malarkgirlypop · 2 days
It’s so true, he’s so sad and I feel bad, but the hotness factor really makes it hard to focus. Sir stop distracting me so I can ask if you’re ok, and not if you’re down to fuck.
sometimes depression wears a man well and one of those men is donald malarkey. i don't care what you say. i'm right. there are no other options here. he's a hot depressed man. he's down on his luck. he's grieving. his bones are soaked through with angst. but he looks marginally more fuckable the more depressed he gets and i'm here to make sure everyone knows that.
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malarkgirlypop · 6 days
MEDIC! Part 27 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Oh guys this is a hard read for my first post in a hot second. I have been slow at writing this, cause this is super important and I don't want to have it be bad, or tacky. This is obviously horrible what happened to these people, and sometimes that horrific a of an event is hard to put into words. This is in means no way to offend anyone.
Disclaimer: End part of episode 9, if you are not comfortable with this please don't read.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We again piled into the trucks, we were making good time, but it still felt like years being in the back of the vehicle. Babe had kept my secret from everyone like I had asked, but I caught him sending me looks throughout the night. The sadness still lingering in his eyes from the conversation we had had previously. All I could do was send him small smiles. 
We passed through the green countryside, chatting amongst ourselves. The rolling plains seemed endless, as they stretched out for miles, further than the eye could see. 
The trucks passed through the outskirts of the small rural town, a decrepit barn sat on the side of the road. Even from over the roar of the engines from all of the vehicles driving by, I could still hear the yells of men. I look to the barn curious about the commotion, everyone else also peering over. The barn door swung open as soldiers tossed men onto the ground, I could see from here the men were wearing German uniforms. I couldn’t look away fast enough as the soldier’s standing behind the men raised their guns, shooting them in the back of the head. I turned my eyes away from the scene, not wanting to witness the brutal killings. 
The other men seemed unfazed.
Except for O’Keefe, who looked around to his fellow comrades with shock on his face. They didn’t return the sorrow that etched his features, only shrugging their shoulders, or smiling at the man for looking so distraught by what he had seen. 
His eyes finally landed on mine. I returned the look of sadness and horror, but mine was worn with memories behind it. O’Keefe eyes shone with new fear and sadness, whereas mine was tattered and old. O’Keefe had not yet known the horrors of war, I guess that’s why the men didn’t reciprocate his concern. We all had seen much worse than a few men being shot in the head. 
What an odd statement to make. To realise. 
O’Keefe’s reaction was only natural, but for us it wasn’t out of the ordinary. It was a sad reality to think we were accustomed to the horrors we had seen.    
We finally pulled into the little town. The men quickly departed the trucks, getting orders from the Lieutenants. We weren’t staying the night, just stopping for a break, before continuing on in our journey. 
“I have to go on a patrol through the woods.” Don said as he approached me. I nodded my head, giving him a smile. There wasn’t much for me to do here, we weren’t unpacking, so I hung around the officers in case they needed me for something.   
“Ok, be safe.” I placed a kiss on his cheek. I watched as he walked away joining the rest of the men he was going with. 
“Emily! Guys! Hey, have you seen any of the officers?” Frank yelled from behind us. I turned to face Perconte, his normal playful expression filled with urgency. 
“No.” Babe, Lieb and I all stated. 
“Is everything ok, Frank?” I asked the man, my face changing to concern for my friend. He had been on one of the patrols. Everyone else had come back from theirs except for their group. But Frank was by himself, where were the other men? Even Don had come and gone, saying they hadn’t found anything. Frank didn’t answer me though, sprinting from one soldier to the next, asking the same questions. 
I watched him, my brows furrowed and lip caught between my teeth. Babe and Lieb seemed to have brushed off the odd interaction going back to the conversation they were having. 
“Ain’t that right, Em?” Babe nudged me, but my gaze was still fixed on Frank running around frantically. 
“Em?” Lieb asked, clicking his fingers in front of my face. 
“I think something’s wrong.” I told them, my stomach churning. I felt unsettled, something not sitting right in my gut. 
“He’s probably fine.” Lieb said, lighting his smoke, taking a deep drag from the cigarette. “Don’t look so worried, Emmy.” He tried to reassure me, stroking his hand down my back. But I shook my head. I set off after Frank as he ran into one of the buildings. 
“Em, where are ya going?” Babe called after me. But I didn’t turn to explain. I ran after Frank, gaining on him as I sprinted, dodging my way through the crowd.   
Frank found Winters first. The red haired man walked out of the building they had been temporarily occupying. I hung back not wanting to interrupt them, but I was desperate to know why Perco was so frantic. 
“Major Winters, Sir.” Frank started chasing after the officer who walked briskly towards where I stood. 
“Uhh, we found something.” Perco didn’t seem to know how to phrase his words. The pair passed in front of me, I followed behind them closely, eavesdropping in on their conversation. 
“We’re out on patrol and we came across this…” Frank stopped trying to find the right way to describe what he had seen.
“What, what, what, what?” Major Winters prompted Perco trying to get him to spit out what he wanted to say. 
“Frank, Frank, what is it?” Winters seemed just as concerned as I did. Perco stood in front of Dick, mouth agape, trying to think of how he wanted to explain himself. 
“I don’t know, sir.” He uttered, shaking his head. 
At that moment my stomach dropped. I didn’t know why, but something about how flustered, confused and scared Perco looked set me on edge. 
