” I got up from my position, dusting the dirt off the back of my pants. Lieb grinned at me, knowing he had wound me up. 
“Stop smirking!” I nudged his leg with my boot. “Take it back!” I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him my best pissed off face. 
“You’re not as annoying as Web.” Joe held his hands up in surrender. I laughed, smiling down at Lieb, who grinned back at me. 
“What about me?” Web startled me as he snuck up from behind. My eyes grew wide, plastering a smile on my face. 
“Web you need to stop sneaking up on me, seriously.” I burst out laughing, fortunately he hadn’t heard what we were talking about. 
I loved Web, he was so sweet, but his endless love for literature got very tiring. Somehow the conversation with him always ended in his love of books and all things written. Half the time I had no clue what he was talking about, I would nod and smile adding in, “Oh that’s so interesting.” But I wasn’t listening by that point anymore. 
“We were just talking about how long it would take the engineers to arrive.” I skipped over the most recent conversation we had, I didn’t want to hurt the poor man's feelings.  
“I think they are going to try something right now. Everyone is getting tired of waiting.” Web pointed to the pile of rocks that blocked the road. 
I peaked my head over the truck to catch a glimpse of two soldiers standing in the middle of the road with one of the bazooka's we had with us. I covered my ears just in time to muffle the explosion that blasted into the debris.
“I don’t think that will work.” I huffed, it had hardly made a dent in the huge pile. 
“No, but that does look fun.” Web grinned admiring the massive explosion. 
“Yeah!” Lieb launched to his feet. “Web, we should go help.” Web and Joe excitedly nodded at each other racing off to the front of the road.
“Ok, bye.” I said to the pair's back as they enthusiastically scurried away.  
I slumped down again, the same song still stuck in my head. 
“Aw, Em.” A large hand reached down and ruffled my hair. I looked up to find Bull standing over me. 
“They ditched me, for explosives. Can you believe that?” I asked in astonishment. 
A wry grin formed on Bull’s lips, he tilted his head to the side with a hearty chuckle. “I can’t say I am, little lady.” He said in his thick country accent. 
“No you’re right. I’m not shocked.” I laughed, shaking my head. 
I looked over to find Web and Lieb stacking grenades on the landslide of rocks. They sprinted back to where the two other soldiers stood still with the bazooka. Their grin’s were child-like as they ran back. 
Bull and I watched them, laughing at how excited they all seemed to be. Was it really that much fun blowing things up? 
They didn’t wait long, firing the rocket right into the pile of explosives the pair had set. The ground shook, as the booming echoed around the mountains. But still the pile of rocks seemed to remain the same, at least they were having fun. It was nice to see genuine smiles on their faces. 
“Easy!” Speirs yelled from the front of the trucks. “Let’s move out!” Spiers grinned widely with a skip in his step as he made his way back through the parked vehicles. 
“Are we not waiting for the engineers anymore?” I leaned over to Bull. 
“Guess not.” Bull smiled. “We better get moving, come on.” He took me by the crook of my arm, leading the way behind Speirs who was getting together all of Easy so that we could leave. 
“It’s so quiet.” I whispered to Don as we walked. He nodded in agreement before turning back to the task at hand. 
Easy Company tiptoed silently down the empty streets, the group had found an alternative route up the mountain. We had been told to be on guard, and to expect the unexpected. 
So the soldiers walked through the streets with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for whatever was waiting for us.   
The town was eerily still, white flags hung from the windows of the houses we passed. The town appeared empty, there was no one present. The deserted village sent shivers up my back. Something that should be so busy and bustling with life now sat forlorn and abandoned.
Still I couldn’t deny that the place was beautiful even in its abandonment. The houses looked cosy and quaint as the tall mountains loomed over the small village. 
My eyes darted from one place to another, taking in all the sights that laid before me. A large red banner caught my attention. 
“Jesus.” I muttered to myself, eyes practically bulging out of my head as I took in the large swastika that covered the building in front of us. 
It was strange to see a symbol that meant peace and well-being have such a sinister feeling now attached to it. 
“Well, they really weren’t hiding it were they.” Grant said from beside me as we both gawked at banner’s. 
“Nope.” I agreed with the man. 
We made our way inside the big building that had ‘​​Berchtesgadener hof’ proudly displayed over the entrance. 
“Was it a hotel?” I leaned over to whisper to Don as we walked inside what appeared to be the foyer. 
“I think so.” Don confirmed. 
Like the town the hotel was just as quiet, no guests seemed to be staying or staff either.
I shied away from the brass sculpture of Hitler, that was prominently displayed in the middle of one of the rooms we walked through as we continued to search the building.  
A clanging made me jump from my skin, we rounded the corner to find a lone clerk being held at gunpoint by Lew. His eyes darted from Nixon to the rather large book that sat on the desk. 
“Looks like a guest book.” I said loudly, glancing over to Lew who nodded his head. 
“Everyone who was anyone signed into this hotel. And now we have all the dates and names of anyone who ever supported Hitler in his plans.” Lew said as he flicked through the book. 
“Guess there are staff after all.” I mused, watching the clerk scamper away.
Don and I walked around together forgetting the mission at hand, being too caught up in the lavish hotel. 
“Should we sneak into one of the rooms? See if the bath works?” Don asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Donald!” I giggled at the man giving him a whack. “No, well. No, we couldn’t. Well.” I debated the very enticing idea. 
“Oh come on! Speirs is probably out there now stealing all the silverware.” Don grinned at me, his fingers finding the nook of my arm to bring me along in his mischief. 
“Fine! We will look, quickly.” I added but not putting up much of a fight as Don dragged me down one of the halls.      
We pried open one of the doors, standing in the entrance way admiring the room. In the middle of the room sat a giant four poster bed. The duvet looked elegant, satin and lace coverings, with large fluffy pillows adorning the head. Across the room a tall window opened up, looking over the alps that surrounded the town. 
Don and I moved further into the room, finding our way into the bathroom, which seemed to be even bigger than the master suite. A white clawfoot bathtub stood proudly in the middle of the space. 
The far side of the room was taken up by a vanity that covered the width of the wall, with large basins that you could bathe in, if you so wished. 
“Fucking hell.” I uttered, completely in awe of it all. 
“Yup!” Don nodded as we looked over all of the interior. Even the ceilings were beautiful, fluffy white clouds and the bluest sky had been painted onto the roof of the bathroom. Gold accents of branches and leaves vined out into the sky. Everywhere my eyes could see the room was filled with exquisite details. 
“It’s stunning.” I couldn’t pick my jaw off the floor. 
“Eh, it’s alright. I’ve seen better.” Don shrugged, not seeming impressed with the glamour. 
“What?! When?” I asked in disbelief. 
“I have, truly.” I shook my head scoffing at him. 
“When?” I eyed him suspiciously. 
“Well.” Don started slowly making his way over to me. His stride was confident, freezing me in place. I sucked in a breath as he drew near, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore. The look in his eyes sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. 
“There’s you.” Don had moved closer to me, my back pressed into the cold marble basin. My breath hitched in my throat as he leaned even further into me. 
We weren’t even touching yet, but the way Don took up the space had me stunned into silence. 
“You’ve gone all quiet on me.” He teased, deliberately placing his hands either side of my body, caging me into him.   
Goosebumps rose on my skin, I felt my cheeks flush. How had he turned this around so quickly?
“Emily?” My full name dripped off his tongue, as he smirked at me tilting his head ever so slightly. He knew what he was doing to me. 
I swallowed, trying to find my voice again. 
“What are you doing?” I asked softly, scared if I raised my voice too much it would disturb whatever was happening. 
“Nothing.” Don breathed, leaning further forward. “Is there something you want me to do?” His whispers tickled my neck. I hid away the sensitive skin, turning to meet his gaze. 
My heart pounded in my ears as our eyes locked. His stare was full of want, I almost melted into a puddle right then. 
“Stop teasing me.” I pleaded. The tension was overwhelming but exhilarating at the same time. It felt as if I was a raw nerve, the slightest of touch would set me on fire. 
“Oh my love, I’m not teasing.” Don smiled, but it wasn’t his normal smile. There was another intention behind it. I gasped as his hand cupped my cheek gently tracing over my jawline, it was only a slight brush but I found myself leaning into his palm. He didn’t give me the satisfaction, stealing away the brief contact. 
I glared at the man. Don was clearly teasing me. 
“Don.” I protested, trying to find his hand to bring back up to my face. But instead he found me first, holding my wrist still. 
I tried again with my free hand but it was no use Don had me pinned. 
I groaned in frustration. 
“You’re teasing me.” I whined, huffing. 
My annoyance didn’t seem to deter Don from his antics. He moved forward his mouth inches away from my ear. 
“You have to ask nicely.” Don’s lips brushed over the sensitive skin of my jaw. I suppressed a moan by trapping my lip between my teeth. 
“Please. Donald Malarkey, you have me. Now do something about it.” I challenged him. 
A smile formed on his lips but I only saw it for a split second before his lips crashed into mine. I sighed into the kiss as his hands cupped my face pulling me closer to him. My hands roamed around his body, tracing anything I could get my hands on. I didn’t realise how much tension had built from our last kiss, but I needed him so badly it hurt. 
Don swiftly lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the basin as we continued to kiss. I opened my mouth as our tongues swirled together. It was an addiction, I couldn’t get enough. I needed him closer. I grabbed at the fabric that impeded me from Don. 
I tugged off his jacket, too busy kissing him to see where I threw it. Don’s hand’s did the same pulling the material from my arms tossing the item to the side. I gasped as he pulled me forward, sliding me to the very edge of the bench. Don pressed himself to me, even with pants on I could feel everything. 
“Off, I need this off!” I said breathlessly, pulling at his collar. I helped him tug off the t-shirt, admiring his body lovingly. I raked my fingers down his chest, sliding my hand below his belt. Don shuddered seemingly immobilised as I palmed his front. 
Don snatched my wrist, a wry grin forming on his features, “We have plenty of time for that later.” 
A pout formed on my lips. He moved forward kissing me gently. Unlike before he savoured the kiss. Don’s lips moved over my face, gently placing kisses at the corners of my lips, by the creases of my eyes, my temples and cheeks. His touch was so soft but everytime he moved to a different spot I could still feel the last caress. 
I captured his face in my hands, my thumbs tracing over his features. With each movement I kissed him gently. 
I sighed in pleasure as Don’s hands found the small of my back pulling me even closer. 
“Take it off.” I begged, needing the fabric that separated us to be removed. Don’s finger’s found the hem of my shirt, slowly dragging it up my body. I arched into him, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips brushing on my skin. 
Don threw my top to the side, I didn’t have the patience to be admired just yet, still sporting a bra. I brought his hands around my back to the clasp. 
He made quick work of the fastening. I felt it loosen from my back as he pulled the straps over my shoulders and down my arms.  
I sat half naked watching Don take me in. He blew out a breath, shaking his head slightly. 
“Fucking hell. And you’re all mine.” Don said to himself, I giggled at him. 
“Donald, stop gawking and kiss me.” I said my tone was playful. But I didn’t need to tell him twice. He moved forward pressing us together, his fingers dragged down my exposed back sending shivers up my spine. 
Don’s head dipped down to my neck slowly trailing his lips down my skin. I leaned back enjoying the feeling of his tongue swirling down my body. I gasped when his mouth latched onto the soft flesh of my chest. 
Don’s lips nipped and sucked, finding his way down to my erect nipple. His other hand massaging my other breast as he assaulted my nipple with his mouth. I leaned my head back, mouth open in pleasure, moans and gasps fell from my lips in hasty succession. 
He moved to my other breast giving it the same treatment as the previous. I panted and bucked against him, the feeling of his kisses and hands sending me spiralling. 
“Fuck! Holy fuck.” I groaned watching him enjoy me. The wetness between my legs somehow grew more. I pulled his face back up to mine, needing his lips on my own again. 
My hands snaked down to his pants, trying my best to undo his belt while not being able to see. It was harder than I thought, after a while of fumbling around I finally pulled away to glance down at what I was doing. 
“Desperate?” Donald asked, smirking. I didn’t even deny it, breathlessly nodding my head while still trying to yank the belt from his pants. 
“I have waited far too long for a belt to put a stop to it.” I groaned, still failing at the simple job. 
“You’ve waited, oh my love, you don’t know the half of it.” Donald’s hands found mine, taking over the task. I watched him easily pull the belt free and remove it from his trousers. Don undid the button, loosening them around his hips. I greedily licked my lips moving my hands to his waistband tugging them down. I bit my lip, a shy smile formed on my mouth. 
I couldn’t wait any longer, my own hands unbuttoning my pants and trying my best to shimmy them down while still being perched on the counter. 
“So impatient!” Don tutted, his arms lifting me so I could successfully pull down my clothing. 
I kicked off the green cargo pants, leaving us both in just our underwear. I giggled, somehow the innocent looking in the rooms had gotten out of hand. 
Don kissed me again, his fingers lazily dragging around my body and into my hair. I did the same, tangling my fingers in his and pulling gently. A low moan left his lips as he moved his mouth over mine. The electricity between us was almost palpable, with every touch and sound I could feel the lustful energy flowing through my body. 
I yelped in surprise as Don lifted me so easily from the basin. I didn’t look where he was taking us too busy assaulting his face and neck with kisses. 
We landed gently on the decadent bed, but Don and I were too enraptured in each other to truly appreciate the comfort of the soft mattress and the silk sheets against our skin. 
Don ran his fingers down my side, teasingly stopping around the hem of my underwear. He pulled it back, snapping the waistband against my skin. In the same movement Don dipped his head down, trailing soft kisses down my skin and stopping near my collarbone to nip at the sensitive skin.  
His hand slipped down between my thighs, caressing around my hips. I rocked back, eyes closed in pleasure. I couldn’t stifle the loud moans that fell from my lips. 
