#thats it i think? just woke up and brain is fuzzy
keirawantstocry · 3 months
🐦‍⬛ Salut! Sorry I saw fanart and got an idea lmao
qJaiden getting drunk, Baghera helping her home. In her drunk state she just starts rambling, about anything and everything till she says something about Em and Bobby. Thats when the tears start and wont stop. Baghera pulling her into a side hug, murmuring soft reassurances, guiding her into the house. Jaiden collapsing to the floor, Baghera pulling her into a real hug gently rubbing above her wings letting her cry. Jaiden asking where Em is, Baghera shushing her quietly telling her Em is okay and quickly sends a text to Bagi and Tina to come over with Em and that Jaiden is drunk.
don't apologize I love seeing you, little bird. Gently kissing you on the forehead 
This got a bit off track as well, apologies <3
Jaiden's head was spinning. She knew she had been drinking but she wasn't sure how much. The memories had become too loud. All she wanted to do was sink into the warm fuzzy feeling overwhelming her mind and her limbs. 
Something cold was grounding her. She opened her eyes blearily to see Bagher kneeling over her with an extremely cold wash cloth pressed to her forehead. 
“Shh,” she soothed as soon as Jaiden tried to speak. “Relax, amor.” 
Distantly Jaiden realized that tears had started to stream down her cheeks. Her face felt warm and wet. “Baghera. I don’t know why I’m crying. Everything is okay right?” Her mind blurred. “Where’s Bobby?” 
Baghera’s eyebrows dropped. “Bobby is dead, mon chou.” 
The tears continued to stream down her face. “Oh. He is, isn’t he? Where…” her face crumpled. “Why am I… why am I thinking about a child? There’s a child in my brain.” 
Baghera stroked her back, right above her wings in gentle circles. “Empanada. Your daughter remember?” 
Jaiden felt delirious. She still could barely see through her tears. “My… my daughter?” She couldn’t remember meeting her daughter so she cried harder. Baghera gently pressed a kiss to the top of Jaiden’s head. 
“Hey, cheri. How about we get you settled on the couch? I’ll message the other moms and get them over here. We’ll take care of you.” 
Jaiden continued to sob but she nodded. 
Before she knew it, she was being lifted by strong hands and carried to a soft couch. When the next morning came and she woke up in the tangled arms of three different girls despite the pounding headache, she felt safe. 
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harringrieve · 5 months
Anyway, after a bout of ennui, I grabbed this from my notes drafts bc it started glitching and I’m nervous it’ll delete smth by accident
Somewhere btwn s3/4 I THINK, in a govt hospital wing
“Whaddayou doin here, Harring-har-“
The word seems to get stuck malfunctioning somewhere between his brain and his mouth, as he blinks tiredly, still trying to figure out where the fuck he actually is.
“Oh you know”, gestures around with the folded magazine in his hand, “just uh, makin sure the scientists don’t, like, cart you off to, a- a different secret lab or somethin”
Lab? His tongue is dry and sticking to the roof of his mouth. Scientists? Billy’s brain fuzzily processes what Harrington’s insinuating, the alarm creeping up slowly.
“…..That’s a concern?”
“Oh yeah, big time. Also you’re lucky you woke up when you did, Nancy was supposed to take over next watch shift, and she’s not NEARLY as uh…..chipper as I am.”
“That so.”
“Yeah, no, I think Click-clack is givin her guff for some thing she submitted? I don’t know, she’s tetchy.”
“Have no idea what that means, also quick question-”
“What the fuck is goin on?”
Harrington’s eyebrows raise as he puffs his cheeks and blows out a big breath,
“Oh jeez man, I don’t think I have enough- fuckin like, brain power to get into the whole thing right now-“
“Ugh, figures”, Billy shuts his eyes again and rests his head back, suddenly over being awake.
“Wh-hey, fuck you, I could be at home right now, instead of this creepy ass lair, but no, we gotta make sure Billy Hargrove doesn’t get vanished by the government.”
Lair? where are they? Harrington doesn’t seem that married to the petulant shit he’s saying anyway, it feels like it’s more just to have something to do. In any other situation Billy would feed the fuck into this, enjoy every button he’s pushing, but FUCK is he tired. His whole body feels like fuzzy static. Fuzzy achy static.
“She’s helping Murray set something up for you”
“What?” His face kinda hurts when his brows twist, giving up his half-assed attempt at sleep.
“Nancy,” he clarifies, “we had a whole exit strategy to get you outta here when you woke up. Get you like, back on your feet and fuck off into the sunset or whatever Max thinks you where gunna do”
“…….Why are you doin all this?” It’s barely a question really, more like a blank murmur, devoid of any inflection that could give Harrington the slightest hope of gauging Billy’s emotional state.
Steve heaves another slow measured breath, and looks slightly away from Billy, as if to try to remember why himself.
He blinks a few times, makes a vague shrugging gesture with like, the upper half of his body, then shakes his head a little, “Cause fuck these guys.”
Billy almost choked a little, deigning to open his eyes again and glance over.
“Yeah?” He asks with an audibly and visually confused smile, like he’s trying not to laugh at the ridiculous nature of Steve’s statement.
“Yeah, everything’s been their fault for like three years now. I’ve fought shit I wouldn’t put my worst enemies against. Fuckin vile.” He slumps back a bit, “You’re a dick, but like,…” he doesn’t seem to really have much of an answer past that, “Fuck em.”
“Maaan, Pick a story asshole, either I’m a slut who can’t be friends with girls, or I’m a freak loser, make up your mind”
[Robin walks in]
“What are we talking about?” She sounds like a mix of horrified, delighted, and grossly intrigued.
“He thinks we’re like,” gesturing between himself and Robin, “-secretly in love, or dating, or something”
Robins face scrunches up, “Ew.”
Steve makes a wide sweeping gesture at her, “THATS WHAT I SAID!”, and looks pointedly back at Billy, as if to say, ‘There, see?’
“Jesus, alright, you’re both undateable losers.”
“Oh, he has no problem getting dates-“ completely disregarding and breezing past Billy’s direct insult to her dateability
“The fuck, Rob-“
“Oh yeah?” He smiles, encouraging whatever sly shit she’s onto.
“I don’t know what you guys where sayin earlier about him bein a slut, but it’s not factually incorrect.”
Billy’s well-known cackle bursts outta him for the first time in months.
Steve just seems to deflate with the power of his sigh, arms momentarily thrown up in the air in defeat before landing down against his jeans with a pointed SLAP as he sinks further down into the uncomfortable chair he’s been lounging in this entire time.
“Rob, what are you even doin here-“ he starts off, obviously trying to divert the topic of conversation, god he’s so whiney sometimes, Billy’s kinda obsessed with it, “wait-HOW are you even here?” His tone switches to confused disbeleif, eyeing her with confusion.
“I own a bike, dingus, and I have functioning legs.”
His eyebrows screw together, “You live like, ten minutes by car from here- whaddoyoumean you ‘rode your bike’, it’s like 90 degrees out-“ he flings an arm out towards the windowless wall.
“Jeez, okay mom, I-“
“Have you had anything to drink? Are you even wearing sunscreen?”
“I’m fine! It’s nice out-“
“It’s the middle of august !”
“It’s the beginning of august, first of all-“
“Heat strokes not a joke Bobbin, you can get-“
“Yes I know, Stevert, I’m in band, I’m outside wearing synthetic hell clothes for practice all summer-“
“Yeah, standing, not biking who knows how many miles uphill in the sun.”
Billy finally interjects, “Jesus I take it back, you’re obviously divorced.”
He gets twin looks of scandal.
“How dare you, first of all-“
“I would never-“
Billy just snorts and settles back into his sheets, “Sure, whatever.”
After a moment of silence
“Actually, Nancy dropped me off on the way to Forrest hills.”
“Oh, you bitch.” Steve breathes out right before Robin breaks out laughing.
Robin and Steve continue sniping back and forth, this time in Italian, Steve rapid-fire, Robin more careful and deliberate.
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prince-honeypaw · 1 year
hi!! would it be okay to ask for little jiro an little yaomomo having a playdate with each other? maybe with caregiver present mic if thats okay?? i love your page btw it always cheers me up on yucky days 💕💕💕
♡ I'm so happy you find comfort in my page, dear! I always appreciate knowing that this page means as much to others as it does to me! ♡ Also, apologies for the lateness and the fact that I only mentioned CG Mic, I got a bit too caught up in the writing waves! ♡ Have a great day and enjoy!
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♡ While the gap between Momo and Kyoka's regression ages is rather wide, (Momo tending to regress between seven through ten and Kyoka going between one and five), they're truly the best of friends no matter what!
♡ Momo is a very kind and gentle young lady, big or little, and is just the right amount of energy for the timid little Kyoka. And Kyoka's a very imaginative little girl which gives Momo plenty of material to work with when they play together.
♡ For this specific playdate, Momo got permission to take the craft box down as long as she promised to pick up after herself, which she always did anyway! She would have liked to have had the playdate outside, but it was much too cold for that.
♡ With the craft box in hand, a tarp set out on the coffee table (courtesy of Iida), and snacks and juice on stand-by, all that was left was to obtain Jirou! Which... Was a bit easier said than done. Mr. Yamada is so fickle about when naptime is over, honestly!
♡ Momo is a patient little lady though! As patient as a seven year old can be, she sat herself right down next to Kyoka's nap mat in a poof of glittery tulle and stared Hizashi down until it was finally time for them to go play. Kyoka woke up around two, so Momo decided to carry her! (Despite the caregiver's fussing and fretting, Momo would not be deterred. Kyoka weighs like a handful of grapes to her!)
♡ Poor little Kyoka is so flustered over being carried! But, Momo titters that they're going to have so much fun, she got permission to take out the craft box and she got frosted animal crackers, both of which perk Kyoka out of her post-nap brain fuzz.
♡ Being carried isn't so bad when there's animal crackers at the end of the road...
♡ Kyoka eventually worms out of Momo's grip and takes her hand to scamper ahead! They have things to do, come on, come on!
♡ Sitting up close together, they dig out their materials and get to work on their individual projects, with Momo leading the conversation, asking questions and buzzing with creativity. Kyoka doesn't tend to talk much when she's small, so Momo makes sure to listen very closely when she does have something to say.
♡ Momo's project is making little animals out of pipe cleaners! It's usually her go to craft since in mere moments you can have a fuzzy little friend right in the palm of your hand! And, with Kyoka's valuable input, Momo ends up with a brown bear, a purple fox, an orange fox, a white fox, a pink rabbit, a black deer, and a handful of birds in many colors! Kyoka doesn't think there's enough foxes, but she appreciates being heard.
♡ Though when Momo peeks over to see what Kyoka has been up to this entire time, she gasps. Kyoka has been drawing a picture of them (as foxes) playing in the snow! She cheerfully tells Kyoka that it's beautiful, she's so happy to have been included in her drawing.
♡ And, a bit pink in the cheeks, Kyoka gently headbutts Momo's shoulder and murmurs in the softest voice, ".. M'happy t'be frien's with Momo..."