This war wasn’t pretty, hell no war was. But there were horrific things done, so many lives lost. There were a number of explanations as to what their patrol found, each one just as dreadful as the next.  
Winters saw that too. He loaded a couple groups of men into the back of the trucks, myself included. With Frank in the front car with the rest of the officers, he gave directions back to where the patrol waited.
I sat between Don and Lieb, no one seemed to take Frank’s worries seriously. The men in the bed talked and chatted casually to each other. I sat elbows on my knees and head in my hands, I couldn’t stop my leg from jittering and my stomach churning. 
We drove into the dense forest, following the dirt roads and Frank’s directions. I watched as Perco lifted his arm pointing left, my eyes followed. 
My heart dropped as my eyes landed on the gruesome sight. 
There in the thick of the trees, was a clearing. 
Within the open space was a fence, lined with barbed wire. The tall barrier loomed over a muddy field. In the middle sat wooden huts and a bigger building sitting at the edge. Outside of the fence was a tall watch house. 
I knew from the first glance what this was. 
No, I knew from the smell. 
That was the first thing to hit me. The stench of sweet rotting flesh filled my senses, it felt as if it clung to everything, there was no way to escape it. The men around me screwed up their noses and flinched away from the foul scent, their attention finally captured. 
The chatter had died as soon as the camp came into view. From a glance around the bed I could tell a lot of the men were confused, unsure of what they were looking at. Just like Frank; they were unable to put into words exactly what they were seeing.       
Within the confines of the barrier stood people. Well, they didn’t look exactly like people. I could see, even from a distance, their bodies were unfed and unwashed. 
The trucks stopped, the men slowly disembarking. It was silent, as they all tried to understand what exactly they were looking at. 
I jumped out immediately walking closer to the barrier. There were two fences. A perimeter between the two, enough for people to walk in. A body lay between the two barriers, gaunt and lifeless. 
The men inside the gate all wore the same sets of clothes, blue striped pyjamas. I swallowed the lump in my throat, tears already brimming in my eyes. 
It was one thing to learn about in school, but another to see it in real life. It all but consumed me. 
Everyone else still had no idea what this really was. Eyes all filled with questions and horror. 
Winters slowly approached the gate. The men inside stood waiting. I wonder if they knew if we were good or bad, but they didn’t run. They gathered around looking back at us as we looked in on them. 
There were no women, no children, only men inside. But they didn’t look like it. They all appeared pale and lifeless, only skin and bone, barely moving. 
The men opened the gate as everyone gathered in front of the opening. 
“Major, sir?” Christenson questioned, asking if he should proceed in opening the next gate. The gate that would allow these people to be free of their confines, and allow us to enter their decimated prison. 
“Open it up.” Winters commanded. The men nodded their heads, cutting off the chain that secured the compound closed.   
“Stand back, back it up, back, back.” Christenson commanded the prisoners as he tried to swing open the gate. 
They stepped back revealing smoking huts and even more men, ones who didn’t seem strong enough to approach the barrier. 
I couldn’t hold back my tears as they slipped down my face. I looked from person to person I could see the torture they had endured etched into their features, but I’m sure that was only a second. Only a small glimpse into the years of horror they had to live through. 
How many people did they have to watch die, family, friends, peers. Wondering if they were next or secretly praying that someone would just end their pain.
I wonder how long they were kept in these cages like animals waiting for their slaughter? 
How could people be so cruel to their own kind? 
We moved forward slowly as a group, the prisoners watched us, they looked apprehensive for a moment before they all seemed to realise we were not the enemy. 
They moved forwards, hands reaching out grabbing at the soldiers who walked in. I felt the sleeves of my shirt being tugged glancing to the side to find the men holding tightly onto me. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all I could manage, they didn’t even understand what I was saying but I just wanted them to know how awful I felt. 
A man reached for me embracing me in his arms, I held him back. I could feel under the material of his clothes, his thin frame, I could feel every rib and bone as I hugged him. 
He sobbed into my shoulder whispering in German, I didn’t understand what exactly he was saying but it sounded like he was thanking us. 
“Liebgott, Liebgott!” Winters called from the front of the group. My heart stopped. Lieb, my best friend, my rock. He had no idea his own people were one of the main targets in Hitlers regime.
I watched Lipton move back through the crowd yelling Lieb’s name. Joe and Don stood guard just outside the gate, guns in hand. 
Lipton brought him back through the crowd. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, he glanced over to find my gaze. 
Joe tilted his head, without words he was asking me if I was alright. I weakly nodded my head still wrapping my arms around the German man who wept into my shoulder. 
There was no way I could stop Lieb from finding out, and it would break him. All I could do was be there for my friend. 
Lipton spurred the men into action, instructing the men to give these people rations, blankets, food and water anything we could spare. 
The man holding me stepped back collapsing to the floor, I glanced around looking for water. 
“Water, can I get some water over here!” I yelled, Babe moved quickly holding out a canteen for me to take. 
I unscrewed the lid, pouring water into the man’s mouth. He was exhausted, as if he was holding on to the last of his strength until help came. When he knew he was safe he finally let go. 
I moved from person to person, tending to their ailments. But most of them I couldn't do much for, it wasn’t like they were actively bleeding out like all the other injuries I had become adjusted to. They were sick and starving. 
The only thing I could do was offer food and water. But each time I lifted my head the numbers grew, the more that gathered, the more ill they looked.  