I could feel his smirk as he placed more feverish kisses around my navel, his hands roaming around my thighs never quite landing where I needed them too. Don was making me beg for it. 
Don’s touch continued down towards my hips, his lips finding the right spots to make me squirm and bite my lip in desperation. 
“Don.” I pleaded through my pants.  
“Yes my love?” He said with a smirk, as his kisses wandered down, his touch still tantalising and teasing. I could feel Don’s breath against my core, as he continued to run his fingers along my inner thighs.
“Stop teasing me!” I whined. 
Don chuckled at my pleading, looking up at me with a devilish smile. I watched as he bit my inner thigh gently in response. 
“Beg for it.” He said in a low husky voice that was filled with desire. 
“Please Donald, make me feel alive!” I begged, feeling so vulnerable in his arms. 
“I love you.” Don said before he pulled my underwear from my body, taking his time admiring me placing sweet kisses to the soft skin between my legs. I groaned as his mouth found my core, his hot tongue swirling over my bud of nerves. 
I cried out in pleasure as he feasted on me, I gripped onto his hair hanging on for dear life as he shook me to my core. I trembled in ecstasy as Don’s tongue dipped inside of me.   
Don seemed to enjoy seeing me come undone, moaning against my core. His fingers slipped inside of me pulling in and out with force. 
I threw my head back screaming into my free hand that covered my mouth. I arched and bucked against his every move. Don’s free hand pinned me to the bed to stop me from escaping the overwhelming feeling that rippled throughout my body. 
He sucked and nipped at my sensitive core as he worked his fingers in and out of my entrance. 
Bright colours swarmed my vision as I shook, I had reached my climax. I held onto Don, the only thing that seemed to be grounding me to reality. It felt as if I had left my body, floating above the scene that was playing before me. Don did not stop his movements, riding out the orgasm as long as he could. 
My breath left me as I writhed under his touch, I didn’t think that it could last long, but I was still overcome by my euphoric satisfaction.    
Finally he let me come down, pulling away from my core. I caught my breath, eyes still closed trying to come back to the real world, rather than the cloud I was floating on. 
“I think you were trying to kill me.” I panted as Don moved back up to kiss me gently on my lips. 
“What’s more alive than being nearly half dead?” Don chuckled as he lay against me, his fingers tangling into my hair and pulling me towards him. He rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mixing together as we enjoyed the quiet moment. 
I closed my eyes enjoying the simple sounds, his soft breaths fanning on my face, and the quiet heartbeat that pulsed against my own chest. I kissed him again, I kissed him like I would never see him again. 
My hands travelled down his torso, it was my turn to show him how much I loved him. I palmed his hard cock through his underwear. Don groaned into my mouth, keeping his eyes squeezed shut. 
I trailed my kisses down his neck, chest and stomach. Don sighed in pleasure, lying his head back against the bed. Every touch under his hands and the feeling of his skin on mine, I felt the love and desire he had for me, I wanted him to feel the same as I kissed him. I wanted to make him want me more than ever.  
I let my tongue drag down his hips, swirling over the sensitive skin. I needed to drive him insane with desire, like he had me only moments before. 
Tugging down his briefs his hard cock sprung free. I tossed the item of clothing to the side. I bit my lip taking in his size, how he had hidden that from me I had no idea. I wrapped my hand around the base stroking my thumb gently up the shaft. Don shuddered under my grip, groaning huskily. 
Don propped himself up on his elbows and I started slowly moving my hand up and down his length. I licked my lips desperately wanting to taste him. 
“Jesus christ Emily, you’re going to be the death of me.” Don muttered a mix of shock and pleasure on his face. 
I grinned. I continued to stare at him as I moved forward, my tongue darting out to swirl around his tip. His cock twitched in my hand, Don looked as if he was going to pass out. 
“Now who’s teasing?” He leaned forward brushing a curl out of my face. I wrapped my lips around him sucking. Donald inhaled sharply tensing under my touch. I moved further down, bringing more of him into my mouth. Don’s breaths grew uneven as I continued. 
I bobbed my head up and down, taking as much of him as I could into my throat. My hand still gripped the base of his cock moving as I sucked and licked. 
“Oh god!” Donald moaned watching me with lust filled eyes. 
I pulled back sucking in air as I continued to massage his cock with my hand. Don gripped onto the bed sheets panting heavily. His fingers weaved into my hair, gripping just as tightly as he was the fabric under him. I continued my assault, my pace becoming faster. 
“Don’t stop my love.” He begged, he was almost to his limit. I did as he asked, continuing my rhythm. 
“I’m going to cum!” Don whined pulling back from me, but I held his hips steady, looking up at him through my lashes. I wanted to taste him like he tasted me. I didn’t stop, bobbing my head and sucking. I felt his body jolt under me, hot liquid filled my mouth as I watched Don’s eyes roll back in his head.      
“Em.” Don breathed, sitting up from his position and moving down to where I knelt between his legs. His hands cupped my face peppering my skin with light kisses. Don pulled me up to him, as we laid back down against the bed, limbs tangled and bodies entwined. A moment of pure serenity as we embraced each other, basking in the warmth of one another. 
“I love you.” I whispered as we gazed into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” Don lips brushed against my skin. 
“Guys we’re leaving!” The door burst open as Babe and George sauntered into the room. Both Don and I screamed in surprise, scrambling to hide ourselves. Don dove over me, covering my body with his. His ass out in the wind for all to see. George and Babe’s eyes bulged seeing their friends bare butt pointing right in their direction. 
“Get out!!” Don screeched, as I hid beneath him trying to contain my fit of giggles.
“Oh my god!” George gasped covering his mouth as Babe stared wide eyed at us. 
“Guys get the fuck out, right now!!” Don demanded the men leave. But it still didn’t work, the pair didn’t budge. 
“What is going on here?” George asked through bouts of laughter he shared with Babe. 
Don grabbed the nearest pillow chucking at the heads of the two men who were crying with laughter. 
“OUT!” Don yelled, but he was trying not to laugh as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist keeping him close to me. Don was the only thing keeping my naked body out of sight of the pair of idiots who howled with laughter in the still wide open door. 
“Fine, we will go. But it’s going to cost you.” George waggled his finger at us as he hauled the still hysterical Babe out of the room. The door clicked shut, as it did so both Don and I sighed in relief. 
“You didn’t lock the door!” I playfully smacked his chest as he grinned down at me. 
“Neither did you!” But we couldn’t stop our own giggles from escaping our lips.
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7grandmel · 20 days
Todays rip: 15/05/2024
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by BluLuigi7
Can I just say: I am SO happy to see that Jay Eazy posting is still going so strong past January 7th? Like, we pretty firmly established back with Hella Pummel that venula is the champion of Jay Eazy posting, but we've had tons of other talented rippers take their own crack at it - there's circunflexo back with You Are Book Smart, of course, but also the focus of today's rip - BluLuigi7. After making the first-ever Jay Eazy Raft Ride with She Gon Make Me Ride On Her Raft Like I'm Link‼️, he's finally ready for the main stage with perhaps one of my favorite Jay Eazy rips to date - or, if nothing else, one of the most creative ones.
See, a lot of people still only really know Jay Eazy as the funny Mega Man rapper, and fair enough - it is a very funny video, and a lot of his music sounds rather...homogeneous, for lack of a better word. But there is a silver lining to his songs sounding so similar, in that rips like Mallstep‼️ are able to leverage different ones at the same time without it clashing. Indeed, Mega Man is only one part of the rip, the part that introduces the rip with the iconic "Yo bro, why are you doing that??" - but after the most iconic bars of said song drop, it changes seamlessly to using Respect Your Elders without missing a beat. And honestly, that's absolutely the right call for a song like Pigstep, I think Respect Your Elder's flow fits the track far better - but I love that Mega Man still gets incorporated AT THE SAME TIME as the former song, with it being used as a backing layer to the whole thing.
It's just a very clever rip all around, tons of small touches you'd otherwise find unneeded but just make the rip funnier in the long run - small uses of sound effects call to mind rips like Locked In The Underground except here done explicitly for comedic purposes, playing a sudden Nutshack sample when Jay Eazy says "nuts" or a reverb fart SFX far in the distance when the lyrics mention "shittin' on 'em". It's primarily a mashup at first, but with tons of these small additions throughout, little edits to how Respect Your Elders flows through Pigstep's ebb-and-flow lead melody, all of course culminating in a fully pitch shifted section at the rip's melody. The Jamminest Of All is a recent example of it, but these kinds of surprise pitch-shifting rips are always a favorite - it can be overbearing at times if done for an entire rip, yet it adds just enough variety when used as spice to an already fantastic rip like it is here.
The point is - a rip like Mallstep‼️ is at once very funny through its concept alone, but elevated even more through how prominently BluLuigi7's own character shines through it. It feels like a flex in the best ways possible, a big grab-bag of additional notes onto an already super-solid rip. The star of the show, fittingly enough, is the short little nod to Starboy near the rips end, which was the joke in one of the first-ever Pigstep rips on the channel in I'm a motherh*cking Starpig, a rip that's evidently still remembered fondly even four years later. I received a comment a while back noting that nobody loves SiIvaGunner as much as the team itself, and it's the stuff like what Mallstep‼️ pulls that keeps reminding me of that: the rips made by people like BluLuigi7 who just love having fun with their ideas althewhile paying small tributes to past rips on the channel. Hugely popular rips like Stickerbrush Queen are far from the only ones to get references like this, and it always makes me so happy to see, to be reminded that each individual ripper has their internal web of rips that means more to them than I've ever considere that they could.
Back to the rip as a whole, though - it just kind of bangs in that very particular Jay Eazy way. For as stupid as his music may be to some, it's difficult not to love with everything that the meme of his music has wrought. So much passion from the side of the internet that just loves to have fun spawned purely from a guy promoting his music in a bizarre way on TikTok, and Mallstep‼️ is just one of many examples - a rip that has fun with its concept, fun with the very channel its on, but most crucially of all exudes the fun energy of its very ripper in spades. To say that I'm happy that Jay Eazy is a reoccurring gag on the channel would be a grave understatement: I'm looking forward to just how many fun ways his music will be reinterpreted with next with far too much excitement, and thus far SiIvaGunner has not yet failed to deliver in regards to fresh ways to go about it.
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Stray Kids Playlist
AKA Songs that remind me of the members and why. (GIF credit to the original owners/ creators.)
Master List
Chan: Daddy Issues- The Neighborhood
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You saw this coming, I know you did. This song is absolutely delicious, its delectable, and its so correct for Bang Chan Stans. He even called himself our Daddy at one point. Additionally, this song is so weirdly sweet? Its about a genuinely loving person, who wants to be there for the other person. There’s an almost gentle vibe to it, if you get over how blatantly sexy it is, which checks out for Bang Chan, tbh. I really can’t explain what about the vibe just screams Chan, but I know you can feel it. 
Lee Know: Teeth- 5 Seconds of Summer
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Lets be real, Lee Know is one of the sassiest mfers on the planet, and we love him for that. This song is definitely about a toxic ass relationship, but its still so sexy. The line “fight so dirty, but you love so sweet” just sounds so much like Minho that its crazy. This song really sounds like it was made for Minho, and there’s been a couple of fantastic edits to this song. 
Changbin: Levitate- Hollywood Undead
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THIS SONG!! So it’s my favorite HU song, and its so sexy and cocky. Lets be real, so is Changbin. More than that, the lyrics are shockingly deep. Changbin is such a smart guy under all those rippling muscles, and I feel like that isn’t brought up enough. I can’t really imagine Changbin singing this song, but I could see it playing in the background around him all the time. Now Changbin fans are no doubt some of the horniest Stray Kids fans so a super horny HU song just seems correct. 
Hyunjin: Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the Diamonds
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So this song is fun, its sexy, and its all about confidence. On the outset, it just seems to be about having fun and being a flirt, but its actually about accepting and loving every aspect of yourself. Its that thing that calls me to Hyunjin. He’s confident, chic, and very art pop vibes. I don’t know if I want to see him dance to this song, or I want to scream the lyrics with him while we drunkenly dance around in our pjs. 
Han: Ain’t My Fault- Zara Larson
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I’m about to be super biased, so bear with me. Objectively, this song doesn’t really seem like Jisung, a lot of the time he’s actually a awkward and weird dude. However! There are times when he’s a very sexy, confident dude. This feels like the kind of song he would enjoy. Just don’t imagine meeting him in a club and dancing to this song. And definitely don’t imagine him wearing a leather jacket. 
Felix: Lights Down Low- Max
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So listen, I love this song! Its fun and funky and makes me wanna dance. Its a surprisingly sweet love song wrapped in a fire melody. The vocals are beautiful and the whole song feels like when Felix’s eyes get all sparkly. Its about finding a person that feels like divinity, and getting the chance to love them. Felix is our gentle angel and this song should play every time he walks in the room. 
Seungmin: Love Me Like You Do- Elli Goulding
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I know you expected a Day6 song for our young gentleman, however a simple song like this suits him so much more. The vocals alone strike me as something he’d rock, but additionally the sweet message and gorgeous melody suit him as well. Moreso, the wordplay really works with our sassy puppy Seungmin. I can see him dancing with his S/O and singing this song all soft and sweet. (i cry)
I.N.: Maknae on Top- Stray Kids
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Hear me out: I literally can’t think of any song that suits him more. The beat is catchy, its a little cocky, and it cements him as THE Maknae on Top. Jeonginnie, like this song, is a bit weird, but overall, the coolest. This song was literally made for him, so it would make sense that it would be the perfect song for him. It should be playing every time he walks into a room, and he should have to do the little dance. 
What do you think? Do you agree with me or do you have songs that you associate with the members? Let me know in the comments. 
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himi-wiz · 1 year
Btw is no one talking about this on tumblr but Verbal Justice has been out for a week ago and I was waiting for a post to scream about it but no one made a post and I couldn't stand not talking about Nemu, Ichijiku and Otome-sama.