♡ Momo beams with the brightest smile and pulls her into a tender hug, "I'm so happy to be your friend too."
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bishiglomper · 2 years
The niece woke me up to share about her latest "dilemon"
Then I remembered she woke me up literal seconds before something was about to attack me and nephew in my dream, so thats a thing. 8D
We were camping. And I had something like a video game. I'd walk to this lit square foot of grass and i could summon a Link in full armor. He was like. I'unno, 10 inches tall. Holographic. I'd summon him and he'd kick whatevers ass was in the square. It felt very... like yugioh or dnd or something. There'd only be one encounter per square.
Anyway. If you looked across the field (we were camping, it was just a grassy slope, at night, rather dewey) and there would be a smattering of slighty glowing squares. And some of these squares, instead of glowing, had a bubble or like a concave bowl, and it looked like it was made of spiderweb and had that green sheen like it was dewey and the light was just hitting it all rainbow like. THESE were reminiscent of the domes in Legends : Arceus. These bubbles meant a boss and good loot.
I was taking nephew around with me and summoning Link. One bubble had a boss that looked like a gothy/evil Kirlia. It was slowly creeping around the square but before it could interact with the Link I took him out. I felt like it was something possibly out of my league. The square went back to its default, which was just a green sheen of web around it. And the kirlia transformed into a large irl spider. It stayed there though. But it looked like it was gonna eat nephews foot if we stuck around so we left. 👀
At some point I forgot how to summon my Link. I kept like. Trying to tap my thumb and ring finger in a (zoom in) motion against the square. Sort of felt like a 'right-click' 😅 it didnt work. And the contact with the square foamed soap all over my hands. I think this was the point my brain had an inkling I was in dream world. Which put me in a bit of danger. Like in Inception, if people start to percieve you.. 👀💦 (maybe theres something to my sister's fear of me dream walking, hmmm... 🤔)
There was something activated at camp itself. Sort of like a game. I have not watched any of those horror games like fnaf or anything but i think it may have been something like that. But also incorporated square programming. 👀 I think the baddy was something between that blue fuzzy horror game thing and a zenomorph.
We had a shelter like you'd find at a park. Open, with a roof over a cement slab.
The fam had like seasoning shakers and it was filled with liquid or...food? I had... some shape of banana. And for every section of slab I claimed, it peeled the banana back. But you dont know what the sections were. I had a pad of drawing paper and it looked like i was marking in watercolor that the section i had was a horse stable. Like 5 boxes. I say this loosely, I'm talking like 3 strokes of a smear of water per rectangle i sectioned off per "horse" 😅
Anyway. We knew there was SOME entity that would come try to "kill" you. Nobody was real concerned, it wasnt totally real. But it would hurt if it got you. Someone said it would sting. But it was the anticipatory anxiety that was killing me. 🤣
So. Nephew and i found ourselves in a building. Possibly a stairwell landing. There were some red metal handrails.
I heard a disembodied voice taunting us, pretty much heralding it's imminent strike. And I'm like. Shit. I know theres a way to defend us but i couldn't even remember how to activate Link, how was I supposed to activate weapon??! At the same time I'm going "ugh, its whatever. It'll sting and it'll reset to another area." But i really didnt wanna be stung.. I kept imagining a white claw strike across the screen. It looked painful. D: no thx.
But thats when the niece woke me up. Otherwise I'd probably have woken myself up. 😅
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albertasunrise · 3 years
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Summary: After the worst day at work you’ve ever had, you find release in a man that you meet in a bar. A tall dark stranger that gives you the best night of your life… but you also get more than you bargained for.
Warning/Content: Explicit, Angst, Bathroom Sex, Swearing 
Paring: Javier Peña / Female Reader 
Downing your drink, you groan into your palm as you try to calm your frayed nerves. Today had been hell. You knew that coming to Columbia to work at the Embassy was not going to be easy. You'd volunteered on a whim, how many Executive Assistants had the chance to assist the Ambassador to Columbia? Today though, shit had hit the fan and you were the one to take the brunt of the crap that flew. You were the assistant, unfortunately, it came with the territory. So you had decided to go home, put on your best jeans and a nice top and go to the bar your colleagues had been raving about, alone. You motion to the barman to fetch you another drink, thanking him as he gives it to you and you hold out the money you owe.
‘It’s on him.’ The barman states, motioning to someone sat a few stools down from you.
He had dark hair that curled at the end and a moustache that surprisingly suited him, you’d never liked them on men before. His eyes were dark, cocoa brown and twinkled in the yellow artificial light, crinkling at the corners as he smiled at you.
‘Thank you.’ You say to him, nodding your appreciation before taking a large swig.
‘Bad day?’ He asks, noting the tension in your shoulders.
‘The worst.’ You reply, downing the last of your drink.
His lips were delicious against your skin, nibbling and sucking at your neck as he hoists you up so that you're perched on the edge of the sink. It was chaotic. Fingers fumbling to unbutton his jeans as his thrust and curl inside you, driving that coil tighter and tighter. You manage to free his length, kissing him hard as your hands grab his waist and pull him flush against you.
‘Fuck me, Peña.’ You growl, pumping his length ‘Now.’
You don’t need to ask him twice, pushing himself into your heat with one swift motion that has you moaning loudly into his mouth. He's ruthless, pounding you as your brace yourself against the mirror. It didn’t take long for you to climax, throwing your head back and your mouth falling open in a silent scream as he continues to hit that spot inside that makes your toes curl. His lips latched to your pulse point, fingers sliding between you and rubbing circular motions on your clit as he growls in your ear.
‘One more for me Hermosa.’ He whispers, his low baritone sending you over the edge again and your walls clamp hard around him, pulling his own orgasm from him seconds later.
‘Fuck.’ You breathe as you slump back against the mirror at your rear ‘Thanks… I needed that.’
‘Glad I could be of service.’ He grinned, helping you down and running his hand through his sweat-slick hair.
‘See you around Peña.’ You wink, leaving him speechless in your wake.
You hadn’t expected that you’d see him so soon, the both of you sharing a wide-eyed gaze as he approached the Ambassador's office. The blonde man at his side studied the two of you for a moment before rolling his eyes and letting out an audible huff.
‘You fucked her didn’t you.’ He growled, your face heating up as you return your attention to your paperwork.
‘She’s ready when you are.’ You state, your eyes not leaving the piece of paper in your hands.
You quickly dove for the ladies the moment they disappeared through the door, letting out a shaky breath as you splashed your face with water. Of course, the man you’d casually fucked last night was a DEA agent here to catch Escobar. You’d been here exactly 2 weeks so had not had the pleasure of meeting the two American pain in the asses that the Ambassador complained about so much but now you knew one intimately. You knew he had given you the best fuck of your life. You straightened your makeup and returned to your desk, fighting to keep your mind quiet as the minutes ticked by.
‘Can I speak to you a moment?’ You jumped, not even seeing Javier walk up to your desk.
‘I uh-‘
‘It won't take a minute.’
You nod, following him to the empty communal kitchen and lean against the counter, arms crossed as you wait for him to speak. He’s silent initially, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he thinks carefully about what to say to you.
‘I’m sorry about Steve.’ He says finally, resting one hand on his hip as the other scrubs over his face.
‘It’s fine Peña.’ You reply ‘We did fuck so he was right.’
‘Right…’ He replies, looking at you a moment before continuing ‘I guess he is.’
‘Was that all you wanted to say?’ You asked curtly, eyes glancing at the clock to your left.
‘No. I uh-‘ He pauses, carefully thinking about his next words ‘I wondered if perhaps I could take you out for dinner?’
‘Javi you don’t have to do that.’
‘Do what?’ You sigh, shaking your head at him.
‘Protect my dignity or whatever.’
‘No thats-‘
‘I’d had a bad day and needed a fuck. You kindly provided me with that service.’ You state, noting the slightly wounded expression that crosses his face ‘You were great but it was a one-time thing. Don’t need to make a thing out of it.’
‘Oh.’ His voice cracks a little, taking a step towards the door he nods and looks around at anything but you ‘Right yeah of course. See you around.’
You don’t see much of Peña after that. He doesn’t speak to you when he meets the ambassador, barely looks at you when he announces that he’s there. You’d learned about his reputation from office gossip. The playboy DEA agent, screwing hookers for information and bedding most of the assistants in the office, you were just another to add to the pile. You notice that he doesn’t blank the other assistants, he subtly flirts with them as he passes by but when he sees you the air changes and you shiver. You couldn’t possibly have hurt him? He didn’t do relationships and he was the king of one night stands so why was he treating you like this? You’d almost called in sick this morning. You’d been feeling nauseous since you woke up and when your colleague had offered you a mug of coffee you'd almost thrown up on their shoes. A familiar voice filled the air and you looked up to see Peña and his partner Murphy approaching, catching Javi’s eye you decide that you don't need his shit and will avoid it altogether. You push yourself to your feet, grabbing your desk as a wave of dizziness hits you.
‘You okay.’ Asks Sophie as she gives you a concerned glance.
‘Yeah.’ You reply, nodding weakly ‘Just got up too quickly.’
You start walking towards the kitchen, your eye catching Peña’s again as your paths get closer and closer. Then everything goes back. Javier manages to catch you just as your eyes roll back and your legs give way, his heart hammering in his chest as he tries to rouse you.
‘She okay?’ Asks Steve as he looks down at you with concern.
Peña doesn’t answer, just strokes your cheek as your eyes start to flutter ‘Hey you with me?’
You can only nod, your brain a fuzzy mess as you try to make sense of everything. When your eyes finally find the strength to open, you’re greeted by familiar brown eyes staring down at you, brow furrowed with worry. Suddenly you get a surge of energy and you push yourself up and out of his arms.
‘Thanks.’ You grumble, placing your palm against your forehead before getting to your feet.
‘You should go see a doctor.’ He states, placing a friendly hand on your arm.
‘Yeah. I will.’ You reply plainly, leaving his presence as quickly as you can.
Javier watches you leave, his stomach twisting again as he felt that all familiar hurt creep in again. It wasn’t something he was used to, having feelings but ever since that night, he’d not been able to get you out of his head. You clearly weren't interested in him though. You got what you wanted and that was it.
Sophie drove you to a clinic that afternoon, the only person that spoke English there being a lady called Connie who was American also. After explaining your symptoms she decided to run a few tests, informing you that you’d most likely get the results later that week. You gave her your number and left, not wanting to dwell on the multitude of possible things that could be wrong with you. It was stress. Pure and simple. As the days went on you grew more and more nervous. You were still struggling with nausea but you’d thankfully not had a repeat of your fainting spell so when your phone rang you felt your heart thunder in your chest, picking up the receiver you answer with your name and listen as Connie spoke.
‘Are you able to come down here?’ She asks, her soft voice doing nothing to quell your nerves.
‘Sure, when?’
‘Would half an hour work for you?’ She asks.
‘Yes.’ You reply, grabbing your keys ‘See you then.’