A man approached me holding another in his arms. The man in his arms looked so weak, nothing to him but skin and bone, so pale he was almost translucent. 
The prisoner holding the man spoke quickly in German, his eyes pleading with me to help. I held out my arms as he passed over the very ill man. 
I let out a gasp as he was placed in my arms, he weighed almost nothing, I could feel every piece of him under my fingertips. 
I knelt to the ground holding the German man in my lap, trying to figure out what I could do to help him.  
“How can I help you?” I muttered under my breath. 
“Sing bitte für mich.” The man that lay in my arms said. I tilted my head listening to his whispered words. 
“Lieb!” I called, he rushed over kneeling next to me. 
“Sing bitte für mich.” The man repeated himself. 
“He wants you to sing for him.” Lieb said softly. I nodded at the man, if that's what he wanted I would do anything. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey.” I sang quietly to the dying man, the song my mother used to sing as a lullaby to me. 
“You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.” The man reached his hand up cupping my face as I sang for him. A tear slipped down my cheek. Lieb sat close and watched us. His own eyes glistened. 
“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms.” The man smiled at me, more tears falling down my cheeks as I held him in my arms. 
“When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and cried.” The man brushed away my tears, as his hand fell back down to his side. His breathing faded. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” A sob left me as the man stared up at the sky. 
I let go of his hand, resting it by his side. I moved from underneath him, lying him gently on the floor. 
Joe encased me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest. He pulled away, I looked up to find Don standing over us. He opened his arms for me, I stood from my position on the floor and moved into his embrace. His hand ran down my back as I cried. 
We pulled apart, Lieb had gone and gotten a blanket. He gave it to me to lay over the man. I bent down, closing his eyes to make him at peace and gently placed the blanket over his body. 
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered as I stood again. I wiped my tears away.  
Lieb was called away to translate, as Don and I moved around the camp, trying our best to help the men who came to us. 
We stuck close to each other not wanting to stray from the other’s side. 
I kept glancing over my shoulder to find Lieb with the officers and one of the German men. He was translating for them. I was just waiting for the bomb to be dropped, the truth to be revealed. 
“Everything ok?” Don asked, I shook my head. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, coming closer. 
“Don, this camp. These aren’t prisoners of war.” I started, unsure of how I was going to explain this to him. His brows furrowed as he listened. 
“These people are innocent. They were dragged from their homes, away from their families. The only thing they have in common is that they are different.” There were so many groups here, but anyone who was ‘imperfect’ or ‘different’ was casted out. 
“What do you mean?” Don couldn’t understand that these people did nothing wrong. I’m sure his mind went to why would they lock these people up if they were innocent?
“Jews, Poles, Roma, musicians, people with disabilities, people of colour, this is who they have captured. And this isn’t the only one! There are thousands of these camps, some far worse than this. Don, Hilter wants a superior race, anyone who doesn’t fit that bill he’s exterminating.” Don couldn’t stop the horror in his eyes as he realised my words. 
“You’re saying there are more of these camps? That more people are in this condition?” Don asked, his eyes flicking around our surroundings imaging more of these exact situations. 
“They split up the families, women and children together and then the men together. These camps cover all of Germany and some other countries as well.” I explained the best I could to Don, who didn’t look like he was able to wrap his head around the information spilling from my lips. 
“Wait, how do you know this?” He asked his brows furrowed together as he glanced over at me. 
I bit my tongue, this wasn’t the time to expose my true self, all of this was too much in itself. 
“The nurses have been talking about it, I didn’t quite believe it till now.” I lied through my teeth, but Don didn’t notice, he was too wrapped up in the scene playing before us. 
“What are we going to do?” He asked, his sweet eyes full of sorrow as he looked over each person that walked in front of us.  
“I don’t know?” I answered honestly, as I stared off into the distance.   
I again glanced over to Lieb who was translating for the officers. Each man with their own look of horror and shock on their face. I bit my lip, waiting and watching. 
“Juden, Juden.” The prisoner they were talking to repeated. I didn’t need to be translated, I could see it clearly on Joe’s face what the man had said. 
“They’re Jews.” Lieb uttered, in his own disbelief and rage. Lieb was a loyal man. This camp, this attack, was on his own people, his family. 
“Lieb knows.” I told Don who was giving water to a man. I wanted to run over and hug him, but he was keeping his composure, still translating for the officers. So I turned my back and helped the men who gathered before me.  
The further we walked into the camp the more awful it became. The huts the men were living in were burned down to the foundations, burnt skeletons still resided in the ash and rubble. 
“Jesus Christ!” Don muttered covering his face with a piece of fabric, the smell was so strong it almost made it unbearable to breathe. 
“Look at their arms.” Don pointed out two men who lay still in the ruins. Numbers etched into the flesh on their wrists. 
“Like cattle.” Babe shook his head. We walked in silence through it all.  
We helped as much as we could, going into the huts and bringing people out. Each time I stepped inside, my heart clenched and cracked, it was tearing me up. 
The tears had stopped long ago, there was nothing more left to cry. I just needed to help, I think at some point I switched off, just to maintain some sanity, because before I knew it we were back in the beds of the trucks.