Immaculate vibes! Gosh the rhyming especially Otome's bars, I am worshipping. So. Hard.
Here are some thoughts on favourite parts and screenshot with gorgeous visuals.
Gosh her flower motive always gets me, such a beautiful world she strives for especially in comparison to her brother Samatoki's work as a Mafia Boss which is like, a life full of death, darkness and corruption.
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ICHIJIKU <3333 PLEASE STEP-- I mean, please continue to tell us how you'll wreck wretched men and put them in their place, yes ma'am. Lash out at the despicable patriarchal system you despise with all your heart's content, I'll support your ventures. Muah. 🥰❤💖💖
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THEY REALLY MADE OTOME A GOD AND I CAN'T I AM ON MY KNEES HELP-- Sorry Dice, your mom's way too powerful. Good luck, dude.😔
Jokes aside the visual editing for this is crazy good, especially how she's both coated in shadows and the amber glow of the sun while rapping about her rise to power? What a Queen. Urgh. 🧎‍♀️🙏🌅🔥🔥✨
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Admittedly Verbal Justice is not my fave melody line, the verses slap but the chorus is a bit slow with a haunting mantra-like repetition that can get grating unlike Femme Fatale. I understand it's intentional considering like saviour/path to God references though and it was fun though not something I'll slap onto a playlist I'll listen everyday unlike Magic Transistor or Hoodstars. Also Giga-P's never known for having a bad chorus so tough competition to beat there.
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If only I can figure out how to access the other composers too. Invisible manners for example are tad hard to find in English but they do have a tumblr and twitter updates at least.
Awich's recommended discography:
Queendom is an autobiographical song about Awich's life story here and it's well worth a watch, phenomenal storytelling and I adore it so much.
And so it's like doubly amazing they got the Queen herself to make lyrics for Otome who's in a similar position of climbing to power with her own smarts, resolve and words for a better world in her homeplace like Awich returning to Japan where she moves hearts with her voice too. But well, there are clear differences there storyline wise when Otome is set up to be one of the top villains/antagonists. Very understandable sentiment tho.
And speaking of origin stories, Awich did do a collab with some Oikinawan youths, SugLawd Familiar and CHICO CARLITO called Longiness Remix. comments say they're (I think SugLawd Familiar in particular) in high school? Seriously?? And it's a jam!
(Here's the full song MV, no eng subs yet tho.)
And an article briefly explaining the video details!
I might do a couple of explanation posts on hypmic producers I adore sometime.
With that I'm out, cheers and stan women with amazing music hehe~
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Needed to entertain myself so decided to summarise the Svt Eurovision commentator for semi 1. Sorry in advance for the long post!
"My name is Edward af Sillén and I'm belonging to the dying species Eurovision experts.
It'll be a candy with flavours we couldn't dreamt about. Punk rock bands, 60 year old men in high heels, white Y-fronts, a fruity dictator and Putin's missiles as phallus symbols. And all of this are just in Croatia's entry!
And what a week for Great Britain! A few days ago they crowned a king and isn't it we hope to crown a queen before week's end? That queen is named Loreen Talhaoui
I can tell that the first song of the evening is the 1 541th to ever have competed in Eurovision. Good info to have if you have a SAT in front of you.
Like a spinning pass from Mordor. Alessandra, strong on the stage. From Norway to Malta, a country that in Eurovision often sings about angels, or peace, or about angels who want peace. But this year they're singing about us and about how socially awkward we've become after the life in quarantine and that we rather stay at home than go out to clubs. On the other hand, that's how I've felt since 2011.
Lovely The Busker! Guys who love to dance but evidentially CAN'T dance. Nice and relatable for most of us guys.
He calls himself Black because he as a teenager declared Serbia's music industry as dead, and wore black for 40 days in personal mourning. But besides that he seems to be a very positive guy, real fun at parties. Jokes aside, he does seem to be a very great guy.
I'm so happy I didn't have to stand behind and do hip hop-moves.
Marisa Mema performs under the name of Mimicat. Unclear why. Now you're many wondering if Mimicat indeed has a cat and I can tell you that yes, she has. The cat's name is Brownie. Mimicat's entry is about when the heart beats so hard that the body aches and you get dry in your mouth and dizzy. That's how it feels when you're in love. Could also be heart failure.
Ireland is Eurovision's own Bengt Dahlqvist. Usually they have another lead singer but he wasn't considered good looking enough for Eurovision. So instead one of the band's guys had to step up. And he does that in a gold coloured bodysuit just to better safe than sorry. Lock your daughters in! Here's Wild Youth from Ireland.
Grab onto something now... Croatia sends a bunch of 60 year olds so hard that Ireland's wild youth look like Mini-cottage cheese. It might look like it's the Grotesco-gang who've masqueraded and are pulling our legs but the fact is that this is a rather fantastic group with a long history of political activism through music. A bit like Croatia's equivalent to Nationalteatern. If they win on Saturday they've promised to sing the winner's reprisal completely nude. I'm not trying to influence your votes, I'm just thinking this is info you deserve to have before voting.
Yes! Y-fronts and pumps and a subtle melody. Croatia starts off hard. That gang's debut album was btw named Two Dogs Fucking and is as you understand a perfect record to put on in the background when you and wifey have an romantic evening with the food simmering on the stove.
Musical protests against the war can look in different ways, which becomes extra palpable now when Switzerland enters the stage after Croatia. He had his breakthrough at 18 years old when he won the Swiss The Voice. He's also competed in the German show I can see your voice, which should be impossible.
She's a fabulous singer, a brilliant lyrics writer, a dynamic dancer and a magical actress. All this according to her own website. Tonight's entry she has contributed with writing herself - Unicorn. And it was only a matter of time before a Eurovision song would be called that.
And him you've seen before. 2012 he competed in Baku and was defeated by Loreen. He can't only have been happy when he decided to return and got to hear Loreen would do the same. We're treated to sort of medieval performance extra-everything with women with horns, men who beat on drums and a man with a flute dressed as someone from Asterix. Did I say you're watching Eurovision?
Their music is Beatles inspired in bits. Very fitting now when we're in Liverpool.
Twins we've seen before in Eurovision. 1980 for example it was Sophie and Magaly for Luxembourg. 2014 it was Tolmachevy Sisters for Russia. 1994 it was Roger Pontare and Marie Bergman for Sweden. Well, perhaps Roger and Marie weren't biological twins but when they sang it felt like they came from the same egg.
During the song you'll hear the word corona several times. But that means crown and not corona. So if you've caught corona in Czechia congratulations are in order.
Dion was supposed to perform the song solo, but they felt it was too much like Arcade so they re-made the song into a duet. And that's why Mia walks beside him on the podium. And how fittingly perfect isn't that since Liverpool know better than anybody else that you never walk alone.
Finland. Yup, the neighborliness is but a memory. What Finland send is really effective. You're about to experience Finnish industry-techno, hardcore rap blended with cha cha in a song that ends in eurodisco and a synchronised conga line. All this performed by the irresistible Käärijä who 29 years old had a break through in the Finnish national selection and crushed all opposition. Before this he was as good as unknown in the home country. A bleeding colon inflammation that nearly took his life was an eye-opener, and he decided to go for the music seriously. So it's an inflamed large intestine which have given Finland their biggest shot at winning in a very long time.
In many ways Loreen's complete opposite, but a real challenger on Saturday."
Oh my god I love this thanks so much for this gem
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charliefics · 1 year
lauren jauregui - prelude review
~ in the pop scene, we come across many fans saying how their favorite artists made an excellent, intimate body of work, only to check out these supposedly outstanding projects they've praised, and hear the most surface level lyrics along with underwhelming music to be the cherry on top of this dry, tasteless cake. but i'd say the indie landscape isn't that outstanding, either. there's this artist that loves his acoustics that i would give up my freedom to have him leave the internet for good and have his music wiped off from the internet. if you go to the studio with your acoustic guitar and the most ignorant white cisgender heterosexual guy lyrics, you should be arrested and prohibited from entering the music scene. there are enough people like you out there. y'know how the industry is built so there can only be one successful black woman at a time? yeah. we should pick the best acoustic guitar cishet and stream only his music and boycott anyone else. let's use their weapons against them, people.
~ i've only bothered to listen to expectations and lento from lauren, and though it was fun and for the gays tm, i've never been genuinely interested in her work, mainly because i was waiting for normani's debut album. and here we are, after years of waiting. normani's last single was boring ass fair, and she went on hiatus yet again. maybe she simply does not want to make music. maybe she'd like to spend the rest of her career as beyoncé's backup dancer. either way, one of the two girls released an album, and it sure wasn't normani.
~ before anyone has the nerve to say this is an ep, even if it was, it's still better than a lot of albums out there. and i can't help but feel like it was majorly ignored by people, and i think it's a very intimate and honest body of work. anyway, let's get right into it!
~ nobody cares about intro. lauren knows this and we do as well. it was a cute thing to get you going. it's telling you to sit down and pay attention cause you're about to hear good music.
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~ colors starts with eerily melancholic piano chords, and speaks about lauren's stuggles of connecting with people, saying her "heart has a way of rejecting what's good for it", and how she was led to believe she isn't enough. she refers to a person in particular, and claims when everyone leaves, only they and herself remain. the song then transitions into a tap beat, as lauren engages in spoken word poetry explains, "i'm addicted to feeling fucking numb". she talks about divine signals, and how they'll remain regardless if she chooses to act upon them on not. the last word she says represents what she's striving for in this body of work, "grow".
~ scattered is composed of soft percussion, a guitar, and a trumpet. it talks about not being in a good place mentally and being unable to take decisions properly due to the issues one's facing. the production and arrangement of this song is impeccable, and i can see why this was a single along with colors. the second chorus where the percussion and trumpet join the melody is my favorite part. not to mention the gorgeous harmonies. i liked vic menza's verse as well, and the people who didn't like it can suck my cock. i've seen people saying shit like "why do people don't feature artists instead of random rappers?" and it boils my blood. not seeing rap as real art is the most ignorant shit ever, especially since you probably had no issue with lauren doing spoken poetry on the last track. but i guess vic's verse was too black for you.
~ falling's production is nothing admirable, but it's an rnb song you could definitely enjoy. it apparently portrays a depressive episode, and unsuccessful attempts to overcome one's struggles with being productive and dealing with their mental health issues. once again, the guitar is present in the track, as she comments on how she tries to hide her emotions and issues, despite being aware everyone goes through their own personal battles and that it's okay to seek help, as she's "only human". she strives to work for her future, but is ultimately unable to do so, as she cannot avoid her past. she explains her objective: "if i wanna get better, then i gotta be better" but of course, it's easier said than done.
~ after falling ends, on guard begins with a harp, and a trap beat as soon as lauren starts singing. she speaks about her untrusting nature, and her need to take relationships at a slow pace, as she's already been hurt before. she tells her partner to proceed with patience and caution, as she's particular about who she gets involved with because she creates music about them. telling them they won't be getting too close because "you never really know someone". 6LACK's verse adds into that narrative lauren's created. not much to talk about, i'm neutral on it. not necessary or outstanding, but it doesn't ruin the flow of the music. 6LACK is your usual token famous feature, but he does his job okay.
~ don't wanna say is straight up my favorite song on the project. it encapsulates all of the features of it, while also being an addictive song. this song is so cunt it should be illegal. there's no way a slutty song can sound like this. it raises the standard for other songs, and everything goes so well together. the harp, the trumpet, lauren's voice. the whole "having sex to x song" talk makes me laugh, but this one is impeccable and it would definitely be appropriate to play. it's classy, while also being sensual. it gives you just the right amount of elegant and whore.
~ sorry has a lot of strings in it, which is a bit surprising in a way, but it manages to fit with the other songs, and their "ethereal soft elegant" vibe. it talks about falling in and out of love, mostly due to the emotional incompatibility she and her partner have. but she still has feelings for that partner, hence her being in a cycle of leaving and coming back. it's an interesting ending track, because it doesn't conclude what the project had started, alluring to there being more to come (as evidenced by the name prelude). her vocals sound gorgeous in this track (and throughout the whole album).
~ ok im tired plus ion got anything else to say. this shit is good thats all u gotta know
~ 8/10
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offbeatmusicuk · 1 year
Albums Of 2022: 50-26
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Welcome to another year, another countdown. My music listening time has shrunk once again, but there’s still plenty of great releases that have got multiple listens.
I’ve noticed a trend that releases are getting shorter, and people are still calling them albums when they are an EP or mini-album. So my criteria is this. If it is 9 or more tracks, it is an album. If it is 8 tracks or less and 30 mins or longer, it is an album. Any less than that, it is an EP or a mini-album and not eligible for this list.
Honourable mentions to some artists whose albums very nearly made the list but just missed out: 
Eye Of Melian, Andy Gardner of Plump DJs, The Birthday Massacre, Chase & Status, Let’s Eat Grandma, Mall Grab, xPropaganda, Riya Sawayama, Yumi & The Weather, HALIENE, The Hunna, White Lung, Witch Fever, Taylor Swift, Arcade Fire, The Anix and Röyksopp with the second volume of their “Profound Mysteries” trilogy.
Let the countdown begin.
The Barnum Meserve "Designs"
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3rd album of cinematic alt-rock from the Nottingham band, mellow songs building to string laden crescendos.
Nova Twins "Supernova"
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The self described 'Urban punk' duo, of whom Tom Morello is a big fan, deliver their 2nd album, and it's a blend of punk, hip-hop and electronics mixed up to deliver a huge amount of energy.
Volturian "Red Dragon"
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The Italians deliver another album of symphonic, melodic and easily accessible metal. Though there are other genres too, "Torn Asunder", for example, is completely electronic, inspired by trance and house.
Tinlicker "In Another Lifetime"
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A blend of deep house, progressive house and trance, on the 2nd album from the Utrecht based duo, which is hypnotic and a times beautiful.
