#the 3 types of carnivorous plants
merakiui · 2 months
Surreal horror has always been one of my favorite types of horror because of the unsettling atmosphere and the reality-bending and you wrote it so well! You did amazing when you wrote the dream sequences in DRU, and now to actually read a whole dang fic with the theme?? With Trey of all people???? OTZ OTZ OTZ You've unlocked so many new possibilities with his Doodle Suit, truly the Gaslighting King of all time 👑👑👑
AND THE SYMBOLISM!!!!! please please please please ramble about them if you want-- I'm having so much fun rereading this fic again and again. The Violet Butterwort caught my attention cause isn't that a carnivorous plant? 👀👀 Trapping insects in its leaves like a certain grass-haired man??? 👀👀👀
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Trey is not the only chef around cause you definitely COOKED with this one 🔥🔥✨✨
I'm so happy it tickled your brain! I adore surreal horror in film and writing. There's just so much potential for the craziest of things to happen! Dream sequences or sequences that feel like dreams are some of my favorite things to write. The ones in DRU are also just as surreal. <3 I originally wanted to write this concept with Jade (Kalim was second on my list), but I decided upon Trey in the end because I think he suits the surreal horror vibes so well! Doodle Suit + the power of seamless gaslighting........ what a terrifying combination.
I wanted the story to feel obscure and almost like a trip with the imagery and descriptions. Sort of like the vibes in Alice in Wonderland. Just,,,,, utterly bonkers.
👀 you are very right about the butterwort hehehe!!! As for other symbolisms/details, these are the main ones in the story! I left out some of the symbolisms of various lines or words because that would make for such a long analysis of my own work. ^^;;;
It is under the cut due to length (forgive me)! A warning for mentions of sexual assault and drugging!
✧ the binary can be translated into messages. :)
✧ the feeling of itchiness - feeling as if you don't fit in your body after it's been violated. Feeling like something (trauma/blocked memories) is beneath your skin and you can't get it out no matter what you do. Also, itchy as in discomfort.
✧ grass - this is meant to be Trey. It's how Reader views him throughout the story.
✧ violet butterwort - as you noted, it's a carnivorous plant that traps insects! It's also a symbol of resilience and a common charm used to ward off supernatural evils.
✧ birthday cake with 20 candles - the plot is that Reader and Trey are/were in a relationship and on Reader's twentieth birthday Trey drugged their tea (chamomile) and had his way with them when they were half-conscious. Thus, Reader was never able to indulge in their birthday cake because Trey took it all. Cake can also be a metaphor for Reader's body.
✧ the line "it will take twenty more..." is in reference to the healing process and how it's going to take Reader time to heal from everything.
✧ xylophone chimes/broken glass - the juxtaposition of something sweet-sounding with something jarring.
✧ the white rabbit - a sense of innocence/comfort lost.
✧ "Soups are easy to eat. Easy to slip special sentiments in." - a reference to drugging.
✧ "Soup is what becomes of your brain when your body is too itchy." - disassociation during something traumatic (in this case, sexual assault).
✧ the hedge maze that never has a true exit - the feeling of being lost and trapped and never having a real escape.
✧ the grass bow around the white rabbit's neck - the obsessive and unhealthy hold Trey has on Reader. How he can't let them go.
✧ static - lots of noise and amidst the noise there's Trey, whose own voice is sometimes static and other times soothing enough to cut through the static.
✧ the sequence of "it's here and then there and then here again..." - an allusion to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland when he's giving Alice directions, but they're all over the place.
✧ every time the grass whispers or speaks - things Trey told Reader when he assaulted them.
✧ "In and out. Out and in. In and out. Out. Out. Out. Incessant itchiness. Get it out." - double meaning for breathing but also the act of sex (thrusting).
✧ the questioning of "that didn't just happen, did it?" - how Reader feels in the aftermath. But also just a general question in response to gaslighting. A consistent questioning of one's reality.
✧ Reader's association of the word "gross" with cake (especially birthday/confetti cake) - it ties into the above and also the part in the story about favorite foods and memories.
✧ teeth falling out - usually, in dream interpretation, this symbolizes a recent loss or mourning of something lost.
✧ hyperdontia - the horror of having a mouth and a voice but never being able to use it because it's so clogged with teeth, so no one will ever listen to or hear the things Reader desperately wants and needs to say.
✧ Frozen Charlotte dolls - Victorian era dolls that could float in the bath. They were also baked into cakes. They're called Frozen Charlottes based on a folk ballad called "Fair Charlotte," which tells the tale of a young girl (Charlotte) on her way to a ball with her lover (Charlie). It's dreadfully cold out, but she frets over the fact that wearing a coat will prevent everyone from seeing her pretty dress. She freezes to death on her way to the ball and arrives in her carriage as a frozen corpse. I think these dolls are fascinating and so cute, so I just wanted to compare teeth to Frozen Charlottes. The description of having a dozen tiny dolls stuck in your throat made for unpleasant imagery, so I wanted to write it!
✧ "A black rabbit blinks up at you with its milky-white eyes. Its nose twitches. Once. Twice. Thrice. A loud gust slithers through the field in which you currently observe, surrounded by decaying greenery and wilted wildflowers. They sprawl endlessly, clawing at the horizon beyond with broken fingers. You watch monochrome tones sway, dried petals flaking off like scabs against a battered, bloodless sky." - this is the same paragraph as seen in the beginning, only certain details have been changed. It's a hint at some sort of cycle that Reader's just only beginning to see. Idyllic beauty is no longer so blinding now that Reader sees what they didn't notice before.
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soylent-crocodile · 10 months
Gourmand (Alchemist Archetype)
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(art by Htg17 on deviantart)
(If you know me this class is... not entirely surprising, but it sure is different! The idea of a class that temporarily steals abilities from monsters is a tricky one to balance, and I haven't got very far in my playtesting for this, so... handle with care!)
There are many reasons for adventuring; wealth, glory, or even just escaping your awful hometown. Among the oddest, though, is the motivation of the gourmand; the desire to taste. There are thousands of monsters out there, from carnivorous plants to magical animals to even the mighty dragon, and the gourmand’s desire is to taste them all- and gain a temporary modicum of their power!
Note that the gourmand has no restriction on the consumption of humanoids and other sentient creatures- but also note that such acts are almost universally frowned upon or even illegal in all but the most brutal and violent societies.
Rather than brew mutagens, a gourmand crafts perfectly made delicacies. These delicacies are specifically made for her palate, as well as for her unusual constitution gained by years of exotic meals; a creature other than the gourmand who eats it simply finds it a delicious meal and gains no additional effects. Creating a delicacy requires an hour of time, as well as at least a half pound of organic materials. These materials can be as simple as plant matter harvested from the area or farm raised meat, but gaining access to rarer meats provides additional effects. This matter, however, must have been part of a living creature within the last week; beyond that, it has lost its freshness, despite any magical or mundane preservation effects it may have been treated with. Once created, a delicacy must be consumed within a day or its effects are lost. Note that some meats are poisonous, and that it sometimes may be impossible to remove the poison from the food; a gourmand must rely on the protection from poison granted by her alchemist abilities to overcome this. A gourmand can only be under the effect of one delicacy at a time. A delicacy is mutually exclusive with a mutagen or cognatogen; the taste of a delicacy is ruined by the presence of such elixirs in the gourmand’s body. The effects of delicacy lasts 10 minutes per level in gourmand, and grats a +1 alchemical bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and fortitude saves, and 1 temporary hit point per HD. However, she gains a -1 penalty to reflex saves, as she is feeling a bit stuffed. Additionally, the gourmand may gain one of the following effects, based on any organic creature that is used as part of the recipe, henceforth referred to as ingredients;
Might- Access to one combat feat an ingredient had. The gourmand must match the prerequisites of that feat to use it, but treats her level in gourmand as levels in a full BAB class for this purpose.