You make it to the clinic 10 minutes early, your hands shaking as you sit and wait for your name to be called. Connie’s smiling face calms you a little when it comes into view and she ushers for you to follow her, motioning at the chair beside her desk as she closes the door behind her.
‘How are you feeling?’ She asks, placing a kind hand on your forearm as she sits in the chair across from yours.
‘Still been struggling the last few days but no more fainting spells thank goodness.’ You reply, your voice shaking,
‘Okay.’ She says softly, pulling a piece of paper out.
‘So what’s wrong with me?’ You ask, smiling awkwardly as you try to lighten the situation.
‘You are pregnant.’ She replies plainly, looking up at you to gauge your reaction ‘About 6 weeks along.’
‘Fuck.’ You groan, throwing your face into your hands.
‘According to the medical record that you supplied you have an IUD but it appears that you are late getting it changed.’
‘Yeah, I uh…’ You groan again, cursing yourself inwardly ‘I haven't had a chance.’
‘Well, we’ll get you booked in to get it removed and for a scan.’ She states, her tone calm and professional ‘I’m guessing that you’re not with the father.’
‘Fuck, the father.’ You exclaim, throwing your hands up to your head ‘What am I going to tell him? Oh hey, remember that time we fucked in the bathroom of that bar… well you got me pregnant.’
Connie sits there with her mouth hanging open as she listens to your tirade.
‘God, what do I do Connie? Do I keep it?’ You start to panic, a million scenarios flying through your head.
‘Have you got someone that can come get you?’ She asks.
‘I moved here 2 months ago.’ You reply, tears finally falling ‘I have literally no one.’
‘Hey.’ She grabs your hand, grounding you ‘Why don’t you come back to mine this evening? I don’t have many friends either and I know that I wouldn’t want to be alone after receiving unexpected news like this. My husband can drop you home after. I bought a tone of food to cook for us and his friend so there will be plenty for you too.’
You think about it for a moment, finding that her presence was instantly soothing, like a balm and so you find yourself nodding. You offer to drive her back, the conversation in the car flowing easily as you drive through the busy streets to her apartment building. You help her cook, finding the action helps calm you as you stir the sauce as she chops some veg.
‘So what do you think you’ll do?’ She asks, sipping on her wine as she turns to look at you.
‘Well, I need to tell the father. Whether he wants to raise this baby with me or not he deserves to be given the choice’ You reply, sipping on the decaf coffee she’d made you ‘I’ve always wanted kids but I thought perhaps I had a few more years left yet before it happened.’
‘So you want to keep it?’ She asked and you nod 'Do you think he'll want to be involved?'
‘Honestly? I don’t know.’ You reply, shrugging your shoulders ‘Like he asked me out to dinner and I said no, I assumed that he was just trying to protect my dignity or whatever but then he’s been so cold to me since. Thinking about it now, I think he might have asked because he actually wanted to go on a date with me. When I fainted he was so attentive and I practically ran away from him. Ugh.’
‘We’re back.’ Came a familiar voice, your blood went cold.
What were the chances that Connie Murphy was Steve Murphy’s wife?
‘Who’s this?’
You turn around and his head jumps back in surprise.
‘Oh, Hey.’
‘You know each other?’ Asks Connie, confusion crossing her face.
‘Yeah we work together’ He replies ‘Sort of. How do you know each other?’
‘She came to the clinic. She got some unexpected news today and I thought she'd appreciate a home-cooked meal and good company to take her mind off of it.’
‘I hope everything’s okay?’ He asks as he gives you a concerned look.
‘Yeah.’ You reply, your eyes locking with Javier as he slips out of the shadows ‘Everything’s fine.’
Javier is silent most of the night, the tension between the two of you so thick that it was almost tangible. When Connie and Steve got up to clean the plates you were left alone and you knew that this was your chance. You had to tell him.
‘I uh…- You pause, your heart in your throat ‘I need to talk to you about something.’
‘Do you?’ His tone is cutting and you wince, you deserve it.
You are interrupted by Steve offering you both a nightcap which you decline in unison. You leave together, hugging Connie goodbye and thanking her for a lovely evening before practically chasing Peña down the stairs.
‘Javier wait. Please!’
‘Can’t this wait until tomorrow? I have somewhere to be.’ He growls as he pushes his key into the lock on his door.
‘I’m pregnant.’ You blurt out, stopping him in his tracks ‘My IUD failed and well… I’m 6 weeks pregnant.’
He turns to face you but he doesn’t say anything, just listens as you continue to ramble.
‘I’m not telling you because I want anything from you. I think I’m going to keep it but I just wanted to give you the option to be a part of its life but I get that you probably want nothing to do with me.’ You pause, wiping a stray tear with the back of your hand ‘I have a scan booked in for two weeks from now. You can come if you want. It's at 3 pm on the 25th at Connie’s clinic.’
He still says nothing, just stares at you and you shift uncomfortably under his gaze.
‘Anyway… I thought you should know.’ You state before darting out the door, your tears streaming as you get in your car and drive away.
Once again you were early. You stare at the clock and watch each minute painfully tick by, a hand resting on your belly.
‘Hey.’ It’s a voice you hadn’t expected to hear.
You look up to see Javier standing across from you, his expression surprisingly soft considering the circumstances. He takes a seat beside you and you lock eyes with him, smiling when he takes your free hand in an attempt to calm your nerves.
‘You came.’ You state, so quietly it’s almost a whisper.
‘Yeah well... Despite the fact I asked you on a date which you rejected and the fact you ran away from me when I tried to care for you after you fainted you seem to have some sort of hold on me,’ He states, tilting his head to one side ‘Kids were never a part of my plan but then... neither were you.’
You go to speak but are interrupted by your name being called and you look up together to see a short, dark-haired woman motioning for you to come. You both follow her into a small room where she hands you a robe and instructs you to change in the toilet. When you return she motions for you to lay down and warns that the ultrasound gel will probably be cold, you still jump when it touches your skin. You lay there as she fires up the scanner and places the probe on your stomach and you suddenly feel unbelievable nervous. You stare up at Javier who was giving you a look you couldn’t make out. Was it nerves? Excitement? The silence is cut by a constant beat and Javier’s hand grabs hold of yours as you both look at the nurse.
‘Heartbeat is good.’ She states, pointing at a small white shape on the screen ‘Everything look good.’ She continues in her broken English 'I print some pictures for you.’
You nod then look at Javier again. He’s staring at the screen with wide, tear brimmed eyes and you feel your heart jump at the sight. You return your attention to the nurse who hands you the print-outs and excuses herself, leaving the two of you alone with the frozen image of your baby on the screen.
‘You okay?’ You ask, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
‘Yeah.’ He replies, looking at you with pure, unadulterated joy ‘More than okay.’
Then he kisses you but this time it’s different. It’s not hungry or desperate, it’s soft and caring and you melt into it, smiling as he cups your cheeks. Breaking away he kisses your forehead and looks at you with his hypnotising eyes.
‘Shall we try this again?’ He asks, smirking at you ‘Can I take you to dinner?’
‘Well, Agent Peña I think that’s the least you can do considering I’m having your baby.’ You joke, kissing him again as he chuckles.
‘Yes.’ He replies, kissing you again ‘Yes you are.'
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oasis-for3v3r · 3 years
The Starr Experience-#
Ringo x Female Reader
Prompt/Request- Ringo being tired and stressed of always being pushed to the side. So the reader plans a (smutty)surprise for him. 
 Warnings- A lot lol, 18+ ONLY, slight dom Ringo, oral sex (f and m receiving), squirting, Sir Kink. Bad grammar
A/N- its a crime how little Ringo gifs there are. And I would like to dedicate this fic to @illfoandillfie​ for the wonderful advice for writing my first smut!
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It always comes across his mind whenever there is an argument with the lads. 
The thought was simple;
How did he Ritchie Starkey go from being to the best drummer in Liverpool, to being “the drummer” or worse “the one with the nose.”  He was the oldest one, with the most experience! Why is it that he always gets pushed to the side while the others get all the attention and credit. Well George gets pushed to the side too but he gets by with his handsome looks. All of the girls that wanted him were either too old or too young and for the same reason: to baby Ringo Starr. 
He should be grateful, at least his fans don’t pick on his nose like the press did. Oh how cruel they were! But he just laugh it off. And then came the actual work of being in the Beatles, whenever they changed songs, took breaks, or wanted to fool around with different songs during rehearsals: he was there. Planted like a tree. Providing the beat of the Beatles. But he never gets appreciated for it.
Until he met you. He’d usually smile at this thought but he was so stuck in a rut that he couldn’t.
Thats when you began to notice at dinner.
“Richie?” you asked, concerned 
“Yes?” he responded in a monotone voice, normally people would think that he had an attitude, but you knew that was just his voice.
“Whats wrong, my beautiful”
“Nothing at all” he lied through his (wonderful) teeth.
“ Alright then, go to bed.” you ordered, to his shock
His eyebrows traveled to the top of his mop-top of a head and chuckled as he said “ Who are you, my mother?”
“As wonderful as Ms Starkey is, I am just a wife who has a surprise for her nosy lover but wont be able to show it because of your snooping.” You chided back.
“Alright fine” Ringo said simply, and went to your shared bedroom.
How odd.
(time skip because I suck at transitions)
Rays of sunlight woke up Ringo up, enough to know his surroundings but not enough to be snapped out his slumber.
You stood at the edge of the bed wearing a fuzzy hoodie, what was underneath it, however, was the surprise. You wore a two piece lingerie set, it was an iridescent baby pink, with dark pink little hearts on it. And if you turned in certain directions it was see-through. You wanted to cheer him up since he obviously wasn’t himself, you knew he was always pushed to the back to the side.
“Ritchieeee” you sing-songed.
“Darling wake up I have a surprise for you” That made him sit up straight like a soldier.
“Are we gonna sleep the day away?” He said, with glee sparkling in his blue eyes. 
“No” you playfully whispered while crawling into the bed with him.
“So..what are we...” he was cut off with the soft interruption of your lips on his. Kisses with Ritchie were usually stolen and hidden in public, puppy-love type kisses. However at home they were more passionate and yearning, like a teenagers first love. And although you were far from 16 every kiss with him felt as if your heart was tickling and gasping from the inside, 
Your eyes were fully closed savoring the kiss, while Ringo’s were half-lidded with pleasure. Your tongue was smoothly tracing over his bottom lip making him gasp and have his hands tangle in your hair and the other squeeze around your hips. You were about to take off his boxers when he pushed you away to breathe.
“Lovie whats wrong?” you hoped that you haven’t gone to far. 
“One, I need to catch my breath, Two, I want....” He said with a a smile that showed he was up to something.
“You want...” 
“Can I be Dominate today? Not like slapping you or tying you up in chains, just have you listen to me and be pleasured.” 
“Of course...Mr Starr” you said with a smile hanging on your lips.
With that his cheerful persona turned into a seductive one, his sky blue eyes somehow appearing darker and more vigilant. “Well then, take of that hoodie, and stand in front of the bed.” his voice still the same deep voice, sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes sir” you couldn’t hide the excitement in your voice.