Bis "Systems Music For Home Defence"
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The Glasgow indie-popsters return, with cheeky lyrics, catchy hooks and danceable beats. It's not quite up to their "Social Dancing" - "Return To Central" peak, but it's a big improvement on everything else released since then.
Confidence Man "Tilt"
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90s dance influenced pop bangers are the order of the day here, with tongue firmly in cheek but with a clear love for the era and the tunes from it. As a comment on one of their videos on YouTube (written by an Andy Brennan) put it "They ride that line between sincerity and parody SO WELL".
Silversun Pickups "Physical Thrills"
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6th album from the LA alt-rockers. Always reliably good, this might be a more varied and inventive collection than normal, and it works a treat.
Sick Joy "We're All Gonna F***ing Die"
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I like the band's own bio... "Cutting together malign heaviness with acidic melody then tying into place with the reigns of contagious pop." It's a good description, for this band that mix a bit of grunge, a bit of punk and a whole lot of hooks, that wouldn't have felt entirely out of place in the 90s, without being a retro throwback.
Ciaran McAuley "Permission To Exhale"
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Debut album from this rising star of the trance scene. The first half is a bit more mellow, seemingly taking inspiration from Solarstone's pure trance sound, the second half a bit more euphoric and club leaning (but only slightly). A few excellent guest vocalists on here too, such as Audrey Gallagher and Lisa Gerrard.
Fonzerelli "Silent Dreams & Misguided Stories"
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Lovely mid-tempo trance and house (and a splash of breaks), beautiful synths and pianos and some great guest vocals.
Bloods "Together, Baby!"
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3rd album from Sydney's Bloods who are on fine form with their punk-pop-meets-riot-grrrl tunes. Big melodies, bouncy riffy fun.
Cold Kingdom "Life // Love"
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Powerful, big chorused hard rock from the Minneapolis band. Fans of strong female vocals mixed with big riffs should check them out.
Daxson "Face The Future"
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Trance producer and DJ Dan Dobson releases his debut artist album. And it suffers from the same thing a lot of modern trance artist albums suffer from... too many tracks which are consequently too short (in order to fit them on the equivalent of a single CD). This means the tracks don't get to breathe, and some just get lost while you are listening. But regardless, there is some quality uplifting trance on here, so it's well worth an effort.
Röyksopp "Profound Mysteries III"
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Their third album release of the year and the final part of their Profound Mysteries trilogy, they finish the project strong. Some cracking tunes on here.
Pale Waves "Unwanted"
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Starting off as a goth-synth-indie-pop-rock band (is that a thing?), they changed their sound for album 2 and became an average Avril Lavigne soundalike. Tweaking that slightly here for album 3, they are now a very good Avril Lavigne soundalike. Songs filled with big choruses, singalong hooks, some joyous, some heartfelt, every track worth your time.
Kasabian "The Alchemist's Euphoria"
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Kasabian's first album with Serge Pizzorno stepping up to the frontman role, and it is an interesting beast. He does a good job as vocalist, and musically the album has influences of rock, hip-hop, dance, even Pink Floyd-esque moments.
Bush "The Art Of Survival"
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Only Gavin Rossdale remains from the original line up, but the rebooted Bush has been putting out passable albums since 2011. Their last album, 2020's 'The Kingdom' was suprisingly good, and this one is even better. Full of big choruses and chunky riffs, and though it doesn't sound exactly like 90s Bush, it feels like listening to Bush of the old days.
The Crystal Method "The Trip Out"
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Kicking off with an electro-rock stomper, you'd wonder if TCM have radically changed direction, but don't worry, there are plenty of breakbeat and electro stompers with various guest vocalists on this short but varied album.
Muse "Will Of The People"
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Ah, Muse. I loved Muse. 4 brilliant albums, one of the best live bands on the planet... then it started going a bit pear-shaped. Yes, there was still the occasional great song, but they started veering into either being too bland, or far too theatrical Queen pastiche. And then came the entirely misjudged 'Simulation Theory', essentially an electro pop album, still with the Queen influences. It was lacking in punch, credibility and tunes. So, while flawed, 'Will Of The People' is a very pleasant surprise. Yes, it still contains some strong glam rock and Queen influences, giving it a sense of spoof, but it also has some of the best songs they've done in years. 'Won't Stand Down' and 'Kill Or Be Killed' are monsters that will go down very well live, 'Ghosts' and 'Verona' are actually rather pretty, overall it's the strongest Muse album since 'Black Holes & Revelations', so there's some hope for another classic yet.
Mass Sky Raid "Calm In Chaos"
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Epic, melodic alt-rock from this Aussie band. Rock enough to not be middle of the road, mellow and radio friendly enough to be huge if given the right exposure.
Blood Command "Praise Armageddonism"
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Blood Command's 4th album and first with vocalist Nikki Brumen. There are less electronic influences this time round, but still huge energy, chunky riffs, powerhouse drumming, screams and almost poppy melodic hooks.
Charlotte Wessels "Tales From Six Feet Under Vol. II"
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The former Delain singer continues her solo career, full of all sorts of styles, from the symphonic metal she's known for, to rock to art-pop. This collection might not be quite as strong as Vol 1, but it still further proves we have a very special artist here.
Subjective "The Start Of No Regret"
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Goldie & James Davidson bring us their 2nd Subjective album, and it's a winner. Beats that range from drum & bass to trip hop via breakbeat and house, deep bass and soulful vocals, it's a fabulous listen and is arguably Goldie's best album output since 'Timeless'.
Avril Lavigne "Love Sux"
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Avril goes pop-punk for her best album in over a decade. Punchy, upbeat, and catchy as hell. I don't know whether it would necessarily win any pop-punk fans over if they weren't Avril fans to begin with, but it should work a treat on people like me who were Avril fans but were unimpressed by the last couple of albums.
Giuseppe Ottaviani "Horizons (Part 1)"
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The trance legend releases a 2 part (well, 3 if you count the remixes) album for 2022, and this first part is full of lush, mid-tempo trance that mixes in elements of deep house and almost Jean-Michel Jarre like synths. It's warm, it's uplifting, you could certainly dance to it but it also feels perfect for chilling to on the beach or by a pool on a sunny day.
For the first time, Tumblr didn't allow me to add everything I wanted to to a single post (by refusing to save my changes) so this year's list is split in two.
Part 2 (numbers 25-1) including links to Spotify and YouTube playlists for the Top 50 is here:
0 notes
lewisdiary · 3 years
Amber Lounge
Lewis Hamilton x Reader
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WARNING: 18+, NSFW, explicit, alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex.
Word count: 3,600+
What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a club all by herself?
Another party, this time in Monaco. Your glass, filled with what seemed like a very expensive gin, vibrated to the the loud music playing in the club.
Let loose. You thought to yourself slightly lowering your body-con black dress and searching for familiar faces.
You looked around the VIP party you had been invited to. Ever since your dad's business put him on the "Forbes Richest" list your reputation had skyrocketed along with it. You were an A-lister yourself at this point, everyone longed for your appearance at their events, and as if your life depended on it, you attended. Your social media and events presence had helped you befriend the hottest models and richest rappers in the game and you quite enjoyed the lavish lifestyle.
You and your dad had flown down for the Monaco GP weekend, courtesy of the team principal of the most popular F1 team, Toto Wolff. Surprisingly, it was your first Grand Prix, and probably your last. The hospitality was, as usual, amazing but you found watching cars go around in circles slightly boring.
You took a rather large sip of your gin and started to tune into the beat, your body processing the large quantities of alcohol you had decided to ingest.
Because you hadn't been invited to the Grand Prix by a driver in particular and had failed to engage with any during the "boring" weekend, you found yourself attending the party and having to fit in all by yourself. Making your way through the club you encountered a few drivers, whom you recognised and recognised you, and their respective guests. You knew you weren't an easy face to forget, so it didn't take long before a few people started commenting about your presence.
Making yourself comfortable around the younger squad of drivers, your body swayed to the loud music that hit your ears. Your eyes shut as you engaged with the environment, allowing the melodies and strong base to sway you in.
"You're a Mercedes guest, aren't you?" A familiar voice rang through. Russell. Your eyes opened to look at the briton who stood very close to your ear, making sure his words were getting to you just fine. You nodded quickly, downing your drink before replying to him "Well, my dad is. I just tagged along"
His lips turned into a small smile as he took a good glance at you, leaning closer again he chatted a bit more; "and what did you think of it?"
"Not my vibe" You shrugged jokingly. "This though, is!" You put your empty glass down in a nearby table and pulled George into what seemed like a circle of people dancing, as In Da Club by 50 Cent started playing.
You both started dancing to the song, George's friends joined, and in no time you set yourself in the party ambient, drenching yourself in alcohol as more bottles were brought in at the request of Russell, Latifi, and a few other younger drivers you hadn't gotten your way around.
0 To 100 / The Catch up - by Drake came through the speaker.
This DJ knew his set you thought, before excusing yourself from the crowd that had embraced you. Feeling the need for a switch of environment you made your way to the bar. On your way, you drunkly greeted a few familiar faces, Bella Hadid and what looked like some actors who had come down for the Grand Prix.
Sitting on an empty stool at one of the bars in the Amber Lounge you asked the bartender for a glass of your favourite, gin. Your head nodded to the beat, it pounded hard. You knew you were more than tipsy at that point, but there was no sign of slowing down.
"Ayo! Bring us a bottle of your most expensive Prosecco!" You heard a voice yell through a line of people standing at the bar. A familiar voice.
His voice sang along to the lyrics, you were tempted to turn around to check who was yelling right behind your ear but your motion to turn was interrupted by the glass of gin you had requested being brought to you.
As you fiddled with the purse that hung around your shoulder, looking for your card, the familiar voice spoke again: "I've got that for you. On my tab, Mikey!" This time much closer to you.
You turned to your left, wanting to finally put a face to the voice your alcohol-filled brain didn't seem to recognise. Looking at the 5'9 figure standing next to you, it hit you that: you had failed to engage with any driver during the Grand Prix except for one.
It was more than obvious that you weren't going to be at the Mercedes garage and not meet their prominent stars. Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas. It was Qualifying day and after an amazing performance from both drivers, Toto, at the request of your dad had introduced you to his prodigies. You had gotten the chance to meet the drivers and congratulate them both for their front-row quali positions.
Bottas was the quiet one, after meeting you and your dad he excused himself to his driver room. Lewis was more of a personality, he knew your dad from reading about him and their conversation seemed to flow from F1 to business to possible future lunch meetings. He glanced at you from time to time, the conversation didn't interest you but he somewhat did.
You knew Lewis was quite the party boy and a ladies man, it suited his champion attitude, so seeing him at the club did not surprise you at all. He had won the Grand Prix you remembered, your mind doing a little backflip to being at the back of the garage and giving him a quick hug after your dad had burst into "here's the man of the evening" compliments.
Your altered system forced you to bite your lip at the thought of Lewis Hamilton standing in front of you.
"Hey, it's you!" His eyes widened at the realisation, his breath smelled like nothing but expensive alcohol. He was drunk as a skunk, and to your liking, he looked extremely hot.
You widened your eyes jokingly, following his cue. "It is I!" you laughed slightly, trying to mock his accent.
"I met you on Saturday, no? Your dad is Toto's friend. What's your name again?" He grabbed the Prosecco bottle that had been handed to him and moved an inch closer to you.
"Yep, that's my dad! Y/N!" you yelled through the gap left between the two of you.
"And what's a beautiful girl like you doing in the club all by herself?" He asked before singing to a few lyrics of the song that currently burst through the speakers that were placed at the bar.
"Enjoying herself." You grabbed your glass and, nodding at him as a thank you for the drink, you stepped down the stool and made your way to the dance-floor. Nervously nibbling on your bottom lip at your choice of words you wondered if a little mystery was enough to keep Lewis interested.
Your hips moved at the sound of Ginza by J Balvin and almost immediately, you felt a body swaying along with yours. Him.
Lewis took a sip of the Prosecco bottle he was meant to take back to his group of friends as his own hips fell in somewhat of a sync with yours, his free hand grabbing your left thigh pulling you closer to his body. His motion felt like a cue for you to bend slightly and begin to grind on the "man of the evening", he deserved a little fun after the hard-work he put out on the track.
Eyes started turning to you two, as your bodies got carried away by the effects of the alcohol you had been consuming. You shrugged out the thought of being watched. If Lewis was comfortable, you were too.
"Y yo hoy estoy aquí imaginando. Sexy baila y me deja con las ganas" Lewis sang along to J Balvin but he sang it so close to your ear, he knew it was meant just for you to listen. His raspy voice sent chills down your spine, you didn't know what the words meant but he made them sound sexy and it empowered you. You chewed on your bottom lip as the DJ switched songs and moving away from him you sipped on your gin, cheering at the former drivers that had put you in the mood to party, who shot you back just as happy glances.
"Come to my table! Let's have some fun!" Lewis' drunk voice echoed through the pounds of your head. He was quick to grab your arm and pull you through the crowd to a more secluded area.
"Y/N everyone!!" He yelled once you approached a group of what looked like more mature and older people. Everyone turned their heads at the two of you and cheered loudly at Lewis' introduction of you, almost as if they were celebrating you tonight.
Daniel Ricciardo. Winnie Harlow. Neymar Jr were some of the faces you were able to recognise at first glance, everyone seemed as slapped as you, some of the girls were high as kites twerking on anything they could put their asses to. Now this was more your vibe.
As the night went on; more drinks came, you danced and enjoyed yourself. Sexual tension between you and Lewis had become hard to ignore and the amount of alcohol in your body had you craving him... all over you.
It's now or never you thought to yourself.
Downing your, God knows what number, cup you looked at Lewis who found himself having fun with his mates, his smile widely spread across is face, revealing his perfectly sharpened canine teeth.