Magic- Access to one spell or spell-like ability an ingredient had. The spell or spell-like ability must be of equal or lesser level to the highest alchemist extract the gourmand can cast. If the spell level is of the highest alchemist extract the gourmand can cast, she can cast it 1/day. Otherwise, she can cast it 3/day. This ability uses her intelligence modifier, rather than her charisma, to determine the DC.
Protection- Resistance 10 to one or fewer elements an ingredient is immune or resistant to.
Speed- A +10 bonus to her movement speed, provided an ingredient has a faster movement speed than her or a movement type she does not have.
This ability replaces Mutagen
Sneak Attack
A gourmand prefers to disassemble her victims, rather than blowing them to (overcooked) smithereens. She gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. If she has sneak attack from another source, this ability stacks with it.
This ability replaces Bombs.
A gourmand’s nose is finely tuned to the variety of tastes and smells that surround her. She gains the scent ability, as the universal monster rule.
At level 2, a gourmand gains a bite attack as appropriate for a creature her size if she does not already have one. If she is wielding a weapon, this is a secondary natural attack. At level 6, the bite gains the grab ability, but the alchemist takes a -4 penalty to grapple checks made with this ability. If she already has a bite attack, she gains grab.
This ability replaces poison use and swift poisoning.
A gourmand gains access to the following discoveries in addition to those gained by normal alchemists.
Greater Delicacy Prerequisites: Alchemist 12 A gourmand with this discovery gets a +2 alchemical bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and fortitude saves and 2 temporary hit points per level, rather than the 1 naturally granted. Additionally, she may pick two effects granted by her delicacy, rather than one, and takes a -2 penalty to reflex saves.
Grand Delicacy Prerequisites: Alchemist 16, Greater Delicacy A gourmand with this discovery gets a +3 alchemical bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and fortitude saves and 3 temporary hit points per level, rather than the 1 naturally generated. Additionally, she may pick three effects granted by her delicacy, rather than one, and takes a -3 penalty to reflex saves.
Taste for Combat Prerequisites: Alchemist 8 When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Might effect for her delicacy, she gains access to up to two combat feats an ingredient had, rather than the one normally granted. These need not be from the same ingredients.
Taste for Magic Prerequisites: Alchemist 8 When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Magic effect with her delicacy, she may gain access to up to two spells or spell-like abilities possessed by ingredients, rather than the one normally granted. These need not be from the same ingredients.
Used to the Spice Prerequisites: Alchemist 10 When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Protection effect with her delicacy, she instead gains immunity to that element, even if the ingredient only had resistance.
Surf and Turf Prerequisites: Alchemist 6 When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Movement effect with her delicacy, she additionally gains her choice of a fly speed (double her land speed, clumsy), swim speed (equal to her land speed), or climb speed (equal to her land speed), provided that an ingredient has that movement speed. If she gains a swim speed, she also gains the ability to breathe underwater.
Magically Delicious When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Protection effect with her delicacy, she also gains SR equal to 7+her level in gourmand. The SR need not be from the same ingredient as the elemental resistance, if any.
Gastrolith Prerequisites: Alchemist 8 When a gourmand with this discovery selects the Protection effect with her delicacy, she gains DR2 that is overcome the same way as the DR of an ingredient. This need not be the same ingredient as the elemental resistance, if any.
Lockjaw Prerequisites: Alchemist 6 A gourmand with this discovery ignores the -4 penalty to grapple checks made with her bite’s grab ability and increases the damage dice for her bite as though she were a size larger.
Voracious Prerequisites: Lockjaw, Alchemist 10 A gourmand with this ability gains the swallow whole universal monster ability. She may use this ability on any creature up to her size category. This ability deals 1d6 damage each round for every 3 levels of Gourmand, the damage being half acid and half bludgeoning. A creature eaten this way has not undergone the careful preparations required to turn it into a delicacy and as such the gourmand gains no other benefits from it.
At level 16, a gourmand’s delicacy lasts 1 hour/level.
This ability replaces Persistent Mutagen.
Grand Discovery
A gourmand gains access to the following grand discoveries in addition to the ones normally available.
True Delicacy Prerequisites: Grand Discovery, Grand Delicacy A gourmand with this discovery gets a +4 alchemical bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and fortitude saves and 4 temporary hit points per level, rather than the 1 naturally granted. Additionally, she may pick any number of effects granted by her delicacy, rather than one, and takes a -4 penalty to reflex saves.
Incredibly Voracious Prerequisites: Grand Discovery, Voracious A gourmand with this discovery gains a permanent +4 bonus to grapple checks, the Fast Swallow ability as the universal monster rule, and their swallow whole ability deals 1d6 damage for every two levels in gourmand
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It's world bear day today!
to celebrate, here's a picture and a few quick facts for every species of bear (in no particular order, and Definitely not ranked from my favorite species to my least favorite).
there are eight species of bears total, some with their own subspecies. bears are spread throughout the world in diverse habitats- from the frigid arctic to the tropical rainforests of south america.
Brown bears are the second largest species of bear. Brown bear subspecies include (but are not limited to) kodiak bears, grizzly bears, and Eurasian brown bears. All brown bears are omnivores, and their diets largely depend on their habitats. Kodiak bears are the largest subspecies of brown bears and are the second largest bears in the world.
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Spectacled bears are largely herbivores, but they will eat birds and small animals should the opportunity arise. They are the last surviving short-faced bear (genus Tremarctos). Classified as a vulnerable species, there are an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 mature spectacled bears remaining in the wild.
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Black bears are the most common and widespread bears in North America. They're omnivorous and have a variety of coat colors (including black, cinnamon, blue, and white). Like all bears, black bears have an excellent sense of smell.
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Sloth bears eat mostly ants, termites, and fruits. They have a flexible lips to help them 'suck up' insects, as well as long claws used to tear open termite mounds. Sloth bears are highly specialized for their mostly insectivorous diets.
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Polar bears are the largest bear species. They are the only species of bear classified as semi-aquatic - they're excellent swimmers, and can hold their breath for up to two minutes. Feeding mostly on seals, polar bears are the most carnivorous of all bears and are opportunistic hunters (as their food source is scarce).
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Also known as Asiatic black bears, moon bears spend most of their time in the trees. They have a distinct white (often V-shaped) patch on their chests. They have relatively large ears. Moon bears eat mostly plants and have strong upper bodies and hooked claws used to climb trees.
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The smallest of all bear species, sun bears have distinctive wrinkly skin and short fur. Specialized in eating insects, their long claws are used for digging in search of colonies and for tearing open nests. Sun bears are known to seek out beehives in search of honey and larvae. They have long tongues that they use to get to insects and honey in hard to reach places.
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Pandas survive on a diet of mostly bamboo. Extremely rare in the wild, pandas live exclusively in bamboo forests. They have very distinct black and white patched fur. Pandas have evolved a specialized 'thumb' for grasping bamboo stalks - this 'thumb' is actually a digit-like wrist bone and is not one of their actual digits.
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shkika · 11 months
do you think that all scugs have fur, all post iterator scugs have fur, all scugs in the timeframe to exist from a former iterator have fur as an adaptation to The Chilly, or a secret uhh fourth option
i think of the protege prodigy post pebbles a lot
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I think slugcats evolved to have fur when the weather started getting cold! As iterators died one by one the weather slowly got worse and worse.