He admired your body by tracing your curves with his fingertips, the rough callosed fingers from drumming making you even wetter. He (finally!) took off his boxers and angled his erect cock between your legs. He slid it up and down your slit, giving you soft yet sloppy kisses along your neck. He slid faster and faster giving your little bundle of nerves kisses “Perfect little slut, does everything she wants for me and only me, right?”
“Yes sir” you tried to say but was cut off between gasps as he thrusted against you.
“Tell me what you want my darling.” “ Please Mr Starr,I want it inside.” “No”
“pleasseeee sir”  you whined 
“ As cute as you look when you beg, I’d much prefer it if you did it with my cock in your mouth.”
He pushed you to your knees and slapped his cock on your tongue. “And maybe if your good I’ll reward you.” You stated to kitten lick his shaft, giving extra attention to his balls. His eyes were rolling in the back of his head. “Christ Y/N your mouth feels so fucking good.” You bobbed your head up and down trying to reach his base, so you just jerked the rest of with your hand. “Darling?” Ritchie said. “Mhmm?” You responded with doe eyes and a mouthful of his cock. He almost wanted to take a picture of his princess. “Can I face fuck you?”
“Of course Mr Starr.” Not even a second after he grabbed your ears and some of your hair (not to harsh) and began to face fuck your brains out. It felt so good, but it became messy trying to keep your jaw slack, with spit dribbling down your chin and titties. 
He stopped and made you stand, while pushing you back to the bed. 
“Not gonna cum in your throat, wanna eat you out as a reward.” 
When he heard no graditude he yanked your chin up and looked you in the eye.
“And what do we say when we get rewards?’“ 
“Thank you, Mr Starr” 
“Good girl.” He gave you a series of wet kisses going down your body. Then when he reached your soaking pussy, he spread your lips apart and began to lap at your folds and lick you open. It was the calm before the storm as he began to lick furiously at your clit. No matter how much your hips bucked or how you thrashed you the side, Ritchie’s mouth stayed firmly on your pulsating pussy. Shaking his head back and forth making you gasp every time and jerk your hips forward. Every jerk felt as if you were about to come. “Just like that, just like that” you said in quick breaths gasping for air. He was relentless giving your clit kisses with as if sucking off the tip of ice cream cone. Your ears were going red, and you came all over your loves face. Vision a bit blurry but muttered a “Thank you Mr.Starr” 
“ Your welcome princess” he gave you a sweet kiss before the slow torture of teasing you.
Rings slapped his cock against your pussy. This felt more dirty than the act it self. Every time he did it it was like hypnosis. I can be his little whore forever, never get out of this bed and just let him use me. Fuck You almost felt pitiful when he stopped. He spat on your pussy before entering at a painfully slow pace.
“Mr Starrrrrrr, I need you to fuck me please, I want you so bad.” It was so cute that you didn’t have to be told to beg.
Taking your word he began fucking you at the perfect pace, the most steady pace then hitting all the spots you didn’t even know you had. His hands on your hips guiding his thrust, while your feet were around your ears. Eyes were rolling in the back of your head. 
You felt a familiar pressure in the bottom of your belly, not one of cumming but of.. 
“Ritchie stop!” you said frantically.
“What’s wrong? Oh shit, did I hurt you?” He pulled out of you immediatly.
“It feels like Im going to ...piss” All you wanted to do was please Ritchie, and now you cant even control your bladder.
“ Darling look at me, your not going to piss your about to squirt.” 
“oh sor-”
“Don’t say sorry, just let it happen and look at me.” He began thrusting in that same fucking speed as if he never stopped. 
Your entire body began to shake and become hot as you came, clear liquid shooting out covering your thighs and his lower stomach.
“thank you so much Ritchie, I love you.”
“Thank you love, all I need is you” 
And he was right...he always was.
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heavcnslyre · 3 years
never leave me again — leo valdez x reader
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in which you return from years of being missing, only to find that your boyfriend, leo valdez, has been missing as well.
warnings swearing
notes it’s been a few months since i’ve read the books so i kind of just made this my own. also this took me DAYS to write so pls appreciate it w me
events in this are not all canon
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the scent of camp half blood was familiar— yet something felt different. it had been years since you had smelt it, and being there again brought upon a feeling you couldn’t quite explain. you listened for the familiar ruffle of the trees and the rippling of the lake, but heard nothing. it was silent; eerily silent. it was the middle of summer, yet the camp was still.
although, you had been away from everything for so long, you didn’t actually know if it was summer or not. truthfully, you didn’t even know exactly what year it was.
you inched towards the entrance of camp nervously. something inside of you was scared that you weren’t even going to be let into the camp— but as you read the ancient greek at the entrance fluently and your foot went through the barrier, you instantly calmed down. the familiar atmosphere of the camp was comforting, even if you could automatically feel how different it was.
making your way to the big house, you gathered that it was still early in the morning as you saw the sun peaking out in the east. it was chilly and the grass was wet and suddenly you realized how tired you were. you wanted nothing more than to collapse into your bunk in cabin 18. your cabin was often lively, as it was common for children of hebe to enjoy parties and be social; but you only had a few siblings and you were one of the oldest. they listened to you if you asked them to quiet down, and the environment of your cabin was soothing. you found yourself longing for it on rough nights, and now that you were back, you debated on just going straight there as if nothing happened.
but, you fought the temptation and knocked on the door to the big house. you found yourself anxious for a moment that no one would be awake, but you heard movement from the inside and the door opened seconds later. you looked down and saw chiron sitting in his wheelchair. he looked the same, as you assumed he would. somehow, he didn’t look surprised to see you.
“(y/n). i thought you’d be here today,” he said, moving himself out of the way. “come in, we can talk.”
you followed him to the main table in the house and took a seat across from him. he settled his hands into his lap and studied you. suddenly aware of how you may have changed, you shifted in your seat awkwardly.
“chiron, can i ask...” you said after a moment. “how long has it been? how long have i been gone?”
“a little over two years.”
you sank down in your seat. “oh.”
“do you want to fill me in on where you’ve been, or should i tell you what happened here first?”
“oh, uh— i guess a lot of its fuzzy,” you started. “i was with hera, and she sent me to do... different quests. time doesn’t really feel real, at this point. i never got a break, i don’t think. she sent me places and i forgot a lot about... my life. and everything.”
“do you remember everything now?”
“i remember all of my life before hera— yeah,” you paused, taking it in. “but i don’t remember a lot of what she had me do, or whatever she said to me when i wasn’t off on a quest. that’s why i didn’t know how much time passed, it feels like it’s been three years and three days at the same time.”
chiron sighed. “i get that. the gods have the powers to do whatever they want to time and your memory— but they rarely use the ability. but hera, after all she’s done...”
“why is she so against demigods? after she switched jason and percy for no reason we thought she was done, why did she need to take me?”
“i guess we’ll never truly know her intentions,” chiron said. “i did assume now is when you would return, though. leo valdez is missing.”
you felt your heart skip a beat. leo. he had been a constant in your mind in the past two years that you had been gone, just like how percy explained that annabeth was all he could remember. you had started dating a few months before you disappeared. suddenly you yearned for his warmth, remembering the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. your heart ached for him for years and now that you’re home— he’s gone.
“how... how long has he been missing?” you asked. chiron frowned.
“a few months. after the war ended, he disappeared, basically into the sky. (y/n)... there’s a good chance he didn’t survive.”
you could almost feel your heart breaking, but you knew that wasn’t the main issue at the moment. you took a deep breath to gather yourself. “how’s everyone else doing?”
“it’s been rough, obviously. the prophecy of the seven was fulfilled, which was hard enough on the campers. and with leo gone... no ones sure how to continue. but, we are at peace with rome and some campers are planning on college in great rome,” chiron said, obviously proud. you smiled gently.
“thats... amazing. is everyone here now? piper, annabeth, percy and jason?”
chiron nodded. “everyone is here. it is early, though. i suggest you head to your cabin for some rest, unless you have anymore questions?”
“honestly, i have hundreds. but... my brain is foggy. i can’t really focus on anything right now so, later. later i’ll bombard you with the questions,” you joked and chiron smiled.
“go, get some rest. breakfast starts in about an hour and a half, but you take all the time you need,” you stood up.
“thank you, chiron. it’s good to be back.”
as soon as you slipped into your cabin, you felt at home. you saw your younger siblings sleeping soundly and that warmed your heart to see. they were safe; they were okay.
your bunk was obviously saved for you. there were organized bags of your stuff laying on top, and the sheets were made neatly. you could tell that no one had slept there since you left. the thought of this was bittersweet; you were happy they waited for you but... you couldn’t imagine how worried they all were for you.
the more you thought about it, the more you realized how many people could have been worried for you.
when percy and jason were switched back, everyone seemed to be at ease. the romans and greeks seemed to be getting along, and things were good... for about an hour.
you were walking around rome with leo. the seven of the prophecy had been decided; leo was one of them, you were not. this wasn’t easy for either of you, as you had recently began dating, but you both knew that this didn’t mean forever. cherishing your time together, you walked hand in hand down the beautiful streets of new rome. after a while, leo decided he was going to go check up on the argo ii, make sure it was ready for the quest to come. you kissed him goodbye, and told him to iris message you whenever he got the chance.
before you knew it, camp jupiter was being attacked. and leo was the one behind it.
you ran through the crowd, trying to push towards the ship to see what the hell was happening to leo. but the romans were angry— and you were wearing an orange shirt.
you didn’t know exactly what happened next. one second you were pushing through the crowd, the next second you woke in a bright room, hera standing over you.
thus the years with hera began. she told you that she needed you— and she’d bring you home when you were ready. she brought you places and gave you quests to do, and the more time you spent with her, the more you weren’t sure how much time had passed, and the more you forgot your real life. you were stuck in an endless loop, until this morning, where hera plopped you down right outside of camp half-blood; with a fuzzy memory and a million questions.
you woke up later to an empty cabin. it was obvious people had been in and out of it, and you wondered how everyone reacted when they saw you in your bed. you were just internally grateful no one woke you up.
after getting ready (putting on a new camp t-shirt was so refreshing) you slipped out of your cabin and out into the sunlight. at first, it didn’t register how much time had passed, because everyone was in the dining hall as they would be during breakfast. but, after examining more, you gathered that you had awoken just as dinner was starting, and you had slept all day. you stood back, taking in the familiarity of the buzz of mealtime. as you stood there, unsure on how to present yourself to the campers, you heard your name.
“(y/n)?” you looked forward to be met with the gaze of your best friend, piper mclean, standing by her table, staring at you in disbelief. “i can’t believe it.”
the entire hall hushed as everyone looked in your direction. you were suddenly aware of every little thing about yourself, and you hated the attention. but when piper rushed forward to hug you, you ignored your surroundings and let yourself feel comfort in her hug. it had been so long since you had felt so... loved. after these past couple of years, then the news that leo was missing, taking in the scent and warmth of your best friend was the most comforting thing you could imagine.
piper pulled back from your hug and studied your face. you studied hers as well, noticing everything you could; any change you could find. but, she looked almost the same. she was the prettiest person you had ever seen, and although she seemed slightly older and wiser, it wasn’t in a negative way. “are you okay?”