If anything, we blame it on the alcohol.
You mentally thanked the Dj as Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled started playing. Lewis' eyes darkened as he noticed you approaching him. Your dress hugged your body perfectly, making your figure hard to look away from. In a blink of an eye you had found your groins against one another's grinding on each other to the beat.
As the song went on, Lewis spun you around, having you against him drove him crazy. His hips thrusted your back, his fingers digging the skin on your thigh. He licked his lips at the thought of you, and almost as if he had been waiting for this moment the whole night, his lips met your bare shoulder.
Without ungluing his figure to yours, his tongue slowly traced your neck, sending chills down your spine. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?" He mumbled in between kisses on your bare skin. He didn't have to win you over with compliments, he already had you.
You could feel death glares from Lewis' female guests because of the moment you and the world champion were sharing. You used the uncomfortable stares as your cue to leave, turning to Lewis for the first time in what seemed like a long night, you stared into his - slightly droopy from the alcohol - brown eyes. Your arms automatically swung to his neck, he had yet another bottle in his hand but did not hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I don't think your friends are enjoying this little show we're putting on" You mumbled, signalling to the ladies who stood in the corner. Your eyes went from staring into his to looking at his lips, your breathing had become intense as you felt Lewis's body awfully close to yours, his member slowly caressing your upper thigh. He licked his lips, noticing how badly you stared. At that point of the night neither of you could contain how much you craved one another.
"They don't have to watch" Lewis whispered, shooting a quick glance at the models who seemed rather upset with his lack of attention on them; back to you, before grabbing your arm and pulling you through a back door that was close to the VIP area you were in, he mumbled: "I know a place".
You found yourself stumbling through the front entrance of a rather fancy building. Lewis lived conveniently close to the Amber Lounge, and in no time, his body guards had escorted the two of you to the penthouse.
Thanking his driver, you made your way into the elevator, and as soon as the doors shut close, Lewis had you pinned against the back wall. His eyes darkened again, his breathing hard over your lips.
Even drunk as a skunk, he looked and smelled amazing.
You watched him bite his lip as he leaned closer, making you crave his lips on yours even more.
It felt like heaven. When Lewis finally crashed his lips on to yours, his body weight causing you to lean further against the wall... it felt like heaven.
You groaned as the kiss didn't last as much as you wished to, the ding from the elevator interrupting it.
You were given no time to take in the surroundings of Lewis' perky home. He placed his arms on your hips and you automatically straddled him, the heat was back like it had never left, your lips were on his yet again. He kissed you so passionately you thought he was compensating from not doing it earlier. He knew his way through his home, and as your tongues met, he quickly found his way through his living room to his astounding suite.
Lewis dropped you on his bed, his eyes filled with lust and hunger. Behind him, the view of Monaco’s nightlife and beach shone through his large windows, the moonlight setting the perfect ambiance for what seemed like an exciting night for the both of you.
Your thoughts were distracted by Lewis’s touch. He had quickly removed his shirt and tossed it aside, his fingers now rested on top of your wet panties, his thumb caressing your clit. His body hoovered over yours, you closed your eyes and tilted your head back, allowing your body to feel Lewis’ movements on your area.
“Look at me” He demanded, his voice as deep as you’d ever hear it. “You’re so wet” He mumbled once your eyes obediently met his. Starving for him inside of you, you pulled your dress up your waist not once breaking eye contact, which caused Lewis to smirk. He attacked your neck, sucking and nibbling on your bare skin, his fingers slid your panties to the side, and with a small bite to your neck he inserted two fingers into you. You gasped at his sudden movement and your walls clenched in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Lewis muttered as he felt your juices coating his fingers. As instinct your knees bent, allowing Lewis to get a better grip of your inside walls. He picked up the pace, thrusting his fingers in and out of you. As your moans started getting louder, you feared Lewis had neighbours so you instantly bit your lip trying to contain your pleasure-filled screams.
“L-Lewis” you stumbled on your words, he knew just how deep to thrust and how much to curl his fingers. You longed for him inside you, your fingernails digging his tattooed back and your head titled back.
“Yes, baby?” He was enjoying watching you squirm in pleasure, his member hardening at the sound of your voice in his room.
"Don't make me wait" you pleaded, not being able to contain your hormones any longer. You wanted him inside you: “I want you. I want you to cum with me”
As if your wish was his command, Lewis’ drunk figure moved his hand away, he stood in front of the bed, and you took the moment to remove your dress, revealing your perfectly shaped and tanned body. Lewis, on his turn dropped his jeans. Both of you stood in awe of one another for awhile, hunger rising. He observed your breasts, and you engulfed the length of his now erect shaft.
You slowly removed your panties and dangled it in front of him, teasing the man that was going to eat you alive, the room smelled like expensive cologne and Prosecco. Lewis jaw hardened, his tattoos made his muscles more prominent... You just wanted to dig your fingernails on his biceps at that stance. He grabbed the panties off your hand and threw them to the side along with your dress and swiftly made his way on top of you. Cupping your breast with one hand, his thumb played with your nipple whilst the other filled his mouth. You lowered your hand and began to stroke Lewis’ cock; as soft and deep moans leaving his throat, your spine shivered.
“I want you so bad” You whispered, placing Lewis right at your entrance, the tip of him rubbing against your wet and now throbbing clit.
“How bad, baby?” He asked, pecking your lips. With his voice in a demanding whisper, you were quick to realise how much of a tease Lewis was, he enjoyed making his victims beg for him. He knew how good he was.
“So… so bad” You moaned into his lips. Just as much as Lewis, you knew what you wanted and you too knew how good you were. Not wanting to waste another second you took charge, placing his shaft at your entrance you helped him penetrate you. Lewis broke the kiss he had engaged in with you, a loud moan leaving his mouth once he felt how tight you were.
It took you a second to adjust to Lewis’ length as he made his way in and out of you, although intoxicated, he noticed your slight discomfort: “Are you alright?” he questioned, his furry brows tightening.
“Shh… don’t stop” You reassured him. With your hand around his neck you brought his head down to yours, you had grown to love his soft lips around the flesh of your neck. At your call, Lewis lowered his weight on to you and steadily picked up the pace. Every thrust brought you closer to an orgasm, his cock rubbing on your perfect spot.
You clenched your walls, digging your nails through his tattooed back. “Fuuuck!” You heard Lewis scream in absolute pleasure at the tightness around him. Lewis’ thrusts became deeper and faster, his forehead had grown sweaty, the room steamy. As he picked up his pace, all you could hear was small grunts from his perfectly sound voice and the clapping of his thighs against yours.
“I’m gonna cum” He moaned through shortened breaths. His warning brought you to your dominance senses. The thought of having Sir Lewis Hamilton begging you to cum extolled your ego. Without thinking twice you shifted your weight to the side, motioning what was well understood by Lewis. It was your turn to be on top.
Lewis, at the realisation that he was sleeping with a woman who knew what she wanted, eagerly obeyed and placed himself closer to the headboard of his king sized bed, not minding that you had interrupted his almost-orgasm.
Feeling good about impressing the seven-time world champion you slowly crawled up to the man that looked at you so hungrily, lust in his eyes only becoming more and more visible. His jaw clenched again as you straddled his waist, his now, thanks to you, cream-full cock entering your threshold again. Another loud moan, this time from the both of you. You bent over slightly, placing your hands on Lewis’ shoulders for support as you started bouncing on him.
“Just like that baby” He sang to you, one hand was tightly wrapped around your neck, and the other slapped your ass as hard as he could bring himself to. It drove you crazy, it made you want more of him in you.
Your breathing had gotten harder and your forehead had met his. “I want you to cum for me” You demanded. Lewis knew he was close to his finish line, but wanted you to finish with him. As you seemed to enjoy, he kept his veiny and robust hand around your neck, giving it light squeezes every time he felt you really deep.
His free hand moved to your clit and you shot your head back in utter pleasure.
“Right there… Keep it right there” You begged, knowing exactly what was going to happen in the next thirty seconds. Lewis, in satisfaction, rubbed on your throbbing bud whilst his own hardened at every movement of yours. His teeth met his bottom lip and his eyes fell shut. You knew he was ready to release, but you weren’t going to let him off easy.
“Look at me” You called. Your ego growing with every sign of obedience from Lewis. His eyes watered a little, you knew you had him, and every thrust brought you both closer to your orgasm.
“Baby…” he whispered, his hand still in circular motions around your clit, his grip becoming weaker “Please” he begged, at no point breaking the eye contact you called for. Pleased with his submission, you mumbled: "Don't stop", and he understood the assignment. You both picked up the pace, his finger on your wet clit in circular motions and you on top of his cock, bouncing up and down.
Before you could say knife you felt your legs shaking, your whole body trembled as you released all your juices on Lewis' hand and cock, a loud moan leaving your throat, your voice echoing in the penthouse.
Sorry neighbours.
And with no time to digest the wonders that Lewis had done to your body, he quickly pushed you off him and you obeyed, his pulsating cock releasing right then and there, on his six-pack filled torso.
You were both breathing heavily, laying on your backs. The comfort of Lewis' bed took you in, your head pounding again from the intoxication, the large amount of alcohol still in your system. He chuckled slightly at the turn of events of that Monaco GP Sunday, his gaze never leaving his ceiling.
Eager and starving for more of you, Lewis found in his deep breaths strength to ask: "When do you leave?"
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the-good-bad-truth · 2 years
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Last month, I did a post on the PR relationship of Mgk and Megan Fox. It was a really long post because there was a lot to cover. The problem is I felt I couldn’t really talk about them as Individuals and the hate and struggles each of them separately face. Today, I will be looking at Mgk and how he is constantly hated on and I want to see if it’s deserved or if people are just haters. I will be doing the same for his twin flame. Let me give you guys a brief Introduction on him and his career. He was raised in Cleveland, Ohio and lived with his aunt and father, who struggled with alcohol. His mother left his father and practically abandoned him when he was like 9. After that he would get into trouble through drugs, when he was like 11 and would be bullied. This caused him to have a strained bond w/his father and when he was like 18 he ended up moving in with his friend, Slim to help him produce a rap career. He says he would be bullied and get beat up for being a white rapper but it just made him want to work even harder. He also had to start working because he had a daughter named Cassie, who he is really close with but she lives in Ohio w/her mom. Eventually, he was signed to Bad Boy records(now also Interscope records) and would always be on tour whether in Europe, south America, or warped tour. Overall he has released 6 albums and 6 eps/mixtapes, w/ TTMD and Mainstream Sellout being his biggest albums. I think if I had to pinpoint when the mgk hate train started, I would say it would have to have been in 2018. This is when that whole Eminem beef started after Em dissed him and Mgk responded w/rap devil. As I was doing my digging about this beef it said Em was being sent a secret diss that mgk did on a song where he says “you rap your not gods” and then also tweeted it out. I think that Em dissed mgk because of a tweet where he said that Em's daughter was hot in 2012. She was 16 and mgk was 21, but he says that he didn’t know how old she was. I kind of will excuse him for that, although he probably shouldn’t have talked about someone’s daughter no matter her age. At the same time, Eminem always comes for people so, he shouldn’t be to upset when people say things about him or personal life.  Anyways, what I don’t understand about this beef is how many people were upset that mgk dissed em back after em released “Killshot”. Idk if because I’m not really knowledgeable in rap beefs/community but if someone disses you, no matter who that person is shouldn’t you diss back and defend yourself? At the end of day, this beef happened like 4 yrs ago and Em still kind of mentions mgk in his songs, but I think that both sides should just let it go and stop hating on mgk. Like it would be a movie trailer that mgk is starring in and people will be like “Eminem is the goat”. It’s like move on because if you have to comment every time mgk is mentioned at Em won, then did he really? The next time Mgk was really getting hate was when he decided to dive deeper into a more pop-punk sound. I agree that some of the songs aren’t really that good but they aren’t terrible, they are just very generic and repetitive. I also don’t think he is necessarily saving rock but he is helping it become more popular. Think about it, music isn’t shared or sold as it once did where you had to sell through Cds. Now, it’s more through social media, especially with tiktok. I think Mgk knows this and that’s why he makes the songs sound more fun, easy to learn (lyric and instrument wise), and something young people will actually want to pay to listen to. I also somewhat agree when people say that he is profiting or romanticizing toxic topics and the Goth/emo community.( Megan fox isn’t an emo girl or Goth.) However, how is that any different to when rock bands will sexualize women or talk about death and drugs, he’s just doing it with a fun guitar melody. Another thing is people say he is trying to copy Mac Miller or Lil Peep all because he dyed his hair pink and talks about his struggle with depression and drugs. I think it was last year, he went on a podcast where his words were taken out of context like they usually are. He was talking about how he went on warped tour and he saw the bands were wearing comfortable shoes. After that clip was released, bands were coming out and saying how he was disrespectful and that they would sleep in vans, practically starve and he doesn’t know what that feels like cuz he’s rich. The thing is Mgk was at Warped tour, he also struggled and he’s always had a rock edge to him. I think that they didn’t understand what he was saying, he wasn’t dissing the rock community or the bands that actually work hard. He was talking about how the idea of a “rockstar” has gone stale and that bands don’t know how to balance being talented/relatable while also knowing how to put on a show and make rock fun. In a way, he was saying what the older rock bands were saying but when he says it he’s an idiot. One person who misunderstood this was Slipknot's frontman, Corey Taylor. To look at this “feud”, let’s go to where it started. When Mgk was working on TTMD, Travis and him wanted Corey to do vocals on the song, “Can’t look back”. Corey agreed and did the vocals but Mgk had some notes for Corey. I think that Corey got defensive because he probably felt that Mgk was criticizing him when all Mgk wanted was to have HIS song to sound the best it could. Corey ended up backing out and I guess later Corey saw the small already misinterpreted clip of comfortable shoes and decided then in an interview basically called Mgk a poser. Here’s the thing about Corey and how the Rock media likes to treat him where there are so many thumbnails where they always ask Corey what he thinks of new music, topics, rock’s future etc. I think that this is the media’s and fan’s fault because they like to make things a bigger deal than they are. Anyways, Mgk defended himself  and called Slipknot “50 year old dudes in weird masks”. I guess slipknot fans got upset and then Corey posted the emails, but by then Mgk was already annoyed that he responded with insults. This only made it worse for mgk and people started bringing up the em stuff again. I also think that Corey’s reasoning was that he was defending rock music and only did it because of what mgk said about comfortable shoes. Another funny thing is that Corey said that mgk failed and switched genres but didn’t Corey try to rap in this one country/rock song. Look it up, it's called “Live the madness” with Moonshine Bandits,(It also sounds a lot like mgk’s song w/Kid Rock called “Bad MotherFucker) but that could just be me, go find it and judge for yourselves. Overall, people like to hate on Mgk for everything and they will stop at nothing. This might just be to cancel culture, but they like to dig up old 2012 tweets of Mgk and call him a creep and racist. I don’t think he is, although he probably should have just kept those tweets to himself and they were really stupid things for him to say. Idk if people know that in 2020, Mgk was in the streets protesting, handing out water & snacks and said that if any fan of his didn't agree that people should be treated fairly regardless of skin color then they should stop listening to his music and he wouldn’t care. I think recently he said that he’s going to move forward and create a diff sound for rap/hip hop but people think he’s quitting rock. I think it’s because people don’t understand that you can do more than one genre and combine genres. Overall, I feel that he’s misunderstood and is a constantly punching bag for the media. With his relationship w/Megan, it helps him getting praise but it’s fake because once they break up people are going to clown and hate on him. He is being called toxic for the things she chooses to say and his music and work are being constantly overshadowed by the hate and his relationship.