It's super fun you guys enjoy prodigy I actually didn't expect people to be curious about her!! hehe
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Prodigy is a strict carnivore and cannot stomach anything plant based! (except popcorn <3)
She is EXTREMELY SPEEDY and light so she's more so catching small bugs type of predator not killing big things. She can use energy to emit light and warmth! Which is important, because her fur is shorter than Saint's. She has to manage energy and warmth all the time.
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She can do this too thank you spots.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Part 2 to the running fic!! I need the kids protecting both Larissa and her Librarian from Queen Regina and driving her out if the school. Possibly breaking the bond with her mother in the process so she can be free 🤔
Loving the request for part two so I had to run and write this @in-a-carnivorous-plant and requester this is for you <3
Not a mother in my book|h&c
*Authors note~ I have missed writing for this realm. Reader is based off my oc Isadora saige of storybrook daughter to queen Regina of storybrook*
Trigger warnings~ magical violence?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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Previous ~ Larissa held you there until you came round just protecting and processing the whole event. Who would've knew her fated love with be a secret princess? She looked down as you slept her index finger tracing your features of your face watching as a content sigh escaped and you snuggled impossibly closer. Yes this maybe a fucked up way to find out. But you had eachother now. And she promised herself there and then that you her darling Isa wouldn't ever have to run again.
For months things went almost back to normal, you were lulled into a false sense of security. Only thing that was a major change was you and Larissa becoming official. You were a little scared to finally come out but at least you still had your shield of "Normie Nora." Thankfully everyone at Nevermore was happy to see the hard working headmistress and lovely librarian so happy and in love. It created a warm atmosphere and it was almost infectious to be around.
Truthfully this was the happiest you'd ever been, it was exactly the stuff from the books Princess Belle would read to in her time as a captive of your mother. The types of love that seemed truly too good to be real, yet the bond that had formed between you and your Rissa reminded you ever second of the day that this was real. You'd both do anything to protect it and each other, no matter what.
You still lived in fear of your mother, feeling her emotions against the bond every now and then was just her way of reminding you that this life you built for yourself wouldn't last. She would make sure of that. And you knew that this was far from over, but you and Larissa would fight it together.
You had nights where you woke up with nightmares of the torture you'd been through as a young child. Larissa would hold you and comfort you through every single one, reminding you that you're safe and so very loved by all at Nevermore. Your true identity remained a secret between you and your lover, and for once you felt at peace with who you were. Larissa knew all the dark secrets your mind held, all the abusive you'd had inflicted on you or bare witness to. Things that no child should ever feel or see. It was understandable why you lived in fear of Queen Regina, and so very sad that the King was no longer around to keep his wife's temper at bay. As a child you should've been cherished and doted on, especially as a princess and only heir to her kingdom. Yet she did the complete opposite, but that's what made you the woman you was now and Larissa wouldn't change you for the world.
You noticed the strength of yours and your mothers bond increasing. Panic flooded through you alerting Larissa and causing her to immediately head to the library.  "Darling? What's wrong?" She murmured coming to wrap your shaking form in her arms. You didn't even get the chance to respond when on of the students that had the gift of foresight game barging in, words tumbling from their lips in a panic.
All Larissa managed to make out was that the Queen would be at Nevermore. The time frame was hazy but judging by how your eye's widened in fear, this bit of information was what had caused your panicked state. She thanked the seer and dismissed them, focusing her attention on you. You looked like you were going to pass out. "Isa" she whispered only low enough for you to hear, "she won't hurt you darling. I won't allow her to hurt you, you're safe with me okay?" What was meant to be reassuring words caused you to sob uncontrollably, Larissa didn't understand the horrors that would unfold.
Just as you were about to try and explain you were met with a telepathic student informing you that they could hear too many thoughts for it to just be Nevermore. It was instant that you wiped your tears and turned to Larissa, "she's here, Larissa you need to take the students away. She won't hesitate to hurt them. Please Larissa. If she hurts me I don't want them or you to witness it. She's my mother and therefore my problem. I shouldn't have brought you all into this. I'm so so sorry Ris." You were shutting down and pushing her away, she could not only feel it but she could hear it in your tone. You were terrified.
You didn't get a chance to finish pushing her away because your mother stormed her way into Nevermore throwing anyone who stood in her way with magic. You could feel her anger radiating through the bond, you instantly sprinted out of the library to face her. Your adrenaline was pumping and you hardly registered Larissa being hot on your heels. "Mother! Put her down. You want me not her" you roared your temper flaring at seeing Wednesday Addams pinned to the wall with her magic. You knew just how that felt and felt sick as you watched her almost lifeless body fall to the floor and Enid scurry over to hold her lover.
Regina's eyes bore into your own, a battle of wills was about to happen all you could do is silently pray your will was stronger. After all you had a lover to fight for. "Isn't it the disobedient and disrespectful daughter of mine" she all but tsked at you, "Isadora why must you do this? And for some silly school and a the tall freak hiding behind you. Is she not brave enough to face me dear Isa." She was taunting you but not only you but your lover. You were too far gone in anger and frustration to realise you cover had been blown. "They don't love you Isadora, it's a lie, come to mommy. Come back to being Princess Isadora saige and come home. Leave these freaks here"
Her words about the school and your girlfriend was all it took for your magic to lash out attacking your mother. "They aren't freaks mother!" You all but screamed as she fought back, the students around you not liking seeing their beloved librarian being hurt by her so called mother. Yet they simply looked to Larissa for the permission to aid you in your fight, they wouldn't move till she allowed them.
The skill you both held was simply amazing yet scary in the same breath. Your mother was powerful, that was common knowledge but to see how you defended yourself and the school with such eloquence and grace was truly stunning. This went on for a while, Larissa could feel you growing tired when your mother seemed to push just that little harder, suspending you into the air with her magic, creating leather binds to stop your flailing limbs and restricting the air making its way to your lungs. Your eyes went wide in panic, the familiar feeling from your childhood was most unpleasant. The students around you gasped at the display shouting their displeasure at the queen only to be ignored.
She taunted you, "oh my darling Isadora, you can't protect them now. Shall I fix this problem for you dear?" As she stalked towards your girlfriend you gasped out "ris run!" Larissa held that same look of panic as you did, powerless as she stalked toward her hand outstretched ready to take a heart. Her heart. You all knew what she was capable of, and only you had known what your grandmother had done to your mothers first love, the thought of the same thing happening to Larissa broke you, especially when you were so powerless to stop it. With a quick gesture to the students they descended on your mother in a surprise attack.
Her knights outnumbered by the students allowed a fair number of them to attack her, the surprise faltering her magic as you dropped to the floor im an ungrateful heap. The students doing their best to hold her off, you had wolves, vampires and even some extremely talented mind controlling students. Your secret weapon was about to come out. The one gift your mother never knew off because it was truly too exhausting to use. You dragged yourself up of the floor with the help of two students and moved to make eye contact with your mother, thankfully she'd never reached Larissa thanks to the students, it was lovely to see how much they adored her. You held her gaze and whispered one word, "pain" which caused her to fall to the ground in the most un queen like manner screaming in pain.
You took the moment of weakness to put a shield of sorts around everyone before approaching your still withering mother. She was begging and pleading with you to make the student stop and truthfully you knew they found this to be exhausting to do so you signalled to Larissa to give the order as headmistress knowing if you did it the student would think you were just trying to protect them. When the pain subsided your mother lay gasping for air with her eyes wide, it had been so long since she had been bested and by a teenager? That must have wounded her pride.
You pulled up the bond you shared with your mother, the line was dim and thin, you requested Miss Addams come to you and she did so pulling a little dagger from her boot. She then under your command severed the tie. Your mother gasped in a different kind of pain, shouting and swearing about how you had ruined everything and you were no daughter of hers, you hardly deserved the title of princess, all stuff you'd heard for years. That's when Larissa chirped up from the safety of the shield, "you're not a mother in my book, believe me I've seen many non of which are as bad at it than you." That one comment seemed to really aggravate the queen and she transported herself home to her castle.