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malarkgirlypop · 17 days
Hey Band of Brothers fandom, take this *throws this at you*
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(Found from pinterest)
it's all us
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malarkgirlypop · 20 days
Chapter 2:
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie (Donald Malarkey x FemOC)
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Hello strangers. Well I have not posted in freaking ages, I'm so sorry. Been a busy bee! This is the second chapter of the cowboy series, hope ya'll enjoy. I am going to restart my taglist since I haven't posted in a long time. So please let me know if you want to be on it. Enjoy!
“Please! Don’t shoot.” The young woman repeated, stepping out from behind the tree she was hiding behind. Her arms raised over her head to show she meant no harm.
Don peered at her with a shocked look on his face. His eyes dragged down her body. His brows furrowing, she wore jeans and sneakers, a thin t-shirt, her shoulders covered by a cropped cardigan. Her clothes were dirty and torn, the young woman’s face marred with mud. Blood mixed in with the grime that caked her skin.
The young frightened woman’s teeth chattered together loudly, clearly from the cold, since her clothes didn’t protect her from the harsh elements. Scout, after seeing the woman step out from her hiding spot had stopped barking, looked at her curiously. 
“Please, can you lower the gun.” She uttered quietly. Don snapped back into reality, realising that he still had the gun pointed at her head. He cleared his throat, lowering the gun and flicking on the safety. This woman was no threat to him, and even if she was, she didn’t look in any state to fight. Don could easily tell the signs of exhaustion pulling at the woman’s frame, her face looked gaunt, the bags under her eyes a dark shade of purple. How long had she been out here?
“Who are you?” Don asked, asserting his gruffer voice. He needed to show her he didn’t have time to fuck around.     
“Eleanor Turner.” She said, finally lowering her arms. She wrapped them around her to try and keep her warm. 
“What are you doing out here, Eleanor?” Don asked. So many more questions flooded in his brain, but he didn’t want to overwhelm the already shaken woman in front of him. She looked as if she could collapse right now, her legs trembled slightly, as if unable to hold her own weight.
“I was on a hike, I got lost from my group.” She explained, but Don didn’t buy it. She had no gear with her, let alone appropriate clothing for the mountain terrain and weather. Plus there were no walking trails anywhere near here, all of the land that surrounded the ranch was private property. If she really did get lost on the hiking trail, she would’ve had to be out here for days nearly a week. Don knew the woods, and even with all his experience, staying out here without the correct gear and clothes, you would be dead in a few days. 
“Don’t lie to me.” Don snapped, the woman instinctively taking a step back from his harsh tone. 
“I’m not lying.” There was nothing else she could say to convince him. Eleanor wasn’t really in the right state to try and persuade the man perched on the horse. Tears pricked in her eyes, she had been out here for two days, unsure of how she was still alive. The relief she felt hearing dogs barking the voice of someone close by. She was sure only minutes earlier this was her demise, she was about to die in the middle of the woods with no one knowing her whereabouts. 
“Can you please help me?” Eleanor begged, tears trickling down her cheeks. The man’s expression softened slightly. As if he had finally realised she was in fact a human, who was in desperate need of help, not to be interrogated. 
“Yes, of course.” Don said, slinging his leg off the horse, landing on the ground. He rummaged around in the saddle bag, pulling a thick coat he kept for emergencies out. Don made his way over to Eleanor, who was shaking furiously from the cold. He handed her the coat, she took it gratefully. Eleanor quickly moved, slipping her arms into the sleeves, pulling it around her. She grabbed the zip from the front, her hands trembling so much she couldn’t get the tab into the correct hole. Warm hands slid over hers, she looked up wide eyed as Don stood in front of her. He took the front of the coat from her, quickly zipping up the front.
Don stepped back, now being closer to the woman he took her in. Her blue eyes were bloodshot and misty from the tears that now stained her cheeks. Her light brown hair was unkempt and tousled, tied loosely in a low bun. She was pretty despite all the dirt and scratches that covered her face. Eleanor couldn’t stand much longer, her weak legs slowly buckling underneath her. She reached out as she stumbled forward grabbing on Don’s forearm for support. 
“Shit.” Mumbled Don taking her into his arms. He needed to move faster than he had been. Her arrival had taken him by such surprise he hadn’t acted accordingly. He should’ve clothed her faster, gotten her on Lady before she had collapsed. Don needed to get moving, the dark now setting in, this wasn’t his plan. This woman had thrown him by her unexpected arrival. 
“Scout, Tiller cast!” He called to the dogs, getting them moving again. They rounded the cows in no time, seemingly understanding the urgency in Don’s voice. 
“Lady!” He called to the horse, who walked over to them. Eleanor was barely conscious, weakly standing in his arms. Her head lent against his chest, she was fighting so hard to stay awake. But everything was crashing down on her, hunger, dehydration, the cold it was all too much.
“Hey, Eleanor, hey!” Don patted her gently on the face to rouse her. Her eyes fluttered open, using what little of her strength she had to look up at him.
“Can you get on Lady?” Don asked. Eleanor nodded weakly, turning to face the horse. She shifted her weight from Don to Lady. Gripping on tightly to the saddle as she leant against the horse for support. Don squatted down hoisting the tired woman onto Lady. Eleanor was barely able to swing her leg over. She lay with her limbs dangling down either side of the horse, her face pressed into Lady’s mane. Don got up quickly, sliding into the saddle behind her.
“Come on now.” He grunted as he lifted her up into a sitting position. Eleanor’s head flopped forward, she felt so weak, not even being able to keep her head upright. Don leant her back so her back was pressed into his chest, he grabbed the reins with one hand and circled the other around her torso. 