“i’m fine,” you said. “obviously i’m... adjusting. but, i’m okay.”
“what happened to you? where have you been?” piper asked gently.
“when the romans were angry at us, after leo...” you hesitated and piper’s expression softened. you cleared your throat. “i was attacked, or something. next thing i knew i was with hera and basically did anything she needed. i was so tired, constantly doing work for her. everything i did with her is sort of fuzzy though, just like my personal life was when i was working for her, if that makes sense.”
“hera’s the worst,” piper said. “guess switching jason and percy just wasn’t enough for her.”
you raised your eyebrows in agreement before being approached by annabeth chase, one of your other closest friends, who hugged you tightly. “i’m so relieved you’re alright.”
“back at you,” you said. percy and jason followed close behind annabeth, and you hugged both of them as well. “i can’t imagine things have been easy for you guys.”
“it’s been rough,” jason agreed. “but we got through it.”
your mind went straight to leo, and the four of them obviously noticed. piper put her hand on your shoulder and jason frowned. “hey, i’m sure he’s...”
“no,” you stopped him. “it’s fine. i... i’m really proud of you guys. seriously, saving the world and shit. that’s pretty cool.”
they all laughed which brought a warm feeling to your chest. it was going to be rough without leo, but you adored your friends. you knew they’d be there for you no matter what.
“c’mon, you must be starving,” annabeth said. “plus, i think you have a few more people to chat with.”
annabeth motioned towards your cabins table, where your siblings sat anxiously, watching you with wide eyes. you grinned at the sight and made your way over to the table, only to be met with smiling faces and lots of questions.
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weeks past since you had returned to camp. you were settled back in and at ease with everything, but things still felt off. you figured it was just because you were most excited to come back to camp to see leo, but he was gone. and you didn’t even know if he was still alive.
you spent your days training and reconnecting with your friends. they had been through so much, and you couldn’t imagine how painful it was for them. they asked you questions about what you had been up to, but you weren’t able to answer them. you couldn’t remember a thing— it was like the past years had never happened. as days went on you forgot more and more about what you had done.
one morning, you stayed behind to finish cleanup in your cabin. now that you returned to camp, you returned to your position as head counselor. you were protective over your siblings (since you were the oldest), so when everyone was running late for breakfast, you volunteered to finish cleanup.
after you finished making all the beds, you fixed your hair and slipped out of your cabin. when the mess hall came into your line of vision, you paused as you saw a group of campers gathered around something. the scene was similar to how everyone reacted when you returned, and you watched curiously. but when you studied the campers who were grouped together, you realized it was a majority of the hephaestus canon who was standing. your eyes widened and you hurried forward, into the mess hall.
nyssa barrera, one of the older hephaestus kids, looked over at you and her eyes widened. she pulled a few of her siblings back to make room, and you were met with the grinning face of leo valdez.
your leo, standing there, in the flesh.
it took him a moment to see you, but when he did, his expression softened. he visibly relaxed, and his eyes studied your face. you were frozen in your spot and your eyes never left his. he inched towards you, and before you knew it you charged forward to him and threw your arms around his neck. he buried his face in your neck as he held you tightly around your waist. you took in his natural warmth and his vague scent of campfires and motor oil. he rubbed your back as you held him as tightly as possible. you never wanted to let go.
when you finally did pull back, you missed his warmth immediately. in his arms you felt safe, and that was something you had missed with your whole heart.
“are you okay?” was the first thing he asked you, tucking your hair behind your ears. you smiled at the sound of his voice. you didn’t realize how many little things you had missed.
“i’m okay. are you?”
“i’m... amazing,” he studied your face again. “gods i’ve missed you.”
“i’ve missed you too, you have no idea,” you said. your eyes drifted to a girl you didn’t recognize standing awkwardly behind leo. “who is that?”
leo raised his eyebrows and turned around to look at who you were referring to. “oh, this is my friend. calypso.”
“oh!” you said, remembering the story of calypso. “thats... hi! it’s really cool to meet you.”
“you as well,” calypso responded, her voice smooth. “leo talked about you non-stop.”
maybe it was the longing look on her face, or the fact that you had just finally reconnected with your boyfriend, but you moved towards calypso and pulled her into a hug. she tensed, but after a moment she relaxed and hugged you back. when you pulled back, you gave her a warm smile and when she gave you one back, you knew that there was no bad blood between you. calypso wanted to be loved— but she wasn’t interested in leo.
you turned around to find your way back next to leo. he watched you with a fond look on his face, and when you were closer to him, he grabbed your hand tightly. at this moment you made a promise to yourself — you would never lose him again.
chiron ended up coming over to tell people to sit at their tables for breakfast, but leo leaned over to whisper to you, “want to go chat? just the two of us?”
the two of you snuck out of the mess hall (although, if anyone had seen you, you doubted they would stop you from leaving). you made your way down towards the lake, hand in hand. you sat down next to each other, leo’s arm around your waist and your head on his shoulder.
“so how did you get calypso off her island?” you asked him after a moment of silence.
“well, i landed on her island a little while ago but i had to leave, obviously. was in the middle of a quest,” he said. “but she was miserable there, so i promised i’d come back to get her. and a few months ago, i landed on her island again, but with a plan this time.”
you listened intently. “and it worked?”
“for the most part. i had to work really hard to figure out a way to make it work, but it did. i just hope she gets a real chance to be happy now that she’s off her island.”
“that’s amazing. you did it against all odds, right?”
he chuckled lightly. “guess so. what about you? what happened to you?” you sighed and sat up to face him.
“i guess i’m not completely sure,” you started. he knit his eyebrows. “i was working with... or i guess, for, hera. but i don’t remember most of what she made me do. i just know i went on quests for her, and time didn’t really feel real. i had no idea how much time had passed when i returned.”
“gods that sounds... terrible,” he said genuinely. you shrugged.
“i got through it,” you grabbed his hand and started tracing lines on it. “and so did you.”
leo hummed and moved his other hand to your cheek. “i always knew you’d come back.”
“i knew you would, too.”
“promise to never leave me again?” you leaned into his hand.
“only if you promise me the same thing.”
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wickedpact · 3 years
i emerge from the abyss to tell you about the dream i had about 2 old 2 guard
so i think this was supposed to be like a trailer? honestly it was very unclear in the way that dreams are- actually. i think it started out as the intro to the movie and then shifted into a trailer?? whatever dreams are weird
started off strong with a flashback from decades ago (i think it was like, 70 years ago?) of nicky in either a hospital or a school, a young child in his arms and some other kids around him (dream me was THRILLED at this and had to pause the movie/trailer to lie face down on the floor with glee. i remember that Very specifically) and then it shifted into a trailer for the movie and things got. weird. (also my memory gets fuzzy about specifics) it was like, introducing these… alternate versions of the characters?? but the only one i (regretfully) remember is “nicolo tuo 2” (that was like. the name that showed up in text. i don’t know where the ‘tuo’ came from. my subconscious brain tried to create an italian word or something but i’m pretty sure tuo is an italian word that means like… you/yours? i could be wrong i just woke up and i’m not gonna look it up bc i’m on mobile and i fear losing the contents of this ask if i try to switch tabs) so anyways. jumping to what is definitely the worst part of this dream. nicolo tuo 2 was played by chris pratt.
i’m just giving that a moment to sink in. to feel it like dream me had to feel it. (the “it” is disgust)
(i’m pretty sure i can blame this nightmare on the snl sketch my parents were watching with chris pratt in it last night) - quite frankly i’m not even sure the other alternate versions of characters had different actors?? which i think might honestly be worse.
now crim, you might ask me “2ta, what happened to the nicky from the beginning of the dream? was he played by luca marinelli? is he still in this dream movie/trailer?” - yes. but god at what cost.
somehow. fucking somehow, it was implied that our nicky and joe (the real ones) were not together. and instead, if i remember correctly, there was a dramatic shot of nicky (the real one) kissing some woman, i believe in the rain? (the only thing i can think to blame this on, is the fact that i watched ricordi last year. and like if i’m remembering correctly the nicky in this scene in my dream had long hair kinda like i think luca had in ricordi) - everything other than that feels kind of irrelevant but there was like fight scenes thrown in there and i think like?? completely new immortals too?
idk at some point the dream shifts again and it’s kinda like completely different but also somehow similar in that it’s just all these new immortals (most of which consisting of being various fictional characters from things that i’ve watched and enjoyed) auditioning to be in the old guard. not. auditioning to be in the movie. actually auditioning to be in the group of immortals that is the old guard. this was taking place in like this. backstage theater style building and there were three different rooms with different things that had to be done in the auditions. the first room was fighting, where like, the new immortals that were auditioning were fighting each other and like everyone was in this room including andy and i guess the rest of the old guard (minus quynh, who shows up later) the next room was weapons, and there was absolutely no one in that room. empty room, bunch of weapons. moving on. the next and final auditioning room was… dramatic speeches. and that’s the room that quynh is overseeing. she’s like. happy and fully recovered from the ocean. that was a detail to this. dream me got to like talk to her (i was sent to find her by andy, if i’m remembering correctly) and she was really nice. and that’s pretty much where the dream ended.
(the relief i felt when i woke up and knew it was a dream and that chris pratt wasn’t actually playing a version of nicky in the sequel)
so there’s a look into my subconscious i guess. fuckin weird. i couldn’t consciously make this shit up if i tried. - 2ta
oh yeah also at some point there was like a new immortal who could like detach her hands? yeah i don’t know why that was highlighted or held in my memory but it sure was - 2ta
this was an ADVENTURE
"nicky in either a hospital or a school, a young child in his arms and some other kids around him (dream me was THRILLED at this and had to pause the movie/trailer to lie face down"
just reading this gave me Serotonin
“nicolo tuo 2”
nicolo. . . . .. . .. .... . .U2. . .. .. . .. ..... ..
"nicolo tuo 2 was played by chris pratt."
"nicky and joe (the real ones) were not together. and instead, if i remember correctly, there was a dramatic shot of nicky (the real one) kissing some woman, i believe in the rain?"
"and that’s the room that quynh is overseeing. she’s like. happy and fully recovered from the ocean. that was a detail to this."
love that for her
asdfghjkl honestly even my dreams arent this weird, if i dreamed this i would be Losing My Mind for the next 36 hours minimum
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i’ve got you
Prompt: support, carrying
Whumpee: Nick Burkhardt
Fandom: Grimm
hi whats up welcome back to me hurting nick!!! i hope u enjoy this fic!
Nick, Hank, and Renard were chasing a man through the woods. This was odd enough as it was, considering that the Captain generally wasn’t the type of person to get quite so physically involved with a case. Never mind the fact that their suspect wasn’t even wesen.
He had killed two wesen, though, which was what had prompted the Captain to get involved. Surely, Nick reflected, jumping over a fallen tree, he hadn’t thought he’d get this involved. 