Letting out a breath, you dropped your shield before collapsing on to the ground. Exhausted and heartbroken, but you were no longer tied to your mother. Larissa came to hold you in her arms whispering words of praise and comfort, knowing how hard this must be for you, all you could think of was the students. "Ris, students mmmkay?" You mumbled incoherently earning a small smile from your lover. "They are all okay love I promise. And so well you be. Come let's rest, I've sent the students off for the day to relax" her words registered slowly. How had you missed her sending them all away? With a glance you saw no one but her. Freedom was a strange thing, but you couldn't wait to experience it with her
Word count~ 1903
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mossy-rat · 7 months
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a guide to three types of the amphibious "mermaid" (siren)
click for better quality | blank art and more info under the cut
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info on sirens:
15 extant species
cold blooded
salt water and fresh water dwelling
egg laying
smallest species: 17cm (aprox. 6.7in)
largest species: 152cm (aprox. 5ft)
largely carnivorous but will eat plants, especially when young
lifespan depends on species, some can live to just over a century, while others only live to about 20
they are neotenic and thus do not develope hind legs
can survive on land for several hours by essentially "holding their breath". they do this to relocate, find mates, or occasionally to hunt. trade and social benefits with humans have increased time spent above water
extra info on sirens features here:
bay siren:
lives in bays and estuaries
diet consists of mostly fish and other amphibians, occasionally lizards and small mammals
largest species of siren
spends about 1/3 of their time on land
lantern siren:
lives in salt and fresh water lakes and ponds
diet consists of eggs and any small animal it can fit in its mouth
medium sized species
spends about 1/4 of their time on land
dwarf siren:
lives in fresh water rivers, streams, and small ponds
diet consists of mostly small invertebrates, tadpoles, and algae
smallest species of siren
spends almost their entire lives in water, only going on land to relocate or to hunt when desperate
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crazycrowstuff · 3 months
why are people genuinely so flabbergasted when I tell them dinosaurs never went extinct ☹️☹️
keep reading if you dare!!11!!1111!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!!😈😈 (warning: evolution)
Like what do you mean you didn’t know that dinosaurs as we know them (non avian dinosaurs) never fully went extinct? I mean obviously the bigger animals of the late Cretaceous went extinct after the KT mass extinction event, for example the T.rex, the Triceratops, all of the sauropods, ect. But where do you think the birds came from? They very clearly evolved from smaller non avian dinosaurs more closely related (both taxonomically and by appearance) to birds like I mean if you just look at some birds of prey it’s super obvious
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(above is a real image of a bearded vulture, or a Gypaetus barbatus, I unfortunately cannot find who took this picture)
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(And above are 2 depictions of a velociraptor, neither source listed the artists that made this drawing/3d model)
it’s very clear the similarity between the 2, but appearance doesn’t prove anything, really we should look at the differences in the wings. A maniraptorian hand shows 3 fingers that later fused to be more like 2 fingers when seeing something like a chicken or dove wing
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Ive loved dinosaurs since I was 4 and only recently starting researching/studying them (2 years) any dinosaur nerd could explain this better than me but I can keep trying as I do want people to know this.
I’m gonna try describing how non avian dinosaurs evolved to be avian, to the furthest of my knowledge at least.
the KT extinction happens, obviously sending a ~7 mile asteroid towards the earth, and the earth goes into an apocalypse type climate, having the surface of the earth be scorching and almost instantly killing almost all plant life. About only seeds, grain, small insects, and the very few remaining dinosaurs were left from this.(wow this sounds a whole lot like most avian diets today huh?)
because the plants died out, ~ all of the herbivores died, because all the herbivores died, all the big carnivores died, because all the big carnivores died, literally everything else is thriving. (not exactly thriving, but surviving ig) while eating seeds and small insects to stay alive, the small carnivores and the birds that have already evolved by that point became even more bird like by evolving more developed beaks to replace teeth, loosing their hand claws as they had no use for them anymore, and losing their bony tails. Therefore evolving into birds that today still have the same diet
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how I feel after saying shite like this
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Hello! Can I plz request the rottmnt brothers (separately) react to their s/o being a hybrid? For Leo the reader is a Kitsune, for Raph the reader is a wolf, for Donnie the reader is a bunny, and for Mikey the reader is a neko. It's ok if no tho! :)
(Ps: The reader can fight but is also extremely innocent and doesn't understand dirty jokes, ty!)
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I gotta be honest with you mate. I hate the "I can fight but I'm really innocent" personality. It reminds me of the days I read the cringiest Wattpad fanfics (Wattpad was a dark era for me. I wish to never witness it again). It's true that people like them do exist but it's doubtful considering fighting has a lot of well...blood and trauma. And besides, I don't even have dirty jokes on here.
Since the request did say significant other this is purely romantic.
Tw: mention of insomnia, I don’t think there’s anymore since this is a non-crazy turtles one
Turtles with MC Being a Hybrid
✦Reasonable Amount of Chicken Bone✦
Wolf hybrid:
Likes the fact you have sharp teeth like him. Sure, he loves his snaggle tooth but because of his carnivorous turtle species, it makes him slightly self-conscious when compared to his brothers.
Speaking of carnivorous, since you are both biologically similar in that term, he loves taking you out to meat restaurants.
Plays with your tail, and the floof is very nice.
Wolves are really loud. Especially when they howl. And I don't think Raphie is the type of person who tolerates sudden loud noises that well. This means he struggles a bit when you get excited and express your animal instincts.
When you guys snuggle he likes giving ear and cheek scratches (apparently wolves, just like dogs, enjoy cheek scratches).
✦Licks of Growth Spurt✦
Fox hybrid:
Idk if anybody else has heard this but foxes have a snicker-like laugh. He absolutely loves hearing it, because not only is it funny, but it’s something he genuinely loves.
Is a brat and pulls on either your tails or ears.
Makes fox jokes a lot. Doesn’t matter when, just any time he wants to annoy you a little.
Would buy you dead mice and give it to you. Literally no malicious intent, he truly believes mice is a staple food in your diet.
Whenever he has insomnia he likes to brush his fingers through any part of your fur (places that do I mean).
I like think he’s the one with the biggest cold-blooded issues so when you’re around, and it’s winter, he’s clinging onto you.
✦Down the Anteater’s Back✦
Rabbit Hybrid:
(If this was Leo I could’ve made all the Leosagi jokes help)
So rabbits tend to thump their foot when in distress of any sort. Donnie likes this nonverbal behaviour as it’s similar to his own leg stims (Yes he does it when he’s happy but the action is still similar).
Finds it hard to relate to your hate of water (rabbits don’t like it as it weighs down on their coat). As he is the most aquatic of his bros. So don’t mind the fact if he’s slightly put off by the fact you don’t like to be in water.
Is amazed at your jumping ability. He imagines how fun it would be to hop around on natural ability rather than tech. He still loves his drone-jet pack tho.
Rabbits are herbivores. Which means you probably have a more plant based pizza. He is 100% disgusted. Why would you do such things to this magnificent dish???
✦Marigold Sniffing Year✦
Cat hybrid:
He loves snuggling with you, especially on cold days where he can’t maintain his body heat as good as usual. Plus he gets extra cuddles so it’s a win-win.
You’re part cat. Cats like knocking things over. You are not allowed in the kitchen when he’s cooking unless if you agree to help him out: without letting the food fall to the ground ofc.