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
Could i request a klaus mikaelson imagine where he and the reader r best friends and they go to the club one night and they both have feelings for each other but they hide it and when theyre a little tipsy and dancing klaus sees the reader dancing to ‘in the night’ by the weeknd and she just hits different when the lyrics ‘in the night she hears him calling in the night shes dancing to relieve the pain’ are sung and thats when he realizes hes in love with her and they end up confessing?
Hello lovely anon, I decided to make this into a baby blurb instead of an imagine and I'm going to post it under my celebration for the sake of navigation. Hope you like it <3
🖋- Klaus realizing he's in love with his best friend.
Pairing: Klaus x reader
Warning: none that I can think of
Summary: A night out dancing makes Klaus realize that he has feelings for his best friend.
Klaus took another sip from his drink, watching you intently as you continued to jump and twirl to the music filling the bar. You weren’t moving to the rhythm, not even the slightest bit, but the little smile you flashed him every time your eyes met his from the dancefloor made up for the lackluster dancing. He smiled back of course, not enjoying a single thing about the place he was in except for the fact that it made you happy and he’d sacrifice a night to said horrible place if it made you happy- he’d sacrifice quite a lot for the sake of your happiness to be fair and he’d do so all too willingly.
The song changed, and he recognized it immediately, having been tortured by it for days at end when you were playing it at the compound, singing along at the top of your lungs purely to earn a playful scoff from the hybrid. There was a sense of familiarity in the melody as you once again turned to look at Klaus, an excited laugh slipping from your lips when he was already looking at you.
“It’s my song,” You noted happily, knowing he’d hear it despite the multitudes of noise. Klaus nodded, shaking his head when you once again started screaming along with the words. There was something about seeing you like this that tugged at his heart. Something about how free your looked with your hands haphazardly swaying in the air and heart beating through your veins that made him take it in, every little detail of a person he had been friends with for years and had loved for longer. You were ethereal, always had been, but he was looking at you through different eyes tonight. He was looking at you in a way that no friend should, and it dawned upon him quite quickly that sometime in the madness of his life he had slipped from loving you to being in love with you.
“Hello love,” He noted, slightly dazed as his revelation sunk into his mind, your body still swaying lightly as you made your way off the dancefloor towards him.
“Hi Klaus,” You offered in reply, slightly breathless from the dancing, reaching for his glass to take a sip of whatever he was drinking. Your face contorted in slight disgust at the taste, never being much of a Bourbon person. “That’s awful,” you told him with furrowed brows, placing the drink on the bar behind him. He shook his head the gesture, biting back a comment about how you could’ve ordered your own drink instead.
“Did you have fun dancing?” He asked instead, hand moving to adjust the hem of you shirt which must’ve moved during your little dancing endeavors.
“Did it look like I was?” You countered, adrenaline giving you a burst of bravery as you placed a hand on his knee, stepping closer to him as he remained seated on a stool. “You were staring at me the whole time,” You noted, and Klaus raised a brow, an amused smirk on his lips as he raked his eyes over your face.
“I was,” He offered, making a move of his own as he pulled you closer with a hand on your neck, your bravery faltering at the sudden reposition between his legs. “Couldn’t take my eyes off you for that matter,” He leaned in slightly as if he was about to convey a secret. “You looked absolutely ravishing,” You swallowed loudly at the remark, heat rising to your cheeks, heartbeat rising as well and Klaus picked up on it instantly, the reaction being exactly what he hoped it would be. “Not so brave now, love?” His grip tightened slightly around you neck, gently tugging you forward when your eyes scattered to his lips as he spoke.
“Are you going to kiss me?” You asked unnecessarily breathless as you waited for him to do something, the question prompted a slightly mocking laugh from his lips. “Because if you don’t, then I will,” Your eyes moved up to meet his eyes, and he tilted his head at the comment.
“You want your best friend to kiss you? Is that what you want?” His other hand gently took hold of your waist as you nodded eagerly. “Very well, but before I do. You should know that I am completely and intoxicatingly in love with you,” He admitted effortlessly, as if the words were simply laying dormant, waiting to be spoken.
“I know and I love you too,” You swallowed lightly, mind slightly clouded from the interaction as you fisted his shirt between your fingers. “But I swear to everything Klaus, if you don’t kiss me right now, I might just spontaneously combust,” He laughed slightly, eyes jumping around your features.
“Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we?” He mused, wasting no time to delicately connect his lips with yours.
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ominoose · 2 years
may I request slasher hcs on their opinions on mitski 👩🏻‍🦳
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Juvie my beloved! I am so sorry! Tumblr ate the ask and refused to show me till now, this is nearly two months old I'm so sorry! Also like I said before I don’t know tons of Mitski songs so this is based on the ones I know, but this was very fun to write :)
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𝐁𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫
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+ Bubba likes her!
+ He doesn’t pay too much attention to the lyrics in songs, if it has an upbeat melody, he’s happy to have it on while he’s in the back room working away.
+ Even if he isn’t listening to the lyrics too much, he does think the lady sounds quite sad for someone singing to such a happy sounding song. Despite that, he likes how her voice sounds, it lulls him through the day.
+ If he had to pick a favourite song, it’s Nobody! He can’t sing songs very well, but he can garble out something similar to “nobody” when the chorus comes on. It's simple enough for him to follow and puts keeps his mood high.
𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬
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+ Thinks it’s teen girl music. He has probably killed a young woman that was playing Mitski in her room. Michael is generally indifferent about it.
+ Since he sees it as sappy teen girl sad romance music, it's not something he’ll put on in his own time. If it comes on the radio, he’ll probably change the channel. 
+ Not a bad singer, just not for old Peepaw.
𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧
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+ Thinks Mitski is proof of women’s shallowness, lack of intelligence and their world revolving around men. Somehow, it makes him more sexist.
+ Secretly, he listens to songs like A Burning Hill and Losing Dogs and thinks the lyrics are profound, he actually has to sit there and battle with the fact that some woman’s sad music could evoke such emotion.
+ Will continue listening to Mitski’s albums and looking deep into the lyrics, trying to find a way to relate them to himself and his masculine struggles. The music itself isn’t his “beat” though, but he isn’t listening for that.
+ Panics if it plays in public and has to make a comment about how terrible he thinks the music is to make sure no one suspects him.
𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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+ He thinks it ain’t too bad! It comes on the radio every now and then when he’s flicking through the stations.
+ Lester prefers the upbeat songs, like Townie and Nobody. He knows the lyrics are sad, but he’s heard crazier and sadder lyrics in random country songs, so it’s all the same to him.
+ If it comes onto the radio often enough, he’ll have memorised the lyrics to sing along to them, play the drums on the steering wheel while driving, or do a little dance to it himself while working on some cars.
+ Can’t pick a favourite! He probably doesn’t even know Mitski’s name, he just knows the songs are on the radio and he likes them.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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Tous Les Jours
word count: 1472
Requested: “Hii💖 can i request a fic where their s/o is in a band like baby metal and at first their like “how cute girls dancing to metal” but then they see how heavy it is and how much control they have over the crowd” I don’t know who requested this but I hope you like this. It was super fun to write!
“Salut, Salut, Salut! We are Les Petites Souris from Paris, France! Comment ça va, Los Angeles?” The crowd roared to life at the opening act. Dressed in feathers, bedazzled corsets, and fishnets it looked like Vegas showgirls and very out of place for the opening act to a rock and roll show. “This is our song Tous Les Jours!” Nikki looked up, confused from the bar where he was currently being bumped into by people trying to rush closer to the stage. Tommy and Vince both looked absolutely out of their minds excited besides him.
He had been promised to see the hottest band in LA at the moment and a huge competitor but what looked like three hot French Burlesque dancers were on stage. WHen the music started his eyes furrowed together. Heavy bass lines and drum beats mixed with great guitar riffs, and then they were singing. The lead singer was pretty blonde with long legs that she was using to do the Can-Can with her backup singers. BUt her voice was angelic. Nikki watched the three girls in their synchronized dance moves. The high energy of the girls were like a mix of pop stars on MTV and strippers. The way that they danced to their music, that was way heavier than he could imagine for them. He stood in almost shock as they performed, well TBone pretty much went nuts beside him.
They sang a few songs before the crowd started to get wild and try to surge forward. It was like a fight club as people pawed at the stage. Nikki felt like he was watching Beatles Mania happen. The lead singer finished her song, giving the crowd a look over that made them fall silent. Tommy elbowed him, in awe of the stage presence from the petite singer.
“Que faites-vous, mes amis?” she tsked at them and Nikki felt his eyes glued to her as she walked a few steps towards the crowd. The way her hand went to her hip and she looked out at them like she was scolding children, “This show is for everyone but we will not sing if you keep acting like this, d’accord?” though they didn’t know what she was saying they all agreed with her anyway. The way she smiled at the audience had them all cheering as she walked over and started dancing again.
Nikki loved watching the way the three girls bounced around the stage like they were just having a lot of fun. It didn't feel like they were acting but it also felt like a full performance. It was a gimmick but they could actually perform and all of them had great voices that sounded right over the heavy music. By the time that the show was ending he understood why the guys had wanted to come to see the band so badly. He was surprised at the end of the show when he was thinking about how he didn’t want it to end. He enjoyed watching the girls dance to the heavy music, their bright smiles, costumes bouncing at their silly moves, and the way they drew the crowd into them.
At the last song it got so loud he could see his whisky shake in the glass. The crowd was absolutely losing their minds for them. The girls all clasped hands bowing to them and giving them all waves as flowers, bras, and even what looked like a pair of boxers all made it up onto stage. The singer once more stepped forward waving at the crowd and trying to get them to quiet down so she could talk.
“Merci, mes amies. Once again we are Les Petites Souris. We are selling some merchandise in the back of the club. Hannah, wave your hands so they can see you, mon amour.” Nikki turned to see the girl waving her hand. “We also will be playing at The Roxy tomorrow night. You can find me at the bar before the set and buy me a few drinks, oui?” she smiled as there were catcalls and whistles from the crowd, “Merci, mes amies. Until tomorrow, bonne soiree.`` She departed the stage and it took a few minutes for people to realize they were done and not coming out for an encore.
It was crazy how the crowd was already leaving when they hadn't even been the main band for the night. Vince and Tommy were already finishing their drinks which the bassist knew meant they were going to try to head backstage to meet the new chick band on the club scene.
When they made it backstage they had no problem finding the dressing room since they had all played here before. T-Bone wanted to just walk in but they managed to restrain him as Nikki knocked. The door opened and there was the blonde, looking him up and down.
“Do I know you?” She asked and he smirked that her accent had been real and not just part of the show. Her eyes rolled away from him to the two men that were with them. He could hear someone say something to her in French and she responded lazily with a Hand wave.
“I’m Nikki Sixx, this is Vince and Tommy. We saw you play tonight and just wanted to invite you out.” Her eyebrow rose and she turned to look in the room of girls relaying the messages. Two heads poked it looking at the men and they were all chattering over each other in what seemed like a game of pick your date. Nikki felt the heavy blue eyes on him of the blonde.
“So you come to our dressing room after our show without flowers, without champagne, without anything about our show and you and tes sales amis want to take us out tonight? Tut-Tut, Monsieur Sixx.” She walked away from the door replaced with another blonde who was making eyes at Tommy.
“Do not pay Charlotte any mind. Come back in an hour, yes? We will be ready then.” She shut the door leaving the boys all standing around. Nikki told the boys he’d be back in a little bit leaving the club, feeling like he had a challenge ahead of him.
The hour passed and when then girls came out they were changed from their stage costumes to more casual jeans and leather jackets. Nikki handed Charlotte a bouquet of roses watching the way her eyes danced in amusement.
“Great show.” He said, a smile blooming over his face. He watched the way she cracked the flowers bringing them close and inhaling the sweet scent.
“Merci, Monsieur Sixx.” Her hand went to her forearm lacing their arms together as they headed out and into the waiting limo that the band had.
That night turned into six months later and the pair had been pretty much inseparable. Nikki would take out the French singer as often as possible. She basically lived at his house, throwing parties and laughing loudly with all his friends. The way she managed to get everyone to befriend her with almost the trance-like control she held on stage never stopped impressing him.