The suspect was, at the moment, outpacing the three policemen, but his lead was abruptly cut down by his tripping over an exposed root.
Hank took this opportunity to push himself even farther, and within seconds had his arms around the suspect’s waist, about to take him down. 
Right before that happened, Nick caught a glimpse of black metal, and shouted, “gun!” 
There was a bang, and then Nick’s left side was on fire. He crumpled to his knees, his hand gripping his side, already slick with blood. 
“Nick!” he dimly heard Hank shout. 
“Burkhardt,” said Renard, his voice much closer than Hank’s. “Nick.”
Nick looked up at his Captain, and then at Hank, who, he noted with relief, hadn’t been shot, and further, had the suspect in cuffs. “Yeah?” he replied, fighting to keep any indication of pain out of his voice.
Renard didn’t say anything, so Nick let his eyes close for just a second, fighting to remain in control. He could feel the wound pulsing in time with his heart, and he could smell his own blood, feeling it ooze warm and wet down his clothes and across his hand, which still pushed into his side, as though he could hold the blood in by sheer force alone. 
A second later, Renard did speak, but it was nothing good: “damn it,” he said, and he put a hand on Nick’s shoulder. “There’s no service. We need to get back to the car.”
“Okay,” Nick said. He could do that. They weren’t that far into the woods...he’d be fine. 
To prove that fact to himself, Nick forced his body to stand up. As soon as he did, his side split open - not really, of course, some part of his brain acknowledged - but it hurt far more than it had before, not to mention how lightheaded he now felt, whether due to standing up so abruptly or blood loss, he didn’t care to know. 
Before either one of those things could cause him to collapse, however, an arm slid under his right arm and around his shoulders, and a hand pressed against his chest, stopping him from falling. 
“Why did you do that?” Renard asked, and Nick shrugged his right shoulder. “We’re going to the car,” he answered. 
“I didn’t mean you.”
Nick’s brain took a second to figure out what that meant. “Leaving me here to die?” he asked, meaning to joke but falling considerably short of that goal. 
“No,” Renard said, seriously. “Only one of us needs to get back to service and call 911.”
Nick shook his head. “Then they’ll have to come all the way in here,” he pointed out. “Better to all go.” 
“You sure?” Renard asked, but Nick could hear in his voice that he agreed.
“Yeah,” Nick said. It was definitely better to get out of here, and better to do it walking, which admittedly sounded like an insurmountable task, but the alternative of being carried sounded far worse. “Let’s go.”
And with that, he started walking. Or tried to. The first step he took brought absolute agony to his side, and he bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from crying out. 
“I’m fine,” he said, before anyone could say anything to the contrary. 
Renard sighed from next to him, and Hank said, “really?” from a few feet away. 
“Let’s just go,” he insisted. 
So they did. Hank led the way, pushing the suspect ahead of him, and Nick and Renard followed, the former supported almost entirely by the Captain, a fact he was loath to admit.
Every step they took felt like he was being shot again, and his left hand clung hard to Renard’s arm, his right still stubbornly pressing against his side, now completely bright red. He felt dizzy, from a combination of blood loss and pain, and he was pretty sure he could taste blood in his mouth. 
He stumbled against a branch, and this time wasn’t quick enough to stop the shout that escaped him.
“You really should-” Renard started to say, but Nick brushed him off, reaching his bloody right hand up to his face to scrub away the tears from his eyes.
Which was a bad idea for a multitude of reasons. The smell of his own blood that he’d been doing his best to ignore was increased tenfold, accentuating the taste of it in his mouth, and he only managed to stop himself from retching by the sheer thought of how much it would hurt. Additionally, the removal of his hand from his wound, though it hadn’t been doing much, did slightly increase the flow of blood down his side, causing him to go even more lightheaded. 
He stopped walking and felt his legs give out from underneath him, letting out an involuntary whimper at the jolt of pain which rocketed through him. He felt the edges of unconsciousness grab at him, and then, suddenly, he wasn’t collapsing, but he wasn’t standing either. 
It took him a second to process what had happened, and by the time he realized that Renard - that the Captain - was now carrying him, it was too late to protest (or maybe it wasn’t, but that was what he told himself. He would have kept walking, otherwise. Definitely). 
He made a startled noise as his only form of protest, and Renard told him, quite kindly, to not bother with that sort of thing.
“I’ve got you, Nick,” he said, the softness of his voice balanced out by his command to “deal with it, and get your hand back on that gunshot, I don’t need you bleeding out.”
“Okay,” Nick agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. He pushed back down on the wound, barely flinching at the additional pain that it brought, having grown almost accustomed to it in the short span of time in which he’d become a gunshot victim. 
“We’re almost there,” he heard the Captain say. “I had Hank go ahead, he’s probably calling 911 right now.”
That’s good, Nick thought, too tired to voice his opinion. He closed his eyes. He could almost ignore the pain, he thought. It would feel so much better to just fall asleep.
He was brought out of that line of thinking momentarily by Hank’s voice, shouting from where he was standing beside the car.
“Ambulance is on the way,” he reported, and Nick forced his eyes back open. He could hold on until then, he decided. He needed to hold on until then. But he was so tired, and everything hurt so much, and it would be so, so nice to have everything fade away...
He woke up in a place he thought he was becoming far too familiar with: the hospital. He looked slowly around himself as his mind woke up, reminding him of the unpleasantries he’d recently encountered with a twinge in his side. 
He was alone, was the first thing that he noticed. Which was expected, he figured, checking the time and seeing that it was still working hours. He sighed, and decided to try and fall back asleep, hoping that the next time he woke up, there would be somebody there.
This hope was proved unnecessary by the sound of someone settling into the chair beside his bed. His eyes flew open, and he shot up, then groaned, putting a hand to his side.
Someone else’s hand landed on his arm, and he turned to face them.
Why on earth was the Captain there? He tried to remember, but the details of his getting shot were still fuzzy in the back of his mind. Maybe he needs me for a case, Nick thought.
“You alright?”
He blinked in surprise. That hadn’t been what he’d expected Renard to say.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m alright. Sorry,” he added, though he wasn’t sure what, exactly, he was apologizing for.
“Good,” Renard said, and the two fell into an awkward silence. 
“Juliette’s here,” he added, finally. “She went to the cafeteria to get some coffee, she’ll be back soon.”
Nick nodded. He wanted to see her, make sure she hadn’t been too worried, let her fret over him and touch him and reassure him that he was really okay. For the moment, however, he really wanted to sleep. 
“Will she-”
“She’ll still be here when you wake up,” the Captain said, and Nick wondered briefly whether he could read minds, before focusing on the more important part of that statement and once again closing his eyes.
He faintly heard Renard get up and say something like, “I’ll be back tomorrow,” which he didn’t quite believe, and then he let himself drift back to sleep.
Ok this ending was so so bad and i feel like i’ve kinda done scenes like that to death lmao,,,oh well idk what else to do so thats what you get. Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading!!
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
Bailey sat, crossed legged, on the bed, the brightest grin on his face. It was Valentines Day, and he had a whole day planned for himself and Richard. It was the perfect day to absolutely spoil the Hell out of his husband. To begin, Bailey had brought them breakfast in bed; okay, it was just some toast and instant made coffee, but it was the thought that counted, right? He had put a little vase with a rose in it, just for some extra decoration.
When Richard finally awoke, Bailey smiled, gently placing the tray out, the Rooster’s feathers puffing up,
“Good morning handsome,” He coos, “Happy Valentines day, I hope you’re ready for all the spoiling possible~” 
Reaching to the side, Bailey took a hold of Richard’s glasses from the bedside table, being careful to avoid the lenses. He’s careful, opening the arms and sliding them onto Richard’s face for him,
“Mmh, so, breakfast in bed to start,” Bailey giggles, “Then, I thought we could go check out that new exhibit at St Canard’s Natural History museum?”
In all honesty, Bailey didn’t get the appeal of museums, he found them boring after a while. But he knew Richard would enjoy it, and getting to see Richard happy and enjoying himself is what mattered,
“Then dinner at that super fancy Steak House that opened the other month, and, after, if you’re up to it, I was thinking we could go dancing...”
He collapsed onto the bed next to them, grin on his beak. He’d been taking ballroom lessons, wanting to impress the Eagle, so he did hope that Richard could take up the offer. If not, that’s okay, he can impress them another day,
“Or, yanno, we could skip the dancing and get straight to dessert~”
Bailey purred that last part, fluttering his eyelashes in that cute way he knows Richard adores,
“Sound like a fun day huh?” He shuffles closer, snuggling up to them, “I mean, if that’s what you wanna do?” 
Richard stirred a bit a bit as he started to leave his dreams, eyes slowly opening as he went to sit up, groggy as hell but smiling when seeing that familiar fuzzy blur sat in front of him. He greeted the Rooster back, oh it was Valentines day. Not that he forgot but Richard’s brain often wasn’t on full gears when he first woke up. He chuckled a bit as Bailey mention spoiling him 
“Pollito you spoil me all the time,” he pointed out, though Bailey helping him by putting his glasses on was prove in of it’s self. Staying still so they could do so, god he was so cute, was his first thought once he could better see the rooster. “Much better can see the most gorgeous sight in all the land now.” 
“Mmh, so, breakfast in bed to start. Then, I thought we could go check out that new exhibit at St Canard’s Natural History museum?”
Richard looked down to the tray now as Bailey went on, aw he made him instant coffee. Was all he thought, hm was interested at Bailey offering to go to the museum with him. Richard did like explore them and seeing the exhibits guess that would be spoiling for the eagel. He thought as he took a sip of the coffee.
"Then dinner that super fancy Steak House that opened the other month, and, after, if your up to it, I was thinking we could go dancing..."
He paused well eating the toast, yeah he was pulling all the stops out just for Richard. He smiled as they fall into the bed beside him.
"Or, yanno, we could skip the dancing and get straight to dessert~"
Richard couldn't help but stare as they fluttered their eyelashes his way. God he loved when they did that more every time.
"Sound like a fun day huh?"
Richard, picked up the tray and moved it off to the side. Looking back to the rooster before he could answer back.
"I mean, if thats what you wanna do?"
He just smiled, before pulling them over closer to him self. Sighing out happily once they were close. Giving them a kiss on top of their head.
"What I wanna do is spend the day with my favorite person in the whole world, so that sounds perfect to me. Though I'd like to toss some things you enjoy todo in their as well. You spoil me everyday brat, so it’s unfair that you don't get something special as well. So of course we can add in the dancing” he lower his head so he could kiss at the roosters neck.
His wonderful, amazing husband that he just loved and adore from head to toe. Always making a big deal out of anything he did for Richard, he loved them so much, he thought as he moved past feathers on their neck reaching their kiss to kiss on. 
 “Though we still have time now we can have dessert twice don’t you think?” He asked against their neck. Only half serious with his comment.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a lovely day. Just a really nice time. I did not sleep good but I still felt good! 