“Lady, let’s go.” Don called, the dogs had rounded up all the cattle. “Let’s move!” He called the dogs who knew what to do, as they started herding the cattle back down the mountain again. 
They arrived at the field in no time. Don had moved them all as quickly as he could, finally sighing with relief seeing all of the herd in the fenced lot. However Eleanor wasn’t doing great. 
She was in and out of consciousness throughout the ride, Don had tried to multi-task feeding her water and moving the animals at the same time. But she wasn’t able to stay awake long enough to swallow. Don had clutched her to his chest trying to keep her from falling off the horse.
“Eleanor, can you open your eyes for me?” Don pleaded with the girl, who’s head lent back against his shoulder so he could look down at her. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, but it was no use, she had no energy left. Her body was cold, her breathing was ragged and slow, Don needed to act quickly or he would be bringing home a dead body rather than a girl. 
Don leaned her back so that he could swing off the horse without her falling off with him. After landing on his feet he was quick to pluck Eleanor off Lady, he settled her down on the ground gently. He moved as fast as he could, pulling his sleeping bag from the saddle packs. Don unzipped the bag lying it flat on the ground before moving Eleanor onto the material and zipping it up around her. He needed to keep her as warm as possible as he set up the tent and a fire. 
Don pulled everything else he needed from the packs on Lady who grazed on the lush grass in the field. The herd seemed settled as well, chewing their cud. The dogs moved closer to the unconscious woman, Scout nudging her with her snout and whining quietly. 
“She’ll be alright girl, don’t worry.” Don said over his shoulder to the dog. Scout lay down beside the woman resting her head on Eleanor’s chest, as Tiller lay at her feet. The dogs could tell she wasn’t doing well, trying their best to comfort her. 
Don pitched the tent in no time, dragging Eleanor in the sleeping bag into the shelter. He just needed to start the fire and then he could try to get her awake again. The dogs stayed close, following behind Don as he set Eleanor up in the tent. They took their positions again beside her as he left. 
“Watch her Scout. Tiller come with me.” Don requested the dog’s. Scout nuzzled closer to Eleanor, as Tiller stood following after the rushing man. 
He left the field heading back out into the woods, he needed tinder and wood to keep the fire alive. It wasn’t only about the warmth, but the protection it provided. The predators wouldn’t approach the fire. This would serve as protection to them all throughout the night. So Don needed enough fuel to keep it going for the whole night. 
Don lit the way with a bright torch, keeping his other hand tightly clutched around the small hatchet he had brought with him.   
Don hacked away at the dead log that lay on the forest floor, wiping the sweat from his brow. If he could drag this hunk of wood back he could chop it into smaller pieces for firewood, he had also gathered handfuls of tinder to help start the fire. 
“Got it!” He said triumphantly as he finally had made it through the thick trunk. He heaved the wood onto his shoulder, heading back to camp.
Don worked quickly, thankfully the fire lit easily and the wood he had brought would last them till the morning. Now he could finally turn his attention to Eleanor. 
He crawled into the small tent, really only meant for one person. Don sat next to Eleanor, nothing much had changed but Scout seemed to be more anxious, even growling slightly as Don reached towards Eleanor. 
“Scout! I’m going to help her!” Don scolded the dog, who quickly hid her teeth again letting Don proceed. 
“Eleanor.” Don called to her but she didn’t rouse to his voice. He shook her gently to no avail. Don bit his lip knowing his next move, he pinched the top of her shoulder putting pressure on the muscle between his fingers. Eleanor gasped in pain shifting away from him, her eyes finally opened. 
“Good, you're awake.” Don said, turning around to grab the water and food he had brought into the tent with him. 
“Where am I?” Eleanor glanced around not recognising her surroundings. Feeling less exhausted than before but her body still ached tremendously. Her head pounded and stomach growled loudly for food. She could easily fall back to sleep and stay that way for days but she fought to stay awake, the need for food and water outdid her need to rest.    
“You’re in a tent, but we are still in the forest. We'll head back to the ranch tomorrow.” Don said, passing her water to drink. She smiled quickly before sipping on the fluids. Eleanor didn’t realise how thirsty she was, the liquid on her tongue quenching her thirst. She began quickly sculling the drink. 
“Woah, hold on there.” Don lowered the canteen from her lips, her brows pulled together. “Not too fast, you will get sick.” He clarified his actions. She nodded sheepishly, resuming her sipping. 
“What’s her name?” Eleanor asked, as she stroked Scout’s head that still lay on her stomach. Scout seemed pleased with the attention snuggling in closer. 
“That’s Scout, and that’s Tiller.” Don motioned to the dog who laid down closer to the exit of the tent, sticking his head out every now and then to check on the animals outside. 
“And you are?” She asked, her head tilted slightly. Don’s brows knitted together, in all the commotion of the events he hadn’t even introduced himself to her.    
“Oh, I’m Donald Malarkey.” He offered his hand out for her to shake, Eleanor reached out taking his hand in hers. Don noted her hands were smaller than his, softer too. His hands were tough from all the labour they did, but Eleanor’s hands were smooth, apart from the section on the bottom of her palm. The skin had been raised, he could feel it under his fingers. Don absentmindedly turned her hand over in his, inspecting where he felt the abraded skin. Eleanor’s skin on her palm was red and raised, clearly scraped. 