The cult-like following of the band had them headline large arenas  where seats were packed to watch the cute girls dance to the metal songs. Everyone seemed to forget they could perform with a full range or dance moves and musical talent until they were seeing it live. The way the girls were in cotton candy pastel burlesque outfits contrasted to the heavy metal playing in the background.
Nikki had seen them dozens of times, loving to support his girl, and still he would be sucked into their performance. The cute dance moves, the heavy music, and the sexy outfits all seem to add to the band. He loved watching them can-can to the heavy baselines and the elegance they brought to the music. Just like he was hooked on seeing them he was hooked on their lead singer.
Nikki had known after the first night when she pulled cognac from her purse to splash liberally in their coffee after dinner that she was the girl for him. She made them all feel like they were in the presence of something great and lifted them all up to feel great as well. He loved that when he was having jamming sessions to figure out new songs she’d pick up her guitar helping him come up with the melodies to his music. Or how she’d sing his lyrics and he could finish a song after she had hummed out a few lines. The chemistry they had was something he had dreamed of.
He knew he loved her and he planned to keep her around so that he could continue to love her. Tous les jours.
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Gauze Album Review
Because some people want my thoughts on DEG albums I will be reviewing them so I figure I would start with their first full-length one. Please leave a comment on your thoughts on this album and my review.
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Track 1: Gauze -mode of adam- (it's actually GARZE -mode of adam-)
This track is okay for what it is. It starts out very dark with circus music but then it becomes fast and hectic. Altogether I don't think it really sets the tone for the rest of the album.
Track 2: Schwein no Isu
Chair of the pig. This track definitely fits with Gauze in my opinion. I really like the opening guitar riff and the bass complements it very well. The German matches the track numbers on the back of the album which I appreciate. My boy Die wrote the music for this song so that's always a plus. I also always love some gang vocals. "Geist seele wille zelle, geist seele wille zelle"
Track 3: Yurameki
Now this song really cements the fact that Gauze is a VK album. Written by Shinya this one perfectly captures that early DEG sound. It's also nice to hear Kyo's clean vocals throughout the entire song. The instruments all work well together as well and I don't think there's much awkwardness with the transitions in this song. Yurameki is one of my favorite songs on the album.
Track 4: raison detre
First we had German and now we have French. Raison detre (or more properly Raison D'être which means reason to be) is a fun track and one I used to know how to play on the bass. The electronic beat and the sound of the guitars get me so pumped despite the... less than positive lyrics. A+ guitar solo.
Track 5: 304 -Goshitsu, Hakushi no Sakura
This song is good in that it's very different from the other tracks on the album. It's dark and Die plays acoustic in this one which is typically associated with a more calm style but this song is fast paced and the music video for it is beautiful visually but the way that the members portray mental illness is not really that accurate. Additionally I think that vocally this is one of Kyo's weakest work on the album.
Track 6: Cage
I actually do know how to play this on the bass and in fact it was one of the first songs I learned when I picked up the instrument. It's also I think one of the few songs that doesn't have the bass in standard tuning, instead it's in drop D. Cage starts out with a calming music box playing the melody of the chorus and then it quickly transitions to a faster tempo with a killer bassline with a bass solo throw into the mix. We all know it. We all love it. This song is very fun even though Kyo sings about a person being abused by their mother and in turn abuses their girlfriend. The transitions could have been a bit smoother in my opinion. It's still a great song to listen to and play on the bass.
Track 7: Tsumi to Batsu
I really don’t like this song very much. The guitars are boring and too repetitious and although I don’t expect anything different from Kyo lyrically (meaning I don't expect any happy lyrics) but these lyrics just don’t do it for me. It's an okay song for what it is but it's definitely one of my least favorite DEG songs in general. I much prefer the remake.
Track 8: Mazohyst of Decadence
This song is surpisingly one of my favorites on the album and another song I know on the bass (but really the bass is super simple in this one). As most people most likely know the lyrics are from the viewpoint of a fetus being aborted. I will not be getting into the abortion debate for obvious but everything in this song just works. The guitars in the beginning, the baby going from laughing to crying, Kyo’s vocals during the chorus. The ambiance and slow tempo really work to paint a very hopeless landscape and that tone setting is what I think DEG does best with their longer songs.
Track 9: Yokan
BOP ALERT. This song definitely deliberately placed after Mazohyst to cheer the listeners up. Yokan is a song in which the instrumentals don’t match the lyrics. The guitars, bass, and drums all paint a bubbly and energetic picture while Kyo sings about a guy no longer loving his girlfriend and mistreating her because he no longer loves her. The lyrics are a very stark contrast from the instrumental part of the song but that's DEG for you. Like Yurameki I think this song is a great way to showcase that VK sound. Didn’t the Yokan single get released like a week before Gauze? Weird. 
Track 10: Mask
“While its members have promised us peace, they have led us to war heedless of the platform upon which they were elected.” 
This was a snippet from Charles Lindbergh in his Des Moines speech in 1941 in which he blames the British, Jewish people, and the Roosevelt administration for leading the USA into WW II. BIG yikes. I think this song is about how people shouldn’t just follow orders for the sake of following orders which was the central theme of the Nuremberg Trials in which the Nazis were being tried as war criminals. Or maybe it's just about a corrupt government? Sorry for the history lesson but I felt that the context was important to understand the song. On to the musicality of the song: this song took awhile to grow on me because it seemed kind of messy and like I couldn't ever catch a break. It just keeps going... but eventually I learned to appreciate it for what it is. Again not really my favorite song but it's also not a song I think about very much.
Track 11: Zan
Kyo’s breathing and laughing set the stage for this song. The song itself is rather jarring and in my opinion a bit hard to listen to. I much prefer the remake but this is not a bad song. Not really much to say about this one other than it's definitely the heaviest track on the entire album.
Track 12: Akuro no Oka
What a song. I really love all of it and I also know how to play this on the bass minus the solo. This song feels like a story in music form and I love Kaoru’s hat in the music video for it. The wind sound Die's acoustic strumming opens the song and continues throughout the song as Kaoru, Toshiya, and Shinya play. When I listen to it I can feel the gloominess and sadness that this song portrays through the instruments and Kyo's vocals. This song was written in A minor I think so it makes sense that it would sound sad. Kaoru's guitar solo is melancholy and Toshiya's bass solo provokes some sort of emotioanl response from me. I think it’s a perfect way to end this album.
Track 13 (?): Gauze -mode of eve-
This is technically part of Akuro no Oka but it’s definitely different. Not much to say. It’s spooky and Kyo counts down in English. 
Bonus time!
Of course I have the limited edition
Bonus track 1: I’ll (single version)
I have this single as well and I like how it’s the same size as a Gamecube game disk. With that out of the way, I think this song really doesn’t fit with the overall mood of the album but the bassline sure is catchy. 
Bonus track 2: Jealous (single version)
This song fits the mood of the album more, but not quite. I also have this single. I haven’t listened to this song in a long time so I don’t really have much to say. Sorry. 
Overall this is a very promising first full-length album and a great introduction to early DEG and their past VK style. In general I enjoy their heavier stuff but this album is just a good time all around. I rate it 8/10 because some of the songs just don’t do it for me. 
That’s it! My first ever album review. I want to hear your thoughts because I’m sure many people will disagree with me. 
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You’re the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I’m singing (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings X Fem!Reader
Summary: Luke needs help writing a song, luckily you’re there to help him. You just hope your feelings for him won’t interfere in the writing process.
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst if you blink. The reader uses she/her pronouns. Language, invasion of privacy, unprotected sex (don’t do it guys) oral female reciving. Maybe some grammatical errors (English it’s not my first language, sorry)
Word count: 4.5k
Author’s Note: Hello ✨ I’ve been working with this Luke piece since August and I finally stop procrastinating in order to finish it 🎉 Reblogs, comments, feedbacks and likes are always welcome and encouraged! I love to hear from you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻
My materialist // Wanna be on my tag list?
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He did it.
After almost two weeks of not getting anything good out of his head Luke finally beat the writer’s block.
He jumped out of his seat in the island kitchen and ran towards his music room with a very excited Petunia walking behind him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Luke grabbed his notebook and started writing as soon as his ass hit the cushions of the little sofa he had there, getting already lost in the sound.
His eyes filled with joy as he wrote down the melody, muttering some words to go along with it and bobbing his head as the rhythm got better and better. He couldn’t feel prouder.
It wasn’t like him to have such a strong writer‘s block, whenever it happened his band mates were there to help him get through it. However, this time they weren’t here, they were still at the studio where he was supposed to be.
It was an unanimous decision, they all new Luke wasn’t at his best, always getting frustrated and closing himself up to others, refusing any help until he could come up with something on his own, so they recommended him to rest at home for a couple days before he totally burns out and, reluctantly, he agreed.
But all of that self pity ended now that he got a melody going on and a few lyrics written down. To say that he was in cloud nine was an understatement.
A few moments later his phone started ringing. He was doing so well that he didn’t think to answer it until he saw your name pop up.
“Leech!” He said with a smile once he picked up.
You scrunch your nose at the old nickname. You have known the man for at least 19 years and he still refuses to let go of the fact that you didn’t want to be his friend at the beginning because someone told you boys had leeches hidden in their pockets.
But, alas, you knew the nickname was not going anywhere so you decided to ignore it just this time “Hello, Hems!”
“I’m so glad you called! Just in time, actually” He said cheerfully.
“Well someone sounds happy for a change” You chuckled “What’s gotten you so amicable today, love?”
“I can’t tell you over the phone, you need to come in order to know what it is” Luke teased, not needing to see your face to know that you were rolling your eyes at him.
You chuckled again “Good thing I’m on my way then with some pizza. I’ll be there in approximately one Jonas Brothers’ song”
He laughed “You’re too good to me”
You sighed when he ended the call just a few seconds later “Only if you knew…”
You hated the cliche of falling for your best friend, but in your defense: your best friend was Luke Hemings, how could you not?
Once “Lovebug” ended you found yourself parking in his driveway. You shook your head at the irony of it all as you grabbed the pizza box and headed to the door. You were about to knock when suddenly he opened the door, flashing you one of his signature smiles that made your tummy feel weird.
“Were you waiting by the door?” You asked as you extended your arm to give him a side hug, which he gladly took and hugged you back, bringing you even closer to him. You just hoped he couldn’t feel the loud beatings of your heart.
“By the window, actually” Luke laughed as he took the pizza box from you and walked to the kitchen, placing it on top of the counter “I just can’t wait to show you what I got!”
You could see how excited he was, the gleam in his eyes was everlasting as he talked and his smile reached his eyes with ease, making little wrinkles appear by the sides of them. You smiled back at him and nodded, letting him lead the way.
He quickly took your hand, almost running as he guided you to his mini studio. You sat on his sofa, petting Petunia as he accommodated himself and his guitar.
“I figured it out!” Luke said with pride in his eyes “I conquered the block!”
“Luke that’s amazing!” You knew he was struggling a lot lately, that was one of the main reasons you checked up on him more often this past few weeks “Omg, I can’t wait to hear it!”
Luke nodded and wasted no time in starting playing his new song.
“I thought I had it all, thought I let you go. But truth be told, I’m just a fool in a one man show”
You listened carefully to what he was saying, loving the lyrics already before you started noticing something weird in the melody… there was something familiar in it, but you couldn’t pinpoint what.
“The secrets I held. The lies I told myself. All were worth it cause it meant I get to see your face”
Once the chorus started, you knew where you’ve heard this before.
Luke was staring at you the whole time since he started singing, wanting nothing more than his best friend’s approval, but was met with your concerned face as he continued.
“I never give you away, cause I’ve already made that mistake. If-“ He stopped completely when he saw the way you were looking at him “You hate it.”
“What?” You asked, taken by surprise by his hurt face.
“You can tell me if it’s bad, you know? I won’t get mad or anything but-“
You cut him off, shaking your head as you place your hand on his thigh “No, Luke. It’s not that at all”
“Then what, Y/N?” He said, putting his guitar away from him “Cause you don’t give me that look unless you’re feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I know the lyrics need arrangements and-“
“Luke!” You interrupted his rambling one again, knowing how he gets when he’s flustered “The lyrics are fine! Everything is fine! I really liked that last line you sang. But…”
You sighed “Let me show you something”
You took your phone out of your bag and started searching through your songs until you found what you were looking for “Please, don’t be mad” You begged with a sigh as you pressed play on one of Taylor Swift’s songs.
Luke didn’t understand what you were talking about until he heard the first few chords of the song. His eyes winded as plates as he listened to the melody he swore he just invented out of the blue, a deep disappointment came across him at the realization he just repeated a melody that someone else already created.
You paused the song when you noticed his expression change all of the sudden. The gleam in his eyes completely disappeared as a dark gloom clouded his blue irises “Luke?” You asked, but the tall blonde was already getting up and started walking out of the studio “Luke!”
You followed him into the hall, where you could catch a glimpse of him tugging on his curls and cursing to himself. You called his name again with no avail, he wasn’t listening as he drowned in self pity and embarrassment.
“I should’ve known!” He said loudly this time “Fuck! It was too good to be true”
“It’s okay, Lu-“ You tried, but he quickly turned around and cut you off.
“It’s not okay, Y/N!” He yelled, making you take a step back. It wasn’t like him to get so angry to the point of yelling, but you can’t say that you don’t understand his frustration “When is plagiarism ever okay?! I’m such a fucking idiot”
“Hey, no, no, no, no, no” You interrupted, standing on your tiptoes to grab him by his shoulders and make him look at you “You won’t talk about my best friend like that”
Luke looked away, not wanting to meet your eyes at this moment. So you took matters into your own hands, literally, and placed your palms on his cheeks, softly squeezing them together and forcing him to look at you “The song is great” You said “Yes, the melodies are similar but you can work on that. You’re Luke Hemmings for crying out loud!”