I am just feeling like Im not getting enough air when I sleep. I woke up a few times because my nose was so stuffed up and crusty. And I somehow bit through my grind guard so thats great! Thankfully I have a backup. But I am going to have to figure out why Im getting so stuffy. Its annoying and I want to be able to breath normal!
So I slept until almost 10 again. James had already left for work. I sort of remember him saying goodbye but its foggy. I woke up feeling like I was forgetting something. And even now I dont know what it could have been. It wasnt a nice feeling. I thought maybe it was texting my mom about christmas. So I did that but it didnt help my weird feeling. 
But I did have a nice day. I spent the morning cleaning up my animal crossing island. I knew my friend Devin would come visit tonight, since they couldnt last night, and I wanted it to be perfect. I fixed up a few spots that were missing things and just made it ready for company. I had my breakfast and it was just nice. 
I wore my christmas dress today. Its very soft and flowy and I like it a lot. I did wear it backwards though because the actual neckline is just so high. But because its so big on me it feels just fine turned around. I will probably wear it with a belt on actual christmas but today it was just cozy. 
After I ate I decided to head out. I wanted to get as much christmas shopping done today as possible. And I am pleased to report I am basically done! I want to maybe pick up one or two more things. But I am happy with what I did get. 
I went to savers first. I got fuzzy fabrics and some glasswears. I also got a little christmas music box thing that that has ice skating snowmen. Adorable. 
I went over to the goodwill next and I got a couple good things there too. I got two soft size storage cubes too that are for James in his room. I also saw the man in front of me was buying the furby board game!! I almost asked him if I could take a picture. I was a little bummed that I didnt snag that but its okay. Maybe someday. 
I headed down to the Towson shopping center next. I went to the Marshals there. Which is not a very good Marshals. But I did get new shoes. The boots I got on line turned out to be 9s. My brain flip flopped the number apparently. Maybe I can give them to someone else. But they are a little to big on me. So I got some knock off uggs that have memory foam. I used to really hate uggs but Im embracing them now. Cozy. Ugly. Love it. 
And for my final stop I went to target. Where I got a bunch of candy for my stocking gift with James's family. It was a little busy there but I kept my distance.
I headed home after that. I made a pitstop for burger king and for some reason that took almost 20 minutes of waiting after I ordered. Something was going on with the car in front of me and they were almost yelling at the cashier. She was super sweet once I got to her so I hope people are nice to her!!
I got home and was annoyed I had to park on the main street. But I did and I brought in all my things. Had my lunch. And put everything away. Put my presents in piles. And got to work in my studio. 
I got 6 bears prepped for sewing. And did some work on my house shelves. They are ready to hang up now. Maybe tomorrow. 
I hung out for a little while. And soon James was home! It was nice to have him here. We played games in the dungeon for a while. And then I went back to work in the studio. I did some sewing. James helped me do some flipping right side out of arms and ears. My least favorite part of the process honestly. 
And soon I jumped on a zoom call with my MFA class! It was nice to see everyone! I got to tell them some stuff and learned some things they have been up too. So many interesting things. And I got to see Suyao's baby. Who I love. And hear about how things are going for everyone and how me and Suyao do direct sales on instagram. We also talked unions and that was pretty great. And at 8 I got off because I had Devin to allow on my island!
It was so fun to have them. They were there for an hour and it was so fun showing everything Ive worked so hard on. They took diys and fruit and gave me a gold nugget and a snow flake! Amazing. It was so fun to play with someone. They said my island is charming and seemed pretty impressed. Felt good. 
We said goodbye soon after that. I made some outfits for the week and got a shower. And now I am in bed. I think I will go put some more lotion on. And get some sleep. 
I hope work continues to be chill. I have sewing to do and I would like to read. But I just hope it will be a good day. Sleep well everyone. Goodnight!
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fearful-kitten01 · 4 years
OMG. OMG. OMG. I JUST FUCKING. REMEMBERED MY DREAM AND I WAS GOING TO FUCKING..... I dreamed I was going to marry Dick Grayson. I... Fuck. Fuck I feel so stupid but it was like, such a weird dream? It was so good and made me feel so warm and fuzzy but there were also some very “???” moments???
And like, he kinda was either still in the circus or back in the circus, or something like that I guess. I think I also worked in the circus, but then again I’m not sure and I’ve said circus too may times for one paragraph already. But like, we weren’t the only ones getting married, two other couples were engaged too. And me and the other two women’s dresses matched? They weren’t the same, but they had the same theme, they were all orange and white, but of different models. And they were all orange and white because those were the colors that the acrobats used to perform, I think. At least that was the reasoning for mine, I believe.
Now, was it a hideous dress? Looking back at it, yes, yes it was, but in the dream? Fuck I felt like a super model wearing it. I wasn’t actually getting married that day, we were all just like, adjusting the dresses and things like that. All of our future husbands were there though? So I guess that my dream reality didn’t care about the tradition of not letting the groom see the bride’s dress before the wedding or something like that.
Also, the fabric was a crime against fashion. It felt like gift wrap paper or some shit.
But in the dream it was fancy as shit.
And like, I remember hugging him and holy shit he was so much taller than me??? Which, fair. I also remeber a snippet of a scene in which I think we were hugging again or something, and I’m pretty sure he was sad and in his Discowing suit. I could see the top of his head, and I was playing with his hair, and he was like... Blonde? But he colored his hair black, except that it was growing back and you could see like, half a centimeter of blonde hair that needed to be covered, and I remember sort of making a mental note to do it with or for him.
And then everything is so messy and confusing, but I think there was a scene with actual Nightwing and Kid Flash? But I’m really not sure what that was about.
AND THEN everything suddenly changed and we were in a hotel? Idk. And now Dick was not called Dick anymore, I don’t think? He was Lance now, I’m almost sure. And he looked like Brenton Thwaites, but less muscular than he normally is in his movies and shit.
And like, there’s this scene, where I woke up in bed, in the middle of the night, and looked out of the window to see like a dance show on open air? It was very beautiful and well done, and people were dancing on top of the building also. And Dick or Lance, was in the audience. Like, he was out with friends and I got tired and decided to go to bed or smt, and I remember feeling all warm looking at him, like “omg that man is so adorable and he’s mine all mine and we’re gonna get married and be happy and oooo I love him so much”
But then things kinda went to shit? Because I got out to find him, and a friend caught me first, and wanted to talk to me, took me into her room, and we were like talking, and then her mom was there (But thats not really her mom, her mom doesn’t look like that, but she did look like that in my dream so I didn’t question it), and then Lance came up on the conversation? I think they said something about him doing this very racist thing to them, and I was like “Oh?” But somehow, I wasn’t too bothered? And my brain like, didn’t make the connection between this Lance and my Lance, even if they were talking about him? Idk, it was weird, all of this feels foggy, even in the dream I remember feeling disoriented.
And then, somehow, when we met again, he was upset that I had believed them? I was like... “Well... What did you want me to do?” I don’t remember his response, but he was like “I need time to think” And I was like “Wait, are you racist or not? What the fuck is going ON???”
And then I remember seeing a cat and waking up.
Anyways I’m going to daydream about the hug and ignore the bad bits of my dream now, because I really liked the hug.
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space-kitten-606 · 4 years
The mysme hospitalization au thing discord wouldn't let me send
Hhhhhh so i actually tried to write it out, like some half imagine half drabble deal, but that failed, so now there's a bunch of backstory before the actual moment. Which kinda made it both more and less believable tbh lmao
That said! Imagine that Saeran didn't have any violent outbursts for the longest time, in the beginning, so he wasn't ever put on the more secure ward. So him and Saeyoung were allowed to stay together, even rooming together (3 to a room, so it's those two and Vanderwood)
But after a while, Saeran starts to act more irritable. He's angry when he never was before, and Saeyoung's worried as hell but asking Saeran about it just pisses him off, and the nurses just say it's cause of new meds and that he should calm back down soon.
Saeyoung doesn't know what to do, so he decides to just listen to the nurses and try his best to support his brother.
But they're getting more distant and that's unsettling, but maybe he just needs some space? Point is, Saeyoung is trying to do what's best, as much as he can.
But then one day he's in the commons room in the morning, he woke up and found Saeran was extra angry today so he's keeping his distance so he doesn't piss him off more. Maybe he's doing some puzzle, or maybe he's drinking coffee or a soda, idk, but suddenly! There's a commotion down the hall, towards the nurses station.
Saeyoung leaps up and runs to the door. There's a nurse on the floor, and an orderly is wrestling with Saeran.
He freezes. Watches as the orderly tries to hold Saeran still while another nurse injects him with something. Watches his brothers body go limp in the orderlies arms.
Watches as they load him up in a wheelchair, and turn it towards the locked door heading towards the other unit.
Starts to panic, full on hot white blinding panic, when he realizes they're taking his brother away, they're being separated.
He races over, wants to try and convince them it was a mistake, he won't do it again, please don't take my brother away-
The nurses aren't willing to deal with him getting confrontational too, and inject him before he can reach that point. (Which is technically a break in protocol afaik but it's a plot point so)
Cut to later that day. Saeyoung didn't get violent, so he's been kept on the main ward. So he wakes up in his room, disoriented and confused. A mixture of the sedating medication and his own mind dissociating to try and protect him leaves him unaware of what's going on.
And in those brief moments before his mind can right itself, Vanderwood comes over. Asking 'are you okay, agent?' or some similar thing.
His brain pulls out fuzzy memories of games as a child, conversations with Vanderwood, and it clicks into place: he's a secret agent. Him and Vanderwood are locked up here due to a mission going haywire, the agency is probably leaving them there this long as punishment.
The memories don't make the most sense in this context, but as far as his brain is concerned nothing does right now so he accepts them and doesn't think further. So he's pretty much avoiding the other patients, staying relatively quiet and to himself, cause he doesn't feel up to BSing any conversations or dealing with 'thats a delusion, that isnt a delusion' from actually crazy people. (Lol)
Until later. Again, sedatives can cause some longer lasting disorientation and confusion (like a day or two ime), so the stronger sedative used for out of control patients? Yeah, his brain's all over the place. So when the nurses manage to convince him that he might be delusional, that he might not actually be a secret agent, he doesn't know what is real.
And in that moment of confusion, he suddenly thinks of his brother. That he hasn't seen, or even heard about, considering he's only been talking to Vanderwood (who's caught up in Saeyoung acting serious about the agency thing) and staff (who are busy atm and just trying to make sure everyone takes their meds).
He's afraid to bring him up, because what if someone confirms his fears? How's he supposed to handle it if his brother, the only thing bringing meaning to his life at this point, isn't even real?
That's about as far as that thought process went, but yea the idea of Saeyoung being unsure if his own brother, the most important person in his life, is real? It hurts me oof
Oh?? My god??? I mean I know I told you to rip my heart out but this is *so* cruel. How dare you?!?!?!?!??! 
It fits so well into the narrative though! I really like it!! Also Vanderwood being excited about Saeyoung finally listening to him is super cute in a way!!!