“I fell.” Eleanor commented, letting the stranger investigate her wounds. His hands were warm and strong, but his grip was soft. Eleanor weirdly felt at ease with the man she had only just met. Normally she had her guard up around men, from her previous experiences with them she knew that they weren’t to be trusted. All they did was hurt her, so she kept a wide berth from them. Clearly she had forgotten her own rules, which led her to this mess.
“Did you hurt yourself anywhere else?” Don asked, his eyes glancing over her figure. His voice pulled her from her thoughts. Eleanor shook her head, regretting the action immediately as the room began to spin. She took deep breaths trying to stop the black edges creeping into her vision. 
“I’m dizzy.” She was barely able to whisper out, her lids felt heavy as her stomach churned. 
“Eleanor you’re ok, stay with me!” Don could see the young lady's eyes rolling back into her head as her limbs became lifeless. He cradled her head before it fell back onto the hard ground, lowering it gently onto the makeshift pillow. Scout whined, pawing at the unconscious girl. 
“She’s out again, Scout.” He mumbled to the dog, patting her gently between her ears. 
Don stayed with Eleanor for a moment, checking that the young woman was still breathing, before climbing out of the tent to tend to the fire. 
Don untacked Lady, letting her graze alongside the rest of the herd. He placed the saddle and bags by the front of the tent under the awning that popped out, giving it some shelter from the elements. He pulled the spare sleeping bag out from the bag unfurling it, before climbing back into the tent. 
Eleanor lay peacefully, her breathing even. Don reached inside of her bag, making sure she was warm enough. Scout scooted in closer to the young woman, keeping herself and Eleanor warm. 
Don slid inside of his own sleeping bag, squeezing into the small space. Least he knew they would be warm enough for the night, with the fire roaring outside and the four bodies inside of the tent, they would be plenty warm. Tiller lay on Don’s feet, his head still facing towards the flap of the tent, he wouldn’t sleep tonight, just rest. Tiller was a good dog, he would notify Don if anything became a miss.
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
the quotes of all quotes, these boys all just spitting bars ngl
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band of brothers; iconic lines
02; day of days
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
yes i did this, hope you guys like it lol
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
the last one fucking gagged me AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHA
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joe toye (and one honorable luztoye mention) text posts for @ewipandora <3
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
fucking Don in that stupid stance gets me every time
hello band of brothers nation
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i deadass have no clue how tumblr works 😭
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
shhhh stop exposing me
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
I feel like Dick is 100% airport Dad and will arrive 4+ hours before the flight for no reason, also if he is with the rest of Easy they have a bet on how many times he asks everyone if they have their passports, stresses to the max ahahahaha
BoB guys and who behaves the best to worst at airports:
Web- grew up rich, knows how to travel; has pre-check
Lip- meticulous packer, does everything to minimize pre-flight stress
Dick- Acts like the airport is the most important mission of his life and he WILL be successful
Babe- doesnt want to make the tsa person mad so he learned to be quick
Grant- a sweetheart, will do anything he is told by the people that work there
Toye- a bit grumpy an fussed during an airport gaunt but ultimately can grit his teeth and get through it
Guarnere- is a little rude to the tsa agent but can get through it
Gene- god take a fucking valium and calm down. If you don't unclench they WILL think you have a bomb up your ass
Speirs- Without fail packs some type of weapon and without fail is asked to step out of line to go answer some questions
Luz- too many bags, too many security line trays. Either pack lighter or get pre-check
Nix- consistently gets blackout drunk at the wolfgang puck express and misses about 70% of his flights
Lieb, Tab- no fly list ass mfs
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
agreed but also ladies in their 20s heheheh
i say this with all sincerity: band of brothers is a show for teenage girls
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
10/10 accurate
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
ahhhhhhh this is so pretty!!
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It is a garden of Eden. The jungle holds both beauty and terror in its depths, most terrible of which is man. We have met the enemy and have learned nothing more about him. I have, however, learned some things about myself.
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
ahhhhhhh this is amazing
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what the hell rhymes with guadalcanal?
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
the Webster action shot will never not make me giggle
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speirs just standing there while everyone ducks for cover during an explosion is the funniest shit in cinematic history (ronald speirs ur my hero)
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
Ahh thank you! Of course I can add you to the tag list x
Lemonade Chapter 2 (Eugene Sledge x Fem!OC)
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I forgot about this story TBH, I got stuck, I think I need to re-watch the pacific again to get my brain going again. Also the other chapter I posted didn't get much interaction so I thought I would put it on hold cause I didn't think anyone would notice ahaha.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @xxluckystrike, @panzershrike-pretz (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged in this, let me know if you want off.)
“Something sweet?” I asked, holding out another cup. The men who passed us looked terrible. Gaunt, dirty and detached. The other nurses around me spoke to the men, welcoming them back from their mission. Most of them men smiled back, some even flirted. I tried my best not to cringe at their emaciated bodies, or injuries. My heart hurt, I had no clue what these men had seen but judging from their faces they would never forget. Our bright white uniforms looked pristine to the grime covered marines, we seemed out of place. Sticking out like sore thumbs. But the General decided it would be a good pick-me-up for the soldiers returning from their awful battles. 
“Hi, welcome back.” I said warmly to the marine who had stopped in front of me, handing him a drink. The man stood still, not moving to take the cup from my hand. I smiled trying to think of what else to say, “It’s good to see you.” Still the man stood staring directly into my eyes, glaring. My smile dropped, as I gulped. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. The marine who had been in charge of the stand told the man to move on, even then he didn’t flinch. 