Would definitely the type of person who likes brushing your tail. Makes it extra floofy which is exquisite for petting.
You don’t like water, he doesn’t like water, all is well. Although your dislike is much different from his. Fur and water doesn’t mix well, but for him, he just wouldn’t survive in waters more than 2/3 up his body.
Sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday I accidentally fell asleep while I was writing.
I woke up really confused on what happened last night haha
- Celina
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sakuramidnight15 · 6 months
-RSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Lucia Primrose
(Japanese: ルシア・プリムローズ)
Romaji: Rushia Purimurōzu
Quote: "My apologies but, please refrain from asking too much from me.."
V/A: Suzuko Mimori (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Age: 19-Physical (???-Actually)
Birthday: December 23
Star Sign: Capricorn
Eye Color: Lavender Blush (Her Normal Eye Color)
Bell White (Glows when using her Willow Magic)
Hair Color: Cloud Periwinkle
Height: 175 cm
Race: Forest Whisperling
Species: Harmonium Type
Homeland: Land of Wisteriana (Living in the Blooming Grove)
Family: Unnamed Two Mothers
Unnamed Uncle
Unnamed Grandmother
Unnamed Family In-laws
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Fableheart (@jasdiary)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-A (Same Class with Venomia and Aine)
Student no. 10
Occupation: Student
Floral Gardener at the Waterlily Shrine
Club: N/A
Best Subject: Potions, Botanical Lessons, and Ancient Spells
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly her right)
Favorite Color: Purple, Light Sky Blue, and White
Favorite Food: Fresh Various Berries (Mostly), Sour Plum Juice, Honey-based Desserts, Tropical-based Food (Mostly), Spicy Gumbo, Fried Steak, Cream-filled Donuts, Various Desserts (with less frostings), Various Tea flavours, Mushrooms-based Food (Mostly),
Least Favorite Food: Rotten Berries (Mostly), Burnt Food, Food with Molds (Mostly), Lime Tea, Steamed Fish, Too much frostings on desserts (Mostly), Mushed Rice, Fried Veggies,
Likes: Peace and Quiet (Mostly), Spending time with her loved ones (Mostly), Gardening (Mostly), Studying Enchanted or Carnivorous Plants (Mostly), Midnight Strolls (Mostly), Brushing her own hair (Mostly), Flower-themed Activities, Practicing her casting wishes (Whenever if that's possible with a price), Visiting abandoned ruins, Afternoon tea talks, Astrology,
Dislikes: Wealthy People (Mostly), Nobles with snobbish personalities (Mostly, annoys her), People disturbing her time (Mostly, annoys her), Too much brightness (Mostly), Too many wishes to take (Mostly, exhausts her), Anything that endangers mother nature, Her patience being tested, Graphic Topics and Scenes,
Hobbies: Gardening, Practicing her wish granting, Flower-themed Activities, Midnight Strolls (likely at the gardens or flowerbeds), Making Floral Jewelry by hand, Brushing her hair, Visiting Abandoned Ruins, Reading ancient language, Seeing falling stars, Astrology,
Talents: Willow Abilities, Wish Granting (With a cost), Forest Spirit Bonding Skills, Floral Enchantment, Healing Abilities, Thorn Manipulation, Castor Spells, Spirit Communication, ???,
Nicknames: Lulu or Lia (From her family and friends)
Lucia-senpai or Primrose-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Lua (From Shirrira)
Luci (From Nocturne)
Liua (From Othenio)
Other Nicknames:
The Floral Gardener of the Temple
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Lucia has a petite yet average female body, let alone that she focuses on her daily nutrients within her schedule which was the cause of her body's physical changes. She has cloud periwinkle colored fluffly hair which only the two sides of her hair are longer to reach to the ground while on her behind which is cut to her neckline. She has lavender blush colored eyes which they can turn into bell white whenever she uses her willow abilities, just like her fellow forest whisperling companions. Lucia is morefully a composed young women, but she tends to keep her mouth quiet often than speaking.
Personality: Born within the third part of the Land of Wisteriana, known as the Blooming Grove. Lucia grew up within the states within various chapels and temples created by the blooming blossoms, her family including herself as well would often visit the temple to continue the following traditions from their main country itself, though no feelings were added from anyone in this country Lucia was offered to be the gardener's for the temple right after her practices for her abilities had been caught by the mage who worked for the temple herself. It wasn't before long when she agreed to join in after a recent issue she had that has an involvement with wish-granting by the flower bed around midnight o'clock. 
As time passed on, she continued her practices hoping to develop some improvements within her abilities as she continued her training sessions right after every single effort she took. Lucia continued her daily schedule till the current timeline. 
The Lucia in the current timeline is now a composed yet silent young lady, who seems to value her time slowly but doesn't waste most of her free time on anything that catches her interest, especially whenever she sees something that does not impress her current mood. Mostly she stays in a poker face-like expression, which doesn't last long whenever she does her training sessions rather privately away from a crowd full of people. She tends to be silent often but can reply if that’s necessary.
She rarely talks towards anyone, including her own dorm mates, except for those who belong within the rift dimension. She’s often seen with some of the crestria demi-gods, the angels within the rift, or even Westyn’s group who were scouted within RSA, including her fellow forest whisperling buddies such as Shirrira and her cousins and the other races which allow her to talk comfortably without hesitation. Despite herself also being scouted like the rest of them, Lucia then decided to keep herself in a low profile for now. Though she can be social if you can try to talk with her if the timing is correct, she may interact if that’s a possible chance.
She’s very patient with anyone who tries to speak to her aside from her fellow rift citizens or the people who try to communicate with her, let alone that she doesn't sound meek or let alone timid as well, Lucia is very mature for her age, especially when she’s good with her formalities with others with status or not. Aside from that, she often gives advice and opinions whenever a question arises that perks her mind, sometimes she’s closed off or open-minded but she picks what she wants to do with it. Though she can rather create light entertainment for others to light up the mood a bit.
Be mindful whenever you speak, because Lucia has a strong yet sharp sense of hearing for words, especially related or not related to topics at all. She's selective about topics being picked on, let alone is rather sensitive or disturbed by hearing something that isn't much for her, more fully she can be judgemental and awfully cold with the person she dislikes, criticizing rather with negativity which she's only stating facts and doesn't care od what the other person thinks of her replies afterward. She doesn't see much effort in anyone who tries to sugarcoat her words regardless.
Composed as a lady at all times, let with abilities that needed to be practiced as well. This forest whispering has her way through her granting abilities, but please don't ask much from her or she'll take a breath.
-The name 'Lucia' means light and is the feminine form of Lucius and of Italian origin meaning. While her surname 'Primrose' is habitational name from the lands of Primrose (Fife). The placename is probably of Celtic origin, containing Pictish or Gaelic ros 'wooded promontory'
-She's based on Farrah Goodfairy, from the Ever After High Franchise and Series.
-Is born from two mothers, so she doesn't have a father figure. But her uncle is considered as one.
-Entered the temple as a royal gardener, which she became well respected and admired by the visitors within her homeland.
-She's often seen with her race companions the most aside from the other rift races. Shirrira alongside with her two cousins, Nocturne and Othenio are one of the examples.
-She seems on the neutral terms with her dorm and her dorm mates. Despite being on a silent terms with them. Though she is trying to communicate with them though she needs to take her time to work it out.
-She has a pet white flying squirrel, named Pi.
-Lucia seems to be on natural terms with the other races of the rift, mostly with the humanity within the rift as well.
-Practices her wishing abilities, hoping to improve a bit to get her magic to go better.
-Is a normal fan of astrology.
-Is normally a tea person, however she doesn't have a favourite flavour since she tried all of the tea flavours back in her days.