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archived-stuff99999 · 4 years
I kinda wrote this for me, but if there are any mlm with chronic pain who self ship with Ollie and see this (unlikely, I won't be tagging it much) it is for you too, of course.
PG ▪Not much dialogue ▪ Contains: Chronic lower body pain, kissing, cuddling, talking about kids.
My thigh hurts. There's some sort of pain thats somehow both small and hairline traveling up the muscle as well as throbbing out from that point. Almost like the pain as wrapped around the bone as well and making it impossible to focus on anything else for more than a few seconds at a time. My mind feels fuzzy at the edges when my husband comes home. He slips into the bedroom and sets something on top of the dresser. I haven't seen him yet, but I know what his footsteps sound like. "Hey." I say as I try to remember what I had decided to tell him moments ago. That's right, I want him to sit with me.
The thought is lost to me again moments later, but luckily I still get what I'd wanted.
"I didn't know you were in bed today." I feel the bed sink with what I know is his weight. His hand on my forehead, though rough, still feels warm and gentle in a way that makes me feel a little more at ease. "Would have come home earlier."
I can hear him, and I'm sure he's removing his boots but just too out of it to fully process what I'm hearing. Soon my husband's warmth is next to me. I think he asked if I needed more room. I say "What?" fractions of a second before his words seem to reach my brain. My only responce is to press my face into the soft fabric of his shirt. His response to that is immediate. Arms come around me, still gentle in a brief squeeze.
I lay with my chest in his chest for a while. The pain let up briefly, and I think I fell asleep. Maybe it was for a few seconds, maybe an hour. I can't ask Oliver because he's asleep now as well. I haven't looked at clock since I woke up. I occupy myself with the hair on the back of Oliver's neck.
I get a glance at the time. 3:45. I have to get William from chess club at 4:15. "William."
I sit up but Oliver seems to have other ideas. Wide awake now with a strong arm across me he says: "You're sick." he kisses me on the cheek, almost as it to make up for refusing to let me out of the bed.
"I'm always sick, I feel better now though." I point out as I locate a crewneck sweatshirt that I'm positive is Oliver's. It smells like him, but we do share clothes a lot.
"You're too foggy to drive." he is beginning to argue but I already have the house keys and am getting ready to argue that I don't need to drive two blocks to the middle school when he takes the house keys from me. "We'll go together." words he punctuated with a soft kiss on the lips. "and we can leave now, because I do love taking walks with my husband."
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monsterbroth · 5 years
I like making theories about things sometimes but I am bad at them, but I still have fun so here are some out there infinity train theories coz I just woke up and my brain feels fuzzy and I feel like it!! i dont have much faith in these theyre just for fun! They are behind the thing coz this might be long
what if tulip is a robot, like she wasn’t always a robot she just is now, that’s how she got on the train, her mind is possessing a robot that’s on the train! We haven’t seen any other humans probably, yknow what we have seen? Robots! She’s just passed out in the wherever she got on the train, she said in an earlier episode that she doesn’t know how time works on the train so maybe time works differently on the train, saying all this reminds me of the tape thing sorta, it trapped her mind and time didn’t seem to work the same in it, maybe it’s like that I dunno I just like robots
Ok this is just a couple of questions, question one is where have the train people come from, the environment within the trains can be changed so that’s not real it’s like, holograms or whatever, the people can leave though so are they,, what are they? how are they? are they doing ok I hope so. Question two I forgot what it was but I’ll come back to me hold on a sec! so the turtle place i think was “wrong” because it was a mash up of gimmicks liike, they’re turtles and the gravity is weird and the buildings are half built and, stuff yknow? the turtles reminded me of the corgis like with the crown and stuff, the crown was similar, i feel like some of the dialogue is a callback to that episode too but i dont remember enough, maybe the corgi thing cant function now coz atticus left so it was replaced with this one but its still being built and tested, or maybe its the other way around? thats assuming the people that live in the train are made by the train, the other idea could be they were taken from wherever theyre from like the train isnt on earth its somewhere else, like dimensions n stuff theyre taken from somewhere else else and then just sorta live on the train? and then the OK NO THIS CAN BE ITS OWN THING HOLD ON
SO, if they arent made from the train and are taken from Somewhere Else, like how tulip was taken, their places fit them like the crystal place and stuff, so what if theyre supposed to just live there? the doors arent for the people the doors are from the robots, the face robot says go back to your seat, her seat is the one she came in from, and it looks like where she was taken, so. she wasnt supposed to leave she was just supposed to stay there thats her seat, stay there forever maybe theres a destination but its called infinity train so i dunno about it ending, maybe the number is just, telling her where shes meant to go? could be a queue, dunno! i super dont think the number means that much though so ill stop there.
i like the cat i hope theyre ok
maybe there are no answers to these questions, its a weird train! it doesnt need answers, it seemed pretty early on to say right out that logic isnt the answer here so, 
what if one-one is the conductor, thatd be cool
im running out of ideas so ill stop now but if i think of anything else to say ill say it when i think of it
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maljean89 · 5 years
Emotional Abuse
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If I wrote a book on emotional abuse, would anyone read it? In today’s age of #MeToo and whiney millennials (and I definitely am a millennial), would anyone really give a fuck? Its wonderful that the door has been opened for women to come forward about their assault and abuse, but any time you bring up something traumatic that has happened to you, and its followed with the words “me too,” it minimizes what I perceive to be abuse.
“My husband threw me down the stairs.”
“I was raped at a party in college.”
My experience was purely psychological. And slow. Maybe premeditated. Maybe not. He broke things. He weaseled into my brain and made me think differently. Think like him. He made me feel less than. Made me feel broken. 
I threw valuable artifacts away. Things I would kill for now. My high school letter jacket. The Sleeping Beauty snow-globe music box my mom bought me at the Disney Store in St. Cloud. The little silver ring she gave me as a college graduation present.
I cut everyone out of my life. My best friend from high school. My close family friend who I consider my sister. My entire family. Most importantly, my mother. I was able to get the rest of them back after I left him. But mom... I only got a year with her before cancer took her away from me. 
I spent countless nights on the pullout couch. I got kicked out of the house for hours and hours on end — not allowed to spend any of our money. Not even if I spent hours with my laptop at Caribou Coffee — I had to sneak in the back door and hope no one noticed I never purchased anything. I’ll never forget the morning he kicked the end of the pullout to wake me up at 9am — “What the fuck are you still doing here? I told you to be out of the house before I woke up. I’m taking a shower and you better be gone when I get out.” I think I spent a solid 12 hours kicked out of my own apartment that day. 
I had my sexual performance ridiculed after every sex act. My blowjobs critiqued. A total play-by-play every single time. I even had him completely shove me off of him in the middle of sex once because I was doing something we had discussed I was doing wrong or something. The specifics of what I fucked up are fuzzy — the rejection is crystal clear to this day.
I was required to read 3 ESPN articles a day. It was important that I took an interest in what he was interested in and was well-read on the subject. Not giving a shit about sports, I started off skimming articles and maybe bringing them up with him. That wasn’t good enough. Then I jotted notes down on a post-it to jog my memory of the details so I could report back to him later that night. Not good enough — I was just reciting what I had written down. He explained to me that I needed to read the article — fully comprehend the article — Google things and people along the way if I didn’t know who they were — but even that wasn’t good enough after a while. “I caused” countless fights because I was a selfish bitch who would rather spend her time looking at cats on Instagram (his words). 
We’d get into fights and he’d break countless things around the house in fits of rage. The framed caricature we had done at homecoming one year, a couple remotes, countless glasses and coffee mugs, a shelf he built out of a vintage amp. Once, after breaking a coffee cup or 2, he made some big gesture with his hands and stepped toward me. I flinched out of instinct and put my hands up in defense, as if to blog a punch. “Do you really think I would hit you??!” he screamed at me. That set him off an a whole new level of rage and screaming. Next level psycho.
I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone about our problems, or even spend time with anyone else outside of work. I was invited out by my lady coworkers once to go see a theatrical production in town one night. I asked him if I could go and what ensued was a conversation that lasted for hours on end discussing how he and I would make that time up, how much money I would end up spending, if I was going to drink or not and what that would do for our joint diet. Like most things, we talked every tiny little detail to death to the point that I just caved and decided not to go because it would be easier if I just gave up. He didn’t have any friends (didn’t need any friends) so I didn’t need to have any either.
I was ridiculed for not planning enough sweet things for him, for not seeking out new recipes on my own to try for dinner, for not initiating sex. We put a cork board up on the wall and created an activity called “Work For Love.” There were 2 columns — one for me and one for him. We would then draw out of a mug 5 pieces of paper that assigned things to each other for that week. Because I was apparently so shitty at doing anything in our relationship, we had to use this assignment system so I could learn how to do things for someone else. Things like getting the other one a small gift, planning a date night, initiating sex, cooking a special meal, and the last one read “random” so you had to choose one of the previous 4 things. I failed most every week and caused countless fights because I was so selfish. It took 6 years for it to occur to me that I just flat out didn’t love him and thats why I didn’t do these things.
I would lay in bed at night, on his left side with my head on his shoulder (the exact way we had to fall asleep every night), and I would daydream myself to sleep thinking about what my apartment would look like when I was single. What I would decorate the walls with, the music I would listen to, the movies I would pick to watch, and the pizzas I would order and have all to myself. And there would be no one there to get mad at me for spending money. No one there to get inside my head and convince me that I needed to eat something healthier. No one to talk every tiny detail to death until I just caved into what he wanted.
Its horrible but I wish he would have hit me. Slapped me across the face, punched me in the jaw, thrown me down the stairs — anything. The first thing he would have done, I would have had a reason to leave. Because words and fights and everything I did wrong every single day wasn’t reason enough to end it. How was it? Everything was my fault. He didn’t do anything wrong. Ever.
It didn’t feel like abuse when I was in it. Maybe it would have if I had told someone about it. The things I’ve shared above are only the tip of the iceberg. They don’t even include all the little ways he controlled every aspect of my life. It wasn’t until I got out that I started to piece together what I went through as emotional abuse. I wasn’t until I really loved someone else with all of my heart that I realized I never loved him (my abuser). The acts of kindness come easy and constant now. I’d say “acts of kindness” are my #1 love language toward others. Ironic right? Seeing as it was the one thing that got me in the most trouble. 
My life is full of love now. So much so that I’ve been in a relationship with two people at once — a triad. It took me 28 years to realize I was bisexual. How could I have known, being in a relationship with him? I have the capability to love so fucking much that it astounds me — but yet, I couldn’t bring myself to ever fully love the man I once called “husband.”
I’ve sort of digressed from my original point, but I think I’ve painted a picture nonetheless. The more time that passes, the less I remember. I get flashes sometimes, a mild form of PTSD maybe. But I don’t think my memories will be crisp enough to ever write that book I’ve been thinking about for the past 4 years. But my anger doesn’t fade. My hatred for his stupid face stays fresh. Emotional abuse is another animal in the world of abuse I guess, but it continues to fuck with me no matter what I do.
Maybe I will write a book 🤷🏻‍♀️ Only time will tell I suppose.
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