“Why are you here?” He requested. The other nurses around me had stilled. We had been told to be weary, that the men that we knew before they were shipped away were not the same. Some had become more violent, easily provoked. Like they were wild bulls and we had to be careful not to spook them. They were unpredictable.   
“I’m here to serve my country.” I replied to the man, “Same as you.” His intense stare pinned me to the ground. He scoffed, taking the cup from my hand and tipping it back, then throwing it to the floor. He marched away not looking back. I let the breath I had been holding out, Ellie nudging me to get back to work. I plastered another bright smile to my face and continued to hand out drinks to the men. But for the rest of the day the man's eyes were burned into the back of my mind.
“That guy was scary.” Mary said to me as we packed up the stand we had been serving the drinks at. 
“Mary, don't say that! You don’t know what he has been through.” I scolded her, feeling bad that in the moment I was also scared. 
“Girl’s stop chit-chatting and let's go, we have things we need to do.” Ellie said as she folded the table cloth we were using. I picked up the table, folding the legs back underneath to make it easier for me to carry. 
“Hazel that table goes in the far storage tent, once you are done come meet us in the mess for dinner.” Ellie said as the rest of the nurses gathered the equipment we were using to take it back to the kitchen. I gave a sharp nod heading in the opposite direction to everyone else. I made my way through the camp, saying polite hellos to the men I passed. Some of them offered to help me carry the table to which I refused, “No it’s ok I got it.” I smiled at the marine who looked concerned, “Are you sure, isn’t that heavy?” He asked, looking at the table I held to my side. 
“Really it’s fine!” I said moving forward, the table was getting more heavy the amount of times I had to stop, they were making my trip take longer. I moved faster through the camp, stopping a couple of times to readjust my grip. Finally making it to the storage tent, I placed the table down where there was space, not caring much if that was its actual position. I shook out my tired arms. Wiggling my fingers to get the blood moving again. I wiped my brow with the back of my arm, “God it’s hot.” I muttered, fanning myself with my hands. I don’t think I have been this hot in my life, the weather here is so humid it’s like walking into a sauna. It almost feels like you’re being suffocated by the heat, it’s so thick. I finally convinced myself to walk back into the hot sun. I make my way to the mess. I can see now why all of the men barely wear any clothes. All of their uniform sleeves have been torn off to be short, some of the men walk around without any tops on. I wish I could do that, these dresses that they have us in are tight and thick. They are also white which is so impractical when we are dealing with all bodily fluids and they want us to keep them clean. Plus the amount I am sweating and the dirt and grime on my skin from having minimal access to showers really doesn’t help. I arrive at the mess to sit down with the girls before we have to move on to help in the infirmary. I push around the food on my plate, the heat for some reason doesn’t make me hungry and the thought of having a full stomach in this swelter makes me feel uncomfortable. 
“What? Are you not hungry?” Mary asks from beside me as she loads her fork with food. I shake my head pushing my tray towards her. She shakes her head.
“No, I'm about full myself.” She says also pushing her plate away. We sit and chat waiting for the rest of the girls to be done. We have to eat early so that the marines can come in and have dinner altogether and while they are doing that we help out in the infirmary.
I walk down the sandy path to the tent that has the injured and sick men. Mary walks beside me rubbing her stomach with a pained expression on her face. 
“Are you alright?” I ask her. Peering over at her, she looks pale and sweaty. 
“No, I think I ate too much.” She groans, looking ill. I pull her to the side of the path and let the nurses who follow behind us pass. I rest the back of my hand on her forehead, she’s sticky and hot. She’s a lot warmer than me though as I test my forehead heat against hers. A sheen of sweat covers her face, her appearance is pallor. 
“Girls hurry up!” Ellie calls from ahead of us. 
“Do you want me to take you back to your tent?” I queried as Mary took a deep breath shaking her head. “Are you sure? You don’t look well?” I asked again to be certain. 
“I’ll be fine, I just need to get out of this heat.” Mary replied weakly. I took her arm and dragged her along to catch up with the group. We stopped outside the tent, as Ellie went inside to speak to the doctor. 
“They are ready for us, Dr. Alpin will tell you what he needs you to do.” We followed Ellie inside the tent after she had given us the brief. The pungent smell of infection filled the warm air inside the tent. I did my best to breathe through my mouth, trying not to inhale through my nose so the smell wasn’t as strong. I heard Mary retch beside me. Ellie was quick to turn around at the noise. Mary had tried to straighten herself, but she couldn’t hold her gagging. 
“Hazel sort her out, we don’t need her puking on the men.” Ellie scolded, flicking her hand in our direction to shoo us away. I took Mary by her elbow leading her out of the tent. Only making it a couple of steps before she was hunched over and puking onto the ground. I rubbed small circles on her back as she got the remaining food out of her stomach. We made it back to the tent as I let her rest on the cot, I gave her water, and a wet towel to place on her head. 
“You rest up, drink water. I’ll be back soon.” I promised her and she weakly shook her head, her eyes still closed. I dipped out of the tent and went back to the infirmary. 
“Hazel how is she?” Ellie asked as I stood beside her. 
“She’s fine I gave her water, I’m sure she just needs to be out of the heat. She may have heat exhaustion. I will keep an eye on her tonight.” I reported back to the more senior nurse who gave a curt nod at my explanation. 