-Prefers to get her peace and quiet.
-Seems to know how to make floral themed jewelry by hand with the basic materials.
-Her Curse: (Due to her wishing abilities, she can only grant one person three wishes but only once in a day. Once midnight hits, the spells and the wish itself will be reverse back to normal which it affects her mentality due to her past, she's recovers her sanity by laying on the flowerbeds around at night but that's a slight minimum. However the three wishes cannot be granted by the same person ever permanently after.)
-According to her info, she seems to be closed off by many people as a child ever since they had seen her magic such as wish granting which is conflicted to her greatly. One night near midnight, a high-class noble had planned a kidnapping on Lucia for her magic for wishes but was caught by one of the temple's sevants servants during the progress of the crime. Petrified of the incident, Lucia loses much of her mental health which cost her to be hospitalized for one whole week.
-Her huge dislikes for nobility and wealth status was from the incident she went through as a child.
-Despite her gaining a curse (even if she's from the rift, which some race abilities are the curses itself), she never grants a person's selfish wishes. Which her curse may not work on them at all.
-Based on her personality, Lucia is very silent due to her not being very communicative with others. But whenever she speaks, she sounds composed and polite towards anyone she speaks to normally. Which is why I chose Suzuko Mimori to be her voice actor.
-Struggles to recover her sanity, but with her curse intact. It was not easy.
-Seems to explore ruins with Venomia at daily chances.
-Is often seen with Harper and Westyn on her daily basis.
Next one-
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triflesandparsnips · 2 months
Amazing Ideas That I Have Had Today
(A Short Narrative of Madness as Told Through Slack Messages)
Figure 1. A topic is introduced.
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35. A very good Ointment for Ache or Pain.
Take Rosa-Solis, Sallet-Oyl, and Neats-foot-Oyl, a little Oyl of Spike; boyl it
Figure 2. Research cheerfully commences.
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sallet-oyl is just olive oil; oyl of spike is going to be another olive oil that's been infused with spike lavender
neats-foot oil is probably the bit that, lol, helps with soothing skin, maybe-- it's still used today to condition leather
Figure 3. The trap, as yet unrecognized, is set before me.
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but rosa-solis is what's going to make it smell amazing-- that's a cordial made with booze, sugar, all the delicious cookie spices, and only like one carnivorous plant
Figure 4. An Idea enters the scene.
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.........yknow.... I wouldn't even need an alembic to make rosa-solis, just a lot of sundew... and the [REDACTED] has a carnivorous plant show every year that I'm certain I've seen it at...
Figure 5. Surely our hero will not fall for this femme fatale. Right?
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..........................I mean, how poisonous could it be, really, with half a gallon of aquavita (brandy! or any other distilled wine type thingy!) thrown in there
Figure 6. Right?
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.....................................I bet it tastes amazing
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Hi! Welcome to my AU Sideblog. Call me Splatsy, or just Splat if you'd prefer! My main is @turtles-that-are-mutant-ninjas!
They/He and plural pronouns
If you recognize my art style, hi, no you don't /lh
Falling From Dawn AU Base Info
The Falling From Dawn (or FFD) AU is an AU comic I'm making. It takes place after the ROTTMNT Movie, so heads up for spoilers about that!
At some points, this blog will function as an ask FFD![character] blog! It'll be a good way for me to keep up motivation.
My main goal is to post at least 3 pages a month; one arc per month, basically, but my motivation fluctuates a LOT. I'm also still in school, so this schedule will probably not be stuck to very well, but I'll do my best!
PLEASE feel free to send asks and/or writing requests for the AU! I'd be glad to write things when I'm low on motivation to draw for the comic.
#Splatsy Splashes - Unrelated to the AU/Just Talking type posts!
#Splatsy Responds - Asks and submissions tag!
#🔃 - Reblog Tag, filter this if you want only AU stuff, but I try not to reblog things often!! (This tag doesn't apply to important reblogs or competition reblogs!!!)
#falling from dawn au / #fallling from dawn rottmnt au / #ffd au - Posts talking about the au!!
#ffd canon - Canon AU things, couples with other tags
#ffd noncanon - Noncanon AU things, couples with other tags
#ffd art - Art for the AU!
#ffd writing - If I do any standalone writing for the AU, it'll be here!
#ffd panels / #ffd pages - Official panels/pages for the comic!
Below the cut are the chronological arcs and character info. Anything underlined links to its respective page.
ARCS (In chronological order)
I've added the titles and numbers for every main series page! Links will be added as pages are posted. A spider mutant is present in Arc 3. I have arachnophobia myself, so I'll try to make them look Not Terrifying, but here's a warning just in case.
Arc 0 - Prequel Pages -2 - War is Over (HEAVY GORE WARNING) | -1 - Recovery Takes Time | 0 - Rising Powers Arc 1 - Grasping at Stars 1 - Waves of Flight | 2 - Dusk at Dawn | 3 - Telekinetic Shadows (BODY HORROR, EYE CONTACT) Arc 2 - Swooping Eagle 4 - Fall to Fly | 5 - Skycrash | 6 - Mystery Webs Arc 3 - Arachnofoe 7 - Heliophobic | 8 - Bound by the Strings | 9 - Hisses of Rain Arc 4 - Storming Scales 10 - Carnivorous Risks | 11 - Hurricane's Cry | 12 - Venomous Dreaming Arc 5 - Dawnfall Dreams 13 - Dreaded Dreamweaver | 14 - Nearsighted Nightmares | 15 - Sunset Showdown Arc 6 - Tears of the Sky 16 - Cryocrier | 17 - Nexica Hex | 18 - Cryptic Calling Arc 7 - Midnight Madness 19 - Total Eclipse | 20 - Shattered Stars | 21 - Polluted Shadows Arc 8 - Hope is a Weapon 22 - Howling Ghosts | 23 - Lionheart | 24 - Fall Away Arc 9 - Skies Painted Black 25 - Hellicite Hopes | 26 - Wavewinged Wishes | 27 - Lunar Eclipse Arc 10 - Falling From Dawn 28 - Duskrise | 29 - Noon of Night | 30 - Dawnfall Arc 11 - Lightsky Saviors 31 - Rises the Moon | 32 - Take Back the Light | 33 - Hope for Dawn Arc 12 - Saved by Sunrise 34 - Grasping at Stars | 35 - Tears of the Sky | 36 - Rising from Dusk
AU Drabbles/Short Stories
I'm starting to write short stories corresponding to each page of Falling From Dawn! They will be linked here as they are written, and will have the same name as the page they correspond to.
-2 - War is Over
Character "Files!"
Raphael/Raph - 17 - He/It. His ref sheet is here! Second in command. The big brother. His powers here are: The same as the show (I'll be honest i forgot what it's called) - Plant and Ground Manipulation - Lunar Phase Embodiment.
Leonardo/Leo/Leon/Nardo - 16 and a half, according to him. Physically just 16. - He/Him. His ref sheet is here! The main AU plotline follows him. Leader of the group. His powers here are: Advanced portalmaking - Water Manipulation - Speed.
Donatello/Donnie/Don - 16 and a half, according to him. Physically only 16. - He/They/Code|Code's|Codeself. Code's ref sheet is here! Secondary plotlines follow him. Tech nerd. His powers here are: Telekinesis - Object + Weapon Synthesis - Shadow Manipulation.
Michelangelo/Mikey/Angelo/Angela - 15 - He/She. Her ref sheet is here! The real funny one. Little brother/sister. His powers here are: Fire and Metal Manipulation - Chain Synthesis - Solar Embodiment.