He placed his hands over yours and pushed them away in a soft movement, not letting go of you as he did “Well, Luke Hemmings can’t write a song even if his life depended on it” He sighed, more calmed now “I don’t know what to do! I don’t even know if there is something I could do”
You thought for a second “Maybe not,” You said “But there might be something we could do”
Luke furrowed his eyebrows “Huh?”
“Yeah,” You nodded “I know I basically know nothing about melodies and composing a song. But I know a lot about poems and writings!” You said with a smile “I also know that you’ve been having a rough time lately and I just want to help in every way I can. I hate to see you like this, Luke. Let me help you?”
He stared at you and immediately knew that he couldn’t say no to your pleasing eyes. The fact that you wanted to help him took him by surprise, but he should’ve known, you have the biggest heart on earth and he knew he could count on you, always. Hell, you even moved to another continent to support him and his friends. You were always there for him, always taking care of him while also making fun of him and just being the best friend there is. And now you wanted to help him get over his writer's block? He could kiss you right now!
“Woah, slow down tiger” You laughed “We need to make a song first”
Did he say that out loud? Oh shit.
“I- just. Um-“ He rambled, trying to hide the pink that colored his cheeks “Thank you”
You just nodded and walked towards the kitchen, part of it because you were still hungry, but in reality it was to hide the way you couldn’t stop smiling.
“C’mon, Hems! Time to write a song”
You have seriously underestimated the whole writing and composing process of a song. How could Taylor Swift make it look so easy?!
It’s been almost a week and you have been staying with Luke 24/7 locked inside his little studio as you revise song idea after song idea, going back and towards without really going anywhere and only getting out to walk Petunia, eat and go to the bathroom. Once one of you gets too tired you decide to take a nap in Luke's bedroom like you always do since you were kids. None of this served as much help to calm down your feelings towards the tall Australian. In fact, you are almost sure they grew stronger than before.
You couldn’t help but get lost in him. Every subtle movement he makes; how he licks his lips and bites them every time he is concentrating on something; how his fingers move so smoothly on the guitar or the piano; how he hums to himself in that melodic voice that gives you chills everytime you listen to it… But there is also the way his eyes linger on you for more than a second; how he lays his head on your shoulder and starts playing with your hand; how he cuddles with you at night and always gives you one kiss on the cheek every morning and every night. He’s got you hooked and he doesn’t even know it.
“What do you think of this, little leech?” The oblivious man called, making you break away from your thoughts as he played some notes on the piano.
It was a sweet melody, melancholic but comforting.
“So we are settled that it’s going to be a balad?” You ask once he's done.
He pressed his lips together in a fine line “Not sure, feels like it’s missing something”
“Almost like a breakdown of other instruments, right?” You ask and he smiles.
“It’s almost like you can read my mind, love”
You smiled, hiding your blushed cheeks from his sight as your gaze drifted back to your little notebook of poems. And, almost without noticing, you start humming.
“Mmmh, Hope and I pray, darling that you will stay… butterfly lies..”
“Take them away” Luke finishes for you. He slowly gets up and sits right next to you, placing his head on your shoulders as you close your book “You’re really good with this,” He said, interlocking his fingers with yours “Why won’t you let me see more of your writings?”
He lifted his other hand to try to snatch the book out of your hands, but you were faster and put it out of his reach “Cause! It’s private” You laughed “Don’t want you to laugh at me or something”
“I could never laugh at you,” He said softly.
You turn your head to the side and almost choke on air as you notice his proximity, making you hyper aware of his breath on your lips and the way he was looking into your eyes, almost like if he wanted to say something but didn’t have the words to do it.
“Luke, I-“ You said in a whisper, his eyes fixed on your lips as he hummed “I- I think I’m a little bit hungry…” You lied, not knowing exactly what to do.
Luke just looked at you and nodded, not hiding his disappointment as he separated himself a little bit so you could both head out to the kitchen. Once there, he went to the stereo and connected his phone so you could have a more relaxing atmosphere.
You started making dinner, nothing too elaborate but complicated enough so you could focus on that rather than what just happened between you two. You knew you were just friends to him, so this new change in his demeanor was surprising and confusing to say the least.
Suddenly, your favorite song started playing. It was an old jazz song that reminded you of home and soon enough you found yourself humming along.
Luke stared at you as you prepared the meal, completely awestruck as he heard you sing softly along the lyrics. He smiled to himself and walked up to you, offering you his hand before asking: “Dance with me?”
You chuckled as you took his hand and let him guide you to the living room. He placed his hand on your lower back as he held your palm with the other one. You placed your free hand on his shoulder and let him guide you through the melody, already feeling the beating of your heart go ten times faster than it should.
You softly placed your head on his chest, relaxing as you felt the vibrations of his soft voice singing along as you slowly danced together.
“I like this” He murmured while his hand caressed your back and his chin rested on your head, placing a little kiss to it.
“Me too”
You got out of the shower and put on one of Luke’s shirts, ready to get on the bed and let all your thoughts rest for the day as you drift to sleep. You sighed as you looked in the mirror and tried to calm your feelings down, hoping that this time your heart will listen.
You headed to Luke’s room, wanting nothing more than to lay down and relax. But you never expected to see what you saw.
When Luke noticed that you had came into the room he quickly closed your notebook and placed it on your side of the bed, hoping that you didn’t realize what he was doing.
“Luke, what the fuck!?” You asked in an angry tone as you walked to the bed and grabbed your notebook in your hands “I told you this was private! How could you betray my trust like that?!”
Luke looked terrified, he never liked you angry, especially if you were angry at him. He tried to speak, but you quickly turned around and started grabbing all your things and put it in the bag you brought to stay over.
“Wha-What are you doing?” He asked confused.
“I’m going home” You said in a huff, turning around to put on your leggings and shoes.
“What?!” Luke jumped from his side of the bed and almost ran to you “Y/N, please. I’m sorry! I didn’t know it meant that much to you!” You ignored him “Please don’t go! It was a mistake, I’m sorry!”
You glared at him “I asked you not to do it! God, Luke! This is a total invasion of my privacy. Best friends don’t do that to each other!”
You tried to walk past him, but he quickly grabbed your arm and made you stop “Well best friends tell each other everything, don’t you think?!” Now he seemed angry as well.
“What haven’t I told you?!”
Luke rolled his eyes, letting go of your arm “Uh, I don’t know! Maybe the fact that you are in love with someone and you didn’t tell me?!”
You were taken aback by his words, furrowing your brows in confusion. He took your silence as a sign to continue.
“The poems, the writings you have there… They are beautiful and heartbreaking, Y/N” He explained, much more calmed “All those words are impossible to write unless you feel what you are writing. The message is right there, clear as water and you didn’t want me to read it. Why?”
His blue eyes seemed like a storm when he looked at you. You could tell he was hurting from all of this, couldn’t he tell who those writings are for?
“Why do you think? You blabbering idiot?” You asked softly, eyes meeting the floor, hoping he got the message.
Luke’s whole demeanor softened and he took in your words. His heart was beating fast as he took two steps to be completely in front of you.
He cupped your cheeks into his hands and made you look at him, telling you everything you need to know with just one look.
“Luke-“ He didn’t have you time to respond as he captured your lips with his, making you drop your stuff to the ground as you started kissing him back.
You placed your hands on the back of his head, softly caressing his curls as he deepened the kiss, parting your lips so he could explore your mouth as he wished for so many years now and making you let out a soft moan as he did so.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this” He said, kissing you once again “I thought I was being too obvious”
You chuckled “Well, not obvious enough, Hemmings” You pecked his lips one more time.
He smiled into the kiss as he let his hands wander down your back, softly squeezing your ass as he started walking you towards the bed, letting you fall delicately as he hovered over you.
You whimpered as you felt his lips trailing down your jaw and neck, sucking lightly and leaving marks wherever he went.
“Luke, what-?” You moaned, tangling your fingers around his curls and pulling him up to meet your gaze “What does this mean for us? What does this make us?”
Without wasting a breath he said confidently “I want to make you mine, love. If you let me, would you be mine? And I’ll be yours”
You looked at him in the eyes and you swore you’d never fallen harder than this.
You nodded “I was always yours, my love”
Luke smiled as he cupped your cheek with one of his hands, bringing your lips together in a kiss filled with love, passion and need. All that you guys ever wanted from each other.
You could feel his other hand wandering around under your/his shirt, softly caressing your breast and making you moan.
“Can I take this off, love?” He asked, playing with the hem of your shirt.
You nodded and wasted no time in getting rid of the fabric, throwing it somewhere around the room before his lips started marking his way down your neck again, this time with hunger as he trailed down from your throat to your breast, kissing one of them as his hand massaged the other, switching from time to time so none of them gets neglected for long.
Your soft moans and whimpers were music to his ears as he felt his erection growing harder with every little breath that came over your mouth. You could feel his erection through his pants, making you groan as you moved your hips to get some kind of friction where you needed it the most.
Luke noticed your little desperate movements and smirked as he let his hand travel down your stomach, ghosting over your sensitive bund over your clothes.
“Is this okay?” He asked when his fingers started pulling down the waistband of your leggings and panties.
“Yes,” You whimpered “Yes, Luke. Please”
You lifted your hips to help him take off your clothes completely, leaving you naked under him.
Luke sucked on a breath and moaned once he got a glimpse of your naked body “So perfect” He whispered, kissing your forehead “So beautiful” He kissed your lips, only to continue kissing down on your body till he reached your aching pussy “So wet for me, my love” He moaned before placing a kiss on your clit, making you thrust your hips at the sudden touch.
He grabbed your hips and pin them down as he started fucking into you with his tongue. Sucking and licking at all the right spots in a rhythm that made you see stars.
You grabbed onto his curls and brought him closer to you. Moaning his name over and over again “Luke,” You pant “I need more, Luke. Please”
Luke got the message as he added a finger to his ministrations, pumping in and out of your entrance “Is this good, Y/N?” But his question was answered by a sinful moan of yours “Talk to me, love” He said, adding another finger.
“Fuck! So good, Luke” You moaned, letting your head fall on the soft pillow “So. Fucking. Good”
He continued to pump his fingers into you at a fast pace while his mouth was locked on your clit, sucking and licking it with delight like it was his favorite meal. Groaning as he felt you clench around his digits when he hit one special spot inside you “Are you close, beautiful?”
You whimpered and nodded in return, not being able to form a coherent sentence at this moment of pure ecstasy.
“Cum for me, my love” He said, kissing the inside of your thigh and speeding his pace “Cum all over my fingers” And so you did.
Luke groaned as he felt your juices drip past his fingers and onto the mattress, swearing that he’s never seen such a prettier sight than your face right now.
You whined as he pulled his digits out of you, but the tight knot in your belly grew as you heard him pulling out his pants and sliding back between your legs.
His face was mere inches from yours once he settled back on the bed and on top of you. You smiled.
“Hi” You said, trying to catch your breath after your first orgasm.
“Hey” He smiled, kissing your forehead and pressing his against yours “Are you sure you want this?” He asked “Its okay if you don’t and we can stop whenever you-“
You shut him off with a kiss “I want this” You said in a whisper “I want you”
That was all the confirmation he needed. Slowly he started sliding into you, making you both moan because of the stretch.
“Are you okay?” He asked, stopping when he saw your face wincing in pain.
You nodded “So big, need a minute” You said. Luke understood and started pepper kissing your face, not leaving any space untouched until you gave him the go-to to keep going.
Luke groaned as he bottom down, giving you a minute to get used to his length. You were moaning his name as you felt him deep inside you, quickly replacing the pain with pleasure.
“Move. Please, Luke” You begged.
He started moving his hips at a slow pace, not wanting to hurt you if he went too hard too fast. It was only when you wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him closer to you that he got the message.
“Faster, fuck. Please, go faster!” You moaned into his ear. Every little sound you made going straight to his cock, quickening the pace as he started fucking you fast and rough.
Your moans became higher pitch as you got closer and closer to your climax. Your nails ran down his back, leaving red trails for you to trace later.
“Fuck, Y/N” Luke groaned “I’m so close, love”
His hips started thrusting relentlessly, chasing his climax as well as yours, making the bed hit the wall with every thrust of his hips.
“I’m gonna cum” You moaned with every move of his hip “I’m gonna cum, Luke. Oh god”
You let out a pornographic moan as you felt your walls clench around his cock, letting go all over him as you tried to catch your breath in all your euphoria.
Soon enough you felt Luke’s thrusts become sloppy and harder, twitching inside you as he painted your walls with his release as he moaned your name over and over again.
He grabbed your cheek and pulled your face closer to him so you could kiss as you ride down your highs, whispering sweet praises to each other as he pulled out of you and cuddled you close.
“That was…”
“I know”
You both laughed softly as Luke kissed your cheek and got up to bring a warm cloth to clean you up and also grabbing a shirt so you could sleep more comfortably. He laid down beside you and pulled you closer to him, kissing the shell of your ear until you both drifted to sleep.
You woke up a couple of hours later, feeling the other side of the bed cold as ice. You looked for Luke around the room but were unable to find him. The wheels in your head started turning as you looked around the room, that’s when you heard the soft sound of the piano playing in the background.
With a shake of your head you got up and started making your way to the grand piano he had in his living room and, sure enough, Luke was sitting there writing the song.
“Inspiration struck?” You asked, making him jump at the sound of your voice.
He visibly relaxed as he saw you walk up to him in nothing but his shirt “Needed to write it down” He said, kissing your lips as you sat next to him.
You looked at the music sheets he got scattered around “You almost finished? How?”
“Turns out I just needed my muse by my side. Admitting my love for her was the only thing I needed to finally get everything right again”
You blushed at his words and pulled him closer for another kiss “Will you sing it to me?” He nodded.
“Lover of mine..”
Tag: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof
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