I was given the task of wound cleaning. I went around to the men who had big open skin lesions. They looked miserable as I washed their wounds with water and covered them the best I could with the little supplies I was given. I did my best at small talk while still focussing on the task at hand. It’s hard work but I like it, getting to help people is my calling apparently.  
After a long evening the girls meander back to their tents ready to get some rest after the big day. I check on Mary who snores softly in her cot, I rewet the cloth and place it back on her forehead. I slump down on my own bed, my heavy lids struggling to stay open. 
My eyes flutter open to the sound of chatter and movement. I yawn and stretch out my limbs. Getting into my uniform for the day. I nudge Mary awake. 
“How do you feel?” I ask her as she sits up looking dazed. 
“I had the weirdest dream, but other than that I feel better.” She smiles getting up and pulling on her clothes. I take my toothbrush outside to clean my teeth outside the tent. I sit on a fallen tree and brush my teeth, Mary joins me. 
“Hazel!” I heard being yelled across the camp. I look around to see who called my name. Ellie strides into view. I groan internally, I like Ellie. She is fair, but she likes me too. That means when she needs a job done she comes to me, she trusts I can get it done. 
“Yes?” I ask shielding my eyes from the bright sun to see her. 
“Can you grab the table again from the storage tent?” Ellie requested. I nodded my head standing from my position to put my toothbrush away before doing the task. 
I head down to the tent making my way quickly. I look down at the floor to ensure I don’t trip and also so I don’t get stopped to talk to by the passing marines. 
“Nurse! Nurse!” I hear being yelled, I lift my head to where the voice came from. A young man stands outside of his tent. He beckons me over with his hand. 
“Yes?” I say to the man. He is taller than me, dark thick curly hair and wide blue eyes. He grins at me as I approach. 
“Can you help me?” He asks in a thick southern accent. I look into the tent behind. I see the figure of another man inside. He moves inside the tent before I can answer him, he holds the flap open for me to follow. 
“I’m not supposed to go inside your tent, Sir.” I admitted. He only grins wider. 
“Oh we don’t bite, Miss.” He teases. I sigh, following him into the tent. I can make this quick, then no one will need to know. I can get the table and arrive back like nothing happened. 
“Now tell me, what is your name?” He inquires. I give him a confused look, wasn’t this an urgent request or did he only do this to bring me into the tent. I stiffen my stance. 
“Hazel Evans, Sir.” I replied politely. He chuckles at me. I shift wearily under his gaze. 
“I’m Snafu, but enough with the pleasantries. I need your help.” He changes the conversation, becoming more serious. 
“How can I help you?” I ask, scanning his body he has no apparent injuries or wounds. 
“Do my eyes look yellow?” He asks moving closer, widening his eyes for me to see. He leans forward, his breath tickling my face. I stare into his large eyes, his sclera appearing normal in colour. I raise my hand pulling down his lower lid to see the interior. The skin appears pink with healthy blood vessels. 
“They look fine Snafu, nothing to be worried about.” I smile at the man reassuringly patting him on his shoulder. 
“I told him that!” A voice comes from behind me, I turn to look at who spoke. My eyes go wide when they land on the tall man. His brown eyes locked onto mine, just like they did at the lemonade stand. I instinctively take a step back stunned. Snafu’s hands rest on my shoulders from behind me. He chuckles lowly hovering by my head. 
“Did Sledge frighten you?” He asks, looking from me to Sledge. I sober myself, shaking my head. I step out of Snafu’s space, my heart rate still beating fast. A tightness grows in my chest as Sledge continues to stare at me with the same angry eyes. His jaw tight, posture ridgid. I slip back on a smile. 
“No, I just didn’t hear him behind me.” I lie. “Hi, my name is Hazel.” I say extending my hand to Sledge. He glances down at my hand and then back up to me. 
“I heard.” He says shortly, not taking my extended hand. I clear my throat dropping my arm back to my side. I give a sheepish grin as my stomach knots. I need to find an excuse to leave. This Sledge guy doesn’t seem to like me very much. If looks could kill, I would've been dead yesterday and today. I gulp, finding it hard to tear my eyes away from him. My eyes scan over his face taking him in. His soft white skin now marred with dirt and cuts, his angled jaw set with anger, his brows knitted together as he stares back at me. I wonder what he sees? I don’t have any makeup on, my thick brown hair is pulled back off my face into a neat bun as the nurses cap I wear is pinned to my head. My white uniform stands out against their dirty pants and topless torsos. I break eye contact first, turning to speak to Snafu who still stands behind me. 
“I have to go, but if you need anything you can always go to the medical tent.” I smile making my way for the exit. 
“Why would I go to the medical tent, when I know you Hazel.” He gives me a cheeky smile, as I give him a laugh, “I’ll come find you.” He winks at me. I turn to leave my eyes catching Sledge’s again, he still stares at me with caution.
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malarkgirlypop · 1 month
Thank you for the tag @blueberry-ovaries @executethyself35 @b00ks1ut
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@wexhappyxfew @onlyyouexisthere @paula-912 @shiftyskip @david-sharkthot-webster @danny-boy27 @goneandbackagain @heystovepipeboys @jump-wings @joetoyesbrassknuckles101 @liptonsbabe @xxluckystrike @contrabandhothead @venus-haze @batmanschmatman @next-autopsy @mutantmanifesto
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