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jade-qilin · 1 year
savanaclaw w/ a vegetarian partner headcanons | twisted wonderland
notes: i, leona’s girlfriend, am back with some silly headcanons because i crave Leona content, and then i decided to throw in the other beastmen lol. anyway this is just how i’d predict they’d react!
i also chose Savanaclaw specifically as they are all beastmen inspired by carnivorous animals. i might make an Octavinelle version since the Octatrio probably have heavily meat/fish-based diets (since they’re based on carnivorous animals too!)
details & content warnings: no gendered pronouns used for reader, reader isn’t described as Yuu/can be described as someone else, reader’s vegetarianism is described as a personal choice rather than for religious or health reasons
at first he’s like “when i called you an herbivore, i didn’t think you were literally one”
then he’s like “wtf how can you not want to eat meat? it’s the best thing ever.”
will probably nag at you about it for awhile. all you have to do is tug at his ear threateningly or scold him the way a mama cat would hiss at her kittens to teach them a lesson and he’ll shut up real fast
try not to be mad at him too much though </3 the man’s just very surprised and curious
being a beastman with the nature of a carnivorous apex predator, surrounded by other lion beastmen his entire life, vegetarianism where he’s from is quite rare, especially if you’re not a mouse or a zebra beastman or whatever
after getting over the culture shock that there are some people in the world who willingly give up meat, Leona starts to think
how do you get enough protein?? iron?? other nutrients commonly found in meats but not fruits or vegetables??
his decides to ask you how you do it, how do you maintain a relatively balanced diet while getting the nutrients and fillings you needed
from then on, his eyes are opened to the world of supplements and unique foods commonly used to replace meat, and that also supply nutrients mostly exclusive to meat
to Leona, staying strong and healthy is very important, so he uses this newfound knowledge to make sure you, his beloved, are always having balanced meals and that you’re getting all the nutrients you need
to everyone else’s surprise, he’s in the library, looking over tomes upon tomes on nutrition and plant-based diets
he debates on going to Jade to get some information on edible mushrooms, but then he decides that getting involved with the Octatrio wasn’t worth it when books existed
he may even try some of your favourite plant-based substitutes out, but he could never part from his beloved meat
Ruggie’s another person who ends up being shocked that you’re a vegetarian, but he’s mostly envious
envious because you being able to have a specialized diet means you could afford to do so
in the slums where he’s from, Ruggie took any and as much food as he could
he’d dumpster dive late in the night, after restaurants had closed up for the evening, scrounging and searching for any scraps that were still edible
during holidays at NRC, Ruggie would ask Sam and the cafeteria ghosts if he could take home any leftover supplies and food, even if they were close to or beyond their expiry date
to him, food was a luxury. he couldn’t afford to be picky with what he ate, lest he’d end up going days without food
with this in mind, however, he’s also quite happy for you, happy that you can afford to eat the foods you wanted
he won’t question or nag at you like Leona would, but he’d also be the type to make sure you’ve gotten your fill at the end of the day
Ruggie would probably also ask for some vegetarian recipes and substitutes, because who knows, maybe these ingredients will end up being cheaper and more accessible to him in the future
out of the three Savanaclaw characters, Jack is probably the most indifferent about your diet
not because he doesn’t care, but because he’s more understanding of your views
Jack doesn’t come from a poor background, but he doesn’t come from a closed-off kingdom either
he has tons of experience with all sorts of people and beastmen alike
like Leona and Ruggie, Jack cares more about your overall health and wants to ensure you’re taking care of yourself
Jack’s the type to find you new vegetarian restaurants and recipes for you to try out together (mostly thanks to Carter’s social media skills)
but i can also see him being the type who sometimes forgets that you’re vegetarian
like,, he’ll be eating a katsu sandwich beside you and may offer you a taste, only to flatten ears and mutter an apology like “oh, um, sorry. i forgot you can’t have this”
don’t be too mad at him though! he’s not doing it out of malice </3
Jack is used to his siblings back at home asking for a bite of his food. it’s become such a frequent occurrence that he developed a habit of asking his loved ones from the get-go
as such, his first instinct when eating food around someone he’s close to is to offer them some of it, and that includes you, his lovely partner
he makes it up though by buying you a treat you can actually enjoy <3
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fluffyfairyzz · 2 months
yes, do tell :3 <-- has a worldbuilding special interest
soo im gonna talk abt werewolves first 👍
werewolves exist in my oc universe BUT since everyone is an anthro animal ( furry moment!1!1! ) werewolves are just a weird type of wolf that never reallyy evolved , they r bipedal but besides that they are basically just feral wolves
werewolves can also be domestic! domestic werewolves r pretty much just dogs :3 there r even service werewolves just like there are service dogs!
they r also carnivores! but they usually scavenge rather than hunting!
i havent drawn any werewolves yet, but im sure you have an idea of what they look like /silly
mosscores are essentially just deer but ✨funkier✨!
they live in forests, they run very fast, and are quite skittish, and they live in groups! just like deer :D
they normally eat plants! mainly moss nd lichen!
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i actually have art of these guys this time!1!1!1
ok! so whispies r these lil ghost things! they are predators and can become invisible for short periods of time , which helps w hunting!
they can be domestic! domestic ones are basically just mixes between cats n dogs behaviour wise!
thats all i have for now! but ill probably update this post when i make more species :P!
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dowagersqueen · 1 year
Love your blog so much!! And I live for your modern AU takes on the Targaryen - Hightower family because they're chaotic as fuck and I love them for it.
My question is: if the Greens are forced to do a drunk PowerPoint presentation party what are their subjects and why?
I think Helaena baby is going to share the knowledge on whatever hyperfixation she's going through at the moment (autistic! Helaena should be canon, imo) but I'm not sure about the others...any thoughts?
hey there!
thank you so much!!! i'm so happy that you do and i'm so happy you let me know 💕
hmmmmm good question. i know we see helaena with bugs in the show and that's probably one of her top interests, but i bet she hyperfixates on a lot of things. and yes, i also like the autistic!helaena headcanon. i thought of orla from derry girls when i saw her.
if it's canon, one of the topic is how to take care of baby dragons. i feel like since dreamfyre is the one dragons that brings forth most of the dragon eggs, even the dragonkeeps need helaena to handle dreamfyre and the eggs and the babies so she'd definitely love that.
i'm not sure about modern though. there's such a huge number of things helaena could like. maybe birds. or horses. or carnivorous plants. origami. mythology. or music she really likes.
i think canon aemond would do a presentation on how cool vaghar is because he's still reeling from being able to claim vaghar and he's obsessed with dragons. it's either that or he starts talking about the history of their houses and gets booed (affectionately) by aegon who falls asleep halfway through the presentation.
maybe aemond would do swords and daggers and just armour in general. maybe he likes fantasy warfare.
aegon would probably make a presentation that’s 3 slides on why presentations suck and it's just a bunch of pictures daeron took of him drooling as he sleeps in his chair during others’ presentations. otto has that look that says i am sooooooo proud of my grandson aegon. he'd end it with a clip of sunfyre (pet of your choosing) doing a cool trick.
daeron is 100% talking about some sport both in canon and in a modern au. for modern times, i choose football. for americans: soccer. idk i definitely see daeron as the charming sports guy but he's not an ass
alicent would make a presentation of her favorite books, some of which are period romances, but also.... i feel like she could start talking about some socio political cause that is important to her. she is a type of politician in canon after all.
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heirofnepeta · 1 year
I would love to know the basics of Hallodon
Okay here's the VERY basics of the Hallodon because I literally just started revamping this bitch. Here we go.
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Okay so they are creatures, similar to mammals although not from Earth so they cannot be classified as such.
They are named Hallodons because of the hallucinogenic substance (hallo) they can produce in many parts of their bodies, mostly released via the teeth (don) although they can release it from small barbs on their wrists, ankles, and the extremely small hair-like barbs on their backs.
The "hairs" are connected to the flesh under a "plate" on their back which lets them hide it so as to not accidentally drug friendly creatures.
Their teeth are mostly like most carnivorous species on earth, but they have fangs that can fold out to deliver a quite potent dose of the hallucinogen, similar in dosage to the barbs on their wrists and ankles, which causes brain death due to the high concentration of the substance.
They are preyed on by several larger species which i have yet to create.
They are blind, as they first evolved during a time where the sky was blotted out and sunlight was extremely low, if not none. So they have no eyes, or in certain sub-types have very underdeveloped eyes.
They hunt various smaller prey, and sometimes prey slightly larger than they are. Carnivorous, although they can digest small amounts of plants if they need to or want to season their meals. They have discovered fire and tools to aid in meat preparation and hunting.
To hunt they primarily use smell and touch to smell prey or feel vibrations in the ground for tunneling prey, which they have started hunting in recent times due to the up-rise of tools.
They generally do not speak, only speaking an underdeveloped language most don't know, and only speaking to other Hallodons. They theoretically COULD learn other languages if taught, although it would sound strange due to them not being built for that kind of speech.
Hallodons do have names that they will respond to, but they don't have any specific naming system, just whatever the Hallodon parents feel is best.
Hallodons generally come in colours matching their environment, with hints of brighter colours for courtship in stripes, spots, or other patterns on their fur. Certain mutations can leave ALL the fur brighter colours, although this generally decreases the survivability of the Hallodon due to being MUCH less camouflaged.
They average about 5 foot 9 inches, although certain sub-types can be much shorter, averaging a tiny 3 foot 5 inches. These smaller Hallodons are considered another species due to their different size, and unusual having of eyes, albeit underdeveloped.
And that's just about all i have about them right now. I've yet to even make a Hallodon character. have fun with them I guess! :)
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knightinink · 9 months
More Mer Dip Au Info!
Alright since mers have seriously grown on me, I've decided that I'm just gonna make this an au all it's own.
Some Basic Stuff
-First & foremost, these mers are not depicted how much of media portrays mermaids. These creatures do not follow the human standard of morals & ethics, nor do they have the same social living standards as humans do. They more so follow the "rules" of the animal kingdom, where territory & self-preservation are top priority.
-It is common among mer species to cannibalize each other if food becomes sparse. Most species of mer are carnivorous, but some can survive on plants & other bacteria floating through the water; this is very uncommon, however.
-There are two different types of traveling pods you will see in mer behavior: 1. A familial pod, & 2. A male-pod. 1 takes care of any guppies that may be present, & focuses more on reproduction & keeping the species population up. 2 focuses on territory, food, & power, & are more likely to get into fights & cannibalize each other. Type 2 is also more violent, since there are no females or children to protect.
Okay, now onto the mers!
-As a guppy, he lived in a familial pod, & was taken care of by the adults there (yes he's still an orphan), though most of them still treated him like dirt; all except for seemingly one (Joe yay, I can't leave him out of anything).
-Pip's coloration was a dark red tailfin with some dark brown splotches, not unlike that of a koi. This camouflaged him just enough as a child, as it mostly matched the more colorful habitat his pod frequented, which was a reef.
-As an adult, he takes on the coloration like that of a flame angel, the red turning a very bright & vibrant color, & the brown splotches have taken on a nice royal purple. He is a species of defense rather than offense, as along each side of his waist going down, as well as on the sides near the base of his tail, are retractable barbs that are laced with a venom that paralyzes prey or anything trying to grab onto him. He also has retractable needle-like fangs equipped with the same venom, which he uses to bite into & paralyze his prey before eating.
-His method of hunting is chasing down his prey. He's very fast, & is able to make quick maneuvers while swimming to keep after his prey. Once he's caught it, depending on how big it is, he'll either hold it to his side & inject it via waist barbs, or he'll bite down & hold on until it stops moving.
-He can see just fine in the sunlight, since his species was adapted to living among reefs closer to the water's surface. He cannot see well in the dark however, & would need to return to shelter at sunset, lest he be lost; he's practically blind, & would most likely be attacked by a nocturnal predator.
-He communicates through a myriad of different clicks, trills, whistles, cries & barks, the latter 2 sounding like that of a whale, though slightly higher in pitch.
-He has a nasty habit of curiosity, specifically with man-made things. His first encounter with a fishing net ended quite badly, & left him with a number of injuries & many more enemies than he'd ever anticipated. Long story short, he got too close to a fishing net & got tangled in it, his movements alerting the ship above. He was about halfway through the netting before he surfaced, & was poked & prodded at with loaded harpoon guns. The humans figured since the mer was acting erratically, that it was dangerous & needed to be killed; humans fear what they don't understand. He eventually escaped, but not without flailing his tail around & hitting some of the fishermen with it, & in his panic, he stabbed them with the barbs at the base of his tail, ultimately killing them (2-3). The remaining fishermen have put alerts out around their port towns & Pip's even seen more fishermen now & again, with the intent of killing him. He stays farther away from humans after that.
-When he was a guppy, he was separated from his pod during a nasty cat. 5 hurricane that threw him out to sea. The pure power of the currents whipped him around until he was quite disoriented & eventually passed out, sinking down to the depths below.
-He grows to be about 20ft long, from the top of his head to the base of his tailfin.
-He's based off a black dragonfish, so he's more nocturnal & lives at the bottom of the ocean floor, making his home out of small caves there that he squeezes himself into. His species is left to hatch on their own & must survive on their own, most keeping to solitude rather than living in a pod, as his species tends to be very aggressive towards anything that moves; it is assumed it's food.
-Damien is an ambush predator, equipped with bioluminescent spots alongside each side of his tailfin, & a glowing lure that he bobs around in front of him when he's hunting. When he's not, it attaches to the base of where his skull meets the back of his neck, intermingling with his hair. (google a black dragonfish you'll see what the lure looks like & I was not gonna attach it to his chin, I just didn't like that design-wise). Once his prey swims close enough, he shoots his clawed hands forward to grab it, & either stabs through it with his 2in. long claws or he bites its head off then proceeds to eat.
-When he's not in the mood, he'll also eat any shellfish or crustaceans that have made it down that far, prying the shell apart with his claws or his teeth; he's got an impressive bite strength, & has a mix of sharp & blunt teeth. He can both rip into & shred things, as well as bite through tough shell or even bone. He's not as fast, but his pure strength makes up for it ten-fold.
-He has horns & sharp spines along his back & down his tailfin, as well as protruding from his elbows, but he is not venomous. He uses them in fights (mostly with sharks that mistake him for food), & other male mers when breeding season rolls around (once he reaches maturity, obviously).
-He is not blind, & has a great sense of darkvision that allows him to see as though he were in broad daylight, with a fuzzy film around the edge the further away something is. He is not made to tolerate sunlight however, & is completely blinded by it if he ever ventured further up.
-His ways of communicating utilizes echolocation, as well as a series of clicks & growls.
-Ever since he was a guppy, he knew that large storms over the water tended to bring him more food, as species that normally stayed closer to the surface would dive deeper to avoid being pulled by the currents. One day however, while he was eating, he saw something different that got his attention straight away as a curious guppy. He'd never seen another mer until that moment, & this one didn't seem to be moving. What also struck him as different was that the tailfin was the most beautiful shade of red he'd ever seen.
-He grows to be around 25ft long, from horn tip to fin tip.
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(I am in no way an expert about any of this, so I'm just going off what I know from my own research & a lot of homebrewing, haha. & a lot of mermay fics that inspired a lot of this!!!)
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